lial at risk* Gaisitt, MY AND SUBURBAN. ~, Ileata toe Bete.—g good paying ronte is +llegheny Otty mot - be bought by an 4 -4 ElMegetita reaponalble man, one who will hia entire attention to Ma matte. 'Robe other need epply. Rail today at the Garimu Wanting Room. • Tee riven' are falling Mile B. Methuen—one the Rescue" —Aesdenty or htuste—Satorday !tight., - buy Iwo«, imunta,—The atyftehcad Instants Intl meet at the Itlattaaath Weed =boat ham the evening. , Jame e ilfussi, of Er -111nohighaio, tt3mAtm i ebyt Committed for WI Mil titain Thomas, &word with larceny Ork oath Clcarod Etoettbara. Jahn Welt!. banns Alderman Neeprr, regerpArg d oom 2larhp Oceiguatterith annemon him cm MC . aviWne, lleedneeday nlight. - Warrant Lam& k _ Calany.—Tbe agent of the Colony Will be at 240 Libefly owootouttll noon tansy ! Persons deals. to dolt the Watt will do well to call. • Rave dolth, • botcher, was deed twee , ty-iive dollars and coats by Mayor Cal- Jaw bud anylna fbr wedetaleing a Dula e - anes—a huge pale of old bombe and other • ' Altb—ln'the rear.ole-his premises, River ' Unlit* Gets playfully threatened to elsoaptbas Charles Hines yesterday af ternoon. The expression of• Ids Nature earned tans to Ds an object of Interest to „Deputy Mayor Nichols pollee, who are • after tam. . A ionualie penning of the (amult Weinberg* at Genveburg Le an extol lion at Barker BaseltEne'e, on. F t h -avenue.. The patine Is the- property Of W m{ elPiecut( . a 04111134 an. and pertatoly a - ; IresteedaY winking a little ehild &Wei Nevelt years of age WWr ran, over by • milk vista on Washington street sod sustained a 'fracture or the right leg. Dr. Lenge attended the - 4030405. The soli , tent was unavoidable. - Brhive Freemen gatterday . appialed to She legel protemion of Aldermen Thyldr, irons the ea:denim and threaten! her hus band,' rant*, Patrick was arrested, Inemsrely reprimanded and disabused upon pionilema good behavior. Paula-Brawl, proprietor oft seinen on Flab avenue, was charged before Al derman Mono, yeabirdair by WlUlan; ;meet= with' patient trkpley -tiamma with cards . in his eattellainnent: Brown werwasted and held for a beer , Weeeknowledse reeelpt•'or the rms. 0 9 19 0991•669t.d Moitomise torJaM, • Wired by Mears. Sloan et Ming. onfo. • 96 Pourtb smrone. The mstatsine' . will doubtlem be much sought after by those :r , nti Nonety Interested In oar commor. adicals. - , Cites. frOcuanar, a police officer. Inade lnitamation before Alderman Mahlon. lls47 Bl .torchli. against John (kronor for emsmag his tint, end Wag other Vio lent demonstrations toward him in an Miami way, toe which a which a warrant was lamed. • Yeetarded, Jerry Cox was held la flee hundred dollar& ball by Meyor CIIMOW, , a 'charge of assault and bet• tort' on 'Oath of Anne. McFarland, who angler ha blellm on &ha lowlwlth mbar ot iron to Lindsay's rolling. mlil. Fifth ward, Allegheny. . , . meld for Trial,—John Bane and eh*. fleatrart; Who ware arrested •Wednergiv. ' 'bit nbar• of burglary, on InforansUo4. deJ , D - '`o=l4 lo ll. had a hearing batten the Mayor yesterday. Stewart wee dia. &IOW! and Bane ems held for trial. and • • Inlisfault of ball we. oammiltedi • 818 Luanne, nak.—Ws bur tani in Inkarance lOW In thui oft/ bu ncelved hunnictlons to effect hummer on Inn bu*lred %banana banns. of oU ato • Mang the Allegheny river. This is mat of the oil held ty the .ring." - The het __II to tie pieced among emu= companies. 'Canna et Heratis.—a rare chance , is offered by W. Barge, Jr., No. 102 Boy. truth, avenue, to, winter • Koran.. • Barks la prepsred to take horses Mr the • winter to run to hay at eight dollmil Der month. Wilt feed grain Lf desired. For : "PCrr .partioulars call at his number ;given if. • . . neble3roe hammer was taken froin Kr.ifee's foundry itc the Muth - ward yesterday. The owner,Jas.. Oafish., sulgoited -George Keep of the - tereerg. asa s tuads Information before Alderman Ynteiin'sinoordlngiy. - The hammer —snores, Mid it two douses - ima- Ottiailtred:—Oatharloe . Cable. sane woman wades case wee trough be ttors the Oconn on Wednesday, a not ma whtaltonspnbliattailtyeagerber. was cow:. mined to jail by Alderfain - Donaldson yesterday, and the matter will be Ihrounht before the Coon today,,whet probably beam& to Mundt& Western University.—last evening the pupil,' In the , Preparatory Department of the Western tiollindty gave an °S hit:linnet In the hall of the truiversitY. , ATtis oserchmmi oussated won , , tsrii original and selected o iter. opened with muds. The audience to o etteallise• was spite large and apprecia tive, itod. lb* untertalmosok aran•lld to give satisfaction to all. Naito s. , ,Hot*—• — reiebtday afternoke • HUM tny attending retool at the First Ward School.HoWlot.filllse 'Water street hear nsatt; wasidt by • horse which was standing pear thgdge '" walk . and seVerelyilidured. De Was walking past the horse when-the vicious brute turned Its head sod SuatTed u r g him, catchbUt bold of his lip and tpi a place oat of it. • Vahan Hiliefledicatitew • sad ' *WU. btinae:.lMiitbe taenth ward, Highland 'district, will be dedicated sazyiiistonliks, next Wino& r. ts• The aerricea on the non •41kbaqults in Ciralalse and don law the cltimena will lira out In rota . The bultlipt cm s r tatte etty.anla' „ 6 cri An pnnt of nonacid anima mutdintlettmuctlalify. neon linnet 110,001.? " • 1, 1 Gneiss Blectimirinikka meeting of Young Men's Jackman Association, • "‘agtbAdz tunas nu nark! Week; lan atani log, the piloting nillcans were elected • • - .Etwidetdmt Brant nwaritmemt. : Via ldearn—Wm. H. Mezhlinis, ILL .1m Arteintim• A M.. c t* E " ' Kohn% DS: „ iscardmag necrefary —Ed. .7 ,Huabl i , . Co_ rreametnelkssetary—Malcom stranamsw---J-• aalabneataar Borer Airle‘enerf.+Tbe birthday Of Robert Burns will be celebrated on the *Weft Or January ea, stigmale fit RUM avenue, Plttetnargh. There wall reutookr, itee leseedgeb - Tbo wattee of arrangements darns to amines Mal ea Abe names of many to wows they would extend invitatb3na tl be overlooked. ell Atm doer, to be 'WS' ' • oat will apply tor Motel to the land r f saved. : Jobe 8e..,. Jr, J Lockhart. Wm. frandlA** Wro.Sem ' A. 'uric. Win. 'man RANire • Masi , W/14, Miller. Raab malionald, ' :p4aad Win. Welkin . • *bat war la Mlle W iltllltZ-* • of We arrest of as a IMO* elillth and stlitr - that be Osd Woo 000t;ood lo 111040,314, Sp, but that he *Maki'. timigtilythe Le. sowed the, following day. ~The, meal many - .011 paled In tbOloakaiS sad the le ao probability that he will seer be e• snoved:' It woad be meli la mishits a r. Filwairteigbikthlll=:3 , . t21111f:-. anDonl Ws elan of petsonera are extremely limited M prount. We presanie then st, . . , aim department at the. City Fame at sinn would tam Mat mot there are day. W.