The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 01, 1870, Image 2

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41111.1W1 taw Nitw Year
Aisort grose—the balblay seasin.
Timlistay Irma the 611 d Friday a Mk
A* saber of the dying Year —Doe'
lM streata jaat war are In • Altby
Pittiburgii Ckanolis arpsurs for m
on liopay. •
tite Tether time bee doted the volume
et attotber year.
Unmoor the poor In your New Years
(*lngo today.
7maktni be tempered with
*ter Drum had spliclood of four law
broker. ywaarday.
Cluuseng the bream" , is the latent for
irabiblna spirituonsl7.
..'! - Lies will be a ..dreee parade" on Fifth
Otis this ettkrisecisi.
.111* Duquesne Greys will-parade cm
likeZight,ti of January.
!Ttml Publto Schools will not open until
Monday, Januarr MX 1871
Yie annul election
IM, place neil;Tnestlo.
avenue will be an excellent clam
to Andy the fashions to-day.
-'!hi latest rase in fashions is Immania
huskies on the ladles' hat bands.
. _
Capt. B. S. Fiestas, the Sheriff elect,
SRI rem= the offioe on Monday.
'lrsetstgay was one of the finest of the
Pieg—like the dying song of the swan.
Tee rald Firs department In Alle
gheny wall go into operation this month.
>llMats are ben roads by some at our
"RUM to Waal& an art gallery In the
/Lauber of Intereedgc..Wetehlieet•
Izap'. Tose held in the churohea het
AN ,
vir half a , million lnutheis of coal
will Mart to Cincinnati and Louisville
new Allegheny Board of School
r4 34 00. ,68011-erstro antic Ibr 1870 on
The city was merry with the tetrad
elan= and petal reunions held last
The special United States ten anew
niente. just. oompleted, amcnuits to
Arrested—Jacob Neemyer wax arrest
ed on a charge of inowtous Itordeatton
Tele markets are well supplied with
poultry, to which the ..melaucholy dare
ere terns."
nelasinteeting of the present idle
finny Councils will take place next
Droweed.—Jsz, • Weaver Was drowned
lathillkoomaugh river, nearJohnitown,
as Miami&
Mn.s Flatter was fined .lye dollars yes
terday morning for disorderly °widow.
In front of Oily Hill.
Yesterday morning a omntry man was
goad Are dollars and emits for reckless
driving on Federal street.
, 1111 N Post Odlece will be open this
anon:dna , from eight. o'clock till nine,
am 4 remain Moved dialog the day.
The tbrtnal roopening of the Public
Catholic Library will take place to.
marrow at. halVpaitt seven In the craning.
The Councils of 1869 expired yestieday.
A standing unanimous vote of thanks In
both branch*. wridenoed the-meow in
Which both Presidents are held. .
Myr. time bttuarwl penalise arelial . •
fate toy serve the city of Allegheny se
guardians of the law order Mayor
low. About forty-two will be wows
Mai fold year. wan fired °Smith • van
panes Wt night, there being a eintthwo,
trier of, small artillery kept up - to the
horror Of the pollee and the pismire of
the Wheys.
....Itepretionenna.—The AssessororWster
Bents, who refused goitre =any infer
=UM Thrundey evening. reports that
there were three hundred and six brad
hlv greened In tbst portion of the cl*
wkich is supplied with water.
• A tirand fashionable sod seleat.Ger:
akin .ball was held at City Hall last
night. Several hundred couple were la
ateadanos and the• affair was tilithly
creditable and,enjoyable. -Oar German
ellizetut know full well how to enjoy
thetanstrea. and many of other classes
would do well to pattern by their exam.
pliw brown! llfa. •
Lag - Amputated.-42emaut Daalat, the
boy wbo woe Injured in the Bizth ward.
Alheihony Christroaa, on the railroad,
iW ber th s bin foot ron.cenre and rerritgy
embed. had Me leg amputated yowler-
Ory.-'•The injured - limb was properly
grimed and attended, to, but gangrene
mt, in. rendering amputation sedeemary.
Dr. W.'S. Warm of Allegheny, 'iodated
by two other physic:Mae, pertormed the
leumly your binaehold i * year
Ida gossamers from the e Pot.
liftwera. Kier a Co.. a& r ware
bowls, No. 363 Liberty 'street, hays a
large and oamplese moortment of every
thlegin Ike quaensware or Briaol ware
floe , Mahe beauty of Oath, and dura
bility of their goods, the large trade
which La been WU up In an alamotin.
erodible &boa time to the beat aumantes.
PAM are equally favorable.- -
s ad
—.6 serious sooldant oe
cowed -peel rooming_ on Grant
Wilk SIM' Third avenue. TAOISM Lud
wig. • little boy eight years of Agog .Was
elltabteg on the wheel of a Mures
Warw. when the horse started and the
boy MI, Ms wheel .pnaleg over his lag,
broaklng It at the thigh. Hs was remov.
•d to the orddenee of Me father,NO. 31
enutt street. The fracture was nduced
and the Utile boy is doing well.
Das Ilimer.—The. gallant and eau,
stems wad= of , Capt. David Dna.
Ilattht dads Minot the are McKee.
=Thursday night, through whose
'and coolness • large =emotes,.
Mt property Ins saved,' la generaitly
Ottimaatidad by the citizens of, that bor.
meth. and • torroapondeut requisite to
Pt return Dim Ma thanks of the daze=
Wit.Lbluk "Damn may aseely anticipate
• gold watch or OWN from that guarear,
Tb. Fiewasopf Dianer.—We aeknowl
••••aartendtattan he vrel=t et 'the
X.lth annual dinner of V • newsboys and
eboebtaake of the city by Jahn W. Pit.
teak. Sm. This Demean%looked for
woad to with* ewe deal or intereat4
wwir t a r=ese l I in it1=1::: little
who fully appreolats the regular yearly
*.fame of turkeys. hot plasooya.
Las and dainties. Pittook will b big
atm. arith"the newspaper venders and
shaeoblaolte today. all of- whole are ir k ;
1410 d tO the free Mow. Midmost totem
afte st Lafaxt ayette- three o'clock
.1 .
At the church sociable of the Eighth
IL L March. at the residence of the
• pockor. Rev. .T.; S. Firds, • notice of
' which we pabuithea yestatia, • plait
sat .•airsiecoacrred whicit . took the
worthy pectoris surprise.: Dor.
tM the griming be was breswited with
- sitasams doweing kowitby ;ha Leaks?
florist,. • pressat worthily
Rowed, se • token of the high reseed
the donors ealsortain for the prior... .
minas :Demi.
$ Ann Donnelly. an old woman.. was
5 butt deed Wilde her. bed yesieiday
seetrning. She tedded in the house with
Wm.. DIM/ da GAY all•Y. oft 'the 1:01s.
asoW, AUeghwiy. The *mew: peel.
oaa,Deenre with thought she Used •
LOlN k ta bet MOO Nnf WOW one iIWDR
Oa or bed: but raid no attention to the
mum: The next Morning( AMU/1111102
So wake har appearanoe, what the Ow
71 wee t beoken;openawd et* Wan. Mittel,
with nib satinet, tying on the ffior. • She
- no illid oenee -futir.d eet n etw ici W oolen " lif ed: o l d r .. ....z . i . ra
‘k, tali been living theliteroto. T w wt.
adddent to provide hAdiiiiiWyeith
The oWonet
Final Meeting. of Councils of 1809,
An idiom-fled meeting of axe Select
and COmmon Co®eila of thin dty was
bald Yesterday, Friday, .December
1869, In accordance :with the resolution
adopted at . the last ' , cambir meeting, for
the purpose of bowing the report of the
immlttee on Itetrenibment and Re
form, relative to the alleged frauds non..
nected with the grading of the lot on
width the Beyenteenth ward station
hones Ii erected.
Members ' lotecitut,- MOM% Ahl,
Brown, Baersio;l2koten. 'Dickson, Ed
wards, Gallaher. Gross, Millman, Bart.
luso. Barron, Jones, Kebew, Kirk,
Lateman, Little. Lloyd; Mamba.. Mor e
row. Murdoch. Marra', ittecienind, Me.
Mahon,F i lm Rafferty, Rush.
Behmid4 e, 8. J.Walowrlght, Z.
Waineni - Wilson, Watson, Zeru and
President licAuley.
On motio6 of Mr. Kirk, Mr. Gross was
Jed to the chair.-
The to-tentia of the nreoredlng meet
ng were read and approved.
On motion the roll were suspended
In ceder to take up other business. r.
Mr., Edwards presented a communi
cation from the City Controller trans.
miffing a number of applications for a
redneslon of busioese taxi Referred •to
,the Munson Committee with power :to
Mr. Brown called up the reeolutlon
granting ti Jos. Patterson, Mayers Clerk
$lOOO in addltion bWe salery for extra
services rendered, . .
Mr. McMahen in opinion what salary
the clerk receives. -
'Mr. Morrow• stated that he hid voted
against the resolution when it was before
• °panel! at• the previous meeting, but
having MIMS learned that the matter bad
paned , the police cowl:ninee and had
their unanimous approval, ho was soon
prepared to vote for It.
