The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 07, 1870, Image 1

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    : g11;14 4)AILT lIAZE'ITE
PEUIDIANi =D. I 00.,
. o ffic4,B4 and 86 Aftle diplosue.
T. P. Eallirllll4 - I. P. lUD;
imam' A*1:1 rllltOrintra!fs
weak' or. Tao Emus.
. 3 . I:m4U Der 014110
AtTere4 tir
4 cri -
Caucus for State Treasurer.
Proceedings of the Leuteitt!ure.
New County of Chase—Free Tote
at Certain; Flections—Botith
Side Consolidation —Qualtilfa
tan' of Flutrinaceatists—Al
iowance ibr Postage—ConimW
tees.on otttnsted Neats—lnan- ,
fittration of the Governor—ben
ate Committees.
[Epeetal Dloateh to the Plttsbergh Gazette.)
Haitateatrao, Jan. 6, - nao.
The Republican Joint caucus met at
two o'clock. ' Mickey' reosived Alty
votes, Irwin eight. Mr. Arrs s and Mr.
Ivens paired off. Nineteen were
ttbeept, Including Meters. Lowry. War.
fel. NIA; 'Adair*, Boirman;Blifilitgton,
Longneeker. Craig. Herr,
'Creeken and MeCreary.' Elpener Strang
voted ' for Maokey. , Speaker. Berwrin,
Ccideetialk. Reinotd,
Btatclock and Afbright for Irwin, •
- Pennsylvania, Legislature.
The Sonata met at eleven o'clock.
. . ' lltLtag .xtrraontrawa.
!nu. Loyirayf Billeting a new
'county, "embriblnt parts of Crawford,
Velma% Warren and -rarest, to be call.
ad Chase. -1
By Mr. 'GRAHAM: 9ugolden:4d ita•
the Freehold Banking and Building
eocisdon of Pittsburgh.
Mx. AticICA.LEW: Authorising a
Vote In electing certain °insane of
'Contitlea,lownshipe, boroughs, cities and
wards, whichalloens the voter, whenever
more than one perion are elective, to the
amine Minn.:lool°6loe, to distribute his
votes among the candidates cr oonoen•
trate them upon one candidate, the
highest 'ln vote to be declared elected.
Referred to a' Special Committee, with
the fii . "kei - as Chairman.'
- 'l3# Mr,ELOWARD: Onnelidattugand
interpolating Btrmlogham, Eut Dlr.
ininghatii,,'Oroniby and territory. ad*.
cant, under : the name of Booth ,Pltts.
By Mr. TIMER: Regulating the
proparatiOn of medical Faitedptioua, no.
emanating two yean' aervloe in a drug .
.Mors or graduation from medical college
al the qualification of pharummullata.
OLMEMBAD called up the bill re
' pealing ihe 24th magma the leaeuppre- -
P riaft4 1 , 4 + ; ,
Air. WAS:LA.OIC moved =amendment
- appropriating one hundred dollars a
eeekdon toftaah memberSor postage, the
"klerk to *Op an emirate SOCCISLIA end
charge members for all over one Asm
2dr..ZWILITE moved to _reduce to Atty.
Tioat -
MrcWsOioe's aviandment Wllll canted
sad tlie WU:posed S 1132119;
hi the ointectoilf . 'cue of
Itlamond,r,Democrst, agaLast
publkian, woo strinin as follows: Mims.
ZOwti. Warfel. Randall, Miner,
Drool*, said 9ratiaii—dro Ropoblicano
!sod two Democrats.
Str,WHITE. prasental a reeolatloa
exlser,Teadareoao,, 18th that - for the
inaortratlon, an the sou* portfoo - tbs
capital, tf, - Jthe weather le framable; If
otherirlee,la the hill alike Room; and
appointing a committee. of en= from
. each: haoaa to ashibllah ,arreeiremeaut
, • arid welt ah the fkrreCOOS Carried.
=UTZ ookurrizza.
The toile 'ring are the Chairmen of the
_ most lavilirfant Senate Ctentnlttees,. all-
nonciod.,,to-lv „Fects.r4 Relation%
Lowiyf Maids-
Aulleisr7. (Local)
10iterbooti, Corporation Graham;
• !tanks; Ramsay; Moss 'and liilolog,
'Kum* Cain% Reward; Railroads,
.., • - -VorioU WM*: •:Vioe iaad
inuodriairirr -Rani Claims and Dams-
How* Priatini,Asisassyr . New
' Tisallause Conissittass brad:mom.
led .
; Mr. APAPtE Introduced s resolution
sppolrttioa Iteir.Zdwards, of Learrenee,
Onsplein. Diseturedend postponed.
The committei' kentided_ , •
au a Gams - (Rep. ): against . Follow
(Thga..),veledrawn -moitillows: Mists'
'Addeo,. joLophs,..Bong..OFiqs,
• ~ .14.4/4,4l6.lzisrAlUllkon.Taylor.r- f fro
$ tour Itepulilleaso.
. owsedtallteedaymmilapi
f o loneltetlenal Coarentlei—laille•
Haim timesiatags—ltalt;,is wunteh
tome ryiinerui august
rif.74 o ,lgie Mans Oatto
WI hi`
It m d ay ; b:any members hare salved.
There was el.: l 4E l6 mm in the Bllieletst
The - House male all MI ad the
etirT Kbe .
Ming t i'ljandsl•
ing the Mg TO
*Mows guilty of drungengem. Snaking
the offense a misdemeanor. The. bUI to
emitter the Blue Grass Salim mead
amended as to provide that no State std
shall- be given said road. Viet ne___Adie
kEAttonnossdiao. shall pennaseel
against Tiotessis fee - Ishii Or pa.segems.
and that Tennessee shalt have the isms
lesisiative control ow the road se it bsit
over other roans ill the' Enanie.'sanl their
puled on third reeding. The Senate
reselutketa .00mpllinim to Judge
TAW of riEae grauf wore
rosolosaisicr- , -
von 16 Pit ti nu epOned i 1 / 2 1tate
naeue--Cesatetlag iam.ra,
T0. , 1 , tc.thfruusvo efaettal.
ST* T 1,03 4 8 F Pirern to, 114 Hargai
, ,
Jannary6:—lt ; la rantateit that the Ca.:
• WWI are belnieelf Pint an Prima, and
that they, hive guide a breach In
=TVs Unite: blittieNed.keteeftutier
"'nave's fame retreated to Port Pella:nil
• ""tere be tired the magazine, and with
-r.iikt-40..uprat.....-pwit.4 Author.
antifirtiO erteulattatrianhatßalsave blue
;tot to 86 D3minxo and eiihned the pro.
-tentlon of, President. /tux. emtnis
Inman ' and Illabri I have tublishad's
- - protent agalnit the sale of the Ito of :
'Santana to the United States. Ttu7 ats
Uttar agthua Baas -
. .
• • , ... .
..- . . .. ,
- 1
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L. 1 1 " ...
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\ ] • 4111111 -
, , .
'VOL. Tixxxv.
The Telegraph Strike—Origin
and object Stated by the
Western Union Company—Pro.
pallor Steam. Tug Suva—Ton
fassion of the Winchester Nur
Ms ?Vernal. a ma ritabaniu a.m.]
Navr 'roam, January 6, 1870
Nati from the Western Union Tele.
graph Company.
. RUN IIiVE Office of the Western Union
Telegraph Onnpany, 145 Breadway—To
the public: Since the publication, this
morning, of the card signed by the offi
cers of thts Company, explaining the
oircumstaneea out of which the strike
of operators IMO* • fall and ,dotflied
statement Of what occurred In Califorpia
hist been received from the Company's
agent, Mr. niumford. They are as tol-
' "AfXnit the middle of Decomber, Super
intendant Gamble, desiring to reaction
the oompemsation of the employes at San
Francisco according to the value of their
services, gavo notice to two operators.
that after January let their salaries
would be reduced from 1120 to 1115 a
mouth, and to a third that his salary
would be Ito:messed from-1100 to 1120 a
month, making an Increase In the aggre
gate oompenastion - of the three of ten
dollars • month. Acting enthuse 00110814
Francs up u p n os teed I "
nt h p e r e o se p nanto at San
of -Warier which they asked • to
have adopted. In,. this schedule
the two salaries which Mr. Gamble had
proposed to reduce remained as before,
and= Increase of four others was asked
fort - Mr. Mumford so far auented to tie
Scheid° as to make no reduction of
_,laries and Allowed a portion of the pro;
posed Increase. He at the same time In
formed the operators that the force in the
office was larger than, was Juistitied . by
the diminished business the number of
menages being less than usual and the
receipts lighter. The operatort thero
selves admitted that inore'mati were em
ployed than wee- necessary. To bring
the force thus Into harmony with the
wants of the Mildness, Iwo men were Ma
mboed, but they were not the men
whose salaries Mr. Gamble had In the
lint instance proposed to reduce. The
salaries of those men remained unchang
ed. although one of these 'wan dismissed
after the reduction of the price above
- mentioned. A fourth man refused to
work at the schedule price, although it
was ten dollars a month higher than be
had ever received. , _
Out of this mate of things the strike
arose. The facts thus explained, fully
supporthiumford's original state
ment,-that he had rednled no salaries,
and had no intention of dolog so. fie
had, In fact, Were teed them upon the
petition of the operatoni themselves, and
the only man who appears .to .!rave left
because he was dissainded with his corn.
pensation, refused to work -att an
advance in his salary of ten dollars a
month. The strike, then, is not as the
operators bare have alleged and suppos
ed—a strike in rasidance to a reduction
of wages, general or special—bat in
support of the claim of an individual
whose salary has been raised, but not to
so high ..figure as he desired.
