The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 15, 1870, Image 2
II littsturgtr Gaytte. a i~ FM I onOitiotiorig, 84 118 84 YIFTI 11. =I orinciAL PAP PitilliterirL'Alleirlkany sad All - slinky Ornty. SATURDAY, JAN. Li, 1870 Pwrzossun at Antwerp 601 f. 11. B. Barns at Frank!" 99 • °ow closed in Now York yagerday 11121 i. -- Saimaa li perfecting her ratification of tlia XVtif Article, and Ohio nxonsidere her rejection, and intends, to Miry, her Senate haying aireadj voted in Its favor. Thairmrent sena will 'doubtless Dee the new article finally Incorporated into the - Aliankiaw• HON. Szwoa Deux, Mayor of. Atte. -4, Way. , yesterday retired from office, • girtng place to his successor, A. P. Cm, low, Esq. Mr. DII1:11( administered the sign of his office with marked and de. *bid 'ability. and proved an excellent offlosi, worthy the esteem and pond:brace of all good citizen,. We trust he may again be called from retina, to serve Us People. Mr. Oar Low, his successor, Is 1, well and"favorably known throughout both cities, and we can safely promise that be willmake an efficient, capable aad binoriblo public officer. A env rotousit., which yesterday morning . accused the "Bing" of being short in its omdat accounts of the public monies, owes it to the public to ezpluin its messing. What is meant by the I" Who are the defaulters? Does our cotemporary know Is It too egad to say t Or would it damn by In. *end°, when It has not the courage for a ,bare•bood lie ? Unless it speaks plainly, and tells the whole truth, or retracts the : - :„Altader,tbe public will continue to regard .14pmagemeat as not more canspicaotts Yfbt Mahood than lbr every other vile 7 : ,,ssuxempllsturkent to somndrelism. - , Tut New Commis or Anurannorr etired yesterday by • electing Issues President the Meet ' brandy : lnd the selection of Mr. Hinny lifirriis d presiding officer of the Coin most ConcdL Mr. Mclider has for set- Ural tenni presided with grace, alnlity and filthy over the deliberations of the body that - has honored' him with a new knee of limos Mr.Pfsinnis has been I nniabar of Council during the past yeit and the mirk of respect paid him by hu fellow members was -fitting and worthy. Mr. Romer Art.womern was re elected ~ ,- C lerk of : the Common Coemcil, and Mr. J. B. OXIXT similarly honored ;In the Barlett branch. Both have proven very cspatde„ . able end, efficient officers, :airdwe are 'hid that they hive been eon, .. - tlitiellitititete places. - • - Ilaromacatinos la not yet dad, either In lancuter or in our Northwestern mintiest. The day Is not far off which will show that a most corrupt and shame: less Coal Lion against the Republican party may have, in those dhdricts, a few 'polo; glsrs,but thst the Republican- messes are sound at Use beam _They will mark the Coalltienistr.wint an Indelible brand! The people of Erie, Crawford, Butler,. isiiirrenee, Mercer, Washington and Lan -caster: will never again recognise any of the ran' erodes who lave been false to their trusts. Each and an these fifteen traitors hays forever edeolved their Re publican constituents from the duty of supporting any nomination, either of themselves or of their abetter; and apolo• gists. Brand them, and turn them loose I Al 11011101 ABLE DECLARATIoN, The Harrisburg 2Wegraph of the 18th says: "Ws =demand that Yr. MACKEY .EFEE: imuddentially informed yes t erda y Mictrang that fourteen Republican . mem. IX= Mould belt the caucus nomination %gladly Outnumber), and that it would • require tour Detnomate to secure his election, which hit informant was ready to mews at a stipulated price.. Mr. /Wane milled: ”Bir. I WOULD Nam= DI DKEZATKD THAN ACCIPT Alt KUM. WIC By BOCK rasing— I =AIL nor ,11,2X11 onit crap To MMUS& A Dui. klCitEt oa litzruaucarr." This is the haeguege of lir. Kim= ' and. as a dn. care Republics*, we thtl ' lh him im the same Of that 'put, lbr his Annum Twit. Muzzy could hare easily pro. elm% flielrotes of four Deumaant is not don** any living man; yet he re hs. idtO aceept dike= their:ice of bribery." : Tea inivrEasaCa . . If th, Republimuis ot Penasylvarda had - WM iquarriy beaten last October, on the Males vote, and In the regular choice or • Legislature, there would hays been AO whimpering along ate Das. Republiams adsrays. abide the rural of a fair coated, !Acumen. But thatr,..after having fairly swept .the Ocalmonwealth, year Otter itterovith Insular and decisive majorl• tlaselllt in utellg, as we Mooed, chosen •q rsire blicatt majority la the Leg ! lalattact„ltspreuly with II view to the in- VOW* importsinos or Controlling the item . ssamts of the gitate.-411a too too abametbl, too Infrssaus dill: alit' Rep oldie= party should be Irwin. died oat of its majority, by this rotten i-........Vit0l Pot • baker's dotes of our trai .. *Sin hands with the enemy. Was this the antartahunent to which we were livittrit ': Was ft for this that the Repel)- , Bouts of the Commonwealth have tolled mall lowest ? THU raocaumme. °nibs 101 h hut. we exposed the entire pecovegiess, of the most corrupt wagon eau ltxtoAnt In Peansyintela pollUce, for the overthrow of the Republican man dam lo bravely fought for, and so fair. and bonembly tented in this Com- Events have thronged bet upon us to prove the soatracy of our predictkoas. On Use 11th two recreatiV Republican - Benatoza took a step es, agreed upon and banded over the major. ly to tha coalition. On Wednesday, the 12th,*a fair Reptildkan nomination to a State ONCe was ksachemosly daSYtad AU the ,autimittece seam to hate been aMatlutteg to shield the coalition add Ito bleeds from the, exposure of Waned motives. That will be ao Temiestry Reform, no Investigations into any chutes of ()Midst misconduct. The NOM% will smother alimmakies with the "Ilene and Oxen of the grave. Next week, another ReitubUcta Senator will be expelled from his seat, and this WM given to a tool a; The „coalition. The Phliadelphts pollec;b111 will be detested, and the , money, now said to be lodged for that impose in a bank at the Oapitai, will be divided among the Corrupted se. puts an members. The Democracy are well enough paid In repining a voice in the State Government. Thus, Mins Unary years of almost on• Isdaropted •way ova Pennsylvania, the concissors of the Democracy 41.0 beaten M.