The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 05, 1870, Image 1

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ft k eta 4 and 86 F4f 4111,014 at.
X . arrass MOP
exams or TIIL DAILY.
Delivered by carriers. rl;er.b..••
The State-Treasurership
Mast Exciting Canvas.
-Adjutant :@ _Appointment.
The &nate Contested Seats—Th))
Somerset Dist!let Case—Cartift
. eaten Referred to a Committee
to Report Prima Patio Case—
Senator Lowry_ Bolts—Senator
Bucka!ew a:Renegade—Prop
sal to Hake State Treasurer
Elective by the People—Ad
dress of Speaker Strang, of the
House—The Legislative Record
C ontract — Reosolution a Re
schtd---Contisted Seats .
topical MrDatchts to Ileo Plttlesrob Oaxotte•J
HAserssotto, January 4, 187 0.
, Man* are getting warm. Bonita the
Allegheny members Were In the Howie
Caracas, and only Mi. White was known
to be In the city. Mx. loirrY has openly
threatened to bolt in the Benate. is
dloltmlt to form an intimate as to how
. the Treasurership nand.. There la talk
of nalread comb/DE/ons to be made to
Influence tho reauit.. ,
It seems apparent that the Penneylva..
Ws and the Northern Central Relined
Companies are to have • tilt, and already
the skirmishing has cominenoed. The
latter hack Mackey and the former sup
port Irwin. There Is :ouch excitement.
- • The Indications arv. that Mackey hie the
fn trick, .out he fa to be closely
Brunot, Esq..-of Matta:mit.
las been 'tendered the plane Made vacant
by the ree ignaikin of Dr. Worthington
on the Board of Public. Charities. It is
hoped here that he will accept.-
lilackey's chances are looking better.
oount has been made and a decided
majority of the Republican members of
both Honaeshare pledged themselves. In
writing. to vote for Mackey. A law
wavering ones yet need to be brought
•arar to make certain his sucoesa, Ills
friends aro more confidetit than ever,
and some of the Irwin men are willing
to concede lackey', election.
IA o'clock P. D. Cameron has
Just received • telegraph menage from J.
-Edgar Thompson, President of the Penn
eylvezda Railroad, Stating that he has
lErpre.ed no preference for State Treas.
-amen and that Mr. Moore, 'who- repro.
bents the Pennsylvania Company here, is
noting without authority on that num ,
Mon. This announcement mums •
prop from under the Irwin - men • and
strellgthens the Mackey stock. Both or ,
the Speakers are opmeed to Mackey.
ezrrn onrsvos.
There is great .excitement over the
Tressurerahlp. A number of legislators
bare signed . a Loper to support Markey,
said to be forty-one. Prominent capital
We are found to be Interested in the
content. Anderson, the oil man, and
prominent railroad odicials of Phliadel.
Oda, are for Irwin, and J. Donald Caro- I
erou and Wm. H. Kimble, for Mackay.
Letters and dispatches -are shown on
both side, to influence the result.
There to no foundation for the report
that an organized attack will be made on
the Soldiers' Orphans' Schools. There
Is no disposition to change present plan.
APTOINTSD sortrrarnr corninsm.
The Governor to-day appointed Ges.A.
L. Roisell Adjutant General, vice Mo.
,Orvel7. resigned. O. of General Ras.
Den's first duties will be to visit Philadel
phia, Pittsburgh and other cities to re
orgasitze the militia. • '
Pennsylvania Legislature.
chposigi DlspaSeh to the Pittsburgh Gaze taso
HAnunnusa. Jan. 4,18 NO.
The Senate met at three o'Mook. New
members were sworn In.
THAI 8011MitaiT 0111.11.
Whim the &menet dbarict returns
were mad, certidostes were presmited by
Mr. Findley (Dem.) and Mr,'Scull
(PAM) - •
Mr. WALLACE Immediately intro
duced a etiolation to wear Mr. Findley
ma the Soutar.
Speaker STINSON decided await en.
bettandag the resolution. ruling that no
other Madness was in order btu the
swearing in of the new members.
Mr. WALLACE appealed Dom the
The,APEAKES :Omni to entertain
We appeal, and directed the new mem.
Derr to whom there wan no objelitlon to
be sworn.
At this point the Demcersts had one
Majority or the qualltlect members; but
when new members here sworn In, the
lispublicaue were In control. •
Mr. WALLACH stain intweluesd his
resolution. • ,
Mr. wEarp moved an smendnient,re.
furring the certificates to !Oases:ate:9 of
three to report upon the prtneafacie title
to the seats, without !bathing appeal b y
either parer.
Mr. WALLACE contended this would
be unjust, because Mr. .F/ndley% cern&
ages was Signed by a fall board and Mr.
..Mouire by only one Return Judge.
Mr. WRITE quoted the Congreasiond
mew of Cogroth. In MM, Proving that
there was a preliminary hearing.
Mr. WALLACE rejoined that . flee
• right of the appellant would be - detdrtry
ed In Casa the committee failed to report
in ten deys.
Mr: WHITE modified the amendment
by requiring the committee to report is
Mr. LOWRY made a considerable
speech, conteadlni that confide
was able to judge or these certificates
for himself. He tivored Mr.
though be was a Democrat. ilia this*.
of accepting a oerlidotte vrieh only one
signature Would to il& to ashes in the
binds of any party. •
Mr. HIIQRALEW thtlowib , ma*.
Ins Mr. Wallace'm resolution.
ux. WHITES amendment was
carried, and Messrs. White, Howard
Davis appointed said committee.
amscrion or ornczaa.
All the Republican nominees ware then
elected to office. Wm. M. By eras
the Democratic nominee for Speaker.
Mt. BUCHA.LEW voted lb! Mnitrown,
':K~C"a''^^~"'~„' ~~. pia • ILSru~i •. L:. , :re`. - ,t'£~SSe"b`t `a::c : iiE:_7.~c
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aim tine'
1. P. /ERR
saying that he was ao Instructed by his
Mr. RANDALL replied that ho had
not expected • row from a renegade, •
Tax asgassa's PIPECCIL
SPeaher Stinson's intendoeiory speech
Ina one merely or thanba. .
Init prima corqprxii nil.
Mr. NAGLE sed the nof
Alexander Diamo pre nd,en t IDernoosst petitio o c o n .
testing the nest of W. W.-Watt, (Repub. I
bean.) from Philadelphia.' Thursday
morning was fixed for drawing the Cana.
Mr. TURNER moved the appointment?
of no sddittonal Committee on biters
and Mining. Carried.
7, EGIALA 7 / 1 11: naconn.
Mr. WIRITE Introduced a r
for • JOICit Committee to contract.foresolution
publication of the Legislative Record.
Mr. OLSlSTEAD"presented a 'bill ro.
pealing the 24 , h section of the appropria.
LIOn bill of 1869.
Mr, 131143KALEW Introduced a bill
aniending_the Omni/nation, providing
that t3tate Treaurarere Shall be chosen by
the qualified electors of the State, at
lime/ and for terms to be fixed by jaw.
In addltiOrt to the other Senate °Moors
elected, whose names' hare been Wen,
the following were chosen: Doorkeeper,
G. W. Stair, of York; Sergeant at-arms,
John Dailey, of Phlladelohla: Asalstant
do.. J. P. Kegriee. of 'York: Postmaster.
T. H. Davis, of Montgomery' Awdatant
do., Joseph Bentz, of Cumberland.
The House organized at twelVe o'clock
All, the. Itsptibllcan .ntintinees of last
night were elected as . the unbars. The
Democratic nominees were: For
Speaker, Robert B. Brown,.-of Chariemi
Clerk, F. Si; Leleenring, of-Philadelphia;
Assistant. G. R. Meemore, of Fayette.
Mr. STRANG, the newly
Speaker esld.e
GenUe;sen of tAe House of Representa•
lives": Permit me to express my thanks
for the high honor you have done me In
your selection to preside over your de.
ilberatiorus during the present session.
That you rosy-have no cause 'to regret
11, Is My highest ambition; and
that I may be able to perform
the duties satisfactorily, as well as ne st
and fidelity, is my earnest
desire. I trust that while I entertain •
properiense of the honor you have con
tarred. I have •110.20 Me appreciation of
the difficulties; of the position, and need
hardly suggest that your seneroue sup
port In the observance of those rules by
which our business Is governed, and that
courtesy by which the asperity of our
debates is anoderated, will be abeolutely '
essential to the harmony as well as the
usefulnese of oar session.'
