The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 22, 1870, Image 2

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Eittsbutlik GapttE.
ingtigiusinul,B4 IND Si PIM It
Or Pittsburgh. Allegissuf a. Allr
Prziorstrer et Antwerp aoir.
tr. EL Bonne at Frankfort, 011
- -
V GOLD &MA la New Task yesterday
1 : 1 4 4 1@/ 20 k- - ,
: 11 AL •itrikeolocerris of the House hu
F reeoutmeuded the total abolition of the
fisiiltirig-ptivilege atter the Ist of July
• Wi nava, - once more, the regalia.
Weekly rumor that the some will take up
the contested election case of Covode at.
roster Alexi. Week.
i 3 Mrs House Committee of Ways and
's Means expect to report their new tariff
bill early , next week. Every day, there
- Is lees disposition to diminish the duties
on nog and iron..
; . Is settled that Judge &motto will
t receive the . cominstioa for the Supreme
via SuemAN,deoesimi. The
C I[rot Boas . sairguirte
1 X
Lis pending nomination will yet be Coe. the - Semite.
Onm Nsaurr's raid upon ths misman
aged Government Printing Office has
ItWM a flattering, among the birds who
'have so long and cosily nestled in that
establishment. The wastefulness and
syranny which have marked its manage
ment am complained of both by employ
sm and an observing pnbhe.
Tan Western edition of Webster 's Dle.-
*Jury marks the word “conflsestlon" u
obsolete. Rajbastion Is the substituted
term. Thu, even &relate linos of ex
peseta; is given to the same Ides of no
Istingutthed tight of property. It to said
• greitnilwsy rniporttlon has ordered a
Imndred copies, for use In Its °glees and
A.crry :ovuan prints, under Maimed
of "Voice of- the Et publican Press" a
Peir•gisp!, from the Ede Western Ran
syfeanien. This is not, and does-not
claim to be, regarded as a Republican
aeurial. Erie county has but one Re.
.publican paper the Gasette, the
Straps" of Which gives no uncertain
not*, se the reader may conclude from
its luggage printed 1a another column
this morning. _
. Tan next Democratic candidate for the
Presidency thought lt neeeuary to write
sad send the following letter to a fitted
la the Ohio Lents Unite:
Weasunovon. Jan.
Hon. M0N41.6 H. Ymadtem—Jty Dear
Sir The eyes of the whole muntry are
upon the State of Ohto. Oa your vote
depends the mange of th e Fifteenth
Amendment. lAm -for universal =T
race auctuntvergalambesty. The Amend.
meat tong be put through the - I.em*.s.
tore or Ohio at all hazards;
Wliamis %ada obligations 'to' Hoe
Jamas IL GOIKAIti AUditg Of Ohio,
for doenments exhibiting the pro:matzoh
tneuntry system, which that State has
toned to work so well for the past ten
years, and such imprommenti as the ex
perience of his office tuts suggested.• The
.wotidngof thls system in the sitter State
has been so entirely satisfactory to the
people, of all parties, as to commend the
propriety of its adoptkm by ccir - own.
Wl= 1112 Vinornm En . Roes back.
40 the House, still (=her amendment"
May be anticipated. 11, however, the
.debate should be prolonged until after
the poxlsmition of theXiTth Article as
• part of the_ ConsUtenloti—an event
°Tibia Is now less than three !weeks dis
, tint —lt la notnnitkely Mat the' Ikea ad-
mission of the Stale may be hampered
with few or no additional conditione'
Yirjttfia„ . srill not have en opportunity,
wren were she inclined, to repeat the
Geoq .0. Weir. When that ratification
shared last be officially proclaimed, our ,
Consolidated Union, upon the bade of
Setelmilsightsi till Unit defy Me machina
tions or , the open assaults of sati•repub
Mosul® in any form.
To Altoona Ban (Dem.) commends
the eppo i ntment or District Attorney
Swoon ai - uone of the Attest things
which President Dauer hu yet perform
ed." After a handsome' trlbnte to the
professional antigen of the new officer,
the Bon props*:
' Mr. Swope'. Ottani In behalrof his
piny were moat potently :thin its coon.
oils. We happen to know that awn as
alas as bhp uggathone were acted aeon
tbiDamdetacy wasurt; and only
when Ithiljnegment_ b was act It
asi was de that
• his party tailed tosesomplish purptee.
Cat ovum tbeMenzocracy will derive no
advantage from this change of officials , '
Mr. Swoopela a tatterpartinenv and will
-46 ail beans bakes, his party in power.
'Bat as the 61130 e had to be tilled by a
Sealed we sincerely rejoice that it is to
be Wed by ; gentleman who can sink
the partisan In the caftan: Mr. H. will
be found to be to respecter of persons:
lathtpy wil
Parlealty lhe o palliation tor ill.
with him. N n either will wealth,
at supposed political bttiaenoe, hitherto
so potent In defrauding jambe-of her
dna; dad in hlm a pliant lestrurniant. •
Ws PstsT the following extract froze
spr!estelatler, wrlttnartnee Wankkagkit4
byone who ought to know, and aiianitiii
doss know the twe. He ,eaya!
. .
Youaredutibleseawareorthe appoint.
meat sd a sosesseor to Mr. Carnahan.
Mr. SWOOP° will be confirmed. Since the
',Mt of Ihmerallioorhead with Mr. car:
saws, there has been aneffint to retatta
Mr. cernaben, but the Addrney Gireeral
libel, add that if it wealth* wish of the
Beelecorsand tnembeti Oat a change
mould be made, he world: eheernmy
Simply to vindicate "the troth of
Idstory"—and rot because otherwise the
affair is of the slightest public or private
consequence— the above statement la
placed before our readers, who will
therein - percelvi that the late Attorney
was backed by his friends as an applicant
. for re-appointment. The publication is
made reciaislts 'fur the paipotte speeded,
by the reiterated mleatatements of a cry
• journal which, on the 19th, took great
pains to dee/are, three separate times, in
one short paragraph of a Anger.' length,
that the late Attorney meet an eppliam
lbe reappointment. The compliment to
Yr. Swoops Is the more m a rked, slice he
did actually have a molt ordustrious
eostipetlkw In the person of his predecessor.
