ruiANciaz. 11M, No. 80 FOURTIS AVENIIV, TITTEBTRGIL 111111111 H cLvrraz. -• • • • - esee.**o Staab°gets Individually Liable. JBANK OP nuconurelunsmarrlT lrx• nallar JOHN FLOYD ' rrealdon I Thee. Y. Marshall, • Jolsli IL M .111.4 Mta. T. Manatee, Arab!bald Mau/ma, James W. *mat. Jas. D. Kelly, S 2 Ogliokt!" . .: • '..1 4 , I i N W " . . • r ___: , Thu Bank Is hhiiihtrf efSKINAM WI pr•Plutd LO en a general .wasaas emirml. . )001‘43 • GOLD, BILVER• , AND .130UPONS, 'eoliths at Highest Prices. PIG IC MERTZ, Banker, cor: wait St`ina sth AMMO ImussToLon e Ceeetattr 4 .8. amnia co • Cornet Fourth lemma and itrxidit. -, BAI~TKF.R t, • Basl bads es .r.. -:: , •1 ; 1310TEMIZAT RECIMELIES, 66tD.1111inar AND Otritimit; ON MOIR IPAVOIABLZI2.I9IOI. Vir Interest Allowed ea Deposits. airefoesy loaned oa Gertrastat heads at Sown mute, 'Ordeal' execoited ter the IPheellease sad Babe of INTOCIE; BONUS ma LAMES T. BRADY & CO., int philutt eta*. FINANCE . AND TRADE, Cairnia or Ptmastment GsszTrit, Wironaegasx, Jan. 6. 1870, I The feeling i n • Wall Mont was awry bullish in every department of the mar . kat. Gold wad strong at the opening at . 119 g, - advanced to 120, and closed at 119%. It appear. that the gold market wan sustained principally by the stock cliques, and by the bears's' gold, for the purpose of taking all pretence from the Government for rent:deg to sell gold at a lower rate than 120. . Gold May be sustained for the present, but no commercial reason gnats now for advancing the . premium, and from the large amounts now on the market It should go lower far the early part of • the present season. ' Government bonds are strong on the firmer feeling in, gold and a moderate demand from Europe. The lerf o a t t e 7 r izi ernment dealers have also an In advancing the - rates, as high as pas sible. for the purpose of @queering a few timid. bears who sold' bonds s, Stooks were very strong on an easier money market : call and a gametal movement counteract the beer-at tack of last week. At the close, hes e-tar. quotation's- for • most of the rail. roads were lower. "Money Is easier on Bret elms paper, but second elms borrows, hod ditli onitY in - getting all they want. 4 ' 4 71nainces rattier dull. Quotations as • received ny Ph. - R. Mertz Gold, /1930 Silver, llk• Eighty.. wet; .115 g, Five Twenties', Ink lOW do 1661, 111134; do 1865, 112llt do MC; Ocmsoli, 112 . do IBM.' 11214 do Meal liSg; Ten. 119,g: Adams Ex. prow Company 6154; •Yercbants Maks Eames Company, 85)4Azosticen" Ex press Company, Western Tinian Telegraphy I 24g: New York- Central, 89; Beading, 94; Piltabongis, Port Wayne & Chicago. 87g; Ohio .6 Me shintipl,4l4s4- abaft= Sodthere. Cleveland ' Plltalaugh,ll334; Chicago, 'Beek balsne 4t . Pacific, 1_06341 Om & - - Ilicgth Western. ' 6814: Mcßee & North Western Ptsferred UM; Eris Mirintill CIL Loom aims& Landon. pirA— 86.00 Paria per frane.--..—. 21184 24,14 Berlin, tholes.. • ......... 08 90 Werdtfort.,ficslns... • 5 0 4 , olg Central P. B. B. 80nd ..... 94 - 96 Cordes P. 44 84 86 Bock Island o - 96 • 96 - - (EY Trisgrupli to the Pittsburgh Guitta.) NEWYosis, 'Jan. 5,1610.' Nestle. A.' D. Williams and Thomas and Bonbon Manley hovel:eon appointed a isnindttelai by the bond oldo7o of lb. State of Tennessee in this city, to go to Nashville and urge such leglclatke as will protect the intonate of men bond holders. . An informal massihinf lb.ropnisoo. Wives of the, different expremeempe. Meer wee held, with a view to the reappointment °trout's. Nothing dean _ Ito was agreed upon. Money a sho4ltoo*wra per rant. for The (allure of Mans . Clark d: West, one of the oldeat - homea In the cloth Job. Wolf tntd9a 19 .: an ?rd9c°4 4 ' /4 1 " 41 . 160 • Sterllog dull at 8,4048 g. Gold Meier ' opening it 119 N. end dosing at 120. Miring voto:l4l:lnicr . day. • Clearances thirty.anyen millions' GOVernmel* jboglolsr a 'shade firmer. Coupons: Cl., 15g@i534: &la, Ugegtl4; 66wi3g(1911114: 656,43%4111114; Tema 67 Partlea 10 219at 3f@ elli; pacfts; a om IIII 7 V 0 6 11 . _ 7 9:03 1 2%a ajoic The Government aceepted • two of the bonds oared! today at .11176.100 to 112 70.100. Mein emmithejtonorally. Iowa: MIL iroUng. ) ldi TetualeseseArginisnikt. 41e; old Virginias 46 new do., 45, old {north Carolinas. 41: new, I Stocks higher and, though not up , to the highest point of theft:nonagon first. P. 08.286.18 Thass...-Centoo. 9: Cent • banns!, sime Western Union , Tai., 81) 41 Qulcludlver, 15N1151uipass. 734: do nn. ferred. 3 5 34.1 DAMS Ezprem, tai Wailes Fargo. 111 g; A inerimn,llsg; United Antes. 4810 Padn. *Mali. 4214: Now York Central 0 %: Ede' Zit 'do 4&• Has low; - -I¢¢-fudoon riitw Blab Centre l .ll hore, 8634: —VC Central,:llth 'Pittsburgh. 84 34 i laontif Itock. 'Wand. • 1 g; • bit. Pad. Mg; . do ipatoOorrod, r elk/Moon.: 61._r40, p_referredi'flNl :Woillnlnge4 o Tl l ll stelae. BSc do aced, Sfk Alton, illAc do referred. Mgt. Ohio and AtuilaSppt, 24g; O. C. & L 0., 17. Mining theme dull. , , . • • BaltOrtr pricai hhgbitr—Calwast, Heel., 76: Quince''', 2113 f; Franklin. 0. snogroistui batenee,-.08,981,017, In cluding 0U5T1P00y14.514852, rstmozwapirmium - Orr= or PriTantrikrei diurevvw, Witrincenkr Jam O. WO. Theod:ket h 4detend dull, sod devoid of a single enandoestede moithy of special - ixdioe. 'There' Nunn to- be little or holoqult*. Ibr either crude er quotatlolba.. and the tradevßilortilly, „rani cularly menu. Iteniircrialeeni abipmed to hold off end aindt future danelopments. being timid shout conking .hey ,movement - for the much. d i T er h oc e bwe en a ud e w e c d o reflood ae there Wet prior to to .11rekof the year. and prices are much Owner • mad %Wl *. itliVit thaw "a ci2l tr ' " "Audo Ws as this protidee.' there to likely to be -much Improrwcuustiurbuidusee. , IrWiif be nolliced that taw fore! markets keep up wear Ithlithr is ' Bpi esocka and !dm ehipenente, „ Tto • pastime le - dull • - sed.iS;minatlY :unchanged. Sale. I,IMO bble seller the; month at 12%. sad Warrant be rewarded 'as tbo '4 ,1 1,400n for spot or Also doll and - uustoutged. - It - wee gam that SOM had heed - hld - fat thle mouth; February to mad to JantP. NI% AulwerP 60 X .„,,i irrd O r MODS !OIL JIT 111. .. ""' ORStOII a Sowers o4S on 'menu E. Goidrictg: niter Bro. PA on wawa& F.. ff. Long; Tu. - lee, on Ismai l i siV. FL: g.'PlPfr; . 4443 sy L.or. . MX” tibia nit. ca 1, - ,alchert. Flew Phil.. . . • to. Warden, - d . .4)3 , .., bbiL . T"2l- " :"..--- giag .a ntectitai DaTOIN OIL " °inn." ay lubricating to J. ca. S. Palmer 60 At. Bswley, rh.Usdel,phis. " . r`ijyp 4} • - rittrionoscon MARKETS.' 