THE DAILY GAZETTE: L..,. EMIIIIIAN, REKD t 00., Offios, 84 and 86 F;/V6 Avows. maw ENS 1. P. ll= 1: B. MM S, P 10IIIITIM VICIIJIS 'OW TWO DAILY. = osenma 4:.wees. p....x..,•- is lablrati aptis. Antwerp Wit 11. B. Bone ac Frankfort, Int Oars , oloor4t IA New York yesterday 01. No DZCIILION of the legal tender cuea need be anticipated at the fitment term of the Supreme Cloiwt. When the beach la Wed, a new azgnment may be ordered. . Tux Pisanoes funeral rquadron may arrive to. day, or may be delayed even to the end of the month, the exact data de• pending noon the route taken and many other marine contingent:lca . TEE Algoma& LEarsx.a.runn will re. neat the ooloredmemben l / 2 ratify the XVth Article, end perhaps elect United States Senators. Wet JusUce limn, in a pith. lashed letter, urges upon that body en active policy of submission. NissanLtAllt Tnaw and Priam R. BEIINOT were successively tendered, by Goyernor GEAR, the place on the !bard of Public Charities made vacant by the resignation of Dr. WORTIIINGTON. It is to be regretted that both declined. Ir re stated that the Ways and Means Committee are thus far agreed to report fora reduction of the tariff on leading articles, as follows: Pig iron from $9 to $7 Per ton, coffee from 25 to 20 cents per pound, and to sto 4cents. No changes yet in sugars and upon salt. Bit of the nine members of the Committee are re. attled as sincere protectionists. =Com temlnated by current freatrade heresies, lima' hie certain enhetantial advanta ges, which bare hitherto controlled the nomination, and It nt not whhotit pre. imimption- to supposelhat they will do so In We case.—Gotionerrad. What does this mean T 'The language lim iditniflcant. IlSubstantiai edam/420st" And Hr. Irwin's fried of the enamor dal who notes 11l corruption, has the in discretion to bout of them I If our ninghbor doeenot explain, we shall hue to lookAlsewhere for the solution of the mystery which is likely to prove highly interesting to the public. THE STANTON FOND Contributions by our citizens, to the fiend for the benefit of the impoverished family of the dead War Secretary, may be emtrtutted to Gen. J. K. Moomnxmu, who wEll remit them to the proper Clem - mattes at WSW/4ton. We heard, • yes. terday, of one mouthed= of $l,OOO, another of $5OO and others foe lesser mum The citizen of Pittsburgh mean to do their duty. A ISTIRMIG-IprLATED NEWSPAPER. We quote, once more, the closing per .ejidaph of Speaker Ernuza'a inaugural eddies to the Home dos Tuesday He We must not tbrget that the }cop.'s are our masters. and tr we obey their doer ly expressed will, leaking m oar ectual ciente alone for counsel or control In the exercise of all our official duties, we shall not only meet the apprenral of good men everywhere, but wit be GM* to. e.s• enact venom from the fangs of those who, stesking the notoriety which they can obtain in no other way, rent/ in indiscriminate attacks on pubttc men of the State. and conned theopelves mith.different poliGA , 4 panics only to /utak at and tear theca And . this in the way our friends of the Gormwercial take that last remark. Did • . yoi ever see a more touching example of fraternal forgiveness, or of obtuse Insen sibility to a kick 7-- Not since the 0004. alereful claimed oar last county ticket for Its own. For example, see how it also adopts the new Speaker, thus: It was not till Mr. Strang placedhim sett to sympathy in a warned degree with the pronounced untinient In favor of ilso thst, a:iy. retrenchmentu an poeaid reform We respect the Judgment of un&rtihted Wormers in going for him. Take it altogether, we hav'nt leave • worse cese than this, of strangulated rupture in the journalism of this city. Tars is how they do things in Duluth: On the 24th of April of last year, there was not lumber enough in the nelt of Duluth to build more than one henn— aed tne entire population, all told, nuns. bared 110 souls. Blue that time 180 buildings hare been erected, among them owe hotel, the Clark House, costing $50,- 000 and another, the "Bay View, " cod. lag $12,000; an Episcopal chur ch which cost $9,000, and is completed and organ • turd, and is a Wanting staucture; a Pres byterLan church of large adze and modern design, which, when completed will (mat sours $19,000; twentpeir stores, all of . which are occupied • and well stocked Irina goods; eighty Aye dwelling horses, about one-half of which are of conuturdl. one aim, and one steam planing mill. Blacksmith and carpenterahops are quite numerous. A brewery has been erected on Minnesota Point a mile below Frank. lin square. The demand for teams Is unabated, and a span of horses and a wagon readily command $0 per day; laborers, $35 per =oath and board; car peaten, trom $2 to 43 per day. The car demand for real estate during the past - month has been active, and sales made at Feces. A lot, 3505, on Bone' derstreet, telltales sold for UM cash; lour lots on First street krs7ooesch,sed other kits at about the same Mee $29 • 000, cub, was bid for fifty amigo lots on what is brown as the Nettleton tract, la Duluth proper, and declined. This Is $5OO per lot for average lots. Taw gist week la December. wu so mkt In many parts of Poland. sod Gad. cis that hundreds of wolves were found dead n the delds. Honor lad driven them from the forests, to seek food In the villages, but the intense told had killed them. A great many accidents ere re ported—ln some instances the Infuriated enimals attacked lonely bonne and killed or wounded whole families. At Grego ronow the priest was eitting_with Woad his friends at the supper table. Suddenly the itste leading out of his yard Into an open field fell with "a tremendous noise. The priest took a candle, and, accomps. sled by his friends, . went out into the Yard to see what might be the matter. Bet be had hardly left the room when be wu attacked by several large . wolees which threw him to the ground and tore him. Hts friends ran back to the roam. Mw ed by half a dozen wolves, which boldly entered the house and bill upon the three men. Two of them were overpowered by the infuriated beast; but the third, • . man of herculean strength, succeeded In twe sh aket reg ort e two wolves which had him, and in getting hold digs goa. He shot three of the wolvokand the other fled. Going out into the yard, he found the skeleton of his friend, the priest,, In kw than ten minutes the terrible and ' nude had torn and devoured all the flea; only crushedand mutilated banes were left of what, but fifteen minutes before, had MOO a man in good health and fall WSETZILIC BILAATOIS say, emOig;hwiy, Wit If Preiddent does not withdrew Judge - Hoses name from the &bate, the Uttar will be rejected by a tero.third e Tote. The friends : m ille t; Hoer that the gisT i ce ite for vie bTli co sa n a ttrmstion good t and Improving every day. - ' i r - Z IV 0 - iii --- i • • • , .AI ' )' n , ,i, .., . Li -A. iti, , 0 . i i,,,_11 .