Q Firs llittsW4 &vitt. CITE AND BIIBITILBAS. Tie Cal mlikes or Coalmen. We anieuthorized to asy that owing to the abeenoie of the Prealdent of the Com mon Council. Mr. TOXLIMION, whovery cusesMlLOWy use called from the city, the committees of Councils for the arum. 'lag year cannot be announced fora few dap:- ■ysr Eirsai disposed of four OWN Yesterday - Alderman Lindsay conks witted Lewis Graterron to jail for Weeny, on oath of Henry Dickson. the Tritium AlmsMe has been mined . hum Mr. W. A. Olidentbany. N 0.45 Fifth avenue, who his It on his counter ter male. Harglary.—Yestemay morning at an early hour the grocery More of Welsh Bros., Penn, near Twentyearth street, was beaten open and the contents of the Monsy drawer, Dye dollars, stolen. Ito Lent. Gorton arrested a man for dle orderly conduct yeaerday evening, and wee taking him to the look-up when Richard Interfered and attempt. ed tome the Pritoner. The Lieuten ant paid his sttratlon to the fellow who interfered arid took him to the toomta. morulti depoelled =3o for his appearance this p llauttary.—Third avennefrom Wood to /darker street underwent a thorough cloning yesterday morning. and the boulders which were for the past few months hidden beneath the third mind rook are. now visible, and present a taightappearanoe. The Vigilant . Engine WTI &nerve the credit of this sanitary =raiment. We will attentltm to the advertisement In another oolumn. of farms for sale to hinnit sod Morgan countle% Ohio. We egerUftmed Mr. Joint Tornio. of 'Llbrart.thloOMlMS• boSght a cheap/aro orrielagg one of- from Wright, end an no 4P - det giro bribnxistion that thOl•larms country. . There moot be a bargain itare4l4.—Laet evening a young man was deemed in the act otateallng a lot of Mashes from Forreat'a store. Fed. eral street, to the Diamond. He en. daseured to escape, but alter running about • square was ought by Chief Bow den. whelooked him up. He gam his name as Wagner. Thin morning hie ems Will be attended to. ullfugopeitea."..-To.rdght Rev. EL P. • Linn wUI deliver his popular lecture ou tdonopolless," in Atwood., Hall, byre. - guest ot • the Telegraphers' Protective Lague. Those who wish to spend an arguing . pleasantly should make it a point to be present at this entertain ment. ,The reverend gentleman to both • pleasant speaker And fine writer, and Um lecture cannot fall to be Interesting. Bold Oat—The lilsgle Fire Company .yesterday sold out their parlor furniture at auotion. -The apparatus and other • property of the company, It will be re membered, were some time canoe Pair• chased by James McAuley, Eaq N.Vbether It is the Intention of the cow pany to aurrendsi their charter and Ms _ Mad we are nog informed, but the dl.- position' of all the personal Property Would Indicate such to be the case. - Narrow liticape.-..A loafer, wbo wait too drunk to tell his name, narrowly moped death yesterday "'Writ -balloast three o'clock. U. attempted llama the railroad near the Union 'Depot In front of a train, whim be fell on the track. A citizen who happened to be near at band rescued him by dragging him from the track just in time to prevent the train tram passing over him. was taken to. the lock-op mad prodded with lodg ings for the night. _ Alleged lirraadateatßepresentationa, Testerds7 Mr. J. H. Ciermaek made in. formation before Alderman Humbert charging John Baker of Westmoreland 00 unt.V. with false pretence'. Carmaok is agent for Messrs. Kramer, Bohn & 00., oenfectioners of this city. He alleges • Baker, by representing himself as the owner of property in Westmoreland ' oounty, obtainedgoods of the firm to the amount-cf several hundred dollars, when his ownership of the r eal estate was found to be a myth. The accused was-arrested and gave ball for trial. Youthful teuptc.—Some mouths ago Raabe'Mere and Anthony Snyder were united in the handset matrimony. fee ceremony was performed' in a phyai clan's omee. Anthony Is seventeen years of age. sad Rachel has lived about the same length of time in the world. The happy. couple spent a month harmoni ously together, when Anthony &up. =and failed to retu it teenaged. lay Rachel mad rn, e 'precaution agalusi_hlm for desertion before Alder man Thome.: if. well arrested and held for a ,hftrlng. Who" Watches! A complaint hu reached us "that on Wednesday morning at two o'clock the burly policeman ism [toned la the vicinity of the grain sieve. Gar on Liberty street, where thieves and highwaymen mast do operate, was found laid lip in a store box. If this be trite, let him be dismissed at ones. Night po. Me are paid for watching, not for dozi ng away the hours. Lc that locality, at least, .mlibe acis" on the part of the guardians e, of lifrty and property of citizens, are dangerous luxuries. Will Mayor Brash investigate the little charge? Washington 004 Jere /on College,—ln the United States Cltault Court, Judgs Maranuan presiding. a notion to Ms valve the Imellmlnary injunction, granted at Williamsport by Judge bloCondlase, netraintog the Trustees of Washing. • ten And Jefferson tkillege from removing — The college to Washington, was alined yesterday OyDissare , Acbeson and Wil son for the motion, atatiltdras and Vass!' contra. Au order was made dissolving the Injunction. This, we believe, Ole. pas of all the awes. the others having s bee he Ste t% J n dissol R ved by thetda. Supreme Mart of o ighiclelp Alleged Pais. Protases J. F. Dermade infbrruation before Al . dorm bin/dealers against J. R. Jones for fuss pretence. Jones Is charged with obtaining $45 cash by representing that he had a lot of chestnuts up the Hoc. nellarille Railroad which be would ship in return for the money. He did'nt do it. He is also charged with obtaining • lot of sacks by representing that be would return them (titled with oats. at a price Matt below the market; The sacks, Its alleged, he turned Into money and replimished his pocketbook. A seneds Inmost for the arrest of the accused was ~'"` Ths LestUST. An appreciative audience asernbitid at the Academy.of !Anzio last evening*. Lear the lecture of Rev. E. P. Roe on "The Romance of Cavalry LIM" The lecturer acquitted himself as had been anticipated, to the aatinfaction of aIL HU - style of .speaking, though outer, is very pleating and attractive, while the. tan. &nage and thought 'of the discourse were both entertaining and instructive. He was frequently applauded by the mull. epee, who fully appreciated the literary treat oftered—iThe next leoture of the U. A. it course will probably be eon by