01710) 07 Prrrestratm WZDNESOAT, Jan. b. 1870. The weather lumere favorable fbr out door badness, bat It continua dull, and the markets generally are devoid of any new or Important characteristics worthy rat sionial . notice. There Is • fair local demand Air moat of the leading articles and a tali. Volume of business in the ag gregate. while in regard to values there are no important changes; none at least worthy of spacial notice. The arrivals of flout, grain, and country produce genei ally comparatively light, though with a demand confined entirely to supPlilng: la:mediate wants.; tie sup. plies are fully up to the requirements of the local trade, and , this is all that is APPLES—Quiet and unchanged; reg ular mien at W0ra3,60 per bbl—moat of the Ws et APPLE BUTTlNl—Artatml at TWA IHMER.-Continnee dull with • enp. ply courldeiably in Aroma of the do mand, while prima are unchanged; ZOO NA for good to choice. BEANS—In rather better supply, and • shad* lower; we now quote at pp® AOO ter bushel. • ' • Bi OHRE-416km at 18814 eta. .EHEICWHEAT FLOUR-4(04h eta. CHElSTEtotedall4,6o. OBANBERSHES--Outtinue to be quo- ted at SIEII6 per bbl. ClDNE—Oontinneedulland nominally unchanged, at mootigis,eo per bbl, as to ~quality. • • CHEE3EIs dull though the dock in thtamarket >A not large and prima are unchanged. Hamburg, INlng; Fac tory. 17.14@11b New York Dairy, UN® Graben. 20. CARBON 01L—There le only modera ite dwrould.and the Market is quiet and prices unchanged; we continue to quote at 2:7(4CM for standard brands, in a job- D r ltd wil r.t FRUlT—There la • fair demand for apples, and we can report mrnd lot sales at IWO". Peaches dull and unchanged-910Mo for quarters end 11®120 for halves. DRESSED HOGS—Balm at MO cta. EGGS—DuII under the influence of in creased arrivals, and prices are tending downward, with setae of fresh packed repoted to-day at lito. FIVISHEFIS—In better 'demand and higher, and we now quote at 85@fie to the tr ade end the usual advance fir miall lots in store. FLOUR—The market cOntinues quiet end doll though unchanged. Winter wheat firsm 116,75416.00, and spring wheat. 116,26 60. Bye flour ;425. . GROCERIES--The grocery market, as is . usus//y the case about the that or the year, is rather dull, though it Is-proba ble there will be an early improvement. auras are dull and lower in the awn, though unchanged here, New Orleans Molasses buoyant and firmer, with • light stock In this market. offee weedy and notwithstanding gold Is low er, remains unchanged. In other ankles there la no change worth of special men tion. loess--6 H. 101(611014; Estrum / 2 6P is; Cubs, 1136(i)13; Bono Rico, 12%611334 Dents l l ll 4 HH@HSt: New Crop New Orleans Barg, 1499141( for choice; Be. fined Ex. 0,143 j: B, 14%; A, 16; Hard, SfOraistar—New Cron New Orleans Mobilises, 17105 ts Porto Idea, 66g75. Eirnurs--White Bonet' - Drips, 11.00; 'Mum Drips, Sic; Perfection Drips, 11,1 M .- Jamey, 15m Lovering, 90; Goldin , . HP, 60; Common, 644 Booth ,t Edgar fancy. 11,00. Comm—Par • to Good Rio, 20@21M; Prime; 22(02; Choice. 233 i. /ta 3l - 4 Arollmtiligo: Rangoon, No, • Trats—Vcramd Hymn, 11,00®1.80, 0. 10 to. 1.90. Imperial. 14 40 to kau. Oolong, 85 t 0111.46. BoaCttong, to $1.60. Brances- , lned,7: BllysY Oke4ll3fe, and 00111 Starch, 12e. Conearynerzo LOO per cue. Paurrs—liew layer 4 55 per boz; Pruner; 1831 n Currants 15e; Veran da Band= Mal& Srmint—Cainia, Mc; Cloves, 40q main Pepper, 86 AllsMce, 80m Nutmegs, 81,50. ' BA: Lit.go—VA- , Shot, 13,00 per bag. Soars—“Bibldt's," llcv Eosin; 5 to 7c; l.Dobbhi's," lid, Waz,lciChem.Olive, 8 31 c. egimhza—Mould, liq Star, 230 . Et Cann Elona-1634 ' per 100.' ' Ftur—Lake Herring per halt bbl 3,00; White Flab do do, 7,0 h, No. 1 Mackerel. Shore bbls 1128,00. No:2 do Bay, bbis, 117.00; Na 3 do Large - bbls 114.001 Halt btdsl llo3lo3l in addltimmi; Lablwlar Her :ging GRAIN - W heat continues very scarce here, out then the demand is by Domains ur l gent and prices are unchanged; 11,15 .11,12 for goo to strictl me red. Oats in better d supply and d u ll , but tin , changed; 471148 on -wharf and track and 50 in store.' We can report sales of corn 'on wbarfand track at. 80 for ear ' andl3s for shelled; as noted .in our last report, It la offering more freely, but ea yet price' are fully sustained. Barley le .dull, with but 11 or none offering; we continue to Me at 1 1 14410 for spring, and 11,1 1,20 for fill. Bye, arao.l, dull, but unchanged; US for wee. tern, and 11,1br prime State. HAT—Sales from country wagons at Allegh= market, today, at 118023, BlltlßS—Sales US centsr pound. HOWLNY—SaIea at par bbl. LlME—Hales of Cleyeiand white lime al 1121811.13 Mir Dbl. ONIONS—SaIes at 12,5033,00 per bbl. the outside figure Lot choice. LAM) 01L—No. 1 Extra ',quoted dim et81.05 , P , PRONMIONS—Market, easier End primelower; shoulder", IS for plain and Id for sugar cured; now mired .hams, 21. and.the gems .sxrbreakfast bacon. lard. IBM to 19 in tierces. and 19311120 In kftsandnalls.: Mesa pork, 132. POTATOES—Are coming ' more freely and the 'market: is dill but no. changed; we continue to .quote at POULTElf—Dremed Chickens and dressed Turret', 18€120. SSttve Chickens. 508155 ts. per pair, by the coop PEANUTB—quoted at 09510 ma. ". PEAS—DuII; 12,80 per butheL • 'SEEDS—HaIm of Timothy seed it 12,7504; and ; Clover seed ' 1 1 3115,78 1 . Plimmed Is dull and canner 'be quoted sieve 12,10. BALT—Is dill, and Allegheni River brands are quoted at 11,80 by the cm load, with the usual advance for small 4YEIkW-11.21. at $/ 4 @/ 5 Per wn. v. 111LAILKEITS BY TKI4IDGRAVII. , Haw Toss, Jan. s.—Cotton heayy and 'hewer; sales ot 5;1001061es:163(e for mid.. tiling upland& Flints receipts of 10,466 bbl& Flour, 56100 lower, decline chiefly twin Bildt= and good ernidelO 5.300 bola 11 1 11 . 65 @ 4 • 90 far superfine 'State Western, $5.0006.20 for extra State, $5,15(46,25 extra western, .15,900)6,40 for white' Wheat' extra, $5,4066,25 for round -hoop Ohio. $5,750X50 for extra St. L0u15i56,600)7,50 for good; eholoe do. ekeingmtlet; also 5,000 bbls extra State drayogabb4 alltko month at' - i6.40. Nye Maw facdet; ealcelso bbis at 1,50416,50. Whiiki a shade - firmer; isles 35 bbl. western at 96„400)111 for free. Reoelpte of Wbeed were 5,600 Muth. and prima le lower.with a moderate export and • mill. log demand; tddis 78,000 bush at 11,111br , flo.spring; $1.16. for Noe.s and 3 do. mixed; 11,t0g51,13 for No. 2 Mkt 11,80® 1,14 for winter red s and amber western; $1,53 for °bolos amber Temseeme. Rye qvist. Barley dull. Corn receipts were doo bosh: Market 'heavy 'and de.' clining;_sales 21,000 bash at Sumo for new mixed western; 9841112 M new yel. low southern. Oata; receipts 6,113 bush: "firm for prima and dull and declining for other kinds salsa of -72,000 bush at 060115 e Mr western. - 65410660 for otudee 'white do., and 6644663je for State. Oro. 