No injtutlee should be done either to the
prime ate the late Attorney. It the
latter dadres to state that he was or was applicant for the re•appointment,
war eoltunns are at his service for that
Tan Rum 07 Tianteasii—we Wed
to speak of them ex rebel", but the
pax Is no longer demanded by strict
juthis—are carrying matters with a high
WA. Their West programme Is to ex.
psi Ili& mow Legislature from office,
wupsillen gpro State Constitution, be
fog the legal expiration of its term, and
.3 another in its plate. The Memphis
.Lesker is one of the titan:alma Journals
which *drool* this step. We quote a par,
agraph, to show the nature of its objec
tion to the present body and the precise
nature of the expedients to which the
coalition, which elected Batter as Gov
ernor, resorted to gain their ends. Rays
the Ledger:
The acts and doings of the present
Legislature, upon certain test questions:
la proof that we are being misrepresent-
ed. We knew our men when they were
seat to Nashville, and only Intended
tbat they should be the creatures or an
hour. We presume that there are not a
half dozen, perhaps, In the entire num
ber of tame legislators whose records
would bear close scrutiny. They were
notorious skulkers, some deserters, and
a greet many shirkers and dodgers dur
ing the war. From out of the entire
body an honest confederate could not be
round. es to tho latter they were ex'
eluded on account of the oath above re.
forced to. The character of the Legiala•
tore la to he observed in the degrading
obsequimurnees of tho Rouse on yester
day, in thanking General Grant for not
having deitroyed our State Government,
and tue Obrt to appease the Radical
party by Drawing the resolution !odors.
lug negrei ratline. Oanduct of this
kind Is unbeeoming the Representatives
of a free and independent people, and
such truckling , should bo scouted by ev
ery intelligent and brave man In the
It you, made, think your Republican
opinions worth holding, or worth con.
tending for, you will certainly be inter.
cited In knowing the sentiment of your
Republican friends, in other parts of the
Commonwealth, touching the infamously
I corrupt transaction of lest week, at our
State Capital, which, for an avowed
price, l and that price already paid in hand,
has sold to your opponents a predomi
nance in our State atrars which you
fought hard for, and over and over again
honorably won. Read, then, what we
have elsewhero printed, tinder the head
of "Republican Sentiment." That shows
von how the people feel, and how four
/Ohs of our Republican journals aro now
talking I
1 , 10118 CORONAT•OPU&
Thursday, the 20th inat.„ added two
more Slates. Ohio and lowa, to the col
umn of Republican Equality. These
make in all States. But
one more is needcd—and that will come
'from Nebraska, Texas and Georgia, not
one but all. The Day is dawning. Its
fall light will Illustrate the crowning
beauty of thie, the last and finishhig work
upon the great fabric of our National pol
ity. Read :
Boca. 2141 right of cilium
of as United _ Stater to vote shall
not be denied or abridged by the United
!States, or by any. &ate, on account of race
or color, or previous condition of semi
Bea 2. Conyreu shsl.l . , have power to
enforce Mb artieZe by appropriate legisla
The bill, just Introduced at Harrisburg,
to create Board - of Control, to supervise
the financial affairs of . the State, is liable
to bat one serious objection—and that
ought to be quite enough to' prevent its
enactment. It is proposed to deposit the
State fiands with certain banks, receiving
Interest therefor. .The proposition has a
seductive aspect, but really involves a
most Mischievous error of public policy.
There it; absolutely no sale place of do
posit for the public monies, except In a
public treasury, which shall be so sea
tected, by 'the safeguards which experi
ence suggest', that there shall be no pos.
sibility, either of the diversion or defal
cation 'ot one dollar. ••
security of these funds, and tit& leitai•
trumps availability at any boar when
wanted, are considerations of more Mine
to the State than any profit in the way. of
Interest to be-derived from the farming
out of its monies.
a P. lteAss
This proposal to revert, in our. State
finances, to- the deposit:bank, system":
Which - wrought quite too muchottorrup•
dons and of actual public mischlefls before
Its , explosion temporarily peril:2a Mir
National finances thirty years ago, is not.
• proposition which, in the light either
of that experience or of a reasonable fore
cast;cate bear any examination whatever.
Confider the embus/laments which must'
attend the sekction of the favored depos
?mem the arrangement of the securities
to be glien by them so that they aball be
always. absolutely safe, the favoritism
which any Board, no matter how coned- '
toted, may casily.contrive to show, either
as a whole, or by a corrupt diversion of
privileges among the several members,
toward those depositaries, favoring some
and dealing stringently with others—the
Introduction' of the entire banking in
terest of the State, es an active element I
into_party politics, figuring in State Con.
undone and legislative lobbies, with an
activity and power which would make I
them practically Irresistible—as If we bad
not already • surfeit of corrupting Joffe
, end* in the politico of both parties I
With such a State deposit syrtern„ lt la
as renal°, as that effect follows came,
that a veer or two's experience would
,dirgast the people, Loeser, In ways til
-1 reit Or indirect, L*.evitable,
nor would these be 'represented by a
money value alone; the flagrant oorrup.
dons of the multiplied rings of financier
leg politicians would give us scandalous
Chapters of positively clear disgrace in
place of the suspicions and Insinuations
Which have heretofore filled the popular
Penney'trial* is not yet ready to go
into the banking bnslneu on State ac
, count.. If she is lucky enough to have
money ahead . , let bee-put wheresbe
am always dad it—in 'a strong ban of
bar own, resisting all seductive induce
meats which will endanger the principal
for a few thoutands of interest Lock
.up the money at Harrisburg, use it as
fast as possible in the payment of our
honest debts, pay an °Meer well for
watching it 4 and pay other officers well
for watching bins. In this way we can
Simi that security of our funds, Which
should be the main object of alt them
propositions, without even `a possibility
for their minuet.- If this .ba what the
Legislature Is • honestly ; after, memberi
can easily And t more simple and effec
tive way , of doing tr than by opening a
*Rai br oke 'g shop or Treasury loan-of.
The Virginia qaestum.
The delay in obtaining the rote In the
Senate on the Virginia bill is regarded as
a triumph for those who are opposed to
the unconditional admission of that'State,
when It is reached. The Conservativss
are quite despondent, and say that. the
reaction against the immediate admission
of the State, or until the zatidcation of
the Fifteenth Amendment Is Inched, has
great durinn the past forty
hon very
ra. This reaction Is n otco named
entirely to ' the Senate, but Is clearly dig.
cernible In the House, where many Re.
publican members originally in favor of
Bin/thorn's bill now say that they are sat.
lined,that the House acted In too much
haste, and that they will support any bill
=by the Senate, exacting conditions
the State Is given representatkm.
- Mn. Dawes occasioned Veld excite.
went in the Home by his attack upon
the Administration for the recklessness of
its expenditures, especially denouncing
the Mary and Postotlice Departments.
He showed that if such extravagance
was continued the present would he
worse than the last Administration. He
cited tads- =Mimes, and his speech
was received with astonishment in all
pins of the Houle. The galleries were
very fail, and the utmost silence wail
preserved. His speech Is the talk of the
office holders to- n ight. It Is the most
important and effective. speech yet
livered in either Home dating the sorb&
The Presbyterians of ' Kansas have
nearly raised the RIM they designed, fifty
thousand dollars, to make -an-actual col
lege out of Highland University, at
the seat of the institution and vi
cinity. - Now they propose to make the
endowment fund frill half a million, to
make it an !Lentil university, "modern to
character, extending its-privileges to both
sexes and to all colors and nationalities."
The Independent very properly thinks
the Congregationalists should have done
for Oberlin thirty years azo, what the
Presbyterians propose to do : for High'
land University.