( ~. tittt -1, - N _ , - Fii VOL. 7, xx xV. FIRST EDITIOI. JflllJrl6ll7. HARRISBURG. The State Treasurership. Pennsylvania Legislature. Belding of Governor's Message— Hill Fixing Salary of State Treasnrer,and to Prevent Loans and Deposits by that Officer— Resolution for a Constitutional Convention—General Mining Bill-1 he Legislative Record Contract—Contested Election Committee Drawn in the House. tßreetal Met:etch to the Matta& anat.) HAItRIIIBIJEG, Jan. 5, 1870. SENATE. The Senate met at ten o'clock. The Governor's message was presented and read. RILLS INTRODUCED The following bills were introduced By Mr. WALLACE : Fixing the salary of the State Treasurer at five thousand dollars, locating the Treasury at the Capital; preventing depoedta and loam by the Treasurer for his own benefit; and polushing by fine and imprisonment, Mid appropriating DE surplus funds to the payment of the BMW debt as rapidly as they accumulate. By Mr. GRAHAM: Supplement for the Allegheny county prison. Also. incorporating the Sharpaburg and Etna Savings Society. By Mr. WHITE: Providing for the calling of a Convention to amend the Constitution, to be voted for at the Onto ber election; the Convention to meet November 7th. ICT. Mr. TURNER: Incorporating the Avondale Relief Assochnlon. Passed to ascend reading. Also, • general mini= bin, providing, substantially, that each mine shall have two openings; that a map of each mine shall be furnished an inspector; that on the complaint of any inspector of the dangerous condition of amine, the Courts may interfere; that ventilating pumps, do., shall be controlled by an overseer; that safety lamps shall be used, sa well ea speaking tubes ; • that the hoist lag apparatus shall hate a safety catch anfl that the oar shall be covered; that toilers shall be inspected; separate Inver tom foe Looms. and Carbon counties, and that the Schuylkill Inspector, shall extend -his survey over Columbia. Northumberland and Dauphin; insPett• tors are to be appointed on recommen dation of a' board of examiners, this board to be chosen by the Governor, by prectkal coal miners and engineers and the Court of Carman Pleas. This bill la usuktnnood to be mmekased by the Miners" talon of the Lonnie crussiet. 'Tabled and ordwrsd HOWARD, ct Allisghimr, Intro duced the Bemired= Is the seam of tee Senate that the gaper called The Daily Legislative Romni should no longer be published at the expanse of the State. Mr. WHITE thought there ought to be some published mord. asked Sir time for deliberation,' and moved an amendment for a Joint Couunlltoe on the sableot. Mr. BROWN charged that the Record hid teen falsified, and men whitewashed In it, citing facts in pioef. Mr. HOWARD thought the Record might be published as a private enter prise; it had cost the State too much, and was badly conducted. • . . . Mn.ow BILLINGFELT and LOWRY supported the resolution. Mr. WHITE withdrew hie smarriment. lietz. OLE/WELD moved an an amend ment, by adding that the &mord should not be minted on the present cataract. Carried, and the resolution m amended passed unanimously. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Gaeornor's meow wu read, and cooopled one boor. Two hours were occupied. In selecting a committee in the contested election of Graham (Bey.) and-Moore (Dem.) of Philadelphia. • The committee selected consists .of Mew& IdlWlten, McAteer, Forsyth; Bowman ; Carlisle, Dlmadek, Brobst mid Ball—eight Democrats and one ItePtddlost6 Adjourned. - VIM TRILUILBTRAIRP (tllll4ll Mosta to Me Plttab area °mete.) Heiutnuruso, Jan. 5, 1870. The Tresonarennelp L the all lownstant topic of conversation. Cards are played and trumps counted, and yet all is obli vion. The probability tonight Is that Mackey will easily walk over the course. A cool fifty members are in favor of Mackey; and that determines his election. Stinson,_Speaker or the Renate, has consnted to call a meeting of Republican mambas to meet to-morrow afternoon to nominate BUM Trewrarer4Steraker. Wang is in hearty accord wan thelnovement. win declares he is ready ftw *vote and Mackey says "come on." The Laken some. Is beyond all doubt, and the officals certainly within his grasp. CINCINNATI.. An Expose—Secree roam for the Re pedLitlon et tbe Paton. Debt. IS7 Telma" to the PUtsbanh 9.3.11446) • Cron:mum, Jan. s.—The Gazette o f tomorrow morning will publish the sub. stance of the sworn statement msde on thi evening of the lith of December last, by llonstou King, of Ellett county, Ky. before Vol. A. Hoagland, 1.1. S. detectim referred to In the. New York Were of Tummy. King do:dares that. there Is In ealetance a secret society, the object of which la to repudiat e the public debt. It proposes to accomplish this by ourehaaing goon ins plates ofbscks and bonds and then floixhnie gmett iw t try with copies of originals. Four minion dollars Kis g et no have already been sent through out the country. The organiesdon Is said to bare twenty million dollars in their posseedou. Tiate society and or ganised in December, UM,subs.. googly Zlialliailted In September last. All the papers in the muter are now in tba poseeiseciof Secretary Boutwell. Sing was formerly a Colonel in the Con. fedetW . army, and has a been, until lately, Clerk of the Mott county. Ken. tricky, Court. Tills position he renamed to atienSto this business.• The attanuon of Stenos the GovarnMent , of this was called to the ex organisation sir months ago by a United Mated officer In this dis- Mica, and not by Colonel Bristow, of Kassathopeits Lestslatua, ter getesrape te ins rituanarte elanigj Borrow. January s.—The Idsaieetau sena Legislature ronvened on Wednee di/. Horace Cloolldgeof Suffolk. Ina sleeted President of tbet a and Her. Jewell was Wreleeted Spea ker of thn RED RIVER COUNTRY. Ttta Reported Indian Raid on the Amer. eau Settleinenta—Contradletory State. meata—AVrival of Gov. McDougall at Chicago. ey Telernipate; the Pittsburgh Gosette.l CHICAGO, January 4.—The Ts - arose has a special from St. Paul of this date, which says: Governor McDougall left for Oanads, leaving Messrs. Henchman and Dennis behind. Dennis called this forenoon on Gen. Hancock, commanding the departtnent, and denounced the re ports published this morning regarding the reported movements of the Sioux Indians upon American settlementa in the spring, and protesting against military action being taken there on. Two gentlemen from Pem bina also called upon General Han cock and placed -At his hands docu manta supporting the assertions "of the threatened Sioux raid. and asking for military protection. General Hanoock asked for copies of the documents to be 'forwarded to the War Department, and said ha should wait instructions, though he did not think any movement of troops this winter would be necessary. A Pembina letter from an Intelligent and reliable American gentleman, who has remained entirely neutral since the rebellion began, nays he has been warned I of a threatened movement of Indiana to wipe out the American settlements, and addet "This surpasses belief, but evi dence on the subject is accumulating, and I fear we will see bloody work es soon as spring opens, unless ample protection le afforded no by our own government. In fact this is so well , understood here that the people of Bt. Joseph are orgy:tieing their forces for self protection, add have sent two of', the most Infinential•cltizens to this place to make arrangements for the co operation of Pembina sod St, Joseph settlers against the Sioux Indiana." . The same gentleman says the Insur gents are now preparing for the spring campaign by organizing a regiment of Infantry rind a squadron of cavalry for drill and discipline. He confirms the opinion that the aim and object of the leaders Is annexation to the United States, though at present they avow their allegiance to the home Government. The editor of the Windsor (Canada) Record arrived at -St. Paul Last night from Fort Garry. He says the prisoners captured by the insurgents were all men- tenced to banishment, except Schultz, Blair, Snow and Hall% Their fate is out known. All the banished prisoners-went to Pembina on the :sth ult. McDougall, In