ME DAILY 61AZETT11 11 PElOlllp4 BEM) 00, 11 Office; 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue F. B. Min: M t T. P. HODIPPOL • , xpreggi lap imams qv Ina DAILY. if Wall, per 'year.... D.liverod by ciurrial. P•iwea••••—•••••ilieti• Cis Fad* 14saistis. WEtT TIRAINIL 'NEW& - LAnwsek Buming.Bnoings senkdown the Little Zanawha 88,000 barrels' of on. - Tuft BOtlitore ind'Ohlo Railroaratie building a. netttiron . bridge over Coal Rao, Mamma. . Tnr. protracted meeting at gerood yein progress, hid numbers re being converted nightly Unusual Interest to being Manitested'in the meaner or the 'nesting. .Tnic ; lkna of Siipervisori'orreareenon county permits all makeover twentrone -;lrebeis and atk-to *de on the qbestion' of subscribing $.550, _OOO to :the Jiropcsul Ugigurdown:Villef Bannini; • A •vEnr enluatdo. home belonging to 'Mr. I:S.-Snider, orrairratint,'Tna near ,dtriellibetterled- isat Tandy, on the top ofn paling.teneehearu trying toleap geed 'rite miire c tu g anhnig h i d-to b e 1;2: - 3 I Laer, -weelii ftlea tha Olt. Gond; Air - 'Marshall county the 'Grand Jcirylfonrid abreSlitilliftti..a_nd..bletAadittiritenti sailing liquor without license.,,One ‘ 19472 &me had the bawd! of/meay dicta:eats. Mn. Jwirte rciniffied suddenly on the -Bth lust., of pneumonia, at the residence of kihrtainircisw, lir. Adam Baggers, in MorgenloSens: He 'was in his seventy 'third year.: Me carried on the milling. • business for a number of years at the old' mill three , nudes pp the river, and was .nniveallY tespecte& •: • 1 Tux Morgantown Post tells the follow leg tough story:—"& few days ago a caw! belonging to 8. .2. Marsteller. of this t pla&f enteted the dwelling bons. 011ie daughter While no one was at home, and; seeing the table already spread in the middle of the floor, very nnoeremoitions ly concluded to "makebereelfat home.". The animal - therenpon proceeded to "go for" the apple sass Wittig' on" the table,: ansitteleasted it out' in tine style. , Noth ing daanted, the knowing beast conclud ed to take a nip—doubtless to anis: di gestion but fearing some unfeeling wretch might pounce upon ha s she con cluded to Nate up her bed and walk;" and very leisurely proceeded to the bed, aid thrusting her korai under the tick, lifted It off the bedstead and was making out the door with it elevated upon her head, when a passer-by relieved the ani ma of heiLloed, at the samelinte admin istering the \lull length _of a been pole tabu her bids. Tog railroad project, for uniting Pitts. burgh and Morgantown is receiving fall aitenattlii.Vid the proopeots lUtioillt it will be fully carried out. The Commit tee of Ways and Means recently vandals. ed a report. setting froth - the =Waal nous advantage that - Squad Inuit from the completion of the. enterprise. The Aocuount concludes as follows: .ori in- firrenlgetion of the niudieriris have ascertained that in order to realize the neeesehri,quota—(say $190,000 and apportion as follows, via: $90,000 to the townships', oVilialote ail Morgan, Jointly tad see proportion to their reaper, tire lists of taxable property—W,ooo to the township of. Clinton ' aisi4lo,ooo to be subscribed to the doCk of this road by individual/Oa other section( of. the coun ty, it will Only respilre an atutrud mesa. meta in ilia two • termer- of 75 cents on each $lOO for ten year/, and in the latter 00 cents ore each $lOO forth° setae period' which wohld fully, - pay ;off principal and Interest. These , annul • lunessmente would, 'of chum. be 'llimmlabed from. year to year,: alter the road would be coma4etc.3„ by the receipts of dividends on the severe! 'amounts of stock-held by the respeettrettownshipn -•`-• - • ft is presumes:l'ft would be ettott advis able to issue bonds for said amounts pay able, saY haled - 7cSret.Oroptionaltwith a. majority atthe tarps in.‘ thekr respeetilvlownebips ITsv des, they. abonld decide to discharge their Dandier ea•carlier,date; not sooner , howemr, than.ftve, nor later than twen tyi yens • ' The following executive wee appointed to nave the matter in- charge sod to hears the carryingthzeragb of thel project! , 06L - lamest Evans; sok pant; ,Gl-9 . ..--Ntergirsa,' G.' M.- MatadiGay* Wins A: Rahway= 41,, Rude, Hon. lashes ,41,101, Jo. finider.-W, Ws John, Omar B. Johnson, Chas-Cornwell and H. thins, PpSOYAL:. Lwaats, the Elect. canal truttl i is cen, -Juror, -Deer 3/1410W • Washington Eiv Alebamir mrirt:srSatiled eighterie, oitlellt testheillaiyalitri &site Sena* 11 1 1 4"ix:In .Tstifamily,of thelateMr. Menton hoW. Seside InAteubnville. _ - 7441 ItyY. PheWshaford Is writ ing Ithatif 'Gad y" '4 :. 0 BaWMI sad t3itat~sivYhhye arrived booselrons kris reported that Mosby le !sliding volianteetlifol.the Cuhatt.oo , -," . Hiss.Litt' nada Performance of 4/neire Elisabethf., , r_mibly noticed . by-lhe London press retrace tried 'to blow 7024 Ms. vilth it torpedo., ladle he Iris scgat st ;- T9nßev s 4- O. Swum; of Boxing, Wi en elecked chaptatti of., the. Mari: 'Wrists the Piesident like toile PrietMoi start T, Because 11/Int le the, sight poLL' fit-roma his Itistiecel rid a handsome sod bow.of ,tilmeozda" font tba = t)r ti LIATCOp . P.' Hair. ale s !' of thal Chritelti.died on. OltriShome;,:Be bad been chief abouttmenty mart Ittltsat. &gib keiaiolllTUl New .York-reporteribas made her debta ca the burlesque.. acias' Emit; Pia of Atticiey Gen not Hoar. Is scoot° merry ]fiat Wm, one of the belles of Baltimore. • Commas Enka. Nletor'i ion; isilicelM the family traits. He is notrint4Mliethi fear month" Imptiaosoentl abasing .woe Pica= hi the name of the 00Cie favorite Bowen vocalist, Wm. 0. IL s itis oy, She was muted a firennotathe ego in Italy. alttratory. that,Mr...Peabody insde.„.e hequestto Mrs. JOhri Wend the lases Ise weird started tie Zegised umatd. -revising dodge. Ten largest personal Income made to the United States Ammo In Boston Ism, year !rag made by.-.lfaSegc,ggsethein, amounting to MOW: — • War,--,Derrosort, of Monongahela City, had deposited on her door. step a little waif In the shape of a Roman nosed baby about four weeks old. Tus story now ' , going the rounds" that Paran 'Stevens Is in Callfornts and is ats.zt to httliti a .botetthereelliet - He is rawingtblveleter Moly 111 Z-' Dovatses, the colored applicant for triembershln In the Washington Typo. k viphlcal I/nlon, will have his case con skL•redegain at the nextmectinif of tbis body. t Box. Casuists O'Cortgon„ of New Tor k, to is:miring great attentldn from the prelates and other high dignitaries at Rome. He bad a special port , len _front the Pope. puma. Damon*: brut d;; ; 1111 1r cost of Inns on his elm*, panel, two Dahlgren guns, a telescope, an anchor and a tnrled gig with the motto, °giro. rum pars fat." Irtrilfri. Wiidet,if etnati at i,riaii ss bush yid blowed his had or alter chop. ping hcr'e tip at a homble rate, Is uk t ry to recover. She as worth $D),000, sired by ;radio with Infamous pawn* MAZZO' lass published a letter In the 11, forms, in which flu says he is growler old.. -decannot -wrttaat tried without pain In s head and eyes. sad that his • day's wink Is only half what It ought to ibc and last, pe wlandi it to be. 'Y' ~~'..~:. .., ... ... ti - .. . . . , . . . .. ~ .. . " - . • . • . ... .. . Ciiii4. \IF . . . • ./... . ~ .b _ .r . .• . t ... . i :' lig " . i \• ' V > . ... ..1 : ;.:, ) ..' . rill), • (.