MEM Bin, NO. 80 FQURTH AVENUE PT/CTSNIMGIL Cann CAPITAL *700.004 . . Stockholders lallYldeally Liable. RUM OF DINVOUNIT aorDziareporr. JOHN YIAI4O Wll. MOTO. President. . • ' (Lariats. tuascrou. . ilias.V. Mashed, • John 14 Ninrtio.4. Wm. Trislosesursh , . trebibearallace, James w. Arral4. ' Chas, Arai, W. Floyd. Jolla d.- • This lillin le ism, Snaking if enrantsed ma Prepared tO do a setters' lmams& ' WOW GOLD, SILVER AND commas, nought at litg heat Prieca PIE R. PORTZ, Banker, , , Cor. Wood St. and sth Avenue LILES T. BRAD — I; -86 .t- tantiolomitos„voirms COrier birth AVtinutind Woad St., itoeilitennut I • - • - , , GOVERNUNT.: .8E011141103, 'GOLD, SILIB6 /LIID COUPOI ON MOST I'AVOILLBLZ TUX& far Interest Allowed on Deposlts.. lowes• arrom toms on cloveno.ort Ilesdo surto rates. Oriel. equinatal 114. lharellsase sad 4DI BOLD{ and JAY= T,EIRADY A CO. - Vittstut Sapitt. FINANCE AND TRADE. °razes or Ptrrsaysaa (laxerrs, WIDNIDIDALT. Jan. 12,1810. S The bull movement In &lithe Mundial departments has received a oilier!, !amok from the refusal of some of the promi nent housea to clear their gold Ocintreas through the Gold Exchange Bank. &told, under other circumstance', would have advanced tat above present orlotatientit and stooks and bonds • would have fol. lowerillithe track of gold. Shadowy ward cowrie, however, • his Mated . a vary large short (thereat, and if the mar. ket ahonbX have the appearance of weak ness the aborts will, continue, to Any reaction under *etch circtonstanees, would-be very violent, and an advance of four or dye per cent. is a moderate estimate. Gold was so hrgh as =IN, and dosed at 121,q. Government bonds are weak and have declined about one half per cent. from the highest point. The decline appears, however, only temporary, and so long as our bonds dud &nada sale in Europe there I. no prospect for any material decline. .• Stooks are very limited and dull, but done. with few shame entering. The sharp advance, however. Is most likely to bring out sellers to realize profits, Quotations as reonveci by Ph. B. Bert= Gold, 12134; Silver, 119; Eighty. one's. 118, Five Twenties, Mk .11634; do 1864, 11534; do 1865, 115%; do 1866, I C I O 4 e - n % h'o , r d tl o 1 1 7. 8 . 11A% a d = o I M B6 i B, - es Company 61%; Merchants Union . Express Company. 5; American Ex prs 17%t - Western Bohm 12 34; New .York, Central. 99 dg, 94 3 ( ; Pittalwagla; Fent wayne & Chicago, 88; Ohio & M abtrippi, 2534 Mohican Southern, 69% U ; Cleveland Pittsburgh, 88; Chicago, Rock Island It Paclll% 105; Chime & North Western 78%; Chicago & Beath Western Prefer red 86%; Erie mi. Landon, per 8..».:: .........16.99 1 8 , 09 Par* Per /hi" 25 2634 Berlin, ..... 91 - 92 Frankfort. ...... 51 ' - 53 cinotatlone recarred by James T. Brady .Co. Gold: 121%1.United States' atm, 1884 118; lelveVeratitlON 180,118; do ,181V,.11roii do. 1866. 115%; Tao-Fortier, 113; Flve-Twentlee, Jana and Jain /E 65.11.1130 do. do. 1284 - 144,6% do do. Ifflik Maw Psellse Railroad, 88; Oentral do, do,-Be; 07. Fatfl4. .10M'CLeke Superior de. 01r2 , Sesiiptsto tea Plitalnugh Owns.) - Nsw You, January . 12, MO. - • The &cams bills wow before and being introduced In Vinare= attract coned& crania attention 212 Wall street and snit in making speculation lively. The bills ofSetuitoraShertnamand Sumter. eqwel. ally the latter, .ais not looked opotfltere as likely to become laws. The bill which Senator Schanck will &ewe& from the Way. and Means Conimlttee of the Noose will probably embody the views of Becretary Boutwell, and consequently ill istrtidoctlon a awaited .erish much interest. It Is stated the ;Way. and Moans Committee are now ellanaasing *bather Menem fending loan shall bear four or live and a half per mint. Interest, end Cho auto what tritium banka shall have to withdraw thelrfliweinintles from the deperttnent.. Them! telidets are only conjectures. Nothing dentate la known in regard to 160=0i:tire motion' of the committee. tig• of the Geld Exchange Bank went through sat etringht, amino new dieSiralthn Were experienced. The mew market It dieldeellyeader; call loans were made at 6 to 7 pay cent Banks were free Tinders towards the ems& Blooming emir; pimento 10 per rant: 'Sterling gelid' end' gm, at' 834@ eig per cent,. Gold closed weak...opened at ize.. touched 372 %, and dosed et 1213 i Carrying rates 1.00a1164 per cent. Pet day.; feleersaidea were; d74,o0 0,040 : The Teamarer sold $1,003,000 at I twoodpixt smock Goiernments weak; In sympathy with gold. Coupon of -111..17X(§1133G do 'm, 16@16,4 ; do '64. 36%@lb,si; do '66, meesext de nesr.-,111.1(61430 Teo . 14.4(414% , ' do 'GS, 24302114%.' Teo. Portion, i5i . 31114. Paollics. 911166%. , Mate bond. . active and b*ner. semis. Witt old Tennessee., 64; new do, lo; - old Virginias * , 511.0 new do, /Seq old North Carolina; 40; new do," 24K; new &3 filsotti Orton on% 78m; UndifiEns :Lam% . . The stock basket at' Vita Cuoie: 'Au off percent. frau the 2deghied. point the afteLDODIL .Among railways the pig feature was Great W w hi ch , rase to 743 for common IVA (erred. This advance was doe to reports that there is likely to he a chirp con. test for the controlof the eompenl at two; next election.- In this Pennsylvania Central Company Ism prominently mentioned, and also - Di c ta Drew. New Jersey Central share* stood next In point of lateral; and at one time tom:66d. 0714 au rumor" 'or • Muir eat* In stock.:'ate Nhorewas isisS active- and one of the features of the day was Pleillo Mall declining from 42t0.10X, Express shares strong and higher on Adams, owing to rumors that negotia tions for the return of Its routes were progreelog favorably; United States ad vanced on repor.a of a dose: alliance with the Erie Company. Five Thirfy.Price&—Ganton, 52%; Cam barland, 21; Western Union. Tel., 32%; goicludlver,' 16; Mariposa. .8; do pm feed. 17;_Adams Express, 62; Wel* A Fargo. to%; American, 37,q • United Was. 52: Nettle Mali, 40; New York CenTel, 91M; Brio, tee doyreferred, /18i do preferred; 140; mown, I Reeding. 95; Michi gan Central, Lim Shore, Illinois Central, Mg; Pittsburgh. 58; = North Western, 74%; do preferred, SMit Ft- WV ,1 0. 9 514;*/*Te Haute.Bl; dd raved, 55%; °Masao and Alton, 1453 f: preferred, 145; Dubuque, 107; 0.0. O, M - -.Boston Prleralereei go. Co . y c ip, 7%. FranBliii 18, Heals 78, gny -25.- dentNTreasnrir balance: - gold, mem. 152; eurreerey,l4.6l B . 9 *: girrat,bodutoe, 84778,781. - • • . ro9 , Goods Muses. Yoitir, Jan. 12.—1 n dry joi,d, there is little or no animation and prim Pre Ant' , 1 ally established, so tbat ms preseat rating rates do trot vary from humor quotations, - wi Vaw =l os Ts d n 3 a . 6 2 y 405,CU end coma= cows to far steers, 14,8007,70 tar oldie* 'hipping beeves. . ==l coma or Prroonntort CiarEtro, WzDNESDILY, Jan. 12. 1870. The markets, in a -general way, are very doll and devoid of anything 'cat Important characteristic'. The demand for most of the loading commodities is light belug restricted entirely to supply ing the immediate wants of the home 'trade, while In regard to values, there 'are no Important Changes. Some of our grocery houses report a Lair business, that la they are selling Pretty freely, but margins are so Teri small that they are not making much tney. There seems to be a pretty sally inquiry for New Or leans sugar and mamas, occasioned by the impreadon that price. are not likely to go lower, but, cei; the contrary, to ad vancrcand, conseqUently, small deadens. are Inclined to lay In a &apply:, rand dons dull and drooping, and hogs, to nee a common phrase, have received s °black eye" all over the country, having:dropped here folly. a dollarpar owl, with every indication of going still town. The impression has prevailed all season that - there was a comparatively small supply of bogs in the west, and It was this, more than anything else, that kept palter up. Within the past .week or two, however, that arrivals at nearly all theleading markets have been huge, undstually so, and as already Intimated, there Is every prospect of a still further decline. _ We are cognisant of one party who has been holding two car loads here for about two weeks, and if he were to sell now he would Incur a Lou., It Is said, of some five hundred dollars—a pretty sharpshrinkage car loads. This material d those packers to the we into: ed largely at the big ptieteitteleel - lore. and with good reason, t 04304-111, probable that the mar ket may Pegg again, though the indica. tions AC-present do not point in that direction. APPLES—Continua dull, and holders generally are anxious to realize, aa they have commenced to rot. We continue to quote at 12@8 per bbl. APPLE BO TER-Quoted at 76@E5. BUTrER—Is dull and In good supply; we 001441120 to quote at. 80@93 eta. for good to prlme-3.5c for choice In small packages. . . BEANS—Dun: ge.