FICA BANK, NO. BO FOURTH AVENUE rrrrsinzan. CASH CAPITAL pN,N• Stockholders Individaally - Liable. DroColll3ll . *ND DEriporr Juini PLorn W3L n e ra r. rmiacai. .ml, w. snot; new, . 11111.1 n 11tint• WM4".. D. Belay, • 'JUT"' .Wn. . B la atm 1111. ernkulsed •/I•l , rePw.• Le no • Mend 11.1,10.4 banns.. GOLD, `UL M AND COUPONS, Boughs at Bushes! Prices. PA. 4. MERTZ, Banker, Cot. Wood St. and sth Meade '1111623 ... - To 'BRUIT & Co., „:03acceuors to ft, JOlll3 . Collet Foil* Avenue sad Wood St., 313.A.N.13.E11.15; ,saygiataikimuot -GOVERNIIIENT BECIMUTIES, 4KMD,Milrgit ,OKTRIN • osimixii TAVUBABLZ TBZIns• • relaters! Allowed ea Deposits. booMrMoor loosed oa flovaralatat Boots at oast/a rate. .10rdasso orsestotod for Piarakolo 'Mud 8010 or emus., SOB 1110• sad SLICES T. BRADT & CO, littsinrcit alttts. FINANCE AND TRADE. Orrior or Prrrosuron o.6mortr, 9ATCIADAY, JAIL 16 WO. The money market la gradually re turning to ease and espital seeking in 'vestment on premium collatepibi at the high rates prevailing daring the past two Weeks. Burro ware, however, etn• less pressed very hard, will not submit any longer to the extortions practiced by a rather large number of men of reply mains. The foot that pawn. brokers' rates have been exacted tur. bluatiingly by some go-betweens, of Which the city is full, has led many to iniely directly to those who are able to supply money on fair rates, provided the security is somewhit ample.,; Al though money is easy and 'cheap on call loans, Government securities have de alined about ono-half pen. cent, and Mocks are tut yet up to the prima pro• veiling a week ago. It seems, and Ills wage natural, that capitalists and the spectilating people are Indisposed to enter a market that has been forced up about six er sight per cent in leas than eineweek, and put experience has dein enserated the wisdom or holding back. Gold. which sold as high as 123% on Monday last, closes rather heavy and weak at 121,tig1L11%, with a Moody ae cumulation in banks; but there are signs of a Madge export clemency which may stiffen prices. Government tender are heavy on lower enotationstrom Europe and flee offer ings from capitalists, under the belief that lower rates must mum This Is especially. tone of 10.405, which mold within three per cent of the six per cent Donde, certainty six per cent above their.real value. The ewe kith. mousy market likely ::to prevail for the next sixty days may advance all values at the stock ex . change. Especially will this be true of stock; which appear cheap when ann. ...PSn l 4-With prices prevailing during List summer. All the trunk lines of our railroads are earning large net profits under high charges and diminished ex• peons. The Wilms among the opera tives bring book wages to • lower rite quicker tun the companies could effect this themselves by gradual reduction. It will thus appear that the struggle be tween capital and labor.will end sooner than we expected, by the - foolish at. temp at combinations by the operatives at au unasteonable time. Prime paper pumas now at 10 to 18 par amt. and In some huusnoss 0 Der cent hi accepted by the leading inatitn. Mons whisk reseryed their bonds for an /5 per cent market. , Busies eery dull. geotaticnis se received by Pb. P.. Macon Gold, 121%; Silver, 117; Elghty. cloWs,l 117%, Site Twenties, UMI, 115%; do, UM, 116%; do 1064 115; do 1866, Consols. 11346, do 1847, 114, do 1868, 1111%; Ten Ponies. 112%; Adams Er. "=rermPard , 63; Merchants Union Company, —; American Er. grBCompany, 16 k; Western Union 0 17 11 0. 13%; New York Centre. tr . Beading, 04%; Pittsburgh. Port ne 115%; Michigan- 1 13outhern a , 683 7 ' elwraland a Pittsburgh, 01%; Chicago. Soak Island a Panda, 105%; Chicago A. Math Western. 783(; Chicago a Korth Western Preferred 86%; Erie log. szczaxam • Lazo. - Mac= London. per ,-*-4497 p 6,06 Para, per franc ...... -....... 2435 M ISIINcIo mph to the 'gigabit:o Gosotto-) Nsw Yoss. January lb, 1870. Money easy at ter per cent., with-. 