\\ &11 ., . L._ ... , Ai - .. - -,.: ‘ z. -. , <:- ~.. n c I ‘... IP Z . i Ai.. . -... . MLR XII& a.:. PO VOL. LxxXV. FIRST EDITIOI. JUDJMIGHT. FORTHMSTIitONGIESS (SECOND SESSION.) The Rouse Virginia Admission Bill Taken 'Up in the Senate s as a Substitute for the Pending. Big -4o ByTelegraph to the Prttsburgb Garotte.) WABIII2IOIrON, D. C., Jan. Ft, SENATE. The Vice President bid before the Sett.' ate a memorial of the G. A. R., Depart ment of New York, for a modification of the rementMllirife fiiiiiikainatmed and disabled soldiers. Mr. CONKLING offered a reaolatioa from the G. A. R., calling attention JO the onerous tax on disabled soldier! who earn their living by grinding band.ors cans; also, a petition lot the abolitionot Itho tixrik)iir k Petitions upon the latter subject were offered by Messrs. Pomeroy, Vickers and Scott. Mr. MORTON presented 'a petition from the soldiers of the war of 1812, bell tweet' seventyalx and eighty.alx yeare of age. foe pensions dialog the balance, of their Urea: , • • Mesa*. Willey and Shure presented:, petitions for a removal of political dies - 1 battles. Mr. SHERMAN, In presenting a pett.: lion for the abandon of the franking I privilege, remarked' that these potitimus: were almost alvraya headed with that names of pos and appeared to: have been po the public) expense., He thought tail s should Oct be leaded down with these papers, though earnestly desirous for the euccesa of tho proposed reform. Mr. WILSON called up the bill pro hibiting retired officeMbelng assigned to duty which would entitle Ahem to full pay for their servioe.a The bill was passed. passed by the House but session. It was Mr, SUMNER, from the Committee nu Foreign itslations, reported a substitute for the bill relating to telegraphic com munication between:Abe United Statei and foreign countries, providing as condition therefor that the Government of the United States enjoy the aame priv ileges as other foreign countries shall be allowed. and to use the lines one hour in every twelve for the transmission of its messages by its own, operator, such message's to take • preeedence over all others. General regulations and retest° be established by the Post Master Gen eral, If not otherwise fixed by agree ment. The consolidation or union of Interests of two or more cables to be unlawful without the toasent of the Postmaster General, sod r upon such terms as he mar detarritige; If any such combination hie' been made, It shall be the duty of the Postmaster General, In the absence of an international conven tion relating to the matter, to determine such rates and establish such rules and regulations as be may judge necessary. :and In the exercise of these powers shall be subject to the controlof I...s3ngress, and be applicable to existing cables as well as !to those hereafter estaUlihed. SUMNF.R. from the Foreign Com mittee, reported a French spollztion blit, not aseeeding $5,000,000. Mr. HOWARD, from the Committee on Tertillortjed • wjtilontsmendi‘ bill fie Moto%win' Utah. ;Ac 4 cu1.4 1 4 06 • ,llpentha• asplealken or , the Mataing hour the 'Virginia MU came up in he Utter. rit.IIdORTON said be felt contra'i ed to vote for thethe admission d Virgietsfor two renown' Min, 'because she has ' complied with the conditions prcerribed, and therefore we are In honor b wind to admit he in the next place, because he wanted to secure her vote for the fif teenth amendment, which he deem pd indispensable - tbr - she - safety of the whole system of reconstruo , bon; but he should.. vote with greet apprehension of what would be tbe resoled her ad:Abalone& the time. If the people of Virginia should behave as the people of Worsts- and Tennessee have In six months from this tlmo Elansitors will surounter a noon of tn. ilistialkw; for !Cob Wan bersii , if Virginia is' admitted, It shotildlse with' Weaklings understanding that the power to reconstruct implies the rower to protect the reconstruotho, and that _that ;sewn will cootirmit is longed protection shall be, required. If . Congress simply ins the power to set no Sushi govern ments, end then the rebels may lawek. them dowe r . reassistructionlaiidlezi If the rabilliflades are admitted wpol der. tan windlitons that, are rink. then • the violation of those rendition _after, the litatesibenti In will boa^ &slid; line Cob. OW-has KIM to redreseraberwrong, .but Abe ~.ronweanoes at the time will 'Point" Oat We' melanins . and the character of dess. The pro tean of tbe all and pelitical rights of ell Clain la tha Smith wee lhe grand object to be attained, and If that. tailed. recrossing:bon Is a Man, , Congress most follow out the doctrines of raison. atruothin todbatreonsequenreet and latl Ingbadeflatetrtheworkinhat not . Until equal rightsand substantbd justice end protection are secured to all chives. Mr. STEWART snaggirsted the prowl, ' ety' of enbithistliot the Hous e,lll for the pending mesuron t andafterainie Minis. e'cid moved to table the 'Senate ta. - i Mr. hlOßTolsl:read*frogn . the; second notion of ttorthird ,eitirlo, that gUotatltution". of . Vlrginis, sho w 'tor: *none were eligible to office under It wheitAlg.srefe ~Ineligible under the third clause of the fourteenth amend. pent...Jae:dm that there. anould be no misunderstanding hereafter, beenggsw id sakniendmen libloW wend render that'sortion void, making the ado:Mellon of Mit State condoling!, transits panes by tbo:lbtilabildre Of stkiint resolution lthichaing the section seterred„Faball f gen bested render any lagible to office who Is not ellglol Mkt Fum w ail ma =l4l . M .... 3o,l%t rao 4 0 -, ; ,!.... t L iblinteollth am endment were nowlZ Ingrain in Mk* linter elbW l 43". , ' etrueteds sqd. 101)03 1 $10WfOth "IS =disdain% quitting the o nee a "pen one, and prescribing the penalties upon Its coortishistosis 4. ~ :ii . - .1.. ~o*.t.W Ad ! The Senate a/ouvoted - On this loopy, M Ir. - Stewart to lay, the Swiatwoititi on the Was ? which wcp sigicwilfrx . t Yeas —MOM. Abbott, tilayitrd, Car penter, Casserly, Oolle,OxikitunCtirbintit Ferry. Fowler.. Hamlin. klo. Crtiagyelirrettarson, bn; rtt_fik ickton, tub. Thunbal r wactierMuloi/Vra lianiv.,-45. Nays--blesses. Anthony, Bomman, Buckingham, Cameron, Drake. Ed , munda, limmu i llarrist r actward, Howe, IlepsMIllosrllli(Og,) Morrill. CFI ltibridiroy; RaCtwy, Rica. Ron. Mum, Behar; Spencer, Sumner, They or and Wilson-2d, .- Mr. Pelti naked with Mr. Thur. WM. absent from sickness. The HOUII3 bill wee taken up and read second time. Mr. EIMMINDS imbmltted an amend. i tt= e tlll i nOti=lo ., of arroodt In the *serer Metimitien r tho Lolfleattne and Htate °Meer that mid pennon are not Ineligible to hold oMoe under the XlVth Amendment. . After tome furtherldleenealon the Sen. a to etpht Igto uteenttyeeeedon, and soon 'atter adjourned. ROUSE O! REPRESENTATIVES. Under the call a number of bills wero f o ttclowil and referred.' ; : okpoduineyouk, ig e re h l ymmitothelPitigemknowft..3 jmuutupo us, January 17.—A ere broke out In 7.lorrieon'e °Perm Ball about nine o'clock We e1f013114. and is AK sup*. AMMlMou'ie entire-blockt b u thnsito-meaMuYed entifeamarelin tertalned that the block aOlcdutna wilt Mao be burred. Alfred Talbot &Co wholn a, wooer., pettereou, Moore & ismi - 100., Mamie millinery. inn. P. K e g itg Prhaint 104 9 9 ?"1 1 ,,,,V 44, ireto*ntrrifty . detteoo4ll:' . ' ' —Daring the thunder storms/ Utdeerre Sunday night the mercury stood at M. YaStrdej It Wes SioWn torero. ===l NEW YORK CITY. The . School 'Questionl--The Erie -and Atlantic and Great West ,era;Zailraads—Mornion lieet; ing—Another Scandal. (Hl Tel, graph to the Pittsburgh Casette.) THE MICItOOL QUESITSIC. The Roman Cathode view Of the pub lic school question was stated before a large audience In the Hail of the Cooper Intilliute; list 'evening, by Rev. Thomas S. Preston, pastor of St. Ann's Church. Many Penetrants 'were - Presinit in the audience ind thttplatform. ; Dr. Pres ton datum that Pdhollorellglon requires iiecrirlan schools 'for young of the church, and while . ftiberied do not di. lire to Interfere with the present common school system, they ask an allowano• from the sehootjund hruMnorred'tcribi *uilitfetenthildreriqo edficate; toioth purpose of establishing separate echo° AlLearriCi AND oasis Werred/X RAI , WAY. . 3 ‘ The iribmeigrsea the Ibilowing lode In relation to tne 'change madAty_tllli Atisustie•suadraresk Whilterti, ,, Ctrinpapfeetithe - oilatfon%of pauy to the Erie managers. In Comm/ oar, 18e8,the company passed from Gzi era! Potter, the receiver. and the r was leased by the Erie Comnatif; b as Erie paid no rent, and last spring, In snit prompted by the Erie peopl that totnpany was. protected by ill: Jura:lon of Judge Barnard, froutpailn rent, and mon atter that the Judge made. Jay Could anM. One "O'Doughery iolut receivers of the . company. On the 44 .0ealeiti of that ;rapi=dturnent the . Ikerse, Persona were: = made' the teeestets: l ni 'Ohl& and 'Pennsylvania, but thel receivers paid nck, earnings to: the bondholders, "and a short! time since the discontented .t3edticadere inviirthrated incrinund that *the pats anal appointees were cblinalve, and were controlled by Erie managers. The bond.l holders appealed to the courts, and In Ohio and New York HoUldiadd O'DMlgh arty have been superceded ad reCeivers and Reuben Hitchcock, of Ohio, has beet; appoint... 