The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 01, 1870, Image 1

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PENNBLiii: t
'Office, 84 and 86 "fa Ave I's.
Y. LTEntirmf,
T. T. mums,
mxans or Tax msuar.
17 Ka% Per.......................MA0
Sktimt 4 by wile., sar,.o*-fr•••••15 at*.
tts gam* &N MI.
treri — Wit
s Ea
__ tern t Ii) road
Synod, at its recent session, had a cue
of pay baptism Wore it.. A mother bad
baptized herthlld hi Infancy - eitienlici,
there being no minister at hand. When
the child grew up, and was to be confirmed
the mother *aid not alio* rataigism,
claiming hers to be valid. The question
was referred to a special committee, who
admitted eta Wahl. al Jartitleitelie
foimed in the name of the Trinity. The
matter, however; was laid ineerl7 the
Synod for futtinitactiBi. "''
Rev. James K. Stone; says the Inde
pendent, villa* convenloii to iiouranlsml
Itu been asserted and denied, was for
'many received into the Church of Rome,
December lith. Hewes at one time Pres
ident of Kenyon College, and a Low
Church Episcopalian: . •
The Curnberland,Pzeebybalans claim
to be the oily *, Presbyterian Church of
purely American origin. They are oils
cawing the propriety, ot .chuagin: their
'Eerie to - "TM, American Presbyterian
Church." _ -
The one hundredth' ahnfversary of
Trb:dtja Epteccipal Church, Wimlbridge,
1t..1., was celebrated recently: . 16:
oeiTed Its chatter fronsKine Gt*iferElL;
The First German Episcopal Church,
New York City, was dediostettweekirk
ore last. =The.. new . OtFeak SIUIII
oat about forty thousand
Rev. Dr. Goodfellow, for nuthY year
in charge of the /Wan 'Wiwi et the
Methodist Episcopal Church; at -iteustoit
'Ayres, is now on _a vita to this country,
with authority fromPresideut BannientO,
of She Arientine Republic., -to . import,*
hundred or more educated young nen, to
go out as teachers Sallie RIP 1a 1 94
of the Republic, at salary Of one thbus:
and dollars per initran' lit geld. , `Dr.
Goodfellow la endeavoring t 6 gel iedigkarit
young men, competent for this : pvdiioa:
A. new Methodist Ohara at _Boston
Bighlands is provided with a reporters ,
paw, fitted up with every convenience.
Under the Bunday laws of Indiana a
Doff lieu been fildidted blacking Mo . t& •
and a woman for biking biscuits on
Sunday. F I
At the late Presbyterian 'Union meeting
at Philadelphia, the namable , Lit?*
Berries, in lili address did not allude to
the cause of the rupture, but 'peke of the
Strength of Preabyteilani A sta; increased
by its numerous rivalries and milted ef
Foreign gossip has it that alter the fine
sermon of Father Montsebreytbe succor
sor of, Pere HYacifithe, In the Cathedral
of Natio Dame, To of the fastidious,
?sdlee of Pads saki:l,llos Maible to be
compelled to usti;ntO - the Wiping of i
blue bird, after haying hearkened foz
yean to the znekellous song of "Winn
. - The-hater. tottos Popei - Trepzelin
.direction of the late Prebyteztah Dentild
~ elisembbes;la to be officially grwarded
to Rome, in both . English end Latin,, au
thinticated by the* signiontes of)he two
3daderstorc-- - "--` _
Sonietime'sinett thi.CotypetOotilLii
oft enter, Mlchlgen.attended itit Melk
odlik church on is; peramental accasloqi
Tat,:se Podia, way „ again - :Motirt 4 eceiiiT
wiled , on s like simaalemils thisContf
gationel ehnif.h.— ~ ~.., 2 LI..
tbelfetweiaM.TouWeal,,* Hoer York,
an-Ildluzintial ' Cotholic tumult, thlake
she; the poor liiish:-Inte-Cientansl in
Alexia, who ,tiondnually offer the
-"lioneisries",of one or mere diiihoillpt
ithe',intestiou" of the mores of a priest,
wt badly visited, — But fir theleschilsh
en rule, when s grand funeral-.displ ay.
costing hundreds - o f dollars , hsacomei4,
and the body teen 'nicely burled. gilt
"Oaken for granted - that the send is very
comfortable 1" It exclaims '"`Poor
Ott:boll° sou 15 , ujhe depaft. s ildairtFid, in,
Ai:lattice I " _ -
The Ant 1 figiballt i , itogiwrrigr) in
January It the time reoommendedby ihe
Flyby tetien" l ining ' hoed* • dir
taking the annual contribution to Posuldn
Minions, except in ,churclitaithr some
otherßaliCaili Is preened.
