~--- ~ i ~ ur, 1 . 4. 7 ..4e'lotspurgt qaptte, CITY . AND cIUBIIEBAIi. *Auto tor Hale.—A good paying. route At'Alieghenj9ty can be bought by an esiargoale, responsible man. one who will 'glint his entire attention to it. route. Nome Other need apply. Call today at the Garin . = Counting Boom* 16iiterday wu a lairoly aanahlny day No chairs in the aisles at the Academy to-rdght. There were twelve persons eatemitted hojell yesterday. The Hon. R. W. Mackey arrl , 4d 10 the oity . yosterday from Harrisburg. A ma, whose name we did not learn, fell in a tit on Bt. Clair street yesterday. Notlitog has yet been heard, from the parties engaged to the Allegheny elope. Ireatenlay the Roan Committee of Cannella nrganlzad by electing E. Y. Jonen,'Eaq., Chairman. Pranii Woods ass committed to jolt Ibc vagrancy yesterday. by Justice Boy -skrr. of Ormsby borough. . . Our fiarriebnrg dtaisatthea,on the drat Inge of to dey'et-paper, will be found very flit and Interesting. Oar Wholesale merchants ere laying In • heavy Mook of good. In andelpatfon of doing a Large spring trade. A Wire Number of our molt embalm. flal citizens are subscribing liberally to the cock of the Northern Pacific Mal *ay. TIM Purvey Ceerunttet of City than. Wilma orgentusd Thursday afternoon •by the election of H. W. Oliver, Jr., ea Chairruan.' *nerved seats during the Mimes:rent cit. Blida- Forrest, with commences -nest week et the Open HOUSeI are going .wiatanteloent new &hoot House In INlarlet; Nineteenth ward. ; mill be dedicated to day wljh appropri. ":4ate iawimontee. . [Amoy times are expectethathe Select Branch of Connolla at their next regular snetalt g. on the nnerpended balance" lu the o ily Treasury. Ge to Them! 0. Martins,NaB7.Re. banes street, Allegheny, for good fresh beead All Ann eless grocers sell Ms:- 4We Mead. It It the best in the market. Asa Dolly alleaea she was Slatted yea Corday by Mary Malls and Peggy Ring. who threatened to kill ber. Alderman IgnMaatens Issued warrants for the ar tist of Peggy and Mary. • . we Wais Gratintd yditerday to hear a Filth woman merchant say that he had inormsed Alla business ten thousand dol lars last year by advertising. Ot course the (turns was ono of the mediums. the • Alleged Paricide.—blargatet .Hanlon, the little girl who was charged with` the . murder of her father by administering poison, was yesterday committed tojall for a hearing on the the lust. .. inn Hugh Bore has been reappointed Anprdal podeencanat the St. Clair Street Snapenalon Bridge. He • bas bald the pondon for - several years. the beet set deem that no more elllelent °Meer could fotid. illeetteg of the Finenee ettnialttee will bs held next week. Itli hoped the different committees Of Connell" will meet and organize at once, and send In the moan 'desire.' (or thstrAopropria- WWI tbr the ensiling year. Eiretion.—At a meeting of the Duni or Director& or the INintral Peenerger Hallway, on Thursday. efuemoon, E. P. Jones, Esq., wee elected President, M. K. Mamboed, Sm.; Vice President and `Cresenrer. and Mr. R. (. Herron, Seem. tarp and Superintendent. ICentrellerle Ripert,—Tlie report of Henry Limbert. Fog, the able and CB client County Controller, exhibiting the ellnanelal andel of the county, will be prevented in the Coot of Qtarter Sr.. alone this morning. If approved. as it wilt he, of course, the Court will order it to be printed. Bev. Geo. r. 9■ys, pastor, will preach in the IJenUal Presbyterian Church to. morrow morning, ■nd In the evening wi I continue the Mount Olivet disoomars Subject; "The TriumPht'? Luke ithSl, 38 All are requested to come earley so that the crowd miy be quietly sealed , befbie service. lonmttt►e.—James Frinkenbacth,who was arrested several days aloes on a 'charge of larceny, had ■ bearing be. fore the Mayor • reterday. He. wee charged on oath of James Nlmlck with stealing an aocordeon. The Mayor held Mm for trial, and in default of ball, _committed Min 140.11. lleapsr Mew yesterday committed to Jell °Circus' , Jackson and Josephine Woods, for disorderly conduct. 