OAZEIr *0.v...~ RRID & 00. °fflio. " 4l4 " 4 86 Piirth Av ow s. D. Minim T. P. sou6ri7l, Baas gas IFICIUMIII Or VIM DAILY. 011171aS. per Nat FIRST EDITIOI. JrIIDJMIGHT. VPW, YORK CITY licv Congressional Printer—Creel Iteni! Meeting—Bank Defraud era—;From Onba--Itallread In : Inaction—The Me Strikers Beecher Accepts Increased Nil st 7, gai reppoili toile ritual*: 6rtetta.l • • • l'lgw. 4 BbhifiJau. Hy 1870. • _ • . • Tall ConatusaparrAL raprrx.a. Haug; M. Clapp, la a ' - Private letter Iticc=akist,„ Ladd! et c. /. refairtugto the - 16werch seat - tri Washington, w hlehlitataginentatanee thet tbe Ca reports as to theollioe of Congiasekikki Prialar la said to show that trout 11105,000 to ;UMW had been recklesall need, inn: that so far from Ude Wing true, the . laot hi no charge' has — best Made to OrrCgreea of any character .salbsitersat efpinst .111 m, and hence no in. . I,oll hMtioU has taken place, He says 'the whr;le affair la a oonapiraoy to damn him ."..ithent triaL magruca or CRIDITORS. The creditors of George U - ndetblll met 4 111 64anirnins coition 'aontetbibe *vot. . ton Weir , affairs linos the - J. discovery of A. Underhill's defahati o n. finch sympathy was expiated for the losses of 'lmam, and ovary disprolttonetnnett Mosamtomodate them. A cash delldt of 1280,000 ban thus far been disoovered end oil and mining stock securities to the amount of $215,0011 hate, been . found in , • 10 .17riderbIll's private dresser. ' Theme T are nearly all worthless atpreaent. is not likely par value was paid for these stooks, but their purchase doubtless mat a large sum. As every ebtry will have to I be examined which has been made with in the last five years, a long time will be requital ihr 'proper • - investigation. 10 the meantime the firm are mending to all • Oteirixrrespondems a statement of their ragactive amount., a uest ft be eilitaloOd. The with known req debta th o at f the comers foot up about 11580.000. Their . Mock la !awed at gantkan They will Pl7fitly or seventy omits on the dol DAN! DETRAIJDNIM Doneland, the alleged principal In the conspiracy to defraud the Fourth Fe. Clonal Bank, has surrendered himself glven'hall. • .Oakley the cambiar of the . Mari:dents Etahange Bank. has also given himself uw and has been balled In .1000 non a deficiency of 116,000. The bank will reales 175,003 upon the tobacco owned by Cornelius Oakley. Whieh they kave Wien posseetuon of. FROM COMA. The Spazdah Consul lute reoelvea the Ibliewittir dispatch, dated Havana 14th: .Just commenoed large operations, the Calarts having at tint liro lost eighty killed also . nve chiefs. Teo hundred it= la have surrendered at Sante and three hundred sad sixty at Clubs and three hundred negroes es aC Vali& Th ey are taterly.illecour- Aged." • • - ACCEPTS ERIC INCREASE. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher tido morn. tine announced to Ma tion that be decided to receive the - o er recently made aim of the advance of salary from i 111,500 to 120,000 a year. The' Brat Intl. anation be had 'of much advance having Wee resolved on was from the ne ws. • . . 1 • ' - .1111Q01131. CC6144131110. Tbaing oast In the hOnsiektatof Canted Otterieher. on New Yeses day, In N. /bib street, hams his death to Mords Kehneaged eighteen, him father being an aneemectry.' Both have _bees. oeinitted Ibr trial.. The boy nx itthalts the 'stabbing, Wettish= that it was done In edittle• RAILROAD INIIIRCTION. It IS repotted id Irdnnothso le to he ap• •= l, ciltr restralnifir the , Lake Shore Company from paying a divi dend upon tta stook, .the ground that the money Ibr the pupae, had been borrowed. The rnmer la not authentic*. DDT:DODDS FLRX 11311211N510N.. - lb@ Osaiwyreica mays Marla A Lord, in Use dry. good' Arad°, b been comp paled to anatemd Mama!' baring as paper of &malt Bros. McDon ald d Modolemoneolan jobber; are Mao masted suspended. , Tall Was The Eris strikers hated Information there wl/1 be a general strike along the Ilse on Ito , unless the Oompany Mast:ate the dlsaLarged. men, of ertilen therein.= no proteeillty. == The AmMom of Internal &MIMS here hare agreed that the law requiems tea payers on the annual Ilia to make re. edema during March and ikpril, instead of Mier and June, should be enfozceel. SITE GOLD' . ileripantatAnna (Milroy, of the tint. led Stake -Mena of Representatbres, be here to sub us • witnesses for the Vow. =Masai Hankins relative to the gold -o Investigation. erniesisos oornrinittee • Theifccniandurfrage Ow:mention today resolved that - political enfrineldsellent would rusks women more seltrellant and able to pr to luutina,p,bstwato s•=iLl zrlox. The boiler bf the steamier Partheols ex Lang Liana &mond Tnandwr. Mengtneere were seabied. end Initwo - Tendg died. Tbs newel inn badly In: • e A TI1T:1017r3to NATOIL erhigdy tahe place between Glee.. *. Daher, of atniail. and George - Arnisburg, oeZilew York. - The ateemere Cube and Latsiette hare lieteed tem Iht.rpo. IUMBBIPPL Tie legialatare—Astepasa • et larats. tassel Asseslawas—Ges. litemaPs DccUaatisi et the Favtalenal Ger. Of ammo, to tG rutemma ilasesis4 JACCOON.JIMIIifyIfs-;The Legislature eflskM raided the 14th and 15thAmend lassia The election ftw Unload, Maas 011111StOr Will occur on Monday. B. G. *Weston, F. M. Flower and Maj. Gan. Ames Ere promlniut General the Aleorn's letteeir all to datek General Ames, deotlnlasthe prod t gym, norms% says: ..umsag from milltary althorlty and Subject for anus to the saltai7 power, the fitness of. tamp ,ap. -poem to me to babld my acceptance Olt while I bold - the immediate provost of the position of, nail Governor •by mag anetanaust scoeptable to my lastbste as Ametioureittzetl—tbst of 'popalar Maas . I maY perhaps be Indulged In t h e f ran k conhogos that under the M. lowahlp, of error and cheatemment by pie, which I am bound to the southern peo. lam constrabied (ro w arm of my hurt to drawback l o ce, part In the government by any other sigMthan that of their own conscience." BOSTON. Thu City Treasury Essbeuleasent Gest Diautssaml Pia lining. ter tweensa io Me titatnntaemer..l , ttents, Zan. 7b. The detainment repotted In the Houton City Memory la charted Upon John W. Collins, late of California, a dark entruted the duty of mein the Interest on the ally debt. He into old crams ce ted ,o to f which h coen la ver m 50,000 coupons by pponbllee. -He had onabontjEooo, with which he was Mont eta hand ttlne upon a European tom% The latter Sum wait !band in his desk. Total eminsmenient la from 510,000 to 00 510,0. ,Coliltui to custody. • • Thos. F. IL Hawley was attained to. dayohniniol with embel thiiisso,ooofrom Lis employer, • men:bent tailor in Elm MIN& Ifs waived an exestunatten and Inc eotintlitted 'for Mil itt &Omit at telL Hawley sties be inn about il O In publishing a paper can e d it , Map and has expesitted ootudder• able smooch' for good tlinnem and Ate ••- • ' „ - - '( - 11 ~,4t ZiPt \ , . IN L v. ) , REIN MY 1.P.Z1211% NEWS BY. CABLE. Enforcement if the Press Law in France—ft l weeution of Deputy Rochefort Threats by Radii:As —Earthquake Shocks—Heavy Gales on British Coast and Loss of reisels—The Connell at Borne—The Paraguayan War —Lopez Not Dead Not; Tan qulshed—Cnban Affairs—Be joleing In Spain Over Successes of Troops on the Island. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Bantle.] FRANCE, ' Pante. January 15.--The rioverntnent authorities . announce their intehtion to bring &alone 'gala* the, proprietors of thelleforts, a revolutionary organ, for violation of the press law. That paper haa violently attacked the 'government lately. Two Journals in the provinces will also be proceeded against Immediately for the IMMO Mme. • • The Parts oorrespondent of the Lawton "Tents states the Govennnent wilt mill itself of the permission of the Chambers to prosecute Rochefort. • The Perla linters of Wednesday were today Imintenced to prison. "Extenelveßepublican preparations are being made' for demonstrafion on the reception of Loden Rollin at Paris. It lereported u nanimously a Cabin meeting held toda y ikwas uresolved to continue the pustecutions against the violators Of the pone law.