FINANCIAL. ERMAN BLIK. NO. BO FOORTN AVENIJN, rrrrsseraes. WISH arrr az. 1112014000 i i ;kholders Individually Liable. IL OF DIINCOONT AND DaP..rr. ON FLUID - FLOYD. emitter. Ci==3 Thad. Jobs IL Maitland; Win. T. tibannon •nialtaild Walloon. James W. Attu,, . J. D. Rdlh Om. Joao FIOT4I. bi O. • W find.fin d. This Bank la now fall, organised and prepwed • do knokaneutral Banking amine. .1' --- GOLD, ' SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought at Highest Prices. PH. B. MERTZ, Banker, Cm Wood St. and sth Mean JAMB T. BRADY 86. Co., I Corner Foarth Avenue and Wood St., =a BAKEE3, Bay .ad 2.1114141141 of !Itl i A Ila ciaami:,:liu:l4lll:-: SIOLIP, BIM& ARD C4M/POlll4 =3 tor blast Allowed Si Deposits. airirmer Waked am Ooverameat Bomb at been mark. num. Order. swotted fessiilhe lharebadie sad Plate of lIMI.IRIUII., GOLD. Sums T. BRADT.* CO,. littsinat Gaptis. FINANCE AND TRADE. . Orrice or Prrommtiza Gangers TIiCIRSDAT; Jan. 13, 1870. The gold market is weak, but steady. 121% to 121%' closing at. 121%, after hav ing touched 120%. Although the gold clearing Ismse is In full operation again. yet the dlepoidthin to speculate for a rise has abated and lower quotations for gold are now spoken of as the result 'of the not:ammo:ohm of, the currency, em bodied In the bill of Mr. Sherman. Our Senators will gradually understand; that In order to come back to a sound cumin. cy.- exinadence has to be restored in the proper sad able management of our national finances, and that the currency will regulate itself, If let alone. The proposed bill, If adopted, will give us currency, but , froths the .banka to part with' their three per cent certificate,. This last flurry In gold' ' will show specu lators how little strength . a bull move• merit in gold has at present. The time for a rise in gold, if It Is ever to come again, can not be• now, and meantime many of the holders of the precious Metal will get tired and sell out. It Is from this source that the market wilt be eunplied for sone) months to come. Government foods sympathise with gokland declined to-day about one per . vest.. Old meal are .now quoted at the aim, se 1865 a, and ono-eighth per cent. tees than 18645. The rise in bonds has led many holders of bonds to sell and minima in other securities. Our local market offers quite a variety of bonds that are, certainly very profitable, con. I/Meting the character of the se curity. AttbNbmking house of Ph. R. Morse reliable information can be hadof nearly all the secunties dealt in here. Stocks appear week. It is a broker's market and nothing else. The public had no confidence In the lower pilots a fortnight ago, and had much less when the market advanced.' Nortnwest was earwig, under some shrewd mantpula duns, advancing to 74%, at declining c 78%, and closing strong at 74%. bal to anos of the list is lower, except and Rock Island. Express share■ are firm and a sharp advance Is looked for, not so much on account of increased seirsdnws sa from other reasons • Mosey easier at-8 to 12 per cent. Boni. Mocinny dull. L. • 410altistssur as received by Pb. B. Marto Gold, 121%; Sliver. 117; Eighty. one% 117%, Five Twenties, 1862, 116%; do 1 114 .' WM% do 1886 . 115 %; do 1865, Console; 114 y, do 1867, 114%, do 1868, 114%;;Teu Attlee. 112%; Adams Be. =4) . o.apany Merchants Union lilirompany, 5; American E. = 00111 1• 0 0'. 111%; Western Union mph, 32%; New York Central, 91%; x B.ading, 04%; Pittsburgh, Mort Wayne Chicago, MX; Ohio d Mho 25%; Michigan Southern, 88%; Cleveland a Pittsburgh, 69%; Chicago. Rock Wong d. Pacific, 105; thikag. North Western, 74%; Mimeo a. No r th encase Preferred 66 %; Erie 22. 112altAXELS: Lama. Mae& linden, per 15 $6,06 _ rt. 61 Um I ..Closing . quotations received by James rgrady a 03. Gold: 121%; Milted Man Ms" WM. 117%; Piver•Twenties, 321115,115%; do. 1.254 1i5%% d. 788 F, 115%; Ten. Forties, 112%; FiVe-Trs=Mrs, Jean = July, 1665, 114%; do. do. tea, do. do, INN. 1 Union p a ws. 'Dentall4.%; do, do, fe, or, nada. WM; Las Superior 96. til miletrash to the PI liabargli euatt..l Naw Tons. January 13,1870. • Money easy at 6iii67, with some tram. saltine it 5 per oent. Currency In good suPidiend rapidly Increasing. Stealing dulls& supsyc. Gold opened at 121%, tell ki.121% and closed at 122. On res. Montt front Petrie carrying rates nos %al per amt. Clearance, r 3,000,000. Government. strong:. Coupons of 'Bl, 17%®i& 00'62, 15%4916; do '54. , 15%; do .136,15%@15%; do new, le 40 14%:: do 30141%L; do '6 1 3, 11 34114 315 Ten•Portiss, 12%®12%. Punks. 9100 • 9%.. TheTreksury bought a million of various issues Ma 06-1000111 17-100. Hilts beside 'heavy. lilisouris. 81%; old Tsenosiese, 681 new do. MX; old Virginia, .53; ear do, 6 0 0 1 5 Nonb othiseee2s%l new do, 21; ; newßouth Car. ono^ 77%1 Louisiana Threes, dm, 45. tOUY tea Ders o.ll:VeyintePaitlya hsrdl = Pre ThresPrra—Ciamon, 52%; Cum berland, 27; Western Union 'Pa, am; Quicksilver, 54%; Mariposa, 74g. Win, feed. HU; 'A.lme Ety m ., A Fargo. 2439; Amerlcm, United masa, 62%; Pedals 11'11..40; New York Central, 91%; Erie, 22%; do I:deferred, 88; 11.4 0 r0, 196%; do preferred, ltlh H 0 d..., go% ; Reading. lake` Mehl on Ceninni, 1 1 7% Shore, SW; Illinois °antral. Una Plaburgth. 141.4; North Western, 71%; do preferred, ; Ft.WWa ne , 88; Terre Ilaute.lit; do conferred, icag and Alton, 14fc &, - p r er.r...(145; a. a. &I. C., Ilk L 108; St. Paul 75%, do prei'd 86%; Wabash 51%; do pref'd 71%; Cl AM. 25%; li. J.O. W%; St. Joe 114%; Gregory 192. Boston Etioes—Oldunlet , 61. Copper Fallall.; Franklin 9, Heels 71, Woe, ZS. 114lAteaerarv* balance: gold, $75,659,- 342: currency. $5,417 general heistloo. 183595,754. By au ct ion today 9300,0 00 - Union Pacific land grant bonds riresold at / 16 )10 11 5(." • . I . EMI 11 Ii zwrisstiaGa T. rPrlesuise Meer* , Tauftersy, Jan. IL WO. 711 ' 0 . 741s is' Immurement to Mee in. toarkets, eithai as regards tone or dei. =eye, but - apse are sill! 