The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 03, 1870, Image 4

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I4* lattlAntrittral
4y1:,A1 D ='BUUUBBAN.
"i "'" .
54444 i! 41 t" 3-1 . 144*
Jot i 1 .143 1. 3,(33""3Pr / 3 ee 4a 3 4 r
1/1:10:14, ;!%4443.Peraftmoi: 33mi
. nks .
Csjitsla Iltygttt,,inru th e Sheriff
sleet voll.rbo sworn into once to;day.
IrtdLlieldhee" yesterday had it bid s
fret on IM attendance at the churches:
- • •
Tures bussAlaposad of oonatltutod ua•
°facial labors of gayorp . rcun ,yeaterday;
Ttai Public Catholic library WM torus•
klig*TOriiital bat aptittiptlati
istanittiate so..lui running .xtent
•sesii434ltrentsitqcs = d . New Yeses, but
Arlieflpflanbeireti - Gatettp eeletwated on
ElnaprigA tta 85th anadaentarr. Fifteen
yannalaanain:3'theaentennialwill hare
Wint 110 Is In the no Iterate-
TJQ inetty per I, sons [tank noilitlyrln
.1. • sarong - effort Is 'being
• . .
• • •biz pardon. • •
Visieisletiang• tleison....Velgtls. Sleigh
Batik:arid Blot& Balla at Shatrar's VE
tittin'atid 'Harness Bazar. New Blainol34l
atm*, now -Liberty and Ferry stmts.'.
Season. ■ respectable old ` sre p itie:
saki Ittringesi -El & street, bed a very
sivers'irtrokto of perslysle. lest !Week. -
1311gtOirmsFV . Ssitertalued of4as re•
: ... . • -•
inited;•nitrY Mentor.. ,- en t*...
giritervrif•the 'llarrtetrrc tire Dews%
mentome burled Peahens,' idlormeni hi
thateityinithinhchroomp and ceremony.
US VreiranOdd
ii 3?m jet io.u4 — et 19hafaciiitin .
Scow, Now iamond
altiviWlUmw 14beety And - rerfi D 'Orem.
found splendid easortmont of
Eitulgh's,Nefrgb Rotes., and Bletgb•Bells.
oftirooom o n zofthe" WO
110111 wiodb.w of FrastoCw a lo boa hi
stroot, Allegheny. was dir4
Iv a Wild of woodblowsiagsfosi
of .be best, Frebok 014141
MC, sSatt<!s. of an biota ttilOki plo2youn,
Sia_ 71 ew Coancita..— Tiro .of
_ norms for - .187 - 0; will- meet at Mali
sra this morning titan o'olokkilbi
move of taking Ito bath Of mg,*
in .effealattig an .'. orgaultation. - - - ir km
bkipoptodshat:sif Ito snenstsMo4ll,,ho
A iciaair: - L,Tirteearallii ' rasyieetaide
31Zit eras arrested at the Federal street •
400004,1 kt
1 .14 1 11 d&. &mak/ 'diggi.
ereses.wlth obseeeejeas
= t v
yervirdng be r epented le- a
Wail ft*. , •M ttue,:evldels• secure& Idik pe•
:,.... . -0.-----•• u '.: • , '• , 'i •
—,.' •
•ani annual reunion of the HWY 'rine;
fraternity orient' red =New Tear'etriorai
Amin , 'the .!weeemti , holm ayoutthei
The'ocaudorortie one of : great
, and was highly enjoyed
lbsuiernbers la attendance, who chime;
„latlitzei it as one of - the. moat pleasant
eminvhdal • tatherhute ever' hold bythe
•IPIITAY 4 • -
. .
- c
Whsardl Of.storaral young men wad
left thafx - fathat'ar bed and • board on, 1
Baton:lag -morning to make New Year'ii
call‘whctsfallad to put fry .1.,,ba1,r nypearq
anott - td• their • usual Sunday momlOg
family Ora3ntrs. As the -weather wa s
vary inclement last evening their '
rents am Vidtfixf to learn 'whether the
ftaygreturned tattier " downy" conch
1) 4
• iiiii.jkik-frielur, bir• Joseph Merl
cyllegheny,,, was presented, Ile
-i• Morning. With en. tflerVott,eben_ = ,
ditto:led cans. bearing • the M.." 1 ;: i
...OM/ i.joe.." - The souvenir came throng
• Alits4oatolliokurotzoomtianled :by . an
not intimation of .the donors. tilde
'Precluded theitoailblllty of their matf -
ing the..grateful aek.qowledgments .df
thot srsolplent.
. . happy,
Saturday latit, on do
'r, •
leeway, Bn or and Usakey,two . you
men not. un wn to pollee, daddy are.
hrterrtipted •In -I series or larieturnal
pleusantrlee—to them—lnd quite the le
vers° to everybody else. They enjoyed
. e..eeesertild repose at - the lock oicand
yesterday morning, somewhat sobered;
were committed t Jail for thirty days in
default of twenty dollars fine, Imposed
• -by Mayor Drum.. • •. •
:Brewed to a Reauctlon.-41nur brio
;huednal and Any employes of • the irrin
malls of this vieluny - amembled 'id the
Bull's 'Bead Tavern Alibirdar
The subject- fbr conalderatlon was t e
=nroposed redneibm..of..waires fifteen rir
pat. , Eno deal of dlangsadoia
ected; - ^wbien ft win resalvedlinanlinensty
not to labor at • less plea than the wag,*
.mar received. Ziaarly every ball} in,the
" city wits reprosehted. ' _
New Years Cattlng.—& lady on Din t
queen way received 334 calla on Now
Year* one. On react street 262; on-Feld
oral street Allegheny, 278; on Wylie
avenue, 194; in Lawreneerlle 117; in East
Liberty 97; Oakland 78. - The largest
number of cilia we heird ot ince reeeivirt
• by a nth avenue belle, who, up to ix
o%loot In the aventng..had laid awan
the basket 429 cards. and had Served p
that number cups anodes.
Death of a very 04 Butnertber.—.
John Bell died at We residence in Yo. .0
ementy,Pa., 'mediae
Ns mein , warl ot
long time a member of the 11. tr;
Y arse: MAW tnuoh 'estOoltled'..allir
~* emplary citizen.. Mr. Bell was et-.4b.
; I f- amine to the,Gazurra during Denoted
or the present - oemnry, renealink hla
entreription from year to year, until he
_hats& azipe old age been gaillOred We
The itattylUesorliew Year'shad a w
e r
ening sad rather ,disamquaa aff.aza o be
•••. venerable , Pat Murphy, : who ado d
, , • z
u m d s o IdA
l y r t ar cu !g u r= B, 10:11.ardeirj
: I ; , beam in ail Ids vagaries Miat t i'at all eat
I'lfitumPrto be ovarnortuer, but ilkuln •
others he seems to, hare thou . ght the
• holiday mum batonoe a yearend andald
be pecuhatly oelibiated...littirasleatly
-liked to a truck and found lodgurgit it
- tits !ock•up. • ' ' • •
- -
New Arranomenis.—Rereatter the
Western Pennsylvania Railroad %
Indiana' branch will be designs
the "West Pennsylvania Division," CI,
..-will-iwoptowtedsww-diatinat dlvishin eff
Itie7 road.% Ante , lot'
der, Fg., fortherly itelaidedl En&
of the Western Pennsylvania Keil
and Azaleas hradeb, has been inn
j. tredltcr,ethernerviee. *Roben. • • •
been - appniated Resident Enirtnee
the West Pennsylvania DIViIiCID, to
from January lid, MO. His office
be at Bbdreville, Pa
• 11 ""ib w niof= id t .. Th i s s
- ren i on Saturday. by Mr. R. B. bin •
son, t • genial and accomplished b
the Robinson House, comer of Dog Bent
way and Seventh street. Every •• •mg
appetite .bintia - wiati - fot; or 'the e of
the moat epicurean appreciate. wan • pon
the board, and received doe at • • lion
'•-• from those for whose entertafnm .131
had been provided. The feast was con.
• eluded with a toast for the health • !the
host, and a vote of thanks for tile • • • -
tatty and good cheer. .
Burglertae6.—The itrooery •i sai g
7 - 1 112 Petk P•••• LlPOinwtt,_torner-of
, -- Avenue end tnithd4d-atieig; ,iirneegv.
. _ tared by Weins idnienttiblieite46 dm.:
. J night on fitatarday night. Tavel
. vatievietvrtge`4evirere Ibr eh end'
1.-- :soainedit r ild Mdalidi nig biota usrw
An theirtrouttlo....lbez nex . .l. viel the
. olesh'isteingog Department, and bbed
.....• ‘ litmor • ent'of go 6 tretteneplett nix
;', r;',361061‘67 ',nit ittreirgel 'Ad . .gt ;1/1 the
..,., • ... imodyt via& toy =stoma oiiNa, Pick.
, i'.'rlolt..littbtitt AdjOloi LfIyIPIOOMN - gbt
Lb:.:....lx•ai Min (lolling 1404 ta. IV) ou•
:,.....,. , testvey•weroanotelsont ,11414, 'in ttte
"" tastarthe pisinteet. , ;;;
.•;, .., •,-. -, •
••., ,04 ._
•- ..oraapereeee 6etarar affizeimtave
~ :. 43 ;04ffitfili..ertboTarripereripiltaftirm
Pm areas ifeeic.mad 'Copied emordt
r otheithefoilowlatreeotattwkr
-1:•:',L.• • • ;VeKee4,3l4 wikiitirt4o3•4o to any
thatopribi ase Law reaulaw4 the t Fi , o
' • ftdefficaitieit La An miff kr.
..7and reaffirm our deteradartbao Warr
• !bribe eleoticerof
'.41111009M4 1 0.:0... 11 *".01141, -
That . If the present lloeoael&w, Ii Inter.