'aeries dull.- 'Hope firm: 'Petroleum firm. Loather Whiff& request. Wool steady, with tales of 250,000 pounds at 4445510 for domestic Sus, 424450 for Poled. Coal: damasks quiet. at PM® 11.00 fbr Lackawanna, $5,60437,50 for Plitstais ver ton by cargo. Linseed oil dull, at,9o@92e in casks. Pork lower, 401sta - 4006b1, at $2B, 60 for new wall 125.71 J far old do. - , W. 4.3125 for mans, M 0213 far prime mews also 1,500 tads . new. ntas, seller Januar, and February, at 129,06628,26, and 500 bbl.-do.,seller last six months, 1107,441,,8a,q01et; beef hams quiet and steady; cot meats heayydude 75 packages at 11411121 W ;Moulders, 14@lilfor hams, middling ham, sale 1004xidee Camber. land cut at 1415114f4 and 400 boxes abort ribbed deliverable la Chlosicels3j; dies. au bogs quiet at 113.03125.4 forwarders; lard heavy, sale 340 °ernes at 13%(516% for steam. earl 17(3114X for kettle render. ed; also I,COO tierces UMW. seller Feby, 170)17X; butter steady at 156110 for Otdo; cheese steady. Copper. Iron and nails quiet MA rumbeaulia. P'sdithelr. to .14e. trawl without Material change. Ship. murmur gamer 40,000 bush shut at 4d, and-500 bbls flour at la Ed. :Litre.-Flour closed "steady for low grades and dull and heav ter medium and goodnrades. Wheat 10 lower, wth a- very moderate export and middl i ng Inquiry. Rye dull, at for sus ern. °stairs', heavy at 1520 for common western, and firm at 650 for Moles white. C om ,norahrialf, $l.lO tbr old and 9051,950 for new mixed western. Pork heavy; rum sales of 750 hula mem, eel. ler Feb, at $29. Beef in moderate regoea6-ab Lard barer edema 500 pounds prime steam, seller Pebsuary, at Iwo, and 600 ponads, seller lIIMM=2 March, at 17c. Eggs steady, - at 41 0 440 for fresh and 330 for limed. CIIIOACHN January s.—Flour steady and In fair demand for low medium and good grades of 'pans; in superfine and spring extras there was not sufficient bush:lea done to establish quotationa. Wheat dull and depressed; the demand far No. 2 spring was exclusively specu lative to gill short sales; 82c for No. 1. and 74,9:0760 for No. 2, closing dull at 75c; optiotal sales were at 753.407630 seller last half January, 7607730 seller February and buyer January; In the afternoon the market was generally dull, 75075 Xe for No. 2. Qom doll and heavy, 20 lower; sales of No. S at 89070 a at the close there was no demand, and the nomlnal (Ivrea were 880938 , 4 e; aeles for faturedellveryware;a469%o7o3, seller month at 71c, buyer ho, and 700 703i0 seller February; nothing done in the afternoon. Oats dull at 40049 Lie for No. 2 cash, and 39%0403ieseller month, 40)(0410 buyer do, and 40040}0 seller February. Bye dull and lower at 680 700 fault& 2. Barley dull' but a shade firmer for N 0.2 at about 820850. High ' wines dull but priest firm at 91@t20 for load and Iron bound respectively. Po:Milder' market unsettled. and opening sales were at 127 cash for future delivery; very little was dons and prima nearly nominal at 127,75028 seller February, 128028,25 seller March, 128.25003,50 buyer February. Green meats dull, with very few offering, and quotations nom). nal at 0%09M0 for shoulders, 11%0120 for rough sides and 185(014e for hams. Dry salted meati In better demand but lower, with sales of shoulders at 10c, rough at 1234 e. short rib middles 13013ge loose; and 1834 e boxed. Re. celpts-1,556 bbls flour, 48,900 ha wheat, 10,7481 m corn 38,384 Fa oats, 2,177 Du rye, 4,664 bn b arley, 2,380 dressed bogs, 4;715 live hogs. tihipments-1,250 Obis Hour, 19,144 tin wheat. 9.424 On corn, 8,516 bn oats, 1,120 ha rye, 760 bu barley, 2,448 dressed hogs, 2.14511 yr. ST. Loom, January 6.—Flour 18 no. changed and In good demand for low grades, which is scarce; super sold at 44.14(314,40 ; X at 144.6004,75; X.X. at 15,25@6,90. Wheat sluggish and on. changed, withsales N 0.2 red fallatll.os; choice to fumy 11,251311,30; and strictly white:ll4s. Corn dull and lower, with sales mixed at 75®780 for 3 allow, 74c ibr prime, and 80®830 for white. Oats dull and unchanged, with *ales at 46(4480 in bulk and 52(g;53 sacked. Rye unchanged at SW; Barley unchanged Provisions nominal. Pork $27,7545 9 ; Dryesit shoulders 1101140, dear rib .1434 c, clear aides Ms. Bacon: shoulders 14014,440. clear ribs 163.4(a1eNc., clear sides 17:a11754c. .Lsrd dal, at 113 c for prime kettle. tattle: choice are Pearce trat.firm; low grades plenty and low; pricesrange from 3@o e. Hoge .are more' active, with a few speculative buyers, but sales are mainly at a debllne; pricee range at 7,44® a; with , salsa mostly at 84:Mo. TOLEDO, January s.—Fiour insalitro. Wheat dull and very little doing: em ber 1l,1831;10a, need,lo with $1,0834 bid; .No. 2 c 10.21,0334. Corn daU; new 71c; no grades. abide lower at 60,4 m old in entirely nominal. Oats dull; No. 1 48c; No. 2 45c." elotrerseod steady at 87.80. Dressed Hogs dull at 1034@11. Receipts were 400 bbls flour, 8.000 bush wheat, 2,900 buah corn,AO® pounds dressed hcept tildpmerta wars 800 bble flOur 12.080 buah corn. CERCII(N/LTI, January a.—Cotton Ilan with sales middling at 44(42430. To. baoco unchanged and qnlet. Whisky 04c and dolt. Hogs dull, lower 'end ILO. settled, with aalea live at 13,50%9,50 and dressed at 11 0 ,760/424 resskets 6,000, Provisicina unsettled. Maw Pork de. alined to 103,50, with plea 700 bbl.. Hulk Mesta and Bacon neglected, and in no demand. Lard IN ®l7e for eteam and kettle nominally, with no sales. . Loutat - mtx, January 6.—Bagging odd and Arm at 2630. Cotton. demand good: middling, 2330. Leaf tobacco, steady • sales,-94 blithe; lngs, ;WM; leaf, 17@ /LBO. Whisky dull at 940. CIXVIMAID. January s.—Petroleum quiet but firm; refined held at 26@281i0 In large lots and 280290 In small Iota; crude 5450 per bbl. MEMPHIS. January s.—Cotton firmer at 2434(0)24)4e; receipts, 1,210 bales; ex ports; 1,810 bales. live Stock Market. Threr - Yong, January s.Arrivala of cattle 950 and supply inanfilelent. The quality is inferior and prices higher, varying from 12 to 13c for poorest to 14@)17e for oomuion to fatr, and 170117.10 for good to choice. All sold early. Sheep —arrivals 4,350 and market very active at advanced rates on 14534 to Sc; some thin 70 pound Ohio sheep brought 534 e, and AL me 93- pound ;then. at 75.0. All the tett hundred and filly hogs of to-day are for the alaughtmer: they, are blew; live worth' 10®1014c, city, punned at 1014c1313Ke; western ilge. Cannoo, January 5.-13eef qut.t and 15(4250 lower at 11004,50 for common to IMod cows, 55®5.90 for fair to medium, and $ 6 , 37 .4@6,6 4 n0r 0 00 d ahl ,PPlnalt= At the close aldose leaden down : Hogs decidedly dull at decline of 10®15m sales at $869,15 for common to fair, and f9,40(49,76 for good to choice. Dry coop Motet. New Yosur, Jemmy &—lnactlyity is still the prevailing feature, but neverthe- less there is a advance prices of certain Chll/1011 of Roods. ' No. I Wealth:wenn auribriat have risen from 9 93.iw Victoria do, from 9 to Otier, to* , H do, then to il„Sf Red Crewe and Rdierton do, from 9to fklie.