'entertained that we are edom to' hire better times. Auia been the case ler Nome LIMA, the. demand he confined mainly to any wise Immediate want; stitches' Ilubt. Shall in regard to re are no important chancels. Thg r inbusiness, to use a common phrase, Is .4g. avid me w and ham been • oat grimier; r - bat hops Of an early improvement are enierteloed. Flour also, is very d e n, asetteolarti titt,tl kteodi, all the mills here "Wear to ha veu ) the ever hand of the lama trade: this is owing 'ln Pat. at Wait, to the reports that spring wheat Sours are not ma good as they se tt u m yeisr and are not, an general thing, evade satisfaction, and this beteg the ease. winter wheat dour has the prefer. ewe, even st a higher Prim. rrovia ket:tme leeha dedded= o :l o l over the oefeintry, under , of • -, # ' tl, sharp decline In hop. Groceries mod Ai' • LES,DeII and =changed; ,tre continue to quote et sl(ile per bbt. APPLE BUTTER--Quoted at 76006. BUTTER—Ia coming in freely and the 'supply la large, mausually no. Prime to 'choice roll may be quoted at 30@13:1(445 —the latter figure can only be realized . foreandl roceagea 13EASIE—lb? . ili1F25@)2,75 per bushel. BROOM OORNLaVei 1301! eta. BUCKWHEAT FLOITR—DitiI at 4 cta. CIIEBTHEIPM-Quoted at 114,60. ORAN BEB. , --.- Dull; 1 12 @i 6, CIDER--OonUatimsdiall and nominally unchanged, at 0015218,00 pm bbl, as to quality. CHEESE—Ls rmer, but not quota. bly higher. W rn Reserve, 17411734; Factor!, 18®1 8. New York Dalry, 18341419; Hostiem,A). • CARBON OIL—Is rathei firmer though unchanged, 27 eta., for standard brands, to • lobtang waY. DRIED FRUlT—Apples are qdotod at ISPo as to' quality. Peaches mill and unch hal anged ves. at tkitlOo for quarters sad 1/ @IS for DRESSED HOGS—DuII and lower; we u _ow quote at 1134(412. EGGS—DuII and in better supply and arrivals are increasing; may be quoted FEATHERS—In better demand and higher, and we now quote at .66090 to the trade, and the usual advance for small lota in store. FLOUR—The market continues dull and neglected, and while Koala are pretty well reduced and arrivals -light, the supply is nevertheless folly equal to the demand; we continue to quote winter wheat flours at 115,75G0; spring, at 85,25 @ ,5 . 50 . Rye flour 5,2505,50. GRAIN.—The offerings of wheat In this market continue light, but the de mand Is light and the mills an getting all Obey want from the West ; we con tinue to quote at 81,150i.18, for fair to 'choke red. Oats dull and in rather better supply, but unchained; 470%18 on track and 50 In store. Corn Is firm but not quotably higher; 80c for ear and 85090 for shelled. , Rye dull and no. chabged; 95c cash and 91, time. Barley dull and neglected: buyers, generally. are only offering it for spring. - 11AY—The arrivals continue light which, of course, is owing mainly to the bad condition of the medic and the market is firmer. country wagons at ;184423. HlllBKB—dales at 3 cents per pound. HOMINT—SaIes at se,ono,Do per bbl. LIME-Sales of Cleveland white limo at 112.4§.2,25 Der bbl. ONIONS—SaIea at V1,150(411,00 per bbl, the outride figure for choice. LAILDULL.--City brands 95 for No. 2, and 11,42@1,45 for Extra No. 1. Western brands N0..1 quoted at 11,44@1.50. PROVISIONS—Market dull, with a with a drooping tendency, though with. out quotable change; plain Shoulders 143;Sugar Cured d 0.15%; Ribbed 17RClear do, MK; sugar cured Hams, 2034@21 lard 17i In tierces, and 18} ®lgfr,fpails. Hess Park, POTATOES—DuII and unchanged; 60 1ak550 per bushel. POULTRY—In very light supply and In demand; dressed chickens may be quoted at 14@15c, and turkeys 20@i.= PEANUTS—Quoted at 9010 eta. PEAS—DuII; $2,50 per bushel. SEEDS—SaIes of Timothy seed at 13,75@4; and Clover seed at $842;8„25. Flaxseed is dull and cannot be quoted Hove 12,10. SALT—Is dull, and Allegheny River brands are quoted at PAO by the car load, with the usual advance for small lota In store: lirrli&W--Sales at $14@15 per ton. PITTSBURGH CATTLE JILAIMET Pram's CINTIULL 1314X1E YARDS, THURSDAY, Jan. 18, 1870. I CATTLI. This bits been a hird week_in the cat tie business, particularly on those who Were sellers, as the market has been dead against them, and it is probable that the great majority who wild, instead of realizing a profit, as they expected, incurred a lona The receipts have been large, unusually so, and pens are full to overflowing, and the majority of the buyers were supplied—had bought about all they wanted, and it is probable that many who shipped with the inten tion of selling here, will be obliged to ship east on' , their own account, or 011 communion. Compared with last week, prices are quoted % to jia cout per pound lower, and even at the aecline the market was dull and weak, with a con- tinued drooping tendency. Prime to extra shipping- cattle may be - fairly quoted 7 to 7.%®B,—there was one drove of limey Illffuthern Ohio steer., for which 9K wasoffered and refused. Good shipping cattle, however, could not be sold above our quotations, and shippers, generally, in consequence of the anomie fectory idvlces prom the eut, did not want to go above 74/0734. Slippery stock, was also dull and bard to sell, as there were but few buyers for this particular grade, and to effect sales, holders were -Obliged to accept pretty low figures. The impression is gaining strength that there le no scarcity of cattle in the country, and it is likely,that those who have been operating on Ws presumption, will he disappointed Since the opening of the new year the arrivals at nearly all of the leading markets have been largei'annaually so, and it begins to look as if prices would have to go still lower. rumor . , JAB. 7, in. WI. Pt*. il• L. • foribemp.. a K.. 20 us 0 640 li. L. & Co. for Tboterson a k.. 9 Maw 543 11. L. a v., for TOMB.. X ••= 1 • 45 6m It L. & Ca. for Hartman r, Aire 6AO Cmht a Mae for &101 l le 1.1.120 5,r. & Ewe fur Ostenrele..-..15 17,110 570 saraltorrr, .1•W. J. Welnzleb to J. waive r 51 , 90e 7r& B. He to B. Booarrry 575 ILL. &Caere& Tbeeeperm &0..1a IL.= 425 Ilea trowel &B. for Carter IS M.lOO a5O H. L. a. co • reerboomeona. K.. 7 at we B. L. & to. tor /tool & Try W SLIM 11011 DAT. LAP, lent. 11. L. & Co. COT McKee Wooer &ILt • L. DeLooe. ..... „Is 12.7,0 elleaDAY. LAO. SITU. B. L. & CO. for ..... 70 .000 5 W W 8.720 69 ••' TBOlapros a ILW W. 2.10 5 n • •• •• Bowles & 14,00 7So •• '• •• IL Collin! 5 4.= .6 •• •• •• •• IS WOO S •• •• •• .... 11 6,M0 6.011 '0r4611511611 81111 Le X. & 1e,4P1 • 50 Narks Bro. teC. a WO 160 Odra to 1101..0 M IV 16, 7IV !Inlet{ to Feats 15 14.10 6SO J. C. Blurt to Internal & 8..17 16,5 W 6W. &101(061,51r. lean. =IL &:r rtr e. tl~ eo r BO( •• •• •• WoUsallre.... 4 6WO are BeretrOOd for ebasterr . g..l6 16. W O 11 to • • • ••• ti t t a rgrg :1 L I Z . nfl •• •• • WEL& 14.0 M 6SO .I.sldeaSo .54 4.1 W •7$ odea ~- -.clogs Adtrui to Miller 17 L•0I 4 716 is .. Bushmen 23 =MO S eli •P El 33636 as 21,130 790 floral to ent: al 411 730 — 1122122. to Mllidegrase II 111.3311 603 Hsollotoelll l ord OLb .;..31 17.4131 I n 11610R6.M to M. 1111kr 'O3 1 al 770221 ra6o• to 4. litaa 13 17 $lO YEW 161 a a. 4 toJ• 101 l 'l7 17 333 600 II !r t. $2O. Tor P/ay igiloctir.23 41.