• Yestardey M. Emil °Meier created sensation by urging, in his speech belbre the Council, that the oneness against the press law be aribmitted to feriae. day the pteject was brought before the Corps Legtalatif. Judgment in the matter will be deferred until a ante can be taken on the subject in the Corps. Paws, January 16.—There was a great discussion in the Senate yesterday on the affairs of the interior and general domes tic policy of the Government. At the conclusion of the debate the Senate noosed a reoolation of confidence in ...I late Miniatry. Lathe Corp. Leglalatif yesterday, M. Kerr& moved that The debate OD the ar raignment of Deputy Emboli:o.i be post. pound until the 24th inst. M. 011ivier opposed the- motion, and the Chamber decided that the debate should commence to-morrow, according to the original pro position of the Ministry, by a vote of 39 to ID. Toe aercitoMcial journals assert that the malority in both (Members will sap. port the hlaniatry In the prosecution of Rochefort. Several deputies have reenived anony mous letters menacing them with w eans! violence In case the Chambers authorising the pro:locution. The radi cal Journals threaten merlons disorder should Rochefort be condemned. Shocks of earthquake were felt yester day at latch. In the Department of Gen. No Injury to life or property la reported. I Navy Yuan, January lA—Special cable dispatches from London to-day contain the following: The Landon Tribict Magee the nutfority of the Ecumenical Connell favoring In fallibility la 783. • The proposed eiMIMS In the ecclesias tic discipline were debated bb.. the Eau which has been going on for several days to the Ecumenical Council on the sub. Jeer, of ecclesiastic discipline was cocain. •d to-day. Bona, Jan. Ifl.=-TheConncilyeiterday held a eesalon which Meted four hours. The oldest legate present complained that many of the speeches made were too long and that some of the father' did not strictly observe the obligation of secrecy ha regard to the proceedings of CUBA HAVAXA,Ty 15.—The Gazette to day published dispatches from the in terior announcing the surrender of In surgenta in large nowhere. The Spanish troops in the Central Department' are on the march to attack the Insurgents, The Spanish mall Manner which sailed to day took a memorial s ign ed by Wu ands of Spaniards requesting the Cortes to defer the granting of liberties and reforms in Porto Rim. The document gives as a reason for thbe request that the granting of these levee will prove highly injurious to the muse of Spain in Cute, be used as t weapon seethed the Stanlarda and weaken the power of the Government. The redden& of Cubs at present do not desire such reforms, the country is un prepared to receive them and the people prefer to wait until Cabe la' represented in the Cortes. A cm loaded with petroleum wee Dunned at the railroad station this emit. lug. The dm, It Is thought, wasthought, mused by au bacendlary. GREAT GUFFAIN LIVERPOOL, January 15.—Heavy galas along the cossicontinue, and reports of dMaeters to shiPplog are constantly own. Irgr to hand. The following arerecolved ; The Glencoe, from Ban Function tot' Liverpool, experienced heavy weather on the 7th, shifted cargo and wee badly damaged. The shlp;lfenliwortb, from New Orleans Dec. 13th for Liverpool. was totally lost off Patrick's Causeway; eight of the crew were saved. Tobin Martin, from Falmouth tbr Philadelphia, sunk st sea. A squad of pollee In Cork were ISred at yesterday wbile attedlptlng to capture deader!. Considerable excitement en. med. PAR ARRAY Paws, January lg.—Advice, have been received at the Paraguayan Legation here which contradict the statement that President Lopez has tell Paraguay. On the contrary they represent that the war is by no• means ended, and assert that Lopez Is in the Great Cordilleras' with an army of eight thousand men. = . . Neareme, - January 16.—The Duke of lientiteneier has been congealed as a candidate for the Cartes from the city of There is great rejoicing here over tel• grains from Havana reporting Important moms= at the troops in Cuba. AUSTRIA: - VIENNA. .1 ,- alami 15.—Baron Vaa area. Minister at Fbastuas, L dead. •• FINANCIAL AND CONDI/RC/AL. Lennox January /4—Even6lo;:—°°n lobe olOs sd for Money. 023.; 0244' SnoriunL- , Amedrati Accuritlea quiet; b2A bond*: 02a, 87; 65e, old, 801 i; 1u 40e. UK. Stocks Quiet. Eris, 17.44; LLnoL 1013(; Great WeSern.2l%. Lnwaroo ; J anuary 14.—Ootton firmer; uplands 114; Orleans 1144 d; aalea 1,800 bales. Breadatira unchanged. Provis ions dull, ezoent bacon, which advanced be 2 Mailings. Other articles unchanged, LaNDOir, .limnatyl4.—Tgoow PASS. Jun. 14.z•Doings tim e d ( R i m, HAVRE, January 14 -oatton_ quiet. Anrwanr, January 14. Petroleum firmer. Fatzturonx. January 13.—Anterlaut Bonds duetted; 5.200 1862 quoted at 91,‘ PARS' January IQ—Bonne excited. Bantam 73f. 35c. The BrieSlayers,' Convention. thitcano, Jen. 16—The kricklayeni histionalOsnyention yesterday selected littabtugh as tbe_plac• for holding the next meeting. The report of the . Fi nance Cotitnittee was MAN showing the &eat reoeipts to have Irma - fi.ak totla - ax 111111k-Vaig balance on hand, 12,t 94. The 'duos far the coming year were fixed at nit, WELL The afternoon seesion was held in se. Crete at the clamor which libel:S=6nel= umber liattluteed, to the leoand Monday efaice TENNESSEE. The Constitutional Convention, tarTclearap► to the Pittatiar[heSseUt.] NASHVILLE, Jantotryls..a-In the Oon stittational Cow/amnion to day, Mr. Bax ter, Chairman of the Conitnittee on tho 13111 of Eights, reported beta a number of proposition% and asked the ComMit tee be discharged from the further consideration of the same. The request was granted. Geo. W. Jones, Chairman of the Exec utive Department Committee, reported an amendment to section PM of the 3d article of the Col:incitation,. striking out the words "and shall state to them when assembled the purpose for which they shall have been convened," and aubsti tuting for them the following: "In which he shall state to them specifically the warpage for which they are to convene." By this amendment the Governor is 're. quires' to state in his proceamation con vening the Legislature in extra session the purpose, for which It is oonvened,' in stead of stating them to , the Legialature aftiir it has met: • The Committee reported adversely on all other amendments referred to them. The report was road and ordered to be printed. A number or proposed amendments arm °Sand and • raderrad; nee id-Which provides that amendments to the Consti tution or the United States submitted by Oangresa or Lbnyentione of States shall only bo retitled or rejected by Legiala. tore. or Conventions elected after the submission or said amendments to the TheCoucentioit.adjciatned at s early hour to give the Committees an opportu nity to work. Materna, January lanehe's Jackson (Miss.. 6 .) speci AO, al says the Legislature yesterday retitled the Fifteenth Amendment, with only one dissentlnk vote in the , House and three In the donate. Egglimn and Amos will doubtless be elected .United States den atom. CINCINNATI. Fall ora Wall—lasurance Hull Ended Circus nap Artesze&—Revenue Col . By Teteerson'te tie Pittsburgh Gasette.l CINCINNATI, January 15.—Between four and Live this morning a stone wall one hundred Met' long and thirty leer high in the roar of buildings on Third street west of Elm, fell toward the Third ireet buildings, Crushing Mx klteitens. A wanratiloamed Heine, while making dre in as kitchen, was caught and held by the failigg stones till liberated by her husband; her leg was broken, In ,another house a boy of seven years, son of Andrew Demise; was killed in bed,. heavy atone falling on him. Of two girls who were In the same bed, one was slightly bruised and the other unhurt . The wall was owned by. B. liaeksntepe I and has been considered unsafe for two years. The great rain Grin* night was the immediate muse Bribe fall. the cult of the United States Mail Line &vim% inattrancecompanitai for the lose of the steamer America, burned Dec- 8; 1868, between Cincinnati end Louisville, at the time of the collision with the United States, which has been on trial before Judge Storer, of the Sups. Nor Court, all week, the jury rendered a verdict in favor of tho Mall Line mpg pany alter thirty minutes' consultation. Hiram Marks, connected with a circus troupe, was arrested on a warrant leaned by Judge Leavitt, on certified copy of an information tiled In the dhstrlat court of Michigan, Detroit, charging him with being engaged in the fraudulent impor• tatlon of horses from Canada. The total collections of I eternal revenue in the second district of Ohio for Decem ber amount to P 59,424, an increase over December of the previous year of '174,- 469, . ' [IT -I. Judgment Rendered Against a Default. er—prolectlve 'Perin AaioclaUen-. illatisp Duggan man insane Asylum— Agricultural College Lands—penstea, Vary investigiuon—Damaging Ihlngs Reported. (By Telegraph to the tittsberss estate.) Br. Louis, January 15.