It cannot be denied, In view of all the
circumstances, that the whole body
of ' strikers throughout the Onion
have left their work- with the
view and purpose of subjecting
the bualruiss of the entlee -oomatry,to
delay and derangement, because toms
John Smith in California, demanding an
bwresse of twenty donate In his
Can get only ten dollars. This Le the
real lane, milers
It is tlirther claimed that this comPanY
shall not be permitted to determine bow
large • force is necessary to do its bush
mom and to increase or diminish it froth
time to time scoordlnab% •
0. H. Pax in. Tressurcr.
The gamboat, Matta, which lett hereon
Friday last, In company with the It. B.
steamer allantonomartforPortland, when
off the bay Tuesday morning, broke her
steam pipe and suddenly stopped shoed
of the Miantonornah before the headway
of the latter could be checked. The re
suit was a collision, and the Maria
was out down to the water's edge
and sunk in fift een minutes. Four
of the crew, firemen; Wars lost; tabula°,
of the officers and men, including the
Lieutenant commander in. charge, were
rem Me d -by the leantonOntab; sad ba r e
returned to this city. The Marla was a
UMer tug, and was on her way
the squadron at Portland, now
forming for the - naval. reception of the
Peabody ro,F*ll.
muitimurs's corrvzsenos
Backhart, the 'murderer • of his wife
and Mr. Pandall, in West Chester, made,
a oonfession yesterday while partially
under the innuimoe_nt ehloroformi ad
ministered to hint valett the trdth Mktg
pretended inanity. He says he killed
his wife because she was unfaithful to
him, and he does not know why he killed
The. ball or tho Amdeu! Club; a
rioted! Democratio oreanlzatlon, to•inhrht,
was a grand =Mean Tweed, swampy.
Mayor Hall and many other pelted
lightawere present.
' The Spanish gunboats went to sea to
day, but subsequently returned to tin tr.
The steamship Jays, tram Liverpnol,
arrived to-day. Generals Banks and
Bursaldswere passim , . .
ElB. . .
- . ST. LO .‘ - '
aciairnii of the WaUonal Capital—Al.
eared . larloaard Nate
enanie Exchange Meeting.
cry Marva& to US PUsabantaessana.l
Sr. Loofa; January - 6..-Qalte:,a late,
Meeting was held at the Southern Hotel
tonight, to Madder . the -question of re .
Moving the National capital. - The chiir.
Min was authorized to appoint coMmlt.
tees to ehdt Washington and use Shell
Maximo. Ingetting the -removal sinew
tion - ibeibre
. co but cepecris ll y 'to
prevent, ff 61e, farther appropria
tions for acrrsiument buildings at Wadi
ington. Latter, from Conwripatuenwore
read, stating that there ii • Oongnemonal
AllituifisiPitutinyeablugton, whfbh two
weeks ago numbered - nearly eighty
members, and la constantly Increasing,
'whose nurtsmal is to' defeat • appropria
tions and generally -agitate the removal
- - I
question.' .
- Dy. ~ liasseseter, the_ ellopd.,:kiinsti
,W.,..WarifeleMold tromAxwolly i pt. the
etilld WM - taken - lehlskree ' . Col,
Meyer,President .of the Boar P olice.
Commssioners, and will be kept until.
MO manta arrive. -
The ,Marchants . Exchange tc-day
Coresolutions asking Congress to
• 4)t.' lantlit-,a , full,past of entry as
sOnseiblel, L l'. , - .
d dettdebt 'a St. Donis county
leanly /111,984000. ,
; -
~Piloceeeings of the Legtela
laturnmm, Jan. B.—A bill has been
payikinced In the Kentucky House, and
Made the special order (or the 12th, pro
viding for the substitution of hard labor
lit - eBl mese pier° whipping is now the
Ilasolttlorm weri offered and referred,
protesting against the Congressional
measures now pending, regulating the
Jilliedicticat of UN Elupreme Court...and
the power of the Executive;
134 l is locking to the revision of the mu.
siltation of Kentucky were also Intro-
The House appOinted a Committee to
repair to Lsuisvlllsr and =mina Into
the manner and system of inspection of
itnilreerneeldent—Two Men laned.
tßeTeleereen wpm Pltuburgh Gazette 4 :
+ llll . Xi.. Jemmy . J
/Illawnind sad Hooey Boelsowldlidrialpit
across the snick of the P. and E. Railroad
near this plane, were run over by the
ears and both killed. Boyle was a eon
of Gen. Boyle.
.AS Kentucky, and both
Were members of the College of Nair
The' New French MinifdrY—Re
mosal of Baron Haussman as
Prefect of the Seine—Censor
ship to be Suspended—A Set l
ons Fenian Disturhance—Th
Police Fire Upon the Rioters—
Minister Motley'si Residence
BurglarizedPolitical'' Crisis
in Spain—Rumors of a Dicta
torshipT7Adjournment of the .
Cottes—Second Assembling of
the Ecumenical Council; •
By TelegT.Pß
Pants, January 6.—The official jouiMal
publishes a decree appointing Mr. Siert
Cherreanx,..late Prefect of the , Depart
meat of the- Rhine, to. snowed 'Baron
Hausman as Prefect of the Seine.
Hausaman le mitered of all his admints
trative functions. This even& is , toga:rd:,
ed as one of prime impertance, being a
sure indication of the power of the dew
Ministry: The Emperor was dethrone of
retaining tite.Prefect. This is proved by,
a tenet which hishfsjestj wrote to
and which establishes the fact that the
first act of the Cabinet was to ask for the
removal of the Prefect of the Seine. The
Emperor has a strong personal regard
for Hausman, and bad promised! to
MIN but thought lproper to
defer to the expressed desire of hiss - Mi r
tatty. The Imperial letter contains; an
assurance orate affection of the Sovereign
and his regret at parting with an officer
eo widely and deservedly esteemed. •
Senator De Manpaa demanded an in-,
veatlgaticia of the domestic policy of the
GrovernMent. Official permission bas
been granted for the Kale of the /Zappe!
(radical organ) in the street.
It is reported that the censorship here
tofbre exercised over telegrams and the
admission of foreign papers will be at
least temporarily suspended:
GREAT marsim
LONDON, Jan. B.—The amount or bul
lion In the vault of the Bank of England
has decreased 8100,000 since last week.
There are rumor. that quite a •sation•
outbreak occurred near Looghird,. in
Ireland, attended with loss of life.
An extract of Mrs. Eitowe's "Lady
Byron' Vindicated," containing eleven
hundred and words, was re
ceived by the Anglo-American and
Atlantic cables last evening,
Ittihad In the Pall Mall Gazette of today.
, Dunlap, January B.—The Irish jour
nals report that during the Parliament
ary election in Longford, which we.
bitterly contested and attended with
great exciters:6;l4.. the- euppnters of
Martin, the FeMan candidate, - and tire
Mends e Nugent, came into collision at
Gullet 0111, tn:the rear•of Longford.
After a sharp fight between the parties
the troopeeppeared upon the held and
fired upon , the Fontana, who quickly
dl.persed. A few men were wounde
but no one killed. At last accounts there
had been no further disturbance, but_
proper precautions - had been taken to
prevent a renewal of the conflict. The
Fenian element la greatly exasperated
over the defeat of its candidate.
The residence of Mr. Motley. American
Minister at London, was entered by bur
glars last night and robbed to the value
of 1000 pounds.
_Mammy, January 6.—The podded
nigh; shows no signs of ending. Rumors
are current that an application will be
made to GM' Caney to induce It to unc
tion the establishment of a Dictatorship
for four months and suspend its semdon.