• Mel end •eaai Lanigan As we march put the Unisys alma In spin 911 d can the Commonwealth I I We tear "Mei blossomy" hands I .7; . )1. AiTic:ri • TIIE CAME IE - / - P STATE FUNDS We must frankly confess that the moat admirable feature, in the bill which Rep rmentative WRITE, or this county, has Introduced in the Legislature, Is to be found in the opening clause of its third section- "Mai a proper and sufficient treasury Cs provided by lose at the mat of ElGoto Government," the Treasurer is em powered and required to place the State funds on deposit with the banks, ete. It Is earnestly tobe desired that, at the earliest possible moment, a "proper and sufficient treasury" Aruld be provided, and It is well that our Representative, by this ef fective endonement of-an admitted neces sity, luta given to the idea its just place inthe puktc mind. Its practical adop: although tioti at this sem on may be too Much to expect, altho recent events have more than or illustrated the need for the most stringpt provisions to ensure the safety of e public monies. Oar master!, of thelCoalition, are not likely to look kindly upon any proposition to llmit their discretion In the use of the immense sums to which, they are about to have access; they would certainly strangle most unceremoniously the suggestion that these monies should be safely -locked up oat of their reach. But, if the day ever comes when the Republicans of Itonaffinnia shall regain that control of the State affairs which, through • base treachery, is now lost to them, they will be certain to inaugurate Mt most thoroigh reforms In the Treas ury system. Until then, the people should understand that no reforms whatever need beexpected. It does notmmlt the par poses of the Coalition to Impose any fresh restrictions upon their abase of the Treas ury, which they have just stormed and captured from the Republican party. That Coalition has purposes of its oWn to be served, and will defeat all propositions to array new safeguards about the present system. There are -wealthy "backers" to be repaid, the expenses of bra and of former elections to be made good, more "slips" to be engineered, and friends in every quarter to be rewarded. We beg our friend .Warris, and Re• publicans generally, therefore, not to de. hide themselves with the idea that any measure like the bill now before us will be enacted by the Coalition, unless its Democratic members shall play false to the Republican renegades. The reform of the Treasury would be ruin to the lat. ter: That share they are to glee to their Demommic partners has not yet trans. pired. We fear the this Coen. don, of any and all measures which pro pose in any way to restrict the largest liberty of the Treasurer elect, under the old system which he thoroughly under• If, however, there abould be a few Demacratain the Legislature ; like C. R. Buckalew, to unite with Republican memben in an efficient and complete re vision of the Treasury System, in the in. terests of all the people, that salutary policy of reform may yet be realized— and now, when it is likely to be more than ever demanded by circumstance& Otherwise, the Coalition of corruption and treachery will have accomplished their purpose, seizin g on the Thaw:try- and rioting In the public plunder; In-defiance of all effortsto curb their license. Wrartt'a bill Is in Itself an excel• lent one, It sequitur a Treasurer's bond of 1800,000, gives him a salary of $5,000, and provides, in the absence of a proper and suMclent sub-treasury, for the de. posit of the public funds with balks un der suitable rat - Mations and for the profit the Sate. We have only to regret that no such measure an; for reasons dine stated. hate the remotest chance for pangs tinder the rule of the existing ./G1001!; INTELLIGENCE. The oAurchman contains quite a lengthy seamnt of Bishop Eerfoot's visit and labors in the Maryland Episcopal Diocese, not long since. Christ church, West River, Anne Arndel county, wu consecrated by the Bishop with Impressive ceremonies. The discourse Id the close of the Ante-Communion Service, was both - interesting and instructive. The audience was Large sad attentive. At the close of the septum the Bishop confirmed twenty-five 'persona by . the "laying on of hands." 'The church is a serniAlothic structure of fine proportions, nearly fin ished end tasteltaly furnished, and was erectinidnly by the munificence of a de• total brother, In memoriam of a lovely; daughter.,. The anaxsr crowning the efforts of the , puishaners of Christ church lirthe more creditable- bemuse thOr had been straitentd in pecuniary mitten ,by theriate war, being on the border. - Rev. Baron Stowe, thi dhrthiguished Baptist, minister of Boston, has left a fragrant memory. It is mid his cozurre• iiiidirreseresii mobs*. Iho largest in that city, Re upheld Mr. Knapp in his great revival through the winter of 1842. The work was chiefly at his church. Four hundurt ushers were on their knees at once, filling thi spacious biOad wiles to :the door. The Howard gent Methodist Sunday school, Ban Francisco, California, has ;eighty-three Chinese scholars and forty :twoU:set gala of 0112' forty per amt. in four week'. ' Rev. B. B. Snyder, formerly North Arcane M. R. church, 'Allegheny City, bag been violated by BlehopAmes, pastor of Glue church, at Richmond, Indiana. Over a hundred and , con :versions occurred during the late revival meeting at Mt. Belllnghem church, Mu imichuaerta, -.under' the mlnletndlona of ]tn. Van Con, the lady,Melhodiat local preicher. • The sale of pews of Beecher's church, Tuesday . evening a ;wick, rallied fifty. oaken thousand dollars. It Is stated that Bailees salary hit been increased from twelve thomand dollars to twenty thousand dollars.. Ttds erratic divine thinks if the question of woman's rights is to be determined by quoting the Old Testament, It is the last one that should be decided for us by an ancient &milli° nation and a King who had over seven hundred wives. Zion's Herold, in answer,claints that Umbel* tlesmiptian of a tine Wife Is the last chapter)a Proverbs by Solomon. The Boston Young Ben's Christian daloctation recently held a grand Fair before the' nolldeye, realizing nearly thlAy lhouasad dollars for their boildlag foal Tliej , didn't have any reining. but the Albans sewer, them of Indult. log In a "grab box and such little worldly contrivance." "Bor." Matthi3w Hale, author and so Ilatth, started MI Ida ministerial career at the age of eighteen u a. Universalist minister, and since then has been Baptist, Episcopalian and Dutch Wormed I The next nalgn Is not gala by the writer to whom we axe Indebted for this lnicy" item. Elder Evans sad twentptlre of his Shaker brethren gave an entertainment's% Boston, recently, thrustrarmg thelr sup and other eameism Charge Hay cents head t Distnteremed, eh t• Berndt, the well blown lay preacher, bas just started