THE DAILY GAZETTE: PKNNIZAN, REED & 00, pc ,84 and 16 !Ws Avenue P. 71.17111110, k_ JOE= me. T. P. HOUBTOII, L 2. ZEE% OWES or 7MB DAILY. _al.. per sPobied by banters, per we -•••••• 10 6t. FIRST EMTIOII. JeflarlGHT. ILiRBISBURG. Pennsylvania -Legislature. Bills Considered and Introduced . 7 -City, Ward and Borough -Elections-Change of Allegheny County Liquor License Law- Treasury Itesyrganizat ion-Sal aries of Supreme Court Judges -Treasury Investigation-4 Ointments Announced-Post - age question--Record Contract -Pressure for °Mee-Pardon Applications-Erie Canal: En largement. ' abed.' D 1 tit to tits PIM sbargh O•islt•.) SENATE. Ileauranune, January 21,1270. BILLII COftSIDZSZD 'Mr. AE RR called up the put Incorpo• Wlrig tho Bear Creek Pipe and Oil Oom rany In Arnattrong and Butler. Passed wound reading. Mr. DAVIS called up the jolot rumba. tine for final adjournment. Thursday, Marna 17th. Passed finally. • BILLS 111'1140DIICID. By Mr WARFEL: Establishing a State .-Inanzaues Dapartment. Also; providing for the incorporation . of life sod health Insurance companies sod regulating their agendas. By Mr. RUT N: Fixing the third Fri• diy in March for eleztiona for dty, ward, borough sad election 'Mears throoghont the Commonarr,sgb. Sy Mr. HOWARD: Supplement to the Hoopoe last bf Allegheny county, which takes the granting of license from the Comity Commisadonere and tom:Were it to MK. Judges of the Quarter Sessions. Also, Supplement relative to the State 'Treasurer, and creation a Bard of Con. trot In place of the Singing Fund Corm miestenens the Board to have control of the Treasury der saltarlea to be created by advice' of banks and exchange brow ken; deposltarita to' give security and the highest rate of interest: to DAT ail drafts nn demand. • - • By Mr. LOWRY : Increasing the sal. any or the Chief Justice to 18.500. and the rest of the Supreme Court Judges to ELIMM2I2 BILLINGFELT introduced . the ifbßowing resolution. after a long pre amble : That the State Treasurer be requested To tarnish the Senate a statement Mom log the balance in tho Treasury on the lit lust:. What propurttOn of the same belongs to the sinking fund, what be• loops to the fond created/or the redomp• non of the war loan, and what Is the do. Belt in the general mod. Ltid over. = The bill from the Howe giving each smother one hundred dollars for postage and dire dollars for box rent, was uncut. snottaly defeated.. A. 140111111111.8111 Br Tllll GOVERNOR. Governor transmitted a message nominating John Yonrontan. of gun bury, as Superintendentik Public Print ing, and.announeing den appointment of F. 13117011 Brewster to Attorney Gaming. A. L Rwaetl nti....Ojtitent General, and Fraocto Jordeln es Peoremi7 of the Com. loonwonitil , ' The latter announced the aPP.Lnity".,nt of J. td. Vireakley as Deputy eorzlito:ry of the Commonwealth. 'HOME OF REPRESENTATIVES. 70STA011 QUEVZION Mr. WEBB moved an appropriation or Ave hundred dollars for potuata on docu ment& received by members. I= Revolutions to print- the State Mired se's, Treasurer's and Auditor General's report, and Governor's message' were all debated. This was the sixth fruitless etbampt to wet these sloonments printed. !be mien of failure L alleged to be the absence of postage appropriations. MCCORD FONTS/LOT. The report of the Legislative Record Committee, giving Geo. Bergner the con tract at fourteen dollars and fifty arum per Demi. wax discussed nearly all day. Yr. BROWN. Than , moved an amend ment giving the Te/egraph and Patriot -(Efstrisburg dailies) five thousand dol lars each for the ; publication of the pro °endings. Lot. Mr. WAITS; Republican, moved an amendment instructing the State _Pries tar to publish a daily Journal as made up by the Clerk. That. The *hole matter wan then referred beck teethe Committafr ADJOITAN T. • Bath Reuses adjo eml until Monday . evening, ernes macula razaerass. A. great pressure-is being brought to bar upon the Governor for western ate . potntsnents. Appllcatlonaor rex•mruen. dairies are now on ate for the two Brio- Grail ollicea, as follow,: For Flour ferpretor—Jiiseph F. Trees, Charles Jeremy, George. F Magma, Morris F. Kona, Samuel.' Liliduy„ Jr.. Benjamin tiridg, Wm. A. Herron. J. R. Penny, (Amor Hanover. John A. CISTAbOTI, Wealty WilsOn, Samuel Bider, Richard Perry, A. G. Williams, R. W. McClure, John M. Fun, Jacob Ziegler. Wm. Cale. Fur Sealer of Trei94l2 and Measures.— IL B. Lyon Robert H. Armstrong, Thos Bente, 'Biomes Thompson, Thomas Penney, Miewart McKnigot, Charism Barnes, It. H. Armstrong,. A. B. Bright. George W. Rankin, Marmon It. Grey, Wm. McCreary, J. F. Keeler. Andrew G. Williams. Calvin Sackett, James N. Drennan, F. A. Heniley, Channel? B. - Berwick, David L. Smith. JlO3Bll M. !T ee he pressure for other emcee Is In the mine proportion. Fbr six prominent online In the gift of the Executive there tire now over two hundred applications on tile, and tho Governor's Oriel) te (minted daily by those making verbal appliallon and the friends - of the vari ous applicants. - cannon' APPLICATIONS. V Them are now three hundred mum irwered applications fur pardon on Me, one hundred sod My of which aro from Prdladelphia, sixty or seventy from Al legheny, and the rest mattered through mot the Commonwealth. There are thir ty-four counties requests from which there are no pardon —en unusual deddentiy, Indicating a large decrease in pardon seeking within the hod three weeks. ERIK CANAL intLAßOElliitrr. A Very strong effort is being made tithf d ein and deenii n gbehalf Tithe wi ,a n nd g the move me n t assueEngeCanal mi considerable proportion". An effort will be made by united Western end ,Northwestern capitalists to obtain by legislation the use of three millions of bonds, now 'Sing in the State Treas ury, for this project. • %Vlb Amendment got Ratified by lowa. (67 'Mein& to the Pittsburg lissette.) Ontosoo, Tannery 21.—A special from Dee Moines says the lowa Senate to-dal, after eonsiderabio debate, by a vote of 30 to. 14 refused to concur in the House rer ()lotions adopting the X.Vth Amend• uteuf to the Ooostltution of the United States. The majority of the Senate claim that the House should have taken the -resolutions se they weer:trait adopted and not to have passed a new mica of their own. The result Is that only one House has as let panted the XVth Amendment. —The Tennessee Constitutional Con. station refuses to increase the term of the Governor. The Committee on Elea. None and Franchise yesterday reported an amendment providing for the election Of members to the Legislature hereafter on the find Tneaday in November and this meeting of the Legislature on the &at Monday In January ensuing. This amendment. if adopted, will cut off the terms of the members of the present Legislature who were elected for two years from August, lee% - . . " . . . __ • - • ' - - .1... ~...„. . -. ‘' ~..-'---- ) -. . v e -; - -.....,. A___ • ...- ..".. „. , ''. -4 , , , ,I ,_ 1 -1- \ \ , - .0, , .... i• " x , VOL I LXXXV. ST CONGRESS. iEI ' . 