• Nsw Yorr, January 6.—Some of tato
evening papers contain the following
cable dispatch: The imperial sutra that
two pistol theta were Bred at Bern=
yesterday without -wounding him.
Frousucz, January 8. —lt is
announced that the refusal of Victor
limennel to consent to the candidature
of the Doke of Genoa for the Spanish
Throne was made unwillingly. bat be
could not avoid It, owing to the extreme
disinclination of the Duchene of Genoa to
It, on her eon's account. _
MADRID, January 6.—The ()oriel has
adjourned. Jost previous to adjourn
ment there was greet excitement among.
the members on hotly disputed quest.
Untie relating to the Ministry and dy.
nasty. • ,
There it • rumor that the Diontponsier
party will make fresh efforts to meow
plied their alms.
-La impartial nye the leaden of the
Unionists have refoeed to enter into the .
new cabinet which Marshal Serrun la
endeavoring to form. ,
Rows. January 6.—The second pdblin
congregation ctt the Ecumenical Connell
oommeneed this morning. The first wu
on the oataaion of the Inauguration of
the Council. The cerremorder today
were not on so grand a . scaler thaw of
the opening day, and the nnniber of,
apeatalass SOU& waUar. The Pope ink
present, but there was no proosiodon, to
the hall of the. Council, and no opening
address was delivered. Man was ogle•
brated, after which 'each Father deliver
ed to the Pope lds.profession of faith,
adebrding to the formula of Plus IV:.
Though its organization Is complete",
the Council cannot yet promulgate de.
cress. The Pope continues in Sao health.
Lompoc, January 6.—A correeptsident
of the nmee, writing from Rome, says
the Pope will probably proclaim the
&erns of Infallibility by a decree, not
admitting an appeal to the General Conn-
I =l3l=
QtrtZNITOWIS' Jan. o.—The steamer'
Berawybrazdra from New York; has
ftrasoow, Jan. 6.—The steamship
Cambria, from New York, has arrived,
hf Ammo J 10112217 IL—Thii :United
Stites stesineelpohutpd has arrived el
Barcelona, ,
January 8.-Noeafed.-10on
milli aimed at Mk. for motley; 92% for
'amount. • Mamie= seetiritleequlat2
Cia, 87k; Cat, old, 86k; 87a, KW. L 010;
litk. Erie; I7k; Illmois Central, NW;
A. 6 O. W. 26k. - • •
FRANZ/011Tc January 6.-ilfonting.-
U. B.l3onits firm e, 920924 f.
water Wen tiplanoa Orleans 11.80;
tales 10,000 hales. Meadataftequlet.' QM.
lornls while wheat 986(4971; red western,
No. 2. Ma; do. No. 1,112 s; winter 8a 10d.
Mar 22a 81. Corn: No,. 2 mixed 28s 9d.
Oats 2a Od. Pork ,105 a.
rt leef 102 i. Lard
declining at 7 1 s: • ett.. Cheese 139 a
.Bacou:Turpentine 216.6 d.. Linseed
Oil 31. Tallow it 39a. - Petrol •
dull at 40e on 'pot; 2811 . 9M5129a afloat.
nape:3loB..o'lller at 286%2E48d, .Lard.
Oil quiet. •
Patios, Janua ry `. 6.-Bourse' llul and
quoted at 7stt,
I,x2wimr,liumari .
a.-Peorokitim Arm
and unchanged.
Bugarimi, January 8.-retroleim quiet,
at 7 Maier& _
liiimutto, January 6.--Petroletim
gales at 16 marcbancos.
Adtalitim Zaw-11111 ler 'Ball.
rest enorthobten Protesting Against
Consolidation of Computes.
(al Selesnisti m Ole P.t.tiburiliOssetli.j
Cowman% Jennary O.—A bill was in•
tredueed In the Senate to•dlk repeating
the famous visible admixture law. ' •• '
Alw. it,blll to ogtOP9l railroad comps.
ides Oonsottdatiog wltrilbreign comps:
Wes to purchase from protesting stook:
bolder their stock at the Wilma Market
• .
—Sohn Barton, charged 'with killing
James Miller at the ReformrBchool In
Chicago, by striking hha - on the bead
with a whipstock, , has been convicted
manslaughter, and sentenced one year
In the State Penitentiary. et Joliet.
• •
Demand for Salary Increase—Cu
ban Privateer ,at Charkston -
Um Fermentation Period
Revenue - Decision—West. Vir
ginia Distilleries.
Tslegraurt to the 'Pittsburgh oaseito..l
The Cderki In the ClEleant the Congres
sional Printer have made in application
to the Secretary of the Treasury for an
addition of twenty der cent: to their sala
ries. the increase of compensation to date
back a year or. more. The claim is made
on the ground that the law giving M
oors of the Senate twenty per cent. addi
tional compensation embraces the cler=
fell foree of the Consresalonal Printer.
"who is elected by the Senate. Secretary
Bontwell has referred tho matter to the
First Comptroller. •
Revenue agents have left for Clooinnati
fog tbs./Purpose! of taking testimony re
lating to the forty.elght hour fermenta.
(ion period, accompanied by a ph&
nographlo reporter. Their visit le
in accordanoe with the request of
43. ~, Burnet, ,Fattorney tag-..w
tarsi • dietitian ,:' who ‘: bare alnady
'entered - their protest against the time
flied by the Commissioner. They will
probably be absent until next Wednes.
day. and it le understood representative
distillers from St. Loafs, Loalevillo:
Chicago and western cities will be present
to testily in behalf of the claim desired.
The Spanish Minister hoe 'notified the
'Stste.Departinent that the steamer ' An.
Me, a Chtian privateer, crossed the barer
Charleston Harbor yesterday about noon
and anchored off Fort Sumter, with I
portion of the maw of the Hornet on
heard. The Secretary of State immedi
ately notified the Navy Deeartmentend
• tevenne ender, with a . U. & Marshal
on board, has been ordered down to the
suspeoted steamer.,
Rsvarrue DECINON
Commissioner Delano decides that
dealers In lest tobacco cannot be allowed
to purehiee the serape, waste and sweep.
lugs of cigar manufactures In bulk with
out the payment of full tax thereon.
CoL Heiner, Special Agent of the In•
tame! Revenue Bureau, has returned
from the inspeetion Of the Weat Virginia
&littler's', and reports he has dlaooyered
no Illegal practices among them.
The receipts of eastern' for the week
taxttmig December Slit were. 14782,152.
Menage of Go !McClurg to tie
(BiTelevaih So the rusitrorgh essitta.)
ST. Louis, .111.120117 B.—Gov. kleClurg's
message calls attention to , the peaceful
condition at the Btaterand In view of the
fact aakaa consideration of the expedien
cy of removing political disabilities from
thee* who participated in the rebellion.
He does 'not ecinistd or It necessary to
amend the constitution to ergot this, as
the constitution now' provides that the
Legtalature may remove such disatdlides
after January let, 1871. lie recommends
that Ole hi made a, question of /MOUS.
Wort (nibs ceDVloll.fliaXt fall. MO that the
:undid/lea far the Legislature' next- till
may nit,. in part,at least, upon this isms.
He opposes a Convention for the revision
of the Constitution, but recommends the
submitting to the people the proposition
to allow. offeror's' to vote. and another
striking out of the coostitutiou what le
known es the double liability clause.
The State debt In 1869 was $30,600,000,
and the general financial cuidltion favor.
able; but the Governer urges strict econ
omy. The intereston the bondsfcrr July
next .Is, provided for by that of January
following, and: can be easily arranged.
There are now in the Treasury near)ysix
Studied thousand dollen% mom of which
belongs to the interest fund., The prin.
alp& of bonds maturing in'72 amounting
to 1477,000, and that of 1878; of 1680,000,
curable bepromptyinet. Three hundred
and - silty mile* of railroad - haveiseen
built during the year and one thousand
and thirty-live miles are In course of
construction. •• •
The Governoediseuesee th e resoarom
of the Stets at length and advisee every
means to be used to give Information re
sliming them to the people of this come
try and of Earope. On..the tariff guest=
he asys Shetpresent tariff 'Would and - no
will b modified and 'duties placed on
luxuries; but hopes the free Weds
movement may be regarded with
ituelikion. Regarding capital pun.
tahraent tie or not convinced of • de
barbarity; and adds that "the 'teaching
of Christianity is that the ruler bough
not the sword in vain, for be la tne mtn
later of God, a revenger to execute wrath
:upon him that death evil." The public
school fund amount, to oellt sixteen
hundred thousand dollars, and the
schools of the State are in a prosperous
condition. He recommends, the bash
lishment of a reformatory school Ihr
young persons convicted of minor offen
ses, and urges the adoption - of the lath
Amendment Immediately on the receipt
of in attested' ektpYfrech Wathingten.
gip Wept,* to the Plathaesit esastsso .