4 In. their place r and:theeatne reardt total follow in Petinsylvania. .Th• order retrieving Oonid and O'Dougherty as rocelveritin Row York was entered on Friday last. The new receiver la now in psneadon and is collecting Hie There is a pending negotiation tdiareen the netereeeiver middle Erie company, to operate the line under the supervision of the receive;, and U the bondholdent can make themselves sum of geeing their sharirof the earnings, It will go Lino, ugh. but .noc. otherwise. TheyWM Immo on their own terms.' Intorestimg ceremonies tc Mc plies yea. terday at tho Mormon temple in Brook lyn. d new Elder from Edinburgh wits installed with novel and appmpriate ser. vices., The Saints to the namberof one hundred and forty Indulged In.sacred 'lllerifleg and a few prayers, and _Maenad to sermon' from three Salt lake Elders. !Polygamy was vigorously defehded 'and the gentile Drees of New York denonno. ed. a:doxology closed Me rowelling/. AFC:MI/11S SCLANDALL. The Rtmaim, who was balm .Bletwk• er atreet Saturday nigh t Is lying in a .dangeretuivondltion at Bellevue Llcml tat. The case has developed a - phase much like a sentational 'feature . °tithe McFarland case.. A young woman cirt ised in a widow', garb arrived at his bedaide to watch, yesterday. She In. alias on marrying him. 'lllla !tate Consuzathwal Couventbn. Mr Telegraph la the Geseste.l NAaUVILLE. January 17..—1 n the Con. 'etitutional Convention today. Mr. Master offered resolutions declaring the imptrachment, conviction and Mamma& cation of Thomas N. Frazer, Criminal Judge of Davidson county, by the Leg. Wature of IBC, the result of a corrupt conspiracy for partizan purpozea, and proposing an amendment to the Stab tbnatitution relieving 'Frazer of his dia. qualification. The romintion was laid on the table. : A. number of propositions for amend ing the Constitution were read and re ferred. Most of them were of • loud character. One provides for • tax of twe u ty•tive cents on polls and hum:y am, cents* on every hundred dollars' }worth of property, to be set apart as a ik..0l fund,. and distributed annually the counties In proportion lotto scholastic population to each, and the leintitattire shall have no power to divert pthis fund to other purposes; if it falls to iss laws to carry this proviidan Into effect, other means are provided rowans thstend.: y ' , The report of the Committee on Bill of Righla, submitted on the 10th instant. was taken up and amended. Hempen generally explained these amendments srldibe subject engroned the remainder of the sestina, little progress being made. 1 PROCEADMatiIt,T,ORLEGIBLATUrat. I The .Siittle iiitarlitte te:.lii, on second Cradling. the Mouse -bilk to amend the law or WdbettarY 25, Ark to liquidate the State debt, contracted Maid of ratlipeds; ea sialefalkierilldrnMtl Indebted' to thi Mate to pay Into the Treasury any of the legally.,,isiumect..Me per _cent.' bond' outstanding. *lthaca regard to series or nugitarr. , Ttie blll'Atat reforteC to the committee on Ways and Means. . 1 In the. goose loin Flesolnit Offereitia issoliition'dlrectiog the Comptroller to pay Ward :g um less/es of the rent. buttlary, the m pgain has je r t u r,ftare, : l ey I t a l l ter Paid. ' Mr. Flemit c ts i :i r d e Comptroller had refused to comply pith the law. He wished to give him i lt: dlMossiiiittlitttalb‘ lOW he retifale: obettnitrifth. nate Ida Out of alb* extenestfierof Ids ciffetuie I r was stated that the Oompnulier maidnot bite money toTay the elalm.• The sub. loot was referred to the Committee on ays and Means. I /4. Pltinkleoffersil • reattletket *OP ga g genitor POWleelbr his recent speech' the United States Senate in defence , Tenneinwe. Amollqnfoctlutprevklus 1 nestion wee Lou,l as Nita aks mina to I table. 1 ; Mr. Caldwell offered , an amendment ' thanking Representative Hawkins for refuldpg V algtrthelpealtionefTenteimitat canvass/men. Mr. Russell proposed to iimewt by thanking•Seustor BectertiloWitlerpoblify. ... /tog his assent to the petition. , Mr. Singleton proposed an amend- the effect that wisdom; 'moderal can and good feeling abouinchsracterise thrig!ilberatiops of the Bonn, end that , - the adoetion'of reaolOtiona of, • polltioal datum was detrimental to the Mat Wrests of the • , . _.," A:010t101110' lay the • who l e imbjeci oi tpe table haled, quorum not voting. 1 'WI WI TS RM. I —The desmahlit Weser arrived at Reg ork yesterday. - —The Peabody Fleet was at Bermuda ~ Ist, coallpg. • --Jackson EC Shultz hag ohtiven president of trio, . York Union t staamedlawn foundered at Ms. rielts.4Thio,ln the mlddlis. of the river. hhiliveei lost., Iftat a totaielosa" bill vas Introduced in tale (Die BOUM Of Representatives yesterday by "frl4Ward, (tithe Reform delegation from Cineirmati,nroldnitthg the reading of = Mo . or in the p the , einging_-of Itrunrsr tibliessthollt. , 4The bidelbr the purchase or Missouri rneitlO'Sallogad Ittocirowned bAthe tlty of lit. Xhultihrerehqd Vesterday, arid the stock awarded c. Joseph. Brown! end Mo. Taussik, of t. Louts,lier MK. (KALequl upeog.testactiffit pow ever paid ree Paola° atocl4 .rAt:Rikhart, Ind., hroliday mornfugi Edhard Raleell entered the alas of ma blacksmith shop and shot Wm., 4.. - 39111lauth:: foremalt. killing.,. him • al. matt lintantly. Vroceelled RCP medistely tog police of The *toe and delivered himself -up. Riled lutsreoursa Whitten Williams and Russell% wits welithe mute of the tragedy. r. Hon. Samuel,Ethallabargerk rt ,United: Matra *Minister. .: resident at - P ort and family, Bi shop lbe.of 01i/01 and (12...pKa1n (1 J. G. McDougall, or the Dan. n r arearainnitengers by tbettunard gra IP Cuba, which - arrived at New York Saturday. 'captain McDougall is Sogamisalotted by him Government to ex- I amino the tzavy.snd toffy ysTds of the .mow ~. ~ __..- ..~.z~ .~~:~: - - -- MI New Yowl - , January 17,1670. LONDON.. 17 .— Tbe. Te4bieh kNiii4.lla ci1an,613 , 1 the majority . hi ttiel. matimentda Witten In favor of the prop-1 minion of infallibUity will be enormous. The TIM& thinks that the presence' of Trench traces mai s elsootweige the 'PoPe to Insist on MAW bilitysind the syllabus, notwithstanding, the reluctance Of the Rims, January: 17.—The . Empress of Austria took leave of the, Pope yester day. She received a commixdon Arca Ovra• , three 'hundred ,of the Fathers /lime retailed to sign a 'petition In timer of Lffellltallty. Many ochres returned evasive. answers. Opposers of the project Intend getting up a counter petition, and assert th at , the y ate pure. of adh esion enough to defeat Infallibility. • Peale. January 17.—The ally vs ban. gall; though there Le • conidderable anx iety and excitement • manifested In the matter of Deputy Rochefort, which will be . .LegidatlH to dey. • • GIALIOCIWi Amur! 17.--The atiamahlp ;Lewd. from New York, was Wangled at Neville yesterday. QpiTIMITOWN, JAIL 717. The 1,1111111 ITaritra,:frOm , !NOvit Tptk: tuql. Ikea evening oil her way to Pverpool. PLymourn, January 17.—The steamer Teutozda r from. New York, arrived Bat. ttrday evening on her way to Bunkum. FINANCIAL LONDON, January 15 —Roceeng.—Con. polo for money, _ 9334 amount. Arnikeleati ijalcutitles quiet and- Stecity; 0-20 bonder' lees. 8130 680. 83 Y.: 111,14; 1040 a. my. Lries. 18; !Mame Cem Oral. 1024 Atlanta dr. Groat , Western. 26 y 4. FnAngrowr. January 17.—Bands fiat at 91,4. PARIN, January 17.—Bourse quiet at 73f. ?51... lorvasigtaciaattaaril7—Cattaa bat not higher, middling upland. 11)0, Or leans 11%d; Bales 1.510 hales. Coll- V.rnia white ahem: 9s for red western 150. 2: 7s tkt (47s 10d far red winter; 8a 6d (Mn 74 'for western; Flour .21s. Cot ri No. 2 mixed at Vs Od. Oats 2a Pd. Bar. /ay 53. Peas 854 'Pork flat at 102 s ad. Beet 102., Lard dull 693. Cheese 71.. Bacon 675. Petroleum unchanged Tal low 445. Turpentine 28s 6d. LONDON, SEDUM' 17.