I am not aware what, If any,
• measures
of .
great public Inanortinoe sit; to be con
sidered by us. And yet it : can never
,happen otherwise than that the Legh,la.
tare of a great State like ours should
have important !Maresca committed to
its charge. And it la our business, god
the!. of our aUcceavore, so to develop oar
agricultural and mineral resources, and
so to foster and direct our Internal lm
provemerna as to make our Comma
wealth the garden and workshop of the
country. as well as what, by geographi
cal position, she is fairly suitable to be,
the highway, over which the commerce
of the nation shall peas.
In doing this, the people demand, as
they have a right to. require, that we
should exercise the moat rigid economy,
consistent with the end to be attained. And
while the liquidation of our public, debt,
which has far sorneyeara constantly been.'
made, would seem to afford conclusive
proof that the average legislation on 1
financial questions has been calculated
to protect the.intereete of the people, yet
It must be admitted that there is wall Oe.
csalOu for the exercise of sound economy
In very many directkme. so I sincerely
hope our record on • that sollilect:during
this session session will satisfy the most ladle-
We Must not forgot that the people are
our masters , and It we obey theirelearly
expressed will, looking to (Mr conitu
enta alosie for comps! or control I n the
exercise of all oar official duties, we shall
not ofilymeet•the approval of geed- men
everywhere, but will be able to extract
venom from the fangs of the thole) who.
seeking the notoriety which they can oh.
Lain in no other way, revel In Indiscrim
inate attacks on pc, blip men of the State,
and connect themselves with different
political parties only to hawk at and
tear them.
The only member absent was Mr. A.
C. Smith, Republican, of Dauphin, who
la sick.
cowman:co Inure.
Mr. BUNN 'presented the petiliat of
Robert U. Graham, Republican, Contest
ing the aeat of John P. Mooney, Demo-
crat, of the Sixth district, Philadelphia.
To-morrow le fixed for drawing the coat.
mines In the cue.
Mr. HONG presented' the petition', of
Joseph A. Gaeta, Raliehlican, oo4psting
the eau of John El:winkle, ..nenioaisit,
Thirteenth district, Philadelphia. Tees.
Wife&daynext was fixed for deswing the corn.
JOURNAL/DP raoceirutos. •
r. MLLES offered a raeobitioa that •
'of Three be
committee in
- coultuicflon with a similar committee
from the Senate, to Inquire into the ex
pediency of Publishing a daily journal
of the prooleaings of both Homes, which
shall De laued -- . every davi coing
the pr fulfillment oeeedingx
of - Of both lohne, - and for
the the contract amplentainae
airily shalt be requital and the Com
mittee auth - orized to contract with the
lowest bidder.
- Mr. JOSEPHS moved • patiponement
till Tuesday. Carried.
5017113 or amemort. .;
Mr. BROWN moved that the daily
hours of nualon be from_eleven to one
o'clock- Carried;
Mr. VARKIRK. of Width:igloo; offoa
od tato followthil:
Whereas, A contract made on the 14th
of 'Tannery, 1887, between the Coalmen.
wealth, ,by 'a Joint committee. of both
Houses: appointed =dart resoluta=
adopted by the impactive betties - ono=
the , and Geor
, ge 13ergner, of
amon Harrteg
on other rtrovided
things "that. mid George 'Bergner fa to
publish the promettlxiga :of the Senate ,
and House flow the commencement of
the pre.ent session for three years, and
now • new contract fa made b aping
oommlttel ofths two housitseP orefore
Reseiefed, That said contractbetween
the Comment wealth and George Bergner
be and le hereb absolutel reminded,
and the Chief C le rk. of the y
Senate. Sad
House be instructed to notify said George
Bergner that no copies of the Legialative
Record will he received by eitherHciuse
or paid for, unless a new legal contract
Ls made for the publleadon ol,theeance.
Mr. WEBB demanded immediate °cm
Mr. J OHNSON , of Crawford , objected
'to the unmemate peewee of the remote-
Boa, en the ground that .1m ABM*
time was allowed to examldll the' allege.
Dons on the mbJect, but professed not to
NI anenemy of the movement, i f the
facts were proved
Further discuss ion °tamed.
Mr:JOSEPHS maned postpcmement
An Indiana Divorce to Ist Teatse—The
T elegraPnetV
fey mamma to tan Zlltaburgh Gazette,.
411,21TOIT,Itit. tieforti
the Probate Cohn of hilddieettx county
from Harriet M. Shannon, claiming to
be the widow of Oliver M. bbaniton,late
of Newton, desiring to be appointed ad.
mlidetritrix of its estate. - Whi c h i t u m ,.
deratood ammo's go Afth:kooo. Objection
is made that the petitioner was divorced
from het late husband under the lowa
of the State of Indiana. The petitioner
allele" WS divan° to trit tototritE abder
the laws of this State, and claims to be
able to show one or more Judicial de.
d i j one already made In her favor per
sonally by the Supreme Court of this
&Ate. The case was continued Ibt a
farther hearing.
There was a general strike of tele.
Ulnio n n...the Boston cilia of the
legra Compan
this afternoon, Te ln symph y latepathy with the
.aettoa of their brother operator. la the
The , Malls to Europe—The Chi
-cinnatl False Pretense Mer
chant — Justice_ Aroused —Ar
rest for Fraud—Fllibuster Pro
ttir . rde oath to the rit Gait tte.j
w Timm, Januari 4 NUL
' The Poet Clllce Departtnebt has made
'permanent arrangements with the Bre.
mon line to. ,airy an English mail to
Southampton and a German mall to Bre
men on &tenlays: 'The llamburg line
will condone for the . present to carry
French malls every Tuesday, while. the
-Williams and Onion line will carry mails
to Queenstown every Wednesday.
Application was made to Judge car
dozo, that the Cincinnati merchant, Jo
sephs,'Who wax brought here by tequila
lion under three indictments for ob.
talning goods by false protenoes from
New York merchants, be admitted to
ball. District Attorney Garvin, In re
sisting the motion, stated the habit of
men In deaperate circumstances coming
on to New York' and purchasing large
bill, of goods was named to euch an ex
tent that the lessee of New York from it
were. from 11,000,000 to rs,oomoo per
annum or more. The Court reserved It.
decielon, remanding the prisoner In the
City Judge Bedford today charged the
wend Jitryt o,erield their orderaess
ly.-fidr/y and impartially in to aid
the authorities In their honied endeavor
to stem the current of the .daring and
r reekless actions of bad and unprincipled
men, no as to tench them In emphatic
terms that crime cannot be committed
here with Impunity, and that if they
,peralet In their lawlessness they, will'be
Wide, - to taste the hitter fruits - of their
mildeede, IiVOR to this 'stern letter of the
E. C. Gadleld, a wholesale liquor deal
er at IBS Malden Lane, and a rectifier of
the Beelond Itlatrfot.f Brooklyn, era ar
rested yeativ on a charg of haying
defrauded the Government Out e
of a large
amount, of money by not . keeping the
Woke and records required by law.
ribinuarnn PROPELLORS.
reported the a Cuban Junta Sot: off
last week quietly a large propellor to
Cuba, and have another about ready to
call. Rumor adds truce hundred men
go on the latter.
A tire, ltds morning' hi building No.
109 Falcon street, - owned and mounted
by R. J. Powell la a boas° furnishing
stare, damaged building and stock 112,-
Herniation to Repeal the RallTheation of
the liifteentl Anindinent—,Arno Bill
to Repeii._ the E xcloe Low—liatesage ,
of the:Gerertior.
lay Telearioli rt the Mtisittratt Gazette. j .
ALtionr, Jan. 4.—Tye. Legla/stare or
ganized today by the choice of tho Dem
ocratic nominees for oiliesta of bath
bran ,
A resolution was Introduced In the
Senate, by Dir. Tweed, kir the repeal or
'the - ratification of the Fifteenth (kirsti
tntlonal Amendment, Which was made
the apeclat order for to-morrow.
Notice was given of a bill to repeal the
excise law.
A resolution area offered in the Assem•
bly sympathizing with Cuba and de
easendw the csruree of The Admildstra.
tlde On :this Subject. LAM over . : till to.
Governor Hoffman's melange, which
was read in both branches, says the
State debt is 5 3 7,848,03.5.73, and the sink-
mg (tads will extinguish it at the prem.
ent rate in ten years The listened of
the State debt should bepaid in coin.
The State tax lard year was 110,469 y, Int
The tHireereior devotec considerable
epics:to canals, and urges suchslegisla
tion as will insure cheap transportalion.
He recommends the abolition of the re.
pair contract system. He speaks highly
of the State system of education, and
hopes it may be perfected. He objects
to the contract system of lain, In pris
calla attention to the public
charit of tlie State,' and commends
them to the liberality of the Legislature.