HAVii.W.te Jan. fl.-4.bOdy ofins3rgenta
li+?reported .moving" toward. lite:Canto
atop begins In the eisfaividepartment.
Blinultaneonaly with tins movement
several well arnied bodies of two hi:w
and itit-flosta 4 hutairen,nten nook were
•aint SzWiho tont» Ortho btnooylliza
dlarlor. 'lttseeportotltheobjziotof thole
expeditions la to destroy cane
There has ma yet been no confirmation
of the surrender of the 1,500 Insurgents.
)"Tiurrose'det c*ztn lopislorwlOr distal*
' tut the Prinfailli ellent;,
There itmnotrillotwein at Nuevitae.
It la reported that the insurgents re
encitulPtd'itt , Thhru_,ellt*Pid
hada to Ragged Island and /111111112.
Nothing has been heard of Gen. Pull°
shied the 25th of 'Decembsr. He left
Noovitoo to gOtowards Coscorro.,
, or T i p t qf woods
erto to ol .
i th s troidiate cu il i o i l o nity
depriving the linuttipinta of a place of
I liannelAtiniguer.'tine of Me lwaug
chief* has been killed. . _ •
Taoists, Dec. SO. via. Hanna 6.
Ramble hvellitlrculation that the °beta:
aim to the completion oiihstAnde of the
Island to the United States have been'
Cokloved• :Then II lithe crodenco given
the,sopbrt, z
The French Alialsteviuts +mho fr om
vsmalos W. Soya. 2,
.Selsore of a Supposed Cuban Privateer.
Pr Towson so the Pittsburgh 0 wit , 63
Ri.o , *slog,l3
January .—The Aeon
yektht Anis, Cape. Sonitnene; from New ,
York, for Nam% put Into this Fort on
'Xussday, under strays of weather, and
tonknbid:' WWI oho
was visited by the Custom Rowe UMW.
Mt,. on ,00tztplalot, of the Itheash Con.
and that she was Intended for violating the
neutrality laws, and was seized by the
Vatted. States Marshal aqd detained.
passedipovneul craw were mostly.
Cubans, Col. W. O. Ryan, the Cuban Si.
!baster'', and a ion ef Oen. Veljililded •
log among the former. On Wednesday
the Anna was taken to the Government
dock and put In charge of two United
State, army ottioers and twenty-fire prt.
Inter, 'W4146004 thdahlraoonipaw,
the passengers and most of the ereir Wi
ttig rooms &taboo' to await the dismal.
t on ofthe vessel. Tilers wsa Rearmament
On loud /maths Anne had mule: clear
&nee papersirom the Custom Rouse at
Zi . ew York. Herpamengers had engaged
pi as
allege that they
were entirely unprepatod so make =7:
etvit moMmtenta. The. INIU
be - bard In the United States Mart on
FridayZnortdag. .
—is weasel arrived in Cimileston hen
torr. on Wednesday which is reported
by , the, Spaniels. Bantster to be • Cu
ban- privateer. - and filled with men,
among teem a portion of the crew albs
Mortiet, , M te mated tharolletted MUM
Reyenne cutter hew been sent down from
Charleston, with the United Mates Mar
shal on board. to overhaul her.
—The Indians Publishers' ditsociaticni
111 In session at Indianapolis.
—There Is no new feature In the tele•
graphers' strike at Mideast'.
—The Democratic State Convention of
Indiana will meet to-inorrowst lodise
spells. .
—John C. Greeks Midge hue been ap
pointadtheCineinnati South
ern Railroad for 11.sntuelry.
—The Maryland Legtalstme wee fully
organized yesterday and the Governor's
message read In thezfternoon. •
—W. H. Taylor, freight helm brake•
man, fell from a tralti - at Nashville, yes
terday, and was killed butanely, bV
head being crushed. '
—W. L. Percy. partoillee clerk at Cin
cinnati, was acquitted yesterday of a
charge of opening registered letters. The
Jury did not leave the box.
—The Regents of idichigan University
have adopted a resolution, the effect of
which admits women to the University
on en OTWAY wWt hales.
—The ftepubllcans at the Maine Lew
lalature have nominated L. M. Morrill
for O. S. Senator. ,Ths 'Demon:ate hays
nominated Law need, of Waldboro.
—The steamboat Oonnecticat passed
Poughkeepsie yeeteiday noon Ibr Al
bany, loaded to the gniirdii with freight.
The river at CoLaekie I. dogged with
—The Memphis municipal election
yesterday passed off quietly. John
Johnson, regular Democratic candidate,
arm elected Mayor by probably a thou
mad majority.
—Gen. Prim and' Regent Serrano are
mid to -be Inclined to fever the sale of
Cuba to the United ; States, but an har
hal of the affect-on the Spanish people,
who are utterly opposed to snob sale.
—Gen. Shelidan attended the reunion
of 'the Second Michigan Cavalry, at
Grand Rapids. 'This le the regiment of
which he was Colonel dr*, and the only
regiment heoommanded doting the war.
—Dr. B. C. Manchester and wile were
arrested at Bt. Louis rday, charged
with kidnapping alittle girl, daughter
of Hellion and Abbey Burnham, of
Weston, Mm. Dr. M. L the man who
attempted • adratile 2,pon a dead, body
—The hesitant Lednard Croaker and
Henry Webb, Who perished near Buffalo
in the storm of Sunday night hat, were
found yesterday afternoon on Crooker's
own field. They were covered with lee,
Nand and driftwood, and were evidently
washed there by the tidal wave which
broke over the turnpike road near the
lake shore.
...Tantioe Dowling. of New Yoik city,
having on Tuesday proclaimed in open
Court that be knew policemen who were
in the habit of abetting pickpockets end
sharing their planderandge Bosworth,
President of the Baird of Police Com-
_Alesioners, addressed a Jetter to him,
requesting the namesof such policemen,
and if found gnilty, prised that they
would be summarily dismisted. The
Justice mit a verbal reply, stating that
he did not with to be complainant.
• —Wednesday night the etore of Hard.
lug .t Brothers, dry goods deplore, at
Rockville, Parke sonny, Indiana, was
entered, and the safe broken open and'
robbed of eighteen thousand dollars in
currency. Some Illfagreement existed
between the Arm and the °Moors of the
bank at Rockville end they bad with.
held their depottlia. which amounts for
the large amount of money On hand. The
burglars left their tools and a dark lan.
term with some other professional sp.
—The Spanish and Cuban feeling In
New York city is said to be waxing
warm. The Spanish Consul and Senor
De Canto, editor of -001 - Spanialt Paper.
have - recetveff - anonymous notification
that they are to be astualnated. Senor
Roberta, Spanish Minister at Washing
ton, Is also to be put out of the way by
two well dressed emissaries, who are to
decoy him Into a dark corner. -Accord
ing to EL Confect, the Cuban Junto have
arranged all this bloody work In secret
salon. Meanwhile there are reports of
the successful departure of another ex
pedition for Cuba with plenty of arms
and powder.
—Another frandalent divorce ease Is
before the New York Couto. John Gow
an, It la represented, left that city In May
hist and came to Pluabrush; and when
ha returned home found that his wife
had been divorced from him. The case
bad been tried before one S. EL Stewart,
Jr., as referee, and three witnesses hid
sworn to Gowan'a violation of the mar.
riage vow with ons. Lissie Smith, rerAd
lug Mll4 Allen street. Gowan introduced
proof !adore Judge Cardoso that no such
person as Little Smith resided -at .114
Allen street, nor even traletedohat he
was not guilty'of the alleged Infidelity,
and that he bad never been served with
a =Slot of the action, es mulled by
law. -Deehdon reserved.
The Lagetntag lieneers—The Bolt lOU
' General and no Commune.
• The Mine among the telegraph opera.
tore here as well as elsewhere through
out the country continues, and no efforts
Cowards effecting a compromise have
thus far been made on either side. The
Western Union Company are running
With light force, but announce, In the
following furnished card, that they are
amply supplied with Operators to Wane"
their buenem
Werrans Crum fertsawaru Co ,
°Moe of the 80p.t.. 4th District.
Fittanttaan, Jan. 6, 1816.
To THE PUBLIC :—Loot as inspresaion
may obtain endenos with our anstollitaa
and the Wills generally. that owing to
the ustrike"wrionwn some of the opera
, tors formerly in the employ of the oom.
Pain, our facilities for thee tranuniadon
of news see interfered with, we take thlis
method of smuring them that we are
amply supplied with operators to do our
bodement es promptly as heretolbres. .
• Bort.