Sited with by additional legialatlap, or If
the Republloan party will not 110 tate
• • 'Mute eat:wee th we will nominate% fall
- Itakerantt "goo to the people. 1•
Attempted 1,.; • . to beti—A6tat ,leissext
1.• , . o'clock Illiturday night two tames en
. tereclthe'lltmlittlm stoat:4F. Becker.
Ohio Emu, Allegheny, btlaking oat
'- tnrn
kthls from ir s an elle
be 4at c r a
g : l 4l ° re lam= to, pram
ses, w an he: l s io n o alarm iv rt i by p r e:L
- - I'n'..., , frortt the street, tttnnuth M it iii i t i tZt wirk,
r doer.; MoshOlukfreras t i l l 4
but somehow the f
• 1 t seettrlsg only two huge earsing u ttn
es booty. It la supposed they tended
to carve their way cut if too °lately
Quarreling and Cutting.—Wllliam
Doris gollAtillONVl , Dabagi,l3ol7lB r
the Influence of liquor. Saturday morn.
log. got into a Quarrel, in McLaughlin's
salotancest siglidalintam"
streets, when imr
O'Donnell watt cut In the
wrist. The fight was renewed In the
Street atterwards..when O'DOntiell again
was cut, the knife laying open the flesh
Of his left awn to Alto Ocaost.„--Thay,were
wrested, and at the hearing before
Mayor Brush, (Mutual refused to pros
ecute. A fine of liT.5 each was imposed.
gawfr, sgignx,:ta
Scatted to for thirty days.
Fraterual dteithe.:='6f New Year'e
accordance with a very appropriate Pie volgOwers,eod Scilood4 of
thal9Ml l .l3atilystOit thh-Central
'resbyterlan church, Allegheny, were
eoeiveltln,..lapen.liquee" at the racoon.
‘ ge, on Ridge street. 'During the dey
and evening the visitors came in throngs
exchange grimily .greetings, and re
, iced.arith the : most . pleasant reeollee.
ons of the 'ocrnoilon, end a higher an.
predation of their pastoranal his esti.
"ibel.49-Aoligerilita :likaitbette ate,
dem ly p eaten to no ne, serving as they
riot° sprrenntl the . tlay.with enjoyment,
and ittellObilli-thg-bP.114 of friendship. ..
1 between paitor an people.
egN : fil WAAAii l ,4of
young-nrumsana geosiemen.us_artegne-
PYr SOMVLOr whom are superior vocalists,
Organized a renzding band, and in
ru ' Vrn ,Trillb2iir tfir c "..=
, g i
New Year's Morning. Btoppagea w ere
Made at the ; residences of a number of
fiends, who were awakened from
leuant=tresma, , to: Aber tetlitt more
leasaut realities Witte day by . the
weet strain'. of music, Toed and
netrupseattalie•whicia I apeOli - ins ~ air.
g - 11rith gladsome melody.' "Sweet'
e end Bye" "Morning Cell" "New
ear's Greet.intrl'. and. other appropriate
rigs, ocnrittised s tile Mperintre of the
recede, which gave pleasure to the
*tigers and seemed alike to be appreclet
ed4Betkelliarlarattele obeertiygreetef
.1X aniss,er" •ig:lr
. Election of °Mears.
1 r5a......e... 4 e. ; ..1,..... . i.,..
ofection or the motet)! of
SritToelif olio of our moat
,ctalf4oArtenetololoo4l, Ofll
. 116:.400,
ihWi 'dote.
suit : gouston ; Yice-
Preeldietik Eugeo firing; Treandrer,
George Quigley; Secretary, Galena E
Owens:`Ttrequesodation hs .ennaally.
disbursed - large' 'atirat' bt 'money, "boil;
provielona,spd raiment. to the,poor and
needyrMll. Vfietfosield;' -- detthout
distinction of race, color or creed, and
th.4.44l6l4Croankict itte: *OW aCtak:
tlieNnjg qerood.
• •
tit. Paul's EplicoriiiCbilicii
The annual ablebflattod43l 7 therStiltdgy
Wio3 ej..l enlh BP*6-
pal Church, Eleventh ward, took place
ikalitirditollatilSleiifiretbit.Dijr.&.. The
1444.4 R4d.r,AiwoOmirp l 2 l P9Ani
tendenoe of Dr. L. H. Harris. who pre•
leettteattil the thilareirwlth vainabl to and
AlbniopriAth - ;.WOka:: .
abundanowt.F..varknis -ertiolerof-ocmlio.:
Monet% *Mar Ofetteedthent Immentelyt!
.111ahop , Kerfoot And Alto. rector 'attic,
chitibh. Mr. Crumpton, -delivered. neat:
and j nd. l 4r9 2 ll9 l 4Artilsea qn,thek,oomeien.l
Altogether, the celebration Wan Orilla kn:
enjoyable affair and reflected much Ze n ta i nFtl ' AlD,a ii;4*W! l ll ,l P4 t , R?a*l
I =1
_ Wrn. Murray, brakeman .on a freight
tralunfl_ttshilff4ii.rort WaYlie,dc Chleagri
Railroad, 'eras run over by his train]
Frani highi,near the Outer Depot, aid
Instantly kflipdi.., $A vas rimming 'Jong
the track, In advance of the locomotive
to cheggtitymp l tqh hiafeetcaright
In the ..frog," and throw him down,
BOOM .he wad - -extritlate himself, the
train passed over him, serving the body
the let 6 WatrerA:76l4:l":2°l4
2.27 „Franklin street, Sixth ward. Alleghts•
verdict cif iacidentaV death _wee
'reddened b - y -ThodiMietriflttry ;--
Ws& yettei nbis4 finer:led; andlearce
wife and one child.
Mayor's Dulness for
= Decembe
r r.;
.1111ParIX 9 5 r tt le
transacka and dicayllected &tr
ios the (Mang 15 tf;ber 31,1866,
aiatiYtri t *P r Ai t i.MAYlM t P ° .VA
The totalmaitiber of 'cases dialysed Of
wail 812, clasailied 'as iollowm
DOwaderli .. . ... -.263
....... . . .. 45
Nut44er 41scharged
1 / 5
.. '215
From tall reoeVes.
From dramatic license
. 878 b.
150 !CO
a r tdt il l
ed rrott
o. the
4eathafitt.ggitirdilY, DPO I 4. of Hanky
Marshall Howe, son of the Hon. Thom
M. Howe: The event was not nue:pica&
.PARe..7 34 4%
been,ths prey of a malignant and fatal
dilemma soinat.wblCheal wee done that
an affectionate solicitude could dale.,
Etasarawse had 10:1 exotnent protataio al
altillatliciinir girt: d
ai'. warn visited:3n. march of. swish
northern and 'tropical . Ethallitell'11111)
Aria, butahiedeepOt!ani of . Edelen der
gearwas enateitiftled and hes takanfrvm
ti~Ytbtichgefeeibed - 'youth at. the eery
tbreahold Of — manhoOda - youth: of
bright intellect, of pure character.
oi aurneost tele who
had endeared himself to all Who
knew him far his virtues and gen.lbs.
His death will be sorely huriented
ids oompanlons and friends, and lean
overwhelming vhaltatlon to th e Wrested
family. ' ! "
_ The_ city was visited yesterday by, an
t f atMl d g Va l e ' rZttyrir;
cold driziling .ralis fell. And, the wina
changing, snow 'commenced to fall at
-IWaradnally,the storm rwewutned
large proportions and the wind wildly
blew end- the-owl!' moo , inwp,hvijood
earnest no till WY; leaving a ow=
orronvS_ Inghen_SF.o 3 2l ,
tope. Al we write, two (MOO A.... the
Worm As Bp on a rampage Ind the cold
.. lbereeedpal l goji n r tOth Caber
efen• the deffeei,:and
the indications are that we are to listen •
from the uprooting of a tree on Federal .
street, A.l.lNheny, the blowing a yof
=MIT end' paini. we hoe* not
Ibiritietref - enyoWdollaplaget rain ed
from the heir/ wind atorm.. . The livery
M i tir k iliat i r a ll n
o ra y !
741) to-day
them to rev erich harvest with noel
•Jlifat oale%tflded.VOlef hum bide;lll,ttl,
edriEVaild tem consented-to- give ono
4 6 .1 1 4.444 1 t..P0imts • 10.nigilt, in
thedinithMild etre.: Id. E. Churoh/ The
. aphiln fruited aweeY senatlon When
cm etalt . ,th the city during the war.,
and Lmalty one - of the moat UM fling
d weeimpliehed vociallitath the eoun•
.• .41*-wea-tobapialu-ixf the- fumy
" 1 1 ,0 11 /0. 13 .7041. 1 11 Ui ramp
.aas the patati...oftenltieplied our
iregtoryfinitp_nia 'Mg utlrrinctunitcAltigion.
-- . 004142t.
is the °affect onoutaletioo I and
the keen sp_praohition "'int I:fitted
dtheTathieffeii per.
fermances... over of mualonfabe reel
troeiumt - stithisting - ctismetertwill
and upend an hour with the Chaplain.
aim 10
Thu, var probithility to ,the last
ithat will' bit 1 he
- e
_about 'urn up public
per ormanosi. . "Admits may be bed'
at-the door.- Cio eaflyand secure goal
_ IteattrwrlTile Orlirifearms. i
Sat orday afternoon stonttbreeoiclock,
.lady. Mrs. Newman, and her 03D
illnaio ego ZDNII: yssiii,, , was panting
down Wylie street, when Just opposite
4taylit's hihoe Mom it pistol stait was
• . DIM Sktforsalibih#lllW Ittyl a..
from th e shad. Upon turning !NU,
she discovered blood issuing from his
breast. Upon being carried into Abel'.
Watt pants iinti atratOlbeC It was Ms.
