M Riyolturgrttaisiti Si /ITU AYI OFFICIAL' IPAPEIk . of Pitt..bank, Alleckakr sad! AU!! LW, corms. . ; o§oNittr,'als: 24, term. pirao i at Antw p 80}f, • IJ. & Bonn al Frankfort, 911 4 GOLITnIOII --- ed New York .yesteriisyl .5;1314. 7 , , •• ; ; ' thr.racslrz or, - rronrear,. 1870, tit,: 'Prtarnimea to debt was itaithed itn 'Orest''Britain. 'The world over there . gloyes u hrd . rxtoirs, 11mailatrer, en resuming her place to Itii,Union,lnnditeookPred Unaktd for the iliort„tenn. ,This is good democ4 _racy, for in ,the boyhood days of those trehm'are innstildines, it was- a dem& aide aitom 'that the majority should rule. A. majority of the people of that . I . 3leftt*PittetfOr lea of Alncab deaden—. Gov. GLIM has tendered to Mr. Mei eked Yams. ot;Philadelphhh the. plsoe ?3e the. Dowd of :Charitleis, nude tarotity the resignation dr Dr. Worthington.! Niue glut , the' appointment' hu taken, that direettim; 'inicatfie Mr.. Vint la si radial Demoirst: " It is much bettee such -#, 9ard 09'4 note en of one Pegtiod . Tan Comma : viol laudates Benitez . UMW, ler,traying- a Pardon's Digest fokblasielf.. As we are informed, he did no axibtuang, but obtained two copies at: the Ratak cost. lie may aoudad° to pay, ithrbde or both coples; though we do iot are why'he aboald pay for both. All we: nals. during the present rage for extreme' istrenehment, Is Bud facts be accurately: . Hr .Borax, of Beaver, hail introdu4 cod 1n the Bute Senate, abill anthoriatrigl somebod to piteMpt seventeen atres oil built floc Ohio lriver, , tWeive below this city, opposite Kiddletown.l Ttuni UmW : are sand bar, and - become! an !Stand at low. low.. massesof; *Bail sand, of the beat quality, seen. l angiate there even year, and much of ft: Iv:Stated hither for building purposis.! The property thus designed to bo obtained at a - nominal sum Is estimated to be worth 350,000. It is out of Mr. ROTAIeII, taitt is fair to . infer he bar been ; upon* some party that bad the. *Waite papersVeady to file' in the Sur.' ielrPV.'Oentriers °Sloe "es soon as the biL . Should te passed. • ' , • . ; MAXIM 151 , GEORG . ED: raerrace This fartarmed veteran of the r'ress died yesterday =Wining at lits &taint. &Win' It. Is _termal. piamshien he retired from active life, a ' warn-oat msa, although- not -very-far advanced in years, having been born on theitBtri Ereston, tionnecileni. i liewueauaiedai &oim Proildence; I L, and khan quietly studied - law but never engaged ,prifitice. Of ;int pragission::Eas pubis .and teete. led him to 'memo In liktUoe,Juia to 1821, being then - bit heinty•ali years of age, he bees= editor of the New England Troarsi triifeis; position:Ade. Which , hls brilliant talents efdinently fitted him. Ile retained that position,' however,•only twa yea= In 1831 he went to' Louisville and en tabllshedihe he, quickly inade bnd or tho leading papers .of the country. and gained for himself a national ieplitudion;:quite ea much, perluip . s mew, bylia rough, coarse and trenchantorE by his truly able discoed - one 'of Weighty questionit leC pblitien; Wird:- fits': genuine poetry. u lofty, polished, tender undim pen sive IS any American poet ever'pro dead. - Primancs • Wes 'one of the Most pen swept with. equal . , power fp= the highest to the lowest piano of literature, :from the most. par e mud exquisite verse dOwn to the loweifrange of peisonal 'vi. tomelien bendistage. i.Het ta highly gifted bat not s model mac; mid although he made himself famous, yet;as we' may say of Lord Irrnow, we may say of;dm,,bia llfe was i'fallnro: His load, 14, his iurroundlege, hie dangerous.sin of wit and earaunn, togetiow, with his In domitablet,coupitge,may. All bavit„oott sp6od'to Pliant his tecamin`g' • what he might have been.: We may apply to him whM4awge ItorrracderMy said of Bunke : "Ohl had he =lime stooped to sham% 'Of lent a charm to vies, How had Devotloo loved to name" ' ; - Bled of , Paradise I" ' • Tarp speorgoscom. " ntecb:ouriosity has been . XietallA by Intelligent .pessons is • to . pect: tidy what the. litonnroacope, is, and whether tgt restelatlons:are poinalas interest, we presume we shall do out ludas 'a pm! to err I' slight sketch , of the theory of Its 'construction. Ttde will the better amble then to-ledge whether'lf be Werth their while to devote the next tie awnings to Professor tiarker's avoid lions, , within a eari-fe, yeari, It was not eirserred but thaithe "cokes of the . spec: thin. these, namely , which we see form ed Wand our prisms On our enunkries, were' perfectly_ smooth and unbroken, our. focus, of beautifully blending hues. A-1m linek - Inehred, - erem "Maine some of the more aberi-eightol phUoso. phenh *thir gigaton°, weivicareetr Inquired into. It Se AMA's, hoverer, which constitutes the whole Oenoe . of ipectrty. What UMW, lines tell to It 10112 W ci r . (Meer of fidersoF. Barter to -, Month:male le' brioreutio taintheittglis intim the Beht teemed by the Same ot hydrogen gee, yOrr will find ttti tb4l4bro" UPQa mesa mikkhrt cionat.llnea . i•rfoitiveratt ty what theset,ank, their , 'Loather ? thhtr ar. rangiiititwith ;Pia:ottani& °dice, and the different mimeo( the itmetrumi and you ars prepared 'to recognize hydrogen la anTiaaine ilowologitnall a proportion, helps to feed. Do the same for say substance that xon can eolatillze, or, 111 common language, .born; end 'you can deteraltufthe premewce of .thews els. melts, also: la in any flame which may be teetiented to jou for Inspection. And 11daiin?. how these ,elementa Asa/ be mixed up. .Each - has Its place in the spectrum where it draws Itsilnes—lcaves lUtentegr4tti 'my; The swo t:PPM is OPP / Yi Il O nstn i ° ,ol44 l l stweit itadilllicinglos for eiluabbkt fosse delicate lines, and so Identifying the sub stonten to 144010110; coneepoad. Now, when It L confide:4ld that It 113 10i,a 0 Otille'willitt4, gni' tat the Uaht . It analyses comes from, Q"ta,, , ,r!pA r s4 PAN an. normesment teal it stenos ready to tell us what the fuel le' which gleArii in think: Arm, and bow It Men from that which faeda gin Atht ficiii the Otheif Lfl mimics of htaven. Bat wareely les!, woudafal thett the istroitoml4l Ire the Araks: announce pm:46A itakeL..l4la the,f/l es 1, ,, we w€o! der st ". p ac e througt; which light brings so faithfully its messa ges, In the other, we are almost ecm strained to diacredit our sensed as we see quantities of Matter too minute for even the sense of smell to— Meek • million times 140 minute Or the moq delicate balance to weigh, declaring themselves with a distinctness that defies 6doubt. Of course. these more delicate observa tions can be made only by direct inepec tion, but Prof. lianusa has an ingenious appats . (Refer throwing out upon a screen the alosiatrikltig "yikezomena of spectre -4.6 lit: s congratulate mu. selves and one read on the opportunity the Unltereity authorities have Mei pre us of. viewing these wonders— fade that pet Imagination Itself to the nt4sOnt Unfelt. ,; We may data In• 'reply to the Inquiry of msny, that the screens will be directly in in:Mt of the audience, and the pbeno• mesa to which 'the attention is to be mated; will he distinctly In View. 