hira. Cody Stanton, and will be duly Mien mire Dull. Money is scam and goods must to mold to onit lb. times. M. TOW.., No IS Sixth itinet, not wishing , to carry over any - Work boat this. seesen to lb* Dere - Is determined to close out his snare . Moak at 60par tient leas than coat. Look at the great redenion, a waste snit at $8 re . and =pearls; due • snits at $ wont' Ph the eery bee at ilk Overcoats 11$ to sllb the eery beet st $l6. Boys' Clothing at half prim; tine Cashmere Pants at Plaid Pants and Vest in all colors at $l, wrnitill6; w great orking barg pant sains it $1 60. Go and ses the now anted id the* big_ the ' 1.11, St. Clear street. CredUalda We her. s Miry worthy and estimable iisineriber, who, a dry or two ago, be. came the proud tether of Ws eleventh non—ellyeing. The lady bin a cones. liromit teats. and promises that ant year we shall ansonnos the completion of the round dosan of hale and hearty buya e when she will apply far a premium to , nand grant or the Prodder:it of aornspropegation society. ,it him? go. ambient An these day*. to chronicle • . married lady soprolido, and we trust the . wife and Mother may live to see Mg last and least of bar boys, as well as all the -others, attain a proud post. tionjo Tareatum bee the honor of containing mobs wife and soother. - and as alumber'weddlng day the Ommrn 'los been her standard authority on tome Sara literary_and dotosatin ws hops she incelosts in bar eleven boys a dos rillufdninCeezteration ftir our piper, an abet they unwell ons day boom manual. . ALLEGHENY COUNCILS. Final Netting—Annual Eeperts of Coin- MlLtees, City Engineer, Controller and S. The floral meeting of the Allegheny City Councils for 1869 wee held yesterday (Thursday) esstifirOanuary 13th, at 7.15 o'clock. Seleet Council. Members present: Messrs. Canary, English, ()winner. Hall, Long, Morrison, Patterson, J. C., Patterson, A., Phillips, Riddle, Reiter, Wettach, President Mc. Brier and J. R. Oxley, Clerk. The readies of the minutes of the pre- Timis meeting was diapensed with. Mr. English presented the report of the Pollee Committee, .which ; was received and filed. i • WATER CORKITTZE. Mr. Wettach presented the report of the Water Committee. The Oommittee mll attention of Councils to the reports of the Superintendent of Water Works and Water Assessor, which accompanied the report. The report seta forth that • new basin is needed 11th greater capaci ty. The Committee have examined sev eral altos, among which was Lowry's Bill, the highest point adjacent to the city. The natural conformation of the ground was considered favorable, and the elevation suMcient to give a supply of water to the entire city. The report was received and died. From the Water Assessor's report we take the following, which la a rtISOAPITIJIATION. . asirr. ID a3181883413r. Iflnt Witrd....1111.885 19 . 145.61 emend .... •... 18.177 lb . 418 = Third 18 005 46 21715 roan! =MI 43 214 30 71119 7 4110 05 55:05 • 131910 4.11 0 TS • W 714 tleVal, ti 2.9111 113 .443 15 IlgOtl3 1 773 = KO VS Total - • ' 1655 OH W 111.= ri—ins.ms :d Amount for Oahu plots 1.. 9 4, 3. 04 4 4 605 00 . - 11 KO 05 44.3=404 by metre by boperlatea. - demo( Water Wales for 131, 6d and id 7 .31 311•rta 114t1watfor 419 quart.r by mote 2.945 01 44.449 11.990 timiliss were supplied regularly with hydrant water. • .- - The report was - read and ordered to be printed. The report of the Superintendent of the Water.Workz, a well prepared doou meat, was also read and ordered to be printed. I= Mr. J. O. Patterson presented the re• port of the street committee, acoompa log which was the following row:ill:Mon : Peso/vac That the report of the view era on the opening of Fulton street be referred h•ck• to the viewers to examine and ni.view. The report of the Btreet Commlationer, Thos. Itiegmsr, woo oleo presented by the Chairman of the Street Committee, giv ing the eoat of Cleaning and repotting of streets, street oroesinge, de, for the year 1869: Eltret..te et.r. et croutos .11c Lumber. Ac..— ........ P.M'S sidewalks Ito. culvert@ EMI Collections on grading and paving streets during the year 1869, and amount due January I, 1870.! • Asonntdms J=nary 1, UM. Codectedtnllo Dna Jan.1,110:1 r..13C The reports were read and 'ordered to be printed. &NAVAL HSPOILT OP THE 1511 MM COM = Mr. J. C. Pattetaon, Chairman of the Street Committee, promoted the annual report of the Street Committee setttog forth at length the Work performed during the year and containing many Important suggestions relative to street and street Improvements. Received and ordered to be printed. CITY'SOLICITORB EZPOBT Mr. J, C. Patterson presented the an nual report of the City Sollcd:or for the year of 1859. The Solicitor reports the following ixd lections made during the year: Asset manta fer grading and paring, 16,755 75: sewerage claims In middle and western districts, 314,930 fat for lateral sewer on Morton alley, 3553: opening Morton alley, 84106 Le: . opening of Pitt alley, rkibo i . West Common rower, f 4,439 39, total, $75„849 65. The report farther states that the new charter of the ally has been completed and approved:by the Ordinance Cot:nit tee, also a new Act of Assembly, relative to the grading, paving and opening of streets, which latter, it is urged, is very neoseetary to have passed by the Legisla ture for reasons well known to some of the Osmmittee. These matters will be presented to Council for Its approval at the first meeting alter organisation, and when acted opou by the Legislature the code can be prepared and published as .contemplated. The report refer to the disposition made of cases In which the city were party, and then alluded to the tame of the City vs. Zugg It Co. In reference to the ease thel3olteltor says : This case de pends entirely upon legal questions. which will be' decided by. the-Supreme Court in the ease of Wainwright vs. hic. Cr:Hough, which was argued in Novem ber last, and which the Supreme Court. now In session in Philadelphia, are ex• ponied to forward their decision In a few days. I shall oommunloode the result to you immediately:Liter it is received. As we shall then know whether the lines, are to stead as they are now establiehed, and as the rights of cities and private owners will be defined, we can prosecute the case intelligently and spend our time and money to acme purpose, which we do not nettl this is decided: The report was teed and ordered to be printed. • • • • • REPORT Or THE CPT! ENGINEER. Mr. Petters On. Chairman of the Street