- Who Leto biome f , ' - Iris have* fair albs; L'4:: A --clam illeatrative-ot this , 11) . days ago. Tearooms gentlemen w re' 4 - - gaming down Fifth amour SSW II pia It or game chickens on the prenthee of enberowith whom they wareacquaint 1 .aging greet fanciers of this met ora , turfy >resolved , upoa`. popmeoron of e a:ualikainot The only practicable ""'imsesned to purloin Wm, which that - mks —Mgt& they did. • Untbrumstely,,, the .....7. owner - of the. prima otessmed Shear der Apseciaitharre. - sod ..thesstatted r i = ;criminal_ snit against the de The . poedbllity. xsf , much an ;. ~toned Meanders;men' Into* ;diatitly returned the mon.m. r" Wing: Manta Slur dotter .: AV - Tiirah I Mow. The traneaction wird mole po .the 'knowledge of, ea Atdarmen. • ShooMenee to brie = ibe reorg4r., the •::: money prosecuted for crow , st. Be itt lursr Was th us • si ng haigenes tto return what= Om him. Thus 'ell had their does, linkage a trill of the dread 111105/tillabil fil the law. . . . _ " , NONICIPAL. A . l4.ghw Camelia Consatteei lbr /1370, The following are the anpnintmente of comodlleviet Allegheny Camelia for the waning year. I=2l Select ilbinisa. Long, Etetnetnan;," • Cimino* Coward, McNeill, Gilliland, Slackocaly, . • MEMEL - M CW44E. - Co *ca. *J. C. Pattartait, Taggart, Peterson, - Hanna, Vale* • Gagtir• :;,caraitix. Select unaccs. Ga mmas Gtruncil. Reiter. - •'• astings, litstraw, Ilmore, . , !Row/bottom; MILI4. t Reynolds. CITY PROPERTY. • &lee; Cnueeil. Common Conseil. Teoinpeon, Reinernan, Hanker, J. p‘tteiso l i, Rowbottom, Select CouseLL' Chesmon Council. •Wettech. Seldle. ,Lehrt., .•.•• • • Thompson. Upckenatlne. . Comley. Select Onateu. Canino& Cknasea. Long. *McNeill. .A. Patterson. Gilliland. • Hall. Taman. liasttsge. , -V.2ece orceett. LIt1 • °errors Ciautai dp *Long., Hastings. Meirraw.' ' Datsell. A. _Potteries. Hunker. `1,3 OWL Select Council.. Common Council. Mon L... sßowbottOm. Reiter. Tainted. Gwinner. - .. Hunker. Brown . . , Select CouneG. • Common awned. tiemon. Aabworth. J. C. Patterson. 'Gilmore. Heineman. Rowbottom. &Zed Council. Moat Couneit. • Reitor, Moat, Canary, - - ' AskiwOrth, ; Hocicenethme r GlIW*Dd. Reynold& 79 PI(IOW:NO. & a +Slack, Mail. • • • Meal, Mont. - Gilmore, • McNeill. ' • APPEAL/A &k it' /COMMON .031escil.. • Hercheamether, rieleraoMi • winner. ' Gilmore. _ ORDINANCES. I..3oZett ONNEION Phillips, *Darnley, Owls:leen Seidl% • . Monl, • ‘.! 4 , Vassray. - . slits Z.NaiNsa. •:tkrea tb.a. Phillips, •Th1:111, A. PaStailKm. • Hastinipi. Canary. Gamley. • . Slack. _ isszczio. &lea Cbunta. Common cbuseil. Reiter, *Hanna, Hackaniaklne „ Athwaytb, Meal, - Mora, • Thompson. WOODIIN BUILDING& roet?epain Petarann. J. C dtafter, clistsum ocnatea. =Herobetwelber, •4eil Comma Mired/. oftwinnef, / , ; Hareberacallez, Hears*. " Wettneb. Vosatly, E :;!1^; Atinter,;: COMMON GROUNDS. ' select Coulica., Common these g. Sleet; " • Relneman„ Hanna. Peterson., , Guinn Reynold.. _ DIVMITON OP WARD& . . aged cbiusea: ' ', - , CoNnoum Coma. Hnekenatine, *Thompson, ' Megraw, - Reynolds, Riddle. - Conley, r • i t na l _ NoTs.—.ThePreddeola of Coomelts, by ordlnanoe, are members of all commit tees. =z s..f liO6B[BLF~ 1F TRUE. Teen; Cirri Chheieed wtet the Murder or liar- rattier—itadamet Ramer the ...Baue—The Mktin Lundy. - - :Marpiret Banton. a young girl who has not yet soon the sun orseuriterrn , fttuv/loMe Meg oll'eSed ~ ”1 ,1 .4 r 41 . 3!.1 11_ ,1ber residence near Benton Station. by Offidc - 9)41011_ of lbw - lifeyor'a pollee, on' a . drugs of willful and deliberate murder. tiplo4iatiiifficiiiii: 41,0 igoaomeao• o&rittot the' Madden' lath - of MUD Hanlon, the father of the girl, which It , wpm, stated occurred nn er dientelons. diregurrindiriejarm ititini•ter/siMai tline that his daughter was sasned of having given him poison. There was at thatAntergiowerw. trp,fo.updation for such a inspidern, - so far as we could ascertain, except a rumor In the neigh-. *Shedd • libel the 'lather and child had not been on good terms, and we mud confess that we have been unable u 3 rils• cover anything more tangible in the ore yet. The Coroner' summoned a Jury to hold an legume, camped ■ post %aortae% ex, trrgartifaritterits !ad ir d thr hinds laced the h chemist Mthis ifilyguredialyani,mod. adjourned: the ID road until such time as the. Prof. would be ready thetegl of hie invsdt• ttoi o x. C o t o to teltopefurithiello=l.4- the case. having got - hold of otheY'ru.. Wrotem letter ter • tbe'lkimum - Yirtrich. wee 'fircelyed Mbsterday morti4g dating that Banton's icidrigere rildld,4l.7lllthe girl *MAW Ids, ale, is !Ming With Soma neighboring ram-. lingualud.soirkenotherlittle girl at the boos.that; *them her father came home ,sicirrultern Mater Margaret the. olden &madder: sakeithimlf berme ,. s iregVidalt.. /Jerald yes, harem sick „sadism going. to die. TbersOperi,'; as .WMII wales,: Margaret went .v). a closet. took out • glass toniblerldeitilniagMbs/deidiki to be wh/fa Powder, Wok It up s •s tan r and tTTe lei =a tergooV p o 4 ethe& lr - dtitig si sr;ldraYtg there m Alma- dir . Maud; with: white sediment The jcirYmen Wok pos. semiotic/ the tumbler and.-wrote lathe ommiderstion of true and 'othet • .elrentildaneel, ,Meted' ..Tole; COP. 41smon , Information' receive d, made fn-_ Ptillslioo-tifore BITYP4 chlUirtFg' -Margarid Benton with murder.- A.var. rant wertligueCiMa .Offloor. I,79= d v paired tof thefleiMend3,ol-tbe yesterday. arrested her and brought be to the 0170 Then she was maned in Mg Melting, -The , tuitibler 4raferred Mee alao brought to ups city by the orneeri wed le bribe - posession ' of the Mayer. but whether it edirtilite tingle or not we are nueibletrYeay, - DM from the lion given atttliemedirdint fonarthr the glide .me:rirlt trellem it le .;: . : (.191netlit•SrOste._ •• • ' -, - ThIfPWIPS IBA Iti4 B o3BElt Of.the grCdli , - • pteat the several. pieces of inutile. • • te.6lo4ettyL Air the month of De. ember, 'genitive .of the Pittsburgh Theatre. ripen .whlch there hal, been no 0ivenarace1e,",.....:......110,140 00 Barskill'ildtmettm ' '2,639 . 00 0D•71040 1 2pe. I No no 'l = 4 7.lT4F!!:!llrikTillqo4, * ** •••-•. 1,916 00 41lea 31 re 'heel* Plttstra6iuitt. Pledttedg t the shoe* would swell Suuljo a 'M =POO,. or this sum Odd so the national Gov ernaseat,earilbptas thwe other Masi eaffKies ars r*di Vie net atlioodvitylireavi •• ..• Maenaie Doetidiottlreetenlay holt! Atik 4 , 01P 1 * .9 12 tls Pcolf of *Pi -4 320 =,who Wed , noddstay, at the roa. Ban; 'No. 48 Estaan ihdottela; Allegheny sly. , htrualton.' tar iriiiit4eirlifty'yeers of oge nod Ins bela an Invalid tor a number of years. .she_w4a In Indigent eironmetanaes and woo sointorte of Abe, , olly flosofor the pop fore venal years, frozn.wheno 'she was talon by BLr. Bann. Itnmuuo that she retired about On o'clock Wednsodey . 