°43 9 75 per Nisbet. =BROOK OORN—Sales at 13(14 cts BUCK WHEAT FLOUR—DuII at i ohs CHESTNUTS—Quoted at $4,50. 011 , LNHERRIES—Dull; 1112Q15. ClDER—Oontinues dull and nominally unChangeel; 'at 15,90(0,00 per thl, wito • • -12H111211Er—tr W estern , bet not quota. 734; bly higher; e Reserve, 1701 Factory; , 18€015,4: New 'York Dairy,- 15 Xtitlilh Somben. go. uAßßOW.,.ou.—is rather Armor though - unehanged, 27 eta., for standard brands, in a lobbing way, DRIED FRUlT—Apples ars quoted at sa to quality. Peaches ,o ult and unctumged at ihdolfto for quarters and 11 ®l2 for halves._ DRES/3,D HOGS—DuII 'and tower; we too_w_quote 1130412., MOS—D at ull at 1.50:47. FEATHERS—Ea better damiuld told higher, and we now quota at 85@190 to do Arida and -the naval advance for small lota In atom FLOUR—Lkontinues dull and un changed. Yie continue to quote winter whoa flours at 15,76@g1; spring, at 15,25 Bye flour GROCERIES—The market le mod erately active, and btirdneas about up to the • usual standard, though there Is plenty of room for Improvement. There lo a very talc demand for Bums and Notaries, while Teas, (Wee& de., de-, are quiet and unchanged. Following are the ruling quotations. . _ truism's-8 H, tOg@1014; Havana Int 13; Cuba, 1134013; Porto Moo, 12340)13 . 34 Demangra,. 14.41.41(,; New Crop New Orleans Sugar, 1114014 for choice; Re lea linedSs. 0, 1434; B, 14%; A, 16; Hard, Mous/me—New Crop New Orleer's Molasses, 784480 m Porto Rico, 65€078. Bynum—White Honey Drips, 90m Shyer Prim 80G Perfection Drips, IMO; Jerse.Y. 70m Lovering, 80; Golden 6.5; Amber, 58;, Common, 60; Booth it Edgar fancy. 80. Comm—Fair to Good 1110, 214.213 ; Prime, 22028: Choice. Ztti. ilm Rangoon, Tyin. • 'bras—Young Ilyaon, 11,0001,6 C, G. 11,10 to 1,90. Imperial, $1,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 85 to f 1,45. Son Chong, 900 to 111.50. Branca—Pearl, 7; Silver Ghota, lijsq and Corn Starch. Ma. COlCeiarritATED Lva—sB,oo per case. •Yernia—New Layer Raisin; $5 per box; Prunes, 133 c; Currants 15c; Valen cis Raisins 17®18. litrictre—Caasia. 65m Cloves, 40q wain Pepper, akAllApice, 30c; Nutmegs, 31,50. Lisa--12a Shot, PAO per bag. .Soare—.llabblVa," 12r. 11e; Rosin. sto 7m “Dobbin's," 164 Wax, flm Chem. Olive, 8340. • • Carrntss—Mould, 14c Star, 23c. '- TIT Cann Sona—s63i per 104 Ptaa—Lake Herring par half bbl .4;00; White Flab do do, 7,00: No. 1 Mackerel Shore In bblallE3,oo; No. 2 do Bay, bra, 1 1 7, 4 E1 No. 3 do Large bbla $14,0.r; Half bola 3734 In additional; Labrador Her- ring 11034(011. O.RAlN—Wheat Is (inlet and nxichswg ad; 11,15(211,18. Oats offering more rawly but dull and unchanged-47®48 on wharf and track and 60 In store. Sales of corn at 80 for ear and . 85(4; 90 for ahelled—market steady. Barley Is dull with but few buyers at anything over it for spring—offerings_ tight. HAY—The arrivals continue light which, of course, la owing mainly to the bad condition of the roads; sales from country wagons &title:NA HUSKS—SaIes at 3 awn per pound. HOMINY—Eta/ea at $8,0008,60 per bbL LlKE—Sales of Cleveland white lime at 1124112.26 oar bbl. ONIONS—SaIes at $2,50:341,00 per bbl, the outside figure kir choice. LARD OlL—City brands 95 for No. 2, and $1,426111,46 for Extra No. 1. Western brands No. 1 quoted st $1,41143, 450. POTATOES—DuII and unchanged; 60 c7,55e per limbed. PROVlSlONS—Moderately 'salve but drooping; plain Sholders 143 f; sugar cured do, Ulf; Ribbed Elides, 174‘; Clear do, 18k; Sugar Cured Hams. 21444:32L Lard IN In Heroes, and 1834913 y, In palls. Mess Pork $3l. POULTRY—In very light supply and In demand; dreamed chickens may be quoted al 14®16q and turkeys 20c422. ..P E A —Dull; Mta Pe . bulhe ct a_ . BE A DI3ee P of mobr L Wit at $3,751g4; and Clover seed at $84701,26. Flasered Is dull and cannot be entered above $2,10. SALT—Ia doll, and Allegheny River brands are quoted atl,Bo by the car load, with the usual a dvance for small lota in store. &maw —Sales at 'Rini Per tone IV - irWP. S III 7 B Oman ov Pronoun.= DAsirrra, Wsunankey /an. 12, 1270. The oil market 001ithirlaeqUiet and de void of anything new or impqtant— nothing at least worthy of special notice : Crude Is unchanged and relined ap peared, if anything, to be a shade weaker. There appears to be rather mom disposition manifested to mil "lines" of raft ed than there has been since the opening of the year, while, on the ether hand, there Me fewer buyers. CIIIIDJI Bat i single sale reported, 1,000 bble seller this month at 12g, and there are but few buyers at that Seller to' July quoted at 1234 bid, white buyers op• Lion, saute tlme, is reports as offering at Rm. Market quiet and a abide °WM, Jun. nary quoted at 11034@30 3 / 4 ; March to Do camber, 113(1913 3 / 4 1 February to June 32@ 811 3 / 4 ; February to March, &do of Bo each March to December, at 30 lbr Mardi, and an adyanoe of 3 / 4 of a ant Ibr eaeL'anbsequent month. 110111OPT5 Or MOD} OIL HT A.. IL IL IL Father Bro. us, on amount B. 33. Long & Oct Brilliant Oil Works 010, on so. count Lockhart, Frew & Co; Standard 011 Worn* 984, on account O.S. 'Thomas: w al 021 Worms 109, on amount Seem eBIP7rZn77 OP OIL ai A. ' , LI. b a. bli. , Lowittuut, Frew &Co. 968 bbla ref. oil to Warden, F. & Co., Phila. HARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Raw Yong. Jan. 12.—Cotton .favora noyerg males 1,000 bales at 2.53i0t0r mid. dling uplands Flour—receipts, 11,500 bbla—heavy and 54 3 10 ti lower; Wes f,eoo bbls at 11,0642/4,85 for soprano State and western, /5,1508,10 fo r extra elate, ;6.05(§)0.15 for extra Woittin444l.s 11480 for white wheat eictra,l3,2owas tor R. H. 0., 18,76@8A0 !or extra 10,50(48,50 for wood to oholoe do, tooled, tag sales 1.100 bilis for export, extra State at 15,85 delivered._ Aye floor (inlet and . heavy; sales 250 bbls at 14,3005,25, Corn meal gigot. Whisky Lowe= sales 850 bbls western at $1,82(11.0 3 for free. Wheat heavy, lo lower, raoelpts; sales 74000 bush at 11,163‘01.19 for No 8 awing. .11,230)1,24g for No I do, the latter price for choice delivered, 11.28@1.29 far win. ter red and amber western, 11.0 6 for un etsind )Ilinter rsd. - westaro.Fll l . 4o ;-lar white weep, ill,* for white California, 3 1 . 6 5 for white 'State. Rye quiet. Bar ley dull. Corn I(gy2e lower and more active; sales of 81,000 bush at ;1,04 ®1,05 for old mixed western in store, 85@93a for new do, 01,0234 for choice white aoutheru. Oats: receipts of 4,300 bush; ' heavy and lower; males of 22,000 bush at 60 for western. 63c . "65e for State. Rice dull. Coffee firm. Sugar steady; sales of 250 bhde flubs at 103-i@ll!.-fe. 400 has Havana at - Molasses dull; sales of 140 bbls New Orleans at 74@tlec. Linseed oil doll, 91ig93c in casks. Pe troleum firm, 167;417c for crude, and .3134031y,c for refined. Hops quiet. Wool steady; sales 34.000 lbs at 45052 e for domestic fleece, 030040 for Canada combing, 43@45c for pulled. Coal nulet and unchanged. Turpentine quiet and unchanged. Sheathing copper at 320. llngot copper quiet at 2134®111%c for , Lake fitmeriar. - Pig iron, quiet at 4320 :34 for Scotch, and $33034 for American. !Bar dull at ;52,40 for refined British and -American. Sheet gullet at 010®12 gold 'for Baal& Halls a shade better at 4344$ ,43,f0 for cut, 0x,(363.,',0 for clinch, :and 2130303 for horse shoe. Pork heavy and lower; talcs 870 bbla at $27,50028,25 for new mesa, $2B for old do, V. 4024.50 for prime, and 428 for prime mess; also gales 1,500 bble new mess seller January, February and March at • t17(gf27.75. Beef steady, with sales 400 bbls at 85®18 for new plain and new extra mess Tierce Beef dull, whit sales 100 UOMOSI 125@23 for prints moss, 'arid 127@27,50 for India mess Met Hams steady, with sales 814 bbls at ;33484 for new. Cut Meats heavy, with sales 180 pkgs at ltla for shoulders, and .14 @leo for hams. Middles quiet, with 'sales 175 boxes at 133;0114e for Cumber. land eat, 14 3,05150 for short ribbed, and 150 for long clear. Dressed Hogs lower, at 1105123 in for western. Lard dull and unchanged, with sales 300 tierces at 1534@16x0 for steam and 17@ 17344 for kettle rendered; alao sales 1500 tierces steam rendered, seller February and March, at 1634 c. Better steady at 18521300 for Ohio. Cheese quiet at lfgalikt Freights tei 'Llverptiol a shade firmer. Shipments of wheat at 4%d and 1000 bbis flour at la 6d.