'Jack son la a negro and occupied a house on Hemlock atreet.„ Bement ward, having for companions two irides *omen. The place has been an annoyance to the neigh. borhood for some time. The fisliowing are the gentlemen; as far as beard from, who are willing to servo as Mayor Brush's euocetwor, whose term expires two years from the Ist of February next: Dr. A. H. Gm; Wtn. A. Tomlinson, Captain . Hateltelor, 'Joseph A. Butler. Hai., Mattes Jeremy, Wm. A. Herron, David Ktrk and B. W. Morgan. . 'flue Tent Anneal Cannelton of the Theta Delta Chl Fraternity will be Dole• en et the Astor HOURS; New York' city, on She 17th and leth of - February next. The Convention is celled by the XI charge of Rob trt College, and delegates from all the Chapters of the IllWelety will beta attendance. A. pleasant and inter esting time is anticipated. Harter committea—The Marlket Com. mitres met last evening In the committee rooms, city building, and organized by the Meetion of Mr . James M. McEaten as obairtnan. Mr. McEwen served on. the 'Neocnnolttee In the atrocity of chairman, last year•and made an efficient officer. John Wrigley and Joao Messner were re elected market' constables, and Mr. W. J. Black was elected Weighmaater. la Ike list of Allegheny (kronall Co ID • mildewy published yesterday. Mr: Phil. Ilse was made to appear as chairman of the Common Grounds Committee, and Mr. Lang Chairman or the Police Gun antes. The appointment, were vice - versa. Mr. lung is also a member or the OrdindncoCommitteeinatead of Mr. Phil lips. The transpositions were the mistake of the'Tob Printer tom whom we obtain. ed thi copy by which oar report was set Sudden peach—Mrs. Mary Roffman' reeldlok on Run Lane, Third ward, At feabsny, died suddenly yea erday about eleven o'clock. Sho was taken suddenly ill, and Dr. D. G. talleder was summon ed. The Doctor responded promptly, - but before be arrivid the woman ex. pined. ... Alderman Donaldson bold an ,thqinest intik, body, when the fury re turned a verdict of "death from natural Court. Interpreter.—Augast Ammon, of RAG Birintnahwn, hu been commis. atoned Mon Interpreter by Governor . . Geary. vice Mr. Kronen, wbo bu alien :thepodiicrn daring the tusi you. Jos. tee .Ammon will dotibtleek make an eilleient omeer, as he has had a:welder- able legal experience and Is a man of sound lodgment. Mr. Keener, his_ per - deresear, was a sere . ral/eel °Meer, and gave - general satletamton to both the Moan and bar. Alleged Larceny.—Abraham Bandar, *Garman, was arrested yesterday and locked hp in the tombs on a charge of larcetiY. It apposes that he and John Maurer worked together on Mr. Refine , letue• farm in Reserve towaship, and on Thursday Emerich was discharged. That evening the house was broken open and several dollar. in money, s mat worth Armen dollars, and other articles; valued in all at forty.elght dollars, were „carried away. Information was made beams the Mayor charging Emerich with the larceny. Re wan arrested and heldfora hearing. —— . _ The ILectotre To.stight lass Acute E. Dickinson lectures et tbe. Academy of Music to-night. O To the Itaticuti" is tho title of the dircoume, • wbtoh is sail ict 'embody ber views on the wont= question, is the most ford ' bte-and .emphstfc manner. Popular.= she Ms been beremfore, the remarkable • welcome wended to her on Tuesday Attu shows that popularity to be on the increase, and the house will doubt leo man be crowded. Tlckets natty be bad. at ,the Library Boom*, corner of 14nut and St. Clair streets, and at the . dim -I th - seedless to Weise those who • ;whet to bear her to go early. There are - • 5.aNs. I ONT OR STOLEN.-1 1 rednesi. 1) EnItISINU. lanes.T 1111 N RUCKLEY,IB.OI4 } ear, Nb.!,t 1810. hale.ar t 0.. an SCA d T er.sa ter no.: 1.1% hr hod, a 5 cloak S. E. on. WEDsEnDAT EVENING. A. telnatGn I. 