= 600 . •• • . 63 63.033 - 8 60" •.• ••. • • Plilfer •• al . 61.w0 6 60. •• '•• • •• •• •• .7 =0:313 6.03 1 . 11036 DAY. JAN. la. Arco. for Wisroaso & —l7 31,160 760 • I r to . mr . It 8-16 301 • 10 1/350 600 x 0361 65 ft. T. tor El. Oka . . * — .1 .1 , .J. A. Hitter to If. * 07 ro mo 710 data toJoess idell, o 17.501 tO Crawford & It. to •mo x16....17 12.470 . 7W N. Rider las Jes. Aorll 6 co otrauum $0 Wm. .... .7.1 36.03/ 23 J. Ithaw tor. .......... 107.210 au neAfoM 10 Bola . 124.: .... 111 17 46 . 0 .4 VS . •• Irsoole• 17,044 41 bowler.... 6 4,300 6a •.T. 36.750 J - 5 ..34, Isom is die wart to Crawford . BOWL The market has been extremely hard this week, harder thank has been at any. time within a year, and the indications at this writing are that the worst has not yet been reached. Compared with last week, prices have declined one dol lar per ewt, and even at the decline the demand la unusually light—but very cowboys's. The pent have been folk all week, some parties have been hold• log for a week and even two weeks, in expectation that the market would got better, bat Instead of improving It Du iadlly grown worse, and the longer they bold the wormed, no been for them. We now quote Philadelphia hNes at 934 to 93409%, and 'Yorkers at SNIS9- 11/1. The arrivals of sheep /kr have been tarp all week, but under the influence or WA demand the . market haus bean ao. t i re aid steady, and compared with last week, Woos are fulinstalled. Prime shipping grades ma y be quoted at ISM@ 0, although there were sales of fancy Clear up to 734: Eighty to ninety pound sheepmay bettuoted at 434®41, and 70 to 7151smnd teenage* at 4(11434. Barn. Panceest bought a drove aver aging 131 lbel at 7,00: another averaging a little ever 100 Its at 634; and another averaging ST at 8 1‘. ,Pldoock I t Crisman report baying visetitt about SO ear toads, for shipment to New York, at Priam ranging from Slt to 734—bought one bunch, averaging In lbe, at 714- Nair Team, • January IS.—The dry goods trade ts dull. The only clow n of Importance fa an advance In Ameakseg bleached muffins from 16e to 1614 c. Prints are moving to a moderate extent at ITypc for the best madder colors, and 1134 c for the least 'desirable, • DithwAuxur., Jaorou7 //I. — Flour un- changed. Wheat quiet at 813fo Ibr 1; 76%e for No. ff. Oats and Barley noadual. Corn dud at 610 for new shell ed. Rye steady at 700 for No. 1. Dram. ell Howe steadyat 110,25® 10 . 75 . R ooo lilts were: 1,000 bbla flour; 14.000 hush wheat. Ship: heists were; 80,000 bulb wheat. . . • _ • . . ... • , . _ • • . . PICEROLECIM DIJMICIr. Omen or PrITSHURCHI GAILSTRA, THURSDAY JAM 13, 1370. S Tpe oil market continues very quiet and devoid of a single important or new characteriatic. Crude is firmer and held at a alight advance, while, on the other band, refined lo weaker, and, if .any thing, a shade lower. There are thoeo who have an idea that relined la des tined to rule higher within the next sixty drys, arguing, as they do, that with the very light shiptnenta going to the sea-board, and with fully three. fourths of our refineries standing idle, stocks must of neceully run down, and with diminished stocks an advance in prices will follow. As already Intimated, Was stronger today, and holders generally, were asking" an advance. It was rumored that there bad been one sale for this month at 13: also, 1,000 seller February, at 19,f. Subsequently, however,lt was reported that February had test offered at 13, and at the close there were but few, if any, buyers for January above /23,i• Bat • single sale reportod, EOO each February to March, at 31. January sold in Philadelphia at 3014; and there was a rumor of a line having been sold for the Brat six months at 31. February and March offered at 31; March to Jnly at 32; February to August 32; and February to June at 311. XECAITTB OF CRUDE OIL BY A. V. B. B. Wagnsr &L. eM, on amount G. B. Thomas. ' Fisher 800 . 240, on sooount ume; AS Mills 83, on account W Bartle; Livingston & Bro. 160, on amount Ross Bros; Lockhart, F & Co. 1,390, on ac count same; Fisher Bro. 320, on Recount 11. Long; Penn Oil Works 83, on sc. count Bobinly; Peerless (MI, Works 880, on account W. Robinson, Tetsl. 2,488 bbla. lIIIIPMECITS OP OIL. BY A. V. B. B. kfalielby dr. Bro. 30 bids refined oil to W. P. Loon d. Bro.; Philadelphia. Standard 011 Co., 104 bbla refined 01l to Warden, Frew dr. Co., Phila. Lockhart, Frew dt Co. 612 bble ref. oil to Warden, F. 4 Co., Phila. Total rented..... 768 bble MARKETS RY TELEGRAPH. Haw YORK, January 13.—botton steady, salsa 485 Wes at 25yi for mid. Ming uplands. Flour: receipts 8822 has. Flour heavy and 5 and Ito lower; axles =lO bblo at 114,50@5 for superfine State weetern,ss,7o®s,3o white wheat extra, 45.25@6,15 round hoop Ohio, 115,76@6,50, extra Bt. Loots, 16,50@8,50 good to choice do. Rye door quiet at f . k.80@5,18, Corn meal quiet, Brandywin e 15. Whisky, lower, MO bbla western 111,00Wg1,0130.. Receipts: Wheat 10,080 bish, heavy and I@9 o lower; lades , 09,000 bush at 1 1 , 16 0 1,17 for no 2 'coring, g1,20g'1,21 no 1 do In store, 51,20 good winter red. Illinois, 11,2,5@1,57H winter red and amber; west ern and winter red Canada on private - • • terms. Rye dull at 11®1,05. Barley dull; sales of WO Mt at 11,25 for thinada Waal no receipts. tbrti--noliipts 1,600 bu and without decided change; sales 23,000 bu at 53(g,92e for new mixed west ern, 89(011,02 for new yellow Jersey, 980 for new yellow southern; old mixed western I:siminal at 11,05 In store. Oats •—recxepta 8,215 be, heavy and I®2o low- . r; atlas 63,000 bu at 5845t)0 for western 60(4452e for state. Rya quiet. Coffee In f tr request. Sugar easter; aides 150101de Coba'at 103(g)Ille. Metazoan dull. Pe troleum Run at 170 for crude, 813 @920 for relined. Hope firm at 1i3Q1270 for American. Linseed all dull at 91@920. Turpentine lower at 450451;c. Pork dull and lower; sales 48d Ws at V.,17,50@1 27,75 for new awes prime: !20 for prime mesa; elm 250 bble new mess, seller Feb ruary and March, at 11271W.7,50. Beef quiet; sales 200 tibia at 1512)13 for new plain mess; 1110@)17 for new extra mesa. Tierce beef active, with sales 95 Heroes AL Vsig27 for prime mess, and 1.171g30 for India mesa. Beef hams eteady, with salmi 1500 boxes abort ribbed at 143 c, and 20 boxes short ribbed, deliverable in Chicago, at 13,tfc. Cut meats dull and heavy, with sales 200 pkgs at 113.;@,12e for shoulders and 14@151ic for name. Dressed bogs lower, at ll@li%c for west ern. Lard heavy and drooping, with sales 500 tierces at 15q(11153.0 for steam and 17(go17Ne for kettle renderhtl; also IRV tierces steam rendered, seller Feb ruary, at 16;;®10 ,c, Butter steady at 18@i30c for Ohio. Cbeeee steady. k relights to Liverpool quiet. and very firm. Shipments per Ball of 7500 bus whed at 43g. Lateat —Flout closed dull buts shade lower. Wheat heavy at 11,15@1,17 for No. 2 spring, and 11,2441,27 for winter red and amber western. Rye nominal at %MOIL Ode heavy at 55e for west. ern. Oorn nominal at Week for new, and ;1,04 foy old mlxed western. Pork more steady; for mass ;27 was bid, Ws -25 asked for Feb•y, i27,2.l paid, and 527,60 asked for March. Beef steady and moderate demand. eat meats nom. Inert. Bacon : fair reqtreet. but steady. Lard dull and drooping. Edge dull, but without decided change. CHICAGO, January 13.