- .Manilla stripes are reduced from 163 to lie Au ale by three, and halt ISX . ,to Ikon • IMPORTS. BY RATIADAIA Prrnsgunaz lorry ! Wiyie arra CR tuna Rommani January pip lead.]: It Candela; 1-ear hay, Driekar& Co; 366 bdts fellues.9ll9oWldnney & 1,000 bp barley, Joshua Mails & Co; MO do do, Pranenhelna A Mg 450 bushels Spenoer & IdsKaytl6_ pkge yeast,l P Mammon:. 18 do do, Dilworth, Ear: per It Col Ithas cherse,•Jea Omar; I ear a.blngles, McCullough, -Smith aOn .9 bales hops, John Visite Jr 33 has ebeese, D Coow; 2 ears listastone; Laughlin & Co; 15 dos broom, W ICU lar &Oc 8 kegs lard. 4 pkgs butter, 21 bes ry e , Woodworth dr,Dashernu 1 keg eggs.l bbls butter. Rea Jr; • Sit bps meal, Adams & Otatorn So do bed. (oared; 14 sks feather,, P Craighead: 15 bins hominy, B P Stutter & Co; 60 mewing michlnee, W Elaturaw A ON Maris/am Ann Prrrestraus Raiz, ItoLD. Janustryfi,-1 car corn, B Desch 11 sks oats. 17 do corn, Scott &Gisal; 2 can ore, Shoenber -& !: do do, 7 Reamer; WM cakes Wow, Park & Vot 100 bbla Sour, Schomakar di LI 4U oar springs, Pittsburgh Oast Steel CO; 4 bole elder, Ido turnip; Yelp, If 4On 9 ears cony Me Rani dt A; ibbis peaches, 9 cuss mato, laymar Bra: 13 pkgs dries, El Res Jr; 5 bbls oil, 14 E Sellers & Ors rims, Oliver & P; 6 balms cottou,l4 Hyd' & Sou. 3 bbla glass, J 'loon Co; 7 bales. ,corn 11 R 000lian & Co; 17 bbls charcoal, Seward & ilynortmtsim, Oracreromer MID Br. Loma Ransom), Januar" 5 .-10 Raw butter, / keg • do, W H Graff & (7,4 1 oar wheat, J W Ramgorder; 2 bine egg J A Graff; 5 roils leather. ON 110121itoti; 10 cases inns. W Miller &On 6do lard, J B Bneathen; 12 do do, .7 Porterfield; 1 to hams, Ido bacon,. I Mills & Boat: 7 hRd Samitlige. E 7:77oyers& C. pkgs fiasco*, Arbuckle* & 00; 6 Mils apple, Vengorder4 8; /00 bp, 10 bblaßour, MaintlearA Bon. - ataraaway STATION January 5,_. 7 CMS wheat, Kennedy Bro; 2 dressed bogs, Geo Stewart; 11 do do, Rippley Beckett; 1 - car lumbar, 'Mader Bro: 2 cars ore, I do mated,: Omar. Bennett & 00,1100 aka dour; It !Reel & Boni 5 mks Wool, A W Rollins &OD; 5 Mlle whisky, F Kerehendorter; 1 car wheat W Me. • niasetuany Vars.firr ItklitatOAD. In nary 1.-2 oars limestone, Eihoonber Bet Co; 44 do cost, liter. Foster & 46 Odin Junk, ET Briggs; 81 Dbl. residua; 20 do refined, J Itiunser; 42 tein wheat, J ilfigett t Co; 1 car metal filludok & Co. RIVER PAOKEITt3. ANSaPIRDI AND aEW ORLEANS. Veit CAIRO MEMl. A gir m e A. , PHIS LID KILW ORLIAM. —The tokpalisellger stammer - . • HACIOLH HAY13....8. ILK/Alla, Commander: Jensen C. Dram Clerk. will leave tot the ebony no *enema-Ohm porta ois SATURDAY, Janu ary S.h, en 4r. M. • rgr ft lettfattit SUPIe. Sara °"e jil VLACH COLLImIi WOOD, *caste. NASHVILLE. VOit FITAMPVILLV a~ vGAHKIV lEEE AND V LL 1,1 }1 : titatetettW A. Iroalanorr. C.massadirr, • WI II lesve for the above and letartneertele TAM FRIDAY. J.. Ai4 r. Y. - • • for MIA.. or nanuir...Psl7oo no•A or to •Allt; 0.11401ke,0r • - . JAI. fLAOK • CULLINU Agana. LOUIRVILLO, CAIRO and T. LOUD!. VOR, CAIRO"ABID tlT. Ej oi= Loll,ll.—Th• 1W paelk!tur loofas. Main. Alli 100,0 rnitlllllbon sad intinbedtato porta on TINS DAT, Jimmy 7.E. • . NA [matt e!'rarninaritirititi.- e AI T ?Amnia rep Spu 81,0311,0 maslaTille of steams. _•• . . Jukulgor PORT= - 4:14N " 110. 07 Water Wee, LOUISVIILE FOB' AND 15T.,,L , 0DT4, . • tt l aNALlC lhr rl i r HAIL Co ~00 5i,... MO 10D, (Tilt . : will WT. Si .99111110 ed szig, TINUAT. Jas.. A. atN... Ll ,`" TarreNtriguQD. /4.1.• _.;;~~: .n'.i-i~tii~~—~ J+.~~vt%+ .w . , PITTSBURGH DAILY di RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily with 8 feet 9 inches in the channel lest evening by the Monongahela marks. Weather cold and all that could be di; aired for old door business. Mercury 24 in the morning, and 30 at 4 P. X. The Bell arrived and departed for Par. kenburg. The Nick Wall, from New Weans, was due last night, and the It. C. Gray is expected In today. The Glendale, is filling up steadily for St. LoWs, and will it ls expected, be ready to leave on Friday or Saturday. The new steamer Arlington made a trial tilt,.yesterday. The Nellie Rogers, Capt. Thos. Boger; la announced for St. Louis forthwith. Medan. Ohrlest k Porter are her agents, , The Glasgow, Capt-Andrew Robinsen. ls announced for Nuhville, gabs also the lii Maggie Hays, Capt. Martin, for New Orleans, . Business Ur, tame at the landing , freights for all - points being Vero% and boat, experience considerable difficulty In plcktng • trip. —A special to the Cincinnati Comer. Nat, dated Evansville on Monday, says: The Robert Moore bursted her steam pipe, Sunday morning, fifty miles above Golconda, tearing up the door of the ladies' cabin and slightly scalding the second engineer and bar-keeper. Capt. Ferrell, who was In the ladies' cabin, was thrown into the nursery, but was not injured. .7. L. Winston, her chief engineer, came up by the Llewellyn to have the pipe repaired, and will return to-night, The Tom Roes and barge re passed and do La rgwn last night. A.llO, the Gar tt e.. —A prominent planter, versed in boating matters as. well aa "Red River Inspection," being an old steamboat. man, In a recent letter to a friend in this city, says: ..Gao. Ronne' new Grand Bra Is • splendid business packet, and will be • success. Though 20 feet too long (so Called,) she passes to Shreve port sully. Whyf Maj. R. L. Robert son, ono of the Inspectors for the under writers, is said to be a prominent stock holder is the boat, and as he looks through the unto specs u Cooper, it is likely both are afloat.' —The Messenger enroute from New Orleans, htill the following llama of fralght for this port: Collins' Wharf boat, 4 bbla molasses and pitaanw Wm. Killer ,t Os; SO bbls molasses: Watt, Lang & Co., 23 hhds sugar: debunking & 00., 50 bbla molasses, 5 hhds sugar; Dil worth, Harper & CO.. 45 Md. sugar, 110 bbla molasses; J. B. Dilworth, 1 bbl mo lasses; W. Halms &'O7; 59 lads nor; S. Ewart & On., 117 bbl mobs/sae, 2.5 bias sugar, 8. P. Bhrtvar & Co., 00 hhda sugar, 73 bbl molasses; J. Porterfield & Co., 24 bbl molasses. —The Swallow, it is believed, can not be raised. Her cabin Is a complete wreck. The sand. Is two feet deep on her cabin Boor, and her bull la bellevod to be almost b uried in sand. The boat has settled on ono aide.. Her stern. It Is thought, rends on an old sunken flatboat. The Eckert Is at the wreck to remove what frolght can be got at —A Gallipoli. dispatch of Monday says: Daring the storm yesterday the St. Charles and Major Anderson collided, damaging both bads slightly. The Ohio went op the Kanawha several nines for warn, and broke bar wheel. She will leave for Cincinnati Thursday. —The Armadillo arrived at Little Rock, Arkansas, Sunday, 26th, and left there New -Year's day for Fort Smith, after discharging over 10 tons .of chinery. The river was falling slightly at Little Bock when she left, but there were prospects of another 1110. —A meeting or the stockholders or the Parkersburg and Wheeling Transports. tion Company, and the underwriters who bad rlaku on the Rebecca, was held at Wheeling yesterday, to talk about the the insurance on that 111-fated steamer. —The new steamer Charlie FL Dune., bound from St. Louis to Ouachita River, to addition totreaking her shalt at tkpe Girardeau, is reported as having struck the rocks and damaged her hull. She will repair at Thebes. • —They Hawkey° No. 2 arrived at St. Louis on Monday; and the Bellevernon and Groat Republic reached New Or. leans the someday. —The Cumberland river was rising on Monday with 7 feet Nashrp Shoats. The Wild Cat left ille for Pitta , burgh no Monday. —The St. Francis river is now open to Whistling, and increased receipts of cotton are expect/4 at Memphis from —Capt. Frank Marratta's Trinity river pasha,' Henry A. Jones, arrived at 60 vestals, on Wednesday last, with 030 —Tbe..kwonowr bean railed and will go on. the dock at Chirtnnatl for re. —Tea wild Duca and Wass left New Orleans for Pletaborgli on Mondale. ,FRUIT CdN- TOP% • SEDP LABELING • , E It 1 1.1 1- ( 7 .11N r : TO 1 ) . CULLING , r: We L. F=4 e/ neell 'teams sal &list. diepla. sa4 as skews t.,. vets Um ausee o r t . irWoin rrwlU - ruatpe4 Imo* tie Weer bee trjgr aarbeax Clserthiadtadlyandree.matt, andaly *attar Ow same of the butt tie ,aall adman 003 a. = laajadater and dupla la 11 . 1•11111410% MO Pit Of m3I MR lOU an wadded Madams.o. io Taff, :ll Ji:C5'2,.;44 . 14 - a TATE MEN T OF THE comm.; RT VON of TRU TITTORUSIOR BRINK TOR ROIROt. Deonsear al, Coital [Net . ...a oo Dim Delloi hors Cfp sttiksLat Nand ' 4 1:117! Leers, 4593."1" Road,. w a ,t,.. Bltb Erealiible : 1. 11.1 " /ts vireo .1301.411/ 1/0 49ra 1% Mk 011 40 , IT 11SILINLIT, Traumas. "The ou'enigued ADAM. t Committee n spina tune noon that they have *sunned tea OM onstassetrofthe bask. $54 lad the above nave. 58 ° 1 5 5 5° 515at's. 1.11. VANS/LUZ 11011 T. 0. scumnft, 0. torAmseasit. Prnsavaaa, Jamul., 3. 1110. 1 - NiBIOLTIMONe • The Sus of Loohlr. ono% a 00.. lAD day aleselTed b Ithiltattots, eacutes PARK and J. K. JOHNSTON Tett:log. The bostsess will T. settled Ty tloa Tellable( Ps* istra. JOHN T. WHAT. •••. EDWARD GRUA. aroaos PAWN. • J. E. JOHNItTON, • CITtl. D. LOGEt . bschmash 31, 11119. .Tha oadulthned will sestina* lb. haportalloa MD! WO of PORTION and DONTATIO HARD. WART at shop old stand, Au. MI Wood ewes, cadet the Ina of WHAT. GAUSS • OIL R. J. L JeltAston .11Iremsla ..111. the beam • JOUR T. LOGAN. ' EDWARD GIIIIOO. • ONO. B. LOGAN. JAivANT 1.1010.. DIBIIOLIIITION—Notice is bent:. SY gives thatikeputeerahlp hennaing *minded between the eadershined In the Yoh*. dry and Roll 'hinder bagmen, under the same of LA MM ZUSAITZII& CO., bu this day bon dimmed by mutual round, by the withdrawal or dallte H. swzrr. The I unarm will be ocnitisead br /OEN L. LAMAS lad CHAELIit DASSiTilloioder the S aims of LL AW& ItenilTlLE, who.are maisturiaid to settle the baster& of the We Ana. 1411M1H10 .. JOHN L. LICIWI4.. 64 11 M7MMI FINE HOLIDAY GOODS FOR a PUTNAM de ADAMS', &its' For4L6les EstabilibMeit, . szsars A. 17 NIIE. = OProsit. Pod e.. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, la onMir to elcimet) oar prueni stock imam* posallge.weefer Won. • PAUI, MAR Isl.", and FANCY: 6 1 01)11/3. 013./Cl3,', At a nest I inteetkm . "'ATTU)* & 1 133111AP8it, : .• . • 101 4 1/13711 4611)1171., .4abot&-.Bioltb4ld 11) ) NOTICE. - • ' nun. I PlR;bl4l 3 s l e'"' CO , eater loots, eg The M Bash, btarlet the %bon application on this Out • of SO o•oock. A. AL J 01111.1.8 BROWNS cheing. tacs* x ;. = THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY, 6, 1870. NZW ADVERTISEDIANTS EMMY G . WILLIAM Na. 180 and 182 Federa BARGAINS IN Ladles' pall Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' Striped Shawls, Plaid Shawls, ilbmslder Shawl', Breakfast Shawls tad leataga, hplia Mai Coined replies, Caulnures awd Jens, Blankets tad Shirtlag aid Skeetleg Table Melts ud Napkins. The Stock is Complet WHOLESALE WILLIAM FEDERAL STREET. JANUARY, 1870, AT NACRIIII,GLYDEICo's, 78 and 80 Mazket Street PRICES REDUCED Ladies' and Children's CLOTH AND FELT SHIRTS. Also, all ducal si Uoas At WORSTED KNIT GOODS. I= LAMS', MEN'S AND OHILDRIENS llnderilrear, litocklup Gloves, Ike. NEW' GOODS 0 HOLIDAY GIFTS. Positive Reduction it Prices PIANO COVERS, .Viaare, Wlifins Rugs, - Crumb Cieif/u, stu, ace. ,BROL, Are. at "Arra :.ariturva, • amp IWO= MOW& OARI*ETS. NEW FALL STOCL asa 0141, Window Shades, DRUCK/ET& ,„. DBUOGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets,- it tie LOWIEd Prices 1m Offend. BOVAILD ROSE 103 li FIFTH AVENEL EtC0X.411:13..4,1E" I . ORR k foCONARYI Wawalora, 111 nimui it., anise of Auseisirr. Our Goods are trnsurpeseed 43.c00r05. .s Sacra wiz OtrultiAnAoste. asss"4 l W i n nit.Wa T 4W A. • T—egsr %.-rweit.rmt. .trat.#4.. $$ r 1 $200,000 WORTH Clc~sec~Crtoixi 14 - 0. 59 mAi:tic Mint Is tali Wailitaltay,,bil priticio mire will Is Wooed 55 Meade sad Tuarlay..ls4, llol Iv m warts! lad Ulf peopt• of tip.oki OBBALIEF.IIIO ,lIMIGA/NS 31w0 : 4 r coierereficl ilaX)r'N''C;ll3toc!M . _ _ • • • k, , FA • , NEW ADVER NMI 0 CO e; SEMPLE'S, Stret, Allegheny City. It ha, Ili-wool Bob Bay limn. It ISU, Very Hwy Bray Twilled Brinell Al ioe., 111-woil Pullman. It 11 1-h,, giod Dark Malin. It lie., Double Width Poplin. It 11 1-k, 44 Bleached 111011 a—extra good, Ill! 1-h..4-4 Wavy liablenhed India& It lie, each, Plaid Shoulder ihawla., It $l.lO, Ladies' Pelt Skirta-4,bargaid. It $1.73 a pair, 10.4 White lintels. It 61,60 a pair, 114 White Blunts, Healy COTerlidg very cheap, • Ladies' aid Wheel' Fun. e in Every Department. AND RETAIL, iti SEMPLE'S, and 182 N 05.1.80 ALLEGHENY CITY. JANUARY, 1870, LICRUN,GLYDE & Co's, 78 and 80 Market Street. It Ladin' Lhtea Handkerchiefs, it ie., Ladles' Lima Collar; It 40a, lea's 9ny Bidenklnt, it Ioa, llen's Grey Drawers, It 108., lea's Shies Mats; It 101, lox of lea's Paper Collars, It 10a, Cilldna'a Wail Sinking; It IP., Ladles' Winter 610 TM ►t tie., Wool Snit Hoods aad Caps. ►t in., Childnn's Galt Shaw s, It $l.OO, kit Wielder Simla PENELIG DAILY. WOOLEN DRUGOETS FELT CABFETS, L 11, 2, 21, 3, 31, 31 RBA 3 BORDEAND SQUARES Suitable ter Parlors, DINING