anticipation of this fete, provided for their Conveyance to Si. Paul before he left. The editor denies the Schultz gun powder plot. • Gov. McDougall, his daughter and three sons arrived here (Chicago) this morn ing from St. Paul, sod left this afternoon at live o'clock via the Michigan Central Railroad. He asserted, In an Interview to-day, that the Red river war le an in significant affair, so far as numbers and equipments of the Insurgents are con cerned. The largest portion of the in surgents, he says, is °optioned by the postmaster at Fort Garry who caused the seizure of • McDougall's corrosion. dance and pot him brother trouble. He says he did not wish to precipitate e civil war, end ordered his adherents to quietly pursue their avocations until some steps are taken by the Canadian government. The Governor states that it taxes eight days to come from Pembina to the nearest railroad station in Minne sota. During the trip down the thermo meter stood at twenty degrees below zero. He aye the movement of the rebellion is in the interest of annexation to the United States, but thinks the peo ple will not sustain it. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —There was barely a quorum ID the Sentnekyloerfaleturs yeaterday. —The damage to the tobacco crop In Kentucky la greater that at diet reported. —The Telegraph operators at New Or leans yesterday joined. In the general mite - —Preliminary Maps have been taken for the commencement of the Eaat River bridge at New York. —Wm. J. Lewis, a •prominent mer chant, has been elected President of the Bt. Lords Merchants , Exchange. —The sale of pews lu Beecher'aetturch, Tuesday evening, non- Womble Increase over last year. —The steamers City of Baltimore, City of New York, from Liverpool, sod Bile- Ma, from Hamburg, arrived at New York yesterday. --John B. Emmes. a Wadies Odd Fel low of Rhode Island, died suddenly on Tuesday night at the Hall of the order in Providence. —The Maryland Legislature met yes. terday at Annapolis. F. C. Latrobe, of Baltimore. wu elected Speaker of the House. The Senate adjourned without arunialag. —The rents snit primates recelv4d by the Croton water department. In New York. In ISM amounted to V. 337,269.90 —an increase of f L 7,715.70 over the pre. Oboe year. - -G. D. Stebtdus, of Detroit bee so. cepted an Invitation of a large number of Iron men and merchants to lecture In St. Louts on the subject of protecUon to bOtrio Industry. —A. difficulty betwhen Leon ;Braga.,, - barkeeper; and Wm. Rice, merchant, at Greenville, Ky., about the settlement of an account, culminated in the former stabbing the bitter to death. —Wm. Naughton, President .of the Columbus (0.) City Council, was run over in that city by a locomotive, patter. day afternoon, and terribly lollired. An arm and leg have been amputated and he will prodthly dis. —The Colorado Legislature organised an Tuesday, with George Y. Hillsdale as Punldiot of the Senate, and George W. Miller as Speaker of the House. Goy. McCook, in his menage, recommend' Gaulle suffrage, the abandonment of In dian treaties, and a thorough immigra- Alon system. —Both branches of the Maine' Legfila ture orgentsed yesterday and Hon. W. W. Bolster, Republican, was elected Prod dent of the Senate, receiving 23 votes to 2 Ibr P. J. Cadet:any Democrat. lion. "Reuben Foster. Republican, was elected Speaker of the House, receiving 113 - votes to ST for Hon. Wtn. Dickey, Democrat. ..—No new developments have been made ooneeraing the recent mysterious murder and ruldde in New York city. The body of the murder. ed - woman,. Mrs. Aliemego, has been bleed,. bat that of . ' the. murderer and sulfide remained at the Me • 'yesterday, no one having appeared to claim It. —The Ohio State Agricultural Cowen lion. composed of Prealdenti of County Agricultural Societies. was in seeeton at Columbus yesterday. FlRy4wo counties are represented. In the morning Prof. Newberry, President of the Go_or Survey, delivered a lecture on fdr.lllorr, of Largos, read a pap er on of cheese. The afternoon , was consumed by a discussion - on the Agrlcaltuni. College& —Another strange tragedy It reported In New York city. In one of the most elegant mansions on Fifth avenue. Toes. day ni ght , Jamas B. Pell, son of R. L. Pal, Esq., committed suicide by cutting his throat from ear to ear with a razor. The alleged cause for the dreadful act was grief ibr the death of &liveries brother, who died more than • year ago; I but it la thought further investigation may develop other reasons. —Mr. Dwyer, • Supervisor of Internet Revenue, has caused the arrest of the ' Everingins, proprietors of a distillery and rectifiers at Weaver's Coiners,Huron county. Onies and She a Government Storekeeper assigned to duty there, fir numerous violations of the revenue laws. An examination will be had before Commieskrner White, at Claret/Ind to day. Mr. Dwyer Is Leaking thorough work in his Department, in bringing up delinquents who have eluded payment of Government taxes heretofore. —The New Hampshire Democratic State Concention yesterdny re-nomins. Tod General John Bedell for Governor and General N. L. Donahoe for Railroad Commterdoner. The resolutions express an minding faith In the principles of the party and of opposition to centralization; denounce thenction of Omura in rela tion to Georglar exact honesty and Wel- Ity in Government officials: denonnoe monopolies as unjust end prejudicial to national preened declare centralisation and monopoly twin Instruments of evil; that all contracts, bonds and securities should be taxed. and that the:debt not otherwise specified should be paid In PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1870. ECOD EDITIOI. FOUR O'CLOCK, 4.. M THE CAPITAL. The December Payments—The Paraguayan Provisional Gov eminent. _ Bi Toleitaph to the P1E1611,0 GatottP.) WASHINGTON, P.O., JAIL 5.1810 DECEMBER PAYMENTS..- The payments by the Treasurer for thb month of Peoemben 82161/Sive of pay- Month 01l account of interest on redemp tion of public debt, were as follows: Civil and misoslisneons 53,864;762 86 War 4,830.848 86 2,141.946 95 .. 969,623 45 Navy Indians and pensions 111,797,2 a 12 I= = Commodore Joseph H. Green haa been ordered tO be in -readiness to take ann. mend of the eastern alloadroh of the North Atlantic fleet, now commanded by Adtniral Poor. The eastern squadron of the North. Atlantic fleet comprise. meals stationed 'north of Cuba and eolith of the Chesapeake. =I Information le received that the Pro• visional noVetntilebt recently organised by the allies in Paraguay. besides abol ishing slavery and demising Lopez an outlaw. has issued a decree abolishing the monopolies which *ere established by Lapel to spoliate the wealthy of that republic to his own profit. NEW YORK CITY. Departure of a Vessel with Sup plies for Cuban Retolutioaists —Newspaper Libels—The Span ish Fleet—Street Cleaning— The Telegraphers' Strike—V,ol lision at Sea. By Telt groph to the Pttubtatskt Batotto.) • NYE toe=, January 0. • SUPPLIES TOR CUBANS. • The Commercial Advertiser states that the English brig Bedool has gone to sea under the American flag, with fifty Americans and thirty. Cubans, and a cargo of 107 cues of guns, 900 cases of •cartridges, 25 cases of ammunition, and 310 kegs of powder.. no was chartered by the Junta, and the cargo was put on board for Nassau. lithe also took a large amount of supplies which wen placed on board seeretly. She has cn deck two pivot guns, placed ansidablre, but as she is not a fighting vessel, they ace more