The following private messages have
keen received from wnicespoints, which
&Hoed a summary of the situation up
till midnight:
' Pumeristmetre. Jan. • e—The tele•
Ivanhoe' strike continues. Fresh anew
dons to the Lessen are being made
'rapidly. -DU eedmated .11W 9,000 men
"re out throughout the country.
-•Ltsunvihns, 'Jen. 6.—The Western
Union operators at this piece continue
.theildrikeennklue neelibriaiprectulta to
their ranks hourly. They have a large
rookroositfortsbly Mediae and are en-
Joylo& themeolvem and letting things
take ale mime • • •
Ouiceao, Jan. 0 —The strike of the
Weliteen Union Taisegraghoperatota ma
ilmen with every prospect of anaosse
-Ecolgurli6bff Marta marl/ received
from all vinous.
Naw Ontoreen, January 6.--Atianta
went out this morning. Augusta and
others fell into Aloe to night. Tem
dead. Gelvestan and ,Houston's full
Ibroo quit withont them. Texas van do
"nothing.' Every's:oak is out her,. Com
mittees; have been appointed and one
man pieced on duty to clear the Wainer
of yesterday up. All business ts• being
refused now and not a man ham shown a
desire to Ail our pease.
New Tome, January B.—The The.
;ciphers' ,erreiontintes. . Biwa ? .
aging newel has been rewind - today
from all quarters. The operatorson the
COhis ante Joined the strikers to day,
several caked month not before re.
ported. It is reported.the aillcials here
are wavering and the otailrees .it I.
thought will all be in their plans in a
Ctigoaini January_ll, P. s.—The re.l
pore that the Onion Fulda-Railroad will
aid the . Western Union Company, and
vain by
hood dap . n& The
Brother ed Fogineers- Moe sympetht es
with the en and will not permit it.
The strikers in tkie city will publish the
flat.Toff denying • esstato bogus
re l7a. t ,,Wingaled by the Weldon Onion
Company.- soweing a oessegicia of the
ieslke and offers of commune. The
bpsiatore of the Indienevigiai and Ed.
Louie Wend have Pledged themselves ,
not to vacate their offices taw:out pod
ikn on the Western Union Company.
lenuneiromg, January et.-Telegraph
strikers - ere still holding out firm. and
declare the intention of not .bndging en
Inch.". At Terre Haute they rem" their
numbers as being augmented ptiety.
ten braves were taken in today:
Neenvini.—The ODl•groph °pentagon
hive suspended and the strikers epilg
eiwawally send words of wood cheer to
their northern brethren: The strike eZ•
midi to: Atlanta. Augusta, Jackson. .
'z z
Miss, Memphis, Mobile, and a number
of other important telegraph points.
• Cntormsart, January B.—A large con
tribution has been tendered by citizens
to support the telegraph strikers in their
contest for no reduction of *ages. An
ex-Supetintendent of the Western llnion
Company Is taking an active part In the
Sr. Lowe, Janurry 6.—The telegraph
operators publlah a card oontrachoting
the report that that office Is "manned by
a sufficient force. Railroad operators
are Joiningin the strike, and busineu
men arc landing support to thelr caws.
New You', January 6.—Oommuulma.
Mon by the Cubap cable is Interrupted
by the strike of the Western Union tele.
grapheme. Stream's efforts are beteg
put forth to control the Atlantic cable,
with great probability of. success. The
.Leagoo'T to hourly adding to its num
bers, and °Damara are r•Jolcirg ever
the visible algaanf waverlomOn the part
of the Western • Union officials. Men
now on duty, Including the printing
operators, say they can work no longer
than to-morrow, and the chief operators
will, no doubt, Join the strikers. The
headquarters of the "League" at the
Western Hotel presents a busy appear
ance. messages constantly arriving
frotn all portions of the country, and are
reoeived with cheers by the eager
Wasters on', January 6.—Hon. Mr.
Latham, President of the Trades Assam.
bly of the finned Stets, addressed the
telegraph strikers to-day, and encour
aged them In their coarse and, promised
material aid If required. If the strike
was not ended by the Western Union
Company belbre Monday next It is an
ticipated grees.will' take action
In the matter: ' ;
Crrr.—ln the 011 regions the
strike Is most general and widespread.
The IltrundUeoffice wee closed yesterday
and day before, one man on duty today.
Rosser/11e, 'Pit/tole, Pleasantville, Tarr
Farm, Miller Farm and Petroleum Can.
tre offices are closed and no operators • to
be found to till the places vacated by the
strikers. It is odd that the Oil trade
of Pittsburgh and the 011 regions have
signed cards binding themselves to not
retronise the Western Union Telegraph
tbutpany until the strikers are rein
stated. "and have tendered substantial
aid if necessary..
The foregoing inesaagea, It may be
well to remark, are (=parte. The West
ern Union °Metals here say, and they
are gentleman In whose words we have
the largest confidence, that they, are in a
petition to •eflght the fight out"' r and will
dolt; that they have ample facilities and
force to conduce their brialneer s.
promptly and satisfactorily as ever, and
that their patrons will in no possible
way suffer during the strike. It is to'be
hoped that an early adjustment of the
difficulties will be made and tnat the op.
orators and company will better under
stand each other in the future.
Coal Stealing
For some time taut, especially during
the lut "cold spell," John Fau has ob.
served an 'laming decrease in the fuel
stored In his cellar. He was at a Ices to
amount for the mystery until a few days
ago, when just about the usual time set
apart for graveyard yawning' and other
nocturnal manifestations. he alleges he
observed Patrick Dann emergecautione.
ly from the cellar, survey the landscape,
and apparently finding the way clear,
rapidly disappear from sight, bearing
with him several well filled coal scuttles.
Tuesday, to have the matter properly in
vestigated, he called et Deputy Mayor
Nichols, 'nd made • charge of larceny
against Patrick, upon which he was ar
rested and compelled to give ball for a
Ilopert's laud.
As early as 1858 a committee of the
Minnesota Legislature compiled a great
Tarietigt tostimony. upon the resources
of Central British America, including a
narrative by Governor, and now Senator,
Ramsey of an official visit In 1851. to
Pembala, on the northern frontier of Min.
nesota, awl a trip to Fort Garry, seventy
miles beyond Pembina. After derail].
ing, with some enthusiasm, the flat sp.
preach to *civilized settlement, fifteen
miles south of the junction of the Arran'.
beta and Red Rivers. , the Governor
yours the following picture of life' on
Red River :
Imagine a river flowing sluggishly
northward through a flat, alluvial plain,
and the west of it lined continuously for
over thirty miles with cukivated farms,
each presenting those appearances of
thrift around them which I mentioned an
surronading the first farms seen by us ;
each farm with a narrow frontage on the
river of only twenty-four rods in width,
but extending back for one or two miles,
and each of these narrow farms having
their dwellings and out buildings spread
along the hirer aunt, with lawas sloping
to the water's edge' and shrubbery and
vines literary trained around Ahem, and
trace intermingled—the whole presenting
the appearance of a long suburban vil
lage—such as you might see near our
Esstem seaboard, or suck as you find ex
hibited in plenum of English country
villages; with-the resemblance rendered
more . aniking by the spires of several
churches peeping above the foliage In the
distance. Whitewinhed school houses
glisten hem and there, amid sunlight and
green; gentlemen's houses of pretentious
dimensions, and grassy lawns and cash
orate fencing, the seats of retired officers
of the Hudson Bay Company occasion
ally interspersed. Heenan En glish Bish
op's parsonage, with • boarding or high
school near by, ends= there • Catholic
Bishop's massive cathedral, with a con
vent of the Sisters -of Charity attached,
while the two large stone forts (at which
reside the officers of the Hudson Buy
Company,- or, of the upper colony; one
called Upper-fort Garry, and situated at
the mouth °Pike' Assildboin; -and the
other termed Lower Garr y , whlelits
twenty milm Anther down the river)
helped to give additional picturesqueness
Gov. Ramsey was satisfied that whiat,
barlaymeosta and esculent roots were
cultivated as successfully as in Mantes°.
ta; that Indian corn was precarious; that
the counter was mcWally favorable to
stock robing, sad that the. intertor dn.
tele* even to latitude.6o deg., near the
Rocky .Moluttainic were no less adapted
to agriculture. Blalangusgt on the ;et.
ter point is u follows:.. •,,
Bat without casting more than a pass
ing glance on the agricultural capacity at
remote Peace ever, we may come t° the
fertile valley and plain of the great
the Mississippi of the
North, which pours its waters from the
Rocky Mountains over more than a then.
and miles of agricultural territory teem;
ing oral and other mineral treasures
Into Lake. Winnetwg; and we may note
the still more fertile and desirable lands
of its loath Or Bear aver branch, the
winter home In Its Wended valleys of the
buffalo and myriads of other game; as far
north ea these regions are, actual expert
meet has shown them to be capable of
raising successflilly nearly every cereal,
hardly excepting corn, and every vegeta.
hie that can be produced In our lands of
the temperate Eons further south.