'TUB BOARD ov Under •an existing statute the County ; Commissioners of Allegheny county are Constituted a board Tor the granting of . . licenses for the sale of Intoxicating liquors, contrary to the general system through- Out the Skate. In all, or , nearly all, the other 'ccoraties this duty and responsi bility devolves upon the Courts of Quar ter Stearin& _ Ikwas an experiment, and we think we are warranted in saying that Rimini:A worked satisfactorily. hillkusi been intrOduced in the Legis • Ware, or soon will be, providing for a rtsturn'. the former practice in .this County, by investing the Judges of the Quarter Sessions with this prerogative, end, !rim all we can , gather cf public sentiment, we think the change would . be a popular one. We have beforena the dm of another bill, of which th e fcillowing le the fret • SUCTION let. That It shall be the duty Of the Judges of . the Court of Common 'Pleas of he.t county of Allegheny. or a toitiOrity thereof, to appoint a competent person. learned In the law, who:shall hold ofiloafor and during three years, (it he shall so tong behave himself) to act at Solicitor for the Board of License of slid' Windy, whose duty it 'shall he to 127; before the said Board of License alitighgelbr Ileentie and crosaaz amine all applicants for license mid their witnesses, touching all matters relating to said application; and if during the program( of the hearing the Solicitor shall deem. It necessary to procure the attendance of witnesses to testify in re. Delon' to the neceaaity of said 1103050, or to the competency of the applicant, be may request a postponement of the hear ing, and thereupon It shall be the dot of [health' Bawd of License to forthwith adjourn the same to any . time not lee thin Bye; eirr more then twe nty days And the said Solicitor 'shall cane Sub poenas to be issued by the Clerk of the INfortor Qdirter raissrione to all persone whom the said Solicitor ehall name, com manning them to appear before said Board of License to testify touching all Matters of which they may be cognizant relating to said application. And the said - Board than-have power to enforce the attendance of any person who Sae 'been: duly subpoened by attachment. and to impose the coat of geld attachment on any - defaulting witness; and it shall A 0 Any of the Solicitor to present all reebonstrances.alled .by any- citizen or citizens, against any license without anp coedpeasatton except as hereinafter prorlde . . And the fiftlk section reads as follows: -, Sic, , tith: It Shall be the duty of the Olerh.of the. Court of Quarter Sessions to collect from each person applying for license, at the time of filing his, her or their eimlicationa the Ruin of five dollars rag thence Or tbe Solicitor, which shall be hla ootopetutatke Ibr attending before the Bowed o f Lthense end examining the bond= hareinbeftire provided. II Rep Weretioin7 their heads together to &Tien it' sCheme by which it would be pat in One power to 'multiply drinking :'hottees ' beyond all precedent, and line his ?net, pockets with almost arliffed r piunifer, - Irstii the. shape of fees, 'which' ern moderate 'Minuet. and next in the 4119 e of " (to use a slang but expressive phrase,) to make the application slip through easily, they would necessarily agree upon one like this now proposed. 'Under the working of this scheme, the lea merit an appli cation hid the more money there would - - , :now,-we .71011 not -ssy but that the Court of Quarter &galore' might find Tait so,lumest; that this Ocala of tempts iiolOrhiet -would be brought to bear upeir, hint 'oohld•not' sweep away his tiwirutatiOns; but experience, both luxe and elsewhere, has taught us that it is war-arisa.So-run -any needless risks on that 111C070: • Where are some geodpteelidops In the Ulf teicire i but 'the fatal, :Objection . already Eoticed•rsoders it unnecessary to speak viitlettliily ahem: • Wer have . beard it remarked that the Judges ,o[' thle - 'Quarter Session) would Vel'o,lllat.ilie operetta and perhaps dis agreeable- anty aboald not be imposed upentheM:". That is Teri likely ; but it cannot be helped. The public interests requiro ibla , :thiaAmportant dlecretkm shell be ' 'edited - IP acme 'trust-worthy hands, and . there is no tribunal either ez• istlng or that can be created more worthy 44Pe41114,1?nnit,dtmce,ttuut that Court WaY FArlik...• RA B U OULD FAVOR ritortßolotow. We have before as a document from illells,of . Dr.-Wm . LDEII / of Philadel pals, - upan the subject: 'of "the Amer'. anti rimer% .Idaikets, at. home' and abroad," Itttich embodies a large and well diges6d martof stet:titles, interwoven in moan coOtllirgturemt, showing with all the fore* lot:.poisitive demonstration the wretched - fallacy that I system of protee thau:of manaletures Is inimical to the ieleiests of agriculturists; and the folly of relying upon foreign markets for the dis position of our surplus agricultural pro ducts. The document Is too long for our columns; but it shall be our aim to =the the Araportint facts drawn from of ficial soirees, and well collated by Dr. Emma. One of the most Injurious deli/stone to which the minds of many of our court• tureen have been given over Is, that a protective tariff Is adverse to the Interests of fawners. The advocates of the policy of free trade speak of this fallacy and urge it, as if It were a wit evident proper• sitlon, an established axiom. It is not true,' bit the very opposite of the truth— it is 5 delusive ands Us. What was true In 1824, as so strop 1 e s mir!tised by General Jammu, in his letter to Dr.:pii*AN;Liiine to this day. do watt' • , • , irotoagricultue In the - United States six hundred tem:wand men, women and children; indyrna" will at onto give a home Marketlor more - brestistnifs than all Ecrrope titrir 113n:dams _ That very year the country hegan to ad neat the wise suggestion' of General Jicesort; aid far a number of years, Hader the etrongpzetecBon then Insugurs tokla prosiered rapidly, and no class of people had ar: Jaws In , that pros. pertly than the tuniers. That was forty eve years igo;' but the'same law null hbldkgboilland ehriller - teffeetiotif epee what, to !dm, was snob vlons fact Induced General °MX?. in his message at the 4 4lening mf the present session of Cen tro!, to utter, these warning WOrds: -• - " The extension of railroads in Europe and the East Is Waging Into competition with our agricultural - products like pro• ducts of ottneconntries. &If interest; if net • selfisreirsixdiath tlierefore, dictates caution against diststrbiag any induerrial Miratrerthilikunriy. It teaches tut also thelltp . mtty of looking to other markets far the sale of our surplus." • • In them few wards the Po:Admit .has wail exireased aL that' the friends of the protective policy are now contending for. All they ask is, Malone industrial intertas shall not be disturbed.. In the face of this in creasing war , upon the very moderate degree of protection we now have, to it reasonable to expect prudent and cautious men to invest their fortunes In extensive and costly manufacturing estahlishmeits; for none but such can compete with those of Europe even with all the protection they now have? What the country needs in this matter is steadiness, stability, as surance—the same that - England enjoyed for a period of -more than a century and s half, daring which her people built up . and perfected, her immense and multifari ous manufactures, but which this country baa never had; for here, 130 sooner have we had a protective tariff enacted that:i s m fierce and persistentwar was made upon it until It was overthrown. Three times has this bargained in our history; and always with disastrous results, in