El Enittsturgic &Rifle. QTYAND SUBURBAN. iiiramette In Stiaanil Temperance _ Wm . Weaver limn, two entarPri ditgind attentive young men, have now del imalalve agency for the Garri TY In sy horoughs of. Tempereatorville and g; an d they will: promptly deliver It by orders everY' morning In Abate *ma They will continue their can vjlisgumntworlbere,and, In the mean time, If any gowns who were served by tly Ibruter,Canier do not get their pa... jpi, they will be promptly saved on bidet sauce et Weaver Bre. , a news depot, neat Darrington's feed store, Tentforanormtlit, 4, or at the Gemerrn imentlng mom. glfth swine. - Hasa hale and lieerty. apeelmene of thrldeueve Ihrtwo were tramtMTed frost the leanly jail to the IndusUiel Institu tion It Claremont yesterday. - 16 largo GM a colored ban was oa &abuse of leroear yeaterday. oil • eretraet bawd by Alderman Butler. Ho was lodged in the kaucup to await "the lest meeting of Allegheny Conn. die wt will be held Ude at t ee mad time andslace. Tite• new for 1670 will organ: I tometrow It ten o'ohntk. Rr Neve teen requested to all the at. 1102106 of the Street exotaladoner of the Second Maid to the Iteourable cepa. tine - of tbe tddetrallt on Beneath Menge, hem= erica and Eloslthneld Area: great —lake Raney 111111 her chaperon sllsir“Oooks7P Ward* Were 011 a yodaday, Which tettainsuid by Ur sum‘ of both o f than. They were 1: i 0••• up lb! • hearing this morning. newspaper naterellse to btaald that the Mirror newspaper Is to le inmate:red to Allegheny end there tined daily. Twenty thousand dollars npurtalk hive neon raised for the -Sersseal.-001. A. W. Gamin, Am aSsrlyk well known Pittabanibar and now=tent member of the Wow :Tait . arrived to our city yesterday clot; to pay a few days' visit to Vial fob —James Brown made Atmesdas Wore the Mayor. , yesterday, eldria Wm. Ptimketedeln tharg Kea With Meiling several damn hi inc. WNW emvesey from Ms money drawer. latroeur.—.Tons 24Ludekmadelnlbrros. eon before the Mayor - yesterday. *Olin Wm. F'rankrabech with the letwerty of an swords= veined at. nine dollar& ,A marmot ems hsued fir the =met the alleged =Meal thief. SlMMTltilan—lidr. Gruber, yesterday. Mode initsmition before the Mayor, ahamizig John Hady with the lemony of an overcoat and two razors from the =a tavern, on Liberty street arrested and held to 101 l for basppearanes at °mut. TederdaY. W. N. Fuming Made In. brinetkin before Alderman Malifseters "plat Churls. F.' Good, for keeping a igenibllng Good Is proprietor of • mloon on Fifth avenue, near Magee Weft. Ble alleged that parties mum bie at the plane and gamble with card* fbe money. WIUTSIIIt timed. Censer's laqucat.--Oaroner Clawson held an I wan yeetwday on the body ay Lew% aged three months. danyhtur of Jame of the Four teenthurard. near Soho. which died Yee. Verney evening at haltpasi Ave o'clock, cormilsionn The Jury returned a wardiet in aceordanoe with the above Cilelizal.--Barbara Abell made Infor ninalon before Aidarman Baiter, yeast , day.againat Charles Ester for seduction, ao4nr atomise of marriage. The panto neida tn. the Third ward. Allegheny. Barbara-is eighteen .yeare of rig% and Charlie four years her Nagar. - -Bs - was arreided, dented excitedly the chine, end gays bail fora hearing. ' IteatiCemsdestonem—lnadvertentlylo oar -- report of I.ltancit elections we siesttledie mate that the following offi cers were orcutimonsly elected : Pleat District Road Oomadialoner—H. B.Nsavoorhesa. Sesond District Road Commissioner— CaVdohn Vendergrift. -District Road Oomadasioner— Wm. Wiley. Kale "Laney appealed to Alderman Igo. Igetters yesterday ler .legid redrew, al. A i ling that Henr y own, heat . eroakrld.hateleritneg atinsed bar generally. The little encoun. ter, which mums under the provisions of • the assault and battery act. occurred in • house on Virgin alley. The aldermen boned the uituti. anreimosia for licarira `Waning landng.--Yensiday morning MailMa Stephenson had a visitor. Vem Demsy. When the Mainz retired ale gnrds of turning', valued Id 11,20 f disslk pared. also, from the sewing machine ane.7_ which bad bton broken Oath Pat the eirautostanon together and therefrom Induced Matilda to makes arse of 'army Inaba Vent tonfrOftidernsan Minn. Ins atemed Inn arrastodand the matter inmistigned. nottltbsr in the discharge of the dam dint Mr want of evidence to sustain , tin meciean 1: WO WaPeak the, attention of Cm& di& inilpsavaall as our house iambi* to - - Sled of Marra B. McClean , & On. vrito. *ldes doing aline local Widnes% 'are • "canine-at etragondenta of trainersia ,astintatt houses and anger:dons ln• - t4e villas of the east and Wed. This 11riti is &townsman* all them for. toalr ,fidallty and praingt attendance to orders and for gaparlsinosandjudgment In relation' to dams of amities on the'markst. sthingtoallfromatooki Vataittilin on hand 05 to weet money in Way each would do wan lo advise with rdlastiddiatati hones. Hanle Veer. Sari* ficateter,talled at the realdenoe OrAtrebryesbuda.tbawnhqp6be vids- nor. i pssailti 1 ote. Marla Won her twinge bilshaxis iAb torbanneln the bowie , &swat Ontlet, • lint ammtnned her efforts in the yard.. Pr= 'hiders:, Ile waie expelled when ber dinnonstructienn Dammed a st ill more violent therefrom nn the public thorough 40a. Melly Mohr, 'wishing wand the matter, M and l made ed et informati e rmenon* ch Vg Ald Arent's ate an d leer with a breach of the pesos. this she wee aneeted, when she Pad the Mant d =ratme good eandnet, aful omen • - Yeiderday laming a hone ansend to ' s town banns tightened at a noon°. lactlre veldts paring up Liberty aired • near the Vane Depot. - The driver fOund It turposelble to bold him in check, end - .Mb a fewvpaamodlo Jerks and leaps the annul managed to pin Ida needom—, the driver beton csinPolled lo unto from • the Welton. The runaway proceeded up Liberty @nest al it daubing sets, damd. Ming fa lite cones several tree- boxes, tam Was and other obeenotheta, nata l/ UP Vaned the wane wall - of Ike peanyhnnta galfroad, which &tool hated lb. vehicle. Ile bone was aught ' pp ann street cooddenbly ineworge for A AM tAw. Joh*, Boon was engaged to be mar tie& Itargaret &handle Ina his happy ea. lleakra, In the generality of his affection Mee enamored swain beettneed rnanygille of the object of hie idoratket. The mic a iMpattlini of UMW were pair or iar - lthilletkliehweirlead6o; two gold anger riage,ll3; and • a , lB, Ttte wedding was sst. Ail wee mayeaoria. The orulthotoeteal apeeiroati hula high. But, alas 1 the old proverb prae - ta this Manse too true. Jar,True love Maws nut • -smooth. Find a th aeoilliaoo, aid them th e pariah lost h ie ie fee, the watch was broken off, and the strawy gutd SSW the flailaur of his atteutot Wank tberee two hearts beat wane. John }Ma, • commit intledds. lie pursued a Wear course and demanded the return of Ws The lady 'refused the uteaalUtoa 'of her late adorer and retained 'poileaudda of the Blast& But John , - vie not to be beatett. Wisdom-guided Mal NUL Be dew Into—wot rege—bur - the antie alto law. Thus, as kdbrine ' Um Won. Alderman . Mien*, dated; .jesuagrylltb, far larceny as Whole, with Marten* as dadmdaM , ie sadly 111Plald ed.tonetherwitII the intik memorinetione At Me naaddetrates pollee itt goad elite ' ledy. - .l3bould Xingu* Teal iO the adictal imitation. manistadel s nenl- outanes. will' be - deiralopor to day. in Loma gating the *Pd: Involved !a the EEO _...sas.co~. DWrtct COnri—Judge ganaptan. Wannzanair, January 12—Higley U. Stdrum. Action In debt. On teal. TRIAL LINT /OR THURSDAY. It hieCaslln'a ez'rs NV. Meaboy. ' 77 Grauer Ts. Steamboat “Collaasal. , ' . 195 Carroll a Snyder TS. Hall a Co. 194 Faber vs. Pittsburgh and Connells. villa Gag, Coal and Coke Co. 23 Calbouti it Edwards; as. Frank. 