At special meetings of the Colonization
Society held some time ago at Providence,
Rhode Island, the Episcopalians under
the lead of Bishop Clark, pr. that Dio ' .
supported them heartily. The Bisho In
histipeeeh declared that "two races
not live together permanently on the
same soil, for one must absorb the ' tiler
or be absorbed." The colored peo . aof
that community are represented as . lug
Indignant, believing they have a ri:bt to
live in this country as well as the -- . tee,
and accordingly other religious ...lee
were requested to sympathize wi . their'
According to the Churchman, . shop
Smith, the presiding Episcopal Bi. .p In
this country favors-a provincial ay .tew,
which the Increasing number of Episco.
pal dioceses seem to require. He thinks
there might be seven provincee, of which
the Eastern should include eleven diem
ses—those of New England and New
York. He sukgests that these provinces
should appoint the members of the nation
al federate council, which should have
the last law making power and should
meet once in ten years, and should
then- send its representatives to a pair'.
archial council to meet alsii decennially
at Lambeth.
Another united communion service took
place at Newport, Rhode Island, not
long since, at which the Congregational.
hit, Second Baptist,- and two Methodist
churches, participated. The ordinance
was administered after the Ritual of the
Methodist Episcopal Church.
The Congregationalist suggests that
next year, the two hundred and fiftieth
of Congregationalism, be celebrated as a
Jubilee year.
It Is proposed -to start- a National
Young Men's Hebrew Asecicistion, but
on a National basis, progressl - ve and so.
cial. -
The CaOlotie, of Pittsburgh, It is said
pronounces the
_letter of the Freud;
Bishop Dupauloup against the Infallibility
of the POpe, ea "a document of the bul
rush order—a reed shaken by the wind—
lofty enough, but vacillating and radically
Daring the past year the appropriations
of the Board of Domestic Missions of the
Presbyterian Church to the missionaries
under their case were 4115,740. The
number of missionaries In c3muilesion
during the year was 546. The number of
churches and missionary stations wholly
or in part supplied, as reported, is 824;
number in communion with churches
connected with Board, 26,078; number 01 .
Sunday Schools, 6' .;
teachers, 3,806;.
scholars, 80,341; p arishes, 2,669.
Bishop Gloasbrenner, of the United
Brethren in Christ, has removed to his
Episcopal District, and now resides in
Dayton, Ohio.
The North Western University, Dr. E.
0. Haven, President, belonging to the
Iffethodite-Epleepat•Chnrch. ha-slut re
celved the munificent gift of twenty'
thousand voLumes, front Mr. Luther L.
Greenleaf, of Evanston, Illinois, where the
University is located. This large and
valuable library was the property of the
lath John Schultze, Minister of Instruction
in Prussia. .
The General Minutes of the Methodist
- Epicipal Church for 1860, gives the
names of the death of eighty-nine travel.
ling preachers during that year.
Father Chlniqua,y, the converted pelf st,
while preaching in the French Protestant
Church at Montreal, ass in danger of
being assaulted.
The Thanksgiving collections for the
Episcopal H3spltal, in Philadelphia, were
over ten thousand dollars. The endow.
merit of this Institution Is progressing.
Besides the Hospital work proper, much
missionary work is carried on in the
The new atitholic Bishop
of Southern
litinols, Father Betel, who has Just re.
celled information of his appointment
from the Pore,la an American by birth,
having been born In Pennsylvania, end
is of German dement. He was educated
at Montreal, Canada.
It' Is said that the diffeeent churchesin
Newburyport, Maseachuretts, have sr-.
ranged to hold their services at the same
hours, and ring their church belle in
Fourteen Congregational churches have
been organized among the colored people
In and about Now Orleipai during the pas'
,The Baptist illisslonery Society's an•
nail tersimiwas recently held atßoston.
According to the reports presented on the
emeislonithe denomination in thirty years
have sustained twentreeven • hundred
missiiinaries, who have gathered twenty.
eight thousand converts. ':Tkey have or.
tzed , - - twalve hundred and .•forty.two
cher*s during the current year..lllnety
thodsrtrArdoilan had been expended on
the • 10E4 'tiVotk.. These facts are car.
tsluly•my eziooirating.
• During .five months of thaiwatorate of
Rev. T. De Wttt Talmage. of the Central
Presbyterian Church or Brooklyn,' one
hundred and thirtracien, additions Iran
been made to. the elrrick, mayor them
remarkable-cum:if *lnversion.
A Lutheran papdf says that of two
thousand Lattitian'idikistere in this
country, fifteen' hundred arc engaged In
the pastoral work.' The Lutherin popu•
Litton number' about 2.000,000, of whom
400,000 are communicants, so that each
pastor has an average of 250 members.
• In Pennsylvania tbere are eleven mil.
lions of dollars to churches And church
property, exempt from taxation. Seventy.
five thousand children In this Stale attend
no Sunday school.
Bishop Chue, of Ncw Hampshire, who
has Just died, although feeble for year'.
attended the Episcopal Church In Clare.
snout on Christine. day, and stated It was
the sixtieth Ohslamas conseciativoly on
which be had been present at service...
' The Chicago Second Baptist Church is
the largest Pitotettant =larch In the
United States. The membership I. nine
handled and fifty. We think this Is a
mistake. Dr.. Tyng's church, and Bet.
Mr. Cuyler'e, have a larger membership.
The Secretary of the American Church .
Miulonary Society has been compelled to
reduce Its =legionaries from one handred
and eight to sixty, and even to + ,reduce
the salaries of those they retain. This
should not be the case, and the friends of
that organization should see that theforee
is retained and the salutes not reduced.
In June last there were Teportki'
hundred and fifty-nine Young Men's
Christian Associations, with one million
members= the United States and Canada
The Christian Radical of this city has
changed hands, at least In some respects,
Red. D.Mchlndfer retaining the editor.
ship. Messrs. Samuel A. and Joseph W.
Long, well and favorably known in this
, -
also being associate editor. tinder the
new regime we expect the • Radical will
occupy a wider field and become more
important and influential in religions cir
clet!. Its fearless course heretofiire has
attracted much attention, and its future is
assured if the same high ground istaken.
We wish theXtew firm much. games&
The Coalition aria the Traitors.
I From the Pe OPtOplulon, Chamte rt bent. 'Rep.]
These men claim to head a reform
movement; and give us a very practical
demonstration of their purity and their
exalted ideas of reformation, by swal
lowing Democracy at one gulp, In order
to have their man, and inaugurate their
new and model system. But Lowry was
bound to rule or ruin, and by his din.
graceful conduct—assisted by twelve Re.
publican bolters—destroyed one of the
important fruits of the Republican party's'
victory at the polls last fall; violated their
faith in the party, and have gone beyond
the customs of all parties or usages.