for California. The Bo perlatengan; of the Ceara Padilla Rail way gm him passes, saying that he (Bernell) i lesson to doubting Chris. HMS tiaras " Mr. Pullman also gave him sleeping passes. Mr. Burnell expects to spend a week in every town in California to labor for the cause of Christ. The Cumberland Presbyterian, refer ring to the jubilee for Old and New School reunion, after a separation of thirty-two years, says that Cumberland Presbyteri ans may well "make it ayear of Jubilee to to us, because God has kept us together." The Prindlles Baptists of Conceal, Al abama, resolved and recommended to the churches in their body to bold no members in fellowship who avail them selves of any law made by human legis lation to avoid the payment of their just debts. I Rev. Do Witt Talmage says, let no all go- to preaching. -Peter was never w sophmorc, nor John a freshmin. Har lanTage never heard that a tangent to the parabola bisects the angle formed at the point of contact by a perpendlcubir to the directrix and a line drawn to the focus. He says let us find our work./ You preach—you give a tract—you sing • soag—you teach a Banday school else etc. We ate Indebted to the independent to the reported rumor that at' the late an noel meeting of Rev. H. W. Beecher' church, it wen deelded by a vote of twii thirds of the members present, not to ri cotta of Candidates for membership assent to the Confestlon of Faith, but only to the Cuenant. The subject called forth an animated discussion. At the end of the debate, Mr. Beecher spoke strongly In favor of the proposition, rayingihat there were good men who were Universalist', or who otherwise varied from the creed, who were excluded by the present role. Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, is now regarded as being strongly in favor of the Pope's infallibility, though he said in the celebrated debate with Alexander Campbell; "No eelightened Catholic held the Pope's infallibility to be an aril. de of faith. Ido not, and none of my brethren, that I too* of, do." The Independent say' Br. McLeod, of New York City, who was foremost in ex. palling George H. Stuart from the Ile. formed Presbyterian Church, for irregu larities in music, at a wedding to his church, several pieces of music were per formed on the abomination called an organ. It is gratifying to note that there are more candidates for the ministry, apply ing to the Presbyterian Board of Edam, tion, than at any time since the year fol lowing the revival of 1858. The Ohrfatien /aftaligencer thinks at no time in the history of the Reformed (Dutch) Church were its prospects of growth and enlargement more encour aging. Nine new churches were organ ized last year, and if the Board of Domes. tic Missions had been in possession of the necessary means the number would have been much larger. A correspondent of the Ade ines,sfiesi- Mg of the preaching of Dr. Storni in the Brooklyn Opera House. says : For twenty years the world has known Dr. Stone as a splendid rhetorician, "adorning the doctrine" with most sumptuous embellish ments of eloquence and.poetrY and learn ing, and tending sometimes, in the ex quisiterices of his style, to pass - beyond the empathy and appreciation of plain people. Of late years, however, be has adopted a plainer and homelier style, and cast aside the use of manuscript,. It is said the Brooklyn Academy of Mimic Is now tilled every Sunday to the roof. The Beach street Pretbytei lan congre. ration, Boston, swarm into the building vacated by the Springfield street Congre gational church, wnere it disbanded. The house was built and owned. by one man, and be Bella it now to the Beach street. colony. THE COALITION OF =urea Ophdom of the Itepablleau Preto, Mira the Washlsitos Reporter.) The /user, published in the Legisla tive and enaktrial district in which Mr. Irwin rudder, denounces in fitting terms the "bolt" of Republican members of the Legislature. The moored " bolt" has since taken place, by the assistance of but one of the members from that district, Mr. Buffington; the other three, Messrs. Vankirk, Shurlock, and Senator Buten, representing the immediate borne of Mr. Irwin, voted for the Republican nominee of the party. • Thu &Toner says: The latest advices from Harrisburg In dicate the probability of a " bolt" from the Trearmry caucus. • • Weal! know what a "bolt" means under such circum stances, and just what it will amount to. We are all well aware; likewise, what fusion with the Democracy comprehend& While we were bitterly opposed to Mr. Mackey's renomination, now that it has been effected by a Republican canals We are willing to submit. Ao manner of good can be accomplished by a bop," and wo hope sincerely that no sane Re publican will seriously think of joining handiwith the Democracy. The proems contemplated is violence and *revolution, and no adequate reason or cause exists to' jutity a resort to such measures. • • I If members have failed in their duty, and violated their pledge!, let them be left to their constituents tor punishment. Thw commission of another wrong will not set the matter right. Although personally opposed to the nominee,. and haying fought him in the bitterest manner, we say now that he has been regularly ' ebo. the Legislative caucus; and skould be duly elected. We do not think that', any man will be justified In bolting the nomination. We know he will not be sustained in making any sort of combine. tlon with the common enemy. Irma the 011 sty T tom) The Pittsburgh GazErrs of January 11 contains a severe attack ulan those Republican members of the Legislature who; it is supposed, intend to form a co alition with the , Democratain the election of a State Treasurer, ,tc., and hints that Lowry is to receive the support of the Democrats on his new county bill, as a portion of the Price of his treachery to the party. The GAZEITS is beginning to discover what has long been known by many, that the promoters of this new county will sell anything and everything they can to carry their point, and the county itself, if obtained, will be found to be the largest sell of all. Selling out do the Republican party would not stagger them in the lent, if by so doing they could succeed In consummating their fraud on the people of Penang°, Warren and Forest comities. Ifthe Durres and others have discoured that We upholders of the new county were Ills foremost prosecutors of Mackey, it may be the people of the three mantles above men. Honed will find friends who will see that they are not plundered.of their territory In defiance of all constitutional