00VIADDIA01141104 ,331302 shot, Om ball
antertag blabsokepuolog atm:math the
:2 1 7 . Knint ,i 'ene oc a g Obt on theCte
sk Aner all the eal a
' Ole. Matta was t to
the reeldmatevr.•hla parents, er of
Mot and—Gibbon-streets. Las t ening
be andritlll: Nalatti And, Nary alight
hopes of his retantary were en ed.
_Thsaboothat la OROPONOa to keenees been
•.. • .• —ths-zint,s meluse
• aresitam,-Mrs,Starman as ehti 111110_
lad.rottwitto look al Unioldld obtitiltik
114141tnnit Md ..ID
rlngilibettil Ma iets.
' andlwalklag rapidly easy., .A: 'ntimbei
ttr boys were firing ;idols In the vicinity
at the same time, but who fired the shot
which took Mb* Is not known.
Merry Making sue Pleasure.
New Year's—lke —was In amid
a general egfoctatlonl9 l6 '.)° , , neni r witi k
all, and closed so far as outward eviden
ces indleateeirlifrelgeiteral WM:lancet
of the pleasure ,which pal teen Angel:.
I paled, In which it was not remarkable
as compered: with :Medlar . hondityt.,'
ttui Y . /Feather wee, propiflons sll.l
three& the day until evening, when
with the falling shadows,.. came thafec
tering iiiO4 ecattecing the OrPwdaVilth,
had tisnatiged the ttreetsiand compelling
them tespendtheliverilbg hours, beneath'
heap/table roofs,-and around the plesaiDC
firesides. In a number of Methodist 1
clawebes t Du, accordant* With - a'tited.,
hovered' 1 111:1C haingulaiiY—lreptesette
eastern. "Watch ~ ineetloge., were
held,. wheat fleetint. „am:,
Montero( the old and the first atlas. neat
afore spent In review of the past and
geettm.. l for, the todere.e ,Eashla (p.
the*: sta Wig mark:Mi. lb+ l
'day stoio ordinary' occations. ")ltert
chants and shop keepers for the most
part pursued their regular round during
the morning, fret *closed their establish.
mentaat imon,hottgave the 'remainder
of the holiday topleasure. Crawchh.
lose and ctirlotoz,_ and good humored,
perambulated through 'the principal ay.
owes in the after dinner hours, in must
ypoarently of some excitement, and rind. I
lug cvititok7 of iseber,': War.
theleas 'enjoyable mitt "'leering I
at ,thelptistds and:4 trivial
the strange faces, and 'tliosb of frietidg, - 1
the brilliant alum windows, .and the '
eonstant kideadOsoople thangee of sOene
which are always te, be met with where
large numbers congregate or pass along.
I Borne where, and there were only . too
many, with an idea thstitijoyiitent
;done to be. jolted la the .bottom.of
glass, looltee info shoed maiij , <times
curing the day, The: result, ;ius , might I
have been expected was a failure.
there tlirlef,trern
Tee places of _amusement ~could only
complain or lack of room. - Afternoon I
arid ..eieraink%they. itterceted: :tairtinue
throng'', enthoalestle, joyous:and easily
pleased, as 'such thronge; On' like 'occa-
Aiwa: are. wont to e. TIM., preceding ,
holiday--Chriatintua'—lteenied Intitead of"
satiating. those who -generally make It a
I. amusement
or duty to attend a place .rn
1 . amusement but once, pr ,tadoe Year - -„
I,llloler-1A have hrovlded thata with tvneW
, Impetus in this direction, , they
fotiowera ofethalobent. sedans.
gars whree istalling and fistrdni Wire de. I
lighted. arid. so - .lt,waa mutual plesaure.
'But Made - Trani the' public 'phiCistrof
arnusenient r thete. were_others, family,
gatherhigikef whielt only. thoseaduipar:
nelPeten - cenaPPrehhartair .illetalt...aad
whichmethips, were the moat enjoyable
The, old eastern :of Nefr..Yeaes
dallfnj(Maa Carried oat, it Seemettlo
ugalealdettree, and the _fraternal greet;
fogs on those - cicclutitites will be' both
memorable and pleasant.
LelMt h lVdlrtirdin=
quiet and orderly for the moat part, all. who, could .enjoy them
series at all; andaftapicionaly for those
who:behevelin happy omens. With pf,t ,
baps regrets at pan failures, andsor.
I nivii,"illingled with - happy memories of
joys, and. successes, and pltaustuva..the;
Old Year, went into the bygone i giving;
piccolo the New, whoseadvantwas cur
rounded • with a halo bf bright ' hopesl
and antleinstions, - ind greetedmlthgliid.l
nem and general good cheer. ..•
Pleasant Prcsentattons.
ty blierlfra office presented the reticle•
sheriff, tAinucif 13; - thIleP,Trtil., with
magnificent silver set as a mark, of Malt
esteem and respect for him as a gentle 4
idertiria pritkiiidillear, read for th 61112i*
Corm kind IMO extendetiihocadurtrig
Mace. The Pretientation !Speech
was made by ex•SheriffJohn H. Stewart;
keipanded . to tise the 'recipient is
a few hartpY,
Esq., who was present, made Me Vt.
markemmpriale to its, oecalkion. The
eat was complete, very rich and 'Maha
nakryzEti antthmealyer
the'foliewinti:' ,, TdSimnee S9uley,
sheriff, from his ti eputies—Wliliam Gra.
tin, H. 9 Berle, R. H. Fife, William O.
,Ttmairee Cluleyr William J.
Diehl, John Mlfcfielf. Sanitary let., 4.
D. MO.' , On .each of the other pieces
was inserlbed! the initials .of-the •retipi.
ent. The gift was a beautiful one 111:111
Postmaster McClelland - wai preheated
on Saturday with a. vary elegant. gold. -
besded cane as a mark of esteem, regard'
and affection on the part of his clerk*.
The yfrekeittt wee ivaluablejand happily
The Clerks and other employes or tbe
l A hilresrefhirtn t = "l 4 d ot : learittotf
master, John A. Myler,Esq., by preseqt
int him with cusgnilleent gold-headed
cane. A ' Making ef the , employee wee
organized, and after Mr. Myler had been
summoned to their, presence. Mr. John
S. NrcholsAhlef mrrier, arose hod pre
canted him with a cane. Mr. Myler, al-
though taken completely by suprite,
Inahaged tblatOnti in ii - beng man
ner:. the head of 4tte: cane Was in
scribed the following: "John A. hiylor,
P. 14; prato the! renpiccres of the Alla.'
gheihy Puatoffide,Jandary 1, 1870."
The employees of the Penn tiott,n
Mlle, Allegheny. presented the Mana
ger of the works, ..F.._ Lawry, Eye,
with a megnlncent watch, and hit wife
with a very handsonie.peti.
The salesmen In the store of J. Sled &
Bro., Weed street, presented the menc
.of thpi tims faCigtb ..and
roCeph. Jose, mitt, Ea/ maghpricent
gold headed cane appropriately lnacHl*d.
T. B. Atterbury, Esq., of the Lino of
Atterbury & Co.. glass manufacturers,
was node the reelpient,of.amost magni.
deent silver set, a - glit from the firm of
Doyle dr.
'3 ,-,,,, '5 — _,.....-41_ , . t
Pittock , s 11th Annual RecepUon to ktle
Newsboy's and Bootblacks , .
-The newsboy's dinner given sinonidly
' BS the periosiatexeenas of hir.lidui W.
Pittoak, - proprietor of .14044,:. Was
held arLa Payette Mall i , ii Ifew . -Tcar's
afternoon,. and we need hardly assert was
largely .. attended. ' Alto ireiternifs - dlsPeti..
ear of the occasion, with a lendable thew.
. ---- ,..,,44. - -_,m - 0. PubsthWprejul - of
caste which animated the heartiof n wa.
boystuid boothlack,s, extended the ive
branch, and made the latter happy with
Invitations. No regrets were receited,
but fully an hour in advance of the time
fOr.the.tutectpet, the gnastaps a variety
of coldnmes crowded utiout :IVA doors,
their bright eyes shining with the de.
llghtful anticipations of the "bully ;food
)41.0w:swatting them. At as few minutes .
put. tided :o!elock • one; indredland
ieriZZlll72rttoktirimarr, 4 1 . 4 w i trr ni 1
• medially, ISt 62111110:111i1 lig i ld, And the.
wig tippet the substantially and dainties
.was .:comnienfttl 'littb a vlitortittif yen'
lemma Tbat . they meal
wsekturlY ividericeditout thethe-num•
-berOf odd Vitioidi"-Itttilitrtnatfy dm.
trgideoLspitethenpn, Thiel; were p ked
terfeecolteetloosur.eatus:least. r
11Eleititilt, in no uncstentatlrrorma ner;
1 an eloquent representative of the . ewe.
hopir.anelkided mar. 21rItoek. limit ever
kind and watchful patron, with a g.•
!decent statuette in bronze, of a ewe.
bey in the very act of calling out h lir
per. "Tbtralft teat a InagnlOoent , one.
and, to pay for It a voluntary tam of
Hire - cents • apiece - - wad- , •pald i by
the :pater and polish professionals lout -
itbstessiy thepreesmtationaddLin more
truthful language of grateful, huarst
hearts, than most similar OoCaidotto do,
where the gift Is worth thousands dfdol.-
toe -After the arehinlawere dismissed,
another banquet board was spread, at
ytilekneatty one hundred Itasca. Wien'
and Wlliil•Then• PikdOWP liAtt.mirb ok. " -
beartyand well-gotten np rnm air iThis'
W ttf
zAttitieleveirammtal-dinner rded .