—Tallow Ifs 61. Linseed cakes mutter at. ed. Tar. pentlne firmer at 293 6d(P)293 92. • TENNEBBM-- 4- llMMliMlitlf=l PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1870. SEM Eng FOUR O'CLOCK, HARRISBURG. .; The Inauguretion7Great Crowd In Town. (Bpeetat iltspteh to, the nits - burgh Guette ) HAllTaleHtlita. )1111; 17.1878. The Wen i arotrded vdth. people, whci have come to witnets the cddystiordee 69 tendant upon the Inauguration of Govi armor Goary to.m.irreti, and conaldereble excitement pievaps.' Ilixtere Five .Zoua7ce, and wverat fire companies from Philadelphia havii arrived. • The..governorilciaugupal wiltbelbitet; . minted and empbatio in of the positions Ito assumed in his annwi ,a 1 massage. SEWS 'BY CABLE. Thiltentitrii Romorimil-the fallibility Question—The Ex - C(ihi!,mettin Paris. • (F7,Tcleir , !Pl , ita,tlicE. D=1:31111 ANTWERP, JERIIIII7 4 . 7. PairOlenm arm ac 61. . Elavag, January 17.--Oottata am at 1173 g. THE RAIN STOW!. Crest Frealusta— Ballsost!i, ! • j ((e., /se. (By Telexr(pn so the rittslaimb (Mutts.) C1NC1161.131, Jan'y 17.—An unusually . heavy storm of rain and, hall accompani ed with Wind, *hinder 'and lightning. visited . Mast:ay and vicinity this morn -4311. ..00neldwreMerditessmiewas 'done la ;trla city from overflowell cellars. The Little Miami River is ,within tae,-limet of Its lambent. The wind damaged several elanrches in Dayton and Miamisburg. The embiltruembi an thimunntOn and 'thrall Railroad were washed away. but trains arrived. The trains en the Mari etta and ,Cineintiati and Little Miami reeds Ivirkbehlsul time.: The Istamitead is under water in several places. TORNADO IN Z.RNTOCIZY7LDOR OP LITIL 'lazier* 17. A terrible tornado visited... Cave City statiotion the 14sulav1lle and Npanvpio Rallsorid,it an. nab , boar this morning. resulting In the destruction of life and property. Seven or efOt -porpons wars inatantly Mod, including the tankritan and family. ocs• amine& Woven, and two ebildren. - and st3tit eighteen persona were more or leas tojured.; d ,Quit 6 , alrate =tuber of build. togs warn blown dean and the Inmtor ensnared In all direction% How far the hurricane extinuled'We were unable to ascertain. , • . Among the houses dettroyed wars the Mahal° Lodge and Chrooh.. Among the titled are George F. Psynter, wife and abild, Mrs: D. Stowell. A. Y. Davidson Joint McOwent and child, two Vaughan; Ind Miaa Fits. Mortally wounded—Miss M. Dane, Ilan Neville, }Uteri J. IL Brown, D. M. McLain.% 'aid- wife, Dr.' N. S. Wilson and wife, John Edwards and Parrish. I Mallory and nePhIPEWPror.' Wllllalush Wife and two children. Robert Jolly, wire and &lid, MW ennie rare% Rermap,, wife an daug h ter, M two'il"E„. T. Sittar'a children. and tWOur: J. H. Fos iier's Children. I - - I The storm came -from the southwest. going northeast, tearing down trees and emythinir.ln; :Us &wee. -The IbluAlbe Were' blown ih-every direction and stock killed. The citizens have been on hand Chloe four °Week, this, morning render ing aid and 'aftistance to the - afflicted. The rain was pouring down at the time In torrents. Women and children were unaltered around their desolated homes Ingsetvotes ClOttfecfitilileff:throtilti# with au hand rein. . . t.G. W. Paynter.waa found Atoms 01,2P10 hundred. yard" Irony .irbere his house Mood, undressed. Davidson wee found In a pond about one hundred yards from hls,heusa.... hound fell on Mrs. Wein* Bb. had a 'two .-weeke old' baby in ter Mans when found. , The baby, wee not hurt. Two med slept up stairs in David. eon'e house. ' They were not hurt - much.. AbOrit'Exty• families were rendered bomelesa, i 4 need aid and a/Melanin! Very badly. 5194!,..kT = ,LTIM• atudn, plaid *Man ' Ofi accompanied by hail the dm of a walnut, stripping trees completely Of small, limbs... Several drain pipet belated. tearing large holm In the street. The river continues rising at the rate , Melt Induarper hont,mtdeb Isfstterthan known for ten years. AU occupants of haildlnvi 00. the - learetr_ and 'Upper portion et the city are - vacating their premises. If the tlecd Animus gent , dedmatiOn to prep/Orgill • THE STORY AT ST. LOula—TA79o 110 • ST. Loms, January IT.—A. terrific thunder, lightningand hall atone Parte4 over the city last seeding, doing t on a l *able damage to signs, awning,, chim neys, abutter*, Amon, trace, an, Shp Tsrletles. Theater' a . panic occurredi during which several persons were its. verely braked , utifitt attempting to sr aap fem - . the, hoildhit • A. 'number lumped"ilext the mond story telmiew, but *erenot callously_ hurt. - At-the Olympia Theater. where rellgkoca sent 4 ore war ol4l 9ll help, Is sim filar scene oc. ' Muted. 'Several women fainted and a number of were bruised. The di telegraph es ware prostrated in all rection& The wPagler, .144P 1 1 - had b!" very warm all day. turned cold after the storm, and Mutsu the night froze nearly as hard as Many time during the winter. Lounrrnmw, January 17.—Further ao oonnce of the Warm report all thorns= overflowing, beyond precedent and the rushing tlca4 awned away fences, II gates, and In some Melt backed up I o houses on lo* lends. In the bodral portion of the city theiwater filled e drat itcor tot doptfrof Overtwo feet d . forced the occupant" away. • ma EMORY idnien 'AT =MN TI. lEEE= . Oisonsnwri, January. i7.—The great', storm ended today. The weather la rapidly turning Md. - . The Ohio river, has risen ten feet in the last twentpfeur. hoofs and is still rising. The water la in the basements and Snit Soong on the river front, and only fa) , feet space under the suststesion bridge. - The Mill: Creek Valley is wholly submerged. No.lllBllollll, damage (rein the wind. Only, one life bps been. lost. Berman Schmidt; emplOyed at the Spring Grove Minatory, feU into "MCI creek and wet Trains worst:red on all the rally road; The Lit Miami road is under, water near d and - other plaees.• Po trains wenrissiff out torniglit. , The, whole force and at work repairing the trick. On, the 'Marietta & Cincinnati 'road train. are impended, but - will re-. sums to•nsorroek The other roads are but slightly thump& • • '• aviroarntottornsincoutiron. ' At Oblllloollikoolo, a Bingniar umor pWrio pheikeissi•at occurred doting • 101 l of -; the semi,: about midnight. It consisted in a boom grayish light, like early dawn.' DAXACIII AT . 1141111IITILLII AND, V1012(11T -7? LOOD IS 11131 CU Nisircrun, .Rittuary 17.— TM" metton cit , want erlinse-Insited Lest night by • ahem of wind• and rain, accoto with lightning and thunder. In t= Shelby Medical College, Ward's Semi nary and the depdt of the Nashville and Decatur Railroad imt perm of their tin roots. The ateeplisat the Elm and Sum ner unmet Chung was blown down, filling on the residence of fehrtWilliams adjoining and creaktng the roof. but for &mutely hurting-me one. The gable and of the residence of lama Wcod, Broad street, and the wail of a large minion on Edgeneld, were alga blown down. Low plaoec were Suddenly inundated end a dumber of facilites driven from their bonus, so great was the flcod. The telegraph lines were broken In all Moto. dons. The storm estangled to Murfreesboro, where six or 'Mtn bonus were enroofed. No Imo of life reported. The river Is tidos rapidly:wreathes fair and cold. A risehrieven feet will put the water In the 'stores on 'Front' street opposite the wharf., noon zus SCIOTO. Coinautue, Januar, 17.—Tbe Water In the Scioto river IA higher then before for twenty years. Grad damage hati oc. owned. No trains have reached here from Cincinnati today on account of bridges washed away.., NEWS LID ITSCELLIEL umsx SIM* will return to Eng land this year. Uhr climate does not agreewithtdm. ElosaytkeEnglielt news. For Jars Vo r iluxe was a solitary woman studying medicine at the Univer say of Zurich ; nostthere are sixteen who are earnestly pushing their studies there unmolested. EXMOTAL or Incur Rust.—lt Is stated that by allowing articles coated with Iron rust to remain a short time In kerosene oil, the rust calit readily renamed by afterwards rubb Art •ta fax-splauiller with leo*. Bauman Inox.