Committee, presented the following re port of the City Engineer: Tb the Honorable lhe tklece and Common Counede: - - Giurrurtartr—l!cintuant to the require. merits of the law. I herewith eribmit a report of the - business and operations of this department Oaring the year 1869. El=! The total length of streets. graded and paved during the year la wren and three. tenth , . (7 8 10) miles. and at a coat of 8234.783.66. These grades give g length of aver eight miles. Berne of the streets shown are old established thoroughfares with the adjacent property more ; or less Im proved. in snob cease (especially where creeds tonveneirregular ground or rough hill aide territory with buildings seated at abate* all Ipossibleelenratione), fixing grades*, aa to meet the requirements of the city and at the same time to give sat isfaction lathe property bolder, affected Le s task very difficult to accomplish. Grades should always be established In advance of building Improvement& In the Unimproved territory recently ao mitred the location and grades of the principal avenues of - approach, and - inter. seating streets, should be defined In a general plan to guide in locating build ings and in making improvements, and thus give confidence to the community in the enjoyment of their property with out the dresutof being interfered with in the opening out of new streets. As long-se thee* matters of location and grades of streets remain unsettled, jang.mnst we expect to . see the prop erty lie in • comparatively unimproved condition, and unproductive as far as yie ce lding any revenue to the city is con. ased. • it has been the ininfortuno of this city (salt has been with 'aims* every other chi at someirticular period of its his tory) to neglect many of the moat Impor , tent matters of internal Improvements -until the necessities at growth and ex. pension formed their conidderatiOn. Sewers, street openings and street Adesg ate all sprung upon no altar the a jogged along quietly for thirty I years, and attar we have enjoyed apple. rently a Perpetual indemnity against such annoyances in regard In futon wants ea periodically affect other cake. The Moult) in the way of carrying out work under such circumstances arise, In part front the unavoidable In. terferenoe made with what has already been done, anti in part from the difilent ty of satisfying existing prejudices In I regard to . matters Involving radical -change. r • 'The preliminaries to the work of street opening and target extension would be greatly altnylitled and many of the dirt!. chides pow experienced in taking offsets 'out of idreets , or making 'their lines continuous, removed In. future. If finch legislation was obtained as would enable , the city hereafter to require property ' holders laying out grounds into blocks and streets to submit the plans for such additiomi to °outsells for"thelr approval, with the further provision that no plans should be valid or admitted to record without such, indorsement. • This would insure uniformity in dream and blocks. =I 15,U4 feet, or nearly three (3) miles of sewers have been built within the past year at a cast of $7O, MO M. The to it per mile Or the throe, mile, bulls th a year would be g 23,3131, whlle that and Abe two and almteruhe mites built pit : m(o=ly runs up to MAIO per 110. showing a very dedded reduction In cost In the tut work (the prices of la bor and,material in both cases being about the same) and a great Analog to the tax payers. The sewers recently built ere placed at • greater depth below the street cur. flwa awl are more liberally supplied with hada and man-holes than was for. marlyamadderedenfnulentlterrachwotk. This temdritOlnareasetneir coat Dyer for. . . , ~..",... 7.-T„: , ...•?;:; , :.. , . , - , ..;....., , , , ,.: : „. , .,„.,......'5,.;' , : q ...;.,..4.i ......„ ~, :.7.v3...• ~v,', ,: .-', 4 - - ,,, : , . , ,-,-- -: , ::::!/' - '' , • 1 '''''''': :' ' : - .7,- '' ' 5 4- ' -' ''''.....:'''''' : " l''' ' ' ' ' '''' ,7-- ; -,F.''' , :-.i;!.. , , ,,, 4.,,,1:r1.-.r.. ,- : .. - <;.?..r.z. • .7;14 4:41Z-.,, , X q 1 ;- = :.-cf.= :. '-' -+ I. , .•••, , :::-.'V: . 7137: , -- , 47;cc.:4.,.} , ...,!:;g4 - ,, , , -- ,..;,•:: - ...7`.-.; -- -, ..,- ..r.,.., ...11.--_. 7 -- , „- , ..,--,-,,-r.--.",.. 7 -- „.e....,..- T . -:-,-.. ~-.2,!..,,a-*-.-,__ -1.-.-...,,-.....-. ,-.:-,' , '"• -,-. .fi - ' 6. ''' .. " - ''''' ''''''''..''''''''''..- ='; t '''''''''''''''''''''' . ""- .l '-' ''',''''' ''''''' .4.,,,44, .'g•l'r^' ,64 Atki . "..l%.:l , Vei:Sci,%.',...,P;:z&i.,;tlKf--3e4.*ZZ ,, ,,,:z , ._5Z . 1.V42EYV1Y.:''.'P . -:,';';,-;'::',; - (1;41i - e,i , k . e:+ilLSYYC",lag,"'Z'f.:Ah4. ›, ',.!...k0-t, , I , X , ',/,,ttii.i".3%.,:f: V:Z. , ;',' . . - Z',' . i;-:'' , :. '..-:‘ , .-.,„ --- .,•4.. -,•,;;;;...;,-,,;.,;.. ,c...,-... , ;; - _ , .. , ....'2- - ; ,- .',.... ~- -.4 -r k. ' . * *---- ' ''''- ' " - . ' ' - , "*.'4irP.kaDe..,?r0z,, ,, ;; , '... , ~,,,,,'-,, .-' 4_ , -p -- :" -,..,' -z -,: , -4.r: - -Ll'h-•'..e.5.--t, .. , '•: - .-", , ,Nlii,_::4461tii - Ao% -..., 4* - . . 4,,,ri e ,,, A . ‘ 0 Z . .r..r-Ilt AS3':''A'2'L''''''''V-''''''C .' l**, Crli ' ' '4 .. ' ' '. . l ''' .. , a, -,-.}-5 , 4.1%. - :' , -i , _, . - mer sewer*, yet the tables &noire large re; ductlon in cost per nmning foot, which is accounted for by the fact that from the elaborate plan and data already at hind, we are able to determine exactly the. location and else reqnired for any pro posed sewer, and are not exposed to the danger of locating a large sewer where a small one would do as well. No more money is expended or work done, than the case demands, and no work already done requires re-location or change of dimensions. The greater part of these sewers, (or .1,; miles), are what are termed lat eral sewers, and bunt upon the path. tion of property holders along the lino of sewers, and paid for by such property as In street Dosing. The remainder, or one and six-tenths tl 8.10) . miles, styled main sewers, are paid for In part by the property abutting and In part by a general tax, no that It rents with the people themselves, to fix on the amount to be annually expended on such work, sew= PERMITS. • • The system of granting sewer permits fog tapping sewers, and of issuing licen ses to plumbers and masons for doing the work, (put in full force this fell), is now fairly inaugurated and is willingly multi eeoed in by the public. Seven (7) parties have so far been li censed, and the books (but lately open ed) ahow the lame of forty-three (43) W rermita