—Alexander Martin, referee to adjust the accounts of William J. Retains, Treasurer of the Western Boatmena' Association, charged with embezzlement, and against whose bondsmen suit has been pending a long time, rendered judgment today fir gff1,716 In favor of the plaintiffs. • The Protective Tariff Association Der toned an organization tanight by elect. log a full list of officers. A meeting will be held Mondaynight, at which ape/lichee for and , against protection will be made. The Western Worehnuin, a Cathollo journal of this city. In reply to a state- Ment made In the Chicago papers that Bishop Duggan Is confined in some eo. cleslastical Institution for znal-administra• tion of the album of hie diocese, says the Bishop Is pcntitivaly .Insane and confined In an I[l2ElO asylum of this city. • A &ate Labor blisalon has been formed here. The Lower limo of the Missouri, Leg islature los noised • concurrent non memorialising Congress to convert roln the Agricultural College lands spoor. tinned to this State to the use of the cow. man school fund. The Special Committee to Investigate the affairs of the PeMtentitry. report many damaging things, against various offioers of the , prison. 'Mao 'against the Auditor of the State, Thompson. Minh feeling exists end abusive cards amtlast the Committee are publishoe.4 . GEORGIA. The govrtalaturi—en Ex.Senel Member • Tales Beet Oath, and • Others Teething—The Cotat of tiptlry..- a (By Tolleiranb to the VlStatmuwt. Now Toast; January 16.'.—A special , dispatch from Atlanta Itth.' says: =The Senate met Ma morning. Collier. Who took the oath on the 10th, having made sppllest lort to withdraw his oath, setting forth that it was mule =dm., miaappre.; pension and partypreentre, was allowed to withdraw iLeuldby &vote of the Sen. ate his name was dropped from the roll.' The board of officers appdintsd to Inquire into eligibility allowed the name of Col.; Her to . pass. Collier was Judge of an inferior anti before 'hit - waren& /Nutlet, paled in We rebellion. Seventeen ,Dens. , oared', members of thealotumVand three' Decoocratio iSenstora, who were in the old organization and at that time took the :oath, deeming themselves eligible, have made written applications to be ro• !laved of. theirpolthcaldisattillilea and MM. to ;veld to . Pffilani!lud las the oath at !biennia. • • ' • In the Court of Inquiry today a plea wax entered by defendants' connect atralind the Jurisdiction of the Court as subvenitre of the' right. of defendants and of the civil tribunals, and claiming that Congress never intended to confer the prerogative upon the military poWer te.interfere In such manner with the re organization of the State. The Court was engaged all day In examining wit- RED RIVER COUNTRY. 'The Eapeetednind by ibe Manx itattans —Great &tenement at Vt. Garry. =1 .Csucaao, Janne* , 16.—A letter from Panda* dated tto 'lnunstUmet that the Mona Indiana at that lime were within three mUes of Fort Garry, and informed parties rent out by Real to stop tat they,were on the "war path'" the half , breed Insurgents and ns, instigated thereto by Showman who. assisted by the French, In* employed to do this work by Mo. Dongalt. Considerable excitement pre vailed at Fort Gerry.' t •• . Another *respondent Mi. that Don ald G. Smith. who was sent by the Sod- sop's .Bay Company to. anpensede.Gov. ItteTaviati, had publicly acknowledged 'the validity of Fairs government. There seems to be some prOspect the muttons of Fathers Thibault and Denalaberry . .bavintr; some -10100 1 15 . these gentlemen sewn Inclined to coo cede nearly every demand of the itumr. —Both ROClleil of the Hume' Leafs's,' tare havio.paseed resolutions-Instate:lag deleastions to Cowen. to vote further septetnistforum • fotpatalo EV& bullWaahhrton: alsoaslnng Bonaire to semen tabse"ttr Denten an what la knawn aa Black Bob Indian land& The later teinhelani,lt is add; retlec4 eta* what en Conireitman °hark: . SECOU fffiTlol. FOUR O'CLOCK, .4. Jr. THE CAPITAL. 'old King . Investigation—Dr. Livingstone, the African Ex plorer --After 'Murderers in Montana—Woman's Suffrage Convention—C'enference on In dian Affairs Congressional Temperance Society, Ike., te. ,By TeDino!, to the Plnsboritt (inn it.. • WANIIINOTON, January 15 Ind THY GOLD mutt°. The Committee on Banking, instructed to enquirk into the New York gold pante, heard to day the testimony of Hodgeklic dr Bonnell, bankers of New York, Mr. Benedict, late President of the Gold Exchange Bank, and Clout, late Calder Of the Tenth National Bank, New York. James Pak, Jr., Jay Gotad and Mr. Cor hin have been summoned to appear be. fore the Committee Monday. DR. LIVIIIOBTOPCIL. iett6r, dated kuudisiti Ooldhill. . Commi Webb, recelied at the State Departn3ent, states that a letter had been received at the Brinell Conan. laiefrom'Dr. Livingstone, dated .May 30th. Livingstone was at UAL "on. Yin. Yanyikl Lake, whore he had foiled his supplies: He was In gond health and virile, and, proposed traveling to the windward of Tanyanyikl, unless some boatmen and further supplies for which , tie had sent r eached VAIL Foote s MONTANA. Information just received from Mon tana Indicates that the most resolute measures to execute the criminal laws. of the. Territory against the murderers of Malcolm Clark, • prominent citizen of the .Territory,. murdered by the Bieck. Met Indians who were In the district, have been adopted. Oa the 23d of De cember Major Sullivan and Capt. Pope, amPMPlinted by 11. B. Marshal Wheeler and an adequate military force, left Helena for Seaton river to demand from the Blackfoot Indiana the surrender of thn murderen of Clark, and if necessary to arrest them by force.. SOFTRAO6 CONVENTION. Next week the National Woman'e Suf frage Convention will be held in this city. The leading objecte are stated to be the enfranchisement' of women in the District of Columbia and the plumage of the Sixteenth Amendment te the 4km 'stitution of the United States to secure that object. Rev. Han, Ward Beecher, - Mahop Simpeon, Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Theodore Tilton and others will be present. h• cransonag Inman& DelegatiOns of Cherokeee, headed by Mr. Downing, their chief, have arrived at Washington. The treaty made last year between them and the Government wet not ratified by the Senate for want of time, and they are hero more esp.