BOOS QUID CURE', Woolen, Linen and Mtn, LOWEI ?ECEU`ftlll MT 000 NI noun & COLLINS mis7l and 73 Fifth Avenue. oeS CARPETS. -BEDIICI'IOBI~. The alteratimm and im provements of our Sales rooms now in progress, make it necessary for us to im mediately dispose of a large portion of our stook of • ARPETR. OIL CLOTH% Hearth Rugs. &a, Many goods will be , sold at prices below the present wholesalioost. Call atone at ouvER "camp& a co's, 9i 111th Avenue. STANDARD TIME. WM TAXI 21111 'IIEtICOP, MIME BY Timmsit Observations Of lb. Stars at Oar Owl strarratary. J. IL RFS! & Ca s Jewelers, No. 68 FMK Aram. SALE I OF DRY GOODS THE METIER erocs. or J. W. BAR ET STEtw.C, • Lists of ifs tat. J. flair I$ y 34 pd 40. is *num 1 * Xedsc• Ircii viciany asa Moss Feetallat Kra akike W alb elltro NU k 1 NNWL ADVERMMIsmn3 REDUCTIONS BATES & BELL Choice Selected Stock of I=l YARD ii7DR. =Z;GJ TZPEIVIL GENERAL TO CLONE THE ENTIRE STOCK!! OFFER THEIR Dress Goods, Shawls, Silks, Cloaks, Bladetl, Velvets, VERY LOW 'PBIOES To -Reduce the Stash. dor. T 33331 V):1:1;1 ID A :1:11-1d0:1 HOLIDAY. SALE HORNE'S, STILL CONTINUES! XIBEFUL AND 000118 Extremely Low Priem! HANDKERCHIEFS, Etl ehle ..a quay. 701 Ladies, Weals and • elbildras.,e C:kc,cmCbek. • 011111141 T TA1111127 Collare~ Sete, Handkereideft and Chemisnitem, - Linen Embroidered Bette, in Yang Brooke &art% Bilk Souk, Boma and lbobrublesed Balboa Sub ad Bow Mum, buidume 'tyke jut received, • Jibe Printoh Rowers, • Willow and Ostrich Pismo, • Bonet Velvets, Tetouan Bittin g lioulnardo akar% Preach Condit Silk and Alpo Umbrella', Roo Silk Boutibnoy Bello, Jet and Plated Zwicky. Ladle Cardigan Jackals, Traveling Batoholo, - Gloria sad Hcstory IN wins AND *Limit TO lEM ALL. - Lebo sail Wool Wenner NEW STOCK Goats' Nik • Ratfilaratief Iknas lad Mk Pulse Waniemtik 77 IND It MIT ff. , ..-D .7ff w aunirmohnejo i - • nanyiserinflm::7 l r, arseki:- • .. • .- • MISCELLANEOUS. SEALED PROPOSAL WILL uneefred 0. tee ogle. of the Chief QeM" termaster, Military Division al the blisseef r i, Clickers, until 111 M., on TID DID.S. 10b...07 1. 1870, for . the transporiatioe of Oeverament troops. minter/. Galenite at sad Deft.. tetnillee bete.. the follawlol V 01.,, 00 Isdle•ted during the time from Ms eb GO. 1670, to October at, 1870, vie • Flora lit. Louis, Ito., to Sloan City. It anktou Annoy, Yon BanooD , Whetstone Creek. Lower limbos nod Crew Crest Ammoles, Tort 8 011 7. BM Ch ey elms and Ornd Myer Aeeaete.,Torte Moe, Eltaveoson, Retool, Como Cooke, or any vast teat may bee estabiished at the mouth of the Mmeieshelt river, md Fort Realm:. From Wyandotte, its., to Wove City. Taxa ble Ageney, 1071 Randall, Whetstoaa Creek. Lamer Realm and Oar- Creek homenee. Port Sally, Big Cheyemie mei Grand Liver Agencies. Recta Rite, Stevenson linear& Cason Co. ke. or .37'Dot that may he established at the month of the Misaleshel river add Fort Denton. TrMe lest LesvenWarth, rm., to Sloe: City, Tertian 'Ahem:M. Fort Randall. Whetstone Creek. Lowir linage and CroikCreek Agnew. Pert Baty. Big Cboyeaso se4—Orms4 Aisneleo, Ports Eke, etioroloos; Botord, Camp Cooke. or ahr post lbst las; be ostabilibed at the south of tioNatelethell river sad Tort Breton. Iron t mobil, Nob.. to Moos Ctty. Pashtos AP Nor. lon Randall, Witet.teao Civet, Low.? "treks arid Cie. Creek Abeam" Port Bally; Big Choyinree end Omsk River kireseles, Pons Mee. Neocene.. -Barad, Coup Cooke. or- soy past that nay be ettabllsbed et the mooth of the Yerelethell Mr• r and Port heheoa. retort Blots Cir. lows; tre Itaaktos left Bandell. Whetstone Crerk, 2 Loirer 110100 a4O Crow Creek Agencies, Fort Bally; &s Cary. ow' sad Grand litre? Aviaries, Pont B it T. 11.011. Shard, Cates Genre, or toy Dot{ Wt ree7 ho eetatilseed at $OO smith el the Keseleshell river, and Fort Beaton. • • From Yankton Agency to Fort Boatall.Whet. stoat Creek. Lower, Brides and Crew Creek Atelialm Fen Ban/, Mr Choy... sad Gland Bawer Anodes, Fora 11.100, aterearave. Berard; Clap Coate, or my post Cast may he eetabllete ad at the mouth of U. Museleshell flyer, sad Prom Port Randall to Whetstone Creek, Lams, Braley sad Crew Creek kindles, Poet Petry. Big Cheyenne alter Grua Rim Akeselas, Ports Mee, Stamm. Buford. Camp Cocks, ar say Dort that may be mast tithed at um mouth et the Idoseleattell arm. and Pert Beaters. Prom Whets.ose Creek Aseaey to Lower Brutes tad Crop Creek £males, Port Bally, Big Cheyenne and Grand after Wastes, Pone Ras, atareama,. Bo hsrd, Camp Cooks. 07101 post that my be eetabdsbed at Oa Month of the Mudessell river, MI Port Centers. 7tota Lows Brutes Ate/ to Crow Crook 4 10..7, ron 80111'. Big Choyonao sad °rasa Sim Agencies, TOM ER" Manages, Word. Map Cooke, or as 7 post that Nay be ol!tablhbed at tee_ itonth of tba Matelsaboll mu, sad loot Montan. . From Crow Creek Agee*, to Fort Belly, Big Cheyenne sad Grand River Accede., Fortulkiee, Bterebrou. Buford, Camp Cooke, or any bout Mat may be established ak the month of tke Musaletbell rtrer, and Tort Beaton. Pion ullY lort :oily to Big me Broad River Agencies, ions Rise, etaveastot. Bolted, demo Cooke, or any Dost Memoir he estlihilehed at the month of Musa:shell :Ivor, sad -Bert .tram Dig Clheraaaa Astray to drawl Strar Agana,. /arta Mae, atarantos. Ballard. Cusp Crokavr goat that nay InastablltladW.. tha manta or the Xuaelaaball river, sad Port Beaton. rem Greed Barer AM./ to TOM Mobs at+ ramose. Buford. Camp Crooke. or soy pad tbat saity a etttbllsbed at the moota of the Mentes Well river sad lost. Rectos. - from Fort Met to Torts Iltoreatosh 11111brd, Camp Cooks. or any peat that =mele orlabibbod at the. la Alta or Maseltsbell river sad F • Prom Fort Stoosamt to Fort Buford, amp Cooks. or oar Yost that nay lokootablhatod at UM 'Mak of shit Monlethal ever old /fort hoes loilliatord to Cana Vodka. or may yea tau isuiy be establlsbed st . the looatli of the Maaelosball river wad Tort Taloa. : From .Camp Cooke or any post that easy be astablisitol • at the moon, or the lluelariell deer. sad Tort Prop:map an also tainted tar tau traaspartat. Clan at *naps and supplies, darlag tai. rasa= gnat Marsh SO. IbSU. to Cletabas Si, LIMO, Ono Caleaso, Maas. ala 6.013 Z oth iews. as through bills at lading. W all Os point. aban Bloat that an &bon . - Bidden itate the rate, (separately fbr each month hem Muth SOM to October MA. 11110,. lacteal's. the ;We of etortleg to &tattlee the sate to to pall, at which they will perform the terries from ugh of the nutlet palate to the eeyerel potato of dutlmitton slonnottemel, as • Lt. The rats at which May wlll traosportesolt siker mad soltllss loshts passage to be omitted tor oesers, sat be sadism; issoessst7 belittles lbstooklog their tattou. latch .111 Iss sappllsd 17 