lIN littsbur,o Gap , 'an AND SLIBUBBAN. The niatia work on the Pan.gandle SalLraid at Alum creek. damaged by a freshet, ban been repaired and using are now running through. , IllututY , —lttna Ellen Palmer made In tbrmatke betbre s Salisbury r Elrinlneumn, Batti /matt rday, e against Benj. Ewen for =rely of the peace. A warrant we. lamed. tiara* Fight—Two uncross got Into a fight on Webster avenue Saturday even t= when one cot the other on the an with a razor. indicting • tedious wound. No uremia were wade. Flts.-13eturday morning 'about two o'clock a new dwelling bonne at Belle• geld, unoccupied and belonigingio l W. U • . Pabst. Ego., was destroyed fire. Itopposed to MS the work of an oen. -ICW. IMmaliglit the regular mum= will be held In the Select Council chamber at term o'clock, by the members of the Allegheny Moues to plum in nomlus• Sok- candidates for the vivo= city appraiser.—At ; meeting or the County Commissioners, held Sa turday morning. Mr. James Ritchie wee appointed Mercantile appraiser. Mr. R. to a punctual man, and will doubtless make an ancient Winer. Alleged Sareesy.—Jobn Cann made information yesterday before Alderman Taylor Amami Mary Higgins for. the larceny hls pookebbook. umlauting sixteen dollars and twenty-tive mats. Te ussuird was =aged and committed lb, a hewing. lbarcealf..—Robert Elates allegbs tbst Louis Kramer went Into bbgroundaand took tberefrom boards valued at live dol. lam' look* fluke honed a warrant ter lb. man wbo 'tot a-board't and Wier a twartng held blue to bail for hi, appear. anew at vanes. Wesiows Charge.—Gaturday raorzflog, Milton Harrow mule Information belbre Alderman McMaster*, charging George McCune with perjury, the allegedoffenee Csangsting in swearing falsely before Aldan= Shore, to an informatton for =regents Herron. Warrant FUUtair.—Mike Frank and Henry Wilting had a penional encounter Satin day morning, which resulted In an inlbr roarlon :before Aldermen Taylor for arsalt sad battery, with Henry as pros. swam and Alike as defendant, upon watch a warrant for Hikes .arrest was lamed. FrasiL—Ohrtst Koenig was arrested and brought before Judea Conrad. of Lower Ht. Olair tp.. on a charge of fraud by Casper Ditch. It alleged preferred - by Ls owed Ditch a bill of 'LOA and that he wu removing his goods and chattels to avoid pay lag the same. The ease was settled. • Ts Lek—The Promisor on Sixth ave• sue, one door from Smithfield street, now occupied by 001..7. D. Egan with bookstore and family. This is a part of the large balding to be fitted up and oocupled this spring by the Gszerrit, and is a very eligible stand for business. Apply at Whoa of Oaserris. loath Side.—The Committee on the Consolidation' of the Booth Side Bor. mishit have ordered from thegtate print er several hundred copies of the Consol idation bill now pending in the legisla ture, which, when received, will be dis tributed to the citizens of the several boroughs, will be called after to consider p i • t. ublic meeting A Second lbeuag in reference to the reot~anlgallon of therittaburgh ZMAlrell was held atPaulson's Hall. Fourth eve nuiviSatunley evenlag. . A large nuns tier of members were enrolled. Another meeting will be held' next Saturday evening to decide on the uniform. The officers will be elected on the last Saturday evening of the month. V. 15. District atter:Ky.—The commis " don of B. B. Carnahan, as United Instal district attorney - . expires to-day. Mr. Carnahan is a candidate for resppolnt • meat, and Hon. H. Bucher Swope, of Clearfield county, is also a osndidats for the office. The Prealdeni will probably send his nomination for the Mhos to the Senate for aonfirmstion to-morrow. Frightened.—A German went into a shoemaker shop on Webster avenue Sat urday to purchase a pair of boots. Alter trying severalpairs he found one which suited him and drawing them en his that started toward the door, when the shoe. maker made some remark. which must have frighened the Dutchman, as he started off' at a full ran and the shoe. maker has seen neither the German nor the boots alma. _ Conissitted.—Batbragy 'morning Chas. Mar, the young man charged with se duction on oath of Barbara Abel, had a hearing belbre. Alderman Batter, of Allegheny, when be was bold to ba ll-in the sum of two thousand dollars, for court. While the °flow was taking him to jell a companion interfered and made an attempt at rescue. It was a failure, and cost the unfortunate youth 515, the amount of doe Imposed by the . AAder. amt. Palate Illimopttat.—There will be • meeting of representative• from the Western Pencurylvanis Hcspital,lhe Al• legheny County Home. the Guardians of the Poo?. the Directors of tEe Poor of Al legberty, and the Commissioners of Al• leeway County, for the purpose of se csetaining the proper - means to secure the permanent establishment of tae old Ninth Ward Hospital se la general hospital far the two cities and county, and piths view to add to It the very im• portant feature of • lylnrin department. °Mastles.—The Rey. Charles Hedges, leotared). a graduate of Lincoln Unfree. eity and a licentiate of the Presbyterian Church. will be ordained to the tediststry and also metalled In the psatorate of Grace Presbyterian Church of colored ••• e, on Thursday Then eveng next at Mir 0. seven o'clock. ceremonies will take place In the colored Public &boathouse on Miller street, in the Elev. oath ward. The Rev. Drs. McKinney and Wilson will officiate. The a/ion:union or Mr. Hedges,befor• the Ohio Presbytery, will be held In the Sixth street Presbyterian Church, at two o'clock r. a , on Thursday the 201.12 =2 Thomas H. Bunter, Esq., Recorder for Allegheny county, yesterday rewired the commisione of the following named persona as luxuries of the Piece and Al. derryttai3Oso.Nenbart,Third ward, Pitts. :butigh; Cornelius O'Donnell, Filth wait. Plitsburen James M. Taylor Ninth ward, Pittsburgh; Samuel Irerlis. Slav *nth ward. Pittsburgh: James Dooald. eon, Powell ward, Pittsburgh; John A. Floyd. Second ward, Pittsburgh, and A. S. Nicholson, Sooond ward, Pittsburgh. The commfeaton of Captain W. D. Cook as Notary Public has also been readved. Tee cliiked art. Two friends appeared before Alderman lidetdasters, Saturday, In unfriendly atil- Wes . They were respectively prosecu tor and abrade:din an result and bat tery case. It happened In this wise. The prosecutor • few days era invested In • silk dress hat orating seven dollars. He donned the article and met his friend at a house be visited. The friend Mooed the hat unbecoming end remar he totn to mashie." Salting t hew tion he word baled his hand upon It In an =gentle meaner. The crown save way. Be then finished up by knocking It as the floor and treading upon It. This Is the story of his offending for which he was arrested and gave bail for, Court. Alleged Forgery. - Saturday =miser Alderman Neer= was engaged in inavanigating an alleged forgery case. la which Dr. It P. Duffey, vyttriaary surgeon, of Allegheny, sp.: peered es•proseentor against A. Ingalls, Q. P. Well, and a man named MoW11: - . llama, defendante. The parties as rend, it ix alleged, purchased 'bur bones, a set of harness, buggy and robes, for $1,820. offering in payment Dew signal by visions parties, in all amoollWir, CO 14400. Dr. Du ey, undee =Of ccussiltlng his attorney, e.. aooepting the notes, and in the meantime he Tidied one of the 'apposed signers, when, it is . al leged, •be discovered the- signature to be • forgery. ' He Immediately sailed at the Alderman's oleos, made an inibrmetlon and with en officer proceed ed to t h e place where he had agreed to deliver the horses where Ingalls and • Well' mem Manned. I it inenaged the w • and whoa arrested seemed very anxious to • base the rattier amicably aittlod:it be alleged be Wait would be better for him ibiTs a boaueof one thousand dollars than to base the picsecutlon go on: The socamelkwure hald far ' ' '• ' • • _ • . • • - ' - - . . . . -. .. . . - ~ . , , - —. • . -' ' • '• . ~..i.,,,,..,..1:0.