142 Barrett vs. Hilt. 143 Morrow vs. Bill. "I • ll= Coalition Pleas—Jud WSDNIMAY, January Ill.—The cue of Patrick Hughes vs. 71 . 1a . i i n Franey. action to recover two th d dollars. The plat:Mt/1a the son•in.law of the de. fondant, and It appears that defendant gave his daughter a deed for certain real estate, which he afterwards sold, ales. log that be had Imly given the property I to hi. daughter In trust. On triaL TILIAL LUST Yon TiIIifESDAY. 388. Beckett ea. Schwenk. 392. Peter ye: Voskeep, etal: 301.. Doff es. Merrick. 898. Building t Loan Association vu. • Kettarie and wife. 400. Stewart et al. vu. Williams. 403. Getty vs. Sneathen. 3. American Insurance Company vs. 0. Gronard vv. City of Allegheny. 'l4. Tannybill. et al. vs Plait 16. Blakely vs. Moreland et al. gßuterSe,tons—indge Stayre. Wlmwanniv, Januaryl2.—The Petition of Barbera Burk, setting forth that her Ansdedid Peter Bark, was insane and that he was in indigent circumstaacee ,was presented in open court. Petition received and read and January 15th at 'eleven o'clock - Axed for hearing' the • Commonwealth vs. Wm. Welsh, Indict ed for selling liquor on Sunday. Noll prose aniseed on payment of costs by dr tnotswpalth vs. Richard McGovern, and 'Commonwealth vs. Samuel Rill .and Augusta;Rill. cross snits for sesault and battery were next taken up. The 4rlty . returned a vastest of guilty as to MrTent, and not guilty as to Samuel and Augusta Bill, but directed that the defendants In the latter mite pay the oast s .. y The Court i rsentencedMcGovern o Commooalth Vs. d WmW d te . in. dieted for forcible , entry. _Verdict of not guilty. and county to pay the costs. The • emus of the Commonwealth vs. Cluist. • Gelb, aggravated etwault and battery, Commonwealth vs.' Gelb, Jacob Valkman - and C. Gelb, Ins riot and moult and`battery, Common. wealth vs. - Jno. A.- Barker and Frank Calhona, assaultand battery: Common: 111 /1 1 ilta fre:Jno..Buker and Frank Cal. . bong. 'and :WWI. :arm milts. were settled and nolle. pros. entered by pertuisalon of the Court, on the payment of,nOlits b.) , the prosecutor in each case. • wart then adjourned to meet at ton o'clock a t 1!... Thursday. . • TRIAL LIST FOR TausanAT: 270. Com.•sa. Adam Appel et at. 30g. " 'lstobVesrmayer. " 257. G. W. Kredel and W. K. .• 30e. Edward Lynch. A. Aronson d a1. .._ 321. Henry Dickenson. Tsrar. UST FOR FRIDAY. 271. Corn. vs George McCompa. 208. " Wm. Merryman. 825. . Thew. Whittaker. 82^." H. W. Behrborst. 810. " James Johnston. 167.. "88. Sherman. -3 eases. -164. John WCJarrett, 3 eases.. SRI. Edward Roseman, 3 cues. 183. Charles Stephens. 288..:Henry Flits An insparcans Decision An irripOrtani decision wax deltveriel. 'in the United States' thourt at Erie, on Tuesday, in the case of the Culled States . , esaolth Wright and Jaime Wright, in dicted for violating the revenue law, by distilling without payMent,,,,pf special tea, Mr ..without. basing given bond, and for distilling. without bonded warehouse. The defendants are refil -1 dente of tide. city, . and ,, it .was alleged that they had a distillery in the old Filth ward.: The offence was alleged to have been.einataltteft in _ASK -but tbe Indict ment was not found until October, 1889. The case was called up in the Circuit Conn:" Indite McKennan presiding having been certified to that Court from -the District Court. When the case was taken up G. W. DeCamp and B. B. Spencer, Emit, counsel for the .defendanta, raised the• taint that the offences charged were not com mitted within two year. before the find. lug of the Indictment, and that conse guentlythey were protected from prom culled by theatatute of limitation. The ,question was folly srgned by the defend counsel in the affirmative, and by District Arian:icy Carnahan in oppod. lion. Judge McKeon= delivered the opinion of the Conn. ¢" Methindleas Concurring. He held .that • under the third Betaken of the act of March Mae, 1864, any person or persons guilty of any crime arising under the revenue laws of the United States, or incurring any tines ar forfeiture by breaches of said laws, May Di prosecuted. tried and punished, provided the indictment or Information no found at any rime within five years aftat eciguniging the of eimeor Incurring the fine or forfeiture, any laws or pro- Maims .to the contrary notwith. staaillag. The general terms of this section would seem to embrace offences erearted by art upon which this in dictums:lt Lsfo unt ed, but an elaborate ar- Ismient hal - been made by- the defend. ant's counsel to show that it is to be re. striated In its application to offences de fined, or penalties imposed by laws re- lating to the-importation of 'goods, Ma; and this for the reason that only such laws are to be regarded as revenue laws within the meaning of the set of March 2 8 . 1884 , The argument hes-failed to convince us of the soundness of such in terpretation. We must hold that the act uponythiph this Indictment is founded la a revenue law, within the meaning of the act of 1884, and that the limitation for the prosecution, trial and punishment of per sons guilty of offences within it, la ex tended to five years." Theca:in was . enbetitted to the. jury after the Opinion of the Court had been delleeredi. - and, a , " verdict -of . not ratty , 121:121Z! • Elsewhere it will he seen that Messrs. 1 1 11.-V; .3,,,beati,i.John P.' Logan, Tibia= Eicai4ekt, rimior Paireett; *Ad Bantaln J. T., Lltocikdale have formed a co-part nership 'as Beactivil chards and Brokers In Petroleum. - The gentlemen are ill well known in the community for their integrity and bad. nem - qtudlnMtions; and are reeognlzed among the most substantial in oar mer cantile dress. . With the exeeptlou" of Mr. Thomas Fawcett, all of them have teen engaged in the Petroleum trade for years, and have gained, Individually, high reputation, for eariot honor and isir dealing In every transaction. The other member Mons pi our leading ooal met. chants, with a badness record of the Man erseelleSdebsiseter. The new firm 'start with an ample capital; and" being thoroughly crewman; with the trade, we know of none more reliable or dealt viog the utmost eonndence of persons hang the. business to transmit. Their °Tess arelocatedattheDdrallßulldingr, Duquesne Way: and No. 123 Walton street. Philadelphia.. They commence tandneaa under the most datterieg ana• Wes, andwill undoubtedly win that sumer Which - Mail and capital should slimy. secure. • Illaieneed to tile Psaltentlary In the United States District Coutt at Ede on Tueiday, the parties implicated in the Homo, Roane'.toe robbery, ware sentsaced by Judge bleflandlem. ay.