Mr. Bellew Mated that the Finance
Committee bad In making the appeopria-
Hon bin extended the receipts from.the
Mayor's office at ito,poo for the year and
the return for eleven months showed
receipts of r.. 3.1300, which increase be
aatd was In a great measure dna to the
efficiency end honesty of the Clerk. •
Mr. Brown moved the Anal passage of
the resolution, which prevailed.
On motion of Mr. Burgwin, Council
4:10k a recess for fifteen minutes to await
business from the Common oouncil.
At the expiration of the time epechtlecl
Council again convened.
Mr. Brown moved to adjourn nine die.
Mr. Burgwln sOggested that Common
Connell tme notified that Select Council
was ready to adjourn, whereupon the
Clerk was,lnsiructed to so notify that
-Toe Clerk of Common Cou ncil appear
ed In Select Council chamber mid In
formed the chairman that Common
Council bad under consideration the re
port Of the Committee on Retrenchment
and Reform, and that Select Council was
requested not to adjourn- until said re
port came In for their consideration.
Mr. Hartman moved m a substitute for
the motion to adjourn sine die that Conn
ed adjourn to meet at font o'clock.
A general discussion ensued In which
a wide latitude was permitted.
Mr. Kirk was opposed to adjourning
until Ste ts:wines for the consideration
of which Council bad been called to-
I nether had been transacted. Reported
frauds In the management of the affairs
Mille city weromidergoing investigation
In the Common &snob, and it was. due
to all oonoerned that they should &trolly
Investigated. If the motion to *adjourn
eine die was Imitated upon he desired to
have the vote recorded, and called the
yeas and nays.
Mr. Brown said that Cu y_e a s and nays
had no terrors for him. Ho was alone
responsible for his voto, and was not
ifraid to have It placed upon record. He
did, however, object to being kept wan
ing all day fora matter that there was no
probability of reaching, and was there•
tarn in favor of adjournment.
Mr. Tones thought that there were
other men, and many of them, in Select
Council whose hands were as pure and
who were as watchful of the interests of
the city as Mr s Hlik, and that If be (the
speaker) thought an adjournment would
have a tendency to oover . up the alleged
frauds, he would not vote for it. But It
did not interfere. with the investigatioh.
atbe matter passed. Common Councils,
it could • come up In the - next Cknancta
and be fully and thoroughly havestlics
ted• It did not die with this Council.
Mr. McAuley said that while this - mat
ter was under tonaiderethrn be desired
to refer to certain remarks that late
been made by a member at the tut
meeting ofßeleet Ccinucil whieh
toritithere of WaileCountaithe Merl
hocapired•rto vandal:tined eliminate. ' , lf
belied known what was coming before
It was add' be certainly would have
called the speaker to order, and he
hoped go I. rougialrea , 'would ever use
such latig a'feiliair Member
Mr. Btr u l t r u ptlectuto alluded foul
Mnuniva langusge s
Mated les mtiltb all explanation.
He regretted. he said, that such a con
struction had been -put upon his tan
gunge. He had no intention whatever
of conveying such an idea. If be bad
done so. he was willing to withdraw
what he bad add. hit no reference .
to any smoother' wit tiler In' hls**
marks'Or to any ' , tom Ittoe,.! but 'tattle
individual who had plundered the city
out of the money
Idr. Me4Ciley: said : that under. &Ikea
circumstances he had nothing further to
Mr. Phillips gave &statement deadline
the action of the Committee on City Pro.
party in the matter referred to. the grad.
tog of the lot.. The contract for erecting
the house was let by the thinmlttee, as
they tbdught, to tho beet advantage, and
be worireissr esammeneed a sub
appointed, one. Member
of which resided in the locality, to super
intend the matter. When the bill for'
the gradteg Wis preennlentin Demratttee
it was thought e shorbitent, and the Com.
mittee refused to endorse it. It wag then
referred back to the ono committee. in
connection with the City Buttner. The
tellwan afterward/ returned Mith 1-hirt
Moore's endersement, stating that the
maculation was correct, but that not
having measured the ground ho could
not vouch foethetioneotriew of state.
meet. Se" pMromed that - ogeof Mr.
Moore's assistant' had made the' meas•
iatement. and supposed it correct sod
endorsed the'biLL - -There was no Maid*
attaching to Weary Engineer nor to the
Alter some 'further discussion Mr. Gal-.
teeter moved, si r Inhatitute for Mr.
Hartman's MoMenjtbat Councils salaam
to meet at thomial of the Chairmen.
yote belng,thkerk the : motion was
decided In the negative.
The litthettdil thetriweerind oriAtr:
MirtnisaM motion SO sapilim to meet at
touro'olook. yrbloh Was alsadeSastad. ,
Mr, Brown called for the geed-jou on.
the motion tolidjourn'sine the, which wan
decided !Wee affirmative. - ' - • ,
The Chairman announced that. Mum.
oil was 'OM/nod' rise die.
President Tomlinson In the chair
Members.' Prese.b_
Bartena, Bell, Berger, Bleak, Boggs.
Bomb, Bulger. Cerra% Cue, Makes , .
Daub, Dunseethwilemtleuy , Hare, House,
Houston. Butokuson, Jahn. zones, Lana.
ban. McCandless, McCarthy, McMinn,
MoOlsene, McKean. McMaster; Meyer.
Moorhead, Morgan,Palmer.. Pearson..
Batmen Reed. Bo ok , &Berth, Earns,
Schott. gloott, Verner, Wanghter, Wel
don, WehlbWldsen. eqd Pre!edent Tutn-
On motion of Mr. hieltelryi tho read
dins. of the minutes was dispensed with.
1 440 the meeting :was
to hesr the retiort of the Poinutit.
tee on'Reftenehment sndliefprra in re.
WWI to businew refinesd to theta 'by
resolution at hut meeting.
f • £3O sziroint.
• Mr•LidriPtrs, Chairman or the Commit ,
tee. presented be following relent
Oentlemeh—!n'trimptfanee' with the
Jeanette= oeutalned•lo the - 'preamble.
and naoheicompaaaad at • the bet mot.
Ingot Coi=lidendaY. Deo, ,17, 18W]
your Oont on _Retrenchment =a
tlelbroi IbiS'ldenntesimeh ward
'atation , hear on Wedesadarr,Wleh inst.,
ett„heilt•past terq,,o'clock,it tr... the lbt.
lowing members being present: T. J.
Gallaher lind"Eisairted idorrcw, bracket
eranebiandrEnot Jones and B. W. !dor
gas, of the Common branch.. •J P. SW
fitritslso..City, Solicitor, . encl.-Jared
'Mayor, Jamie Patterson, I#appeo
inistk:~shia.ln attendance. ' "
TheirOommittes :proceaded 'to' invent
gets the edievpid frauds In the grading of
Stiva bneetk
nth n w a o i f d h S e t a l t o i t o n p o n uwihhu the,
and examined &Jilt= numbsrof mimes.
mom einonic..nslntaliftlaninnto
sigperyerromAtte testimony that Mr.
Pearson, *amber °retie (batman
Connell from the fesvenieentb ward, and
ate of the Committee on City Property,
bad given R oontract ,to Mr. C. Body to
Vohs talme,above • mantlonok plena of
ground at 81.12%, per cubic yard,
Wales gavattek contemn to Harty with ,
out making duo In quiry of tbe pontria.
tames lathe prian tqr which ltotould oe
god: 'Atid fefir:Peariion 'reemployed
Millor to measure We ground,
ter, the City, 'Engineer, who wiz the
people Person ,fo do ,It. Mr. miler
• earaietits cheiattleixtenetomr. Pearson'
being forty-tiro feet long, thirty feet
!IraAbith weeetnelb3SiLdelite, winch
make - eight hundred and fifty
:.At oconliiiirpoice.ll4l2mg
Roily made his bill 1959 62, Or according
to Mi ller's measure, P.M' too mach.
Prom all the testimony taken, your
Committee think that the correct meas
ure should have been forty-one Met long,
twenty five feet broad and ten and a half
feet deep, or three hundred and ninety.
nine cliblc yards, which, at-the contract
price, amounts to sl4B,B7—making a dif.
Serene... Rearm the city of 11510, 75 .
, It the contract had been given to the
lowest t4dder, as ;t shoal(' have been, it
could have been done for sixty cents per
yard. which would have
. saved the city
144499; or, if after the contract had been
let, a correct measurement of the ground
had been made, the city would have
saved $510,75. •
Your Committee desire to again call
your. attention to the very loose manner'
In which contracts are made by the city,.
and would respectfully. recommend that
In future . , more Minion be erarclatil by
Councils in awarding contracts..
[The report was here signed by Messrs.
M Morrow, Jones and Gallaher: of
the organ Ret renchment and "Reform CoMmit
l am . ]
Arctlmpanating the report were the foi
-1 lowing resolutions, the adoption of
which wee recommended:
• Besotted, That the whole matter be rM
Bored to the City Attorney, with Minnie.
Cott' to institute such legal ploceedhi gm
es he may deem proper: ' •• • - • '
A second resolution authorized the
payment - of-ten dollars to P. P. Binith
for • phonographic report of, the testi:
snotty bethre the Cemmittee. '• • .