---It is asserted that articles of lion or brus may be lammed by dipping them-into melted sulphur mixed with lampkiack. The surface, after being drained off, will take a beau tiful polLshi and muscats the appearance of oxidized bronze. - Psalm is the name of a well known teacher In Bangor, Km. A (oath named Bean, who attends his school, wet recit ing hit lesson one day and hesitated • moment, when the teacher remanted: "It takes. leans • long -time to sprout „ .No longer than peas, sir," replied the toy. I CONCERTO ere given in New York dty, ender the atopiots of the Tonal Nat's ChriztbarAmoehodon,_ and are meeting with great samosa. Many of the most prominent artistes have already appeared. The object ti, not to make money, bat 13 allow the =yes to enjoy good muslo at An Irish &star , leas paling a pane of glass into a window, when a groom who wu standing by beganjoking him; baling him to mind and put in plenty of putty: The Manisa bore the banter for some time, but &Nast silenced his tormenter by "mutt, now ' be 014 , 11 put even in your head w ithout any A wcn of oll•paper hangings, called "Oleo Charts," Is now made in England, it is asserted, is impervious to wet, may La placed on new or damp walls without risk of demure or discolor ation, may be washed with soap and water am °hen as and will last twenty rmrs. The process of mantifac. we not esphined. • . 'Tani:wry year ago' Conwicticut man left • watch with &Jeweler to be cleaned and repaired, saying that be would be in town In a day or .two and call for It, Last. week the man called in at the jew elers and asked: "Do you remember my leaving a watch with you a number of years since to be cleaned I" 'Wm," replied the jeweler, "and hare it is." Thu Bhaster, or Endo° blble, forbids a woman to see dancing, hear music, wear Jewels, blacken her eyebrows, eat dainty food, sit at a window or view herself In • Mirror during the absence of her husband; runiallows him to divorce her if she bas no sons, lajorea his property, scolds him, quarrels with another woman or presumes to eat before - he haa finlike& hit !mold settler of the Sacramento Val - . . _ . lay chino to have discovered a flue vein of bit minus coal 80 hot In thickness, and free from sulphur, at a point only wren miles from the California and Ore gon Railroad Rne, near the base of the Coast Range of Mourdatni. The elbow cry, If the win should develop as well as it promises, Is moat opportune, for the folioed and the 13acramento Valley gen. Tay. • . 61/17111 Nrrnern or Baran, or lunar emetic, may, it is said, be removed from paper, cloth, or the hands, by first applying chloride of copper, then • solu tion of byposnlphite of &de, and finally rinsing with pure water. • For white cotton and linen tissue*, it Is beat to am dilute solution of , permanganate of potuh and hydrectileria acid, foilowed a before by a dilute solution of hydresulphate of soda and • rinsing. These substances have the advantage our cyanide of pa unhurt of not being paw:emus. A Fames • artist has recently an notated a new tnethod of representing photographs In =tail colors. Ills pro cess rests upon the assumption thatt all colors are composed of three primary tints, mixed together in different pronor done, and may be separated Into them, Three different negatives. an taken, of the same object, by receiving the image th r ough is many lenses, of the primary colors referred to. From. these three urome,vhich axe generally quite simi lar to each other, and each of width re. presents only mil color or 'the object, three colored photographs are to be pre pared, each being of a color correspond tog to that of the lens used in the pre welkin of its negative. Thus, from the negative of the lens axed phccogrsph Is p repared in a manner similar to that In a black picture la made with the tur bo t proocem The three Images oh talned In the primary colors are then combined into one, and reproduce, after their eastruni the' colors which.. the original object powered. These Omuta ire oreimW, to have the great advantage of not altering, the colon belq u as durable maths black of the carbon t. Many of the technical details of ui proceserare iset unexplained, and the announcement probably a hint of what is hoped for rather than as the statement of an actual and suousefel method, = _ . . .. .. s 3 ~.. ~..w~ ~.._. .... . . 111 TRE ' , STAR n DISASTER. 'Particulars Of the accident-11w It • Happened TOrIIWDg Became— The Total Lou. Early • Sunday morning the steamer Star," with bargee and boats In tow containing over one hundred thousand bushels of coal', left Pittsburgh: On the evening of the same day'an accident oc. carted which added another to the list of disasters with which the navigation of the Olue is connected. It seems, all went well until duak, when the fleet neared the new Benwood bridge, built for the Baltimore and OW(1 Railroad: It Is usual at this point to tie up and wait for daylight, - but. In this case there seemed to be no necesiity for such anion. Theincon stume brilliantly and the piers and other objects around were distinCtly viaible. The current was running very strong, but Captain Julette having the fleet In charge, thought the passage of the bridge grrfectly safe, In whickopiniOn the globe coincided. The satenia was accordingly made, which t r r d iret t erg hi ffi h r t r Th r e w' "IS M current began to sweep the taw down upon one of the piers. ' The engines wore • reversed. and every effort made to avoid a collision. But the weight of the tow and the heavy =trent, rendered this an Impossibility. The foremost : barge at one side struck the atone work, and In stew momenta the steamerwirt borne against another pier. The chimneys were knock.. ad down, and she careened over. The water, now dammed up he a single trio- . meul,swn shot over the barges and sank seven of them In (mink arbocesalon. By this time the towt rat commenced to teak. She ounened over again, the boil ers exploded, and • fire ensued, oh made the wreck complete. whir . Most of the crew escaped with the greste 3 t dill:lathy. through Wenn/dance of Captain Snyder, of the transfer steam. er Harrison which happened to be cross. Ins the river at the time. One of the pilots named Allbrighe only escaped =owning by getting uon the upturned twill of the irreek, from which he .was finally rescued. A Mrs. Alexander, aim. ter in-law to Mr. Ger. Merriman, one of the engineers, was taking apleasure trip on the bath and renelveu Injuries by the bursting of the hollers, which rerulted fatally in a oonpis of hours. The re mainder of the crew escaped without se rious inj ray. They were taken to Wheel ing, from whenoe they arrived home last evening. The body of Mrs. Alex ander Wel bre:right home also and taken to the reindeer. of Mr. Merriman, No. 48 Monterey street, Allegheny. As yet no exact estimate of the loser= be made. One of the taste and a barge floated off, but were landed by tortes Ohne distance below the place. !The 'Slar,'' In perfect order, was rained at about illB,Ccd. She had been engaged in the trade about six years. Her owners were Captain Jolene, of IdeSeespart, and Mr. J. D. Johnrun. The Insurance upon her was only against Are. The barges were owned. as follows: Jacob Bonner, one; J. C. Risher, one; Peter Onseet (the Clerk), two Star Coal Co., fear, and one tart. The loss of coal and barges will amount to 114000 or dihOGO. REMOLEIAL ItE/L9. Wellston the following items In the Oil City Times, the new organ of the 011Interesta : On the Tidlonte dc Warren tract, the wells steadily hold their own, including the Fisher and Cushing welt. The Com pany are breaking ground for a new well near the line of the New York and "Lite. ghony Oil Company tract. • - an. ihe.ll..Y.A_A-0.-Co.-4rset,- Mr. well have not decreased to any considerable extent. His No. sla down 365 feet, and will probably be fin ished by. Saturday. On the Economy Oil C 0... tract, the wells axe steadily producing, without material change. On West Hickory, no new strikes are reported, although several wells are ap test. proach ing completion, nearly ,ready to Mr. O.' B. 