tor ornament than use. She will proceed to Cuba and effect a landing under the protection of a steamer that left last week idler the Anna. Thus the Cubans have at sell three armed vessels. A warrant was issued by Justice Dow ling today, at the Instance of Mr. Foster, iussistant editor of Wilkes' Spire, for the arrest of Messrs. Bence & Sunoson, pro. prietors of the Turf, Fietd& Farm news• paper, for alleged libel ma Gen Wilkes. An application of a stroller nature for alleged libel upon Wip. W. (boner, of St. • Louis, correspondent Of Mikes' Spirit. was previously refused. Mr. Simpson is absent at tho West. COLLISION AT STA. The ship Shakos earn which arrived here m6umcollidnd Jett "frith - Adele' New ork for Baltimore. The latter Immediately sunk. The crew were saved. • !Metal. OLEarrlna. The superintendent of Wrest clean. Ingot tills city In his annual report nays the sums heretofore paid are Insufficient, and that a million dollars per annum la necessary for thorough work. TIIa TZLEORAPHIBIe MUM The Telegraph Operators' strike con tinues. The Company say they have operators in the main office here, and fifteen In Philadelphia. Ills 'Warman FLEET. The thirteen Spanish gunboats that have been lying at Quarantine for some time put are now ready to go. and It is pretty positive that they will sail to night. ST. LOUIS. The lillusourl Lipslalure—Tee Tele Braptt (By Tetegraph to the Plttobassb (insults.) Br. Louts, tannery 6.--Tbe Missouri Legislature met at Jefferson Vlty to-day, and after 'some unimportant Easiness adjourned until tomorrow, When the Governor's menage will bonsai in. The Otivernbr is reported to be opposed to • convention for the revision of the-eolith- Lotion, but• liberal on the suffrage question. - The strike among the telegraphers here does not materially disturb or re tard the business of this section. Six hours after the strike thisodlos WM com petently manned, and yesterday and to. day has had not only a full force of first °Las operitors on duty, but the superintendent of „this district has Men to spare who will gu to any point where their Bardeen are need 'the strikers publish a card to-day handling the telegraph company severe. ly, and charging them with • design to reduce the salaries generally and there by make them (the operators) bear a portion of the cost of the war between themselves, and opposition cowl:rules Privately the strikers acknowledge their action premature, but being taken, they will stand• by it regardless of cone- , cinemas. PACIFIC COAST. The Telegraphers , Sipe-Bleb Geld Gigging@ lii VIGGO Calumhli—D4toe. ery of • Thirty Feet Vein of Coal. . GO Telegraph to tit Plustorgh daunt.) Saw ritawcnico, Jan. 4—The telegraph operators' strike continues. There is no interrrantlon in the business, and the management are confident there will be none. The operators are sanguine that the Company will be compelled to so. cede to their demands. Judge Sanderson, of the Supreme Court, bas n it e a lq. Reliable noe from the Placer gold diggings In e Peace river country states that It is expected the new diggings will prove the richest and most extensive discovered In British Colum bia.' The country is 2,000 feet lower than Cariboo, and the climate mild. An oxteninve vein of bituminous real has been discovered twenty...light miles above Chico. seven miles from the Cal ifornia and Oregon Railroad. The vein is thirty het thick; and coal "free from sulphur. The discovery is regarded of great importance in Northern Calllbmis, being the lust of the kind made there. INDIANA. State Formal school Dedication. By Telegraph to U. Patiabargh Tsang Harms, Ind., January s.—The formal opening or dedication of the State Normal School building occurred in this city to•day. The edifice Is &magnificent one, end II admirably adapted to the porpoise for which It was designed. Goy. Baker and a number of the State °Moen attended the opening. ant numerous prominemt educationd tan from various localities were present. The principal addreas was delivered by Hon. Bayard W. Thomteon. Al:prop/BA* remarks were made by Goy. Baiter, Hon. B. 0. Ilobbe,Saperintendent of Potbliclnstruo. lion, Presid 'Mau ttle, of Wabash Oollsgo, Dr. Holmes of Manilla Ofilego, Prof. Wiley of Ashbury University, Hon. Jam 'Brie, Jr. of Evansville, Mayor Colfilefih of this city, and others. The Institution opens with every prospect of "nooses under the Presidency of W. A. Jona', of Aurora, Illinois.' Logan, ,yenaered notorious from Ms supposed oannution with the mysterious murder of Rogers at. New York some mouths in. wusbot through the heart by Jerry Dun, 'alias Hawk shave. a well known rumen, mberday NEWS BY CLIME. By Telegraph to ibe Pltigpargb Burl:NO Rome,Jannary 6.—ln the Ecumenical Council yesterday ilvtv Bishops partici pated In the discussion on the Syllabus. Cardinal Capolte has been elected Pre fect of the congregation. or Binders, in place of Cardinal Von Relsach. 111ARIIIIE ?lENs• Soirriraxeroa:4anuary 6.—Theateam er, New York, from New York, boa ar rived. : FITIMICIAL ARV COMMERCIAL. LONDON, January s.—Evertjap.-45m sole cloned at 02X. American securities quiet. : 87; do. '65/ old, 150 q; do. 8531. Blocks quiet. Erles 18;. Illinois 103; Atlantic at Oreat Western 25% - . Livhneem:, January s.—Ootton mar, ket steady; upland 11503111%d; Orleans 1154Q1130; sal 12,000 balsa. Bread atm% dull. C Airnlts white wheat 90 70; red weeternt No. 2, Ss 3d winter as lid. P10ur229. . Cot la 288 9d. Oats 2a 9d. Pork flat at 105. i Beef 102 a. Lard heavy at 718. Cheese OPs Od. Bacon 624 Tallow 44s Od. Petroleum and Naval stores unchanged. Lemma, January s.—Refined Petro leum Is B,t4d. :Linseed 011 40. Tallow 4Rs ed. PARIS, JantOry Se- 11011 M firm at 74f 25c. AaTttiotP, Jjntlery 4.—Petroleum is quoted at 1193i1., NEW TORII LEGISLLTUBL Repel. of Resolution Ratifying the Sllteentti Amendment—Tarlit en Coal. ter Teleitrnb to i r rittanmeteuenal ALBANY, 7.—The Senate to day adopted Mr. TWeed'a resolution. repeal ing the reiolution adopting the fifteenth amenqment to the Constitution of the Unite 4 State* by a tote of 16 easiest . * The resointion woo subsequently adopted by the Assembly —65 against ON In the Assembly a resolution for the reduction of Mal tolls on coal going west. and requesting Itepresentatiyes In Congress to sole for the repeal of Impost duties on coat.' was referred to a select committees to import by the iteth lest: A resoltition of sympathy with the Cams was tabled and ordered printed. r Murder at Sleepy HOUJIV. Of the terrible tragedy In Dutch= county, N. V., the World gives the fol- owing account To all outward appearances, llackhont was on perfectly friendly terms with the. llandalle np to We tune that he turned on them and murdered them In cold blood. Whether he bad suddenly discovered hor rible crimes that had besn committed under his roof, and there resolved to coat. wit the deed, 4 a question the =Met to which is burled now in the grave, or locked In the month of the mute unto. ner. A little reflection on the facts, as I have been atilt to collect them, shows this . . _ to have been one or the moat deliberate murders ttutt 1 have over heard or. Bockhont bed always kept a number of fowling-pieces, being of a spotting char acter, and tithes been reckoned among the beet of autumn. On New Year's morning he took down his double barreled shot gun, went out into a field and dis charged it Vivien. He tben carefully re loaded it, platting a heavy charge of buck shot into arch barrel, took It back to the house and hung it pp In Its place. He nest took:his revolver ' and, seeing that at was prOperly loaded, put It In. bil The butcher having abarpeaed ids knife, now went to lead his victims in to be slaughtered. Buckbout and his wife bad dined at Randall's on the preceding day. lie now strolled over to Randall's, sums the fields, and meeting oat, of the family asked them to come to his house to dinner, and then returned. The Ran i dalls had promised to go. When the time arrived for starting, Miss Randall said she did not feel like going. Charles, the son, also preferred to remain at home. Alfred Randsli, the father said, "Oh, come, Charleyi go; Ike is feeling rather sour, I let's go over and take a drink With him, and cheer him up." 