• Mpor. McCandless moved to accept the
MPearsonsaid he had a - few 'words
to say, inasmuch as the Committee had
mentlenekt , hbt n a me coritActionely.•
then, In detail, referred to the-appoint. -
meet of the Sub. Committee-who were
'clothed With enthotlty to make'the con
tract. They made aarangements for
banding' mutation bonito aecording •te
plane and specifications. He reflected
severely on the twill:M - 0f the Ikanmittee
on Retrenchment and Reform for not
giving him a sufficient hearnitig.- He
-had done nothing with Out consultiog Mr.
Philips and other members of the dub.
Committee. In reference to the con
tram for • grading,. :it • had been
awarded to Mr. Cksly with this
understanding-mole part that the price
was not too high. The only mistake he
had made was in employing Mr. Miller
'lnstead at Mr. Mocreiln regard tomcats- -
urinieht. this connection he read
affidavits from other enuractote, setting.
forth that 112%• per yard was not too
high. The contract for laying the floor
was given out by Deputy ?doer - Nichols,
and he had nothing to do with it. He
objected to the bill, when presented, be
cause it was too high, and then Mr. Rody
threw off forty dollen! to get the money
=this other bill. In regard to the meas
urement, Mr. Moore had told hint If the
heighth was right the measurement was
correct. A deposition of Mr. Miller, the
Engineer, who Muttered the lot, eV
firmed the trinket the measurement.
Mr. Morgan denial thatthe gentleman
had no fair baiting. &very opportunity
had been given His tesnuiony had
been taken in full and was appended to
the report.
Mr. Morgan was proceeding at length
to comment ork the testimony, when
Mr. Rook rose to a point of order,.-that
the testimony wee not beforeilknaneal,.
:and eouldnot be commentdd ad.
Mr. Morgan was proceeding to read
extracts from the testimony, when the
President ruled it out of order.
Dr. MdCandleas stated the report was
not before Lbuncils, as It bad not been
accepted, and discussion was' therefore
out of order. •
-Mr. McCarthy held the report was de.
hatable, because it was before Councils
for acceptance or rejection. It was not
fair to choke off discussion.
Mr. Barton moved that the City Engi
neer have the privilege of the floor. Om-
Mr. Moore stated that he had been re
quested to measure the lot by Mr. Pear.
eon; that he went out, but refused to do
so se be- bad no data there to go by, to
mike an as
r h ie field notes. Hs
he had none. but exhibited ' calculations
bused on an average which made the lot
equal to' thirty feat wide.. Miller had
stated be averaged it ; In this way found
a measurement of the ground taken
away, He (Mr. Mooye,) lard 'poked over
Miller's calculations andlound them to
be correct, and had mid so, but he
did not, therefore, vouch for the drat
measurements, as In the condition of the
lathe could 001 do the work Then plan=
self. Ho reformat° measure the lot Oleo,
because he had not been asked to do it
at first. This should have boon done, a
it was city property. Ho hid 'endorsed
Mr. Millet's paper of calculations as cor
rect, but had then distinctly stated that
ho would not aluott for the drat measure
ments, tipon, which all depended. He
hid WM. shavvia Mark, where it Waa
amid the dirt had been graded from, and
if It was that high, he thought the gra
dings, as raga:led, were correct.
Mr. McCarthy said he thought On evi
drone of Bong had; beau adduced.
There had been no dots to go
. by. A
great 'ghat tild been mid% but' nothibs
very definite for Councils to act non.
In relation to-the grading,' as to the
price, he knew of an alley in teat lo
tidily WM& tad oust {LW per yard 10
VIOL The Ages:lons to bo.•eleclded
wore; Was Ole. amount cf grading
stated done, and was the price too much.
Chargetfdrinindnality and. freed ware
airily made, but proof must be substi
tuted. The only thing he saw wrong
was In not employing the CiLLy Engineer
In teethe/. place. This looged inapt ,
clone, but that was all. He favored re.
'erring the matter bank to the new Coun
ens for fortherconelderation: •
Mr. Scott said he had been present at
the meeting of. the CommlUee, during
the leveitigatlop, and had thought that
moat of the thing had been from sur
mises. The whale diffloulty mimed to
be from. a sort of ,work. There
had been'no statements or exact figures
from which an accurate' measurement
(mid be taken. and nothing could be
decided here, In Toledo& to tho price:
be thought It not too high. Other prop
erty in the neighborhood had been as.
messed $1,25 per yard for grading, and it
was to be supposed that the city Would
not get work. done for alal luta Hum' h .
private cltizin.
Mr. Bell stated that tide was well
knoln to be • tweritplivoteet lot. Now
he thought that taking the calculations
made, magmata' avegagtaastated would
: melte the lorequaTto p,tbtrtTfeet
Heonlyliad 'reference 10 the meant's:
Went. He ihonght the.Commlnee should
not have passed the bill, outside the rec
,ommendation of Mr. 'Moors, the reg
ular City Engineer. The' c alculations
were: nottitog.. The, Measurement Measurement was
wanted,. "
-Mr Bcdtt thought that Mr. Miller; the
engineer who measured the property.
*mad-Be was willing ro
etune 4 betete Councils and toralfVlo
mestainananta t h errect...He therefore
moved to :refe report back to the
Committee..with lnstructions, fd ; Late
htr, altilds's Untie:tow" added:— •
The motion was, after some discus,
Mou, curled and the. Piper so referred.
` . Bitiltiess (Min . tee select Council was
then taken up. Jitter 'several 'concur.
Mace!, the report of the . Committee on
htlithettwas =Calved; wield+ . was ;ob.
Jetted 'ditto 4
hti.-Mettelyy,. who raid Objechros
to increasing-the rental of .thebutober's
stalls 'lithe. Market 'Aft-7 Oat cent: - Ms'
:thought the rear atallashmild hi allowed
treremein whh the preeenttsx,and the
,front stalls taxed, Wetly,
mamma was' Eagan The ' Int wee dls.
*cussed by Mends. fdoCart y, Hare and
Neaataar when the Chairman read' a
sec: Wu le the set of AstemMY eflipOweri
log thetbratnittee to rent the wrath, end
have control of theta.
A motion was dimly made to refer the
matter back to the committee. last.
Mr. EfaCatidless galled teethe yeas and
hays on accepting the report, and thus
roneurring with the Select,Couricil. with
the felkirlityg at i• Ayes-. Becker{
Boggs, Booth, Bulger, Carroll, Caskey,
Moo, Hared House, -Houlihan, Jahn,
Lanahan McCarthy, Met:bane, Moor
head, -141 mer, Pearson, Behmatr,
Schott Scott - Tomei.;
Waughter. Weldon,, .Tomlinson
~ZI. Nigya—Albilia Barton. Belf,'Bisck.
Fleming. Hutchison Jones, McCand.
lesei Mclielvy; rich's:Mere: Meyer, geed;
Mr. DicKelvy offered a_resolutlon re
qu,sting the Market, Committee not to
ant any stalls In the batiks anti! furth
er Instructions from Council. Laid on
At tide ptage of the proecedmga serer-.
al motion% to adjourn were triode by lhaJ
patlebt. members, ell et , Which were;
signally voteeldoan:
! A general moans or 'the' auwweeted
man commuanced,ithleb. aaa—inwetere'd
With by the wet Berseented.Arni, who
blockaded the doers and larroly reused
to permit any egress tuneq by permission
or the Preildeet. O,e member. In vale,
appealed,a:nu:epee • Mummy, ern
Itnalp 'outwitted the chair by climbing . .
river the !railing* and illoreng through
the Iphhy. As tile coat ;ads whisked out
at atOt . the tileirgeimt wee directed to
ahead him Mr.". which. unfortunately.
proved a blank failure.
rui.ouna nneurnse
• - •
Bailnosa *ea Continued, the action of
Select Connell being concurred to, Id .
ilnally passing an ordinance for opening
Ellavrorth 'avenue: passing a joint react
ItaliMlaradmion to the vault of Ann.
strons f Bre. &Co ; Warring to. tbe'
Committee • resolution for-lighting the
Greensburg' ma; accepting the,report
(Tate Special °mandato on Si, :Peul'e
Church; socepting the roma Mabel Corn.
4 ettif o aPotOtliPrPOleity to build Iron
clad buildings; passing finally an mill
name • board walk on Wylie street.
near Somers street; accepting a petition
for the repeal of the ordinance for the
Seventh avenue sewer; passing finally
an ordinance for the opening of Hatfield
wog; accepting and ordering to
be published, report of City Hall
Commlesion; referring to Street Commit.
tee, petition of Frank Seibert for dam
sow. passing finally, resolution for the
removal of obstruction on Sixteenth
street; passing finally, ordinance for
opening Neville street.
Mr. Pearson offered • resolution of
thanks to . President W. A. Tomlln•o •
for the gentlemanly courtesy •nd tact
with which he bad presided over the d&
liberations of .the body during the year.
Pasted unanimously.
On motion, adourned.