* at. Munson, wno turned Ettate's widen" and William H. Yager, a 'wait, both young man, were lectured mildly and sentenced to two years im prisagnMiddfatth at :bard labs[ In the Western Penitentiary. and to pay the costa of peumecutMn. Hiles Halstead was comddered by the Omit to bs on old of fender, and WPO, sentenced to six years in the Pmitantlary, and the Meta.' Wm. Soonest oonvieted of planning the Job, wag to seven year* imprison ment at bard labor, and to pay the meta of protecuttort. - The prisoners were on. mended total! to await transportation to Allegheny. Si, :Anis* end filet inted, ' • • gutchison,yest rda =rein whim be arose with the sue. aMenoteeel r thl hialtonseho Id thrtddi meat- While the End man elope some evil disposed person had abstracted from his proteins =Napo= yards of Ingrain duvet 'valued's' $l5. - Peter investigated the ewe, and was induced to call on Al dine= Mullen, before whom he made information , charging .an acquaintance, Simnel DonaY, with the tarceny of the maid= geode-, in ,the meantime, how ever, the carpet retuned Is caystarlowi ly as It hod =appeared. When" Peter went home, after =AM; the Inibratio lion, he found Ida jincl a = a bindle cu Menorah, retzaas4 'Woos to the magiatratin Mos sad wilbdrow Ca charge. , MIES TSB CAMPBELL HOMICIDE. _ Verdict of Murder of the Second Degree. The Cue of the Commonwealth Va.. Thou L Campbell, indicted for the mur der of his wife, a full report of which we bays previously published, was condo . doff yesterday. At halt past nine o'clock yesterday morning, the jury came into court. altar having been out all eight, and" returned a verdict of ”gullty of murder of the second degree." The house was densely crowded. and when he verdict was'announced, "hisses," or expressions of disapprobation were heard from all parts of the room. The prisonar presented.the same stoical Indifference characteristic of him since the offense was committed. He evinced no ulgmr of feeling whatever, and when the Court ordered that be be remanded for mili tant*** marched out of the court room on hie way to the jail with an air of is. mimed importance, not calculated to arouie the sympathy of the public In his . . favor. The verdict ih the mute has ous atoned- . nnlyersal surprise In this Beatty. _The gallows has plessly. beezi cheated of its dues in thie cane. The prisoner deserved the rope an richly as any man who ever stained his hands with the blood of his fell% being. and an outraged public deeply regret that any twelve men could be found so insen sible to evidence, orb Ignorant of the law, as to bring In so mild a verdict. No fault rests with District Attorney . Pear son, for the case was well and ably man aged; damning evidence, was adduced and the 'Ligaments were clearly and for. cibly made. He did blowhole dutywell 'and faithfully. and ninety-nine juries - out of an hundred would have noosed the cold blooded and beat - dean wife mur derer. The Judge of the Court charged earnestly and sincerely, and left no loop. bole for such a•• verdict; but the jury went back -on • him, on the Dlotric. Attorney, the plain law and the common dictates of humanity. They erred grievously and have permit ted a cruel-hearted felon to escape due punishment for the perpetration of an awfully wicked crime. Better wipe nut the law prescrieing . death for horrid murder, rather than have weak-kneed juries t remblingly bring in verdicts just. drying crimes as dark as the very genius of evil could suggest. We admire the sense of the District Attorney in refusing to - again risk an Important criminal trial before an impanneled Jury containing twelve man who bad ideas so blunted or so dead to what Is right that they could not brings dastard ly talon to the position he hair earned on • sibsely scaffold. With them human life seems of no higher valtui than a handint of dross. Dextet.Wamhing llaCUlne Has only been-In the market • year. Bales now ere on, hundred end fifty to two hundred per Month. _ It has no equal: Suosestrul wherever Introduced. It is simple, obtain. durable and effect. anellst accesaible to every family. With permisition we give the following references : Mrs. d. C. Bobb, 91 Federal street, Al. leabeny. Mrs. T. C. Mlle, Sewlekleyville. - Mrs. J. Porter, Sewlekleyville. Mrs. E. Johnston, 47 Rebecca: street, Allegheny. Mrs. L. Noah, 48 Boyle street, Alla. ghemy. Mrs. ;Rowland. 42 Carroll street, Al legheny. Mrs. R. F. Bauman, 151.Sheffleld street Allegheny. Mrs. E. Brigham, 4t Andaman streot: Allegheny. Jars. A. MoCullongh, North and Tea. merit streejs, Allegheny. , M. TAIL Earl:, Perrysville read. W. Bt -swills road. Mrs.... Bargees, Perryir. Mrs. A.,H.Rowan. 298 Robinson street. Mrs. J. C. Patterson, 197 Robinson St. Mrs. .1. Parkhill. 41 Sheffield street. Mr& T. Eicandrett. 21:1 Reboil , * Street. Mrs. J. Marls& 38 Fayette street. Mrs. Rev. T. M. Wilson, Sharpaburg, Mrs. J. Miller, 34 Hemlock street. Mrs. D. Donovan. 49 Washington St. Mrs. M. Randolph, 188 Washington Bt. Mrs. Dr. J./Mitchell, 33church avenue. Mrs. Al Milner r iL293l/cand avenue, Mrs. J. Rowly, 83 Fourth avenue. Mrs. M. A. licantlen, 3lFourth avenue. Mrs. A. Deihl. 47 Third avenue. Mrs. P. Adams, 838 Penn street. M. McGovern, 471 Liberty street. Mrs. T. O. Eble. 108 Grant street. 8. Mehtasters, 190 Grant street. Mrs. Smythe; 8 Eighth street. - Mns. J.B. Maxwell, -180 Penn street. .‘ Mrs. W. J. Creswell. 368 Penn street. -Mrs. J. - O'Bonnell, 388 Penn etreet..- Mrs. R. Black, 22 Ninth street. Mrs. J. T. Patterson, 58 Liberty street. Mrs. T. Welsh, Smallinan street. Mrs. G. Greenwood. 10 Pike street. Mrs. E: Flannigan, 38Third avenue: Mrs..l. Rinehart, 137 Stull:dicta street. Mrs. A. Hunter, 14 Smithfield street. Mrs. H. D. Brecht. 249 Fifth avenue. Mrs. A. Felker. 1072 Penn street.' This machine can be paid for in monthly paymenthi when not conve nient to pay cub. H. Len°, Agent. No. 12 Federal St., Allegheny MY. Fans—She Great tieslag Out' Pale of • Furs at Wm. Fleming di. CO.'. Repro. aeon artve Per Kai Rat Store; 139 Wawa 12=! The, rage for Ladles' furs has been greater this season than it has ever been before. In all parts of the country-we learn that the demand was tispreoe dented. In all gatherings of fashionable and well dressed ladles, the neat and stylish cape and muff, or other article of dress made of the comfortable and health preserving far. is mood conspicuous. • , In our' own city, Meyers. Fleming IS Co., the extensive fur dealers, have laid In at different times at their great repre sentative house - on Wood Mreet, the . , largest anti finest stocks they over before attempted to carry. ,Thisamount clubs made by this popular house has far ex ceeded thee:st any past season, although the period of cold weather we have had, so far, has been exceedingly brief. A short time ago when gold was low in New York, this house purchased the most complete assortment of forever brought to this city. They are o f'. the Seem quality of all the leading skins— Hudson Say, Sable Mink Sable Black and Breen Sables:, Siberian Sable, Persian isimb. and *lithe grades of the popular- Maraca= goode. They are made up In the latest styles, and In the complete manner. and are in; ever re. =equal to any ever brought to market.. Although the sales have been so much greater than any former seem, there still remains a very large and complete assortment on the hands of Ideireste. Fleming & Co.. and am Mak aer determined not to carry them over to next season, they will comemece closing them out at a great sacrifice of their cost.' The closing : We sale will postively COlnalakCe on Mon day, -the 17th of this month. and continue until every article In their Immense and elegant stock will be cleared out. The public need not be told what Memos. Fleming & Co. mean by aching out sale. They mean In all csseajttd what theysay. and II m a y b e relied smolt Shod ttre goods will hemmed oney for pad what they elltbrlng. - ni our readers ler Ind near. that it will be to their Intend to call and examine' the good. and to great-bar. gains that Anil be offered. Special bar. phis villl be offered In Astran b an ckeks. Real Estate !ratsiren. The followingdoidl wore admitted of record In, the of of Thos. XI. Hunter, Recorder for Allegheny county, Wed. liintiiry 12; BAC. • = • .Wm. Dortry to Hobby Xotanbotrar Nov. 11. 1110; I.ocre and CD4 bamboo of LandL.M! monthly 111= flotlelb n'lmbor !nem Elbel. Ja.. 3, , 150; $ into fa Elbal.• mon. lowirm tornado.- . .41.3311 PlClOnntb Gloss Homfactmlny CoMomy t 1. H. Tonnoand. Inmoo. • no. b.. It 0; krt. MO b 1 5:0 Net. on Woottloglan .treat, boot. Ileo.l.lnnoll 100. H. Woodworth nod W. C. Bm/Oloan =to. , 2. DOD: lot by 31 lOC, Led lie•treet. 'rota. Allmtony' ' 413.010 Jobs Wools to Wm. Mb am a, Vet. 74, _BEM I. 80. 