- - , • ...--•, -^ , - .....---.4 ,,,- &, - .3--_<....., ,, , ~ ~....,,' • -....,:,:.- .... -,- ~,,,......-,..,.--,:;•.,,,- :.-,-.*: .. , C, -, :f.;:. --- -1::: ...:,••,',.,,' ..g. , .-- ~,,: ',•;;; :"."--•-•:::,;•...-:-.,...-- -!.,...t" , •.:`,:',3•1 S'f- - ,•:..,;;;;.;:.-..-:• . .:',. ,. ..... , , -- ...,,,... /. .1.: , ;-' , 5'.: : , .i....:' , ...:;-•,..e , ....;; ; ;T.V i1 tz , ..,'.\:-.,•,..., - ..7ii::=' , i,...•;.:4 , 4: - ' . • -- 1 •' - ='-as r -.4.....'v.....2-‘,.4 , --;- ,,,, -'c , ft,.•.5.:•=iv...a‘,..,,..:7,4:..4iV...f.r,., ,- ...,.;..c4A44...?.:,::...1,•:.? , 4•7,;. 7 .- - .),. - •.•_ , ,-.1-;;.... -- ,5,,i -, ,:r1 , 7,•;-4.1., ----";f'l.2kel,ll.:ji-&;::ilN."l.l;•'•s:."''''''..?.;:el.C.:"4•Zt•i'•7‘=L•F•••r:''''''-...'!:',''>•i'•'.,:-.:•-•,kat•.;,*:4*tit4V,...-;•:•'`•.4:'-'.;-A.:•-•,4,.4.t..4?-i-,,,.;F3-44.,,,y,:i.•;,.;;, „;.,?2.:. { .,,,,a.t , ..- • ''''''''''''''Vt;.•k-.4 .•-'.:'2..-4: 4 : , ... • LSE NSATION A Mari Dles sueoenty—ells Death a Mrs tery—Eariteinest le the lielgtiberheod —Coroner , . Immest. • Considerable excitement .prevailed In tii - s vicinity of. Minton - station in Ver. sallies township, on Friday morning of last week, over the death of Philip Dan. ion, foreman of Dickson, Stewart & Co.'s coal work; which it appease occurred under suspicious circumstances. The re port was current in the neighborhood that the man died of poison which it was alleged had been administered by a Mem ber of his family, but from the statement of one of his daughters which we publidi in fall, we are unable to sae any grenade for suspicions of that character. Coroner Clawson was notified and went to Renton station on Friday, to hold an inquest, but from the excitement pre. veiling and the rumors In circulation deemed it necessary to have apost morale examination mode, and on Saturday Dr. Daly made the examination. The Doctor declined to give his opinion in the caw milli after the contents of the atom aeb, which read been plated in the hands of Mr..Wntti, analytical. chemist, bad been analysed. The following statement, made to Dr. Daly bye daughter of the deceased, gives the facts connected with the death of her father in detail: My father was first taken sick on lastn Wednesday week, about eight or nine o'clock in the morning. He had gone to work as Mush returning home, com plained of sickness and cramp In the stomach and burning about the, heart. He bad taken for breakfast that Morning bread, butter, coffee and fried pork. Ho breakfasted bout half past five o'clock, and was taken sick between eight and nine. He remained in the house all day; next morning said he was better and went to work.! - The morning he was taken sick I commenced prelaries the breakfast, but before it was finished I returned to bed, and my sister Margaret arose and finished the preparation of the meal. My father returned to work the next morning (Thursday.) and contin tied work until the following Tuesday. ,January 11th.) His dinner was pre. • pared by my sister and sent him at nine o'clock In the morning, as was customa ry. He was In the habit of eating lunch es from his dinner during the day from the time It was sent hint. About half past twelve o'clock on that. day (Toes. day) he came home feeling, as he expres sed lt, jest a 4 he bad felt on the Wednes day before, although not so bad, having eaten part of his dinner already sant him, composed of bfead, butter end coffee, of all or which he had partaken, although some coffee was still remaining. He remained home until the second day thereafter (last Thursday.) He - got up and ate a breakfast of coffee, bread, but ter and fried pork, which I. commenced the preparation of. but was told by my father mite to bed and allow Maggie to finish thepreparation of themes!. When etigitiehad got the breakfast ready, fath ar ate of it and went to work. He was carried home • little after nine o'clock, with an attack similar to theformer ones. but mach worse. complaining of cramps in the stomach and his legs hurting him, He requested sister Jennie to rub them with turpentine. About an hour after be was brought home he vomited for Ave minutes, throwing up a greenish, creasy . field. Ho remained very Rink during the night, and became worse, and owl at two o'clock on the following (Friday) morning. He became uncon scious an hour and a half after being brought home, was weak and una ble to answer questions. He remained unbonecdons and took no nourishment until he died. The Inquest adjourned to meet again three weeks Ninon on February 4th, at the houacr of Daniel Wearte, Turtle Creek Station, at which lime Prof. Otto Wuth will give the roault of his examination of the stomach to the cornner'ajary. 171 Coro. va. Edward Roseman, S eases 1.83 Charles Stephens. 150 Ered. Diffenbaugh, 61 John Modem. 81 7lda Kirk. Monongahela Valley Railroad—Meeting I 62 w m. H eckert, of the Board of I/tremors—Toe Cur. RAILROAD AFFAIRS. prorate Name to: be Changed. Ave. The Board of Directors of the Motion. gahela Valley Baltroad Company held • meeting at the office of the Company, No. 154 Water street, Saturday, January min, NM: . The following members of the Board were present:. Messrs. George Black, B. F. Jowl., .1. C. Risher, H. B. Hays, Jos. Waltonlind T. W. Briggs. B. Jaques. Secretary of the Board, read the minutes of the preceding meeting. - Altar the transaction of some routine business, • preamble was submitted to the Board, setting forth that under the provisions of the act of Assembly ap proved March 17th, 1869, railroad com panies were authorized to Increase the number of Directors to thirteen. Ares:dation, adopting the provisions of the act, and providing fOr the increase indicated, wee then offered and adopted unanimously. A resolution was offered and adopted, changing the corporate name of the com pany from the Monongahela Valley Rail. road Company to the Pittsburgh, Vir ginia and Charleston Railway Company. It was also resolved to ask the Legisla ture to pass a supplement to the present act of incorporation authorizing the pro- posed change. The draft of an act. to be submitted to the Legislature, was &leo presented, which. authorizes the company to Wane drat mortgage bonds to the amount of dye million dollars, the proceeds to be applied to the work of constructing the road. The act received the unanimous ap proval of the Board, and Joseph Walton, E., we* authorized to secure the re quired IrgAlation. • The meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the •Prealdimt. The work of constructing the road will be commenoed as speedily as toolliblor and the Directors express a• determine. tion to push the construction forward rigorously. The extension of the road to Charleston la an Important measure, and, with the unusual advantages of the line airtedyimrr