The bharpiteuw. Batter ens - New CU.
tie Hallway
It la not irenerally known, and If
knonn, tha fact may not have been drily
aripredatecl, that we are to have another
railway outlet welt, 'probably In the In
teract of theConnalleville road.
At Harriabiarg, during the Clodng
sesalcm of the Legislature,. a bill was
pureed incorporating the' ..Sharpaburg,
Butler and New Castle. Railway Co." and.
granting the. right of ,way and other
liberal franchisee to the corporation thus
created. The oorporators ttamed In the
bill met In due time and proceeded, ao•
cording to law, to open' books of sub
scription, and perlbrm Such legal ftino-
Bons as devolved upon them. The
stock has bean subscribed, the fact cer
tified to the GoVernor, and lettere patent
have been leaned. tinder the authority
of these letters patent the stockholders
met on Thursday evening last for the
election of thirteen Directors, whereniOn
the following Board was elected: Jared
M. Brush, Pittsburgh: B. W. Morgan;
Pittsburgh; Andrew LyontyPittaburgh;
W. A. Tomlinson, Pittsburgh; N. P.
Sawyer, Pittsburgh; D. O'Nell, Pitts
burgh; George C. Rice New Castle;
Samuel H. Hartman, Edgewood; Wm.
Smith, Allegheny; John Scott. Jr., Alla
gheny; Samuel Riddle, Allegheny; John
Brown. Jr., Allegheny; H. S. Bollman,
- McKeesport.. • • '
The Board elect effected an organics;
Bon by the election of 'Hon. Jared M.
Brush as President, Hon. W. A. Tomlin
son, Secretary, and Capt. Samuel Riddle,
Treasurer. ,
The road has been thorotighly ittrvej
ed, throughout Its entire length of fifty.
six miles, including connections, - and
careful estimates made of the out. The
grade Is easy, not exceeding forty-five
feet to the mile, maximum; the route
peewee through a new Inaolated, - but
highly productive agricultural region,
and. also opens up come 'extensive beds
of coal. At New Cottle. a connection
can be formed with the Pittsburgh and
Erie R. and also with the Cleveland
end Milhoning Road. thus connecting
with the Lake Shore Line, to all points
west. At Pittsburgh, the moat Important
connection, all Interests considered,
would be with the Connelsville road, via
the Nine mile run route. •
We are not Informed as to the Intim.
lions of the Board, (lf, Indeed, they have
had time to form any, as yet,) but if they
shall receive that spbstrintial encourage
' meats which their peculiar position
would seem to entitle them from' the
connecting - roads mentioned, at each end
of the route, then, indeed. may we see,
ai an early period of the future, a new
and independent wade for trade and
travel, hence to the late cities. '
The. Importance of such a route as a .
competitor, and no leas as an seminary
of eidtalng roads, cannot be overestima
ted. Although a short line, in Itself
considered, the She:pat:mg, Boiler and
New Castle Railroad Is • very Important
link In the railroad system.of our clty;
as such we hail the new organisation,
and shall anxiously await the initiation
of active operations along the line of the
An Explosion—A elan and Two Boys
Terribly Burned with Bonen steel,
A terrible accident occurred between
eleven and twelve o'clock yesterday, al
the steel works of Messrs. Rummy, Wells
A Co., at the corner of Seventeenth and
Pike streets, In 'the Ninth ward, by
which h man and two llttle boys were
terribly, and portiere fatally, burned,
and several others severely
Joseph Blakely, the puddler at one of
the ;armpits, was engaged with his
..helper,'. 'Art hu r Deleeuw, In removing
the 'tap" from the furnace. The."lne"`
la • mass of hardened metal left In the
furnace, and while it was beingremoved
en explmion ! occurred., which. the
&me of metal, and moltenateek were
'mattered or thrown in every, d.rectioo,.
burning and' otherwise. injuring emir
one with whom they. came in contact. -
Mr. Delaney, the. "helper," and Francis
and Joseph Blakely,
_two little sons of
the puddler, who were spending a part
of their school holiday at the mill with
their father. were the parties most
eerlously Injured. Mr. Delaney was
frightfully tanned about the, head, face
end breast. Ills clothlog walet% on lire,
end had to be torn off his porsonto pre.
vent his - being burned more extensively
atilt Ile was removed immediately to
his home, on Canal street, near Pike, and
received medical attendenee. Bin inja•
ries are sextette, but his . hoped they will
not prbve fatal.,Joneph Blakely, the :
youngest boy, ..aged nine years, had his
fate, neek, breast , back and arms tent.,
lily burned: removing his clothing
the skin came off a large portion of the
tipper part of the body.. The elder boy.
Frrncle, aged thirteen years, was also
badly, burned, but not so seriously as his.
brother. Ms face, neck and.boserlt were
burned to a crisp. The boys were re.
moved .to their :
father's borate on.rike
Street; ;near Fourteenth, ' end were. at
tended to by.Dra. and'. Hearn&
There are serious fears that the Norio,
of Joseph, the you:magma hoz, will prove
fatal. Mr. Blekelyjettier of the L boya,
was slightly burned, endlyken:.he took,
pis children hornet, hlei Man clO, ,hing Was
discovered. to bo burntng An; .arreeral
, . .
The fair now In prigress in the base
ment of St. Panl's libthedral, Fifth
avenue and Grant street', ibr the taniedt
Of the Catholic grphan him ao
far been grand lumen. To attempt
even en enumeration of the manifold at.
traction to the spuflons hall. woulclra•
gulro more tlmiatid 'spa* COM thapresi
Of business and the crowded state pf our
columns on this-occasion will permit,
but we would advise . our readers who
have not, yet had the plasm:moot spend.
log an evading. there ,to Ibromo that
plant 0 . longer. ~ The . fair vill o pen
at three 0'43/01*.titht , arternoitat and re.
Milo open uptil tweiveo'clock tc.night ;
and we know of .no more , pleasant or
Profitable place wherein to spend aids.
ore hour or two. Many useful* and vafJ
haeloargelee are to be disposed of by
Mono°, among which we might mention
flea portreit in oil of. Pope.riusSlC...
*aid to. be one 01 the most accurate, and
eerlainlytme of the best finished plat:rah .
lathe country. Theplature wit* whited.
by Mrs. McKnight. 'of .Washingtmui
0., formerly ofthis city, whale shill ass
portrait' painter is eromulto that or no
artist in the °matey.. ~ •
Vtartvary Report. •
The following Is theilist of deaths in
the citrof ritiabitirgla Ikea the .164; of
Dee. to the 25th Of Dee.„ as iejtoreedlirl
Dr. W. tinT , elY, P? , 1 40 P‘ . 1 ,4 1
Thecansesof death were: Unknown 1;
aexy 1: tetants 1; oracer I; old age
debility 1; diseaseof heart 1: enteritis
I; accident 1; oclampela 3; pnenmonlatr,
whooping ociugh , 2; • scarlet fever 1; ta._
hiercoloels 2; still born 8. ,
Of the above there were—Under 1 year,
9; from 1 to 2 years, 2 vglo 6,1;;'6 to
.10, 1; 151020, I: 30 to 40, 2: 40 to 5004
'5O to 69, 4 ; 60 to .70. 3 ; 70 43, 80, 7.
Miss, 14:. females, .Iy,hlts, 24.00.
coed, 1. , 2 '13312, 26. - . • ;
. . .
Therein no - piaci:ln Cho eitk wherionr
gentlentazersaders esn dm] s' totter As
sortment of material; to: a larger stock,
titan at Hespenheida's ftshionable talk:w
ing establishment, lie. 60.8rath 'street,
(81. Clair). Mr. HfsipArdielde Is now,
sible time and at the .most rononable
rates, clothing fir gentleinen, perfect In
fit, and of the latest idyls. . - Ttuste of our
-readers In need or anythinglh this one,
or thinking of eh tinging their batronAge,
comd nut do-tette/than broaMnEltlio.
60 Sixth street, and . ring tb"Pen
beide 11trlal Thnt, I y will besatbdled
with ttee , trial is Ottertail:lam that the
goodeerlit bib ef the eery , teed diameter,
•• The Happy dew lietir.'4l/110 tote 01Mei
with tut now resolves idie - parpOialei
which ,are -th_saa 'sf
Liebler, No: 104' Wood' &treat:Wu° has
deeded and perfected•
cordthgry, di make his already popular
trunk establishment still mode celetweted
for tbe Hebb and durahilllY of the work'
sent from It, and the extraordinary law
pricer wtdch the goods will be sold, lor wood 'treat will tie the Phawa for.
f r w .rM. 4 1 1 1 . 7 1' "'
;i, F .~a.r5.,.+:~?- et..i.v:.,Y~:T=ri>° zra.«,. , , .~:h5_'3k..1~..-~-ky.~' x .rt~~::-~:s.,. ...,.,
... ..~ ... ..
At the Gallows.
We have all heard of the chap who was
going to be hanged, and being presented
with a glen of ale while on the gallows,
blew Dui froth off, saying that he bad
always heard that froth wasn't healthy.