for tapping sewers, amounting to OO The. Item of cleaning sewers has not yet found Its way 'lnto the schedule of City Expenditures, and It is the desire of your Engineer as well as your Com mittee on Sewers that this shall be held In check as far as can be done by careful construction; and in providing proper reg 'Wain"?' for the use of &low h Sewer cleaning In some cities requires a large minust expenditure, vaiylug according to the oompleteness or Imperfection of their system of sewerage. I= Since the date this law went Into effect (May 20, 1869) four thousand five hundred (4500) property descriptions have been taxon and a portion of them entered and plotted upon the plan book prepared fur that. purpose. In Ma present incomplete state its records are of great service to the office in locating property for assessments and correcting errors in tax lists, besides they are constantly • consulted by citizens not connected with the City Government for information In regard [otitis, boundaries or ownership of property. hut advantages cannot be fully felt or appreciated until It is completed, which will be during the coming year. Chicago, in the revised charter of 1869, has made provision for the carrying out of a system of registry of property simi lar to oar own, with the difference that It is there plated In the bands:of the Tax Commissioner. =I VI nsTcy • for fixing lot boa a dart*, h.ote been Louie during the year realizing to the city...—. ......... One hi Total expenditure for sewerltiCnrrftLaYlOst and street Is exoe c o ns nstrue. lon this rose $ tee.hoi WI last .t re e a wore Leeith of paved .trre se ta In the city ee 3911 IS to alt• 21 3.10 miles. Length p.r,ii duties ISM 7 1:0 tt Length s aved during:li. years IRV, , ISfie and MY/ td •' Leonth paved pees taus to ISS" JO 1.10 tt Leng s!. th orient built prior to 1888. I 6 to' •. Cost Length ot •••rcrs bullt•ltiflOg We. sl.Whlti 11 111.124 fret) about 2 miles. Cost • 16335 5 • 5..• • .14 • :55 31 365 ao 5,13316 . 4.17 513 MIMI anal The above shows the Impetus given to this els= of Improvement within the put three years; and gives a tolerably (Mr buts for measuring the recent ra pidity of growth and development of the City. In comparing the amount of lowering and paving on this side of the river with that of Pittsburgh, the reports show that for the . Net three years Allegheny has equalled, if not excelled, her sister city in the extent of such improvements. In connection with street improve: manta, I would ask your attention to the matter of planting shade trees on the aide walks of the streets, or of that por tion of them used for residence purposes. The liberal public spirit nod refined taste of our citizens have done much to In crease the healthfulness and attractive. ness of the city in the planting of orna mental shade trees in front of their prem ises, but to eitend this system so as to give character to streets or particular calitlee, or to make its benefits generally soaps, it should be under municipal di rection and supervision. From the remits presented. it would seem to be the settled disposition of our entrains to make large annual expendi tures in the way of street paving. In view of this, and the feet that we have now fifty-one [sl] miles of paved streets to keep in repair and maintain, would it not be proper for Councils to make in quiry into the relative merits of the dif ferent kinds of pavements In use else where, for the purpose of asoertaining whether there might not be some other description of pavement, than that of which our streets are now foimed—the cobble atone—that might not be more advantageously mod, In some situations at least, and be pinch more cheaply main tained. - The first cost of pavements should not be the controlling conalderatiod. It Is In maintenance and repairs where the serious drain le made on the tax payer's pocket. With the growth and improvement of the city, the work of this oface become. more extended and more varied, and re• quires'a . correeponing enlargement of facilities for transacting the beriness. I bad the honor, a year ago, to call your attention to the fact thet the room occu pled by your Engineer was too email for the proper accommodation of the force no the preservation of the records. As nothing as yet has been done in toe matter, I would again suggest the Im portance of an early provision of the necessary accommodations for the In creased business of this office. Respectfully, CHAS. DAVIS, City Engineer. The report was received and ordered to be printed. OONTBOISEIeIS REPORT Mr. H.U. `Chalrmau of the Pittance Committee. presented the annual report of the Controller. of which the following lea • ILECUPITULATION. FLryttind treat ordluarr foorces. not.. d•erounted man cgoporis of • sort lift.l2 .an 0? Amon•t paid orr for ordinary .xpen• mead note. La book paid CCI racers of exoenditnrsa over revenue.. 2 713 33 •• of the city ran Ica Or ovallsble 178.131 V =I =MCC= Accompanying the report was a detailed financial statement of the affairs of the city ably prepared. The report was reeelved• and ordered to be printed. A.ZIOTBZII OSTER. Mr. English proseuted the following communication: To the &led cried Common Councils of At. legheyry Oily Germain:art—l have a term of two hundred and eight acres, situated in Shafer township, two and a half miles from Etna borough, one hundred rods from the Butler pike, wed, and about one hundred and eighty rods from the line of the contemplated Sbarpeburg, Butler and New Castle Railroad, which I will sell you for 1300 In cash per acre. or 060 per acre half cash and balanoe In Allegheny eltrhontis: or I will sell half the farm at the above rates and coop . Respectfully yours, Joutt.ficorr, Jr... The communication was read and re ferred to the Committee on Poor Norm. PARK 00/111.1111ROR CONTRACT. Mr. A. Patentor' otierred the following resolution: Resolved, That the Park Commisalon be and are hereby requested to report to oounella If all contracts in the Park hn prOvesneot hare been let in accordance with the bth section of the act of Assem bly creating said commission. Adopted. ==l Mr. A. Patterson presented a remon. 