11111radgi hod' atimptatnod' of feeling on. B.terfono'clock. Mrs. Boon went up to her loon toooeif She wea on, bat. tar and 'band her dead. ' The jury re. turned omerdlat of "death from natural eatutes." ♦ PUBLIC Nosmni. Meeting 'title Bank of Pittsburgh Beta. . ttke re the Establhhinent of a Public HosaltalPians sturgested and Dle,- - nesacd—The Matter Progressing. • .. The want of a public hospital in this city has long been the subject of conver sation and discussion, but anti! recently no steps have been taken in the matter, either by the city authorities or private Individuals, of a practical - character, and the consequence Is that we &reedit with out a hospital, or a place of any &scrip- Monte the care and protection of Indi gent persona who meet with misfortune., but moat be dependent on private Insti tutions in the city, whlchipmerally have been extremely liberal. The matter his r at lest assumed fbrm, and wearepleased . to say promises to work the many "airy nothings into shape, and give to them a local habitation and" by the es tablishment of a drat class public hoepl, tai at the old Western Pennsylvania Boa plod building in the Twelfth ward. That such an institution is needed no one will deny, and that there is no rea son why the city should not haves hos pital for the accommodation of the poor and unfortunate, is another fact equally evident. „ . A meeting was held at the Bank of I Pittsburgh, on Foprth „avenue, yestei day, for the purpose of devising some moms for the eabiblbiblefelt of a public hospital. The meeting was attended by representatives from Unkßoard of Gust diens of the Poor of the city, Poor Di rectors of. Allegheny City, Managers of the Western _Pennsylvania -Hompital et Dimmont,,,Poor. Directors of Allegheny county, end a number, of claims who. for a number of years. past, have been laboring to effeet the object proposed. An organization was effected by calling Hon. J. K. Moorhead to Machete. Oen. Moorhead stated the object of the meet- Mg and spoke of the necessity of a pub lic hospital at considerable length. • John Harper. Esq., President of the Board of Managers,, addressed she meet. ing, and In the course of him remarks gave a history of the , origin and estab- Bailment of the old "Ninth Ward Hoe. pita)," and made some Important sug. gestlons as to the character of the • Wail lotion which it wan proposed to establish, It should he so conducted as to dispense with the "red tape" system necessary to obtain admission to some inagteliolle, in some cases at least. • There should be connected with the institution a "lying In d , p•etment," atd it should be open at all times for the reception of the indigent of the city and all other., with only such restrictions as were necessary to guard against Imposition. Dr. Jonas It. McClintock submitted the draft of an act of Assembly twerp°. rating ' the Twelfth Wird ;Hospital. It is proposed to separate the institution from the Western Pennsylvania Hospi tal, and appoint a separate and distinct Board •of Managers, and 'the Manes of twelve persons are given as corperatoes. The proposed act was read, and after considerable 'discussion was referred to the Committed - from the Board of Mana gers of the Western Pennsy lvania Has pltal having In charge the T welfth Ward. Hospital, with a request that It be 'sub mitted, at a oseeting• of the Board of Managers, and their action reported back to this meeting. On motloo, 'adjourned to meet at the all of the Chairman. This looks like 'businees, and we hope that the spirit manifested at the meet ing yesterday may prompt others to Fait their "shoulders to the wheel," now that a fair nun:ben been made. The metier should be kept *alive and not al lowed to smoulder and die as all former movements In that direction have dorm. THE COURTS. • Wietriet Court—Judge Kirkpatrick THURSDAY, Jan. 20.—1 n the ease of the Steamer ••Lark" va. The Wenona Coal Company, previously reported, the jury . 'returned verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of /181.9!3:: • . „ .The was of MaClurkan vs. Toomptsm, previously reported, was resumed, and is still on trial. TRIAL LIST POR YRSDAT. 84 McCullough va. White, Trustee. 88 BM. Patterson it Co. vs. Baker & .. Mahlon. ' ' Flinn vs. Graham. ' ' ; the Smhh vs. The 'Tough.' It= & Coal 110 , Minos' Oil Mining On. vs. Dil ' worth & Banc?. 1111 Jacoby mi. Schoen & Lai:trent. 114 Nichols vs. Modes, ' 118 Jetniea vi. Jolittatoti et al Comma Pleas—Judge Sterrett. TIIII/LEipAY, Jan. 2A.—The case of I'rans vs. Jones di Lanablins, previously raper ted, wee returned and In still on trial. MOM= =DUE cox.x.rsca. , . . . • In th e Quarter. fkasions Court room, Judge Collier presiding, the PIM of Ica. Blakely vs. Moreland and Mitchell. on the Common . Pleas Int, was ~taken up. This is an action to recover damages al leged to have been contained 09 plaintiff by reason of hdarles inflicted on his wife, by • fall from a buggy. Defendants are proprietors of a livery atablo and the plaintiff hired a hone and buggy from' their establishment. It is alleged that While driving the inane with, his wife had family, the bone "shied" and run the buggy over an embankment. Jury withdrawn and cue continued., After bearing testimony the Court Is. sued an ardor ; directing that ; Christian M'artner. of Birmingham, tosses to Dix mont Hospital and to be maintained there by the county. „ . = 65. Stott vs. Possetairgn et ux. sineldsVg. McA _ x eetcom. l i ts ge ssi ri ng a er i ' s. Bro. "Pston m i kul ' a. E . t . Horner ad. Abbott. 41. Bradshaw.vs. Doff. 42. C f Von. fin use vs. 43. • • Taylor. 44. Pierce. 45. Smith. 46. Huey. 51. Sproul • 57. Davis dt.Bro;:Vs.pchalk: liteht vs. Hutchison. aIiOCKBe BIIICIDt , . . A Woman co t, Her Throat With • .z —Temporary... Insanity tha .caum.; A &streaming sue of - suicide' oocurred . 'peat erday - st a hearding IniUm Ou 'arapt street. ibis Mtn,: the . victim , being Mn.. Mary 111ahUm - The lady. with'her !Me band, boarded it No; 189 Giant Street, and a law„ days dart had ; . .attack an of fiver, Dr: Gallaher was summoned and ettehded her: She ante deli:toner times and; jiaterdity 'Morning about eight . &aloes:her husband left her far ok law, moments and went - down stairs to his tiniskfast, - , thinking the 'was miller). When he - returned - eland' bis' wife itandint !mit a wash bowl with a 'fright lel gash in her throat, eXtendihu from ear to ear. and blood Sowing freely Man flitiwounoL In tart hand she - held the razor With - which idle' had perpetreted the • tided; and tho wall bait of the mirror wis arrered with blood, ha was also - her clothing. He gale die alarm at once, Mid' Drh. Gallaher - sad ktolLelveywereaummoned. The wooed wasidzemwd - and It wamabonght ittist the Merin :Weld WY' reWiNeti .leto to vitalpart hu been !Oared. She gated 1 to the phyalchwe that she, hatemleil kilt herself on the :night previous. but °Quid not get au opportunity to Garry mit ' bar intentioni: _She iiaigned no remain for the rash apt and li M thought that she was leharingAiitiders , ohentil aberration canoed by her sicklier. likai lingered until about six olcidak - but when she, expired. The .illorolerZl hol4'ery Inquest on the body this matt.. ”'• ' • EMgiMMS . . The folloWlng deeds weraaandlted • record In the of Thos. U. Recorder for Allegheny. county, Thuile. dek, - ;entieri 20,1800:: I Jo epo O bees to Mash Lid., Sep. I. Ileaktkpir- S! - tt,".1:7,7T1.°170% vela ladlaa • , owarbli e Ina 12 ,, os•plad leolle,XYrsaer. °pi, 00, OW; S Aare la ••Berg to op trat.S.-10 , 2E: lo .1.1)04 t 7i414, straq. /c Len arp, eall, efe rit emerge • arm m. •. Wenger to Jnit•to Kirea , l, bat a la r al. iDtaattownslst. H.V...g121. , y. J... to J soot, rfallllt, Jd an. N l7. Itltel 41001=2 la.l. 40 n Pamir Mad% war , . All gbetel •• • • gar Robt. O. Boirdio sold. Vt. XL 1103: im feeo. " l4ll l i4Ohe t. 1 . rim .pa . het, eft oreele 4M . 17.4 -'F'«telrt,l4.eit, 6 ;°=M:ra.'tri,u4 • -fiZ' Itaboth EL.A• to .ITeury v... r 11,14. 001.. 10, 11.4 a, talk , er 140 Neil:Masa •Illagaut Wortil•le *,..41150 Disrobed. - Tetterday afternoon .eflle a rm* U. wait lUS*led,that there idiot a man id on Water strret,-Whe had a nitnible robe which hy offarad f - sell for five dollar, and as the robe' was w)rth at least: It * 'lO bad Prababko stolen The officer, aiummpanied by Landward Gordon,repaired to the plaee mentioned and found James Id.fltarr, a nOtortatis sneak' thlefosith Abe retie In hla pcieseaslon. 