111) ) =I NAY E: 'pre Virginia Bill- Sharp Talk Between Fermiers Trumbull and Sumner-1 he Bill Passed, with Several Amendments, by a Party Tote. HOUSE: The Tariff and Tax ilills—lipeellaneous Business. By Totempt% to the Pittahurgb tiorette .) WABB.II‘OiOY I , January 21, MO SENATE. MEMORIALS, Om. Memorials from army officers for In oreaao of pay, for the sizlesuth amend meat, giving aullfrage,to roman, Mims 10 the fienktoir 131:1411egs; wore - preeepted• and ielaivid The latter ocsastoned some dtscussloci. In which blesara B 'yard and Thurman alluded to the action of the INatmaster General In eendlngont elreuhralnstruCt tog postmodern to pro Cure eignaturea to such petltlona JI a_ Iropr?pei.,, The latter said theta 'half - beeit I . lllfin when -the Congress of the United States would not have quietly tolerated such conduct by the head of a department, or the attempt by any authority of the Government to forestall . public opinion end prevent proper Inveatigatlon.. • tat bk saLawass. Mr. 811E1151,1,N, from the Committee on - Finance, reported, with a verbal amendment, the House joint resolution to construe the law relating to tat on Works, 'declaring the tr.oaning of the act to be that the tax shall be collected until the end of tbo yeas 1870. - After acme ' discuriiimi the reeolnUon went over for the present.' BILLS 1211113DUCED. The following bills Were introduced and referred t By Mr. !PATTERSON': To abolish the . Freedmen's Bureau and to provide for a Bureati of Education, By Mr. rOMERDTt To prohibit the sale of public lands In Kansas, except by activareettlemeut. Alb°, Propnsing an amendment to the Oonstitution of the United Mates, sob mining to the Sates the following arti do, to be known as the Bi.tteentla Amendment, which, Writn ratified by three-fourths thlaftor shall be part of the Oonstnntion of the United States: The basis of suffrage In the United States shall be that of citizenship, and all naturalized citizens shall erjoy the same rights and privilege's of the elective franchise. Each State shall determine by law the age of clematis and the time of residence required for the exercise of the right of sulfrage, which Shall Reid, equally to all Chisel:t, and shall make an lawn in regard to the time and place of holding electiorut - It was referred us the, Committee on Judiciary and ordered to be printed. . . Tip& VINGLeIe DILL. The Virginia bill was taken up. During tbe discussion which followed Mr. TRUSIBULL said in a former die cusaien on the sot Joel or It misunder standing upon the alleged agreement to vote upon the Virginia bill on the pre vious Monday, the Illenitter Root Massa chumenta went on to Impugn his (M rflliebelee) ITlOileee in assuming the y. poeltlou he had taken. Previous to this that Senator had asserted that renal° loyallata of - Virginia bad knees ed at the dcor of the the Judiciary Comatittee. asking to be heard and to set fetch the' condition of thing. in that State. Yet the mitred:tininess of this, And simper staternente, was shown by a tnessAuger at the door of . the Committee _who Jai t it helmet' persons, singly et - together; bad approached the door at any time, and ' notwithstanding the express, denial by all the members of the JtuiteittrY-Xoto mittee of the easertiont of Mr. Sumner that any person was dented ewes* to that Committee. that Senator not only insist- , ed upon the correcteetis of what he had asserted, but actendly afterwards in quir. ed, as shown by the report, whether he (M in did not admit he had bee r. n in error. After an explanation by 'each of the members Judi Committee. that Sena tor t still insisted upon the corn:cinema of what he hadiaid, refusing to admit correetione,,Mr.Trunt . 1 boll omottnued In further exposition of of the alleged untrethfulneta and iglus. lice of assertions from the a.; me source, 1 remarking that he proposed tbstrip from one who coma descend to the use correct) impudent assumptions all his self assum. ed infallibility. He defended the Judi. clary Committee from all imputations upon their action, and vindicated the patriotism and loyalty. of GoV. Walker, who had been openly denounced in the Senate by Mr. LielleDer_lLll a . traitor. In regard to the recent election to Virginia, the sesertion that -it was a : bugm fraud was denied by the report of Gem Canby, after careful - investigation... Yet - the Senator from Massachusetts tied asserted. and repeated the charge, and raid it °wild not be denied, even after au -ex. I plied refutation by more than one Sere Mee. Such was the effrontery to which, from day to day, the Senate had'_been supi rooo tet er to the imp_ ntatiott. upon - hik own action, be quoted from the records of the Senate to ahow that Republica° Senators bad voted, with but one &seem tlent,for the bill for the raore efilcient government "of this rebel States, Which conferred the right of suffrage on color• pd men threughotil the Synth. :Mit ex ception was the Senator from Ma.saachu. setts. Cron the passage of the bill to submit the Fifteenth Amendment to the Suttee, the same thing was repeated, that Senator refusing' to vote for It. L.r the same reason that governed his action to the other cane, which was that hie own idea of the kind of legislation which was required had not been blindly adopted by tLe rest of tbo Remit - 11mm Senators. If the Senator's assurance and effront ery was such that he could not rent his inclination to small others, he must gird his armor about him, lest it be stripped off and expose him to the American peo ple as an impracticable obstacle in the way of legislation. ' • ' ~L The Choc suggested that the personal application of the word effrontery was not strictly in accordance with the rules of Paritementary order. - - Mr. TRUMBULL disclaimed any par. pose to violate any ?aloof order, but - re. I minded the Chair that some limit might 1 Ibe allowed, Inasmuch as his' remarks 1 bad been denounced as preposterous and absurd, and the charge made that he was attempting to impose upon the Sender.' He uld rte well recollected the day when the Senator from Idessa. ohmage win subjected to the assaults of Southern Senators belonging to the then dominant party, and • feared - that the Senator had too well follented the ease Pie of those domineering alareoriastere. The Senator was the peer-of those whit assaulted him, but his attack upon the character of a • loyal governor of a State was upon a party who could not reply. - • • • - - • , Mr. SUMNER replied that the Senator [ from Illinois net into the region of per. senility. A bird flew in the air ; a fish swam In the sea. Ali for himself. he Would not be drawn 'wide from tettattict. eat discuision of .tbe (mention retied 'by the Senator. Ho would ask how that Senator became a cattle of himself? Did not the Senate know that from the firest day propositions .were introduced into this °taunter to' metier suffrage upon co loredmen, down td the dual triumph, the Senator had been its persistent end my. When called upon to colander the case of Georgia, wee not his unrelenting opposition encountered? As the repre sentative of the Ku Klux-Klan. the' wee willing to See the State handed over to that influence- When a jest Hones of Re. preventives drarcied to this bar its meat- est enemy of re cenimes:et-the Onset. 1 dams of the United t I Statee-,the -Sweeter threw over that criminal the protection I of his vote. Upon the question whether I Andrew Johnson should be extolled i ' 0,,, m office, so that reconstruction might ' balm free merge, the treemen protection, 1 and the Ket Klui Klan driven out. the ; Senator found a techeicat argument in I favor of the criminal. a, Mr. Sommer continued in a similar strain. Referring to -the charge th a t upon the passage of the great retog to the rights of the colored peo ple -be .had declined to vote for the measure, be explained that hewn absent from the Chamber on account of fatigue and Illness. Though the bill did not in his opinion tarnish to the freedmen a naffident, measure t he PrO , PkWee compelled to leave Chamber after IGI midnight, end did not absent himself iD I Order to Avoid thcorditig hia Vote.' gl ha c ,ntlurcinee of his re mark s Mr. Sunnier WWI reminded by the Chair that in applying to another Senator the language dhe )lad pottrbdoui his venom,". be had violated parliamentary decorum: Mr. SIJMNER disclaimed any im. proper intention, and continued, quoting from letters of correspondents and speechts purporting to have been mid, ny Gov. Welker, to show the rotoliniont ary. Intent and dislOyalaYilipailles of tho people of Virginia. - Upon the ooncluslon of Mr. tin:merit remarkethe Chair stated the question to be - upon the pending amendment of Mr. Drake, to admit Virginia upon fatale mental conditions, by ,prohibiting any change or suiendinent or the State Con. ehtution to deprive cAisena of the tight. to vote under the same who are now en titled to vote, excent in punishment for crime; but permitting any alteration to the tAnnstitntion prospective in tie effect in regard to time and place of reshiende . of voters. Mr. SHIAURR utovedlo Insert in the -aineltdarseit the words "or