In the BMX= Char& ,131uniti of the
country there are 7 ArChtdelOpe, is
Ilitlops, 21' edministraters' and 10 39
;obits, not including those enipigtilln
* teaching. Thcl -13.111-11,560. churches,
. pArs chapels and stations, 60 therdoilgtal
luminaries. in which 1.159 gidasWant.
pe&rlnii for the , tedestho4 - The leo.
31:113neeeeel and =rants for biles *Mu- .
her 150, - and for' females •4115,
thontsnds of paroctild schoOlkandlnale
sad . ..female academies. , `The Catholic
population is esttrosted at 9;155,000: •
Tho Unlyersulist Society in Iftlasen,
New York , nunitinnover one hundrea
and sixty. timings; The church editicels
• the best in the city, aid itu &Wit tie
four bandied and Ally meow& - - .1 - .
A correspoOsnt grit*. Xiew l e lreintligt
, Bodo?. wiles that quiet iseo for redo?'
el that in Georgia - Viet' he ,billet ai the l
• _lune rot killing Ifalliddhe, Pritialtat lAA
4 010 by foierier:. ;.. - ''.. . •.-- ' ''.
Tai'resbytar .01 Now Fork eit:iiiii.
eid a Colored Insa itit_ .
_041141474 sat long
• 'since. who beiPllalloff viten the Omni,
cii of Trent less held, shook his heed lid
acid t" "Dm know; lit itnitt haw beer
. afore , I :was borg.7 • = ..• _ ,:., • :-
no Walden& at the Bathe! ' Bure*p,
• ~' Unapt, I:M*lmila, Sunday Weet,;yeacth._
• . al ttWel47,4olrhtin'tgek Milljoi;,achili
two hundred mote tfuoi.etntr
It is sitUtd tlfitarf• Dr. ffisarset Oo•
good, of tett: 11:111164ACoduPtite tbi
Episcopal faith, and , that his retirement
from the Church of the Messiah, preTl
•ons to his departure (or Europe, was
made with this change in view. . _....
ir-r:i S
. e Ytrainta ntsittua , -
. Deft* the recess or Clion
Statue of Virginia in the Union is Man
dlecusanderth alutiVeennthate. &I N,.
nod bellablinitri Oitegrep riadeallubl -.
ihirmWely ideas Orkin befit mar- .
and th e select can ba dordidered Intel
ligently. It is the onhalseof many prom,
Merit Remit:Owns, winding ' Jude
the State should bill
admitted. .. _--3Vgle th ey twe not w• •
ea:l4 /miry believe-that conildiwil
would be restored to a great measure by
the restoration of thet3tate. It is believed
that the propereounnltteea in both Souses
of me in favor of re st of the
teat .talt by the.. the ,
' fourteenth snit • d i
that this coulee would depetee the •
Inure of a quorum. If th is , axcrse pre
, ells, the recent dean of senators mil}
ha declared illegal, 'as it is held that the .]
Lerislature, only had authority to ratify
• . It th=e7=elituarora
yet remains, they may elect the pemona
already under commbsion as senators,.
If oil:wrath* then it would be safe to
count on selaton otroore radical and
r 3 " u " ed ° P /zd ' s • .T 3.2 if Ta
_ , c
- .
' - , _ ~
Tv . t ,UX te
11 _ r .
, L- Airil L \ ..)
t k ' Z . /titt l e .
..7,,. I I: f"; 7
.;;'''' .. e''.'i
New Year's Story
BT aciarrio mass, Ja.
,The first of January dawned clear and
cold. But the sun shone bright, and
sparkled is the llikat: /TEA! `44#l, ~Atnd
of the sleightfelis ' Viktor . tinging
Merrily Upon lib broad streets. In pri
vate dwellings, too, there was joy over
[ the New Tear's gifts so lavishingly
stowed. But there were exceptions to
Mtia, and of these exceptions I wish to
'Mention one.
'lna poor tenements sick woman lay
- sketched out op abed in ii.,paro he r
five[4. ilekeisa, at: jes t, iff ifile ode+
of buff
- comforts which can alone make it ender.
able, it becomes still sadder. Besides,
the sick woman, there was a young
- *plan, perhaps twenty years of age,
with a face which was pleasant area at.
'treciive, despltalliffehaditeladhess and
a*xlety which clouded
"Mother," she said, "how do you feel
now 1"
," Not very well, Mary," was the reply' '
in a feeble voice. "It seems cold. Is
there s lire f" •
," No , mother," said Mary Clement,
olida"Al 4* 11 0 11 4 1 00 1 9 , 5 f l 3loii
mother sighed.
:"It is hard to be poor," she saa
"We are more than poor," said Mary, I
bitterly. " We are destitute. Twenty-
Ave cents Is all I have left."
"God knows what will become of us,"
Mild Mrs. Clement. " What day is to
day t" •
!"It is Ireals Der,*Lother."
i joyfal day to many, but to us sad.
dim because of that. When Ithink that
We might have been comfor , t , aFe and in
.dependent, bat for your b.....
You mean Mr. Mordsunt f"
"Yes.. By some krumeri,be managed
to defraud your framer`Of hbreapitsl with.
out rendering himself amenable to the
law.* Now his son rolls in riches, lam
told." • .
"I know it; mother."
" Have you heard anything of him
!MeV, Mary ?" ~-tt J •
;if I believe he has **rely returned
from an extensive tour to P:trope. Mo
ther, do you think It would be worth
While to go and Speak to him and repro.
sent our circumstances ? Perhaps he
ig mht el us now hi our nwsd."
"No h ; h p e
is probablylthe his father—a
hardhearted, selfish min.' There is lit.
I tip hope of help there."
Probably her mother was right. Bo
; Mary Clement thought. Hut something
must be done.
1 , i "Mother, " she said. "if sou will not
; *lonely, I will get o rwardire If I can
not get something - do:' I wont be
gone longer than I can help."
- i "Yes, I can get along."
1 • Bo she put on her street attire, better
than might have been expected from her
destitute circumstances, for with womanly
' pride she had dung to. that which with
many is the outward lige of freers:debil
ity, end went forth Into the streets.
A few minutes brought her to Broad
way—for this is a New York story—
and she went up the street, scarcely
knowing where to apply for the employ
ment she so much needed. Bhe ventu
red into one or two places, but there was
I throegof . holiday, cowman isest; she
was redielyletsalsed: 'when it-,Wirkturcer
rained that &sass not a aeriarnef,hedan
applicant for work. — '
- .Again then Into the _ street she went
klAi deify:Zi t :A kodderdy •her. Pis
9061 iflirtalsh arra bibisatio
young men, w . was welkin before;
111 . 111 , e1a:1"....i...9..a .t .,l ,A ko*... ill' i '
MOldinnt—the son of the man who had ;
Wronged and defrauded her father. He ;
srubandsgeffilvt of elekAreesedr wed tturremu
Shout Mahn Minerinticledrcw
toward him the glances of those who
passed him. •
: "He is rich," thought Mary, bitterly,
"while my poormother suffers for the
comforts of; Wit. _ Barely,, plc,* tpt.l
Mechaniadly she followed , having
no other sim
or objeci, as seemed
no chanctokobtalning swellynient. for
this day; at least. •!'At last* turned Into
a tide street, and paused before a hand
s ome house, but a few doors from Fifth
A but verlaki l igl . djor t r a f‘ hid l* lunr 'Or lda Z
own *use. ,Kos,•-
Bhe stood on the opposite sided/elk for a
few minutes, then, forming I. desperate
reenbilioardakaddrred: AO klarisif, -4 !,
fa for .FdY s i a rd o 44s4,, , Ref,
eourrige, ` aseenater imN rang
'the belL., • 1- , ...:.• -.. . .
11 . 'ffinw .,L,. . 3 ? l l T°3l .
iitdonit ~..*....ia..,r,,,...._
a* , _ Ts,i44. 7 ka,rdr i 1 4
; : ."Ye." • ,:1 ; - ,
1 1 "Tellhim •kraisa gilt a young . lidi,inaid
1 likateessekim'!. .
_. . . a- 4.. , ~ ~,
'. ! WheSeansit shall Level" . ,• : .:*,
~ "Thenemeisof no eoisequeece." ,
; . fladjary been dressed •Ist swords=
with eircumstartas she might .have
bela rudely: repulsed;=..riA ier - elsesdy
' srOA,„ shk bad clung ' to idgn
of maneetaidlityj and Mil waved her in
' good steed now., ~, _
...,... ~ •
, Theeennwl lildidiew. • bet Shartil.•
Mordsunt l Will:AM 4 10
, 400*,
p 1 , 14: "will you folitarree ?I . ; : ;:.,,..1
• Bye liedtheww intershandaniasellting .
iootmlningwith.pletains.- .-,,., e ~ : ....,
• Mr: Matd=t stood 11140111 *Pi with
idi bit chi in bin band,' —'" • "'".•••,-
1 1"You stlablidts, pee ,Me,"f belga MI
gentle tune. . • ... ... ''.:
. Anatol looked it illiti,l,bongli: lie:wit
i *earn of bee tathealr enemy :she could
at.tdkrall4airkled. hinplall
.Eari - eLAIst co .
i irl6
I ! •
Aber Ins, Mr. Ifordsanti she d, in slow
voice. "yet owing arealoomr. each other
we l l ." "
„„7,1 1 in 1 I
"Indeed!” and We young man looked
ntently at basis evident doubt. - I
1 4 0 1 Mer l itray — ,;.l itiirial,
eagerly advancing and taking her hand;
''believe me , when I iriy that I am glad
to ‘ Vieteg i j iv -keZrV i
Fm - rn vale. No one oletteßena Vitro
you tinfee , 'V' , troll lltl 'nee Atiaeend
r` r M i r= Ii iilirill 'iill,„ Nr-.ltor•
, .14
keg* Paigilmerd be duos ite!lt lel
ealdoln L a tone of. sympathy; - "Tell me.
h,. : =rr e1:t n .. 2 . .. ,
7 4 . * bit
ierly; "she suffers fixtrstiorui
*tailed by novelty." .. 1. _
”l* It possible?" eleirdated the young
man, in somas of pale. "I did not
Bream of this You are then poor?"
al iff o .
i tier„, mm,'Oot tent
IWIaliS *isersble room
ten .
'hate beert from shop to shop to meek cm
, ignmen : 4, but-In vain. At, last 4 saw
...._ T.
my pride must hum ore
did this." • 1
i ioNo," said the young min, with • I
eshed face ; "it is not assistance you
_____,,,,,coine to ask—it Is justice."
''. M I VFX I V I dArdtbteff=" 111
mod' "but eines I returned from 'bread.
and my fatber'am I have
discovered in what man manner T em,
anr falber
l os wronged. VII you do me the justice
Ito " v . ir.diserr. I.l . ltrf Mie
Looking in bit frank, and noble face,
*4- reveller soug ht you, but,
Ant ewirrrniglessly.. Now t however, we
s k y"
101 l
t r io tr bt r ti iMro '
lie drew out his pock
4psreet•book and, took .
of bills.
• ' H il f ra lt roli
are one hundred dollars," be
sold; "let that be the titst IllitellIlent.”
:4111241, handle& daps I" exclaimed
/ ,n......tiiit.lia GC,
- .
Mary, joyfully. "In my poor mother's
name, 1 thank you, Mr. Mordaunt."
No thanks are needed. Remember it
it the pa m att cds debt. Is *ltur cyother
tad MAO to removed:" '
; "No, I think she would be better for a
fitment to a more cheerful room."
"It my Cite to find if• suitable
hems for her. I will look for one to
dby. Meantime do not spare the money
In your. luitub; but expend It liberalli for
Grateful tears moistened the cheeks of
Mary Clement; and' her eyes' lighted op
with Joy and gratibuth,
I "Ho* can rev& thank 'yen'?" 'the
"Ry;puboolng the Athos and giving
ypur friendship to the son," said the
The last, at all events, will be my. "
she answered. - , . -
, lightened heart' she Went forth
lfrom the house which she had entered
overburdened with sorrow. No, longer , •
did the happy fates and merry sounds of
Me* less's Day Jar upon . her earl, for
she, too,wu happy; for she was carrying
happiness to the , belovedthother,who lay
anxiously swilling her: On-the 'way she
niade inch purchases aswere Immediately
needed; and ordered from a restaurant s
roast chicken and 'vegetables; such isi she
knew would tempt the appetite of her
Bother. Bo in th e humble tenement
book,:a -Happy' New Year's Day with
spent, and the invalid, cheered by hope,
seemed brighter and better than for long
,• The next"day they removed to a
'finable boarding , house, where , Mrs.
4Tiemertt Scott' Wsoverai berhipdtb•
itordimit &clime a frequent visitor, and
by l : sterling qualities won the confl
d Islandthip nuatheFOrblia
the heart or the daughter a warmer
It tip laft w n t g f , o u ww l a gg i g;te tle e n w ei ded with ;
14d- now- there are few happier house
ldsthan that of i yenneMr. Itlordaustt.
In tor' 'atonement of .Ne w y,
hb has found his long happiness.
ALIVE: • "
Who has ceased to believe that mu
C‘d works mlraclets or that he wtthholds
when the thititeolis dlLtiptln
him ?
,On Tuesday evening, the 16th of March,
1669, ten men and three boys went down
141° No , 2 9 Pit.; Aallowia , '. I.v,
Loclustigeo3rlialY , l l ll l , B ialfordiddis;
`They had often gone down the yawn
ing gulf before, and no doubt were fear
less u to any danger being near them.
For 200 yards they sank into the bowels
of the earth, and then each went to his
appointed task of hewing out coal, so
thatithe *gm long* should be - ..setclietl,
thirthennielif hearth` ahould be chimed,
and. the many wants of civilized -life
should be supplied.
• At half-past ten o'clock, 1111 usmal they
drew to one spot to have their supper in
company. No danger the nthreatened, but I
were joyous in his own pecuhar way, ,
and the IMO:ent' rotmi ti the *eel
came for them to w
separate seals ll
for work.
At 1 o'clock on Wednesday morning the
engine-minder noticed an uprush of va
por from one of the two shafts belonging
to the pit. Something was wrong—but
whatt Oh I all thought it was the dread
ful and =We -11 re damp agall4.llmeol-
Beret Ma; than*, slain thousands 1
"What's to be done ?Done! why,
there we two brave MA tit' ders of self,
who eagerlinridenteeritolleicend the pit
to Ind out the cause. •
The "'kip" wee ‘ lowered—but take
girtf,l/Mq:o I Oat q' NSA!
0 4
are t Telhrelhey are
fully aware, and with only time to shout
up the pit, "WaterP' they are trammed
devenfeetzilogala.the els
, meat. `.,Teartwerie Mon .drann up, 14-
thrownailiveng-tliel the fell eentalaty - Wm
'known ; the pit wu full of water, and
'thirteen,„"fel ? r-, - went down
mantigthe risthef urges • -.'--
What's to be done now? What's to be
4onel why, everything and anything that
ingenious men. may suggest, and that
Wealth= purchase; sadism) to %batman
who at each a time could be lazy or nig
gardly, should the noble owner
. .of the
pit, 7•1444411113 /0 0 w t. 7 ": : f : s,
, 1 . Swift' men and swifter horses ran all
Ways; the overseen* ware- tee thed oat of
then tub, and Earl Dudley's agent, Mr.
Smith; wu soon on the - spot. , And then
began the struggle 'Nature pound in
fromtsev hidden channels volumes *flaw
ter: , Allen With item 'engines' worked
hour after_ hour to draw the water out.
And why? CO. there was. one little glint.
AMC OfihoPwlitia tie satillratarha Die
weaned travellpatser, it cheered them on.
{ In some of the pit the coal lay
I/40 1 up, epd .titerefora soma permog tae
Workingtewbre• likely 10 - be' dfy "after'
Pump, on, my lade, the poor fellows,
Diulhaltr•they Anita' betaken themselves
to the high ground, ant we may yet blip
them. • • •
- , Butt no, chance was left =Wel' tior •
neighlenthg pit or 'shift' was' begetn,'lo
.that if one way, thihed, yet another might
micceed. '
I Wedandarhyd ,T ll 3ita 7 - irlhit'im,
and ti e:large multitude almost ceased to
h o ops. Friday passed,•too, but with little
Arle the water mmted 1p slum
and'iliall..lllllo4 ll Ma efforts de . ,' it
May auk at the rate or two and a ludf
inches IM houryet it ad Sint now, they
were sure of that. Cheer up, lads;, and
work with a will 1 And work they did.
But It poems ,Sintallti Ileavallould those
turents penetrate through the earth ; all
nu over. But still iron " eaglem - end
manly sinews worked or with 1:10 : — . 1t -
Was a race for life 1 . .
; By noon on Satnerai' the ivitii2Was
lon enough to • Water nolivithei to the
Working Ort or the.edne.;An ; motor
ing piny descended,ondfatuldthat there
wu a spume of-twenty inches between
the -water . And the roof, and that • MM.
mtiniottionwaa restored the two.
Shafts. 'OW a supply of fresh Ahem
forced in.
1 Futtlatelecwl674 stellicieMbstyrOm
theme root and waterforrany one to pen..
e UttqfroidWl"l6.ol4kelt Ss the,
evening, anothet IMM'was WM, but thet
font air drove the exploversbach. Amin
St 10 o'clock, another effort' was made,
Itendeir PYttite: forlitelpethagent; stilitthe;
Mnatice to the mine„ wu too small for
nog one toir o tr. ' 'hey . shouted one,
Same after a antolof atiawili :came
along thatalmittlittUeil idliviii still as
&figb " 410. 111 .6 1 0 phoW e . d isU7 -, had
these'ennte.' ease neer g their
lleesinthivnoblaolfort to 010 OW=
411 hoper,,wis lose nchr ; healy four
dajs had Pessedv.3o,ooolMS..of mater
I ltad , beent pptupeluptMsid it he V e t
~t hgelprir 'were elite?. The.. 'nod .
f at - thiviwy
, npipmpea.were . chill . ,
[ i Bandar .g , 441111 end 4141 .4 em 61 71
I sh thonghla of sluing life ; were over, yet
the bodies tonsobe fetched op.—Thous.
1 a43dsorpeoPle were suddenly, assembled
;Oleo - pit early in the morning, and
many OOVNI Wefli,eriOntog4lMl
1 hitt) the taschlteas of oralnualftet
1 I Hark ltits,thitt l e "Thipp! trtull a
Wee ; 'g t he . Wok:down!"
1 I W killi • 11Mi' 419.61 - T.ip,; th at feeble
Vi nerved - *lversen OWN and
a pAgep, to be lel down; , The
uis .. ' 191 Will oh* wit &Pl' 4
Piton ' easier again droiwthem
%ea; Itop. wee thrown .slow , Th.nt
altar's ttese, th e breveteeknoi wan'itent
anwp, tsking with them a raft; .
1 'la uM4 Anon& torroti irayi„etz
dine upon two men seated opus aw I
e ot cell itieteloOti 0001/i1446 ., ',Thr,.. 1 1_
risiod taken on hoard the left to tha "skth"
for';, audited *al tie
cowed.: With them three agenda
1 ed,, ehereiwesok Aoki= ...Ilene , fa UN
poor famished crerawrc Mak**, the .
Dement:Fir day, and , then a loud eheer
: broke, .44alguilt SP/ **UMW lot.
them ~,. Th..SfirP,, o f!lultadn_U ll a
alrolte to eft , -Itnw ' *Uri , Ma . ve
ZSY rarrlorirtlog4;
eght ' ' Voir dayithe poor fellowt
bats, plddew from eight, withoutfood'
orl light; no wonder they wars feeble lOW
,t0& -* '
Mil f t r all t
ser . W ,
w e'': 7 6 1 ti lin i CUM lt d N
TtlicsPr44#44.o4 40.0g)rhe*:
he web ti the pit, and went without him
self !" Oh, noble, Tim Taylor when
was each a sacrific wide befOre ? You
bad food, and who ; wee Sankey? Only
a neighbor's btdl I ' don't? know thee,
Tim, and yet I'd go,, a dozen miles to
Free thy hand, bemuse yon' fed the lad
It was "one Jams" 'who aright thee
that sentiment, though it is so long since
thy good old mother or Sunday school
teacher impressed the divine command
upon thy mind, thou hest forgot the time;
but never mind, Tim, you did it.
• But this was not all that Tim Taylor
did. Two days before he swam to the
' Month or tbilYpit, and shouted up—but no
one heard him, and he swam back again
through those swollen waters with a sad
dened heart, for, hope was gone now.
Back Into the darknene he swam, for
the candles were need up by this time ;
but while there was light, one man,
"Hickman," bad written and placed in
his tobaccohsx a paper. — Let us see
whatever cola bo the subject chosen at
such • tuner
"Dear wives, we are singing and pray
ing while we are dying I Tell my broth
ere and - Haters to follow God more than I
did." Then there were marks • •
• • • intended for kisses
for the wives and &Wren. "I write
Gila on Wednesday night, about a quar
ter past 6 o'clock. Dear parents, prepare
to meet ts Ist heatimi.". ‘••
A glorious testimony from ffickman ;
the world was shut out—at least you were
shut in, and there couldbe no reason why
you should deceive either yourself or
others. And there have been crowned
beiavidich hate rested glutei.
their dyteighotir on their pillows of down,
if they could only have left in the bejew
eled ghat h°4esiteriulAMY like the; ona
lathe old WY.
All were not alike ; one poor fellow
went frantic; his clothes, and
leaving his watch with Hickman ;.• he
rusited . l99 kris eta Vim sots tio
more. • 1;, - -7 :
mcite:ith'neyerlost L ope. He seems
to have been the prop of the company;
and when the =dies went out, leaving
them in darkness, be says, "I still bad
hopes that my light had not gone out in
heaves.? y i toMßohltzrr he said, 10:1
hairs nging, for though we was left mere.
God would never Serve ue." Never mind
My grammar, friend Hickman—Lindley
Murray never expressed a tlrmer faltb.
But there were six more persons iprthe
pit, were eheY `alitiet Ail Bariday
night the toilers tolled; oh, and on Hon
°ay morning the joyful news came up,
"All alive!" •
Alive ? and wlthont food fur flee days
and nights—about one hundred and
twenty-fonr hours Yes, up they cams
all but rpm He, they said, had bees too
[ weakto follow them, and they, trying to
[ curl bitu;faund themselves unable to do
;so. Bat he must not be lost. Down
again. Yes, there lie is in thaVnian-
Miler afive, but se meiger—edasditdmid,
but not quite.
"He was brought up; and then through
the length and breadth of the bud was
fished out What bath God wrought ?'"
When the water first broke out upon
r them, they turned to the high lands In
the mine, and when the water first began
to subside, they followed the tutreatieg
waters deist deep,- so that Me • small
amount of air which was Cozad in by
the downward pressure of tits mighty
engine, came to them wills 111. Salts
M. , Idivlngstime.. ,
.... . , ... ;
The following interesting letter from
D r „,yotogatone, ;dated; the "or Hay
laste',.ewl metro! at Z ,bj Mr.
as t
Kirk, Heridalasty's Consul, the 2d of
Pctober }as‘` was mmpunt la the.
Ilcanbayjpspen by the Covernmest.
, Cow % Hay 20, PM.
HY Aka 2 PIL I Hum 1.,..-Thls Rote gone
by Muss Earn/ale, who was employed bj
lloarji to drive the buffaloes hither; but
by overdriving them unmercifully in the
sun and , tying than up to eau herding,
Aall died before he got to Union..
be. He witnessed the plundering of
my goodi and got a ahem of them. and I
have given him beads and cloth suillcient
to buy providons In the way back to
Zsnzibar. He, has done nothing `here.
He neither went near the hoods hem nor
tried taprividt their being stolen in th e
w I
ay. suppose that pay far foe:months
in oqu'l_l4. O th er film of rest, and four in
going tick Would be ample. but I leave;
this to your decision. I could not em ploy
him to carry my mail back, nor tan lily
anything to him, for he al cdoe`goes to
be ll.P.Pans and gives his own veulon of
all he bean. Ha' is ' untruthfel . andlll..
conditioned, and would hand off the mall
I to any one who wished to destroy It- The
people here are like the =lra trailers—
haftu'of thd.'"english. " Teese Zanzlhar
men whom I met betW4ii this end Tirol
DI were gentfethen,:and traded ' with
honor. Here, sale the haunts of . the
lillwa hordes, sla e velsericiof forays,
and they dtesd ' byZny letters.
No one wllltake of them. I have
got Thant bm email= to take a mall pd.'
vilely lqr Ustyanyembe.
lt cosibdu ir cheek on ' Ititehie, Stewart
di Co., of Itcgabsy, for Rs. 2,000 and some
tarty lettere wrinms7dutlng ; my ; slow re.
covery. I fear 11 glay.ievu reach you.
A puty was menOxitlic=tiropiontlas
ago. On% tan Wed to ' take a I
letter secretly, but his muter warned
them ail not to do so, because I might
'fete something be did not like. He I
wenr ikkil PA; *Tg al3ii gays COO* I
to tit ohl iden to ' des troy - any letter he
might detect on the way. Thus, though
I'am good Mends outwardly with them
ail, I can get , no ,
o assgMs%lll istance 111 nroca
Mniul,'O Beir,tit,
onto& haitallniatib Zatalbar . . -
teen good boatmen to act es harden If
required, eighty pieces ot merltrano, forty
nieces of kimitra, twelve Swanks of the
beds ailed isnaliii.lllciarAtcLiiiiid I
have written to Beyd 31Old begging two
Wigs guards to see to the safety of the
grabbers into Thant bin finelllnends
or litiettetroficietadn to; I,
. Arlo oft to '' done - by eit Is
only to connect the sources which I have
discovered from 000 to 700 miles month of
Bpeke and Baker's wilt their Nile. The
volume of water which flows north from
lititude 120-' south is so large, I suspect
' that I have been working at the sources
.1' the Cangwealtlllist %honor Ws Nile.
I. have to go down the cistern line of
nage to Baker's turning point Tan
annyilut, NylgeChowambe (13aker' e s e a
one Wile:, ank ioll
' sentlabfilble The twfthe'd ma
lines of drainage converge into an an
ted lake west or southwest of this. The
outflow .iir WO iwitetherlini Congo lor
Nile, I have to umntain. The people of
•• ilianyeina„are cannibals, if Arabs
Sleek damitii,.. I may have to go there
llrst, and down Tinganyika, if I come
oat uneaten agd_emayster)quiflllent.
ansibtr. - 1 easnestly hope that you will
.q what you can to help me with the
up pimp; pfo9 h iv e fen by,ldr.
kin& inim way, con e torten
°ugh Fleming it Co I ate, &c.,
Tha ; Cat4orc u.wpuoo.• j{ 1.