eyed. In the matter of low grades and the rich country through which it queen, places the success of the enterprise as a profitable investment be yond doubt. IMPOSING FUNERAL. Bails lof vol. W Iliiam Diehl, a Soliller Mr.E! The mortal remains 'of Col. William Diehl, all bet' the last one, we think, of the Pittsburgh soldiers of Itl2, were de posited yesterday afternoon In their final resting•place . ln s quiet spot In the Alle gheny Cemetery The principal streets tbrinuth which the *Memo military and civil oortege wood to taut place of Inter ment 'were thronged with men, women Lid children, and so densely crowded as to render them almost Impassible for m pede h strians and veicles. The ounded hum the residence offuneral Cot. J . B. Moore, son-In-law of the deceased, cornet of Chatham and Wylie streets,. wham, preparatory to the removal of the remains, religious services of an Inter esting and lmprmalye nature wets held by several ministers of the Gospel. Tits procession moved so follows • 114.41 of &weir. CBI Pollee to oolong, ow& colowaoli W es t e rn Hire s. Orem Western ' Mortis" Corti of 1. , g 0... 0.i.. • Doioefoo Oft'.. ra wafts. HUM with oath ',rained to the Nations Honor Hoard or . . . . Tyro carriages containing Officiating Clorcrtnon. Carriages 110114111•111/ mottinert and friends. At the ertnetery, * large concourse of people assembled to pay rtes their pros. ones the last tribute of pect to the memory of the deetessd. After religious mirth= were held a military salute was fired and the remains were lowered to their last resting place, and the old vets. ran of four score and ten years' expert. enoe In life was left In the quiet grave to await the summate which shall rouse all .sleeping mortality to ftnal Judgment on the ilea day. Caught In the Act. For soma mouths past a band of thieves have been committing depredations at different pointi in the city, and until very recently have 'escaped detection. Saturday coming two mesons who are supposed lobe members of the gang entered Mr. Howarth's grocery store in the Diamond, and commenced opera. ttone. One of them, Michael MoDermot by name; laid his lingers on a bed cord and pared it to Ins confederate. The saheman of . the establishment observed the movement; and, being near the door. gently supped out, anti drawing the door shut, called tcon an Other attache of the boor 10 go for the pollee. While the young man was in search of an urn oer,.haviog to - go to the station house, where he found Lien. Gordon, the thieves on the in sucoeeded in Cu eing the door open notwithstanding the efforts of the man on the outside to prevent it, and started off At a full run. seoaratlng at Diamond alley, MoDermot turning in the alley "and the other running through the Dismond and down Market street. The young man who bad been holding the door pursued Ofelsennot, and was stout taking hold of him When the thief turned and dealt him a blow with his flat, felling him to the ground. At this moment Lieut. Gordon came down the alley from the lockup, ;Weed kleDermot, put the nippers on him and took him to the lock-up, where be wee provided with nuarten for the night. An information was made 'mann him lbr Larceny-= s r, Mod he was Oturunnted nx• a THE COURTS. Dlstrici Court—Pull Bench. SATURDAY. January 15.—The meta Hat was taken up, but no businere of public Importance was transacted. TRIAL LIST YOB 129 Troy vs steamboat "Fairplay." 130 Walti vs Em 134 Reineman vs Hervey. 108 Irwin vs Shaffer d Blondon. 218 Tlbby vs Ethane. 5 Roeveler, et al., vs Martin Gready's additn. 0 Kreuzkamp vs. same. 13 Manus vs Bankbart. Common Pleas—Judges Sterrett and Col. SATURDAY, Jai/Way 15.—1 n the CIAO Of the Union Mills Ts James B. Hill et aL, previously reported, the Jury rendered a 'afflict for the defendants, subject to the opinion of the Court on a question of law reserved. Jacob Davis, of Beaver county, was, on motion of A. Blakely, Esq., sworn and admitted as an attorney in this court. TRIAL MAT FOR MONDAY. 350 Stright vs Buebannan. • 876 Building and Loan Association vs. Ketterlee. -- 12 Franz vs Jones. 14 Tannahill visPfalf. • 19 Bell vs P. and C. R. R. Co. 22 Roger h Bros. vs Hays • 24 Home Os Abbott. 28 Geyer vs Rodney. 29 Rodney vs Geyer. 39 Morrison vs Shaw. 40 Burke A Glass vs Lee. 41 Bradshaw vs Duff. 42 Commonwealth, for use. vs Barker. 43 " " vs Taylor. 44 vs Pierce. 45 " " vs Smith. 46 " " vs Huey. Nos. 384 and 8 are fixed for Tuesday January 18th. 'Quarter Sessions—Fall Bench. SATURDAY. January 16.—John A. pingey, convicted of miedemeanor for a violation of the livery stable act. was sentenced to pay the costa of prosecution and a tine of , Thomas J. Campbell, recently tried In the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and convicted of murder In•the second de gree for killing his wife, was brought up for sentence. He entered the prisoner's dock with the same stoical indlHerenoe be hen maintained since the commission of the crime, and looked around the Court room as though he were a specta tor rather than a convicted felon. Shortly after he had taken his seat, his brother and stater came into the court room, and as they approached him, he seemed to break down completely, and gave vent to his feelings by a copious flow of tears and audible sobs. Before passing sen tence, Judge Stowe remarked that he felt It his duty to Impose the fullest pen alty of the law, and took occasion to refer to the enormity of the crime of which he had been convicted. The prisoner was then sentenced to undergo an imprison ment in the Western Penitentiary of eleven years, nine numfAs and twenty eight days, the longest term which could be Imposed. TRIAL LIST TOR MONDAY 819 Com. U. James K Brown, et al. W 2 g. H. W. Behrhoret. 248 Henry Fritz. 310 James :Johnston. 186 Sblerman, 3 ewe. 223 0 Fred. Qnikg. 324 0 John C. `Kenrhier. 320 0 Patrick McCann. Than. Kinoton k 2 cases. D. P. Hatch and D. Hatch Christ.. Raker. Geor g e Robe. 'Moil; Smith, TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY 421. 66 ' J. W. Plttock, of al 318 " Wm. H. Sturgeon. 21:18 Wm. Merriman. 66 Joseph Lalink. TILE OIL TRADE. Meeting of the Petroleum Amociation— OS Inspector Appointed—Tits Contract Quesuon. Saturday morning at ten o'clock a - bursting of the Petroleum Association was held In the parlor of. the Robinson Holum. President James A. Hutchison mend ed the Chair; with Mr. A. F. Brooks • Secretary. fdinutes read and approved. Mr. Koehler, from the Committe, pre• 'tented a report dettnlng the duties of a Crude Oil Inspector, which was conald• ered seriatim and adopted. Masan. Matthew Edwards and Edward Schmidt were then nominated for the position. The election resulted in favor of Mr. Edwards by a yak' of 22 to & A Raper recommending some changes n the form of contract was referred to the Committee on Contract. Mr. Ackerman, from the New York Petroleum Board, stated that they had Agreed upon a form of contract similar to the one reported by the Pittabargb dealers, with tne exception of ■ubetitu• tiug weight for gallows. He suggested that this alteration be made and the iron- tract axed to read .UO to 375 pounds: Alter a lengtlaly discuealon Meagre. Augustus: Tack,. W. P. Logan, W. G. Warden and It. B. Waring were ate pointed to act in conjunction wdh the committee appointed last' Saturday to confer with a similar committee appoint ed last Saturday to confer