7smes wee relieved of the custody of the robe and pissed to lock.ny te await hearing. =ln ME =I PITTSBDItaII DAILY WHERE ARE TILEYI An Alienist ny AtllMloll—Blopeinent A 4. fair— ow a Friendship Ended—A Sue. ceutel Genie tuna Far—no Trate of MGM Allegheny Is generally very quiet, and for k large city pattern of morality, Occasionally, however. a latent spirit of evil is developed which provei what . might be done if circumstances required. , The latest demonstration of this charac ter la that of yesterday, welch afforded rich food for the gosidps and created sensation of an Intereatingcharacter., A married man eloped with a young girl— . but to commence the story Onderstand ingly It is necessary to go back in review a little.;_tionte time ago the absconding BenWlict was the proprie tor of a ready made clothing and varite 'store; on Ohlo, not far front Bas.. dusky street, and the girl was employed by him as a seamstress and saleswoman. Alter a time - abe desired to commence heathers for herself,' and was assisted, it le said, with money and goods by her employer. She opened an establishment on Ohio street, a few equates above that of her benefactor, who called frequent ly ostensibly. to see how business moved along. The girls parents occupied :the remainder of the house in which her stare was situated, and - nothing was thopght of the visite of her male friend. He Was abut thirty years of age, married;' the father , of two children and bore a good name. She was but nineteen, neat n drew. agreeable In manner. and . rather handsome, ..with a reepectable • . A few days ago the truth failed in bust. nets and the Sheriff seized •Upon htsc goods. His wife observed him soling strangely liar several days, but accounted for his manner by the unfortunate ter- Initiation of hit business. Yesterday, 'atter eating dinner, he took the oldest child,- a little boy nearly • four years of age, and started out; leaving no Informa— tion of his destination. Soon after, the wife was called upon by the father of the girl, who stated s he , had been missing elate Wednesday night. At that time; sue left the house,. saying that she was going to PittsbUigh and would remain all night with her slater. In the morn. Dig, somehow, the father's suspicions were aroused, and he called at the real. donee of his married daughter when be discovered the other , had mot been there during the night.- The disappearance of the girl, and the subsequent departure of the man, seemed to confirm the atm. piclon that they bad eloped together. Information was conveyed to the pollee, and a vigorous search Instituted, but nothing discovered of the lulr,. Massa gee were then sent to the principal cities east and weal, for theirapprehenslon. It !s thought they have gone to Baltimore, hut no trace of their route has thus far been discerned. The man has left at, home his wife and an infant child, with out money or provision fur their support. It is hardly probable the game wilt suc ceed, however, as tiro Moat vigilant efforts are toeing nisei, by the friends of both parties to Bemire the fugitive'. InatallialotL - Rev. Chsxlea Hedger, of Newark, New Jersey, was yesterday examined for or dination. to the ministry by the Ohio . Presbytery, In session at Rev. Dr. Wil. eon's church, and last evening was In stalled pastor of Qraoe Presbyterian Church (colored.) The service* were of the most Interesting character, and tee large hall of the .Colored Puttlle School Reuse, on Miller- tweet. where the Church holds Sabbath and weekly per.. viola, was filled by an Intelligent audi ence; who seemed to be deeply imbued by the religious algulticance or theme. • Rev. Dr. Beacom, of. Montour, acted as Moderator. The installation serener{ was preached by Rev. Dr; 'MOM nay from Second Cor., 6th chap., 19th verso. It was an elegant; discourse and moved the hearts of those present It9lo, divine emotional The . charge .0 isvLbe pastor Was given by Rev. W. ii. Beatty, and the charge to the Church by Rev. Dr. Wilson, and Rev. Dr. Garnet offered toe - clotting prayer. Fine vocal and instrumental tunic Interspersed 'the exorcism. .14z. ._,Modges,--..lhs--11nst pastor of this grotelpg, and MOO andel chnrett, geWeman of Ileg . education; having steeled at LLoooln Tinlverally. ' Alb And barbed elocitience ad Irately fit Mtn to be the pioneer or an advanced religious sentiment' among the Solored peep The membership of Grace Church ' fa composed Of quite a camber of the ris. I fined and Intelligent colored people pf this vlclnhy, Slid the , develepinent tad growth or Ita Congregation are subjects of the earnest hopes and prayers of • a vast number of the good people of them V,! OvEns Hotter..--There was a tante an. dlence at the Opera House list night,x,Ft we anticipate • much largez Mil evening; as it is the occasion'of a benefit; to Miss Georgia Iteynolda,,tlie . talenusi young actresaand general favorite& the Opera House company. A.spkesdid bill will be presented, and • • pleasant: enter. n reent may be andel : pelted. L. Psonserans. , —The• wind .patmenade of the Cecelia *Myer Cornet Band takes place at Lafkyette Hall this evenintr, ang It promises to by the eller or theme. soh.' Tlikete ildreleidon ' 121:0, mid supper tickets, which maybe. oh:410W of the Committee; It 00. Samsun° , laniumne—Prot George, F. Birker, of Yale College, will deliver two acientinotectritei lithe Academy of Mattoon Monday and Tuesday evenings of hest Week," on 'alto - Spectheicape.'l • The-lectures will' he' taterrsperaridlwith experiments, showing tho practical ben. ODDS andimportinoe of this Walt rev& 'lotion rif mainline InVestMallon., The subject is fall ()flatness &anti:retaliation.' and, if there Is eV ‘otgnilfte testes Inbar people, t he:Academy le certalato be well patronized on this occasion. Prot EAT. wer.oommles Um highest minion In ,Ins d. profesakini and be should, te duly lien. ore "fin= sYe 13 .. 01y10 00pr1 . 4.11 Dr. Darrin'a 'tures ! Dre.Ditrini the tryfripathette'phyitiefan; , continues to astonish our citizens by his wistiderfal'atirtsC Aincetigidilitteheasesi we may mention a ,victory , oyer a moat obatigite'Catiirti r ,' Lung trouble,. under which-Mr. Andrew Lynd„ er2/0 North. DlVhew street, Was eriffer. . Ine Berman rants,' or TI Huron 'ahem. cured of Pawilyslac will* bad nearly hia right Davidi ra n a d a rr al e i r. c t i l f Be 4e i st Y oc ei n cr il olplieltectnerVot Ithinmanani (which bad drawn her joints nut of place) with which she had been afflicted for fifteen yearn g dfingb,or l of Mr .s. 1 7 . lifoOtirtnicir, - of 'Jamarn, Yens :; to- stored to unity from lunacy; and the re. etoratton of .the AMA of a daughter Of Mrs. R. Peroey of thhicity, who has been partially blind [or fourteen years. There is certainly something wonderful In Dr. Darrin'a trestmentointt tboire wholare afflicted by any form of dims° will do Well readmit; bin.: . (Hr. Herman Lintz, airmen of shrive is an employee of! idessra:Clay, Cossoli. dr Co., and of the fact of his haring been curtetof paralysis by-Dr. DSPllllilre are personally' cognivant.