hold °dice," so at to prevent toe exclusion from office ' her/salter, by a change of the State Con- Attutton, of any person now allowed to hold unice. " The Senate 7prcoeeded to vote in ac cordance with previous erraNtedleut. The smendeneht oCMr. Schurs . was re jected—Yinas 28, nays St. - Mr. MoIRERIFF annonneed he had Paired off upon all voteeort Virginia whit Mr. Cameron, who was absent. The vote was then taken on the emend anent or Mr. Drake, which was adopted/ Yeas—hiesare. Abbott, Anthony, live/ nian,Hroenlow,ltucklughslit, Coauthor, Cragin, Drake, Edmiands, Gilbert, Hem• tin, Harlan, Harris. Howard. (lowa, Kellogg. McDonald, Atorri (of Vt.) Mor- ton, Osborne, Patterson, Pomeroy. Rice, Robertson, Spencer, Sumner, Thayer, Wilson and Ystee-31. eNahs-2desars. It irate, (Mel:larder, Cies. Wiley, C,Onitiing, Corbett, Davis, Fenton. ' , eery, Fowler. Hamilton, Mor rill, f Me.) Norton, Nye, Ross, Sauls bury, Sawyer, Scott. Tipton, Trumbull, Vickers, Warner, Walley and Williams -2S. Mr. DRAKE moved to further Amend by Imposing further htudattiental condi.: tions, o Thal it eltoiald never be lawful for said State to deprive any citizen of the Untied States on account of color or pre clone condition of abrvitado of the right us hold tattoo under the Constitute:ln and laWee of sald ilitsto, or upon any such .(recind as ,orequire of him ally Other" quitillicalion for (ace than such as are required el" all other ciiiiieute" 'rho emendMent WM adopted—yeas 30, mini V. , . 1103—Mentg. Abbott, Anthony, Bore. man, Ilrowulow, Buckingham. Chandler, Cole, Cragln, Drake, E tweeds, Fenton, Gilbert, Hamlin, Harlan, Harris, Hew ard, Rowe. McDonald, Morrill, (Maine) Morrill, (Vermont) Gelxirn, Patterson, Pomeroy, Pratt, Ramsey, Sloe,Roberto : eon, Butane', Seliers.. Scott. Spanner. Sawyer, Thayer, Tipton, Willey, Wile Items, Wilson and Yates. Nuys—Meaner Bayard,Carpenter, Cass sorlY. Conkling, Lkirbett, Davis, Ferry, Fowler, Hamilton, Kellogg, Morton, Nyco, Saulatitiryi rtherthan, Stewart. Stockton, TMirman, Trumbull, Vickers and Warner. The bill wag then read a' third time end yeas and nays ordered on its pas. llfge. The yeas were Meows. Abbott, Bare team ilrowntow, Beekingham. Chsiel• ler, Drake, lidnatuies, Gilbert,. tlaruiln. Harlau. Harris. Howard, Howe, Kellogg, McDonald, Morrill, (%t.,) Morton. Os. hens Patterson, Pomeroy, Pratt, RAW ' sty, Rice. Itotiortatio, Banta. Spencer, Sumner. Thayer, Wilson mat' Tates. Mr. WILSON moved en einendment to itittp - mo further fundamental ctindi. Oen*. ..."aat the Constitution shall never ue ao amended or changed ae to deprive any davit. of the United States of the school rights sod vrislir gra secured by the constitu don of said enste.” Adopted—yeas 31, nays, Gt. the only difference from the previous vote being( Messrs. Anthony and Craliquted aye. Mr. Kellogg nay. . 1, "likolliOßlON MoViff in isithatitatokte the preamtderidopeed by the. Bones an other setting forth that the people of Virginia had adopted a Coustuntlen which Is Republican, and a Legislature elected ender it had retitled the 14th and Kali amendments. and the performance of these scut In good faith wee a condi tion precedent to representation. The proposed imbatitute was agreed to —yetis 30, nays go. Before the vote was taken several D 9 moored° Senators explained why they should vote against the hill, wind:l4lU passed—eas 47, nays 12,.g strict party vete. o.t motion of Mr. SHERMAN. the currency bill was taken tip and laid over lon orders. At Er.3o adjourned till Monday. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. TIIR TAMP! , BILL. Mr. SCEIENCIi, eimirmlin of the Committee ou Way sand Means. obtained leave for that Committee to nit durin - if the Smitten of the 'invite, and at the same time notified the House that he expected very early next week: probably no Monday, to - report to the House the rOVII.IOII of the tariff bill, and that after being reportid and ordered printed, he would move, at the first fitting opportn• nay, to go into Committee of the Whole to take up the revision of the internal tax law. PRItATES After several private bills had been acted neon. Mr. BUTLER, of Mass., moved the ieoonsideration of a vote that be might review the speech of his colleague, Mr. Dewee, whose whole argument hid come from a falr.o understanding of the facia. Meeere. BENJAMIN end RANDALL raised the prilne drat Mr. Butler's motion was not in order..and irrelevant to the question before, the House. ' • Mr. DAWF.S mode eeveralappeels for the • withdrawal of otjections, but Mr. Beejsuiln Insisted, anti tidally Mr. But ter )ieldvd, giving notice that ho would, after the !horning seet•ten, move to go into Committee of the Whole.. , Several private bills rowed, whim, the morning hour having [spired, the House went into Committee, :Mr. Judd In the chair. The Intention of the Hone° was to give Mr. Butler an opportunity to make nil epeoeh Ittreplj to. Mr. Dawes, - but Mr. Wilson. of 0111,, who was fi rst entitled to the floor in Cimemittee;intfated ou his rlght. and declined to yield the floor to Mr. Batter, or any other man—a change of pn , grammu W inch caused kgood deal of laughter. Mr. WILSON then proceeded toad , Brea. the Committee to the -Interests of agriculture. Mr. ELI addressed the Committee in lifvor. of a redaction -of tariff_ duties on all materials that enter into nmnnfaa tUrlog. Mr. COBURN addressed the Commit. tee on the question of fleanee and against any reduction of the currency. Mr. NEGLEY made a personal expla nation In regard to a charge of repudia tion against Allegheny comity, Fa., so for as Mr. bloorheed was Identified with It, which was recently referred to by Mr. Woodward. - • Mr. TOWNSEND addressed the Com• mitten , on the subject of licences, conten ding that the currency w.te not radon. dant. Mr. STOUGHTON addressed the Committee on the saute subject. The Committee roue and the Home at 4:30 adjourned with the nneerstanding that the session tomorrow be fur debate From the Plains—The Indians, My xairgrast. iota. Plinbafgh naifitla. Curium* Jan. 21.—A leiter from Fort Lat . /Wane states that a large baud of In. trove *herder, named WOllB,OllO B 14th. Relena'papaut report the, arrival of the Agent of the Mountain Crows from Yort Parker. in the Yellow Stone. Valley. The Indiana aro generally all contented. Sully has caused the erection of a sub. litantial mill and farm houses. It is ex pected that the Indians, will help in the cultivation of the sell next spring. general Augur has just received 0111. 1 cial information from Fort Randall show. , Ing that there is no doubt that Pawnee Killer's band were engaged in the roes. score of Back's surveying party, on the \Republican river lest Augnat. Eight whites were killed In the drat attack; several escaped, but they were subtle• guently murdeted by. another band of Indians. —Passengers from tbo west, arrived at Omaha, report that more than fOrty miles of telegraph g tbe railroad and commerciallin es, were almost entire. ly demolished by the recent storm. A large !Area is rebuilding the lines u fast as passible. There %no communication .yet west of Grand Island. • PITTSBURGH , SATURDAY, JAN VARY '22, 1870. SECOID EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, J. J THE -CAPITAL Tett of the Virginia Bill as Pass ed by the Senates Case of Judge Watrons—Revenne Circular-- Niminations by . the Pre,ident —Tariff tonties--iTestern the llailroat By Telegraph lo the elt•sburgh Clatette•) *Atitirrteroic, b. C., Jan. 1810. SENATE CUNNEEN --ETEGINIA . Lae Ttto approaches to - the - Elevate Chamber wore crowded today doting the pro. coodlogn on the Virginia Bill, and the Internet ermined as'great as that lathe impeachment trial. .thelhlioiring is the eit of the blares It weed An Act to admit the State of_Ntralnla to' Rspreeentatlon in the Congress of the United States. ; . Whereas, The people of Virginia have framed and adopted a .Ctinfitlitlitlan for Saito ecitetniiibut saneßepublican dud Whereaa, the Legit' st of Virg, elected under said Conetitlitlon, have ratitlrd the lath and 15th