with a aflutter committee from the New York Petrole• um Board, and report to the association this morning. The meeting then adjourned until this morning at ten o'clock, when another will be held at the same place. A Plissing Mai Torus up Awai out lathe =M - • • About three or four months ago the community were informed, through toe city pros, of the disappearance, under very mysterious circumstances, of • man named W. B. Dean, who was em' ployed ma night watchman at the Ht. Nicholas Hotel, comer of Fourth avenue and Grant street. Hs disappear ed at night, and notwithstanding the most vigilant search was made by the hieeins. Fehl, proprietor■ of toe hotel, and other parties interested In his wel fare, his whereabouts could not be dis covered. Inasmuch ■s he left hi._ beg. gage and it email balance dim for his. services behind him, merlons alarm was felt least be might have been enticed away and foully dealt with. The toys. Orions disappearance long fines (Nosed to excite any public) attention, although there were many who still were enticing to know what had befallen the missing individual, until Saturday last, if ben a letter, written by the hand of the sup posed to be dead man, was received by • friend In this city. The cootenta of the missive did not explain the motives of the midnight eked■ddler in purattingkla course, but simply asserted that the writer was a soldier for Uncle Sam, doing service ■t Fort Fetterman, Wyoming territory, and that he was en joying good health. So much for • standing emotion and its bursting, but Dean deserves the thank• of all greatful reporters for furnishing them materials for several conjeotur■ articles on his myterious dleappesrance. Allegheny (Kneen. The mums of Allegheny City Councils for the nomination of candidates for the several city °Moos to be filled by Conn on; will be held in the Common Coun cil chamber this evening. Is a list of riodldatos so far ist Ira base bean able to tiatensin thaw: Ccmtrolter —W. M. Porter. Treasurer—D. Mactarron. - City Engineer—Charles Davis and Mr Smith. SolieUor--Jobn C. McCombs, Capt. S. C. Schoyar. ,Uen. Woe. Blakely, W. B. Rodgers, J. S. Parkinson and L. P. Stone. Mreet Commiasioner—Thomas Diegrraw. Superintendent of Water Works—Wm. sta. Jr. Clerk of Harkels,Datican Dallas. Clerk to Committees—J. R. Oxley. - City Aeseesor—R. R. Rey. Wharf Master—B. R. Davin. WI Impeder—Wm. Brown. Chief Engineer of Fire Department— James E. Crow and Jams McElroy. Ammar of Water Itenta—David Car nelian nod A. Darla. nig/Waders —Dlatnoad soak% George B. McNulty Second ward scales. R. T. White, Joel M. Bowlby and W. F. Wane. V, M. C. A We have before us, In neat pamphlet lbrm, the proceedings of the Second An. neat Convention of the Young MOWN Christian Association held at Williams. port In November last. Tile report le full and oomtdele, and presents very an. °enraging exhibits. Conies of this report will be mailed gratuitously. and lam , motion with regard to the work given by addreml rig any member of the E °cativo Oommittee, which consists of Thomas K. Cree, Chairman Pittsburgh; Peter B. Simons, Harrisbinght C. C. Shirk; Erie; H. A. Myers, York; E. Franciseas. Ear rbrburg. . . - PITTSBURGH DAILY GAMITTE: MONDAY MORNING, JANITARY 17, 1870 prrnouvat ITER& Reeling sin! Report of the Oil City Pe ': truism Producers , Association. The 011 City Times gives the folloiring: The regular monthly meeting of the Managers of the Petroleum Producers' Association was held at Oil City on Fri day last. The meeting was called to order by the President. The Secretary, C. V. Culver, being absent, F. W. Hut :hp was elected Secretary pro. tem. Mr. Beers, of Ronseville, asked what action bad beet taken by the Association to so. core subscriptions to the Drake fund. The President explained that the subject had been considered at. the previous meeting, suds resolution adoptedasking the members of the Aseociation to co. overate with the Committee appointed by the meeting held to Titutville in Novem ber. The action of the National Refiners' Convention held In Mew,York last month, was next discussed. At that convention it was charged that the pro ducers of this region adulterated their oils at the wells, by mixing with it tar and benzine. and that the gravity of the oil was thereby made lighter and the oil of lees value to the refiners. A standard of gravity, too, which to purchase oil was was adopted by the New York Conven tion and the same action at • subsequent Meeting of the Pittsburgh refiners, held in that city. After a general discussion of the proceedings of the Refiners' Can. 'mittens, • committee- consisting of Mears. J. T. Briggs, of Tituaville John Porter, of Cow Run, and W. L. Lay, of 011 City, was appointed by the Associa tion to inquire as to the truth of the charge of adulteration, and as to toe ex pediency of selling oil by a standard gravity, and to report thereon. The meeting then adjourned. Tqe following report of the Secretary, for the month ending December, of fifty one petroleum districts, comprising the oil region of Pennsylvania, was sub mitted : No. of barrel, of oil at'wella on band at tae cima of December 103,175 No. e, barrels delivered from wells due l., Deeemocr ' we 41: Total pr.einctlon hr mcnsb 344 DS avetrana ter day 11,171 No. of well. tboducinedurlon ecember Avenge producion of nen well. 61-3 No. of wells being dr Ilea 3:7 No of now wells commenced DS •• • • •• emoleted •P 3 •• um.d ••• 'a bandoned atbacdoe db 56 wells me C•Psc ll l of Iron mange 10 barrels 1 511.1141 No. of Imrrels of oil stoma lot on to, te 10,363 •` •• •• °neon Mebane empty.- 1,121,4.3 The Brady's Baud Independent says: We vlaited the Fox :Farm on Monday last. and found that operations were going steadily forward. A large number of interests have been taken, and new wells under way. Among our observa tions we made the following notes: No. 1, owned by W. Robinson C 0.,& le pump ing filly barrels daily: No. 2, .1. R. Craw ford A. Co., is now doing sixty barrels, and judges say at Die present rate of increase will run up to one hulidred bar rels daily; No. 4, MorganSt Taylor, is rated at fi fteen barrels. The well of the Clarion Borough Oil Company Is produ cing four barrels per day. Morlarity Wright's well is rapidly incresslogi and Is doing fifteen barrels per day. The Grey Eagle Is now doing only ten bar mier- It was • thirty-five barrel well, and went down to five, but it Is again rapidly Improving. Galloway it Brown, on lease No. 13, is running forty terra. per day. Herrington's well, on upper lease, No. 22, in doing six barrels. Porterfield dt McComb's well is being drilled, and will peon be down. Jackson A Vermeil, drill- Lag on No. 6, Is nearly down. Alewife. Mama and Parker struck a new well on the Tyrrell Farm on the lit, which Is producing over twenty barrels a day. It Is the tint well tested on a twenty acre tract leased by the above gentlemen, and they have reason to be satisfied with their ..prospectn. The aid Coquette well, on thiEgbert Farm, after standing idle for a long time, has been revived and is now yielding twenty-five barrels a day. This well was once the wonder of this region. The production of the Benninghoff Farm, which at one time ranked wand to none to the oil region, Is now set down at seven barrels per day. The reason of the decrease le in consequence of the water flooding the wells and driving the