—Ratitor Buffalo Commercial Advertiser.) , ' Persona desiring tertillar! with - Umonials of the Doctor's cures, nan bare themfroonf thugs byte:wowing !kip tt the Robinson 11011 , 10, thll city, anointing "P"R"., Wm. ample, ISO and rederel street, Allegheny. rare:rat ida sinter° thanks to bla friends ends kind and dia. • crinilnating public, for thelryery liberal patronage extended to him for so many yeall. and reepectfolly inform them of bie.pdarrt trout Ate dithltAni **Mots Mitb s larger stock of goW egd SOW extra bargains In fancy and staple good; Suitable for the present logion, Whitt, en now open for Insilettion, and as venal 'Oil beset:rend at ecry low i rt rin Atette ty rendering all efearanee eau.. Daring the past season, owi ng to `the Wrest throng reanytiroar ottakitnere could not bewaltedom Lithe future,ar. range - Mini*, wIU be dude that all can be welted 6romptly, pleasantly and probtablw promptly, bY We and , exphrledded tea. Blatant!. all MO allid; 3 4 81 1Vilderel Weds. Allegheny. -- • • 01. &monody waning. ' Toad.* ititendon a - inddi. dreamed . ''r t►ier'Lanaiogia woman calledids lumisir on ,Creg greet, F#St. ~ ward ~.. tlieghany, With * In her arm's, widish ebb destre 4 A°. baVe for few momenta until atm could cell at On' Federal aired depot/ Feradtaleh. was Vented. sad -she left 'her hordes, and thenlet; herself. She but not raterneel 444 OVOUingt end probably nettle Will; The llttte stsangsr,a boy about teeP weeks old. will be given to cf the OVefellellltif the Pnw• Why, Nothing la mem what/Amp .rmirtte;e iirreeeble than efslitacenit ner with your roast beer. It aids dlgea; lion; Invigorates %Women). end pits tat on your , bone'. Try Pler Danes/a' et Co.'s ale 'made at the Oreg on Brewery, on Stevenson street. ED= MEM FRIDAY IDRYJNO. JANUARY 21, 1870. Lectures. • C. C. Coffin, Esq., batter known f. the literary ant journalistic world s. utfirle ton.".dellvered a lecture last aren't in the akitideMy of Music, under tb au- spices of this G. A. It. There ass tolerably gaffed house; but the library reputation of the lecturer, sad. the sub. )eetnissenied, naught •as Is wth ao much Interest to the United Bodeen the present tine, were worthy of a much' larger me. Mr.'. Coffin's , theme was, •"China and the Chinese In Ameica," and was • handled In a most meterly style: The lecturer is evidently amide. Man ; of keen . and penetrathig:Otterva tion, and can present, in the meet fasci nating colloquial style, whatever to has seen In his travels. His descriplon of therlahffirtent.Ottatoma and Modeaof liv. leg of the aCeleatials,", last, awning, Wu deeply Interesting and hsinctive. During his recent visit to the An*odes, he evidently made good nee of tilt time, Bad received unarm Information inregind to the progress, or rather retrogrdwionof Chinese civilisation. - He descrlted . the origin of the .13 uddhlat religion, and pre• sented'sorrm of the leading princplea to the Confucian. ' The bill oC fare Inzdsh ed at a provincial Governer's .14ble, at - whlebbe Inia an fierier's"' guest' would scarcely create, a dealt* on thnnart o many of his audience to dine' alt.W the high" dignitaries of China, willat" the' manner of 'vowing and pedant tea. aS described by Collin, Would lave any thing but the effect of Protindeg the most agreeable sensations In ttoso who hidings In the use of Young Hylion or Imp l. Coffin is of the opinion Hit ,there Oh danger threatened to Our Instltn. Ilene by an "Mktg either of European or Chinesepopulatie auto the Cintedithates. That hunter was aittledat Gettysburg I Constitution Water 111103rtainaore fit . Diabetes and all diseases • of the Hi& nays. For de by all Druggists. —A newterty wasOrsanlzed M t y day evening In New York city, under the name of the New Democracy; ,The :thunders base the part# on the funds:. mental principle of reonlidelt a refer' enoe to the people of all laws passed by their legislative representatives. as ls done In several of the Swiss Cantons. - A. shrewd bid Is made In the platforin for the dotes of Women. The New Dem. ousts favor the running of all railroads and telegraphs by the Government, and the employment of everybody who wads !weir' by the national and local staboritles. —Barter* Rate, divorced wife of A. J. Rose, Consul to Bremen, has tiled In the CoOleeetinty (1114) Court a petition set. title-forth that 'the return'of pioperty made by her motherot Mrs. Angelo De. Vorsy,,e stlrniniatrairbv of the: estate of the late well.known ' Mower of Chicago, Michael Deveray, Is, false In every re. speed, and she propose, to contest the oistrilmtion. Am • Dever' , :returned only an estimated value of 542,000. Mrs. Rose...Nelms that the propfixty ut dispute is Worth $1,000,000. -The Rhode Island Society for the • Promotion of Domestic Industry - sale. braled, at . Provident* ha fiftieth anal. vereary by an bltdorleal and oommemor. airy° address delivered by Hon. C. C. Van Bands, and a banquet at City Hill, at rebid' speeches were made by Gover nor • Haddleford ' and' Meyer Clarke. Judge Bargee, Bishop Clark and others, Additional liaOteto by Telegraph; • Cutcouti, 41111U•19 20.—The market fir 'Wheat was gotta •eiedlve in the afteunohn and prlosafirmerkud higher, cloning* 8l 2 0116 b: .4;lotii • and Oitillillrlitld'rillE6lll2l. In the evening Wheat sold as 79%,(30304, cub and seller . 14rotr4, Omani at the =Odds Okure. RIMPB thinfirund tunderately Settee; ems Pork at 127 cash, and buyer February at 727,76: Dry Salted Shoulders In bulk, February, 10„Xo; Cumberland" plm Short lift. light average 30 lb*, br minim 16 • lard: sell*, for next ntonth BALTIMORY, January 20.—Mess pork quiet, $20@30. Bacon quiet: rib Bidet 111140, clear sides 17e, shoulders I3,S(e, haws /WA). Lard 17017.Nec flsilvsud scares, 111f3,1,01i - tnNTOR,4 I O*- B. Pi , JA3aB 1.. WiLLUill. ....TrwELSON & , : wILLIAMSr, trodersmro, *armor, of 71111COvelnse opq /111 Meet. Plttabenk. ,Collsootf fall.tteas. Ellwood. Crap e. sod fflooegl:sad fiool tion of foul og oopitofottOell oo r t . saoatrosolmobto was tp .Iloorm awl corrturfoC42ll/010. Ono. OVos Oaf and nlilks. paw' & n a . c rEtinals,' • DIRTAXE34I3 ....N * 4lAV . l 4 ll 6 lnatim e netrcetra 00/45 aro canna/417= y V: , tr i lAtt ingtatiott 00EM., at Tina . eas arlatz.l/2 Jr . VlldalaTala Fb duces ra ed. araVara,z4L...r s .,4l =Ars-, 'JOSEPH METER & BOR E ' . - • VrtnzaVrAlLlCErMili swans PZ " 5.1741 . 1 n Oarsta gas - Mar IP aasAls, e 3.00 d4 =2. 4. 11#1 , 1in remand lueditotent aga 'JOHN IL COOPER '& Bell-and Brasil Fondan t -; • . Mak k BILLING lilp. .Blade Promptly Prompt/sr to Order ? Made and Sept en liana? rruprieton sattlilaashatlntra at .T.lLCoopeeshaprovedl3ahneeniel STEAIt 2 / 8 -T.• reandis,Fer.avtanaiegun!eastrei 1TP41111311.1111 PA. . . SIMIAN!, TAILOR,: f• ,) (= t )1 Cale. p . t '4W; Sixth Street,, , FALL AllOVlNfili STOCA L~DIIiItt.ORM I LRMEN; lalCiTt ror lbet • • HOLIDAY 6IFT. op.l and exuell.• or WATONLIIX. tameReI..IIIWILLILY and rah. vW WAltioe Um mama detletUtpsterusi.i lin. , Go DIINSFATRIL . JL1PM67.17. AID OPTIMA/4.- • . inrnt "a • : " • elep at e .11re li (lingo • -4!ssirre, • . I MARKET FIRS y. 7 $lllBll.ll 40. Caoteatiodliiii Int liartford. ;•41ESICTIIII 11469.9 4 *A 19 . FDIVARD,IL iguapirm, A*41401416 I.43I.IIMIVAIIIIiNVIt it, betwtO Weal .ed !tregt, EM GRAFI, OW 1 - !votes! wfachisA C 1, 7" WATTLE& & ,iIHEAFEIPS; •totirlirrit iNirsat. Uottid 14hlitraiti.e, mita Wasehe.. U. Witc?f4S Ladle., Geld Watches ;ere cheap. • Yeaa,WateheseallaltUf rciantKi - ItrAWTlAtz' sc.`naMnMVll rioniv ROLL Faysmin,, ociumiki inkCpx67.6 „„ uump t 'et.... stiivar ” 61U Rollio,/e1144444:. I T Tj l l g n~d~.