- tally with reference to that nulled. RANK IN TIRE NAVY. • Tho Committee on Nara! Affairs have been considering the queatiotrof relative rank, butane only waiting to receive the report of the board on that subject before enibodylog their views in form to be acted on by the House. swarm AT - mos. ' The Comnalialoner of Internal Revenue taarserete4l2lo,Aameesora mss. mance work immediately. No 'penalty for refusal to make returns can, however, be enloroed before the first of March • - ' • Itaiti.4 AD/0111INAIILYT. An early adjournment of Congress Is favored and oonaidered practicable by • number Of members of Congress, some arguing that with industry the necessary business can be flniabed by the first of May. IL7VOT FROM HAWAII Today Elleha 11. Allen was Introduced to the President by Secretary Fish. and delivered his credentials aei.F.nyoy Extra ordinary from the Kingdom of Hawaii. The customary addresses were made. Wessimertore, Jan. 18, 1870. THISOOI , IOI 4 / 2 18101CAL TSIIIPETLAZICE SO• mazy held a meeting to-night at the hlelropol item Methodist Church. The house was densely crowded with ladles and gentle men. Senator Wilson was President. The Secretary read :be fallowing !worn metaled= of the Society • - Believing that the habitual use of In toxicating liquors as a beverage causes poverty, suffering and crime, that there is safety alone In total abstinence ' and that the p ersonal pledge and co- operative effort tend to secure and main tain such abetluence, the Congressional Temperance Society suggest and recom mend to Mandl:dater& and the churches, to all. temperance organizations and to the 'humane phihuithroplaus and earnest patriots throughout the land to bold simultaneous Meetings In their schools, towns. townships and city wards, on the =d of February next, the birth day of Washington, and unite in the organisa tion of Union Temperance Societies, based on the simple pledge of total ab. atrance from all that intoxicates, and to dopt practicable measures to have such pledge presented to sit,over ton years of age. .Thiste are thlllions of members of Christian churches, millions of chil dren In the Sabbath and public schools,' and millions of others who, It Is believed, Might_be Permaded_ Ott skalds theirthitb, trulb.and honor WWdir to •abatilm from the use of Intoxicating drinks, and this Seelig) believes If • cOuceitedi vigorous' and persistent effort were made to Mat end, one-third of theNatlon would, with in a few month!, -be thus pledged and Senators POmeroy, of Karam, Willey, of W. Va., Patterson, of New Ilampahlre,. and Suriongliam. of Conneettent, and Repreeentaltvei Whittemore, of S.C. and Peary, of Michigan, together with Vies. President Colfax., rearms:tire!, addressed the meeting. Sentitor.Wllas• saldli'weeprormsed to bold meetings every two week' during Ps • session Of .COngreesi if . churches could be procured ler that purpose. TOIDLLTt APPAL ix. A Joint meeting of the United States Indian Commleahmers, House COmmit• tee on Indian AZAD", Secretary of the Interior and Commissioner Parker was held yesterday at the Department of the Interior. Senator BuCklughani, °Mum., was chairman, and Jacob V. Far. tell, of lii.orecrelat7. Masan, Smoot. 001yerand Bishop, .ef the 'lndian Dim. Weal:t w irl= account of their rec ent viuggestions t n colibe tr ntry i tt n aeme s n u t w an it d . future policy towards the Indians. Commhathner Bishop said that one serione - f,ohjectkin to - the prelatic matlagetsansot tkistribee 'wee the' con stant °tangs of agents and sometimes of policy. Hardly any agent stifle present time *has been with the tribes " they have change of for over six! Months. tlicamasklner , L ane„ . of Indiana add he' thought we should _. make so more treaties with - the - Lathan; and thought Com Missioner Colyar'a pro! posit fbr a cods origin and constabulary good; - Dolniniadoner Col,yer exineinded the session with an earnest. Emma for the Indiana in Slate, giving a favors. 1 2 / .... °49 0P01 or: both Pimple and country. woluuripmEr's ADDBX6II The committee of the National Labor Union Oongremm of America, mudding or Richard P. Tres'Rick, ,President, Alex. Cam bell, of Illinois, John Ma gam, Of- and A. N. Pruitt, of India npeopl a, are here, prepa t nited Statesing an address to the eof the U, . tins firth the demands of the working. , , metrof thenation. • 'Pin — Lam iII bt In Baltimore; Ttititnil to tai PI mann a...0m0 - Rummona, Jaonary 'o'clock this craning a Eno Woke' out ,st No a North Calvert street, opposite Bark naM's RoteL The lint and second stoner - .ere occupied' by Ch her Smith as a. barber shop and Lathing booms Rho icea - estimated at POO% covered by the Intarance. The•3d floor was occupied. by 4 W SuMmarilidd as a residence.Ml be 11,400 and covered kr, inaunnee. The stook la the adjoin ing atorav AN *lightly damaged bY kwater,. The canoe of the fire un known 0 BRIEF TELEGRiIit; —The telegraph atria() at New York la conalclered about at an end. —Eight of the striking telegraphers at Nqw Orleans went to work on Saturday. - —Governor Warmouth, of L(10 1 1111 , at has signed the bill repealing Up gam bling law. thunder —A heavy rain al . t orm, with hunder and lightning. prevailed at Clitomositl, yesterday afternoon. • , ~.., - —The Stanton Fund has retie one hundred thowand dollars and embus to grow much larger. , , —A strike in probable on t . Long Island railroad In consequence . . re. duction of the wages of ensplo, —The gas works building at . ratogti N. Y., was damaged conside ly on Saturday by an explosion and " pe of gas. Two workmen *ere in) . —Walter Grad= killed Sam el Otto with an axe In the woods nearltochs. ter, N. y., on Friday. ast, Mahatma W- I tereation. Both were wood choppers. : —A severe ralri and wind starve pre. railed at Louisville Saturday night and. esterday. All tbestrearnsarpr ce r rap- idly and threatening destructi appro. pey. - ' •••• . —Rev. Beef. J. Rowell, BaotWt Minis, tar, or • Grenthopper Fa ds, -' tut. aided Tuesday last. He has. - fe. in Licking county, Ohio, and throe Wren in lowa. . • , : we, steamer Nlpsia of Darien expedition - starts from New k t 0... day. The steamer Tenth' and middle Gerard, comprising the rest atlas fleet, will be Off soon. —The old Battle Square chmh, Bos ton, took fire tut evening fro Wen over heated flue. The relics of revolutionary times wore fortunately saved :from ex tends., damage. —During the past year over eighty thousand dollars' worth of goods were stolen from the Hudson Itiviantallroad by thieves, who broke Intocars along the route and plundered, right and loft. —The Barlingtortand nfluouri Rail road le now completed to Omaha, and trains will commence running to-day from Chicago to Omaha vie the 'Chicago and Burlington Railroad, to , . Connect with the Uuion Pacific. - Hays has brought aft it St. Louts for $50.000 damages agabuit Geo. H. Hoe and E. D. Jones for detention' ,iad loss of goods. auppoeed &belong to Perry Fuller, seised hero last Be_ptember at the Instance of the First National Bank of Washington. —Havana loiters of January 7th- and Bth say the insurcenus are again over running the districts of Mayon:no and Manzanillo. The Spaniards express the bade, military operations having been active and suceensful, that tits Moo Villas district will be entirely pacified shortly. —ln the Brooklyn election fraud cases counsel for the defence on Saturday Wade application for full inibrutatlou as tolbe proceedings before the grand Jury In eliciting the evidence taken, &r. They claim that such proceedings should be published. A decision was reserved by Judge Pratt. —Leo Balskv, • Russian, wedding with a mistress at No. 23 Bleecker street, New York, was dangerously stabbed Bator day night by Dan Media, said to be a' grandson of Commodore Biddle. The Letter hasgiven bimeelf up, and chime that Belsky assaulted him first. Bolivar with • sister of Balaky's. —At Bryant's Station, Ky., Thnradav morning of last week, a farmer named Gaspar Gregg shot and killed Albert Love, colored; for an alleged attempt at assault while Intoxicated. Gregg was arrested and doubtless will be tried in the United Mateo Court, therlbbelog no other than negro testimony. —The ice in the Maumee river broke up Saturday afternoon, carrying away a portion of Cherry street b rad ladq Ohio. Th e railroad ' • ... • • ter - Injury, - and nodamage to stocks or chipping Is reported. A large quantity of corn wail doatroyed oh Mao awe flats, ten miles above the city.' - —Port-au Prince winces to December Ifith state the revolutionlats deutended the surrender of refugees who hadtaken abetter In the American consulate, hot were compelled to take the hack track. and apologize by the British and French men of-war, 1 1 / 1 n12101210111 to his mundane. by our ConsaL Balnave bad been cap tured on a schooner endeavoring toes cape to Cuba by a revolutionist war steamer, taken to Porkan•Prince and imprisoned. The French and English commanders were assured thM pile. N o on a n t nd t wold be he t re wouldreated witbe h considers. no blood. shed. 01110 1T Ns. Timms is to be a new Democratic paper ri amnion. ' - STANTON is to kayo a MOIRMICIit, a Elteobentille. Gov. Tanana le reported to be In de clining health. Ehnen last July the Knights of Pythias Late increased lrom 300.t0 2,000. A LADY In Oallipolis has during 1869 kept as average of twenty hens, which yielded 2,830 eggs. Tug modest village of New Salem wants a new county made (or ft from