require s:um& Mon titian* Ossette.] ...There le noolder, stauncher and more ltilfuentlal Repub li can journal in West ern Petutsylvanla than the Pittsburgh Gement. • It la the Republican organ of Allegheny county, sad from a recent ed. itorial on the canal enlargement we clip the concluding portion. • • When the Republican prate throughout the State tales thus about Senator Lowry, the Re publican party of Erie county had better watch hlm closely. Limo the PMWool. Cress.] Mt. Mackey bad been regularly nomi nated In Republic= canon; and had a few weak and faithless member of the organization been disposed to recognize the will of a Majority, he would have been elected. We emnot cumerstand and can. not justify that isobaric% which prompts men to take the chances of victory in a party council, and then at defeat turn upon the party and rend it • • But the worst phase of Ws contest is themean advantage these bolters have allowed the Democracy to take of • the Republic's pally. They mast have known that the Democracy would not scruple to put with its pledges and principles in order to make discord In the Opposition ranks morn prominent They meat hare known that any triumph based upon such gees. Venable assistance could not reflect any genuine Republican sentiment. • • The Democracy did not fall to receivethe PTITSBURGII DAILY GAZETTE: SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15, ISM advantage tendered them. They went through the farce of a nomination for Treasurer, and then abandoned their can didate for one opposed to them in politica. Why their merstacy? Why their despl picable eepartnre from everything hon. orable or even partizan? Why did the unscrupulous Wallace instructhis bigoted adherents to vote solidly for Irwin? We fear a tmithtui answer to these questions wonid - prove alike dishonorable to the bolters and the Democrats.- Unfortunately that answer cannot at present be given, but we shall look for It with anxiety throngbopt the work of the &cation, and we call upon all honest Penn sylvanians to keep watch over the pro ceedings of their representatives. The answer will crop out some time during the session, and of this rest assured. Let ns see to whose glory or infamy it will resound. _ Irwin is In no .legal, realmtl, or moral sense the Treasurer of Pennsylva nis. The Republican party la entitled to the honor conferring that office. That party Is the majority party of 'the State. When Its deserters are taken up and ern braced by the minority, in the hum of a majority sentiment, the result is no better ' than a fraud, and deserves the severest censure. Vain are all protests that lin proper means have not been used to se cure his election. Suspicion will not be hushed by so specious tt plea. Suppose so Democratic members • were bribed. Suppose the Mande of the bolters are all clean, bow does that justify the splenetic phase of the bolt ? How will. it satisfy the people who have been cheated out of their ceadidate ? How does it answer the spirit of insubordination and rebellion that lies at the bottom of the bolt ? • • The whole method and manner of this election is therefore at sword'spoint with principle and usage; whether party or general. We d 6 sot ace how any hon orable man can conscientiously abide by , such a verdict, judging, of course, by the ! light thus far furnished us. • • • We know somemhat of the rumors abroad in the State respecting setups, trade'', com promises, and all that, with Democratic members, for the purpose of defeating certain leading measures of reform. • • But they may have been digested, and we give them is presented by the Pittsburgh Gaserrn of the 10th. How nearly they approximate prophecy let the result prove. * • The fulfilment of this schedule le the danger ahead not only to Republican ascendancy, but the Com monwealth's honor. • I.V.m tee IleadLog 'ripe. 7, if the Republicans who bolted- the caucus nomination have made any bargain With the Democrats, or compromised them. selves In any manner, by way of return • lug the favor, they will deserve and receive the condemnation of all the Republicans in the State. (Prom the Vehanger lAtlttel I , It Is strange that amen of Mr. Lowry's age and physical condition, one to whom • Ileayen has so mercifully sent unmistak• • able premonitory symptoms of the prob. • able shortness of hie stay in his present field of uselessness, should not devote his time to acts less - infamous than those which seem just now to afford him such delight. • Mr. Lowry le, as we understand it, about to cut loom from the Republican party of the Legislature, and submit him self to do some Democratic work, a little . . too mean for a member of that party of only moderate degradation. Our present - . State Treasurer, Mr. Mackey, who has re: ceived the Republican caucus nomina. nation for another term, Is to be opposed by Mr. Lowry and a dozen other bolters, Against Mr. Mackey, as a private citizen or public officer, the shafts of slander can find no vulnerable point. As far as known or suspected he has honestly and ably filled the position which he now holds. But Lowry and his twelve brother Judeses have bolted his nomination and will vote for Irwin, the Treasurer of 'OB, whom they expect to elect by securing for him the entire Democratic delegation. Why should Democrat' desire Irwin's election 7 To defeat the regular Rspub limn nominee, and demoralize the Re• publican party In the Legislature. And what price will they pay to secure this desirable end ? Vote for any schemer corruption which M. B. Lowry may originate. • • • It would be in keeping with the eternal fitness of things , that the old man with tie white necktie,' who is about giving up the pobticalghost, and this pet swindle, so long and gently nursed by him, should die together, Oil a common grave, and repose In a common perdition, political or otherwise, as the case may be. C reow naretibsor tt t. miss to Phtla. Pon.] The result undoubtedly kills the Police bill, and it will give the seat in the First Senatorial district to Mr. Diamond, the Democrat, and the various contested scats in the House to the representatives of the same faith. These were, without doubt, the considerations by which the successful nominee Of4he Republican party was to be defeateT. The question now on the. Hill 1e: What will be done with the fund which has been lying In one of the banks here, the object of which wsa to defeat the Police bill ? Senators Lowry and-Kerr and Represen tatives Ames. 