'disc to herd lee merry 1.10 he thankful , ' rtrelee4 at No. OS Fra.. tier 'a alley, All. abet') .7 li il e ti STEWART. TO.LET • Tu- LET.— 1100.118.. Several Vac. •nd wl b foralsbcat toms In a bleacant It cation, gale! and near to baa'nefis, nen be had by acetic...en as iletpina room!, Th Se mum- ore very ...Iran.. ElMltre st 43 NI Nil! ' , IRE Y.T. late r rEtp LET.—The New More build. I log. Ito. OM W lam Woo I ttrtet. Elamite at be. l'cu anat. T 0 LET.—lneek Room In a Intettomely At ea or efEce. c - utratitt. eel. on f.° butlers.. •Prif ec r ‘ cun ' h te° of et cone Aver. rn;L i 1E . 7 47 11:14: ening House No. at 206 Pe"' • SI and I. end LS., 8. and TO-LET.—Warehouse No. 828 Liberty -.tact, Irony January lit Lai. to Split lot. 1871. abiotire It rear orlon an • urcmnea • T'LET.- Ful united Front Ii0:?)11..Ith or wrltq.•ts boroll.g. by he 11.1, , retek. Ap:ly at so. sv ORAN r aTerEEr. To -LET.-4 desirable It re IC 100 0 , tat. C:alr Itfie.. Alen, velar 0• Et 41 1 ,1 00 0 at Ina s. rood 11 , 0 r. and a ROOM 0 of 110 on alra fbor. /Lopoiro of It. B. I%* alai C. Stlrt oflle.. No. 1011th Wet t. riLET.—The 'Flog; Store No.. No. 1,0 344.11.11 rOrno• P. 110. , wreate N . ll.l6bargO. A. M. BROWN. Fif tt TO CET.—Two 2 story brick clown, Nos. 514 and 1110 C. win ae.t.e. maintains . ten rooms earn, With all In drrn Jut . re. emelt.. It mini. rtNo.o4 Centre avenue. kr. /JC.:ALLUM., T 0 re rooms—one veer !aret—o not corn* r -of rfnn a4l Xt. bth (fiancoeb feu,. Also two dwelllnns at Ytf g. • n s:A rbtand /Wren 'c.o.. X quirt en 4. rl3lll- LET.—That large,/ storied WAKElllfilio. tura, of Viral, a Tema., Tr 141 Owl Woo. loert. oroccopOo.l Ibr ..t M. Satlo4 .• P- Inw , lreol HOU if kir ~,, o /MI • in.t. i.rtnue. or A. V. Nu. I Wc.thl Inlets. • • To LEV.- A Suit of Rooms compr Itrir Two taro. we I ligh ed out trson god .r. On • lane, w• ILO:tied front noeut of, 31.. floor: Mc large Hall • Ilk two xnte.ruogno ow 4th'llowt. Story goo.. . . ' , rat A Air. Na. DA to tag Lb's raw balldlor P..orto arrest,. For to-ws Irgrare of htiLl-fi A VU.. ti 0.98 roarth &sense. TO LET STABLE.— A Berk Stool...two ivories bigb.ml b large .1.111 sod •arti•ga Daum. d rant rno r aim all In eta d repair. "lib • btritt lot tmened Una on Manner roo• log is. 1111 feet l an .11*y. kr gaira of • e. H 6. Zgl.atile...lr., Doe. Alia did Diamond. corner o Diamond aura t. 1= rl7 O -11.ET.—NEw HOTEL—Far -101,11613. 1.5041.1.804 sod 1,5011 In a• rt. 1 atilt tItT. ri , ll -Al , Lana built. • ant- Ins hone an a nos d nti n. rooms eah• re: d sour. with w ter es, In etistatbr tad bath. en On grain and to each rutin, bans. billiard, bat. Ware 11r.d parlors. tinted with tent.. App la dolls (mum': oulAtr 1731 e.tnot st re.t. TLET.—A lot of around 192 - 4 fent ny 496 fre t with a large, so manta.. brick llalldlsg 6. 10 140 rert. •a 4 an 01- flee holding contsinina two n out., tamer y ce . noted he dame. Millings, a , • p anlnp mill sit. aattd, Carson inns I.lrit t.rots rough tilts hur s 1 -suitable for ntanufacturtotparposes or a App Ito AT rEltCtlltY CO., Carson and Tenth istresta, blrounghara. • • • TO LET.- b ORES, DWELLING!, noon's AND OFFICE!. I=3 ZZAM & 011., 90 VI& h &venue FOR SALE =ffiiiiiM PRINTING OFF ICE. Flee 5t.11121 I'm'.,. and a large 40.05111_ of typs. Mute work than thty rn tore om. LY A. kl• If. Firth comae and and Loma!! glace!, E.sl7 — TNll..esseo _got a r00dtT11 0 ;,. 1 :7 1 A.1.74V.'gf. h .1.:1:4;7A1,70.1.1 hea A good ar ahem to make Money. Ad dmka A. 11. T.. Tots or met. ON BALE OR IRIENT.-Inree STORYJ 'MICK I/WM.4.INC/ 1.101.8 x. o. I!l3b,er.g.au avenue, fronting on ' , A - vet Common, Allegheny. legal eof 11. SteIiLHESIY tomre l'euntylvAtils tomer.. Otoupshy. lOU Woad street. tf ElEl F OR SALE:. A: SIX ACRES , OF LAND ITT BALE..—Spfendid • Farm .