__ Lormt.—Fkinielceed dull and a-shade lower with limited export and home trade inquiry. Wheat dull. heavy and le lower: No. 2 apting 141511)1,18: Virl. ter red and amber western 21,25(41,28. Rye nominal at 111(41,03. Oats dull and heavy at dee for western. Corn is heavy and lower at 11,0334€4,04 for old mixed western in store. Pork firm with buy ers mess for February at 227, and sellers tax. Beef firm with fair inquiry. Cut rdestaaniet and without decided change. Bacon.more active at SuU prices.- Lard steady: prime steam for Feb,y t Su 18Ne bid and 183.4e21830. Eggs .dall a(442c for fresh, and 226f0r Ruled. Chrinatto,. December 11—Eastern Ex. change a shade weaker at 1-10 premium selling and MO off buying. Flour quiet and easier at 13,50(g14,00 tor spring ex. tree. Wheat dull and easier, with sales No. 1 at 85c; No. 2 opened at 7750 and closed at 77@17%c: this afternoon mar ket irregular at 7730 cash, and 71935 c seller February for No. 2. Com, dull and I®l3(c lower at 76,4@77.54c for reg ular, 7234 ®73No for fresh receipts N 0.2, closing dull at 70®7030 for regular; rejected quiet at 70@71c; this afternoon the market was dull at 7050571 e fur No. 2. Oats dull but firm at .tto higher; sales at 403,(®4010 for No. 2, closing with sel lers at ouUdde. Rye very dull at 70c for No.2,and 86c for rejected. Barley firm and niet at 87lic for No. 2. Highwlnto dull at 02 (2, 9 3r. Sugar 1150g114n for common to choice Orleans. Mess Pork unsettled and irregular at 1475@27. cash; rzt buyer January; 125.75@i27,1234 seller February. Lard steady and dull st. use( selleriFebruary. Sweet pickeled hams quiet at 14,..1q short ribs 1334 c; rough sides 12340. Dry salted shoulders 10c; green do, 9.54(8,9H0. Dressed. Hogs active and steady Si 1110,26Q11,65. • Live Hogs dull and • 15@t6lic lower at 18,550 9 for light; 1 2 .2560.27 for good to choice. Receipts for the put twenty.four hours were: 5,323 bbla flour, 25,600 bush wheat, 14,450 bush corn, 21,041 bush oats, 750 bushrye, 175 bush barley, 10,307 bead Shipments were : 3,767 bble flour, 38,062 bush wheat, 5,034 bush corn, 1,4%1 barely, bu 2,804 h e ad of hogs. 370 bush rye, 430 bush CLYVELAZD, January 12.—Floor mar-. ket dull, heavy and In buyers' favor. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn dull and heavy; old No 1 mixed 850 and new held at 74@750 as to condition. Oats steady and unchanged. Rye dull and inactive, and held at 80(490o for State. Barley very dull, and the nominal rates aro 1)0 62111 for State and Canada. Petro leum firm for reflood, and held at 26(g. 2334 e In large long crude firmer at $5,50 per barrel. NAHEMILLS, Jan. 12.—Option firm: low middling 22 ;,;®239 good ordinary =Mc. Wheat: sales of white. at 11,20. Own IL Oata 70c. Rye 11. Flour, 114.50(3. 8,50 for superfine to fancy. Bacon: clear sides 1734 c, shouldera 14c, hams 19c, and city cured hams 21c. Bulk Meals: clear aides /530, clear ribbed aides 150 and alacittlders 120. Romp Pork 125. Lard Idsnorm, Jan. 12..LOotton dull at 24„tig receipts. 1,188 bales; exports, 904 bales. IPIPORTS BY RAILROAD CLNVEIAND AND PITTBB4ROR RAH, ROAD, Ja118.17 12.--10 CUD Iron ore, Shoenberger & B; 60 bla oil, J Spear; 60 do d hogs, J P Hanna & Co; 146 aka oats, Graham & M; 2 cora Is ore, Baena, 0 & D; 2 do do, Zug & Co; 2 do do, McKnight, P Co; 1 do do, J Reamer & Co; 100 bbla lime, Bryce, & Co; 10 bra tobacco, Pick ersgill Co; 2do tobacco, .1 Hays; 12 palls a butter, Bruggerman 0; 2 Obis tobacco, H Wallmyer; 3 do do, J Rim. merman: lot atone ware, .1 Seihert;llsks rye, J W Palrlay; 8 bble butter, 16 palls lard, E Hazleton; 20 kgs p barley, Ar. , buckles, & Co; 11 bait g butter, 2 bbls egwVolgt, v & Co; 10.aks rye, 13do oda% F 0 Craighead; 12 kgs lard, 6 like beans, McCullough. Bit 0o; 21 bbla oil, F Sellers Q Co; 17 do charcoal, Seward & Emerson. PITTABDIUDS FORT WAYNE AND dal- OADO RAILROAD. January 12.-100 bbla flour, Culp &titheffird; 7 dressed bogs, 11 Rea Jr; 17 do do, Volgt, Mahood & tan 36 do do, .1 .P Hanna &. Co; 5 bbl ordons, Dilworth, Harper dt Co: 2 pkgs butter, H Riddle; rear barley. Pier, Dannals t Cu; 2 cars add bottoms, Seward & Emerson; bbl berms, W D Cooper dr., Co; 2 pkgs butter, Darner & DetwUler, 106 bbis flour, owner; 7 bdla leather, CI Bohan oaks:lB bbla eggs, Day & Co; 21 bdls paper, Bakewell & Mathews; 8 pkgs but ter, P Doff di Son; 60 bdls broom han dles, H P McClellan; 4 pkgs butter, W H.Crafr& Co; 1 car burley, .7 • Rhodes d: Co 1 cars limestone. Laughlin & Co; 4 dodo; Shoenberger d Blair; ZS ski rags, McCullough, Smith & Lb; 8 bales hope, F Hovel & Bro; 10 bbl floor, Knox & Orr; 1 mar wheat, Hitchcock, McCreary PrrnurTmow, Clam.lull Awn BT. 1.401:116 Ransom% 'January 12-50 bbl, pork, J P Hanna 4 Co; .70 tcs lard. 10 bbla pork. F Sellers & Co; 100 bbls Rom. Kell & • Rltchart; 124 greenbldee„ 0.14 Hotratott; 2 cars staves, M P Adams Bro; 1 bid tobacm..ll & W Jenkinson; 2 bbl, whisky, J Flynn; 70 bxs tobacco, J A Mazwrie; 2 hbds sausage, E H Myers & Co; 2 bxx soap. Isaiah Dickey it 0o; 2 Ma sausage, E Ileszleton 8 bbla, bas dour, S B Eyster; 6 p kgs lard, l'do lal. F U Craighead; 45 ban barley, B bdls brooms, McElroy & Co; 6 bbla hickory_ nuts, C Cole: 50 tee lard. P -- Huns & Co; 100 bbl, _Pour owner; '4 hbds tobscoo, W & D Elnehirts 22, bag tobacco." Arbuckle& Co; 25 kgs pigs feat, Calton & Townsend. .A:tixamrsr Va.uxr B.Ariataieb., tan. uary 12 -2 E aka oats, Kell R; 7do do, Adams &A; 1- bbl tallow, Seibert &B; 38 ban b tionr,.Knox & 0; 8 bbl. butter, W Kirkpatrick & Co: GO aka dour, 182 do oats, Broggerman & 6 do do, T 0 Jenkins Bro; 1 car metal, 70micit k 13o; 1 car grain, Binbgam & Laing; 1 do do, Scott & CR 48 are coal, Kler, Foster & K; 14 eke oats, T D Casey; 43 aka wheat, W McKee & Co. - ALLEODENT STATION JIMMY, 1.2.-6 bbla whisky, F Noehendofer; 514111 pep, Chu Keefer; 9 by poultry, R B A Oa mem; 119 btra oats, Fr do' rye, R Knox & Son; I car barley, J Rhodes & Co; 21 pkgs tobacco, Renter & Wilson; 6 bbla 'Japan, 1 do varnish, Bridle I Biddle. ME&1111011. & lIARPER, • FLOUR. GRAIN •ND fRODUCT. Commission Merchants, No. all =1 W. C. ARMSTRONG, tEllaeolsOr b reties 411:ArtoWOW.) PILODIICE No. 25 Market Street. m7lll L . . J. BLABCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, •Ne:zes34. P ' 3711ZZT 4 1 ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Queers. Camasisetos Merchants ae Destenth Produce, Flour. IlacNtdoew. Flak, ..arboi awl Lard CM. Iron. Si el"". Union Tarns-ead all Plttebunrh_hr t o i s Ti t e dar vherilly t 119 and us szoDN • JOUR 1. 11017131-11:DW. 11001111....W•G H. lIOCII. "JOHN I. novsE & Sac o (moon to JOHN I. tIOU•S, • CO.. Whole- Mae OrOolni sod Celandsdoe iletelb•1•• Oaras2 szelthleld • nil Watax stmts.••Pantwrib. :4011111 IntIPVIN • • - A. 11111.LACIL IPTON kWALLscr.,Whole• SALE UROCIERS ♦ND PRODIIO.I DILI" No. II OM% EMIT. pUtabargli. - - , PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZE PTE: THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13; 1870 RIVER NEWS Upper Rivera. - (ay A. A P. Telegraph Ling.) OIL CITY, January 12.—River- rising fist, with five feet water In the channel.. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 39 at 6 P. M. F. • . BnownavlLLE, January 12. River rising alowly. whit about seven Net water in the channel. Raining. Thermometer 48 at 4 P. M. n. ' MOW/ANTOWN, W. VA., Jenttary River stationary, with two feet water In the channel. Raining. Thermometer B 2 at 1 r. Y. W. The river, under the Ind nen*" at the recent rains,. Is again rising at this point, with eight feet In the channel by the Slonongahela marks last evening. Weather conihmei sort with ladles. Sons favoranle for more rain; mercury 4r. Y. 50—wind south weal. Thue far this has been a remarkably open winter, and those wbo have been predicting cold, freezing vreather, and a good deal of lt, have not been good prophets. The Sue steamer Glendale, Capt. Hare, Is announced to depart for St. Louis on Saturday without fail, and passengers and shippers should bear this In mind. • The R 0. Gray, Capt.