'Bowman, Buffieeton, Corey, Craig, Godschalk, Herr, Lillie, McCracken, McCreary, Reineehl, Wheel. er and Wiley were the Republican mem bers who voted with the Democracy. General Irwin 'arrived at the capitol last evening, having been preceded but a few hours prior by Berne B. Anderson. • • The excitement over the action of those of the Republitani who joined bands with the Democrats, is Intense to night. They are publicly prociainual.on the streets saumegadea and apostates. [From tb• Ph IledePta• P. s. The election of General Irwin is a mu- prise. and should be even to himself. The Republican caucus decided that Mr. Mackey should be the Republican .candl.. date. and it is an established pullamimt soy rule that the caucus binds the party, except in those rare rases where a mem ber reds bound to appeal to the higher law of morals, and take en Independent ,stand. We see no evidence that most ol the eleven Republicans who misted the Democrats to elect General Irwin were .thus constrained. * • * It will not do to say that Mr. Mackey'repre. sent, a coreupl faction unless they can prove it, for they are themselves arraign ed before the bar of public opinion for open betrayal of the party, and are sus petted of having made a bargain with the Democracy, in which Republican interests are sacrificed. There bet= to be truth.. in Uda, else why should the entire Democratic rote be cast solid for General Irwin f Upon the merits of the our:Mates. surely soma Democrats would have preferred Mr. Mackey, for we know enough of the Legislature to be sure that he would have been just eaemceptabin to the opposition as General Irwin. The election of one of the two they could not help, And must have had some substantial nom for making such a unanimous choice. That reason Is very probably the Metro. politer' Police bill. It Is charged that the eleven Republicans who' supported Ekweral Irwin agreed, 'ln comideration of enough Democratic votes to elect hlm, to. Join in - defeating the Police bill. It Is not a bill that we apProve—we do not now refer to that introduced by Mr. Connell yesterday—for , we are opposed to legislative Intiaenon with our local affairs. But it Is not In this-way that It should be defeated, by a secret bargain made between bolting Republicans and frightened Democrats. -It is at least en titled to a fair hearing In the Legislature —which, if this charge bo true, It will not now receive. We were not partisans of Mr. Mackey, though re preferred him; not active op. porthole of General Irwin, though we de sired his defeat. But in yesterday's pro ceedings the evidence was too tiller that General Irwin owes his election to the combination of a few Republicans with the common enemy ' and that in this union was more or lees corruption, no one-who has ever been to Harrisburg will be green enouglyto question. From the Lesenter laßtlitteneee.l Mr. Lowry is intensely fond of notori ety, and seems to care but little how he excites a sensation provided he can man age to attract public bbseriration. Helm been known to preside over a meeting called to present a tutne to Andy Johnson, Democrat, and to address an assembly 0 prospective negro voters on tho same evening. Ho Is ready to bo interviewed ' by 'e . Democratic editor, and prepared to repudiate his report of sconszreation had over choice champagne, whieh stood on the manuscript pages of a feu; column temperance letter, with the Ink -still Wet noon It. Ile makes professions of politi cal honesty periodically. • Caron the Hardee:airs TeTelersPb• Every one of the voters has frequently Proclaimed, when before his constituents for election, the common party doctrine, "Duro ax TUE TICTIST," and will do s'ariinrawgeh.entrenerataorTLdolry and Mere candidate forPnPn. Isr llttff were especially anxious for , the Republi- cans to carport the ticket when they were candidates, and it was fidelity to Party alone, in their respective districts, that gave them the seats they occupy to day in that body. Representatives Ames, Bowman, Bur. i ington4ray, Craig, Godschalk, Herr, Leslie, ' rackets, M'Creary, Wheelerand Wiley, received the sap" Pert of many Republicans in their dis tricts under protest; and if they • b,sd not received the nomination of the Re publics/Imq they would not occupy Beata in the Hones of Representatives this session. •We 'hall take especial care to com mend them to the support of that party which they have joined. It is due to Mr. Ames to state that he bolted on the third ballot, .when every body lbelleted that liwin had bought his election throtigh. figural gentlemen have promised us rich developments, which may be expect ed etlenly; : and which, will furnish em ploymentte for the investigating commit. fiIiCRETASY BOUTWELL has'purchased six millions of dollars' worth of bonds for the slaking fund since the let instant, which makes that fund $23,045,800, be sides $67,433,000 worth of bends which hare been purchased and are held subject to the action of Congress, =skit* the total amount of bonds purchased up to this date 1190,475,800 the interest on which, due on the Ist instant, amounted to $l,. 263,000, and has just been col ected. This amount In coin was sold Tt esday at an avenge premium of 122 30, and the proceeds will be applied to the pur chnd. ase of additional bonds for the alnklng fu Ramer observers of the planet Jupiter have noticed the peculiar markings seen on the belts of the planet within the last few months, the rose•tinted prominence floating like cumulas clouds around his large circumference; but the observers at Vassar Co:lege have observed some ad ditional whits spots. On the evening of the 25th of November, both blown and white spots were seen on the more south ern belts, and these were sufficiently well defined to be melon - Taus L to be considerable difference between the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Government relative to the lease Of Samna Bay, especially as ft wu rather a sharp bargLin, driven at the expanse of some English capitalists : . The opinions of many members of both ROMP of Congress are entirely antago. nistical to this lease, and they do not hesitate to denounce it. A WASHINGTON telegram says The Pennsylvania delegation la preen ing Mr. H. :Becher Swope, of -Clear field comity, for united Staten District Attorney fOT the Western diatztet of Pennsylvania, n the place of Mr. Carna han, whose time will soon expire. HELP NATURE IN DISTRESS. The value of DB. LUNG CUBS nitot be estimated In dollars and e , n ha Thou. sods of people •ho have ased It can teeth's to taestraord lc ars Ineeta—some of them far gene Rh dlseasesof thelunge and roilinohluT orison. It is wtthoot