• • or 180 At:lt- 8, to u kodshst bill. Mao mt / t osy otsllon, Psababale Irldlroal All us derlolo with a ale tor ...otter coal, and for ottleallotat ' , tabus. tho tut, Is Nu. 1. bola, a tio% lb.. - .shwareal. cud sit wit be porticularo of CROP r PIS It.t.lee.H.rol Relate /leen.. AN. 139 roarth avcrtue. En 4, New and nteond Hand, of all kinds eourtan , ly on band. Order. from all parts of %be noun to promptly ex,cun.d. JAMES Canter Marlon *Testae and P., P. W. A C. Alleghear. Pa. F OR PALE. THIIIIII SHODDY MACHINES, I=l ',quire a: No. 21 DIMIOND, Alielihiny City V= Uli BALE. sad LOU, On 8PriDal:1111. Seventh ward, res 43,600; 141.1 L ot, ar Vino:lnn Station, i,000; Hole and 54 Jame. street, 3.800: it bow., on VI. min g street. 100100 vim.: INIIII4. and 3 lots in I'leamitit Vs ler. 44 30U: 0 sorts Is Henerve township on F..... r ro ,n bow .I , 60,00011 'Ms oo Tremon t re 44,000. bonne.. lot In Salen,todo. {A, bell; 1 acre Krona d miloHeroe Norm 41;0t1U -House and lota. bead of limiter street, $9,830 bones and II acres in fillsabrth Born, 41,000 bons. and lot In Ilrldnewaur beaver ... I r on . contains 01 rooms, lot n i t by 1410 feet 4,000: harm at Fair Ulan Mallon, 34 acres, 0 per situ. boodle of E. Beal rstate Anent. Cartier Uhl* and liandmilil Meets, Allegbenr. DiERSONAL.--All persons seek. L 110 10.0 , 11:3, or Investments In Neal E 0 i n t..yui nate. OOP, tronT • i r wil n yt i ng tam l ' A r TrYti. riEglak t r.l`ltls given awityanATte or will be rent by ;nail Tnnt to any reornatins li. Pelvons 411120 t MI to get gulled do of the Istwe list It Bea . t own. & Pub. Ushers and l /Wain Agents, No, 139 ir oun ib stens.. • XOWII LAND Fog PALE.-800 Ade-. oteoulee lace la one or the Z.' oven • lo lows near Om Nee or ten uhreare II Northwestern Hat road, end Inc., of the most „ r odeett • portloos of the Intste. WM be sold tow, the whole or a put. i ft . ll=l7 t 0... 104 lonnAt Arnim. - VINEGAR. THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR .... • -.- ' WORKS. BALLUU 86 ADANS, 167, 169, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, Are now pnmartd e. stirnl3ll VINFAVkit at the LAMEST MARKET ItiLT.E.O. Attentlan Is par ticularly culled to our EXTRA WINE VINEGAR. MERCHANT TAILORS lI'PHEBSON I=l W. 11. EPGE9 A. co., MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 10 SIXTH ST., late St. Clair. Pre have Jolt received • mama sahliaT of Pall and Winter W0D41.1. whlcti will be told at rra.on able prices. Mr. MU LAN Hitt NM will stil ler tend la the(hailer 11. part mi 1 1. ' delloten accIMIEKSO , & lthriTtANßßlNti. 3.12.110R.T1LA8, FASEMON ABLII MERCHANT TAILOR Keeps coaltnatly on baud Cloths, Cassimeres and restings I=l No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street; C=l32 iPOent•s Clothing rude to miss to the Isten styles. *Wog MEN AND BOYS' CLOTBILM. A mese and ...naidete assarttnent of Media and Fine Gouda. at the lowest price.. GRAY & LOGAN, 07 Sixth St., 89 Filth Avenue, (Late et. (late.. LwO NEW FALL GOODS. =1 GLOMS, (01.8SIMBRES, :90 Jygt rectlyrA try RCN BY YIET Eli* =I COAL AND COKE BRADDOCK'S FIELD Gas Coal Company, 'LINENS AND bEIMPZISS 0* BLACIMITU lAD EMIT co Put Coal, Slack and Coke, - ANTHRACITE COAL. Of all slos. andof t e best quOlty. east be fur hlshe,) at reasonable sates. LraVr bole , : at • f are and yarns. No. 73 1.-81•81ceON h7tIEIC7, &Bones} (hts.e . ni Liberty etre>) (osposl CMla tr..n hs•reet ) P•tt norm . Andr• sa 1.0. on Bo: 587. , losourps and they will stuff bn , fB attest's,' esurnpt attesktion glens to western ship 001).85 CHIRLES 11. MISTRONG, Yo ; 4 loOeny and Connellsville Coal, And Manufacturer of • COAL, SLACK AND DESULPIIIIBIZED COLS corner AND YAW"; corner Butler snot 'Norton street. Upon,' snd Clf&er. stre,te. Moth vont; aieo Second street, Etnoth enlist foot of Sots street. Y. & t :. I t It. DePoto Second wavt • • Olden len at either of the shove alma, or ad. &no to me thorough Pittsburgh r. 0..