oil away. • A new well was struck on the Metro. politan tract, near Allemagooselum city, on Friday last. Fur the first twenty.four hours it pumped thlrty.elx barrels of 011. It is now doing about eighteen barrels per day. Is owned by Mr. A. A. Shrum. Well No. 2, Lockwood, Baton and Fish er lease, on the 1111019 trial was complet ed a few days since and is yielding ten barrels per day. Was torpedoed a day or two ago and the production material ly increased. A new well was struck the Lamb Farm. near Pleasantville, on Saturday last. It Is yielding twenty barrels a day. NOVEL PROCEEDINU A Breach of Promt.e Vase before a South Mae JoeUcc—Bap It Ends. An interesting affair transpired in the office of Justice Lipp, of Birmingham, Saturday, interesting not only to the community at large, but particularly so to the legal fraterffisy, as - ftNievelopes a new method of dlepoeing of "breach of promise cases," 'which heretofore haye been adjudicated on the civil side of the court. The learned Justice has diem' , ered a new method of disposing of this class of eases, It appears. Saturday morning Miss Weigart.called at Justice Llpp's office and stated that Mr. John Selbler had promised to marry her, but had subsequently declined to fulfill that promise, whereupon the Jua tice note out an information charging Seibler with "breach of procaine" and had Miss Welgart swear to it. He then issued a warrant and placed it in the hands of his officer who arrested Mr. Stabler, who was at work in S been bargees shovel factory. The parties were brought together at the Justice's office, where a scene ensued. It appears that the Mi. rutty between them was their religion, he being a Lutheran and she a Metho dist. He said be would not live with • Methodist, and •if he married her, /the Must renounce her Methodism and attend the Lutheran church. After some persuasion she consented to the proposi tion and the learned justice compounded the felony by uniting the fellow and the lady in the bonds of matrimony. The coats and marriage fee *ere paid by the groom and the pair departed apparently well pleased with the result of affairs. "All's well that ends well." Tula is, we presume, the first and only ease on record of a case of "breach of promise" being made the subject of a criminal proseimtion, and shotild It be Included In the catalogue of misdemean ors, when the penalire I. revised, to the groat legal ability of the learned perinea with whom the Idea Is original, will the credit be dun. I== Cruets Hocaer.—Mr. Entimet's engage. ment at the Opera House, which, In point of success, la unprecedented, closed Saturday evening. Mr. John Brougham was engaged .for the present week, but isle Saturday evening Mr. Canning received a telegram stating that Mr. B. would not appear: Mr. Brough am's drama entitled "The Lottery of will be presented this evening with all the necessary scenery and. stage machinery. Linusur ' Lecrons.—Tomorrow, Tuesday, evening. Miss Anna Dickinson will deliver a lecture at the Academy of Music, tinder the auspices of the Mer cantile Library Association. Subject., "Whited Sepulchres" Mir Dickinson has delivered this lecture In Eastern cities with great success, and In this city, *here she has always been a favor ite with our lecture-going people, It will doubtless have a large audience. 0. A, R. Lscrrungs—The next lecture of the 0. A. 8.. course will be delivered In the Academy of Music oir Thursday evening, by C. C. Corn° Esq.. "Carlo. ton" of the Boston Jo urnal. Ms sub. Ject, "China, and the Chinesequestion In America," Is one full of Interest. "Carle. ton" has been In China, Is acquainted with the Chinese, and being en observant and Intelligent traveler, should be able to entertain and Instruct an audience on that subject. There are no reserved seats. Tickets fifty cents. . ORTIIA2IB' 1/110 babement of St. Paul's Cathedral the Orphans' Fair will continue during the present and anceeeding week. Fully twenty thou sand persons have visited this really at tractive place of Innocebt amusement and premonsde since the doors were thrown open to the public., UP. Saturday the famous oonteat for a corn broom be tween some eight or ten young ledles was dosed. Miss Mary „Tang, an accom plished and pretty young lady, carried off theprlse, receiving 8,000 In • ,vote of 15.900. By all mean. do noffail• putting In appearance at the Fair before It closes, as enjoyment bielfordred to all - who MR CM! Wm. Semple, 180 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny, returns his sincere thanks to his friends and a kind and din criminating public. for their sery liberal patronage extended to him for no many Tears. and respectfully informs them of his return from the different markets with a large stock of goods and some extra bargains In fancy and staple goods suitable for the present season, which are now open for Inspection, and as usual wilt be offered at very low prima, there by rendering all clearance sales annaotta nu. During the peat season, owing to the great throng many of our customers. weld not be watteiton. lathe Mare, ar• rangements will be made so that all can be wilted on promptly, pleiusantly' and profitably, by able and experienced as. militants, at 180 sod 'lB2 Federal street, HEAVY LA1r,431. 11119 Stolen In Mt. Woonnagton—Ste Matt Caught and the Roney Re. TTTTTTT - About half-past two o'clock this morn ing Janice Inland, a young man about nineteen years of age, who has hamlet . some time peat employed at Bal./era coal works, and boarding at a house in Mt. Washington, inn arrested and brought into the lock. uP en a charge of larceny. It appears that for some months past the boarders at the house where he was stopping had been robbed of small soma money and they could get no clue to the tale, but he has teen caught -at last, and under circumstances that will probably send him over the river. T. Piers Wiederkeper, a German, who was one of the boarders, before retiring to bed placed his memoranda book containing one hun dred and fifteen dollars in his trunk which sat near his bed and had In his pocket book four dollar& About eleven o'clock he awoke and saw some one In his room;liut being only partially awake raid no attention to the matter. He was subsequently awakened by the door leading from the house open and shut, and on looking towards his trunk discovered that it was open. he got up and found that his money had been taken, and went to the neat room. where young Mande slept. thinking that it was him he had seen In his room, but he found the room vacant: He awoke his companion who slept in the room with him, and the two started In pursuit. They followed Illiands to the Unties Depot, where he bad gone fbr the purpose of taking a train to leave the city. He saw them, however, and man aged to got out of the depot to Liberty street, and from there ran into a saloon on Canal street., where he was arrested by Lieut. Palmer and another officer of the Mayor's police. When he was brought to the lock up he was searched and the money found in his possession. He wasslocked up for • hearing this morning. • Auothrr Burglary On Thursday night or lent week the hardware and cutlery store of Lindsay, Sterrett &Ewer was entered by burglars and-goods to the value of $lOO taken. An entrance was effected to the store by removing the grating from one of the cellar windows in the rear of the build ing, which let the burglars into the cel lar. They then ascended a pair of stairs and finding the door locked berated s board from the stair casing and got into the store room. The goods were taken .from • show case and consisted of; pocket knives and razors, the latter damned "Wade & atitelier, Sheffield," and the former stamped "Law 8r05.." "Geo. Wosten kolmee," "W. 1., Stafford" and "Marsh Bros, & Co." Sheffield. --There was a large stock of silver plated spoons and forks, and ivory handle table knives in the case which the thieves did not take. There is no eine to the burglars, and it is not probablethat they will be arrested. The Cream Me mad, at the Oregon Brewery Is beautiful to look upon. Ps body of gold and head of snow give promise' to the thirsty of 'a glorious draught. Let any one who thinks ale not • delicious beverage, ask for far a eau of Pier. Dannals d Co.'