111.11• ya aodAI4JY plonk, Laomit34. plat" boomed!, • ISO A LvalltilonSon to it. M. 0100011, /lay 17. .I.WH3 Wm C pat mto pl land In El ontltoonseln = B. B. !Islay. Ibk IS to Tom. emus, CI Um. 4. IMO: 111 min nail.. patents In Indiana la OM. D BP 0111 T. Dattrlcla Martin rtutor, word,6,. BA 14 bittern', Allen *MC, 1710 p,tt won 4 J. W. Itomnoon to Wm Mcg, tem, N o .. ]3310, - 1/0); lot 40 by 710 Mot In lillendole,•Hthborn 417 S I. Ololay, Morin; 50.0. Z. 1114Kitto I. IP b. 14, um; lots= nodal. Patterson'. plan. Bloom oartl. o=Bsoooo , Hann/ Mybroolt o Um. Helmer. Jo y SI, lot 3012 BD feat of HICSAMMI,.Bittloomp, arillArlfr.ll•l - mbi to Adam Irmenti B r, la IMP; lot 24 by 1= tom on Orowlora 11,M. Ittobantb. ...... Oonnillltrybi a lott of Ca 'son otrett, Blrtalnylotto $1 ox, Ili a i n WA:A 7 7 1 pt ". 5 71 0 Cil it lea do sll l, LI. Z* Tii to 11 . 16 Jo.. Boyd tolltos. Ifabow. es kJ. O; Enelet perch.! _ Of Mal lad ID L/Pe.t. iti town-LID ...... ........ ...... ft 611 John Illorbot.i . to Prod. W. C0 . dmati1..104,13. 1341110 t 14 07 1= DWI. on 11 7 414 4 W I T% Hood 10.511101. Bracket. Jnly lot lry IA HMI, 'ln TeMoOlinstamllle 113= FHsolu Bonta$11•10.3.40141 Arent, Marelt e . 1/D. ,IMID 7113106140ty On Clattalt . . ga,to PITTSIVITRGIi DAILY GAZETTE: THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1870 ' LibntrY . Auociation. ' election for.offiCars of the young Men's Mercaritile Library 'Assoolation, which took place Tuesday evening, was hotly contested. The polls did not close until half-past ten o'clock, and the tel. lerawere busy counting until fouro'cioek in the morning ..The number of votes COll , Oll was 712. The "Regular" ticket VMS elected except the *candidata for Treasurer. The following was the vote: President—J. R. McCune, 446; J. A. Hutchinson, 236. _ Vice Prealden&—H.. IL Long, 669; no °P = k 2,:r i. y_-A, ' ll. Lane, 705; 120 OPPOSI- • Treasurer—P. L. Stephenson, 3751 D. P. Corwin, 316. • Directors—John H. Raney, 581; W. N. Howard, 652; J. Man. Reinhart. 499; W. P. Herbert, 395; C. B. Shea,637; Robert C. Albres, 314; L. Chalfant, 339; J. B. Morgan, Jr., 145. Auditors —T. B. Swearingeen. 483; Alex. Laughlin, 31; Cyrus Clark, Jr. 0571; Allan O. Jr.. iskewell, 232; B. P. Weyman, 327. Allegeil•Frard Yesterday morning a case of alleged false pretence was developed at Alder man Renter's office. C. L. Walter made information against Chnatopher Starr for fraud and false pretence. Walter is proprietor of a grocery store, located corner of Main and East streets, Atte, gheny, and for some time past has been purchasing flour at the City Mills. Stare la a driver to this company's employ. and has been In the habit of collecting the bills and delivering theilour. Walter alleges his suspicions were finally aroused at the Mice of the flour, and he called at the nffice of the mills, when the fraud was discovered.' He allegee from the accounts he wee overcharged to the amount of ggs. Stara is charged with collecting a certain per emit. over the price of the flour and pocketing It, a practice which Is alleged to have been carried out for several months. The ac cused was arrested and gave bill for a bearing. - The Lecture To-night This evening the Rev. E. P. Poe, under the auspices of the G. A. R., will deliver his lecture on ..The Romance of Cavalry Life.'' Personal experience in the wild and - varied encounter' of a cavalryman will enable the lecturer to speak cor rectly of the excitements and pleasures and perils; of this exciting and thrilling life. Rev. Poe served during - the war under Kilpatrick, and had abundant op portunity to learn all about the interest. leg subject of which he speaks. To 'night he will talk more particularly of the thrilling incidents connected with the celebrated raid on Richmond, width at the time was the wonder and admira tion of citizens and soldiery. Instruction and entertainment will be combined In the lecture of this evening, and all who lOsh to hear this dlstingmahed speaker should be In attendance. Tickets fifty cents. No reserved seats. ' E=l o;na.s. Horse.—Mr. Emmet, the great German oomique,oontinusa to draw large audiences at the Opera Hones. "Frits. Our Cousin German," is atilt on the boards, and will run during the remain der of the week. • • Ito demand for the celebrated Cream Ale made at the Oregon Brewery still contlnuee ea great as ever, and It is need less to add that Mews.. Pier, flannels & Co., take great palms to keep the qual ity up to Its Metal standard. Conieltatkm Water is • amain care tim Diabetes and all diseases of the nays. For sale by all Druggists. mon% SPIRITUAL PHENOMENA. A record of phenomena -known as spirit manifestations has already-appeared in England, which appeals strongly to our love of the marvelous. It is- entitled "Experiences In Spiritnalisut With Mr, D. Dome," by Viscount Adam,. itfdth an In troduction by Bart Dun:weir. It has attracted the attention of teledtific men, bemuse of the extraordinary manifests. Ilona therein recorded, and the numerous and distimp:dshed names that attest the truthfulness of the statements, , - 7 - - According to this writer, the Moving objects by themselves, with no vhdble force, was an ordinary occurrence. Pia nos, sofas, chairs, tables and books were moved about the rooms in which seances were held, and appeared to rise In the air of their own accord. In fourteen instan ces, be says, dowers were brought by In visible hands and distributed among dif ferept persons. Their fragrance was -taken from them and thrown about the the room. Brandy disappeared from the glass containing it, and fell through space into it, through the fingers of Lord Adare. The spirit was then extracted from it, the waterremaining. In twenty. three instances spirit forms were seen, In thirteen spirit bands, and in twenty other cases they touched persons in the room. Spirit voices were heard, and other inter esting phenoMena of like sort'were seen, and are attested by upwards of. fifty wit- WOWS. But the more striking phenomena or, mimed ln connection with the medium, Mr. florae. _Thu, at AlDley Bones, for instance, In the presence of Lord. Adore and the Master of Lindsey, Home was sem to rise in the all; he wee "carried along the wall, brushing pest the picture, tho opposite side of the room." He was afterward taken 12 the open air, car ried clear over a wall a distance of ten or twelve yards. At Buckingham-late No. 7, he was raised in the air hothontally, his "head became quite luminous at the top, giving him Um appearance of having a halo around It," and in each hand "there came &little globe of inn," which, says Lord Mare, had. to bin eyes, a bine color, and made a very pretty effect. At another seance at Ashley House, Home was carried out of one window and came in at another, at an elevation of forty-ice feet from the ground. When he went out of the window of one room he peas catty appeared at tha window of another, which ho opened "and walked in quite coolly." . At some of these seances his body was elongated from his usual stature of five feet ten lushes to six feet four. The meuurement was carefully taken by Lord Mare, assisted by a Mr. Jencken. "He „ pare d to grow. also, in breadth 'and size all over." This experiment was often repeated. He vies. as the painters would say., "foreshortened" by the same agency. At another time hts arms were stretched out, CO that, from linger UP to finger tip, the elongation amounted to nine and a half Inches beyond the natural measurement of the extended arms and hands. The skeleton of this gentleman will probably be found composed of gut. to pendia. Bat the most remarkable test was that of fire. We quote fully. Atthe bonze of Mr. Henning at Norwood, and In the presence of several , persons, whose names are given: He (Mr. Hone) went to the fire, picked