ths eoTssittasal). • • sd. The rate per 100 Douai/ at Which they 111treathoet supplies. &L Tao rata at which they wri Inaction &tries, miler, wittleouabsticaemeacts.waitchc. eta., (troughs tor Amass the cm hub %WU P.W. L., • Jest preberanet will be giro to parties who ova and mussel beets.. Vaasa will be expeeted to always the Gcrvernmeue freight thalamb create. sad to ao ease will be Wowed to earry proairto tine exclusion of Goversisest freak!: The earns. is Will be require to trouped aloes by bad ht wrest at talus bit uteri and all atom noised by the eentrecuir transportation not he delivered at their dent. saVaa within the year 1219: Bidders will please give Vie rate at which they out fernish tonsiortatiaa dons drum— thee& for that exelutive purpose sa beat will be required to no sp isnot solos to togas days at least 160 toot of tievernaest toted. Tira castrato. for Inuspartation train Galena 0111 not as isentred to Vanish say down Omni itraaspOrtation. • • In mos the coatnotlng tarty hal to OM I itsight u rorind. tee Governiest rnenei the right to Enron: tbe tram:sporadic:a at tK oz wan od tba contractor: sad nothing. UMW nadneed Moll be so obannted se to pent :he Governmam ham unsportin lY ontena on say nide ors boat.. . . . Hidden no bronzed Unwell:cat nide. orlih &moment name will be allowed to go non Mon City. lows. driorlow weer tine an com bat! het water. Al no nets wIH be ropir,ed to go to *ohm:Move Bien City with bathos has nand tows, bidden - will Eats Um rats at whin they will triumport.n twebmenta of neon otloo a mrse num% freight.. lindors Mould give their swan L hal, ea well as their, plane of ,rerideneo wad each pro. pan] mast be oraccoptated win • bon la the MU of *MOOD, ellen by two or eon nano. tilde pawns, giarenterdwa that, In one the erstron is awarded to nut peon procening, ft nil be accentod awl attend 5.10. win goat wadi saiLelen nennty lernistred by twig party. Is acetanne withthnorwm of thindrertmemaat. Tke mcnztrzetei Intl be repelred to glee beads to too maze of ($lOO,O. one animated zieemeaa The. Duty toshoot the award to mats, ma be prepared toaxestte the coatraet at nat. sad' a Ws the repalred bond twits &tibial pao; • The Boyeraaaat themes the Cat, St toyed say or on bids thatatay bs elated. Copy of baok tors of android both thy thaw yottoUts froth at. Loots, Ka, and Cldiodeall, to lot Wand tato la the 'Tent Of weary sad Wan Lams of propos" ea* be hod by sppllatt don to Mt odes, Is tbi egos of the Cblot Qthrteimatterr, Depart:slat ot ibis IDatestl. 4 Laths No:: Cabot cthttiAthlatat. Dash , autal of the Platte. °oaths. Deb.; to Brevet Lhoisaant (blood Lanes Y. Noon, Quarks , mist" Port Leariuthrorth. Zan.. aid 10Coatath Luta GU"' teststast Qthrtermaator, Blau Proposal. for traasportatloa troa. it. Loll., Oa. 'bath be Indorsed. ••Propcsolo tot Amy T.thapottattaa a As Ittseiteti Itlyar. trove Loath, ma, sm. , . set thisiforizsanortillas from Chloodo..ttoposais far Atha ?nano:- tattoo tram Casio. paall oa the No mel sad addzeosid to the udettlaset . By girds of the Quotlesaafter Grnial • . D. ht. attozza, A...stoarQsartaiaaatsr Omani, Mated Mate. Amy lad Chief Quartermaster DUltary vision tt the lestoort., se. IL Oo THE PETEZION OFAITACE bows. Cl iiitabina, ?cm.. saiiais tzstrix Cl labia licolgo, dotatud, World tea Cul ortauloa Cl a Dotal. /matt* to Ili said Calota bootie on tlat nu" 414 of mina; ills, aad vaulted 04 01414 !LW of July, WIT, On; as titatotaititt la Tlzar*e. • • • • ,It Is ordered last Wa tetilmosy fi Ws wee of tea, uthiii:Lio nesaitritereirr.` um ell tie. toe. suns immune itit4 tat ite‘l aadsere report be Welted to the 118th ear Teanerey met; sat teat the iall-peUttea be ltWitatb lIIIDAY Or YAWS HIM Pura !WI einaM sitmaslaa.. =I imam. ill. nes A prim PAIIIMIUI.-1 .- have a ewe esertsist ot Apse PnbtriOtatiutsatt atiatliow wtopai IWlta al ia.soll kit M bee Arlife:;' The Eiltao4olllllll AIM ILICIA011(011111101; tikes ma Unit - atria.* Ocala Ws. cam AU diasi ea oadlagy ma& aip .. ,Ls ow! mama OM"( 4* auk Ndae rivas vith.llllLoukllas eliaja ~ma Priligi Tablt*leht4 ..„., • 2.1.4186 WOOD stRZET: ILICHVIMIEEZ. 4 47I4 11114 - 1111'. W e VINO. 11 , 0 - (MTim. firmig r t P.N. is attrlMl la ti l l 11 i g a10 1""ell %Xi NAVAJO AN. - ORDINANOIpI3. AN : ORDINANCE - thorllstust the C.oplkUeh UNI es Erect 'tweet 1l . weed. - escrion L Be it Vaal mad eneeted Ify• the erty of }Maury fa Moe Dad own tbapartia asonab dad II lie ordainedut enacted by the ortheydy same. Must o the City leagues, Ate sedge enear ...abort. a and daaated to adv. - MI.IW DISPIIO tall fora Boanleallt .11 Drawl street; gm: toenelng at peeped? of Hasearl Mriall KM 0011, I Ening la rant of same I aletance of atery a n and to I. I lee sloe 10 06110140/410.11.11 Asla humbly sad . It, Ordltilloose yrortillay for. . . are. wedat any ordinance or pan 4 anti-' a eting olth the yasemiarat I kla *NW • tianee at the preunt and the tune to hang. by repealed ao drs, the ems sleets AU wit. .lird.teed and esseted tato a Iste la Tollistif , th this a Ist day of loseesibei4D. 1111ilh J **LOUR. Preside otaidesiMuislL Attest: E. a. Mosaose, ultra. of tleleet Conseil. Attest: 11. Ifni Aras.residenPt of Ogneknolk Clerk of Common Cloaladl. Jai N 011DINANCE. '- titinorialnee t 66 Gin* *thug agog of Itavroo nthweete. /1110061,41,,, , eq Sec. I. Be a ordain. owl assegai ' of Plittanuga, in 2.112 ow! Donnacomet tunnel. and it is arrow moots. oad.a/6. - td to the authority el the .out. Teaf to. CM Itsgteeer be sad be Is hereby a •thooold aleti frothed to adr.nille for propagate nor he grollies andoeelso of amine etyma rem Sag etrogallo to a point 600 feet east of 3 id moth Null ht the enamels the manner dt, catgut by as "ere nese* concerning strs-t,ptheeo Ana= 1661; alto, hoses sopecrolag .remit, Jones - , 6th. 166*. • Ow. s. Tut., onsuatee et pert °Corea' r - nano. conflicting with the passage of this wettg , amine at the wee./'and the mon hereby repealed sothraa Um name alone thisyyt• diatom. • - ordained and waled Into s hm . :Ooloaftgr ' this Jill day of Demob. !4A.. ft. 1666 • JAIM , ' President - of Betted Coatis. ' Clerk of Belect ' ConnelL . . Ple.tdcet of. Comma Conseil. Attest: H. Yell/m.3x, • Clem of Comm. Umbra: A N OSIDINAJNON •.. • Aronlug Neiirille street. teas Minh • w Centro Avenue.. • AwnOn 1. tt ordained anseldtAti• • Clicy of Pa 1. to SoLoa WM cue asronotel. amt Ls gently w o noWl • '• enacted by oedemas eIW moos, That tie Clip Zest:wee be am, he Is hereby_ssuborisedend die rooted to surrey and own Neellie street, EssW. Iltdl. 'Centro amuse, And issp.% • praise dmesges and assess boodlte mused Owe.? I wm. H. liennlston, Hobert fader ant Georg* Whsto are hereto ontelluted li seeor'sace old the Act of Assenthly. spooned JlAnnlit. 