—Flour no hang el; sales at 13.50a1,50 for spring extras. Wheat loom active and dull: maim at 70% Unit. dealt:Mat Dttim thisafternoon the market is fairly active at 76%c, seller January: 77360. seller February. Corn quiet and ,tiQo .t(O3 lower; /Alessi - ON@ 72c for No. 2. closing at 694691ifc. Oats dull; sales No. 2at .T2O, closing at 39tic. Rye nominal at 70c for No. 2. Barley inactive and nominal. Highwines dull at 91;5®93c, . cloning nominal at el@ 913.0. Sugar I l tt@lic for common to choice Orleans. Mews Pork tolerably ac tive,. - closing at 57d,75 cash and seller February. ford dull at 15%c cash or seller February. Hams quiet. Sweet Pickled Llama nominal at 14Nc. Orden 16c. Dry Salt Shoulders 10c.- Bough Sides 12140. Short Ribs 13q01310. Dressed Hogs easier and 2.5 c lower, with sales at ,10011,60. Live active and 21® Ste lower at 111=0, 50 for cowmen. 18,60@P3,20 for fair to medium, W/@9,22 for good to choice, and 112,60(21147.5 for extra choice. - CiscirrosTr, January 18.—Float un changed, with family at 15,2501,460. Wheat unchanged, with No. 1 red at 81.12. Corn dull mid drooping at 78(4 800. Oda unchanged at 60ggi506. Rye dull at 991102 c. Barley nominally on. changed; nothlowdone. Cotton quiet and steady at 24a for middling. Tobacco firm, with sales 98 hhds at 818,9 0 ® 22 . 80 . Whisky firm at 93c.. Hogs dull with ei downward tendency at 58,9008. 2 8. Dreamed 110,25011,00: receipts 6,900. Omen Meats dull at Oxialgo for Nikon'. dem and 'Wm. and 14340100 for hams. lard dull, with steam at Ms, and kettle at 16®18 e. Bitik Meats dull at 10%01 lie for shoulders, 13,f(gilto fur clear rib sides, and 144@Myc for clear—the out side rates when peeked. Sugar cured Hams 1913200. Mess Pork dull at j 26,25 wane; lee pounds sold at the Inside rate. Petroleum dull, with refined at 29@31c. Sugar firm, with New Orleans at 12(4114,4c. Ooffee In fair demand at Ifl(42te. January 12.—Cotton: sales 42 bales middling at 2334 c. Flour in de mand and improving at P. Red wheat at 111,,05. white at 51,10. Corn firmer at 9509730., Oats at 60002 c. Rye at 90e. , Leaf tobaom firm; sake 61. - bhds lugs to leaf at 97011,76. Provisions moderately , active; mess.Vork at $2B; bacon: sherd dent at 13go, clear rib et Itlc, clear sides at 101(0, bulk shoulder& at 11.44 e, clear rib at 14%c, clear sides at 151(0, hams, sew Mired canvassed at 2443{07.1e. Whisky dull. Tammy, Jan. 13.—Flour dull. Wheat 102 c lower and dull; amber 111.00,, , No. 1 red 51,07, No 2 red $l. • Corn du ct new held at 72e, no grade Mc. Oats dull; No 1 47048 e, No 2 42045 e, Hogs dull at 110 011. Clover seed 58,25. Reeelpts—flour. 460 Ws, wheat 3,400 ho, corn 6.800 tin, eats 1,000 bt: dressed hogs 18,000 head. Exports-1,300 We flour, 1.200 bn wheat, 7,000 Mt corn, 790 bu oats, 20,00011 w dres sed bogs. OLMVISLAPID, Jan. 13.—Flour dull and heavy: city made whiteXXX at /7,2 5 0 7,60, XX 58.2E06,5% No. 2 X 0. 50 0 5 , 76 : o,entry brands white XX 10,5007: red XX 53,25(46,76; amber XX 15,2500,00; spring XX 15,25@0. Buckwheat flour steady and the demand good at 117,5 0 0 8 . Petroleum firmer and better: relined in large lots at 204037 e: small lots at 290 30m-crude very firm 1146, 65 per bbl• hirgatrula, January 13.—Ootton firmer at 2134; rsallipts I,26obales, exports 1.940. Flour dulnit 14,600 9 ; corn firm ,at 97 5 i 1 01 1 4 oats inactive at &X?.65. CHICAGO, January 12.—Cattle steady and quiet; common to fair cows, 114,300 54,75; fair to good shipping steers,ls, 2s o BALTIMORE. January 12—Prov1sions ender but prices unchanged. Whisky unsettled at $10134 for iron bound. NAM:MILLE. January 15.--050 ton as the, low to middling,23l4, good ordina. 1 9 2234. Dry Good. Starlet. PITTSBURGH-PM:LT GAZETTE: FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14, 1870 CRUD. Rirrnqzp 1:9 v aY.l,', 1::1 t;i:i TO LIVERPOOL AND • O.IIEENSTOWN. Tau MAIM atm srmanumivs, Numberleht sixteen Arst-eleei Tattle. emit tlp tluee the eelebrattd OPI3 . 6IS U IN A T IV . : 24 7 4 . 115;1& Settiht LVRAPHITIVRILY, itom Pier 48 :North mew. New task. /or pahlaieer WW I Intotentlonapply to , EMMA► 3 . 4 e ; 147 . 11311T11711ILD STSZJIA Patebnall.. RIVER NEWS. The river continues to Aso rapidly at Hits point, with 153 i feet in the channel last evening. The weather continuos very changea ble. The mercury waa.up to 99, on Filth Avenue, at noon and at 4 r. st.)it the swanlike°, it was down to Allaying fal len 19 degrees within live houra.;Taking the past month as an criterion, we will probably have two or three days of freezing cold . westher, with :perhaps a alight meow, and then another thaw. The Belle has defered hti departure for Parkersburgh until Saturday, her regular day. The following boats were In port yes terday: St. Ctarlee,Glasgow, Belle, Nick Wall, R. C.GUy. Maggie days, Argosy, Arlington and Glendale. The R. C. Gray, Capt. Whittaker, fol lows the Glendale to St. Louis. I The Glendale, one of the beet boats In In the trade, will leave for St. Louis on Saturday without fall. Capt. Hare la in . Command. with Capt. James Mellon in the office, I The Glasgow, Capt. Andy Robinson, is filling up steadily for Nashville, as Is also the Maggie Hays, Capt. B. C. Mar tin, for New Orleans. We hear it stated that Capt. John Mc- Donald, the well known towboat man, oontempliten lintrodueltrg a barge line between Pittsburgh and Portsmouth, for. ! the transportation of metal both 'ways. Capt. Harlan, late of the New State, Lae been prospecting for several weeks for a boat to put in the Pittsburgh and Wheeling trade. Weather permitting, the new steamer Arlington, will leave here for Cincinnati on her first trip on next Tuesday week. —Libels were flied yesterday in the United States District Court against the steamboat Tom Stevens, Captain Fred. Dozier owner and master. One suit Is by Gilbert Quick, of Quick's Landing, on the Missouri river, and Is for 11,220. Another snit Is by N. J. Calhoun, for 1293. Several other sults will be brought In a day •or two. The parties in their libels state that in August tact they ship ped certain freight on the boat; that owing 'to the boat not being properly otlioered and manned, she ran upon enage and sand-bars, sprung a leak, and a - portion of the freight was thrown over bawd, and the balance damaged; that Capt Dozier meted as pilot himself, con trary to law. If the suits are successful, they will come near eating up the value of the boat.