8 per cant. milked as the general rate. The Malt statement Is remarkably stun* Tbiliargr• increase in loans whim chiefly from the heavy amounts of gold hypothe., ailed , with bicaks. The enormous In. anise depoidta rune from an in. crease In loans and gain in snags and of Wel tenderl. The increase of thsdatler is due mainly to the return of currency from, the =terror. The- gain in specie-. represents auxin of- coin derived from Treasury saes and interest monde: - Over payment* for customs. The surplus over legal reserve has In creased two and • hell millions. and the Banks now hold thirty mutton above the legal _requirements. Loans, Wee 101.14301 tnerease, 1 5 ,525. 1 556; nolo, 1 3 , 2 710,467; 1ncre550.21,815.557: legal tendon, W 248.475: imam; 8147I0.741: deposits, 1702 898.524 heinnee,702.927,059: ci lion; 2713,986,82:1; decressa,llBs.4s7. The statement is indicative of cheap money and in /norms of speculation In the fu ture. • Sliding quiet and don at wan oent. 'Oold wont; opened at - Lt - ~ fell to 1213‘, and &nod at 1913 i. TLs oee went 1129,00%000. clommantenta lower. ekedng . steady. Coupons of 41 1 . 17 :409 1 M do. lama lograo: 'kW 180116-* do. '65, 153 t 5% do. new - layout do. ' 67 . 14 ® 14 3(: 14(4143(. Nadal. 9 300%.* Sfeta bonds Arm; Mincurls, 8734; std Tennessee% 64 new, 7113(; old North Carolines,423(; new, 25%. Stooks unsettled but generally Militia doe* tbe dusk statement. Five Thirty Aim.— Western 'Ord= Tel., law 14%; Mariposa. 9; do preferred. 185(; Weir Power, 165(; Hariked and Erie, 9 asked; Adams Hz- PrellerACM: Wells a FarnA zoq; Anted can. s7l Penni Mall, difi ; New York tketral, consolidated, 1123 it Erie, 7350 do prelerred, 35; Harlem, 187; prePtl,lB9; Ifilawin• Scrip, Kg; 04; win Central, 117 K Like Shore. 9834: Illinois Central, 141; Pittsburgh, 91; North Western, 73: do prekared, 99; R. I. 105; St. Pan/,733(: do preferred, ak Wabash, 61%; do prerd, 7034; Ft. Wayne, 87_39; Tone Haute. 23; .00 prefer yedt_fa Cblesgo and Alton 14414 O. a =:Dttbllque, 10834; 0.0. L ft P., 18H.1 Hod= prior—Calumet; BSI; Copper' ram, 6134: Franklin, 0 : Chaney quiet. Imports Mr the week: Dry Goods. .4571; IN; (lateral Merchandise, $278,- 1160. FnPorttl of @Poole, 1338,9101. Sub. balance, gold, 174,822,846; ear reedy., -General beam, go,. ut, : . unchanged; sales ' of good tocholoe roll at BOW& BEANS—The demand is light and market dull; we continue to quote at 13.2502,75 per bushel, BROOM CORN—Sales at 13@14 cts. CHEETNUTB--Gruoted at KUL CRANBERRIES—DuII; 112ggi16. ClDER—tkintinues dulland nominally unchanged, at 0,080,00 per bbl, as to quality. OREESE--In fume!, but sot quota bly higher. - Western Reserve, IT(SCR; Factory, 15(laikti; New ',fork Dairy, 14049; Goshen, YD. CARBON OlL—Market rather - dull, though unchanged, 27 ctn., for standard brands, In a lobbing way, _--- --._. .. . _ _ _ _ DRIiEtSED HOGS.-I;iitat 11%1134. DRIED FRIIIT.AppIes In lair do. wand with sales at 8 (5 9 c. Nadu., 9 % 10c for quarters and I 1%12.c for halves. EGGS—DaiI but unchanged at 33%35 for fresh packed. FEATHERS—In better .demand and higher, and we now quote at 85%90 to the trade and the usual advance for small Into in !tore. F1,01:111'hct market Is dull and ne glected, while prices continue unchang ed. We amtinue to quota spring wheat flours at t 5 @5,6 0 , and winter wheat at #5.7543#5. Rye flour, #5,25. GRAnf—Therti Is no movement In wheat In this market—there Is little or none here though the mills are getting all they want from the West ;we con tinue to quote at for good to chola) red. Oats dull, with Increased arrivals, though there la no dispaution to make concessions in order to effect sales; 47(345 on wharf and track and 50 In store. Bye Is quiet, with few If any cash Buyers above 95c. Corn ha steady at 139@82 for ear—aale of 80 aka shelled at 90. Berlin is dull and spring Is nom inal at about $l.- HAY—la firmer and higher ' the ar rivals being very light owing to the very bad amdltion of the country roads; we now quote at illig42B, as to quality. iJidlES—Sales at 8 cents per pound. HOldlNY—fialea at P400@6,60 per Mi. 'l.llilE-Aialea of Cleveland white lime . 