'At this, Charles,, I prepared to go with his father. At Backbones house there was no preparation for dinner, though he had in vited the whole family to dine with him ; and when Alfred and Charles Randall'arrived, Mrs. Backhout Instead of being I ready to Melee yisiton, was in an old ! dress, down on the floor, scrubbing the ! oilcloth. The veins entered another ! room than that In which Mrs. Buckhout was at work. Backhont went and got goblets and put in their hands as if be was about to treat them. A search in the house afterwards show ed thatthere Was not a drop oflionor in It. Buckbout withdrew from the room, and when he entered again he had his two barrelled gun and his revolver. Mr. Randall was seated in a chair nearest to the door when Burkhart entered, and his son Charles was reclining at one end of the sofa. Both still held the goblet& in their hands. Mts. Buckhom was still scrubbing in the other room. The mar deter darted into the room and poured ! one fall charge of buckshot Into Alfred Randall's necki and in the next second he discharged the other charge at Charles Randall's head. Old Mrs. Yaks, the, wife of the man who works the Cum, ! was at her duties in another part of the house. She heard two cracks and started op a little, but thinking it was some ves sel falling In another part of the house, she resumed her work and thought no more about It for the present. Mrs Buckhont heard the report of the' gun distinctly, and jumped up and ran towards the room where the slaughter was going on. The murderer turned quick as lightning to mum his other prey. He met his wife, &Mir young wo man, just as-she opened the door. She UM her stalwart husband, changed to a murderer; coming down upon her. She uttered another piercing scream, sank upon her: knees, and In another second the floor was bespattered with her brains, and the double-barrelled gun lay In splits. I ters around her. Alfred Randall was killed so Instants. I neously that he did' not move • muscle a fter reedving the death blow. Ills head, nearly blown off, fell on his shoulder, and his blood soon poured out. When found, be was still sitting with his legs mused, his goblet in his hand, mid Ids face was as white as snow, every drop of hts blood having left this corpse. When Charles Randall saw his father killed, he sprang up, bre, seeing the murderer tom. ing at him also like a fiendish dull, he sank on the sofa again and threw lip his hand containing the goblet u s sort of shield. The goblet was blown to pieces, an d the fragmenta driven into the man's head. - It bad afforded him some protec tion, however, as he is still living, though there are no hopes of his recovery. The wounded man staggered to the door, reached the gate, cried, and returned to the slaughter-pen, hot with fresh blood. After the tragedy Buekhout rushed madly off, bearing the revolver with which he had probably hoped to kill him self, provided he could muster the cour age. He did not stop until he reached the house of his old! friend, I, Miller. Rushing up to him, he fell upon his neck and exclaimed : "I'm dead," "I'm ruin. ed," "Pre killed him," "poor Charley's- VIII latest Meech story: "A. very pretty gitl, of about. eighteen, applied to the Central Commissary. of police_ at Lille, • few days back, to obtala for her the mailiorisstion necessary to visit the murderer Traapmaon In his . - urban - . 'What have you got to say ; to him?' asked the hioctionat7. 'Sir, the matter livery simple,' she replied; 'he is skate, and re. quires care and amusement If I went and stayed with him for the time he still has Mille°, I should be 'most attentive, and he could leave me the four thousand fazes which he still pommies: ' The IF rounded magistrate endeavored to_mako the young woman understand the Impro priety of her suggestion; but she did not see the case in that light, and simply re =tad: qiut, sir, his money will be • lost, and • hell so dull Planet' THE POPS The Simplicity In Which his Holiness Those who see the Pope in state can form little Idea of the simplicity in which the Pontiff lives. The "King of Italy" lives worse than the denizen of a third rate boarding.bonse in New York. The furniture of the Pitti Palace would be despised by a Canaletreet broker, and a drygoods clerk would &alibi the horrible Milanese cigars which hie Majesty Is eter nally smoking. All of which to not gen erally known, and is very commendable, because it is done for economy and to save an Impoveriabed exchequer. Yet there le 110 reason why the Pope should not live In style becoming a king, but his own dislike of pomp and naturally simple tastes. Leaving the gilded saloons of the show part of the palace, you pass' through a door , carefully guarded by two of' the noble guard withdrawn swords. A small passage cenducts to the guards' waiting I room, where orderlies and officers in waiting attend. Another room Is allot ted to the groom of theshombers, a pre late in his violet robes. The next is the antechamber, where the Monsignori,_ private chamberlains of his Holiness, are in attendance, Yon tap at the next door, and it Is cfperifffrby "abblblYitomdtroti, who, when assured of your right of entree, ]ills a - curtain, and you are In the pres ence. 'The room strikes you as singularly bare. There is no carpet on the atone floor, and the articles of famiture - are very feaand by no means costly. Them is a large ,book-ease filled with boob ; mostly bound In parchment. A pris bleu with a little velvet cushion; an exquisite little %redone, by Canova; In alabaster on a bracket, stands over the prie and a well-worn, commonly-bound book of hours lies on the ledge of the prie Dieu, together with a crucifix end a reliquary and a common rosary._ There le a little chins holy-water stoup at the does; an exceedingly fine portrait of the Pope hangs over the marttleshelf,on which there hangs a tithe piece of Louis guinea pa clod inoormolu, and two statuette% of . Bt. Joseph and the Good fibipherd. There are no curtains to the windows, which overlook the Vatican garden. the cen ter of the apartment is a large writing desk such as stands in the private cabinet of Louis XIV at Versailles. It has two large eemitartments ‘ with the wounds and agony of the Redeeiner finely painted and awfully real. The Inkstand is a 'eery common one of china; with apounce box to match; • bundle of quills lie near it, and a piece of soiled rag, on which pens have been wiped this many a day. A few books of devotion also me them. They are " The Imitation," &upon's "Scrip tural Combat," "Devotions of Bt. Prop els de Bales," a Breviary, a Dade, Rodri guez's 4 -Spiritual Perfection." Blenori's "(Morita of 'Mary, "Life of Theresa", There is a pile of French journals'., the Reuse des Dnex Monder, the Cittilita Cattolico, and other Italian papers., His