amendments to the Constitution of the Ualted States: and whereas, the performance of these' several acts In good faith wan a condition precedent to the repreeentallon of the tn enflame., therefore. . Be tt enacted, . I w.. That tbo said - State of Virginia is entitled to representation in the Congress of the United States; 1 provided, that before any member of the Legislature of Bald State s halt take or resume lila meet, or auv °eer of said State shell entet upon the dhtlee of hie elite°, he rhea take and subscribe and file In the °Mee of the Secretary of State of. Virginia for permanetit preservation, au oath In the form rollOwinia• 1 do solemnly swear that I have Congress,, or as an officer of the United Stater, or as a membezof any State I,m. Neturs, or .any Egocutive or Judicial officer of any struts, to support th e Coo unto boil of the United Blame, and eller. wards engaged in InatirreCtion or rebel. ilon ageinst the came, or given aid or' gird rt to the enemies thereof. So help I mood. Or such person alma, in like Manner. - take; anbacalbe and file the following oath: —*do solemnly swear that !have, by act of 'Congress of the United Suttee, been relieved front the •• disabilities km posed upon me by the -Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the the United States So help me God, Which oath shall be taken before and certified by any officer lawfully an. Omitted to administer oaths, and any peewit who shall knowingly swear falsely in taking either of said oaths, shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and shalt be punished tnerefor by imprison ment not lees than cue year and not more than ten years, and shall be fined not ewe than:WOO and not more than SWOON slid in all utile for any violation of this act the certitteate of taking of either of maid oaths, with proof of signa ture of either party seensed, shall be taken and bell as conclusive evtdocce that such oath was lawfully and regal larly administered by competent gni thorlty. Amt provided further, that ever perem who shall neglect for a Codpe of hl rty days neat after the primp,' of this act to take, subscribe and tile such oath as SfOrlo4ll , l, shall purposeseemed and taken to all Interim and to have vs caied his office. And provided further, that the State of Virglnisla admitted to representation That the Constitution of Virginia shall never be so amended or changed as to deprive any citizen or clam of citizens 'of the United Siatts of the right to vote who are entitled to vote by the Constitution herein recognized. except as a puulanniont for such Mimes as are now felonies at common lag, whereof they shalt have been duly canivieted under the laws equally applicable to all the Inhabitants of mid State; provided that soy:alteration of raid comitantion. prospective In Its effects, may be made in regard the time and place of residence of voters That it shall never be lawful for mid State to deprive any citizen of the United Status, on account or his race,' color or previous condition-of servitude,', of the right to hold office under the thine intuition and. laWs of mid State, or upon any such ground to require of him any other qualification for °Moe than such as are requited of all other citizens. That the Constitution of Nrirglulashall never be so amended or changed as to deprive any citizen or class of citizens of the United States of the school rights' and privative secured by the Constitu tion of said State. • REVXNUIS CIRCULAR. A circular of lostruotfuna for the wild once of all disbursing office's, agents or clerks of the Vatted States, relative to the continuance of tho internal revenue tax on salaries, In which he says the question has been submitted to the De pertinent witther the tax on payments for eateries and services by the United States. levied and withhold by virtue of the 123t1 section of the Internal Revenue act, approved June 30th, 1888, as alleged, is governed by the 119th section of the said act, es alleged, which latter relates to taxes on Incomes and not to taxes on such salorfis. The decision of the • proper accounting officers and Commts biOLCV of Internal Revenue has been given on the subject, and In - accordance therewith such tares will be withhold as usual by the disbursing officers, agents or clerk. of the United States. - CAB} Or nIDOIS WATIIO.7B The House Committee on 'Judiciary have agreed to • proposition that Judge . Watrons, of Texan, provided he resigns, shall be paid his salary for the remain• der of his life. In Case he retirees to coign, the Preeideut will be authorized to nominate an Aseletan% Judge to die. charge the duties. This course hi cog. nowconsidered d by the feather. Judge is now considered disqualified. byWatrous mental disability. The Committee have who agreed on s resolution that Executive action be post poned on the bloGarraban .claim until the further action of Congress. - I= The Prentdent to-day sent to the senate the following vomit:Wiens : Win. Ctimback, of Indiana. „Minister Resident at Portugal, Tice Shellabarger resigned; E. S. Nodal, of New Jersey, Asaugnant Secretary of Legation at Lon. ontvi c e Batleau fehiffordr;.Luther Lee, Jr.. Collector of Customs at Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. • _ = Messrs. Haines,- Tattle and Morley, 0 . 01110118110118111 appointed to examine the Wettern Pacific Railroad, have reported the tompletion of an additional- section of 20 16 100 miles of that road, com• menclng at the end of the 83rd mile from the rnint of junction with the Central Pamllc Road. The Secretary of the In terior recommends the teens of bonds on account of the now arc ,ion. The Committee on Wayis and Means this morning roduood the duty on mo lasses from nightie five cents. They will also reduce the duty on sugars, tea sod coffee, leaving the bulk of the duties on manufactures generally unchanged. BILL BIONED. The President has signed the bill pro. siding that hereafter no officers of the army on the retired ltst shalt be assigned to any duty, or be entitled to any more pay then that of his grade. nl2lO LaVESTIOATION. The Couttuitteo on Banking and Car. renoy to day exatplurd C. J. Oaborneaud Richard Batmen, of New York, In refor• once to the gold panic,. The Gallows at Lea St!tuna to the l'ltt.barta U+aette• ) Lontertpx, Jan, 21.--Wllllam tho wile murderer. was bung to-day. He ascended the scaffold with a. light step. Although his neck was not broken by the fall, the culprit died quite may, lei Insight minutes his pulse ceased to beat. Fatly ten thousand persons witnessed the execution. which took place on the Dam mono. NEWS BY CABLE. The Great Iron Works Strike in France—The Press Present tions —A niiety About the Great tasttrn —Exciting Scene in the Spanish Cort , z —The Ecameni• eal Pennell—Bold Stand y the German Bishops. I Te)egniplt to the Vlttlibuti, Cuet IMMO Pante, January, 21.—Baron Hawk. min, it Pretet of the dent' is . anger. ously ill: -r • • . . The legal proceeding" against oho pm. prletors of the Radical journal Referee have been terminated. Three of the ettilore were eeetenced kr imprisonment for six .south k and the manager Inc raven months. • • - Oat, editor of the Agorae/lokt, who, it to alleged, helped to fodient disorder at La Creole : , hoe been erteeted. It is thought the trtairefßochefort wilt remit Ida line of 1,000:( a nise. The stele of pperat at. I.e Cretizai bell cOntinues end is lig a profound reneatton throughout country, e on aceonut of the large hit bet of Workmen concerned in it. It Is (tetrad by the Ray. a r ument that the (multiple theetrittere have eat Will be followeb elsewhere, and this is not all. It tags suppese d the strike wee brought abinat by revolution ary agents, and this ideate strengthened ' from the fact, that their nuMbers are Increaslog and their damande betsOmleg more dud more unrestetinable; La Cran e-at la one of the greatest Iron maniere: taring towns In- Europe, and this defer. tton of workmen is entailing heavy losses, which - lances:l every day. The primary cause of the !strike was a change in the general directiou of aft dre there. to which the workman objected. 