244 or Igsawill rands by Mr. Pittoc ;anal
we knowlils kenerown ftelrf Rh& a...Li
oE ird In feeling that he has mede - a6
- Nealegletted,:abd • illy ' fevered; little
happy. and Inflated, Anto their{ IPA
raj s of sunshine and hope. 1 '''"`
...An Invaluatobi Dieament;
We have received from the rollahil.
is well known is - al. 4 1 stats.3geniritthl
dealers, Meters. Croft ‘t Phillips; in
Fourth avenue, No. lof e
Vollune g il.V,We
Ilial.Fltiabargh - fiesk:Estato R -- strut'
Hereafter thin very valuable pablicati on
will bo issued monthly instead a quar
terly, as heretofore.„_ltje _de 54, 40 4 f or
gruel:ail circulation and is Justly .ra
garded'isithe standard - reformer; cite=
persomrintorested intimate or paidaso,
of reeleststa—Waccesolaveilas..lderof.
advsellisirirpropertrof any
througn•itapagsitabe a grand one lino
better avenue-for -reachlisit the parties
wanted could possibly , be selected. The
publication will be supplied free of cost
to any person ordering it or can be
rained et the .44300,.at.thp vtalaben.
with whom wohavablif pcmince3
experience, and we can otinunelid them
tn our Mends as high toned, honorable
and fair dealing gentlemen, with whom
it II avast SOW= 10WO (IMP qpi.
iy f,.../„."T',/:1..%, .C,refr"/".n.q.!lf.
tai*Eideiikaalithie l .. l;
j@abbattiOghqot or, the P)rat Reformed,
PreabYtetUd Vtiarelf—iatihvigingEl.a
.gent Netiel Year Wig iieVeP
Itstedbhc,t4e lB obaittpxhoelpf the Fret
ReforMed Piesbyferlini"oing4egatiod bf
this city lastinterestienrzexerehamsThlch
were held in the church, corner of Plum
Malley encl - U*4 Sitter."' At the ap•
pcOnted:hcoir'--niiin'ti•UrCO. in :he morn
ing—the teachers,' scholars, and a largo
number of the niefrlblirs'ofthir cdtighige:
.lion and visitors assembled in the aft'
'dionce chilthiSet :•hlr:}MlSMctintr(blllon
,saperintendent, presided, and carried
out the excellent programme of arrange
tnetitit:Wition Inatherm -made-ply; the fol.
lowing executive committee: 'Thomas
•Biggerataff, David Houston, Matthew
BeneWainlandir;;Muntri-iohn Young,
James R. Crawford, M. Wallace, Amanda
Stulth, M. McCambly and Jennie Lyons.
im.r: Therese Blggenotaftreadan apro
t m
priate selection fro"tlMiktiptdres, after
;which, M. D-Munti lad in. pr ay er. A
'abehrt'hliV , lbteielithite
nlade by Mr. R. C. hillier, one of the el
dere of the 'ReicitatiOns;
mazy.' and select readings were then
given as ' The 'lnquiry.' by Mae .
tor James Munn; The Vulgar Little My,
Mum Jennie. Darekley; MyMutber'it Bi-.
bte, Mlle Sarah' Ciawkirlf; Hume fdr, tit?
Holidays ‘ MisaLivie Parkhill; Addis's
tp theaft4ebatiters,. MesiterAW..o - .lShif-
On; Little by Little (an essay), Mies
Nannie. ; Bolrit Preen -and Devntion ,ca
gite)," mimeo Jethimilitaickleyildary
Barckley, and Martha Stevenson; Mrs.
Bellied lied bire.tifeerD(Oidecetionitng), -,
Miss Mary Barckley; American Eagle,
Miss Lizzie rihtriltlWittliiirrdernsalem,
hlaater Newton Webb; The Thunder
Storm, Master Wilite-BarcieJwiri The Two
Wives, Miss Lizzie Munn; Let Erin Re.
Member, Master Sobers -Haldane Dou
glas; Wealth (an essay), Miss Tillie
Rbtellimelgeres Indqi'prOar -(m,41 1 11Oftne);
Items .1: W. Yoofigand David bioustdn;
The Old firm !Auk, l'Amaß-14a7.:Walke' . .
When the green leaves come slai n'
was 'song in exquisite style by Misses
Mari( Wanton Juseptoepaisrally Weeks
Dickson, Mary Beaf,"S. Vri4Tord: ARM
13,94 pad Maggie Eerr.and ' , The sweet
by and y. • by' talsiied'hiiinteeDottiO,
Mary Walker 'Lizzie Douglas, Rebeccis
Dyer, Annie Reed said Jetta Welker.
_young Wiles and gentlemen) At.,
!gelded Rikeidebitie idoatteredltablyt
prompter was notcrequirethin any M
aah'ekeicliell side' lithateirtatilielth'
iexcellentelpgiog. c yfiliiCh..Wala led )eyMr.
;Janies Dunlap, one or Chit trioat'Ocpular
:at M
niacCOPliattlid YinSelikiehilkPe ma'
gregation,and who wart.ibly- sustained
by a number ofyonng ladles and gentle
men, whose names *OEM lititget.
Dr. Douglas-made a abort address, and
pronounce thehenedied '
on after which
three hundred b oxes of chobiii candies
and a number of hugs pound cakes wale
ai.triblitedafuadk the scholerOaacbers
and invited guests. The littlefolke,and
the old - folks; 'all Mok Their departure
about noon, highly delighted with the
exercises and entertainment. -.
'Afire the • exercises 'were concluded,
three members alas BZOODSIVOCOCIIMII
- proceeded to the house of the pester
and presented/is:nand' Ids with a
handsome New Year's gilt
wriinitie igkit.
Cante :Of
laaugerantly.-Cut.-..The /Leninist% ,it
- Large-..Depoaltion Against
Saturday inornlng stun early. .hour,e.
rear Occurred ittbet hOhle - of Mts. Mem;
fog.. on Forbes.
%wean Thomaa-Carr and. William. Per i
son. The quarrel was the' result of and
old fond; Dining the flghti - Fertion was
stabbed live. times very seriously, and
bad to be carried to his residence in the
Eleventh ward, - At - two o'clock • yeeter
day be hsd beoome very weak, and as
his physician thought the wounds fatal,
Mayor Brush proceeded to the 130,111.6 and !
took his deposition against hil - ainsdhuit
as follows:
. I. Wm. Fatima, of the, city of Philadel•
phli,./10-1.304 Sandy& street, do snake
this, myaolemn , statement: That about
nine o'clock on Friday night, December
Slat, IE6 I I, I noel. one Andrew OWn on the
corner of .Magee and Forbes etreet, pity
of Pittsburgh. Carr and myself were in .
Ina house drinking a glans of_ale. When
, we came out Whit corner, we 00171/I . lane'
ed_ talking about Call'. brother'a wife
a friendly, •wayt Cerr'i brother . and
myself ..had a difficulty last Monday
evening; I told hini at that time I could
whip both him Mud his brother; when_ we
met last evening be add that ho od
heard that Inaba that I could whip hire;
he (Carr) throw off his coat and II
throw off mine; Carr went fora man to
'!hand". Ulm; when they came back be ,
made at me and struck me, and 1 etruek
him. Carr then drew a knife and cut me
In four or more places; I Lulled to the
men that ho was stabbing amend w take
him away; / saw the knife in Ids hand;
while I was being cat there were proseht
William Campbell. Janice Campbell,
Alex. Clark. Thomas and hLarland; altar
I was cut, I was taken to Dr. Batten's
office, and from there I was taken to the
house of Thomas Malloy, where I sin
now, at the time I make this, and I feel
and think that I will die trout the effadts
of the cut/.lnflicted on me by Andrew
Faison signed the statement by mak
ing his ' , mark," being phyeloallr °agile
to write. :.He came here fruit Phliadffil
phis some two or three weeks sines, to I
seek, employment, bat bad not fouhd
any. He Is about forty.yearsof age, and
has • wife and als children. Carr mettle
to be a stranger here, and he has not yet
been arrested. .
Carr last night had not been arrested.
but the pollee will probably secure him
to-day.. . . .
F. A. T.
Fire Statistics—The Alam Telegraph.
From M. Samuel T. Paisley, the pa.
perlntendent of the Fire. Alarm Tide•
graph, - we learn that during the mcieth
of December there were six Brea. The
loss occasioned amounted to #2,030; ' in
surance $1,800.::: : -:: 1 . '
Daring the year 1869 there were bne
bunched and twenty fires, at Moen of
-which: general alarms were sounded.
The lose occasioned amoontea to 1417,
493; Insurance $211,441. The largest , re
of the year was the - destruction ( ril
14th) of FOraythe & Bro.'s oil:redo ry,
near the Sharpsburg„ bridge; ono n
lost his life thereat. • During the year
thirteen pereons,.five of them Menton,.
were injured:going to, returning from .
and at firm i
Extensions of the fire alarm telesteaph
were madeas follows; Along Better
street to. Mist Pehtlilit bridge; on Filth
avenue to Dakiand carstaddn; on ties:Sand
Street reed to Murphy street; also alarm
wires to Seventeenth ward school &tame,
and to tower of gasleirood church,
'rwenty:ttdrd Ward. Six addftionelatarm
boxes wore located. Two of
electroTaegnetic bell striking voodoo
were placed—one at, ttor Seventeenth
ward school house and the other ;$ the
Hazelwood church ; alotwo pcnice'diaf
luntrumenta—nne, at, the Bevan nth
ward elation houso,ond the * other a the
central °thee. On Feurth avenge. All
by order of Councils. _ 1
The total oast of the 'fire aliim'tele•
grePh during 1 0 woe II i 2 . 1 7 9 .5 1, Wade up
of the following items: 1
his s/inal boXes elk aulomitle ses , - •
Two Crane's • victim nkens).s. 1h1.7- ,
re, -,. .... ..., ..... ~ , I.Ch IX
•I'ir t gslee ' dlsli. kaki:nen. smelted ' !se Sa
thern•re holes lose ruiner • • • • - -- mossl
Cll.Vsporilt.n Ilasknood. bell. ..... ... lam so
d•v.nt•entn War t nett :Ito
Terestf-elgla' nallr-nalleblnlthes 780:,1C -i,,
• isivsehrt d 1106 Wirt INN 12'
Chunk , '" sad nake , 7.. ;perils! 1560 . 5 .