Wayne, Medina and Ashland. AT Akron a MA IS In trouble because, in rescuing a young lady from drowning, be pulled ber out by the ankle. AT Van Wert, a little boy of six yaws named Bison, had his arm and shoulder terribly torn bya ferocious dog. • Tux Bellefontalne Postolllce his been robbed twice of late: The Wit time the thief got one hundred dollars for his pans. AT Millersburg, lut week, Andrew Farra, an old citizen, fell while descending being stairs, broandken. wu instantly killed, his neck, W. J. HALL, an old citizen of Upper Sandusky, reventr•four years of age, wu knocked down In his room last Priday and robbed of $ O. A YARD= lady of Alliance has been in • trance state lot six weeks, and her husband refines to aced for *doctor. Be says be intends to enJOy a quiet time as long as possible, Tug new Methodist Protestant Church at Dayton, In course of building, wu blown down by the high wind on Sunday night, making considerable to. • It will be rebuilt immediately. Taa Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, of Indiana, submitted his triennial report to the Governor laud week. The number° of' children In that State Is 010,655,' of which 409 are colored. The amount la the school fund Is 0,3150.000. One million five hundred thousand dollars were spent last year for the support M . schools. Them are 43,700 male teachers and 4,274 &male teachers; pupils enrolled 409,916; average attendance, 20,876; num ber of schoolhouses 8,608, tour hundred and glee having been built daring the year. Five millions two hundred and elghty•fiva thousand one hundred Is the number of volumes In the township libraries. additional Markets by Telegraph. New OntMarm 'January 15.--CMton quiet awl Arm at 14ffcc sales 8,100 bales; onsdpts 10,488 balm; exports 11,!08 bales. Flour . scarce, cud Ann. at • 16 . 50 06.25. Corn soiree and grocer, at 1411014 g Osta at. 700720. Bran at 111,50. Bay scene and firmer; prime at 450. Pork at VA Bacon dull at 1551018X017c. Lard dull; *biros at 17e; keg at 17yo. rropar, prime at 1114012303. prime at 671089 e. Whisky at 00o€0 aa Coffee firm and unchanged, C101d,114 - sterling, 51 ii. New York eight exchange . BuyiAlo, January 14,--Beeves; oelpte fbr week 5,300, ahipments 4,700; marke4 closed weak and Ilhaleas and lower. Retadtda 07 bogy 110, and market , wear fair &hippin and lOWer gsteam 118,W40 fbr common to ,75 extra. sheep ; romipts 11.800; common no lbr minal. lower, prints to aura unchanged. ggwooo„Tan. 15.—Beef cattle steady and moderatal7 active 144 1 11 1/5,50 for common to extra cows, 10415100,50 for good monotone. Hogitflrm, steady and ' packing demand fairly settee at 18,260 8,65 Mr common. 1 8 ,7508,90 for fair to me di um , g 469,28 for good to cholas. - BT,Lovis, January 18.-Cs ttla weedy: 406140 for fair to prime, 0000 for choice. Hop miler; light to mo o Nei 63(et pecked to date, 25,774 average welght, 110.199 . • STATE MEALS MRS. HANNAH LLOYD, aged 73, died Lit week at Hollidaysburg. EBENSBURG Jaye claim to having as a, eit!zen the bort chess player In Cambria county. BRIDORViLLE, Sullivan county, Penn sylvania, rejoices in an old lady I named Hoyt, 93 years- of age, who, a few nights ago, attended a hop at West fall's hotel, and. went through all the mystic rounded the mazy quadrille. A CLATIIVOTAPT physician named Tay lor, of Erle, who was some emu since married to a Miss Lint Mete, has been arrested at the instance--of a woman from Madison, Ohio, who claims him as her wedded lord. He was held to an swer the xharge of bigamy.. • Last. In= the annual election of offi cers for the Ebsmsbnig ntid Cresson Rail road Company was held, with the follow ing result: President, A. A. Barker; Directori,..T. T. Firth, El .T. Lorninert, WiptarMonia,-Josiah Bacon, E. Roberts, Geo. J, Rogers, Thee. Griffith, James A. Moore, John William% Jon. B. Myers, H. Jones, Abel Lloyd. "Tzar have a prohibitory_ liquor law in Blairsville, passed by theLegislattire two or three winters ago, and approved by a direct vote of the people. The law has been strictly enforced :Intl! recently, When several parties engaged in a hotel and saloon business concluded, that they would defy it openly. For this they were Indicted and tried at the December term of the Indiana county Court, the matter, of course, creating great Interest and excitement. All who were indicted were convicted, and fined $1,400 in the aggregate, and five of them, including ono woman, were sent to jail for filly days each.. IT Is proposed to extend the Hunting. don and Broad Top Railroad southward from Mount Dallis, its present terminus, to Flintstone • Maryland. Some New York capitalists have recently erected a large furnace near Hopewell, and have it in successful operation, making iron from coke made from the Broad Topcoat In. veatlgations have discovered large de posits of iron ore in what .is known as Black Valley, which extends nearly the whole distance along the line of the pro • sed road. Ia — addition to this, the Cambria Iron Company, and other largo capitalists, have made heavy investments In ore and coal lands In the vicinity, which give promise of early activity in that hitherto undeveloped section of our State. Poem/arra.° Exitaat. Cneaswata, has made the following postal changes in Pennsylvania: Doylestown, Franklin county Isaac Clugaton, vice John Goehorn, re signed; Harnedeville, Somerset county, A. R. Stuimbert, vice U. B. Lechleter, resigned; Racoon, Washington county, C.: H. .Belsky, vice J. McFarland, reelected; Vacuteville, Washington county, L. Vane. man, vice A. 0. Day, resigned ; George town Beaver county, G. W. Calhoun, vice C. Calhoun, removed ; Parmuus, Westmoreland county, W. R Logan, vice J. T. Eeder, resigned;.Corydon, Warren county, E. Sunderlin, vice C. P. Bailey, resigned; Williamstown, Dauph. in county, C. Swab, vice George .11ein, resigned; Linden, Lycoming county, Jennie Donachy, vice Ellen Donschy, resigned... , Paris, Washington county, Martha Redoute, vice James Finley, re. signed ; Chenango, Lawrence county, William Manning, vice A. P. Shaffer, re. signed; Wiminieco.- Dauphin county, B. P. Ackley, vice 11. Kendall, removed; Beaver Springs, Snyder county, B. L. Rodnebusti, vice Adam Specht, resigned; Line Mountain, Northumberland county, Daniel Rimer , vice Polly Maurer, signed; Rich fi eld, Jackie county, R. C: Landis, vice D. G. Shellabssger, resigned; Spruce-Hill, Juniata county, William P. Patton, vice Daniel COLID, removed; Or bisonia, Uuutingdon county, T. B. Grid. eon, vice 8. J. Cloyd, resigned; Botha-. vine, Lancaster cottnty,..J. Seldemordee. vice John Lowey, resigned; Collenbure ; Clarion county, Joseph Miller, vice W. C. Mobley, resigned. tiENERAL NEW& A OKRICAR his discovered a new kind of minting Ink superior to any now In use. The essential part of the discovery is that, by a peculiar process, the ink can be entirely removed from the surface of the paper at a coat of fifty centa for every hundred pounds of printed paper, and the material is then ready for use again. Tug planet Venus can now be dia. tincUy sees with the naked eye at mid. day, when the sky is clear. It Ms reached its period of greatest brilliancy, and seen through the telescope ' , presents the appearance of a wandering crescent. It is rapidly approaching the sun, and will reach its inferior conjunction on the .23d of February, when It will cease to be an evening star. • Bruen the publication of the letter of Professor Gneist, there Is cause for the suspicion that all the Berlin testimonials of Dr. Bac:cope are counterfeits, except, if the Schceppe confined In Carlisle is not the one spoken from Berlin. This will become triniparcat soon. Before long the Rev. Schmidt, of Carlisle, will have to come forward, as be pretends to have known Dr. &kappa six years ago, as an army surgeon. In the Pruisia•Austrian war against Denmark. This poaltion be could not have had it he was convicted the year before the larceny. Tire news from and about Dominica makes It tolerably clear that, In case of the annexation of any part of that "Re. public," we shall have a good deal of fighting on hand, which will probably last for some time. In considering the negotiations for the leasing of the Bay of Bernina, or any . of the negotia tions with President Baer, It would be well for Oongress to bear this fact in wind: We can, of course, "whip" the Dominicans, or any other enemy who dares to light us; but still fighting can not be called a matter of economy- or pleasure. Tem Secretary of Mar has made a de tailed statement of expenditures made under the provisions of the act of 1809, appropriating 12,000,000 for • river and harbor Improvements. Among the allot ments are the . followilm Superior City Harbor • g 44,00 Green Bay 44,500 White River -44,500 St. Clair Plate. ~... 