13@2,86 per bbL ONIONS gales at 12.50@3,00 per bbl, the outside fixer° for choice. _ _ PROVIRIONS—PIain aboniders, 14%; Sugar Cured du. 15;it Ribbed 814/014 17%Clear do, 18%; sugar cured Hares, 2A3 Weetern Lard in Reran!, 17 and In palls 18. LARD 01L—Sales of No. 1 extra at $1.43@1,45, and No. 2 at DS. - POTATOES—DuII, though the arrivals for some days have been lighL Small Wes at 156®60 ter bushel. POULTRY—In very light supply and In demand; dressed chickens may be quoted at 14@16c, and turkeys 2110=1. PEANUTS—Quoted at 2 @ 1 2 eta. PEAS—DuII; 112,50 per bushel. SEEDS—SaIon of Timothy seed at $3,76®4; and Clover seed at sa€o,74. Flaxseed Is dull and cannot be quoted above 22, le, SALT—Ie dull, and Allegheny River brands are quoted at Ingto by the car lots load, in with the usual advance for small store. tn:H.!LW —Salm at Xl4 ®lb per ton. mAILICZT. Chranza.o. Prrnunnaan °aura; SATURDAY Jan. 14_11170. I , l=l The oil market has been unusually dull and languid this week, the melee In the aggregate baying been very light, while' in regard to values there have been no very Important changes ,pne way or the other. Al repeatedly noted, the price of crude and refined are much 'closer to a manufacturing basis than for several month; but 'notwithstanding this, there IS DO life or animation In the trade. operators, generally, both deal ers and manufacturers, seem to be de•. pressed and discouraged, and the mar ket is Ina very unsatisfactory, and tome parties think, unhealthy condition. Last month It was thought that If crude would decline to 12X or 130 this month, that there would be an active demand for it, that refiners would buy freely and that those who had tanks would fill them; thus far theme predictions have not been realised. Crude has dropped to the figures stove indicated, but there seems to be. little or no demand, and while buyers, generally, do not seem to be very sanguine about • still further declineyet, for some cause orother, they are not buying. The receipts of crude keep up pretty well averaging between 3.000 and 4,000 •bbls per day, but the great proportion of that now coming In is being pieced on prior contracts. The shipments of refin ed continue very small, not averaging much over 600 bble per day, and It is not likely there will be any Increase so tong as so many of our refineries are stand ing idle. Receipts of crude this week. 17,893; last week 111,176; from January first to date, 34,068; same time 1869, 34,407. Ea refined title week 2,433; last week, 2,953; January that to date, 7,842; same time last year, 11,984. Bales crude this week, 8,900; refitted, 18,500; last week, 24.600 bbls crude, and 11,600 bbl, refined. There was but a single sale to-day and It was made under the hammer, 18,000 gallons at 123 i. Seller this month may be quoted at 1.93 i, and January to June la quoted at the same figure.. Also, continue very` dull and inactive, with but little inquiry and but little or. faring. January ID quoted at 8034"; Feb. mary and March, Mk% bid; and March alone, 30,ii bld. Belling long lira Is not as popular now as It was at this time last year. rusiMmis 07 OlitIDE OIL BY A. V. Z. 16. Forsyth Bros. 880, on account Fisher Bro; BrilliSit 011 Works 242, os account Lockhart. F A Co; Brilliant Oil Work. 800, on account E C Relic Chrystal 011 Works 100 on amount C Roars h Bro; A. B. Mill 80, on account W. Bartle; Wag. rim* Leech 480, on amount 0.8. Thomism Maher Bros. 400.00 account E. - H.Loorg Peerless Oil Works 240; on account, W. Robinson; Eagle Oil Works DA on ao. count B. 8. Duncan; D. Bly.A Co, 80, on account 0. G. Crawford; Jos. Wilkins 249, on account Phila. di Boston P. Co; R. H. Palmer 180, on account W. A. iiinstahm; J.44pear 4tOci 80, onamount T. Chess. Total. 4,018 bbla. anxrxierre Or mi. BY A. v. B. B. La:allure, to W Frew it , Ph Co.ila. 542 Me ref. of ardeo. F. a Oa illin9llETB TELEGRAM. Niw 'Your, January VS.—Cotton a abode firmer, with miss of 8,000 balm M MMa for middling uplands. Flour— receipts, 353 Mils; flour more active and unchanged, will , aabsa'nf MAIO bbls. Bye flour quiet, with sales of 100 bbl at 4 . 