Poles end - cross Ai nis ... ' '..• ' Is 3 71
Lobo to meek g extensions.„... ...... -- ;mono
Tyro th us nd noundsendlesscnskkro;
.mnitinta sad T!ren , 7 -11L7r1 (b ard_ I; ,
Tbreshandxd sin. -..........— •••• I 120 M
inarlukared I abbey i..t, and_nup in- . ..s., .
, sulltres - ; 14:0 CO
alnUnif Coles . „..• ' • ".. - ' •7 , 4 - • ' `h. 06
Dreesing poles-ruse -CSC. a11ii............. as co
Wiri= "4 . ) l4 C tr i'h.WPr.k"'"....... ' 4 1 0 ' 57
oaart,..- -4 . lolrltatettd..oll- and operna- - , •
---The 41re.alarm.telegrapla now -03tierii
-the entire 01%A-recent-extensions. 1
lin the new portion,- - :-... rtillill.,
' ' """'"' ometuett. • I •
hir. H. A. Gar lrr dner, cle lier
the Pittsburgh Jett, Wayne' dt:Cldcsge
Hiatiik. Wing 40 . 4 11 11 . 40. Ali
WZI II . I .L.4PAWI , IRRAViI ed j tI
succeed him, the resignat
litaattneut fo!ditipScomthe letihst;
—idn.fgattrpec tuatara, nittatar of yotaiii
held an - m portent antetdiests, position
ratahaaroad, amf has, by his scientific
attalprgenia, deligence andlidetitym the
aerelaca tiottotin .. - ja_ottstr to
the highest °mil:Wei:ices of the Omit pany
and of the-whole community. We coo
gratniate him upon his promotion; to the
Wet :place in - the Company's - coital of
rb ,,ifigth.„ th. 6 .1 111 .1. 1 .#47 4 ” n .!...r ic ! )
. •
Oksfell,'Oysteci, oysters...4%li eels.
hrtruid • 'Chincoteague . ' attd...inancook
(Vs.) Oysters are received fresh end di.
root from their native waters every Mon.
day and Thursday. Quality
. guarinoteed,
0 sold at the no ecedented -low price
IteibilieL ••"W Otate u E c
" l
tt.. iniruatodo,eitt.s
tonestesgas shell 03 stem—Faith
arrival at Steel it Bro.'s, at 16 per barrel.
I ----- Tin! COtAritl: 7
Dlit*c7,C7ol7i...Jirark-IBaispten .ase
/34Arr, •• 4. '
Lee rola vs O'Neal.. •
69 Power vs Willlama'sad gar.
IST Hopkins vs glebes., ~
100 Ls Bev vs -
108 Andrews vs Waul r et al. . .
183 Faits vegan:La
199 Brown vs Bellied.
195 'Hays vs Osrgsle.
186 6om. V 6 Gerhard Johnson.
'""' :TOW! A. Elmo).
141 " . 4 ' ' John Foltz. •
241 1 ' "Pirdelt• Murphy. •1).
' 154 " A. Aronson, et al. • ~
208 ' O ." Wm. Merryman.
338' Ellmon thrums
237 • AndrearJaeimon, et al
.233' Hs - • War. Lyzeob. • •
217 -- ' 11 • ' - John Barter. - • -
484 ' Thomas Yielder. . •
-245 . John Shultz. • •••
2 1 8 . " Hagan -A D. M. °Wirt.
hey, 8 eases. -. •
'TRIAL Mar Iron•rour'sr. ••
• 22' Cont. ira: Jas.' A.-McFadden....
1187 ' Bhlorman, may& .
243 Thomas O'Nell. • •
.264*" Joint Craig.• • • •• - •
265 ' '"* .l Dmid4lateheet .
248' •- Wm. Wiesen:Bh. • .
250 " Wl:m.l3*ff: •• • • • •
p•diy.rd.•• • • • • -
Mew. hantized
'tiddler any. information whlsh.will lead:
to the dfionvety Of' the whereabouts of
Mr....SainueL Nehmen of 9 111 ferni!,,_
Washington count.
binlitekman arrived:Ad Pitt : 346lok on
the packet, Menton about 9ne e b etec); on
Saturday, December: lith, was, aeon tg
"everal of hie trlendadutting the after
noon, and last seen at the Notionalrplef
Shout live Volock. same day. .111 49P 3 - .
ate•and of- melee habits, about slaty,
years oldy.bald.headed and nowhlskers,
it little above medium _height. liesv,9 Bete
weighs about 190 pounds. bad .on fluff itt!t
and cult .dark..clothesk Inter ;nation
Min. be .len-with. or.,addressed. -Joseph
Woraythew N0...1415 Fourth avenue; Pitt*
laugh; .Ps.,or.Jonathan -fildtoten, Vat;
, It Is -no longer- a disputed.ract.that
.Pier. Dannale Cream ,Ale is the.
, best Intbe market...-Every one calla for.
snd every one that tries Itonee 00Mte
tack for MOM. 4.-warranted very. do
ltelotra,.mirwandl harmless, and willkeep
all-winter: -The. Oregon Brewery Is on
Stevenson street, In the Seventh ward._
- libel' Oyster. only 16 per barrel at Steel
crnallty guaranteed,
- GlovesMose and other useful artteles
(health!, at Maertm &Vernale'ai 97 Fifth
avenue. -
- Christmas Opts= pi per berrelat Steal
&Bro.'s:• . • • ,
.Tap. Ddu.. and manY 0420 7
for.Quistausa,.A.JlLacrum it (.4rlale% 27
_ .
lOU narrels Been Oysters.—Onanoock
covet , and Oblecnteagns Plants, received'
this day. Price Only 10,00. Quality ,
guaranteed In all caaea.
STILL d: '
Third avenue..
Tbr. stuip:Ddens, an new hall
tgligrontneat rum
'Fresh Jirrisal of Chlnootassue Shell
Orders at Steel et Bro.'s today, which
d%'selllng at $6 pertarrel.
Chlecaceesne and Miasma" Cove Oys
ters, only 116 per barrel.' Enquire for
Marshall's Oyster% at Steel & Bro.'s,
Third Avenue, neer smittneld. 3.00 bar
rels just arrlvrd.
Handkerchlefe, ()oilers, Souris. &a., for
the Roth:lava, at Meer= d. Z'
Filth avenue.
. ttitneotsagae Melt Oyster. at Steel 1
Bro. Pa. Freak • arrival to-day at $6 per
barrel. Third •avenne, near Budd: Meld
Elegant new styles Jewelry.ust
opened at M ie r = & Carlisle's, 57 111th
:jewel. Glove and "Handkerchief Boxes
for presents, Mann= dt Carlisle, 27
Fifth avenue.
teel & Rro. have past received a stock
of fresh Chincoteague Shell Cyders, at
ge per barrel.
Real Fine Lace Gladiator holiday paym
ents at 'Palmertn tt Oar[lee's, 2! Flll6
TRAIIK—BLITZ—At Detroit, Dieesseer 22.
12094 1711A14X, M. D.. of oily. to
Btu BILISTRA. BLITZ. of Detroit...lMb. •
BROWN—POUTILIt—Li , the resides°. of the
bildes bro.her4n-law, 'B 14C., 47, Ito.,
Tally fit'''. by Rev. 2. G. Berne. DM h. 0.,
BROWN to Miss MALDOLIS rOBTEB. all . of
Lianipten township.' . • . .
. ,
nowc—rn, 15stordo morale,. January7.l.
111110, .is tI. 11141. Tear of bls..go, H. MIAR.
.Tereral from the residence of hie father,
'Semmes. Y. Bowe, la 'test Linen/. oe TVZSDAY
LITSI/110011. at half pin •■• o'clock. Tee
Mends of the faraJ,7 are lapectlittly invited to
attend.' Carrieds , will ten• /Orman t Sem
eon's othec, earner herself& avenue and hialth
field etreet, at half•pe•t twelve. .
jualewy—ue Seatley teorstag, Jawany AA
htr..1,..11N it/LIMAS". to the SPU. soar .unt
The toneraiNellt take place from the residence
of Ills etep•hWer. lir. John Alston. No. 53
, Liberty street. Allegheny CHI. Tate (V0h5.7)
AVTKIINOON, at S o'clock. The
.. ftlende of the
tereile nee myrectrally Invited to ntsend.
(VIWELL—On abb , th Ofternnen. JOLIN
el/WM.1..18 the TOth year of hie are.
Nobles of fone•al In to.morree'e papers. ^-
8. Parrßatwß ... . . JAW L. Witt:AXIL
&TT& 'NON & 11V ILL11.&5113,
Undertat err, corner of Fifth .....s end
gh meet, Pittsburgh. Cceine oratt Mote,
hbraudo Crane, and Moves, and every dextrin.
lion of funeral rernishlng good. furniebed cm um
most mum :able terms In the sots. Hearne and
mintage. tandsbed. Canoe on= dar and Tanta.
•VXFr. AlluOany City, where RIR. corn}
ROONS RI • constantly: leppilild • with mil anc
WWl= Waimea.. Kab.i..7. rihmq
%Mu. at DOC. .11171. t from
dla pseptrod f.eln• mu... Ream.
rl.OO. 1...111.4 also, 011 Idadr of •lios Mrs
9a.da, ft wialted. OEM opm. at all Rom. OE
and nlght:
tJ 17211:01EarrAnEallatir
•iN runt TrEFsf.
Carriages taii/ 2 flaurrals, s3.O*
60111/tt all iluniii-allaraislusleni at ro
JO : 11. COOPER do CO!
"' Bell and Wang' Emden,
MU, unonoTlTlALielabllyi Pm.
Made and Kept on Sa u l
rA 4l lfitstrF l l."‘"7.,, ,, lPP! _
! 151 P . 1513 .4 241.