Holiness sits in an arm chair,- not merit ing the title of easy, for It cruelly termi nates In the middle of hie back, and is rigidly constructed without regard to comfort. He is attired in h simplexes sock of white flannel, with no Insigne of rank about it except his episcopal ring. His head Is Covered with a white skull' ' cap. He has been reeding, and beside his open book is a common metal snuff box—and, let not my lady readers be hor rified—a common red cotton handkerchief. Having made the usual raver ... erne on my knees, he motioned mato approach. As I recall now the erect ToPdficed upon me by that interview, Ido not wonder that half fanatical young Men, fresh from college, should long to din In his de tense, as of old the Catalan panted for you are i Catholic., that ion are in the presence of a saintly person. Into which the jarring discords of the world do not enter, Childlike in hls Innocence or its vileness, and diffusing an atmosphere of dignity. wherever he somas, the venera ble Pope cannot fail to ithpreas any one who enters his presence, be he Cath olic or Protestant. The large fair face is less furrowed than that of men of half bin years, yet hie pontificates have been moat eventful. He speaks, and yon at once perceive that innate refinement which makes him try toren:Love diffidence by dondetension untinged by patronage, and paternal gentlenetts that removes re straint. Like many other sovereigns, he takes interest In seemingly trilling ob. jeect&—Gailzy. & Dew Byron litory Dr. Mackay—a gentleman and a writing man whom Americans have no cause to love.—has undertaken the an. gracious task of introducing to the public (through the London publishing house of Bentley) a new contribution to the Byron Imbroglio. Be collecti some evidence relative to the poor creature whom Mrs. Stowe thus alluded to: "There iru an unfortunate child astir I born with the curse upon her, over whose wayward nature Lady Byron watched with a mother's tenderness. She was the one who could have patience when the patience of every one else failed; and though the task was a difficult one, from the strange, abnormal propensities to evil In the subject of It, yet Lady Byron never faltered, UM never gave over till death took the responsibility leder her hands." This poor gill, Medora Leigh, has told her story in full to Mr. Mackay's principal witness —anneknown Mr. S. It Is an ugly tale . The poor girl, the fourth 'Child of seven borne by Mrs. Leigh, went to live "with her eldest slater, married to Mr. Tro- TalliOlL This man took advantage of her youth and inexperience, - be. trayed her, and' kept her at dif. ferent times under his care on the cent!. MIL She was subsequently pineal by her reputed father, Col. Leigh, in an in. sane asylum, bat eloped with Trevanion again. Lady Byron met her at Fontaine bleau In 1840, told her she wuthedangh. ter of Byron and Mrs. Leigh, and pro tected her kindly for many years turtil they quarreled over a deed which prom. tsed great things for Medora after Lady Byron's death,mnd which her ladyship wished to revoke. The evidence goes to show that Lady Byron, so tar back es 1840, believed Byron to have been guilty with Mrs. Leigh; and told her belief. It Is so far a confirmation of Mrs. Stowe as to show that. Lady Byron told to many miens the same story which she told to Stowe in 1856; that there _wu an unfortunate _ wayward child of Mrs. Leigh's upon whom Lady Byron, believ ing her to be the fruit of her husband's incestuous passion, lavished a mother's care; probably that_ this child believed .Lady Byron . ° story of her shameful birth. - - Tea Worceater Spy la our authority fora story which shows that society, if true to itself, can frequently punish adul tery much more effectively than the injur ed assishi can by wreaking private ven geance on the destroyer of his home. A caserecently occurred within its knowl edge in which a husband, returning from a ;m01041=21 visit to Weshington found his wife a victim to the wiles -a Boston acquaintance. The natural remedy which Immediately suggested half to him was that of personal eengeance . but on refer, tion her hotight that the crime of his wife and her paramour was to reason for his becoming . a criminal. Failing In an at tempt to Induce the seducer to leave the neighborhood, he took means to oblige him to do so. By explaining thevillain's coaduct to those interested In it, he emus. ed ids dismisalal from the various post. tiona tie held, as :music tauther in semina ries, "tenor singer in churches, dtc. The same fate.follosred him tuliew York,. to the West,. and even •• to Chicago. where there was sufficient morality left to be able to punish the wrongdoer. Immo:terms to nnaway mike: The Attorney General of the Butte of Indians has even Ms opinion in regard to the marriage-license law, 'which wilt be later. eating to runaway parties front another state. his opinion. a woman over 18, whose parents or gaarlisun reside out of the State,pn =WI wlthoni the thicty days reiddeum in the State.. Is same or the Bin Francisco aurae. the dnite Item ormaslc toes about' 910,: 009. WI hole ow , Shoe rm. Tried Their BAWD at a Miracle A wealthy German citizen of St. Louis having died, the Damara tells this story: Yesterday a gentleman of our &equa ls. tance, with a friend. visited the house to look at the body. He found two or three ladies In the room, apparently friends of the deceased, and standing over the corpse were two strange looking beings a man, the other a woman. The man wee dressed In a long black robe, like that work by priests, and his coun tenance bad a strange unearthly appear ance. The woman was dressed In a cos tume very much like the street dress of the eccentric Dr. Mary Walker. The two vampire looking creatures stood gazing intently upon the fans of the dead, with glaring eyeoalls and features that twitched with occasional convulsions. Suddenly the man turned to our friend and said : "Do you want to see a miracle?" "What do you mean?" ' "Do you want to see a miracle? Do you want to seethe dead restored to life?" The gentleman Intimated that he had no objection. The black robed man then seized one of the hand of the dead man, and laying It in his palm, struck it repeatedly with the fingers of the other hand, crying is a deep sepulchral voice:.' "I command yod to rise hirtit . the dead, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazar.. eth I" The woman, at the same time, stooped over the corpse, and placing hex hand under the neck, raised the heed upon her bosom. 