-Whittaker, will follow the (Read ale. • • The Hats Patnam from St. Lon* and Messenger from New Orleans, are among the first boats doe,- They Kaye both ootudderable auger and mohnts. The Maggie Hays, Captain. Martin, will be the first out .for New Orleans, and the Glasgow, CapL Robinson, for Nashville. - Capt. Brennan is getting on rapidly with his new Pittsburgh and Cincinnati packet. ' There is a alight improvement to not* In business at tae landing, freighto, ap. parently, being lather more abundant, though it might be a good deal better and .then be nettling to brag of. All things °made:ad, it probably would be Just as wall if . navigation was ans. pentted for a month or mix weeks, is this would afford time for freights to aeon. mutate; at_ present It taken a . good deal of time and labor to pick up a trip for any Nth" commenced in the United Stales District Court yesterday by the Union Insurance Company arsinat John S. Shaer, J.. P. McKinney and Dennis Long; owners of the 111-feted steamer Stonewall, to recover 1 10 , 0 35,.thearnoant paid by the company to Dutcher & Co. and Cole Bret/lemon policies on goods Wpped on that bost.L. On the 28th - of r hut the Stonewall took Sr. it Tea Table Bar, and' was totally de stroyed, with all the freight on board and the loss of about 300 lives. The plaintiff asserts that the destruction of the boat was caused by the negligence and carelessness of the officers in °ham, and they ask Judgment for Louis Democrat, —A late New Orleans paper says: We were pleased to meet with, yesterday, looking In good health and spirits, Cepta. Frank and Walter Maratta, Jost returned tram Texas. They Informed us that they had sold their steamer Henry A. Jonee to Simmer. Stafford & English, of Chase/ton. Texas. (pts. Maratta will start for home in a day or two. —The Queen City, named Mier Cincln natl, and built and owned by Captain Barclay, deceased, brother of Orptain P. K. Barclay. of. the Evansville and Cla mmiest packet Norman, hat been die. =anted at Sacramento City, California. The machinery. has been remosed, and the hull sold for firewood. —The Memphis San, of Saturday, says: The Wauanita arrived here yes• tarday from below, mud entered protest before discharging her cargo, owing to her running on a sand bar, which mused her freight to be somewhat dam. nod. • —We stated In our repartof Tuesday, on the authority of the Cincinnati Mm quiver, that the Nellie Rogers had reached that port on Sunday. Thb; was an error. She was obliged to lay up at Wheeling, in consequence of the ice. - —Capt. Pete Simpson recently piloted a flatboat tram the Kanawha salines to Paducah, Ky., 107 feet long and 24 feet wide, montalning 2,600 barrels 01 salt, baba the largest of the kind ever run out of the Kanawha river. —Th i e hcConnellrville Herold hu beard It ntimated that the Carrie Brooks la going to run from Zanesville to RinCitinall, instead of Parkersburg, and thinks it an advantageous change. —The. New 011oans ihdletin. of the sth, says: To Red river freight Is going rulnonaly Olean. At prosiest rates It Ia impossible for boats therein to do more than pay expenses. —Capt. Ad. S torms Is in Cincinnati and quartered at the St. lame& He will take charge of the now White river packet R. P. Walt on her arrival at Mem —Aleck Guthrie, the well known eie neer, who was reported dead some time duce, was in Nashville, on Friday, look ing u bale and hearty as he did years mite• —The Vicksburg Herald gets off Chia horrible paw Some men cramp their feet to mate them small, but tug boats whistle with joy at the tight of blg tows. —The Sallie, New Orleans to Pitta• burgh, was at Cairo on Monday, and the Mollie Ebert left New Orleans for this port on Thursday last, deeply laden. • —Oa Tuesday morning the Missouri river was frozen over at Brownsville, Nebraska so that a team drawing 11,0e0 feat Of lumber crowd on the too. —The Great Republic, Mary Damage and Wausnita were at .Cairo on Wed. nesday. The Wananita Wm some 500 bbl, auger and 1,500 bbls mamma. Bear river, which empties Into Salt Lake, Utah, is four hundred mike long, and a company has been formed to run a Lime of steamers on it. —The Ida Rees arrived at Galveston, Teams. from Trinity River, on Thursday, with 1,0121 bales cotton. RIVER PACKETS. EMI NPLUS•AIID DEW ORLEAXS CAIII.O, 1111EV. si dir i a VI ( LIB HILW OULTANS. he Ana pat s mn MACHIN HATS...H. C. MAIITIN, Co mender. James C. Preen. Clerk. Will 1.14 let the &bon tht,rradt,. : ports on MATH/DAY, Jan sue. tro , Ight or pussy, *WV on bona or to - • - ftglitsT run. AV.. et ,. JAS rimar. s COLLIS° WOOD, *sesta. NyouviuGE. t OR A REVLALIN AO VNkli LTY CL — K e ßV pendidprsenol3r,. .figgrilt steamer uI.ASEVOW A. nonlXso.S, Cannasndsr, luve-for lbeabove aae luteastealsie Wei BATIMDAT. Jae. MILL Yer ire= ne c aav i empl r based or to' .141 'FLAME a COLLebit r iVOOD. Meats. /roil I :t.rrrszi is 1410 VOl7. LOTTISIVILLE pAllbri AND DT. LOUIS. ' tl.lllge " T " ri Commander. above. oft nATIDSLAir w d m. ..lan. Igth " . roe trebaaoAmmed or do N Atents. STEAMSHIPS To-• LIVEMPOOL ANDAta CATEENEitOWN. Tllll !NOUN =AIL STAIAELIKRIPS. Numberle c Letgeei lint -elan' vessel', moss ObT% CM OP ANTWEIM, _ OM UN mutl7ll OM DAL/TINOS; Yafitnt ZVEM I NANgr ?mit PI 48 North =Aver. New Vet Tor Lease or Aber Worms/lon apply to' WILLIAI BINGIIAJt, Jr.; 143 ENNTHIPTILD IeTIMET. Plttabaria• ITRADE MARK. DIT96ID6I'S slim - rztocnr .Ir.diUnp CHIMNEYS. • Ti. MEIGE SIIIIPRIENTB Or 'ALL litado of tramb tato IA are reaelTed dolly • AI Pblpress , oalar o.a stand, NO. •Il ni.moad ratubtrat. awl at On Twla 111/12ittgOTV, :1111f4Vralt bud... enables= to shrstpumrs an tnt, elm article. sad eta 001 l blta Mb. galose... 11.7 Black Ow sod 11.• PerrA all at TAN 7 low ..014.0ZerrAnitelli Ala KEYSTONE POTTERY. S . M. Kim k co, Illairalicturen Cf QUICISZWINIABLZ. - .IIIIIIITOL WARX AS. *tom and Wardwass.; WS LIBERTY BYES= =PAD mien eromnt.vr asztectro aft. EVELAND bbl•=slaittiew • br. u. CANTIILD. , 3/1 CALMS PEARL ASH IN ‘,., atose and daz we, J. N. 0.1.171Z1LD SPECIAL NOTICES. rir-coNsumpTioN. DB. SCEIBEICIET PULMONIO SYRUP for the e r! i deVit' r ei.T:rit d tiirg: V&A caref Dyspepsia and all the Debilitated Clam. Does of to • stomach. DB. eCIIENCIPs 11A.NDB&KI P.Ll.Bl4tir Dianna of the Liver or to act a. • Gentle gesive. Alt of these three Medicine an °floe repaired le eerie!' Consumption, though the rulmordc syrup alone has cured many desperate came The Seaweed Tonle and Man drake , o f In robbletlos the /Ito:Oath net Liver, boa hole ga s riment° Syrup to &net and march thrgresh the blood vestals, by which means • Can Is baba el , acted. Terse Medicines aseconscleattovelv offend to the Public ea the ouly sere, certain thdrellable ' esteem for Pulmonary Consumption. and (Or all the. morbid condition. of the hod, 'Mkh lead to that fatal disease. Liver forerunner. o Complaint an Dye• sepias are or onsumption, wed sit to theyften marillbef themselves they Moths the mo t prompt attentdo. Tim relmoule Senn le • medicate whleh has had along probation before immobile. Itaintles has been proved by the thousand lutes It has made througli a peeled of mere than thirly•a Tema in all of which Clue its reputation Lula. created. and tin most ant Late akeptlcista eat, no longer doubt' that It le a Mindy womb ate, be Deed with Made'. Is all came which *dark of •care, if the patent eelll pernymiegry fellow the di. notions watch ifM an y cm each bottle, he alit waitecertainly met,.d, elnge an not too much e entre pone BOSS ♦le eases Viirrtliare he es t %Mt ' tin:: O r r i. 41: Ye a d has, need the We of the patient gad restored htm to perfect h ,ali.h. Dr. Seinen does not say that . ail eaten of IV. mean tioasnmatlon acs within the reach of Male/of,. but in emphatically Amens that often when patients have the molt Maratha eymptome nett se a Melon trough. Melina chills. algal dumeat.. dotterel debility, erg to nth • degree lt , they are oboe .' to Ile IS bed, and when Winn giro. rip by their physielse they may rttll tie Image be t medical treatment can create new nage bet when the lean an very sed.yettreesed had to Was extent destroyed. a tet ef. reeled by Ut. eithenek , mediae.. • Also, in ettrefolons Dianne. Uwe medicine. en equally Mee at. Dr. Schenck h as photo- Minh. of auumbet of ttereonineho hav neatly overed with :zoning *Demand nowise. healed .p. This tholes is