6t0.18811. nom Sle That soy ordmsoce or pen of oral.. osone coollletlng old the passage of Ws esti. , acme at the present time, be and Ws seas is hereby rep:Med./Wm Use same streets Waffle. ensues, onutstas sad enacted tlate• MN in Ceded% thhtillst day of D‘ordotos.. • ' • A. p. 1669. fattlpatytLap.leo . 14 Attest: 2.8. Idcautam. • ' • • ' Clerk of Select Cotimal. . A. TOIR,IIIIIOII, • Preeldent of Lkesailon• 0040411.' • Attests H. Wolf ems, ••• - Clerk of Common droned. . AN ORDINANCE • Opening Moinelit street.' • _ art uff t. U ordalsod read mooted die ox4l N PUhdenth. ha &area and COMMIS CI oannabbea, and USr Amen 440 treaded by U. notteortty •J'Un, roue. TM Ha. geld street, la the ward. le aad Mimeo te lamella declared opened bettrout dellth eel 4lth eireet. ana irdonra Davison. J. J. Oat telly and James Ir. Keeler* are appointed PUT:' ere u.demi.. and ternarlallab/UMI w a s Ma t .rdhuulP Dean eoalaoilp[ with the ?ware of ..—... - exam at tee present time, be end the wee lb hereby repealed so fart %beau= adhere talatif. Masao. ; . : ; Ordained and matted tab a kW this gas ,IMO: Z. IL Mostiow, Clerk ardeseraCcaseeu. W. TOMAXIWON Amu, 327";, As.N 0111HINAIWID - - . . - . r•razt••• • orill•walk ea WIIS A nod Sokinoro Strom& !xylem I. .Be a ordettead end . media . ..ILe Ott of Ptarberite. to Wag and Ammo* . a onsablsel, and it to hard* r ankei sad settetint by the nottiortly 4/' the saws. That City /Cngtnter he and he is 00010 y o • sod a reousa to sovostiso tor le •ter a Boardwalk on Wylie eye... and Poison atm. r greet eorner of Kirkpatrick andirytie segue.' along Wylie to &goers streett tisanes &amount female street to the old lovas/up mil Yager este raird to /renege street. ens' along street to Centre 070500• one to tattles meow ...mum mial .00to o f Ageanbly prooldisiu tio.rtgor, ._ _, • _ _•_... • - - Bic. R. That say °edicts seedy part ef twee* condletler utile the pee Befe w eatkiee are. sett ee at the preaast time, be wed M iIIIN lareey repealed *a ler as the was . Ma se. Chance. ....... Ordained and caseated Into a , lawla.(ktukidis this 3UI diy of Dadaraber A. D. 11160 A ' EN "." Trend t' of Attest t /I.l[Onsow, Clerk of se lect Connell.. 1119MZU= AN 'ORDINANCE • Oroslag Nnsw•rsh Ihrimatb I. -is IS • Ortfaink Winer sailahlEk , i i e ' s Ua gon:ael te ft tetitial,.,rsirtt s t . to ordained kid nusetset 'or •tk rir UM 'saw a. That !h. tiny .Ennisatr= r e Is hereby sailsorkeil and dinnaea warn, amt. Don Ellsworth anion. iron Alken's aroma to East 1 them:. la aosonanee with PLUS llogineees ease. and so award and • tweaks CZ1211.1 %honk JOa. if * J mem IteCalley sea TlT.,..salroya an iskr.rat.n. Sac. S. Tbatnyordhisnee or kit otortlizana 'mantel's! wi th the Oman or this ordinsital the prank time. be sod tee same Is bank irs• • waled to far as the saner clews this radiuses. Ordain.' sad mewed into • law fa OCHOWess this Slat tlay of Denzaber,_A. D. Me. J•wEH reaut,ity. - • • Prothientot ealanCoansa. Attra c t i c k l. o a r M ee Ozow es...n. • . • •,•• TOIELIMON_ - ; • . M ar stOsamoa Inthatl• Attests . D. McMartin. • _Cleat of Common Connell. . st A N OIRDINANCE C i atasiliteit's ttesi.siretsCeis Seim. ear, street. WM wart. ReCTION 1. Be U antedated asieneiroded ata Ode,/ PUtsbortri. lo Wed end Osoonset prxe., sus ossessated. and tt lkerdni endatatal and { ens • odd es, washortry du mass. nos bite - Radiator be and a* I. baton itheres* uO directed .bn attrartSta far prOo06•10 10 , • Roard•valk, fem. Laaeltlttea Stades , glair Botada,s - street to Its latenssUon 01. b ZeN ltde Rua Road; tbstote Aloof said road bath.. pont.e.sowdez 11MailoO. tt. to let Its in .teordiuld "Oak oils Or Assernbty sadW Ontlnaboas Or 0,16.1• a tharVor. ,, , • -• • Rut. It. 'Mat any 7 ordlasaos or part dr sane, tostilotlng wing no pumas of dila zit amen at - the pressat.tbne. be sad th e MEM aerobe repealed so tar as the amnia Unto Ras ayraataed add ansated Into i lair is Cloaland. MU 711 t day of Deoraaber. M O. 1114101. ItdaJJLIT godackla. tft It Pidalsomi saiiessevi4ll4l quer rmsbargb.t¢ Peirce aid uatameta mu e¢reacabira. see I, to Peter,' gna•nted 211 fT i t Etsiere. 11 4 Mee Pt wile:tte Oen be se Par tea e a par •Pay . best. pause, ou et r 'earl exprell pa eve tope nail Mat Wile wheal Mt tee Know ot lapetus at cal aLama a at rearleing at QS isza•llSlitse Lima •IS beam t er et tomes% slut pap Ya eepte per .101 ter earl tool ML AAP for mob setetedlag Sti Promos, teal per .Tattrtittglettgehleigdrada renilsrilelainnerti% Of Ali" snit pey arty Jolt Me part i? • - - , ' llg And for all oni ten or tow bean six otaiont too Treollent binier;nl:Atrip-11 nepn„. Gunn Posta, lit 00 planet iings. • _ Seithbilen neon inn .llopertatie"4ololl. Dwell lune boats, 0 - Cads rend ttins st tes eirrr al vel In ing . ' tenon .t IaSSINI at nal:mass: sloll lasi fee nen neuer. Urn. Or neition. sizOnitil rif Inc. "1g fare ordinunere nit n nine' woe ecollietter vete the punt 6 tre Want name as tb• present Una, to en Ine ran been, repealed so in es the IMO dicta *la meg! .ora:mw dkr A.!truists c4 " 4l4 iaus Somi.titne • . - pr.ddeasat aims . Aunt: IL S. 3010:01, *UMW ite l lM arit °MM. ' C a "k• CIS et Of 4A. AN ORDINANCE Ibittattee ea ow et vet iltimbit et Reellepeeteere se lie" =settee Catastte to tie tie City .cc: I. 004IMAIS run,. at ibe Ude eldest' Ct" b= ? lersell i te retb a jo i Mul Verna* leaden% =whew erk oneteseosefsee sky sererUseetete pre .deee for I* ereffeeee t c fe Kier Amster. maul be lamed Sall ttespeoettos for satbeelvettemteete N . tee rum of fifty sees See the Cat ...daft ware erten does of Nefoarell tw. dr Secedes lb+ cub subeequest dela Maud, oberstorlo sew Ceara fed/ tebekarlptuly, tee deed seder of bock coast:ll4 • IWia Coombs it t 0,51. Ile same Pat aline ems smote, it oUm Am owe. tie etas. Sew Comemetler WWI - 1 114 work teamed,, saesetly fit= l eee ens A mull beletwal• for web CIWINIST , est blurb 11044.1kribill soliteestkaa eee week deer kUt t sidetkiet deeproedek the peeseace as wit% Um set greenlet et nee /1" totereneadttee teropet Droyeede sal aware Lt entrees te tie 'MOM ..Any efetelbei ferUire ofbeerel= emeketig en* ifs mime% le. tat be fe Odds and essete kete eldr laikeikeekk Ude leaner Jamey. A . 11 , ‘ leTlk uteestLali Oak of edam °wooed: 17M1=1 /M/M- ..hess'i • ardor, outapa coma. , idi =MUM; Clot ot COWL= ruvros. - .:::: • • • 4 1 .'..V.11t1ii . MASA AM . Jyrim — ili Semi IWO 111,1,4N104. r 11 . 166 4 1 1 411 14-IPa.' Lori EON. FEEL Nom! Om' 'Utilised**, LEE Tabs sad Waal Itasilth livvetp.sE4 riargs,..Ala sad Beerbumolhint4louttleda amps *alias& 'rewind Pitt s EiEUNE atlmay ulth list.' Wan satt slu smityi Epperson. Jobbing EromPETIESEENEL, EMI $1 i 6 ~'. ~Y , ~~~