(From the Uolooteer standard, Itt p. 3
WO don't suppose there lea Republican`
in Penns)lvaniseso sublimely green, as
to doubt that all this Is a job—a joint
foray on the million and ahaif of dollars
of State funds, end that the profits aria-
Jug from the use of it, is by a bargain,
'divisible among the fifteen Republicans
and their Democratic co-conspirators, or
at least among the leaders who arranged
the job. • • • • For more than
a_year past, the Pitttsburgh Commercial
bite been agitating against the iniquities
of the pastas and folders of the last Leg
islature. We felt the justice of lie course
and sympathized with it.. We trusted it
and were humbugged by it. Its whole
I oiled was to divide the party—throw
into the Legislature a rlng,of rogues • of
its own kidney, and Meal the public
treasure. And now, we have the con
summation of its cant and hypocrisy. It
has been the agent of a chin of publin
thieves, which nothing but the spawn of
the unearthly, villainies of the city of
New York, from which the edltorhalls,
would furnish a fitting exponent. And
now, after thedeed, he is reported to have
said, on the streets of Pittsburgh,
the *publican party! What has it ever
done former" , At least the owners of
the Commercil paid htmfor his brains.
His onslaught upon the party and the
State Treasury, independently of the use
of his brams,to his employers, looks like
having done something beside, "by the
d—d party." ,
As to the Treasurer elect, Mr. Irwlh,
he ban bkrayed the party to which he
professed to ;belong. Whatever his in
ducementato become the candidate of the
Democrats and of the malcontents or
the *Republican guerrillas, be has
lost all caste. lie has shown himself
mean enJugh' to become the tool of Ids
enemies, or the participant with rogues,
in a foray on the State Treasury. Traitor
or rogue, be has entitled himself to the,
contempt of his party, In the view.of all
honest men. • Raving won the prize,
the Commercial is already leading the
way to retain itln their grasp. It quotes
from a Philadelphia paper, an assurance
that there is ample security in the laws
now in force if rigidly enforced, Incluse
the State Treasurer's securities are liable
for all the "earnings" he may make by
the illegal use of the State funds. Yes !
if he can be caught, whichls jest as like-
ly to happen as a modern miracle.-Talk
of giving them the chance to steal, and
then take the chance of detecting and
punishing them 1 The 'rogues expect no
such thing. They don't intend it or ex it. They with to be quartered fn
the public crib, with a practiced muzzle,
out of which they would thrust their noz
zles as eaally,, and certainly as en eel
would slip through a weir in the Susque
(From tee Wert Cb , sler Ittpublenl.3
One of the members from this Dimity
has assured us that he was offered two
thousand dollars to vote for Irwin. It was
followed by an &entrance - that If that was
nota &Ancient . inducement, he should
norm his own pried The people should
call meetings all over the State, and in•
siruct their ftrpretentatlves to take such
action as will secure the removal of this
fostering corruption from the Halls of
Thdlalation. • R- •
IGeneral Irwin has authorized a fiat con.
tradiction to be mulct° theta reports, but
he is not generally credited. The gene
ral opinion is that he • has debased him.
scif ',ethos a politician nod a man, and Is
therefore no longer worthy of confidence
or respect. If the Democracy are not to
have a condition, why did General Irwin
and Lis friends attend a caucus of the
Democratic party at the "Dslten Dense"
on the night previous to the' election !-
The circumstances are much more con.
voicing than the empty declaration of a
man who Loathes basely and trencher.
oust) , betrayed the Party that has more
than once honored Trim with its confi
deuce and support. • • -
General Irwin was elected Treasurer
two years ago, and, we believe, did more
to debauch and demoralize the polithca of
Pennsylvaula than any other man ever
elected to the ottice. "promises to
pay," to secure the votes of merobers,
reached the footmen's fibre of fifty odd
thousand dollars. It was his lance to
make good all his obligations to the cor
rept clog that surrounded him, that led en
hla de!eatlaot winter. It may be remold
ered Impolitic .to publish this, but It Is
true, and the psoplo ought to knoW it.
The allegation, therefore, that his elec'
don was a movement In favor of reform
15 s lee and a cheat! There would have
been no "hair' had there been no "plun.
der" (neared/ •
(nom the ClearllrlJ Journal, Ilex)
Senators LoWry (ot Brie) and Billings.
felt (of Lancaster, have especially Ms.
honored themselves personally and pollil•
rally by their actions in the premises.
Ni, explanations can free them from their
base betiayal cf party. and they only merit
the contempt and scorn of all honorable
men for their perfidious infidelity to party
usages. ILytatticaus havo delivered over
control of one branch of the .Leglslature
to our political - enemies, yet we despair
not of the ultimate success of the 'typo b.
Bean party.. .
t. Frurnik.LaUlancn carte. Daa.t
What rraaPilah/O - eXCOI3O can these bolt
ing Republicans o&r in vindication of
thar blow at the Republican organisa
tion ? for unless they_ can present some
Justifying facts, their polidealotrencehss
been a very grave one. Bach.Aronduct is
fatal to all organizations, and If wunte-
Danced, unity; tor gocd and sufficient
cense, will destroy the potty that tolerates
it. • • Republican members must
understand that they have Intelligent con.
stltuencits which : cannot be bartered
away with Impunity, and will not toler
ate laldellty to political duty. The Rd
pribllean puts , is based on the Immutable
principles of fidelity and justice; and ha
who undertakes to represent the party,.
and wince short of these principles, might
as well prepare to go Into the opposite
patty or into retirement.
C rrom tl,e Pratil lea Brp.ltory,
The election of Irwin over Mackey Is
one of the acts wo most unhesitatingly
condemn; not that the one bad a better
right to the office than the other, • *
but became the election of the one was
an ouirageons and palpable fraud upon
the Republican voters of the State; and
the price of a corrupt and devilish COM.
pact by a few members of the Legislature I
with the Democracy, whereby the latter
are to have practical control of the State.
• • The price paid to the Democracy
for the election of Irwin, after he had
been defeated in joint Republican caucus,
so far as developed, was the defeat of
Scull and of Watts, before ever their
right to the seats which they claimed had I
been tried, and the d, feat of the Metro
politan Police Bill of Philadelphia.
What other Inducements were. held out,
or given and accepted, time may disclose,
but enough is already known, if this be
all, to brand with corruption and (Reboil.
clay, the present Legislature. •. • le
We would as earnestly denounce the
election of Mackey as that of Irwin if he
sum] in the place of the latter to day.
Those who are ruponeibla for it cannot
prat et themselvei from the 'charged of
debauchery and corruption by the excuse
that they desired by so doing to rescuethe
Inie - ea's of taxpayers from the hands of
a dishonest Treasury ring. if an honest
end was sought, why the use of corrupt
means to secure it? Why place the Sen.
ate loth° handset' the Democucyl • •
That the slaughter of Scull was made one
of the conditions for securing the votes
of the Democracy for Irwin, is beyond
doubt. We, ourselves, know onn
cmtic member of the Roue whom's-told
by Wallace that if the Democracy
Itilfriedw.Fitrnne:diScla y tuhlwiemawaßonal o vl t des s be w W orn defT l ea4 : t il ed ye 'll°"d thi lid nO thf Or u la rt- 1 1
after eleven o'clock he would not require
him to vote for Irwin. Whin Lawry'
and Billingfelt voted with the Democrats
of the Senate to reject Small, they were
aimplyperpetrating a fraud upon the Re.
publican party, and the honest voters of
the State, in consideration of which the
Democrats had agreed to support Irwin,
Cr rem Vie Prookrllle Repatlleam, Rep.]