. cream ale, and we venture to say his opinion will mange. • = KATOV,On Friday ertalng, aaaaa ry 14th. 11170, Mri. HANN.AiI 4, wile of Yt.• Eaton. of earrolltort. tibia soeral from the madame of ker brotherla law, John B. Bayard, Batt Liberty. 0001 AY innICOON. Ilith Inst., at ko'clock. Mends of the faintly are rerpectfol'y loalted yo attend. Cartlaiita will levee Pittman • Be misCia'd °flee, earner of Beneath steno. and PanlUineld area. at a quarter before one. INIRRINGION.-00 Bandaw. the letb Inst., the4o r. JOSY.PtI Br., 10th year of kW age. Ike taste al will take place from bit late resi dence Is TriEfreraterril.N on 901anar, leth loot., at 10 o'clock a. x. Prim& of the farall7 are 10711,1 to attend. — Cullen.a will leave Ike - career of To .rth aaaaaa sad Smithaeld strut at 9 o'clock a. n . WARTIILD-1a Salchow, 7: i"l l acY 13th, Is7o, DA, n 7, UNDERTAKERS B. P.PlTlttgba Jaffna L. WILLIAM& Arra. 11,80 N • & WILLIAMS, IthOonthere, toner of rum an kind.. gh . acct . Pittsburgh. CLISus of an kinds. atuonads. Crapes...l lahrres. and ovary &sotto. flung( Amoral forntsbluggoal• Parnlshod on the most r.saonabls wino In the city. Brom and threthioefendshed. thOce *Mn day and nlgbt. ELLES & PEEBLES, VIV. AND LIVER y cornet f BAH DUSKY BTIIILICT &I.D MI Ude, &MIEN IIL aillosalsedy City. where theist:OPT ROOM amp:instantly supplied lilth real see Imitation Itixerieuud, llabostaus laud Waluoi (tam, wicaa •areina hasp ad to $lOO. Pa dies easpartel Incratera. lbws. sad Cat. stages furnished: Orel, •Il Wilda at lilusindo, tiootla. - If resiaLred. O tee span at all Lents. dos and JOSEPH METER b. SON, = variruvo ftr.ramsrals, lia.oe sack 0011160 and WI funeral ratatatizaaat at re. !lewd TM.. aa? JOHN M. COOPER & 00. 1 Bell and Brass Fenders, MOM, LOCOMOTIVE Is MAIM KILL BELAMMEEI Made ' Prompt/Iv to Order. BABBIT'II METAL Made and Kept on Hand. floprloton aa4 lfasaakitaran of .I.IL Cooper's Improved Balance Whet STEAM. PUMP. Office, 882 PENN STREET. Foundry, Coral% sad Selma sues% 111 31118. tiTOWEPS BOOR. • /AMY BYRON VINDICATED A litetay or the prevent ntrovimv. from the beglashm to the Ume. by Parris. Pro ter Stowe. 11.10 T. NS NON% HOLY tliLtIL. Our volume, lAsto.; el tb. ..... owl women, Ilems.l parr., 111AVIIV I r ' PlIlrIV/le. TIP or woo' 11 1111.110 OKIALIT • .6 ItICOLLZeTIONII OF A ItUeY Lir • 1111.00 00101 N ASH PINCLOPISMIIT Or A HZ. LIUIOUS nicLur.r. H 7 H. Fsr ns ( H4sgo IifI4I I IIV. P rLOWLer of rum la." elstitejo El= 14. DAVIB dt CO, to I.IbNO M,e.a, lIIETZI lIIENBY G. HALE, MERCHANT , _Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets FALL AND WINTER STOCK Lip ler 430MPLETE LADIES OR ORNTLRIMN, mr•••.• • •.• Praroat for Moir • HOLIDAY CIFT. Would de well to stem Ix sod etwell tee d T i e { I E7N2 Mit Itagrdt.tlll•44.oB rocalved at W. - G. DUNEIZATE'S, JIIWIDXS AND OPTICIAN. • dais tlti PITT .AVENUE. A. BRADLEY g, CO" NO. 80 WOOD BTHEM ifssoffiatorero of the umatertjazioilof Cook, Parlor and Heating Stores, TO BL JPOIIIID • • • foontistertutatitertlliss found on th e LATM PATTERN. AHD IMPBOVAhltintl. sled me reputation of our eta's. Is such that &SY Oa. I. 1,12$ of a good multi tutrehass HMO bet those tosaullatured by ot. u tlte7 Will b . baold the molt durable ss ea summits'. Would ;VOW VoreiloTs ° . n bSi u s;tritrY , l l4l . l 800 *old throe months. lotehded w i lh°r trlitutltt cunt& All Who Moe bad _ then pito noshes thret toperor %awry PM end tar chest. er. tend tor Catatonia sad Prke pis- JOR, LAME 8/11P 9 IENTS Or. ALL llnds ot fresh MU ILO enteeerr o dnia mike carrlrignigrouratAbe City gond. Allegheny ( c it y comer of T arsi ana Moo moo .thir Mg •! bongos enst.lee as to a1...11m0 e "ai t._ aye Iraq!. On on on la Pe Harrly. knock Sass and W tte I 6 .77 VniB.l6,lll7T:=l",' Gain 11111 InalOtab FarWO T1C.128—”.7b-LeC,..../tbr Salop "L os w, .1 Wangs,. “P oun d," "D oan -mot de., not exceeding POUR LINES, will be inserted in those columns owe for TWENTY-FIVE OENDS; dad' addi• daunt tine zrreir CENTS. WANTS. WANTED A FEEDER.— A GIBE. experienced In reedlan Print!. Presser. at J"IIN A. HIATT. nutter 'Panne d street and Fifth arcane. WPITED—A young respectabl 12 e BIT ATION hy a 1111 ono has had onnyldryable excetlente to the family grocery and preettlen Whines. booPteereltyi alto xnen tantile Lift generally. Unenteetlanable Toter. eaten. Address B. C., Gazarte °lnce. WtiftED.- BOARDING. - A 47111Dclatn4400.111=. PIA)TIC7eN7 ornmc,_ No.l St. Mali Street, BOYS WILLS and Niel. for allsnml tied. of employment. PC71.01111 mmtlef hely of ell elude eau Do env TAW on 000! 7WANTED—An AGENT for this It TON to sell the celebratad BAIsTRAM a roN SEWING MACHINE. on width we offer terms more liberal than , ; ,. Ally o th er company. C.ll " 4 astox. Tgialite Agent. • WANTED.—AGENTA every waxing to MU the V 1 SAMOAN K N T. TWO MAnHINS, the only Pi said nosily Molttleg Albite ere" . Invested. Pries 0113. Will tall ,000 atlttbel per minute. Ad dress &MLR CAN ILNITTLNO MAL,II/MM CO.. Boston. Mug.. or M. Loots, Mu. ANTED,, MORTGAGES. - .30.999 to Loan In Largo or mull &manta, at • ralr raw of Interest. THOMAS E. FICTTY, Bilk Bond and Real gatale Broker, No. 119 thr.lttiarld Moat. WANTED. -AGENTS.-.$2 SA per month to sell tee only EiH PEUVEU PROVED LkIkIMON nElink BEM , A. CHINE. Prlce l rlatt . tirea p t u Ln e do s r w m in enta m to .. etrri n etr 7 41. 4 day—tnales t tg: :amens "jaette Lock MUG:.—will do any kind of word that can be done on any mackla.-100,000 avid and the demand constantly thereartng. Now Is the time r2k "k4 2r °"e d .& Th .rd`gg'l,7:oollVl Donlan,Platabnrah. P., or It. Lonte,No. LOST TIOST OR STOLEN.—wednes. DAY EVICNINU. Jenne) lah. 1870. Atitil6. BUCKLEY, sgrd 14 yen.. short biacc heir. areas eyed and scar .cr.vo. her epee: 1.41 hr ham. at 5 o'clock P. N. or WED!. XSDAY EVENING. Aevi a ordietion Iliadic, to berdia covery will be thsokfally received at No. 68 lire adv... AllegbenV 014. MARY STEWART. TO•LET LET—A Suit of Rooms r i romsr..t7Tss Wee l .. lg . Vd iu fo te n d t froorii%4l3 3 a l7ll ' oar ti . '' One lame 11411 .111. . . MO ante. room On 4th floor. 0110 Store RPM Int Awn . . No. VS. to hag lA'. w bulldttur IrJurth notate. For tem. Inquire or •. 1r.413 LIM A CO.. No. OS fourth avenue. rpo LET-111E11CH STABLE.— • A Good Brisk thahle, a l n ti . rgt l e a r ' f;..l,l i t! n i d n Ttrgl . fgr.;.l2l 7 4. lot tro^tina on Webster avenue an run* ni .i n a g .: ,... 7 scit lAD feet so so alley . O inquire of /a . Hits ZEE. • N, Jr., . Nos. 99a. Diamo n d aond, corner of strett. LET.