tip the coals, and putting his hand. In drew out a hot burning ember, about twice the size of &montage; this ho carried about the room as If to show it to the spitite,t(who, he said, iwerir pteseni,) and then brought It to us; we all examln: ed It. He then put It back in the &nand showed us his bends; they were mot in the least blackened or scorched, neither did they smell of fire, but on the con. trary of - a sweet scent which be threw off from his fingers at.ifs across the table. Having apparestiy spoken to some spittle, be went back to the fire, and with his hand stirred the embers Intel a flame; then kneeling down, he placed his face right among the burning coals, .moving It about as though bathing It in water. Then, getting up, be held his linger for some . time in the flame . of a mullet. Presently, he took the same lump of coal which he bad previously handled and came over to us, blowing upon It to make It brighter. Ho then , walked slowly round the table, and said, 4 1. want to see which of you will • be the best subject. Ah I Mare will be the easiest, because be his been the most With Dan.' Mr. Jenck en held out kis hand. saying, Tat It lu mine.' Home said, 'No, no; touch it Itasca." He touched it with the tip of his finger and burned himself. Home then held It within four or five Inches of Mr. Burs and Mr. Hurt's hands, and they could not endure the beat.. He clime to me and add, 'Now Ilion - are not stead, hold out your hand.' I did so, and, baying made two rapid panes over My band, he placed the coal in It. .I must have held It for halts minntae-long enough to have burned my hand 'fearful ly; the coal felt scarcely Wllll2l.- Home then took it away, laughed, and seemed much pleased. As he was going tack to the anPleoe , he soddenly turned round sad said, 'Why, jastfancy, some of them think that only one side of the ember was hot' He told me to make a hollow of both my hands; I did so, and he placed MU main them, and then put both his 4 1 0 1 " 1/ 10 9 of ate twat, so that it win NES nOMPletely,:covered by fon/ hands, and we held it there for some time. Upon this occesion scarcely any heat at all could be perceived." - Similar experiments were Made at Ash ley Rouse, and are attested by witnesses whose testimony would stand unlia: . peached In any community. We quote !the following passages from a letter of the well known authoress Mrs. S. C. .11111. who Is distinguished the world ova for the purity of her writings and the elevated religions thought that runs through them. The letter Is dated at "15 Ackley Plice, July 5, 11369," and is ad dressed to the Earl of Danraven. The seance had place some weeks previous to the date of the letter. She says: were nine (s greater number than Mr. Homelikes); we were seated round the table, is usual,. In the small drawing room, which communicates with a much larger room; the folding doors were push ed back Into the wall, and the pouters unclosed. I think there was one lamp burning - tha table, boo -.LT la, —..ag over the tuble, but a very large llra wu blazing away in the large room. I lmow that them was - a great deal of light. The Mester of Lindsay, -Rev. Mr, andhls wife, Mr. Hall and rm..' mome, and the Misses 'BertOloxi werapresent. We Eat for some little time before the tremulona motion, that so fre quently indicates stronger Manifestations, commenced, but It was quickly followed bgnay rape, not only on the table, but in, dif. 't parts of the room; the table Was moved up and down—lifted perfectly off the ground—made 'light' and *heavy'kd the request of one or two' of the gentle men present; and, after the law of, I suppose, nearly an hour, Mr. Homo went Into a trance. Presently he push ed his chair, or the chair . was responsibility. All this Is well enough In argument but can Ire forget that a mo ther's love bore an enforced separation from her beloved son for ten long year,, and all for his good, although it tortured her maternal heart? Shall wa not re member that his father, driven by the irresistible logic of facts, placed his offspring in this institution, and with mostprndent foresight estaUlabsd a trust, and thus to this day exercises a parental .;ontrol. No brother or Intimate personal friend mks our Interposition. To take a proper and just responsibility in such a case anthill requires not bravery, but courage—not that quAllty which de. generates into temerity, and is reckless of danger, but rather that other quality which is the result of reflection, and is always cool and collected. Where our path of duty is plain, we ought judicially to be *courageous, not brave. Bowing to-that mysterious dispensation of Providence which has deprived this man of his mason, we return him to the hospital, In the hope that at some futtun time his committee and physicians may be able to realm him to society, or Per. mit him without injury to be removed from the asylum. if this lingering hope shall fail, then, in returning this patient to the restitution, we solemnly charge those who shall have him in their keep. tog to deal tenderly with him, as-they shall answer for it here and hereafter. Thus gently led, his descending pathway shall be smoothed, , and human sympathy, ever 'Watchful, will continue to surround and follow him until the veil shall be rent In twatn, and • his disembodied spirit, freed from the clay of its earthly tens. menu, shall be ushered Into another world. There one hope and faith teach us to believe that reason will resume her sway, the apparent Inequalities of this mortal life Avail be adjusted by dime wisdom, and this now clouded Intellect will de• velop capacities for culture and enjoy. meat as boundless as they shall be In duration eternaL o'clock l. I kn X . C -0 1Z L Tn IO d L o L I DAti, o 1. Il Ica of oak h*r rge. Yam rat from bar late reaLlenee. Woo,la 10. • T6vstaDaTooll.Num, at 10 'C'elrek. " Carlin lam TatraMee Livery 61ab 11. illegheay eitt. at O a. N. ' I:T.'4DERTASHEIS Psiniesoa WYLLUXS . , gArrins4eN ,a,, WILLIAM, comer IYlnh av en u e end ••etyma,' Plotabereb. 'tleMair Ito% altroado, five of (Reuel Ws taller pood. (enclosed se meet YYZIPOOkbIY UTOIII In tee city. (Irene ead Llinladee faralohed. Ofeee epee day tad Meet. 11nA13.1.£9. do PEE.I3L2.N US. INDITAXErai AND LlV=lt STANI,LI. ..arraer: If BA NM KY eTnz in AND C 7 l atteopnhauoyl C a eal , v v t a e d tae ' : talltstlosl ,. wood. XsssY as' , vst Waist: ()cowl, st yriows varsit: Ross _Ol , to 12110. pt • dies prersral tsrlutss.mot. Dus; and Cat V.ra Zgl ' aSa l .' taalUsa•Vga ofl bAs,V= and ittstlll. JOSEPH HEWER & SON, UNICIF-11:1"2,10EITS• Carelases ter Panorals, ga.oo 'tub 11C0117013 5. sad .0 "Pnisersllharalstuaeut at 4.4 rue JOHN M. COOPER & CO: Bell - and Brass Ponders, BUM LOCOISTIVI h LOLLING MILE BRASSES Made Pronspily to Order ! RABBIT'S' METAL Made and Sept on Hand. prop *al Masmfaabusis of Coopeeslmproved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Office, 2 PENN MEET. roandrh Coi.nth and Railroad Streets, HENRY.; G. 'KALE =CMiT.TAIi,OII, Corner of Penu and Sixth Streets. FALL A ND WINTER STOCK PLOW 'criti MP I. LADES --. "OR - GENTLEMEN, 1212/ 0 1% Offe . 1.100 prune Of r Maar . , 1401.11 DAY • -GIFT. • . Would do well lo *top ID &VII evaielne Mock of WATCHEti. JIM XLKY cod ed VER WAIRX at, the most desitable paitaraajtult received at • Ws, G.- DIINSEATWA JZWELICU AND OPTICIAN W.N.HAVER ft CO., .geVliyui,MALlt A Good Assortment of BLANK Boom OF EVEffY Varga Wosi 'Street sit Third Anon. = WATCHES,; COLD . CHAINS, 'Jeweilri; Sllvei FANCY GOODS, &c - `."friai,;.c3);dl;a-prie4 • WATTIXO A -111111Arillill,'.