• wW iv• nein protort att. t.. Hafer to whom I aui aniriningi Houq, Wan. tie., Wm. sume. Union Iron WM, n. s. Fow ler t Co, Wlteloll, °Opine nton a Co.. Birreli • Urfa Alex Bradley, fork. Um. a CO., Cittel 2 l. "' Jo i . , S° u ryt`; btotball Co:, Allen. McKee a C o.v. trin'on'an iit. t sun!, Comte: grille IL. If., Allegheny Valier U. K. Cow COAL!! COAL!!! DICESON, STEWABT it CO., =I tiO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, ILife - 17 Chl /loot MILI)EZVOND LLOOB. Ani sow meprard to Straub rood YODOBIte. 01libir LIIN2, NUT COAL USSLAOB. al the Lowest iserliel price. • All orders loft at their °Zee, es adaressi4 Asia Caveat the LOU. will be attamaal 50 LIVERY & SALE STABUID3 ROBERT 11, PATTERSON & CO Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., PITTSBIMOS, PA. WM on Every Saturday Hold AN AUCTION SALE HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES • WAGONS, And everything appertatatni, t o the Hone. - Parties design', to sell will pazase leave their notice of consignmen on or begone Thursday et esch week in omits . tor t save Main it. Piritpt &t -ient". =0 I[ood Care Wm be given all hook left ging. JOHN H. STEWART. Auctioneer. SOUP U. MEW/UM RMS. 11.PAT112.8021. ROM IL.PAT'rERSON & 410,, LIVE/11C. ISAIAS. AMID Isjoy.c: W . :)(e),:ffzio yr% ADM COB. SETBIIIII AYENUB k mum 0 PITTSBURGH, PA. WINES, LIQUORS, &o. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, =3 WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, SA, WHOLEPAIJI DEALERS II PURE RYE WIIISHIES, 409 PENN STREET. Have Removed to NO& 884 AND 888 PENN. Car. Eleventh SL. (formerly Canal.) JOSEPH S. FINCH & coy Mo. In, 1117,11116 191. 1117yd 197 rum mum. prrrissincen. OlaneDleillied Pars Bye_ Wldakey. r de MOaIersM.RA.7OIILION ,WIEL3 sad FLOUR. NOTICE TO FLOUR DEALERS AND CONSITaI gal.—We are now retell,- tae alot of 40.000 bushels carefully aeleeled WHIT% ANL) AND TRNIVILIMILE WIINAT. purchased tn Gibson. Serve. Memo and Noreen' onnetles. Indlans. Mt. lot of Wheat Is the 0017 best to be found and cannot ' be smpassed by any In the United Mates. We tome alto fleshed our lm movement. In Maeldnery. Bolting Clotho and Loollrie Noma& and are mad e pared to =nub the best Flour we have for ten yea h at Mieca that defy competition on the tame grades of dour. R. T. ILEMARDY BRO.. Pearl Skala &Member I& 1089. FLOM' FLOM I FLOUR 1 • ir1N701301% BAKER! 7L0t0121. 480 nttle. Leral Tender. 397 hale Ha He, WI laradne, Dn. Bement Mins nTut blne 'Winona Co.. IWO Dna Reel Hirer:l33 tags Hey Dar. CHOICE 'WHICHICSIN MOUES. 060 Ude Blveraldrnla relkina Star. 109 DD various brands Mt Wheat Floor. WINTER WHEA T.YAMILY 9 DADI. wCa a i n i i t arZf i r i Zt i dgiut:nl4. p WjLo m rt il le Ringleader ea Crown. adored 01. Lon roe Ma lower tow can Try re the Wert. D u al* 103417*-Wove W`"~y~qc%du..'~.'~fi~~t~ ✓Mn ~ ~ -.srw+-~~ . .r-..7 ps i f ~ rr~-.-i X~.. .. INSUBANCE TIM NEW JERSEY Mutual Life Insurance Co., NEWARK, N. J. Assets, Ocer 6500,000 All Polities isstietl AT this Company are mpet- Noo-Fo4Ettloi afott toe payineol. of one filial rrendum. Div Wends annaal.y &eland an t applied on thl.d antmal premium, ether op the permsneet there.. 01 the pal lei. or to rednetten of preml• HENRY KIRKPATRICK, General Agent, 161 1-2 Wood Street, (2d ttoor,) rir1"313IIR011 WM.lllnbl• Appals wasted. dea:q7ll TILE IRON CITY UTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Peruisylvania. Mee, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City MIIMMILTIORN: Man. JAMIE° L. °HALLAM. Her. J. IL CLARK,AL M N.y. 11. NEulla A . , LEs ," .. JA C O B H M RU FD„ , C H so e b ° e l r s A s l t g A be 7 n . r 4. Th 00. ALMON Dit Um, Mayor or Allesbeu7. O. W. DENNY. Hatter. A. 7. BELL„Attorney-st - Lun D. L. FA TTAIISON. Lumber Meraasat.' • 11, tIiVIMIEII.. insvrance Ateni.