The wholesale giving over of the State
to the opposition as the bargain and
sale of the coalitionists, is reason
why Republicans Should at least choose
other Representatives. Republicans of
Jefferson county are not 'ready to ac
quiesce in any, such arrangement, and
Mr. Lowry will find to his sorrow that
the 19th district will not endorse his acts,
even If covered with the pharisaical cloak '
of economy - and reform. We want no
coalition with the enemy; true reform
and economy commences at home, in the
party, and not with those of doubtful
character and the opposition, whose aim
la the demoralization of the whole admin
istration of the State government.
I have so words of scorn and contempt
for men calling themselves Republicans,
elevated to their positions by Republican
votes, such as Lowry and Billingfelt,
who will. join bands with our enemies
and make such nefarious bar 'no, and
, L
sell out the party and their stitnents
under the plea of retormin alines,cloaking overheir Infamy lth this
preteit. , -
The reason Is obvious to In.
wholly ulna irota ❑I fitting and
atm:nen:a, and In mans Cu,. no
but trequattly dons bunt. It la
understood by time wbo rind'
their adaptation and dt•lnp req.
selentlpe kuowletto folly u m
)hcb isitu7 Is done to
mans tru!aen. A tress a timid
by any pa - son not thoroughly-qualified In the
anatcruj of the humor body btst especially In
the saajohlY of the parts concerned to the pro•
stoc:km'of &hernia or a rupture; far It rued. to
be arlisrent to rem one that Such knowledge le
alwolateir neeeasary to every en, who nodu ,
Ghee the treatment of hernia, whether by an
operation or by the application of an aPPlianee
to retain the pn.droding port. We hate often
seen persons who have prrehasel u =my as
hair a Eosin trusses without g tttog to:led. a
tree:mean. that may num:labia Weal:meted
when one &Mural. to know more of Ws own
• f . .uch maladle.
If soy one telltaek blmth•l( the queetlon why It
le mu that es any pereona suffer Is this way and
tall to get relief, tbe.questlou Is readily ans
wered that tidy eml at the r ore of some dealer
hPtlicatton,teleh'ed trete t numberplweed
tura thtm, wlthhut koowly; whether they nlll
tweeter the rerpose Wended ern•: t. What we
Lay about trettes 13 met•urae:y true amber
toeehtOtett appliance•. Loch at thoelder brace.
and Joannales to whleL ❑eir physleal org
tlonsare prone.
Dr. R YliErt.,!, bin Great 11.411elne. Btnre. N•
67 Liberty street, bee given over thirlY
• f attention to these ankle.. ..I • •••• 4 1 , un•
4 with every met of app•lance Dint may be nee.
cforlanate ease.
DE timirs BEsr DEFENCE.
"ac weak eateth kcitte,•• rage St. Paul,*
that eighteen hundred years ago tiro Value of
medicinal plant, were appretl/1 . 0.1 in the Old
Tesravent totablent remedies are retreabedly
renummend d, rut in no nasrage or :acted his
tory Is max recommeaded to swallow calor.,
or bine pill, or any orbi r min, r. I pr. paratlen,
The Met were dirt urea tetra herb% to graben
ti, M. to purify eh, m, to heal them, to rest....
them. In that Jay the art of making vegetable
extract Wan nuke own. the herbal medicines
. .
!tars essence. of tonic, aperient tad mall t Moue
meta barks ild Dilate, with an active stiturant
god hos errant their mild ditto' ,n through the
debilitated or di, ordered amts m. 7he erownien
tsinmult of this . Ceniro mode of cone, atm ng
sad appinag the virtues of madiela al vs getabit a
we...lilted in the P.latieetlent of Ilcatetter's
Stomach Bitters, Serer Mama had • I gaiety
pare elegiiho to stint ti”t beta combined with the
captain adjulees at the linen neetine of they...
neat. clandom. Never yrt. thou h elaht-ea
mean hare • •Deed .1no• a ititridelaction, hati
tole irre.ll enterb , leb bee qa•11 4. It is tetra
St all sesames. to ail cli sa sloe me aprons
earern•rd ara loaf !ride es. as a_ bra...trim,
?,!,!;" e: , .. I=nritia°
mot• at or s4le, en 4 ,11144. fairer.:.4 •11417 , pe•
tiger; 44 4 1 1 1011,14,. 13 enre for av•peetla; as •
gam red tonic ant isieigorars t • •a. at l e. Pa'n I
len sorrier et •• a 1.10.. d • ept.reny; se • o-relp.
a • cure tor bilkers i fib etionr., • a h•ruide. a
anodyne; mad ms tbe navy Paragca or Pea vst
under fiv arable ale ItuntLao4o4 tueb...44..tef7
imilllite. undue bodily or menial ea. Mon, had
hip. privatli.a sold eavoure.
Orricr. it Pinscc Cu iSi;l7ZoiNer CO ;
4,111... Or ate, t , ram
Yrrtsnest&u..lapu..y lOC]. lila.
erral 1: ANN VA . ELECTION
for tIEVRATIMN IllnlM:attleS of th's
Company or, I Do told at iheolliceal pabit'oco.
la.) CO aI:WM/AL Ike Ist day of Tebtamy
next, MU, batman& tte hoot. of Il Walcott
A al anAloYlant r.Y.
‘21:..d L. C. lln LTZ , tlecre'sly.
:CLIA ?KM NATION•l; WINK Or rlTTriVitail, I
' rirrsnOryll. 1 . 1.,.1,rarr If, Myna a
Dlreetori b,ld Om any. Mr. JOHN II
SHOENBALIMER rue flertad ['redden., .ad
M. DAVID IIeCANDLMts Vice Prrbidelm of
A. LONG, Cashier.
rimonaon, Janatry 13Volo.
Abairrot thIfuIitIEU•IIEL NAV.
Rik , TUN 0_..114%e tbt•r•ay detltra data Rod
an rill far ek or •ad eotoasay f •s• the pa. •la
monhis or IVE PER URN I. or two noun.
son • VW( • Oa-, tree of U. 84a. ••• ab'e on
wad ahr art r lath hat atlas o tor I hoTtes,
0.. e. No, 06 1011. Lad street PI Crumb.
)al7: WU. ISAKEWItLt.. nature,
nriIIOLVTIOif he firm of
VIRTU & 1:1Q04 has this dsy been dl,.
s deed by manual, •. Y. Cook dins... Ohs
of his lb. ttttt to D. a. Smith. lb. bullies ,
out bs wiled by &birth:While panne., D.
Saab, No. 10 Canted &yeses.
_J' NE.ltidrp.b parinFekdp beretoßre
living molt, the I no of VAN• dtbottlnK
i t
WO,D, Inooectors of de..ouvro. eae
Oae been el nA.lteo.- The bu.l. too std‘
be oonvtand be ihe t-dersion,,d ntn.lning
00eL0.,, ei too oee, nothorls d
zee In Doyment or on clams nod setlle the
bruin.* of toe Geol.:,
• ad n. LO' oon,
1.75 , C?!. pmesne Way .0 tight 6 1.1.