—The Large Stare nomrH No. 95 Wylie Avenue, corner of msuset. Pittsburgh. A. M. DROWN, LIS ruth wren.. rilo LIET.—Two story brick t onus, Nos. 58 and 11t1 Centre avenue. containing ten rooms each. with all made. 1w- I PIM Enquiry at Mo. 511. Centre avenue. Mr. atcCALLUM. T 0 ! LET.—Five rooms—ene eery large—ou the corner of Peon ard htti (Hancock al mete. Also two dwellings sihooleg. with eight and seven...MC X .1. at 577 1 ron • trret. rriO-LET.—Thatlarge, 4 storied L wsszeouls. r erect of 9lrst Arm !: ath/bn Woad t.,eow occupied by tbelf. M. est Rant ree . require orUOUEttrnouaa. e, Na P 39 a ir s st Avenue. or A. V. HOWARD, No. II des IO.LEET.—.NOEWO HOTEL 4 'd I—FHlul3r r . N 0 N 1• D T 00,10t , - 04 nt built, • Ent-dais boom and •ocatitn, *0 rams a w. r :iirbdalli.,.o.A":l=l,7ll,l.lLllV; will.. blivarde. bar. 0020, and parlor.. bested with ottani. An p y is Jullti CHUM% Builder 1131 titetinot re.t. TO LET.—A lot of ground 192 het I,y 51115 -et wall • large, nutotannal brick building nu het by lOU Met, mid an oi lier bulidlog containing two n not, booth Im rag.l.° 17. "' ; '," 211 " mmtgrAve n rit: " burg, aultable for Manufacturing purpomitOr • Apthy ATTERBORY • CO, Carton and Tenth hiriattligham. MO LET.;— . -Desk Poom la a b.ndwmety 111..% op office, la t central la capon for baldness. apply at No. SO loarat LIE. StellUd Door. LET.—The Newttitorie build rag. rn Nu. Ott Weerl stmt. Enquire! at N. Pena eet. Let...leen the hour. or 10 and 11/I a. et. and SI and 4 e. TO-LET---Warehonse No. 323 Ltbonv nct, from Jnion - y In Int. to Aprn re li.oonre at roof Wan, 00 tilo 011.11i1.1. TO LET.- 3T0R1315, DWI:N.I3MM BOONS AND 01.110111 L 1:131=9 OA ZZAII & Co.. 90 /Mb annul FOR SALE. EOR SALE OR RENT.—Three !MORT' BRICK DW ICLLINthtle, No. nters as emu*, frontier on West Common, Allegheny. legal-, of H. ItsELHEN Y stele. egylesttla Insurance Cesepalsy. 147 X. Wend street. FOB SALE. SIX ACULEN Or LAND Wltkla the elti Iliena. Wall be fold cheep sail on easy tem. Inquire of WM. BLAKELY, Alt rasov•at-La , .. 91 Oman Btriret. Jalnif VOIR SALE.—fiplendid Tana IV of 189 AIM IS. Iwo aed a kr( ante front Krdoey Pottbaiolle Itolltoad All e at [lsla velth a ale feet of superior coat, and for aarlealtaral ontpoed the eol. It Ro. 1. Wes a , rich Univac/me. lair wattle boat. ad all will be Ele as a eara..lS. T.Il earticulara or 4 . llnllaT a I.ILLIPS, beat retate Aaenta, lio. 13* Toatilk art.., post eALE.-19tock and Fix TONICe. LEANN AND GOOD WILL or grot.elass Orrery. doing . nand bii‘lnara.' Tit nndte.lgned Wing tainted In other business! tba reason for selling. 0. W. man% 49 Fed trot Meet, Allegheny. FOE PALE. THREE SHODDY MACHINES Two Pickers mid 00. Lwow% Inquire at Mo. Al DIAMOND, Altrittaay City, 12=3 FOR BALM 11 47201°4•Niti" a n tn kt,"'"A:47l: h 000: Lion. and Let. tear 4 James .tren 6130; Ai b... ea 11.11. srat. 6t,1100 boll)106111,11 ..30 3 lota In rleaaant V lal. 30.1310: 6 mem 10 Baste totratbla on 3000. r6at. 16.000: X lota es utmost atantt, ,000. bona. and lot In flattaa. 0 010, 61,600: sent 610004 In tiellevatt boo, 111:000; 00.11 004 lota. bead of bean. auwati 4111,600: boa. .0 X sena Ilitabott: Bore. 61.600: bean luld lot la Bridgetrawr, coaele-ab,atula etratala• met. loteal by XIO feet 003; tam at Fait Vas tltatloa. 311, was, per lIVEIITMORL. • Zeal Lute Amt. conker Übl sad Ileadaskp MallOta, 411.11(11111117. •gIEIRMO SOFAL.--Aupeisoinui leek -1 NOW in . or leettetleta la Nal N. VIII gore thee. ttooble sea ton,y by . 11 . eOpy of Ms • •PITTISUUttIiH Rt. 217,611 NNOISTNIt." Ina giggoagfayoaggst Pr .111 be . tent b 7 Man VIM tansy roggestlailt, ermit caooot UN to get malted not or lb. Lary ILL It cootglos. eittilT 4 PHILLIPS. F. miters sag Sul /nolo /soots, No, LW Itnni. swung. XOITA LAND FOR PALE.--800 Stores of ehulee I.d I. oaa of Me best eoga. sln lows bear the aloe of the (thicaro Northwestern Malmo.. sod ta °se of the moat brodual e portkots or the Kate. Wilt be sold low, the whole ore put. U. PAlletoote al 'LAIN aw Ifotuth R !MLR —ENGIRD 8 AND srEOILICILIS, new and smond•band, con on band and tonah i t. X itgalu Illtta ..a lifontar not ll:annuals and Pans topgap rittabarab, • CARAIIIT 13TREET PROPERTIr Vf , 011 PALE.—Thru Mau Brick Hum, nue tumpleit u a 'fitutzt• toed Icuttoa, vela. Wet 'rut. Auplytn 0u711111 , 11,T a SONS. Ali:kWh &usu. isla AI ME WAREHOUSE FOR ',ALL—Situate 00 Third Iwo ye. a* t 1 7 44 We deep, throe noel. •ed etllnt. 0. CUT/11120T MINS. #7.17 1 ° • 20 Blzth Avenue. ae 11. 8a1t8113103 Q l7l O - 13. - • W. D. of Yennervanta, PreMutton. January 13, 111 TO. ►jtHIM In TO GIVE NOTICE that Os the lath day of Doomber. A. D. 11319, arrant In Bankruptcy was teemed mann lb • 'Estate of TaUllAti 110 DTJfI of Pltta burgh, to that ountz Of Alleabe Sod 0102. Of lltZr ' rettijrthVi i . ' Vraiggti any testa .41 dei very of SST bolont• Ins to snob flankrapt to film ur tor las for: • and t he ttstutter or any lowoqty by him are fon bidden by law% that a meeting oflbe t nem,. of tne said aankrupt, to prove their Debta and to choose on snore assignee. of Ids Zatate., wilt be held iii tllv e Ir nkrootey. p. be it=lWeer I l gt7o;ratt, beffretraFtWm/Anit rimMll3l4lro:.eelfctrcki v.?". 3•141111{ U. B. Lfarrhil. eallate=t3l4... M M.AT & MUTT, 14# AZOMTZCTINIAL MID ORNAMENTAL. CARVRNe, . No. Si Sandusky St., 11legklay, , nis.t a draire=4 AVM- Was"? 40114lasseIntioxia VINEGAR. THE PITTSBURGH VI)TGAR, • WORKS. BALLOU & ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, Are now ISTelsored SO tosolsh YINEGLIS at LH LOWEST M►EYET FILM. ►ttennon Is tor tkalsUil WWI to our Expa WINE VINEBAIL MERCHANT TAILORS. MTIIERSON- & MUIRANBRING, •aticcassoaa TO W. U. 10'01111 a 00., DIERCIELUrr 'TAILORS, Ng. 10 1111111 BT„ late It. Clair. We ho,. Jest received a large JAPPIT of roll and Winter tided_ ,s which will be gold at renion able prices. Mr. ItUriLANSKINO eta attil•t 13ZOthelf.CSIVICIArit, 'O2ILANBRING. MEN AND -HOTS' CLOTHING. cad AveroteaTtlgtztl=.° l Medha GRAY & LOGAN. eif Sixth St., 89 Fifth Avenue, Mate lit. Char. t P. xv.AxtroLao, TUISUION.9BI.III MERCHANT TAILOR, Emma eonetaatly on hand CUM", Catutinteree and Vesting& AImatnATIMIZNIS /lIENIBEILEG GOODS. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street, yrrrnßuasta, PA. ggreent4 Clothing made to order In the laud arias. satutal X EW FALL GOODS. • sotsottld new stock of (norm, (4.IIBIMEREBr Mtn received tor 131C11117 MAIL eat: Merchant Tenor. TS Smith Geld West. COAL AND 00IC2. ERA . DDOCK'S FIELD . Gas Coal Company, • MINIM AND ISHIPPIBa OF 611, BLICHNIIITH MILT COIL, Nut Coal, Slack and Coke, ANTHRACITE - COAL. Of all m and of V.. lbead quality. orders e fur. alined alreasonable rates. Leave eat nr nee and yarsia, o. ANIMIINON STREET, Allesbeny Csta, and Liberty straet (orpostsa teats P solved 1 Pltt.burits. Addreaa Pos . WIS. Box 1)87, Sqttabargts. and they will retitle, on attention /Or Frompt &Mutton g iven to western ably. m anta. delltqld CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, DLL= IN • Youghiogheny and Connellsville Coal, And DannLnotarer of COIL, ILICI AND DEIELPHIMIZED COIN. 0771C1 AND YARD, corner Butler and Norton street. Wren! sod Clymer streets. Ninth ward: also Second street, Eighth ward. Sed at foot of Hasa street. P. t U. it. B. Depot. cond ward. Orders left at either of the .Dine Melte., or ad• dress to toe Omagh Pittsburgh P. U., Will tS• miss prompt alto tabor.. tooter to whom I am Nosptylogi_gasser, Wells lee Itlr:lirtAr;l,l;t s 42e t r :i n tA Co., (Ina A lingo,. Ale: Bradley. Put. Bro. A Co., Park, McCurdy A Co., Neese, Oral Dan. Wm. Y. Faber Co., J. B. Lyon A Co., Jams Illarshall A Co.. Allen. McKee &Co.. Mims Do- Ct Hotel Connellavllle N. 8., eannsylv•nla B. . All , gbilny Valley AL IL COAL! COAL!! COALIII .NCILSON, ffEWART k 00, SAM( restored tests Mot to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, Metal OM moor 1111111514JOAD!MAXASt a an as ' en ow _pro2Nrot to reradstt Jose TRVldatet utlar OLIA.L usllTAttic, et SW roe Pt All ion t ea ms : their ogle% or addrome[ b dem astodli the lull, yrUl be Mended Se LIVERY & SALE STABLES. ROBERT B, PATTERSON & CO. 4:10B.1=11. or Seventh Avenae and Liberty St, prrresvitan, rak. was on Zoom Saturday . Hold AN AUCTION BALE HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES WAGONS, • r d a:=ll.,' their Waco or ocoolowoost al Or before Tztaroday ol each wok ID order for adrotthlog. Prom at tention. anti rood us* .tab. 