• Copt. nonT. RODIDDIOIII. President. Hoy. J, B. CLAIM, D.D.. rrmildsat, JA COO 1113eD, Secretary, BK PPM. Trt.111... K. W. WHITE. lititricu. /LoIaSIM. DANIEL glilltiEß, fleni Agent. COHMIbEIONED AHENIS YOH THE CO.: Jean M. Donaada n, Allrgb ny. es. W. W. )(sir. H II:tv James Hon:mob. a 4, Passer, Pa. M. H. Pearsta, WM...sport, P. Gearie H. ohoseo Nlalnrllle. r J. ti.ritrayer, Jelinstowa; ea. Com imp) atrtials mutual. All profits scorning tar oPey onl.l,ra bydlelth n 4 [startled anaa.ll7 from the end tae arstjaar. p.ldes n forfiltlux. Jal3 C ASII INSURANCE COMPANY. PUTMAN'S 'WILDING, to. as sins. ^Teals*. Moeda& PA. Capital All 1.0,1&.170. Dlailf;Tdiet. N.J• NWT) , 11.W. 0 1 1 eer, le. Capt.M.BeneT. Piing trans., 13 lisnmsn,,A. Chassid... Jake HM). 11.(Iiiirleiri. , Jae. issllay. Thom. I • Pk/BERT H. "LNG, President. MO. Y. JEN Nu:l3n, vice President: .TON. T. JOHN. )N. BeersteeT. Capt. P.. .1. OltAfiE, Aitsist. Insures on Liberal Terms on all lira and Marine Ramp. E=l N i KESTEJIN INSURANCE CISR• rANT t r PreTS.BIIIICI3I. Yresident. ' WM. r. IiZILDYX.T. /Secretary. • CAPT. liXelitlE NEWLIN Ueneral Agent. Once. 9A Water *met, Span/ (Nt.'s Watt. 19 7 , 411ligiti a"' e Agai r tt ariVinde Firs and Y. elm Sisk.. A hOme Inethetion,lnsnsied by Dl recto" who sae well known to the community. sad who v . . determined by promptness sad liber ality to maintain toe etsrucLer. which they byre summed. as sirerbin the bc.ll,moktion to W.* who desire to be !mond, D1A.CT08.37. exawder NMDAL Jian 8. Dkw.. B. Miller. Jr.. C. J. (Clarke,. Jac. bleduley. WIIII•Ln B. 'Swank Licunder arcues, JeWeptc Sixtpwtria L , JULdrew Ackley. I.llllllp_DeTreer, Dcurlll Lon. • mordaaa. D. Ibmse pr.NmorLi ASII.II INSURANCE CONIPANY OF PITITSIFIJRCIL ornez. Ro.'lelM WOOD 8TX31.2. BA. N 1 TWA, A,la• • Mom Cescp.l.•and .0.1 1 / 1 1 ICU tr. Vire taclo Owl,. • LIiONA.III3 ‘ALTEII. rreiblatt. V. C. BOYL Prelblent. SUBFAT Itlcg. . cm; WeELILIC.4. Y. BotretaB7. omzccons: lownarll4slLer.44Wll.• C. C. kitTle iiro. W. rms. Joelsh litair, John Voe.gtley. Jas. ll. Artat.. Henri INDEREVITY AGAINUT 1.053 BT fIIANCLIN 1115t111ACCE CO.OF PHILADELMIL 0711C144113•4ITOBSISTNITTffr..acathu. Mordecai H. Louie Darld B. Eny.r. gdwart . Dalt. .YR. m Uere rcald ent. rg r m. a Cl .. .W.:qt. I"F' I 191 GI J b ra B. Feoroe adl W:. thrhsooh_ _ CUARLEI3 N/LNCH.I RUN. C. DALE. Vico W. V. s J bTkar U . ANDNEI LN,I4ecrot . North Wes:owner 7' rthth:+l3 WWII?, A GMs • odd Wood dtioll. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY Cot. Federal R. and Diamond, Illegkeal 8 0tr u a n kt the MOND NATIONAL aunt MARTl4Preddeal JORs BROWN st.__,_Vice rms.. amt. JAKIZI Z. sfra XXIII. Liceretsi. Jobs A. Wier, J. Loci Ash. Ai; Allen, jr..l..orakan.lttotert Lea. 10. 0. noTie. PW1 1 1g21; i jatfct=6l inbat,%. PEOPLES' EttIV CE CONI emus. N. L Wawa wool, • misers =I = DlszOTOna: Ina.MlAs. • Cum.:atm L. Stwilds.• John Walt, Samuel P. What, John P.. Parks, Charles Arbuckle, - • (3. H. Loy., Jared IL Brush. W. Vas Hirt, Wm Y. Lang,. jaws D. Verner.. Samna 1 / 4 1.%ciart WM. TWILIT'S, slseas. JOIIN WATT, Vice Prsidet. W. Y. HART/NRIt. Secrets,. IVL Elie Al EN li 111S4URANCE COMPANT OF PITTST.URGH. 0 MN. 1117711TRISTEZET.BANT IILOCI. SiokLamm against all undo of Tiro and Xartas f. JOAN IRWIN. Jo.. Preoldeot. T. J. I , IOBKITIBOIf, Vlore Treo.loo.. 0. 0. 13011NZLLnearetorf. • OATT. WX. DT.AW. OammaLiagalL DIMmTIMaa: 1 Joan inn.. Jr" B. L. Fahocoof.2 T. J. 111x.1 1000 a.. W. IL Wwfsm.. U. G. limmy, Robert H. DIM,.. Harvey Mids. hooch fellers, Ono ties Ham • nr.ol. J. T.ISW.WWiII. Cont. Wm. Dam. T. H. Nevin. *LABS. CHINA. CUTLERY 100 WOOD4TBEET. NEW GOODS. - FINE VASES. SOHICIIIAA AAA , onlllM. Brre • 'elrr aura. 81WEIN6 BEM • large 'totter SILVER PLATED GOODS ===l ft.91,1t11203M1N x?::4 bggi E. E. re - Rirvsm & CO.I LL6lAiAwAlAialLaxafl LL AND SEE IZCEM China Sets, Parian Statuette, Va ' ses sa.l Itumiretew opeelog for tht H. 'RIGBY & CO'S., No. IR LIBERTY 811{ E. N lime• assarilaent ot nos White Brealls W.X. We tashit sod hotel ase awns Os -4 AROEUTMOTS BASE & MOSES, S 1411:117 BOWIE AISBOCIATION /IFOUSWIIet Ka. mad 4 Lt. Clair Street. PUtsbruali. doadal atteaUos peen to Oa detlislas sat .3a110.114 of CODA HOUaIll aid TIMM •••••o••••• CDITNER OF NNIUTTIFIELID . •TRICE* AND VIVID A TSNUIS TOE Ite.NT.