142,500 Des Moines Rapids. 1711200 Falls of. Ohio 178 200 Rock Island Rapids, 136,650 Mouth of Mississippi River.... ... . • 04,850 Teanessee River 40,000 Boirale,Harbor . 89,000 Chicago 29,700 Michigan. , 81,185 Fon some time past active negotiations have been carried on between the Erie and Athuttio • and Great Western Rail ways. An arrangement has been finally concluded between the contracting ppaarr tura:which arrangement places the Atiak tic and Great Western Rood, by the direct sanction of. the Courts of the three States, New York, . rennsedunla and Ohio, under the control of the Erie Railway, thereby givingthelatter company, under their own contror;an unbroken. Du be tween Cincinnati, Cleveland' d Nev' R York. The Erie R. Co. pa &item 80 per amt. of the gross earnings. , other respects the lease is similar to that of tut Spring, with the exception that the 30 per cent. - shall be applied for we. benefit of the bondholders. Pnov. Hauronn, of the liniversity. of Melbourne, Australia, may be remem bered by some as the esithualutic Intro ducer of a, cure for poisonous snake bites, and who allowed, himself to be biiien by a snake and nearly lost his life by the failure of his darling nostrum to counteract the effects. Notwithstanding the ridicule by which his devotion to sci. aloe subjected him on 'that inmaaion, he Las persevered in his efforts; and un doubted success has at Inn rewarded him. He has found an antidote for snake poison which has proved successful in the most critical awes. It Issimplyllotdd ammonia Injected Into" the veins. A. 'mall syringe with, a sharp point for the purpose of making the Injection is Mann facturedand sold in Melbourne, and now few travel In the country without ona. . El TIM COOKE SCANDAL The Prisoner Taken to the Tombs and Discharged—Why No Com plaint was Pressed Against Him —His Removal to an Insane Aey lam—His Explanation of the. Af fair, &c. . Wroto N. Y. World, Jon. .1.3 • The disappearance, return, and subs°. quent conduct of the Rev. Horace Cooke continued to be yesterday the principal topic of conversation throughout the city. Various opinions were expressed in re gard to the affair which has brought ,so 'much discredit on kis fame, and many persons declared their belief that the man Is either positively insane or In a mental condition closely bordering on insanity. Cooke remained all Wednesday night at the Beekman street atation•hodse, and was yesterday morning taken from that place to the tombs. • . 'AT THE TOMBS. There h 5 wee placed in the "dock,' with about forty prisoners, male and fe- I Male.: Ho WAS not; however, allowed to remain long in this disgusting and hu miliating place, ono of the clerks of the court ordering an officer to give him a seat on one' of the outside benches. Cooke looked wildly:about for a moment, and then sat for some time with his head bowed and covered with his hands. He did not seem to have recovered entirely from the nervous excitement of the pre vious night, but was muck more quiet in his demeanor and, spoke but little, his eyes, however, retaining their wild, fe verish look. HE TS vane RETICENT. William Barrett, one of rho Tombs squad, Who is a member of the Norfolk street Methodist Church, approached Cooke and questioned him as to whether his family were pleased at his return, and as to where he bad ken with Miss John. son. Cooke replied brnfly that he was greeted kindly by the members f his family on -returning, but declined to state where he bed been with Mies Johnson, saying that it was only a short distance from the city. 'The said that the ghl re. turned to her home as pure and virtuous m when he took her away.. He said that he went home about 8 o'clock on Wed nesday evening, and that he at once started for The World office. COON IS DISCHARGED. When Justice Cox took his seat on the bench, Cook was brought up to the rail ing, and, no one appesrieg to make a complaint, was discharged. The Justice said to him: "Mr. Cook, you have been I making yourself unenvbly notorious lately, but aa there is n iao complainant here I have no option but to dismiss the complaint. You are discharged, sir." Cook seemed to feel greatly pleased at his release, and with" a bow and "thank you" to the Justice, at once left the court room in company with several friends. THE LAST SEEN OF COOK YESTERDAY. One of these accompanied him to Broadway, where both visited the restau rant under the Merchants' Union Express office, at the cortter of Franklin street, and partook of some breakfast. Their next move was to engage a carriage, Into which they stepped,* giving the driver directions to take them . somewhere, up town. This was the last seen of Cooke yesterday. He did' not return to his !ms° in Seventh street, and at a late hour last night neither Mrs. Cooke nor any other intimate acquaintance had either awn or beard of him. Tagus TQ ea LISSAEZ AILYLUAL The reason why no appearance against Cooke was made on his ar raignment at the Tombs, was that his friends had given assurance on Wednes day evening that they would take charge of him. They expressed themselves ex ceedingly gratified at:his arrest, and felt relieved of much anxiety when they found that he was placed where he could do neitherkhnself nor any one else bodily injury. It is believed that his friends, in fulfillment of their assurance of Wednes. day night, have placed Cooke in =insane asylum; in fact it was so reported last evening, and the 'report was credited by many of the acquaintances of the man. wn:nns WAS COOKE DURING HIS ABSENCE? Where Cook took MitieJohnson the day they disappeared has not been ascertain. ed, both Cook and the Johnson family being very reticent upon the subject. I Borne say he went to Pniladelphia, while' others assert that he was all the time in Jersey City. At all events he turned up again at the Everett Haase on Wedges-' day afternoon about three o'clock, where he entered, aqd stated that be wished rooms for himeelf and slater,and registered the names of Frederick Campbell and Min Mary Campbell, Harrisburg, Penn. HE DISPLAYS NO NERVOUSNESS. The writing was ha a bcdd band that did not show the slightest sign of nervous. near In the writer. - He and his companion I were assigned to separate rooms; but Cooke did not remain more than an hour it the hotel before he started out and walked rapidly down Fourth avenue, probably on Ids way home, as he appeared In Seventh street at about that hour. He did not return to the Everetthouse at all, and In two or three hours Mr. Johnson came and took the young lady away, CRAVING THE PARSONAGE. The Onkel* of the Seventh Street Church having discharged Cooke from the pastorship, Mrs. Cooke was engaged busily all day yesterday In making preps.. rations to leave the parsonage. The hall was filled with furniture; carpets were torn np, and three or four young men were engaged In packing tip, preparatory to the mon. It la stated to be the listen- Win of Mrs. Cooke to return M the home of her widowed. mother, 'where she will remain mail Mr. Cooke shows a dieposi. lion to become a more exemplary mem ber of society or recovers from his tem porary fit of Insanity, if math should be the cue. • - Dineen/EOM Or URNTAL ngnartomenicr. For some time previous to the abduc. lion of Miss Johnson, Mrs. Cook had re marked the restless, uneasy, and singu lar conduct of her husband, his nervous. ness, or mental aberration, appearing to increase In the evening. While-sitting quietly talking with Mrs. Cook he would suddenly jump up and rush out the door into the street, only to return and repeat the mime thing, perhaps eight or ten times In the course of a single evening. A ma• jthitj of Cook's old friends state they have no doubt