which no alas suffered more than the farmers. And now we have another war of the mime kind.. Are lye forever Co be kipt in this "disturbed" condition? Are we never to have a policy upon which men can rely with safety? Do our farmers want steady. markets for their surplus, at prices that will pay them fur their labor and their invested capital ? We tell them that they can only get them by stopping this disturbance, and Instructing their repreaentatives to let the policy now ex isting be made as stable as anything in this country an be made. Only let our people be assured that the measure of protection now afforded by law shall be continued, and thousands of manufactur ing establishments will be started In all parts of the country almost immediately. Then the farmer of Illinois or Missotiri will be able to realize more than 73 cents in currency for bin wheat, which is all that .he gets now for what is shipped to Liverpool. Look at this. We quote from Dr. -Elder: " • "Putting a bushel of red winter wheat at $1,30 (nine shillings for one hundred poutido;lts price in_Liverpool on Christ. man eve, 1860, wo find its value in gold to the western farmer by the following deductions: carriage from Chicago to New .• York 30 Marine Freight... 16 .-Marine Insurance Handling Charges from Chicago to Liver ~ pool To this Muit ho added thi aspen placing it in Chicago: Curroloy. Storage and commission fo 06 Insurance and - loss ....... . ou% .Carriage to Chicago 10 Liandung 03 % Itui Equal in gold to .NN. Total deduction from ice in Liver pool, $0.69; leaving to farmer $0.61 la to gold-73 cents 'c c'y=per bused." Dins not this extd teach our farmers "the necessitt ( a & nem! Omar ex presses it,) orlooklng to other markets (or the sale Of ibeir surplus?" The time has comai l whittheY must either have homes eta o none; for they will soon discover, if they do not see it now; that they had better grow , no 'surplus wheat than raise It for the European market, On the 31st of December last 100,000 bushels of wheat, all from America, were received it Lb/Mix:lel, and on the 10th of January, 1870, 240,000 bushels were re celved at the same port, 216,000 of which were from Amsrica. On . that day the prices were: for red winter $1.25, for red western $1.16. - That's free tra4e in its ° practical work ing. Just stbOnt siso,ooo desut loss to ..imertetn,fenners on thole two lots. • Divorce ?Statistics The article of Profersor 'Woolsey, 'el Yale College, on ' , Divorce Legislation in the United States," contains startling facts. The article is based'on a carefai examination of the statistics of twenty three States, Including- nearly all the older ones. The causes of - divorce are given In thevarions reports presented to the Legislatures. In Vermont, out of 571 divorces in five years, there were for adnitery,l64; willful desertion, 188; deter. thin, 60; Intolerable severity, 126; for re. iusal to support, 23; with twenty others, In moat of which more causes than one are mentioned. In Massachusetts, out of 1,034 divorces granted in about five years, there were for adultery, 546, or 43 8 per cent. ; for desertion, 589, or 45 per cent; for cruelty - 122,9r o'4 per cent; fifteen for intemperance, and 01 miseella fleet's. ' Here the large ratio for adultery is startling. Can this represent the real state of the case ?' In Ohio, out of 2.681 case* the causeadf which are particularly assigned, there were granted for athiltery, 625; for *absence or neglect, 1.030; for cruelty„44o;;for intemperance 198. Of the origin of the applicants for divorce we have no items furnished us,' save that in Ohio, the counties where the Catholics form a- considerable part of the popula tion fell below their ratio, while the "Western Reserve counties have a much larger proportion 'of diverces than the rest of the- State." These counties are Composed of the leaders' in all manner of isms. Is Vermont, the annual ratio of divorces to anneal marriages foots up for several years a total of 730 divorces to 15,710. marriages, or a ratio of one to twenty-one. In Massachusetta, for a ported of four 'years, there Man final of 1,021 divorces to 45,372 marriages, areal° of one ha forty-four. In Ohio, in 1868, the divorces were 1,169• marriages 90, , 470; or a ratio of 1 to 26. In Connecticut, for a period of eight 'years, the divorces foot TIP to 2,910, • marriages 83,227, ratio oft to 11. Front Freesia we bale some materials for Instituting a compell er:at between that Country of loose di vorce laws and the States named above . We exclude the Catholic poptilalion, which cannot be done with accuracy in the States, and thus the • Wry the tables tells , is unfairly in the favor of the latter. For instance, In Connecticut, *here the whole number of marriages was 4,978 in 1860, they marriages in which both parties , were of foreign birth were 1,208. Now, of these it Is safe to say that twathirds, say 800, were Catholics, who rarely pe tition for divorce in that State. Deduct ingthem, we have the ratio of one divorce to less than eight and a half so called Protestant, or rather non•Catholfc Mar. riagee. Prusataln 1865; Marriages of non- Catholics, 84,014; divemees, 2,937; ratio, 1-to 53. Theta statistics go to show that had as the -West is In the facilities it af. fords for dived* it has received rather more than Its share; of odium.—Baltimore A BALLET DANCED who turned the heads of the amorous gentlemen of the Sushi= capital, last winter, is& native of Cracow, and reputed to be the intelligent daughter of a Polish Count. • She recely. ed presents by the score from her admir ers, among whom was a wealthy noble. man. lie made her, accusintance r and was charmed. with her. He offered her a diamond he wore upon his finger for a kist. She accepted: he, gladly gave her the jewel, believing pabsply,With Ovid— • Who gains • kits and gains Rohm, Peters s to loohn bits. ha got , eforo.s , His suit did Dot prosper,' boweyer, as he had hoped. At the end of a month he presented her with *second,. and recieved a second salute, but beyond that he did not go.. At the end of a year he had part ed with nearly all of his diamonds, and was as far from scums as ever. • IrriAlat ed by her stubbornness; he sought an in terview, and opbraidß -her for her reds. Lance, "I have. no more diamonds to eve you," be said. "Then,"ahe replied, .1 have no more kisses." "What am I to do? Your heart is made of icel Give me some word of hope." I , can't do that, but I will give you some word of counsel" What is Its" "Never buy your flat kiss of a woman. 'lf you do, though you were a Czar' himself, you would be bankrupt before you. reached Tn Conmerctat and Its friends niteg not yield an inch on the Reform question to far as the State Treasury is concerned. The Democrats are committed to the measure end will assist a bolter or any other men In trying to secure the State against farther fraud. Give no a stringent bill, else some"may suppose it was merely a personal matter In crying retmneMeent and reform to get Mackey out and Irwin in.—Post. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZEnE; MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24, 1870, REPUBLICAN SENTIMIST. =I Our opinion of Democndic politicians in general, as well as of certain of the said fifteen Republicans in particular, absolutely prevents us from looldrtg upon Irwin's election as a victory a er the "ring." It looks precisely like a victbry achieved by the "ring" over the Repub lican-party. • • The course thus taken by Mr. Lowry in voting a Republican seat to a Democrat, requlredexplanationouid he pretends to justify his salon. ; But the Nib explication elf the matter totally dereolishea Mr. iistny's niccibes Plea, and stuows.thoßep.ulallean Totem..of Erle county what sort of a Republican Senator they bate at 'lmbibing: alto is still another contested Senatorial seat from Philadelphia. Mr. Lowry le chairman of the committee to report on that. If the Democratic claimant gets it, the Repub. lio"nine longer have a majority of votes in the Senate, and the Republican supremicy in the State Legislature is destioye& Then let Mr. Lowry's scheme off wholesale plunder of the Slate Treas ury follow. taro= the Harr Lanus Telegrspb, Bey.] A. Senator who has long enjoyed the honors of the Republican party—whose life has been equally divided between In trigue and office holding—who knowr, better than any man we ever saw, bow to play the demagogue and at the ante time till his purse.-hat long stunned the ears of the people of ' , Pennsylvania 'with assertions .of his honesty. • Like all, such assertions, they are false. Chaste women do not openly proclaim their chastity.— Honest men have no. need to' proelaim their honesty. Every such Woman Is a natural bawd. Every such man. Is a natural swindle; And both add to their degredation by being hypocrites. This, Senator lately took up the cry of reform, making the present State'-Treas urer the objective point of his demagogue tirades. Former Treasurers gave this &m -otor large sums of money from the: State Treasury for his inifieidual" Use, as loam without sourest. Iflackey did not con tlnne the "accommodations, preferring rather his vulgar fury than to violate the law. Hence the cry of "reform'!' which this model law-maker and flagrant • law' breaker bas Indulged in for the last eight months; and it is from this petty perwmal disappointment,,thaa this revenge , heta fallen on his party. , , . ll= A combination wee made between the Democrats and Independent Rebublicans, by which this result was accomplished. It is probable that our friends considered the opportunity too gond a one to sow dissensions in theeamO of the enemy to be passed over without taking advan— tage of it. • • • The first breach int the solid ranks of-the ' Republican Party of Pennsylvania that has occurred in ten years has been made by this movement,' and the hard feeling and recriminations, it will produce, will have a tendency to prevent it from ever being-the compact party organisation it has. been in the past. tirrom the Yorrlttown Lena Lep.] • We do not enmities nee how General Irwin can justify the course he bas pur— sued. His most ardent friends - do nut' claim that his election Is In the interest of reform. The gaunt, 'Was played entirely' in the interest "of- the Democratic party, , and this Galena Irwin knew. Theiffair smells of bargain and gale; and , le an, argument in !Ivor of a change' in the manner of electing this officer that will probably have the desired effect. :•.. • • cmirLes IN 'THE - AIR. The ben . hte; innate hate, , Who tate p : reg to the eel; lllowering Itt‘he Ate • " Wl` elf we. Tuned face; . Loughlug a, the faille' love: WhetMees he there] Ha! the JOI2III . dreamer`i Bending caw'. let the all Du wee ebabbilte*. • And Ste townie. cony pow. •re &Oleg mil ;Meath's To she canting tone; bro.s, RIB Turf theeti And Oldie his *tinny ►ale, Gloaming*: the , long. . - liwild/ sir eistka lath. Old. • He ieuckle dastles Towering to the moon) Misses little.derte: ", •-• r agog them a' dein! N odds Wbomblingsp and,down lite! zing WI , . flare, nee bow tit.' ape! An they allmmeilh It. air. Tor a• nut sage be Welt too str, luau ..n1 Le•e thinking boOS. OsabluS Like mouy might!. meo ; A wee to 12; makoutthfsk, • /astaa• trust mates n 1 start• There are male folk alias arm Itulltllnt castles In theatre • Bin anigbt le Winter ' May 'reel mats b. swain; His chin upon hLr htfre band hake Wm Oat ' Lila bran • hrsut rastbrbld, . U. pray that dtdy cam Will let tar. Walla \.Y!. • • WI , hi, castle.l he girl H at tag Are Awl ue7l leek at Ile Butt But weer apakoaglaats Are strollaered up.by alatt. Aa:der e•ea o:taigas. . , . . An. {llmm:red 1.17 • Wane; ,' lle~ne ire tof okett;tieadi 'fa tut tied WI. ensiles alrt • • " Sew to ittantes haisco; But' few peteoec cirtepairaliely imder. eland bow to apply 6 blanket to a tunes to prevent bite from contracting n cOld: We frequently 'seethe blanket - folded double and laid emu the rump'and part of the animat's back; leaving Moat parte of. the body which need protection entire. ly exposed to the cold. - Tho6o . pattli of the body of a horse which surround die lungs :regatta the benefit of a blanket in preference to its flank and romp. When we are exposed to a current of cold.air, to guard against an 'injury -front contra Sting .colds we shield our shoulders, neck, cheit and back. If these" parts be protected, the lower part or the body will endure a degree of cold • far Mort Intel:die; without any Wary to the body, than if the lunge were not kept warm with suitable cover ing. "The some thing holds gdod in the protection of- '• IMMO. The blankets should cover the necks withers alnlskoed dere, and 6e; brought-around the breast and buttoned .or, buckled . together. as closely ae a man buttons his own coat then about to face a driving storm. Lit the !mill of s horse Il e well pro. tected with a heavy blanket, and be will seldom contract a cold, even if the Ma dermoat parts of hie body era not cover- . ed. Many of our beet teamsters protect the breasts of their berries' by a piece of cloth about two feet' square , hanging g, down from the Ithier end of the collar.. This is an etizeSent practice in cold and' severe weather, as the most important. part of the animal is constantly shekel. :d from the cold ' especially" when traveling towards a strong current. The lorward end of the horse blankets should be made as closely around the breast of torse,,as our garments fit' one bodies. Moat horses take cold• as readily as men, If not blanketed while standing, -after exercise suOiclently to produce presplra- Lion. So long as the horse is kept in motion' there Is little danger of hlm ttuf. feting from cold ;but allow. Min to stand fore few moments without a blanket to protect Ma. shcmlders and :lungs, and he wi l lake cold 'Metier tuats - a than... eugarsc Death.. The adulteration .of candles tea become of late, years alarming, and la order to prodrao- cheap ant :lee manufacturers are adulterating WithAllhOtWextraots,,and ex tracts which are either Injurious to con. earners or, a deadly poison.. Many all dren are yearly loundiad by the absorb don into their systems of Aimee &Lomita: Mons imulyertently given by parents. Tetra albs ousting about 'one and one fourth cents spotted, Is extenelvely used instead of sugar, and lozenges are pro. dacedby cheap dealers et from two to five cents a pound less - than the cost of sugar br.wholatabi.