• . .101 FITTIf ArtlfUrOabOye Itialttiaald It.) N. _aye oar o•r•onat at , 151, UM la Om ratatriaK or Witittill•,filot.l4 aad Jewelry: •AU •ork mama . • la PITB.LIC -NOTICE Molex bees Appetnted GAIN and OAS If ETNA ,Isortattut for Allegbeav Cowan. noLee bellby glees Out inttlel a Neeeseerl oilee end IlDlubleal Ted.' blathlsery Can b prodde d. 1 will be found at tbe,OTtler. O► VIM NA. ,TIONAL MONDRY AND PICt WORK& Niresty.thled street, UN' relit; ZDAburtb. Jalla4l" Gas tattoo'. iieue IaIITTER-14, Italt bbli PAO" roll antler, for sale bY 7g TONG HEST MAXIM Sods •• AIL tarnish 4.D.. OASILIZIN • BEN . riirNOTIOSES— .. 7b-Le,"...Etorßa wyb,„„ i d,r.., Boardiwe Be., not exceeding FOUR LINES, will be inserted in these whams once for TWENTY-FIVE 0/Z27714; eau ad& Clonal line FIVE OENTA WANTED—A respectable SIT UATION by a Tonna man sum bee bad considerable experience In rbe farnit• grocery and provision badness. book-1000ra and mar nautili, life teneralle. Unexceptionable refer ences. Arldreseß.o .1312tTraollice. WANTED.—SITVATIONgme by a young girl •• Nan. hi . 11 mblo Addreas No. 603.0h10 tweet, allek two, City, ,WANTED. BOARDING. liessant Front Rooto,_4llo good lazilly board. 47 ANDERSON STREICT. Auegboo7. • WANTED—HELP.-AT Eno PLOTICIDIT ONTICZ, No.l It. Clan Street, BOYD (HUM and 11Z.N. tot bb naffs of toaplornens. P.N. WWI • - ANTED—An AGENT for this city up sell Um celebrated II /ULTRAS( ti SEWINSI MACHIN& oft - which we et:rerun= more liberal lb. Wooed otbercompally. Call and examine at Wcod street. • U. C. WILCOX.. Trarellas Agent. ANTED.—AGENTS eIerY WHZIIB to tell t.b.a AIIaBIOAN 11 , T G MAndIPL. U. only F 1 . 11 .. 1 Knitting Machine e'er Wested. Mal Wul Celt 313,1/00 etltches Der minute. Ad. MIMI AMERICAN HP ITTIPG MACHINE GO, Ifottoa Mau., or Bt. Loots. Ma WANTED. - MORTGAGES. - 830.000 to Loaa la large or mall amounts, at a fair rate of Interest. • THOMAS K. PETTY, BSI, Bond and Bold Estate Broker, No. IE9 Saltheeld Meet.. WARTED. AGENTS. 1r260 per CO MM O N well Use only GENUINE IM PROVED OEN tiEWINO MA CHIN Z. Price only SLR- . Great Inducements to o f ' elVe t T tire . tRy ' 4%147: t arr . % Matt Loft 6MM:to—will do any tinder wort that can be done en any machlso—&9o,olKl *old and the demand constantly teas n*. Now I. the that to tube of Agency. bend fnr clitmlars, la6Bee ware of Intrinfgerra . ME Address. 11000mR COCO.. Bottom Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., or lit. .. ha rpn-LET.—NEw HOTEL—Fue— i_NINII6D. 1.1306,1,504am4 1,500 huw erIILKT. PIHILAUt o.t a tirst-,lus housemot •oeatleu. SU rooms or rouged ex suite, with miter eloeet, weshetaud otl bath. Sri grates sod manse!. to eaeu room. halls, Willard., has. oUtee and parlor.. heated with &team.' goo :gay o r 1731 OtLsIN t Cß t U t M ree t. TOO LET.—The Large Store ftnStu No. 90 Wylle ' /Leen earner of e era! etreet..PlttsOursti. A. M. BROWN. 'l/11 Pith avesee. TO LET.—Toro 2 story brick *mum Noe. 58 awl 118 Centre avenue. cootalnlnn ten rooms else!, wits WtaWere' kn. trove men tn. Inquire et 110.54 Centel: , snows. Me. IICUALLIIII. TO LET.—Five roome--ene dibtra.riggi-x= `l' rcbtaxel seven ram.. .E gum 0.2117 tem:l.M.. • Suit of Booms romptt• log Two Lar,r, vet Ilib'ed C out sou Sod goo, Quo hate wtll llobtatt trout Woolson 3rd floor. One Idee Hull tfltb two aolo.rootos on lit, floor. In buffalo,. rAtintt arouse. Tor Wow, loquaro of A. H. ENGLItH ft CO.. N 0.911 fourths.. nue. ir TO LET.—A lotof ground 199 fret hyablat-et with a large. aubatantlai Utica bundles *a Got by 140 feet. a ad of gee Molding eontstulna two atolls, former y Mltiad In imam if lillugar as p maim( mill alt• alCarson and Wirat alreets booth Ilia bora, sulla App.yble for manufacturing purposes or a to ATerialltillif A CO.. Carson and Tenth streetabirmlugbalm MO LET.—Desk Room io a b.ud.oe ty Ilt.ad up ottlee, s ti.attat cation for butanes. apply at No. SU /fourth w, stet:ma Moot. rLET.—The NewSto build. ing. tio. OS Weal street. Esquire at Ito. Peas street. friO.LE'r.—Dwelling Holm No. A. 39 Vern Street. tatqutraat 400 nom street, tome. boon of Jig mot 151 a. At • and sad• r. 4. TO-LET—Warehouse No. 323 • Liberty ...net, from J•nuory lot Inst. to Aorti lot, /ell. inquire at or. °Mee on Mt Orenthoon.. = rLET.—A Two Story Drick Derett nit Boone. hie. OK lit• =trey *treat. rebels, C:Ltt. 11 woman.; WI the modern nu- Orovenmutt mete clone toa pewterer railway. linewelate potseetton elven. Apply to .W. P. ...,41..1416, City Inglawer`e flake. Allehbehy Pa. LET.- STORES. DWELLINGS. ROOMS AND OPFIGES. lagalre of FUR SALE.—Mock and FIX TURES. LIANA AND 000 D WILL 010 tlnGtlass doing wood bv toms. The. 000 0 01 110e 0 1 . 10 1 00g0ses1 In other bostnerals be reason for aelllng. ral &treat. illeShral =I TUUEE SEWODY 01+10131NIES 13=2 Ingrate 11 No, 21 DIAMOND, Allegheny My. =7 rzrza 'OR BALE. ouse and Lou WI Spring /I6l.Hesento ward, Enf 1 5 . 5 0 0 : /Me acres ia.lox Sio tatn, 000; H. neaz V OP nod Lot, 54 J.ses tree t 000: SI houses on Nosing strcet, a.sou este: 0 bowea and 3 lots In rittallUtt Va lop, 40,300: 6 noes Is Room township, on rob. areas road, 06,000:9 iota on Fremont street. .000. house and lot In &dem, unto. I 011.500: 1 acre ground In Bollesoe Bore, $1.1100; house and lota, head of Beave”treet, .11.1150; bonse and 11 acre. Is Ellsabeth Dom 014100: tionse and lot In Hildgewater, soon —hollne oostains isl anon% lot ea by 010 feetit th ooo; brie at Val...oaks altatloo, urn, P.O sere. Inottre of . . . . Real State wawa; away (Thio nad Basid.ki Uncle, Allegheny. • DERNONA L.—All persons seek. L IND HOMER, or Itt•eum•rits Bea Tr tato. villtroubte and money by bro. owing • oopy or the ••PlTS•lttlattH ANAL AbiTalra 111.818SICIL*. ltte glremayoawrif or *ill b• rent by melt rams toga, robobnaka Person. cannot WI art pelted oat or the may Hot Ii aontalse.. (MtMT PIRLLIPS, re gams sod Seat Lasts Loots. No. UV 7011115 lOWA LAND FOR BALI.-3300 Acres of choice land In anent' Lbw bus Cann. it •In lows. near the Hoe af the lltann• & Northwest", W•lifoad. bed tit axe of Oh /most t a zionii e Do1.nl"""1. on, of the Mate. Wal De sold th."'" 7 B. arteet:t 6== VDU -BALE.-L1 MEN - AND BORMBEI. am mad liefond-ll.d, c.- uuttly Dabs. .d beaLht. ;i;=1;11gEllEMI G RANT STREET PROPERTY •UR PALE.—Threo Mole Beta noose Doff occupied de • • Towle.. lo good Umit peened bock groat. s. .Ajtm eßT sous. , jail BBnlotb geom. T ARGE WAREHOUSE FOR j_,l b y on Tided deo, .e. of -eat trout by BA feet dem. niece stories sod etllor. Aizl! to . b. CLITIIII6ILT d BUN& . • a 9 91:10 Avenue. COotUOLLii'BO/►IC2, CiTY OT ALLIOOI3O3, Jon. 10, 3630. NOTICE . TO CARPENTERS. dealed oroveo3. 0111 be reerlTed at tbls ornee 1011 3 e . .teek r. 01.31311 DAY, Ja.nen 16LO, 1010, for Um connronten or • .PLANIC FOOT-11:41,8 . . Mihs south side of tho Perrysville Plank-R.014. nd Wald. frOm the head limes @Uses to osts.ltna,sseent WWI portions as ass alrssay supplied wilt the same. • • u roterrearionr ems be at. the °Mee or Chi renedtonicotboy ri ll h i d e. r W.. 11. PfillTEß Clir Controller, EEO I!=MnIM Cm© or Oyu:Swarm= Aro orrarifOl. I • • rittaboralt: Jou. Stk. 11169. t, N O7TCE.—The assessment for ..Pnelng and Corlelni WIMI.I iVENDE. how ',Sanford street to D.,llllen street, and Gradliag Wit!: BUS svglivr, from Robert* .erne to Kirkpatrick , ttrert, I. nor, mad, for ono too ne seen at Ma oleo. awn TITZFDAY, January Vita, 1970, when ltwill ha rain rued to tbs cityMnowszer's ogles for collo tlon. L. 1. MOORE. Ine:131 tiLy Larne., itnEJ . ID - REAlit 1 BEAD LlitORAl &moved In one entente, without bleeding er leering loreneui BnolDL , sad 'Dlseaud N.H. Boa:owed In • few nelnwee. AU operations pet , tensed wltboeit nabs or bloodshed! rethet comibri iretnedlatelji • • • - Xa seleonous medicine wed! . . lime feet after operation Marred end Stiff Joints treated miaow rally. Peoetallte and (.11111bialas conall In a flier dap. given or moos) 'toil:Coded; goal City flab:met. often. • • _ _,• (Mks /lours train 91. Y. b 7Y 11., andito ' agattos„.9 to 1/ A.ll. EMMM=I • Dr. D. PUTICRION, Dttorrgb. &Mirk SPICED MEWED A 7 venght.. celebrated- ••Se Ras Ultn•• Mineed Neat at redused Itticea. 