--St. Louis Democrat. —The. Louisville Courier says: After several days of arduous labor. gnomes has toter crowned the efforts of the buil ders at work on span 19 of the Ohio River. bridge, that a "bent" er treacle was raised to its place In the middle of the span and secured. The remainder of the work thereon will now progress more rapidly, end the prospect in fair for a completion of the bridge - before the close of the present month. --The'new boat, Moses G. 'Wicks, is rapildly approaching completion. She is said to be the largest stern-wheel boat over built In this country; being 219 feat long, 45 feet beam and 734 feet hold In the clear. It Is expected that she - will raise steutt Saturday, and leave Louis vale for New Orleans some time next week. This boat was. built for the St. Louis and Memphis trade. —A dispatch from New Orleans say. the arbitrators who awarded eighteen thousand dollars to the steamer Rlch mond for eating the Wild Wagoner, want to reconsider their action, but the court reduced the amount allowed. The dis- patch says that, had It not been ter the crew of the Richmond at the time of the accident, the Wagoner and her crew would have gone down In ninety feet of water. —We olio the following from the Cin cinnati Commercial of Wednesday: Capt. Jun. L. Rhodes arrived from Pittsburgh yesterday. to look after hie steamboat intermits here, and returns home In this morning's train. When he called on us lest nignt be bad his arms full of babies —purchased at the Dollar More,- for his little ones at borne. —F. N; •now, formerly clerk of-the Upper Mississippi steamer Mollie Me nke, has been elected Secretary of the Minnesota Senate. We are aunt lie the best selection that could he made. —The Venture. on Saturday night, ran Into two barges freighted with pig iron, hard aground on the bar at the mouth of Wheeling Crook. There was danger of the Ice cutting them down.. —The Groat Republic was to have left Cairo for New Orleans on Tuesday night. .with a good number of - paseengent, zpu mules and 1,503 tons freight. —The Pine Bluff is to run as a trans fer boat from. Cairo to Rickman, con necting with the Minnie Central and North• Western Railroad. —The Bathe, New,Orleaue to Pitts burgh. wu at EVUIRTIIIO on TutedifY. where she discharged 425 bake °rooftop. —Captain Bob Goode has been re elected Wherfineeter at Memphis by s handsome msJorhy. • —The Mary Desloge and barges were at St Louts on Tuesday, welting for the lee to run out. tairoars , sr RAILROAD PISTBIIII3OII FOAT WATNA ►lrM VII. 0400 RAILROAD. Jlllllll7 13.-15 horses J Walton; 100 bids flour, Culp tr. eh LTI do c dust, Seward E; 1,001 pis shoulder., al H Fried; 1,231 do do, E H layers Co; 12 bbls whlaky,. Dillinger S; 61 Las g ware, lot pumps, Jails h B; 200 bblp door, T C Jenkins; 13 do onktns, Woodworth A 1): 2 rolls. leather, H De• lange:2.l blab' dour, H Biddle; 25 ski rags, Good d C; 10 aka onions, Bruner man Zt 0; 65 belts spokes. .1 Henderson ,t Son; KO hots door, Watt, L Co; 10 bge do, J A Graff; 2 can limestone. Laughlin ‘t Lb; 10 Ns corn, W W Knox; ban p rounds, J C Bidwell; 10 cars metal, Nimlek tr. Om 3 do do, Bryan tr. C; I• - , • - do do, Union Iron Hideo do do. Hall man ,t 13; Ido do, Graff, B Co, I. do do, Brown & CO. Premascrittnr, Crironnrami MID BIN LOUD; RAILEOLD January 13.- 2 3 bge d apples, bbl l ard, Meaner k Harper; 1 bbl eggs, Bigger k Lewis, 300 cif lead, kbroeislor Glace Co; 25 bbl., 100 flour, 0 Meyer; 25 bbis h wines, the Metalling; 25 do do, Rodelhelm a Adel der; 8 bb d peaches, 1 keg butter, 2 bbls eggs. Volta , Ja it Co; 1 car wheat, J W Bomgarder; 24 bge d apples, 18 del do, d peaches, Isaiah Dickey & Co; 106 bells green hides, C N Hoflatott: 10 pkgs to bacoo, Carter McGraw ,t 0o; 30 do do, k W Jenkinsotn• 6 bbl, whiskey, .1 P !Sennett a Soir; 6 beet cotton; E Heyde & Son. CLEVKLAND AND Prrisaunon RAIL. ROAD, JaDURTI , Iron Ore, tibooDberger B; 4do ore, McKnight, P &Vo; 2 do do, Rees, 0 et lb 2 do do, Zug Co; Ido do, J Reamer & tka; 100 bbla lime, 0 Stewart; 24 bee oil. It E Sellers dr. Co; 42 do do; Harris E; 160 eke rye, JO dO oats, Graham& 61; 100 Mils dour, I) Wallace; 100 do do, Schou:Laker 114 6 Wee beta, A II Childs; tr. Co; 14 biz scales, Fair banks, lE Ak Co; 51. bids oil, Spear, Isk no, 4 kgs lard, Cuter, McGrew Co: 2 kgs butter,l do lard. W Rankin; 3 kgs butter, do lard, P Dud, Soo. Ammar:m: l /ms.= RAILROAD, Jan 18 —1 bell book., A. 11 Ensiled]; 2 bdla Inds, Arburthoot, S & Co; 1 bbl ref oil, W H Howard & Co; 4 bbl,, 1 bag d fruit, W H. Kirkpatrick & Cu Sean I stone, Bbo eqberger & B; 2 can metal, Himick A Co; 1 d bog,4 bbls flout, C Darvltt; 1 car grain, Bingham A L; 2 do do, Scott & tiled; 7 bas bolter, 1 pkg eggs. 1 ak feathers 2do do. flour, F . F McKee; Biti eke oats; Adams & Attains 58 cars coal, Kier, Foster& Kier; 18 do do, Armstrong, D & Cu, 25 bbla ref oil; It D Clark. ALLEGHENY ErraTiOn January 34 car barley, J Models A Co; 3 do I stone. Superior Iron Om 120 hides, II • d A Friend; 9 dressed bogs, Hippley d Beck. ert; 1 bi poultry, It d A Carson; 1 oar lumbar, .1 Naas; 1 oar metal. !Auden , MoCutcheon; 9 cans wheat, W McKee; 12 dressed hogs, It Brown; 2 pkge cigars. W HPark;loB bbis oil, F:11 Eggent; 1 Phi eggs 3 bra butter, 8 Dyer. RIVER PACKETS. =I von ntEmpuis, sid dr a g VICKIBUItie sod NEW OR. AN6.—The dpe pushier eihmer • 11111036N022. No. 111.... Capt. Jun. DIAN, . -VIII leave teeth Abe.and therwedlaW ports on TUUMIDAT. NUM Iht. Pot Veleta or phone apply - on Dowd, Of to OHMIC - el' Pe) orrElt. $ll4 iLAUE COLLLNti WOOD. Ageete. 'T OR CAUL% AlERlNadr oi t PHIS AND NEW ORLEANS. he Otte peanuts r steamer NAOOI.IS RAYS....B. C. MARES, Cosutthodee. Junes C. Moth. Clerk. will like° lot the steno and Intertnedlath ports as. BATUADAT, Jos. Dab. . • t "ft eit War °` fob FL att ACK & COLLIBUWOOCL *lmola =1132121 rCLii EvAiiiiviuur AIDOIVII.Lf. AND NAM Min.