- • the - manufacture. of gum drops, glue lensed in lien of gum graphs the former. coating but ofew. cents per pound, and the, latter forty , cents, Verdigris, Tombs beans, Parts - green, chrome yellow, Berlin blue, aniline, end sublimate of rumour - 9, ate usedt.mmh of which Is either a deadly poison or Very injurious to the sierras , , • ,The common method of flavoring can. dies, in order to produce them. economi. ally, an be readiltacconated for. Pol ; 8008 are much cheaper than genuine ex. tracts. Peach flavors in candled almonde sad Sugar plums are Obtained. from hall oil, villa is very polsonobi The bitter almond flavor is created from uradulter ated music acid; fine apple ii produeed from very rotten cheese and nitric Weld: Candles are made purporting to be flavor ed with fruits from which no extracts can be obtained.. These imitations • see ail very- poisonous. Cheap 'cradles are a brans Of desolation In numberless been.; bolds. Shall There be a Kober Represents. Um In Cougnea I The full number 'of Representativesin Congress from all the States was fixed,. nearly twenty years ago, on the motion of the late Samuel 'Vinton, .of Ohio, at two hundred and thirty-four and at that figure it stands to this day. ' A new State admitted atter the apportionment under a new census has been made, of course adds an extra member—possibly two; but the number has never (we think) ex ceeded 237; but this Is supplemented by five or six delegated from the Territories. It II now proposed that- the lota (ex cluding delegates) be put op at one jump to thieelinntirod. .This would almost.ne cesaartly lead to an enlargement of the hall in which the House meets.. It is amply large now; but sixty-odd members would strain Its capacity. If Congress 'decides to Increase the number of Representatives, we plead for a reduction- of their pay. We consider *5,000 per anhum liberal when the two sessions need hardly average five months each; brit if we have to pay neatly font hundred members (both buries,) - w ought not to be required to paythe e d h t ;10,000 each suit extras for those t months. Increase the 'number, gentle , men, if you are indifferent as to that—but, pray,. don't Increase the aggre gate cost. If we are to pay four hundred of yen, try to serve ns for not more than 44,900, each per anntim T. TrOtims. TO THE RUPTURED—WHT PLE COMPLAIN OF TEL/AIWA. The rekoon Is obelani to min' pi rsents tbst It When" ailsis frees Matting lied illy odPsited In struments, and In mu, outs no trots is needed lmtfrequottly doe. harm. It It not generally understood by those who Mo4ohroh.o!.. that their odaptatlan and Stang requires sklllind seleollno knowledge 10117 as ranch ou tt does tt; P.orlho proper medlelnes for the core of dl 2 nue,' leech IoJnry 1. door, to peroohi; Onto" trona., A truss should serer be titled 'hi' soy pennto not thoroughly quallied la the 'ensletny:of the humane "body, bet, nspenlilly the anatomy of the parte concerted We rtoS duetton of a heroism. • rapture; for it ought to be orpiment to every one Una each knowledge is absolutely tieeestaty to every otie who ander: rakes the treatment of harslet whetloti opermlon or by the .pollination of en aphlinnee tot retaliitba 'prolnoling pert, Wit have elks seen nemons .6 have perehesel as Magi na half • doyen Mane. without gating 'sollsel e etretnastetree that any reasonably Imempooted when one - attempts to know • More of 01a own loansystem loan one who 0r de voted the greater post of Ms lire to the/man:Bent andmanageoreat of mach 11' any onn.telll uk blaitelt the queettOsisby It Is so that many personseulfer In thls monad .to , get eellefi the tmestlon Is steadily ame, eared' that Vieimall'it'the mom Of some denim , In amid atileies, and tat or 'WM, they make the soilltitlon,seleeted 'loom s number placed he, funs them, without kamitng whether they erUl mitres the peirpose !Intended demi.. Wheaten oq . ►boot truant la meamtratay. true of Other • buschattkal abylybeal, ranlk U.bualder. braces bbd mitpwribis boys by friable, for beakbeisai d Ida nititles to witch Unit bby.kni orbs 11$ - . ilorutera yroa r e. . . Dr. X ETSEII. et tdieraat Medicate aters,Xo., lay Liberty etreet,:bae 'Wren ovar rattly years: or atterdton dibble iintdcaie aad a stably erzypli ad alta start eoit of aypdabor thafmty be betel ed. Sae tire radical care of anreltoratioa of name' aaltatairata user. !; BEALTH'SBErir DEFENCE. . . ' , Tim weal eateth barb.," say. DS. Pal, .w that eighteen listadred years - ago the value of seediatuel plate were apPreelaied. In tee end Statement botartioal reradlea are rimantadll: recommeed . o, tot in no swam/mot cared hi.. ton Is man resommended to swallow cabmen, or blue pill. or any other =lntr. l preparation. The sick were dimmed meat herbsto.tree gtheir twee, to partly .them, to heat them, to ream; chem. In that day Overt of making vegetable: entreat. ..as eianown. Tha herbal medicines wire mere Infusions. It wee rea.,r stet for slater ace to enlist/to san itary tenures at mi., aperient sod Loll bilious 20 sta.harlts and pleat.. with an Raise stinuil Ld'hus .scan Owls rabid diffuelun Wallah Ili debilitated or disordered/Ante./ Timerowntax Leinaph L eif this. flenticesoode of ouseentininle. Lad ...inset the 'Limes of otedielhalusestableti. mu acialaved testae prodauloa of Heetettarit, Stomach Bitters, Netter before had $ Lerfeetly. pars a/cube:lo elltuatant beeneotobined with the expreseedjuica of the Attest specifics of the 'vet eLble /Ledas.. Barer re/, thou .a etalsteen• years hues traLcd ante Its Introduction has tat. gnerfresterative been equsil d. It ls taken, at all sews., In all alma.. as the most potent safesstged Latest Idem'es, a$ a proteetlon against all unhealthy eaha Attests that produce debits tv or beret r !seas,: as a remedy . for Wer t:sup/It or other rashulous feven: al an Itt•••- tiarrt Sa a sovereign cure for drspeasta; as • re ' sT rigVrt ' le rte l ufilr , p tilt% frin " ; :. • . • ears for eillon. •ffeLions; a• a agnates. stuadYnet Ld Leh. Naar Otrinca or lite,rn under thvorableatrrumstaueessuch as seeentary pursuits. undue bodily or mau l exertion. bard. shit/ Priratiun..l4 CIDONIV. NOTICES rgirliNAP FORT ~ PITT' Flol7lf. four 0.1. or rxrt3BunGH. PA.-the AuennalYeetlal nether ateniteden of Ude Con pin; 1:91 be beut at the once on 19th etraet. on Tran Dal. ifetireary 1194 at 9 o'clock r. x.. et Witch tine thite rig to an e!eetinn for ii.EVE9 (1, DIIIKOTORI. lettl.st • Cr. '99roLLY, Treansrer. --Utirikx, s or yArrsiuunt laisuswscr. t..y7. 1 44 . 7z a wing . 14%;4716 0. arTEllk - ANNIERL' ELEInTION - rot TILEN DIKKUTABIS of Oita Campurrel.l bs T.ld as the abate Pact Com = Val/U!Sitertii the; tiVortrgiti Jai wok. • r tC. HOLTZ. ikvnehMl,. pivrolorns Orrecro? Primes Milani% CoxPANT. t e..`drune Alla add ltsurood Went. 1 • 110ABID :OF DIREC. eleao4 .7 "4 41, th .1%; " VcRT. ' I_". s l°' montbe. 4011 , 1.4nd art ye pert PalitC;ol".. ii•ol tom Moo of soed Eight ent. to the credit of tlel7olltingrld rms. I<. PrtLLrtaht. T. A: WailatiNierg. M° . . . • rltyntraaix, iluitudry 1314.1870. . : WWI r BOA IRD •OF a LONNA or the .NOSIONOLHILLA NAV. WA, lON a 1. bale tll. day declare^ a did Oft 'the 'nett er uld colomby for the put Mx momb. of WI PEN Una 1. - or Two.litellara sada Halfabate, nee et 11.6 tat. palaWe ea dad after ibe lathiest.. a:tufa:lege(' tea Tumi ..., Tie. 04 Dime MI Wert . Plittough. .1a17.01). laX. ISLNlMlLLe.Tresatter. suslN - 4i1139 CSANGES., • TAINSOLVTION.IIie Min . ' of siani * ' cool 'boa tbU Asa . booll solv'ed by.matual cotieent. A.ll. Ciok CUVoliaf 'Ol hie interest to IL 1. Smith. ?t:1 . 41.1nm wlli be settled by the yemaloteg partoer,ll. 1. Bmltb. No. yo Coutre Ayenta, , „ .I.extribYll3: WM, ,IThif SOLUTION' Or., COrleARS .lj NTICIIIII..—The 10,1120411 p beeetwrwee Liexletnir nude, the II:m of VAX UUSIKIIIK .