'The man repeated: "In the nerve of Jesus Christer . Nazar eth, I command you to rise I" . Notwithstanding the conjurations of the strange pair, the body of the dead man did not stir, but rethaiud cold and Veleta as before, One of the ladies who was watching in the roofs where candles were burning in front of crucifies, went down stairs, mid in a moment a burley German, a bar keeper of the deceased, came into the room. He walked up to the conjuror and struck-him a heavy blow en the side of the head, pausing him to drop the band of the deceased, and ISt his owe bands in astonishment The blow was repeated, and several vigorous islets were added, which greatly accelerated the motions of the man, for he made his way down the Oahu at a very rapid gait. While this was going on, one of the, ladles pitched lau the bloomer with almost equal vie. lence. She seized a mirror and belabored the held of the witch, and tumbled her down stairs atter her companion. • The supposition is that the miracle working visitors were a certain spiritual doctor and hie wife, who came to the city recently, and may be imposing upon the creduliq of the public by pretending to perform ell manner of cures and to work miracles. They pronounced -maledic tions upon the city and prophesied tent ble mourning and lamentation. °P Tlt hus- e Clincl lWilig nna l4 i tt'Ct e n iLa ida liera 's New Cl ew "" York correspondent says: Happening In a drag store, a woman' stood at the matter while the drngglst weighed a portion of a dark mass. fat her. It was opium. „Seeing our attention attracted to It, the woman. who was evidently onn of the laboring class, paid , her money hasti ly, with "don't 'wrap. it up," seised It, and hurried out of the gore. In conver sation with the druggist, he informed us she was a confirmed opium -eater; that nightly she spegt '25 cents at his store for opium. He had at least twenty regular customers who ale opium, and all of them belonged to the middle or .laboring classes; that nine-tenths of all the opium eaters he knew were women, and one athe of them were colored women. Some old colored weralsrrotmith takers of laudanum, and lie cited one who regularly came every three days and purchased a dollar's worth of laudanum with money made by washing. Another of his customers, a whim woman, drank habitually lour ounces of laudanum a day. On her first coming to his store she asked for two ounces, and on receiving it, greatly to his alarm, had put the bottle to her mouth and quaffed it a draught. As they became more conflimed in the habit, they preferred, be said, morphine, because of its greater strength. He ac counted for the use of the drug by this class of persons by the fact that they were often exposed and contracted nett• mires, when opium and laudanum were administered by physicians to allay pain or grant bleep; hence they resorted to it as a relief, and eventually ;became con firmed slaves to the poison. Speaking to a friend of this, he told me I would and such a state of things the experience of most druggists here. Ix ♦ divorce cue in an Indiana Court, in which the wife asked for alimony and provision, while the counsellor was , pleading eloquently that "provision is w be made for her child," the plaintiff quickly arose and informed the Court that "it 'mu not provision she wanted, but that sho would take whatever the Courtin its wisdom might see fit to allow her, Id Limey. be that much or little." Cam MORE ljaromrumum—Bylvanns Cobb, Jr., who has delighted so many readers or the Ledor with his lona•spun tansies, is now confined In the Boston Inebriate Asylum sits helpless drunkard. It stated that General John O. Brecklnridge is lattorney for the Cla• °WWI Southern Railroad and will wield • powerful Influence towards procuring a charter from the Kentucky Leglalature. ♦p+messnb. Ovens. Housa.—The audience at the Opera House increases In numbers every . evening. and will boubtleas continue to do so while the Inimitable German com edian, Emmet, oontinnee to hold forth at that Institution, prorided the house can be so managed se to accommodate the people. ..Prita," our Cousin German," tea pleasing little drama, In which there is just enough of the sensational to make it palatable, and create a relish for the German comedy, which, being something new and original, would be enjoyed, without the relish, particularly when presented by such an artist as Hairnet. Ma Interpretation of the role heassuroei is as near perfect se it is possible to air poach, and he may now be chased at the head of hi. profession. The - piece will be repeated thie evening, and we would advise all who 'enjoy fun to im prove the opportunity by going to the Opera House, ACAIMIt or Mono.—There wax a marknblY large audience at the Acade my of Allude last night, to witness the entertainment given by the 'Hanlon Oombination, but it should have been twice as large. Such an entertainment should All the Aoademy from pit to dome every alibi. We cannot call to I recollection. any company thatpresent" such an entertainment, either In point of talent or versatility. The Little Midg ets, Julien, Victor and Little Bob, are a "show" within themselves. As gymmude en d sachets, they are really wonderful, sod are unequalled. Little Bob la a media. In the great act invented by Wta. Hanlon, her'presenta a fearlessness, daring and familiarity with his badness seldom acquired by years of practice. It vaunt be Impowilble for us to give a de. ecription of the act, as It moat be seen to be appreciated. &aloe it to say that It far excels any fed ever attempted by the profeellon: The Hanlon brothers are so well known, not only In - this city, but throughout the country, that itle ales, to speak of them. - Prof. I. W. Simpler , , with his coracertlna, makes sweet music, particularly in hie rendition of the Mocking Bird solo. AIL Burnett, the inimitable taciai artist and commedian, Is no small attraction, and in tits great character of Mr. Candle, with Mica Helen Huh u Mrs. Uoudle, he la sure to "bring down"- Melones. His rapid transformations In the "Heart Broken Lover, ". in which he assumes eight different characters in the remark ' able short some of sight minutes. are el. moat inmnlorts even to his audience. . Mamie HALL—Prot. E. B. Frank will deliver his exceedingly interesting and -Instructive lecture on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Eye, by special request, at 'Memento Hall, this evening. The lecture will be fret, bat parsons - deabitqr to attend must secure tickets, which can be-'obtained at the Oawwl oracle, or at the offices of the Daily itet,'Eveiting Mad, and at Burns' NO. 5. Anetner Interest Ru le. EDITOR'S GARIDTTE:—If your patience le not wearied with the methods of your correspondent' for computing Interest, I beg leave to propose another, which will be found to be shorter, more simple, and absolutely correote - Dna —Divide the principal by two; mulch:ay tim quotient by the time, esti mated In months and tenths of months; out off one figure on the right for decimals; the remainder la the Interest In dollars and cents. . //histralion of that part of the rule which relate. to estimating the time: IT d•t 7 ' osauu 1 •!. 31 " •• 1 " 1 24 " " 1 45 " -" 1 00 0• " And so on for any number of months and days. krampte —What is the Interest on one thousand dollars forthirtpone days? smooo 800 1....4 0,000 11leh _ bacon Thusaiwor prim, and one calcula tion .only, are 4cOuired. Whereas by rule-which - criticises those. of preview' correspondents—there moat be two, and of ibis: three separate calcula tions are,' required every third time wherein fractions in his multipliers differ; In - . the other rule, the same fraction' (two-thirds) is easily ms by dividing one third into the 1= Instead of the half principle. ACCOUNTANT. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were adm record In the °aloe of nos, H. Recorder for Allegheny county, day, Jan. Bth, 1870: MM=ln= EM==! ••r • • • . 33 I; lot 1 1 by 370 feet on limallynatt atm% no ward. rittahorga SS 0 00 J. W. Zannlmr to Titus E. am e n. Jan. 3, iot 34 o• OS Let, corner of nelbert end Mein Pittantor 0. B. 1013.3/ to *devil Keeling, Jute Z. 1.14; tractor lane no iron . Dorman of oast Bit. misigha {SOW Beira J m oiterb Ali n to Jason Reeling. 111 IM7; lot In Kant istrmisgimte. 37 111 OH MAKS Oro. liesintrridato Martha MU.. bent. S. 110: lot 67 Or SI feet, oirom IMAMenor street, Binning, hats Joh, H. Mob!. to Wm. P. rorter. Ju.l, IRO. .ot 24 by IM fret, Pine street, Temperasoev,d , P. A. Belbam to Gee. Bro d 7. Mush 17. 