'trance against the opening of Payette 'treat from its present terminus. Re ferred to the Street Committee. COMPLIKEWL&BAN -Mr. Riddle offered the following reso•' Union: • Resolved. That the thinks of this Council be tendered to President, James !definer, Eaq., for the faithful and im partial manner In which he has dlacharg• ed the duties of the office during the peat year. The resolution wee adopted nnanl• moody. Mr. Brier responded to the resolution, thanking Council for their kindness, and complimenting the city on the Improvo• went of its financial affairs, which were in a better condition than they had been for a number of years, at the close of the year., Comma Council. President Bleak in the 'Chair At the call of the roll by the Clerk, Robert Dllwofth, the following members were present: Meer. Consiey, Grand, Gilliland, Han na, Hastings, Krebbe, Kopp, hu graw, McNeil, Ober, Prloe, Porter, Reinenian, Media, Tate, Thompson, voegtly. War. nor and President Slack. On motion of Mr. Tate, the reading "or the minutes wee dispensed with. Mr. Tate then aubmitted the rimort of the 0.. Committee. accolppauled by th e following resolution • . n - Beaolve-That- the Illapultdendent of MlBl3OlOll DAIL, GAMITTI3: VRIDAY MOWING, JANUARY 14, 1870 the water works be and he Is hereby au thorized to place lamp posts as follows: On Hemlock street, between Poplar and Esplanade streets: Beaver avenue near Western avenue; on Liberty street be tween Cedar avenue and Rine's alley; corner of Robinson street and Gray's al. ley; corner of Monterey Street and Davis' alley; corner of Sedgwlck street and Franklin street; Washington avenue, near P. Ft. W: dc C. Railway crooning. The committee also reported that In akcordanoe with the resolution of Coun cils, the Gan Company had been instruct ed to lay gas mains on Green street, In the Third ward. The report wee accepted and the reno cation adopted. Mr. Hanna, a resolution authorizing a warrant on the Treasurer for f5O, as ad ditional to salary of G. Ituseelbaugh, measenster of Councils for 1869. Adopted, 8. C. non concurred. AN/I[7AL REPORT OP THE .MAILICET COY• • BiIITLE. Kr Hanna, from the Committee on Mar eta, presented their annual report, as f. tower G • etTLEwww: Your Committee on Mat , Awl submit the following report., show• log receipts from sources under our cow tro for the year /869. t ar ela a t 6:c ee I:dir:atel Total Receipt. r.o lOU Inerease over last ;eat a 06 The report ire■ licceptod and ordered to be printed. . WNARVEN ♦ND 142/DINGS Mr. Hastings, from the Committee on Wharves and Landings. presented their anunal report. as fo4owe: Onertaosszt: Your Committee on Wharves and Landings, respectfully submit. the following annual rcport, showing their operations during the year IStZ : ascalrze. ,' I. R. Paylc, WbccfaccsCor of itiestern M ark t - $1,11:11 lico It. ',Langer, Wharionstar Societal I.lccriet bAlauce front 11.7 71 CO =l= • The report shown an Increase of nearly 25 per .ce..t. over the receipta of last year, which Is mainlyattributable to the effi ciency of the of In charge; notwith standing, however, the activity and effi ciency of both officers it Is palpably apparent that .the revenue from. the wharf will not sufficiently remunerate or Justify two persons :o devote their entire time, -or - even a reasonable - portion theretif.. Your Oommittee recommend the repeal of that portion of the ern'. nonce which provides for a subdivision of the wharf into two districts and two whartmasters, and report with favorable recommendation an ordinance providing for a consolidation of the districts into one, and one wharfinastor, who shall. have charge of the consolidated district. The Committee have expended during the year considerable money In extenu. log and protectiug the wharf at various points, and still have an unexpended balance of 8298 78 to the credit of. their appropriation. They have no - hesitancy In resorting that .for every dollar ex pended by them upon wharf improve ment, the value of the - wharf hen been enhanced ten foid,and your Committee feel satisfied that the state of affairs on the wharf are much more than proper. ionately In better Condition than the close of last year found them. The report was accompanied by an or dinance relative to changing the divi sions of the wharf into districts.. The re port was accepted. Considerable di a cusaion ensued on. the motion to adopt the ordinance, which was finally postponed. CIAIS COMNITrEE'EI ANNUAL REMIT. CMII Mr. Tate presented the annual report of the Gina Committee, showfug expels. Whites during the year to be for light• log gaelauipe, 15,527 20 throughout the city anti lu the City dell, market house and the various engine houses. Added to this the expenditures for newgas lamps, fittings, itc., 14,531 58, make. the total expenditures 118 . 020 40. There are in the city (including six. teen In the Park) four hundred and mix public lamp., fifty-six of which have been erected during the past year. The report is accompanied by that of the Superintendent of the Water Works, Mr. Wm. Paul, which gives a detailed state ment of the operations of Committee during the year. The Committee close their report with s resolution tendering the thanks of Councils to Mr. Paul for the faithful and very efficient manner In which he has discharged his arduous duties during the year. The report Wes received and the .rese- Intion edoptaL 110 ADDITIONAL COMZENEL&TION Mr. Tate presented a resolution provi ding for Um payment of 1100 additional. compenmtlou to th. 4 Superintendent of Water Works for labors during l&S. Mr. Warner was opposed to establish ing such precedents, although not op• nosed to paying Mr. Paul fully for tars servieea. . Mr. McNeil moved to lay the resole Son on the table. Adopted. I= Mr. McNeil, from the Committee on Poor Farm, presented the following ro- • porn Ontrnmotari : Your Committee on Poor Farm would respectfully report that they bad before them the resolution authorizing the Poor Directors to pur chase the Brimitley farm; also, the prop. mitten from the Hoboken Land Company to sell one hundred acres of their land to the city for Poor Farm purposes, sod after a thorough enterchange of opinion deemed it unadvisable, in view of the approaching close of the session, to rec, ommend any action In the matter. The Committee had else before them • very Important matter in view of the contemplated radical change of the city charter, now in course of preparation by the city solicitor, under direction of the Ordinance Com mittee,C viz: • change in the law relating to the election and or. ganizttion of the Board of Poor Direc tors. The matter was discussed in your Committee and they decided to recom mend that the Board of Poor Bimetal% be Increased to eight members, to con. slat of one representative from each ward, to be elected annually smother ward offi