21 4434,83 Whimsy homy with sales of 200.bbis western,. at 89c4311,00 free; Beacipte—wheet, 19,840 bushels; wheat opened heavy and closed a shade firmer for export; 8,900 bushels at 5 1.11101.1614 Ibr spring; 31,70 for No. 1, do; 11,23(311,28 Oar winter red and amber; $ll5O for white flenemee. Elm, quiet. Reacipts—cont fon bu; awn heavy with sales of 34,000 bushel" at 8:092cr, for new mired west. eras eBOOll,OO for new yellow southern; 51,20 for old round yellowudissi western; nominal at $1,03 in store. Oats: receipts of 2;080 knah, but unchanuem asks sd SLOW qui bash at 68€3470; western et. *Coe quiet. Nagar Meady; sates of 130 hhda of Cubs at 101411110 Xe. Molasses dull; salsa 100 bbla Now Or imna at 7344 800. Hopis quiet and firm It 18(g28a. Petroleum quiet at ItlyslilliNefOr crude, 31C ly a ‘ s o for 89 e 7 1 ,t50s n p . erlM n domestic q oesteedy49s3lo tbr W namei, Wool firm, with sales of 876.000 pounds at 44042340 for domestic flame, 620 for crumbed. "Mc for @enured, 40113800 for milpalled. Linseed ail Mall at 913393 a in ks.. Turpentine quiet. ..lithethsu 'copper steady at WO. Indigo dulL Lake ilhapeMar i,a &ril quiet at wen 'fry &mob, ibr hmerimun tar quiet, Pa for re Noglials end for shed doll at Imago gold for Roma. Nails quiet at 65•(@5i(c for cut, 5,4;(g sho for clinch, 285k30c for hone. I f quiet and a shade firmer; salsa 370 bbl. at 127.50(428 for new mean, g 7,75 for old No. 2, 524,25 for prime: 124.50W25 for prime mess; also, 750 bbls of new Mean, seller February and March, V 27 50 (428 far new. Cut meats heavy, with Wee 175 pkgs at 111•0412 c for shoulders, - and 11k3d53.0 for hams; middles dull, with mile. 300 boron Cumberland cut, deliverable In Milwaukee, at , 12.'c, and 200 boxes short ribbed, deliverable In Chicago, at 1314 e. Dressed hogs heavy at 11(1012c for western. Lard ,iniet and steady, with sales 340 tierces at 1511@ 10. yo for steam and 17i4(417Uc for kettle rendered. Butter steady at 11r4300 for Ohio. Choose quiet andsteady. Freights to Liverpool firmer; shipments per steam of 75 000 bus wheat at I..ttea.—Flour closed steady for Me dium and low grades, with a moderate .export and home demand. Wheat is a shade firmer with fair export and mill ing demand at 51,15%@1,18 for No. 2 spring, and 51,233i(g1,253s for winter red and amber western. Rye nominal. Oats quiet at 55@570 for western. Corn dull and heavy at 80(g91c for now western mixed, and sellers of old do at 51,03 In more. Pork quiet 527.02 bid. 527,75 rusk. ed for mess for February. Beet la quiet and unchanged. Cut Meats In fair re. quest and steady. Bacon is moderately active and unchanged. Lard dull: sales 250 to prime steam seller March 167'0. Rags null and heavy at 40(442c fur Iresh, and ill° for limed. • CHICAGO, January 15.—Flour; demand fair for lower grades and prices etesdy; tagi c ;dz a nt o i r ee v e:Te l: act . u sd pe a i n ti al . o n . o nom i nal at sales light and prices a shade easier, with sales No. 1 spring at 84Me, and No. 2 at 76 8 .j@77c, closing at 70.4.4€477c; optional sales wore mado at 77Q77,4e buyer Jan. nary, and seller February, and 78e seller March; in the afternoon the mar ket WAS quiet at 7734 e oath; 77%@780 miller February. Corn dull but prioee a trifle limier, closing at 70®710 for No.?. for future delivery; No. 2 sold at 70e seller month, 70@70lic seller month, 701570 ;o seller . February, and7l44c buyer February; this afternoon market dull and nominal .at 700 cash. Oats dull and prices slightly firmer; pur chasers closing at 39@i391.0 for No. 2 in store; optional sales were at 391,;®39.101 buyer February, 38Xig39c seller do, 39@ 39L,r0 seller mouth and do seller March, and 40c goiter April. Ryo quiet and firm at 70e for strictly flesh No 2. Barley nothing done, In lota firm and store prices nominal at 801585 e for No. 2. Ilighwlnee In fair local and shipping de. mandi market firmer at 92c for wooden bound* pkgs and 923 c for Iron. Previa. tom dull but prices well supported. Mesa pork quiet but steady at 827 cash; 927,85 seller February; sales 500 bbla buyer .February at TM. Shoulders at 1010 cash', - and 10340 seller last half of February. Short rib middles at isqo cash. Lard steady at too cash, and lnste seller Feb. rusty. Hama quiet; sales of 5,000 pieces of green - at Dressed hogs fairly acs tire at 510®11.30, according