1656; lot 23 by 7134 feet. 13010 Meet. Bbulle s mefa /1411 m 8- oder to Wm. Bmeremhb. 001.21. lOC .11t 21 by IM feet on Belitostals street 0711[ word. ' Pitt:bar/6 13,000 Wm P. gurguion to Wm. nielmbelm.•Jimia 1. IBM; lots =and SI to Rea and Outing , . plan. near Wilklnsborg Inn John R Wood to Wm. M. wood. Pre. 10. UM; lot 14S by 173 feet, In Methane,. On Brighton roma OHM Geo. Taylor 30 Jameall. eteartu , Mesa •A,Mfe; lot SO by MO feet In borough of ransom P.. sem rent OM James /A B. Beott 10 Jolt. W. booth Joky 17. 51 13111, - R norm of land In 1110.001\1330,010 e7M John W. beott to Wm. stave., Jnl7 ^. 1020 surre tract of land ll.7oo Wm. Binvese to James 11. Taney, masen . 23, Mit; .Dome tract °Cana .40 S7S Baronet beo3 blames S. Timmy, Feb. tratt Of land adjoining abase, oontaiMng Kr • 07 1 , 11 ea Cornett. to Ilim Whitaker, Jan. 1, Wet I wren of land on Senn* Inland r.algt Ellubeto, Pa. New Year's Day at Elisabeth, . Pg,, watt celebrated in a good old • nwhioned manner.. In the morning a fantastic military review wan held. The citizens grotesquely attired mustered - and marched to the steamboat landing, where they received with due, pomp and ceremony. the Efassad Zmave Company, of Monongahela City, Capi. Joe. Hazzard. who were acemnpanled by. bands. • - The Zousves , looked remark. the Elizabeth and Monongahela City brigs able well, and In -their parade through the town attracted ran end universal admiration. ch Capt. Smith and • Lieut. Einowdoe, of the ufantesthg," .performed their arduous military duties with decidtathonor to themselves. . In theevenlng a grand onto= wee held • -m--t5...-p...symcbuiChurch.arhicluume largely attended. Atl/1(0ml Markets by Telegraph. Nsw ORLEANS, January s.—Ootton so. tive and firmer; middling at 243(1P434ec sales 8,200 Wes; reoelpM, 2,929 baler. ex ports, 5.891 bales. Floor firm. extra at $5,8734. XX at pi. at 88,25. Corn at 95023 L Oats, Ohm, at 880, Br. tends at 70a Bran at 11.15. Hay mane, prime at VS. Mess Pork at 15 1 ,75. Bacon at 14)4@1734(3,17,fa. Hams at 21c. Sugar dull. prime at 1210. Mamma, prime at 88(.47ft. Whisky at itgl,o2. Coffee firm, fair at 153 @l6c, prime atl7V3iBe. BUFFALO, January 6—Cattle active and 303 higher; receipts sales 800 bead at for or dinaryto medium, 73.0380 for fair to good, an 83009ge extra. Hogs, supply very light and price 3ji3 better. BALTIXOZZ, January s.—ProvLioni. outer; meal pork II3011431; bacon, rib aides. 1734®18o; clear aides, MajtliKa ; lard, shoulders, 1 4 4)0®Ma ; kamM =3MO ; 113€085. PHILADZIAMIA, January' IL—Provi sions dull, favoring buyers. Mess pork, 800; lard,l7No. F;r3c,'NFAAwKilytzJih' , •7!Vl °Mos or Bar 711.Arruol LoroSAscs Co., 00. 11 Milo Pnoi•r. Am.:ovary. PA., Jimmy*. 1110. • ' orTize rauscrons ar Tsui oaltlllolo as orgrO •v iclant. D ";l:rrf . ll l l4 (N Now PEA BH -7 d. be oredlA.t on tlrcir dates. • OWL D. !UDALL " Jatlr?—• ggy-DIVIDEND-PENNSTILVA MA I SSIIRAIIeII COY( ANT.-1 be Dlesototoof thb Coso•oy Moo Mt fliff °s ealed dividend of TOM. (et pat telt. oat of tneprollts .f th. sail six Nowak& poyablo tolor after the 10th lilt., free of 11, s ROOK mcimmum. Occrotarl. A. ==t IgrDIVIDESD. - 111116T , .11A TltlifAl. BANK,' •Prtfabantb. (tate Plttutursh Iraq uomperty). nine Myr: , tors of to: B Bank have tDa ••Y•rol• DM' area of three percent: ea the cagrgal atm& oat"..rigr.. • J: 5131314.7.bashferr January & 11711. • . • 3 evill • OrACADENIII OF MUG Acciaca.i - rude Lunt:ail/ LECTURES. THEODORE. TILTOS, Editor of tho "Indopoodall.” WILL zscrroas "The An of Using the Hind, AT THII ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Monday Evening, Jamul 10th. AD ON, • leo roomed seats. Tickets lbe ado at stn Library Room. corner Pass as4lllxlk attoan• Doors open at 714 o'clock.. Loam asuaseas st, R. ,PECIE HIM MIND 1 NO. HUMBUG! MRS. S. C. ROBB, No. 91 Fedenl Street, S PAYING SILVER IN CHANG " New, Xilifter* Sew Lace Goody New Ribbon Bows, Nino Jewelry. ` /ad el kinds of Wier . ILLOIXIP ' Mom get imperil fall of goes •!se 'oasts 92 reder.2l :fitreei. I. JP.J.NlL4l.4itles solids:lth .14 421110 [soullllll bow •binri opt,. Wiwi= tag 10:blast. si 10 VslonlA.ll. zosiers anowiss.ctsris. 75 Tome MOT BRANDS swift mt. ter Walks , , IL CANIFINWX 250 lola cnotac AJPI"L'NTELD.EII rano. J. S. CAE 2- BBL. TICKLES.' a. s. cassias.. THE WIKELY likainTS Ia tM tan rm 0/111SpIMIO RIMINILI*I#I4/141/t ampaper Weikel ta Waster; 141111 Nip brim. matt aseigiliA *1114144 whims tt. _ Tags Mos naloserlbert—......—.--, Si Cabo oe tea.....—.. • win la nu:bud intiltimiy totbt fatter .4.0 f sdal of taz. restausliess me marital lowa easiest% • PENIIIIIII. MIND Co. prOpeeta.. NEW . AfkEVELEMENENTEL MEN'SFODNISDING GOODS. FM, CLARK & FLAGO, .18 White Street, B. Y., == Styles, In their rpeclalties, PATENT PANTALOON DIL&WESI4, 9 *.IIIUII PIP 1111111aT6.' , “IIUSSIAN BRAC6III. II I • 7 IC LT.I3P/T. AGNATE IPOR I Laporte's Paris Kid Glove!, Is all .JAas sad colon for Ladles sad Desalidiupd of tad taiga.* diadAi to A*lntdd; Will aDo be landlas,ll.4o artad lakaarl atlatui oCeATIZ a. (*Troia A2isi Lanisuidwit IRDIT.I AND VALI , ROM aldel sada tin seil at GOLD •441.1•11.10• . jaital2 THE UNITED PRESBYUMN en CHRISTIAN 'INSTRUCTOR, tt.ed of •edoes. • Large &Mile esetweeklr.dirrete•tellellilo l ll l Liliratare lute Genova IntWlS.aee. rablrietlra EVERY TRIIASDAY '' •t Wk THUM •7P.XIIi. Plttsbur" 7 1. 0 0 riu. oily TWO DOLLIES a year. , OMR. 0, LATION over , TWENTY THOUS ANN.. , It circulate. largely to lan Tara. vat.. rasa sylvaids tad the Wasters isa IdtUUlll Etats. — lts largett aftsslattai Ufi Ike 1 11 4 4 Pitaarstab and Allegaalr • add tkdanadadatie districts of Wolters ittatinttiata:Atattilli Ohio tad Wltattati : , zawas.or ASVErtailith iron ONE avail. •irs =EI ==l •SO Th r . oar me," IN F= 1= EMI= =I! Loa' =Klieg. sm. Les. each lamettes: SO M. Baidacis ,111 Address She PiroPeldSdsss 47. 71EIT8DOCGII dr. (30 74 Third. Avenue. I==7ll QM THE FIRST MORTON BOISS OF Tuo 'CHICAGO, SMILE - ~axD YLNCEPOIES RAILROAD. TAnal auninuat to be 155i0d.:41.500.0.0 Capital Stmt. paid Its - loomejlee animated Gm* of Illeadt, (140 - • alta) =mamas per 1111.• Net Promising • poi WILMI111.::. batwing OS the Lona per as. Aloomat al' Douala pet all. . of rood 11 1 41144 konomal of Inioloot per oat% , - 1 . „1100 Ammo% of Noll Larallopror • alio The Ronde follow the eeetplegottof tke !hod hay. the Veto. Trut ComDM of lf.Z as 1339 93691 Megtstai sad Treader 9136199311 sold at preeent at 91'WI mimed teem Taybur aistoth3Usat eiktteithiateest tug. ter, It Is Defend, than hay etheritrii bet3e3 rattle, le the itze3 and esehasysabli efleinte 41 soap, 814,14 cod Arot, . - They bear. goal tistasit-tromit per poi. Moll Su ferry yesat-eO4 U. Heusi be a Iltall* Flout. awl Nast MolinAle %Ma all MP* WI WWII sad Ott teem% the irehe9 9 / 1 /9 19399 yeese.teatt Witte 73 199, PAT9t 1 tb," 4 - 1 0 1 M 1,16 ' Tay 411934 29431 Me 999011101111 eltery ter hestsue 3..1#11319949. „ as °Mord( ottilld prodsottooatlOLlTltr. stswalas Mu •to . 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CO., 75 F01111T,13. AVM; 81T315, W. B=WiS . Wie - otoo,': K 54 cznirBiBz6v,ziewnol4 csi AVMs Par tke ofthoßallit, ' X11:011 -1X111. M.8R0HANT113,...- Pi• rNTHE Dormer conniver TUE llNlTMON.EONlllellpt uranium OF /11111MlivArro, j. ugpir . zwero z„ marl; ..mas4-aw au Nu n Agt..l atNIZ. OI 4, =Li elan serusTAlL ?ri• sa,Z,l9r. ZaLtalg • itrz Tvire • " - It 4 4 41 `ls hmuiistropi T 0 CM VI le 119 NM II • SD I 4,100.01116 a 6311411011 01161.11 = = S." v ~^ , .. . r'F{....'."i