'abounds and waft patsy to Jam btlla►, or by the panel. at the fatally Utoutry More at JOlllt X.IIIIeNSILIAC )►L• Comte Llbc and Ntotb stra W . lEEE - EL IL LION, .Sealer et Weights:sal leuunai ONIAN—No. a 10IIIITH AMNON, PlistabwriL jltat, JOHN NJOHOZN. Neontr, PlasNoNN 71.4.S i ge . CL.A NN B UL7I7;!:DeNsw. AU& R. 11. ZITS jrDIEBSON 3 . I IIIIIOTHERII, Wn• Mum and, Dag.. D... nava mumar. . tams - ~F ~ ».ti ... .~.vrwU.R.'. L. li"+i.:~~'.-+iu+v':A ' w :'k . -L ^ N=..Z%..~ ~ ~ {~ -.~. r~~...~~ati3..~..~~vatnu+... Nca. {..: .. ...J.:u::SSYw`:'M%Y:/++~: _.W:+•w •+.+stt'.ri.,~.~L t" cam. THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. WANTS. BILLOU & DAIS, SECOND AVENUE, • Ate now mimed to tortnthlruinOilt Wake LOWEST HAR=T ZATIC3. 'Attention la Du :looker called to our EXTRA WINE VINEGAR. PHERSON HUHLANBRING MERCHANT TAILORS, 10 81111 ST„ late St. Clair. We bays just - received a large an ply of Fall sad Winter tionds. which will be sold at reason able prime. M. MU tfbati HUI aCi.arld nUUSt tend to the CUM firmartatant: deSioal ItineillaliON NUBILANBEING. lIMN AND BOYS'• TO-LET A tante sod zompleto assortment of Ilea= ad nos Goods, at Oka lowest poles• ' tiirth St., 89 Fifth Avenue, (Late tit. Clair. MERCHANT TAILOR, Xtepa coastaatly ma band Oaths, Cassia:term and .Vesting . YtfrairDMONG GOODS NER' FALL GOODS. - • OMAN bey stott of CLOTHS, CDWTHDDIDis run rowyee by moray moraa. BRADDOCK'S FIELD Gas Coal Company, A sa C II O.. 96 rum ATVIE FOR SALES. 131=1 PROPOSALS , 21 4)34010-14i4 11 , 04 3 1e7- 1 : 1 1 167; 168, 169 and 170. IKEIROELiNT TA LORE. 8UCC1T.360813 TO m. n. Divan & Go., CLOTHINCr. GRAY & LOGAN. 3P.31'.A111131,10., 11181010NM=11 N.J. B. tigiv.truWr,jr,iceat.N.Ballet. Dann Wallace,lB. H HansaMy /I....Cleasebees. .a. Wlartaa. Io,Y. 24117. JAM 11111. Tbeass Smlth.j.ino.B. Wllleet. ROBERT H. NIRO. Pe -- ONO. P. OW:NINO/S.' JOB. T. JOHNSTON. Y cot. B.; J. ORAOZ: , • I /MOW on Mend Tar . ilirGast . • Clielblag made Weeder la the We and Marina tele. NISMIII WNW No. 03 1-2 Smithfield Street, M=:2ll ==ll COAL AND OOKR. XINiC63 ♦HD ISHIPPPREI OP BLICIONITR IMO MILT COIL Nut Coal, Slack and Coke, • ANTHRACITE COAL. Of slot. and of tae best gustily. enn be Am alerted at re...doable rates. Lei re orders Si of nee 'and yards. No. T 3 ANDEXESON Alltrtg, Allegheny CIO, and Liberty etegt length. to. Womb ...net Pittsburgh. Address P 05.011.- 110. dal, Pittsburgh, aid they lulls rtotle ernmpt attenUon ger Prompt attention styes 'agent= i s hip eats. & CHARLES R. ARMSTRONG, Yonghlogheny and Connellsvtlie Coal, And lionnOtheinter of COAL, OLIVE AND DVAELMEIZED COL , OFFICA AND YARD; comer Sutler and Morton street. Linens and Cl Enser streets. Ninth ward: also SeCOLlei . 1 11Ildn and at foot of lion. street. Y. C. It. It. Denote Second want. tied.,. lefilo either of the above aloes. or ad. dreu to me through Pittsburgh P. o. p mill re. veva presort attelatloll. Eisler to whom lam suePlitult: linwYs Won. A C... Wm. arnica. Union iron Mills. la. ' AL A . k rietTk. b .rl=let e itiih ß . ' o " et t Co.. Park, McCurdy Co., Items. Graff Dull. Wm. SI. /abet A Co .. .I I! It. Lyon Co., James Marshall A Co., Allen. MKee Ca Cu no De ttetel, e Coasellrellle c Pearisylvants it.. Allegheny COAL! COMM COAL3II DICKSON, STEWART 6 CO., HATLig removed tbatz Mos to NO. 667 LIBERTY STREET, [Lately Q 4 fIoatAILII3)2IZUOND TWO& an aver premed to feral& RoodpEgFelnG. italltatY LUMP, NUT ODAX, 17E51, at the ortreirtl d at tbelt ogles, eiaddreseadte them Wealth the aofl. will be attended le OrIMIDUIN •LASS. CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, EDULIIIIAN AND VMIML. arzw i rra i r ia man, errs OM% Ui= SILVER PLATED 6001X3 I====l ta eeU IA l and erla ear uzi eas L.actugi R. E. BREED & CO. 100 WOOD fiTIIEET. CULL AND SEE TUZ BMW China Se Perin Eitatnetth, year and If taUrtlAt i livir opening for the H. RIGBY & CO'S., - No. 189 LIBERTY 13TR111/1% N. 11.—A. !aria assonsorrit ot Mae Walla *lnane Wan, tOr !Unity sad betel are alll/1171 LIVERY & SALE STABLES ROBERT IL PATTERSON & CO, Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., Prrnstracm, PA. wai on Even, Oansniag Hold AN AUCTION SALE or HORSES. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, . . WAGONS rantr,L a rreM!' s p!'-g i t s v: Web notice of eonelgusbeot on or before Thursday of each week to order far adre.tietet. reOlere la teellon and good can ICU be Wee al Met ,IM JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. XIOTICETO - FLOIIIIDEALEItB AND CO Nlll3llllls.—' We aro now mete air islet of 40.000 bushels carefully *elected WHIT!: AND AUBEU AND TYNNIDYSZT WHEAT, pareasseel la Gleam Pane. preen sad Norden calmness /edam. Th% tot or Wheat Is the very best to be haul and Dismal b itt=trl= " eiciTY4 NaeldraT. Maine Cloths and thrZe " Di t alskt tad are no. prepared to narnish the eau Near kareassdo toe tea years at prices teat dety ocaapellitlen anagram* stades of Atom . - S. T. ALIENTEDy i DUO.. Pearl Mean Kllis Beldam her I; yam "IngbelP LargrEsitats O.A.T.aps Arnie I FLO • /0301 St. =VT. ll.T.Arnaltilr. ROBT. & Cam CO lON IST • COL illillllll 4111111 M I LIMIT 0. Inv:sum:au. PA. SUNIA4 WALL PAPERS .ELEGABT PAPER, HANGINGS. paa Via= to moo l t r itt l lsnote. M . ettrhi l efri stansped and notated sold. N enely hi:ported Ifld 110 i VI De elarrhere In the constan. sal. as • W. p.NAniaseAT.T NEW • WALL PAPER STORE, .. 191 Liberty Street. ENSI7RANON THE MN JERSEY Mutual Life Insurance Co., NEWARK, N. J. Assets, Over $500,000. rolkles leaned by thla ComDun7 ate lutrPet nally. lion-forfelttng - after the Dayntent of one Annual Premium. • Dividends annually declared and applied on third annual premium, either on the permanent Inaesse of the policy, or In reduction of preati- HENRY ICIBKPATRICK, General Agent, 161 1-2 Wood Street, (2d floor') PITTSBUI43II fsq l r labla Agent. vraut.d, UNITED STATES LIB MERINO COMPINY or , wsw NOAH. ='ll:=l=E= One of the olden-and moat tellable laseltu tlons la sass:Quarry. _ malts. Sept. 1...1969.44. 1 a, 49 . 017 . 51 - • morph over all Inielfrot almost ba/t • minim dollars. EMaMZE hiraitesqes: H. L. aqi.i.sOoti. Pres't Y. A. X. Nat. Bank. 010. A. BILRRY, Prts't Cltisena• Nat. Bank. . JOUR HARPER. Pres% Sant of Plitaborah. ;JOHN:WM/34* .Dlg actor [taloa Nat. Bank. oas 901 , 1417 i. L eis hicr Piro!. Nat. B.R.z AINII3BIIIB NAWMF., Direer 14 NW.. Bank. Pea'l GerawalinF. Barka, Alla Cy. -A G. NACKUlflatt 4 BON, Bookeslierr sod o. nanog.tvwznexto; Comsat Ageakt for Pennallvaida, 4R Widest rarest, Philadelphia. 1:01114. , Alonst for kuroboor Glees In Penis. toe. Co.. 161 s Wood It. tocitoei.rraa INSURANCE COMPANY. PIXELAWS ntrimma, U. as WUI* Ammo, Licosa Moor _PITTSBURG% 1%. Capital .&11 Vold VP* `„• • .. EMI EirtitrEt ANCE CORP i l r E cr iN gn r %We& .9 ° Ziden . t. - • W. P. ItiBBILH.T. besetet.Y. r . curr. Gramm lizzLu. th.eim *vat, Otlib, Water Mott, Moor & M . . Wort. ltonoN up s s, Ibtioorolt. L Wlll lame natio% al kinds of lint sad Ma yo W. A home Institution. managed by M imosas *Loam wen knows to the boaannolty, awl who art botmmto.o by btobtptstess bad Met silty to =afoot. the ,I , .tor.tor Ittdelk they lute abound. agitating Ito , belt Ittottettbs tO mon IMO dititts to be las er trral. • i tainr'erf .'ctn. I= 4 , a. maw.g.i. -maw. 0. a zm. : •Intabder•prox. Josepb HI gior i sierer, . e1 . 1 . .11=z, , pEanninLiAtilla INSUUNCE COOPMIY OF PITFTSBUION/ 0/FIO6. No. mot WOOD STREW. Ift•XIL 01 0010113102 BUILDING. Skits L liameacaapaay, aryl 12.1mWS •411324 "' air ABD e6 WAYT I II6,. Pre-stdott. 