osmotic. one of the speediest as tit aa toe most soothing of all tuna medicines. It will care the wont ease of Asthma. It will cora longstanding eases of Broneldili It will cuss spitting of blood. it will tan _ a lammoa tough 4 a (midst.. It wLI aaaatha want caw of more-thraat La A+7. It will wee Merril In the Mud It will <ors larnagltl. It wlllotye chi/yule pleurisy Besides . most other diseases of the Innis .ed pulmonary organs. If oil., will ra • t he matter. they 1,111 end that mono( their dl mesas are o moloned by obstrecUen In some et the channels Lbst ePrebtate morbid matter (mm the . MU.. Dr. le ETHER'I3 LUNG • CURE • opens out these amulets... - D. Keyser•s Luag Cure, whilst It removes obetruction. II at the mom time ilea health'. ness and pleasure to the blood, mottles 2e roesh Barroom of the dont. and !page and Is withal a wholesome. and .plosmat medielee to take. It is used with Kreat cortalaty Ia We . Insured mid decay of the ooroon of the MUM. sad It rel.ll Impart to all the rums imsawed vigor and energy. TIN winter months an those widen are lull/illy regarded as the most prongs of souks sad odds, and eonsumptive hivallds daring tba twister an mostly forewarns", base lndoon, far the ma son that the cold Is apt to prodass a tendency IS Oa system to inlatastory scams sag render Mune diseases dimwit to care. Dr. Seines Lune Care acmes to the ald of crammed nature, helps alto to make goal and new blood to ald la the resterstkrn sod renewal of parts. It all who read thls article will but try one bottle of Dr. geyser , . Lees Du* ti 0111 emmtnee them more of the truth at what We may th se anythhag we cm writ,. It tombless to It tome of the meet raluableartletem or the manola araitys, sad no one can am It without banal. klo sad see Dr. Haw al Ida Gaul Ysdieai 011ee, 167 Mat, Ogee boars . 'tram alas la lb* isaralut gala 0 la ilia Mamma, sad Ms Ora, *Watt gala lax la las craving, tad lamas mitts alas at alias. Dusan= SIP ISM. THE unlit; riacuiNE. Islam the Ruin tiding of • 'ratchet/4..M orallon of the works hetet:us duordared. The human etemegab Ls to the heels eystent what teat elastic oleee of metal I. to • chronoweter. It ledernang IM itellon of the other orogen. god controls, to a certeln mutant. the whole It lag teschlee. The enepulaosineybecarrted farther; for as the oreaktici• and other Imptrfullous of the matt merles I. :n/tested on .he hater the thue.rton. so alto la the weeeness or other du. . 04 re the stayed!, twanged be the face of the nranal -• he comp ea lost tallow ot Laded. UN ores d. &lent go leans and letealgence, and there Is a wore, sextons exPersalon the label. countenance welch tells vs Phdote ten. wools cool.' do. that er at negagettageo of b a de . a nd It la to atelatta to tee want* of age bade. and to mutate l and renew ,all 110 penorarts. s" Is nnt Dern/rat Ita dace It reptant. t not and mewls's, and to ectontellsh this fLottetter , e nu:owe alit,. may he well all I. Mt an. Mei woeful. Ti. broke. uuteePetee of • watch may reelect 4by • eye on, but lb. stomach al. text be Rvalreil moot itrmrthene4. and LOU !a Ma of lbool t.Or e• 0 (.mss • too hie restorative elate for eight. n.. ?tan hss bran wastage ...two (el 000161 wto dyspepsia to all 0110.1014 •ay ciao i nearest:on It stands Wawa When therms:eat or tle peatuscoolse hum bot•rzbialited. 1 .110011. at too*. owing ten thou sattgaUng the eosmlast. • mane of tn. Wbolf•om• SAO Pa. •Mblo. let Poo•olll st.gotsebSe effeels• peeled endc '" nnanent etre. 10 .11 man of dypetada. the !row, Mars Or less eirorderetl..sti tiles this 00114111 eland... wet 4 von •hestoiscselt and 0 , 0,1 a, the nluere ere. taw can dl.. 'testae., regalatJer Sa4 TelarlsorsLing Oran' s ar• Iv. and srslatitattagorts• ••••Itil toady sod toestal health depend. - • DIVIDENDS • Onus 01 •a{ Prrrenvica O.IS,OKrIXT. Jamul . / / 0, " 70 tarn. ViDEND NOTICE—The Trascars •or the c7rIATTIRTIP.7I4I"regac .sar■th or 8 iri.tho) Pe *base of he earotal otoelr, 1:10 vj aa- TILL% Or/Ica a 111311 NATtONAL - • • January 11,1„ 11110" • IarDIVIDERD e ro ua rt a refeatia:agaitrlireed a g' or t AigliZriNts 4 , f lbws.; six monthe. 1114411 et the oelee of :oCBOrpsh"T',lter''"". AtikEtt , nr. ell WO Mk the lath lett Li"'""l6 14. ff I.STEV•IIIION. • Steretw: • Orstcli to Tam Zreatrstea firstly. • • Alma comm./arr. Prrrenraotr. J....71.i MM. - RrDIVIDEPID NO. 1' The Di , ftetoie or' this Coz4vvY bram DAY &Warr; a Dlridetod of • 01) PEE MILTI.E. fret of Goverimellit tasoed.pert n il ill ":. Olt et the tete °Me Compar, no. •43 ream w atre o l ., D z o l d , ;wale tli e. 111.1 . ii j o . kiz e‘ • • , 16""W". J ' t • • • 09 D &WIC T . P A gi? INIA " R ttll R An.ctor.. tbl. 11.1.4 baya t• de y N al...,sre4 !9 , 1a... of_ 14X. 4:fit elttrt.. of Me 0441 •tavo s 7 . .;:a . o z . *. fc.91,. mom Its l'irmitm a, A '"aumulA 11921)..- arDIVADEND.--The PeoMDlii dmai,.dl nt&tatiWsWlllr4f,-.4 or • 7. 11011^014 ' (Water. • Crrr Ilitut or FMB 011,__ PrrnnontalL Jo! , _ttot7 ado 15.19 . far7lll3 RA NIL nseTniu. DAY &don't Dividend Of ;IVO (5) t CE' T.. from the prat la or lb. 1•61.81 s lamas, 1.4:1111 paptOto co ondottor the TENT); oss. ' " •W. I KW/WM , •_ Cander. 1•17.1.:Ae. 31 2 70, Um.' - rfrA D , CIDIEfIo OF EIGHT pad to lI I LSNITat:r4 ALT= •111 ark, JAATABT .111TH4MIT. • O° - •f*R.W N G. KARIM Atzlemite; !art 'Lee, PIAX meow:mom Erlr Janette, 3 1 r T ST fk g. nE DISINCTOIIib oAHVI of Mfg r Plaeiffr. oe of the eV Worm of the tut rt l err i a l t 1 ;Z: to the seocattoloh es forth ree tof MetLele • . , - automat cutter. priicz orprs OtecifejimlarriOrgle., arD i filliDEND.flrhe Board n of a., Tl4l !P.Plarh ettrir. MMae'aneth•ppla Umlp tiwogU . as ar2"l "14. PifuliVerrirliNtrr NEW ADVERTISENLENTfi iTBPTIffARY WILLLIM Nos. 180 and 182 Federa NEW GOOD& It 6 1-le. Dark Pilots, It 10c. Dark Prints, It Ile. Dark Prints worth 1-Itc. It II 1-h Dark Maine; good quality. AL tic. ill-wool Picida At 1! 1-le, Dory 4-4 Dnbleached fleeting. 1-h., Bleached Bolin, a bargals. It it.. /11-wool Bab toy !lunch. At 280. Very Bury Grey Twilled Flannel. At 6 1-4 e. Linea Crack. It I! I.le. DM Linea grad. Pillow Case Mash; flatlig Inas, Bbiniag Muslin, eat. Rahn. agate Lines" tnuina Crain. Caulmam, very cheap. American Poplins, ice, he. A. LARGE STOCK WILLIAM FEDERAL STREET. JUST ARRIVED IN PITTSBURGH, AT THE ROBINSON HOUSE, Cotner Culposo° Way and 7th sk, ROOM No. 7. YOB ♦ 1511138 T TUL ONLY'. HOE B. S. ICUS, M. IL, • Lecturer in the Masan err, its d/ereeee att • Spectaelee, %Mean anellcallst, to the ere Pork Flosoltal.. I Lye and Ingentaryoritk large stock (Ibis Patented. earl Improved levee facies for 'sale. N. D. Eperialltr. dlsesse of the Nye ad Zs TEMMIONIIALS. Prot EDWARD M. FEARER. Ontielan I take great plenum In eating that I have need theinimeaselts you ad.inted tartly etiolate= here, and they have riven me men mince ratlefietion. I have never before had a pair m entirely milted to my and that enabled me to read go long wlthan IV Ineonvenk nee. n itrlTAt i s i ll Mai MX, ix-Pres.!. IL P. I have had the Im moved titretaelen adJuste. 