'Galion Is putting down a well one • mile took of the station at Whit efeat Oak, which bra reached. depthof 2 , 30 . Oa Saturday last the well bolongine to Messrs. Marvfnialunhall 00., Iccated on Clabome Run, a tributary to Corn. planter Run, near Oil C,ty, was tested,. and commenced ptimpittp the full of the pipe, flowing out of the ening at the same time. A number of our exporien. load oil men have visited the well, and ail seem to agree that it will not be lam than * fifty barrel well. This fe another Impetus to theoll terntory in and around Oil City, and I. another assuranee that our town is locatel In the eentre of the bcot oil territory on the Creek. Other new wells are going down in the vicinity of the one ,iciat struck, and this with the Cottage Hill territory, will , make our town, In addition to being 'behead of the oil Market, the largest producing die ' trict in the oil region. The Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad Company are going to build a large freight house at Petroleum Centre, opposite the punt:ger. depot. , YOUTHFUL NOTIIMHL SeßeTely Beaten—llerlosely lejared. The foolish rivalry between the boys of different sections 'of the city, which often'resulta in .'tarrels, had another exempilbleation Sunday &Bauman, rather tooriiierions than usual. A little boy naimecl Harry Paul, residing in Birming ham, visited the residence of his uncle in the Seventeenth ward Sunday after noon, and while there was attracted to the street by the music ,from the bras band accompanying the Duquesne Greys. who attended the funeral of Dol. Diehl. He bad hardly ruched Butler street I when he was attacked by a crowd of young minus. who beat and &mud him shamefully.. During the attack he was struck ' on the bead by a young boy, said to be D. O'Connor. which felled him, to the earth, when his assailants Hod. The Injured tad was picked up in an almost Insensible condition and carried to the residence of his relative, - . Afterward he was removed to his home, in Birmingham, where medical attention was secured. Tipster. day he , was compelled to Ile in bed all day, unable to lift his head from the pit , tow, and serious consequences were ap prebendal. Late yesterday SLOXIIIOOII the tors uncle, Mr. William Metcalf, mad* lnlbrmation before Deputy Mayor Nichol against` fl'Oonnor, who is about fourteen years old, for assault and bat tery. An *Moor with a warrant went In scarab of the accused, but found that be had disappeared; but hie whereabouts are known, and he will likely • be arrested to day. 'Another of mm. List night Shout ten o'clock the °Moors on duty st the Point observed a man acting in a singular mammas though in a suite of boisterous intoxication. They attempted to arrest him when he was !Mina to be Weans, evidently from emcee sive drinking. He was altogether un manageable, and It required the ameba, &nes of.several citizens belbre he could be aware& He was tied and healed to the look up in a wagon. Being aril! vie- lent, it was round seminary to may blm into a cell and dose the dom. alter which OspL Rood managed. to cut the he that b,und him. After midnight he became more quiet and regained his senses, when be gave the name of Ed ward Ryan, and said-became from 'Franklin on the boat. He had been drinking during the day. His probable ho will be able so go about wifely when released this morning. Blot at Mx Nile Early, yeatarday morning Alderman IdoMu tees received the. information of Evan Rollins against Ave men and three wo. Men for not. He alleged that the par. Ma mime to his house at Ml: Mile Ferri Monday night In an intosiested, Mon. Felling to have their demands !be adadttance °patella: with. made a attempted to bombardmen t esfa7 thelr of the esta MO blishment: and brow In Ma they were sleddebateM by d. AMOS the ems in the sehool hones, a religions ineseloS was Wing held; Which was also Awoken up,by.the rtatert. , After disturb. Jog the entire neighbarhcvd and cram; log • row to thar adman satisfaction, they withdrewwith threMs of vesuagente as Balks and his family. Under the alrellaueatwel he thought it heat to secure legal protectio n . Warrants for tee WI" of the Welled rut *gad. ALLEGRO! COUNCILS CAUCEL Tile Republican Nominations let City Oaken. The Republican membem of the newly organized Connelly of Allegheny held • omens meeting Let . night in the cham ber of the Select branch, Mr. Hall pre and made the following nomina tions: - Controller—W. M. Porter. Treasurer—D. Mactenon. ligitor—W. B. Rodgers. City Engineer—Charles Davie. Paul Superintendent of Water Worts —Wm , Jr. Street Commissioner—Thomas Meow, daamor of Water Bents—David Coe- Hellas . • City daseasor—R. R. Bay. Clerk of Marixte—Dnocao Dallas. CAW Engineer of Fire ikpartm'est— Jamas E. Crow. Supt,'Fire .d/arm Tilegraph-L, Me. Omahas. WeigAmager at Dtamond Swdee—Geo, B. McNulty. Wedghmaater at &mid Ward Scales.— R. T. White. Clerk to Cbsunfttees—j. B. Oxley. Salt` Inspector and Mtwara. of Wood and Bark—B. Ackerman. Wharf Master Eastern District—A. Danner. Who's/ Master Western Distriet—S. E. Died. Board lleantrers —First ward, Robeirt Whiten. Hamad ward. Win. Murdoeh, , Third Ward, W. P. BT.; Bburth ward, A. Dandson; Fifth ward, ,R. M. Part: Sixth ward. T. R. Gilman; Seventh ward, P. Eric: firth ward, John.. McDowell, 'Wm. Oa . , ' Janite Half.—John Marshall. This evenin3 Cmnells will meat In joint serdon to elect the city. officers nominated by the omen!. The content for city printing will quite spirited. and resulted as foliation Gas errs, 28: Evening, Mail, 24; .B.:paten, Onrmeretai, 8; Freedoma' Friend, 28; Volkablatt, 10. We 'return our thanke to Councils for the very flstierine vote received, and will endeavor to fully Mecham° the duties of the pomition. • , • = The following official communication folly explain" itself: roMusinolirzitie Oprzez, • ALlawasNir CouBT7, Prrranonotz, Jan. 17th, 11310. To the Editors and reoprietoreef Gazette: GrinLsmßS: At a meeting of the County Uommitsioners, held tidy day. your paper wr.'s duly elected one of the County erintera for the year 11370. By direction of the Comuilasionera. [Attest] W. H. McCuratty, Clerk. We are duly gratethl to the Compile. sionem for their discrimination' In our tehal4 and we feel porrinally indebted to them for their. cinsideration. We shall endeavor to hilly and faithfully mdicharge our duty in the capacity of county printers. The Dispatch and Frei. heat Freund have shoo been so elected as the other official organs. The Clazarra for 1870 Ls the official organ of Pittsburgh. Allegheny and' l. legheny county , and the deportment& at Harrisburg and 'Washington. AIRISMILOWSIUL Omits Hooey—.. The tottery of Vfe,' • sensatiottal drama by Mr. Brougham, was presented at the Opera House last evening in ablghly eatlatactory manner. Mr. Cheater summed the leading role and acquitted himself with great credit, as did the other members of the company In the cast. The piece will be repeated this evening. Ac►nsttr or .Musta..—lflss Ann• E. Dickinson will deliver a lecture at the Academy of Moab, this evening. under the ausploei of thelfoung Men's Korean. tile Library Aweistion. 13rbjeot— "Whited Sepulchros." There will tie no reserved seats. " CALTILETOX."—Thursdny evening the 20th instant, Mr. O. C. Cottle, the..Carle. ton" of the PALM Joarsud, will deliver a lcoture under the auspice] or the 0. A.. R. at the Academy of Mende. jibs sab le 31 will to "China and the Chinese Question in Anterios" Mr. Conlin lien ebbe writer, and we know of no man of the preterit thy more able to discus" the Chinese one Ilion, welch la Just now ex alting so much interest, than he is. No rcoerved testa. Go and hear him. - 0111•H•Ble Pent.