—Toe splendid pasnonarr steamer Gio.GOW A. Non Meow, Commander, Will lute for Dm ono. Ana istornaerilsto ports NATURE/AY. J.. INIA. Nor itslirin or want. VAT on board orb Dit ,Mer. ga e a u lt* '' LI IIi o tIWOOD, AgtltS. LOUISVILLE, CAIRO alial tIT. LOUIS - r CALBO, AND Sr. LOUIS. tie Doe 951111111ja steamer 1.....LiN M. Hamm. Oolonanoder. jamas Mem:. Chat Immo as onnoonced olrors. oaf ALTUEWAT..ass. lath. Fee frelrboot wag poly es bout or to - SWAM & I.:42'LLSOWINDoktontr., SPECIAL NOTICES arliXll . NSURIPTION. 1/11. scliamot v a - rmaioNin BYRITr tor the care of CO•00, 1.11111 and Consumption. IPte• I , KLAWRZu INIO for the core of DT epepala and all the Debllltated Condi tton e of th• StoTaeh. DR. 2.4.IIIENUKteIII4IeDII &RE PILLS. for Messes of the Liver or to act as a (tonne rat. dative. All of these there Medici:es are often requtred In curing Consomption, though the w wt A r a= 4%1= 1,7.171;2.". regulating the ittommh and firer, an help the Pulmonic Syrup to direst and seareh through the blood, by which mem. a cure 1. soon ef fected. Them Medicines are coneelentinaslrnffered the Pub' es the only ..e. remain and tellable lemony for Pulmonary COngetellline. an for all throe morbid ellndltlonn of the liedy wltich . itad intact fatal disease. Liver Complaint and Dm. .11tenela are often forerunners of Consumption, sad *len they manifest themaelves they require the me t prompt. attenCan. The Pulmoule Baran le a medicine which has had a long probation before the public. De vale has been proved by the thoummi cores it has mate through a period of lame that thirty-dre years. In all of which Mae Its reputation has In- Created. and the most omit nate skepticism en In no loafer doubt that it la a remedy whielimay be used with confidence In all cases which Malt of • enre. If the pattent will perseveringly follow thX rectioe• which accompany each bottle, he PI certalnly be cored, If Int. Ones are not too ela wasted to mete ace re posed..le. Sven le • aupposed to be incurable. when friend. sod pity .le tans have despair.. the um of this Med trine ha. saved th e life of the patient and restored him to perfect timith. Or. Schenck dee. not say that all cues of Pais ranter, consumption are wthron the rests of medicine. but he emphatic lly smarts that open when patients bare the most Mar tolnarelrothtorocs tech S • violent cough, creeping chill.,Meet sweats. general detnlity, ern to nth degroe that the r are obliged to lie In bed , and when they are given up by their phyolci•o they may still be cured. No mrdeal treatment can create new lung. bat e Wthe lungs are very aLd ydleemed gr. la arnn c l i ent destroyed. a cure may be ef fected DT Ur. arbeeick•• medscims. Also. In nerafolons Illaeneu Mese medicines art equally sine eat. Dr. Schenck he. photo graphs of a w ith f persons who bare been nearly tootled with running rores and now all Dealt d sp. Thls anew. Its purifying properties, which must be able to he ont o • tendon the lungs. the tre•tment of Cti met Me nem°. Importance to give vigor tads stealth,' tone to the •7111011 n, Ilene* It to Interwar, to ....nth. , the ...tit - or the patient astel prove the digest i on. Proper nourishment Is `ailedre together with sum means a. will make herood gully dinestlble. The articles- mat suitable for the diet of Coltman. tirepa.. .Mare &agitated to Dr. Schenck.. Altemees. which are distrinuted aaaaa Deady. In general, Ins breedlgtly nutritious articles are to be pre but the d igestme be at' engito rned In order to make either Sued or Medicine mtvicesble. This tequirement to met by the ',meted Tonle, and for this ptirPose It was dee treated Wpm the dhetettre Tr was are pot In good order, the food/Me ito proper die.; the sr...a of the patient to invigornied and Ire loose be. gn to exercise their formalness in a normal and alley manner. Then the healing powers of Polo:tonic Steep will elf.ti the cure. Pnlmon rey Consumption la almost always nom- Dllcated with Dyspepsia and Liver Complain. nehenck`s Nimarase Palls are In ended to re move obstruction. from the Liver and reatore healthy action. They have all the eillatcy widen tl ascribed to calomel or ”blue Mesa , / and are warranted ant to Cretin a particle of any min eral poison. These Pill• care the meat obstinate coetlyenes. sick headache.. pale. MAO. ate. • dons, and all other dlseme• Wbie.ll •risefrorn a torpid or obsu owed eondition Ute Liver. Una boa of them pills will prove the ellcsoy of the medidne. letfitomumpt on the Kea Weed Twilit and Mato drake Pills are invalealle ansitinry medicines They relieve the mfr. rings el Dm Patient and asst. the Pulmonle Oman la effecting • meg. They h lee been found usefel ln advanced stages of Conaumption. where the lungs are almost en. heel, destroyed and all Snout.. according to the Sediment of the ph)... las• tested •nreedy death. The Mee of patlenis who were set•all In a tiling e ethilon have been preserred for months by we use of &Clench'. three great rem edies. Dr. Schenek.. Almanac contains stroll treatise on the rufous forms of Mace.. his mode of treatment, sea genes al die sction gat 1.0 h medicine, ma be had era.. oe loot be by addreming his Principal WM. No. 15North Sixth 'tree. Philadelphia, Pa. Mice a she Pnimouic Syrup and Seaweed Ton le each al. so per bottle, or SLIM a half doses. Mandrake iru STUNS cents stem. tot sale 46P by all ,th.gts. de27: IarDOCTOR. WHITTIER CON ?INURE TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. That numeroua OMAN of cases result- Ind from INMAN., presilicilif tempos debility. Irritability. emotions. nominal is. and dually Impotency pemmican) c u red.. Person s stained with delicate, Intricate and long mandlair conaltutional complal. ta aro Politely ranted lo sail tot Conslkl.l.ll. cone nothing. !Cunene am the be of teachers, bee enabled him to perfect muddles at one. ale cleat, late, permanent. and which monologs can be used wlthent hlndranes busman, Med icines prepared to the establishment, which em braces orlice.Lerception and welting rooms; also Loardins and eleeptlas sparlibents for patient* legig J . jolr;::t Lite= nod a sprlm - go matter who hams tailed, state your ease. Read what ho ears to table pam phlet of Ells pagecrent to Soy addrayi for two Amps Id sealed envelope. Thousands of ease. treatpd annually , at offve arid all over the coun try. Constitution Me. personilly or by mall. ; Office No, 9 Willa street, (near Coon Hoe.) Pltlabnefb. Plttaburgh. Pa. Roars 9a. a. to •Y. N. Bum I goys ill a. to Rr. A. Pamphlet pent to say ad dress the two etimve. argUEIT OUT. •411110111 Y PECTORAL TROCHEE." FOR COLD& COUOIO/. OORE HITLII. TIULUAT AND RRONC Noon ao sood• None .o pleasant. ' Nona Care no quick. RUSHTON , 10 Astor Hooot. OD 10r1. Dun no mom of Oman hofrln tasted women. &tor •`llrow.n Cabot, 00non. dt farBATCHELOWS LIMB DYE. TIM splendid Harr Dye to Um burls world: tho =ll U. •nd PoMob DT: Lando., r.H.