(1X WOOD. as Inspentnra .or. Coo deem, Wu this nay been elmlved. The boal , ..ess Wlll etth nantinned by the nedershtned (th e reolantne Palik , place, lobo Is antAkorla .6 so ‘re PWYnlent of ell slam (Lad settle. the busint MI or the Arm. • ' . . 'JORN B. tont.ooD, „1,q1.34!C0r. Daquente Way and Zighth DISSOLUTION.• " • Notice la hereby given Oat the Croft.* Oorthlo heretofore existing Warta . . GEORGE,BOIOIITON, . . . Has, This Day beat. Dirsotve!t.' .. • • W. T. El *INT Is sithortsed to reeelto psiiitent atoll cloitao OM stills the boAtotst atheists firm. . . J. 4:1. UItORGIS. EXXIEI2 Eumtienuaia. 16C1:: .11°811J11111.. Titr..w.Fa m o„ Nr. .r r t t El R,.Arviirarry e-bersm, Jati ' s. , ll4 . o.llll , CTolls• posies .. . 3/ Ma !barest sw J o lepb O. Sallid sad ""' lblrgrteldrlne Were g eelitti mete Imgerdlate barmen/. man MI venom lon, rEdlsb . VIII Orem , o mime t...Jobq o. WIZ. roe, at our office, a 5 Peden meet, be Wind sotborlsed to seam all serottoL • • • 71 . 1“ffibli SvOWNBAST-I sr, • JablESI /11. .a0)51. ALLZOIIINT cirr, la .27 leS. On°. • 11 mtlifot Thom tbe am of Halt . WOO4l Caroni I mould tate Abe oopertnaity of e.rnm. alas my theft]. to my Meade far Loom Out favor.. Imo web] Feoect;plie wl ai ecoatma aaa Loess favors flay SIM Om of .oatlff .8A1L177 nErrowir;• rhebeti4 Oherind !loam Pipe 'MM. ' S& Pedant street. Alirdbeult City Pe., would',Jill. their ;beak. hash Menem and the publitrunnerelly Pd . 0101 . .7 Ilhetfi netrenhewdlinng • outrider - tendril/rarer n.7,A*111_04.1 would respeeunlir wilAvon; Ilah , s , r i e n g . thelr esteemed favorh tor ' tsSOLVA'IOIII .. - • • • 22..tm nf LOGAN. OWEGO 00.. Us tkaladay book dlnoluld br ltalistla% exams Faux mod J., Z. JOHNIBTON Damao will be actUed.bythe niestinzi 9l26. MT. " 40/121 EDWWIDttiIIiGG. 1 . ,* J. Z. JOHNBTON EOll4l. roar" , - 010. B. LOGAbI. Di?ammo 31. 111113. - 11 .i.nagralf 18 /41811118:8111nia8111811141 8 *1_ and oils of 1 1 1:1111116$ and DOlgrrlC 11 . 101 !" WARE oit shel:ord stand . . 818.8 ,V788881:884 "d_a , " dt.da Lvo,t2ir, wawa A _ otr. .r•••• . 7012 aakhL w/llrsinala yttel 18821888 e., , JOHN LOGAZ. '4.llvenitti OWEGO, es°. B. ammuLi 1, ley°. NEW 4DVERTIBEDIENTS. NEW GOODS AND LI A L2 i. j Noe. 180 .od-182 Federa Al llle White linek Tomah. At 16e. White Huek towels, a great bargaia. At $1.76 a doz., Own Thiikino, a bargain. At sl.!i, White Roney poll, !pills. At sl.lo White Honey 'Comb guilts, large At 10e. Pith! Meader At sl.oolniti - Breathitt ihawlki good •• . luirgalw • . At The. Ladies' Wlslte Amino Oliersklrts, a bura, At 6 1-4 e. Mao Crash. • At 111.20. wide Line Crash. At 111-Ic., 4.1 Unbleached Abell's. At 11 44 Bleached Instil, a good article. it 8 1-le. Dark Callen, dt 18e. Dark Denton. At Plaids. • it lle. double-widtk Black k Coi'd Poptine WILLIAM Nos. 180 FEDERAL STREET. DECIDED BARGAINS At 10e. Ltdits' lakst shape sew dui goods; Al ilk. bit Shoulder Shawls. It The. hit Shoulder Bliserls, largo she. AM. Children's Intl dloaks. At Pk. Bays' Wool Lined Batt lofts. At 7k. Ben's Fur hp Wool Lined Butt ' Gloves. At Ik. let's and Belys' Wool Botts. dill 14e., Yen's Wool Nixed Doh. At 40e., Tea's Heavy Dray At 40c. Mee Heavy gray brio Onwen., At $l.OO Ladies' Merino Usderrysts, good qua iy.- ►t $1.1)0 Ladlei' 'kering Delivers, good quality. • New Goods Daily Opening MACRUN,GLYDE & Co's, 78 and 80 Market Street. _ HOIINE CO'S. In order to still farther reduce stmt, before tilling our enema lirentory, we will eonLblue to offer our stock et • GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Many Goods Below Cost. Woolen Owls, Hosiery, Gloves. Underwear, Lace and Lao Articles, Godds, Sash and Bow Ribbons, Satin and Bonnet Velvets, Drees Trimmings, Hicadt•Loolia Cteniumits, Boulevards Skirts, da, he AT:RETAIL BARGAINS. iv 6 78 '.W.lltlit6T hiREE2I .• BEAVER FALLS 011MOIr:COMPANY, NAlThiorminfros or Superior .American TABLE ,01,31LE111.• , . •• • zai• •,. . P:OCJI EV . . Ni* E 13, '.ljuitityrnsttr ImiHhied. DOOtrobki now oS,Fatde, Caper! ! 4oq la *took, alaroo 14t, of Ch . hYLE9, }FJ79/I.F+4`.. oa4 .88/&D: ..)odirys: pr. ail .deocriptioos:. Xll.tinlp of rOCILIET ; • 2 * ' • ' . • 4Err . Olt ?34,1491fi1if; open In ioaneetlen, irl4t .the Fitment Moo and Wllolpooto Dooort, No. 70 Wood. Street, 1ia31151 virtimeatiry,4A. 'ions Q. woB7owr...ti.mcuaiwn4yrs. • WORKMAN ;it."'DAns SUCCUMBS 7Q Warkinan, & Co„ Menalhetrovrs Sad DllOl2llll ClUnti* GESol3l3taiElik nrickyratons, Nos. 41' 44 '46 iui6 414pttiorEt Inca* Repslrlif %vent And hroloptlyezieitted. den for New Work.gotres lip Is good sttle •nd msted to ilvB utistliteln to every psrues, irrNerrest steles or Wolk essistratUyos band. 4hl(Alt AEM rbr the NO* Haven 'Wheel r,hr.ralasroog H. SHOHAM IS DAVI g hsvlT; parobsu*Ups 1/%l 7 o n f t l4llliiirg W itall ) lk j. a " .tedol'hitT exta..lll hereohes Oa eouslanuot so Ike aid mend. anger the ham ha style ok .WWLYCKAN Orton whetted: • • ~. ...RlllllQ.NlOggeghlr.„ , H. BIL/113D.I.sitV/5. Le'6erlthellisiii 4 Hottonal Sala, iltutrank; -J4=oll ' ILLY E IC: a BE I . hanbays 'on. hind an 4 aia vlieelvlal. very dsome assort:meat or BUST QUALITY WEL. VIII PLATZU , IVAI7, we will MU as low as ean Oa Mutant Nen RMS. CANTOIIt ' strrrra stanza ;. - • ar e a o ty rotium, tyrasstra, Usinp rINSICILTS, SPOONS. TIMM Asa wAT,Timi /k 513314171R1L 1011/1773AIFILICUIL &bon asuUsons 'Mat. fl t CWI 4 E/Go &AL.rs„..riarris. ova:Haus. cum to; oiked 001 1 dAs if ill.tlDEi Aiwa tig4 band =atm bait. witeleande or mall, ! 401 is tad Hub dm.% . : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GREIT BARGAINS; SEMPLE'S, Street, Allegheny City. New American Po p lins. PLAID r PLAID AND SIRIPED DeLAINES Very Cheap. TABLE LINENS AT VERY LOW PRICES. Candmeres and Jeans. NEW STRIPED & PLAID PERCALES Ticking and Bed Chicks, • Pitiow Cato. Mega tins, Meeting Muslims, • fiWting Moratiny, Leigh Linens, Linen Shirt Fronts Hambutv :Edgings, InfasVB Robes, SEMPLE'S nd 182 ALLEGHENY 01TY. Q g ' g A Oime4l; 4 rl Nat m• E -4 Oz 1 4 1 Bus 04 es 0 t=l E . : 4 a 94 g , PI gf 474__ d A 12 pROPOSALS FOR PFIICHASE RIFLED' C4Xtrejr,. icc !yaw, or r cnues, W.AaNtgogrur,Cgrinilatota7 ffLLLit ItNOPOWN ler the parch are or 110 , poneder. and *0 wonder Armlet! N.Mex. trltlf Cards/tie, loplegrels, and Prirjeelfloa nom on head In the navr.yarda at Portainontb, Beltoo, Neer' York, Phlladelphla, and Norfolk, .111 be reeelied at this Bureau 0011111110.eloei noon, JANCTAIIT 31,1870. In the atheists there are about 300 thane, aid Cirri • gee. and 80.1117 Proleettles.• iched ales In detail of the artless at each geld wlll be Condoned on avolleatlps to this Bores.. ' • Bidden 011 l state the numter of suns, ear s leers. Implemesu and pp:Jennm they dearer* . 'sorehead at sub Yardeeparatel7, ettertfylar the calibre of the gen. Undo! rename. whether bioadrlde pilot, sad tea hind of projeettlee. The guns, he., will oe dellrered sett. reepeet• tie navityardr, and mushAr remOred hy the' lw Penmea or ioirelmor re *lithe ten days sfacr eh! , seeeptinee of hid or their Old. Bet hod. , Mertes 'wilt - be made af se). artkio. entil puttee purrhaelna " shall hie. depoelled *IMO tie paymaster of the weryLiatd the® me ant of the parttime money`la meth cam. • Marty of the sties are weer,: and alter* sorktet, Md. Bidders 1.411 therefor* edfar amoattiletY. , No oter forth se artleleim old boa otiooderill. The 8111111111 Menlo the tistst to - rejoof say /R -ON. .vr Iklai It marital ambler to. lb. Intend-or Prenatal" an Wel be Indorser; on the santlogra "Preno.als fur Parch." of 11.11 a Claool4.te." A. LUDI.UW =MM Sege Pol;r1" THREE PEar VERY VALUABLE PROTKIITY. ••• • • •• FOFt• SAtE.:•'•• • . • long credit If desired, lz the Seventeenth ward, (Lsoreser.vllle,) 100 feet more or less, ; c reantinon Butler street, running linen 40 * hot to hansmlt street, 40 'feet wide, with two • houses On 114 tenting for 4940 per, sae; oda, Use best soft vales, and fruit, einobbity, he. Also, 100 feet menial. lesuflonting on Davison street, running back to said Sunralt street . 