—The fair In the base. meat of the Cathedral ountinute to in merle to Interest and atiraetiveneaa. and the number of vhdtura increases It 1 , 1 a delightfully pleasant place to upend ,an evening. • A 111 Upper, David alsee Morgan, of Eut Birmingham, was committed to Jell for trial on two inn:umiak= yeatardayv In the liret he la charged with forcing his way Into Into the drugatere of Arnold Rock, on Saturday night, together with a lot of companiorer, and taking there. from a number atonic., of ale and whis. key. Information was made against him for this offenco beforslttaticeHelsel, and officer Busted, with a warrant, went in search of "Skip." He Wand the °Wert of his search, but the meeting wallah ex. *reading ly unpleasant one for Basted, who was attacked and severely beaten by i•Skip" For thigstfence a nes - and Infor mation wan madtir against the lively Commi rough, tted who to was tria for finally l. ileourird, 'and ' • Kama" lEacarakon Party At the solicitation Ma large number of the McMinn' at the Buckeye Cohniy, who desire to visit Mamas for..the pur pose of selecting their lands before mov ing their families, another landexploring and excurakon party will leafs Pitta bruich; Stenbenvillie and coluniiiin "on .Tuesday, February let, .1870, All who wish to make the trip can do en at about halt tam . by procuring Certificates of Membership (mating la.) from the Agent of the Buckeye Colony. Personstwho do not wish to return, can also obtain, re• duced fare. - Address V, P. Wilson,At Ohio. Buckeye Colony, New. Philadelphia, ' The Agent may be seen at 240 Liberty' street, , Pitisburgh, on Thursday after. ncon of this week. A rare opportunity L now offered to thole who wish to Wan tho West at email expense. 4 Fatal Accident. An accident occauredon the Pittsburgh and Counellavtlie • Railroad ' yester day evening about four • O'clock near dranludowii *tenon, remolt. lug In the death of John D. dieClelLsod, who was employe.- as a. bream= on the road. It appears that he was engag ed In eartteld nit a trenon a aiding, when, by 1101120 means, ha was struck by the halm, knoeked down and run over, and Instantly lulled., The Coroner was Arm. ded mid empatmelleda jury. The loves. tlpation was postponed until ball-past ten o'clock stile morning. The deemed was about ES years of ' age and leaves a widow and two children In Connelly villa. where net realdett has been In t h e employ of the Oompany about obe co.roperative Life lestrance (issmany. At the manual meeting of Ms company . on Wednesday evening last, the &Bow leg gentlemen were elected directs:lc W. O. Atighenbaugh, F. H. Collier W. W. Patrick, (Monet E. J. Mimi, A. . B . Stevenwm, Alex. Medi., Joe. Walton, O. Wharton, Charles Amstar, Bernhard Krogh, O. X: Wendt, CC F. Schwartz, Dr. mmdts, John Phillips, Peter Haberman, J. C. Smith. J. R. Blotter and A. Patter son. The Board organized by electing W. O. Aushenbsugh _Presiding A. B. &WOODSON Vloo President; W. W.. Pa t. rick. Treasurer; A. Patterson, Secretary: and Lsopald Klee, Assistant ilteoretet7- The Trustee Board la amtln nal without change, and consists - of llonw John U. Kirkpatrick; F..- H. Stowe. W. E. Ste• -• ensue, Agnew Duff. JaW 'P. - Bari/. D. EN-. and W. BlikemeUt Dig —An ezenudon Tenni coradidlng of railroad and newspaper men; left go yetterthr.for numbs, Maths Obloagoi Batiliston. and_ _Quincy „Relined arid •Barllngton and Misr3Orri River Railroad. tor the perinea of celebrants the elLea.. Jog of thin new rents o party mottled the sleeping 'car . 1 1Ifai , Plower" and dining car .Coemopolltme , or the Pullman line. which, In tonne°. tion with other 'owe of the mine Maw, will run regularly over this route from qll.O to Ckautha. The party will' be orrforal din% --*" * 0 NO. 15. MARKETS BY TELERELAIPR tty Tele iaph to the PI ktatiorett Qualm.) NEW Yoas, JanuFs 17, 1870. Money quiet and easy, at age per cent. on calif time bane offered at RP per cent. The mipplY of 'capital fs itiun. dent. The Erprest ease & petltlon le ambit- ing among the teuski to have 'the &Mr: Very of the Treasury Mine bonds If a low rate of Interest, which the obtain by depositing current/3,M the Substrattn l 7, the said bands to be con vertible Into currency by the banks on demand. It is proposed to make these bonds the same as legal tenders, no fat as counting in the legal reserve of banks. . The accumulatiOn,of national bank notes is beginning Mli k be very opines; aim It Is seated that the next time • • Ambient Treasurer boys bonds he • be forced to pay for them large in National bank notes, probably to thee'. taut of 75 per cent. Thls wilt taut to di. miniah the amornt of bonds offered., in this • connection' some bank MAMlgehl bare !darted a project In seat up: Moe National banknotes In packagenof 115,M3 or 310,0[3 and der silt the same In some one bank and let that bank Istnecertifi. cites which , shall peas at the Claming Howse In settlement of the daily balance: This arrangement would really 'be a great Inflationren&hrthis light It crop l F sled by. tome manage s. ..- - - 1 Sterling '.quiet at lijrniiii her cent: , -Gold openedat 121%, fell to> 1M and closed at 121%, Clearanoei 1133,1.A0C3 Governments strong. Coupons of 'AI, 1714@1 7 M: an, '&4 15,4114.0. -0),;• '64.; I4M(2)15; do.• '&5, 14X(Obis do.-new. AM, 10 14401 , d 1 0 2 . © '5 1 7 2 M le ; g Pea le , (4) e l4/ c ; , d o. M ® 1 0 4®1114. Bute State boudatirtner; Missouri', 3711 old Tennesseas, 53M; new. 47; old Virgin.' las, 54M, new, 6o; old North Carolinas, 41; new, MK i Louisiana Levee Sizear,33 Stocks firmer but ran ap to t tastiest point of the clay. . • Aye Thirty Priem —Can , S3 M; Cumberland.. 80;' Western . Won Tel. 32M ; Quiet/diver. 14%.; .Istatirsaia., 6 t do preferred. 16M; Adams Express, 63,4: Wells & Fargo, 20m American, 38 14; United Mates, IC: Panne Mall, 62; • New York Central, 9214; Erie, sagi do, pre ferred. 31; Harlem, 137; g.c. preferred, 136; Hudson Scrip, 87M; Rea di ng. 9IM; Michigan Central, 117%; Michigan Sluthern, 8514; illinnisi Central, 14 (14; Pittsburgh,' 93; North Western, 73X; do preferred,. 116%; R..'l. ICBM; 'St. rani; 7434; do preferred, 86%; :Wabash,'- 61%; do pre('.', 7034; F.. Wayne, 87M; Terre Haute, 5.2: do preferred. 5&,' entomb and Alton, 14430 do preferred; 146; 0.4 t Sr, 2.6 c. Dubuque, 1418 M; C. 0.,& I. • C., 18%; Bt. Ise preferred, 11M., Boston priced - Copper Fal l Friniii 11n.91, 11)0406: Quincy. 25. =. 1 • w ' , l Erboria of the . week - ascent 'pea* 64,857,518Qimr0rte specie,MCD,233. Bub. Treasury balant*-g01d;675,142.10t- dm; saucy. 81,496,217; general bahutee r 682.4 . . Thew Zan. 17.—Crinon opened steady and closed weak: - 8,90) bales m!d. dling uplands as ;Fleur 6010 e bettor on low gradtx n celpta 5.803 belt, 5,9() bble at 151,5004.30 for superfine State and. wesitrn; - 95,1006 far extra State; $1,45106,1010r extra western: 55,75 @6,55 for woke wheat extra: t 3.2504,24 for Round eicop obice 55,tXg6,25 extra Si. Lou;.; 16.2507,259m0d choice do. 'Bye flour quiet, with sales 160; bbleist 24 2505 25. Corn meal quiet. Whisky. a shade lower, with salsa 100 Ws west ern at sl,:free. +Receipts wheat,' 14;120 bus; ion active and. 1(424 better, shlpa pere generally rooming to pay any ad vance; salci 46,003 bus at $1.133 On- No. 8 spring. 5114(41 18 for No. 2 - do, $1250 127 f...r winter red and amber western; 1185 our white Michigan; and 51 45 fbr white Callforxds. Nye ....doll.. , Darley doll and decidedly lower; • sales 1800 MI Canada West marled; reagent, 1100 ban. Own at 74(478m dull end declining: sales of 52,500 bosh at 600,90c1 our new• mixed western, $l,Ol for old dO in store; 97e for . new yellow Jersey, 97c1381. for - new menthe= yellow, 5101,011br new White southern. Oats; reoelpts of 11.518. bush, and firmer tor western; mum 49,000 bush at 57061 e for wcmern r the latter an ex , creme, 610 02 0 foil9tatet total stalks In grain W 111160039 today were wheat, 5234,723 bush; corn, 537,166 bush; *ate - 1.5C3.809 bash: rye,. 63,219 bush : barley, 847.6213 finish. Rios dull. Coffee dull. Sugar in fair requeit; 253 hhills Cuba at 103(011c. Mole:sea dull: 1(3 bola N. Cie at 74080. Petroleum firm at 1034018 M, for crude, 5110311.j'fore refined. „Hem quiet and firm. . Unwed oil dull at, 9113 91 in cask. Torpeatine quiet Ind hairy at 427;045. , Pork firm aml quiet: s.te obis new MOM at 42 . 8(428,25, o!d do 127,75 (28, Pante n 5,25, mime. man 124.600 al; also 750 bele new mess, seller Feb', and March, $25028,45... Beet steady, 550 tibia sold at $ 29 . 1 3.; plain men 2 10 511 17 for new extra mesa, demo beef steady; sales of 200 tierces at .622328 Ibr - Orlme mess; V. 7,380 for India maaa.. Beef Y u ma steady; sales ,of . 420 tibia itt11 10 43 31 for new. Cut meats heavy: stales of.