- b 1 lastrulansoas: no dlos_pponalaent; rb• dlenloss fats; remedies las effects of bed knslvrwter sad Wares the Hats soft sad bass Ural. Non sr Maw. cold by off VAlffiga,d.Trilt 1ar13411 FINANCIAL S. McCLEAN & CO BANKERS, dovernment No. 75 Fourth Avenue, IPITTIIBUROU, PA. Vernon' and promgestrentlen given to leery thing In tba business. Collections' made.' ter- Mentes 'seined. and 'Let allowed 00. Time Deposits. Adesaces made on Prime Collateral. and tiorcznalcat Securities st liberal rates. Dealers to revolt. and lictueetle Isch.gcs Gold, Miser. Hank Notes. to.. de. All local or other Mlscel animas Stotts, Mods, Slortireges, Commercial I'., er, An., negotiated at the steal reins of commission. .10.10 TRADESIIEN'S NATIONAL BANN, Wood St, ea. Sand Avant& Eamon PAID ON DEPOSIT& Gold, Coupons, Bonk and Stocks ikovour AND SOLD. = W. ViaUNE. Via Prni.WW. el,dall • CYRUS CL.A.BIZ, JL. C►WUr. THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. OS rrrTenuit.eia. MEM Safe Keeping of Valuables, Oader guarantee. sad Mt realist o! Batts tz It. Fire and Burglar• Proof Yanks. No. 83 FOUNTS AVENUE President—HlLMAß PHILLIPS. Vice Presidet—HENßY LLOYD. =ZrA WIII4.IAM PIIILLT.CL OYNOM H. PAINYNN, - JOB. el.•M011415oN, WILLIAM NZ*. (MOROI BLACK. WILLIAM M. LYON. UUNTIO U. HUbb LT. • J.A. T. Be.WWIL ?T. tl'TTooke—lL V. OM MORINCIUMST. uponduly Irom o'clock A. m. to o'clock N. ! main & 8014116 BANKERS, 67 MARKET STREET rrrrissurtas. ra. mtht:r: Stocks,Bonds and other Securities .800OHT AND MOLD ONDUNNINSIOX jr , trilar smelters pal the pluckers est I ) Mted States Seciirities. 114 CAUGUET & COM BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood Streets, Frrzionmas, PL, owoosissomi To 11/LIENA. BAST • 00. =0 Exchange, Coin, Coupons,. Aid 'MEUCCI? Strd:r Plet to tine roam COVERPINIENIT BONDS. 13jfilit, Drafts on London. CITY BANS.. 112 Fifth Aiwa% Pittsburgh, Pa. 6100.06116 - • ITOCHBOLDEIS 111DITIDUILLY.LIABLIL INTEIII3I IP.UD ON DEPOSIT& ~, IM:=E=CM Mooed and sold. sad whoa d esir eded remitted to Merton. Collections made es oil the mrloettal points of Me Unltsa Stat. sad Canada. • . IDOmmume Urltsirt, Prestdemt. J,taria Wean; Vies Preddeat. . - W. N. KOltel.N. Cashier. • • D..ltriraer4 i_rasfs 'McCabe, Thaw Borrtll, K6/1,312j, J. Donlan. Jr., • Tenrm 0 =9 0 614 Patelek ••741116 Itenima j A Ham. . eazzaw., polestar. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ao. CARPETS. NEW FALL MMI. Oil Cloths, Window Shades, DRUGGETS4 DRUEIGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever Offered. BOVARD, ROSE (t CO., El FIFTH AVENUE. CARPETS. BEDUCTIONS. The alterations and im provements of our Sales rooms now in progress, make it necessary for us to im mediately dispose of a large portion of our stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Hearth Bugs, &c., Many goods will be sold at prices below the present wholesale cost. Call at once at OLIVER IcCLINTOCK & CO'S, 23 Firth Avenue. HOLIDAY GIFTS. respire Redaction in Prices PIANO COVERS, J►losatc, arminater, Mlle" 'Ruts, Crumb .Cloths, Arc" Ifc 1114111IM BROS., el FIFTH 4 r6Xui, ABOV6 WOOD STRICT deSl WOOLEN DRUGGETS AN Elo PELT CARPETS, li, 2, 2 1, 3, 31, 31 and 3 YARD WIDE. BORDERED squAlums Suitable for Parlors. DOING ROOl CRUMB CLOTHS, Woolen, Linen - and Cotton, kt LOWER PRICES• 71111.L1Wr SEW Notwrtlbetandlnie the andhalthlehecttattl ott the. good,. & COLLIN' 71 and 73 Filth Avenue. tiali:47ll ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE Irjuktatiag the Appoluttneat of City "rioters. - %Om Publication of 0101. eases. an* Advertliciinoni• for the city of Pittsburgh. and Ifiallog the Companion*. therefor. 1550. 11. Be it mod Dr _a. sum and Memos Cosset. qr ito MY r - or . a t6 nd llor tt lt! horstor ordained and encretedV l tte erf Sge earns. That the Cosselle •hal. ea ure layeas. day of Januar:. A. D. 1570. ned annual, thereafter. at lir :Ise of electing city eater., apparel and designate try same. two dello rourepeperr purr tared is said a ty. ose of which shall be printed In the urnsan In eebleb al ',relation.. °Meaux. and .Over tierseeta. provided for or required WY the lays- Isparta or o disuse,. of the cerebella of Mei city o r Au. or paid cis or Arta of rserahly relating, ;v. rheif be plbli.bed the umber of Vibes legally ugslielte: and• In addition (trusts. sae nisi a...pagers 'boll • ea pubileh ergularly and with moue ahle dlllireece the Miele , Manua of the Cornell. or • hr of eammary or &helmet 0f 112 .e ' " lr di tat. ' lrele=re e rtTaTi c rg .. to be paid to °att. Of the ....Pape... appointed ana duff. sated far all the advertisers , stared rubrical's. gagelloned to the first Hellos at Ufa orellarrece, shall be one thousand dollars per annum sail no deco. 3, That the Joist Committee of Councils on CIO 0/1111.10( annUallr. In the Month of January. by advertiseutent pub tatted at lean this. UZI. is 1.14 olnotel preen:moors, finite waled proposals for doing ill toe lob o prn : tog Tortl.":l4.°:n Decentlyrequired t o cbontng therefor to the tewen and beet bidder. Th""t"tdit"t- 7tRIP:4IIV:4II coodicting with the passage the prawn time, be and the e o same lenity re pealed ea far as the woo affects shit ordluance. tirdatneo and enacted into • tan In Apo thla llth day of Jwinary. ••. D. 11110. .1•V IMAULLY. Crealdent of Select Council. Attest: Z. S. Monads!. Cleft of Select Cormell. W. A. 101111,111110 N Prondent of Common Council. Attest: 11. Mcidafrren. Cleric of Common Council. - lets CiRBOLIC_SALiIE.,! . , The important discovery - of the CAIRBOLIC ACID as a MUNISING, PURIFYING, and HEALING Agent is one of the most remarkable results of modern medical research. During the late civil war it Was extensively used la the Hospitals, and was found to be not only a thorough disin decvtialednd also ed e m HE wINnG- = ft is now presented in a scientific combination with other soothing and healing agencies, in the form of a SALVE; and, having been al*. ready used in numberless cases with most satisibetory and ben eficial results, we have no hest.. tuition in offering it. to the pub lic as the most certain, rapid, and effectual remedy for all Sores and Ulcers, no matter of how long standing, for Burns, Cuts,Wounds, and eve. ABBASION o dise a ses or FLESH, and for Skin generally. gold by all Druggists. Price 23 omit& JOIN F. JOEY, Sda Priv NO.B COLLEGE PLACE. N owYork• a gg n'T lNT & BRATT, AIICHITICTINULL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, Vie. K hadmilry It., illegteuy, Pi. litarrs=rUntir VerBityr a all I.sertotloe. ~A n ~ ..