as to his insanity, and hla conduct In this melancholy affair would attenlyseeni to, indicate some distr. -, mrut of his mental faculties. MOUSE TO al;.1. BOX/MOOT. It erpPeare that Cooke informed his wife of the step ho was about to take. At the same time he said he could not explain why he was going to leave. His family received no intelligence of Ms. movements until his sudden and me g. meted return home on Wednesday even- Ws behavior was exoeedingly lent, and was more like that of a crazy than • sane person. According to a statement made by the reporter of as evening paper, he told his wife-that ho was a ruined man ; that ho had been abandoned by his friends, and that milt. ing remained far hien to do but to kill himself. Mrs. Cooke said to him: ' , Though all others forsake you, I will stud by yam. I will ever cling to you. Leave the ministry, and we will com mence life anew." The son threw his arms around his father's neck, and de clared that he, too, would never forsake BELEIMED OD ale PISTOL. Mrs. Cooke's mother, who was present at this time, happened to discover a pis tol in Cooke's overcoat pocket, and ad vised her daughter to keep away from her frantic husband. Mrs. Cooke replied, "Oh, no, he will not Wars me." this point, Mr. Cuter, 11 friend of the family, who was present, advised Cooke to desist from his mad , purpose, and embracing him, took the pistol from his pocket. The man, however, continued to, rare; and exclaimed, “Well, there is no use of farther talking; blood will wipe out this stain." Ho then telt for him pis tol and, discovering that it wu ozone, ten towards Third avenue, where litr. Carter, who pursued him, itost sight of the excited tstaa DIPASTItaIt. . The 'father of •Miss Johnson has mani fested no disposition to 1 lee Cooke brought to punishment lie speaks of him without bitterness . , and received the information of his daughter being at •the Everett House front Cooke hltnceil: The girl, Mr. Johnson. thinkk had ho idea of going away'with - Cooke until her Interview with Cooke opposite the school house in Twelfth street, on the afternoon of the disappearance. )3he bad Made an engagement to meet a schoolmate that , afternoon fertile purpose of practicing a duet on the piano. Hr. - Johnson is of the opinion that 'she went away under a sad den impulse induced by toe controtof Cooke over her mind through the affect. . donate:reverence he had eicfted In hex. Neither the manner nor language of the girl since her return, indicates • that she realizes the risk she has incurred, or that eho has done anything repreheuible. xn roracaemaoa.nre e NPo a n , The conduct of,Police-Sergesult San , ford;• in charge of lb. Beekman street station, on Wednesday night, calls for some attention from the prover authors. ties. As our readers have already been informed, Rev. Horace Cooke, the pastor of the Seventh street Methodist chetah: appeared..on that evening 'ln 27s _World office, and created considerable annoy , ' once there by his violent conduct, die. tubing the peace and order of the estab. lishment, and eventually assaulting ono of the gentlemen attached to thht paper. The clerk in charge of the publication office had the disturber of the peace re moved by an after - and than went to the Beekman etreet station - house to prefer the charge of creating a disturbance against him. Police Sergeant Sanford mated that . lt was necessary that the gentleman aseaulted should appear, refueing to bold the ae.. cueed on the charge of disturbance made against him. While waiting for the and. val of the gentleman assaulted, he made somewhat uncalled-for remarks. It was pointed out to him that it was a strange thing if Violently disposed persons could oe permitted to enter newspaper offices and resent imaginary wrongs by distur bance and personal outrage. To Ude the Sergeant replied: ”Well, now, you newspaper men are rather rough on people at times." "If so," he was answered, "there are legitimate remedies." "Oh, that's the only way to get square with you," replied SargeantElanford. "That la a most extraordinary remark to be made by the conservator of the I peace," retorted one of the gentlemen present. - This observation showing the official his questionable position, induced Mute make "a semi -retraction by, intltnl :raj-ether a private than an official o pin e o• lon he had given utterance to, forgetting that the admiring audience who listen to the words of wisdom dropping from high officiate are not always willing or able to distinguish between those which US Ota • clot and those which are only the private utterances of the not very important pri vate individuaL. ME TIED IN TES MUNCIE LAST NIGHT. - - • A portion of the congregation met in the basement of the church last night. Nearly all the elders and trustees were present.' The session was epened with prayer at 7:30 , o'clock, alter which an animated conversation on the on the abduction of Miss Johnston by Cook, took place. Although the pro. crxdincs were strictly private, enough leaked out to show that the clerical Lothario balsovered his connection with the congregation by his act. It was a remarkable fact that one lady stood up after the exercises and endeavored to de- fend him from the imputations cast upon his character while he was at Mamaroneck. COOKS 118110VKL. PI/OM THE PASTOBATIL At the close of the meeting, our report• er ascertained from one of the prominent members of the congregation that the trustees held a special session on Monday night, at which they formally. expelled Cooke from the church. Charges were presented against him, based on the facts which have been stated in The World. His absence, and that of Miss Johnson, led the officers to take eurnmary, action in the matter. The case is also to be presented to tho next Methodist Annual Conference for its action. REMOVAL PROM TER PARSONAGE. OUP reporter was also Informed by an' elder that Cook had left the parsonage next the church, and is now with a Mend up town. His wife is said to remain In the parsonage, but soma persons assert that-she followed her husband. Inquiry at the house last evening elicited the an• ewer: "Mr. and Mrs. Cook are not at home." TKE PULPIT TO BE PILLED NEXT EI:MOAT. The trustees are . now engaged In the difficult task of selecting a successor to Cook, but It may be some weeks before they succeed. In the meantime, the ser vices will be conducted by some other mlnlster. COOKE'II SZPLASATIOA 01, UlB ISTATO ECM To a reporter of the Times, who visited Cooke during his confinement at the Beekman street elation house, Cooke made the following statement: When I was eighteen years old I was engaged to be married to a girl about my own age. I loved her derotedly, and had every reason to to =Dere that my af fections . were returned. An /ant-of hers broke the engagement, how,l do not know, but viliginously. Te girl went to the West Indies, and I have not seen her sin= Upon leaving this amsr try she returned my ring, daguerreotype, letters, and all the tokens of affection Mat had passed betwen na. Her Image faded from my mind, and when about twenty years old I married my present wife. She wee and always has been the bat of women, and we never quarrelled during our long married life. Before entering the ministry I was an actor; and for siz months was on the stage of the Old Bowery Theatre. Up to the time of coat. tug to New York my life was a happy one, and as pure as befitted a Christian man and a minister of the Gospel I was never unfaithful to my wile in t he tight. eel degree, even In thmaght or deed, and the story in regard to my visiting Owes of bed repute Is. a fabrication, timely fake.. When we moved to Seventh street I became acquainted with Mettle Johnson. In item and lecture show= the counterpart of my , first love, rearm. tiling her in all respects. I became infest. 