~ifY s ie e iw Ts VF; DIM& 1 171iliteR tatisty apd at_ pe:tew LlAtraWal TIT I=a v g= - badness east lesu to al 7440ragigt= lirtrrlkerkiroll releb All at tely yeAr . lone. btu as scan, vtu tame a_l34 arum. Wholaa Is as maw. Ali =AM •US. gOPUY. lIEM Fir2foT2i7E3—..76:Let," upyr gskyn .1 . 1 4 ,47 s. ...B oar dia f es dhr, WA exceeding POUR 1,13r114 sea be .ineerted Mew "whams'. once for TWENTY-P.lM' CENTS; deck add. 'timed Crizscre. WANTS. WANTED—PARTNER— With atd)o9 club to lumen botleeet. zunhtets tatehltihed staple and .01 steno thoro , .eh Omni. atter, A pent herthe the above &moot. eta doable Ia• the net ~,,, . Addrees At. AL 0.. titterer oe Matta[ where an Interview can be had. ANTED Bp a small ram- ILI% • GIRL to do hinersi housework. 'Rho oleo at 3T theuthfisht street. WANTED ..-A COMPETENT 0 0 0B.KESPNB. at Dlimoat. Hospital. Nona aaed . ooo7 bairn they aro of Roan moral ebaleerer, atreabre to Morrie., *no can bring Rood recommendation, For Inform...on en ...tact bletieNDl.lo3o, JAallift.24 & CO., 103 Wood aunt. Mumma: - • • • WANTED—A respectable NT- I, LiATION by a La man Wll5 bag bad considerable excellence family grocerY and pr.:mill. busiciegg. boot-keening and r e e fer. eaniflo 1110 generally. Thieccoottonable refer. acre.. Addison Byo...OlZigliTS °Mee. TANTED TY Will be-v.-delved for one Wert for in Abort arra ilt0.000) stye or CURB 141 . 11N15, to be delivered in rittetotrgb or Lawrerumrille. Meet be or Preen art or Haven stone.. OnSH tell, be wla od delivery.rosining a per eantsge toe fultlllntent of contract.. Aeldreso, & taIUTTERLY. Real Istate Agents. Lamitnoeville. WANTED....-ELEL.Pe-...AT • EN. Street. r kgya ..infacilk,ll,-13;6ag,3, ktndo of sanDloymost. Perla. vrAntink Emir of all kinds dna bissnindled on short notion. WANTED—AIi AGEIST for this il,Zrtitig;t'svla%freallti 41 " : "ai net offer teems mare liberal thu say ether eompasy. Call nee examine at let Weal .tract. ~• ' H. C. WILCOX. Traveller Amt. AFTED.-A orwrs everp gor WHERE ; to Bell th e A.MaIIICAN KNIT , the outs Plaetleel .Irsztally KnlGlar Machine weer Invented.' Pries OM 111 tall 00.000 eUtches per =lrmo, Ad &en AMERMAN KNITTING MACHINE CO., Basta. Mus.. or M. boats. Mo. WANTS.% MORTGAGES. - 830.000 to Loan to lirie or mall amounts. AA what rate et Interest. 'THOMAS K. PETTY, BM, Bond *ad Reel Estate Broker, " • 11518=ithrleld street. - - WANTED.— AGENTS. '250 rsovilVinitig u air AVI u N l a x I L 0. CHINE. Price Judy SIB. Great luducements, - to Mir moot trrarroM A tte Lock do., kind of wort that be done on any autchlo•-100.090 sold .00 the deinsod unit tan tly insreastnib Now Is Vs.. state headto tats a 0 08000). for circulate. )Be. Cl of int email' Address ISECA)AII LoutAllio. CU.. Boston. YW. t Pittabursh. P's., or tit.' LOST. OST.;-1110NDAT; ,I%th at ins . Drove Yard/ •Ilanbeni, a • DIA. /V C ew LVOTAIS BtuGOLD H Btu AIST: PIE A liberal rard 11Pa rail re the d daer on Int la at the Morgan Roue, Alrigbeny aaty, near drove rds. 140 S T OR "gTOLENe—wearseg. DAY RIMMING; Jzzina 121 b. 1 810. AG um HOOYI.Ey,w.II4 )ears; .hortmaet tele emu eted tug sear souse - ber - lett behome as 5 oarlock p. K. on WEDr.ReDAY RYEN/NO. An)lo ormatlooleadloß to bee me. bovery .111 be %bent Dilly reomma Au. OK Frs. . 1 . 1 ". 1 •11.7. Altegeeny 55.7. B= TO:LET TOILET: —. ROOMS . —. Several a.. wt. faral.bed rocs. la lawman tuealloO, quiet sad 'war to anideas., ...Cll:l44.lo,3,ll4l;ibaja.eury:a:Lnkt7e."74:l%fr:7l"4,:i rho t LET.—The NeWBtoie lo ag. No. stre w MI,. WOO 4 •trect. Itoguire nt No. rem „ • . . • - rpor LET.—Deak Room tin 'a .A. tmodumely tic.c.lllp vela. In ....tarsi lo c..ttou tot IniOnem. APPIYt N9.,1110 /watt. . Wong tow: TIO-LET.r-Hwelling Hou No. 39 9 irrY navara at 511/71 mom .11t14.11 Om born of - 10 =4151 at Fe a TO - LET-Yralro!muse No. UN • AZT , fjaVivir =Jay =gig MO. LET. Fur mashed Frost iiiiikm4lgin*.` T"-LET.A deilzable State 11 0 Obt on Bt. Clair .tr.A. Also. s.verst or //CIS ea Illet,as• Mcoed bOOO. and • It(W,N GO by 2O MIL* Goo, Ramat,. -of WA T.K. Insce oNot. No. afoot. O LET.—The Large Store Room N 0.96 Wylie *venue, earner at e W.Va. Innebargb.. BROW7S• Mt Fifth TO 2.story b uck J. tosses. No 815 .4 lin C rare CantainiSi vocalueselllth WI la. Iro Trawls tc Enquire 5% 0.54 Onlre are.. r. IIeVALLItiI. ' • . • LET.-Five roomots-emAy AkuVglONT:lklit "Agra gni:4 ..JKoutpc, nth dug taaad myna rooms. X. quire 4 storied - ,,. ,0 14 , , , , W0U t.. 9 7., : r etate, of ring Aversoo bottom] P.k. Isolate of oar s itl KON6tei: Tr * /3111 ood : t r Avenue, or A. 9.IIOWARD. No. • • • . • • •LEr.—A Suit of Rooms romp3l-I.g Two Large, ' ere _ r coot s cut Suu. duo, 01. Isrart,• •weit Ilabteo front Noostoo 3gu Soo, One Isret ligi Virelltd.llooo/ WIC 4111 800, Oneflturr itoosy: CU Siggh DP Als Yugt.lak's sew balidlely /worts - avenue. s . Ctr Aerrl..lo(lolfe of. ZIGLION •'00.: No: 11111 Fount:untie • LlO-11311/( k . gral.r AG.dßrl:•=l.tZlll4"7til4lrl4 M g I AAI., 7l ' ll '''"°` . rPgrlrrT". :3 14 4.tiAar: .. •11.7. x.-, • Xis. 119 and IQ Mnna. dormer at Diamond street. NS riin.uaaCeconsiso-NEwj,eoonoTEL-ritir and.-4i4 MUM:wad !watt= SO rooms sr ,ett. Amite, . watt" .tu , eloiset, matlmnatt! ta.'lfat.N Ufa ktiles ted Imams to each= eur raillards.. bar. Made had parlors. '"""" 4 "MAY trowL 'T .r di fibia l" lllite!Z i tifll47 " l 3 4 ll a l 2 Li...J.11t p2p .111 a by .e 71101gd an Of- p p =OW .11.1.1WIitsr as totanlns agli • adt. ..4.4-(11.01014 t oo l 'lrld• west, wink L'ltu -217:atata. Ibr Mr • Ciriod sad T. • lb memo. alms two: ' r i „) . „LEIN,- - . - • ---: ; t II GUN* DWELLINGS '• • .; -110011 IS arrh orrzons. -.. {iA , . ~:.• ,„ - Aiz&iit i co.. , • , , • • , • Id PLl:lti Avirtm. • • Fur gaup. t rsnrtrura 0111101 L, , ttpe ; ~; A. BMW. • axequ aaG 2 nasal Strait: • BAN ir....111016 Lime. Of a tisylny ; llcAtelAm WIZ" -Nn =aM dmisit.ll,T.. =ZS OFP/Cll. _ . • RALE Oft REPIT.-Irtureet O li)gitoßT MICK - TWILLINVEIOOBx, bro,. tgil:VrTfilfrViTir4.7l Pemnylv T aiala InsUrtneti anapawy. 161,4 W ood LEON BAL6 .jUr, AGSM. or LAND ' Ls sold ctuariaiid on eag, incilim et, WAL—. 8 1,404.1r. Ai rilear•it.Lor. • Uri • t • - WOW, SALE. -41 took , FLA 4:,,rosze, AND dOCLD WILL oria, linki,etasa etz.tetr. dotega tack nadarilsmel Whig ligseed In other maven; la tier Mawr Pot aelllmg. 'IlL; W. 1 1111', 19 m ud ittrac•kumbeiv. : • - U.. • i 1 'F 41. 41 P t e D " r letL i t Mtdorst etufair. i" ler hutil s ' rmi ail . 4 - ledgiatttenl:::,4"l7rttil: "4 44 ar linvi.oae.-alweityr wul V IV IL LL IPV=" P I474 6 :I; a N4 fll / 1 ,441 saiermi. ' ; VON NAll.Kl* * **l4 8011-, , 104pf411 kt.a. . : , • ,,, ;amitlcieutt: OtweerWattire, kleit , il 4 .ll ; , P, W. pllritikgmli liabxo7.4l44ilitus, wa. ;,, Inqufre DMISPAR ABM ban) 0117. irni.„;l ,ob =so 114 ' Leta on I•dis 11111)&•110,on omhi, oat: nr"4,eot .111001 ••kosioi as' Tkierm 0,9600 g a , 6 2lol•Vie " rb"l " . y 0000. aroodrileMPaltt MOOD: bola sad WI to Wow. 0744 4 , oil *no 11070. Bo i5t 5 17%.14 et t utroe4, ;rota • Mr' to 80•6 ?env. 0111114E10.11.0 firolL e 999: • • isti 4114r18g*Ziotiki • Witittikikeir Isiestrt.t. 16511" , a EiM i n, Wiers LTA: 'Mt 411 i t i 64.1410 — alai t 141:414/Litt I • 444144 • . 4 t 4,44 44 • ina t ,, wa• tato 'row vlivb.=-soo Adussatlholiss WO I. Oa • I NITr. tr,..9A1: 1 1 :7: 4 .rx 1 / 4 1 L., 114 = , ..- - ,14)" -"; tt.. 101, lam% ma.