—The large mom aul cellar. arcane a..d third Ilm.ra„. the lane bale on loar.bg ear over no. It cores. led the hall over two dweninaann Pit h when.. All c3Ontetee h 1 rulrwq Witt entrance no fifth arenna. Thh Ia the neat boa. onattuh for rent In either eth. in. Whet ,C. (XIV lour a Itvite... 39 alma ...... . ram 0771C2 Pirrnsunon *SD Co• irccierll t f-X1 Itatutom,colir.oltr. Pl , llll/AlOll. J. 11111714 a, INTO. NOTICE 70 110NDHOLDE1 1 8. Coupon TorVellreck larldaallosda doe Febrile', 1 /BTU, will be Peldw sed 'ft4l. 'h. tuts, on preeeautl.m sad del yell. 11l MG Nattaaal 13a , k of i'lltsOprirh. WSW, Tree.".. TiARGE surrlneNTO. OF ALL hinds or fresh lake gat aro recelred deity • en,. Polpren. yr.vidar am nand. Ma-• 6 Plainond Marlin, Pin. broth. and at the Teas Clay 13tand, Allegheny City. corner g Yederal and unto green. Our long arnal•••• It tM badness ena , les to to airwave_ harem hands ant <11•1111 article. and rsa KM Whin rink Salaam, !kerns. Blank Man sad Whin remit all at erre low price I, s. taro tisanl4 Yea will lemma 5 551 ankle. Wholes is or M.U. All orders Oiled 30CASKS PEARL ASH I stose sad dm Isle, .1. 3. connizo = AMUSEMENTS Iar'NENV OPERA novFm. vlsp RD al' AT rntr KttVS. is sir, ry .11. 1.7 U. Glaralla FAYIp.Y led.T!Pl ht. for vides o Ira present d tar popular fra sea ME= PATURDAT EL {KING. the orrformante wRt minesce with the gr.. tent..tola roost be. OCTOROON. To conclude with the popular drama of the 111/NYAKEII.OI , MOSCOW. " arACAINEMII OF MVSW. eIIERC.4,NTILE LIHR.IIIt7 LECTURES. Kiss ANNA DICEIISOX W.II deliver Car celebseted Lettere' 0 . To THE RESCUE," ACADEMY OF MUMC. Saturday Evening, dan. 22d. EECIMIEM Do "coined ante. Ticket. for sale It t; Library Room, corner Pan and Rath street.• Dean open at Ve 'o'clock; Lecture will c melle, ate. larßß ILLIAN T AND IN STRUCTIVE LEL:TULLIS UN GHT AND THE SPECTROSCOPE, Showing the Chancier and rains of the recent Irondestut dlraor. rtes In science and their one. Deal application; to he Illastreted ter, experi ments of the ereatnt Intereet,,MD. DAT mot TUESDAY EVENLNtin. Wits and 213th Loa. lit the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. By Prof. GEO. F. BIM!, I. D., YltOK NEW HAVEN. TI Pets of sdalletlon. 00 cents. To be hurl se. Ye principal Book Pierce. Bawled &Wm 111 ants entre; to DJ had at the Wetter. Ualeer slty..rner Boss and Diamond streets. between lit sled Salter the IBM fut. - Settsill • • .; 01/P11.1%116P FBII3, OPEN EVlsllr xrvmsfirita. IN BLBENIENT OF CATHEDRAL dell OILS DIAMOND WORM, N. M. LONC & CO., Mon. DALZELLIS 8 U1L131219 Dnoneme W.I. ritUbiullk. Ps. TACK& iIIitOTEUERS, COMMISSION NEWHAM it .Produett. Petroleum and Pittsburgh Ogice—DALiELLUS DPILDIM corner of Dugassas wa sad Irwin Meet • Phtladdphla Ofics-131 WALNUT IT WISING & KING, Comastmlos Merchants sad Droken Is Petroleum and lie Product., DALZFIVS BLOOK. DUQUESNE WAY. rffILLDILLPEILA. *ODIUM. Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, •.1113 BODTH BrOOND STAMM splO , . ' ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. WIEBBEBT W. C. MIDDLE. XANIT/ACTIIBMS 01 LibtleatlnglAh Test Burnleg 011 s. . lgellps• Bailees& &ate OM; anal heat withoutcemaire.• manias Ihnpld a - lowest to In 9 , -..thrg e. Ellehhm , t 0 11 ftr tre-plealtelteat as or hot lor- a , her. Locomotive, Innlise, Machine Mier, te Ili cut • etc... • haw alit and Plamaing Mit OHS. Adapt. 