'rated. beyonli'control, and It was utterly beyond my power to resist the temptation to try and make her mine. But =bona loving her to desperation, I never had any criminal intercourse with her; and, so help me God, she Ism pure and inno• cent this night as an angel in Heaven. Oh, I was -a fool. to do such a thing. Don't palliate my crime, for I have anted most wickedly, and will bear any puni sh. ment that may be put uponme. to flee the country, and would bare done an but for that. infernal article In the Worldyesterday mantis ~ I t, s clear tissue of lies from Mend, and I could not forbear facing hint sad seeking veagmnce upon him. But for this I would never have been found out: It was this object alone which forced Me from my hiding place. I have not done with the writer of that article yet; and if I ever get out of this place (here the pris oner gnashed Ilia: teeth, and clinchin g a struck them wildly sok= the iron bars, adding at the same time with emphasis,) I will wreak a terrible ven geance upon him. Don't, don't 'tell any Ilea ammo, Int don'tpalliate my Mtme. Oh fool, fool that I was., My bead i s wild, and I shalllose my reason, ..God help me, I ant a miserable man. ma. cooan's calm. .The followinicMumunicationappeared. In the Transits of yesterday: -To CU-Editor Of as Tribune: -87 n: WM yon give the words of a criminal a place in your columns? ;r1 do not ask to excuse, myself—Oh. no I I only wish the truth to be known. If I could only write, 'I would ,ta THE WEEKLY fiILiOLTTE .• len lad aasput oceumracoaa astir M ,, nmiLlyea pubilahml bi Waters henzaftials. Ao thnusr. Issolusido or suothsal should bit 15,...-. • * Maim 5abeeritar5—................... ai Ile Clubs at1ve................,.. ...... fa • Chab or tau...:. 111 _, .. .. . A;oxii, lAqtualaaed aratalloaali toll. al ge liar_ aa of smi at tea. koausisters are maestel SO In MI Meat& 411111111.. PENNIMAN, REED a CO., varnished tale" deliver, but my head and my heart hurt mo so that L cannot. . On this day the young lady will be re' turned to her home as pure and as good as when I 'tint sew her. She has been with me ea my sister." Of course we did not inured that, - abut my wretched - heart stung toe at the hegioning,.and. my only desire is to repair (as far as I can) the in- Jury I have done to all my friendil-so good to me—and to the church—hut "the damned Mot" will near out. [Hatt's', ' the blots, they are caused by the snapping of the pen.] . . I wish that I Couldwrite, but I cannot. Let me male a few atatemezda, and 'tor Got's sake naizzvie me: did not—l ham not seduced Xiss ohms. .If I had, why shookkl bring her back! If. I-was, villain enough to ruin her, would,' not have been villain enough to keep her 1. It fa no feat of per sonalutthry that. .proMpti me,'beciatse I could Mare eluded everybedyN. and I em Miele nowand ready:to payeavy penally"the fanillY may reqUlre, o i don't let anybadythe'come 'nett' mei 04 inasmuch as. the. papers gay Taxa it must be that wotaricamirn. 2. I did not corrmpond with her when in Europe. ' • .kiestror tite. . day we left the city. 4. I was never in an assignation house with her or any one elm, in myiife. b. No "panel thieves' have blackmail ed me, and I defy mid challenge any living man or woman to lay aughtsphist my. character sineal'have been a minis. tarot the Gospel.'" If any body—psnef thieves or ,any elsd—have lettere of mine, let them publish them. Aa I hope for mercy—no, I don't hope foYany; but on my soui—on everything that men held sacred, even the moal.depraved-.4 swear it ie not true. I have done, wickedly enough, bat don't pilot me blacker than I am. What I was before I entered the ministry ought not to damage'my character or 'madly no R. Many 40tors are better than I am, and because I have turned out a repro bate, that Is no reason why each villain em tirades should be launched against the church. If I could be five minutes In thepresenco of the man who wrote the report in the Work! I would be satiathe, y chiefest anxiety le about the young lady. Oh, lam certain that those who know me, who have been fait/Wag cen netted with me, will believe we. I never did wickedly akklamaraneck or Plunbag. I don't wonder they write so, for a =II who should do as shave done, It is very natural to suppose, would do anything. Don't underhand that I am tofu to excuse myself. Lam not. I iwant net ther pity nor matey. Let that, be under stood perfectly. I say,- again, the young lady le pure sa now, and lam ready to do anything that will tend to contour my asaprtion. Pardon me for troubling you, and put this in good shape, for I can't write— although I want to. Honer Coors. Wednesday r. lc, Jan. 11, 1870. Haney Wean Bescusa asys that al most every scrape into which he ever fell his been in consequence of attempting to befriend some , unpoptdsr cause or some unfortunate man. • • kr is nmioied that Wagner' is about to marry the divorced wife of Herr Von Below. - She •Is the daughter , of Lintz and the Countess d'Agoult, and the aL• ter of the wife of Emile °linter. NEW ramnl;EßTlaiiriteNmi. • • • - Pftnistraoll. Jestaiey 12th. INTL; arra*: BOARD.OF MAN. AdNIII of th• BIONONGAHNLA NAV IGATION 0.1. have Ode ear decleree a dhldead the e s .:;" !A/PP/14°41MT fir 4:7.124% and a Halts elan., nee 01 U.S tax. Janable O. and after me Ilfthlast. &Moo/actor see Treas urer. No. VA Dlarand agree,. Pewit/Arab. • PJ7.70 • 1,11,-ItANILIViLL, Tressener. • . frf 00writocclitom Prrrefrratr. Ps., 4.1.1177170, 1810• SEALED PROPOSALS WILL freely...l4llloC oar* toJaaonry 25114 1810, for hunishhig the city with CITATION SIM and BLANB SOUZA. lord} B. J. ISrOOWAN. "ectrollier. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 1 ‘41.a hmbs siren th.t letter. rir ad. rhiaontl:gie r nri P iTi.t r it Doen granted to the midarstroast. Al pavane Indebt ed to Bald estate are ...tested to make payment. and Int. balrina.allll3. Inn Nemo them fog settlement. J alit= JOHN BIM. Administrator.' TVA. BETS, COFFEE URNS,' ce Pitchers. Cats Basks's, Berry Mims. • • B. :tee Bow s. Veldt Stands. syrup Pitchers, Thiddlog arid Pis Duks..• Knives, 'Forks and epooss, ic. aa.• Parma by L R. REED & sa as rITTEI AVXMIir. ATIONAL • ' B&NM. svocim 1Lp18i1 . 24 o T0tee.14%111.14:4/ ftgrgnat'/VOglillent d.l Wee Ea o. len bielthnsid street. 3 nun W. lIL National Il Warr. Virf:Zr !WA! i ll snares tile/ebony do.. , . 0 nt.'s „ do. do.. 100 snares raisins sundry...We TelerrsPh: 40 shares Ton Pitt Coal Works: II shares Wiscoasin and Lane Superior 411144i ukd niusitler Co. of Jillwslakee. iltell.WAlXl o e .. r ALT • Auctine. Notice Is hereby elven toet,tge C 04.111., nerehlp heretofore existing bet..ref ISTILAW, SAINT 4 /12012T01r,., Etas Tisige Day been Dirsoined. le; T. B&INT to aaiDorleea to - receve ersymeit of 011 - elalms sad mills the !mantas °rebel/Hi One. 4. C. 04041:144 E. 2'. SAINT. JAS. B. YORTON. Emialeisusil. Dee. 4 Le g% Ismnms WALL' - PAPER 1418reatly Reduced - Nees. •• 1 To make ahtl;reeetoOds. 'We Will 1111 the Int of ttherch eteiet noVltt4thee t Without liegaid to Cod, : HANDBOME PABLOR PA.PANi, DINING ROOM PAPUA. • • HALL. AND ONAMBIZEI AMNIA' I.lgo. • WV , / ••••rtmen• of CHEir ri.psOs' N 0.107 MARKET .STRERS; mskit irzein avranne. . JO& & . . E MATTER • 'ollrArnif - 1 - N MAPPLWATION 'et .. ibit; ClSlediali 'BMW pa ming sod Leen iluecialisu of hearparailp - aid Zan for • Mauro( Incerporesion. Apt now, to or* this 16th dal of Beueellisi: A. D. Ullikthe enthen petition aue lustrohluse of eirltins heeled teen presented to. penteed and erssuthend bribe Ceurt, &with. objects, ex:. theta sod cuddles& therein se tforthisul eels laud. sppeartez to he Iriti Cal add not Werke* It le ordered and directed that sold Inetnossit wallas belled Ihtha oaths of lb. Ilrenterleterty of thethoul of Comm= Pleas. sad Ma Palau of sad applieUtch be inserted lathe Atiebierels Bally lifornind girding fora teat minted forth that u apsilLettles has heels a to the theta of Boman= Phis, of the (Brod •AlAie.e/ to trait the sold "chum , . mist 'Bandit - id end Lein ,Itslesotion of fittarpsierr itud Idos" • Charter of luserperether..! MOIL that each Chaser *nil he greased at threw{ ores 014414 MUM unless *lOO Maris hi !led la, purer Usee. ; BY T11111)01710.i= BriCrelYßß.; Catlin' Grant sad Winos* street*. Bellsitile • PEOPLE'S . SHINS BINE O f Allegheny. Cor. Federal and laenek,lATU.: a. a. maiiiiar,tAdd.se; ObillIPOr• BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. Eteekheldra larld!ipy Litib • . . . . xrtmiEßT 'mann!) or Tuts ill -7' 46 1kni1011; la U. Siltlid l ila iter ert Lid•by iitatax Dicasr it 00, Proplietp.,
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