% ES=EZI VINEGAR. THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR • WORKS. BALLOU & DANS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Are now prowled to tornlzb TINEGAB at Me LOW NET WIEST RATE& Attention IA not tie/early called to oar 2 . 4 , Wi WEE VINEUAL MERCHANT TAILORS II'PIIERSON & BIJCOESSORB TO Dram a. co., MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 10 SIXTH ST„ late St. Clair. E .l . `wili:rttan l eTrip * ilrtrtigt i g 4 f . take. Dir. M. a/ IluAlit HULA .14 11411. .r el I :11 11 Cob b I let ri t ILAlnnuxo. N1.'.11-1R11.410, resexoniams DIERCIHANT TAILOR. Kteps emotaatly !Land Coas t autsinseres and Vesting& ►IgBHHTLYYiRro FIIESISHING BOOM No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street. rrrnmunaa. nal ihireant's Clothing nude to agar la the latest style.. •• sig MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING. al U i wzroz ,2 .. ~: tv e t .4l o= 4 . of mob= GRAY & LOGAN, 47 Sixth St., SO Fifth Avenue, CLAW Bt. Clair. 0021 NEW FALL GOODS. Asplndio:l2w +Loft Of atorits, ,CaBSEMERIBLI. .‘6414 Jut receftedby murmur itagiali.. m.a.avniaar, vs thattheeld duel. ooes. AND . 0081. BRADDOCK'S FIELD Gas Coal Company , " . ' wines AND eurerzas OF CH, ,BLICISII7II. /AD .11)11LI COIL, . . Nut Coal, Slack and Coke, i ji , ANTHRACITE OpA IN - gal sl;es. and. or tie beat tilt,. mut be tar: fished at remiodable rates I, e i /tUrd••• sit z !. , 12.A'AltiV:.1211,1. g'..,4 ll +:rtm:- != bil4:l7'.'iltr" - It'ild til;':u. I= Iii"""`°":144 uesk f ired to 'Neates Wilt .` . =met I . 4.4„, CHARLES 11,-ABMSTRONG Yovgblogbeny and Cone Cosh, ad llaarillanarar et MIL scaeraen DEIIILPHERIZIO can. OPPICZ LAD TAME% wirier Butler and Mortonstreet. Liberty arid Clymer • sneata Moth w ed .'e Illesond meet. Mph* ward, - and u lbot or nom street. P. & C. S. IL DePot. s Vgitert ' at either or tto , slam Misch or ad. dresa to me through Pattaborgh P. 0., ICU ea. *Wm prompt attest/ma Rohr to lama sm ausPlYladl Wamar. & Co . W. Mom. Caton Imat MM. la v.Yow ler & Co., Mitchell. amyl:mason & Co, Masan & Co co & Haves, Alas Bradley. Park. Bro. & park, McCurdy a C 0.,. Steam. Oran& Coll. atnahoail Wm la Faber & La, B. Lyou & Co.. James & Co., Allan. McKee & CO, Ca Olt Dv. pot Hotel, Cormallsellle K. S., Panas)tvsat► S. la, &neva.) Valley/L. R. ODALI COAL!! IMAM: DICKSON, STEWART It CO., • u.bis2llol6ledtholire,les,te I. EL 567 LIBERTY MORT § CLittlyoW Meer M.U1332100111:11LOOL . MeAtiforieLrat.T. Au crafTh..NriAa.,,A, the' usu. len He' Nso A 4 :VirtreThill VA .1,11 ROBBBT,I P.ATTERSON & CON, Saventhlyente and Liberty iit4 'PleTimmlafl. witt en , Everg swank'', irola ANi Arena BALE BOBSES CARRIAGES BUGGIES ! - WAGusNB. , aperftwm . Thlh. H ' eaa or sti i i 4n.sue. r trvi Slug maioath yott HjWirFat ' tPle . Inves tentift 4.14 e4r• 'LH b• Slum HI .W WI 11.iiTEWAR4 Authisiesi.' • 113111r1, ISSN AR* r orT. 114PAVITICLICIL CIaVaLMATTEBBON & 004 , , • ralv - Raßaci leukS.Zi AMU' r 0031:11413819N STELIEMP. VOL sans A EIIIII It PA: • i;C=ML LIQUORS, Op.' SCHIIIDT FRIDAY tore:awry* • WINES; BiANDIIS, Ott 40 ..soimeimp Pl= 818 , WILIENigB,' 401 0 PMeit,8TREET. Have • Removed',• to SOY. 384 /AD ISO PENN, Gar. aZteventh Et, (for Midi Cana JOSEPH S. WHICH za issiun; no. UI. na :ma us. man .erzurtr, Prrnatmen, • CailltidNNaOßN FLOII'B, . OT[ .9.11151 . . ILIELIBS ' NV '.1 t- Ma T. •porcissed to OlOsoe. Partic *Mos awl rirso oroantios. 104103.5. • Tbis -10 os Wisest Is Um Wry toOtt to to VII sat esosol 'wattzs i aX . /rg ou t .. 1111 . . t... 01. .,, a v kku th, wka on il 'No to at , , tlas best 1.0. ors ei made Ibt , , wan at, . totem Ma o f scaspettlloa on tie MOO indos of Soar. , 11. 2'.. Ellanrsov 416 Lib,. : -•: ~ -,:, • • ,•paadtteassltl44taipply rinitei ' mons s;:•:fit.lgri,! _ xts " -'' :i•ruitiereizigi ' - frrmar..-Le i paTesdor. e . a s a w l bbls .14totnniATO•nbbiA .._ a PI s oo„ IN tuar ... ..a we " ,41. • . vtiogiltwiseciAiinit*grits,, di t o •we taki. ammo 0 blitzvki auk 'an. ~ o . t"s iVfer.a, br ti ~,i rak? ,T a r l - -i i.ii: ‘ ,..... 2 .: or, nA, Passion Milli aniniesder lad Cnnin2, amine t 4.1." 11. - for sal* low than w we m. a co.. Iv "' • all NW iii* Wood burl. ~~ INIRIRANOII THE NEW ,INISBY Mutual Life Insurance Co., NEWARK, N. J. ASSetA, Over $500.090. rolkles Mined by this Company arc Dona tally Non-Forfeiting after we payment of. ono ,annoal rresdam. Dleldands annually declared and avoutii on third annual premium, either an the permanent Ineraane of tllanollon or In reduetion of met& ams HENRY KIRKPATRIGICi -• General Agent. 167 1-2 Wood Street, (2d floor,) zirrazuP.9ll. IT'Mt'rTRT;I I RI'MwM7 OMB. ,IFBIIISURANCI CO; • -Of Ppnntirylvania. • . Office, 15 Fedeial St, Allegheny-qty NOG JAI L. GBAHAII~ • AIM J. I. CLARK, D. " Capt. R. ROBINSON • . • , B. A. R. BELL. MD...' . • . ' Ray. B. H. NilalllT.lX. , ;s ' W. A. W ttEß,_Csabler Allecteny do: JAOOR RO D HR.R e aros ofal Ratak Agent. • . M C. W. BRASIL Hatter. - • TA. 4 4ll4 , )ll, 4 L;lteLsrsisise - isa, - D. SWOOSH. isszaraaos Arras. Capt. ROB?. 11.0111ABOItiPswaldast. ItaV..ll. CD,IS/Viesseradrldsrat. It JACOB illlll. C. R. 1111/11111% Bleissutesor" - • II: W. WEITZ; IPADICAVADVISIOY , DANIEL' SWOEIER, titagi Agens. , , . COMMISSIONID AO IRIS TOA John M. Donalassa, Pa. , „ ' I Jam.. • • Jae,- Jam Hollis ashritil.liraver. PA.:: ' P. B. County, McKeesport, rs., George U. Johnson lilathrtlic, r.. , J. &strayer Jobastossa. ra. • Comosay strictly mutual. All malts pararlalug to t olley.stolden by dlrldscol retarasd anat ily from tha and at Um first raw. Alt you its limn. ' 3 STATEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE INSITRANCE CO. Of Pittsburgh, 11 . 0 M Jalivat) Litt De cember alot. , 'PObtlabedmeerdaftedt with, the reyoltementa of th e /9 to th Motion-of Pn /Let of Aosembly of Um Coramonvotolftt of eobsyttrable, approved eyed MO, 'Sao: lot Dayttil Stock. :: :k... sio.o 000 1783=32 ' slicso co , /Nand NOl.ll with Approved • :• • Mame. as. %to od‘ Cult Book Account. for rrc- ' . 8i115.... . . ....... ()flee, nacoliurn .1 -•,-• • ea,usue 3d, AtnountorPr6allasoalire`d -141669 - $ 13,903 04 '4th.. Awntet bilalenot ' ' -Ist 1069..4 - • IV • 1 090 SI •' •111,11911i5 131311111191C1136718. • T 96 Lassa. 154 00 Ocmaduloas. 89.983 Tax.. 1 001 56 116tors.sreeentato...; ..... ' 9 4 0 49 661.1101 sad Ogle° • 3.01476 = Gib *mufti of Tratottadlat 6,4411 TO'• ktUte.3lst. 1889 !Rh. wefts and ..labliLlesj. 9. ,Autait4i. ' tear tai/. /11=7111 • INSURANCECOMPAPris,.• - randaviristrittonrd, • , 111". 111 11P y rUii Aram*. Nomad Pleoc. • • - ' -prrrtistreau. TA. CapItal11.11.1"oldl. ; l arra: P!..; t lti t ar.: 4 . 1 f . un traL, N.errok iw 114.211e1. •SOur.3l/21.K,INtk, Preildesti. a t eeZal i dpit., Insures on Capt. L iberal 11. fißACTerms ODZ. EieWlAireitt.l4 • lila 240410" Wade • lilarELM 111111111PANCeCO offl rH .A M P aigrer a rrateai.' • j MERRY. _Secretary. CAPT. GIVOBLIZ MLD, enteral 1. • ..,01laselk Wafer tmt. RIAU Ow' 4 , 247, 1 x. .X&211.1.