cers are elected, by a meJority of the legal voters of each ward. Your Committee would recommend that the Ordinance Committee be author ized to make that change embodying the same In the proposed new city charter. Accompanying this report were Chomp' of the Poor DireOiChia, the Puriariniaudrint of the Poor Vann And tile Phyalcian; all of which were approVed and. ordered to be printed. =EI That portion of the report referthig to a change in the city charter was leaned to the Ordinance Cominittety I= Mr. Megraw, from the Committee-on Fire Engines end Hose, presented their sonnet report se follows: Gravuoteri:—Your Committee on Fire Eogtnee respectfully present the following annual - report: - - Your Wmminim under ordinary eh , cumstancee would consider it the work of supererogation to make an additional report to the very exhaustive and Intel! , gent statement of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department which accompanies this paper., There is one matter, how. ever, which your Committee think Is of eufficlent impartanoe to demand the serious consideration of your honorable bodies„ - vix: Ills hot a dilpated fact that the interests of the city demand the erection of a bettsrand more convenient class of houses for engine purposes than we have at present. At beat a numberof them are not better than rickety, tmnble down sheds, unsightly in .the, extreme, and not more so than they are inomvem lent and ill adapted for thepurposes used. Your Committee are glad to note that public:opinion la being gradually worked up to the necessity of creating all "publlto buildings in good style and in keeping with the advancing spirit of the age. Among the engine buildings and caliche In the opinion of your committee' it would be difficult to And a more out of the war location, and illy coati lved berme than that at present occupied, by the Hope Fire Company. There is no outlet, than a great roundabout, than by sealing an angle of forty flee degrees to view of those -facts Your committee have one recommendation to make viz Theteia a small strip of the West Oom• won bounded by Marion avenue, Ridge avenue, Ohlo street, and the Railroad which your committee regard ea • very suitable site for an engine house. It is tact about the only suitable locality for snob. a structure that can be foetid within the limits of the First Ward. The Committee have no desire to interfere with the Oorundaslon in the work of beautifying the Park, and would not insist upon the carrying out of the auggestionif it would have that effect. On the other hand the Park Oommhision will need • Widths of home kind &taping point on the Park for Fara purpostaC Why not set aside this strip for each purple/Fr and erect a building that would answer for au engine house, sad serve for a green house and store room for fibs Park as well. Your Committee are of the opinion that same building could be emceed at that point which would be en ornament instead of a detraction. Any other treatment of- I the ground would prove very expensive, aid when completed would add . very lima lustre to the Park grounds. Your Committee therefore recommend this matter to the consideration of the in coming Comic% and treat that prom% action will be taken. For the detailed operitions of the Fire' 'Department your attentionts respelOWY. directed to Chief Engineer Cmw Mani- It is fully complete and' satiafactorn creditable alike to that officer and your Committee, showing as It does tint • department has been conducted econom ically and efficiently. The thanks of your Committee are due and hereby ex tended to him for his faithful and =a cesaful efforts. .A mpy of Rules and Itegalations for the Paid Fire Depart ment have been pre pared and approved by your Committ and are hereby sub. mined for your a provaL The following resolution is reported : Resolved, Tbat the thanks of the Select and Common Councils of the city of Al legheny are hereby extended to James L. Crow, Chief Engineer of the Fire De partment, and L: 1). McCandless, Super intendent of the Fire Alarm Telegraph, for their uniform attention to duty and faultiens management of their respective departmentx nEronT or THE CHIEF ZNOlrtnnn i • • The report of the Chief Engineer, Janice E. Crow, accompanying the Fire Engines Committee's report Was a very lengthy and carefully prepared - docu ment. From it we learn that the aggre gate expenses Of the department during the year was Hope, $3 036 62; Gen. Grants $2,691 35; Columbia (including real es tate bought), 14,629 15; - Friendship, $3,310 19; Ellsworth Hose, 62,495 75; Good Will Hose (Including now build. leg), - $7,374 73; Fire Alarm Tel.. graph, 11,262 29; General Department, 91,251. Total—s26,l2o 89. In this is included salaries, new home, repel running expeneek, &e., &e: Of thin snot $7,370.0u, expended for the purchase o real elitists', new Wilding., &0., •hc.,111 termed extraordinary expense s, which will not again occur fur some time. There in in the, department altogether 5,500 feet of hose, 4,750 of which is in good condition, and which Is distnbuted pro rata among the companies. The new building erected for the Good Will Company i• smskem of as an evidence of the increased, liberality of Councils. The new steamer for the Friendship wet $4,500, la a model of beauty and has given complete satiefarstion. The purchase of a fuel wagon to carry supplies to the engines at tires Matronly) , recommended - as • check to the detente. tion of private property for thin purpose. During the year 65 alarms were streak, 13 of which were false. The total loe• was 1237,353; insurance, $ 155 . 730 . 