4 for high speed. Nesieskletifool,BlemdslArbliolls 0111,Tannone . latistr.Demi101e, lag mod VisslabilnigAllimolmae, Oil. H omens 0.1. IMarsalmei. IFAIINISH. to pressrea Bright boa Wort and liacnintry tram iMat. These ormlnets are manufactured ander Dr. Tweddle•• patent by Ea pet heated Steam In Tao cuo. TheLobricatine oils Sr. almost ptrfec ly pure uniform, and =owl) , I=- ored..tarial a Ora Tempt ratan auetta..llM4md. remain limpid ailing Tao roan Clilcare unequalled. and an In tO=lllainllll On a./ of dm prinelpal Itallroads. itamplas eta be examined and orders left at 114 WDOD ItTleunT. Worm. at onarpstrurg Brtdreu LEGAL. IN TBE DIAT'TEB or TDB APPbICA.TION of **lle Citizen's Natoli Doilding • d Loa Association of Sharpetete aid Etna fors Charleroi Incorporation. ' And no, to wit, lids lilth day of Nactster, A. D. 111160. the olth oat Dot and icatratent, of writing halms ban presented to. Ptilmal ad examined by Ina Cart. sed tha objects, at. Dela ad cond.tiona the eln se ottb sad era tamed, appeaelne tote Its gal an not Inierions. It la ordered and directed that said Dm reread of or - rhino b t died In the once of the Prothonotary of the Cart of Common Pleas, tad its notice of sa!d spoliation be Inserted In the Plittbersh Daily Morning Oszarrz fora . haat threstreekaa settles forth that an appliatits has bilearnadis to the Court of Common Thiokol the Crania of Al eAbent to treat ihe mid "Citizen's Mutual Banding and Loan Aura atlas of abareetnerg and Lair , a Omar of lacerperatlea:` tad that .sea Charter will he reamed at the pest term of arid Conn, antes. umiak: nu he dad la prefer ame, 8..1 1 . 7 m 1 2Z.EPA" . Corner Otani AM MM.+ creels, Dolleltrin JaMbe SPRUCE ALLEN.— Notice is hare , / Was that .t N. Chamber Benloos of !putter Eesolion Court. ants WAS granted allow canto •It' WA' WO?, bon BlitTer ItYt6llo to the 2 firer, Stout(' not be Vicattd and Closed Up, JOHN C. IteCOMB4 Soll4 ar ,„!,, TN TUE DISTRICT clamor or tig`Ll.Trlint;TrlVlVitAT42l"" - g .bantrept! L i a l llgll l at ti COP COLl i gra . of b Y. L l eidtl:l,..l.l th ol:W=:;4l=2::l4l . Act. by order of the Court, uu.lce I. h a te l ,letek to all Creditors wh. 1111,0 proved their debt., and caber persons tomersted, to spoor ow the 516th del of JANUAIIY,_ Intl). at JO : o'clock A. N.. twfore JUNK N. FtfltitANCW, i . Huhu , B/Ilkflipatt. at hi. oto& NO. 11111Yederal • t hey at , P... to don. i• Gum. 11.32 V they tutrev.bl•di./.4...h0w1d ••• not be granted to the told bankrupt. Ja3.l 3. C. McCANDLZIO, Cloth. IN TIRE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED PTATEA,fortha WesterlDis t or Pensaylveals.' jalutD r.. PE.II. a Bankrupt wader tbli Act of Congress of March It a. ISGT, having sp oiled for • 4111011'V ROM 11l debu, sad other clans. provable ender mild Act. by order of the Court. noUce to hereby siren to all creditor. oho have proved tittle debts, snit other persons Interested. to Rymer on the 116th dsy or J N- U s EY, 1670. at 11.1 Welsch 0. , twiner JOHN N. PUBVISALE. e.q, Reglater an Ms , rnwley. at bl. odlce. No. Ile Federal a Dew cPy. Pa., to show esinee, If any they Mee, dill • eirrasrke ellOuld riot be granted totes wed eask linht. b. C. 11cC/LNDU CH Cte. • rk. WESTERN DISTRICT . OF gesmsylyania ea. ALP i ticinrritn.tan Its dirof nrrl.D. 'rue undersigned hereby gives notion' of Ida •u -palominos na ensign. of AN UleurON J. Ne e-N. Plittbarga. ler enonty or CHenneny. and State of within said Distr.% gno ban Ivrea adjudged • liantrops upon Ids ova petition. by JOHNaries court or said District. H. DAILIY. ASSIIMM isiesag• Alt ener.st.i.... SD tic.' Street. • 1%.1"113181TRATOR"i IV Wrier. —Letters ofedmiotmtl eon boelog_ beeo grawed tromAbscrlber oo I hrertato of fouBS. w. BUY U, detororn..late of Lot Deer TOrro penults Indebted U sold .44 ale mooted to make 119111e,14411 payment, mil will present %Atm properly sruhrotlortuf for sattrto•ut. • JAriliAlL BOW D. ' WILLIAM BUVAIUL or/M:044 •• AdrolotttrMOUL COTTON MILLS aOLMES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. rilm;,•isrnactu. Ilauttetarara of MUNI 112DIIIII wimps LID NAWFINLIII STIKICRTIWaiI - AND IiATTICIMS. • ..._ t 4OSIONFEE• E LE - OF GDO. • CitIiI[3.—TUZADAT 1101.tX oltb ) ollY lac, it 11) w. yey, by order offollif H. 04,1 ; , 94.A sssss eo ' Pso*replay of A. J. 11ftittl.,,X 141';`,,11. ° 71:rbat esilro largo sad ir. root of Woven,. Calmed Traits. Wt.,. Llatoon. k 0... to.olch ttoottottionif Dis.tts as ot bon A;3II.O4WAIIIi, Ml= EX= =_ 1