to weight, and at clone prices were firm at 110®11 for lota dividing on WO pounds. Receipts: 4,619 bb;s of flour; 19,880 bush of wheat; 6,240 bush of corn; 14,212 bush of oats; .725 bush of rye; 1,150 bush of barley; 2,815 dressed hogs; 5,55%11va hogs. Ship • mental: 5,913 bble of flour; 10,9 M bush or wheat; 0,988 bush of corn; 4,242 bush of oats; 1,450 bush of rye; 1,180 bush of bar ley; 1,968 dressed hogs 1,275 live hogs. Sr. Louis, J anuary 15,—Tobacco strong and unchanged. Cotton: 'nothing doing. Hemp nominally unchanged. Flom steady, with *ales choice X at 14,75® 4,85: XX 115€45.25; choice XXX to fancy family 56131,50. Wheat unchanged: sales No. 2 spring at 83c; No. 2 red fall of choice to fancy - $1,20@ 1.40. Corn firm, with salsa choice :sellow and white in bulk at 70,,; mixed and yellow sacked 73®76c; white 7715530, the latter strictly choice. Oats firm at - 75@a76c for sacked. Barley easier: sales at 51@11,15 for Minnesota spring; 51,45(1,60 for prime to choice fall. Ryo steady at 77@80c. Whisky doll at 9334 @94ci. Sugar dull, at 1010140 for LOGiel• arta. Coffee dull, at 18192334 e for RM. Moles:sea dull, at 659_480c for plantation. Dry salt meat, Jobbing, at 110 for shout. dent, 14% ®141.0 for clear rib, 14,41@ii5c. for clear aides. Bacon quiet, at 131.0 - for shoulders, 16(411610 for clear rib,. 161if - gi 163fe for clear aides. Lard nominal, at 153i@1634e for prime steam to-choloe kettle. CINCINNATI. January 15. Termer') firm, middling 24 ge.. Tobacco unchang ed, sales of 48 bhde. Whisky steady, 03. Hogs Armor. live 48,25€49,25 (or shipping demand; nothing done in dressed— weather too warm; receipts 2,000. Pro. visions ilrmer. Mess pork advanced to LH 75; no sellers below 137 at the 'close. Bulk meats firmer, but quiet; shoulders 10,1.1 e; sides, 14@15c for clear rib and clear. Sugar cured hams 19®20c. Bacon quiet, but firm; shoulders 121 ®l3, sides 16;‘@1591 - e. Lard firmer; steam held at 112t4)snd kettle at 1634 c. Butter dull, 3&, • Eggs dull, 250. Linseed oil dull, 90e. Lard oil declined to 144314 1,45. -Petroleum dull, 29q081e. Czaveutien, January 15.—Buckwheat flour $7,50138. Wheat:No 1 red $4ll. Rye dull and Inactive. Petroleum: market for relined steady, not much inquiry for emit, but fair demand for west at 2811® 270 In large lots, small lots 2@3eadvanoe; crude lower and held at 15,65 per bbl. ?dextrins, January IL—Cotton firm and active at 2414 c; receipts 1,414 balms exports 512 bales. Flour steady at #4,75 05. Corn steady at 90e. Oats scarce at 65®1184. Hay dull at 815. Lord inactive at 1643:100. Meats weak; bulk shoulders at 1114 c; sides at 150. Now Omar/am, January 14.—Cotton buoyant:middling 243;!:24 ::sales 11,000 balm; sales of the week 32.0110 bales, re. celpts 34,883: exports 22,751. Flour Is firm at 115,50(6,25. (Awn firm at $1,07. Oata7o(gl7lo. Pork $29. Lard dull; tierce 17, keg 18c. Lontsen,Me, Jan. 15.—Cotton advanc ed ,!.‘e. Flour unchanged and firm. Red wheat at f 1,04 white at 11,10. Corn at 78c. Oats at 60c. Loaf tobacco tutchang. ed; sales ST hhcla Inca at 5i 0B leaf at 9012 c. Whisky at 93c. MILWAUKEE, Jan. l&—Flour dull; city XX 11(94,00. Wheat firmer at fill4c for No. 1, 763:0 for. No. 2. Corn nominal °stem:del at 400 for No. 2. Rye steady at 700 for No. L Deemed hogs unsettled at 510®10,73. Nannincra, January l&—Cotton ac• live with an upward tendency; low mid. 'Ming 23c; good ordinary gtgc. Wheat; red P. 10; Amber 51,10; white 51.20. PrtrLammrniA, January 15.—Proy1-. atom dull and declining. Whisky nom- inal at 51@1,30. BALT/MOWS, January 15.—Provisions unchanged. Whisky quiet and firm at 5100. Receipts of Breadstuff: at Western lane =I The following shows the movement of Hour and grain, including the receipts at Chicago, Milwaukee, Toledo, Detroit and Cleveland, from Auspast 1, 1889, to January 8,, 1870, and for about Um car• responding period. in the years indica• tad: - • 11/1/.. 13114. 0017. INS. hoot: OW. 3.154.137 2 401.016 . 7.137.857 1.31,1:3 Wuratb l / 1 1.37. ,3 9. 3 33 :MM. US /7.1.10 317 Con e bus../P.OO Os 4 13.1.114. 13.603.013 LS $ 61.451 Outs. bus .. 