From what I have seen of the lanais
that section, and from what - have learn
ed respecting Its capacity, I
and making
every allowance for its climate and for
its extraordinary fertility also, ,Ifea
tate not to ascribe the whole of
the-upper plains on both branches of the
Saskatchewan river an agricultural value
superior naturally to the Seidsofour New
-England In their primitive condition, and
though lack of Umber might be an ob.
Jection to soma portions af the tiaskatche
wan territory, yet it has mineml coal In
abandanoe, which may be easily mined
rosuppi MI for a population of the
The steamship China, which arrived at
this pan on Sunday from China and Ja.
pan, brought 8,000 cards of silkworms ,
eggs, which ere going through billets
York via the Pack . Italtraed, • Their
destinstlon .is Lyons, Preece. If this
experiment or shipping silkworms' ;eggs
by the America* route is successful, all
exportations of them will in fable , be
sent by way of San Francisco , and New
York. Although occasional, shismients
are made of othertames, the early spring
is the general season for the export of
silkworms' eggs tram Japan., The most
of them are sent to France and 'ltaly.
The French MIS Steamship Company
dimatchn special steamer annuaraj.erith
a cargo of them„.which are sent tarn=
A veer exciting scene transpired at a vis the Isthmus of Sum. Ms steamer
minstrel hall_ln St. Louis. A lawyer, is specially Stied up in ' compartments,
who had brought a salt for a young lady, and L provided with titian 'sivaratas,
lair her sitting beside a gentleman in the to maintain an equable temperemenh If
audience, and stepped up and requested eggs are to be "hipped by the. Amami
that she come to ids dike the next day. - mail, special cars will be necessary to
Th e lady's escort, mistaking the Ware carry them. The Pacific Mall Company .
oy the request, and . without mailing any has already ,signitied ita willingness to
yoquhies.jumped np and drew a pistol to make all the necessary amangantnta for
shoot the offender, but was knocked the rare of the eggs whileontbe steamer.
down by the lawyer. The my of pistol The French shitspersare dissatisfied with
created a panic, and grand lush was their experience inshipping Sul eggs tie
made toilet out of the - hall. Quiet was the Isthmus of Sues, and have soh:sta.
finally restored, and '• the - fail who rily tried the eiperiment of a ably:anent
made all the trouble bad the matter fully across the American continent,—B.
espial:Mb him.
IT Is a very good sign when the Repub
lic= Government and the Republican
party the country for only
reducing the debt V 4000,000 In one
month. The Democracy never even'
loglzitfor increasing or it.
: lithe =
between the two parties. '
♦ urns boy of Provincetown. Vohs
years old, very anxious for a ciruzetbk,
evening preceding Chicistmas..Eve, - - on
going to bed, made the following prayer:
*. %Now I lay me down to sleep,' I
want a drum, 'I prey the Lord,' Iwant a
drum, 'my soul to kee p, and if I should
die before I wake, I want a drum I"
-His prayer was answered.
BOTII parties in Georgia are keenly en
deavoring to Ware a majority in the
State Legislature. The Conservatives
have not abandoned the hope of control.
leg it. There is talk of a Democratic
State convention to discuss questions of
party policy; among others, whether, in
order to' prevent the Republicans from
getting possession of the State govern
ment, it would , not .be advisable to ratify
the fifteenth amendment. In °ppm= to
this the Hon. Ben Hill counsels the do
nothing policy.
Ir hu transpired that Men. Tate, the
Hayden Charge d'Affaires wu entrusted
with an important special mission -to the
United States Government. Whether
he hu yet made a proposition to the Ex
ecutive is not pinkly known. It is
stated that Gen. Tate is authorized to ne
gotiate for the cession of Mole St. Nicho
las, at the northwest of Hayti, where'
the Hayden authorities hope, by perfect
lag the treaty proposed, a large free city
may grow up under the protection of the
United States. The harbor's represented
as quite is good as that of Santana, and
in the windward line frem New York to
the point at which the Darien Canal must
be constructed ; it Is two depicts sailing
than by way of Samaria and three days.
shorter math than by way of Ivey of St.
Ix a conversation with Judge'Hoar he
Is reported as having said that the Prerd
dent would not with his (Hoarte) consent
withdraw his name from the Senate. He
was sure the action of the Senate in his
own cue would strengthen him, and that
such a coarse insured hie stay in the cab
inet; that he preferred to. be in the cat&
net, and that for six weeks he objected to
the Prestdent's nominating htm for the
Supreme Court, that he really did not
care for either place; that ke would much
preferto return to his old home and prac
tice. He added that he was here U a Re
publican and a friend of the President,
and no plot of Democrats and disaffected
.Republicans should make him Itilter ii
his duties. In answer to a direct goes
Lion, he said: "The President will not
withdratir my name. I shall, through my
Republican friends, insist on direct.
Tom on my nomination. I do . not pro
pose to resign my pisltion in the cabinet,
If lam not confirmed. I have promised
u much to the PresideaL"
• Drarizzans are, under erdttin,g laws,
as Is well known, allowed to keep welt'.
key in bond one year only, previous to
paying the tax. Producers of fine whis
key claim that more time is needed, and
are at Washington in strong force, asking
Congress to extend it; and it seems quite
likely that their request will be granted,
but not in time, the distillers think, to.
afford the required relief, unless passed as
en Independent- measure, separate from
the general bill -codifying the present
system of Internal Revenue laws. This
is what the Committee of Ways and
Means are not likely to recommend: their
experience In the copper, wool and other
independent bills leading them to look
with disfavor upon what Is termed here
"piecemeal legislation ;" it having been
found that when a single interest gets
relief by an independent measure, Its
friends at once become indifferent to the
needs of others, if not absolutely antago
nistic. The distillers allege that unless
they have immediate relief, large amounts
of whiskey must be forced upon the mar
ket at ruinous rates, and without proper
age, before the first of February.
IT HAS been alleged that the State Dr.
partment had furnished, -with much re
luctance, to Mr. Sumner's Committee the
famous letter said to have been presented
by Sickles, in September last; to the Span-
ish Government, and alleged tohave been
by him subsequently-withdrawn., Now,
like the lawyer who Ind a dozen retains !
for the non-appearance of his client In
Court, the first of which was that his
was dead, so with this &Tata. There
are a dozen reasons .why it is not !
true, .the first of which is that this
now famous letter which upset the aqua.
amity of three nations In Europe, and
! crested lio mach" comment hem, never
had any edstenai, was never written,
and was merely a figment -of-'a vivid
Spanish Imagination. For this reason
the beagle Committee did not call for it,
the State Department -did not furnish it,
and General Sickles' confirmation- brunt
dependent upon It , But If readers will
refer to the flea aims of the American
and English papers of last September,
they will see how near we came•to hav
ing a war with Spain over a letter that
was never written.
♦ Dtsweratle Lade
The Calmest, strongest imam : among
the Democrats was Judge . Woodward of
Penneyleant'. Judge -Woodward is a
man of noble presume, with it fine head
and massive feature; marked. by •• peen;
Italy despondent yet resolute expression.
He stands six feet three, and every Inch
a Democrat. It is • pity to see so much
man wasted., Neither by nature nor by
choice a politician, thoroughly honist and
conscientloue, he bract:shies/11f with cast.
Iron like rigidity against the wild /smut
of popular ideas, against the mighty goods
of Radicalism. He would stancton the
old Democratic platform amid "the wreck
of maUer and the crush of worlds." Of
strong, : and it seems to me narrow pejo
diets, of biller and , unrelenting poUtical
anframdlici, he is yet a man mhom OPPO'
news as well as associates must respect:*
He la the embodiment of opposition, of
protest. He would. scarcely swim;w ith
the current, if the et:Trentwould•urn
and, o with hint. For lII= tbevickiries'
of Republican legislation are melanehab'
occasions—ftmeral ; dap. He setsamt
ready in mourning for a deputed -40Plab
lic, done to death by the chen and
atheism of the Radical party, in powee.
He really believes thee/ things, - emd takes
them dto heart. Wert it pot.
Christian eeply
faith that God relges over t
unblinded by the fop of new politl
philosophers, usallenated , by even Black
Republicanism,l think be would despair:
Well, he lespod Damoermi but a better
man. Ws nature hatb. to &Publican
taste.n somewhat midi and bituir rind,
but within it Is sweet and wholesome,
with all kindly and lops} Ofectiom•--
Wash. Leifer.
illtworme F.ggs from'
NO. 6.
„ . .
The popuHation of the city In Septem
ber, 1869, is estimated at 179,260; in
July . 1868 , It was 147,950; 'by the Fed
eint ennui. of 1860,.. it .was 56,835. . Of
the'nnmber estimated this year, 59...1
white males over twenty-one have their
names recorded in this - directory; white
females . over eighteen,are . estimated at
34,800; other whites,. maim' end females, -
58,000; - Chlaese„ ,- 8,500; colored, 2,850,-
and floating population, 9,800. • The total
: number of buildings .In the ,city and
county, 18,659; of which, 854 have been
• built during the past T,be total •
moot of the year's:lmpufeements Is nine
to ten Wantons of dollen, - besides $1,600,-
, 000 expended on street and sewers. A
detailed description of the principal now
structures Is given,
• and Is occasionally
too extravagant In Ito laudation of their
"magnificence” compared with buildings
in other cities, • The railroadaol the State
&ware briefly described. Dr. H. Gibbons
furnishes a series of meterological ob.
servations of the climate of the city from
1850 to 1889. The driest season(lB6o-1)
gave seven inches of rain; .the • wettest
(1867-8, gave 40 Inches ; t he av=s t iall
te 21 to Inches. The earliest in
of rain was November 1 the latest, mi.
nary -12: average, November .03. The
average date of the end'of the rainy mei.
eon le April 10. The . coldest . weather
was In Januar y , '1854, with - the ; theft.
mometer at .5 • degrees; the hottest in
September. 1852, thermometer 97 to 98
degrees. But Mere were only six dajaln
the nineteen years that the, thermometer
rose as high as 90 degrees, white in the
Whiter it sometimes - keeps above 40 - dee
green. - September is the warmest mai%
and December the coldest. -
The Oatward Tettaareturaater:
. •
There is a physlognomyln the &man
back, the wave of the ?Mitt a hat, the
height of a . shirt collar, by Which s man
may be recognised quite as well as by
his beaming face. 'Tne ignoring of this
familiar truth, for a purpose, was singe ,
lady illustrated In the , Bush tr al , when
the endeavor was made to shake the maid
servant's idatification of that murderer,
beanse shehad only seen hie back: Tit
we do' not rememba that the learned
Judge or any body else asked the Jury to
consider whether, In their, drillY,OrPeri..
ence, they were accustomed to know
people by their backs as well es - by their
faces. • 'to know such a man's walk, the.
shape of such another man's back, die.,
seems to belong to a specially *moo , and
Indlan.ilke instinitt;_ while sailors, in
refutation of that m ea g re
_ Blase, which ex
cuses some farm of recognition by each
a pretense as I couldnot seelds,face,"
talkairily, and with a metaphor drawn
from their own' profession, of knowing
some unfamiliar figure "by the cut of his
jib." These lime , expreisions all point
to a deeper ,printiple; to the salon
marks which the interior soul leaves be
hind It, wherever it Mimes In contact
with earthy matter, 'or earthy manners
and modes. It all comes under the head
of style, which, we lave been -told;
"makes the man." Tell us a particular
style, and we stall know the man. And
in dearth of all other helps and tokens
show us a man's trunk, and we maybe
pretty sure as to what he 15..-
S.ntal4e4 Dlankonds..
It Is said that three Roman ladies, the
Princeton Berghese, 'Vim° and :Rosy's !
lion and the Duchess Balviatif, represent
together more thin $5,000 000 in dia
monds. These jewels are the acctuntint;
ed wealth of centrtries,.ead are strictly
entailed. Wheat° be worn, theowncifor
the time being givei areceipt for the same
to the custodian, a confidential servant,
whose father and grandfather before him
have probably died in the same office..
The lady may wear them when and
where she pleases, always with the'for
triality of the receipt, 'and folioned by
restitution of the same next but abs
W take them with '
cannot r .aem her ;, fordo
parts; they cannot leave Rome; la short,
they are loaned to the wife of the head
of the family, and are .considered very
much In the tight of crown jewels.'
These are heavy drawbacks. If the.
owner were permitted to carry her dia..
monde to Paris and exchange them for
paste, she could:easily purchase happl.
GOLD Onsaila Nem,. tork icisicaday.
121@12di.. • ~ • • ••
IL,E3. Box:mat PisaUM, p€o2i,
Pirridiagm it Antwerp
, .
Additional Mutate by Ihdeowyb.
Canumaan.d.—At open-basin In the
afternoon the. grain Markets were quiet
but *shade timer,. No. '2 airing wheat
dating at 7To rash. No seller blebruary:
Corn %toady. at 693 e mowe
went In grain In the event:id. Provie..
tone Were quiet and sales hid, Pork
seller rehnisty 221,25027•573 i.
• •
.043=1.11040.—Lanriz 6.—Fkar DIMS
active and rtnclum 'Wheat . Arm.
choice red 'll4OO .45. - Oorn
white 90(4040.. Ry e
=dull. &WM.. Rye_ arm.. 41.10.
Prtored bo =y and . nnobingad. 'Malt
Itlio - i - erin7 January 0.-.!Votton Valid
and. nominally .ttnobanged; paralpta of
1,147 bake, exports 3.181.. , Flour zur•
ebanged. 'O:nn 94.4030. 'Oats Ma; Hey
0111. Bran 414626. Por klo4llls. Lard
and bulk mats nominaL . , :
lartavirisv , lllllolllVMEßC N-
TILC.'/14 Omeadusa
soloed by • uut INOI4IIOII tO SCORIMII OtiOttri
tse /OO eseatac76l4 Drm.s-lb• 1 : . " 41 *F. •
- razinPLAT7JOV'ra_ .. 11 / 1 4 1 4M 24 ; ;
I r i C. -P9 u/DI F T iA r 4MX.fY4 IS 9I *---
wimp' Wit.iceer.,'
tcroaa—Jo B . ,
AND. .1111oH;lliEllia/LET., W. I% V
: ;
L•61411.1N,' 11..1:1111011 CLAIM •
• ' • ite eit tl. 101 4: 411. 1. -
.:i" • L . tigielEAßNit.
. •
101 , 17011:-. heress•
Ordhi s tVignig
t. void Aotoso. ' sro• wino= to m:go; laotsts .
borol.nt: acne imam dam. or Oaosoirds .
iToWthe tim trot. An t 0!".11 1 1 ' .2,*.
sliir..CL , AClallillAllolliTiox•oolor,Ao. •
rreTgOVZOU. a. N tsta.!`"•°l4r44'
/33.111....-The peetbee•hly_baretafers
1•m of THAN
DU dee been.luoleea, The beell..eee .111 00lt
be beeVemd be the • .denlebell (the reinittlas
Danner! M
as s a lbs Is 44 tswi. to
1111:1 lee man% otolt mum* mad - .erne the
b 44, 4.. 4 .4 1444 4 ±44.
• ' JO4tlr 4: LOPE W. , 601),_
POW ;corr,.-DIVIRealli,W4l4O 11414...?
'ANTED'..r rr
• INFi;aRig&TICiM
Or Um' whaleaabouta of, aourn. pas, irbo
left. San Tranelaat,, oa Ina UM of
retettel; Ilea. and landed at NalrYork aeons
bettanlag fatknaing maul& nay
paradayno any connanalcats lattlllooleo re
stooling tin malt JudEPS loesitton to
idanother:llAlllC ax., at NAwnw,, YAM.
votnnes .181.1EIA, 11.1.1,4 ,Calay Ita. 'lll 100
sten,lllsteral 11 =04 tot Madia-AO4
'yam for ,
. . . .
v.poitouTlON.-mlie. Pat ei.
SNIP ho estoftirc.mtsitag "Dawes S.'
3111.41191K1L, st
. the Am um, of 2:11. eatismr Os: IlacVins
day 'twits absollnd .01 fauns await. Aux,
Tampa& . The maims of 11s sr/
firm •La bcsettad.iiD by
.7041.41 Altell•St• -
- L irlitbiltle ttoteklimi . .tllN I /antis Wits $1
H. SOT ..11 , 174-, Otago' mooted so it
1111111A0t10111 to all law may eallsse •
fbrages faeablbe to anemia Din Fa
zest* paymeat ae eagle . saanneeer. , Al2
eeeeeme ere ezebeted be be eeteted poeblvelr
'bubo beldam • •••
• 7.-,; - ;u:
, ,
111 4 -E VWl ali a r F llll
Is the last obi shesiest comsachiSl sad
mama patttslustlis Wesessa Puma Ivy*
No fuser, siss.ll,ldo n , rasa& ShO*l4l M .
ball 4 ',/t4
MO. of MO SI
Clses ..... 11i •
cross v Ihralsbo4 4114,11.34.a7MPM PPM
,y) el &claim(' I,a. neisstait
, .
to act ea %pat&
: , Peo~neequ..
tarAN ELECTIov FoR Tinag.l
TEE Le RTC? TM of Ude thEirEILO
.lEtelte °Nee paMON Lk/, 1163111114
the °Mee of the • I - top.). leetereeN thel heath
sae r. - • • •
Soya barony Conran •
• . inrcalitnan.aa. Ibrata •
of tha Ctaakaatdtraof 'Vas fiallk Ditoratt
Comma, of Pitratotrati , • velll tit bald MITZI.
