The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 12, 1870, Image 4

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:~~~ iii i ~yLLt~
Inleire.Womim Brom, two entered
missend attentive rated men, have now
tie ezilusive agency for the GAZZITE In
the toMegilly TeroPereneenile end
Eilloo, Juni tberwill promptly deliver it
; ander. Me' mornixm in them
plasm. They 'nil Cando* their pan
vomiter enterlbers, and, In the mean
thine irony persons wbo were Nerved by
the t e rmer earner do not get their pt.
per, &refill be promptly Nernst on
blaming nonce et Weever 8r0. , s sees
depot, neer Darlington's feed nom
Thlnporndolivine, wet the Gezarrs
wonted reten;fifth avenue.
its.—Notwtthetendleg the
floating op tattle Idom=s deur th•
Jails lzwle has removed hie Book.
Illudery !Porn Smithfield street' to the
(Warr' beadle* Fifth ammo. whom
Is prepered to do. all , Mods of took.
Map* sedimpirr flatlet.
61111Weortespoeileet Weir
wherleoubetutole t hat George D. Biddle,
Zarb, or Alembc'', will be put forward
es itstadelete lor the eneeeboretttP to
Jaosb7Weltee, Eeq.. r Prothonotary.
biejoe W. B Cook: and • W. EL
Ebb, ete also esodtdateeltathe position.
Tl csaum—scon. u - Wear
erigabkradised and earedolb , prepared
laile.Ulustrand. quarto journal for boys
and lOW. putha tmel in tb city by Mr. S.
L. Ohnialort. No.SB Sixth Imm:us. Pa.
rents amid** ptikbetter reading matter
In dierbiands of their children.
"beluga; Tuanday uragnie. Januszy
H. et liglagne's Slat Hoorn 106
Smithfield tirat, lY Melavidne:AnG'
M. 41t, Netleag-Ban - k
Chastbed His Elos.-:-Wm. Charming ,
ham. made infermation ben* Alder
web Tsylor yesterday easiest Wm.
Nora ft' 'amen sd . battery. Tht,
door Is that he eloorased sawn.
=sr male members of the Clan.
Ihmay. The rammed Ewe tan
. the nauseous School
seara.-11tia Board, roludiaing of Josiah
OatiegiOsserge Wilem, John Cuthbert,
Fleveseelnamer. Geo. A. Kirkpatrick
wit Wt B. Ibruter, inn organised Mow
des sinaulue bir electing Josiah .Cohen..
ProOdeut, W. n Muster. Besairiary, a • •
:Caughey, Tralinner, fcothe armor'
Aura -. rated Case.,Peullue Behutidt
slide's - Ilse -husband,' John "Smith; of
histories! feu" struck her n Loa
and attempted to daprtre bar ofillhe
power of reaptrattoo by estehluell'her
rudely by the throat. Far thtsuneallant
action Alderman Hoerda.,At the instasoe
of 'Pauline, boned a warrant for the ar
test,Of John far assault and battery. .
End cis_gs nnotiog
of the • •• . of the Bow Did Gm
0 • . the tbilowton °Mows were
• : President,..Trunes K. Kern Mem
seers; Thomas Kelton, Joseph Dilworth,
Chitties W: Bnehelor, James B. 1100:nd,
Wm. 8. Norden Trewsurer,' Deorge.d.:
Secretary', Wm. K. Deoniston:
I.rirtonr, Blcb*rd S. Breed, Wm. J.
rtre.Thiiiiilarai gra at ntnee'olock
hat evening. from box•eirenty-thres. was
eiteisaloned, by the lburninaLof a stable
mid carpenter shop on yorty.fonrtb
istrest, Sereateenth weld. The sale wow °Wised by Mr. Feely. 'There was a
borne and. wagon to the stable and t otb
were blamed. The carpenter shop was
owned byMr.Meorgeßsynolda. Ll:count
of Jim not kstostw.
Knack Down.—Alderman Bolster I
had a ems of meant% and battery before
him yesterday. It waa missed by a little
animated argument between Robert Mc-
Adams and John MoOonley, during
which McAdams ins knocked down and
kicked In the face. The affair was
btOught to the attention of the Alder.
men la a legal bidbacunion, when aver
:ant for hicOoniers street was lamed.
Rhe roideraignea, Merchant 'Telma,
.treed to close tbeirotorea at BMW
o'ckerk y. rt.. (Saturday excepted,) until
March lat, 1570:
lesmann &Altera, H. Cappel,
Samnat - Willianig, George Waitic
sax. DIAIIIIAIS, Jacob Diederich,
Ablaradtßayha, P. Jungian',
Tterpd. VillUamJ.Fullarton
Henry lawyer, Henry Cane.
H. (urging,
Disertmee.—Our read are referred
to a head ',Limbers ers
la thews cob I
limbs albs tradnees and assets of the.
Buterpries Insurance Company.= rant
Institution whieboindet Abe ablenian
attement of Mr. J. J. Aibtets, the Beers
taxi, and-the Board of Directors. all of
• whom are known for their ability and
prudence. Is destined to become a favor-
Be In the community,' and to ohms with,
the most tellable underwriters In the
latsdna• Irree toasty In
edvidual. a few nights ago Mole a Tun
Wivef provhdowe from the oeftwrattaabod
to Mx Thomas Kelly's realdenw, to the
Tblrdward, Atlegbant. , htt.lEMly sus.
CrMr. Monte Meaty to be the
ind i mar. detlogdo thasaggestion be
made Information, for larceny before
alderman Taylor. .The ease was heard
boa tbe atone not sostalotel.
4 i st r yy Ileltellted and the prowcotor
the aorta ,
Fit the Rertheeaa.
Twee yen inmate of the Allegbeey 1
lookup,,who will probably have,en op.
partunity today to do somettan for the
cesbaty. ' Bold a 'young colored man.
LW vadat he was observed begging in ,
a idiefon.Ohlo street: He had a puma
story to relate. He had just arrived In
tlbe altyfrom dawn the railroad with his
bather, who had been .sorely, Injured
aid was then lying In a ear at the. Ped
aled greet depot, awnltlngjbe molts of
his heathers saints to proodm elm maw
to a house In Pittsburgh, tbr
toedleel'ldteedlon, The chap receive:4 ,
muck sympathy and teunporal makeinde
and urea about baring. when the sus.
Cwof the proornstor were aroused.
atonation of the police wan called to
the cal. The story • was luireadgated
s od proved to be false throughout. The
chap- wets this fun:heed with a cell at
that , !animas and iteday will so
_to the
Salt Blrailaglona CaserM.
,A Ahrebtg et the Mast sitl
13211:41aan 00110111 wee held yesterday.
Tuesday, January 11th. at two &cloak
in the afternoon. Before any ber
wen done the Barger adrainistar urn edlhe
olthOftieloa Infer: Ustorman. •
The members MINIMA ware Messrs.
Jones. Mier, MbaMiln, Lard=!
Burgess tirmits. - • s •
The minutes of the ler Melting were
read end approved.
Mr. Miller l from** guano Commit-.
tea. reported program
Mr. &or. from &beetroot Committee.
reported that it had put down • crossing
on the corner of Page and Canoe streets.
JeassMor a telleerre Ivied and war
rants ordered to be drawn for their
amounts. -
Mr. Brown. Bolieltor of Eon Blotting
him - borough. delivered a number of
*tines opindeos
is followo
'rim first opinion was on the Whilinw
of comma mime and gnu:les situated
- above Ear Bitudoshant, In rapid to the
stashing of slack aril stones' into the
The, roma Opinion was an B4warda
Tie third opinion was on thsoligHbt of
the borough to toiler paving tan. when
e. startatot was: not Bled within ten
menthe alter Mervin. • • . -
The truth opinion wee on the arbor-
ItOf of the bran& to borrow money.
The Mb opinion was in Teheran° the
& worn, of the borough to ..collect
citor mord Uri the Soli be
isirrnoted Ones
to draw;up an aot ormerting .,
Water street into a wharf. (haled.
;Mr. Jones railed the Wasik= of tie
Connoll to the pond to - Sibkh the boy
wee drowned lam week. when -
-.Mr. Wilson moved that Mr. omit, -
or ble igoTa. be notified Midrain the porta
or 611 it up. Oarried. •
Zerldre blond that ine Street
Commissioner be nodded to fill up • well
on lolliniarelley; between Twentrlitst
sad Twestilemmi streets. Carried.
M'.'-:Joust . treed Art a •warrent.
aMIWn $1,019 din=
of Mr. XWM . , on soormlot'pa
Mr.'.•.lllßer mooed tluit • warren&
terror the otark, t atri; f hlelf.. MAIKte. ftle
lilt a bedtime. ed."
Jones moved tlrks at =l
.. yr of. Kliens.
Nor(* 7 . fOr 14000. •00, thiewl
21 Itt
PataM4oll/11.4' ••. • s ,
Ott Optima Aotirtistl. '
'~;;~" :i
k'-''' . -"‘ k
Seellawny Coneloded—lhe Arrusents
of Canova' and Charge as Me canal.
In the Cant of Oyer and Terminer yes.
terdsy Mia pare of the Cornmonwealth
vs. Thome J. Campbell, indicted for
the murder ones wife, previously report-
ed was reamed and the following testi
mony elicited : •
„Andrew Moon. sworn—l am an officer
of the Mayor's police. I was at the house
of the. prisoner in November lam. I
went into the basement kitchen of the
house first. There was a lounge in the
kitchen wed, in tront of the stove
close by O
It. Mrs. Campbell was lying
in the basement so clote to toe etore
, that I Could not pass by without leap
' pin over her body. I went up at w id?
Thereat's/ blood over the floor and n
the fireplace in one atria rooms •
*Mali pool of blood. There were h red
marks of blood on the door. In the
right hand room there was a chair with
on ly three legs and the waah bowl was
covered with blood; The room was
filitratletb old boxes and other alleles.
I renal/Rd in tbe house about half an
hoar. 'The prisoner was at that time in
the locleutt.
Omer Murphy. aworn--Llve at Soho
taidge, about seventyrive yards from
whore Campbell lived. Am sequainted
with the prisoner. Wan in his home on
Saturday night before the murder. Pete
Wickline. Jim Mcialinnimin. Pat O'Don.
nall, Campbell and his ' Wife were there.
Campbell cams there about the time I
did, and he ordered his wife to go no
inane ' and get the key of the stable.
:When she started up he followed her,
and after they got up to the second floor
I beard a: scream and hoard Mra. Camp ,
belt say ...ThanTom."' --1 went up stairs
and she complained that he had beaten ,
her. He said, ii Stop your talking or I 1
mill cut] the be . out or y0u."... I told ]
hi m that Wares ashaMe to &home woman 1
that way. • He turned to me and arid. i
a• Don't you put In your neb or I will cut I
your guts out." I told Mm not to pull a
knife on me. Ilia wife than went down
stain.. There was a IV gallon Jag of
whisky up. Mill* and Campbell told
Wialcitue to give the bo y. a
Wickline got • ems. and gave na all a
drink. r remained in the house ' until
about eight o'clock and then went hems
Crosseaamlned—Went home at eight
o'clock. I was there on Sunday also.
Golden, Moreland. Pricker' and others
were there. They told me that Camp
tell was up stairs asleep. There was
Campbell and we - all bd a drink.
Mrs. wee cooking a scams meat
bit the stove. I left after I had two
drinks and
to my boarding. house
Went back to the house after dinner.
and found Campbell and Pricker there. i
Campbell told me that his -wife we. op ]
at Golden'.. I mopped but a short. time 1
and then left and went up to Golden's.
I found Moreland, Mrs.] .Cacapbell and'
ethesidrioklug ale. ]r then wept home, I
apt- IMMWW to C a mpbell's bullin the I
evening stens half past eight o'clock. I I
found Mrs. and Mr. Campbell ands little 1
• boy there., , Campbell .. . gave me fifteen
tents and me to to for some wick.:
Inc plaster. I went to the drug store on
•ffifth avenue and got the plainer, ;Before
I went for the plaster Campbell put
. Prketereat. •' -] . • •. • • ,
Coroner Clatraon,'sWorn.—The teatime.
ny of the Coroner was all relative to the
condition of the haus* the moron:malty:
the murder.-:lie; also to ~ that he'
Dad a phategrapffer the norms taken.'
' Officer Strain was abaci examined as to
' the condition of the homes on the MOM
tug following the murder.
Captain Grafton and 'CHI of Mine
Hague., were sworn and examined as to
bow the prisoner wan deemed. A shirt
was shown them which they identified
as the one worn by Campbell when he
was brifught to the lockup. The shirt
they said war covered with spots ofd
Joiner S. ititteraon, Mayor's Clerk, wee
sworn air to the custody of the shirt. It
was given to him by Chief Haeueaftet it
was taken off. Campbell. and he kept it
in his possession until it was brought to
Court. - • ,-
, Officer Long, sworn—Am a police 01.
oar; ilietdetafftnarrestlag Campbell. The
witness was then interrogated as to the
else and condition of the rooms. He de
scribed the rooms and location of therm , -
011 .r.8 .-- ; . ..r. sionn—sworn -- ti Photo.
graphite. Made &stereotype portrait of '
the deceased. Portrait shown and !den-
Bob!. fouler, 'wont—W.s formerly a
member of the police force... Oa. the
morning of UM linirder'Went to'Champ.
bell's bourn. Got In through a window.
Pound Kra. Campbell 410 g on the floor
between ] the stove and lounge. Her
face was disfigured. Campbe ll formerly
kept a doggery. ,
Alderman Thomas, sworn—l have
known Mr. and Mrs. Campbell for a year
or two. :About a month before the mur
der Mrs. Campbell cane to my office to
make information against Campbell for
assault and battery. Campbell came a
few tototnianta' after: She said' Add
Caintibell hid abused her that morning.
Campbell locked the door and wanted
Me to swear him. He waled to make a
statement. She complained that she was
bruised and beat no. Elbe maid she would
not live with him, but Would go to.bor
friends to - Philadelphia. He amused : her
of having criminal Intimacy with, An
other man. Tray than went away nd
in the afternoon he me back. In the
morning Campbell s s ai d that if he caught
tierin the plaoes he had found her ba
fore he Would kill bor. She contradicted
hie statement several time'. His state.
, a t r i mi r l e tAt he caught her drinking In
a * aid that he tad caught
bar in with Mr. ---, of the Four
Cross-examined—Campbell in his state.
mint swore that be had slipped into the
housar,andellinght Ms 'wife in bed with
Alderfnan,•—•--:cif thePburteenth wird.
She dented - UM datemant or contradict
ed It several timer. Campbell said if he
ever caught her sn , he would be
o—,-0 if hit did not hang for ber. ; •
•Tbd Picone , was here submitted inti V
i-1 iience.isod examined by the jury.
W. S. Fleitinq sworn—l am a justice
of the peace; Live in the Sixth Ward:
knew Mr.•and . airs. Campbell; they kept
li t ' r l c ellin °lll aide, abocit i lwo
avenue, i on
yards front the court house. Campbell,
run an express wagon. I did not hear
that part of the testimony of Mr. Thomas
referring to me.. ]] . 4.nover. bad any con
nection with Mrs. Campbell ID any way.
_Crossexamined.-1 was trustee for
firatifarapbell with her husband'. con
emit. ' I remember being at Mr.' McCar.
thyaliallies;. I Mated I knew a min who
had. teen in tied wiin Mrs. Csumbelland
requested McCarthy not to auk me his
name. I imm in Campbell's house three
or four throw, always on business. The
wittiest 'hero detailed ladorY that had no
relaniaey to the Ms& :The7: Mitt ell,
fared to when speaking with Mr. MoCar.
lir wp[il4rt:EirrA7 , .. 4o% Mr. Firm
• Alter a delay of some oonidderible
time, Mr. McCarthy, one of the defend.
I Ant% 00011•14. - stated. that] owing to the
fact that the Commonwealth had called
all the pieties who have any knowledge
of the affair, - the defenwirould not call
soy witness, but would comment on
the testimony of the Commonwealth.
Mr. Marshal then stated the theory of
the deist:mete Hie Ikinit,. and eited-the
rconnoel for the Commonwealth to hie
[ entheihiell which intended to Mind to
I maintain him theory., -
Joan oiwyle Esti.o;Plino - 11 41'4 ergo
meat on ttio p ' art of rho thaninclqweadth
in a forcible and etreetiVe Miens!.
John C. McCar ai thy.. Em., foilowed in
introit of the Wner; with, an able, elo
quent and Omelets argument, in the
coons of which he earaftilly reviewed
the denoe in the nee, and held that
tind erei er the tedlusany. lithe Jury believed
the defendant committed the crime with
which berme: chased. they could sot
find him guilty of murder of the floe de.
gree. ...
Mr. Marshall fo llowed for the defines, I
arguing the case in his usual forcible ]
District Attorney Pearson,on behalf of
tbeCommonwasith.dosedthe argument. 1
au amour to the Jury was forcible and
oonvianing.. lie held that under tbe
Mona there could be no doubt of the
prisoner's malt, and that the facts Tony
warranted a mob:Sot aunties in the first
degree. . .
--,crilrlsin or TinCooviz: • -...- _
.„ 67.66
Judge Stowe delivered the charge of
the Court to the Jar? He reed extracts
Com the charge ofJudge Agne Wil li am
one of Omemanwesith vs.
Dram, tried at tireemburg. Westmoro
land minty. In 311cmotter. MIS, for the
Moodier ofDmisi litonigano,lis remind.
ed 'Milo, of the rerpeedbillir
upon them, tad warned them sedan
being induenced DT Other OW for tlte
prisoner, or the honor of the crime for
which be omo indieted, The oonsomen
eve of a viirdiot of guilty where the result
would be &Wu joust have no weight it was the lowland not the
pity ; which Indicted the punisUntatt;
Thejary did - not pronoutimihelientence
of the law; not belong, to the Court: it
layout province way whether the orbs
mar boo committed the ariumwhichthe
todirtment charges -against, atm: You
only find s erns verdict.
The her clout State has made` willtd:
dediewide and nommilisted murder a
eacdtal seam filwonsfie weave, to obey
thoyeelerere most know DO other
PixtiontiaLlXl Uthat, the powers that bears
of 'end that weneeds must
beintlect illenittirdylbr thevisth
tbay nay intake. bat tor car own con.
wham ward *Tim hob'sbalance
finaly,Thatratee may both to
the imftooweidtbsino 10 _flu olloosiOr;
snetWiddlidi *lf POor. Mal and
low, should have no plane in your
thoughts. You would not wilitogi7
but you must endeavor not to WT. '
Search your conscience for the source of
every Judgment. Let your oonvictionv,
carefully and deliberately formed. be
such that you may follow tbem to their
foundation, in the hidden depth or the
heart, where the Unseen Eye alone can
penetrate, and there, in that dread pres
ence, challenge their true mores.
His Honor then defined the crime of
murder sol d d down in both the com
mon law in the statute., and held
that in this case the Intention of the pris
oner at the time of the oommission of the
act constituted the offence.
Murderer the second degree and man.
slaughter was also clearly defined by His
'Honor, after which he reviewed at length
the law of evidences.
The charge was one of the most elabor
ate and ohm that we have ever heard do.
livered in this court.
At the conclusion of . the J.udge's re
marks the Jtay retired a and had not
agree upon a verdict at late hour last
night. .
Meeting for the Election of City Mean
—The City Printing— Retrencliment
aed Rctimek-:tare vootod7 or:Pabite
A meeting or the Soled and Common
bitmelle wa. held yesterday ,Crueeday)
January Utb, 1870. for the mtrpoee of
electing city_ officers for the *turning
year. prusuant to, the aot of Aisembly
relating thereto.
beleet Connell.
. • ...
Members presearMelesm. Aid. - .kik
born, Aiken. Armstrong, Bissell, Brown
Burailn, Wen. Devil* nunciki. Ed.?
wards, Friday, Gallaher. Glenn, Gross,
Ilartmen, Merron..House. R. P. mute,
Paws Jones, Renew Rick, Litufman,
Liddell, Little, Lloy:d, Morrow, Mur
doch. lkicEwen, McMahon, Maisel, Bat
forty. Rees, Rush. Scully. Seeley, anio,
ton, Thompson. S. J. Wainwright, Z.
Wainwright, While. Wilson, President
.McAuley end E. S. Morrow, Clerk.
. The minutes of the preceding meeting
'Were read and .approved. • - -
The President stated that. there was
one member who bad not yet been sworn
in, whereupon Mr. Ahlborn, member
elect from the. Seventeenth ward, came
forward and the oath of office was ad
ministered to him by the President.
' The President then Stated the object
for which the • meeting bad been called
and requested the clerk to
Counc notify Coto
mon Marion that Select il was
ready to meet In joint sesalon tor the
elect:tenor city officers. -
Mr: Gross presented a resolution eto•
siding that the Presidents of Councils be
added tO:Mts. Ylnano6 CoAnaktteia.
----- - -
The President maul • communication
froth the Controller setting forth that be
desired to close the appropriations for
.the - year, and to that end requested
Councils to vase thefollowing reeobatacm:
Beeolved. That the Controller be and
be is hereby authorized to make the
folle,wing transfers of appropriatimist
'lrma No. 4 Ylre Engines and Hose to
No- 4 Wo.r worts • 107
Fr?e! *023
I:fet= 4 7V r rrr4dl:;
Wow Works
From No. 10 Illonong atm'. W surto No. 7
........ . .... ... 867
From No. II Alloshasm Wrote to 1.0. 7 •
&KOS ZS 71
From No. •it 1117 r•evon to T No 7 1.{D CO
From No. 13 Finance to No. 7 etr.ets 1,44 70
.•• •• 17 Oyu aodlor W.talit• to
No. I , thmooso Martins 10047
From 314. 13 Contlngeot mood to No. S
Illamond Mot , t
31 79
Fr.. 13 0. 22 Coattograt Fond 14 44. 7.1.
FN. Atacm 767 se
tromlt o. 13 couttogrot No. 11 CI
From o3
No. 11 Food to No.
From. ''Fliallet to No. MlNtneye.. 5773 07
F. 41.
The report was receive(' and tile reio
lotion adopted.
Accompanying the report a s
. a bit
for grading, paving and curbing in front
- of the Forty-third street Station House,
and a .reaointion authorising the Con
troller to issue his certificate to the
Mayor for a warrant for the, payme of
. said bill. Certificate not o tulle until
February 1, 1870.
The bill w as read and the resolution
adopted. -.
A communication from the Controller
was read by the Chairman, relative to it
reduction of business tex of thirty-one
firms. Referred to the 'Finance CoiU
Mr. Orals presented a reSolntlan an-
Modeling the GSM An the Select Council
Chamber moved to the lobby. Adopted.
Mr. Brown presented an ordinance
providing for the election of City Prin
ters and the compemsationthereof. The
ordinance provides that annually on the
second Tuesday of January Councils
shall meet and elect two daily papers as
city printens to do the city printing and
that saikpatent • shall receive the eank,
ofill;000 per Year eieli - - for the "same:
Theordinance was read Ittree Unpin and
passed under a inspenalon of the rules.
Mr. Brown embudtted the lulls wing
or rue sins= CeeriCtl. or nth CITY or Nils-
Beaus 1
Booked. That It Is the sense of this [pencil
tint ee.s, MY in coney heats of the Peelle ten
Tee. thful and of
exec counties e
laws s ad unllnancee of the nth and f
Its revenue. sod the rigid sexenutthilitY 0r...7
Cgd`t`,..°,l',XTelt"gd".! , l:Z t i: IL"NttmAT::-
ties sad . msnumeete of cbr odieers shoo e ibd
ee titer. a,od arena the csninenantloe axed Or
law at the ,Itno of their election or stpoln an nit
the' no gift, alloweece or voluntary •Dia , soda
moo of the public money Should ee male for or
~ eeeeent et ed. des Insifiluleeey of salmi.,
tees oreenupenstllon.' or wet - hese extra strel-
TtV4l=l " ..V.TritrYi r tie h ofi l og ll:f:V!
con tacos results, and ww Ids =unbent of Ws
Comma: lb adeseet of the *Welton of 5107 slit
ters I alawinstriel. v. art dte hereby lehr , gent.
not. to usalut•to the ►petaelplu herein declared
uld a us votes and acts. serapes...Ca Ives of
'dm tax-payers and Dwell , 6f the eltr,4e cute In
ue s 41 40:0101111. -en itr.C, SolaiTigt , ... La Co.
muskiest INTIM:MU .t.
The resolution was adopted. .
Mr. Brown presented the bill of Allen
& Dunn for repairing the Try street
sewer and a resolution authorizing its
payment. Read and action postponed.
Mr. Gallaher, a resolution providing
that the Street • Committee Shall here
after beconstunted of members of Coun
cil frOM the old city waits, Lawrence ;
villerand the Sixteenth , ward,,and that
the' Road ' Committee " be coniFoled of 1
membem from the new districts, .
Mr. Herron moved that the Survey
Committee also be composed of members
from the new wade ' - •
On motion of Mr. Jones, the matter,
was referred to the Presidents of Coun
' Council then adjourned ' to. meet in
Joint session.
Common Council.
There were present: Menem Arthura.
Albeit; . Barker, Batchelor, Beckman,
Burner, Blau", Booth, Bradley. Canter.
on, Carroll, Caakey, Chalmers, Creagan,
Daum, Diamond. Dietrich, Muff, Eg:
wards, Faxon, Fodder Ferson, D. L.
Fleming. John Fleming , GI
Rare, Jahn, Jamison, - Jones, Ronne,
Lang,. Lyons, hfatterra.' Miller, - Moore,
Moorhead, htheeley. McCandless, McCoy,
Bagley, Oliver, H. W. or., Preston,
Schleiter. Schneider., &Berth. Belts,
Bkddle, Shoeb, Blum Smith; tineatheu.
Snodgrass, Verner. and Tomlinson, Pre;' .
Preparatory to the innuendo of any
burliness the oath of office sou adminis
tered by Prealitimt Tomlinson to Messrs.
David Sims and Chas. W. Batchelor, who
were dot present st the organization of
, TM! CM . 3107SICTIL
Mr. Bartow, after reading item an act
of Assembly the anthoriry granted Coun
cils for the within propaied, read in place
the Wowing ordinance, providing jor
the see keeping of nth pobtle fonds Of
On.liAltil To PaGVIDe on rue Oars
Egirteo An» CUSTODY or Our. tome ol Tan
Boltordat aaCo esd e r . t cjz
barge Oa*
aso It Is loot/ reacted eV oalhorOY
rim, the laslast Yo ContnioisWinch:
bribe cOy of Pltistnsesh Mail, at tea first rega
-1 ler mon ing. alter Um ...Mega or Slue ordisteece.
fiP:"?° h "ren :rnrg•Olt 010:1
' ra of eald elle to be depoettoneegend o•
Mans of the puede mosey or fends et odd city,
until me ant Monday of Ye w um, 1511.
S.C. 2 That ist the sealed Joist ensign o[l
laldoooltells Wenner for 0150th. ate}
elle o
tbrre of toe Manta or Saving. l-stita
ody shall tio eh 00011, eleeted dedgeated
to bedawl:oriel! and enatodlans of the publte
MO.! or Nude of raid et.y .or Use emoting gear.
etc. k Ittat it Mall be Ole dale Or the OWL.
troller of eael city, indeediately epee the pes•
sage of this ordinance. and annuity theresftbr.
at matt ten eaye before Um latletteser said Joint
louden of Ooteelle. to advertise for and receive
faded prepaid. from the bodge Sad seeks is la.
eutetleas of an Otting forte tee ode of
intertst stye besmear tiesettestitut one will
coarse% and Noes 10 ply to n) for the ate
and edvaatitge of solo dation. of each blibile
fends OrlhOnor. the dime to be edjette a. sewed
and paid monthly, sod contented upon SIM STS
age =gent of jig, deposit. re xalt ineeth. 14M
settlen ent ann adJammentto to made he Bald
cot:diving...WM osthe epees gill 11171nsace
Vounalltee of etideOencl
lac. 4. It .0511 be the dety of •ald Controller
to my said bide before • .1.1 en' Coupe Is et said
Joint • nos, mottles. wheel the ohm sten DO
opaord Pr tee Pre.ideat of odd Joint .
end the Vonaelte gash rho.' sad el et elm eels
the three &petering to be the hieeini arid beat
SIC, D. That the Bank. oaf erbsgernstitell , o.
re:cole delliref W.Verfatllattlls..Ant
trotter of said City. Seed, tee greal
cote of
One Handled Taonnand Isoolare, oltn warms
of AwerONTi 'O A.% Inat terra rain/ tee
neg. coned-wed fog the tree gad mantel per
formance of their dellee•sen...b table; depoalto.
flea.. And teat all Ont. or Warrant.
npoa rea4 .0 on der:4llln ago liaa
rayless taitiletkres. b• a...borne Of law. spell
deepooredhe 711111.110.,C0"111110"- glare.
lout 6. That so nos tee Halal Grassing*
arende rattik !Ira tag: o.h.t
srow 7:th fesednr
. theist Ole r uer. a er that wort.* emela •
tu. in pee-melon la the 13 aelts or Daringly
lastdutine. aforeasid. epilog the =OXUS la
loth on .w
hatOtiO canto gear .
ate. 5. T the public =time or fends so
as down Mar bedraola.tri the C l / 7 "troeearar ,
al (Male , el 10 out the of lal4 elth
span Warrants re ebrota drawn be Mantras.
,I:9l•Odlndlned or Me desereker. near nee
' _
Miewerome --
repaint-tons as the said
toddle and Timmy
CA-=';4 , :„t:raf37:::?T,:4lort s = ll .l.
117 do or e I or
recant re, coutnersigned y
the trvuer. epon toe ionds so on depot&
sate. aid blink. or 'nein lartnntion, when the
samr of e. pre eeeee d its counter. it total tie the
vi Cu.y o remoter forthwilh to report.
it,e yogi. the Landtroll, who shall at
°acne time the oriclnl • Wilt bang or Me
l. es Me notion. to be enter. d op la the proper
Coon of /heard.. by it inner. and an
eXeOIIIOII fo rt hwith o va. spin W the and
abo tor gold City Controller shall call together
and report the same to the gingisce i °manage,
who valt lep•r; the .1.115 Ulelr
at meeting.
tl • c. 9. T‘st. all ordinances or andsrt of oral
' no c• s mmatutlyterit herewith be the tame
• •
• Read three times and peened ander •
anareneton of rules. Not acted on In
Select branch. •
At this point the • resolution on re.
trenchment from the Select branch was
called up and discussed. Messrs. Batch
elor sod Hare objected, plying aa a rea
son therefor that an effort vrould be
made to equalize the salaries ofthe Road
and Street Commissioners. The ordt- ;
trance went over under the rules.
Mr. Hare presented a resolution for
the' erection of a gels lamp on Spring
alley. Fourth ward: Referred to the
Gas Committee.
Mr. Hare Offered an ordinance regal*.
ting the *Aeries Ofjtreet and Road Com.
monens, and fix ng the salary, of the
ThitlLDlstrict Str t Comtnlindoner, for
1870, at the same //mount as that of the
First and Remind Dlstrict Street Com
missioners; fixing the salaries of the three
'Road (kmandasionera at $l,OOO per an n um
Objectio'n was made to the passage of
the ordinance.
Mr. Jones moied a suspentHion of the
rules and lta Anal passage. Lost by a
vote of 81' to 24,E a two-thirds majority
lbeing required. . •
The ordinance accordingly laid over
under the rules.
On motion adjourned.
• Joint Session.
The Select Council adjourned to meet
In the chamber of the Oommon branch
to go into joint session for the purpoee of
electing city officers to serve the ensuing
year. President Tomlinson vacated the
chair In favor of President McAuley.
The roll'was called and the election was
ordered tnett vow. • • •
Mr. Barton called the attention of
Councils toe provision in the act. of As
sembly requiring that each member
value and the person for whom he votes.
shall be perty on the minute
book. Otherwise therecorded
election would be
invalid. •
President McAuley thought there was' '
bo good reason for going through that
tedious process unless opposition to any
I one of tbe o f dcanates nominated - was
made. A record the members present
would be kept, end If opposing votes
were offered, such would be • entereo,
with the names of 'persons eo voting, on
}he minute beak; . •
Councils waived the Act - of -Assembly
and preceded to elect by unanimous
vote, with one exception,' (Mesa Inspect•
tor) the following officer., who had pre
viously received ttie Republican caucus
City Printer- (En glith)ot inert.
City reinter-IH. renei Frefutim pmutg.
City roam or-H. J. Moore
A.f awe booms rhelpe.
City Outtee-J I..•Fortaith•
noti•nowinde.t of Matiett tillers.
Itrk of Markete-J .me. Moore.
Idunontatiem Weurotwiter-JohnIIIPIWT.
Allegheny W barfma•ter-leourt A. Hill.
Fait ,ettlytelne - Rd. C. Matitiewt.
luspeeior of.whea-J. Mellower lrlog.
to. , eetor of Touren-Wm, Itinetuitt
itark oho Pollock.
Ist ()Olt • Vtat 1 amoilaslowe - .1 F. Home,
2.1 littlt SI. tiz mnilesiwer-Hen. Linderman.
It street Commlooloore-Wm. Wiley.
*outwear W. e• gania—nom ft King.
Eta at Impactor—Thomas W. Li -
min .rin•Oent of Water Worts -Jot. Trench. . ' 1
114Witar lutpeetor7ll. N. Betel.
01111aell Me were -Cant. tiam. Cooper._
I.IOAnD likatitoltne - Fleit trawl, J. Owens:,
tourrd, lames olack: Third war.. 1.0 , 11 , 11'
Ihift; o want. u. Ei. Meliittre; Fifth word
a~ nib Heyd. J am es •
alellastera; Ehth wd
Hugh Y. 'Royer Nieto tram. Jaw • °Seek ward. 0f.'..7• McOregor; lerrenth ward
F. NI. Pontiffs.; Tw.lrh ward. Wm. eta-a
hirteenth word, Frank gon.ion;•nueteenth ,
wort, n. Fifteenth ••rtrd. Lows Tat. la
berm Pit. eenthward. Robert Black; Seven.
vents Joh n Me ow; Elghtetata ward.
David Jones: C 1,,, h ' , rd. J. F.. Bir• eh., I
....Huh ward, nto• art MeE..e. Tweety arm
weed. Po lip Kolsern; tity•r_coroi ward
lltteter; TWanty..l.hlrtl ward. Samuel
T ~h e following. tiro the changes from 1
last year: .1. L. Forsalth Instead of J.O.
Nobbe as City Gauger; James Moore in
stead of David Durunsath,
, ea Clerk of
the Marketer Edward Mathews se Street
Inspector instead of Kenny Goff;
George Linderman as Second District/
Street Oarouilsidoner of John D.
McFadden. and Thomas ins Lindsey instead
of Adam Weaver as Mast Inspector.
The ofaces of Building Dispeotor, and
Third Distrietlitreet tkinimissioner are
The office of City Job Printer. lent
year held by A. A. Andorran d Sons,
was aboliehed, and the work will here
after be awarded by contrast.
_ .
When Air. Lindsey*as nominated for
Meat ,InePeetor, Rafferty, (Demo
cratic .utember rom the . Fort ward.)
nominated Adam Weaver for the posi
tion. He said he *ought Councilsabould
pause before electing Mr. Lindsey to the
position,inasmoch as be. Mr.
L., had teen In the Madness of dealing
leg in putrid meat during the last year.
He thought his
push would be an im.
proper one, and pushed the nomination
of Mr. Weaver. A. vote we. taken. and
Mr. Lindsey was elected by an almost
unanimous vote, Mr. Rafferty .alone vo.
ling In the negative.
On motion; Joint session adjourned.
• A Grand elnalcil F.nterUdnment.
Prof. Bohbock gives the musical pub
lic s very attractive Programme of a
vocal and instrumental concert under
his own direction, on Thursday evening
next, in the chapel of the First Baptist'
Church. Fourth avenue, for the benefit
of the church, and mainly to help In de.
fraying . the cost of the new and eplendid
or ri% Foerster, Miss Annie Wells and
Miss Cora Brown, with Mena . Toerge,
Boe and Everson mete an array of mu l
sled talent not often presented to the
Pittsburgh audiences, while the seleo•
dons have been made with reference not
only to the highest professional standard
but also to the very best 'popular effect.
Inasmuch as entertainments of a high
magical order are 80 - frequently given
under circumstances that 'prevent many
conscientious torero of good music from
enjoying them, the present . opportunity
Is likely to be embrace&by a larger 'au
dience than this beautifal chapel can ,
comfortably entertain.'
Pa Prothonotary
MENATIS. EDITORS:—PIease announce
through your very valuable Republican
journal that the frien dour George R. Rid •
die,Esq., of Allegheny, will present his
name as a candidate for County Prothon
otary, to snowed Mr. Waiters, the pre'•
cat incumbent. Mr. Riddle although
not old in years le an egperienced busi
ness man, a thorough abrountant, a
clever, fair dealing and Courteous gen
tleman, and withal an ardent, consistent
and faithful Republican and cony
worker. His record in the Allegheny.
Council. as a member and as President
of the common brand:, is an enviable
one and reflects to him large degree of
credit, especially as no single act or vole
duringliis king term of dike . bag ever
been questioned by the moat scrupulous.
He will make a moat excellent officer if
selected for the position named. -
The Continental.
The Continental, Fifth avenue, below
the Amtefice, Mash and bright duce lie
thorough resitting, atith the- centre of
gatril7l fclaad
and palatable repast. We can see no
marvel in the,imthonne pain:mail which
this estaidlahhaent enjoys when . time
style in which everythln_g, is =ducted
is considered. Perfectly, akin and tidy,
tables: politehnd accommodating waiters
and a rich and varied abUndanoti.of the
best - the market lesson - Words;
should certainly attract patrons in large
numbers. • This ti the secret of the great
eminent of the w Continental," which
deservedly is one or thie "Most popular
institutions of 'its clutiviter in our city.
Tile mtigrietnt, kfr. - Holsheimee, hider.
stands the wants - of the - people., and by
conducting Ala restaurant on .a liberal
scale, waste .with that gratifying :hue.
cats which done attends merit.
ittthtiabii •
•,. • • .
AlBP3o4ol.a:so, aco.
:street. outlaws in Wasinfiolute -wen
and boyi clothing ot-the latest style cod
beet iiisterisl, taidst popular 'prices. Wu
lutellit .ritroci , 101'. .ev 6
'doubt)" of .t4s, - slitpticto4. mikaniir
. .• •
whloh no opodttolaltudir. . Forflocdrese
goods ho „lust reeslged now etc.*,
which. canntit.bti. cos
Boldonts Milli are , rtililde.'frOill MaCild •
whichwarranted to look welt and wear
well.- Of orercoating and- bonal-Itoods
he hos a Dar Wid abase. aiscomant
which all la uswor,_of:elottlikg would do
wen 4.1010(112311341M at is no to show
the goods, sod parchaelontt or Ptbamata
ppeezz I y araf23o olo ihattlarlber gala.
?: • .
TrrsagaruPs popular oonfeottonaty
tabUabment to loosttsl.torner of Smith
field striattand Thaoxitdallep... , Notblog
but tee., beat sod purest candles and ood•
factional ars. prepared .;or or offered for,
sale Oars. ladles 'and gentlemen will
end meaL
101 l t reedy 'at: all 11011111, for their
r )-•
tip to midnight lasi night the operators
of the Weatem Union Telegraph Com
pany continued out on their !strike, and
give no eigre of "coming down." They
are better situated than moat classes for
maintaining a strike. as each two caved
enough money to see him through dark
days. Altogether. they are sober. Intel
ligent and industrious, and rank In pub
lic estimation as high as any other pro.
fession, and we do not marvel at their
determination. decorum ned decency.
They say no harsh things ortheir former
employers, but resolutely adhere to what I
they conceive to be principle, and swear
to starve before they will go back on
their brethren of the key and sound
board elsewhere. We hope Men ro
chronicle an adjustment of difficulties.
With the San Francisco offite _ reds all
the cause of complaint. and are would
respectfully suggest that a committee of
• conference be appobsted to eninet the
difficulties on a fair and square teats all
The Telegraphers' Union received last
night the following dispatches:
CHICAGO, Jan. 11.—Dug Burnett. of
San Franclace, an old, well known and
reliable telegrapher In a letter dated
January Sd, says: If this reaches you
befiire our diflicnityle settled, .I wish to
say that every means has been taken by
those In the ring to mbrrepresient cu. 1,
repeat most emphatically, we only sot,
against a reduction. We do nos sane
ticm a strike for higher , wages, although
It his been reported by officialism:Ahem.
"Stand by us." Remember year oath."
"Be firm and all will be we 11.".. Let
every one know what platform we stand
on. that of equal right', and justice to all.
I bad an Interview with' thunble and
Mumford this evening at the Cosmopoli
tan Hotel, and told them In the name Of
tne operators of the United States that
we had' gemmed a position' and would
not recede from lt..
Locievimm, January -11.—We are
mortrdetereellned and folly as confident
is whertwe went out. You may depend
upon us. One new.member to day. ,
emcee°, Januari9l—dol Pooilojt 8 "
Francisco daily. Keep the boys together
and success is certainly near. San Fran.
Mice paper. and lettere at hand cons.
- pletely substantiate previous Maims and
place Jaoohe statements intrath beyOnd
WASHINGTON, D. C.. January 11.—
South all out and badness for those
points refused. •
Ca. a. D. Eck°, whose book, news sod
literary depot, No. 41 Bulb Blzta avenue, his
long beau 'arded se headquarters for .
selection and bargains, was never more
attractive to purchasers than at the pre*.
engiime. BID catalogues of standard
literary works, large collection of rase
foreign and borne books, bound VOIIIMOD
of magsaines, stationery. legal and apts.
tolary writing paners, envelopes, pens,
he., are very inviting features to-those
droning anything in his line.
N. B. Subscriptions era received by
Cot. Egan at publisher's rates, for all
the leading magazines and periodicals
and literary stewspapersof. the country.
A Veen; nag with weak eyes, atepPed
into a saloon a few days Linos and asked
for a glass of ale which was Immediately
'handed him. Like sonny others, he held
it up to the ion to see it sparkle; but
most unfortunately for him was it that
he held it so, for the ale was so brilliant
that the reflection was too mach for Ms
eyes, and he has hearten:awed to a dark
room ever alone with Inflamation In those
Invaluable organs: People say that the
brilllanoY of Pler.Danuals a Co.'s cream
ale la Its only fault, for tt is deuterons to
weak eyed people. They will drink It,
A lot of new and fancy patterns of I
Queensware have lest been added to the
stock at the Keystone Pottery Ware.
home, No. INlVlsberty street. Messrs.
Klee a Co. are continually improving
their ware and are always on the look.'
out for new designs. They have' now
one of the finest araortments of Queens.
ware and Brottolware ever seen In the
city. Purohaws should call at 383
Liberty street.
Day boarding at Burn • restaurant,
Smithfield street and Sixth avenue, has
been reduced to the remarkable low
figure of four dollars per week. Taken
to connection with the acoommodatlons
at this estaldishment, . the mice , • can
hardly fail to - be satisfactory to the meet
exacting. In . selecting boarding call
, should to made at, llama; •
IlteelerW reareleew Peale with plat
form curved to prevent trlrrels from
rolling off. is being patented by J. F.
Keeler, ES Wood street.
Traveling imnenele,:all varieties, stVloa
and prices at Lienler% 11H - Wood insect.
grew goods arriving daily at Moor
head's, 81 Market etreet.
Sneakier shawls, wool knit hoods adid
caps,- gloves of every description, ,st•
Bloornesd's, 81 Market street.
Bracts and lilt scarfs, embroideied
makes, and ribbons, at Moorhead's, 81
'Ladles' doe Mien handhetthlees and
collars at Moorhead% No.• St Market
The great trunk, emporium of the ctt9
Lligiter'i, 104 Wood street.
Trusty, large sad small alma, a
Lleblar's 104 Wood street.
Cabs' and ladles' traTellog caws, at
Ltsbler's 104 Wood street. °
AOLLIDAY—Oa' Tuesday monde et one
oletoce. Mrs. ELIZA. HOLLIDAY, & •
the 48th
Font ant EMI Per Iste residence. Woods lOW
Ware falretli'sLltere &able, Hearer arena.
Alleghentelty, et 9 A. Dit.
CAR 'LL—le Baltimore. ou.Satardav, Zan-
It errfr
rilettldar:ll., CittlCX;
*Ad yea: of his age. • •
The funeral tellltake pin - e from the redden°.
of C. IfeClotter, IN. corner of Elettlaelty and
I Leech Deets, • Allegeari#. '6o Wlsili B9B osT
. tionstev, at 10 welock. The friends of the
ftraVy are reepeetfullylnelted attend
B. PiriZEBOY, JAMBS L. WicitAirg.
ATT. 1180 N & IF ILLisats„
u........C01tUer of Altb _
Oardn. AU kind..
Shroud.. Crape...lolnv., and every deeertp•
Ilona Mend throb/dna rood- Maltby. on the
Mot.atni e h teedn. n O n e II n eCnM u M.d.
BR ~vxn
AllemaeaT wrh•re en ONaLT
telatVolen="ll= MVd
tao, 0. prices 'Ming from
. as to •Ig i € 13.• •
; 1 1 1:41rWratnI,,thsiZtit00trorr0 , 0 4 :;
tioude. If ma 11... Once rye. at all beam dm
sad MTh..
K. 424 FINN 6111X11% -
easrlAtea rasuaials, 13.00 itiwa
COTITIPS au% aUlhastai nusuounaus
deiced MIRA.
IMMIX G. .1111 ALB,
Cornei vf Pen.and 40 . Stuct,
No vz co issio DETF.
rase ate
Meade an ,
!Would do well tO nap Masa eleWillw - 07 ew. ll
et w ATC111:17. CLOOliee .111Wiwelt ewe 811,
at Um wet Ocalpeble P.M" . Pni
itarzLza AHD OPTICWL •
. . _..,..... . _
. . ..- lewelry, Mier' Ware,. =1
FANCY • 13-0013 S •&c,.
--- - • At greatly iedlited pion, at -
1 , , warruts - ia. sims , o ._mir ,
161 nynt Al, I.Ntric labovi loltbl!eldl!lt.)
W. n.—We Wye oaegi. laiV4itiont:o Ili
rraz ottri . telm, Cloolii! And Jortl37. Au.
th;shr Welglda and Measures,
0111.—pe. s votritTil AMIN% rittatruglk•
NZl ‘ . s l ` 4 "-—r,f 4
g x,:sat 43E0 1: B. iteNOI.:FT. Porrtr!
Orncz or run Ka:norm. Irsorrace
• January 34, irlo. I
igrIDIYIDENI) NoTic._ The
itorrd of Mr Mon. oPhr , Com r, oul bare
o bt t of e earel tI of tEe' 4 t a ls irtitti ) __e lNT.
Os •+2,11...aeut auu State tuxes Da•a•flelugur.o.
at 100 °Mee or the Cortom..tin 1/Iratohd.
.cliri to. /..... d rAbts min irtiON.
Omar or Du laAawia liiii.MANCJi C 0 .,)
O. ill 01.04 , & ran •t.
•Ll..ZOilalrr. PA.. lalinAi7 4. HMO.
p nave THIS DAT ...heed
eivtdend . of T WO DOLLARS AND PUTT
CENSE. (PAO) PEE al • RE. ta be eredit.d
on Ile Wel GEO. D• EIDDLIS. y. .
SIA IfilklJGANilts Celt. ANY.—lbe
Dlrectote of this potensity hove this 4sY . !-
clarets, dirhlenti.of P. per cant. dill
tee profits of th..ast six mouths. poysble UP or
after the IGLU lam, free of IL o. tot.
DUGB 31cE1.111Pg ,
fitTrSaylnkki. Janos ry 4.
TI. BANK. Pitt.burgh.
(late Plitsbergb Trott Crnapny). The Dime
ts of this Butt hese this d i ) dt estrd% Dirt
dead of three per cent. on the capital stock. ant
fthis profits of the tats three to PsYshle
forthwith. Gee of little and Government Tel.
lo I).ISGOLLP. Cashier:
Jansen 3. 11143. fist
P .nuotiol, January 4.1870. 0
111.eeloof %Ole Cant have cble day de
alert& dlelde •d of IeIVZ PER CENT. on the
COICIAI Meek of the peollla of tee 10.1 ALA
month.. pope• e tortbwllb. Errs of all tee..
JAS:010 JLIEIN sorer, .74.1CM/dm
rentagon, Javury & PITO.
have this day eee'sred a dividend
C.NT. oa•the capital *tees oat
'of the last six months, payable
let rs furthwlth !fee of ell too.
• W. idtilt-N
essistsat cashlu.
of VIVIL Pit
Of the e► , nth
to the slockh
07110 s Ltmhnlai Betnnil COMPANY. r
111 DinarDs, January Ist.llllV.
.• AND COMPAeIt for mention •
Bridge mar t a Ailegheni Sheer. °Pima. mt.-
rgf.T.T.:ll,l VI"
thsr o[ that knock of the Cemomi. ItMe.o
-•bla to atieMboldem or Weir leant represent , .
tires by the Tremorer, forthwith.
no W. IttialCitlYftes. TITS. re,
leri)7l . DEND NOTICE.—The
lea 11 r oadDZo •• Luuea..
B" ik
Theloend of FIVEPEst eleaeto?'6:iir.
ettuucut On. out of earnings of the
111.1.b..104111b11110 Btoelitiolders or torte legal
represeatat .... at t the oat, of it. c ompany on
nod atter JANUARY 1eT,1870.
id wm. men-. President.
Orrin' or Tut Conn Ise RL3ci coNrAmr,
PriTsßllltalk. January 3. 3810.,. •
10-"DIMIDIEND.—The of
Dirketork of ibis 00 , 0P 0 .L.P. , thin
dky declared dividend of TON YEA CENT.
°ea ettheptont•of the last Ito =oaths, Pet able
en dastang„ Ma or GOVirfp.aln lZi.
JubErti T. JobriCaT
pIFOrLZ • I3 SAVINGS 13n.len or A i.Lifn MOM
~.eoember 18. nad.
IarTHE minvernas or THIS
Rau[ lave %Wm day declared a aleld.nd
of /I'VE PEN CENT. free of ktereareenent tax,
wants on ana after Annul 3d. MO.
• X. P. ir:JUNG.
garrrrrencrnou NATIONAL
aatlt ttlf COMMERCE. COWIE'S
wonD bill:W. AT *ND eLICTII faYflitl6e
Infector. of Resta baee p l y city .declated a
ltlrldend of nIX. PER CENT. on the Capital
Stock <oatof the profits of the last eta mouths,
paystgeou demo y o l mien v 6. w. r.
PITTIBPIOO. PA., laooari3, 18E0. Jet
IarDIVIDEND.—Theda People
ational Bank has Ada y deared •
dividend of TUVE 1101LLARIS FPS tillAh cl e , out
of the earnings of the haat .Is months, free of
taus, payable on dbutand.
T. M. 001001 V.
. • TANDISII6 DtrOarr Ravlowat. C" BA:14 1;r ;
rflisausatt, January a. 1510.
Beek have thla daY derla'rel • dividend
et SIX Rift (111. NT• out of the pronto! of the
last six mouth., payable forthwith, free of tax.
• Cashier.
• Crrr 13.4.`(x di Prrtsooton,
Pirsintraoll, r... January 34.1570.
deellued• Dlrldan4of PTV,. (3) r OCR
CV'S.. from the wont, of the last six month.,
payable ou and after the TIeNTH Inst.
W. 51. MORGAN.
• Caattler.
OTISCa Or TVlZlVlntri o yaLarit -
TiTriiinadn. January Lt. Ihio. $
garDIVIDEND No.l.The Df
,. , T eraya of this CoinaiOr tvve
' 1:11/CY &Waren a Dividend of TWO itn,
P"aB HAKE. free
tge G g r li n Trg t o 3 d raTs;
: t han awry. J. the bt&libeiders on aad e at ,
tar the ThhTli Inst. 3. ALBEITZ.
3•4:111X literetary.
71scrtarao. NATtexax. DANK,
TlTTsavatin. Janua ry Faxes, 3d, 11430.
P3B tree et T veld be
afterto the etnetholder• et ads Baal. ps omit
JAN U3IIT 11T11, INST. -
• • Christmas p , meat to el orlng Wife. mother
or sister than • Polley of Life limerancelli
-Life Insurance Company
The Only Truly Mutual Company in the
City or Stote.
Alter ;myths lowa to the am•t of ..$1,1t00:0(10
Tbere to • special advantage 1a taktngoat •
*BO now. o those who get their poUcles before
Sanitary Ist will have the Darnell of the DM per
seat. eltyldendof January neat.'
. ..
orncr.-at nrra . N4.l . nix,
ruzierrs DIMMING.
go. XS suet AVOLIVIL Second Maar,
Capital All Vold VD. '
. .. . ...
i. J. Bliley. IB.w.ouccr, 37.104. 1 .W.8a11a7.
Daaol Wa ll ace, 8. B liarenen, A. Chambers.
Jake HIII, B. ll.Clarkan. Java /11,13.1.1181.
Thomas Smltb u icio.B. Willock,
„ „. -Capt.
H. J.. (MAAS, illa
Insane on Liberal Terms
No. 91 Federal Street,
Few MiMoor%
New Lace Goods - ,
New Ribbon Bows,
Few Jewelry.
And *II kinds of /AHOY LADfrir:GOOlfa-
Command get y►rers fell of flood • sod reelable
fall of silver, ►t •
91 Federai Street. Allegheny.
Bell and Brass Founders,
Made Promptly to Order.
MOde and Kept on Hand.
hoarUM" and Yanaflactanno of
J.ll. Cooper's Impoved Balance Wheel
Office, 882 PENN STREET,
, •
mom oor.l7titanditalltea4Streets,
RITISIGS. December 341809:
Caplal flock
0. Limolltoro...
4306.41 .14
. 40385 7
465 90 -
. 39097 40
4008,971 77
D. T. MeElNLZlVTreasamer.
The 95100 Died Andills g Committee se spect
rally report Out thee have immataed the Nola
seemeets of the benk, asetihid the &Devastate.
mesa Doha cornet. - •
_ -
Bonds. Itortitages.
.81 , 101 Itece
.14110/ I. 1101:1111..13)W. nomia.
HOVIIE &1118,11 Mi. Site* .
HI COMMIS La 410811 HOUSZ 'lOO., ilrhoin. t
r l=r i ttit i Vineo7 l 7t?lnhars „
L EAD N 76 volt Galena
' •
ar-Norross--"ib-44" "Poreale,"
44 . 1,4101,, Wmf.4ll tt Boarabw. n
Ibe, not ceeeednio POUR LIN EB . win
be itsserted Ii Wee whims owed for
TIMPTY4'IVB GENTS; wen addli.
Wiwi bine P/TrAf MUM
. i. t
)Door {lH' a• Nvne to ovv~aDla
f t %
bod. 4rreluEsti. ”. tygg.a. w NG
LorMILIVr OPTIC& No.l St. Cab
Street, BOYb eILY2L2I anti MIN, for different
kinds of errostoratent. Persons wait/Jeff bei
of all Muds tan be rebelled on sbortnotiee.
ANTED—An AGENT for this
It y the colsorawd BLIsTILAY •
Tr N S I TTUN SEWING Id AIMINE, on - which we
offerserma wore man soy other ooropooT.
W and eaamlne at 101 Wood street.
• H. G. WILCOX. Travellot Alte.t4
WHERE to ere tt,a AVM:
bE..—HLNIL. the only . P• 1017
tratMartWiiiter .
.riv . .. = I 3
. E d:
Bostoo. 11a54.. or Bt. boas. Mo.
WANTED.— Two Solicitors
for .n std c stablished Nevi York 101 l
W!).. LBW Bottum= Company, to operate to
Western I•snnsrlratila. W6l b Pal 6 wear!•
Address Box 756, PittaborpiPostoZee.
WANTED, --A. German Gen.
SLOE IN ilia streaks lterr.lsh to take the
Genera Attar of • New York life 1¢11111 . 1110 6
Calaway, who base an tax Ilth aka at PM*.
bore,. LI al loacernents to a props/person.
hearts, for Interview. Boa TOL Postale*,
PillSabergb. ' P.M
130.000 to Loan In Iwo or mall amounts.
at a Oar rate of Interest.
" BBL Bond and Beal Istato Broker.
No. 179 Ihnithdeld street.
MUNE. Price Quiz SIB, areal. ladocements to
el a ilir Of We . dittota"lieltirePrsor atlftlfll;
Lock Stlteh"—wul do sae tied of ' Get that eau
be dose on say issettlne-100,090'sold sad the
dsmend Inereulog. Now Is the time
rrhsei "" orlntr A r sta . Vir 4 " jd 'U'iI rISCOTS B. A .
CU... Boston mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa. or St.
LET.—Tbe Large Store
IfaM Ho. 95 W Arcuun corner a
edet•l .t - et. Pittsburg! , A. M. BROWN,
114 ra-u avenge.
T O LET.T . Turo story brick'"" " e*""`
LET.—Five. roomirone
tibtranl i at= ' ;e:.!?. *lw two
I quire
at *I n •en treat-
O LE".—A Soft of Bo oafs
rosoprf• log Two Large. ore I lighted one
r ig. On Sod DM, (lor Lorre,well IlgtOed
front 0.00020 U Btu floor. tho, litre Rail Ith
two ofate.ruonas on 4111 floor. In Emiglnn'• mu ,
building. /north &creme. Tor tenor loquiro or
4. /1. ENGLISH 4 CO.,' lie. 98 fourth are
one. tf
eet LET.—A
g lot of ground 192
• f 11190 f iant
!, a large, suOst antlat
/wick buitl o, ieggu fret by 140 feet, dan of
fice boili containing two r. omr, tamer -T upied be James'lll.lll. gar mi •
sated, Carson and Pint arrant.' nosati esti/ -
horny. suitable for manufacturing purposes or a
.App4 to •
Aar 1411.11URY * CO.,
Carton and Tenth streets, Blriningbani.
.LET.=-, Beak Room in. a
handsoolOy 11,e6 ofEco,la *a .utral
cavort for eosin., ALVIT st No. PO
rLET.—The NewBtorebulld.
~.. No. 68 Wood Weer. Enquire at No.
rflo-LET Dwelling Douse No.
3D tern street. 10.1111TVst 1406 Penn
street. between the hours of 10 eon l 9 L X. sad
T° LET Warehouse No. 323
I;bezir ~,r eot. from -.loontt7 Lt lost. to
lat. 1821. notsolto 11 mu' °Coo 88 tho
9 Story Brick
fgrxrg.4.l= P"A"plr,l7.l.
,M3LILIL bity Enlam.; Ofla y Alliegbeely
e 1 ,7 . Pa.
11001115 AND OITIOES.
P- 'aware of- -.
- -
95 /559 aTetlae.
SALE.—bitock and Fl'-
131164. LiASA AND 0000 WILL or a
newels" 11,eery. doing a good buil.... The
andoongne4 beteg engaged In other anslotss Is
this reason for selling. 0. W. PUBLIC, 49 Fad
oral street. Allegleay. . it.
liici!tive at No. AA DIAMOND. Allegheny City
sod El ALE. •
ones Lots oa 81.001111 11 1 8 e 1 . 001 ,001 .
E,te .0.000; 1034 scree sear a - teals/a 8 4 1100. '
000; Rouse and Loc. 54 James - street,
800; 11 boasts on 1100/101 street. 81.1100
euaiig.bastsee and Slots to - Pleassat Ve NT,
114,300•• 0 NM ia Reserve township. on ; ZVI,.
preen rout. 0,000: SI lots on Trensovastreet,
54,000. bease and lot, to Balm. 0b10.X. 800 1
1 acre droned 10 Bellevue DOM 41:0
and lots, bead or Beaver street. 11a.1150 bon.
and al acres 10 Ilhabetb Vora, $l,BOO hOinia
and int lo.Brblgenater,_
ooetalue 51 room, 10c65 by 1110 feet C/00;
llava at Pair oaks astatioa. 34 Urea. 11 per
=re. 1041117
e et • '
33. W 131713011.10.
Beal Zslate
Agent, corner Otto Baartuart
streets. ddatlita
Sidi Floor. Noma No. 3.
DEUSONAL.—AII petsons seek.
e. 'NO HOMO!, or tneeettesskta In Ilea Tr
tate, eats thee, ',Tobin and money bun
cartl a copy of the •PITTSBUtteIi
EttTAL tele atramatmONATlll
or er be tent 0) , null rasa many recninting
Pomona cannot fall to Eea rotted onto the large
list la contains. CiltUrr a PRILLIPtI, _pee
litinstand Baal !Wane Agnate, No, LIS Penni
EIALE.--Englnesand 8011.
-A: 40, Neer end Illecotte Mad. of at waft
coasts/My °attend. • •
.Orders Poi all pasts of the Coyote/ footelltl7
?soma lima. a 00..
• mt.
on all Vim
Camei Xarlim ANCEIIIe L P.l. W. A C. H. W
LAlleitheai. Pe. .
40.11 of thotaa Mad lo oat, ot the ben coon
sto lowa. nen no Ito o of the Oman° /1.
Nortirorester It 'Railroad, and IA o.e of t h e mon
product* 0
of the
Will be .014
low, the whole or • Dart. Awls .0.0. 0 to
10* /ouch a v enue.
Botta:a& sew and seampl•tuind, Collt
""Y '"""4."b6n iatartli &BM.
Corner Seventeenth and this weal&
Must:m=l4 Pa
1--[swooq444;ogN - d
Have Bemoved to
Cor. leleventhSt., (foAll ' in/7 CarmL
sloe UM. 187,150, 191, 11S11 aaal 11111.
lairtaracrazas at maim
moue Pare
Alex deem W
70113011 WIN= 7.17 - 1
linvitabeen Sprinted Oka and MIS VIZTIIII
ItisPZOTOtt. fee Allegbenv Coraty, nouns la
hereby even that anW tte acceseary ogee and
Meet=!cal Terileg Xacbteeff can be provide&
Until be tonne et' ttre oirricz Or Tilt WA.
TIONAL .11.)0211381C -AND rttale WORILL
Twenty-Wed ewe, near Penn, Plttelorgb.
.4 T 40 5.100 00
0,0 0 71
. a4sai 01:1
ALMETB: {690.x71.5T1 TT
Nantreeterere and Dealer* la NOlirrh. DMID
LOU) re_SUTINSS, ,Do. NB Note% inn, mt
tough. a.
rulicaleisttehtnn given panto Wort.
We heir leave to duvet the .attention or the
' public to ths. fact that wa are um prepared to
nenufsetare- Boots and Hewes for hereon
t witaid Dome, Denson, or desonned fen,
De wenn antrentnos of Oar Mr. AL.
mix, Owner!, or Aiken., an. who wlll
-pleased to rea hie old esawsnars again. We have
led ILL Alpert , • rune nesantenti• the
1 . 4:4 I," whin' we nen be galls In esernentrc t =
anahnedble r and Mee fee the
sat Met: etre se Soa it MN end be onetneed.
. • ALIMIST♦ A 0111.131. •
linen .: :
-he hatter street rittabsswlt.rn.
• ROST. 0. 5011111411TZ.
- :O. ittrausspix.
January & 11.1VO.
.11ENDE116031 JAI =ammo 8,
Atle LiftWallit'D•alersin Mars
TIIE tTT 611
167, 168, 169 and 170
4. dow 917eami torati.llTlNZOdll attn.
LOWlnrr INARK6I' RATES. Attention ta me
tlcalaeli called to mi..
E4Titli win masa
Ij. , Has] :1-4%IILORES
~'Y9~I~~~I~' ~~ - ~ Illllbl~`Ul~l
W. w.,pratEn & 00 4
No. 10 811 ill late St. Clair.
..1'w'1g.:, 3 :1 1 4d" 51 :.., ita NM:WM ;fail!
abla MI, still 0-
"illZlMlCegaLeCrintlitL ANI3BINO.
.A d X7e'Xu.l'".4l:ol:M= l . °fm " i '"'
4 Sixth St., 89 Fifth Avenue,
rite eft. Chdr. voZa
Gotha, Otissimeeee and Veet49l9 9 .
No. 93.1-2 Smithfield Street,
• srlendld 'se" pact oi .
CLOTHS. GASBrefffars, 'matt.
lasi ratan' bi Wrallll7
, 1111111 f nal
Mertataat Talloi. TB emtthlletd
Gas Coal Company,
Of all dem .3 of tee heat quality: dabs fan.
nob. as re.onable ratea. Leave ordeea at .4-
leo .41 yenta, 140. 13 ANDZUBON 13TBILIET,
Allegheny OM's. Libertine.* tope°. e Ntr
wroth a.reet I Ylit.burgh. Adder sa_roa ogles
Box 1181. •Yitiabasgti, sod they OW •yeue .. ire
alumni attention
air gronipt *Matt. given to weaken I hA p•
FOR . 84. LE.
■arortsss or
NO& 084 IND 888 PENN,
sacomoza TO
lExps constsailY on
Nut Coal, black and Coke,
. . .. . .
DIAL= rir,
tougbi' °emu and. Connellsville
C oal,
And Itanuthetarrr or
017106 AND TABD, • oorue,Butler And,
Norm street. Lleett, and Clymer 'treat..
Nth* vratd• also eleeoed Meet. Eighth urard•
and at root or Iles* melt. P. llt U. 8.. B. ihnnd.
Second ward.
Oft at either of the &erre ofacesonrad.
dream to me through PlUatutrgh P. 0., 7111 ra•
Delve prompt ;awake*.
Hafer to eebem lam maPlitoll 1ittMX7.1 14431 .
A Co.. W. Smith. Baton iron MUIa,A. D.,Toer.
ler a Co. ]1 Rebell. bteldmomet a Co.. Mandl •
Co.. Oren t floras. Alex Bradley, Platire. A
VVV. P le#gog u t ra dt, ( I_!:ll. U rren 2 0 g. .la ,rn ei ll el
Marshall* Co.. Allen. Malice A 00., Oliva De,
Kt . lilat..t.C4l7,loZiLt. 8., PenneylvattlalL
COALS LOA= coemus
Ogg: 96111111!
N0.."167 MUM - MUM
wady ow siou!...scpezvosi, =OA,
Oro moo Imaged to Matti' loot Tomato.
bftltLun, NUT OVAL witlLLOttot tOo.
W XtrleVaTtholr aloe, or =lto
Woo Womb tho •utoU. will to
) i .;r_lgg4l,lo y :14
sionnues un !silo. .
• I . • • 'elrr Can%
• imis .tock
f.Viir1'=.1.7.4 1 01 1 41.5 6 111t1 .1
re.. E. Exuma) & CO.
China Sets, Parian Stilts*
Paati' "ad 'l.ncitri K olierdr;lo 4 . 64 .
H. BIOBY & '
Mo. 1139 LIBERTY : :
A. 9.=4 Intr. essartmeat of Mae • le
Granite Ware for temlly and hotel use always az
hand. -
i'A-2)0fit1:1 3, 5 2 C.1 4 krAl:i 2•4
co um= .
Seventh Avenue and Liberty Si.,
prrsimusag. PA.
Witt on Ever; Saturday
Or ,
gippgrialzUto the Mal&
A 1:1.41:
eco aMI "'to
or a l rar7 r u Xlll4
pati o wok la wild rad advaitialag. i rvarAl e t
statin sad cool ear* am. ad
' ' JOHN 11. 13131L111T. mithwitr.
/01131 E. II.P&ITOOMMI6
Roar. PATTERSON & 00.,
7.44nErinG MAIMS Amin
ic joy. • t
,(!): 1:y A
PAPER itoor;es.
. .. • .
• vlourto mioniltd=.l4./1".", Inglan.ftirere
m i tor s t. tpf p .. zir e nr
stamped Azdtrinced Kula- • • -
bral=kr =sr tmird!..lowszt
w P. ida3:O 3O .MW S'
• 191 za.!,rif/ stria. -
jrCOB ATI ON I—ln Wood.
!tutus an.lrf.e.:maltatloni lbegrals
no Venlig, et 1511...
20.107 Makes
3117 205 . tit Ut •
41. in • )1 • L ' •> I 0
way as No. inituims Area
t/UELIaI *Mt%
doecond sad lastaresk of tha fatasis add pOtoe•
lar young egaracterOdmodtaa. r '
lir. JOSEPH E. smiET. •
who during pUt nits hauberk plats/ to
crowded and delighted au • leueon
winx [SPAY Jaa.l3l.lSTO.sad
igeg•ry trading , hgr. Chad.. EMltOrg charades
drama of
WM court,: OIMMILIr.
I¢ what lr. IMretepettl Ws treat ade•
11.14 diameter. nua Via Von& rellateastairm
mu% dadat efa SOW. R/Der.s a¢d C6lllll.ttra•
tie Burielliall,Srens.
ar t,. 4 , B. LECTIMEEI.
--- REV. E. P. ROE,
(Law Chaplain of he coletusted Bartil
Cayslry, wilt Lactaill at
Thnisday Erviing, Jan. 13.
su nr cc --• ROILANCS . 0* CAVALRY
be v oX...sai ut Hlipatfie2ll Rat 41*
to Tskllrua.
Ilev.'ll. P. LIMN
dellTer a Lecture Q. 11.0NOPOLIZ8 on
Edda/ ETening, Jan. 14, 1870,
At the' request or re letemeohere. Protection
Door. orm*i Trr vie Loctem?.coonsace•
OPEN DAP - itity• Evlczurgii.
. ..
: .
at eleV4.larga sad- anennrai= u he
.6 ancil:;ow oriTAlr =Mr Dab. parties.
ladr., conten•loas. It
ad selr Mil arlitad—
meta.. la b the lamest and best 'attaining enema
um the city. and It the only Hall aopplled Intl
proer meant of meets In ease et fn wawa
dent. 44°41,r.Z1'1: V.:71,413,:a n ag%
i11NVY,7::=1,A,T21 4 ,11 , 1 2 gtr. 12, =
Per te - tot and other %eV:az alim m.
noZttmor MarletV•Perlntendent. City Ball.
. - Thipause , P 74. Plitsbatzt.
vas. morreas.
dIiiMISSION =idiots
Petroleum and':lte' Products.
eme., , e2 OfiIee—MLEELL ,IS BPILDING.
owner of Duquesne Wal sad Inds strion.
Val•AelphiaoMee - IST .W112113T e
Petroleum and its Products,
:1 0.. . 411X16R3i1150
Boonsl7,Manaber of commerce,
133 voters 13Z 6021 D erragrr.
am=lf. G TwEIDDLE,
Labrieating&Righ Test Burning Oils.
EdUrsa DaDread Axle Oil
' hoods miss heat srlshoot alsogro_ .. .* t II6I W
t limpid at lowest gel:menaces. spoon SU leg
trapleslellmates or hot sr. ober.
loannetive. Znalne, Marebine sago,
arm oat ~cansw.. .
Mys SIDI and Planing ILIII OM.
Adipod for high speed.
NtstisiitO OH. Wool Et ssad•RWIRS OM
Ulm:: I rislisairii"--
ARMR VARNISH. to warms R7l/011 IWO -
Wort wlel Itsentnerr Rom tun.
These proOsets oar roarinisetarot smOIT Dr.
T....dews anent by Superheated Steams It Vso.
.W e
coo. The Lubricating oils •e
shaoss odorbrok
perfect 11
ra l riforth , rd naosOly llt . ht vol.
=ilA Mop] .ferlosre_itnnor etbI ". TILI 4 k2t
rototillssze wieeoslteo.sod sr. IL
tr=letesaVrdrrlat si NIVIJOS
tridaß. Wads at ntadabmx MSS&
oasism tawAllue ty a z* oon V
rttamvi4lllP=tgbMgl"4l =AmaPtt
Nam 111 imam annumar.
; .„ 4 7, -Daal i a4 1 %
I!,Zerrlliatk7o 2 07 4 11111111.138 . &101
araestri gni*
!sam!autiix Ai% nuar acernas.
01 1 1 1 7.C.A;89 FIFTH AVVI
Ca ritl
cp, sad all• lewd badman jpPIMPRIV ,
• *ND OONSTAIMICo.,-!. warraoma,;
FAlTSTutterdi- .o
n4a11.l t
t _ulm
.e.t rrTiUiRV
ASI: .
, :o m ,
Irlan• -oer.MOrabut O
•W• e harm al n r e
oar — Timinumriti br
Madam Hatla leo* Maul Carling ameba. •
lwa ww. Peprzed to We Was neg .
ire base male Ibr in - Tan at 'Weer War WWI
WwWWWW Wei wow gala a leer. •
;•• W. ILANNI6D7 di IMO:.
1.111 etaallllll.
• • • • • •-•.Wr
oats e.
bias . beds
IfeaibraErAWlLWA l arlar.
bainrearfeas ad.
c irgffai k ig k va, - &7Aat
WS L)1102 Cal la mai
ert. . a
on • • Via mad ZVI Wood Wed;
,• ' ' • • 0171011 OT TIM I , i, - •
- •
Ca. , .. 44 Ph CP ALLEawarr mown' PA.:
, rTITSII/IBGEL, 41 &WWI 4116 tilL ....
ctorossius res!wisrrisck
—Zola. Provo. • 1.111 v. met ea *Mat
u RELIC 22.11, tart.,. IncsAirs. Ibi -PAWS
Ye comma Mee the ae,,11.1,,e11em.. book. .
El leety•feur hake Dephdlaca for ISM, •
Ittl.lo4ear Camel Ileattesieelbellillha. •
, b , P., kirrifrefthileatialaft,*Collecilea LOWS. '
i, weft Wit Waite the enee of the tntaiy •
Cuattehalemete WA 4M.0 04111•111 Or IMAM the
5... dy el Ann' ..s. Mas le he et. awl l the
lama Ilse ettuntlete,•ll. laehatte Oa 61116015., ,
Ur lo 1 auttates cto Wales rascal. ......,
Ll:ateireo=oilies... all the Pear% ..
artAsie the taut et the eat laze. kf the
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