110001rir,' -*VW,
~~~OH, _r
. . I ... N..
a. Jit. 1 ..J. .
”.141.1.410 WINTER STOCK _
•-•-• . • • .
- Wlstrbur 1.1 imrctste s •
nut ileum& l'ar4lsllt•
frleitas fora • . •
.:77 .
. 3 .,,, A l 47: gT a tagritrm. Ism! .
NAB Whidiaet las moodettlable ceole i rns
w. lociin.NagNXlM
• •c, JANUARY 3,-1: I
garNOT/CEP,74"-"For OWN!'
46 ow Atruith c i r did i e
etri.; rot cam/Wing 70Mi L119p4
be lug:reed 0414; , o:4llbrna • me* .Joir .
cqpipir; • each id&
Waal Ellse - FIVZ dENTa.
WiNT. - 130ABDING. --
rd. 41 AV ED LIERS6
, • ud.1.411 good -boobo.oo, • (Rosagotrauing
pd-fggiodi 41 • ioogg Win Nita , WM...onion:
ye, •.wNle• capital abgat •20.000,
U. at., u•uue Ogler. • • • • ti
Tsto ':BoJicL on
lbr an aid aatabllffinaa.s...L s _
cash) Ltfe Inintance Cali Pan/. In oißtnte In
NV% IlterSt i'ennwrlvAnis: RVI tv.pala agnll.
Andreaaßox 156,,rtlatintahrosuu6ace.
WA7IITE.D.II. Gerresll 'Gen
, '2LLDjn9 wlio epealcsErgilsh to take Oa
Otortal may a/ • Bow York"We losaraneo
Coagazy. !rho lump. an Xe. 11411 Elit
-1,9,1111. 44 , a it luo.ii*:l9. tO
_ 1 ,......,Pr01.'rr.TW0•
4110114 r, tor •tollarrlaw, Buz 'IU; rortoMOo.
10171 STEW-•-•, HEI.Pr.—•.IIT EM•
VV. VLOYNtlile OF ICE. No: I at: C 1..,
wild KEN, for diger..
[tads -of usiplal.ment.. Perforai wcattag belj
of .1201V4 00 ,1 votint•
ANTE D iACMilfort hieT 4 ". r b 3l T n elT.l.44aai HINl.oe.hW
oCertenervinera cum say °Ultra:l.o=h
'Can WM =mane still Wood ntruel.
C. WILCOX, TraTelins Akent.
: . tci . sell tbd AMILBIOAN
eirTta• .7A ZI.T.T"" I
V, at t. 311.000 altcties per =lrmo, Ad
Boum . . , • -
WANT!" .....Dgfo.ilirfl.A.9 ,oll4 .
• • •
•30.00i)lirsi of po.o =owns.
• -momAs E PBTI7.
BBL Bond awl Beal Betel< Broker, ,
'• - He. 119 emlikeeld street.
PUN' m ejlteir g aVVle l trEVIWIIt:
CHINE. Pero oar ate, rellt dtlCetlltlng
Nrraut. tin , goot t roOprr Soti./21 N t l
Lo n :k gmboom.Vit7To oglLl:drfr tboiLtg
1:44ar.0n any 50ar0133 , .. - Xl,lllgl Cold olt4 The
deorasoicoam WWI lo or wsthe time
M Irbo
Poston sari ,PHlrborglL Po. or IL.
• •• . . .. . .
.......- . .
,01'.--On - Wood -street,Oo
T - 75, taw • nyeapled. try J. H. Hiller mart --
FTIO.LET.--Lnetn , room; - secon
front- hanat4o • for gef.tlarc.a
arerldrg rerret 104 lourtu ronniue...
LET.—The NOW Store build.
kt74'7b°*"'”• 1.1.1 m d, No.
• Llbest, It01.151•••07 Lt last; to
April Ist, um.; ,koware- it year amts On the
T9l b E T .-
ion: Pena aMC eoraeVE a r aaa alley.(
sed costal.. nil modern ImpioTemonta
Virr gullible for a rbyglelagg 4:lV,Dentl.t
latialre at . olips Of WEIITEIIN INBUILUIOI
CO.. 40. lea W►'a itreet..bettiebsitbe tail of
• denrable two Woes Orton dandling hbuss,
tooted neaeLb• Park, In lho Second wane, Al-
itht.T; tonto4no Ave rooms mail vvorla
lea and water. with •tahle au tear or lot.
Tashi Vaal' EAST. For parhoulam apply at
aeloo of Atlantic Matsui Ufa Thouranee Co.,
;40. 10$ tialltbittld Areal, (9.1 hoar.) from 9 to
111. .m. 7 or 9to r. 0e3174
Bosi lout or othenrlN. In snly annunl
.dellveyed st the City LanMiA. or putln.rl
II taxa It from the re'll, can hove It at
a• Yes , Batt . % DWELLING HOIMIS..-11
not el •ooh art{ he Fsll'O.
Also. A wad sobst•ndsl Mr.& HOlneatlrl
Large Lof o•. Pro:pees smet.
A 1.0. • I.lll.rir 11..• Brick Doors of ex rooms.
WiIt...ASIA MT& oel as. rAll nal Watir. Fortr
/b street.
Also. an sicellent Y arse Iloosa of four rOolsis
ad had on For y-fsarin strop , .
Ao. A well balls Ye 4 sa. nous" on roar
Fourth ...rt. Pared In frost, &n 4 r• a . . wl •
‘ 3 l , o 2 o trrifki ' s:=t h g=7;tll:lollsS
or six rOOMe.
Alta. A nointqc cf Building Lots ondi/infant
t o y.
Lots In Bloosohaid. With tin
/011,1 ta.
Isnalrecif D. 8.• Wlillama Bail Estado *ad
Insn asses agent. Pavel...nth ward. -11tu
trzh. Pa....0p/0010 ht. John's Episcopal
d Lots on Boring MIL Seventh ward.
Dram 5( 05,600; 16 acres nea4l6 . lmlnglsl.lo::
eggBN i l u ttert j ?l%oltsCet=l , lagOb
men: 51 homes and ' lota In rleasant v• y,
642166.4•0rts l• Reverse .tovaslege EV5r.
nem road, $6,000:1 'rota On Fremont...reel,
*4,000. Dolma and lot In Salem, (1010, 651.1.001
1 sere groneld of Bore. 61:0001 homer
and lots, Lead of Braver street, 0.660; home'
and 6 teems ILltaabeth B. 0.111,600; honee
and lot 10 Drldteer. 6 teen
00 0 1
contains hl rooms, lot Rot
h 6 by 210 feet 000 t
farm at Fair OW button. 34 =ea, 'Per
0000. Inquire of
'etirtleireP,P.39'" .114(
DERSONAL.--Allpersone seek.
s. tr HOMArI. or turestmunte in Zeal War
tate, will rare Urea, trouble and m o or}) brat.
<string •
or the -rirnsßuittat Jr
ItSTATZ Ills glreusway GUAM
or will bel4eut by utullr toasy [optioning
Win. MI to ti',Kr eat et the woo
llrt eontsinr. CHU PrILLLIPS, Pub.
Usher. sad Beal .Krtate Aseuto, No. la% irocrrtb
FOR 5A1X.:77PP111 1 41 90 . 0. Bo U -
eraflitio.4.oteentl-iss4. al all Jana
constantly on In.&
Orders froltian Pan
Conic jOarknclann. o !.-7.,_! _ ..," •'.
Allcichan Ira
ESIBABLE - -. CITY' •B • -
T r ) riftlicja:YOß MAALL. la - cood locattou on
KTVELT, bait .I%reo
Igo rattokNwelt F.tfauw well arraairso for
omme,... k t oiwrj i nicora. jall td yarlo s r i s i
allEn t as o o
atar gataroa. Tor ark*.
• •
-finnrl3ll7l - I . OIV muur... • 10
Acres orahauts Wd to 0. Or the best vacua
et a in lowa, near tbn line of the Cluaato
NorthterataWab road, and In .e Me:moat
broeueti humor the Stale. Will be wed
WV , 14 ., r. b °P' a YYP II P7 : a ye •!,...".I.!#
". - Ertelizik.s' AND
It -*ALE.*
r 1101? rem Ist.r•snd • seetra.l4lsadl,,
oamaa~ce et.
1116.1_ :
• ' s'C•ge,,.lll,TeMee,,tb'rpriallit7.
IA:OM •••
941 PAIS. ' . •
jZ'Qoal) Ert - COS /.1.02/41)
IJUADBthW lili j 4) 11 4 OCTAVE,
*tail, Itetr. Aliti.'se 'aril Pair. ot r _ _
colorea.l neatly e 1.,. Tills:above, attic les
will 00 PO cIPAR. Ft% wl9l 4.TP 9 F:
El. D. noir. _
c w i ff igpi, 4,lth.ff!Pi
ilo: dT sointit ivir.Wdzi'remisarsett.
taglitrgli r M:4:l4rl
vexabar lin, fr om 7to r 2 cee.laele..mlU tr Om a.
tmlaLt b 11 1.7 LW 6 b liddect. interat
VI. Ur moot •Ilupnrdat..Eneot twee
at awe witlutzsmt emponnas MAMA➢OIy to
Jactualyzad AO& Zoolu ono-
alli-ed arise •
- .lklarlotalsausts•fees....A.ZarTy
italartrum. Ja...Paststr.alien
..li44i4ypiletewio. snea ndan4gal A.a%. m
astleknlJ I:essian,i
OmaJosaca .;11•011 eas .m Ks
a V vl l t lßobt
r..M.M. .-
'IIV7TE3I - _ - 19_ 1 3e11.10bis
.e!°3". 11A 41,t1[T.D.
AMP lox age br J. B. vaxrursm.
167, 168, 169 and 170
AS. '120 ,, r . rtilaltdlo tUrnial YINR9AB .