510' feet, with one house soda good spring of soft. muter. Beat for 45100. per teat: Both Plea.. .COUtat. , Wie qua:Manor loam and sharp rand.. N.. 8.-1 wilt sell the nsle4 ground at theme' of sll,ooo.loes Bombes recently been valved he, .9lewers fora street etoseby, end alltheltelutred., pests at •falr yalontiou., . . , Ara fait Ali*, rot sale, f . our stosT Warehouse On Minorite, at Liberty rata Hamann rattan., Plitt, braze, OtettplidX.Xtirailongb, • . . Co', 20 feet "hoist o.Literty suees, 110 cwt . on Ili:mock mad . 20. teat ora ?.:China ital.. Requires no reeoarantuditran. Alto, lour two, itoultria'Elaturas, iu in • noir, six rooms three' ad. s ecioi. 'on Laco . ak'etr.,.at.. - Ameitteiiy.,! 'tram:Hind striae Bents !In $3 .48 '1 .8 4.. pet Ten, 'Also; foot rants' OCaborreraral atin'ts trabiratS ind:pipeted Beck Nouaa, ei trait", 'rapt, house, two wells, rasters, ittrat: nra.' Matra/now raw.. Ail or any tiara:ll.2llora on , •long credit, or obori, milt =Train pirchnsen. Isranitm at • Z. WILHINS. st Joni PMMOMMI=EI DILWORTH , ILIRPERs& 243 LIBERTY STREET, . wommulutawtosa Aririaldval Imo ehlosmuts New trei New Orleans SUGAR and MOLASSES. eir Thep give 12 per eelit. tare est tiliSugar by the Rogeleead READ ! READ ! READ ! illilollll4 htmacialtints, irttliott- bltedlig et Isetlag Romeo; Stu toti-sad Meshed Illlol6llTed to • flew mtocts. All coetationa Comet wlthotitottli orbloodsbadt , .. •••-• .11ctoaltesetsmtdictstusedt ....! sad UM Jolata theatell, aosecoalvily., 7rost.-Blie asd Ckliblatss caret In aa.an. BaClthetlon ,ittroat og , seamy rciaadra. pood City )341.ftengskif Area...... • 7,- Mee tromp= • A.• 114,10 K...a4114 r• 1 1.• . • • Reamekbutbit gam No. 49 eizta stmt. 44 ISt Tritztviuumni. rUER,ffeeiNDLEBBI‘ IDO.I UAW =am Cur • 044.1 mai** and nailedle Ihl, Gods; No. IN WOOD 15792134 ULM Moe sten Dtmoad K Weigitio ant Mow % • , 0000-00. Potrat'li m CIg t. JOHN lagfalUralo Mcarty. Plasleuis Lint. UZO - . XeNULT Doliatt. glicai SWUM. „ . . NEW ADVERTIVENFEN . TS • SEALED pnerassze WILL rem.Y*l at th e elite of Use Chief Gear.; Urine... , /Mary Dtviston of , Um Chkelth. Ilidol,. wall 151 IL, OW.TIIILISDAY.! lrebraary I. 11170, foe tt. ISMOPoristlee of Gorgronsent troop, mutters, Government and, limits. supplies between the following pointed as Indicated during the time from !dwelt 510.! 1810. to October 3t, 1070, via.: • • 1 From tit. Louis. Po., to Mous City. 1 anltton Agency, Fort Bannon, Whetstone Creek. Lower' BMW. 514 Crow Creek Agencies, tort 8a1i?... Big Cheyenne and Grand Myer Agencies. Forte Mee, )Itevalson. , Buford. Caton Cooke, or any; tautest May be mtablithed at the doouth of the Reselesbell river, and Tort Bento.h. • From Wyandotte. to gioni — eity. Yank ton Agency, Port Randall. Whetstone Creek. Lower Brutes and Crow Creek •semetes, Tort Bally. Big Cheyenne Yd Grand River Accede., Lets Eltevesson, Bisford s Camp Co: kg, or any post that may be established at the renal,, of the Iloseleabell river and Fort Benton. From7oriLeaVenworth,7ts.. 0000000 COOT, Vankuse : 1411.11Y. /On • Illaidatl. Whetstone Creek. ROWer Bruit. and Crow Creek Agencies, Poet Belly, .Bin Cheyenne, sad, timed filmy Agencies, Forts Mee, htevenion. Bufor d % C... 0 COolte. or &impost that may lie established at the mouth of the kinsoleshell river. and Fort Benton. 'From Cloths. Neb., to BlOns Clef. Itsitton Age ney,..Fort Rand all, .Whetstone.Creelt. Lower Bridge and (how Crest AgesictreS Yeti Belly, Blg Cheyenne and Grand River A.WIGICA, loan Glee. Bte.veneolt. Borord, Clung Coikti. itel yon that may he eatablished at the month of the Rivrr and Fort Benton. , , . . Frat Blocs Cite, rows, to Yankton igener. Fort Handal, Whetstone Creek, Lower Bralet And Crow Creak Arcades, root Bally. /NlChi - 1 , cane and brand B,lrer Agonelce, Torts rtereason; Buford, Can./. Cooke. or toy P9+l that easy toe established at the month Of Atte Itaselistiettrirer. wad Fort Bentoa. i • Frtun Yankton Agency to Tort itendati.WhVl', stone Creek, Lower Brutes and Crow Creel Bderletta.' Fort Bally. Bit Cttleille and Grand liver Atteaelas. Porta Ilite:MATe1110111. Buford. lamp Cooke, or any post that roar Iw est•WIA. ed at the moots or the Yesoleshell Ma, and Fort Benton. !rove r Tort Randall to Whetetone Creek, Lower Broke sand Crow Creek Agenda, Tort Bully:. Beg eke/eons end E her Agencies. Tom Woe, Bteretieon. Barord, Camp Ceske. or any poet that may be ertattisbcd at thetnotak of the ixtetisbelfrliir. and Tort Bautili; , - tren= Vbetetheee : Creek ,A.keney to 7;naei - wierc,,creek Ignacio, .r.oisk Nunn inet : o rend Weer Akekelii;FOi. !;:kos:.?literensota, Beard', Camp Cooke. or and gloth. mai be embattled it ttie pi o nstx of theituattienell river, and Tort Benton. • l'insa Lower Britt. Akeder to Crow Creek A : geticr, Tort golly, Big etierenne and Grand Ether Agencies, Forts lace. !Stevenson, Buford. Clinp Cooke, or any poet that maybe ertabllsbed at We moaihet the ktertelestudl river, and Tort !rota Crow Creek /Pliancy to 'Port Banc. Big Cheyenne and 0 rand Elver agenda., lofts Mee, Staccato.. Buford, Camp Cooke.' or may vett that may be established at the mouth of the KasMeshall clam. aneltort Bcatoni no= Fort gully to Big Checesmaand Graft , Brres Agencies, loots Woe. atarraaamt:Lßaltzrd., Camp Cooke. Or any how. thatraar be astatatehaa at the mouth of liuselethell ion Beaten. • ' . Irmo Mir Chemise Agency' to Greed Elver 'Agency, Forts Elie, Stevenson.. polerd, c/111i, Cooke, or 'soy post tr sr' limy be eitilllthett st the motto or. the Itneolesbelt 'dm; serf fort Troia Bread Hirer Akener to Torts Mee, Bt. ',moo, Buford. Camp Cooke, cir . iny port that sto- ur estaillikeVl at the mouth of the Moe!. @hell river .d - tort Beaton: • • ••• . nom loot Bios to Forte Btevenaon, Camp Oak" or nay poet %bosun be exiablidied as tie rakativ or xnctesheu river sod- Fort Two /an Stoneman to Tort Berard; Camp Caste, or aay Tett that may ha esiebtlehed at the mouth or the Moseleshall. Mom matt Torl, Mr= - 1/brt Sathrd to Camp Cook. od any poet this may be tetabileheO• et tho month of the Mueetethell Myer mad Yon Benton. - /rum. Camp Cooke or any•post , that Ma, be miebilehed as the mouth of the Mrs, rod Tart 0000011. , •• Proposaie are 'also Invited for the trearporia- Sou of troops and thOPlim. duriuir taut from Yarch SO. DW, to October Of. 1070. rtmachlesiro,lllleols, via 0.000 City, lows. on *Omagh OW. oi ladles. to alt the points shore Sioux City that are above sueothed. , : Slddartrelll short thereto. (saparately Mora month Oulu March SOW to (Wooer a15t. 7 1 1 1 0 ,, Inclusive. the date or etartlbg Witten:doe the rate to is paid, at which . thee tail perform the "rd.* teutu ouch of tit statUng paha. SOSO sidnirel„Polutti. 