7,4 1 15,7112 IS 317 SC MAUL*, Barley bus. 1.143.1..1 2.:53, 1 M 3,3•3.ns 1.1 1 :11./.9.1 Syn. 01 3.101 1,141.733 1,32.1.768 T ar '. II 785.33.1 11.7.383.713/11 1311,133 40 413 133 RIVEER PAOKEIf3. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS FOR 711EMPHIS,Id i St VICE MUM/ and NEW Olt r4LANS.—The Rao puossot , r otosroor MIESSENOZR No. St.—Capt. Jitter. DIRT, • WIII 'nave rar tho above and Intermediate ports on THURSDAY, 11Uth Inst. !or (rth ltir . 4 ,, viuira ward, orb Jell YLACE. VVLLINti WOOD, •vuta. CAIEW, S. INIEDIf-adr m e s v e .,. AND /4Eq ORLEAN One passenger steamer MAGOIE HAYS....B. C. /ELWIN. Commander. James C. Drava. Clerk. will leave for the above arid Intarntedlasa porta on TUESDAY. • Jan/ 114 h. r*r n i ntlEalt e" • Jai FLACK COLLIN/Mt/OD, Agents. =ZIE2I rCII EVANSVILLV,Aare. LASUbVILLIL ANIS NAGS S.Lg.—Toe splendid Paa..neer attararr ULAdtireW A. kIoBITOOS. COMMAAAer, will leave (ovine above and Intermediate Vohs TUESDAY, Jan. 16th. rot !relent or passage. ai l ry on board oral J &Mtn CW.1.11. or At /LAW( A CULLS "doW001". Agents. LOUISVILLB, CAUIO ant ST. LOMA. • VOR CAIRO AND ST. .1 lA/UM—TM Poo poweirge O. GRAY Capt. I. Wuirrr Eta. Will leans for rho oho. sod littoratedlato ports WZDNILEDAY,I9 Pm. /or rraliet i v i mi amp:aboard of . lall MACK. voLubloWcioD. Arms. rCAIRU • LOVUIVILLE 2 sar a t useng er Mesm O • AND CIT.. er LOUIS. ha p LEN nALC J. N. Qua. Commander. Jame. Allgios, Malt, Will as sanoonned M.elk. THU/DAY. Jar. 1711. ft:llc-vAr."XiSTifIrW, rEntn. STELdrdI3EUPS TO • LIVERPOOL ARDAM ' QUEENSTOWN. TEE fIIM (M 1. STEABIEUPIN Ilrot•class vessels, MOM MX*? EPTY T sTr imtraz. ktn i n ,W H it i letEr i . Z st. r Pfe n i4ll MUSA" HINGHAM Jr.i namtnanzurirraarr. litormt. y 1 .c ; I. I c. 4 0.• )•T ~o.JI 0 J. " 1 : RIVER NEWS. ,58? P•efea •ad ►tlaatie Telegraph./ OIL cm. PA., Jah. falling Ilow/Y, with eight feet Water in the channel. Weather clear. Thermometer CI at 6 r., Pa., Jan. 16.—River rising atatiocutry, with about eleven feet water In the channel. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 50 at 7 P. M. C. lIREMNSIIORO, Pa., January 16.—River falling slowly with eleinn feet water In the channel. Weather clear. Tiler. mometer F.. The river was again rising yesterday afternoon, will:_ about 17 feet in the channel. Weater was mild and pleas ant, and would have passed very well fbr the middle of April Inateed of the middle of January. Mercury was up to 45. . t eh he Great Republic passed Memphis on F day, and the Wausnits was at Louis vi. the same day, en route from New 0 .th e to Pittsburgh. e St. Charles did not get off until 8 urday, having been detained by her m bleary. She bad a moderate trip. The Belle departed , for Parkersburg on Saturday. The Messenger, from New Orleans, and K %to Putnam, from St. Louis, arrived during Friday night. . Tho Glendale, Capt. Hare, is antenna fill , to take her departure for St. Lords to day, and the, Maggie Hays, Oapt Martin, will, It is expected, depart for New Or leans to-morrow. The it. C. (tray, Capt. home Whittaker. fellows the Glendale to St. Louis, and the Messenger, Capt. Jesse Dean, will folios: the Maggie Hers to New Orleans. The Ulasignw, Capt. Robinson, Is the only boat ln port for Nashville. —The InuLeath° Courier,feurnat, of Tuesday, level The steamer Dexter. upon her arrival at New Albany yester day morning, was attached and tied up by Valentine Graf, the County Treas urer of Floyd county, to enforce the payment of about. $l,BOO taxes owing to the above county by her owners, Capt. Sam Montgomery, Lem. Tyre and Hen ry Henuegan. It le claimed by the de fendants that the boat was turned over to the builders last fall for the lien, and that the County Treasurer can not le gally seize or hold the boat for the debts of the parties above mentioned. Sub sequent to the transfer above mentioned, the builders of the boat Rave the above parties possession of the boat with in structions to do the beat they could with her. —The Evansville Journal, of Wed nesday, says: Nathan Brown, of James. sown, N. Y., Is again here with a flat boat from Chautauqua Lake, a beauti. I sheet or water away up among the pine hill of North•westarn New York. and