'Ma all nook WI Osnals JORIS R. STEWART. Authreer. SOZI/1. ROUT. H. PATTERSON & CO, za - vxamr. 4:sm.= Arm OODIMINCEON STABLE:IP COL MIMI MEE 4 111101 0. PITTIMPAOR. PA. I 100 WOOD STREET., NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, SOMMIULAN AMID was& maw irEg i n l . "- lir ours. ILUIRMIXO Bra. Alms , * stadia! SILVER PLUM GOODS ai dimatpums. attstUr i . 474 se s tfa..7. l EL E. BREED & CO.I lU:li' :J~ CALL AND NEE • THA NNW Mina Sete, Parian Stiatnetta, Vim! sad limOrtioleg; e rr opiates t 5 H. RIGBY & CEOS" No. 189 11/111Fnr STREET. N. L—A lam suartant of NUe Wino (Inca. Nato tot Maly sad Sold use *MIN as ocz READ= BEAD: DEAD I. CORSI Removed In one Minute, without Mending ir lady soreadmit Bunions and Mewed NOB Removed In •Am =tauten. All apseallous par =rated =Ube= Data or blaalstind I Patent comfit= Immediately! ' • • 310 toolsoitattsmodletneutedl , No son trot Miler operathst I Diluted and DUI ;ants treated smell [Ely.. PECIIIt.BII4III sad Chttlartas eared tr a raw dm; Ilalldroilos ever er am, retarded. Good , Itahrinura DTI& Orlos Dean from to u IL. and Ito r. w. Bandayi. 942 11 A. rt. , Iliarembtr W PD." O. 49 29x91 , 9191. std et Clair, op 15110. . . nur Dr. D, . 133=1:1 INSURANCE. TRH NEW JERSEY ktutu - al Life Insurance Co., NEWARK, N.J. Aeeets, Over e;500,000, All Policies Issued by this Comp.) , are perpet. uany lion-TorfeiUng after the payment of one Annual Premium. Dividends annually declared and applied on third annual premium, either on the permanent I Increase of the pollen or In redriction of peed , L, HENRY KIRKPATRICK, General. Agent, 161 1-2 Wood street, (241,n00r,) PITTBBUBEI/1. NI- ftellablit Agents wasted. • &Mehl THE IRON CITY lUNAL LOS INSURANCE CO, Of Pennsylvania. Often, lb Fedenti St, Allegheny City D/BECEOBB I Hos. JAMES 1.. tiE/LIIAB. J fi. 1,5 4 81.6%2Li k ! . D., 14,A. E. BELL, Rey. B. 11. NEsBIT; LLD., W. A. REED, Dastiler Allegheny Trask Oa JACOB RUSH, Neat Estate Aaraa, SIMON DRUM. Mayor of AMAIN:AY, 0. W. BERRY. Hatter. ' A. IA BELL, Attorney at-Law • D. EWOO T E E . R an SO atNtra a,Lum A be n M t. aau& Capt. ROUT. 11013111•011, Pialadeat. Rea. J. B. CLARK, D. D.. Vico Preallaat, JACOB RIISII. Baentaurys C. H. BM ABP. Trumann.. N. W. WHITE. Jammu, Amuse. .DANIEL SWOOfat, Agent. COMMISSIONED ADENTS NOB THE CO.: Job , . M. DonalSais, Allegh•sy. Ca. MeeW. lifalr,H..elieser, ra. James lloilleashead, Beaver, Pa., T. H. cooralu. MeSteepen. Pa. Deers. 11. J 0011•011 Blairsville, rt. J. S. Strayer, 4ohnetosre, Ps Comeany @WIWI MO told. All groat , . accreted to r °lief bolder. by dividend returneds.t , lly from the eta of the drat One. All PAM. trio . forfclUna. jell STATEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE • INSURANCE CO. Of Pittelinver. P. from Jationr i let to De cember alet. Dieu. Published la acre/edam. with the re q uirements of the 15th Section of au Lot of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennelleaula, approved April Rd, 1556 s /a. Capital Stock... . ...... • 60,000 00 AD. AWES t. $21,530 CO imtrA3f:l l, :trApp... , 20,000 00 Cut, Boot ACLOUIll• for 4 lere , mlums 131,1 s EPtell'aDlC Wipe, Fundits re and Safe, • 99 3d. •mount of Premium IteoId: 43'1'25 : In 1669 4th• • Amount of loterest inole 13.44" 1669 6 1.690 61 - - • 16,906 56 • TH. DISBURREMENTS. . • rue Lusses. .. 165 00 Ornnotssions. Stamps i Taxes. 1 4 00 0 T 4. 58 Returned r 113113 illlll 501001sta Once Inpenses•—• 5.615 TO 5,4411 TO Elth Amount of tatandlng Mat Dtc. 31Ist, 1069 81.079.5174 33 7th. /Jetta and ..labtllttasll ool, J. ALBIETZ, t atm tam. i_p CASH INSURANCE COMPANY. PIIIILALIVIS INN SX NUM *mu& Neon* Plefis. Capital An Pald.ll:. l. 1.4" . . . H. J. Maley.Jr. Capkll2.l244ere Dan , l Wallaoe.lB. H Barman. A. Chamber, Jake Hlll B. nisClarkao. Jae. IL Batley. Timm. Stolen. lJno.B. Wfflock, SUBSET H. NINO, Prealdent. J 240. 1. JBNNINGS, Vice President. JOB. T. JOHNBTON. ficerenalr. Capt. B. J. GRAM Gang Joni. Imam on Liberal Terms on all an and Marino Mans. Warr INSURANCE CON . .PPIr4 r DY11 1 ;11110 1 1 rLl4mat. IL P. HEISHILItT. eccmary. • APT. titerktUK KW.% Generalr•ge Otace. Water ahem Ilwar o, house, up sutra Plttaber• Wes t lams against all Ueda of 7lra sod rim Elias. • tome lastitutlott, mangledby ra U and who are emit - lUD:mu to the coma= ter and tato an determined by protepteese sad Mier. ally maletala Nil which the 7 hare &reamed. as elltrtotection to toil s, woo delta to be tweeted. s4c MMgi W IMan B. !tramp., VZlEL ' lL 'r , k . P gr c'h w...orrt•cat, - . James cAuley, Alexander S Bpasm d[VW autd M. Lon. P ENIVEITLVANLt INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITITSSURGNI 01710 Z. Da. 167.4 WOOD PfPRZIT. BARI OP 4:010EILEOZ BUILDTHO. This la. Boom Company, sal limn MUM lan The exelnarrehr. • LIONAND WALTZ S, ?redden% 0 0 ..0. BOY - L% Vial Prevalent. - atra n TIMI I M: Pecr''eta.. • " • • J. rune'. J. O. Jacob Paladvis. J. Q. nein.. Heel.kEiiit'Ab., i.°'"'=Vi."' • Sproul, - MS pnatemirri BGLIIIIIST LOB 3 BT TERN. FUJIRUN INSUIWICE CO.OF PfIItADELMIIA. liii =1 W. Eaucter. gordecal EL. Ladd David IL Brow; at Orval. ta i m ide% _ pc* =LOO% ali =AIM tmonre T : 110 W. O. DAM Vice Plealdeat. W. 0. e ll t ter zi tt=47. Wank Wait corner Third - LialVoot= stsfirwils NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cot. Federal It. ud Diamoad,luley 10 01 fl. Qs MO ND NATIONAL 14311 X . X. P. NANTlN,lresbleat e nerthaltlecretarb DRIETcqUiI: I gll l utliergert i. r§. O. M .Fth 0. 11.1.= fj=ie n a . j,!..llldizatir. PEOPLIZO Ifir7RANCE CON. FAR!. prig .I. & ousima wow a sum as • Naas 01111M1Wallag The mai Maas Nita DOLICIDIS: Fir k • Mer. a thver. 41176 t. =I EVVI I. I, limn D. Vtrimax. N. L A ZDAD. beereta C. Ella A/ EN 1r 1N19111141211C111 OOPITANY of ITITISPORGIL 02.1 N. a7IIIITH OTAINXT.Parg Isom Malan 1511 tlatt. of lin sad Mufti W. .1011 X IRWIN al.. ProOdent. 3:. t.lo 7 llo=Piddlect. &Ph . 0 . 0...iral Ages& DESIcIO2B: 7 1 t a . I: l =ga. tli 'ff. i4... n .' ... Hu m Rdberi .r• •aacla 5511ers. er•cr tiara. . Oana. 4, T.pßocildalik pi. - WM. Dem T. H. 1 , .1 N. IV F.01111:11 OTICE TO FLOUR DEALERS AND CONaillir i : , llEl swam ere,. 411 1f... *OO4O TZWZBISVX WHOA?. aen °Mate. Pattob iftmen WgerrihM:_ tall; be . to lo ll . ft. l raaaot be surpassed by any to the Caned Wales. It W se e d a E s s r . y. B al e t l o t i l n la gClod ar a dm c p o r o o vingm esta Ib 110