11 . 0 iet y . V, la LTAT lintof, VgkrZr ables me to ea very cies vier, ear y. a nd "mob bet ter titan club an• I have sevetmore ABRAHAM LINCOLN, P.ea't D. IL • • We have every satiefa-tion recoonstendter U,. ZU W ARO P. VitANICe• Itepmem and pes• meted lipeetacies m - be eneftdmee of oar thi s ns. Ile Is ...Mid. GI rare ielentille YOU um, en adapt. eh weasel...pith Remi theo eeMuni aide Mtn to Um m•lom et eye. He selects spectacle. for ea with the Inn pan, at the din attempt , which enabled vs to read .melee air Magness .0 00mfb.t than thee. I. already Weems- Y?•seith dreall • beerfainem mmonmene theta 11.1111.11..111, as 0.0.01•0. • . tr. CURTIN, csilim. of Y, nagHaala. A. L. RUM.. , Ann -nen. of J. . P P n ennsytema o :R DICK. I intsrY D men en , Ponan yle P la Ifsieteg Milt.. of azatet•lng Dr. Ed. ward al Frank's r &Lent, Itopromd 14•431.1•41. we end lbetis espertmentany, really valuta. ale.,, demo lee •islen. The lenses are dreencl , polished and mitered by Inschleery, inathem•lically ..r.5 to Bre am. • ra n, perfect lens. Al .s4ll. IVO rIKOIII. men .tion thllet e fi ce s7ll ?r ` e7rii * Lirt:rifi • Joe, unk..33, Penn street:Pittsburgh. v.... et. mitt, AL (tmeitst.) Peen greet, Plattbarph. Jame. L. Itclarlaed. President Merchant. National rimy. Mcad, tile , Penneylvatiln. It z•r•ev.ana elk pleasure tO ear that 'relieve lustocted Dr. s. S. tr.:dm' very e.rulete ea iltioreVellet) ' to l tWay :TA mfr. erica of wales aa eta be beneath:id by the Owe!. the matertal meat In the mutt 'rarer, of aim alma a as or resurkatie partly sod beaaty, and ands v.ry emelt to 'belt tame. We nurtured him win, cheerfalseas to Um ammlesee fah w oo may r von bla unless. hon. Prharla Jordan. beer taro of Kean Q. BMA; W. D.. flarrleharg. Pa, Wa have unmerited that to eareeelve to he ea userithut or ltoermore. Manottatared ..... Dr: d•ard B Few 1.. Pelee; admirably mak. ted to n the mime holmium or thasexquhlre. ry &t* organ. toe emu Wu. W. Lam the Impaired vlaton la the ' , milt of dhesse...e the ashuel westerns Incident to 041 are. Wormer. Use emameas of .he Ike heat we have ever mu. Sad ea melt remote mmd these. Don, W. W. am" rarer of Wetvlemtl. Thomas n* J. Joreas. Dr/g. Gm U. b. A.. whi te. umm Morn funs • A. er. to 6 P. Jall.nro .6.9 V HONE: & CO'S. To °rite TO Pllll fortlier redoes stout. beton toting our snood laTgatoXT. Try Trill continuo to offer oar stook at ORRiTLY REDUCED PRICES. Many Goods Below Cost. Woolen Goods, Hosie r y, (loves, Gloves. Underwear, Lace and Lace Articles, Embroideries, Millinery Goods, Fash and Bow Ribbons, Satin and Bonnet Velvets, Dress Trimmings, Cloak Loops and Ornaments, Boulevards Skirts, &e, &o AT RETAIL BARGAINS. 77 4 79 atdIRKET arassz •u BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY COMPANY M I N I7I /A0T1J111.835 OP or American caper TABLE MUEBT IM POOET KNIVESe Quaidly rneurpassed. Desirable new Antares and all the weNdlniorit ettles of Sable Catlary. A!•81. to Melt, largo lot of CallValLS, BUTOIII.BII` sad SNEAD XOTIVIIII of an dreortallon& Ail Illada of !OCTET ENIVIIs. - A strum. ea Ltettoor, Open la eortneellon erlth lb. -General Orem and Wholesale Depart. No. 70 Wood !greet,' PUTSBUROB PA 1721E1 IMporter ilcors3 iiricamionzarr. WEDDING...Winn. mart AID 1 0111111311 OIXO KTIGINUATIMII KoNOOLLISS. ARM, ELLIIIONAINg Orden In man near•Prolotattmallei. nes/ sma amirtut at. ra Ell NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 14th, 1067400 SEITLE'S, 1 Stret, Allegheny City POPULAR PRICES It itic. each, Hack Towels. At tie. each, Hack. Towels, aural bargain. Al 71r. each, Nen% White Merino Cadet shine. At 71e. each, Ladies' Black Felt Ulna It 0.00 cad, Colored Printed Felt Skirts, slightly imperfect. It SIB each, Cord Imboued Pelt Skirls, slightly imperfect It 1.F6 each, Hooey Comb flans. It $1,60 each, Honey Comb Quilts, large Table Napkins, Shawls aid Seaufe Hats aid loinch. BMWs and film. Hosiery aid Clam Handkerchiefs and Neck Ties. WWI, Calls, Ac., kr. OPENED TO-DAY SEMPLWS, Nos. 180 and 182 ALLEGHENY CITY. FIRST AIORTGIBB BOND CHICAGO, RANIMIE • AND YINCENNES RAILROAD. Total 4111•111.11 i to bll Capital Sleek paid la iratin.t.a Cosa of Stead, (140 maw) Sulasated Samlogs par as. Net Earnlsis per 5M1111.1.... Interest on ass Loan per Ke- *mount of Beads p.r 01110 el roadll4ooo A..nasmot of in terest par aid e. 1,260 anaomat; of Net Earatag• per • 0,264 The Sonde Mow the mmpletton of ills Stead— have the llnton Tinat Company of X. T. as their official Itegleter sad 'hamlet Ageat—and are mkt at preen t at 93 sad ma, nod latent t, Tbm bear mamlnatioa aed convulses: bet ter. It Is believed, tban any other now before the pat Ile. in the axed and unchaageable elements at 800, &ourl, emd Proitt.• They bear good Interest—Berea per cent. Geld kw AIM Hon—and an seemed by • ignite/ "had, and P rot Mortgage epos the rind. IM antilt and net Income, the Pranchleey mid all Preset t and [inure property of the Coatmay. They dented upon matte or haMeettled ter. 'nor, for beelines to pay thetrlateresirbut•pon its old s ' , aline ttled and productive c-natr7: : maiming that a railroad haft Ihrtmth the heart or each a region offers better Beallit7 Itor both I /stored ond .Prittelpot then a road re be built I through the most highly exteled trlldernese or epsreelr settled tenttorr. This Railroad possess. special sebraztaites, In manias tato and oat 01 the City of Ckleato, $ laiportaat Railroad Cesare; In Tarintalt ikroagb a Ilad of Tlilade! and old farsilan wet. Vesicant In the richest cordon of the Brain of illlaola; In running near to deposlt r of Ironer, of groat exteut and value, and ore, broad sails of the beta coal In the state—which mining 1•. terastabre Its nroaopoly. And beat la the local and other thus witted: there brill be attracted 10 this read the osnaldantbietralle si riadf ibflatlnt Op 'Troia the Lat.' 'to the ealtri as whit its Soothers Ornaaactiona It foram • Trunk Lime 43 sites abirrter num mother reale from Chicago to Thine Heads ore therefore burl open elealty aid *Nutt.