• T a‘k Unwv: TejGE suiratENTs OF ALL mew of fresh lake IA on received daily a . Palpresa , Totten. O. Mad, No. di Dtasioad Market, rim.bulth. and at the Soria City Stand, Allegheny City, corner of Federal and Oldo streets. Our long rlstrerteuee to the badness enables us to altrayahava 00 b and • trst gus u t t nod a. crijell w rr , rkh 1t5 ,....., to:a .r &h .".... Woe U Seal. We Porch SW WOOlOOlO or teSall. All 004000 Idled Drolsoth. i KEYSTONE POTTERY;" of ! co, o K.,. of " 1 4 r y i Eat cLarinNa. "'WATS, NUITIL.OVIZALLIS. MUD, at. Ole. Oiled Clothing et all Innen always ea lung and for sale. wholesother retail, 'by J..• PHILLIP% Anil 96 gag 911 Math Meet. 30CASKS PEARL AIM IN store sad tor .810. b 7 250 88LS CHOICE APPLES Pirs sals - J.l. CA3YIULD. MISCELLANEOUS SEALED PROPOSALS WILL be received at the calve or the Chief gear. termaster. Military Division el the Mistieuri. Chicago. Ittinols, until la M. on TUESDAY. February 1. IE7O. for the transportation of GOTlffililtelig troops, ma/Ram Government and Indian supplies between the following points, t Indicated daring the time from SID. 1810, to October 31. 21110, via.: • From St. Louis, Mo., to Won% City, Yankton Agency, Fort Randall. Whetstone Creek. Lotter Brutes and Crew Creek Agendas. Tort Bully, Hig Cheyenne and Grand River Agencies, Forte Mee, Stevenson. Finford, Came Ceske... gay pest that may be established at mould of the Muscleshell tiver, and Yurt Beaten. • From Wyandotte. K.., to Lilo. City. Yank. ton Andre,. Fort Bandall, Whetstone Creek. Lower R.I. and Crow Creek encodes, Fort Bally, Bin Cheyenne and Grand'River Agatele% Forts Bice, Stevenson. Buford, Camp or any post that may be established at the mouth of the bluselesheil rivet sod Fort Rioted. From Fort Leavenworth. Kan., to Stout CUT. Yankton Agee... Fort Randall. Whetstone Creek, Lower Broke and Crow Creek Agencies. Fort Bully. Big Cheyenne and Brand River eseneles, Forts Wee; etevensoo. Buford, Camp Cooke, or any post that ORII) be establithed at the mouth of the Iduselestiell liver and Tort Benton. From Clad.% Neb.. to mono City. Yankton Agency, Tort Randall, Whetatone Creek, Lower Braid and Crow Creek. Ageneles. Fort Sully, Blt Cheyenne and Brand River encodes. lore Btevenion. Berard, Camp Cooke, or any post that may be modished at the mouth of the Muselerbell hive and Fort Kenton. From Sioux City, lows, to Yankton Akener. Fort Randall. Whetstone Creek. Lower brutes and Crow Creek encodes. Fort Belly, Bta Chey enne and Grand River Andrei., Forts It 0., Stevenson. Buford. Camp Cool.. or any Post that may be established at the month of the Idsseleshell dm. and Fort Baotou. - Yankton Agency to fort Rendall,Whet• Creek, Lower Denies and Crow Creek Agencies. Port Bo Big 'Cheyenne and Grand River ►genies, TOM Mee, ELCY.I.OIII. Boned, Camp Cooke, or uly post that mey be estabileh ad at the month of the Husclestiell river, and Port Benton. From Fort Randall to Whetstone Creek. Lower Ernie@ and Crow Creek Agendas, Fort Folly, Big Cheyenne, and Grand River Attl2Clell. lone Elteventum. Buford, Camp Cocke. - or any post that may be estatlished at the month of the Muselethal river, and tort Renton. From Creek Ageniy to Lower Braley and Crow Creek ageocice, Ton gully, Big Cheyenne and Grand River Agencies, Foos B on, Stevenson, Buford, Camp Cooke, or any poet that may be established at the month of the llnselesnell river, and Fort Benton. From Lower Brutes Aseney _ to Crow Creek Agency, Fort gully. Big Cheyenne and Grand Sliver Agencies, TOMS Rice. Stevenson, Buford. Camp Cooke, or any cast that may be established at the mouth 01 the Mneeleshell river, and Fort BOOMS. From Crow Creek AgeOCT to Fort Bully, Big CT means and Grand River Agenelea, Torts Mee, Eitevomen. Buford, Camp Cooke. •or any Desk that may be established at the mouth of the llum.eshell river, and tort Benton. From Von telly to Dig Chtvenne and Grand River Agencies, Ports Rice, litevenson. Buford, Cunt) Coots, or soy post that maybo established at the mouth of Ilemlentiell river, and' Fort Beaton. Prom Dig Cheyenne Agency to °rand River Agency, Forts Mee, Mavens°. Buford. Camp Cooke, or any post that may be eatablisbed of the mouth or the Muselesbell river, and Fort Beata Greed River Agency to Forts RIM Bte• _. Buford. Camp Cooke, Or any post that be established at the mouth of the If facla• hell river and Fort Benton. From Tort Rice to' Forts Stevenson, Buford, Camp Cooke or any post that tray be out abilabed EMMMEME From Fort Stevenson to Tort Dotard, Camp Caeke, or any port that may be established at the mouth of the Aftmeleshal river and Fort }Scat. 1: Port Buford to Camp Cooke or any post ay be Mtablisted M the month of the bell river and Fort Benton m Camp Cooke or any post that may be bllshed at the month of the Mtmeleshell =DM Propoaale are also invited for the transport lion of troop. and .upplie., aorlog the re • • from March 90. IWTO, to October 31. 1810 from Chicago. Illinois. via Baran City, lona, o. through bills of lading. to all Oa points ahoy Blom City that aro shore swelled. ITMI=I south frees March SOtb to October alst. 31110 • elusive. the date of starting to determine th este to be paid. at which the,' will perform th gervice from each of the .tartlet points to th t..end points of dcattnatton shove.namtd, alon.. Lt. The rate .t which they will transport each °Maser and soldier (cable p.sase to be provided for oincers, and Cro .Idlers neeessasy [LOWS. Mr.:value their rations, which will be supplied by the Government). 9d. The rate per 100- poised. at which they will transport supplies. Tee rate at which they wi'l transport bor., mules, eattle,ambulances,carts.wagons. to., (trunghe lor,ftedlug the ag.latals to b. P =I A Jual preference wlll be girea to partle• who own. and control boats. floats will be expected to always give the tloverromeet freight the pref erence, and in no woe will be allowed to carry private to the exclusion of tloverurnent freight. Woe