the which has Ito head within, 7 nines of Lake Erie. The outlet of the lake le by way'of Cansactaga Creek and Connewago river, the latter emptying Into the Allegheny at Warren, Pa., MO miles above Pittsburgh. This boat is one of a fleet of three, which Capt. Brown has traveled those various streams with a vast amount of math, doors, blinds, windowgtais, de. —The St. Louts nit:sr/era/ of Wednos. day says: Poor Tiiir Packard! This gentleman was In the employ of thei Bridge company, and yesterday morn ing, unfortunately, made a misstep on the derrick boat Alpha, and a piston rod of the sand-pump crushed against his leg, breaking It to a horrible manner. He is now at the Sisters' Hospital, and will probably lose the leg. Captain Packard was bred an engineer, and was for many years a steamboat commander —on the Florida, on the U. B. Grant, and in the Bt. Louis and Johnsonville trade. His numerous friends will hear of this accident with sorrow. • —Says the Cincinnati Gazette,' of Sat urday: Three fast steamers were an nounced to depart at noon. The M.J. Anderson left for Wheeling • little be fore the noon hour; the St. James do parted for Maysville on time-12:30 P. N., and the Ohio followed a hoot 2:40 P. We heard one of the officers of the Ohio offer to wager i:. 0 00 that that boat would plug the St. James before the lat. ter reached Maysville. We would be glad to hear from all the boats at earl ma points, as we have no doubt that all did their best. —The two Saturday Vickstorgh pack ets, Frank Pargoud and the Natcher,left here on Saturday evening, the PaMand in advance, and at Forty-One Mlle Point the Natchez paired the Pargoud under way. This .is • great victory, as the Natchez is s new boat and being on her third trip.—New Orleans /impose. 11th. —John Martin, formerly of the steam er Savannah, but later baker on the steamer Mary Davage, while in a elate of Inconleatlon, fell asleep on the railroad track at Cairo, Tuesday eight, sad was killed by the ears. lie leaves a wife and child In Davenport, lowa. —A. Memphis telegram says: A salt has been instituted In the Circuit Court, of Tennessee, by tho Memphis Gas Com-. pany sgainst the Alice Dean, of Cincin nati, and has security for 1400,000 In volved In It. —A tlabboat, • belonging to Moesra. 'Benedict it Graham, and loaded with cord wood and railroad timber, was sunk in the Kanawha at the Marine Railway landing on the night of the 4th. —The Pew Albany Ociinmercial of Thursday says: if the weather should prove favorable, the last span of the Ohio river bridge, at Louisville, will be swung within the next fifteen days. The Carrie V. Kounta arrived st New Orleans on Friday. She run Into the bank some distance this side of New Orleans, but sustained no serious in. Jury. : —Six Inches of snow fell at Atlanta. Georgia, on Friday, the heaviest Salt sines 1843. People near the mountain. report an arrows of 13 Inches. —The Nellie Rogers was announced to leave Cincinnati for St. Louis on Satur day, and the Camels was expected to arrive there the same day. —The Mary Ann, New Orleans to Pittaburgborse at Cairo on Thursday, and the Alps left there the same day for New Orleans. • —The Bellevernon. from New Orleans, wee at Cairo on Thursday. and the Bal. lie was at Laulsvilld the same day. —The Bailie arrived at Cincinnati on Friday, and will probably iota= from there to-New Orleans. —The price pad for the Marcella by her new owners was $12,000. She wu built In Ju1y,1863. IMPORTS By 1141.1.R0AD, .PITIRRITROH FORT WAIN' AND CHI CAGO RAILROAD. Januaryls.-100 kr harm J H Parker; 400 ski dour, 100 bbla do, owner; 50 bge timothy seed, .A Kirk. ostrick & Co; r pkgs liquor, A QNe Grew; 30 bbla cranberries, Volgt, M & 03; 56 bdts fellows, Hardman & Son;. 100 bble dour, G NVllson; 100 do do .1 4 A Dells; 2 pkgs butter, El Rogers; 7 boxes cheese, NEI Braden; 6 kin lard, Shlpton & W; 4 rolls leather. / M Delange; 1 car barley, McKee, S & Go; 2 cars limestone, Laughlin & Co; 1 do do, Shoenberger, B & Co; 50 bbl, oil, G E Palmer; 20 dozen brooms, J Porterfield; 07 tslle shovels, Myers & A; 2 bbl. hems, J A Graff; 2 do do, Vangorder & El; 0 dressed hogs, H Rea Jr; 4 pkgs butter, Bruggerman & 0' 67 do do, W H Graff & 0o; 1 car hay, CLEVELAND AND PITTEWHIGH HAIL. span, January 15.