01 these the most destructive were the Elope cotton factory, Sept. 17, loss $150,- 200. Insurance 11115,000; Labelle Steel Work., April 6. loss $27,837, insurance $16.689; Frazier. & Bra's planing mill, done 29, ices $25,000, Insurance $9,000; Fifth ward school house, Dee. 21, lose $28.000, fully insured. - The deficiency. In the supply of water Is also epoken of, and the matter strongly urged upon the early attention of the new Councils. The Paid Fire Depart ment to be inaugurated on the Drat of February, 1870, to highly commended by the Engineer, In Gloating bin report, and the most beneficial results anticipated from a properly organized system. The reports were both received and adopted. The "Rules" were referred to the Committee on Fire Engines, with power to act. • The uncial vote of thanks were tendered to the President and Clerk for the - faithful end - efil• dent manner In which they discharged the duties devolving upon them. Several members made remarks appro. I prlate to the Miming minion of Ocuncitn. Mr. Cowley offered • resolution calling upon:the Street Committee to report to Councils why the grading of Green St., Seventh ward, bad not been proceeded with. The resolution was referred to the Street Committee. al' I'll 10 1.104 3 - . ;PC M 2E13 BM On motion Council adjourned line die I=3l Opium Rad for Rhubarb aod Ad odalatee ed to a Child—The ildld Dies—Coro. tser , o laqueat. Justice Berry, being deputied by Coroner Clawson for the purpose, held au inquest on the body of Jennie Merger, a little girl !Our years of age, -who died at the residence of her step father in Mifßiu township, on Tuesday last, from the effects of a dose of opium, which, through the; carelessness of a druggist, bad been adraltdstered to her tinder the Impression that it -was rhubarb. It ap pears that the Child was alck on Monday end In the evening her mother adminle tared to her a large dose of opium In mistake for rhubarb. Mr.. Steel, the' drug clerk, through whose mistake the affair occurred. Is said to be a sober and competent druggist, and usually perfect ly 'careful. Below Is the testimony: Was. Maxwell. sworn—Am step father of Jennie Berger, deceased. On the 10th Inst. my wife tad given the child, who "was about Mit-years Old, a nettle - of eas. tor oil. In the evening I wont to Sill Jr. Bleep' drug store in Allan toveushlp, and asked for twenty-live cents worth or pulvented rhubarb. I got It and went borne, and my wife mixed op about one third and gave It to the child, and the child threw it up as quick as she swal lowed it. My wife took about one-half of what was tell and mixes:lit in molasses and gave It to her. She then saw her stagger on her feet. She then took her up della and put her to bed. I also laid down. My wife tithed Ina few minutes that the child was dying. I got upend looked at her, and she was black in the face.. I went for and got Dr. Bohn. Be sent me to the drugstore. " There reeked - Mr. Steel what kind of medicine he gave me. He banded me down the opium jar and the rhubarb jar. I add it was not rhubarb I got. Ile said It was his Mi. take and that he gave meoplum. I went head and the child was dead. S.Sieel, sworn—Mr. Maxwell came to the drug store and asked fur twenty. dye,amts worth of pulverised rhubard. and [I gave him powdered opium in a mistake;. the two jars stand one above the other and are labeled alike; I mis took one for the other, and do not deny that I made the mistake. Dr. John d Kuhn, sworn—Mr. Max- I well called me on the lOth but., to come and see a child that had teen taken and. 1 denly ill; the child had convulsions te• fore I arrived, and afterwards; they showed me the powder they had been giving it, and I was satiated that It was opium; am nqt able Loony that the med icine • given was the immediate cause of the child's death; death might have been caused by convnlidown the quantity of opium taken would produce death.. Dr. D. 0. Roffirtan, sworn—At the re queat of the Coroner I examined the corpse; I did not th ink it necessary to make apo4 evertors examination; I waa satisfied that the child's death was has tened by an overdose of opium, as the amount administered wee sufficient to produce death. After deliberation, the Jury returned the ibilowing verdict: That the said Jenny Barger came to her death In Ellf• din township, on the 10th day of January, /870, by having pulverized oplom admin. littered to her by her stepfather in place of pulverized rhubarb, through a mis take of A. 8. Steid, druggist in KU e. Riggs' drug store, inlaid townitdp: _ Dexter Washing Machine. It has no equal—Does ordlnary_Wash. Ins of a Family In One to Two Bonn— Saves Soap and Clothes—No' Boiling of Clothes required. ' REFERSIIC6B—ALLFAHEIT7 CITY. Mrs. W. E. Russell, 608andusky street. Mrs..l. E. Parker, 29 Isabella street. Mrs. W. Prescott, 21 Isabella street. Mrs. J. Prescott, 19 Isabella street. Mrs. W. EboleY, 25 Isabella street. • Mrs. M. Patterson, 27 Isabella street. • Men. G. Scheletn, 40 Federal street. Mrs. Stodart, 46 Federal street. Mrs. J. Campbell. 195 Federal street. Mrs. G. Rods, 16 Federal street. Mrs. Dr. G. S. Heys, 183 North avenue. Mrs. It. Means, 97 Riser avenue. Mew. Dr. Mnwrv, 212 North avenue. Mrs J. A. Mylar,2lB lacook a rest. Mrs. W. Jemciuson, 174 Laconic street. Mrs. M. Foulke, 170 Decoct street. • Mrs. W. A. Prue', Ward and Sad& wick street. Mrs. W. B. Newel, 77 Diamond. Mr. Dr. Button, 19 Stockton avenue. Mrs. A;B.Oarnahan, 160 Fourth ave. flue. - Mrs. T: Ewing, 156 Fourth avenue. Mrs. -Dr. G. L. McCook, 110 .Fifth aye. , . nue.- Mrs. A. Inman, 200 Third avenue. Mrs. J. Reiter, 198 Wylle street. Mr& .1. Blackmore, 167 Wylie street. htra. E. Bromley, 26 Rosa MUDS • ' Mrs. E. Miller, 24 Roes street. • • Mrs. Buse, 28 Row Mrs. E. White, 13 Ross street; ' Mrs. It. D. Clark, 206 Third &voting. Mrs. 3:Milligan, 105 Second avenue. Mrs. J. Dishy, 181 Second avenue. Mrs. J. T. Patterson.ll3Benondalnknia. hlni. J. Patterson, 55 Second avenue. Mn. G. W. Bitner. 930 Penn street. Mrs. J. D. prase, Liberty street. Mrs. Knobel, 154 Second avenue. etrill7loll. Mts. It B Miller.. Sewickleyville. • Mrs. Rev. IL F. Hartmann. 1,812 Sid ney street, Birmingham. Mn. R. McClure, Ells Math . 'Mee. U. Lewis, Lawrenceville. Mrs. D. Jean, Temperanoeville: ' If not convenient to - pay 'Mei an be paid In monthly PayMenta. - Bv. R. Lona. Agent. No. 12 Federalstreet, Alleghen.Yelli• - Also, for sale by 11. D. Brecht, 249 Fifth Avenue. • • P. Brown, 1,323 Carson street, Bir mingham. B. Bishop. 434 Penn street. T. O. Little Sewickley. . R. McClure, Elisabeth. FUSS. The Great Clearance bale at Wm. •Flemlog dt CO:II. 139 Wood . street, Commencing . Monday h mat.—The V, bole Istoca to he Sold off Without Re. perve. The salesmen at the Great Represents. tire Hat and Fur House of Wm. Flem ing dr Co., 139 Wood street, are bunily engaged hi arranging the Mock of Ladles Furs for tae final closing out sale which will begin on Monday next, the 17th Inst., at 9 o'clock A. Of. and continue etas day until S o'clock p. M., and on Saturdays till 10 o'clock P. it., in order to give those an opportunity to examine the goods who may not be able to attend earlier In the day. The stock is very large sod elegant, and was purchased when gold was at the lowest point it had reached at any time slime the war. Al though the sales at this establishment during the season have been greater than ever before, yet the asaortment on hand now ingrate complete, and conalsisof all 'the finest and most destrablefurs such as Hudson Bay Sable, Mink Sable, Black and Brown Sables, Siberian Squirrel, Persian Lamb, and Astrachan goods, made up In anperior and stylish seta of capes, muffs, cuffs, boas, Eugenics, &c. All of which will be pmitively sold for whit they will bring without any reserve as it is the determloation of the firm not to carry any of their stock of furs over to the next season- Furs are • always in fashion, and as the styles are seldom changed the promo& side furnlahee an opportunity that rarely occurs.