purifying properties, which mast be able to heal ca• files le the lungs. •in the tresteent of tioneureptlon 11 tarn tbo Milan ItOpOrteltee to glee vire mid • eealthy tom, to too Mtn., Ilente to neglecter, to ttteltltthett .Plaldit. of the patine and lin prove the digestion. Proper nostrishment la re. wand together with nth means as a mate the reed easily digestible. The allel e, moat nitable flat the diet of CoatheltUto Detlontb an 41.1g”trd lo Dr. Schenck'. Aimee see, w bleb en distributed grataltonely, In general, the most highly marline. &Melee are to be pro. fierred,betile digutmi organelnest be etnegth. geed la eerier to make either tool or inultathe serviceable; This requirement I. .et by the Seaweed Togo, and for Chia pupa It was ignaLeel Whelk tbedlgebtlyll D site. an put is Read tweet% the food nu It. proper *fret; the flaws of the patients Itiolgortibed esti ts a lends be rth to ezercin their functions to • normal aad healthy meaner. Then the heallog power. of PeLmoole Synth will eff ct ths cure. Admen .ry Coast:o3mM. lig &lomat Menne coo. olleal.l with Dyepepate and Lieu end ed Samoan Alendrthe Pill. are la ended t• i s ohatinctfons from the Liver and reetore Its healthy action. They Ws Meth. seem, watch la swathed to calomel or "blue mesa." sad are warranted hot to a particle of any Inn sralpoisme. Them Pilferer. the meet obetthate emu ..... each., Meg besdache, pDee. lithium althea Dons,. Slid ell other disease, which erne from a Wald obetncied eendition of the Um. One to: of these phis wilt prove the efilthmy of the medicine. In liOnnunpt on the Sea Weed Teeth anti Man. drake Pm. are invelnabla maxillary mediae.. They reeve. tee sull.Hare of Ike antient and model the raiment@ Syrup la e/Tealas • aim They h•ve been (dead email In advanced Ileums of Colman pane. where the Inane are absent en. Wyly eeitroyed and all symeleam wares/ i.e ilmledemeet or the pn)elcles laolcatedammedy dem& The ilvee et patient. mho mere oetaroly lisitthiVylkVaie h i l iPa k tral e ttir D ea " Ze r erret ' i! . • D. lielmia•VsAliniaar oaten. a fall triatima on No various form. of discs.. as soda of LVlStallif, and Emmet atrealoaa Iwo la Le MI medicine. a• b. had aratl. a or and. hamar' ay Mammies hi. Prtarlpar UNc., No. 15, Nora Oink Moor. Pliffladelphta. Pries o• the Paramour &nap ond flarmeed Sow In auk 1, 00 11 par bottle, or 'TAO a half down. Madntra ras NIL 115 testa • to& Pia taro hp all a. &Maar rirDOCTOR w ammo' cell. TIMMS TO TRRAT ALL PitIVATZ DLOASII2I. That unmsetrie, laas of imam result. lan trona self-abuse, proeuetna saseaktineeen swarm debility, trritabUity, eropttons, seminal mindere. and fealty impotemey permanea try eared. Penou .Rioted with 6aUeada. Intricate nod lonia standing coastltuttonal mental. ta ara politely tattled to call fbr consaltsoon, a Mita ROMS,. irDatelft. the belt of teretiera. bee enabled nun to perfect remedies at once ell. dent. sal*. permanent. imamate! In mold plan MA be teed 91tboat hindrance, to buten. sty. lane. prepared In the antablistuaent. which r... brace* oboe, teeeption and amnia, rocusel also boar:Una era stesplad warts min for patinae requiring daillz sti rsobal antentlort. and vapor Ye eneeibial tiles eoniseatratin tae rased mineral twinge. o =Oar who hare failed, eLate yinr ease. Head Ulm Oa en la his pain pa let of aft, piwes. mot to any radius. foe taro sump In /Wed envelops. Tboarnade of rants treated annually at ob.. and all over the coun try. Consuitatfolt free, personally or by mall. P M tsa M rg a b PaW. yHlie uM9 se. to Cwl Hemet N. bee. days 19 F. N. Pamphlet aunt to say orls dross for boo seamier. and e1 ..... 4•.,Wi t t5J8,1: S., :7 - . 1111, de.—Astoubdtlag said almost miraculous cans* of Causer ors lilting daily nada by. Drs. I. U. /ELIA/. • 00.. at the Philadelphia Owner Ingrenary. Mgt Lash Street. Pansa.. sad al um branch of do• 1. ebarda of 1t0ne...0 I. 0. DALTON, 106 Zia alt.. Citiebtaall. Otio. .Tbe treatimeats used ars Causer Aatldotes. Sh moil misutlaa man successful knows la tha civilised world. They ars not caustic. gulag or burning medl. eines. Tbay the litOs or so pals. Tb.y ars to. dossed by Use bet surgeons of Um ams, No Aber persons bare them asst.:totes. No other mamma should bet used. (or particulars cull or &dams ss slime sor.oli,nsa IlarJUlrr our. .VIIIIJLUY PECTORAL TUMID= •• TOR COLDS. 00UOHIL SORB TUMULT AND BUONCITIn. Nona no mood. None so Jdaassat. I%lablif 10 Antos Howe. New Iwo. Vie no moan of those imrst• tasted nausea. tins • %rows Cuban Olsten d. itar. BATC MIAMI BLAIII This epleadlel Hair Dye Is the Dist la the ert•eldt the ently Me aid 04 , MM Dee: termites, MIA. ble, nets.nemseas; dleapteeletment; 6- dlealoes dela; remedies the In ellmis of bed dyee,• Invigorate. and leaves tbe Hair soft asd beantital. bidet or broom Sold by all D sad Perfumers; sad properly aimed at lees Wla natal% S. Not 4 strizZ i r York. plosOrl;LOrAl TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood St., car. Second Avenue. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIT& Gold, Qoupcunt, BondiAnd Stooks SODOM MID SOLD. A. 311ADLIT, Preoldast. W. VARJEIRIL Vies TreaLloaL of CYRIIN CLARET.. JR. Cashier. THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. OF 1: 2 1Tur€1131VIL011. TOR THZ Safe Keeping of Valuables, Under inarnatee. and the renting od Ilitas In Ite • The ud!dared Tenni. No. 83 POVETIE ATENVE. President—WlLLlAM' !HILT IR& Wee Presldemt—DENDY LLOYD. Imascroxim marm Lum pwo.Ly.L BYRON R. PAINTS/A, HtNRY !Joon). JoR. R. IMllliusoly, WILLIAM RIGA. GICOROR ElLacy WILLIAM K. t,voN, ouivris O. numkr. JAS. I. HeNNICYT. Elsc•T t TazAt-11.7. ON BONNUOIDIT. - open dally Ms 9 o'plocA A.M. to 11. N. HOLMES & SOX& BALM:I:EMS, 57 MARKET STREET. 42 1 . 30Z0 Wyrispipaiptia. 01 Stocks,Bonde and othei &amities NOUNHT ►HD SOLD ON C0101133/ON raltielaai !* UM. I,..WUN Virtted States Securities. HART, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Ctorner Fourth and Wood Streets, ' rim:lnman, PA., f0U002830211 TU HANN*. HART A OU.h) via:a= rif Exchange,. Coin; Coupons; ALI particular to W suant d kos papa t uut mown sae of COVERINMENT BONDS. Itatil, Drafts on London. CITY BANK. 112PIfthAvenne,Pittsbargh, Pa. CAPITAL. $lOO.OOO, lEDIVIDVILLY Lllllll. INTERIM PAID ON DEPOSITS. YOUZION MICHAS:OZ • Bought sad AAA oil who. Stored emitted lo Wale. Goltethoss toads ea all the fiftieth.' hoists of p f , i ) ,:gtied i r ir ttlt w .. Via Pleat, W. SF. Nosamt. Chatter. • • R . Danny ' • finiateaba,. • J. Te%ftsee Surfeit . sftie. frt. Pa•lug. - ciuth 11. Ban. • A. iniehm.. Ana. lAA tiersusa,, Tboens. Banta. JOE. M. CIAZZAX. souther. ir - 4mi CLOTHING. . teams. warn, ovIzALLYI. !Ara se. ' ,Alse, Oiled CMMat Ot lC,kla4 iihrtys band sad farina brboleaa's 'Wall. by Caii J. I B. PHILLIP% bl.l 4 1 1 5 1Ztb Mr& at: TaBC SEALED PROPOSALS WILL be reed,ed et the ell. or the Chief Quar termaster, 31111tary DIGOoa of the bileseari, Cht.go, Must., until 10 Y., en TIIInDAY. Tehran. 1, 1170, for the transportation of Gorertasent troops, military, Government and Indian eupplie• beforeen the following so Indletted during the time from 'lle-eh 1610, to October 31, 11110,V1e. Tom to Sloe: CU:. Takktek Agency, Fort Randall, Whetstone Creek, Lower Broles aed Crew Creek Alt.:tele., Fort Sully, Big Cheeeena and Wand Biter *settee*, Torts Moe, Stevenson, Retard, Comp Cooke, or shy Piet that may be established at the mouth or the Yescieshell liver, and Tort Benton. Front Wrandotke, Kan., to Sloan Clty. Yuk ba Fort Randall, Wbetatoo• Creek. Lower Rrnloa sad Crow Crook *acacia, Fort Sully, Rig Clayman* null Oran* Moor /tamales, Forte Rite. Btoreason. natural. Camp Coke, or oar post that may 10 eslabllabod the Rooth of the lloaelaokell river and Fort Roman. Prom Port L worth, Nan., to gions. City. Yankton Agener, Pesit . Randall. Whetstone Creek, tower Welts and Crow Creek ♦deeeloo, Port golly, Ille Oh eeeeee and Wand River Agencies, Ports Mee, oteeenseu. Buford. Camp Cooke, or ane post that mar be establlated at the month ol the Nuselesh II rive . .. and Port Benton. Prom (Aube. Neb. to Slone City, Yankton Amoy, Port Randall, betetone Creek, Lower Bream and Crow Creak Agencies. Port Bann ing Cheyenne and Grand RiverAgetelm, Torts wee; IS eeeeee on, Buford, Clap Cooke. or any noel that may be aetabllshed at the mouth of the lineelesbell River and Fort Renton; • - Prom Sloan Mr, lowa, to