‘• Tire iutd • .1 bans insiftutkan; issnairsa rattan 'di us knows to Qs swam= I hod who an deteradned pronsptneks and Ws, to oalaltatn tho otkarhaez they .t hal Issolood. as •twing the but ikkadlrliks bk hewn. - • 1 • ; T"r ahi in tarkalok. tigeyNnAk. fiergyzai • ;r it ri nu. iutp.". • AM. , . kn. Horner, David M. Loss. Wat. D. Masan. prow- INSURANCE COMPANY or PEIMIBUReIIi omcie.lousvx %mon a'rstier; BANE. UP Culfletuult aUTLDIIIO.', , This be; Usiss 2 2l,l4. sal?3111 ! n a l fArd: Zebutt it • • Tisansts, e !igM.Moarntcr, -4 , • o C. I.IIKW ; J , Sl.lllsums takr=cl. . . Laura St:. . . ACIAINirr. :Law irk flApcimi or. nouti O 7l lCZ. ll264lllB lolBT..itai , litz. " W. Mis t , peal/ B. rag. Dale, IDW FM"' BT MUIIM Jam, . Math Westoomax MI4 awl Wool• . INSURANCE COMPANy4 federal IL aid Ilium], 1114101," BM b e , ISZOOND NATIONAL /14.4t14 Ili. • " • rAlarrizeidies. f.) Br i m s itt al :11011=7011111, talg=itran• la 7 Bl4lonbin MUM, -.14/P in..._ . intavacwis ants , oi4iiiir, iiki: =was Irma wing o • ,f ~ . -,, min ,,,, m , i .:; ~i,; . - .•I ) , 4,. ..•., :I+ + WUSllaillila at M s, , ,!++ .= . 11 . 1,1 , 1=. 1 • ,enwei,:iiLl,ll6l=lll,:, i r : 1M:W1P% . ................dent.' :,•,-',"- ,:, i , c..E4ilEzi% Anrie a.atto. az Im 4 rifirs ' 60. . • ,2 • ' ' '..r . ' - •iii. ' ',' , *LAME ova: 4317na11t • I *4 >3 >o-41 WINK FINE - VAISEE3,;. soimnum • Ass' , naum, • ;*:.: WORM SIM 71 :7 6 - .C 1 74 3. _ autgestock of 4 • SILVER' PUMIEN (14)(1 4111._ bOd anuala ILO 004 !Med Nile& BREED 'A..00.1 8 too• Wpm, 1417liEVIrl C A ! 4 L "D 888 ; China Eleb3,lVan Staciet yaws rs33. , L 4ki i', - ;.r.'werairsag • E. auunr Re. in Limn .11VL burs smonarsi PM, 11111kie =IA alltostueilyarlbelAm!!lrallei, aaosi~css: ~~ , BARR atoars,; i nii '4lo ll l 4 - 1 , 12/4 / MaDMOS. is •ua4eypyr and. ritsaloizik, Soodal •duo to tbo dosigawri s d UNT SOMill4ol Li:llmM 148P1141% AMUSEMENTS arNEW, OPERA' HOW E: FIUDAY , ZVENINti. Jammer 91st. 11470. BEN SPIT of the popular atm favorlte artist., GIiIOEGIE DIDESOIIi: The perfernian. MRi <4.3024111eil with the ele gs"C'aallof PZltricrxo • . rset Sato O'Brian (with songs) Oeohilaplekooa. To coue.lode with the ever popafe, deem. of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Toper,wlth conga and Martee:.Beirgloll'ekrosi. Ia whirl wlffaiso be Introduced ittenreat char user BOni!ndh , ech, Sl3OO LY.. nos e t Vow . open tor the may/einem of Mr. UMW 7 0 .-S" ST. Grand Matinee on Saturday afternoon: . . arACADEMY OF MUSIC. - .17E/ficif.4r/LE r r • DECITUBSS,' Miss ANA - DICE II! ON wilt deliver her Celebrated Lecture 6.. re RllsoiTE,7 . AT T ACADEMY 0 0 MUM C, Saturday limning, Jan. 22d. •Anmisswei No reccrrvecl seal!: 'packs fr „ sale at lb. LiLrarj , ocirserierts .• and Si:kik stzvel.• Doors open At 71( o'clock; Lettuce will ccm rocnce at IarBRILLIANT AND IN. „ hrIMICTIVZ 4.5C21.11114, E?i;1 ; : LIGHT AND THE SPECTROSCOPE, value forth. , recent iroiderfut dlaeoverles to .cienet and their me. Deal application; to be Illeetrated Or estierl. =cote or the Ateatest Instrett. MO! DAY :04 TUESDAY *VEStIiTOEti Ails and 115th hut. In One AtyLktikvile OF IVli't IC. BJ Prof. GRO. F. 861116104, nem ;um HAVEN. • It7illioNl adiiiilUk.4.3iii7;4'ati:::itibildtad at Le pitoelpaf Hook Mares. Haterred'aeilLt Cents extra: to ta had at the Weatern.Halver ettntorrier How UVLDlaziOnd'strextr, between ilea,/ annex shaitithlaas. OH PHAN EP • ~":A.IR, OPEN "EVEIVIC EVENING. OtTiTlll6l is largirr HAM, DIAMOND, PITTSBURGH. Tbla 'elitiaat.,' large and commodlena poelto Halt Ima Pet* tberoughoy retried and vela/rash , rd. and la now offered fur root for balls. parties. cottrrestlons. 1. mama mid . gen•tst 111112 h. menu.,ll Is the largest mtd,bert retaliated mom in the elty, - and Is the only 11.11 vapttlied was proper )33.1.• or carom to sue of am ,cor aecl• dent. A mom ras dining room std kitchen. all In art s CMS. rtyle..havo !drew n mostly added to lie arpolotmetts. maim, It thr moat cop Ten lent and tiestrable.for galls, Darr lel fed ten s io n.. For t ! '''.s'd " ' ! 4". nr.vor noMMww Market. Itaserintradrat..olly.Hall. LOOS Oa o .111 OTLS DIAMOND OIL IWODILS;°'^ LONC. Eill =I =!=ffl=nl 11 , 4 1 therl/ERS, COMMISSION nnami AliDJi#3 .1351-41 ;in.! ketrolenni-4mill Its linidnets. !ME ~•, , • r,rutit=rikbgeas--tievaict.t.ns arriz.o ,c 4 rnPr ..zuk /Mtn 5tFc.44, 1746. 1411166'1dg C4lllcc-137 AGING. al; KING, Oesmaifilos Weichants BrollrenliA Pitndenm • and ..1* . I :ll4nets, 'DALTELVS WOK; DUQUESNE NlA`i. - 1111LADFLP1111: 'ADDHERNI. • itootalr, Chamber of Ckimiriefree, 11,23 SOUTH BICCIOND BTBZIM aplo ECLIPSE PETROLEUM , REFINERY. mulct?' w, c rproizr; , . 1411glealing&IfIgh Teistlfuidipla. ~• bpd iJ gr* . a . . 7 °ll. 'i II t hes t wlthoteh'oget jtitptr apirßar Iper. teiipetateria.' 2peh l In for trplealel fm 10,warb e,, Lbealrt WO. Zasloo, 21111 and Planing Atraptod Met spe*d. • Oplaltle 011 ii 7 Wwil,1eam11.114116bi ea, 0111,Tniiielrai Bengal% - tux nos& rtadablialrikasaol hie; Olt. Illoinwia Oil. Jlitagiallleft,- .• • Altlloll - VAIINIB/1, - to prase.° Bright • Inlet 'Borg pad .11agailw miaow , - Thera brodoeta are ruarifsetarerl go • Dr un In •y g tool orcilliAD att gh.tataprraiare urteganart. d 'rem mathapti clo. The Ram irgatlrttieTAlVAllllroliZetarinatigiido..,., "elt; ta T ialkrltoPt , radirt urgers' at wrap n " , Wor " B.*Ti X+ECiAi..s . . llaltdlaq Rod 1.0iri..4....1.110a. 01, eltypeborg 10'1 Din !oeF 0 4 1 . 110 1.0.100m00r5a10m07 • gowe.b..•oll, 1141;4014 day of november:. 1 40..00 .426. 00i410b 550 bratrOmest. rbititlue 1.4.1 .10,0 waxed I ' sad Dy.tbacngel,udlboatkets, .5. cdtkets, I I.lYe ir 0 1 1e5pidetbib.,4.6eln .....I.lll.oottebe• u 4, e • PP 4I I I O9 ultilP.A tVmeteeteet, • ttie ereitett"ati4 dirtFted,that. tem 0441elept ' '.i111 ‘ 111)1 0 14 ki.thf 02,1 1 1 0 1 4 4 .7. 1 1 , 1 1 0Rtin tb'e : 60111:kir.a.i.4 . aOll.O b i t bibf 00410 rilbilitielatervell9,lo, P111.).M.11: 'Diet , ..llOrefibr 0 ita•ivi tar it lead thr.mmro es, sex lie tet rortbiltbl poolleaMorqs..e,lmm. made. cnoxl at cottetost rd: Cbei,eMorry of: ' 1 1 1•41.01., 10 1rra0.1,114 8.14! -$ C1.M.b..119.1.41‘ itilltnej end Lia o Ase:71.11.110; of ribaro.bare; - aid Vie* • thlirmil`o Thearoonakmer jaatli ,anal .000 Cbrreer ellll. 1....er0e..4 at. Um is.; term ietd Cettf, ti e ' te . Iseeetieet beithette *!r e " l6sl Omer etrasemej - Amen: %Aidal. • 4" n : 1 , 6 ?..:.• • t= • (Incr..— Watered letting 11.1/e...ear .7 abillur A- - .Ailnlifttl42:4B7, at:fer;kbpilthr"itgo, avibll.nlPeetnirj•lll " penone %creme (0 ibs • . .ski man an, rtgant i t i d , to Ve , kartor , 11 7 .11 9 riri k iliagrtig 116t1Zede4 rid ..rb. *use* tho mos m ilk..! delay; AUPH P B en=rl r '*. 7ltl S. 111 tirf a ' Miter. of utmlobstryAmolme. a 07rttlx9"1:11:1121 4111.1"44: ri I n.51.3.1e1meil 4 u.i.setp.. nqatored. tone hnimoU t t Apymetl. at.l nyme tionlWit- atm. alesinW, A 4 mi.tjljno. INC Si lam volt llootelael 0111 ...,11 — kaolokebe, 11±L.1'111.7 'l. &Naar.. 'I I f ROPEFALION AL. r . 1110111 Er;116.6:WICSILLO. Vat 011 " 4 - 11 .:11111 'tar :Arsagy,„ -00 - .114,11 bus br MI. &Aran ; Dt.eues utiv... co.4 , orlq4ben' au ntlau t ly ZTrwa..%.o-• tic. 4.1% manor sbaldisorsam.U.4 I 1 , , • ht,'''FFPW(Tinc.A•wfx.oimi. , .. -' ~, ; ,,„;ii„,;„-.., , -:, . .-, rrrriumusx pa, /OM A. 'TRAIN, - ' 1: ' .77 / .. " - u, 1 ,r_ll4 Ailiialannat2aq .. , s. TXo: 4l 9.lfflrag r AnattECOl7llslll _ oarei.:lloh "Mit tiptiorr, oppnate u. Cb. 1 theasilte.. 1... Veto, .Bftw,,a,.. t . Ws '44 7 =l,•asirt , tire ""k. '" ‘ " te l au.i... . mamma.' I Nrit-ROWCIN6II,,, aurzam mum 4 :4 4 sirstitriii hr g=rattruZi 6 "ar ti : %wow Audow.ntox..- . ,IP" r je4IALS, . • SLIM; • • . W, ' , ""-'l4l*Dinttio— .•,4;ftwipopt4yrituarraniumuir Altellolll LID zwitirozia wMmtiss Awn zArratcL. -,' ~ 'z* fi dOll.