0. . BOYLE Vice Pre.ldent. BORIBT Teaurer. liVekt 111•IL.H.LBIY. liceretaw. 1312CEMS: bert P Jacob Patates, • ..1 1 1 z4 0 ,; 47 .. x . } . , Joule. King, •. Ammon. . rrit AGArlffiT =as BT NrSEUIL , . FIA/10111 INSURANCE CU. Of PRILADELFIRA. onnosms a MIT CHTIZITNTIT OT.,mear *hr. uuhrrnas. i =. 74 1,ag,.... It=utlit..OUNS Jortl e it. Math I..lwOrd. Dal% V aiiISLY6 ViVax !Mfg: . 14riZ . . , k in weryz . : rroud.r. ' J. ehrIINRi n t r &WIN. Lehi% North Wort emote Third and Wood urea& itharwil NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Ur. Federal Kt. and Dlahind, Elegkeny, in M n le g ymt WOAD NLTIONAL WIZ M B M M A rM 1 n A (P" 6 " , s " e tieddett.t kz~~~~ ..Ati=lDlamiritterti'Llt"r),o2lCAl JED. Ovarge gene. 4. , ep_b1.91b. isa.Thampses prepeafp VIINURANIMI cox- mum. A. L 001CREAWDOD a in.:ltems. ♦ tlolu,DlmPany,tatlrmilreasAMAMsZliki Capt.2otal L. SUMO. Hammel P. SIAM. Clharleci Jared X: rin c ar 4 N uacros • PTeddeat: ' • oils E. 0. H. Low. wv l r46,t. IttiR P W 14 2 % • Vic atunir 4LL CO AI ENT_ INSURANCE COMPANY 07 PITITNUROH. 10E.N0.47717711 BTIINTT.BANE DU O& Dram Amigars sal lOUs 71.1* Rod MENA. JOAN MTIN. dz.. 7reodeat.' T. J. HOSIONSON, Vim Fruitiest. . O. 0. DONMETAILOMarous27,, OAPS. W. DEAN'. Getteral *oft. DEANCloass J. l noe H. licumo.. &best 0. Dm , * BuTepO_hilds, Franetstlellexs.: O V a~ Unit. c a t.. lie2;ir.w*."4.. WIItEB:LIQVORS, aP3. SCHMIDT &•FRUDAT, I:1 =in WINES, BRANDIES, & WROLiSALIC DMAIL=UI PURE BYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET. Have Removed to NOS. 884 AND 888 PENN, Cor. itteventh St., Corsa'. Canal JTOSEPH S. FINCH & Mow MI, 7017; lath 191, 193 sad In, 7LIZT 132717.17, PITIIMITHS3II. • Daffeenklata ar Pure Eye 4311Per dealer la PORZW/5 % M I A S Quoits. Hors. an. .ozsaAr, FLOUR RJR 1 • FLOUR t FLOUR I KINNIZOTA 8A.8611H YLOMita. • bbla. Legal Tender, 347 bat. Ha Hy . "bibs nTO bbt• Botronli VIM *au bbbr "Moan Co., IMO bbla Fed itlear.L7:4lbta May CHOICIWBOONSLa mum. -. 560 MO Aire e ne/S b • Whit. Mr. fOY 004arklas dtirth it NV hem. Moor. • • wINTZH Wld T no= i luvrb my min orAtmtngned. -owe. Weld, DApot Hills, Yuation A. P. 1. and Crown, ebolew _ W on. Sabi lower than ean be&ntirda tM t eer..in • OS A aa4 TT, or* weei s t reet. • COTTON. MILLS HOLMES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON miu.s JerrweitinnAci u. Ifilaa bairns' of ELIATI XXDICIYILLBIIB7 Mimos w!rn nismoiLl sirutrates /um sarrnia. IaiIISEMENTB larkElilr OPER& Second sod last "reek of the famous and popa. - sr young character cOmemarA. nr; JOSEPH K. SMYSi. Who during tae past meet has bee* Playilig JO crowded and dellabtadaneleneall. THURSDAY ETZNINtd. Jan. 13, 1670,d Ivory litening. Yr. Chats. filayhoss aLaraetat drama of =. YRITZ. OUR COLIrIN tiREMAA, 14 wilds Yr. Ismetsrill sastals bre nut trlB - Frits V. Voiderbllskessta. t th,duei., Ela song., Dauer. .4 Char.etests• tie Birte/Q.. Trits Stomtt Matta.. Saturd sr. arts. •. R. LEeriumse. _ IZEV. E. P. ROE. 'Mate Chailaln of she celebratedElarrl. Llaht Cavalti. will Lecture at lb* ACADEMY OF MUSIC. .Thnisday Evening lan. 13. i3OBJECF—.}IOIIAIMIL OF CAVAIdir LIM' , being an account of Kllpatrtek's RAW to &Inbar:W. Tkketa. Straents. jail I➢IASONIC nALL. Hcv. S. P. 'LINN Wnidell,eri Leallive on 110NOPOLIVI . on - Friday Evening, Jan. 14, 1870, 'At the reitgatt of the Telegraphers , Yrota tloO 112= Dootc ope¢ at Tr..R. Lecture eugoataacea at Adalial.6l, r soeinti. l 1.11 farINEMODENTAL AND VOCAL CONCERT, I= PROF. ROHBOO)C.. At thn P , llB r BAPTIIir CH °Reif, Yoneth Abe• tup t ir v vr e er i al m ersa . :nd X rilzuse . la, id tll2- , PROGRAIIIIR-PART FIRST. 1. Overton. Ors. Prof. ROHROCIi. S. Transcription-nano 8010. Loris da LOr•- . memor. Min POSTER. 3. 5044-3rlo, Tr 0./. ' • • 4. D not-Orson and Flogs. Prof. Roll GOR and Prof'. TOICRoI. 5. Soog-4. 4 1 Lacs at oust manta Roots. M. !fur POrrA 850 rri.. a a 8. L'" H lr. JOHN o ar* 6ROON. O. Torsorto-thi Ten* llolog Boat asal IN. MMEMM2MiMi = MM;IM3IZB=;M 2. PIA. Solo—!Wallowa .••• . . . Mi. ANNIE wir.LI.A. • 3. Sang—The Se ll Ringer W. V. Wallace Mr. 0.-11.. EVeletON. 4. 1i0...,—.P1an0 nolo lietterer . . =U2CM 5. Aoug— , Tis but Little •sled P lower ..Tboaall 0. RA WN. . • lrgaktul. , from ra CO no. by„ BRO, • y e a.b.rii. U. JOIL. If.YRRSON. _ T. Barytose. Rout 0...2.11.10vr0, ...Prat: 11. ROBSOCY. • " Agms lon. 60 emit. Tteke.• in? tale at alas., King !VD.. Book . Stara, BD Iroarth Asaaao..asal . at ake Boaa'Saida Stores ' ' OffrORPHAIIIIP, _ WALII 2 I., - OPEN EVERY Ei'vsucirtu. • IN OAIMULNT OF CATIILDEAL. LEGAL. °N.169.1 OW THE PETITION OF ALICE • DODOI,OI Pittatntrab, Pomp., nitnlala- minx at cama paage, aeeeued. protair,foir the extension of a patent grants .1. - 4.0 the sale Calvin Dodge ;an the halal day Of Mareb. Utile and releiresd , se the 11314 day of Jell, iselobr a latDF?verient Ie tibillered t 1 the teirtlawii7 In ltd. mai* closed paths Ildp DAT Or FZERUAILI nal tbs Vass far /Wad arguments sad the is. szolser , • report be leaned to the 25th 4tay Teams rf next, and that the sald petlttoe be hien, en the Ad DAY OF hLtitCll.l2M. .Any penen may oppose ltibr exteashis sannrEL s. • MESH% OUMMWMONEU 07-PJLTSA79. FMlf=M=! SPRUCE 'ALLEY.— Notice is b.-I'l , bl siren - tam at No. 2; Deerabor Session of Quarter Sealant Court. • roll traa granted to, abow . easaa Why aala allay, from Bomar arum to the 21var. Skald not be Vae,ated and Closoa width mill 1m made abiolete anima exeerdedM am filed in proper time. JOHN O. Itaoollll2l. 'BoHalsor IMIMTI g N THE DISTRICT COURT OW • Tilt lINTTRD STATTL TOR THZ WXST • DIST ZI RICT OT PENSYLVASIL. ok. Dnren.TOJe; of tennenylio.,Tit... s Rankront. under the OCtCon= of Mush •I *4 l tds lB6 Zbt, a , " l:en older ertms ' provi " ble azder .ftGa L said Let. b 1 nrder of the Coon notice!. hereby given to ell creditors who , have proved.:Utair debts.• aid Other parsons • lotennted. to L appin . :p a tt . ,l Lk i tt y of . Jtr i altr e .aligttyr Register 'ln hantrltitee.: et Ile olnee7Ter tilszo s ig qar uk ett= granted to the aid bankrupt. , CM Mil COMMISSION MIULiNti Pdtillenz6 and , Ha v=m. ' ammo - • - livsure s same, commuuos ,t.l sad 'itrell,n.ll Petro and its DAUM'S BLOM INIQUENIE WAT.; ADD4BII.: "Wont 27. Griansbor of Clontoserdier, 133801M8 BZOOND 111111EZ ECUPSE..-:PETROLEUM REFINERY. mown W. G Twzraug v YiamwrvU or Lubriestlngitiligh TOBnpilegOgs. Otaan• firma Mat, ntelop llot► eltiMitet nneurtzpi Unstid lowan telopmtarel... L aL toe LOeet l i g am , r lot a 0 Will e•t•eta.ll; antaaaansaassalin Quo: • /101.17t , 41 lot aide peod. Ronald!. oil. Weol,1 1 1•611.141001114 011, Tanimelitair•Illeassaile, I. sairitatahlwar!liseolise, ' OU. Buser[ OiL Irarnase. • • - whetiiniz Wtut[a ßus Three lisodnets I. riasaffsetaltd iadelltr..; Swesana , apateal by Papaileased anaiala *- aura Tbeimaleauna Ma en. & r d M IrZearßeuia Il o na. aiL t arga n ly rumba Risidrrrlair eaanass eold. ' resat/Us are ardMIISRAW, sad ani latin' manyof the principal Railroads. =trit eILII .be examined-wad anises ads •at 1,11•• WUOLS. " .STILaZT. Wow at bliarpabanlilritiga. • • ..DILVOIRII,IIIII' . HI '4 CO.: 243 !JIMMY EMMET, toppoitte bead at ,WooM M= I:=5Ml Now Crop New. Mew stro - A4.,..014 . ..g0iA55j' _ Lir Thew give 12 per emit. feel. *es alißugar by She Hogshead.' ' n L. VUL NK ToN .0. J. )02.11.1111. PU & Nei PrIAACTTICIAX. przituiszszat AID srbesrrsrsbkn, ,71111111 *ltitaxe. IRAs' BMX .1113 !" . i'" • . ' • . praissusam. PIDIN Atm Cla /Ware% btakir.; ath Ites and Wish Fissate Ito& psi l i s t i r 41... ad Beer Tonga, sad tut., Coed wing of basd. PAWS. sad PrkilLta Betlillags SUM sp,wacli 'Vas. Wiast MA Wuxi Blinn - Appristas... Jobbtag promiltr attiltaild r = II D ET! ==
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers