THE DAILY; WRITE roman= sr RKKD a co, office, 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue. raga' via 11. ILERD, P. B. PEINDLU6 I. P. HOTIBTOI, IDITOns AND raoriseross. PkMU 0? THAI DAILY. elletredby c.;,rderi, 17 malloaer yeLr ...... ....... its latstrao GairttL Pm:mimic at Antwerp 60}r. U. S. Bonne at Frankfort, 91i Goin clonal In New York yestenlay at 122;5,1 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF COUNCIL!. Yeeterday afternoon the Republican members of the Councils of the city of Pittsburgh met in caucus at their cham bers, and on the first ballot • put, the Gs. aurain nomination for the position of official organ of Sim ' For this mark of esteem and confidence we beg leave to tender to those gentlemen our cordial _thanks, and mole especially to those who took an active part in bringing about ibis stratifying result. ' W EBBTERIABA. Ip Curtis' Woof Webster, we And the following interesting statements: • !Durink.the moat excltinrperiod of the debate of 11324, on the tarifkand while Mr. Webster wu himself speaking in theMonse on that •subject, be wu sod denly called upon to prepare for the ar gnment of the cue of Gal,asa a. Optsn in the Supreme Court, involebig the constitutional valtditillsof the laws of New York. which had granted to Fulton and Livingston the exellaslve navigation of all the waters within the jurisdiction of that state, by vessels im pelled by steam. The circumstances at. tending hilt summons into court in this cause, which was at the Ume quite .imex. pechd, are thus detailed: 'in the spring or 1824. Mr. Webster Was much concerned in the discussan then goingen in the Rom of Represent atives at Washington, upon the One morning he rose very early—earlier even than was his enaken—to prepare himself to speak upon IL From long be. fore daylight till the hour when the Howe met, he was busy with his brief: When be was far advanced In 'peaking, a note 'was 'brought to him from the Supreme Court, informing him that the great cue of Gibbons es. Ogden would be called on for argument the next morning. Be was astounded at the intelligence, for he had auppoied that •after the tariff question should have been disposed of, he would still have len days to prepare himself for this formhiable conflict In which the constitutionality of the laws of New - York, granting a steamboat monopoly of Sts thie.waters, would be decided. He brought his speech on the tariff to a con clusion as speedily as he could and hurried home to make such preparation for the great law argument as the shortness of the notice __would permit. He had then taken no food since his morning's break fast—but instead of dining be took a moderate dose of medicine and went to bed, and to sleep. ft. ten r. at. he awoke, called for a bowl ot tea, and without other refrthhment went immediately to • work.' To use his cpwn phrase, 'the tapes had. not been off the papers for more than a year.' Ho worked all night, and, as lie has told me more than once, he thought lie never op' any occasion had so com• pletely the free use cf ail his faculties. He hardly felt that he had bodily organs, so entirely bad his fasting . and the meth • cine done their work. At nine A. at., after eleven hours of continuous intellec tual effort, his brief was completed. He sent for the barber and was shaved; he took a very slight break fast of tea -and crackers; he looked averhis papal to see that they were all in order, and tied 'them up—he * read the morning jour nals, to ammo and change his thoughts, and then he went into court, and made that grand argument which, as Judge Wayne said, above twenty years after ward, 'retuned every creek and river every lake and harbor in our country from the interferenhe of monopolies . Whatever be may bllve thought of his powers on)he preceding night, the can't and the bar acknowledged their whole force that day. And yet, at the and of Ave hours, when he ceased speaking, be could hardly be said to have taken what would amount to half the refreshments of a common meal, for above two-and-thirty hours, and, out of the lhirty-six hours immediately preceding, he had for thirty. one been a state of very high Intellec tual excitement and activity." • It was Buckminister who first aides" , orcd to overcome in the pupil a native difildence, which will 'stout& any read er, who now learns, for the first time, that Daniel Webster could not, when a boy, make a school deshemation. This fact, which would scarcely be credlled on any other testimony than his own, was recorded by him In his autobiography thus. • "I believe I made tolerable progress in most branches which I attended to while in this school; but there was one thing I could not do—l could not make a defamation. I could-not speak before tho school. The kind and excellent ' Buckminister sought, especially to per-' suede me to perform the exercise of deo lamation like other boys, but I could not do it. ifil - Cy a piece did I commit to memory, and recite and rehearse in my own room over and over again, yet, when the day came, when the school collected to hear declamations, when my name was called, and I saw all eyes turn ' • ed to my seat, I could not raise myself from it. Sometimes the instructors C frowned, sometimes they smiled. Mr: Dnekminisier always pressed and entreat ed, most winningly, that I would venture, 1 but I could never command sufficient resolution. When the occasion was over, 1 I went home, and wept bitter tears of mortification.' I Now TIIAT Mr. Mackey has received In addition to the endorsement of the Mk. ishisny County Republican Executive Committee, the approval of the Republi• ow Legislative Caucus, we trust that the Imereial will mei, Its fierce invectives egainst bast gentleman's public character. A. regard for tbn interests of the party It claim to represent should certainly sug gest each s amuse. So fangs Mr. Mackey fa concerned, the Commercial's opposition hes been s positive benefit. The public also have derived at least one advantage from the Commercial's crusade against the official career of the State Treasurer. They have discovered that the Journal In question Is comparatively powerless in its Influence upon public opinion. It is a broken down back, indoor only -wangler is that the Republican party has . not long since spewed it out of Its month. - The announcement in this morning's Commercial that Mackey will be placed on probation, will doubtless provoke xnany o moths. The Commerciare proba tionary list Is bad enough, and Heaven deliver any one from being admitted- Into - membership.—Earning Nail. IN St. Petersburg the practice of mak-. lug N:314 Year's calls is very rigidly fol. lowed, but there is a way in which one may avoid it, and at the same time hold his position in society. He has only to give five Pr ten roubles to some recog. Mud public charity, and have the dons, tion acknowledgment in the papers on New Year's morning. Ha may then stay at home a; his cue. and his. friends will take no offense. Every New Year's day the St Petersburg pspen contain twc or three columns of the .names of persons who have Um exempted themselves from the demands of society. Those who hold receptions check off their acquaint ances of theta lists, and everybody is satisfied. The ladles are saved the trou ble of receiving calls, and the gentlemen that of making them. VIE friends of Attorney General Hoar o n lg oe, that he will indat upon a rote o Cage to the Bens, and if rejected will reualn in the Cabinet; that toe six weeks he refused to allow his name to be used In coneecOon with ate Judgedop. and only iloally consented at the urgent peraenal request of the Pecoldent; and the mica d to confirm Is en attack upon the President, which, if peastated in, will • lead to a rupture between him and the ;Henators who vote to reject him. I • - It I- ' ..==4 , _ -L, tt A J.. VOL. LXXXV FIRST EDITION. XIDXIGHT. HARRISBURG. ,nnsylvania Legislabm. SENATE: Ten Thousand Copies of Goternor's Message - Ordered —lnvestigation as to the Dis , position of Public Moneys and Bonds—Property Rights of Married Women—The, Death Penalty' APpropAations• Charitable Institutions—Asy lum for Inebriates—lnvestiga tion of Allegations Against the Pennsylumia Railroad—The Contested Elation In Thenti eth District. imperial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh 0 sztate. ) H►RBICBIIBO, Jan. 7, 1070. , SENATE. The following resolutions were offered by the gentlemen indicated, and all passed without Opposition : By Mr. OSTERHOUT: For five thou sand copies of-the Governor's message fOr each House. By Mr. OLMNISAIit Flxing Thurs. day next for dies Joint COnvention to count the Gubernatorial returns. By Mr. LOWRY: Referring that part of the Governcir's message relating to the State Treasury to the Finance Commit tee, with power of inquiry and authority to swear the piste Treasurer and other State officlabt, as to the disposition of public moneys and bonds. By Mr. LOWRY: Instructing the Judiciary Committee to report on the ex pediency of giving married women all the property rights of husbands. By Mr. LOWRY: Instructing the Judiciary Committee to report on the expediency of abolishing the devath,pen ally in Pennsylvania. By Mr. RUYAN: Referring that part of the Governor's" message relating to the recelvel of State appropriations, by 'genteel' charitable institutions without security. By Mr. ELENSZEY: Requesting the ' Board of Public Charities to report to the next Legislature the expediency of 'establishing an Asylum for Inebriates. By Mr. HOWARD: . Instructing the Committee authorized by Mr. Lowry's resolution, to inquire Into the State Treasury, to push the investigation Into the Practice of the State Treisnrer for three years past respecting the use of bonds and State funds. Mr. LOWRY warmly supported this, asserting that the Governor had made no rash allegations, and We Inuit know if our hands are need in ill :speculations, Erie stocks or in the New York gold, _ . By Mr. RUTAN: Authorizing the ap. pointment of a Committee of three to in quire Into the allegations that the Penn sylvania ißaliroad Company had nor-- ruPtiY procured legislation for its benefit and Interfered with haluence In the eke. Bona by either Home, with power to send for persons and papers. By Mr.! ,BROWN: Authorizing tho purchase of one copy of Pardon's Digest and Ziegler's Manual for each Senator. BONETIZET CONTENTED ELECTION. Mr. WHITE, from the Committee on the Someriet election case, reported de claring the prima facie right of Mr. Scull_ to a seat, without prejudicing the right of Mr. Findley to contest the same. Pending the discussion of the report,. adjourned till four o'clock Tuesday. LOUISIANA. Ppeelal Message or Governor Warmouth —Grave Charge Against a Public 001— cial—Maton Rouge and Vletaburg Railroad—Repeal of Gambling Laws— Legislative Business. (ay Teteem* to the Pitts'harsh Bette.) Naw Osrswxr, January7.-4ov. mouth' yesterday sent a special message to the Legislature, begionlng-: "It comes my duty to communicate to your honorable body a grave charge again" Geo. H. Wyckliff, Auditor of Peddle A.0031111t11. His offenses against the Con stitution and laws or the State have seriously embarrassed the Government, and rendered it difficult to pay the in terest on the State bonds. He has been guilty of numerous acts, involving ex tortion against . individuals - and against charitable Institutions of the State; also involving frauds against the Commie*. wealth, and collusion with evil disposed persons to defraud the same. ctc. He has extorted sums of money from the creditors of the State, as a condition pre cedent to the issuance to them of the on (lndices of ludebtedness, or warrants to which they wore entitled by law." The , Governor goes on to state a number of cases in which he charges the Auditor with malfeasance. &c. The message was referred. The message to the Legislature con gratulates them upon the Improved con- anion of affairs and the good feeling existing between the people of both' races. It takes a cheerful view of the political situation, arid speaks of the general prosperity or the State. After a' mama of the material wealth of trie' State, the Governor says • there is no need, so far as her ability la concerned, that her bonds should sell for tea than their par value. He says that credit i does not depend alone upon citi e s th at veiny of the puttee or securities that are upon the market, or upon the sufficiency of the arrangements to pay the principal end Interest as they - accrue. Both must be provided for amply, In amount and surety. In method, a wise use of the State credit, sustained by faithful °Eileen is all that is necessary in the present premises. He attributes the condition of the bonds to desperate legisla tion and the • maladministration of the Auditor of Public Accounts.- Op the subject of levees, he advises the ceepsration of the States of Arkamos, Misstisippl • and Louisiana, and the general government for the as. easement of special taxes for levee pur poses, and favors the encouragementof the great works of internal imprOve. meet, public education and immigration. Hs believes the New Orleans, Mobile and Chattanooga Railroad, and also the Ship Island Oanal, will be completed aa an early day, and recommends the im mediate repeal of the licensed gambling law. Nsw ORLICANII. Jan. 7.—The Baton Rouge and Vicksburg Railroad Company was organised yesterday by electing a Board of Directors, Thomas' - C. Bates as President, and George W. Cochrane as Vice President and General Superin. tendent. In the Bats Legislature yesterday a bill repealing the gambling laws was pawed to attar* raiding. • A joint resolution was Introduced ap• pointing a committee to entiertain what legislation Ii necessary for the relief of holders of property included In the clamant Myra Clark . Gaines. A 10101 root adieu was passed to soixind reading requesting the Federal Congress to recognise the belligerent rights of Cuba. Naval Dail at Annapolis. By Telesis°a to the Pittsburgh Gasettr.l ATIDATOMII, MD., January 7.—The an. meal ball of the first class of naval cadets took plane thla evening at old Fort Sev ern. Among the dlstingulatied persona prelent wane the Secretary of the Mays Admiral Porter. boater Drake, Com mander Worden and the Rllllllllll NEW YORK CITY. - The Susquehmana Railroad War Renewe&--Fanic Among For- . alp noldera of American Rail road' Securities—Arrest Sectiritien—Arrest for Al i. ed Fmnd. _ lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Rexene.) New Tong, January 7, 1570. RAILROAD WAIL RENEWED. Tho Albany t Susquehanna Railroad has broken out emelt, the parties to the suit whose interests were Injuriously affected by thi 'l4 . )4tut decisions of Judge Smith having given notice that they will move attne special term of the Sit.' prate Qirt, to be, held at • Albion, Ceenne county, on the 3d Monday of . January, to set aside all proceedings upon . the judgment of Judge Smith, and to require Robert L. Banks, the . receiver, to re-take pos. sessloit .!of ;the property. The- chief grounds for the motion ere that thb judg ment is not a final determination of the ' right of parties in the action; that the action was entered without due notice to any of the . parties adversely interested, and that bye judgment falls to.determtne the validity of. 9500 shares of stook sub scribed by Ramsey and others In August, 1860, as also those who were stockhold ers, entitled to vote. at the election of September lastonid the validity of the contracts Made with Groesbeck & Co. for 2400 shares of stock. The papers were served to-day. The affidavits are numerous and lengthy. Among them is one from Jno. H. Martin , dale, who charges that the action of Judge Smith, in refusing, notwithstanding his promise to the contrary, to, afford the attorneys of 'the Church (Dreamer oppor tunity to be beard on settling the Nets', 'aid his actual settlement of facts 'with the aid of Mr. Moak. one of the counsel of the Ramsey directors, prejudiced the parties represented by him in the same degree as though such tiction had been prompted by a theirs to deceive and, mislead. There are also affidavits. tartifting, to the service of orders staying proceedings under the judgment issued by a Justice of the Su preme Court. AMERICA) , RAILROAD alietritlTlElE A member:of the British . Parliament, Daniel Chadwick, addressed the Cham ber of Commerce yesterday. He comes to this country as the representative of British capitalists Interested In Ameri can railroad interests. He said the foreign shareholders were under a panic In regard to their American investments. They are frightened at injections and contradictory jurisdiction. He believed If there there was steadiness in our railroad management, many English capitalists would gladly invest here largely. He had seen the President, several leading Senators and Governor ' Hoffman, and his suggestion was that where I leading railroad passes through several States the Federal and not ,the State Courts should have jurisdiction. ALLEGED PEATID. Yesterday afternoon Benj.. F. Sawyer,. Mayor of Hudson City, Samuel Rapes and J. J. Bowman, were arraigned be fore Justice Leftwich, charged by C. W. 'Campbell, • ,Wall street broker, with having by fraudulent representations obtained his signature to papers which they stated. were merely forms which would enable them to effect a loan of sso,coo upon 1115.000 North Carolina Railroad bonds. Campbell says he did not reel the papers, trusting to the men. Ile has shim learned they were hot what they wereirepresented. _-• ' ' PACIFIC COAST. The. Telegraphers' strike The Press Approve the Course of the Manage ment—Judicial Appstritiseet. (IrzTOiegispo '4114 Mtatenror 0 liasatte •) SAN Fluzgaimco, January 7.—The tele graphers' strike continues without re larding the btudness of the company. The Alla California approves the pod tion of the management on this .ceast. The Ihtlielin, after -publishing the stste ments of both sides. closes g long edito rial as follows: "We cannot believe the Eastern operators were correctly inform ed of the slight cause for the strike in San Francisco before taking the steps which three Ws neoessitrepon the com pany of maintaining its position at all hazards." tiov. Haight bas appointed Jackson Temple of this city Judge of the Su preme QOlll% TIM Sanderson, resigned. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —The remainder of the Spanish boata sailed from New York quarantine yesterday. —The Rawllna Fun Stanton ew York has reached 350.000. The Fund now amounts to P 6,000. .-.The weather was Intensely cold .it Montreal yesterday, and the river almost entirely frozen over. —Seventeen fatal awe of small-pox, mostly young children, were reported in New -York during the past week. —The majority for Jno. Johnson, Dem ocratic candidate for Mayor of Marini:de, to thin:en hundred and forty.elght. —ThiGlen'a Falls (N. Y.) National Bank was entered by burglars yesterday morning, and the este blown open and ga,(100 stolen." =Governor Chamberlain, of Maine, was Inaugurated on Thursday. The State of ficers and a large number of chimes were present on the occasion. —Judge Wrn. Johnston, of Washing ton City, delivered a memorial . eddreaa on E. M. Stanton, last night, at PILS'a Hall, Cincinnati, under the endplate of the bar of Hamilton county. —The citizens of Buffalo, N.Y., yester day held a meeting to consider the sub ject of canal reforms. Fifty delegates were appointed to attend the Canal Con. vention at Rochester on the 19th inst. -Logan No. 2.4abot In New York city a few dayszunoN Wed Thursday night. With his latest breath he denied that be war the murderer of Rodgers, and insist td that he nevetead any knowledge of the Murder, or he was amqualntexi with the perpetrator of It. Dunn, the man who shot Logan, has not been ar rested. _ —Much excitement prevails at Balt Lake City, owing to the recent schism and proposed Congressional legislation with reference to polygamy. The Xvert tog News (Brigham's organ) is particu larly severe on Cullom's Utah bill, which - will, It hopes, if carried out, be resisted. Brigham also delivered one of his =et vituperative speeches on the —Daniel Walsh, who was to have been hung yesterday, at Chicago. for the mur der of his wife,Rose Walden, had hie sentence nconnuted by Gov. Palmer .to. linpristmlnedit; for life. A dispatch wen received from Springfield Thursday afternoon telling the officials to prepare for his execution, ea the Governor would not Interfere, but about nine o'clock last night another dispatch was received an- nouncing the. commutation. - Tne quarrel about the settlement of the Bowne eatetein New - York city; in. volving 12,000,000, was before Judge Cardoso on Thursday, on a motion to continue . the receivership. Mu bath Rodman-Bowne, a young lady of twenty-four summers, who was hepatic!- , ary under the will, charges that she was dedranded out of 12110.000 by the fah* representations of General - ELB. Dur yea, one of the trustees, and that the trustees have Inhonanaged the estate. Counter charges are made, and another beneficiary, :fdr. . Balntlel B Duryea, amnia that be was done out of 550,0u0 in the division by the craftiness of his , young lady cousin. • —Governor Bowie, of Maryland, In Me menage to the Legislature, pats the net funded debt of the State at 112. 692 . 03 & 0 & Alen offset the State holds stocks and bonds on which' dividends and interest are received to tbe , amount of FAS,- 41 8 - 22 , leaving an actual debt of $5,404,- 525.51. The message opposes mixed sc co l o red suggests thitt tame received_ from tax payers for school pur poses be devoted to the education of colored chltdren, and to educational (Rennie!. be extended to Mum by the State. The enemas, le of g to reat lengt, and Is confined principally State mat ters. In disorienting Lb eFi noenth Amend. Mont he contends that the question of suffrage should be left entirely to the control of the several States, PITTSBURGH , SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1870. SECOND EDITIOX. FOUR O'CLOCK, 4.. M. THE CAPITAL. Unottunped Tobacco in Territories —Cotton Experiment-r-Seeret Treaty for the Annexation of St. Domingo— The Santana Lease—Seaworlbinw of Mont tors—Order Concerning Dan gers—Death of _Gen. Mower. (Dr 'Telegraph to the ritubereh alsette.) Wasnis OTOS, D.V., Jan; 7;1870. SEAWORTMINESS OP MONITORS. . Admiral Poor, whosn.flagehip Severn conveyed the monitor Dictator to Rey West, repartee as the result of hie exp., rience that monitors 'should not be sent to sea unless moderate winds and pleas ant weather can be relied upon. COTTON EXPRIUMENT. • . -COMEIIIII4OT . it of the U. S. ship Jamestown writes to the Navy Depart ment front Mugu's° Island, Sept. Seth, that an attempt is going to be made by • company .of Englishmen to grow ask Island cotton on Wookeva and‘ greet of several thousand awes of land has been made by the French Govern ment to certain French citizens in Ta. hitt, • who temporarily vacated their claims to the English. ONsTAmPED TOnACCO. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has sent Instructions to the Superliner of the Division swimming the Indian ter ritory to eel all tutatamped tobacco" nunnifactured Rhae. , -Information re ceived here shows that much leaf tobac co is taken thither from Arkansas and other adjacent States and manufactured, with a 'view to evade Federal taxation, or it is thought that neutral land is ex empt empiby treaty front. buetion: The .th ternal Revenue law of ' dongreda, how ever, refers to all the territories. The tobacco which may. be seised wlll, Ce brought into Arkaneaa where the oonrts will mettle the question of jurisdiction. It is not designed to setae factories, but only manufactured baba= on which tax has not been paid. IST. DOMINGO ANNEXATION. There is notloubt !hit the President will send to the Senate, probably on Monday, • secret message with a treaty (with° annexation of St. Domingo. The. surd of one and a half million dol lars in prop:mkt ng to he ent be given re for e Re public, this bei ti expense of the transaction. The country is to be annexed as a territory and not as a State, CONCURRING GAUGERS. It is proposed - at the Intern Revenue Bureau to issue theta: al Intl ons to Supin e-Mors, requiring them to change .the xenolith the various distillery districts once every three months. This It is thought will aid very materially the proper prosecution of public business. tiIt.N.WOWER DEAD. The War Department has received telegram from New Orleans, announcing the death by congestion of the lungs of Breiet Major General . J. A. Mower, com manding the Department of Lonislina. Tux warts* tams& It Is understood that 1160,000 have al- ready been paid fur the lease of Samans, net which the United States now have lurtaalotion. • MINNESOTA The UV"latere—Mmwsge of Gov. Mar. shalt—lnauguration of Gov. Austin— His Inaugural Address. - o (By Telegraph In the IlttAburgh GAA