• Our roadem,may rely upmi it that the sale at Fleming & C 0... le an actual dosing out, and it will' be wise of them, at It LPL to call and see what bargains may be ob tained. Remember the sale commences Monday next and. will continue se above stated, until every article is closed out. The goods are all warranted. as repre sented, and it Man invariable rule of this firm. not to allow themselves to make any miareprosentations of goods, or urge any ono to buy unless their minds are fully made up to do ma The goods will be laid down for examination, and the firm are willing that they should be com pared with those of other establiahmeuts, and If not perfectly. satisfactory In vial lty they will not be expected to buy. Oar fashionable hair-dressing, plain or by eliding, end a frizzle, for a luxurious shave or bath, and for skillful cupping and leeching, call at. Williamson's ele. glint saloon at No. 190 Federal 'street, Allegheny.. Every one, when tired or thirsty, should take a glass of *Pier, Cannes Co.'s cream ate. It la a great strength ener, le pleasant to the palate and Is per fectly harmless. Try s glees at the near set restaurant. • =ll SUM—SPRAGUE—Oa January 1 litb, at the lemonade, la Elizabeth, by Re•. J. R. Cookie, JOHN H. 13IdITH. of Elizabeth ionnahlp. Al legheny county, ►ad Ml.. MARY SPRAGUE . , daughter of Capt. W. B. SPRAGUE, or Eliza beth. jOHNl3TON—LeSiG—Tbaredavls g, Jan 13 b. ISTO, at Ole rasldenes of Mr. Abgb Stellar, reeond arenas, rlttsburgh. br Ile Hem T. H. Hanna. Mr. HENRY M. JOHNSTON 0 Nan township, and iIIesSADINIONO. 1:1133 'CANONS—re Wednesday, Jmovary 19tb. 1210. MANUEL SIONCIAN VANN. 'RN, so.. of Wm. gad P. 4.1. Vanborn, In the 1991 year at hls age. forest from the rezislestee of hts pencils, No. 69 Clark sired, Plttaborgh, To OAT. 14th LILL. at X o'clock r. at. DIEFIL-4)a Tharaday morning . .. January 19 1110, at fifteen lam,. past ntne o•rhek, Col WILLIAM DIEHL, la the 90th year of blow lIN,DERTAKIIIIB S. PP/Teams /mg= L. WILLIAMS. ATTIRSON & WILLIAMS, Undenmem, corner ol PM avue k i nd.. Shroud.. street, Pittsburgh. Caen. of .11 kind., Shrouds. empty and mores, and every descrip tion of fenersi furnishing mud. Smashed he the meal r. amoebic terms in the city. Hearse arid carriages Isrnlobed. Melee open day and night. CiIaLES PEEBLES, - UN. tDtTAKEICS & AND LIVERY STABLGA cornet IWI DI/SKY PTAS= AND (11-11DWL *VENDS Alleeheny Clip. Di their re ROOMS we oonstataly suplied with real set tutissUon Nottessool, Nisbet:l.y sod Walnut Coffins. at prises warring Row Mk to slot/. ISt • dim props.red for Interment. Meuse. and Da. due.. furnished; also .11 al.). of Mournies anWale, if regained. 0111011 ore. alai boom du d alibt. JOSEPH MEYER & SON, .No. CIO PION !SALES. Carriages for . Ill'oriorolo, 3.00 Mao Ili _otivrift sad all Tones!lrondsbmeekt amo re Quord num. y JOHN M. COOPER & CO! Bell and Brass Founders, SKIRL LOCOMOTIVE k EOLLIEG MILI • BRASSES Made 'Promptly to Order. - BABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Troorloton nod Manobetaron of 7. X Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Offlee,BB2 PENN STREET. Moundry,Oor.l7th and Riaboad target% PTITIMMISIE. PA. STATEMENT OF DIVIDENDS la the Company ftrr lf.reetlogarrldge °Ter the Allogheny Meer, °roma* rittebargh, la the Coast) of Allegheny, watch Mr. been oar drawn and stand on the Books. abject to the Prondoas of the Lot of a asembir. which Al roots the peolleatlon of all Dividend* of locos , porated l modules within the Commonwealth that hove net beim called for within threa years orerlons to the date of pallication. No. of • en blame. 1)1 , 04. Amt Bo Wh de. i TWA. Cenallly. deed, In IS CO Jen. I. 144. do. 20 ,12 so Jain t. lan. home, do. di IS 03 Jan. I. NIA Came. do. IC IS I:13 Jul) 1. 11,61. f awe.no Si Ale 10 Jan. 2, joo:. Name, do. It 014.01 ./Itly 1. 1.0. lame. do. PA ra ta Jan 2. /866. game. do. 86 EON July:. 18U1. Comurr or ALLIOIIIMI, f ..., ' city of Pittsburgh. l Personelle •PPe veal before me. • Notary Pub. He In and for the city •rya emety aforesaid. Wm. Nmeborg. Treasurer of the Company *formal& who being by me duly sworn amordaug to law, depow ead mys that, the foregOl elf sl•temcet Ls Jett and true to the best or his knowledge and belief. WK. NO96BIIHU Tremont,. Sworn and autnerib,d before ma. Lble 31at day of December, 11169. den. r a. MITA. Notm7 ("able:. HENRY G. HALE, IFICHANTIAILOII,! Caner of Pen and Slat Streets FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE MRS ..OR COME, No tti o r a purchase a um proseat for thelr • HOLIDAY GIFT. gIOWATQVITIVVATMX4Te Via WARN of the moat desirable pasiersuasst rear-Wed at MT: G. DUNSEATRIS, JEWELZ/4 AND OPTICIAN. • dm.la M . . TH AViTiIIZ. W. IS. lILVEN at CO., HAVE FUR Lea A,Good Assortment of BLANK BOOKS OP ISVERY DEscairrloN. Comer Wood Meet and Third dream Ja.1;1112 PUBLIC NOTICE. Booing be appointed ima gild OAS MiTilt in.racroa tor'Allenhony County, notles honey 11•011 tanti.ill tba iiinsoary oat= altd Iltellauleal Main Machinery eau tie proyldtd, I velll bi found it the OFPICZ OP TfIL NA. TIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPX WORKS, Yining-third Went, nearl'enn, Plttaburib. a. a. alarm; Ja/1:141 Ono atultinapintailutpector. DICED MINCED MEAT. S 'ltrtipbVs celebrant& = Y. 'Plus Intl." lenend Neat at redneed prints, whoteulo and retell. put UP In An, &Una Or OP the pound, at the Family (treetop Nora ot . , 4101 IN IiZROHLW. Alf Corner Llbartk and Stith stmeti. tar POTIOD9--"Th-Let,'Y yr eksle,c cLoic,c waste,” ~ B otirditeg," etc., no( exceeding FOUR LINES, will be asserted in Mese columns inset for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; wen add l. times( line FIVE CENTS WANTS. WA NTED A FEEDER. A GIRL experieuced In reeding Print!. Pres., al .1 . LIN A. HP PT'S. corner Tunnel street and Fifth avenue• WANTED—A respectable SIT ttATIMtam i by a young man nno has had con.bl,,able '