We don't know exactly whose ale that
was, bat If It were Pier, Dannals dt Co.'s
that chap was misinformed; if be had
swallowed it down Jost as It was he'd
have felt the batter of it to the end of, his
life. We speak from experience—that
la. we don't mean to say that we've bean
hanged, we mean we have had some ex
perience In drinking P.,' D. dr. 00.41:1X.
reliant ale. Our familiar friends know
that we attribute our fine complexion
(we hope we speak with becoming mod.
ally) principally to that; s od
let hare
let us say that we hurl back with the
deepest scorn the Insinuation of that vile
sheet, The natty Pudding Bag, that there
Is an undue proportion of our complex
ion concentrated in our nose. Without
wasting further space on that contempti
ble sheet, we revert to our theme. If
our friends, and they are legion, would
heArY. and we know they wouldfwe
ad othem to try a glass of Plor, Dan
nab et Co.'s Cream Ale, and oar word
for it, the world will look bright to them.
The delicious beverage acts like a potent
charts. lifting care from the mind and
strengthening the-body against the ilia
of the flesh. Try, it—you' know "the
roof of the puddlog," eta.
New Tear , ' Gins.
As the season of ;OVA is upon us, let the
reader take note of this fact—therein no
gift more welcome than a book, always
provided It is adapted to the taste snd
comprehension of the recipient. Bon
bons disappear, fancy' articles and toys
get broken, but books remain, Woke= of
cordiality and good will; and cone year
after another disappears, and the "child! .
no longer is playing lta parts in the great
genie of lifer we all know w het memories
and ' erniitiorts are gathered round us by
the'Sight of Some "gift" whose "giver"
has perhaps been called "home."
or the holiday season, Jno. W. Pit
took, opposite the Postotlice, has directed
special attention to supplying the public,
with books for holiday gifts. HL assort
ment varies from the smallest and most
triming five cent toy book, to the most
superbly Illustrated and elaborately
bound gift book. Among his collection
of firm books, will be found all the new
works of the senses, and many of the
old standards.. Clive Wens call,oppoalte
the Postoliloe.
• • The New Year.
G , od•bregotbe old 'reagent's vanished,
Geod.,,e to its sor on sod etre;
Las ener begs our A rest.] or be baGsbed,
Or troatir, ...rout bid our Aare • •
. To.da3i 'the new year Is ushered ht
so Joyous and smiling, and Roltzhelmer,
at tne Continental saloon, has made such
ample preparation for the acoommoda•
tion of his patrons u to drive sway all
mid recollection of the
. past and cause
them to think of the present alone. No
•One who has ever been so fortunate as to
participate in the discussion of a New
Year. clinger at the Oontioenal will
forego that pleunre today. - 11 . It l 4 possi
ble for them to be present. The most
ample provisions lave been made and
guests will And -everything In keeping
with the Occasion. Remember the eon
, %Menai Won Path avenue, one door west
of the •
Five hundred dollars rpward will be
Paid for any Information which will lead
to the discovery of the whereabouts of
Mr. Samuel . Bickman, of Osillbrnia,
Washington county. Pa.
Mr. flickman arrived at Pittsburgh on
the packet Elector about one o'clock on
Saturday, December 11th, was seen by
several of hla friends during the after
noon, and teat WOO at the National Hotel
about five o'clock same day. laiempat-:
ate and. of regular bents, about sixty
years old, baldheaded and no whisker',
a little above medium height, heavy set,
weighs about 190 pounds, had on stiff hat
and salt of dark clothes. Information
ran be left with or addressed Joseph
Forsythe, No. 145 Fourth avenue. Pitts.
burgh. Pa., or Jonathan Sidman, Van.
port, Seaver county. 4's.
Mountain Patriots
The Squtre's Daughter..
The Tseblyvtlie Boys ..
Cahalan uhsrliT
Eugene C00per.._....._.8aby% Ohrtstmssq ....
tie Thal Overeometh
Temperance 675
For mile by F. G. Itetheman,
113 Tbllll avenue.
pecial butacementa "ll be °tiered to
persona pnrcbealog books for Sudsy
SchoorLdbaary. ,
A Case of Deafness of fourteen years
standing (the result of a Catarrh) caned
by the use of Dr. EistirOs Catarrh Remo.
dy. Levi Beringer ' . Esq.. of Durban's
Corners. county, 0., writes,
tinder date of January 6th, 1869, that he
has been using. Dr: Sage's Catarrh
Remedy, and - says it has cured him of
deafness of fourteen year. standing. He
was so deaf that be couldbot boar a Per
son talk When masted by their Oda, and
can now hear the church bells ring two
collerttatimt. - tgalidd by' druggists, oi
land sixty cents to Dr.' B. V, Pierce, Buf
falo. N. Y.
.4tent. - --Twotplendid hoird'welling
houses, No. 12 and 14 Overbill street,
nearly opposite Mr. Moorhead's rod
d ems, end Op 11110 with,Canher. imam,
street. ears. apnoea of good modern
dalsh, that story grained; oontans ball
with await:into patios , dining moot and
kitchen; on se cond Boor, five chambers,
bath, 80., gas Ballarat, good attic, and
large' dry 'cellar, nest 'yards with good
brick pavements, cattevana, &a Apply to
tr - 13.
„ 6514tierty . street.
Go to-day aadrinjo a lunch at Barii6
eonass- , :of
S st
reet oh& 'Path
val llll 4l ClBretelle 10. flab. Alto=
17,r woff wir inimr a maxi
desire fora healthy_Will be }band
titan the boards. thing is prepared.
IpPla bent slylia,..*b btaltacia; aseeh...
mehdattoa nO4 Vmsesied by 0041 V*
taurant)ptht, city. 'Vali It - Name- lutd.
lent qtualityfor tike ibwl. ' -
Oysters, Oysters, 4/stem—Mho asks'
brined , - Chlneottagne and - Ananedek
(Ql4)olltatii ere reolaived fresh; Ifocrdi. -
rear Inite i tbeir nativelistataavaryhton:
day end. intraday: quilittr.ausrailtsid,
and sold lathe magnet , dented rioW•toloe
of IS Vet bang. Oen aton east
Bra= 13710.%. ,
'+dYtl l 3o~ 1a
1-. l ' Boole a traria".
P °i - 11 :trt 7 A -0 05404.41.Eqzg.irsauf•
o 9 Bkrn .81not te e Os f
seo and - 018606t00t8 , te e
kb!‘ . days ; :Price ir f OO. , I . Qoslity.
• .:;.• ...ormtcropemm,'•
• P. • - ir
4 . 480084 5t.",2•• ot.llantialiesYY•
ti ;.t
of la sllt - np by ffir„ Botta& - a - 00:1e"
mode or the beat qnsUtles.ontousll;int
hops. , To ;nouns gonl,drought-M,sl
sok Sokßkirilhinnals'+9,4l rantions
• •
Eso,sl.4.l2dholookals putrpomdloweet•
thank ArTottngent's )3m - Ith - field stied'
and Dl4anodottey..T , • .1 :41 4
'lBreSti:Arrtyat of ChltioobontBB4lo4
031 . 0ernott Steel a Bra.M 10 • 1 s,i'ld&A ,
ago sellipxot $8 per bone!.
ohttiestemsee andOsaneoelo
ters, , only $6 per ; barrel . Bagnlrs,lbr
hitntoll'a:Oyater's. at Meet Bro.'s,
Thlrd'Aventre r near Bmtchiteld. 100 bar.'
retsina Orrin& • . ,
, . .
CoastMallon liVoterio Loortain cure In
Diabetes and mat dtseases of the Md.
'acmltir solo broil Drag/lA:AL
Heaakerpplell imadri ssis, Bairt fo r
Is, at In a. Carjlele's, St
Filth maw,. t.
Youngson.a. liadthfiald West and Dia.
mond alley, ova of too finest nonnallon
ary antablathmenta la the nay.
Molt', in everi : alepartiiiiatof Ma's.
titre at 41 Sixth availuta '
• CbllneAteigne Mel Osman at • Steel &
Bro.'s. Fresh Jailed today at $ per
herreL Third arum, near Smithfield
Elegant new MINIM' jewelry, jell
opened.e lasertun Yr Coils" V •rath•
fittneateacae- 811e11 oysterk—Presh
arrival at Steel & 8r0.% *llB per barrel.
Jewel, Glove sed Hand kereblet Boxes
for prawn% !imam Illarllele; 27 .
Fifth amine. - • •
lctoel tiro. Wive just reosked a stock
of freak Oblnootsigus Shell
.oyr . s.,r% It
Rest FISIS Lees Akewls tor holldsimia•
eats at &Ism= ft Carlisle's, 21
5!" . 1t59 , ,5t,, 2, R^' •
2 •Holiday Books :at Ws, , I. I T.
I'Velnrt , • - ,
Heavy Tax Payers.
Messre..Toseph Finch & Co., the ax
tensile diWller. , manufactured 894.1 r
sallow of pure rye whiakey doling tbe
past year, and paid taxes amounting to
1369,988 91, u follows
$16,132 34
15,501 94
23,065 65
96,076 97
35,044 56
..... 38,017 66
-- 13,378 40
14,637 92
20,919 40
24,334 78
40,796 49
November ....
December ....
Call at -Moorlicad'e,. No. 81 Market
street, today and choose an appropriate
present for a lady from his Immense as.
Sorlseerat, of gloves, laces and matins, rib.
bons, flowers and fancy articles, hats,
collars and cuffs, rings, breast-pins
and bracedste, trimmings of all kinds,
handsome fans and boxes for the centre.
table. Yon can hardly fall to make a
selection neat and tasteful, and one
which will be appreciated for its utility
as•well as beauty.
Shell Opten only gaper barrel at Steel
& Bro.'e. Quality guaranteed.
'Envelopes and Scatlonsryst Evan's, 41
Rupert' lunches prepared to-day for the
patron's of Yonmeson's, Smithfield street
and Diamond alley. ..
Moses, Hose and other metal articles
far itifta, at Mtwara & Carlisle's, 2f Flfth
&Ws.Cttrbt mai Oysters pi per barrel at Mee
Contectionaxtes, of every - variety, at
Totuigeon's,l3ndthriald street and Dia.
j Toys, Dolls, and many fancy articles
for Chriatmsty at Kamm dc Carlisle's, 71
Fifth avenue.
All thelatest Disautne's at
. Egut's, 4
Sixth avenue. •
. ,
evening. Daaanaber 519th, 1181), at N. Paton
Chr. rah. Brant • net, by tM Rev. lir. Roberta,
/CD U. httIiNZILEYILIe and JOS= 11. GCS.
LIMB. daaablar of Jas. 6041.116. Ise., b.ith of
PiLtsbersh, la.
(Souls. ttl., and Shelbyville, Tann.. Papers
please e0r,..) .
AND TTICIIXO— , n Thursday elentn, Den. 20
119 o•otock, LIBBI, only daniper g ot• MAP..
end II•ry H. Anderson., sod (oar pun . and
ten months.
The funeral Irt II take Woos from theyneldeaco
of nor Moat . . Bonou mane. on unit-
DATit II o'clock. The friends e; lb. Many on
eeepectrath Invited to snood. ,
8. rArralbOn JAW L. WILLI/XS.
Use/dia.., corner of Iftfth avenue and
SIL eltvet. rltiaborib. OoM. of all kindle
Shroud.. Crave. and Moves, and every dcaerip
{Woof funeral fern lahlpf good. renamed On the
meat masocable term In tae elty, Hearer and
itarriamodandahed °Mee open day and Wain.
~ n L e
Anyfeentart. , fhff'f CUM+
• MS lA. co•astsfauf
_41.311.Q Wlth mai uf
.11.omfood.. 12A_EfalL.11
tlei l' ALlS& ' tr i ragniti=fin Co.
fluff Afdi
. sLepy CU ands of lloorniii
Mut Malt:locm Las
Ouretair. for /amoral, 13.00 Moab
0017I at NS .d Tamara Tanlibmant..
CHORDlk(Rallro.etzeetoleat Depot.)
Fier itououroe. Pa. e. V. CILOWTHEIL. Pastor.
rreschteg Err.' ISAIMATH: at I.ON A. Y. .4
I 1.. r. rablie cordial! Invitee.
nuften, - ALLZAJLIZNY.— L
BIN/. c
F..llltvt/Kr. 8 ator,' aaletava at di
vine ...via, In this Maras on TO.Jat)IIAUW, at
half•paat tea a•Ma..4... wad tura- okat arias
o'ciack r. a.
1! 50
1 25
Genitor Groat MINN sad TONIVALIosso..
Ls'. W. N. VAN 111,1411 g rattan Bony!.
ItVZILY OUNDAT 103 d e.. N and JP. W. • -
1117 .1 4/14147100 j .: 3 17:, - I;4 ` li ttlrta:
Dillobitce-j - TooNtalots• In Evil."
Beals tree a nd vrelcoma to all. Elsoda, batoOl
at NA. N.
CIIOIIIOO. corner Beaver street we
tl [grrece . r..l7ertli Irtel=3l7ll74 j . Vnl 3.
Day.) at 104 e• estd Hv
1 r. r.
• Hems entirely tree and s cordial tcyltatS en to
en. • -
CHURCH OP PTell3lll7ltEiW W. S.
ilear=r ;s . a o rd bm
*mien every Lord.. Die as 10)a N. tb 41111. i
e ig.
The public an cordially Invited.
the NEW .11C itIJBLIAM CttoacW, cor•
ts, of Weed zed etre. to. eljat DoT
fArtrillMU. Jauoto. A. ISo*eet—The Coming
or /egos from Gallica to imams. untoJono,
baot , sed of him.
Pre itch • Hermon beton• the trait.d nod
Icco•mel Prastinertsa I. . Trianon• Lagoa
on • 0.11./lltOw (tlabootb) JINX milllo. at Thi
o'clock, to moll., plr. P. Murcia, TLM
Sabi mt-.y rho for too akild..v.•
♦collection wl4t Ds tikes aolar ITS besoll of
ono Tem:torsi Un.ell.
wrixmovni• CONGREGAi-
Iimi Ziolt i lrlLlTi l t • lll l Cefar ° At
corner of Leval and Federal str••B4..alle
o`e.ocelT:=4.l74lVVlVgis'er r.;l
tweject- , 8 :bouts 00$ Illkadow 11 Illness
LIFe ' •
ed ',ban
allaro hoe gal a prodlal welcome I. ex . lelp.l
us • , •
Eirp;TIJEW.ND 11017 C —lllhe
• verestora "Meee I.lllle Sou
titroll4 Cam. an• Tata DAY aeetar.a
Magma nv c rsa CIVIT.. clear of 610.•
ertnaast tax. eel of I..•earallairs of the sat SIX
ot..asks. biteable to Steel holders or taste legal
represealatleeN at Um emerertfsCeaDaayCPl
sad . allot 4 . 4INUARY ISTO. •
Jar ' • WA. Serif • ellilealt.
VA YO . r frrtscsok, lA.. -
: i • ; • .I•nouyll.t., - ITO'
, .. toe DIIIIICT.IIII of IMO Coalman. .to
fair* *Vita . , GosploF yur. vi 1.6 4
0 4‘01 4 la• Ita
tall*. '...; .V , . i lsoVaios, nr • 101- onilk
riosc To ma muff A .; January r IITO,
to foam Waco of OA 111, WI .N.
f j.This
.; • , .1113/411 T. al.
r.. r . . •
&' i u'
Whom it May Concern
Snick on band, Rained On In Al
ffeip and ttintdalpials, UO,OOO
6t.•14,00 per bb1.... ..8 1 14 6 0.000
SiMis Crean, II Unit “Piusatib.
NiWO,OOO tont., old $ll. 00 per
Iciiire4saxclast—lstalit..tos eh'
Ni.the • i 44 .Wrap: '11109411C . -
Wiarale en.", • •:. •••••• attkoo
Pomona yob., or volassatlelparod"
force:singe moil:he: • .•
I0d;90011412: . diaaa aS eis.o9
! Present valise, or Table astlelpalad, • • •
forameln 0 mentbut — -
11110.000 !Rib: Cradle, as 1$ Germ ' •
bbl . . .. .. 14410.099
j ... • .
Sit 19xi t j e ...
Ennboiy anus&
ALLKO4I47Ir ItlVXll—yMundriata.
zr toner CiELEeTiAi.
(Kanylie Bulk DattillssArbirt)stneet,a- Mi
ta Tsai! been ;as :Jimary ad.
Ctrinitin totalled boa the Petadiel,,_ •
4,11 , 4411 . - AST. sicoux„
. Tie Tim of LOGAS, GREGG A CO , has
Oda day Deal disjoin/ by lbaliatton, GIORGI
PARK aid J. R. JOHNSTON mines. Tbe
Imbangylll be settled by the rtatatabig Nam
- ortiaug rams,
Dzczatass 31, 1550.
ma underelood Xlll sentinel, the hopeartattou
WAR at shear old ataud s No. BSI Wood street,
under the hiss of LOGAN, 011106 i CO.
J. R. Jotuaston meals elth the Musa
004). B. LOGAN.
/extreme' 1, MO. jot
13014888 91
"We 'mamma It naltultttlegly the brat Or
.juveale settiodleals.• , —Bo Weser. dt stemma.
Profusely Illustrafed.
Edited 'by teEO. MeDONALD, LL.D.
With.Tiveatylix Illustrations
Par ule Wall Periodical Dealer.
rabactiptloa. $5.50. Slagle
somber. 95 dente.
el i gTerttlFora r tglirr i ll6Ver4.=
laplerWa s IkWactre, o tt i tlD: :111 4 Irry
MAtibrlivirde. nWdo,rptita i te. paid.
bo Say aldrsaa. on receipt or 90 vials.
J. B. L irmm COLT 0 CO..
716 and 917 MAIIHIPp STRUM, rtutseepeta.
- •T THE
Very Lowest Prices!
129 Smithfield Street.
Ownlandld stook of HOLIDAY BOWLS.
oomorbleg Unman:till) Illostratml PRIGBINRA.
American and English
Standard Prose and '
Poetical. Writers,
Plngtlieli and American
Juvenile, - _
Loy Pocks.
Family and
Pocket Bibles
and Hymn
Writing Desks.
Paean r. Rooks.
Card Cases.
Photouraydt Albums.
Cold Pens and
Fancy btatlonsry.
Will be WA at the Very Lowest Prices.
dell 17115
erProvltle far The Arrest and Pulp
tabotont of Porsoitolip of Moto
and other Offer... Ilsodor the IVA
Section of lb. Art of Assembly. As.
progrisl April 6, 16117, Isttiled a
Portaer Papplemost is the Art la,
As corporatists. Vis yof Plttabirralt,
Etna 1. Be ft ordained and esadledar the detest
tad Common L'entneite N Vie Oily af Ptltuts"One
and ft is hereby ordainedand manta. fp Ma
Oldnuelnti of itee snow. That It .ball ba the dO 7
of , he polio@ of tne Int" of Pittsburgh, upon
'leer or upon Informing.. made and manna'
tuned. to all per ons who may no found
unfazed Is, or charged with 'talents' the imbibe
rleons discrete/11y contact. 'awe, indecent Or
el•loom behaTtor Cl the sheet. otter ' , she
e piers, matte. -
behatior on the atteeto or other Dab
Ile piers, mailer not. Or gantellon. and all
rag ant& common •treet boglars. ea:notes MO-
Ma'am. habitual distarbers et the pulallepolea.
known or ?oast./ nia .pOokots httlitrt.
thong. watch flingers; parsons mho practiee
any trick. Saute or dewiest •Ith. Intaat to nal-o
dic, ovum.. woo shoo, Ile r ftlatiler. Sod ass-
Sta. Mayor of •be city. and twat; o Yali
auy or toed oestrus old por.Ona
be pan
tatted by Sas earflap, to t or bs ot
both. at tlealhpre I It of llta May .r._Yroaldled.
gignal e lttjVier tr -. 4 o Pthe l =reff in ere:
to eaes d lea Outdate dollars. aid that mete
islorhaaamen. Car the dm oot teased
iVir 1:y. td! the.. -
/elite a , y.; m , the s•fa.-d effeeFi. - ility days.
Ism 91. That any ordianire or part oruntisatiee
eixollietta with the :wane of lble alliance a
the planet' time, be ad Che site is hereby re
pealed a and sited!nacts•
Ordainemitnto • law le Cease.,
thu Atilt day of Deonetee, A. D. 1.1102.
Llt/1112 it. 11 14o2aaa
Prenearst at Meet COMM.
V 1* P . W111264130N,
Trauldaut at Common Conseil.
Altai: H. Kamm rsa.
Clara or Cotamoa Connell. JO
Safe Keeping of 'Valuables,
railer iv:unitise. and lb matlnsed Illanir la its
Firtand ilarglrearetlaalta
aro. 88 FOURTH d'i'FPIIF
smideut—lirusarA= imn.ll
ve• presia•ss—uswat &LOYD.
Wleltefige arli. lPL l TlOßWAW ß. .
• •
eic`j ♦ TazaM-15. V.TOII soisitwarr.
Ovin tittly from 9 o'clock A. K. to 1 Wekrek
cow of Pols ina Sixth Stredt
C 1 4.,"4 4 '
•••• PE FLAW
Old Eltazul. Macklin/ Otor4o.
ma 24 rums /mum
Aod lull' a solletiost Orem Ills Jaded aid asses
soinexr, , etcivlte.
; • MODS. lacrairrs, SAOQI7I3,
. sir.azrast 'SHAWLS, •
• . ' earreas. aoiltre. •
'deo MITTIPS. /kb. •
4 'll.94°.rFc!'efr
1140 LIDA .
:Would do ...II to top . Mord imuelso Is 7 stook
of WATCHIA ta.M/M - JlllWiLar owl oil,
VIM WAY= of the moat dulsobla postorasyget
V.ti. D irgEATIVEP
Gaits' Furnishing -Establbliment,
i Ltlaitoo a
• •
•bankrar tonal/se Acta Cowen of Nara
IV= under ea
of 100 Coati, node. le eenlh
e . i b l 01.7
eyelash A. w.s helm JUNE N. r URVIANOE.,
17. a. =W . I. In Ezl42 . l4y i bt:. httrir. t a i
mow Ilan, they have , why adjeltarie to
not be gi9zt.d so tee
. a !Shakeups.
34.4 • • -H. C MCCANDLCAL.CIM.
J .THE . 1011111111 CT COMM 01'
?MC UNlTOUOTAZEdelhent•Weeletesphe.
It or Pehrytvelds. -- • -
". .1f.7111. ' h% 1 1% k 4 ' 1!). '
patrgrl." frost ad his dear as
ether elabsto drevable udder aslelAde. ddiddat
the Court, 001100 1. hereby 4: to all credited.
. 000 bare peeled etr de end ober persons
latentated. to &Maw. Oth day or 4.
el Ilelhff ngrCai i
i f Al ttr-il e lttd• h..t %M. ad!edema . dleeee.llera
;a. IP psey 0.. IZa)they far ., yir•
6" 2" """" VT U.
167, 168, 169 and 170
♦re now mitered w toroth VINZOAR At the
LOW= MARKET RAM. Attention Ls par
coiled to oar
inn WINE lllll46lii
tarNortross-••Tb4,,er," .6.2 6 br Sals,ft
ismated ix Mesa again= -mu for .
TWENTY-FMB 0RN214; asiA add&
timed hiss FITIN.CENT&
WAFTED.—An Active Inter
nut in • good budniug, (11ininbutiutpg'
grefenrtd) by &young man vritb budnisg'
owe. Avallable esynal about $20.000. Ad
dreltlf. X.. Gazette (Mee. tt
ine4aant pros Boom. uttik good Wally
laard. 4T AIiLLERSON ISTESIVT. Alltsbetry.
WARTED. -T w 0 1l
' Socitorp
tot ax . 414 estobllobo4.2ttir York
cub) LUb Trimanto Compost!. to operate to
*Mars plaa
Add ma Box ' llll3. Pittsburgh Postoillce. ,
WANTED. -A German GenL
MIN AN who ept aka Ingllsh to take the
General Agency el a New York itte'llasuranoe
Company, who Dave an No shah office at Pitts
burgh. Lim al Inducements to •proper person:
Address, for Interview, Ilex 7613, YOstotnce.
Illttsburett.' harel
Ptan e tial)lar&r. , l o, l3l , ..Asz
=of employment. remota' wantint Italy
Of all MU ea* ne melted on sham =tl,
MANTEID--An AGENT for this
etty to sell the celebrated SLIMILY •
T N 81CWINI3 on which we
otorternn mote liberal than any othareosnt."
OW and eamalne at 161 Wood meet.
B XAOLUNZ. the oil? Practical /MOM
gelttble Mooblee ever loreated. Etta. egg.,
W1:1 keg Se. 000 Males per Salottte, Ad
BOditol 1t..... or IL Goa% Mo. .
00,000 to Lou to tiros or moll Mount;
st a Oar rate of laterest.
3111. Bond sad Best Testate Broker, .
No. 179 B=llllo.ld street.
NVANTED..... AGENTS. . 1 11250
pRovE 'etillgriligernWSro
t elt IndLer o rts wre st
Lootr, tt!ruin iitg It lFer
to dose as say mar.blne+lol6loo sold and f a
decissd sou tautly lsoresslos. Now Is Um Ilais
-.0. . Harm, sass., Pittsburgh, Ps., vs Bt.
71 0 LIET.On Wood street, No
15, w 'seeable/ by J. H. 11111ermas
awa no
re st No. 47 Wood street.
is.Q LET.—Large room,-gecana
floor, frost. flonabla fur r 411101.111 2 .1 1.
orptoir room. 104 Yourth
LET. , ;•TheNevirlatorelbsillo
tog. No. 08 Wool &vett. Lugar' .$ No.'
T O-LET—Warehouse No 323
Lamlf _oirret, from Jammu DJ loot.oto
April In. ANIL linguini of rear . olloo on um.
- Jai*" •
slums psi= 116 tit
. 7106 Pima
fart doirrs alms 00 Clao . 1.. ie:d central
locatios ►W cont►losall siodfn laaprov'
Per► raltablelbe a PhyolOan
• Inqatni of oirlie of ivigiitkingsusiiifent
CO., No, 91 Wait street, betstia Oa hours et
nd P., 11 4 - . P.P.4.."4.•
FOR SAI4II4:' - • • •
P R 13 "*. ' - ' -1 Cl
1409901 a Vvri? . Orollitos .
altoote4soor the Pad, 9? ttopoeo94 9.44. Al
leshean contsiOo 970 lopsto.sall9r soh' .
cas and 1.44(4. wltit .table
mins 9499.944 T. ... tor Dii944lOrs
*Mx of Allantlo Alataal•Ltte Luanne. CoN
No. 109 annul .‘altlbt. (94 1994...) rro r
114. M.. orslo r;x• ;•• • • • •
By Plat Bost bad or °Um:Mak In any n 0151411.
Mutee~A, iii ina CU; YallinChln . ol .
irlik UM* II from Us Ban, ead bate It at room
abl•Vorms. byalll 11+:101i
/ 1121 4. 5 • -
, denasi
No.. 91 Federal Street,
"rely iluninerz •
N ew Lace Goofiei
New Bibb'on Navas •
New .Teweliv
Awl all kinds a TAliormanzip tioom
Come nil :It, Dasin, ball of Iliopel.3.39o.ketf
al Federal' Street;
• •.
At :Your, 01,11 Prices,
iir inu9g
Jewelry Store.'
Dearth; to dose ear 04 noel, - es
iamb all Node* In siro aiwo g o ods It inters
to salt seentetY. AQ Wir heed. Wthe
L lOW Tort at the decline of sold.
LAT. lee AND -111 teen. WATCRits;*' . ''
Rsmtgifitilitttinna !:••
Ale AND 1311X.Lit AD CANin, •
Lane snialieens of farm 00 •00. M.' cat
writa...bssom punkru ur , es • •
...,n r.:...:!. ,
JOHN M. COOPER' & : 00.1
and Brass'Peadaii,
116111, 1111 i:
assaa Prompuy
Al9de and Kept On:Trio:id;
L Coopufs hiproied MubWEeet
Office, 88`2 PENN EMMET.. •
PAT } EDAM APTIIIROON, Janusz, 102 70
ca ßUMEN lobroto4 ADAMS
of hi/LTD:EX. Laos [Aso of sia
SATURDAY IVISNING last appt.r. e. ."
Tho porton:moo vIU mamma oilth
80• Or 7dwln 1.21.11.,
To ionelnde with tn. drnma of
Llf., to thu env of Kt.
H. W. WILLIAMS. Lessee Mil Ilstmaer.
T 0.2410 HT. the mat weesllss had coeetan,
'Mr. J. B. BERRY. Last,week pf Inch Beads.
herd Stratum. Mtn Clara male . mud the 're.
tomblest'on le murstirlp ism bill Ladles' Hsu
Thee es Wtanesday Aitstssicsi ate. Tamtay,
of shmora eo w s W. At Tam IT. Weds...
ear, heonat of J. IL Lane. PridsY. eeeeot 0
Charles Bs. diet.. Two grand Pert o,o . ooo ..
New Yeses Dar. • .
Commencing January 3d.
The Werld•Renowned aymnnats.
The Mirth-v.ooer Little
The Tronderrul little
And oth an er Attrectlve NoceMee. They oil be
accompied by
The Inimitable Amerlean Ilumortst. ;
• The Versatile Cornmed!tune. and
Pronounced the greatest Being Concerßolst.the
shale isermtat►oamblnallon unequalled In the
variety and In the Intereetleg end unexceppon
able thirster of the performance. •
Notethestandlng Ibe greet ripener atiendluir
this thud Oontainatlon. the pekoe of sehaltelon
have been eseu attn. following setae: Pannell..
and Dress Coale. 75 eente• oecured Sears Bar,
paagky Creole. II tuna; Geller,. *5 cents. '
beats kr. sm.-evening may bezecured on and
after Pr 67 morning. December 111, ft Kilter
it Bros.. ISIS Wood street. dear
Thursday Evening, Jan. 6, 1870.
. •
Pirrsarne sr, Dee; 301 b. 1809.
PROT.• X. 5. TUAISIDS-41.11 We. the undo r.
Mined. having seen your MO teatimentals a. n
Leaner end Uptlelan...rili PAW=a favor your
dellvortsur • Lecture on the anatomy and
loloitY of the anima ICY.: `and on the Use ate
Abuse of Speetioleii. lePittsbargh. It .111
of utility to the eollsonatty by tintruct . ng tn.=
Or ;to danger of wiled Improper Spectacle., and
the of ..shins Proper onus, at the same
time nrcaidratfut infornsatton and tu.traction
on the olutatruetion of that dentate organ, UM
~JOBS DICiSON. M. D.. 9T3 Penn St.
STZSRITT, Id. D., Ocullet. Peon
rioxtske, ishein. of Plttstarsh.
L. If. SONIZA.II,.M.' D., 9911 Pero Et.
D. COWLST.3I:D,. SO Penn St: •
B. Y. DAltit, - ht. if., 910 Peon
Plersaintatr, Ike. 71e1, 111110.
Garrkseinate: I teed blevored by yoke Ineluako
to LOCUM. • 4.• my ski,
1 lellteillives trattlieetate 'Melees, Reim
heitary 00441 Missoula Heti. Ike lecture
willbelllinetratee by Amiens ofDbeerams, Models,
*Mantel Liu, • -
• Ism; gentleviee, love obediently',
leDWeLkit el. ILAflIa . 11• D.,•
t Oculist and Ofileteik
A. is.,•Doon, wUlb .opened ►e .1111 cealooks
Leetan tepommelaos
Call/Altairier Illaysaisof ago VIII 'sot be adl—
atlttaLualasa ateitataiantad to taut. partattacir
. .
When suss be oUtsiamt aqtriilt 7r14 ot annum
from sistOttle IthysOstass mune mussel/
tiardso this eireulas, shad µ lho Mem of Um
Dulls: ruse eserruckltenlag: trim
/doss IL Basso,* Os.. prillirsie corner Pam
444 , BUM ataset.. ass nous this /misuses at 514
Oka at t 4 tobliuusalmaio
. •
Ito Celliellse, iiid net by Ipeetaelei
•he kid in the Lecture Som.
Tat. Lee:tete IA &flier.% emit+ •tew a th
trightelii 'Dr: %MAIMS * sod ht. PATANTiIi
.BPZOTACLLI (istoek of whish he btu for sale)
to the dtti G.of Ptttitetrelt.
At the' threetinetbA of the Lecture. Phu
whseb mutat* of a amber of MOW ialskoll
Illatante Biareopikon Piiitiuss sad DI. plying
Yom{ belldga • viziers of _ . . • -.•
Comte and other Beata'ltd Painting,,
matattled'iniA, 116stsas . 4
tiimes - tbelr 11111.1 by
attar of as tastame lure iiibromatle Lam.
tia - malactloa sllenal-Traangra!it NEWMAN.
Ilturobasted'brtrio par•rlosraideltia Listita.;
irbtekurlll tasbeiriandexidslnid at, the ad at'
FRANKIIIII3 PATZNTIZ awl lavitatar ;
Of •la 7 valinbtalswevnteants la tfieemstrmi-
simonsimeciwidah. Rua jorpl• 1.2 Iva;
staIUNBoN stvinui,
tot. k nuilinili Weigh strut,
Vale h. ' 'Short • Only.
17 '• Y . AtAiiiiv9 F 1 sp!eis4 ammo)* to sp
hiriagrd OP` THE - HUIAN EIE.,
rirbnigrAßS ,
opri rr .Ervroatir Eve.rrrriu.
• •
PA.111.E814-4 have a.
castiwottams er Awls Flrhut.o""/"I'l
Maloadgeaddiragorldeb I budge all WWI tat ,
Oartaaell . triottg 71* P 1811164 OOZING ABD•
aLICLIPO . ILaraIIitZ4 LYN vali lazes tuna go
Um walla to p.m core, and.olice a. WO** -
dud, maple, It, 71n '
:Dan-: Irllkeel, giadart
Didad Aggolee , Ull Amer 10er vies . .alteed
alrla garraggloe qua !boa %reargued 0/the
. , . • . _ .
AblidOple Parer&
BOA b 7
' * JAhlta UOWN,
• attruntra
•= M as ingelik:Avisma. amoDel
-Claytted. Aux Paid RUU.
trth FL.
S. trlgr.ol2,lll47l7l.llLtalbrrn;
171,31 * " . : 114171=41. JaaVilarlir4f,
Tb !`"!i.Wjagr,4
_ .• aim an 41. L'e e
lONE/ ea larval - Term
and Allarthe D•
Unrwo art 'ANTS COolliZurfuL3/
ffl,toolui,,Aecsawar Alta. -
Coo Von Roads Of
•Ls Coo:loon duo 'fooosa 1170, ;pll7 . tra
pstlDo wdatyy 'hit date, of foNifotailoo and
daUlatirt at Ilka , ItaTahrla Na.:lossai Basat :at"
dfO Join/ . 11',14.0t. h.. ?rarer. '
259 13111.4 CHOICE APOLie,..,
25' 6 !or WM J. Lk;
limb almmiullng
J. B.' 111121 LIN, 11.D..'192 Pena Se,
J. W. STEM 291 Pun Bt.
J. U. NeCLZGLAND: Peso St..
D. X. DUES% Y:D., 156 Destrt,„Ave.
L. H. - WILLARD, N. D.; Till Diamond, I.
i. COOPER V: D., TSI Diamond, A.
WY. WILSON. 111.. 165 Yens, Bt.
'16„•602E, K. D.. 1166 Pawl 6i.
J..C..11080112114 . IL D., Oculist. Penn Et.
X. W. WiLLACZ. M. D., 111
.ADIL1 1 4814:1N BY 71CKET 04.4;
T-Ror,s,m Pro. 7,
Ice Pres
au .au