Ycoktoe ♦gently. Port Randall. Whetstone Creek, Lower Brnles and Crow Creek Agencbm. Port Bally. Rig Cher. enrol and Greed hirer Agencies. Forts R. v. , . tteveasots. Buford, Came Comte, or any poet that may to established at the =oath of the X.teeleshell riser, and Port Renton. . /mu Y Ageoey to Fort Beneall,Whet atone Creek. Lower Brutes and Crow Creel. Aegean. Port telly. Big Cheyenne and Bread River Agencies, Ports Ri.. Stems... Buford. Camp Cooke, or 4.1) post that may be establish. lid at the =oath of it. Musoleeltall riser. and • Port Benton. From Fort Randall to Whetstone Creek, Lower Brute. and Crow Creek Assactee, Wort Bally, ,Big Cheyenne and finned Birth Agencies, Forts Bice, Stevenson, Barash, Camp Cooke, or any vat that may 1 4 estaillthed at the month of the araluhell Meer; and Feet Beaton.. From Whetstone Creek Arent? to Lower Brales and Crow Creek Almada, Fort Sony: Big Cheyenne and Grind River Agencies, Torts •Wee, Stevenson, Buford, Comp Cooke, °rum ppot, that may, be established at the month of the Meschastell river, and Fort Benton. nom Lower Brute. Agency to Crow Creek Agency, Fort Bally. Big Cheyenne sad Grand klrer Agencies. Forts Btu, Steyr neon, Buford. Camp Cora., fr all Met that maybe estradlshod at the swathe! the linaclethell river, and Fort Beaton. • grom Crow Creek Agency to Tort gaily, Big Ctiesease end Grand Blear *geode., ions like, etaseris., Biased, CUM Cooke, or any Dom thst may be established at the mouth of the Gusmeshell river. and /oft. Beaton. . Prom rod tulle to Dig Cita 333333 and Grand RI., Agencies, Forte Aim, iltesenson. Berard, Camp Croke, Or nay post Matinee ba established at the month of llaseleabell rear, mid Fort Beaten. • • Prom Big ChoYeaaa Artasey to Grand Mem Agency. Vona Elea, Stevenson. Rarer& Camp Cooke, or aay post that may be eatablithed tha manta or tha bliacleabell river. and Tort Banton. • Tom Gram:l2lm Agney to trona Moo, M eanie. Buford, C.8.1\ 11 Coots, or any post OM say be 0.151./35.4 at tao awash of Ina Muscle. Shall sly. sad Tort Benton. from Port Klee to Torts iiitereosork Buford. Came Calks or any past that bay be established at the ea -nth of latelesbell river and Port Benton. From Port Bbiladisoe to Port Baer& pump Coate, or any }oat that oley be established at the mouth. or the Muielealtell river sad tort Beetva. From Fort Bo Ibrd to Camp'Cooka or any pool that may be established at Um math of the Moseleahell titer aad Fort Bentoa. From Camp Cooke or any post that mar be establithed at the mouth of tem alsokleshell liner, and Port Stmt.,. . Proboscis ere Mao Milted for Um trensports uon of mem ud “pplian. Itertor tee roman from Yoreb 20. INTO. •to October 31. 11110. from Claceem Illtnots.ll•24sez City. lowa. on tbrobitt Ws of lodine. to MI Me polxte More Moan Um Mal an above smelled. Bidden will state the rats. (separately far eseh manta from Much 90th to Ootoper MM. 1110, laclastra: the date of startled to determine the rata to be paid, at which they will Imrform the service from each of the martian points to the several points of dn tl o►Oos alovirnamed, as follows: let. The rate at which they will transport each *Meer wed soldier (esids Demesne to be provided for °Wm, atol no. s% dim attester/ Whitley toreooklee Wit Wow. width will be supplied by the hievereekeitti. !MES=I 3d. T. rats at latch they win transport horses, males. eattle.mabalaneea,eartsoragons. etc.. More ta tor reeding the salamis to be pro- Tided by steamboat.) • • Jan preference will b glees to parties who own and control boots. gloats will be expecte* &Daiwa,s give the GOTOTIMOIst freight the pref ennice, and la aro nee will be allowed loamy private to the eselesloa of Government freight. The contend or will be required to Maranon Mom by lead la the treat of fallen by water; rad all stares received by the eostrsmor far transportation mast be deltrered at their destl netnn witting the year 1010. Elddenswlll plena give the rata at which they will tarnish tranapartatloa down atitiant though for that azelastra purpose no boat will rcquizad N so wattle= males, totorlaidawn at least 160 taus of Gavataiacat [night. Th. costraator far tranaportatloo trot. Chkagh will not be root:tired to tarnish any down Mena uwavertatica. 1 • WWI the eonitsettng part 7 mu to a 1177 Genthe m they trtfl, the Government reserves the right to ntrnish' the transportation at the ex pense of the eoetractort - and nothing herein contented shall be eet eenvireed an to prevent the Government Mink transporting Its supplies on any of Ile own boats. !Udders ma informed that no boat loaded with Eloventment stores will be allowed to go abort glees . C 147. lowa. drawing seer. threa tog am. half feet water. As no boats will be required to ;go to points above glum City with lett than one unwired tons, bidders OW state the rata at which they wlll transport de tub= guitar troops e 100 es mere without freight. Bidden amid glee their names In toll , u well oe their plum of residginee, and each pro. pont most be . toomnpuled with a bond in the um of AMOCO, alined by two or more mum. able persons. goaranteting that, ,In ease the oontraot Is awarded to the person probating. It will bit anteptAil ang entered Into; and good and& rutgolut wanly tarnished by said party, to tesordtwee with the terms of thitIaVeIUSCPIIIIIt. The rontratter will be required to glee bonds ts the ram of ot00.0.:1!) one ►oodred thoutad The party to whom the award to made, mos be prepared to execute the boatraet at ouea.and to glee to notated bead foe ate faithful per . I'. memoir. She Uovermaiat meme the right tr Meet • - ray dr all Md. that may be altered. Miry of Want format egatratt both for trona. poi Maki' Mani It. Loots, Ma.. rad Chlcsao. Mt., to ha eatored tam Ir the avert of amard,-and bleak Zama of propom.a. mu ho bed bf applies. Ma to this able% to the .Mee of the eater garteramater, .Dayrrimost of the Miaow% Lodi, lair; .Cldef Qautarmastar, Depart meat of the Matte, Omaha. Nab.; to Brevet L16014=144 Colonel bases Y. Moore, gassier. amattr. fart Lau toworth. Eau:. and to Captain bats.. Chltor Autstart gasmen:luta, (11u010 CUT. lora.. Zroponts for transportation from ft. Lord., ete.: rhorald be Indorsed, ”Proposals for Army Ta importation ors .he Missouri Elver. frets tit. Lode, Mo., rpm." mot those for traasportatlon front Miasma ”Proporats fer'Anny Trauma:le gato. from Chime*. IL, to point. on the marl Blur," and addressed Pattie undersigned. Be order of the Quartarmartor Ileum al: ' D: 1117C81111.. Asatstaat claattermaster General:Dalt ell mates Anaraad Mist Qaarteraa►tet 3411 tan* DI - 'Walt t f h► YWo►n. pROPOSALS FOR PURCHASE OT RIFLED 11ce. NUBIAN OP 7 OBDNLOCI, • • DVarbat, WAIIII:taTOX R.. ••inary 4, 1010. BEALCIt PROPOSALS for the parehanot 30. Ponader 000 10 pounder Parrott:Mika. with Uarrlager, Implements. and ProjectUu now en baud in the navrqual at Parata°424 N. B.; Boston, New York,l'hlladelptila, Wubbagtoo, Old Nbrlblk, will be received at this Bureau sant 11 o'clock noon, JAN CUNT 31, 1010. In Ilea .losses there are about 300 Dana. 304 CW'ri cu. Sod swain Projectile. Schad. 110 e la detellof the articles at sash yard will to • fonel.hed on appilestlongo 0010 Bust.. Bidden wilt slate toe nareber gnu, ear lane. Implements lad projectile. they 0041 re to purchase Le rack yard t ruately..peettytor the calibre of tb s . don, dof carriage. whether broadside or pivot, and trie kind of profanities. Plietans, 3.., will to delivered at thriespect • ITS nairt.yard.. and MVO be remarad by the Parelialer or porebalers within ten days .flee the acceptance of kis or their Dld. BU SO 44. Hoeft*, .13 le mad., of any agilely 10111 the partici yurchaelbx shell ken departed with taa Pefouter of the navy.yard the arnonnt of the,parrhare money la each ease.. Vaby or therms. are new. awl 01 are sonic. Ale. DMus will theratoro offat secOrdligly. No odor forth se artirdel as old iron orwood wlll be considered. • : Vas Suntan menet Um Haat to Meet say or bairtiblea It 11.111 ■ot could*/ to to. Intorast of las atalliallk at to amyl. floomals 'Mold be Wdonobon tho metope Tropcools fw nuelose of Sao Como.. Lo." A. LUDLOW Oler. 03-irfo Chief of Bares. . 71HE MEW VlClLlL—Familles dasirloit .nroltaigh atom for Um at. gar mtlll lag our Ea tang la CM alga agegoidor'er a. eglaDitgloo &Mlof </WM mall Tu. OW*ua meot4 Itto. Jim aad Botha Cargo; &Weft flock of Plana tad te Vegattalti r r =f r oar earl. aad ' airtums .a Pletlto bate= Hoot Oa4 IL 0. 