He recommends a number ofgeneral laws
and avoidance of special legislation. The
conspiracy annum In rd to labor he
recommends' should b eebollehed. He
asks for a law to forbid Injunctions and
receivers in cases against monied corm..
rations In ex parte proceedings. He asks
fora reVision of the apprentice laws,
and fur uniformity In registry and elec
tion laws A revision of the criminal
law la desirable and he recommends the
reptalot-The excise - . law. He devotes
much attention to commissions and city
governments, and asks , for legislation
on theme Millcs. He sake that tax levies
and.bills'appronristlng money be taken.
tip early In the session.
The Governor proteets against the
actlim ( of 'Congress toward the 'States
lately' in rebellion, sad against the
tariff, lie discourses at length upon'
OPOCie PPsMita, the ,ourreney,'dc. and
remarkl that when the Federal Trea sury '
Is ready to redeem the legal tender prom-
Ism in gold as fast maths public, are likely
to present theca epode payments= are
thereby resumed all over the country
without furtherffort on the part of any
one' and 'without inconvenience to the
dispatah from Amos announces
the &Oath Of Melt:Whop of Panama.
—The steamer Mr of Baltimore. from
Europe, arrived at New York yesterday.
—VA:French, opera it the Theatre
Francais, New York, Monday night, was
Jargely attended by the dent tneede-and
Ward politicians.
—Breves Colonel Thos. C. Williams.
U. S. A., commanding the post at Little
Rock. Ark.,, died there
n o Mondsy, of
congestion 'of the brain. Hie remains
emit tie Beni to Philadelphia.
—The reduction of the wages of the
laborers employed in digging down. Fort
Bill, near Boston, led too - indications of it
riot Monday afternoon, but Uinta
maul we euppressed_by the presence of
*strong polio, form
—Governor Palmer, of. Blinols, hie
received a Treasitry draft f0r.52.397 on.
account of the State war debt against the
Federal Government, being on registered
claims, whlcturith the additional vouch
ers ware again presented and this
amount secured.
—Mrs. Georgiana King, divorced wife
of Corthoadt Blmey, Es q. ono of the
Poughkeepsie knkkerboollens, iatelyap•
plied for • reopening of the Judgment
against him, but the motion has been
denied. The Rimeys moved In ligbly
renactable,aodety.. , •
- .A 'serious disturbance occurred at
Dardanelles, Arkansas, on Christmas
eve, between whiles and blacks, growing
out of whisky, remitting in the death of
-Port Jones; a worthy young man, at the
hands of Eiburd Musentine, a noted des-
Pared°. Theraffair at one time threaten.
ad to Involve a war of races, but was fin.
—The trill/ ti - Jinies Dewitt and Kitty
Blanchard, indicted for the murder ofj
Warren Blanchard, last April, was called
yesterday in the cattier oyer and term.
finer, as Eqogbanston. N. Y. The orbs.
°nem plead guilty of maned/tug! It /r In
the third degree. Dewitt was sentenced
to four years' labor In the Auburn prison,
and Kitty Blanchard to the_Syracuse
penitentiary fed...three year,. ;Kitty
Ulti WO Or Lhe'allltdOred Ulan; w s ° •
—The terrible love tragedy in New
York excites general Interest. Fresh
devekmenents render It evident that the
eanseof the murder and suicide was the
fear opcitt the - part Of- the murderer that
he would soon be deprived of the moan.
of continuing Ms unholy intimacy with
his victim,. The parties were school
teachers In Brooklyn. Them= Barnum
Yee acting as principal of the same
school In which Miss McNamara, or Mrs.
Ailemego, -- Was. an - isalstant. Barman
has a wife living, who informed a rir;
er idonabLe that'-her husband w
Rood 'man until the school mistress on
his affections from her. Mrs. Allemego
was the divorced wife of. a diaeolate
Spaniard. The Intimacy which term/,
# noted so tragically had existed about
Ve months. .
SECOID ElllllOl.
FOUR O'CLOCK, 4. .111
Fenian Parliament Candidate
Defeated—Erie Railway Shares
in 11l Repute—Affairs in France
— }lluisterial Crisis in Spa(r=
The War in Paraguay Again
Reported at an End—The Con.
vocation at Rome. _
(0) Telegraph to fbe Patel:Farah a
Lea - sort, Jan. 4 .—hir.4reville Nugent
has been elected to Parliament from
Longford, over hfartto, the Fenian can
The Stock Rued declines to quote
Erie Railway glares unless they aro
atacciped by the Protective Committee or
London, appointed to guard the interests
ot ahareholdars.
Ps.ars, January RaPPC4 0,20
of the organs."( the irreconcilable*, has
been prosecuted for a breach of the press
laws, in an article favoring political or
ganizations among the whiter..
It la reported that the new Ministry
will declare and accept the programme
of the Right Centre.
The Minister% were received this after
noon by the Einprese, who gave them
very generous welcome.
The Rorie publishes some correspond
ones between M. 011ivier and M. Pierre
Dieg° admission pve that the latter advised
the of memberrof the Right
and LeR Centre Into the Ministry. •
Loancos,.January t.—The resignation
of the Spanish Cabinet, In consequence
of ltaty'a refusal to permit the candi
dature of the Duke of Genoa, le an
'lt Is reported Admiral Topete will re
turn to the Ministry.
Manaus, Jan. 4— Evening—The new
Ministerial crisis continues. The tele
grain from Florence announcing the
negative of Italy was resolved here on
Sunday. but Its publication was sup
pressed by authority imtil to-day.
For two days the Government ham been
in a state of indecision as to what count.)
to take. The Duke of Montpenaler
was expected to arrive here this morn
ing, but his friends have telegraphed:
that he cannot coma on account of the
'amnion created by the action of Itaiy.
Lassos, Tannery 4.—The mall steamer
from Rio Janeiro, Dseember 15th, brings
the following news from Paraguay :
Ygnatimi was occupied by the allies .
without resistance. hopes has been
driven from the soil of Paraguay. The
Prince D'Eu and Senator Paraubas were
exraiMed at Montevideo on their return
from the scene of war. The former
would reach 'Buenos Ayres -about the
Ist of January.
According to the very latest amounts
the war In Paraguay was at au .end.
Lopez had fled into .Bolivia with • his
An airreement had been signed be
tween Brasil and the Argentine Confod.
oration, according to which Brasil will
withdrart 14,000 men from Paraguay
and the entire contingent Or the Coated.
Oration will retire. "
IRO], E.
Ross, January 4.—A general roam,
gallon of the Council was held at Quirt
natiesterday.' The Pope wan not . pres
ent, and a Cardinal, presiding by right of
Nee, anno . unced the recent deaths of four
The appointments of Cardinal Billo as
President of the Commission on Downes.
and Of Cardinal Caterini, as President of
the Commission on Eodealastical
One, were promulgated.
The Council la in session again today
and the business of organisation contin
Lerman, Jszniary 4.—The steamer
Moravian, from qaebeo, and Atlanta
from New York, have arrived out.
LONDON, January s.—Tallow 45a and
firm; spot 891 BdCpflat. Refined Petro.
'sum ls 830(gds 9344. Calcutta Linseed
firm. Linseed Olt 29e .1/54 Turpentine
28s 8d(328s 6d. Cloyereeed 48e.
FRANKFORT, January 5.-11 & bond*
Arm at 92L ' •
Paws, January B.—Bourse excited:
rectos 74180 c.
• . ANTWERP, January s —Petroleum firm
at 60Xf.
Bantams, January s .—Petroleum firm
at 71. Cg.
HARDER; January s.—Petroleum
repurted arm.
LONDON, January s.—Evenfeg.--03n
soli 92g. American securities quiet and
steady. 6 .2osfirm; 87x for Ns. MX 85,,
257 , 67,. 10 401 81%, Erin 18, UMW.
la. A. & O. W. 253 i.
FRANKFORT, January s.—Beenin;q.-
17. B. bondi firm at 92t
LIMRPOOL. January 4 .—Ootton firm:
uplands 11.ii@LIN Orleans 11X ®1.1%;
sales 12,000 bales. Manchester market
arm. Liverpool —remipts: wheat, three
45 , 0 00quartem, all American; Call.
fonds white wheat 94 2d; red
Ee 2d; whiter 8s 114; western flour Be.
Corn No. 2 Mixed 295. Oats 2s 9d. Bar
ley Is. Pass 85a. Pork quiet 100 e. Beef
102 s. :Lard7BeBd . Cheeseals CM.. Bacon
82s. Spirits 'Petroleum 1034; refined
1094. Tallow tts
Memorlast....llsreauWe Library as.
soclattou—The Telegrapher* , Striae.
(By Selman& to tee Cattatnulak Climatal
Cut cursavt. Janluny 4.-tt a meeting
of the bar of thin city, held In conalderi
tion of the death of General Stephen J.
McGroarty, resolutions were adopted
etating he deserved the laurel. he won ,
In the 11017100 of his country; that
.was • chivalric - soldier,
who discerned tho real glory of the cause
to which he was devcaral, and was truly
without fear and without reproach in re.
Litton to the flag he followed; that he
was a conspicuous orator and honest offt.
clad. The funeral will take place from
the Cathedral to morrow morning and
will tie largely attended-
The election of °facers today for
Young Mon's Mercantile asaociation
resulted m the choice 'of George W.
President Jae. M. Clark, Vice
and s the whole Independent
ticket, by • decided majority. The re
port submitted shows tin Inatltution
has 81,212 volumes.
The operators of the Western Union
Telegraph Company, on a strike, are
conslderably elated to-night over the
news frost East and South. The office
here is transacting all the business, and
it is claimed will be able to get along ,
without the strikers. Specials from
thrOtlel pro
gtou and other platen We 00044
Proposition to Bahian the Rollßutton of
the Nifteentlt Amendment to ■ Vote
of ttur People.
(By Telegmb,to the Plambush Guatte.)
Cor.ttnntra, Jemmy 4.=-13 the Senate
to-day Lewis D. Osinpbell introduced •
bill providing for the. stromholon to the
people at the next October election the
question or the ratification of the FM
teenth Amendment. Read flat and
second time Wed rererred.
—The Western Milan Telegraph can
piny In. ebb:l2'o have been enabled to
wawa a aulnolent number of operatore
to supply the places of the atrlkers, and
have a surplus of tea or twelve for an
—The Minnesota Leghlattirs easetn.
bled et noon yeetenlay. ♦ll the mem
here of both bonzes were present.
Cabinet Neot l ;ichool Difficul
ty—The China Nisslon—The
Proposed Change of Army Of
nyloom* so the P1144,61/6 Gianni./
WAKUIWPTCW, January 4, IBM •
(until= &IRETINO.
The Urea rojiruktr meeting of the Cabi
net Mace COIN/kW& took a reoesa win
held tceday. A* the Edemberaworopre•
A colored chll having been admitted
to ono of the plalle schools yeaterdaj,
seven white children were In oonee.
quenco withdrawn by their parents.
Dieter. Low has received his final InA
atructions from the State Department:
Eli will leave for New York tomorrow
evening, and the latter city for China
via California next Saturday.
Ann! OUANoita.
Conalderabie Interest Is felt In army
circle,, concerning the contemplated
.In the assignment of racer*,
whereby tieversiVho have been for years
on duty In different bureaus of the War
Department tiara will be sent to postale
the west, while many now serving on
the frontiers and'at other Stations will
be assigned to duty in this local.
14% ft Is not probable the order
to effect the ,bbanges will be Is.
sued before the Met day of April,
as' the eliferent chiefs! of - bureaus
have been Instrueted to report the names
of ,ofiloers for Ltniutafer; on the Slat of
bowing Thu
h Mfay l na Is
asu nunmber
oor dtheer
*floors here will require time to arrange
their private business and make proper
arrangements for a change of Station.
Ammssor SeepenCeo—sti.b.dro
Fatr—The Great Bridge.
(By Seteireph to the Pittebuyeh (Mutate.)
Sr. Louts, January 4..—Supervleor
Msrr has been suspended by the United
States Assessor, John H.'For, of the 2d
district, of this State , for alleged mai
practises. ,
IL E. Schuster, Auistant Assessor of
the saute districtihas already been roma
wed on charges growing out of the same
, A Committee eppolitted some days ago
to draft articles for the World's Fair As ,
sociation met this er:Jultig and presented
their report, recommending art.orgialza.
lion -tinder the charter of the St.'
Louis Agricultural and Mechanical
Association; that the name of that
Ansoclation be changed to the
Mississippi Valley World's Fair
Association; that the stock be Incresaed
to one million and the Stead of Direc—
tor' from thirteen to • fifty. After die.
minion, the repart was referred to an
other committee, who will report to a
subsequent meeting, •
The calesons for the western pier of
the bridge to cross the ittlasisalppl here
was towed to pretties today, and the
masonry will be commenced on it In a
few days. -
'he Strike of Telegraph Operators—
Prom ocean to Ocean the Resolve la
Taken—Who Ras 'Give tat
In yesterday's Gszerrn we anuounosd
the fact that,the 'operator. of the West
ern Union Telegraph Company had re
solved upon inaugurating a strike—not
for higher wages, but to secure the pre
sent rates to member* of the Protective
Imsoclat lest who . Work beyond the Rocky
MO ULlblho l . l )4...Caltittimia. The. science
at tabareiphy out.
aide cr the profession. To "become
thoroughly acquainted with the language
of dote and dashes requires a long pray
I Oral experience. Hence It is, that there
are very few amateurs In the profeerdon.
and _ hence it is that substitutes are ate*.
lately unobtainable by the employers.
The tattler fact places the strikers on a
plane of Independenee. • Their services
cannot well be diepened with—and .sre
think they are in position to dictate
terms. The operators of the West.
ern Union Company of this city
went off yesterday morning at tea
o'clock and resolutely abstained from
duties up till past two o'clock this morn
, log. Theresult was that the head offi
cials of the company had to reduce theta.
selves to operators and pat their ears to
the keyboard. It is absolutely impoesi.
ble for them to keep upend do the work
of the thirty missing strikers. Bo far
the beet of feeling hes prevailed between
the contending parties, and no violence
need be anticipated. As a general rule,
telegraph operators are intelligent gen.
demon,- and they could not be forced to .
maintain their rights at the expense of •
single principle of manhood and decency.
The great business of the Western Union
company wujmperfectly transacted yes ,
terday, and the preesure hm been - ea
heavy that wo are forced to believe an
early compromise will follow between
the employers and employed. Double
and treble rates wempald inferior paper
operators yesterday, and a high bonus
was refused by sound operatont who
were solicited to make their appearance
keys. We herewith present a
and of the operators to the public,
sea matter of nese :
The Chronicle of yesterday, in one of
he two vary contradictory articles on the
telegraphic strike, states on the author
ity 04 the Western Union officials that
that company did not reduce the salute*
of their employee at San Francisco, and
that the operatora bad no Just cause for
instituting such rash proceedinga. Tele.
graphs?" as a class have ever enjoyed
the reputation or being at least in a de
gree Intalligent, and la it at al/ probable
that thlrty•eight hundred sane men
would take such a step without ashadow
of reason? No. There was a rednetlon
at Ban Franciano, , ,and It was but
the forerunner Of similar action
to be taken throughout the coun
try, should It be found that the
operators wore willing to submit. The
Western . Union Telegraph Company
having reduced their rates with the idea
of crashing out competition; not content
with a reasonable profit, thought to re.
duce Their expenses by making their
employes the victims of this telegraphle
warfare, and made San Francisco the in
!hal point of action, but the hour had ar
rived when prompt and united action on
the part of telegraphers wee to decide the
future weltare of the fraternity. The
organization which Inaugurated • thi s
resistance, extends from the Atlantic, to
the Pacific, and from the Great Lakes to
the gulf, and includes the brightest tele
graphic talent of the country. This or.
ainittllOCl having used all honorable
means with the executive °Blurs of the
Western Union Telegraph Company to
and the strike by reinstating its mem
bers in Ban Francisco at their former
salaries, and by their refusal having
expresaed their determinationto "mush"
out the league and "drive to members to
the wall " The challenge wan accet ted.
and the movement was begun, and ex.,
tending from San Francisco eastward
city after city In regular summation re.
iipanded to the call for aid. e
As each odic° withdrew their services
renewed ensnares for a compramtim, as
Gut proposed, were made and treated
with derision, until at last, impatient
with - the prolonged deley of their em.
ployets. a Sul blow was deemed rend.
site and with the rapidity of lightning
the order was given fors united effort.
Pittsburgh, Baltimore. Philadelphia,
Washington, New York, Boston, Alb
any, Buffalo. Erie, Cleveland, Cincinnati,
Columbus, Louisville, Nashville, Mem.
phis, Vicksburgh, New Orleans, Mobile,
Montgomery, • Ala., Lynchburg, ye.,
and many other cities wheeled Into line,
thus controlling all the Important cities
of the United States.
With renewed confidence to teens.
Me of their cause the operators of the
North, Booth and Emit Join hands with
their brethren of the Wart In-one solid
°alumni, determined that they will be
men even while laboring for a ghpantle
E. B. Pluto;
B. A. Dtritcao,
.100nucatte e .
JAYIS3 F. Boon=
The following Private alp/Lobes - re.
°aired by . oar Managing Editor show
bow very goner& Is the strike thrOugb
out the country:
Dtrarcm, lowa, Jan. 4.—lt V allowed
Chicago, Burlington ' , and Qnhaey Rau.
roads are discharging OReraken who will
. '
not work for the 'Neaten: Union Tel'.
O %Pb company. The majority of rail
road operators are member.. of the
league and state tboy will suffer dismis
sal before working against their brethren.'
Cllloaoo, Jan. 4.—The strike of the
Western Union Telegraph Company's
operators • continue. They state they
will not go to work until all grievances
are remedied. Whon the tieeend
.perintendents and other officials re
-wired the news that New York and
Philadelphia had ceased work, they
were much oonfused, and are evidently
much weakened In the position they
have taken. Ruthless men here sym
pathize with the operators and are ocar
ina substantial aid. The newspapers
publish the statements of both parties,
and, with scarcely an exception, are dia.
glutted with the attempt to coerce on the
part of the company,
Ngw Yong, January 4.—The Western
Union Telegraph men attack Vile after
noon. They will not return to duty
until the California men are reinstated
xd.. their old salaries. htembere of tho
Meague are now out at'. the following
points: Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Harris.
burg, Cleveland, Chicago, ICincinnatl,
Loulsvlllo, Omaha, San Prancleco, Ituf
fain, N. Y., Cheyenne, Virginia City,
Washington, D. C., Albany, N. Y., Rat.
timore, Davenport, Roston, Erie, New
York, Wilmington, N. C., Richmond.
Va. "New Orlaiisiioeiion the64l7'lWe,
Nashville and otheni, besides non.inem•
hers at Auburn, N. Y.. Fall River, Mute,
Providence, R. 1.. lipringtield,. Mane.,
Hartford, Conn., {forester, Mass., New
Haven, Ct. , hlerldon, nay they will
✓ in the morning.
Telewsphingirvery dull ln the West
ern Union °Mee here, and_by to-morrow
noon their oaken will be (dosed from
01!PALI to ocean.
W. hi. Smith, agent of the Western
Associated Press, telegraphs se follows:
CLEVELAND, 0., Jan. e.-7'e Editors
Our reports tonight 111% necessarily
brief, owing to the extension of the
strike among the operators in the em.
ploy of the Western Union Telegraph
Company. It having been acertslned
that the. operators at Chicago and
Cincinnati struck under misappre.
henalon of the difilculty on the
Pacific ooset, a demand was made_ by
I the chief Motors of the Secret League on
the Telegraph Co., that the operators at
Maoism and Cincinnati be reinstalled.
'This Meng refused an Order was Lamed
by the Grand Secretary of the League to
members to strike sod the operators
I at Boston, New York. Philadelphia and
I Cleveland responded this afternoon.
Only Mr. Stamm, Chief Operator itt
charge of the day reports, and Mr. Tin.
dell, Chief Operator In charg ol
the might reports, remained e
the °face at Cleveland. Such help
as oould be obtained readily we.
called in,. and with the assistance of of
ficers, work is progressing. Mr. Wright,
Superintendent. Is displaying great en
ergy In the emergency. He reports that
by to-morrow he will have the services of
enough good operators now on the way
front Interior towns so business will be
dispatched se neuaL .
District Calk—Judge Hampton.
TUESDAY, ..11110Xy . 4.—The first cube
taken op was that of John Hopkins vs.
Henry Kieber. !Action to recover . dam
ages alleged to have been sustained by
the plaintiff in consequence of a refusal
on. the part of theefendant to comply
with part f of apurchase of a house
and lot. It appears that In February,
1869„ Mr. A. Leggate, auctioneer in Al.
legheny, as the
.agent of Mr. Hopkins,
the plaintiff, offered and sold at public
auction a bode and lot on -Tremont
street, Allegheny, which was knocked
down to Mr. Bieber at 120,000. In a
weak or ten day. after, Mr. Kleber noti
fied Mr. Hopkins that he would not take
the property, alleging that the bids
against him were not real, and further,
for the reason that the lot did Dot con
tain the quantity of ground set forth to
the advertised diacription of the prop.
arty.. It appears that the property was
through a ty.pographlcal error advertised
to contain .93 feet front and RIO feet
deep," when in reality It only contained
92feet front and ..1)8 feet deep. The prop.
arty was again put up at auction and
knocked down to Mr. Taggart for 115,-
000. This action was brought tp recover
the difference between the amount of
the sale to Mr. Kleber and the latter sale,
and other Incidental losses incurred.
36 The Citizens' OH Refining CM. vs.
37 El Hartwell, Cameron .t Roberta,
aine vs. Same.
100 Le Roy vs. Wiley.
103 Andrews vs. Ward, et al.
195 Hays vs. Carlisle. , •
113 Carroll et Snyder vs. Hall ,t
174 Faber vs. Pittsburgh a Connellayille
Gas Coal ft Coke Company.
Quarter Sessions—Judge Stowe.
TOINDA.Y January 4.—John Charles
Ned; Indic ted for selling liquor on Sun
day, was placed on trial. The Jury re
turned a verdict of guilty, and recom.
mended the defendant to the mercy of
the Court. Sentence deferred.
The next case taken up was that of the
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Wingroth,
Indicted for selling liquor to an totem.
perate husband, alter being-notified mot
to do so by the wife. Jury out.
The case of the Commonwealth vs. Jno.
A. Blugley, Indicted for a misdemeanor
under the livery stable act, J. Swearin.
tiers,prosecutor. The defendant, It was
alleed, hired a horse and buck-wagon
the prosecutor- and while driving
alonSrson street,'ln South Pittsburgh,
ran Into by *street car, In mese—
quenoe of which thiNgyagon waerbroken.
The jury returned a erdict of guilty.
Sentence deferred.
:In the matter of opening Hazlett alley,
In which an appeal was taken from the
action of Councils, the Court ordered the
appeal to be flied and that the clerki of
t:councils-be directed .to certify all the
proc gs eedin I the
Coo to court.
The case o r the mmonwealth vs.
Thome O'Nell, Indicted for aggravated
sasault and battery, war next called.
The defendant plead guilty, and was sen
tenced to pay a- floe of VA, . costs of
prosecution and undergo an imprison.
meet of sixty days In the county work
b ump ,
The next case taken up was that of the
Commonwealth vs. Mollie Beech, lu
dicteil for keeping a bawdy house, at No.
8 Church avenue, Allegheny. The case
Is creating considerable interest, and the
court room was crowded with spectators.
A number of the witnesses eubfcenaed
will, 11,1 s. thought, fall to put In an ap
pee:Epee. The case was still on trial
?s court adjourned, and will probably
PY th e greater portion of Wednee
_ Common Pleas--. 1 edge Caller.
'Damper, Jan. 4.—The case of Noll vs.
Waldschmidt, action to recover for work
and labor done, and materials Inrnlsbed
in the construction of a building, pre
' viously reported, la still on trial.
355 Moors, et al. vs. Moore.
366 Martin vs. Gibson.
11l Amnon vs. C.& P. R. R. Co.
369 Rill, Assignee of Robb, vs. Tanner's
366 Reiter vs. Hoeveler.
367 Ferthing vs. Esker.
363 Beckon vs. Schwank.
370 Fritz vs. Rink.
Oyer. and Ts ralszer—Judges literrett and
Tamper, Jan. 4.—On the . opening of
Court Judge Stowe delivered his charge
to the jury in the case of the Gammon
wealth va. Gerhardt Johnson, on trial
for manslaughter. The charge was the
same in substance as that in the former
case. The jury retired at ten minutes
past ten o'clock, and at half put twelve
returned a verdict of not guilty. Ihe
defendant, was remanded to Jail for a
new trial friths case on which the Jury
failed to agree. •
How the Holidays were spent.
NEW Haddam, Jan. 4, '7O.
The holiday employments and enjoy.
manta hers'were Perbartio the rata, or
at least in some • aspects, aimllar to
those of other country towns. In my
opinion, Christmas is generally spent in
a way very unworthy of those for whose
ogood Milldams. Inst j ead of being is keptgen
aa day of rellgio reoicing,
rally spent in triflinusg festivities, lt
and by
man In bacchanalian evels.
800 y
2, of our churches here held mom.
ing meeting for devotion, commencing
at about daylight, and th en a meeting
for the benefit of Ma children toward
• .
Some of the churches had services the
left night of the old year. 00 0tlataus nn,
ill after mldnhatt. This week will be
observ wee ed by the =la of our churches al
kof prayer. We It'd U. ki.
Nola Fayette Towootap,A Pleasatil
We know title lea-wide world. and a
great many people in it. But slttatagh
ISts. 1 ls as a gigue, of sand by the eta
aide, compared with the rocky'promen
tory Of colleges, seminaries and normal,,
yet title little grain shlrFes none the loss
on that account, but . claims a passing
notice. •
On the Slat ult, our happy little band '
easetubled to pay their hut tribute of
respect to our worthy old friend Less,
who wav about to take hie departure to a
far n country, best known as The Re
gions of the Pant. file face was lit with
smiles, as If, to lighten our heart, slid
Point to us that better world beyond.
At the hour of 2 r. Y. the exercise*
were opened by a sonic, 'UR together
again." 'Then followed many little
speeches, and although miry
— bt oced lo bill below •
• I hi worthy nee or Ciceru.'*
get we know "Tall oake from littlelSOC4llll
grow." We had one easy; would heve
had some other* had clrctunetanto• boon
favorable. We had also a aalact_reedips
class, subject "The Inquiry." Wesubg
our Mile Imes , and cir.sed with a few
remark.. There was an abundance of
tidede, doughntits end apple; pro.
by the scholars, and placed on the
teacher's desk. The scholium marched
In classes aroutil the school room, sing.
Ing the song "Itound and round," and
mewled the front stmts. A magenta°
then paws! around the delicacies. The
teacher, Mettle Thompson, then offered
some holiday present! for relater at.
tandance, and. kindness and respect
shown to- her-while she has been ,with
them. They were happily received, and
a vote of thanks waiureturnad, and all
went home . fee li ng 'better of their boll.
day party... Witty Rose,
Real Estate Transfers.
The following deade were admitted of
record In the office of Thos. 4. tinnier,
Recorder for Allegheny county, Tuesday,
January 4, 1/170:
71. Willis,. , Boot Masan. Jo], 7, lID; lot
Cast earl slreet„ 4000 14ayer'a Naa.
J. Craft t!Tehn I Cal. Ap ril IL Mb; I
117 feet c^reer of B.dtord and B.oonterl 4 1 C 444 7 .
IBltastwtb C. Deasy to Jag B Woo. Neb. 1. 15424
lot 24 by FM Get 12.4tadaty greet. Ifixisolun
Warn. ritzainf t b
Wot.' bell to •not Sen. Dee. /I. DM lot r 1
14 feel 1.11 ToornTlap *BO
Jsu. 112bInsun to Jno. Be rltett. Aug. II prep t
MI by lto feet, va 1 010 street. ridsbut b• . .41143
144. b. uet Ito toThents.Cslattan
lo ftli
July it, ito;
t Ly 100 f:ct on Torty-11 Street. Plotott
Jy. H. Der In ntepbea Plano. 17, July lath
t0 , 231N 10 0 feet ust Forty-ALA I feet, Pitts .
Davao Cup., to Joseph Conde 140;
22 acre/ and 114 peso lee In Cpeer
Josepo .ownsblo et. Galt
Dollvz To VT SiT• lt•Wailer N0v.12. IWO:
lot by 127 Got, Juniata street. Al/egtway
J °seg. 'garner to W 1 now Swath. Log, 21, lade:
10117 by 100 fee{{,, gbarp 'bore
CA is. Ireton to Juba nistar At o Dea 3, 040
part of lot 110 In plan of LarencevillL ee k
laub•rt Ilsod.roon Woo. Lawton, 1404: lot 21 by ea feat. Goode,ol2 "Arcot. &nestl 7o e, ,
Boz. b r y t u ltA b b e Vo 4:04147 Beier. April 2, 1863: 10 114.0 1./
T., enatar's plan, thilon towaablt
- ----
?lr::: weii,;;; ;;;; '''''''''''' ' .Gg; -- A;;i• 'i '' iiii•sfr°
vir:lln , l'a k i ° ol , l:7.:lllf4.`p' 4 4.'24 . ' ; "- s ;I . Z
by SI .00t, coo Vlore neves, 1 3Eo ... I" ,
i orob
Al Oa)
- 9 ;:4 " o ‘ ;er Al° Henry i: 4 . D `,' 11: v 1 "01
Houset.—A large audience as.
Rambled at the Opera House, last even
log. to see Mr. Emmet in • •Frita; or oar
Cousin German." Mr. Emmet is a find
class actor, and will, before his engage.
moat einem here, be a general favorite.
lie Introduces a style of comedy which
heretofore the patrons ofprat clam Weals
of ammement have been deprived of, for
some reason which Is Indefinable, as
there Is nothing "broad" or objectiona
ble in and It is highly Interesting and
'miming. The piece will be repeated
every evening thi„! week.
ACADEMY OP , : Music.—The Hanlon
combinallon played to a large audience
at the Academy of Musia last evening.
The veraltality of the entertainment
renders It of a highly enjoyable, as well
se arousing character. Alf. Burnett, the
celebrated facial artist and humorist, is
one of the chief attractions, sad Miss
Helen Nash, the witty comedienne,
receives a full share of applause from
the audience. The entertainment will
be continued every evening this week.
TME Fats.—The Orphans' Fair, now
in progress In the basement of the Ca
thedral, Is aucoeding remarkably well
and promisee' to be a complete enemas:
The probabilities are that a very respec
table stun will be realized for the benefit
of the orphans.
Gen. Woot's Estate,
The evening before the veteran Genera
was stricken down with the illness that
closed his eventful career, he made a
most interesting statement to the editor of
The Troy Whig, which conveys a preen.
cal lesson, and shows how easy it Is to
become r ich after obtaining the first dol
lar, if one is prudent and economical.
"I never made but $20,000 In my life 1"
said the General, emphatically, "but I
always kept that at good Interest 1" On
our expressing surprise, he went on '
explain. It seems that at the close of the
war of 1812, the General found himself
terribly wounded, but about even with
the world in a pecuniary point of view.
Shortly afterward the Government sent
him to the far South and West on a spec
ial mission connected with military affairs,
and forfice years he traveled over moan
tains, and through the almost trackless
wilderness, and accomplished his difficult
mission,ll3 he always did , to the entire
satisfaction of the Government. He had
not drawn a dollar from the Treasury,
except for actual expense; and at the end
of Moot:lye years the Government owed
him 420,000, which was then paid. Here
wan the nucleus of his large fortune.
Gen Wool was then about 85 years of
au. He died at about the age of 88.
Now let • the reader take this $20,000,
which, at compound interest, will nearly'
double every 10 years, and in the GO
years intervening betwerm the time of its
receipt and the General's death, he will
find that it will amount to just about the
General's estate, to wit : $840,000.
Trichina, spinals Remedy.
A series of experiments hut enabled a
Chicago chemist to. offer a remedy for
trichina GOO the patients two
drops of carbolic acid ltrystals) thor
oughly incorporated with forty drops of
glycerine. Alternate (every three hours)
with twenty drop of liquor socks bi.
sulphls, to be adngnistered in a wine
glass of water. In' urgent cues, repeat
these agents every hour, and cuthine
until relief is obtained.
Carbolic acid and sulphurous add will
effectually destroy the animalcule and
parasitic family. These anfiparasllie
agents may be safely administered in •
diluted form, as above prescribed, and no
Injurious results can possibly occur to the
most delicate constitution.
The trichina may be found tturinghout
the system, and in order to reach them
with carbolic acid, he advises its mixture
with glycerine, which is the most eillcions ,
vehicle for its dissemination through
every part of the body, as glycerine will
rapidly penetrate both flesh and bone and
carry with it such chemical agents as it
may be charged with.
The soda bf sulphis, In addition to de
stroying parcrailic life, reduces the in
flammation and allays the pain caused by
the ravages of the trk.hina.
Rzekkima, in Albany, New_ Yen, a
man slipped on the ice in front of a
wealthy =We lira:Mien, and sustained
severe inkuies. Re sued for damsua.
and recovered a verdict of $l,OOO. The
court held that, the owner or occupant of
a house is as liable-for damages sustained
by Ice allowed to remain on the sidewalks
Lislf he permitted an opening to exist in
sidewalk unguarded. The decision's
Tux following - copy of s bill of
rafreelunemes prepared for the ringers at a
funeral In Londonderry, N. EL, }larch
12, - 1918; "0 quarts W. L rum, $3 40;1
pint brandy: 40; 1 gall. cyder, 20; 18 i
Dye 82; 100 fryed nuts, 75; albs. of
cheese, 68; 1 bunch of cigars, 18 —ll7 81."
A nouns subscription Is in proven
at Dubuque, lowa, for a monument to
the memory of the founder of that city.
The inscription on the old. ceder ones
over his 'grave wu "Julien Dubuque,
miner of the mina of Spu n, died March
24, 1810, sad 401 yearn ". , .
gave awa' over two bendred
rings as souvenirs daring her Eastern
Moan murders hare been committed in
France and n 869
(the month m ei not in n
than In any other year.
A Wanritunusa grave digger is seem
sed of feedlot the bodies from the come.
Lary to his hogs, clothing his children 'in
the grave clothes, and. using the conks
for firewood. -
A SOCIETY for the suppression of teeing
waiters in Paris has recently been
brought to naught by the formation
among the waiters of a counter society,
whose members are bound to spill bot
soup or coffee over the pantaloon of
stingy curtomens. •
Anna!, Kama, is said to be emgagedin
translating NapektioVs "Life of Caesar"
into Arabian, -The Emperor of the
French, heating of the compliment the
great Emir Is paying him, sent him a
splendidly bound copy of the work with
his autograph in it.
Tug coldness exletlng between
marck and the King of Prussia Is said to
be tensed by a letter which the great
!oldster sent to a friend, and in whichhe
sarcastically reflected on the capacity of
Milan the first. One of Blexuarck's el
vela succeeded in securing this letter, and
&bowed it to the King.
--.l44otter DAYYp brother of Sir Unto
ptirty Darcy, bu bequeathed 'to the
Royal Society, In fulfilment of an es
pressed wish of his brother, a service of
plate, presented to air Humphrey for the
invention of the safety lamp- It will be
employed in founding a medal,to be given
annually for the most improved discovery I
in chemistry.
• I
ror T spa
blic ir In Moscow , the Empe-
A Alexander of ushed out disband
to an old gipsy woman, and wanted to
know white - would happen to him. The
old woman looked into his hilids, shook
her head, and said, ° Beware of 1878, I
see blood for you In that year!' , The
Emperor who Is very superstitions, grew
pale, Beichert the fair without saying an.
other word.
T Tine great tenors of Europe are getting
old. Oneymard has been singing for
twenty years at the Paris Opera. - Roger
has lost hie voice entirely and has failed
as an actor. Tamberlik will'retire soon
after a brilliant career of thirty rears:
Mario is on the stare since 1878, and
Wachtel, who has left Berlin in COM,
quence of a quarrel with the Ring, made
his debut in 1846.
Tut:political shade of Prince Napoleon
was, the other day, most wittily defined
by the wife of a foreign Ambutsador in
Paris: "The color of the political opin•
lons of Prince Napoleon," said the My
referred to, "Is gentle and innocent vio
let, which shortalghted persona but too
frequently mistake for bloal-red. Those
who examine it clooely will never be
frightened by It."
ONE of the actresses of the Florence
Court Theatre, whom the King favored
with his attentions, and to whom be made
eertaln propositions, told him that she
could never love a man with such a ter
rible mustache, and that, If he wanted
her for his mistress, he would have to
shave it. This was too much for the
Sing, who does not want to give up the
only thing which makes him an extraor
dinary man. He left the actress andkept
his mustache.
A YOUNG man recently arrived in Rome
and presented himself to the Pope. "Six
br months ago " said he, "I had a swelling
the l '
eg; the doctors condemned it to
amputation, but 1. applied a piece of one
of your old stockings to the swelling, and
it immediately disappeared." His Roll.
nos, who happens to suffer, from a swol
len leg himself, was stupefied at this sud
den care . Tito Pope's old stockings
have ever since commanded a high pre
Ws have heard, says the Pall Mall
(Undon) Gaulle, of a moat mysterious
and disagreeable occurrence at the Tow
er of - London, which is enough to set the
nerves of the nation on edger. For days,
or rather nights put, the shadow of an
axe has appeared on one of the walls of
the Imilding--thls shadow made its boe
appearance, unless we are misinformed,
in 1848, but what it has been doing since
that time we cannot say. There is no
shyness whatever about it now ,• it does
not object to be stared at, End excites
the curiosity- of all who have the privi•
fait. not the pleasure—of inspect.
Additional Markets by Telegraph.
CHICAGO, Zarnuu7 4.—After the clam
of Change wheat was active. At leaf
300,000 bushels were disposed of by par.
lies who had been bolding for some time
rest In anticipation of an advance In
Prices; quotations 304,40 lower; No. 2
selling at 76 30)770 , chiefly at medltun
figures, and - cleating at 763,4*(4763i0
and seller February sold at 783.01
783Sa. Corn dull at 7034 c for No. 2
mush. Other grains neglected and nom
inal. At closing prices on change in the
evening, No. 2 wheat was Mill at 70 , 40
cub. Provisions cielet; sales 1,000 bbla
mesa pork at Pal, seller February; 400
Ibis abort ribs_ at IND, ilhd-1504/MOL"..
lard &Cleo.
exmen/Lim, Jan. 4 .—Flour quiet, and
nominally unchanged. Wheat nominal
ly unchanged and dull. Corn dull and
nominal. Oats. heavy., Rye doll and
nominal. 13srley dull and nominal.
Petrolbum fi rmer: refined held at ZS®
27340 in large lot/428@M0 In small Iota;
crude at $3 30 per barreL
P RILADHLPHIA, J. (—Petroleum;
crude 203f0, refined 80c. Flour dull:
superfine at $1 25,g4 SO. Wheat quiet,
red at 20@ll C. Rye at $l. Corn
sealer, old yellow at $l. new at 87®92e.
Oats dull at 65®60,. Frovhdotui dentin
hut; new measpork oA $3O. Lard at 17,tia,
Whialry heavy at 986011,01.
,VAXIIIIIDOI,7IIIIIIIary iL—Beer cattle—
receipts, M. Prices bare advanced ball
a cent. Supply of @beep ligght . Blue%
and lambs ban advanced 341@110.
Dlsmrant, January . 4.—Doti firm at
2 43,;- Receipts 1,159, hates— exports 761
1 .N13 v:Aw.t i" ki
...IT/cm or Tat reBI7BAH BASX FOB
tI•V/Nl3lO. Decant*, 31,1999:
Caplistndsgs etoek.rv..
Coatinguti rang,
mortr . /LUST& .391".1171'ri
vl7, /hums.
49.34 S 53
• D. 6. 9494.1141 TT
Yet[DLIT. Treastanr.,
The on "arelgued Andltt g Contralttei newt.
telly report that they hay* examined thn o.xele
and angels or the tub, and And *lnsley* iitste•
anent to be correct.
. - ROB?. 0. eCHIEFITZ.
prgneuloai. Jimmy 7. ISTO,
OPPlor OP TUN or A raanniorr Corm PL..
eirrotoroa. Jaguar, Ch. 11170.
—!estod Prooosa pill as taut ad at Ws
a until 19 -IL : Ine'volve. for yoUlni
and ctooriag from the Amman' booan
Ablaty•four Cake Dnoilaates forlJ7o.
man p roar Pekool Daigle:Me. lbr 470.
loony-four Trnaidusrl CoUrcuon Diollsapti
for /FM
C T m he
ab a nd
aC Ls e lmb*t akn
frWoiv*il tb
lath day of Atm% nett. nide to bottom:CA Ile
meatus Has costilato. to 0001.4. that caleolo•
tics and tate, alas Of amid tbsoltapetalag
ct took and 0 , 1 the IM Meantime t o • • keeapltchithut la teen lad all tha bOolle.‘
.provlag the total at the ditretant lazaa by lb*
valuation. TOO. •orreetneed e t 1111 -
ot at be yrotmod berm mania!' are isso.d. la
payment. Band, 0105 oullieleltamnotts. "lit
Srequired tor ens Mahn= .et coauset.
molt+ can hate.. o• ahplie ULM. -
By dintolimi Cif I".niasy:commua iw - • -
2ENalf 14111131111 NT:
. . .
lissaQmi 44 , , vg . l4 'rat. t—mto ortorrooporr tor
The tiradog =CPI* of Set itL,
/Ma 091na stmt. to EU b . anise an - we
sanely tor esatktaintoir an an , ana at nhi_
'Wan anti VEJDAT, Jaunty 1194 - 111V11;ni
It Via . 14 ia* in t* hinds - of
*Xiirl , ! , .99 l kat:ol. '
mamas DAvzio.-
- 1:417/11
easysesernbers Si de
Glebe at Ire -SD
. ..„—..
Clubs el an
A espy la ftuadahed grateltoesly to tde Salter
ao ars staler ben.. Posusasten ere requested
to eases speak • •• .
OlTlCS rn~ 9 ►TtoY~clYacturtU (:0.. I,
WAN EtecTioni FOR
.111 t. k . MM.V i tricil r ig 3 , :Luti altint r alt►e .
be.res V► balm .7 .,
IZ4- for twelve Directut2 of t b'
to servo for . IDce He. .ho 701 , be
B rem tritl7l;.**oll
hooey H lu A. v. .no 2 r. y,.
84. rs Dzroarr CourAmy or P,riaicsaft,
of the Stockholder. ot ..tba Safe Daman
Czatpany of Plltaborgb" lilll b bold an TUZ
Dal. Jammu 11, 1170, at tbafr Thallellas; No.
33 roartb smuts*. between tba boa of 11 ;
o'clock A, 3. and IP. v., at wbleb abase and plane I.
an election for NINE DIRECTOR/SIM: bababl.
Facer tars maid Treaforcr..
Pauli/Ova (invert NATIOFAI,ItaIt*.
errreartypu, D.e. 13. 18119.
' lbr SWIM bIitICTUES or -Able
Sauk, to serve for the tussling year, wlu be held f r ,
at theßaukine noose, No. 66 Fourth *emus.
ihe Ilth of January. 111170, be
term the hour. of 1 and *o'clock r. it.
HlTlSsUrtair./Tatra xanoaaL Zermt 'er as./Vuar.- I
to; IHrestorsof Ltd. Haut wilt take plus,
as the BalaiLlß Nauss. ou TUXBDAY. Jungarr
1 1th. 1810. between the hours of 10 A. X.. 114
11r. x. JOHN B. LIirrNGISTON.
lacnewas NAT,OrrAI. Hato, I
..-trrasunett. Dee. 11. 1800.
for Miner; Dinettes of tbta Hant tilt
be bele at theflanklair - Hosar, on T1111303.T. I
Jambry lltb, 18 70. WM..a t o boars of ?
.4 3 a clock r. , I.ONO. Caabler
Prtvartotort trarto.ray.s.a or Marelmam.
• yrtysarraorr, Deoerobarie.l.ddle,
• TENN DISLICTOE3 of thlr . Sank. to
•end d9flbi lhe eueeled year, rrM be held at
the Ilaohlog House. corner Wood areet ./thd •
Sixth area... on TUit/DAY. January Elehl
It 0. between the boars of 1.1 L. sad at.
. 103 LPIEr H. HMI, Calder.
z E Arl raTioarat
BANE 0? rrynovnea,-laeliciloa
Ihr Nina Direr:Una( thle Bank. to =may u
ensuing year, will be held at banklad Hasse
on TUESDAY, 11 , h January. 1111110efisen
the boars of 11A. x. and AT. as. • '•-• •
J.IL • BEAJAy, Jlll, Gulden
PA., Deeenda r 114 111611.
f. tufo luny 2anntoxen
• Pmestriam. Devon bee u.•.utes.
TORO to wore Jorloe the ensuing pm
will be held at the Ballkitg trOZISi, No. MI
"Ptah avenge, 11:IVIDAY.- January 11th.'
tif4o. between the hove of LI A Y. sad Iw. te.
W. ziccAnDLsaa.,
• -
ftigrattiltgagentge z il i
BELTOBS thie Reek 'Will be new •
at the Banking House on TIIIVDA.y. Jenne , ' j
11. 11110, between the bonze or B. and 10.
Joialk O, MABTIN Osekleg.
Pirtuuntau. December 10. MC
of Wm Book tat. WU* U the
Bukthr Huse on TULSDAT.qUkuU7 MP.
1870, h.t.ween the boots of 1 J. and Br.
INBI7XA.Ndki NOT/0.11113.
• e nri
ca oufg..,:cgwrrp,m9xl
Jaw., /44 Ib7o. •
Mr7TtrF AlMl T 4ltti, g y -1 6p., 61 1
rinT.folrniiWlT:f Itt
between tTaf:A.irl':::.irind ' A o t 181 0
.Clatril T. dillartgi.,.
0771 Ci OP A LLWITZVT zr.trr.n*cii C0.:.1
20. 7 //3711 A Irtarv2.4•lTlMPlMall. ..
Prtellbtle 5 17. 11888. . rl
arAN . ELECTION • .roa_ " 2
- _ Directors of thlr Compair to ism 88
the 00.101 year. ar/LI be hold at Ills erne.. Sh
MONDAY, /MOJA tiY 1084 1870, between
the lir.. of 10 A. Y. and Br. 8.• :.: , . . A
IRON crry azoTuAL LIFE
L oc h v g . (~:o rtl of to ft! (Our y• act
lederal street. L ' it ,703:
January 10th. LAW, oomacjina boon ojAv
A. ar..nd 3r. or„
ALLlKonorr, Dee: AO, 1809. Aeorstori., ado
igsr - DIIIIIDEND • NOTlCE.—'rhe
lated DI ors d o
ectf tb:drlank_haye tits day de
' agtg thylkilm,ff ell fgrix Ike
payable forthwith . fecal vs Mud. ' • Li
Orris[ or ...israalslS JUBA SCOW. ad.. etalfdars
.rAtsig•Ear lel01"1
Ulf - DIVIDEND • NOTICE ._ The •1
Board of Directors of this Colthaal have
this day declared a mahatma, 'Melds lad or :IX
PER CCM . . on the Capital Mock of tie Cara..
Tarr. bee Of Oartrintleat sae btata tare, , plq. ,
lost. JA311.6 ° Z. IaTEVABBOB,,..
am! 1
Vt day'eleels-etl a 4.1•14 . 8.1
flAn.L'.ltr,:7l,7i.relfVtriAttrt% or : L.
• Cutler. rt:
rgrbl he. people. !'
di viand ift Allea r. ittlnatißdarett
of geggrgur Liz mooga
,„- . 2 ava.olarilTrTeril7o.
declared • Divider.) or lIVE (5) rill 0
Mall; giTrZtis"riVitgitgir """"44
Rditingius .43.4
I TFAttg°o/. l llllVitts3i; T O.:
oilf.11; EIGHT
Vurgictha" A' r si b . b 11 : 1 : 1 p
l s
JUJU* 0. 111•2715 i.
v t N o t. l l 7 o 7 o 4L; nu lz:fi
41 : c
k E bi li v i Als day dee dsdlyldran
of /Wit /Et VENT. on ant annual nadt.nan
of taw ay maga of the last.ntz jnoatn.nonkr nin
to ."'l"4"!('"Vnrt rairar,
Anainnat Canine:
gnifinn OP Tan Cinlint en
tirteßVll9ll. Jninlain 14 /BM $'
erDIVIDEND.--The liewiri Of *4
Dlreelors of 'Ws Comptay
, deehred dividend of Tali Pnknali
. i4tfuAvr or
V: el teme Oa. DMUS
lu • athartri° Afil 'Ol n
WORD irliMPAlT„lfiglivcarOs)."' •
frat 7 :` Vabniavig.s ..grat---• •
mock 0., of the profits of the lug ant amanita.
Mani* on deniand Roe oi Goverment ton, , 77. 4
P jth Y rrit "M' ' .
C"4!". *
• fill II
.1111C11 CO•InIXT 1 • ...
YrneinarzoE., January In, life;
arDIVIDEND Bitlvili.orilte-mti. A
oxY thg:trfAlited:.acrq.76latela. '
am , : 4
PRUSSIA/M,, free of Gl_o onmoos 100.
ohtt-of. Pon *Moo OM* Oovmpatty 10 - Ita l 4 7 ; 1
~1 1117 4,5 1r aie , Oil lAVyllrivbx,s.alut,„
1..... . J.
...Ext.. ii
Oman u
m Li.
m naurany_it Enos Caniaasrt.-,
= January In, INTO.
arrirE Paisto a rarr; MUM?
Brijai gag:YU:lr ZgrirritiTi
11=altinfatigy m i nttitrati: m ir
.ran of um raptral Worker Ma eronorop
w* to btoekboldero or tbstr legal wonot '
uura byttkarnmare fornmaluo --• .7,r7"
_1.2 • W. Ittlat HUME. Treantar.. ,
literctonrof 'fhb - .Galli Sas Ilfrebor
om, 0.2.bar0 TEIMDATAian,rO a.
'Malaria or WIWI:YES CZ nosy a, no ., •
Z MIZ - EalVelglejtV=l"lllrl4T
. _ JulPYJrnonnaat,
: I,3lo.rwsz,ffumsammor...Lairmarft:,
ewaoez U, IS,
oririniMl:cirren.„ 4 "41=4,1Mr!
dingialAt - • -•- :rl3taktir.- •
, -
ir ditiftwrir arr:c: i
g sioNN cm
roe. stra.—A - Ifnii. t
nliresiiras Zile ,i . .
.41a ,...... ir ROnee ms et t v a t k .
r= „. ...w._ &is and naVg, ~.
Date A1T114 , 4m . -. ::,
Vi!! . .1.,• Kg rFrigin-ir nK: ' % . 7'?. , I
4,, V i
. . . . .. .
I It
Us, lest sad elusion
w , .+liwmir,DlMAlN:4llla lAmik roasil*ata.
71. Luster. iaclaale or aimikeng &odd t •
m111141%1 h.
I , rranna
aud lOWI7