= test • few nazi mut leerttably doable-23W eeispiteht 7adgon rej . arrilikh Chnongomits allheir lapis gad priartektgpli pay indiv snot into ton Smug,. and Taut yr Anat. Panda can k .1401111 NO BETTER. Pantiptnnits, with Nips, &0., on bind tor db. trill:lntim • . . thAids any be bad directly et ea, er at ear airmail le Pletabetzb. S. 11111'CLEAN & C 0..,. 71% L'OUBTH AVEINVEL W. BAILEY LANG & CO., MEROH &NTS, 64 CLIFF 62218 ET, Netts York, Agests for the Side of the Bonds. 1M o Alr 4 -ko r t o z Oloa oi 2zl I=' 4g Pi 44 1 7 z 4 J il pl 1 g § c'2" Z` c. ' 4 s o 1 vi , z 1 0 tifil Le 0 14 30H a Al 14 t Pei PI as d Q M 0 / 4 Z In fil 41 1 W. X. HAVEN dr, CO., HAIM ME BALI A Good Assortment of BLANK BOOKS OF EFERY DES CIEIIII7ON. Ceracr Weed Strait nil Taira inlet *ewe di'o77/a6 Corner Penn and Sixth Btreeta, Kannerly et. 11111thr.1 rnTannitall, 111 i men ontolal• MuLess College la UM • OPEN DAY AND EVENING. - 'lluloila cgs coulee.. NM tin. N. B.—Clnpalsrs anrslalm latliAt az B. Cl The "thdial alTN• COWLEY, • soNsgla+Pe • hU.OI b. .-11. rg&M.BMcCAIIIDLEMS & Oa, ILO WUroa, Omer Alpo wscpusaza amaze gir fore,a il Dawdle DI7 Bey, a, IN WOOD Vrnat. rm+epu.fow X. vs: NEW ADVMTISENENTB GREATLY REDUCED CRUM,GLYDE /c Co's, 7i it ChWitt's Ili{ Cintlari for !R. ElOO Chlldren'o hit Cirtrilus for 110 f, 11.60 lilt ISheulder Shawls for 8 00 Knit Shenker Showls for 1100. ID crit lilt Roods old fops for 11,00 hit 'hods for 00 cuts SE MAR REDUCTIONS FINE KNIT doois 1110 e., Chlltlfm's Balmoral Blocklip. At is 141., loi's Wool Nizal Sub. Al 40e4 Mea's City brim It 40c., Nee's Gray dctLo Skirts. Al lir., Ladies' Hoop Skirti. At SOc., Indite Hoop Skirts. THE EXTRA BARGAINS OF THE Ladles' and Children's LOTH AND FELT SAIRTS. 4,509.000 A ea% aco is 15 79, T6S HOLID.A.Y ORR dc Itc,CONAUY I Wevv - elqra, 114 MEM a 7 ., corser of Vita l A.LLZEIHZBIT. Our Goods are Unsurpassed! 413-04CIDS. 111.000 BUSINESS CHANGES. rpm Finn . or BAI LIFF,.A BROWN • CARSON vas thin say dlesehad y mutual gement; JAMS,e. .OAReON &se pontos or Ids Interest- to Josepl O. RedUR sad Rhona. Brown. - AU .oenote bzontne 1t... selves Indebted to wad &menu p.n. oYleod male !mordants lowenent. end all admen, bey. Ind Wenn. Will leseseet the *awe to Sobel b. Wet mizzelralbet :f:,,Ved:ral . stsont, be being 111 BAILIFF. wl4 AS BeWN. SABRA a. oa O •den, Ats.itanowy CITY. Se noFy Lt. /RIO. _ln regrind Bow Um Oren of RAWL Brown • log mr I 4,1 " .: t> . PATINA. ' 'l.7vpr.i hews, awe eri uhl respect:WlT sot alt a comma. once or these favors for .the awn of Bat IR Brown. • HAMM a BPOWN, Plumbers, Ges and ?lecir lltlrrs,sl Federal mut , I. Antibes& thud. amerWy flr k ;larle t i4 Übe's) patronage MM.' • Period ezloloPollo•er Mu years, mu erould ralmulndrr esilell•Mms Masan,. of theta esteemed Afars tar ills old Orldlnal are, 'Jell MS DISSOLUTION. . • Tao Alm of LOGAN, GRILlie a WO., km this day beak dtmolved by Ilaeltaalos,.6l:o.llo2 PARE and J. P: JOHESTUR Elm %malaise will be settledby ebe reilabblem pm sass. 'JOHN N. LOGAN, • - EDWARD RIME% fumes PARK. • J. Z. JOHNbTUR e GEO. B. LOOM.. DIM/MX/ 3L IMP. The ladaralitaod sslll coattaas tho tor.rtatlola and sale of TOLUCIGN and DOBINSTIO UMW WARE at shN.r old stand. No. fa Wood WWI vadat she Inn of LOOLN. ORTOEI A CD. J. Z. Johnston wILI ramata vita too boom. • • • JOHN T. LOOMS. • r, ID Walitl.6ltlale. • -JA.semir B. LQ04121. CO. PARTNERSHIP. Looeri BROTHERS a co., Maecenas. to W. F. Loon BB 0.4 ORICIRAL COMEiTEcION ItRaCHABTS AHD BROKERS IN EICROLZUIL The aegornend ban tan day formed .Co.. t=IO P ' PA krzir alateurtirkdot 44171etiallie1/4'7lt. .o.sesse rat? " . EldlicridAL4ll.. • UR. PA J. T.411 . 00au aLec. fARQARE 10M. /11t0. 1"" r4W ,I • Lai/ DPSOLVIION Or 410-PAlLT partnerrhilf heretofore L l TMlgg r a? 4 ,tane . . tell day been elaweree.l The ImslPeall will SUM. be watt:lard by the areetrahmed (themeetarad Denman Cl the war rewee, who ht netboriete to rat , lee warmest 01011 claim and settle the "maven arum - • • • • JO rrN LOCJiwOOD, . Weft Cor.Daguente Way awl patrrr CAN TOP% SELF LABELING li l llllT-CAN TOP.I COLLINS WRIGIII. • . 1- .LrrslllinGll, PA. We ars maw sample.=imM, Slums sal Potters. n is' s sad as =t , s Vara Sop, MMusnames of Ms stamped apse Lb* sessm - ralliAl nom Ms ender, sad as masa orpobtamarmased spew It ts Clearly, Ilf Wad/yaw rcTisiestry _ bY may , smut.' the seine - etme • Qin the as ontsuun oppoeta the_poutter and it tibia 1.11 InMs..7 mama. No preserear of franc. 11 . 004 homaebelor rill Us ee► otharilfter ono ADMINISTRAT .IIDELW N'4l7). 59 MARE Event articie Ms beat regh.i'ee 80 4sip. seausio4o/br . PRICES 78 and 80 Market Street. lia Prices of Mt; Ilnannaz : comma TO Timis L 4 a iiim p t..4 , = =. l.: vii.., ;61....5.. 1. or ,==...a 2 1_,...k.,... h . r. il,•wohlllreial7....,ss • • . • . 4 ............ ~. arm =&oar= i =imw ii . 4* `• momotri Or yob, prams. Amootto me Ittr.t.s.ormnialer%i no weft .........• *atom ot ovum ille too mil mon smutty motor oictil tiimaitoM ' lmi s Ubl=thos i" t el. - ' p ..__ N . ; %,ungm1ar........ et bf Eta two la = . ittilemie aaatri p) us , ti... se aaa &raw tail laa• TIM :M ILIV . paw . , IS eau w. g, SP: r ina r.. boonot a fOetaaatalaaalaara OW =imam m a aar i a t r a 4tr.z . m . IM' • ..._......,%, ,=.117. • aver .",...v ar a t a i talja ...... ' * a rum 1 , (* • _ _ _ ; .....hi.. Ileuzni, Inst. oral ' ! Inliff. , oit inisik ' l -. F . ' =la Outs it ' ,R ,. 4 ' . 2 % re t :. i i IWILe i a 0 . elm hand* sad JR OR'S BRUT FINAL GLOSIN G SALE aCO II , Is Now in Program at BARK ER'S, STREET, • d flo priee,tesid mud boAridd fis mmw. A.Dirlimi-maarstrra OENEUIL REDUCTIONS TO CLOSE THE ENTIRE STOCK!! BATES Brg BELL err= THEIR Choice Selected Stock of Dress Goods, Shawls, Silks, Cloako, Blankets, !relvets, VERY LOW PBIOI To Itedute the Moak. i:ITEM OIL MIME. bs mint t zooms!) . • . • LI MUM To some me loaded Joretttl lut epee see NS what aelaidid s. bre ealebttellis pi. Mee atom et Wh/ siel botaiter weemojele prepezed and matted to t e lemetele • •• ' 'The Mittel •LxerietT sae who wo” Is Is a mit y ! la • eid ••5 ienrikunater thes=lt htte se se mos swans,. tee orbit mottos k clothe. are to es bad et I. tt. TitetroboteNW • .r.T0..7te10tice".........0a5t.4% • yen Polo fbr MO ma libtike Werth et ever/ kuar...timz urs a .: Pau Slums at the ' Than, — fiakage ni es& at ta el leieZ ami gba Uwe thy eel tbilL.. Loy . own frees* Y.. 7 .4 ul tteteenOeu Inv liettill me Mit NC II elotOtes nab. , - - • Cotes set talta tAK/ X 4lWerer ii kk al a illi. peats for gle wont , meo. ut MUM wort M.. sone Otte_ tromp ....' ' seta to: worth O. - atMel woo envy woe too iteam0u........., itiem bet a =is to s att ell.-tt ....,,,,,r,:_ 1.1111:eli street. • ,-, b I. THAMMILIX