'Thep pall tweed for the reinstatement of the old direction, whieh *as ten:teed. .A dreadful accident. the nature of which nes not transpired, occurred there 3 este:day, whereby etiveral Miners were killed. This has toad: a tendency to fit. crease the general exigtement. Semi edictal journals state that the troubles at Ls Crensid have been greatly increased by the dlatjibutlon of extreme radical Journals among the workmen, V. 13ennolder, President of the Matsu., and one of the Urged proprietors of the works at La Crenz tt; bad arrived there. Several companies Of troops have alio arrived on the scent and others are on -the way. if afsapht.—lt is noir thought the strike peeve s Cr he m icto wi t l 4 l no T t n endanger m o the s hopes that an acoliiimodation will be reached to morrow , ' la force, of 2.000 in. (Autry and oao cavalry has already ar rived at La Creus4 _ .. GREtT IBRITAI Lonvoa, anciaty I has been felt for the safety of the steam ship Great Eastern. A ceased that ar rived yesterday brings news thet she vas,spokenou theiSth of Lacomber in the South Atlantic tiseaia. • His George Francis Bey Moor, Admiral of the deef end fork long time stationd in Amorican waters, died to day, ag e ed eighty three. A Greek Man of 5.500,000 will soon be Introduced bore. 1:1213:1 , Routs. January' 21.—Archblehop Du. champs. of Macklin. Ohio, who is at the bead of the infallibility party In Uto Eau inenicsl Council. Mda been appointed Primate of ilehrittm. Ths °minim Mahone in attendance at thetcumanictl Council had a trusting to day, and r. solved that unless tho' f ii, numbers of triembers In dioceses be taken Into con oration m votes bad t.bellounclk, llkstunkiettpe in, %body. Their a lon had caused much excitoMent. --4. = Mnonito,Jannary 2I.—A stormyseene occurred In the Cortex today, in conse quence of thd students manifestation In the city. Senor Rivard declared he wonld imprison and subject to the tri bunals the authors of the disorder, he they old or young. The country should wain so I hat be was not spesklug to the wind. He relented that he would cast'. gate all disturbers of public order. 111A1KIIE NEVVP. FALMOIT7II, January 21.—The steam ship Silesia, from New York, arrived to day. FINANCIAL ANi/ CONNENCIAL. • Loaned, January 21,-El:ening —Corp sols ftir money. 92%'; account, 92,44223.5; American eecurluea quiet : 6 2o bonds: 02s, 81. g; 65.5, old, 66%; 675, 66: 10 40a. 61%. Erie.. 10341 Ifituula Central, 104: Atlantic A Grua Western, 20. Pants, January 2t.—Beane firm at 73f 55c. FRARUYenT, January 2L—Bonds firm. tdvaneooL. January 21. —Cotton: 3.91015 Of the week 104.000 bales; exports, 14,000; speculation 17.030; stock 341,000; AMOTICaII 135,000; receipts of the week 6.1,000: Atnerican 65,600; quantity afloat 242,000; American 141,000; market to day 'toady. With sales 12,000 balm uplands 11,id: Orleans Mid. Manchester mar. kot Oren.' Wheat Os 2d@3 4 IL for Cali fornia white, 7s 0,1 for western and for ted; receipts' of wheat for ' three days 40,000 tlarters, 30,000 of which were American. Peas 34s 61. Waits= Flour 21a. Corn: No. 2 mixed 27s 6d. Oats 2s 6d. Barley ss. PrOTlNiellif—Pork harm declining tendena6B3. t 102 s M. Boothia% Lard 60 _ Bacon encase firm at 71s. Hairier. Petroleum le 61; refined 2.1. LONDON. January Z.—Tallow 46a 0.1. Liuneed Oil flat. RAined Petroleum Orin at Is 950. AFTWEIIP, January 2C—Petroleum heavy at 60341. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Cie°Ma D. Prentice, the veteran editor, la again prostrated and toadying condition. —The Boston Council hes refused to extend the hospitalities of. the city to Prince Arthur. -The steams Fawn foundered at Ida. sleuth Ohio, in the middle of the river. No lives Iced. Boat a total loss. —The Fifteenth Amendment hangs Bra In the LlAllforntaLegislature, both Houses h a ving postponed discuindon several times. —Tom Allen • declines Joe Coburn's challenge to fight for $5, 000 or 1110,000, until after his (Allen 's) contest with Jew Haan. —At Readlog, Pa., on Thursday; John Deal was arraigned and placed on trial for tho murder of Richard Harlan, in °debar last. . . .—Thers it a general strike among the coal ruiners on the Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw Railroad. -extending through Cuba, Mapleton and Orchard mines. —The Great Council of the Improved Order of. Red Men of California is now in w salon in San Francisco. Official re. ports represent the Order as properouc. —bibs Hattie Butterfield, teacher In Kinzie School, Chicago, was arrested yesterday for beating a girl aged smut nine years during school hoots, and gave bail for her appearance to answer. —The Tennessee Senate yesterday peeled on final reading the House bill regulating the reception of Tennessee bank notes for tares and providing for burning them. But few more bills of public titterers% remain to be acted on. —ln the Wisconsin House of Reprise's .tatives yesterday a resolution was I ntro . duced instructing Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress to favor convect. leg wit st em Poet Office system a com plete sy of telegraphic - commutes. don, to be under the charge of the boy . 01111110 12 L - • • -- . . colored Educational Convention et 3. &ram City, hfo., approved a bill for presentation to the Legislature ask ing for the (Manna' ment of a Cqlored Normal School, and to grant es ware Reboots for colored children in the differ ent school districts, and until this be done, that the colored children be per- mined to attend the present schools. --Concurrent in 'banana have been introduced in the Lower House of the ganw Lagtelature asking Senators Rees and Pomeroy and Representative Clark to resign, as their Influence had bees impaired by eirmunstrumee growing out • of the late Impeachment trial, rum the disposition for lavish expenditures oath, part of one of them. . The resolutions were referred to spode . , committers. • lIMENIMEMME= NEW YORK CITY. News from Cuba and Hay-ti—The Bank Defrauders—Delinquent Brokers Paying tp—Arrival of Prince Arthtr—Rrie Railroad Earnings-•• Estate of Albert D Richardson.. tar Telegraph to the rineathich heTvtte.l NEW Yong; January 21, 1570. - YllO3l CUBA. The Spaninh Consul here has received I a dispatch conveying the intelligence that two Insurgent chiefs, Con and Car. belles, have abandoned the canee of in. dependence and 195001.1 a proclamation in favor' of the Spaniards. • The Havana correspondents of the ince . tropolitan papers continue to furnish details of the progr ess hostilities Crib& There has been heavy skirmiah. log aft along the line, with victories on bath aides. The Spaniards continue to Shoot their prisoners in cold blood. The sugars brought to the Havana market are generally of -a very inferior - quality; but few gcod lots have arrived and merchants are complaining. 1/1101I'llE1TI. • The Wortd's Jacmel, Hayti, corree pondeni, of the 2ilth ult., says that a ignited States war steamer arrived there on the 2uth. Her commander had an interview with the authorities at the Government Hotter, during which he no. tilled them that the bey of Minium had been leaned to the Hal ed States Govern ment, and that the said Government has granted her protectorate to the Dnmiel eaa Government. and hoped that the Hayden authorities would not interfere with the present order of things by as. sliding the Cabal party. VITTBENTH /MEND/VENT. The Tits ne, this morning. prelims the action of lowa and Onto In ratifying the Fifteenth Amendment, and nays. "Now lot Georgia speak, then let us 600 how much longer the advocates of revenge and delay In Congress can withhold the admission of Virginia R.?presentativea and Senators, which aloha is needed to give validity to her already recorded vote and make the Fifteenth Amendment a part of the fundamental law of the land.' 12=2 The operators ih Wall alreet who for. got to pay the tax on their money malt ing capital, are now rapidly discharging heir obligations to the Government. Yesterday one of the legal repreeenta Oyes of the brolters paid ten thousand dollars Into court on behalf of his and. other checks are to be handed In to. d3y. It is believed that tho whole amount to be . paid by brekera against whom pro. needing' had been commenced wilt be over one hundred thousand dollars. Tar RANK DialtAuDmits Oakley, tho defaulting cashier, of the Merchents National Bank, was to day committed to the Ltidlow street jell in default of $50.04t1 ball, on a motion on behalf of the bank directors, who Ire about to Institute civil snit against him. The examination of Veltman, clerk of the Fourth Bational Bank, charged with defrauding the bank by forded Checks and false entries, was opeqed to-day with the evidence of the (=hie, the points of which are already known. ARRIVAL Of PRINCK ARTIIVIL Prlooo Arthur arrived to day from Montreal. He was quietly received at the Undron River depot by the Miol-ter, Thornton. and unoelintation.dy mewled to the Brovoort Hoene. The party rode In the Central Palk in the afternean and attended Wallaelea Tbea• Ito in the evening. They leave in the morning fur Warlmagloo. 