17.... A ArNm i lw r io Dar Corm Lt d lad amts. ililE=liil;= IRON MID STN 11. DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, - & CO,, • Rannliatturest ot IRON. NAILS StEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS. DIIYUENNE. L X AND JUN lATA. • FLAT BAIL ROUND AND SQUARE IRON, BAND, HOOP .MEET AND TANK IRON, BOILER PLATE) Alit/ URA Ds, HOARD IRON.- DRAG and DROPPER BAR B, 1/ t FLA NREIC, CUTTER BARK, CYLINDER ON, T AND PLAT RAIL, for Coat Roads. CROWBARS, WEIR/EP A HARROW TEETH. SPRING.PLOW AND CULTIVATOR SrEEL, STIE., WINGS AND MOULLtitent to pattern. STEEL TULE.% STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. STEEL. POACH. BUGGY and WAGON Inutwea sad ARLES. OUT NAILS AND !MEWL All Goods First Class and Warranted. OYEICES AND WORMS: Sixteenth direst and AL. Reny Hirer mba suut.7l Water litreet, Pittsburgh. MILLER BARB & PARKIN. GINVIAL YIVV:7111.11: 171INSINM"' iTICLUG PAATNXI—e. Y. KIM CRESCENT STEEL WORKS ! KILLER, BABB & PARKIN, • OFECL No. Hit Liberty Strut, ttaild4l rirranvaaa, PAL. pIITSBIIIIGH STEEL WORKS. MITANLIBUZD )81141. ANDERSON & WOODS, NANOTACTOIUDS or BEST REFINED CAST STEEL Of ever, dual:Alm Also, bed Ilefined Senna* Plow and Spring Sled. CORNICE BOW AND MUST AVENVE,Plsts tarsb. Pa. lousa,4l DUQUESNE -7- FORGE. WILLIAZ RUED, (Successor to JOS. Itileitt C 0..) Hes' rat Illtles co-extenzlen I.lU:the fending For. fres In the ZITO ia preenr•d•Wattircni satistsctorily orders Pr • TRIM YA R I A Ig. te ' lrs i Ardimo - Allitt LOCOKOTIVII /BAN together 'nth every description oriIEL•PIC OWL. end Forge Corner of Dogma Way and Pint Itreet. ~13:h40 BLL [ I SHIRO/ PRESS. xr:Artz:v,v.rarattm wrz: ..... - - great The attoerlor quality Impar lnferiorted to sfoodtroth, the Improvement Iron ead the re duced coat, oommend It to a/I etariulacturers Iron. PUties UAL* to oo It eu °Mato Messes* aPPI7Ing to 'JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney fur the Trustee.. BOOMS 1 sod A Zuglimb's lta Prourth Pante. Inimestedam invited to sink the SfitnENLIZIWKIt WORKS,. where tJxe aromas la now lO.ncora.lnl operatic. . rellala7 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORK& SEGER, NIMICK ilc CO FTTTSBIIRGE L Pr; litanatsetaress of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL . !"ViL A- 1411 .° 1118 8 1%/21701i1l SPRINGS, AX1.1121, PTICKL TlttlY, Ate.. do. Wareham. SS Water AMISS First Sta. BLACK DIAMOND EITEEX. WORKS. - PARK, BROTHER 85 CO., Ilaaufsetarers o 1 .II descriptions of BTU :T . Cairn ar . W d arlarm MITZI* Tllll7 PITTSBURGH. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. COOK STOVE& CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as my other Store la the Belau BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. Alan, on hand and for Ws. • mums STOVE% MATING nova. GRATZ FRONTS, 7NNKOCKS. COOKING ItANGItd. &a. GRAFF,•RUGIIIBz.OO . ,, _ RARRPACIVIIIiut OP Xyltar EAU= OP STOVES, - BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "1 1 133 MIRY FURSAOR," POE WA.turnna BtriLDIEGIL TIM NEW ANTI-DUET COOKITiIa errowt, VAN % "REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK .4TOV; (Cineinnati 'Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE CAST IRON ItANTLICS. W ChLIIANS Er PLECToR ‘ GRATEn, Reel:rum Alit Ala dad: GRATZ PRONTS, 1101D14128, AC. 208 and 208 Liberty Sgraet, •- • inekyrt ' rrrzazustia, A. BRADLEY. .Ir, CO., O. DO WOOD STEED% Maantsetarm of the Greatest trarletyat Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO ET 7OTIIAD • rigour uteri:mtt will be tom/lull Us DATUM' PATTIRNS AND IMYRUVAMILNTS. met the reputation of our litmus Is nth that any oue la want of a rood artful. should pareassa pone has those usannthotorout tryla. as 11 4 10111 has foetid tn. Mon dllnkble lUt weilas arosonneal. Would portleular. attention to our assr VOLCANO tryOvr, for ehurabes. hulls 004 stoma. Our DOD sold In 'bras months. Intended On with or. without easing. All who /note nerd thent pror nouns. th , nt sunerot to any other sad lay I:WM , sr. bend too Catalltelle soli Prim 1451. meth it:lzr:TzfitlAy;em ; :j:l ICBM 9 WIZ 01111TAVII LISCIL HENRY BIER & CO., IMICOISPORa :OWE Id COOPER & CO., , Bell and Brass Founder& BRASS. CASTINGS KADI PROMPTLY TO ORDRR. lialeable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, TIMM; WITT AID CSECL ALL GLOBE PATTERN. TEtCON COCKS, Brass Work of every description for Steam; Water and OIL NALsorAoTuRzES Or J. M. COOP/PR a 0011 impend BalinuAkeel Steam Pimp. Agents. for.Dreyfue , Patent Oa err, the beat in the Market. B ORau sad Maras. earner Manama!' sad A TWOOD a McCA imam, La. Conger Liberty strew col MINI &moo; ULM FOUIDELS /ED BON PIPE FITTERS. utl. AGENTS' ger CIALX1:2011 A . ors !num pcniesAirDßLowuts. - PA:N:Ii , 4 ‘ifia4:/ BARB mosER, . . . 1/21117 novae Aixxiiimr =W M% aselifs. Our street. ritthbenth r P.. &WM Wootton gnu to the dertistike W lellateset Plum MOW 21EIBLIO 1111ILD ING S. ENGINM BOILERS. ite, FORT PITT BOILER. STILL AND TAU W 01zuEITS. CARROLL AND SNYDER. DAN PACTIIRMacs Anna R i Nint kraTTTLIP UWH % i f STILTS AND OIL TANKS BOIL. figifeß 3. ,PaE, rAtO4ll PANB, AYD CON. DCit NI'DIDES, DASONETLES AND IRON BRIDGES, PRISON DOUAI AND COAL alltrrms. (• 2" .=X=::l . rll • • PITTIOMIRGII, PA. Air Orden sett to the above addicts trill be promptly attended to. • • mh7:180 HUGH N. BOLE & Car. Point Alley mad Dogma* St., • tNIMA Tin POrNA) Engine Builders, Founders and • • • itualUture ETICAUBOAT aNanuce god BTATIONANY ANOINES. orallelme. 4.7& - teustluet VIVA 0 11cIrrt,Teall BOILER. Gild horse rower. /?c, t°..A24llll.,NrreBl.vcril - 4 , r-vgkre - —.4 , on Wells, mar AND PULLE.Tm get IMI B I4I I JVP all! made to order, at the • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, • .Yrontiog on the Anegbenyfuu, Maras NOM. • P1T1811176011. PA. /Pin orders promptly filled. TRY ro t • BOILER WORKS. • F. REPHAN & CO., • Manufacturers of Irritant BOILERS, OIL TANKS. STILL& .110- TTATOBS. BALT &M BET. fallo NINON DOOMS. 011/MlfMne IteelOaMN VAX BEM no-. Cor. of Strand berme and Liberty St., • rrirrs sultan, PA. Revelries dorm promptly. Orders sent to the - Shale address 1.111 be promptly sumedeet to. _ P. PAPH.A.N. formerly lUaseez at CAIuuOLL • lINTDEMIS. ' Rtr.sicK & arta. - NEM a sonacan-rnoor SAFES IND VIIILTS. NO DAMP, NO /WOULD. ENGINES AND/ACHINKBY, EMMERT WORNRICPAIEDNO AND PVT. TING.OP JAACHIN'ILNY. Con 17th and Pike Ste., Intalbargly non:qn War. ismtNium. & co., BOILER MAKERS AND SHENT IRON WODELIDASe 1 015.110, 519, 24 AND WI FINN Cl, Having secured a large lard and Skirmished It with the moat approved machinary. ma ars wse mired to mantOre every description of BOIL. ZOO in the belt manner, au4 wyranted equal 10 any made In the country, Chboneym Breeching, /Ire Beds, Bream Pipes, Looomouva Boilers, Condensers.. rail P.a. Tanks, (11l otitis, /Leta. Umi. Bottling Pans. Boiler Iron, Bridges, Begat Pans, and lame manufacturers of Sunburn cot Boners. Boilers. Itepiartni dose oa shortest hales.' jasai 34.1.11) - 11)11UVD D. BEMS JARED R. BRUSH & SON, JILANGI7IOI9ISERIS OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IKON WOOL'&O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. FOUNDERS, DIAOHINI, NATIONAL FOILINDRT AND PIPE WOR Corsier . Caurroll &ad Ilaaallatani cNINTH WARD.) prr•romel:;•xuan, P WILLIAM SMITH, MALNO7LOTIYEZB Or CAST IRON BOWL PIPE 1011 ail /MD WAVLE WOIIIM. Bly Pipes an all east lergraziato to Pity la Ala .a.nd sad WI AM length. AU% f.ll of moral Castings for Gaa & Water Works." I would 's!. cal Um intention of Ifooottataa4 oats of Gee Works to say make of M.TIONT/14. .lafilP• FORT Pll7 FOUNDRY. COMPANY. Orli= AND W 011111„ TWELFTH STREET, , PITTSBURGH,' PA. tar Dim chinery, Nail llacklnos, He. torte, and Castings letlerattri'' FILLYVOGIX. I= MONONGIBLI FMK W. L ANDERSON Whit Daltrey. oil IRON RODbR NBONDI. WIADOW AINTLID and ICILLI, sad Cutlagi of an Deseripusis.' : ' sarsnecta attention raid to ARMITYWIIf , 8 0 0 immina and to U,.Uw Ni 1/r/adoer Enna n. - gala gr ib rATD P IT—No. IMO WATTS: ROBIOIBON, BEA es CO., 'Waimea to liOnamioA. Yana alftwom . WAIIIMINGTON W'ORICB.: FOUIDEU MED mamma. PITTUUIEiII. manalicturera otßoss Beattetri Bala tn.' mag i , imicriazitit . l . liagstil a &fera l , pa 6 4 11 . No. l 101:1•1= 1 71"1" I ia exec U. I Timm emu= k CO., hulk Wud Foundry and lu Iu Wail, BaitDUSKY BT., ALLIBTIBTFTINIT. Tam. Ussnsfactastis of thationah4 .Portable Item; Pv„, :s ykdramsoal Itsabla gn T CA"Vnelate Bars. W Waves Boxes t °ear and have as basal Ithahms of . all she., . sayllsea CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND' ROLL WORK:; IMO Penn et r +sot, BOLLMAN & B&OWY: Milli anus. MU Casting.. Rod /ruse.. JO. prristrunan NOVELTY WORE& . . MOORHEAD -.ADAM'S &DO. !crfizr r emisam asm aataa w ni s i,, , ria. : S 0 .tei 1 1; raped Palmer, I.sgag 3.5.u-ler" DMIBB O r i b idgrr. Bidritailn ITS LIME • W E PT ma c wo H WO?