41,SOUSO•rOur•P•somerkal Tlnvratesk vrble)) the7VGII tmmenorbena atm sad soldier )))41) imassog to_be provided for blltiere; sad f. cold ten necessary , rea.ltlei for cooking their raGon4,,. Glad) will be .applied by, the Government)." '' . . . Tho reneger 100 'penalthr 'they .0111 treement enPinget• I • .• - 71 3d. Toe nate at erbieb,,tlsey_sni. transport horses, filet% eattle;ambalonees.earte.xenone: eta.; (troogb• tot feeding the nib:didnt° be fro. , • lan prencrence Oren to partici leho weaned anstrol Watt. Bons will Di expected to always give the Government tealght theDrel , ere•ce, and in no once will be *Bowed to Carry Priest. to the exclusion of Government fretchl; The contemn or 0111 be muteee to trarierein elms by land Milo, event of Whereby niter; and Mt stern reetleid by Abe eontractor foe XnunniOrtailos must be delivered , at thaleneiti- . net'on within tbo yin 11111). •••• - ~,,Bidden snit sasw giro in e.rete stwlslctinuf ittrolsis tranopectaiton, Stina 'inouilL tor Mai easlonve rwsnesewP WO wilt *inc.lron to go PP sneeze pplese SebrtegM ans ai ienst.lol, sonnet nevem:wet f,relet, TN; pa n atzlatorflar trenspor.letlon Spotechieetwunt tun : be minima .5p nunnkany ileWn-sotsliesn , arpo to case the connic ' tine vn - ti ~ 1 3bo to carry &debt ineGoypirsouses reserves tit right to nudists' tin ItinniporsitlOn as the en sinne of the'contriesoll 'ma siothisirlieinin tecnnalneciplunklre solconswand Inv to awe:fedi !PO P0•ta1...." frz. “F""P . A.gtitlY,ra* 4.1 on any et its Own inlets. A Blddrre are teatiAethit bereloadrljitt . lt. einenstainit'itorkierrlll - atioire&tii **me Inont ivrir ‘ttireengi half tea weer:'La r k beat. vita reqbtredlo . 'kit to pent. ire §laaz cltrwith lip pla;Laiie! handrail • love; Wilder' 'salt state the rate at; *bleb they tell transport dttactittentiof troopri of 100 Ot terk vritboistreigbi.t r , - Hidden shoed ere their names to fel; Sett ria Otte' pfik...ir reablinimis and bier bro.! Weal nide tie. taxmen obi., irfia i lainidinitie pal:T.10,000; earl ed by taro or More iiittirt-' am. latruatii. anarithteelne thet`lo 'ease the contract ta Awarded to the DersolOpic;poatuirati will be accepted and entered Irdn, and Abel abito anteclent seventy Threshed by meld party. In: accordance with tiar PRIM thlaiadverustonne., Ttot panttutor out bq,reentred to tit's tend.; in %be Ito of tetooio::.o)tnie kiindird iikoniandi TM p.ny ;to wham Ah swam tratide.:, rat i prepared to , ezeaate 1.4 e .00pineca. M. palm. 1.4] (a [he 'the icqulnd 'biindio.!_l44ll4lAlßiper,. - The if oicritaietit. resan i eribe rellect ndy or e l bidi that nay • 'CoPF or Wasik Strte oe . notrui:tetnithjbt trone-i pottatatirroin Si. Idtals. ISO:, Mill trlikui.,lll:,; to•be enitied'lnto re the event Of meted. and :blot linos ot irddlnenbe.ene' be bedb apt:boa- 1 Ora :to'. tale anon, 1,0 *the - :ornotiordbo :Cote, Qtateratuter,. Depute:mot: of • tee -L.: Goalie Mat :Chief Ilairtorsonater,-Deout.-! .11=1,01 , 111ii rltlte• 'entail*•ltiaut Burnie , :Lieatestant Colonel Fiala Quirt:sr-I muter, Fort Leuenwone; Rah.: and tc‘Cipside alma: Anstriaat' Quartetnastar; Stimej many tows,- ,J •• .• —,:.• •!!•• ,!: i tictr• prop:male for transportation from El. etc., rhould heftralareadqTrssosals for Anar, aftepoetatloa ea the Mlssourl Float fres, Et.i hfo.,!ete:;! , isid - itasse for Ss asetortsitlea: IredevChteagehi•sPropariUs Arany eresirrearr-" tatioa -free Chleeso,lll... to valuta an ut e jifya asailßlyer,s , sad addressed tesetre saderetgaed.', By order of the Quartermetar,Gartarals .• ! Assistant Qo.rtormiater Geraeral a United mates Army and. Chief rjaarterasaastr, allll,tatTEDiej vision a the Maroons tr, J. 1.11• INT - J. •.aua. WIWI'. AK :BRATri • ORNAMENTAL -CARTA:Mt, .. I " l3 9 l 4askY: l 4l.4 l MiteDYl A. A lanzusertaleat Pr!SWILLTPIAd t i ttift i lte•extrion. , 74141'". THE oxlifistralT . ~ . CLOSIN • • • , .. lIMEIPSr- Is `'Nor• in BARK NO . .' 7 Every a rWde Tura bean yedwoe 80 days. Mae exclusively for Q CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ace. pAR,F.E.T._, NEW FALL SIIN3K. Oil Clogm, Window Eflitd;o. = DRXIGGETS. DRINGET SQUießigB, Ingrain Carpets, FY . At the Lowest Prices Ever Oferk. MMill BOVAD, ROSE t 11 FLITS AVXNUR seiudaT ,0 A , R P EiTS.. itmweriONl4: The alterations and im provements of our. Bales- Awns now in progress, make it necessary for us fo `im mediately dispose of a large portion of our stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Hearth Rugs, Fee.. Many goods will be sold at prices below the present wholesale cost Call atones at our= isecumrocx a cxes, 23 Fifth Avenue. HOLIDAY GIFTS. Positive Redaction . 11 Priees or PIANO COVER ' , Jffosesic, amnia/der, Wilton Rugs, • crunifi 01:01Nk, . NG, M'CILLI3I Jr. in, P.girrEf- . 4PEAV4 deSS ABOVI WOOD Mail: WOOLEN ,- DRUOGETS . . FELT CATCOLICK 11, 4, 2, 21;-,3,: . 31; 31 .'&ie:3l zaitp' BORDERED' sturAlM SLitable' foi_ DIMING - . BOOS - CRUMB Woolen, Linen and 13ottoiTq 1? . LOWIR . III6B 1911111110 Netwithimagu h , tt . rA rbbed tart I 11'1141E4ND:& COLLINS - 71 and - 73 FifthAvetwa;: . • eakisit • . . CARBOLIC , SALV[ important susessvetilof the , CAUBOLIC ACID Valli CLEANSISGb 'HEALING Agent's 'Otte alias :mesa; Vensarktible modern medical resent: h. Mutat - the laths 'Civil war._ :wow" extensively ha tried' '". the 'lllospitaiik' Mal" Wits 'IMMO ler 'be not 'only thirrongh.'SUSAll === tatiVilt• ..Keker, •,rt ft' is now presented Alath icieniinCrE onikteAtion.,.wlth : other,. g the, form„ltfAi ;SALVE; nod e havimi-,**ln t air regdYnaeli in wamberleso eases slain most satisfactory andiron. Racial results, we have no held. lotion In offering It to , thepster lie as, the, most, certain, rapid. ,and, effeetnal.,metnedy. Orden , stuit.ineere, or MattellAP, how lona atandimi,for, linrisir . .ents,-.Allronnds. and h ,AIIIIIASION of Milt or and for Skin diseases generally. Sold by dll toragglerte. Porn 2* cents. AOIIIIE.EBRYAIV i i : DIL'WEIMIVIC" OmniMini ll Te Thram me gi. •=rrd".":B4°Vsk"'" 1 ....,....,1_ Ira_ . • oats ot io i , m , s . sairotiso' o' Ili sin to'nxitroor, ti WC2 eisleeiblese °roes, emus, sus • e =to ~,e af. the folicues effects, * 4* bleeirinp! . .ol . elm Thelgeltion. conk society. alisiblibeetr, leearteMnireietiti loss or seemory. la deluxe. abet/mei eub.sibee. and analyse men.. tl . ltiles merger. as te Meet =nevi a belay, elterWora 1=1.7,b,%.1.51.7k Algid . 'j3oissetaibllas eo.l.eyboast sorely sum. etzt =tattle]. he weer Is., ,• , ...., .4 .0.. im. a r t e lgt,= ra teUi 'lo ii ia: , xnAM 01 . T: eAul oa 01 , :4144="tes a I lig, lateen, and btegilltyer . Barresaess, en Steve: Vilte2=sit6v.p.mi tii.b. . titbeicilexalusesly be nu o s calla I of. digeasee me Vesta tboesaces. Ovum w art tw ir"....kumatut , . V The Doctosaleee • usttleab ingillaT.lle MT vaguest a ell erpuitles Mumma. an d Inlets d Kees be bad flee stogie. !=ex i llg e t i T tz=ams dit =te= IT .... mid our =Owl to 6101211111101 e pre. Pat a 9lo4lllllll.2tri=l . lltAadl• looliscoutivi. :oi. ti 21 V. um e city. the DMISCIeI culpea gaileoli• eine by dyes • amnia& statesmen of Uie ease. sad meek-btu eagle. Ilonvaselski by nay or EP =.al.egoctilgta wma v u tnzezNEM . 1-r irriiiiiii . M., IA 114111.641 a r the soca= c pub yeetaus .ette=hievery. ..."Ma 10(00 ga" Um moolovoo l , Eatv triDe ouosh • mM igt sa cij armsoMpkinii to Vint i l"' sadWir WM" Ames. Onsist,ff nue, ben9f: .l• . :ip ; s . ALE rt•qt rj •;.t•A Ki "'" I= i,'.',",0 MEE 0:4313•13., Proflt • ""'' egress at_.. KR, ]T.9P =I . di in --must .bir•sad la El ati NM 8111181111 IMIE I , I , In I ti ll=l