1 - A. D. Itle9AttDoON'a ILYTATN. Letters of adminlatratlon were grant ed yesterday by the Murrogsto of BMus county, :sr.,rt In Ches.' 8.. Itichartison, brother of the late Albert D. lbchard win. In reference to hie property at Wcvdilde, they wore grauleckby consent of Mr. Richardson 's widow. The pro. party la valued at 111200. . v anis BLILIWAD iIAV.4II(OS. Ttniannual report of Jay Gould, Prod. dent of the' Edo Railroad, shows the earnings oflbat road nearly r.,500.000 greater In 1869 than In 1865, but the money has been expended In extensive improvement.s Hence the aberefice of dividends. • Sherman'. View of Gcorigli "The Reconstruction in were ob served in Georgia up tb the hair when the Legislature deprived certain parties of their seats by reason of race and color.- Up to that hour all their acts were legal and binding, including the election of the United States Senators. The act lately passed by Congress, and under which we are now acting, is simply amendatory of the Reconstruction laws, so far as Geor gia In concerned, and the duty of Gen. Terry is simply to carry out the amenda tory acts. In his opinion all the Legis lature can do is to commence to do right where:they left off, and commenced do ing wrong. All laws they passed previ• ous to that time hold good, unless repealed in the regular way. And as for the Sen ators, they clearly cannot annul the elec tion of those whom they elected, acd who now bold the proper certificates before they violated the reconstruction laws. In a word, the present Senators hold good, as do all the laws. He states that Gen. Terry is after no office, but he will do his duty promptly and fairly, and his instructions to him are to study the law and act upon its literal sense and meaning. - Gen. Terry will not have any thing to do with the partisan squabbles there, and he has so informed numerous parties who have tried to enlist him on their particular side. If the Legislature have a quorum, they can go on, and pass the Pateenth nto Amendment, &c., and soon be admitted i the Union of States." Tim New Parr& Brest a.—We read in the London Scotsman that the Pablo is to be turned Into Emitlab. A specimen of the new version is given, and from it we make a quotation which we have *sleeted because it does not contain aught that may not be reverently referred to here. Everybody knows the Anglican version ef the 28d at King AMU's Psalms. In Scotch it runs thus :' .-2. Louts me till lie . among green howra, and aids me atowre by the lowt _wattles. ' ..11. Wankene my waogaen soul; and wens me roun', until righ roddlna "4. Nal tho' I gang Oro' tbedeld-mirk dell, e'en Thar sal I dreid us skathing; for Yonreel' are use-by me; - Ter etok an' Yer staff baud me ay cheale. "O. My buird Ye bee hauseli'd in face a' my fees; Ye Imo drookit my held wi' oyle; my bicker is fie an' skailln'." - Tan North German Correspondent of. December 4, puelishes a statement ez. planetary of the trand cause of the cud• den and overwhelming assault of Prussia on Austria, in 1860, of startling Interest. It says that it la well known to the tattle. led that Venice bad been ceded tan o France Isadore a shot was fired In 1862, d . that on the 12th of thatyeer a convention was concluded between the Cabiritt e of Vi• rank and Paris , aecording to which France, after the. ow rthrow of Pruleta, was to be indemnified by compensation; or, in other" words, by the left bank or the Rhine!. The Correetwedont is a boat el:Octet publication, issued from Dalin in three different languages, end the state• went, consequently, may be regarded as authorized by the Prussian novernment; and, if so, it certainly demands an im• mediate explanation from the Austrian and French governments... • • - M. D. CONWAY, in a letter to the New York Tratote deisaitang the recent con secmtion of the English Bishops in West minster Abbey, thus sneaks of Dr. Tem ple, the new Bishop of Fads": A bandana?, grave, even noble face, thor oughly English, clear-eyed and healthy— showing, alas I not the least sign theta vacancy might soon occur in the Bee of Exeter--s man with the look of a corner. —lnformaticm has been received at wativilto, from Itorth Alabama, that the murderers Cr Granville and William oubliely announced cedtheir crime woke days ago and left the onuntry. Family troubles appear to have beenthe cause of the murder. NEWS AND MISCELLANY BOSTON has a'''Deaf Mute Christian Association." Gunn, the mamfeb, has left the Wait for the tram 03. GEORGE I'asuony is being done for by four biographits. BAVARIA is reorganizing her army after the Prussian male!. Manorri GARIBALDI is organizing, in Italy, an "Antl.Ecumcnical Council." TORTURE to compel confession instill practiced in some partiof S witzerland. Tnx Woman glestion—"husband. can you let me have t2O this morning?" WOMEN'S BIOIITS do not tLourish in Indiana. 'flic State Association has been FLOW, 111., now fines any person re tailing pork not inspected by the City Physician. • ItEcsmv events have called into exist. cues in England the word .lEen meolcity." GENERAL W. B. ROSECIIANS has been visiting Heading, Pa., as the guest ol Jobn. McManus. ' Tun Ma.iquis of Westminisler's per sonal property bag been sworn under 44,00 ,000. A llononaw editor being cballengeds eentword in reply : "When I want to die I can shoot myself." Tux Nebraska Legislature is to be convened in special session to ratify the Fifteenth' amendment. Partere's mother was the only music teacher she ever had, and the warmest afnction existed between - than. Art Indiana young lady was recently frozen so badly, whilst out sleigh-riding,• that her life is despaired of. A FonT Score. paper prints the adver. tisement of a young lady In want of a beau fur a masquerade ball. ' Tna people with whom Theadore of Abyssinia 's son livhd in . England have already' made a beok of "anecdotes" of him. • • ••• A SOU'Ill CAROLINA Degro claims $5,000 damages far being ejected Irma a Indite' car on the Richmond and Dancille Rid road. Tux gifts at a tin wedding at Ripley, Ohio, numbered onclundred and ninety. six different articles, including a water spout. A Rosner: PRINCEEN has fallen in love with an Italian actor at St. Petersburg, and the Czsr has sent him oft to warmer climes. • . Now Yong has a "Defrauded Soldiers' Association," to protect that deserving class against systematic robbery by claim agents. .. LEWISTOWN, MAINE, has, a model clergyman, who rises. nt 5 o'clock. on Monday morning and helps his wife to do the washing. • A maw In ld)stic, Connecticut, called lAA neighbor a"confoundedmuttonhead; and was tined one dollar for ' not being more forcible. . A caavz.uronanv, seeing that every newspaper copies from every other, is getting anxious to find out who originally writes the item • . MEASURES have been taken In Dania to prevent uny popular manifestation on the anniversary of the t mancipation of the serfs, ./,:b. 27th. • ' - . TEXAS, the Son Antonio Herald says, never bowed her neck, and never will. either