* '.'Weilmsirteaistr 111.111 Wit. 4101 X V.R.I. Nowa, ;au ELM as Mad or .1. Neal metier !flu a nMM l"Wel7 {ydas swamps s mows E,t,..5. ~iv.~:-sro. ItAtEXCIAIM ENNSYLVA.Mmgmani• rIt.AOWITIALE.III.IIM .1.0. &a 522 attar 11 P.W..../kaular NOY 1 th. 1569. TraP4 0111 &Mg* at wad 220111 Crow the Union Dap(); loner of Wa210212106 • tad Liberty itraela. al fallow, • • • irt. Hall Traln. ... 1:1110 sat ?anther,/ K 2. 5:90 as rut Lb e_..... 1•116 ab 2 • PacUle 110,121052 Wall'e No. A.. 6 90 aza rWalps No. 1.. 6:30 • 6rlateheNo TAO 2mllffatlTraa 6:10261 2 • Walla N. 2.. 8:50 am:100042 00.. 10:90 SW, • Clarlanate 10.9000 ma: BIIVICIIAS No • ••-•O NW Johnstown Ao 10:56 ; Cla,La• t. 526. klerhu Nol 301 pm well.. gm 0 0000212111.• 1:30 pm tJohaetowa radar Lap , . 1:00 pm!Pra•ts Ae Nob 113/3/ pia N. 11•. No. 1...9:30 pa k :T " ! F %11: No. :: _ 0* q 1• t.e 41 :! isrlatomor No21:111pm :• Rut Ithe Way Parau•P 10:116 p501W2 - 11', Nu. 1 . ... 110100111" These 'rains mob, rloo. counw/loa by far Rammre. The Chorea Tr.. :save. Walls etamaao 2 lll3 . l • auuday at 9:65 a. In., react:lug rlttabuggs 10:05 ra• turen lower /*mamma - di: iskso =.. and arrive/ Walla 810005 1121 111:10 p. m. • • Vre c'' f tepee L •lll . l . ' 00 1' /1.712 trams %UT except tin V i car 1 , 150.1 r Tor farther laturshoon appHy to • • W. U. •BECKW/TH. Agrade. •• The Penaaylvanlaßallroad Comp2pg 2411 son 9 . 90 . 3 7 2 1 W W 2 H 2 rl l 2.2leept war, 1110 ! I ==l i ri rage . " 711 " 1 %LE ntigte Ea. • • ums azimut la bolut 06110 at the phi 1101• Veg. nuleee titan byamo,at gept g .o... EDWA 11. WlLet.ti noil 0102109 Euperiateadent. AltooittZK yir .., E , 8 'Jr E 11 Nampa ' PENNSYLVANIA t AD.--(la aad atter NOV. 14. MIA, , rtif=r,rll.l .noon .t ;n 9 d ir , deade n' -tratt , /ideal ettatt Depot, Aliment) etty,aslEDopal rrive. Depeee. Mit' No i L i n 1: "11-eevol. eT,K.114,1:: 1 4Prea. _,. ...10,4D • at dearptoli Nol JAME AM naldeiNo. I I al , . pat fa.'"No Itted ea ..., :" ..:..:15:80 gat Wil i o, 7 olSEl it "th at t N * ' I ng ° D lirrera i d i ryl " a ' ..x n ..2:r i e T , zwarcs- 4 . 1 e=l .y = Cap at 9:60 a. a. Itetayttia. !mu AdletelaY • COO at 1. , , a0 D. a. aad arrive at AllegbeaPJelkee; Itrad A 40 truesF. a. . - • . ~• .. aL make dlzetatitett n attrire " " T AZ.:' term Sneer Stages for IhdJer atd Esalutum 1nr5Atv . ....P..,",„-. - Malan dat e Dead. alaa7. We lakomattoe apply te -- 1 .'., JAMIE VWPINT. li, The Western On= Nadal r. ederldtaVeta— !same aay yak I:atilt/tit Ibr ' I toMd • Iliollai l e al to th iarer. Att kaalTqra '1 ameatar tab mann. to Yalta mill Si Eta Of the aeaesaatlaa taAaEAVICD. - : : I EDW : ion Omni Bnertateadeit. toau. MllO B. W..d CILLH_YOR7 . artaismi --- : r s m rsiv Ell. ri.lassiti U t e rmm"" 0 .119 1 . o.oofll.lo,Fiap. ILz.. :10 ant M.,... A 110 fri , M a glk 4 Tr; tile 0 n . 2 /. CI. a 1111 , .14. IMM SS 111 11, Lostadale .4;4 air ow, Valls . • ma Ulm ii mala Le.tothi . `i wiirr hills .• It 4. t.tulae t: in day tilizieb. ihr4 ri 0...rol••• huitsir . V IIFT - Irdig. .:!'.. irr.6 Nov. 14th, : sad arcs truism burgh Um.. as soli • stru ctu ln z 'iit s ' rastM7[all..6:sB • ml e. k at: • a UtAlEsteZMlntli Saa'r air/.:ct i •ltSll LeeLdaM .• 10:11I •et . •• lt •11:113■et Habeas/ lt 11:11e ore Stem " 4.atl pm Leatatals Aq 13 e.S.p= 13.0thalls .• •11:11pak Leetsdale !` 10:43pm • i tig t fla rrari CM ••• • PlVir t AIM aT11.11: IC.N.4}E : itirEigma UIL WilliNT vAitarr r TIM ox:r.,_x nmecupws Tp erram..4 11ZOION8 wiTHutriunoseN cot 11A1116 i i Oa outd o or 11. I n a&AL.: A i t un.lllll." MU ririfave Meantt= 44 oMit. cud sad Pike emotsonts,ollollUlKlll AIN an 4 all volata Resifts. T r aVTNMI A m NUr" mi l a r 11.... GA•o 1.f.: II g11 0 : . ' . :11::::: I t I 111:.agro:: L ltonit: 4th 8.1101..11:006p nllooo.. ' VIII DM itt.Vr4o. pao •en Soda Worts MI qNI otts. - . elan 1:11:11 IVrort Azi d/ipit Briers BAI 0:13 p alLtra .II la 10:08 ale Cbumla 11011 9 na ChUrcit—..." 10:10 SIM Izpists crabs irtolr Mr EL Pri.vl POWS. Atecamodatloa hal,. sso7 at ikki Btatt n. liiiiihs`V`lVlVllL'igh.. . ' P rrrssunisin LOUDI GMCI TINNA PA HANDLE ROUTE. 08114011 ornma.-o,taa after RONDA% Noe. 14tn. 1609, trains 1011 love sae annexe UM Milos Depot. PlUaborlh. •• Ittanurgh =Me., &L-•••• 1 .•• 24 sm. Iskiipay er; apen....... A:26 p. m. it rat. at Lin e 9.46 a. so. Tr 11: p.m. 43 so. • CIO wt. Ams , nalo.l ra. 21.1314 Me n o t au mn . il d l!e Acec00m04.,1121, 4 1.. 41211111 . . sundae Cb:,th A vni 6 a. 1 . 4 71717 i t. Vati r iit2 " General Tlckatjltent. W. W. CARD, Onion..-mmwaon. 1 IimITTE4I3II7UGH&ANIMaiI CONELLII {I'LL L Ca at alter TUESDAY. Noyeatberi 11111. I.lll3l,,pralas will =rive at. and depart trces,the pzg u eortier of Gnat SAO Water ftreeta,' sp Mint 6iiiti , ozatrig6 : ' ll / 4 va Anliah tows 7:00 a. - tV Stop vceerponscoomem 'Foe.... 9 :05 We . to and trotatlat , n • .4:00 r. rt. .10Olarle we • It ri lot vet= J.ecom , 4 4:30 x. Sae A. ot Br.tddoeVe AteasoWn., '7:50 r. Ntg n As. telleX_ , lpert.l924lr. N. 114.16a.1. Ban er Citiereb Testa to • . . and „Nom West NM= 1:00 1. Y. 10:11111. Far Li %tato apply to IL . • • E. 111.Y1110/RD. 1 W. B. bW.ITT. SuperUtscodent. • 4 = : 1. CARBOLIC SAI.IIE, The important dlscovery 7 of the CARBOLIC ACID turn CLEANSING, PITRIFYING, and HEALING Agent is :one of the most, ',remarkable . results of Modem medical research: • Daring the late 'civil Wax : was -extensively used in .the Hospitals, , and was, found ,to be not only a "thorough Abdoh, feetant, but also the most wear denial and speedy HEALING REMEDY ever known. It-ii now presented in ft- A. valentine eomblnation!,. other softdinliriGaNt stealing agencies. in the form of ,a SALVE: mid, having been al- ready. used In numberless case* with moft sathrtactory and ben: eftelftl tenths, Wehave no ha*. lotion:In °Kerte" it lotheintb. lie, as the most ,certain, ruptft, alid..7eneetaar remedy' for an Spree and matte* of how looft.standkigrlbc Cuts.: Wounds. and• every ABRASION or sum ezMallr. and for Skin diseases geftfran,. Sold by all 33.nktitatt. ZS mate JEN F l Y, Sole Fit, NO.O COLLEGE PLACE. N. OIL - sTientr., mnai . razz Tailinif To Memo ern banded 117s11. test come ins fee what splendid bargain. are mewed Is yee Et: . nous no of boring and Semmes ClMMiersm. prepared and anateted so Ile Deana by ^' _ • P.C. Ts . earientalit c ?be 'tweet lasmiev. to be mond mans ;pis ua 1160 C 0,0711 l• ebony . drtned •le eall • new Bummer Ctotberebbsbet brm ea eonifinia= aa not to abride.t the freedom of temertoss. clothes ere to be had es •—E. O. Teernouemins. To practice LOONONT. don't ap •=4 yam wale Of money Where extortionate people Charier Oran • Pride for eausishanary finales, be. oneenme get tee Worth of cram d 0 7o spend. sa • lent TaraDlOf am treat mrt, muskeg' elegy day. and all dep. at the phi NO.- , 11 tecelebe Hall. nen the people beep their rmh. sal Mere they get their clothes.• Evenness Ann bay et all Woes. Trade cceseendarti yes pawn • , tier Ms N. 11 Clothier Hui. • . , • ettatln tart beta OM SOO sn Unen, et EL Lance Porta . • Meek tollsMr 010 Worth EllO., . • , Yarns , anis feria womb- -• • ^ • Lad• nest many more too aeseretelo Eke-. • Wi 7 teiti It: l ifers d arer ' Zen • NZ • . E 33 APPLE ' tun ...num= etroaDtdareraeS.Curtedattl Mend Heckle.. watelti. Write all to nal eat wee 10.10 tAed.. T. PAYING. COirlttak AND worse MatartlrES: takia rutty` three trails". ta. aIW 10 rand wvl.. irslll o" tute na ,, =w ee , come .sag Mailer erica amid - 1010 vault it ~quartered. ,quartered by tie T'ig ho r eni . IftS'a BONO N 6 7•VOCiD STREET. 1 4.4 . Impater Marital &slain zimin:errArriorrictur. tacuia. won. narritgolwsini . t: ttliiximaits4 alum. u.xanaluvrouiliks; ; bra.upeorniplrtlfu, fott- .M;;;AillaixEr; 250 MILS CHOICZ APIOLVII sot w. a. x. aunr111106“ ~"_" ; II II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers