The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 13, 1870, Image 2

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    _. .
tlittsturgt Gap*.
C :1/ 3 0 7 / 1 01:
,04.; Bosima, SI AND 81 MIT AT
Of Inttaburglia. AllAtigsray awl Ans.
• gilMay amaty.
0111028D1111r, 3A.1. 13, 1870
EA Antwerp 801 f.
. .
V. IL Bonn is Frankfort, $2.% t;
(lota cli)aed. in Row York yterdiy
iirietim . dna/ of Mode . Isluut ear
saaty reemattmaa the adoption of the
Linendnumt, by the leitalittpie
'maw fa siation.
;fiiirwat denies the re.
pert as strike antnig the o3lllens. Work
bait -beensurdeel, in the absence bt
Timis Ms rumors at Weal:deem that
sl4.lsgmalik government is now open Eo
tweso ll Weete for the sale of Cobs to Mb
Menne, for $100,000,000. But the ME=
has not yet been made. ,
WII WS, 1 11 0 21 of th e
imesonloos re.uulou of the so long en
gtml*sitinnaßepohllean poltdelanaef
New Tort Bat its real merits can be
better jaded of alter the election.
! "rillettsr Of Yr. W. M. llortiirs,
attother cabman, upon the water-supply ,
*milts proposed enlargement of th. Erie
9114911 . 0rEi attrsct attenticm The high - wriiar Akae weight to. his
After oar own bang and &Eh
fho ProJik 'we reel fait
11111 - pledge our own support to
natiWacticathr proposition which mar
3044 :14 .• •
TIM Wald Firs Pries nukes earnest
iroVin proposed disinember•!
111SilikOrtkai county. for the erectltnrof , ,
Cregf e rePeld br UIP
nriffori. ° • hurls: --
meat le ,
per. Mnitory.. Her pubils bulb:ll6ga
not yet Anished, the population, small as •
she now stands, with all lki expel:wee
rernar=tr i t=egilea n.
it painfully dont. to. mory one as.
'palmed witlithe condition of Mel:minty,
that It would seriously embarrass and
retard In adyinceineyory respect, if so
Unfortunate as to kne. the portion pro
poesd'to be taken off by tide new county
MIL •• • • If Mr. Lowry .has
to prcindai new, counties and ship canals
in girder tot* &acted. we. see on rearm
wiW other communities should be made
to Wier in order that those prombuis
- .
resumer' fond Its way Into our',
local ooluains, on Yonder Morning, re-i
Meting, by indireetton, upon the Home ,
for Deanna Women. The pia:aka '
ma "air rinadveutence , decently . to be re.l'
vetted In every ‘ parthe.rcept, per ,
tape, Vatlemma to us lids opportn.i
attei so , do, m. waited Justice to the
Christian ladles who have founded and ,
admhdater that =canine,
The paragraph In question stated thati
an-aged . and destitute female, a stranger ,
eakeity,' was sent to a manager of Wei
Captain of polka% onikg4
uniarervenlng, "to be provided tar as al
ruelentf mann." but that keranaliestknal
Wei denied: Ili leeoinesi.
proper to say that the Heine in wholly a;
Pirate Amity: that' Its facilities ire!
much Banal by the Insufficiency of hal
eadowinent ko that these fatilitke „ere
'Viskiintlf`taxed to their utmost extent by
the &MILO' which OP/ ge! , glate.them - 1
cadres to the'learigers, in their private!
walks arnouglhe levity indimilbrttinate,j
and that the municipal authorities are re-,
10 1 :1 1 1 1 Onstartily En the isagi'lir,
eirtumbig their own rights, "as a matter,
ofeourti,'' to inundate the Home with
applleadoiallke that of Batraday night,l
notwittatanding shay are as often advised.
ttiitths asturnidloir Is not prattled either
by levier the actual nitration. The Man•l
won keep the Acme always ND, and,
ressiy Justly want alike against any mu i
nidpat hderfenmee, and such udirepre- ,
arer by the city - Jouruabi, as that:
WWI we hays to correct.
Thus programme of paled treachery;
and pommel corruptleM setts' to bs
working. that far milts smoothly at Harj,
siaburt The contact tetwesb theltem?
=tic party, oa the °Beside, and main
imbieduled 'Beaskws nod; ibcossaals4
link of RoPotdbala Imbandiais;.o ll : l2o O
otbsti — lmioma partially' oomphoed by
soda ;Orbs Desnerats 'finis blinded oval,
aa'llniMetant Stses aloe to a cabal whci
antsiolislitst bus_ imam' masons toi
desiring I to It, and the cabal basti
tem banded owe ths palatal mstor4,
V..l2:blec Beige tea ibs nestles of the
Ikepobllcans4 - •
nerf gpArci l ste m ff
} . lf •P=Ellnkei
of akt*** ll 4.idddi barn con i
.®mated preeiselyln accordance with Mei
miangteasat as wa described it on ]ton• t
• .•
_ ,• . Vem taefdafir
- be executed by each party to ila con
egestras Lowry and Blllingfelt Wei
41.3trvidriAltht• POWAY 'Ova!
their scandaloni
Ity to tb¢lF Republics* constituents, in
the =Wel the Boronent district. They
nut ha iao eacuSlS they anemia to y
topiala or to jusUfy their Wenn" Its,
Arpin& la Made only thereby the more
shanieftd. They have delivered over the,
control of ime.bruich of the Leits,latuM
to the reprimanding of a minority of,
the people of the Cammonwealsh, In deft
maws of, the Jaw. of fan; or, k akar . an d
:Sad Wren of common decency. No hi
intensity of public soari, no contempt
from an honorable men. an be too
Much for the just punishment of men
hits% as taese have been, to every die
ters of personal, Valltical *and' ofidai
Theiteceed let to th 4 proittentese was
the defeat of the RePubllean =ohms for
Here iteelt:,tbe Tatee
nesse toil e story whlelteanzWbegaln:
'llljee - The Mends - of Yr. Inela have
plate their point. They have beaten
*Mee 'Republken nomination, broken
the Itaimbllean power In the Stste, end
teed the control of the Treeing.
'Bow Ao the wad mea - of Allegheny
artinty llloe tila &That of our own dale,
XwAnyt, Lem be unisentooa that
! rows it la the eastern members, ea well
we to the miltore neater home t The blow
li e u= alined not mote it the men than
O* 1 0 • 1 sill of Pittsburgh. - We all
have to thank one, of our own city jour.
iiialtlorits put la the anode of dander
treacheifecelnai an honed and ea.
irdlidttlebnotPlttebtuitt. The Repub:
411estak7. tt there be any
left, AM there Wt, may
Omar OW Wats by - irldOb the a*
ataot,*ol3nntoTnianan_ Saki them
vitas Una they Win broken down - the
lisvabliout hminizetion both, bare end at
It •Ritsiblioans
_of, the Ay, the
county sad the,SOits can stituithls sort
of thing, Oki 04siern ;ant do the same
Satire trnitlis 'will goon
LA Unawares *with so elepbant on tints
ma.. Who pan proceed I
< < ;:
THE EXTREME aosTavrEurr.
The Strait of Juin de Foca, which di•
vides the island of Van Couver on the
South from Washington Territory', is the
grandest maritime opening to be found
on the long coastline of the Pacific. It
is deep and safe, and has a length along
the southern end of that island of about
seventy mike, and an average width of
about twenty. There It armada north
ward into the "Gulf of Georgia, dividing
the island from the main line, forming in
the more southern pert a broad expanse
of water, white towards the northern end
Orthe Wand It Aaiun to • nalsow bn.
deep strait. South of the great Inlet the
water spreads southward for about a bum.
died miles into Washington' ;Territory.
This .is known. as - Puget . ' Sound, but
sometimes it Is called Admiralty
Both of these names, however; should be
dropped for something more appropriate,
for It is neither a sound nor an inlet, but
a beautiful placid bay, full of Islands,
with,wrpentirie shores, - and thoroughly
land locked; for a chain of mountainsnms
up between it and the ocean, one of the
peaks of which, called Mount Olympus,
is some 12,000 feet high.
This splendid bay of harbor, one of the
West on that coast from Sebring's Straits
to Cape Horn, and ample enough to afford
anchorage Sir all the ses.going vessels of
of the world, With abundance of water
to ride In np to the veil shores, with - Its
magnitkent outlet to the ocean, will some
I day be the seat of an immense commerce,
and of a large population. The climate
is much like that of England, and for
maritime advantages this bay surpasses
that of any other port. It is nearer to
Japan and. China, by shout .seven bun
deed miles, than San Francisco, and it Is
also nearer to New York. Although in
latitude 47 and 48, It is still south of the
shortest line between New York and
Shanghai. A. strafed line, or in other
words, the shortest line, between Paris
and Pekin, across this continent, would
cut the Arctic Circle: Hence It is that
northern_ Port,. In point or dis
tance, both eastward and westward, has
the advantage of those farther south.
Van Count , ' Island, which still be-
longs to: great Britain—but - which wt.
dautaless be:ours before long—ls nearly
as large as Ireland, and ham a similar
climate. Parts ef - it are rugged and
-mountainous ;-"but the sell Is good, and
Deere an enonnorm' growth, of valuable
timber. , It, Ia rich In coal, there being
three seams of the best coal westof Penn
sylvania. On the main land opposite the
tilled'there is a vein of coal sixteen feet,
thick, which. has been traced for thirty
miles, while overlying it is another four
and a half feet thick, which has been'' ,
worked to some extent.
The agricultaril capabilities of that
Island are very superior. Wheat yields
on an average thirty bushels per acre, 64
pounds to the, bushel. For oats. and po
tatoes It is equal to, and very much re
iereldel, Ireland. Its fisheries are un
.surpassed In- the world..
• Population and hilliness have :mimeo
much °wager:as • yet Vic:iota, the cap
ital; Is a pleasant town; but being attach
ed to and dependent upon a government
ets the -;oppadte • side of the globe, and
hiving - no interior trade worth speaking
cif, bet little prosaics could be expected.'
It is aeltigular fait that the people, of
that labusd wept a petition to Presideat
azure, begging him that "in any nego
tiations which may be pending or under- 1
taken between year GoVernment and
that of Her Most Gracious Majesty, for,
the - settlement •of territorial or' ther
gmationt,' yon will endeavor to induce
Ilem*Prety to `mai tto thitransfer of
thiimoolony to the United Stator." That pe-
Mon embraced British Colombia as well
as Vancouver's Island. It' is no wonder
that when those people contrast:their own
non-progreaslve condition with the mar--
Velma propeas of the American gates' .
and tenitories • near them, they should
earnestly desire to come in and share In
that prosperity.
• It Is fortunate, however, that we have
already the beat harbor and own one half
of the Strait of De Fria. It is to that
harbor that the Northern Pacific Railroad
will be carriei; and when that shall be
accomplished; a-movement will be wit
named on the shores of that' magnificent
tour such as the world has rarely witnessed.
There Is room on those shores for bun
'Ws of towns; and with such coal mines
Ind sick commercial facilities, there Una
reason why that whole region, Including
Van Ootiver's lalind, may not become the
seat of more manufacturing Industries
than any other section of this continent.
The cotmtry needs at least tioal raid
rads to the Pacific. One Is made; but it
amnia do what is required to be 'done by
either of the others. So • far are they *a
sunder that they can hardly be regarded
as Vasa 'The southern road—we mean
the - Snows Pacifio—will develop New
Mexico, Arizona' nd Southern Dallier.
nfe, and ultimately draw to as a large
part of Mexico; while the northern road
will open up 'Dakota, Morita* Idaho
and Washington, very soon lead to
anneutloaof that vest region Which
for more than et - eastary was ruled by the
• Himises's Bay Company, whose policy It
wis to atom aridsliecoarege settlement
and This hi a new way to
cantina and acquire territory, and surely
It is an "ikon, the old meth.
OZ. - 116, moreover, a very pleasing re..
Illation that Lire hive so good a govern
ment and each admirable institutions that
npidders Deg oar sokrs to take them in.
The Intermediate country stretching
from Minnesota through Dakota, Mon
tane, Idaho and Washington territories,
his Immense agricultural and mineral
resources. It only need; this road to
ease it to fill tin rabidly with population
and blooms the theatre of a great diver
say of industries. Bat we shall not
speak more particularly of It at present.
'Standing on the thraduild of the new
year, withtenmonths of theadmMistration
of President Grant before the country
and the world, It is a fitting time •to con
sider the present condition of affairs, and
to contrast it with March last, when he
took the solemn oath that Invested hint
with the power conferred on him by the
pottier vote.
Zeonany.—ln every branch of the
public service his orders initiated re
trenchments, which have been and are
being parted out with seal and fidelity.
Melee" idiots have been discontinua%
the clinical force in the departments hal
been largely decreased; the army was
promptly reduced; very many of the sur
plus 1201 . 1417 o ffi cers, resulting from the
morgantratten of the regiments, have
teen ordered . Into service as Indian
agents, thus saving • the salaries of an
equal member of civilians; and unneces
legllPProoPriations have not been used.
onot offertionL—With taxation di
minished from last year, the revenue has
steadily Inestased, abating the discontent
which always exists when theist:nest tax:
payer te compelled to bear his own bur
den, and the barren that Amid fall on
the dishonest tax-payer besides.
Baps—With this increased efficiency
and Increased vigilance on the part of the
menus officers, the • whiskey ring,
once so wide-spreading and power
ful' no 'longer exists in en organized ca
pacity anywhere in our cities, or throngb
out our land. And . the gold ring, which
caused meh wildexcitemmt a few months
ago, felt the power of the President sad
his Ifertindal Secretary at a timely mo..
meet. so that It has notahuss shown signs
cif lite or 'other.
• , The 1/051.- r lforith by month the wple
ham witnessed with. 'lntense antis on.
thesteady reducible of the National
Deb - t. The monthly bulletins of the
Treasury Department have been sums.
arse campaign docuntantsCin favor of the
Administration s and. when the year ex-
pima over one-twentieth of the bonded
debt will have been paid.
fie/d.--Steadily, with the single excep
tion already alluded to;
the premium on
gold has declined, not by any extraor
dinary attempt of the Administration to
force or to hasten the resumption of specie
payments, but by the improved credit of
the nation reacting upon it. Already the
very narrow margin between the premium
on gold and the selling price of • our
bonds points unmistakably to the near
ness of the time when the debt can be
forded at a much lower rate of interest,
enabling the country, in connection with
other savings, to dispense with scores of
millions of dollars of taxation
Pardon..;--Instead of the. daily release
of convicted offenders against the laws,'
the exercise of . Executive clemency has
been confined within proper and healthy
restrictions, alike just - to the criminal and
the country he has wronged.
Oifieers.—Whatever discontents
there may have been as to this or that ap
pointment, no fair man can deny, as a
whole, the nation has never had any bet
ter array of officers. If the President
could have possibly been guided by nne ,
zing inspiration, all would not have been
satisfied with.. his choice; for, even if a
dozen applicants were thoroughly quail.
fled, but one could be selected, and eleven
with all their friends dissatisfied. And,
as there is 'no Congressmen who will
deny that be has sometimes mule mis.
takes in selections in his own district,
where be knows personally so many of
his constituents, how could any President
be infallible when be must depend for
knowledge as to a very large proportion
of applicants on the recommendation of
others! - ,
Beemutruetion.—By the prompt and
judicious action of the President, under
the large authority given to him last
April, in the closing hours of the first
session of the XLlst Congress, the work
of reconstruction draws rapidly to its
close, and, before the resurrection of
spring gladdens our hearts, we may hope
to see every State in the Union fully rep
resented in the National Con - bells -
Ths Indianc—Under the President's
firm but humane policy, there have been
fewer outrages and outbreaks between
thellissisalppi and the Sierras than during
any year since 1863. Peace to the fron
tier settlements is a boon whose blessings
and joy few here can adequately realize.
Cage. —ln nothing has the Administra
tion been more positive and outspoken
than in the advocacy of the Fifteenth
Amendment, from the day that it was
recommended in the Inaugural till the
present hour, - when its final ratification
seems so near at hand. And before its
formal adoption the President. has illus
trated his belief in its justice by appoint
ing to office, of both higher or lower de
gree, many whose race and color, irre
spective of their intellectual gush ficitioras,
had previously placed them under the ban
of, official ostracism. The following terse
and emphatic remark of the President to
Attorney General Boar, and quoted by
the latter at the recent New England
dinner In New York. is worthy to be
printed in letters of gold :
• • I hope to Bee the time when every
Man in this country may have the power
to express his own opinion, to follow
whom he plcues, to vote se he likes,
and to have his vote counted, without
molestation or hindrance or- insult.. If
we can only unite in maintaining public
faith and credit, our - political differences
will not be of much account."
The diabetes 0/atm.—The brief but
pointed allusions in the President's mes.
sage to "the only grave;question which
the United States have with any foreign
nation" must be fresh in the memory of
I all. Alga his emphatic sentence ;
"A sensitive people, conscious of their
Power, are more at cue under a great
wrong, wholly =atoned, than under the
restraint of a settlement which satisfies
neither their ideas of justice'nor their
great sense of the grievance." "
If any amplification of the ground on
which the nation stands on this question
was needed; themasterly and unanswera
ble argument of Secretary Fish, recently
published, investing as it does with new
Interest; a theme so elaborately argued
heretofore, shows how faithfully the Ad
ministration is vindicating "the rights,
dignity and honor" of the United States.
Csba—The President's sympathiea
with "all people struggling for seittgov
ernment" are frankly stated. in his mes
sage. But, while thus openly expressing
them, he as frankly declares that "no
matter how unpleasant the taak,'t ho haa
endeavored to execute our neutrality
laws in goodfaith. On the main subject
hat thus spoke:
"The people , and. Government of the
United States entertain the same warm
feelings and sympathies for the people of
Cuba in their penCing struggle that they
manifested throughout the previous strug
gle between Spam and the former colonies
in behalf of the latter; but the contest at
no time assumed Vie conditions which
amount to a war in the sense of Interna
tional law, or which would show the ex.
faience of a de facto political organization
of the insurgents sufficient to justify a
recognition of belligerency."
And he adds: "Oar course will always be
in conformity with strict justice and law,
international and local,' which nond'of
those criticising him can deny: - The Pres
Ideal believes. as - his whole - message ,
proves, In the (ader' Ruleter nations as
well as individuals. Whatever our sym-1
pathies may be f he holes that we should
act toward others exactly as we would
have hadothers act toward us during our
recent struggle for national existence; or
se we wonldhave them act hereafter if 'in
bappily another dark cloud of civil war
;Quaid ever overshadow our land.. But,
while thus performing "the unpleasant
task,".. he =bin= the whole matter to
Congress, which, representing the people,
and fresh from their midst,. is certainly a
proper Arbiter on a question . . that might
eventuate le war with a foreign power and
Its possible allies, and the increased debt
arid taxes, diminished commerce, and re
, mewed bloOdabed that might result, if rec
ognition was not justified by the
International law, whose infraction
by others in, our. own we we
have so publicly .and emphatically con.
at the bar of the civilized world.
It is a remarkable coincident that, while
the President was writing this meager.;
Cespedes. the President of what I hope is
yet to be Free Cuba, on the 90th of No
vember, wrote in his proclamation as fol.
lows : "
' ' , Perhaps it Isjust that the Administra.
lion of the Washington Government
should delay recognizing= until Congreas
stuatave met." • -
- This brief and dispassionate retrospect
might be extended; but enough has been
written to prove that the Administration
Polly deserves the 'popular confidence It
has won. Scaurrinr-Corrsx.
—Awns OW E Independent.
.The ilaylataa Rank Robbery
The robbers are in' the hands of th;
New York detectives, who have been
trylres to negotiate a settlement between
them and the losess of the bonds. The
losers originally offered twenty per cent.
on the amount recovered, but it seems
the amount IL too small, and they have
been advised ,by some of the officers to
offer filly per cent. on the dollar, and the
bonds will be likely to be forthcoming.
The way the robbers were first traced to
where It is quite sure they now are, .was
from an anonymous letter written In hl
eroglyphics, and received by the Chief
some weeks since. NegotlaUons are still
pending with:the New York detectives,.
with a lair prospect of a successful termi
nation if the losers will only give tip half.
This Is rather hard to have your property
stolen, and then haie to give up half to
recover the other half, and all . through
-the action of officers of Justice who are
paid to arrest robbers and recover etolen
property. As was truthfully remarked a
short time gime by the Boston Pose, "The
detective business has been reduced to
such a science as to 'be of no practical
OF THE canvass for dui Treartirygdp
the Kittanning Boulican says: Ws;
damaging rumors were set afloat In re.
gird to one candidate, and cheeks calling
for $2,000, payable in twelve days, and
signed by an"important" oil operator,
were exhibited by parties Into whose
hands they had fallen and It was boldly
and openly charged th at they were Issued
for the benefit of Irwin. There la .no
earthly doubt but . that there was several
members who were ready and anxious to
take what was offered. But they were
not wanted:. .The votes of such creatures
generally go with the crowd, and money
spent upon them is a useless expenditure.
We had one eye upon two individuals of
this sort whose price was five dor into
as much as they-.could get, btu we are
pleased to say that there are but • few of
this sort of Legislators in the present
Xigialature. The Republicans . who
would dare to vote for. a Democrat, and
much leas bolt the caucus nomination,
would dig th eir own political graves, and
be shelved for all eternity.
TILE evident temper of both houses, as
developed by the debate on the Virginia
question shows that it Is imposidige to
piss a bill without a provision as a preca
dent to the desired admission that the
Tait terms of the Ban Domingo treaty
meet with very little favor indeed. A
member of the Senate, on the Foreign
Marano; Committee, - declared- to day
-dud shonkl- Wot Tote to ratify the
treaty, Mityonldaccent.the lease of the
Bay of Santana instead of it. -
Anon= oil excitement hi beginning to
cage at. /Franklin. We' tlearn that the
total product , of all the wellkin that vicin
ity is about 35 barrels per day. The oil
is found at the depth of 340 feet, and Is
sold at the wells for $l2 per barrel. New
derricks are swingingly Mall directions,
and business of all kinds Is improving.
WE ere, towards the end of the month
to have a visit from his Royal Highness,
Prince Arthur, William Patrick Albert
(uot all of the family,-it Is only one man).
The Prince is a X. lt; and Lieutenant of
the Rile Brigade of the British Army.
He is to be the guest of the British Minis.
ter, Ms.. Thornton, and after leaving
Washington Is to Visit other parts of the
Baited States..
Art attempt :will be made to report a
tariff bill by the 20th of January. Dawes
will report two appropriation bills early
next week, and they will come up for
consideretion first. There is aconteated
election ease from South Carolina pend
ing. The House adjourned last spring
with the case Just ready for a vote, and it
has not yet been brought up, but It will
be called up next week. )
Prima the original "Glidden Treasure"
mine in the White Pine district of Neva
da, a specimen of 'very rich silver ore has
been transmitted to the Commizaioner of
the General Land office. The mass in
- question consists of eulphuret of 'silver,
with a soft w&x•lihe consistency, which
In some Iplaces can be stripped off the
walls of the veins in sheets. The vein
stone Is quartz, and in many maces is
mineralized with antimonial silver ore.
Canaria, estimates place the sugar crop
of the United States at one million hogs.
heads this year, against eighty thousand
in 1809. Although the acreage wu much
larger this year.than last, the season thus
far has been less favorable. The sugar
crop of Cuba, is put down at eight million
three hundred and thirteen thousand boxes
of four hundred and fifty pounds each, a
reduction of about one-eighth as compared
With the crop raised net before the revo
lution in the island began.
PAPERS fmm the Iron manufacturers
01 Pennsylvania will be presented In
the House on Monday, signed by repre.
sent/dives of about forty firms, denying
certain statements made by Commissioner
Wells in his last annual report. The
point In dispute is the cost at which pig
iron la produced. Mr. Wells said be was
informed on good data that the cost did
hot, under favorable circumstances, ex
ceed 426 per ton. This they deny, and
say it is over 429, and on this snowing
they ask a good, high tariff.
Mn. Hommts, in his Horse Car article
In the Atlantic Monthly, speaks eareasti
cally of the kindnem of women to each
other in the horse can. YFIe observes:
' , lt is touching to nee the ensiling eager•
news with which the poor things gather
close their volumed skirts and make room
for a weary sister ' the tender looks of
compssaion which they .bend upon the
sufferers obliged to' stand, the aweetneu
with which they rise, if they are young
and strong,. to offer their place to ally in
firm or heavily burdened person ot their
sex." - .
E. MoWituatra, offal Charles Scott, a
shoemaker, was arrested In Indianapolis
on Monday, on charge of having mur
dered Daniel liertzler, a wealthy farmer
of Springfield, Ohio, some two years
since.= It seems that be had made his
escape last May from Jail, where be was
incarcerated for the crime, and had since
been at large I:lntl:lake' into custody, as
above stated. When arrested, be became
greatly agitated. The photograph of the
murderer of Mr. Rertzler, in palmation
of Detective Frank. How who made the;
arrestrind the personal appearance of
McWilliams, correspond exactly- There
are other circarestancea which point to - i
the prisoner's the guilty lean. • -;
crowded on Monday night on the Mat.'
appearance of Charles Fecher in Ray
I Blaa!Fechter,wis kindly applauded when
he appeared, and was called before the
curtain at the end of each act. His act,.
ing Lignite different from that of -ELSA&
Booth, and is distinguished by a great
rapidity of gesture and suddenness of
movement. Be belongs to the French
rather than to the English school. Ris
language has considerable German accent,
mingled with a broad Ertglishprononnel
atlon but every word was distinctly ut.,
tered. Ills greatest triumph was in the
third act, The audience appeared favor:
ably impressed, and the general belief is
that he will have &successful engagement
There is a great curiosity to see him in
Hamlet. As such, he wilt probably hi
quite different from that of any American
actor. ,
Osz'ot the most brutal exhiWtlons
the age took place at Newton, L 1., lard'
week. Thomas Carnochan sad Michael:
Kilpatrick matched their respective wives
for a mill, without regard to the rules of
the prize ring, the only conditions being.
that-the woman who was that unable to ,
come to time was to be declared the loser.:
The stake was a barrel of whisky. 'The
room in which the Women :taught was
packed with the friends and relatives of
both families. The. women wore short'
dresses and their busts.: and • arms were
uncovered. - Their entrance was an.'
flounced by the spectators with yells of,
delight, and the battle waned once begun
without bottle-holders or squirm , ' For
forty minutes the degraded women fought
like furies, and were all the while encour,
aged by the • brutal spectators, On the
the expiration of the forty minutes Mrs.'
Cairmchari fell In a fainting lit, and the.
Kilpatrick faction retired in tritunpli.'
The two men were arrested for cruel,
treatment of their wives. - .
Tbir Latest New York Smut*.
The elopement of Rev. Hance Cook,'
pastor of the Seventh street Methodist
Church, with Miss Idartha• Johnson Ore
stes intense excitement, In the church
circles of New .York city. Mr. Cook'
was for 'boot eight years-pastor of.A
church in Westchester county. and came
to New •York city only eight months ago,:
when he immediately gained. lIIMMIOIN
friends by his k'nd manners, eloquence,
and learning. He has been married six ,
teen years to' a most devoted wile, and
has a son named Baldwln,ls years old.
Mr: Johnson, the father of . Martha, is
one of the trustees of the churcb,, wealthy
and highly respected. Martha was otdy.
a school girl, sixteen years of .age, and
was about to .graduate •in the Twelfth
Ward Public School. She was highly
accomplished, beloved by her parents
and brother, and esteemed by her teach.
are. Amore than ordinary intimacy bad
been noticed between her and the pastor
of the church to which she bad only been
recently converted, bat the girl was al
ways so innocent that no particular sm.
picion was aroused. -
The whole of last week Rev. Horace
feigned sickness. On Thursday be sent
his family to church to attend a lecture,
and even sent the servants. • He excused
Wessell from attending by stating his
sickness. It was true that be sent his
trunk out of the parsonage. On Friday
be left his house empty handed, : and told
his wife he would be home at the evening
servile; amen that time, however, he has
not been seen.
On the tame Friday morning Miss
Johnson said to her friend, Miss Devoe,
onleaving school, "Come home with 'me,
'I am afraid:" . "There," said , Min
Devoe, "is not that your pastor stnding
there?""Ob. irea." said Martha; saying
that ere joined Mr, Cook. Shute then,
nothing has beep seen of either party, but
the parents of the girl are convinced that
she did not:willingly go with hlm, for all
her clothes were at home, as weroalso all
her trinkets.. She went off in her school
dress, without a change of clothing. "
The charge Is , now openly brought
against him that he has abdticted the girl
against ker own wish and desire. ~
00 Saturday. Mies Martha's 'father , re
ceived the following letter: • • •
"I love Hattie; I will care for her ten
derly, kindly, lovingly. Inconsistent an
It may appear with my resent conehlet,
I ask for no mercy, but am ready to part
with my life for the' possession of the
woman I adore. - . " Pooa Goer."
Mn. Cook received the semis afternoon
a letter from . the 'Miscreant, in ; which ho
says: "I am on the last plank; you will
never see my face again .. I hope Bald.
win will be • better manthan his father.'"
Bald thafether today: "If a midnight
assamln• had come intorny house, I could
have defended myself, but the pastor of
my church, the minister of the gospel, to
steal my child, femora than I can stand.'
f i •+ r , C
'a, ,;~ i.:iv..c,:.,.....
A Coming Revelsition—lii. Little' Nell,
The poles for /dr. Ulna's new system
of telegraphing' are now bang erected
between New York and Washington.
It Is anticipated that the National Tele
graph line will be in operation by the let
This new system, Invented by Mr.-
Little, Is entirely different from the Morse
system, and will be able totriumMlS two
hundred words per rand over ode w[re.
Twenty_words is as. mu as the most
rapid operator by the M rse system can
transmit,- Bo that one wir under the,
!de systesn able to:, do astindel
work tart :ten or the ,w now it net
Pratident' Orteit, of Abel Vestern.l3Ulan
Company,' in his annlreport ridicules
the plaint* of Ittr..Litt - but we assure
him arid all * Interested ,ii(telegraPhlng,
that we brew witnessed 'the operation of
the Instrument in- company with two of
the moat experienced telegraph experts in
the country and that by actual count It
transmitted ten hundred and forty letters
per minute.: The, Korn alphabet- was
used, and the tranesiisSlon was as perfect
and accurate as was ever before trans
mitted op any instrument ruaningat one
tenth,its speed. . . • :!
The fact that the line, Is being, built
should ( be' Itatisfactliey - evidence to all,
doubtless, that it lea reality. Those who
have control of It have bad as much excr-
Jennelsitho telegraphic, business as Ni.
Orton, and would not invest several hen:
died t housand dollars on a mere expert.
mtnt. Mr. Little anticipates to be able
at once to reduce the rate of telerrraphitig
to onehalf of present prices, and lad
uiately to Make a uniform tariff of one
cent per word to' all distances. This
would draw all business correspondence
from the mails and multiply the amount
of telgraphing to tenfold what it is now.
•Bait. American - -
Tie value of 'DR. KEYSER'S LUNG EERE
inthsthbe'estlinated In dollen and matt.. Tim
sends of pewit lobo Dave awl 11 . can twtll to
Its ex....ales", manta—some of them far gone
with dlntnnea of tbt I cujr. and InEmonarg organs.
It le without question one of the ipeidleth as
Well as the molt loolhini of all term medlethee.
It will eon the wont tire of Antinm. r
It inn core loorctanillniczocs of 10ranc:b11
It wfit cum splttlni of
it con • common twain In n finr dois
It cure ettUillin the Itei4
it will cana bwnwitis:
"It 'Admire ehronte nlearMY;
' Beside. most Other &Maui of Welnap and
onleionner Often.: If eny one Will reflect over
the matter tbey lint Ind this most of theta
senses are o eel Wiled by obstruction in same of
the ebentels that ellmleete morbid Matter Mini
the' System. Dr. II myaisii• LUND DU=
ovens out thew channels. • - -
Dr. ICayserta Long Clue. whlht It mamas
Obstrwestoo. It at tho same time evil, ►ellthl.
mu mad plemara• to the , blood. soothes
roasts mullion of the throat and load. sad I.
withal a wholesome and pleasant medleloo to
talk. ' It 1 used with gnat oartatarY Is
waattajt had decay of the Dowers or Dm ofater.
sad It 0111 Impart to all tba orittas raisoWed atm
and sherry.
The sotater Mouths are those which ate usually
reiyartie.l tha tied praline of eouil. wsd
and eahauaiptive Invalids dartag the mister tee
mostly forewarned to heals Md.... l hr the rua.
tau that Ate told la ipt to leant • deoidt.or
tteiistero . to int =SLOTT action ate' rtodtr
those' diseases dia.!! to ears. Dr. Newer.
Long eare comet to the old of 4 - strewed Wets;
Ulm Oleo to make rood and new blood - tO old th
the restueltioll 1114 renewal of Wt. tt 11.1 t wbo
rout Ws artiels will bet try one bottle or Dr.
Irerreer`e Loos Cure. t 1 MU Mu Mom Mem more
oftlie Dun .0 irlat we myth .e aaiihlog we
cast writs. - it eomiolses la 10 some of the mart
nonionic Mkt. of tag tontain amain, and Ito
ass con aft tt ultboat Daunt. do oat on Dr.
Mork, at kb groat al tenni 011oe, Isrubetti
attest.. 'Vino man,
from el.. m tbi zenith"!
oath oats In tnn otiontoon. on 4 hoot throa
trilocknolStato to the orreolog, and woo until
oleo at nista.
. -
Ditestatai . 1169.
Islam ILL men opting of a math ail every
pardon of Ilse oasts becomes ti made red. The
human sionmett li to the human amass what
that Omuta ileee of iota) to to a chronometer.
It luta .ndes she action of the other organ., and
control., to a certain extent., the whole hang
...Moe. Thee inpariton leaf be carind further;
for so the weaknees end other itoperf. anon. of
the main a ang Is ntaleated on: he realer the
thue.otece, ea aloe. IS ate weaken. or other din
order of the steipanoh hattatti by the fate of al.
!nista. The couipMilont Is sallow or tided, the
eyes ate 41. 0 tient la lean and lutellhahee,
and.tnere la • wore, atintons exprenlon at the
what • countetanceiltich tell. so plainly so writ
ten mord. cool) do, that' the ore at +eerie/net
organ white etas it Initiates to the Went.
of the Una. and to enstati sod rate", all it.
Diet. Is not merfannl. , pr its
andsdn. It .requlres
rettorat.nt and nitrating, to •CminPllth
this Flostetter l e Stomas* .ittpsrs may he maim
tab) to ha t4l OM 141611, needful. ins broke.
taste opt witch Maybe isolated byelaw
par, bag the -stomach eta only o f moaned and
11,7;r 1 ":"..,:r0dbi1,V=:..P.7.171 - "e ot 17.
toes years has been sneer a 001110.11.
'U dfamlatelni all ideates. t sent . Mtor
It stands slop. When the repulses
of the pharinteotase hale tau exhausted,
Wane,. at hist. 0010 g, more that mitigating the
eComelstrt, a course of.tne wholeadtan aid pd.
auble, yet homer:al stuhla effect. • pulsed
and pwinattent etre. I to oil WM Or dyyperials.
the IMO , At °
a stre or Ws dieordered. one mien
this Important land. es well as asp b e Ito:lune
sod a•w It, the 'titan are PP elaSalar dta
tlnetnets. resulstlp and rehavtgarallhg every
si ere tar awl wagtail/Walt Org. Oa which bodily
end liana] health deiced. ,
naCWN t Call::1N bras this , by dissolved
by aratabl twaroot, - JAM al:. 'CAR . ON ina
pt...log of hts Interest to Joseph 0. Halite sad
flows , Ore.,: All bey.," kap. tag tbem•
selves Indebted to said Mame oall and
male Immediate payment, alto MI Nrton, hat.
lag will areyoatiao iamb t.. /oho a. Wat
son, at oar once, 63 Peden! street.. be being
abtatalaed to setUt alt arroonbi. ' •
. .;
u n ty. v
; • r...„ • . JAMES IL. 011 1, 4 t.
AccatilttaT ettT, Jo' bat, let, 11170.
In retiring from tee ens of fr own it
Can.:tot 1.001 ooportoolty p !Iola At 'bents to ism. Xrlends for dole pent
•favrerv, and wr aid rasyeettutlytOl oft 1 a matron.
nm of labia. . f" . 1116 Elm
3. , ,,,;••••T•taL. , 3'
BAILIFF a, of 9 W Plnattnrs, • ess lug •
Buss rip. 'mew, ell Mend attest.
Atty. Pe...Waolt - t ter" their Mat* a
tritgarand the peen. g yl tot thrlr yegl
tat=":l; a 4 t ratitTrd h~eta fat tae Oitt
riIISSOINT/021.: 1 ,
JL. The dim of LULL V1t1i.44106.C4.
this day Web dloolved by {lmitation, OZOIKIM
PARK' *WI J. IL 7013518T0N retlrlrF Tbt
laubßeis will b., stilled by tbertyystetit
JUILIi T. 1.100/I.N.
DICZY/4111 31, 1069
Tbe hadendreed .At castigate the hopertatios
and say! [4.7011E10N Ault DOMESTIC UMW
WAHL at their old tteed,lio. OS Wood Weed,
ender the Aril Of WU/X. 'GRIMM /. Mr.
4. M.'4ohaiton .111 reread ii ulth the brute.' •
701!17 T. LOOAB.
• Giro. B. !.0(1.0.N.
Jrameir'l. • Is 3
• • •
The undrrsinned bars •dir . fdrated Ikea.
partnership tor th• parrs./ of trusaetlash
Coolol4altila and Jiro aaaaa e busineat la Petro.
lawn Attalla prods • • ,
tithe,. In Perry Boilding.eortter street and
Delayers, Way. Pillsa•rsp, seo N. 113 gat.
nut St.. Philadelphia. W. P. LOUAZI
P. Luti •Nr. "
rAwicirrz •
sYYOS TagpiTY.
10:h, ISTO
oariaertblp beretoyoft
existloof under the Mao of-VAN ItIIYINIKK
I , CKWOCW, as laapectora of PlloOletria, h••
tblallav been allaolvad- , The basloesa sun
be aoat , unt d by the naderalreted (lb. omalatax
Mauer) as the lam • blaVa, , rbo 4 W
recto lye payment of all alablli , and *attic {be
badziella of Loa firm:
JO.N ft. 1.0:10°00D.
War fur. Duque.. 'Way 4.a Ilabtb
FRIII7 - 13itZt.T0113.
_ •.
' 1 " I " ""eVtl---toy toypA'lSnae» an.,
u duple. ead Si cl es
the Val 1014 • s' names of the Tastou
mt, Maya eve*. the ee , ert 114 11 •0!li rme
anneve snow= g5p0in.....p...p.
Iry wisely ttlaclaa tae aaati of the trait the
eu mutants opposite tha_patalar out aaatlas
the sun hussar. strasarrar at Mit or
ItaNUahhaPat VIL U. saw otia agar ease
lee= .4
1 5 4C) 3P V" _a. Et
Nos. 180 and 182 Federa
ate 1-le. Good Dark falits.
At 18 1-fe. !lad Delaints, good quality
and style:.
At Ur. Double Width Poplint, all akin.
it 1-2 e., 4-4 loft Piulshed
At 421-14 Good Pant C fared Glughtms.
It - Ile. Neap Liaen Toweling. -7
It 11 1•1 e. Heavy Linea Toweling, extra
It lie. All-wool Bob Roy Flannels.
At 18c. Very HUT! Grey Twilled Flannel.
Al 60e All-wool Casslmeres.
Al9oe. 111-wool Table Covers.
At lie. Plaid Breakfast llitwis.
At $l.OO Breakfast dhawls. a goad bargain.
At 40t. each, Men's Ilidenhirts k Brawen.
At $/.71 a pair, 10.4 good White Blankets.
At a pair, 114 Heavy White Blankets,
Nos. 180
Cotner Dupes° Way and 7th st.
ROOM. No. 7.
Latium . on the Homan eye. Ls diseases and
dprelsoleg. Optle'ao msd °enlist, to the Sew
Sort llosoltal,nad Iva and Ear loarmary,wlth a
large stook dr his Patented and Improved epee-
Wire for
Speetallty, disease onlo lye and Zs,
take areal pleasure Is staling teat 1 have used
the soecteetee yousdiusted tom, •yesohen here,
awl tare have Orem me moat cu. a allst Wort.
t Dave borer before had pair me entirely' totted
to Ololos Sad mar eriatusd elit to rem ea long
with so little lacourealroce;
laßespectfully yours,
IaILLAN.D FlWattltle, Zi-t res`t U. F.
I hang lad thg Io wowed h.:tagging ailtastal
to my sight Iron an zsagnatlon of tick yn.
slane. , by Itildrard S. Frank.. IL D., wen.
aide. as to vile vary Gil lin. gam and .11101 bet.
LW than with an• thane agesiolorn ored•
LIIMULN, I%es3 U. B.
We honorary masra.lloll in recommendlart
mic=aWD S. PRANKS. /maraud sod pa.
11M•ctscle• Ito •be novildelled or our nal.
0.00, Hs Man ontlelan ol rare ulentllle
Um, and adarall als•paetulm ' , dagger. m.d re.
martabli all, to to. •••tons eau a e/1 the e ra .
Hamlett. spectacle, tor es with Um Ant par,
at the trot stump. wblet, enabled e• to read
with wrested' 41. I *Mu and naafi.. t Umtata.
we already pompon. We with great • beerrolneaa
recommend alum to all »dole oc spec Lulea.
A. u. CURTIN, ex-lien. of /rurrapran
A.L. ,
. ItuarsrEAAda -Ur n ;. o f r Pennsylvania
4.10. LICK, Ranter, M eaura e ..P s ranylra Po
Harts' bad the pleasere of examlalng Dr. Id
wardmnata ?mast Imp tera 15peet•elel
WI fill them expermeatally, really ealeabl.
ald• deter ire flalen..
"Tea are vins4; pollated awl centred
by cutouelccrY. - toassanaaticatly accurate to m
an., a Volt pactect teas. .a• rocs. are roma.
an berm
Jobs W, Geary, Governor er Pennstiranta.
A. Dnateree of ,bags.
' John Dickson, G. D. Pena street, Pittsburg 4.
G. A. Sterrett. V., (tierolat.) Penn street.
Jaime L. gleSsrland. President Merriman
National Gant. AIL ra4,llle, Penntylvania.
It gins a• moth pleasure to my that webs..
Ithpeetad Dr. IL b. /nate• very o:nerdete Sr
0 rtment Spectaeled an I Leetha, and Sad
them excellent]) calculated to remedy roes In
cm Mello. of clakts 411.1. be btheetted by the
The material ethd In the mannAel are of pis
blamr• Is of reenackabe plenty and beauty, and
wide ten moth to their ea net. •
Wer ileetl2d him
threrfilneat the
cond./thee rely Wee may r. quire Itte threttha.
tion. Smola Jordan. dem..tare of Penna.
C. bells". l 4 D., Harrßbaris, Pa. . ,
We have tsamtged that we emotive to •
neonatal of enotacite. anantemnred and.
Dr rd a and H. ha: ka• Patent. nearably nap
era to the vartne Ingralnas or teat exqtdels
or delicate organ. tea Hama Zee. whatner Di •
finntred talon le the mauls Of &seam, ar It.
natural weakens Inchltat to sed age.
• We regard the liptelialllN of . Franke lb
bestwe hate ever Win, tad RS nth reoom
mead them. •
. •
• Ho.. W. W. Tiflyi, Ways 4 of Hu thburp,
Mown J. Jordan, Brig. e U. tf. Jl.. Hurts
Wk. berm from OO.x. t 8 P.ll.
The alterations and im
provements of our Sales
rooms now in progress, make
it necessary for. us to 110-
niediatel,y dispose of a large
portion of our stook of
cutztpzis, on OLOTHH.
Hearth Bugs. &0.,
Many :00dB will be sold
. prioes elow the present
wholesale cost. Call at once at
98 Fifth Avenue
Oil Olotbs, Window Shades,
Ingrain Carpets,
At the. Lowest Prices Ever Offered.
101111 do IIcCONAIIY,
aeevireleris t..
114 MEW, career of paten
I ' '
Our Goode are llneurpeffled
rl A nu, affecANDLEss & Cco.,
mats Mina. Cut 0 MN.)
, .
lonia and Domeatie Dry eft%
WON dow WWWs DisawsMinmi
1:" Wt. I C 333 El
Stret, Allegheny City.
trtlel,Zs IH
New Styles Park Calico&
Shirting Muslin.
Pii/eiu , Case Madins,
.Sheeting St witless.
Irish Linens and
Shirt _Fronts.
Blankets and Flannels,
Tabie Linens.
M 1:M
and 182
Total animatet to boo i55mid...11,600,000
Capital Stook paid ...... 11,100,110
Estimated Cost. of Stand, tine
mils) —........
Eatbstatodi Earning. pa an..
Net Y a rsinge per samosa.
latareat'es the Las per am.
Amount of Bowls per Naito
of rood
Amount fffff mot permits.
Amount of Not litaznlngs per
The Bonds follow the completion of the Heed
ha.. the Union Trust Company of
Official Register and Transfer Agent—and
sold at present at OS and seemed Intern%
Tbey bar exsollasttla tad emparlses. M
ter, It If believed, tban any other now Wore the
petite, In the elsrd and unchangeable elmenla
of /Pfely. &curtly ant Profit.
They tear good Interest—levee Per cent. Gold
ter fait,. 'years—and . an reared by • • ginktrag
Fund, Pent Mortgage anon tan road. -Ila,
.ottt and net Income. the lfranehlaes, and all
prere. t and future proPertr of the Compaq.
They de mai upon no new or halfotettled
rltery for t 001... to pay theft Interest, but anon
an old, well Bettled and produralve elYdlti7V7
.mm131(111.1. a railroad boat through the heart
of Iluth a regiou offers Debtor seeskelby tor both
barna nab Priaafaal thai a road So be &miff
through the mosthlg alf extolled artldenuma or
sparsely Bellied territory.
This Railroad posseiseo sprawl desolate.
to running Into and oat o: the City of Chicago,
so Important Railroad Center; In manias
lbrouell a /lob . Of ellloßes aid old wadi" ma-
Cement. lit the richest portion ' of lie Brats of
lllinolt; In running near to depoalte of Ira Ors
Of great extant and value, end over broad lads
of the best Goal la Abe Otate—wkick ulna&
;create arc Pte mouopoly. And besides the local
Yd other Magness thus sauteed, tars wl4 bo
attracted to this red to ceneiderable Indic al.
hay .10105101 op "Prom to Lakes to rho
Bilfk" se with to Honiara Casectioss it forme
Trunk 14ne 45 miles abcirtertbassnyoUor
reit, from Chicago to Nashville:
These Bonds are therefore hued upon altulty
and • Business that • fele years mut tlevitablY
doable—and ourapetaat Jad na =lf treble—Le
Goverstourste watt►, w►tt. Mt prkho kfel Pplr if Mgt tale CAW Souk. crud Trott or lUgetta
Fund. call Se pia tato Norzusw /MITA&
Xsp, Le.i ea ►W tar air.
mitnition. •
Ronde may be bad directly 0f... or of oor
agents lallissbartb.
" S. NII'CLE.AN & CO.,
&4 crayr 82BEEfi,11rew York,
Agents for the Salo of the . Bonds.
PELT cAitiwrs,
1L IL 2, 2}o 3,3 i. 3 1 and 3
Etnitable jar Parkas.
Woolen, Linen and Cotten,
IT LOWE& num TIM ILI? 1181111
Notwithstanding Ow mil sialotwol twig
on Jim gongs.
• 71 and 78 With AT611116.
Positive Battalion in Prices
Jdfosatc,-, • ,
Anal auktel - e, ,
Stilton „aura,
• Cross*. Cloths,
.mik at rime rsi•irs,
deSt • asovz Wow re atm
. 14, AND
16. 6i Baadniky tc, . miegkely, th;
• ha, i vromot . - amt. rams Am
:st a t i ta. m42 =ll4 es. bawl. T=e,
78 and 80 Market Skeet.
teat Chl Knit Metabus he Be.
Childrea'a kit Cinulan far tOe
lel Shoulder Shawls for 7k,
lilt houlder Shy Is for 51.00
eat lilt Rondo and rips for 435.
1111 Heads far 00 . tads.
It lOc., Balmoral Sinking,
It It 1.h., Ken's Wool Nixed Pak
it 40e„ Nea's grey Merin Demme.
Nea'a Gray leriao Shirts.
Ladles' Hoop 6leirla.kl
At 60a, Ladles' loop St*
Ladies! and Children's
Viii:14 1 111A$1:1Voi
Extremely Low Prices!
Byery Style and timidity.
Ladies, •
eats and
1-ea, 00 4M•CoCidUlt.
Collars, Setts;
Thuidionnidedle and Citemizetto l / 4
Linen Embroidered fiefte, in Fancy
/trade Scartg,' Silk Scarfs,
&nu= and Rmbroidere4 Sashes,
Bask and Bow Ribbons, handsome
styles just received,
• Pine French Flowers,
Willow and Ostrich Plumes,
Bonnet Velvets, Trimming Satlns,
Bonisvarde Skirts,
Preach Corsets,
Silk and Alpaca Umbrellas,
Fine Silk Fans, Panay Belts,
:.,Jet and Plated 7ewehl.
ladle? Cardigan Jackets,
Traveling Satchels,
eleven and Hosiery
liertio- ad Wool Underweor.
Gents' Neck Wear.
Handkerchief Bows and TIM
Pulse Warmers, am
77 ED 79 MEIN ST
WC). 69 MA ` RE
Every article hew 6ea n reduce
80 dap.. ' eacissisv, 11 f for
:c-~a..~i.;+~~ti--~ ,A -"~ _..C.r~.:rt:;r...%_ - ~.` kA„+`,~;;mw;s
Choice Selected Stock of
To Seduce the Ntoek.
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WINIYINSI. .• Win la
10e3/37. • 1.2=11/2..... to lIVISt.•
low OJ material voloolOsi. _
sad ao so oromootra OILICIVMAI
413447 =MUM - din - VT. •
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1 Wato=ttlgMjel
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=mums 000tatrso notrza to It
sad uotol d Utasai to dauratailltriStrefo
Ty totsblgtr i ntigndit%Soa matte
- ini mi ttoli s eti. lie Doesorz
g=ll.ll.tri ir
tt swig Wilmot. IMMO'. • ..I
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SKIM sioilim ta;); ,., lonalo patios:: Itiro"
= 4. Ar=O . il t Y l oar im"l"64 j a M
Dodoes aim ;Morita,. Toler mime& or
gettftl/todlool ploaptriots at olio, ;No, or
loon tog otuatro.' No =Mier vtoo SIM
,tono o 4, a teloslo SM?. Boom 9pitb4l4VA
Wfurek 7 Y. (O i t WA gaZtLNlttrolifiri,Thi
Progress at
Is No in
ET sirru.v.vr,
d iw price, and:frittat be sad in
Dress Goods,
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