to eolden•neckt.d tapestry or brass buttoned dignity. A WEsronx paper, in recommending a candidate for (One, said that during the rebellion he received "wounds enough to kill a intile." Wit.t.trot Error., enamel painter in ordinary to her lib.jelty Queen Victoria and the late Prince Consort, died a few days ago, aged eighty live. • - IstratrortmonT for debt was abolished In England by a law which went into operation New Year's day, and the jails were thrownopen and the intioltrents set free. MEMOS M of Congress are frank enough to ray that they don't care to abolleh the franking system, and especially now that the price of washing is so dean —Barran Post. . . A Lrrrt.s girl lost In London streets, on being questioned as to her parentage and place of birtb,"'replied that she was the "child of Sin" and was "born in Wrath." Pncretntucs annotinces that the small . pox has entirely , disappeared from there fter estop of ten' weeks, during Which time there were twenty ti re cases mad four deaths. • CII/Er JIIBTICS Busses, of the Supreme Court of Illinois. is engaged upon a his tory of. that State from ivgesxliest dale, including the Jetta explorations onddis coveries. A ums English girl thought the Spinsters must be a very popular family. She heard in church almost every Sun day that some of them were going to be married. Tun editor of the Werton (Missouri) Landmark mks his readers to excuse the looks of his paper, as he to in bed from the effects of a fight with a delinquent subscriber. - A EAU HOISTED QOM who recently walked off a bridge into the Kennebec river, In Maine, upon- being tithed out said he was "glad he did'ut lose his cane and specs." railroad llytlie b c ri o d m ge ple a t e io ro n ss of tli kb e e kti t e s m so p ur or i at Omaha, on the 7th Inst., Philadelphia and San Franciico were nutted by en unbro. I ken line of railway. . Tan Dalvel lily of the Pacific, at Santa Cf. plan,l ea I e t t pupilsisaC al i for n i a ,l d i . n the. w i r kateachingwell, I and a s a l n e V t . e ti e m i The n d . 1 1 B d i w l i i T e t u t arrival otl n w°nA ti ria ; pa 4 o PP s h f r t i cl B o those "c s N or n i . n India n aCh i namentc -- ares 3 e n jo ymen t i - aw a itin g in in "lifting" the scalps so nicely prepared u by the growth of pig tails. Tow New York Domaurefa i thinks the Indians story of a shower of meteoric stoma, in which a "giant" came down, is an "Indiana whopper," In which they have "the Cardiff Giant °alba" Tait treading for the lest span of the great bridge across the Ohio, at Louts. vide, Is in zdace, and the work will be completed in a few days. It Is a mile long, and was begun only in 1837. I IT is said that a beet weighing 34 lbs. astonishes the farmers at Banta ROES, I California. The sail produces heels I averaging 25 pounds each, and the yield is estimated at fifteen tons to the acre. I Taw -Army and Nasal Journal says that out of the 2.771 officers of our army, between 700 and 800 entered the service as private soldiers, and that only 622 ever enjoyed the advantages of West Point. WaerillgOTOlT correspondents say an effiet is being made there to have Gen. Fitz John Porter relieved of the dlaabill. ties imposed upon him by the Court Mar. tial appointed to condemn him in 18a. ''il. RECENT publication Shows that the production of tobacco in Missouri„tiss de. creased from 40,000 . hogsheads in 1880 to 12,000 in 1868, lu spite of the high prices realized tor tobacco during the last five yearn , 4 ,. A vomit& girl at Clinton, lowa, while going home with a pitcher of past, was insulted by a gaudily.dressed yosingmen. when elle threw the pitzber of yeast in his face. Be concluded that he hadn't lost any girl. Carr. JuLnixi Ill'ffisrizior„..who daring the latter part of thitsear commanded the DAM (Alabama) Light Artillery, fell from the guards o f : the steamer St. Char, on the Chattahoochee River, one day last week, and was drowned. Trm London Timeasaysit wont . dme= when fifty.ttiree new trades are added to the. London Directory ins single year, , thst.we are repldlynrriving, by the di.l vision of labor very near to the acme of I refinement and civilization. S venrrsa In Temple Bar says there is nothi t ng digopar a y dnnr c ountry as — good wholesome dediness, __which -._ . . 11 O NO. -19 neither perplexes the brains of your Wends nor disturbs your digestion. Tug hand editor of a Columbus (Miss.) paper baying recently got married, a co. temporary says: "May his father die rich, and enable poor Stevens to retire from the printing business and Set np a cake shop at a railway station." Joan 13mazos has issued a. supple. meat to his,. lemons essay on the mule. Here It is in fall: "The mewl is a larger hard than the guess or turkey. It has two leas to walk with and two more to kick with, and It wares Its wings• on the side el its head." Tete. clerk of the Petersburg (Pa) Cir cuit Court is being tried by Courtmartial for contempt of court, %bruits of violence to n Congressmtut, disregard of pecuniary obligations,- service in the Confederate army, drunktnnesa. at/ several other vice , a all at once. , A NEW ERA is certainly coming. EL Ward 11:t cher sleclines. the advance of $B,OOO on his salary. and Senator Mel kern, of the 03 , 0 Legislature refuses to accept a Dam over a railroad, because the company's freight charges are, in his opinion; too high. Tuz Karaite are a tribe in Kamtaebatka . . who have not been subdued by the Hun sians. They nre very independent and very dirty. Their meals are eaten from a long troneb, with dogs disphting every morsel. Their principal food is made of moss, blood and tallow. DIELTIAII LAWRENCE died at Gardiner, Maine, on Saturday last, at the age of nearly a hundred years, having been born in September, 1770. His mother was ronety.nine when she died, one brother died at ninety-two, and a sister lived ono hundred years and six months. A nor of seven years went into a bar ins shop in Ilacine, Wis., and ordered a barber In cut bait as close Be ahears could &tit. He was asked if his mother order ed It that way. "No," said he, "but school commences neat week, and we have got a echool ma'am that pulls hair." SAMAR S. STAFFORD It a lady who, having a pions regard for the religious welfare of the New Jersey Legislators, has presented each Senator of that State with a Bible. The gift wee accepted by a vote of that grateful body on Tuesday, and thanks tendered to the considerate donor. A SCIIOOI. noun at. Easton, Pa., took fire the other day, in which was a lame girl, who was always allowed the prlvi• lege of dismissal in advance of the other scholars. When the alarm was given, the pupils all kept their Nista until the cripple had safely paned the door, and they then rushed out. A CORRFAPORDENT from BOMB relate!, in an English paper, bow two English girls mounted on the benches aboYe the kneeling multitude, surveyed with their opera glaases the Pope, ache pronounced the benediction on the Connell. The Pope with a mild smile, pointed them out to some of the Cardinals. - Additinal Markets by Telegraph. Bur:raw, January 21. Cattle: re yelps 1,200, and in active demand; mar. kat atrong at an advance of Xe; sales of 2.200 head at B®B%e for extra Illinois end Kentucky; 73,%®7y..3 for fair to good do; 757140 for medium butchers' steer*, cows snit rough oxen; 5,t4136ti0 for or. dir.ary do. 11.1 m quiet and supply Hut. ited. with sales common to fair shipping at 9393.4 e: extra butcher. 9%c; fa icy 10. Sheer Canada nominally 3..i0 lower. NEW Ontsaxs. January 21.—Cotton— receipta of to-day were 9,254 bales, ex port, 8,455 bales; weekly receipts, 47,24 bales; exports, 29,838 bales; stock on hued. 177,401 bales; miles for the week. 39,000 bales. Corn firm at 21.11. Hay firm at 131. Pork firm at PO. Bacon scarce at 14©179:1184c. Lard: tierce at 16,t4pt7e keg 17%@ 1 8. Other articles unchanged. ' MEMPHIS. Jan. 21.--Cbtton quiet at ' 24t;c: week's recelps 10,607, week's ex. ports 9,832 bales; receipts tredsy 2,167, exports 1,550 bales. Haw Fitascleao, January 21.—Flour unchanged. Wheat: Olialee firm at 65(0) 6734 c. Legal tenders 83. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ar- TIM FIRST iltEruomirr CHURCII4 (Ratirnse We,, near Depot.) nnurron, L'a. n• r. cuoWiliznautor. Preaelaing Evsat SasaArn. KIU a. Z. &ad r. Y. lublic eordlatLy Invited. WBEV..W.preach PASPAVANIN 1). . wilt • IHAT ET. LUTHERAN CIiHR,H eteent tbe h sweet. TO -23.1 to.t. HOS.. or settle% 10,4 • RET . O LEO. 1". HAI', I'4B. TOR. preaeh In the CENTRAL. PRESBYTER'' , CtiUliCßl t Allegheny T O. hy.dlytlNe. IUS. •nx at nistnt. introdne nx a of the mounithsectur arIINIVERSALIST CHURCH, Third !rose. EVERY t,U N DAY It 10% A. WittriP;lr. t. te and welcome to LI.. Sunday *Wool at 8 A. Y. art: II MIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ALL6ull6Nr.— The 8. , BEN J. F. IneutUtE. U cum wnl offletue at rine .ryleeln this Church ou TO-DWUWW at half-p.t ten o'clock A. u. And Mat. pasinvia, o'curck P. N. "graft ACE nErospriEß. CHURCH. carver efo rant and Welsttr streets. Tbr re will be Melee Lick, le W .. s gi b er T ,31..11R0W. 4nne.y. Assuan* 241 t 104 o'c'olt. A. X. Th. pubic AM lnriKd to AMA& Orr'ltST CHRISTI W AN' rITTSBUILOIT . 11.. litim.Crotog;, erittliAateAli rIiSVILLi Services every Lard's DIT t. tbe onblle are cordially Invite& • ggrirgagt.r... r ig 11 , LEI . T AZ Montgomery avenue, Allegboty Cley. JOSEPH, ING, Tutor. A settee or totem. Ia g meetly', a are now la progress to this Vbstrett. - Pregenot T , ii+ HT at teem T• TV:" 81 " . later7..r?;ll b1.1:.%02.11fi %% hit , • egyi.S.4elt!!!_g 7tu.ALt,n NCB. newts. ?tor.- PITIaChIOt ...Wag sad root. 1g at tea and s hal f VIVO melvfa_(T., gXCelilien• Hatt. eartter o p„A _ oe..*;*a rt.; ere str.rte, to tz r B444 el'rssialt ,":1:11a71-eqe:'213ta ,!clerse to an. 8" " SOW th eTI ktikiteigt I ri.r4e gr=dagi °OWN ad or arRICII, RACY. Instructive Common fence Lectures, Rev. GEORGE P. HATS,' to Is *ha CENTRAL PTIZEIBTTEMANCHONCIL Corset of Laeock sad AndetEll etteeti, Ate- Janus» . ST—HUNTING Alt Apprrits. Talon. yl—( tIIsTED HUMANIST. 7.broar/ a—FASHIoNAISLE ILDUCATION. coarse tiolats, 0,001 sloes tleAels. - _ Cleves Or firrrrlOr LOX'S* COgrAILT. Corner .151.4 nna4 ltattreatl Smitl. S IarTUE 130.411 D or DIREC. WKS , / this Comfiest boys th • eat de elave4 from the carolers of tbs out twelve mouth., a dtvldeodi or TWIRLVIt a , 41 have Cao el aev.l Rig ist per . cent. to *sorsa ensa Vestto RD t, W RD . LDTHRlDOS.Preet e labt .'.. T. A. WIII9IIT. Arerdtarl. 21 'l•.,v• WRICAP FORT purr rola. t• or PITTSBIMAY, rA.--cr. :I;l..l3lre:tr. g of Oa Slueltholderaottbla Cow park7.sll be brad ac :beelike in, lath ttrO t. oa TUIBD al. February lilts, at A e.eteek r. at which ttusether: eral DO so oleet 0a tor aIIVICX li DLUSGTOIII.• • IlAtiCaLlf, igrAC %DEIST Or WHIG, raa CETABBATICp WM. HORACE LINOAMI, Alice Dural% and Company. FOUR NIGRTS ONLY, JA9UARI:46,'WI 2 , III and 29 LADIES OOLD wavonss , - Ho 0 Es" sal Htca ,ASfa[ ts.l Tarnish', T.B. ADD kco , • - To. a MTH £T=ll9/4 EMI TIE wxml" GAZETTE 1.1.11•• last shad cheeped , aossmaelal ,aid lbewroaper pibumbe/Il Ponca No farmer, mobsale =321 =0 Cahoot ......... .Ith Cabo of sea llf ••J • Copt 11 tturstobed gratalsoasty to the getter ap dad. of NM. Protheasters are orrested • Ada.% minims. REED .11 CO., rTewitiv= DOHS Q. WOHlii•N...ll. mailer) \VOEKLkN - (t DAVIS, I=l Workman, Moore & Co , 11.,afActortrs sod M.0(11 fu CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. Spring and Duck Wagons, Res. 41,14, 46 and 48 Beam EL, Illegkeiy. dei:Pslr tg;VO r riVonr gr:::,71 . 111• uA ~..nted to pave attl.flia UM In very t rtlcu. SirNimsst styles et wort a a.teatlYoa 11./GZ *lqlrllgl3:l3!ardnlt:vp's ['smut llialc/s. /hike Antl U klt:er ler tl,sf s. H. RICHARD Dl.Vt* having par,hoited Ma Intereot of and W... D. Moon, to ho imp les .f le. , • atlralAN• 111.. YOKE CO.. dm haat mess wttl tterro:ter ho'cotr. tst.e.l os Ito old &mod, o , dor the n.oao owl auto of WOBEIIitAN Ordcr. tio!to , ted. Joktot Q. NlMBlltlitall. ;' -jl.Bit if AIM vAvrs. LZ:e !U Nauccal Mao. l'lttottoratt, VROIN ANNUAL STATE ENT of tho bashass at the ; . • 00.0PERATIVE • LIFE INSCRINCE COMPANY Of Western Yennsylvantn, - • • • ti As amens by the Books ortbe Coropsefol ilia of aaaaa b • • • Wbole somber of Moles Issued to deer,. VT& t Whole sasoabilarbred.••••••••••• 1 1 1 1 0 / 0 1 5 e . YY MOO.lll, of sof clot premiums or admission lets .. NO 900 Total-Mount of ism. received.. 51*.sett 41 xxeiNtirrtrare. - • • Pala Ilve lours. 11l 000 rsea.:.o b, OOO oh Paid exposes of organisation,— laU Paid for cora edeslos f M la o s o y Patel C.,. salarke A. 4 ,11 cr Pod for smtiooerr aud priotiog 540 54 POO for lL.Voll Oil Paid for r ...... and posisys Walla Paid for 0111. eras Paid for olden tursitaie red for sundry oilier esperie. CiiVIVAI. STOCK umlaut uneraMed S 11T,0000 0 puld Is veer sad note... V .434 00 INOI.SIIIIENTS AND ABVIVid , Solids, Judgments asoll other tees , tars • 1110.0114 00 Cu ob 1 ., , 1111 Inure.% ex comet Alooopt due from Sleets 06,100 Avanuet ono Ir m SIM CM AOlOOlOl 01 ;10 , 311011101 010 r ..•z, .11,030 00 Amoeut of sou mmensa due 531 Po kmunret et pre u I ,ms eat yes dim 10.1 s ON Amount dee Lem otter Junta. 400 00 • LIABIL2IIIII Animist d 1 is Ocniamssealtli— tax on ettartar kmeniat dee for sat•eles - Ames dastoeadvetuatea,aa estimated 260 N. =roger grii"sfelle=ititd iOOO 00 P,969 02 Net siesta. sico.sosk Ss.., Flats of Penes,lvanta. Allutieny, sat-On oda Slat day of January. A. D. 1310. before um. s Notary ribllo to and for sold coasts , . minimally apt...! Andrew rgateffoll, nerreou7_ of the Co•Oyeratlve Ltf. lasnroson CompanV. of West ern. rennsalva - Is. and made Sidman on* that the above statement Is corn el? And true to the best of Ids anowlF deo and 0:11et. • • A. PATTEB6O7, dearetary. Sworn to and signesibtd beton me, JOHN O. BTHOHNNISOW. N rank, DECIDED BARGAIN At ik. Ladln' Hoop Skirts, latest shape, • sew clean good'. ' . At lk. Holt Shoulder Shawls. - •lt 7io. Salt Walter. Awls, largo s(id. - it lis.-tilldroailalt Cloaks. At lie. Hoye Wool tined Buck At 70c. ilea's Fur Top Wool Lilted leek 610 Tel. ' it Ilk. Ilea's and Boys' Wool both.' At li 1-k, Nea's Wool lined ' Al 40e., Men's Heavy Groy Herkelhlrti. At 40t. lea's Beaty Gray !brim) Drawer& At 81.00 haiku' Kerte° Iladerrests, god/ gat Ity. 10 Lidice Herta') °rayon, Self , „ New Goods Daily Opening RACRUM,GLYDE &Co's, 18 arid 80 Ituket . WALL PAPER At Greatly Ittdaeoi. Vices. To make oh •If room loosen goods. WI will we I ttll the 1101 of Moral stool sow II Without regard to Cost, COMPRlellett , HAND3OII6 PLIMOS re.vises, DISING BOOS FkPUB S►LL Alp ciumg!mcs. rarFsel: .1.-osioormentatonsavniri liist N0..1.07 NAANROMINNT, RIMS nrrEr svicoroz... ato.' -11110PLE'S SITINGS BANK Of Allegheny. Cor. Federal and Laeoek Btree.fa. IL MASTS rrefigesti L. P. *OWN% Oilialiffits DANE OF DEPOSIT AND oiscour. litoclioldera Iu idaally Liable;f INTEIEST ALLOWED Oli XLIIB DEPOI4II 701 - 0111E111. . J• L . Cbiterea.• Hanoi kilt . ZZPILTI3 51/ car es s o urs • 1111tAX7AliT albal.• - • FANCY WOOlllll CLOUD. • /10111•11 sal Cbildraa`a LINDY. gest% Ireatli•a sad Dori CINDLEBHIR III AN D I)ILA.WIES7I. AT JA1161311 PIIZZAWS Old SUtnd.Stool!:Wg Store.. . , • E 4. 94 rirrut AVENITIC tal:11 SILVER WARE! We bITS es Amid nut ar. reeetriDi a 'flirr luadAnas warmest er /MCAT QUAIATL SU, VAR YAILTZD WARY, yrtlcli es wilt sell as low a...a kw Walks IA Ras Tint, MT= PANTOS& - BUTT=AnrA.; 7itni t Aticss. Inr iarref t i lir3l ! 30111. TURZENI3, ll axe 11)%1Cri. SPOONS, ' TUILILS, 800. WATTLES & 1111116,8011 1 , , . lin Tina AVZ3l3Zoibarallsittaleui t ta3 NOTICE. Sib Satin of Opwitgg Weida US . • liege, hthebe glees th at Jim aisenthent tor . Samaras mate 'by the Mowers for the 01ththo ot Linda awed has Dm nose Width for 'wreaths; th at It astit a,theellteolo aeftloll,ll *lath thirty_ day* Irtio the date !tarsi& Neil 4111 as ilea therefor avian the prothia Sassed with tru.reet. eons sad has, and theseno I esuseted try legth proem. • , ' .1. N. Ithsl.o 7 -th thit I No. lee ILIA/wawa . 1.r.: ss. .I,l4afir MEI ll as 4 10 :4 NO oil wi .$19,1000 09 $11111.31$ AO Mil ECM