• 100 5hear5.13413123 kir shoulders, 115,34 - Middles; soles 'Of WO boxes short ribbed at 1434014 Mb, 30 boxes city lollg. chair at 15i(o. Dragad hogs loweri 10%011 , it0 for western: Lard heavy; sales of 850 tiesses'ost^lsV3l234.3 for steam, ,17(417%0, for kettle-...randsred. Rutter steady, 1833(c for Ohio:: Chew quiet, 160161 Freights to Liverpool quiet and firmer; shipments. per steam of 7,500 bush wheat at 534 d.... LatertFlour . doted *tangy with a -• moderate demand for low' Wheat' quiet and steady at, $l. 1,16 for No. 2 spring, and 81,24 @IX for winter red arid- smtor • waiter.'. Rye nominal. Oats rather quiet at 583800 .for western: Corn lower and dull $1011,03 for old, and 80(490d : for new: . mixed western. Pork steady, with seles 600 bbl "mess. February and. March, at 828,25.. :Beef In fair request and steady.. Cut Meats dull - and uncharged.' 8113011.1 n fair demand and steady. .Lard quiet st 16%c bid and 18140 asked ibipiimesWimfor Februery end bad ancf.l7o asked : foe March. rigs lower end dill at 8.243.124 fr fresh. . • • Naw• Tong, January - 17.—The live stock market has been very tame - this rainy day after the ;Burping of dock last' week. • The weather ha been. warm and all kindsof meats were Read upon the market.. We nave s total of 6,740 came, , , of welch 6,500 weeenneale day, tan • only 8,000 • could be darned of . , "Prima dropped about 30 . gwr - lb an quality quite common to good, with no extras: Prime ranged from pckfor Imitate 10110 for dry COWS and Tessa Steers, up to lto (410 for fan to good areetern steers and 170 fora very few Mims mane. Market. averaged 14,tf0: A drove of 100Taxas, 6 cart, averaged 11Mel 60 Kentucky cattle. 7 owl, 14@ii6ci 200 Illinois. 834 , cwt -14(4 ' 150, and a car. ant Ohio, re. - Total Sheep 80.000 aide today; market vary slow. Many were lea -.over and mime we lower. with sake al 4862880 for 66. up to 112 lb sheep; a car_ of .78 Ohm ro bught We: carol ' - 8111 b State 034 a with some of 90 163 at 70, and *mem 112 , lee at 83. H011i,39A11.1 11 9-1 8 ,000 for the week; with 87 ogre Trade slow et 909 cm for live, 1201234 c for cityd mid 116912340 for western , dressed. !Await wean. l'ettution.r2l.4, January, 17.—Rceiee dull and lower; Ulu - 2100 extra Penh. ottani* and western' steers In 9@93g4" Choke.. lOc: fair to 12 000 4 4 1a814eb com mon, 5@8340 per I.ogicits. Sheep Arm.; sales 9000 at' 6065 per' 16' grate.'ELAM doll and lower: salts 48041 et IMMO® 14 per cwt . , net, closing at ,111.260(i61111br corn fed. Ifiswiencer., 'January ' 17.—Ticar ,nn changed. Whartipatet at 823;01be No. I, and 7724 a for No. IL :Coarse grains en, tirely nominal. Dressed hogs firmer. r $10,25011: Neeelpte: 2,063 bills of floor;' , 18,073 bath or wheat. • Eddlunentar SAO bbls of Gime, . • 2 nominal it $901,01: Provisional declin ing. Ftteethenor quiet; muds 2014 refined Janar' • i7,, ,, ne11i1k1171 firmer, but Floes unchanged.: Whisky . doll, 823090. •• , • :. •:: Lpii-qmids asatet. New:Yens. - Jailors. 17:—The demand ler cotton fabric: is still IratinXt!dy email and trade hode nee fully Opened ail yeti bat price:sln the meantime futr o py. iVooleuie are ratbarlo better as are linen - eraahas Ind rioludih 'elan adapted for the clothier: trade: inif.leftea eecarally rule low: !broiler - I ;lode market.. iv 'alio% qutell sec,r7leati itre not' yet ottahltalia,..,, • . •i. *. —Andrew J. Dim* ftitainearltimiX , ado, :drowned idoweity. 'An ;la Miami river. attar • aut. la' piweing alz counterfeit twenty dollar greenbacks. and the ywilltoinary exult!. nation wait In pragreca Iterate a United StateeCoauniestoner. Velars ¬e with We clothe)* on the hank of the river, say tag he Intended to drown hltwielf because 9r Ms arrest and trial. THE WKEariar IMMTB kiawrtisa em•ous .m.n,gitet sans =I I Mat IS Chase (=bra ' up at a slab or On. Wan apart:RS% ggiM mini ax imu) a co.„' A Jewish Pittier' alirden W* Seal Ur Illartytag chraurn. An Irish journal has thetbtlowing cot- respondence from Ganda: hf,,,c: t:, 11,.M de, Tr,l4. rot -r , av. tunas 1:10 the atuAier, , taulima T:ed. mannaeon of the tatted, at Tarospol, in Cislita.' It impure that the deceased had made anelder of marriage to s Chris tian grill, and that she .bad accepted hi.. on Ida promising to become a Chrtathua also. Havingkcard °Lillis Promise the Incased men assembled, in the • house of Moses Teldmann ; and warmly tiPatalded young Madman for his 'postal. The Mariltawever, remained ohdbutte, and duing,the attegnation the Atha threw a allng•rope t itch had pilled at it; undated the' other men :nattll' lAe an was stung ed. Hanish' Madam* the mother of the deceased; who was Fab. sent at the ticaN•ahowed. 'push irdif et thrideith of her son. but Was soon pod ded by 'the 'ldtsband `re presenting,.-tte rearderporatelfgtoul elieridee, midpuied the rest of the evening with him th pray er. The cue. was clearly proved against the , defendants. ' Moses Weldmait,and Mayer preeher wire , sentenoed .be banged; and the 'other three with h et years imprisonMent with'hird labor. --Jaw atikeriOn• ntirmkneine , ift Abe Chicago- Board. Of Trade, Annea r 000- tnitted "Inlaid. ' Sunii4 afternoon _lnr taking lantlanntri." Boiled bestemda nutlet tke innitepre pf Naar. • Prra?Li*at 'entirely On IL EL flosn!eat halillibtt, 911 GOLD *lad IR. New Yolk 7esteniq -- ADVER larard. B. • The next.Leetttro' at taa (I.and Coun►wlll b. dell►.SW at IL► ACADEMY Or Ow Tillareday , Evenifiz.ran. ;10, COFFIN, lalf :POW O: aUni ai t . • . Idiand the Mien Qatplon fD imeriat. ilArnr"alka"t Am./.3.3„ /Wry Onto. tarn I iLit. ___ 41 . 71 .e-ASID IN* inlicrorvq. upuTvalie oN. LIGHLAND THESPECTROSCOP,E,- 5k...14 , - Lid , „hi'eftlieXaceit entaAarill Ittatoetrieeti relooa• aid tbereeill. tint applteatlea; ie be ttlitatrateit le clout- Islets et theltiratest titer/at: .110 ALT TUZSDATlMltiltfliall, Sal . doe tab Wt. ACADEMY OP Nrl7l3la. trig; l BEo, Ninr tray's'. • ••• • Ttigata at adtrtaidan,llo • testa. Se Si had as pthmlita moo. me m. itatorrett Outs • cents extra; to ba , had at the Waters [Wm. My. tionii:ltot.anf D To, %ileum* 1h..d7 iiitetruksittuiliiit. • *Sate • ntesoLvizearor riLltirmrpt- Jia'SHlP. , 4tbelce rai that tag Car- PhathemblP Marto! ors •haztiUsg 'tattireah I. •BlZOO*llaul muscuseorz, ander tialna Ems or Brahra t )(naps's, la 1114 417 hia7 jartart - 4114.41.0 Bltoollll. • TVISSOILIPITON he- firm . di armlike utoi ass Ufa' 11 brayed by moduli coaxal, of 'Ms Yutersist to D. I. gawk. ' the lbul. .91 hi nu., bytbe tienhiligpstbsibb, blialtb. N 1449 Coati. &Taves. . • . . . Jiwtriby 15, 1670. TrIINIS DA.TF.JEL. Jut-remind, it% Llotl i rjtNe trpol.o4 /IS nen. ja, JOHN A. rarmpotw,-. Comer Libeler, sad Al. eta laPoolva'PolliLY. r. .11tatoped With OW Mk" PS Stied *ll the y‘/Ittlefri sitesminatiatao 1 w• ••• Whieht at 4:04 pike. • ' se. iiihnivli DU n: Lamm rovaairry; soLLIVI AN -a reacatat,- - -,• lll P.agi.tuin intimmior - 1 " Sand Hods lc WIMERN ansnue*,--4-or• :TY•talgelltfagNi.t.ii; 1870, IntiP topSed tivea satietr n. i: . pf Irpuiplvaala , with= plo ZunrsOMPlpliZ) b r t lzdr ..t t i rdropt ttpA s i:l . tan JO Pmdiare. - int - attpromf.:-Now!•lfillisatalig. rumeLlwr. asirb; &POLIO • ' • [atrk , Yi't7iiaila,'i:i.~i 14th • wrd; • kl,lul.lfly.Ssrulh nib Darn• . Saila a brit Stow. toirnsidp. r47. 11 A' • ' ZOOZP. O ;Wkillig!.•oo2ll4. `:`.:PAPERWAIL", At Orratly Reduced to Pr MS LaDalk , W64%11,61 . 1 tlu 144 5 tit MXX " 4 CO4 81. 1, 1 lIoc.. ; Without Begard to COll4 ' °mei/aura , • , • Dmeci aliox • 1ikt,i..0,1) iliq a tams assortauntoicinilir TAPS= it' Not. 107 MARKET - NiA - 11W71‘117.XIIZ: 4108•011. sucampaitax,'' . . . I I ROPLE ? I f 14 1 .1 ' 01 Allegheny. -:;., • 6r. Federal isiid ',mid Street& • voirNO;itaiLidr„. PANK:OrolearrAwiistscougi:.. - 11441101kialirldatily inzurriatursu Off iii . 44*A; " Toiwitunrlrtemiow:' Y - voiwgehlas , 'caber Ist, repo to =rig MO/ 14%;;‘ , I= l aNi l ,411 " =AT- . JOINV Lima! irmiNiitt&o=rnirtumin prraltimeau. Jasotanit4,l6° . .) , OT/CE TO Borinsigusig#4. deswpm Ya 9L 4»t4C February I. 11111... em Is ee aid aim 'has date oa brerautaibu Maly. abtarr,. parse Batioual Flauk or enureshrth.- 1.1 , 4.:1111 JNO. H. PAO2.4L. ?rank:- . .