1 is? Pour P
The Dna 0f.1411T11 i WA IiWICK bee this ear
be " e nee.iecd by int.! comeeet, WM. WAI:.
WICK "Wire.
L. 11.
. ...
..71ra business' afe 4 , e e dna wl 1 tin sail. d
and continued l.) t 4Ay undersigned under thl arm
name or
L.- H...k. /TIE . CO.
isms?, . .. A LUTIIISS U. SMITH.
Nottee Is 040 by 'teen list the Co-put
ship herstetenizlstler bets/eau • • •
,liras This Di . v . been. Li solved.
Y. T. 8.1 , 1 T le adttiorlotd to reeelye payment
Of all elattos and ittle the be fates of the Iva
Orm, ; J. 0. °ODOUR .
JA9. 8. 1108T.111.
Phaarantrinfl. Die. 4. 1869 ,
lain IS
118CWX ANFOV vas thla •av
nntnN c want.' JAME • 03 . 0 ON pining Brownitrevt Josepn 0. Ra.llff and
Thonm, all ccranas ',coning amen.
ulnae Indianan to Il Bin will alone call and
mains lot.n. Male cam. oh. .14 all nano]n, hay.
lag claim* WhlnresenctLo mos Joh a Wat
,4,4:1azt,11:4,4 Choral matt, ha bang
348Egi C BAltyyp,
111. OWN.
' Es as. CA
30 not/.
CLialliny CITY. Ja nary Ist, 10.
in reyrt:g . frerto Ilto ono of ROAM aro.te
`i:rao,g4`4V";::,?' 1110 y pall'
rayon, told old reepeecol/Y 'Ol clt a cant...
aOOO or t4tee favor. Sro th e dao of 11,111 a
BAILIFT • 8;OWN, rarati,rs,
B.a. Pipe Itter.,B3 ittlers...rt. All 0..7
w.uu r torn their triaa r . b ... r rheir
Illgil.eal grre p d ' aVi l 4 S Vgrld ' arliril4 l 447l;el
original tree.
.P B r rlB
Thad at of LOGAN. GREGG • Ca. ban
Has day bloth dissolved by. limitation, liZONut
PARK add J. K. JOHNHYON yeUrtre. Thb
Ludlam will ba tattled Ty tha molest:3g Dais.
Oltudtit FLYS,' •
:• • J., E. Ants:mot,
Dlcalnuut 2.4!„.1689:
ThIluodoia001•111 eontlime then:wrestle%
'and saisof rottiumit and DoIfCaTIU
'heir old dead, no. 89 Wood Street,
under the arm cif td.93Alf. auras It Kr.
J.E. &Autos will remain nigh the hcnae.
dons T. LOGAE.
' 'EDWARD GliZulia,
91 99. B. L 00921. I
JA}IIAIT 1, 1810.
:x.~su rT5r..,..~;:: :.. ;:N;s
- -
NEW 900Drire
Nos. 180 and 182 Fedora
It 10e. White Hoek Towels.
It ne. White Hack Towel', a great bargain.
It $1,76 a du., Linen Napkins, a bargain.
it Kai, White Honey Comb Quills.
It $1.60, White Roney Comb Quilts, large
At 60e. Plaid liboplder thaw's.
At $l.OO lain kaftan Shawls, a goy
it 75e. Ladire While Merino Underskirts
a bargain.
At 6 1.4 e. Linen Crash. -
At H 1.2 a wide Linen ['rad.
At H 14e., 44 Unbleached gheeHag.
At I! 14a, 4.4 Bleached lana, a good
of dl•
-by l'l
' article. -
At 8 I4e. Dark Calicos,
At 10c. Dark Malan.
It 104 ill-wool Plaid'. 1
• -
At 21c. doable-wfdtb Black k l Cal'd Poplin
Nos. 180
Corner Duqqesne Way and 7tii
ROOM No: 7.
PROF. E. S. MRS, M. D.,
Lecturer 'on the Human eye. lia an
tlq cradle, Untied and ticullst. to }be Pie
York Hospital an i Bac and ltar Inarmaryorith
lues stock of his Palacsisd Cod Improved VD •
tachs for sale.
N. B. lipeclall4..ll..ea.e of the, rye am! 4
Prot . 'EDWARD M. FRANKS. Opticlea ; I
take great pleasure In stating tnat I have need
the spestaelea you adjusted to my t yots hen Su ie,
Sal they One glean me mut mat.. 'nth(
• have n.ver fore had a pair so totetery suited
to my Ti.!,- and three en•bcd me ad 11l long
with ao 11111 e Icconvenl. cc,.
U. P. •
I have had the Dneroved ectgalee arthrele•
tu my
e. b elght tom.ha , lam nattun Mc eyee
alony laderardl. Franke N. - 11., • bleb en•
alien me to ee • racy eleerlf. ear Y. sad "race bet
ter than with rm. I have aevetorore lied
•Darill/Lit LII. CULN, r.ealt U. P.
We baye every gettrs-floe im p adlag
Dr. LDWAII.O S . rtIANKS rs.vuo and pa.
tented Spectacles Wan cap Ideate Cr our earl
ag. Ile Is an ao or rare
tapes alult
am., en aslant. cis spectacle. With treat read re.
1.1111•1110 skit, to Mt vs ea. di•Pnline Oe the eye.
He eater:de emerge.. far no eh a the glen pai r .
at tar Urn attempt. watch issued ato e.ed
-Ha mater die Lectures sad contra t that.tarn,
Cr already ponce*. We with ;recut • beget:nano
rte.. =mend them to an re gale be eau cram. a.
•. LbIET . He. ea-Dot. er.u.tlvapla •
t. It 00 %E . t i ltr it ed -U _. • ;va f i n ' 1 , .:•.'/T,'"grh.
J. 11.1lICK. Hanker. gteruvrlW, Pernegyt.anta.
Haying had the pleseune or examining Dr. %.11.
ward rr Truth's at«•t Improv.d
W e
bad farm. really Vldninlo
1\11341.0 deree lye••rst. a.
Ihe lease are rnuod. — poll.hed and eentred
by murbMery, tuarnema•tenly acelrate to or,-
dhoe a t sly prefect leas. as stet, we recoM•
men hem.
r! ..h .t. We °lsm-
/oh li7tittry, Govt.:WC( rtniatt
A. Dome. to Ith h, pot It tbprw,
John !Wilton. N.L., Penn .ho. t. Pittsburg*.
. • Mt. mu LA (Utag) AA
Plattlr;trit "AI *
tsA N
JAtte.ll 1.. lleAarlmtd. Pnrsident MetrAants
BaUintal Bons. Hrads Me. PransyltaAls.
It ir v. aa' to eh pleasure to ray that we h.•
inneeted Or.ll. er nes , n c Inlet. as-
S rumenl' . S p ectacles ant L e'e enses. sad Sad
then. excellently calstefeed to r•ree,ly such Int-
Derf. eft°. of vision as e-n M 6c:witted Or tnt
The material used ht the luanune•an of pia
flan • Ls or vesanskeb'e pansy and beauty and
nods re inch to Iticlr•a oe.
co Wnfi s r nuttesod wth nee:Maas. to the
hon. r nuft a Yonne a s y e er
tan e fr v tna c . es
C. Scher. ht. D.. Barr sham Pa,
We have •xonalned what we connive to be, a
at r nr•rusat or So. clae es. taantiftetureel ender
D r dviar.l Pas wthbly asa.
tad to the variouBrss
learintafte o teat a
exnalf e pb
iy drum. °ran, the Homan toe. en user the
ranalred vistne la lb. rnit of el.raw, r the
nrai weakness Incident to fif dage.
Rani the ~alma .• Cr it . Pranks he
betehare aver seen, and as son recent.
toned nwe
em -
'this 2.J rant. 1,1 1g Oee .u,p a°tlLrrta
brtrc, hours from 9 A. 9. tog Y. 9,
to order to f t 11 farther :e tree start, before
tttmc our amonal lorrotory..wit will continua
to off, our a.ock at •
Mk Goods Wow Oast
Woolen Goods, Hosiery,
Gloves. Underwear;
Lace and Lace — Articles,
Millinery Goods,
-Sash and Bow Ribbons,
Satin and Bonnet Velvets,
Dress Trimmings,
Cloak Loops and Ornaments,
Bonlevarde Skirts, &0.,
68 White Str.el, P. r.,
WM be ready r.brus , 7 lit With New HpEng
filylel.l3 the!, stoeclaltlea, 31:1 :
Laporte's Paris Kid Gloves,
in CI cites nod colors tor Luna and Gen tlesnin
ront of 011 . L ..... t Stooks Is Amnion..
- -
WSJ Ws, ta landing. their SprlA, Ito mum..
• •
p...minl; 17.Lx-.11-'w••
run assortEteut OrApple Parlng.Cortuy mad
&Weir Mukha% which 1 butte all toeW led
we them tiled. The PAIIING, 00111110 AND
ALICIA'S MACHINE% lase only three Wm*
the !rank to hem are, eAA ales as erttlrte{7
slud apple It WU ' , Meet Maas ot
codas reehfred.. •
Dried Ambles on much bleter when Weed
with tab mashes than when bblulaTed by the
I=ll smartibeat of
& Tarn Table Apple hirers.
For sale. wholeute and Ratan, by
1 Street, Allegheny City
New American Poplins.
Very Cheap.
Cassimeres and Jeans.
Ticking and Bed Cheeks,
Pillow Case.Muslitur,
Shirting Malan.,
Irish. Linens.
Linen Shirt Fronts,
Hessibusg Edgings,
Infant's Robes.
and 182
Total autoot to M 4taad...41,a00,040
Capital Stock paid to 0,100,°00
Emil(mated Cost of Road, (140
Estimated Earnings per an.
Net Earning. per
Interest oh the Loan per an..
Amount of Bond• p.r mlle
of road 16,600
Amotnal of 1 per mill. 1,960
Amount of Bat Earnings p.r
ladle 6.99*
The Bandefollow the completion of the Semi—
bay. the lloloa Trott Company of N. Y. as their
otnelal Be/liter Land . Yrtnefor /bent -and an
told at present at 93 and ace oed totem t.
Tbey bear examination aril comparison. bei ,
ter, It 1 believed, than any other new betas the
petite, to the laid and unchangeable elemental
of &My. SI curl', and Profit.
They bear good Intenest—Sevez per amt. Gold
for forty years—and ..cared by ifengtitY
Pend:aid P rat hfortesee upon the road.. Its
outfit and act Income. the Praliehlees, and al
Prem. t and future properly of the Cempauy.
They defend upon no errs or half.rettled ter
ri.ory for b • Sineall to It 11 ttelrlaterest, butanes
no old, well settled sod preductive a entry,—
mean:tiny. :hal • railroad beat thetaah the heart
of sash a melon offers better &emelt) for hock
!aunt and Prime's./ than a road to be &eta
thevertlhe rooel blely extolled wilderness or
sparsely settled to rratoey.
Till Railroad pc sssss t• sped= adeuitagea,
lo . ronolog Into node= o the Cltr of Chicago,
ao Important narroad Cantor; In running
through a line of ell'agrs and old fanolog @eh
t ,soenti In the Hobe= tortion or the Stab Or
Illinois; In tanning near to depoalla or boners
of great extent and =doe. and or= broad gelds
of the best coal In the State-which=tatogtY
=rests art Its monopoly. And beside, the load
sad other boalorsa thug wand. Mere be
altrastod to this road the considerable troths pu
-00557 .90 5 115 s 55 ..Yrrna e . 55 Lakes to et.
wll.l3lts Soother. Coaneetions It arm
• Trunk 1 Joe 45 mil= abort= than oar Other
mile from Chlcaro to 21=1,111e.
Than Bond, are thereto., 6:m4l:panelled*
and a lividness that a few less mut Icariliabl7
doable—and eampattat Padres . ray Irebie—la
Qinurlawful. Milo, seAly neprite444ll pas ,
wail/ VW info Own Bawds. a►t Trutt or &MP
Fundo-raw.boi pr• ixteXOTIIINO Barris., irlal Maps. &0.. am had tn. !Ur
Bonds nary be had directly of os, or of out
dente la ritlaboiab.
S. M',CLEAN & CO.,
54 CLIFF SZERET, New York,
Agents for the Sale of the'Bonds.
Superior American
ity rnsurpamtl.
Iles:sable sew ratterrs sod all thewell-asons
styles of 'fatOo Cutlery. •so la stock, a largo
lot of C•BV.lt9, BUTCHEICI , maLl inutkp
KNIVICS of all d‘serlatleas. •ll lauds at
• RZTAIL open la coansette•
Nlth_lba Ihneral (Mee sad Wholesale pepui•
No. 70 Wood Strtiet,
n.wiTed in one minute, without bleeding en
leaving eoreneas; Dnoloue and I:llaemad gaile
'Unloved In a few Wan es. Al) operation. per.
formed sliliout psis or bloodabed I
Perfect comfort bumedlatelvl
No uledleinenze4l
No me feet after operetln[l
/sauced and Stiff Johns treated nom mewl,.
Print-Otte 0.4 ChUblatas cured he • few day..
Enuaktioa save% or tourney refunded. 00.4
CUT Reference.
Mks Itooritrons A. W. to 19 M.. tad Ito $
e. x. Bondoirt. 9to lib Y.
• Reatesattr tee place, No. 49 Elea street, old
St. Clair, op yore
Dr. D. PDTDPUIOD. PittsbUrgh. Pa.
dr lOnala
04 , w.a6
Corner Penn and Sixth Streets,
:pa mat .omolito Reties Collate la eta
leall State
Slue sit • as ea aware at as , / ilea.'
B.—Clealan Ma stains fel Pailleilea al
**Messing ilia rrindgri.
eisrei.Se relabel* h.
Choice Selected Stock of
Dress Goods,
VERY LOW 19110138
To Reduce the stock.
M O 2
c 2: 4 a•
o 1
z t
<l4. gam
a 4 Ekw
o al +i rg fill' 1 t 4,7
g 4 1 w 01 04 t 4 , z.
t r o t o l caN Z!
a t , im fre R 1
E-4 64 1
gl g 1
pi 4 6 -
04 04Z
A a
Oa a lore credit If desired, la the tk sea Isseuth
000, MeureatertlieJ 100 lest soon Cr
(magas oa Batter street, sursalas beet 409
Get to Boasaut strew, 40 So.', old., ink too
halms oa It. tooting for 4900 per. csr,
Use best 4041Illitf. sad foot. shrubbery, la.
Also, 100 feet more or loss hyalites on Davison
street. ma trig back to said homed& unit 340
Get, will on loose road a good *prise of soft
Oster. Beat for 10140 per ell. Both plums
lute sloantliles of loom and eherPooo
- 11.—I will sell the asked 1t mind at she no
of $4.000 leas tban hie r , eetkily been valued by
Vhowers tor a street dote by, sad all the haproso
■eats ;it a listr reiestinu.
Ala% for sale. that far stogy Warehouse on
the carfare( Liberty and /Wage streets, Pilte.
bunk *templed be Moths South, Jr.
a Co., AO fcef heat an Ltharty 'trees, 118 feet
of Hancock thd MO feet so Zaellthire a ley.
thigetres a 0 weammeadailan. alen rose tyro
thaw Brick !lathes, all In a row. Mx romp each,
three ea a (*or, on Lethek strict. Ail,' Iseny.
near Hand street bridge. 'Heats-far 043 gash
Per year. AU*, four aers• or tholes land wt.... •
taw Painted sad papered Brisk Mouth, O room,,
Path louse, two wells, astern. stable, Aa, Pa.
abets I noareathe. alter guy eats be boas tacit
a long areas... abort. as It may sell pareltawres
thquireof. E. WILKINS. at Jews Hays*,
N 339 Uteri( street, PUleburelt.
Jezebel,..l 111111. Jaleugt
LIARS?, MCCARD&Lreot:s,at,'o,...
foreign ink Domeetie Drp tiotitti
No. •41 WOOD mart.
Malt 40411. 'ban D1112,42A1141.:r..
Ellirir Gt.
Is NOT in
NC). 59 314j.13-
Every article has been reduce
80 days. Sag* exchisively for 0
. .
Oil Cloths, Window• &Mogi
Ingrain Carpets,
At the Lowest Prices Ever Orerei.
mak leT
The alterations and im
provementi of our Sales
rooms now in progress, make
it necessary for us to im .
mediately dispose of a larzo
portion of our stock'-Of
Hearth Rugs, &e.„
-Many goods will be sold
at prices below the Present
wholesale cost. Call at once at
OLIVER mccuNTocK & CO'B a
23 Fifth Avenue.
Positive Redaction in Prices
Trilling Rugs,
, •
Crumb nothify,
111111131.111105..--Xo. 61 .:
FIFTH - 411,1,41,
11, 11, 2, 2!1, 3,3. j, .3] and 31:
Soltable foe Parlor&
• Woolen, Linen and Cotton.
11-111W6i pinexi nun LiLil , aguea
Notwlthstaadlas%tie ondiatlatibell tuff
on.tbese ffood,
71 and 73 Fifth Avenue..
r 5t.,•
The important discovery et
DEALING Agent is one of the
most remarkable results of
modern medical research.
During the late civil war It
was extensively used In the
Dospltals, and was found to
be not only a thorough disin
fectant,.but also the most won
derful and speedy, HEALING
REMEDY ever known. •
It is now presented In at
scientific combination with
other soothing and healing
agencies. In the form of a ,
SALVEI and, having been al—
ready used in numberless eases:
with most satisfactory and ben...
eficial results, we have no hen—
[alien In olrering it to the pub—
lic us the most certain, rapid..
and effectual remedy for out
Sores and Ulcers, no mutter of
how long standing, fbr Burns.
Cuts Wounds and every
and for Skin diseases generallY.
Said by all Dransida. Prim 25 conic
JOHN F. HENRY, Sole Proft
1110.8 COLLEGE PLACE. Newyork.
DR. :W.
cio.vronurs To TREAT AL3I I
arengNirestrrcfa '=„l:ttgl,,:z-,...
ItV'. e .lf , :r: l l l l w il=".4.`°;nf.?ul&B'sg:,
slf-aboseor otter escaca. .5 vre•cgt prod
. a
tome of the following eZocts, . blotenes, 1,51.,
weakneas. Indigrailoo. contraptioo, elretaleb t r eb,. ournasslittro, dread of nature e•anta.
toes of memory, indolence. um:anal eadzaketa
and finally so prostrating the sexual er•stecs
render marriage truastisiactaiT, am( t •
liwprud.t, are permancuUy cored.
dieted with !lino, may other dollen aceentl%
or long standing tannin boost coat „,,,,,
gnu tbc Doctor • trial; be ismen
~ -
a partir,lar ailtution yin Rbe • , ,e,:,,,,,a et,..
plelots, Leccorrht tits n, „,v . Palling Ind.,
mallet% or I Itxrxtloa 01 .
...., w 0,,,,. b,,.
pruritla. Am r norln 'rd. ' •norrnagla. IP...en.
PorthOn. and ti.t.,aijtr orVarreix.s. an' Mat
ed wt. n: XrVittry ~,..„.
tdrut glrailliiirq,arj.t.PATlV:=Ceara:
of dittons .. ...d treats 1110edellole of man eltry
ye. masa N
o ne'. ca. asill la that •Perii,t7
th,.......%. * nu cenractice.
...._ 0.. pro... a inadical Painlabl. at
.. .or; Pagel that Area a nill exposition or
.1.5 private Illanaces. tbat can be bad freesia/boa
Pr by matt for two a tamps, in scaled envelop..
:2Avon .utenco Total. idetruetion to the is.
c4" . .ln e d . eziit itrlz ig,te4l .4 ll ,3 . t izt ends a thean
nul nslahti.loneAt. eel... Prising ten U.,*
rOoma, la gears.. When It Is not eanyenfrut ta•
Th , i , tb. enT..the DoetOr'a opinion ...ob.-
Taipei bY gni. a written ttate taco{ of Ow eV..
NAY itteelelyee nfll3 be forwarded by mail or ez.
1, .... 1 5 - ,Vt: Irl e itf; h* e....sw .'"'” irlfre
otaers dal! ...rattentio% la reci bad a n d
f 0 eh acjaLoCiailcro elect,. patients th en an
tided etc:netted sibs Mai
that an pro.
• ded with every r.uisiba Mai la calculated to
C="reetwary. Mending medicated vino. r
All prncrilations an Prerand lii td.
lioctorra emu bboraioly, nodes bla Ivenellste
=lin t;!;7lll;lol7r,r•Ez'oh‘ft.T.:l
Ittled. nan tabu be asps. Ilona ha.W. roa P.P.
AVIV; rjt t: " C l ri linftZ e' Pitilo i ci7_ 44 i
CO 0. rit
Progress at
d in price, and Inuit Le told