DIM January U. MO, al IbNrlapaltp 14.
RS No arth mime. butwerra oho boars of 11
wount a . x. sad 1r• re.. at rralelanneanaPlate
an elation for MINX DIRICTOIS will Se hal&
• ,E. re vox .BOXIMIOIIIII
din • ' Veer, sea Tritanror:
. "Asmara Imam aimiiivaa,}
- • "mimosa. Dm la.
for -.QM!. - ,DIRIWTOMI:
Bank, to omit for tea mallet par, ka
at dui naniwis • Hai" No. heath' Arnans,
on 21:11:SDAY, the Usk °Urania:22M Ina
toms Qs ►oars of 1 and 11 'Vont e
j' BAVIC or F
E 11 224 EN X I
at the Salinas Boni, ts runDAY takll,
Iltb, UTO. %duces the boars at 10 A.. Masi
u. aoax A Livistairrox. t
• ZIC21•191, LITZOTA{PaIIik.
„. etrielnu•OU. IL UN,
Grin= AMPIVAL ZWlrael
tar thistrea Direatort of NW Ihisdibrill
M bald he the Sbeltbut Hone. A TII/410A7t.
/unary Lye. Übe, %etyma the boob it 1
tel a o'clock P. IL L. 7..ol,ll:,CiiattiNt
1 . 11111171011 NATIO.AL
U 21 •1110•Coiroak
r/ITINO3OII. Iliceabof .j I
WAN ELECT/al poir,
. DIII2CTOIIII of thlf to
movie' Oiling Me =solos foil'. yin 101E44 of
Op Booing Boon. eerie* Wool dasoO'onal
&ilk ammo, OIL =ODOM. fasaf7 "A llll .
1111,0, betwies oho !manor LS AL a t sad Brag. o
arevrizmits , - air ATIOMAIL
BARI OP P 1 atocon.—mi *Was%
tor Moo Directors of %tactics!, to sato Steam
cursing scar, out to hole at tn. lloollai men
On 7111DIDAN, 11th nil* Weals -
Lb* bug 0111 a. rt. 0041 r. • 7 ..
J. b IlliaDA It, polder s 7
Prrtrovottir, t 1L
- atzranoser NA . toriftelltAtt;
Premiums. Pectellittetti MAO I
larAr4 zurcnom-pfnumo.
TORII to Irmo Motto thc, Cowin you
win Doltold the :Dsaktig nom. vitt: SI
TIDO. arum, as . 31711:8DAr, Saute , flak
-111110, bettsoto Us loon ctn. A., Itts aid 1./ . .
M r . 115:a4arD1.1se,
Natlunar DlArialus. BARB,
ILLS/. .
oat;,xua Dl
' lumen or this vialillf_be Add
at the Baalai sm.-ea tunner..famry
u. 1170, bitailmitha bolus of Ulm. sad 1 P. K.
MIXCXANTV •NA wartcve mar NAT BE,
RM. .1.• 4
et this. Soak plll tas plawas w
imams mom on raselAY:4l.anir/ 1 1112.
Isla, *moan maboars Oen 1 - ....Ciad 01
Orr.Fx o, Bs* Paurz Alit ciim.caCo.,
/I:z.zonsirr. thu
lk,Trit z :
Co rp :THIS DAT , Afthald_o
CZ N (P,MZB ° jg 1"». 'AU
es e Wet. ' d
"Dis.;unroirA eirr al !. u nw
IT lg hls Airr k_V ile
otos on arrant of runts (wjel . lhilitost of
the orollts "I L Ifs Ass ex sioalks.lo7llll4fra or
aftor the 10t2t 1, Res of 11. at t.
•• , ,
- 340*. Minn . ,/
rDIVIDEND.r, 1111.
TIOSAV BANK. z p i Labsti A loa t
Cato elttOltorsltirast wit
tors atom Banc barstal• 7 octave •
delta of lam gr. sem ea hoes osl
file crofts otitis Inn Ulna to moss. pa
rastaTAlt.. pros orlisto W mt ltf. sc.
• •
PeITI•WIOW. JeW1•2 7 44 $74
iartrrir=;:- e .
• rel•eaters We tWlW•walt ban Md. ewe V..
4"1.1.1641711taritl rintliftitefitaTitt aft
e. teGatbs piyablo wffittp•s•s.r.
• .-.4OISIWiICUTT:4IL • •Itle
Civics or Taz NAtizarat
artITIMILI I II/ mrric
Ireton - 0f thlif •tuns
tragtzaimumtwarzva MT
rtm!!"1. ;Ism
arrigneramennts ig=r ernris ‘ — lr
Fl art' i t ir Atiretie r gaVin i C
ai•dii;ZMilretrlitirit g:Mt
0168 ettrulm et t tiste.tlit mayo. 11•6 411'
um* , yalida - olt datand.
' Crty ILuilow 'maw mut I
Prrirsamnimit4iatiscry MAXIM
declared it Diet/sod of 'Me (142
zjr , T.„ mit the
Of the Isilt Jgr.
Mal, as saes/Sat the SWATH, hem
.• -'. W.A.; isolisaiL
blsellerrics berrtesei:7"T"lbarbO__,
• rresstasou.4easerr,rei
Yea Cleirt., tree of Tee.. MIL be
atter /AMULET' lint. Wei. • •
40Her B. /117017174
Mal • Croaker.
rTs 070. w ..L:ThlreltrM1
I . l 2: 2 =u rr z w.
.114 • • • •• • I n
ledlaisf I=l..
. , PSITSMAIII,AUtIif• ,11,, ?MI.
• Matto. r.111 4 :144•04i31.Ni
r aga l4 =galint*WArgilli_
gar rwrrantrisaill
• wx
pp6Oofx•~•lxM r r lll f• T it Iy fi
nivldatel ot s 1
Bunk ons nt Um profits 1411.=1121r,
"411"M4.3"1 :112A11.i4.11 ,
°mos Imagism? lisoWlPAiwriarn
P. l vaiwausieJaawf
IarTHE PRElimma orklui. -
Imii..‘AttrUp l itrig: o =le=
Z l lll2', l TLlTS:inepo " 7.l.ll l : - .1
sun at am r.attaratoak arammaa. tat. tap
sow to Otockbooforo or tomb on'
trroa tailireavwe.lonimalw.
..14. • W. Itwlt.traw. mourner. •
ttio sew 4110 w•L'
mm. ti.marnverrsCYxr : o".}lrig
Attinent, azi , •010“all ...wrofylialass
nibs, payablei test6ellllol.llll - oetZW
- mimes an: or i... Airatrri .
afire , Pnecernieser inns
of riviiVotrre, l ttrorlaZt=
PQM*" 011•1114 MAST =Mr Mayo:
~ih~cr.x.: ~.
xa 1' ;AT OF
MO .•
Ilmn Waft
A■gusit, X
Pelves, Chas
1151voto am,
-..virrloll. JUr
'obit .4 II 1. iiiiii4,lll, lir
rallx ! .. o arm . Dr,
• ral4.le •I. , no rig:Ail
ra l l i rairld o.oearwe. Vig •
r i gilpW i r, !Whet. thi s .
JOiii4ttgiii I !Wtta2
41 , 14.8•Vg4. _ ii.PPe....Z
Malige r lat 2 : 2%*
Zee insist No&
U sa k St 114 . Vas 7 V lllll-- - /
11115.1. o .eit ' iriisley Uri
larsa '"a MUM
11,47611111( W4l. I.
r"!teur. wrzi" !
nate 6,, !"!',...
in nazis: r. gr. . 1
Betm. X
Omsk, • •
Class, a
. ,M•es • A
Ds4cs Jam&
Vi J•ba"
b% 1,••••!
Mamas, eel
it itn Ta !,}p A .
10rd..1441 A
.„ .
PAW* , Vill : F l . Al 4 ll r C 42 1; a•!- - '
Ws% 011ed.4)gdPi*Mk.P•4 11 .1ilisrl MO
Lad sad tar:, twisolsOOVKl*lo,.bir.
OM lima If XrNit