-2 care ore, Bug & Co; 1 ear do, J Reamer; 11 do Iron do, -860 onberlter aßi 4 do ore, McKnight, P & Co; I do o do, Hutchison, O & 03: 2 do do, Hfxtso, O a D; I do 2 cars do E . 0 Totten; I do pastes, Woodworth .8 D; 2 do do. Bruggerman & 0; 1 do lumber, R P Burgon; 2 do Mayes, Pittsburgh & Connelsville R R; 3 has Air batiks sM & Co; 55 is pipe, H H ksoata, J. & W Pr&ly; 0 kge lard, P s pan' a Bon; 20 skit barley, McHenry & IL; 1 car corn, Mcilane & .6; 83 skis oats, 10 do rye, W H Nantker a Bon; 2 bbla beans, Ido d apples, 1 do eggs, Head & Bl; 20 pkge sundries, Woodworth &D; 87 bales b corn, McElroy a ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILEGAD. JED 15.-1 car hay..l B McKee; 8 do lime. stone. Bhoenberger & B; I do metal, if Woodsides;l3 aka flour, K Hazleton; 1 bbl poultry, Ido eggs. Paul & O. 2 d bogs, Ptiellers & is,; 1 car rye. Dan Wal. lace; I do do, W 51 Meek; 73 cars coal. Kier, PaK;47 do do, Armstrong, D a I Co; odo do, Coleman, A a Co: 37 eke wheat, E T Kennedy Eng 104sks corn, 23 do wheat, 6 do' rye, Scott a 0; E can P & m Nlmick &Col do do, - McKnight. etal, 00. . _ PrThresradtr, enrciewari AND ST. Lowe Barsmosii, January 15.-1 car feed J t3chnapp; 69 ha' paver, Pgh Paper Mont Co; 80 bp corn, 4 bbla potatoes, W H Hagan; 4 liddruHaya & 81; 1 bhl tali low, A Wilson; 18 oats, J Babellrie; 58 bag oats, 8 dodo wheat, P Schield. 17 do hlineYi. _5 &tut lard, 2 do butter, Ido eggs, meanor r; 27 s corn, Ithlnehart El;it. Har pe 15 do meal, Bboe lo ntaker d L; 6 do do; 6 bbl. flour, PG Craighead; 1 bad d peaches J A Graff; AISZOILINY STATION January 115.- 2 cars haler', J Rhodes At Co; 2 do wheat, T Kennedy & H.:1; 10 dos brooms, J A Soot': 5 do do, G P Comley;96 aka resod, M B Suydam; 100 tads flour, 11 Knox tk Bon: 1 cut raga, J B Jones; 2 oars metal, Pah iron 42930; /062 pigs lead,' Beams? Bauman tt Go; 12 kg' p harbor, 0 HIM 2do do, J Lookban. _ • -.ra ~ SPECIAL NOTICES Ir'CONSUBIPTION. DR. SCHENCK% P U LKOIIIO EYED! for the cae., of Cough., levies and consuniptioo• care of SEAWEED T.1N1 , 1 for the care of ityspepada and &lithe Debilitated Condi tion. of It, Stomach. '" ' • DR. KIDSFICKS YANDSLICZ PILLS. for Illoeuees of the Liter or to act •• • 4hunla Retire. AD of the. three htedlel ?ea On often required In teeing Consumption. though the Pulmonle Vg!tlr ,t , t 4pl'alg.ft'sd' A "A.'t o h 4 nnig blow. acnels, uy which means cure le seen el , ""1. • , Timm Medtrines are bontelentiouslyoffered to the Cub'le ae the only eve, certain and tellable remeey for leitimotaly Consumption, and roc all those Morbid condition. of the bodyhich lead to that fatal direare, Liver Complaint w and fly.. petiole, are often forerunners or COnannlPLlala and le,en they mantfertthchircliea they require the motprompt attenCon. The Pulmonie Penni in • medicine which has bad eong probation before the pubilL 'tavola. hes prove per iodhe thousand cures it bar male through • • of more than thy- Ova years, in all of which time lia reputatio h o. In• emo t ed. atid the mostWet' nine anepllento eta no 'Darer doubt that it lea remedy which may be lived with confidence in all gapes which admit at a cure. If me patient will perseveringly follow MO di rections which accompany each bottle, be will Certainly be cured. if his lungs are eat too mach wasted to mate deur, posit It. Seen in cue. ssittlerned to be Incurable. when Mende end phy- Means have despaired, the um of this Medicine bee saved the life of the patient and restored him to perfect h.alth. Dr. Ikhenct does nOt gay wit h in ew te a chm. layman, cow:mention IMO the of els Melee. but he emphatically ascot. that ellen when patients hare toe most alarnsingermptoras, ifi loth at • violent mmlth. creeping colitis hi t sweats , toe heal deb Ilty, et, n to such a deg •• that they are oblieed to Ile in bed, and wh .a to,' t oe "teen pp by tkelr physician they may s al be cured. when .deal reatment. can create n w lungs, hot the Immo are very sed.y d incased find to wine extent deltrored, a sore may be