LOWICST DlAParr RATE& 'Attention U par
ticular:Wafted to oar
IC.' IL &VOCE & CO.,
No. 10• SIXTH ST„ late St. Clair.
• .
We have Jst received a large &apply or nal
s.4Wl.terWood. whleti be told at resew:l
- ',elect. hr. 1111INILklii Retina Ind roust
tend to the Curiae heosettetet.• • •• , •
• daticle wraiskAol3 t.mUIRLANi3RING.
♦ Suss sad zpesplate assortment of. 11l$1 , 11i
ad irth.a Qoo 1., at the lowest priest:
GRAY & Lochfa!r;
tr Sixth St., 89 Fifth Avenue;
Xoeps eoutantly oq . Oaud
Caseririseres arid VesOrige.
No. 93 1-2.Sinithtlaid. Street.
, arthsat•a Clothing nude locales la Wel d t'
stele*. .:
. opmicua saw. fwd.& . •
CLOrtui, I 6.03,9121(81Lgq;
iut merged try alma* IIIIIMTION•
Merchant Tailor. ill Mali;Meld stmt.
Gas Coal Company,
GIL 861C11 . 111711 AND Di
Nut Coal, Slack and Coke,
Of all sises, and of the best quality. east be fur.
nlshed St reasonable rates. loser orders at of.
fleaand yard., N0..13 AND/CMOS STR E E T:
Allegheny Orr. and Liberty ssssss (oPPlusi.e 1110
h erec Pltto.bursh. office
Box 5111, ri t tiaborgb, sad they NIL recalls
11 , 000tattepUon.
• 87 - eroalptoltento 7l l sh , oo 10 western Odp.
meats. ' ate:o3
DM= rar
Yotighlogieny and Connellstille Coal,
• ..
• OFFICE ALM YARD, •tintrir . Butler sad
Kermit linnet. Liberty and Clymer Marta.
Ninth ward; xis° decond atreeh Moab ward.
and at foot of Boas Meat. P.."ili U• IL B. Depot,
Orders left either of the above otawk, or 14 ,
dress to rue through 'PltUtaargh P. OA 0111 lee
Anne prompt attention.
Uttar to aso= lam suaddYt•Et 'Hu•nit alU
& Co.. Wm. Blain, Ualao Iran MUMM. Pon
ies 6 Co,. Mllehell, atainseasan A Co.. Bissell •
Co., Orsl.l Alen Bradley. Park, Bra , A
Co.. Partr. BeCtint o B C 0.,: Banyose. *Muff Dall,
Wat. Mee & lset
Marshall ab
Co.. Al len. MelC . ia st - CO. Damn Janine
t IItAZAII'I . r..enrT l .7. l ",i• r. Allen
WDL 8188
COALI. COALIt C 041411..
ttavlas remored their Moo
667 .13TBItNT,
cutely Otis none ZLOO.
2.1141 . 1. 1 1 W ", Wirik • GUAL traLLOrai.
lawooi mortal Oa.
10 onion Ma Ai &hail 00., to
•tbo. wow. will to to
' •
c 5 .
4 BODLEIAN AND 01111L11,1 !l'
. TX4..17.1h1L 0 ' cror i
AlazirsdoCk.oi .. .. , t
W t
,A .. .- ..- . I i
: 1111 :41 .11 .1.11 ..
ea l :r . l 4'.is;c-il°6 4; tr M w stint ''
iel e . N
-413.; . E. -: B it . . IS EP- 4 r TO.
100 Weak,. VTIMET. ;
• tkiktirt I 0,3
Ohina Sets, Pariatafataettai
Nam antrant u rtlat•, 0. r
H. RI BY lieColl 4 l
' '.Now IWD:Ora WWI:
%LIT. 4/7Au 'PMl aMal t""r oss awsPos
bawl: • • - , ~,,,
' MN .
AO* rostUkCF.4..
g kl-31 zirdr,lA
WM- 11; 'MENU
' coniza on ,
Seventh kvente intiibprty St., _
rrrissuuas. P. 4 .4 1
on every Saturday Tod
' :
i r:: 1 1.1 1; " "; "_,t.. , Lear
L.. of 457.1 1-
tent!. awl ;WWII wlll jripiAp„
e i kw i er
mom erzwww. .soli. mrarrisaan
zavisivirosAx4n. son
CI wpm aviaua a .I,IIIARYI
, - -
rfiVr• too«,
SWlNTowner:id: /1.4' • .4. x. lix&M)
AscauTzercram. an>
bIINAiIitaTAL - tAitV*Rs : '
No. 6f Booduky BL, illeghelLiPti — j.,
k tary4Lsl4.XxxX of 151WiL 1 . 00"11kani
e4.11.11GE serrenomr - or i ALT;
Medea Avail like 4hi are i sree
erd. relpans , _pLoaLsx deb tie - 48
01... ed motet, rttatarsb. t Ike Tata
cuysia.d.,..4/1•0407. Cley. tomer ar Pedant
sad Wag eat Ate. • Veal experikee ta lam
tueletat nabs vitoaletittraere a :ILA
oleo ertteleosed stern V i eb.
Iterrlt.Alsa Mau sad Witte el al
lowa nce. titre as 5ee14.141.1 tau* Mai
ertlele. — Wbolve le or Man. All orders ailed
, Oaldioms retain vsidamtar/mIN *Mb* ,
az 114ter tLsil lePolit7 bt Stfe InstitsUCC • '
Life Insurance Company
Ike Onty Truly lutes! , Comply In the
City or Stitt
ACM :MUTATED OA/ . Mt ' 1iti.500.000
'to the ( . ..61,9e0.m0 o
TEN je, e,Ocala,adtaai•ie .Ikt takt4i gut
polio , new. as these ettto prat.Wir palsies Derma.
J*1101.6177 IK.lldii• 11.4 tha Gen•dt of tb, Oct yen
cent..dividend et Janancl; niZt. , „
s. :Al %.
ritual,..,llll{ -NB! JESSE!
In§uranoe Ca:,
Pver $500,090.
Commny are • •--
4417 rig atter ette "smart 6t , eas ,
.• .
Dividends etranlily declared 1141 on
Wed =mud or mom. either oil. the permanent'
Insree. of Lbe I;##'7,
167' it-IyFoo9 stmt-om floor,
Age .t. w.11:«1
0# 131 ! 1 ::, • '
I Pink 'Am... -swum& ..Ploor.
Capital 49.11. I' old 1:1p..
141;1%74:A1 TIP iNg= 'at cem=Jets Hill' •
Seaa. gem H: Kom_ L P6tetent. • .• ••••
• • • IND. V. Stitilliew, glee Prealassh
tril . t. T ieg u eTN . Vg • TP.t.
tibero -Terms'
ManiallloE WM
It&Tßl G. raldOlit.
AZ,gT. tilittßOZ NALL.. thous* 4.101_:111,
Oft% 911yror
i strrot..,,epotur dk!u`?•'. ; 1 0:•fo"
Wilaels at Mot:
dot Blots. A. bolas tottlfatot otoosgod Itio
motors lobo axe wall Irnowit to tlio comlottotty,
d who too determined by prompts:lm wad Ilbm
silty to atalotola the charootorxttich 140 , 34••
warned. as offering Um boat protection SO thOtO
wbo desire to to lantred.• •
• • .. : • DISICTOUI
111.4.... Joan 11. NeMIIII:
ILIEW , , Jr.. ClIza.V. Mute, .
isakts kickataTi -
=Wu t,.. c.i f. ,, .t.P ,,. ., . . M. ,5 , .....m..•
Tramiallt. Lou: • ' Wm. /67.."-6...,-
111:.;;LuicE corr Amy OF PiTTTSBURIM
0171Cle. 80. 16!% WOOD MIDST.- Baal
Os offionuiczßomma
Ta b u is. Ram OramPrara7. rarat Wm* 11 10 111 , 1
Yme_ Tire exelustestr.
SLLONAS•D ALTER, numeral. •
D. C. Bo Vim ?madam .
A CFI : Z54 ,..., t01• i er . ..- •
riDEßpnir : . .
orriccrows &all offiirmur trz....est ios.
• - : • : • ''' - .7;numall. : : .... '
. owlet fr. saute; • 1 1 Mdted2 / 3 . /Mil*
E . lbtraggnar, . 1.1 5..itr0ma...., ,
.0=117311..11TZt . W..lMarar . '
&DW. g i i'AL.S.Zge rrealdenl .. .
6; • .
W. C . J- NIILIVirrif . ABM% '
North WM =Aar Third an ood anal&
Cat - it:dere tif.Bkiatatt:lJl(4,kajiy,
Wm. HWHIps,
Jotun _ _
Job K. Pam,
O. H. Lar.
Wuu •::
D. Vero..
or malmvuto
IT4mr. Wm. N. 3.
General Agent,
Leonard Water. • 01.irritiLWllsaa,
0. 0. Boyle, - • .kito. W. Itruis,
Bobert Randy, : .l, C.
Jacob Pallaer, • J.-0. M
Josiah Mar.. • - John Voulamr.:
Jas..ll..HopLia.. ./.11010ns.
Heart 01 , 10.4 • •
.ate n 82 N J R.
4 M Bam kR~ ,
. . .
w r i wtwilmi t
Pw"riglii,..o. IkGratVon.
ornos, sageti
oCaL ieuWf..
g 4 Nit gIS • INgdpitANCE
I) 0E,P15..21,T7TH WrsuisTasanscoas..
setaaktln:l4f,r tf,Y.I.• .14 'lfni!,
ma TOWN =WIC •Mr_plAldheat. ,, _ •
ry PreHdea. i .
2111.7 2 A1 E M1T, Glinasl.ll/Hal.l. :
. .
Tail 1n . 11.8iaT... 8..1.. 7Harmalti -:
T. J. o a a~l a cl a a~s~ae. • W. H. isorEfth •
Lvey I= . Primal &abeam, • •
Mules MM. .; C. A. 4, Tmeotatapho:
• Caou WWI. Dm', . T. H. sremls... • .....
• airCneheikeibr-*
WI9SS, B6iDIS, $i Xll
'isizaeals IS
409 PE nsr EvriuMwr -
Nave. Removed 11*:
r.-iiteventh ist=etTorinera,icabsa.,
:pawn & mimes & co., ,
aes. - iss. ilmiteL - M - isii mist ilios4 ...
rim= avuarr. nrissozwi.l
ClMlS.lloolieti. Pint
AISVi• li
R umex' ,
raperik-M;litata Mtn 'liner.
'Was to d r xi t t :fg 4 Toke. aulalloe m i re
Tig,TiNuteTAPLON: OBILICKV43-1.4,1
at ri d en 4 Vi cd rgi deLendisis
Intglosary. ltrtnabsar " • •
/min - & rat
Warble .41 Fresco Itstkos JUT W .
lE.Cf" Of Mgt% egetttans: Kt. at
ANOLAtadvittril,__ . -
WARIIIPED tioX'#,P.EßF , Mirr
... , ;;; .CutoTTcul:l4/ZiLS:
is:Maif:oo.9'i: . ; ; .....,-.•
ANCHOR COTTOR 111111.i.1
.101V*1 1 1 0 04 04 0 1 1•`
i ~~.
.. Ic ...: 9;Lx . i . ..
, , Eat:Navin :, • - • •
13,0 epreariiirc n it aloe *Winn 4 -
Toeing oinntsaMA Qmcdlnn.
'adsßeis i. EANET,
• 1111)InDA1 an d. isomer, 34. 1197C-endl
er .ang•lntfint nonce. flu
Ices new and comic terns , lona dram..
rate, I nfne llit l'etti °°P V l . 1 4i- oli lil dorb ila llinonek.
intrinenotnt Ornetnni
• . ,actifl9./LND RALTICI.),
And C4nnwelerli tic B D
a. .„A•
Meat solo on the • .
110V1111 Eta MIONICON.
YetivilisieLffinace on Bawd..
1.--rpirrgili (MOH THEATRE,
Lrinfse 7 1 1.:rg.
r 0 N j U s "l% t"'r•PrlT'A or rwrikvell:
t-,;.k.ns.l:loa:m7:l44.Rtin: Clara
Uwe on Wo Amen • w • Valwdy. Wolawk•
!v ►
Cbarlon ' Bes dint, Two rad rtorm”cc2l,.:
X! . .neltenenDwii:Z.:
FOB VilitillitEK -ONLY,
1 'Oithtiincliii JtiAUar9 3d.
The Warld.R•l3oV/Mtil
Thy Iltirth-provoltng LIUI•
The Ti onderna Little Au.
:11 Pair astonselag
tn other 1011411 m. Thei rlll be ;
o t4 . lt y
JILF.z . :BURNETT• - t ,
The Inimitable *merle. Hninottaj.
The Vervattle Commedlease, sad
v P a hro ri n e e "ecsd f a t rn e n t e o n na ltihtsiooen n
I a G n n o e d e l l b er a a aßß .. V l
able ch an ube nhe the penaoraesca.leXCye,.•
Notertlhatend I the ere at az panne ratted lon
Oda Mend eloreetesidon. the team orrahnlaelen
bane been fixes at the following rakes Yantrollne
and Dress ellrele. la eta le. deouned Leta III:
farelly.Cllre I e. center, Gallery. 116 001.4.
iltl " ,r ' AfX4 . lagt:ll7ln t h7 "'l bV;Vrittr:
& Bros Inn WOO.l weer. • del/
arliABolllC HALL.
To i rOky, E.vpog, Jan. 6,1870. ,
. .
Thrrassadlu. Dee. 3001.41111111:'
"MOT. E. S. ritANKII-aut: .Na.. ea Audit
baying mon your blab tasalsoglata, I. a.
X.attater and Optician, wdl Wacoa tirOr
oulfrurpio a Lieturion rho Anatomy .C1%1,-
16100 - of the Mums* Eye. earl 'on Motto sail
Alma. of Bprotaoies. Ptitubergh. ,It ; ri . lkbe
At attitty.taaha attracts' Om
at the danger o t lulu& !Moroi/ thltriolli‘
ticuegt"dt weirtht Dracut over, sr down,
slum Urointigittug Ishosattoa sod brstradlou
on. ale tronstroctlan al' that 4ellaata prp?a,tlua
JOHN N. D. S•l3 Ram tit•
9. 1.7.91 . 1.11.81 Ty, W. D.. 00•11.1, rata Bt
. N. DOMENIC, B 1 TIG9 6t I.losearsb.
L. AL 1113133.111. Y. D.. 99* Conslo.l r ;
• D. COWLEY.II. D.. 39 Pen. Bt.
• ; 8../.31/4111...X.-D.. 310 Cepa St; ;
; ; 4. 9...11AN011., 11.11., 191 ra**ll4,
- W. 81029. X. 10.. 101 Caw
4,13. 114CLILL.AND. IL.D..
. ,0.39.1107.9.9. Y. D... /116.11wer Ave. -
L. /1. wu,caao..x. it— 79 Di Sad.
I. 7. COOPZTL.-11.D... 19 : 1 ) 1 mi.a. 4 1
. 6 1
..W.11.-,W11001411. D..:115/ 1 re**ll6
• )L. cOTZ. N. ABS rt1:1611. •
.J. C. 1131011113. AL D.. 0..0.3...Thap Bt
AL .W. 11.11.LACX, /11: D..911.1.0*awa, A.
PO . ..swoon, D. 3tat; 115159.
_Goa 1.1101.11: / Rol bootkitt Ititttal ton
to Lestoro. rlttabiuglillitadted,
1,111 4411yer a Diet Ltotniiitia raszedi;ltZ•p
-loc.toriotOT Rtbi , Lt lecture
tpottO4R+4 4 4 6
.0 .11 , 41°4°1 ' 4
Altttletal Xyea,As.
I am. (awls men, yams
. . : . 71.0515.51) a. nuatatt.'ld.
Ocutlataad Otttlelos.
N. 8...-Doori sill be elicUld et 7X,4'elaat
Litton ti coMaifies •
• • enttaiei, aneaizo • rui.f. 01.6,0 ad
mittesl xinlessevimpotalq 'll49.Kpiltetta ox
wian.m:DiObttla deniliidi7Aii4faxpease
tural .937 !KALI' kla.V.daraia Mama minds.» at
Lathed to W. cl.malityiad int 'lliCallVaa . or
Etally Pont. GAsztlurOttataas MU mid' from
,tammt Co:. Deatiktatt.ltbtlim.rean
aid ra=ta ainato. sad 'fima tailandteri‘ ala
'claw at till Bilatimatt 80a..'
No tollectlow, 'admit ally will
1 IN Ails! lathe Leant. 100.13 -
dile 'Lecture a delivered V, I view .'et In
undate* Dr.. 7IAIVXII reed Ids P*TitiTZD
Urter4CLXs ts oak of whin lir 4as ler Wei
lb to ititeka at. ettietrrelh••; • - •
♦t' the totialoation of the Loiiire, rrot.
hanks orILLAtoo blo ,r:..
frpolf ctiosifto of s numbs: of hiblf .11nIsktd
Illiosturofitorfolttkolfylefofes 44 poitolflog
rev% Derides • Twisty of
(bniiiinil other ikintifil
MUMMA loCay thoLood 4m.s . tblr , by
o{klooor}n lloareoro hop Aslirmitlo•Lotoe.
sad rellectlostam - ofosiolMedloa.
üblatiqted by ire "imolai 'Ca , clibi tights.
*web lila:l4l4loWliosidlxieglod otkoAnd oft
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3)11. same= re 4!ikelsirers , ,, r, tiyeator
of Tory valusol. lioprovemits to thlplopsirse.
MA of .
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D. Taxi,s. IPtelsl ASIMUSIOIf 11
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Jr:!OEN 11W
betfilleroestarf fettled tad feforolob
od. and Is mow edema hor neat for ballo, pullet
meta. eodoto , froas. edam tad anent smut
meat. It la the lomat sad boot rosUlaald fOOO
toe dirt'. and to the MIT 801 l "spoiled Petal
of an , or PerA.
: Srar r • to " wor * r t h i rlntrlod room - and Itliellasa.
all chlins elite OtflO. IooTO clod naiad, "dd."
. t " es i t u lo ." d i" dr•trs bn el. ". o" " roar l portho "bq ood a*" :eao s ioao. ""6.
•Vor iao sad otkaf.pnf‘fdld.lll3....
11• MULL
soffsx.r." Malkin daairlsOrmfoat.. City Rol.
AND cursearmzw . ummx.t.-
Vialcair MUMS Altrip:FraZa=
mnizA ,- wasted la Allbsos.-Parts, w en
sal- ocantles,-Indlesse. Mile l a to
wh ,,,., N rCeslyben to be Mead sad seam*
~.k..yrear ta,sesh i tbellldtirestaa.
etteadie Issalled Urat i geireit=
*msdadse tea yank al. Moss Maeda
1 11 1 nithe,14440.14INIALO , VSti • '
...... - a.rt, .scxxxx or alga°.
~ . - ,- . ,resatitelsaMEll,ll,llmle
1. -1%011181 —FLOM
*al;a - *thVLer mi llat i astr
V Co iab b irlAW' S ltaa
. .Pi'' anines, , woomrsza b as.
1140.1611. , WU ima. mu. les
"Ntatll -- "rePiffi ilz• .
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MHZ.;Firm. •.imate.—vaimulies
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- 44 %11. 9 1Vr a a rt . 74. 4 .A1ia1..Lair
',UT thOlft* dews
ua~auoi, vim
car . .M14111.. MOW 4: ftr
dm Owner Liberty sad Illatlllttet4.