The Ideis prevalent In this and other
countries, relative' for the -curability of
• sup. arh7.o7 di v rtafFlAtatholei
Mat ea tWenty Thilit
ought that no"pue of tubercular ,
o nunption eonla, by any hump skill,
tiescnrW. New Ii is demonstrated that
consumption which is not in the _blood
and haladitoty. tan be cataloged from'
the 'lystert. - Thy Thrt - Phst - weslentog '
bealoithiger b ve taken VW, does not
mike vivo cue any more hopeless. The
very yosthatasu are those wane bemari
rbogs W usurer immared. The *tee
trest 11:Ittratinel the - wor/VISMC - 11211
Taw beef sod ,cad inbldatknti
.pare livophospbiles ;are ,
tiPtitiatid by all physicians as riliablo„
saltmeta . vbisskjebsootr: admisistaed:
Too itoot lowa, soak tbemoidiroo 111
MbinfliailleCeletPl a ng" 24 4 6 ! l rk a F a
411444-411311 "i'll ii n' t ° . wilionciAL constellatoL.
iriMelooastoptholi, - . 4 fttice tests '
w wpm $2 ,4, on this paint thee. is :Haffaikped.S l .-Ootton quiet on spa
c o
it wide erenias of opinion. - Some
i'l l a
ziox stesity air. ja ,
Dee. 69gf. n. ....-
pertain ,
: O en :
tit all agree upon e wonderful =Woe but unhinged at y mom -
eaesota climates espeo:js Itsayrssiva, Dec: 114-Petrohnan *nu
Wan its OP** - • 'ill 14uma Miaow tiaehflllnda
-..1.0.4 i
Tie Ilfalatly of td*ror Alexan
der—The Alabatitollllffitulty—
'testy Gales-1314Wecks and
Loss of Life—* Yetsoris
ed at Limertellylkiebitd--The
Frenettlffinlstilifit let,Form
ed—The Freneittfrans•Atiantio
Coble—Statem4t. from the
French Telegtillai Direeta7—
Violent Immgj tl~ a the Porte
to Ismael Pacite—Bayli
Int innlsta Caiitsce Port=
Prince--Dereaf ref Cuban In
• gel --I.—.
M then
r Tommita to enetre.i
Lomas, Dec. al. to Lancet, the rec.
ognieed medical thorny 'of London,
:asserts in an article 11Ribi edition of to
day that the Bnipergitlif Emile le suffer.
ing infirmly from hilireditery hYpochou.
Mimic He often AMY& to . partake of
I Riad for days at a GEO 'and indulges la
other =mirth priotiegi Which are mid,
IX undermining his Ithylilailionelltntkin.
The London TOM In in leading editor
tie! Ude morning, eater rent/thing the
principal events of life year now closing,
slid explaining the' present status of
thigland to her relation with other na
tions. says "..The 'Unfrrendly feeling
Misting betwera m 4and mid America
id theimly element In our
evinced evinced in some
by ma own' Eternal unanimity..
I d t=bien MAME* determined that
an arwrinering seetentot diplomacy will
not settle the dithouldin at present mdse.
leg between the tethoonntries, and it is
melee* to renew /negotiations for the
eajuatment.of the Alabama claim' until
prePresident °UM* Mated Maim. le
pared to reconstdsr the inadmiamble
fietteendeirklehhathbeenbereteßmi pro.
Mulgetell ci the liniments of his emu- •
ottistorlens ° of the Tenet has an an
Mho today amitilag the dloorteb of See.
retary Fish on the - Alabama question.
Mr. Asbury has • forwarded to•• the
Morning that the ,- corregoodenee be- I
Mon nimgelf and Mr. Bennett on the I
mean yachtaccompanies the
correspondence with • letter, wheridn he
says he accepts the term; end will be I
ready on raith_lllew York to race for 1
the cup won by M u ria ARUM* on 1
the WA of Atlgult, .
Heavy gales have prevailed all mound
the mut g .the pod law tisym
Many ehi during
pmetherattlmded in some In. I
stances with km of life, have already
beetrimiirteeL — The kmelinin thrk E.
V. Minot, from ,Mob l / 1 4•11 1 41 a cargo of
cotton for Hewn, experienced one of
Bum gales Then:thin' two days' mil
from the Garnish Meet, but weathered
theleforeamdmadertheportof Penyanen
She log two =MR and suffered other
damage. The bilk:Edith from Mon
treal to Grareadt, wee driven ashore on
the , coed of 'rental:7 • previous gale.'
Theeeptein mailmen of the crew were
drowned. The .bluit will probably nee
total tom
The Weekly Excileriner has an article on
the Alabama diglculty. It nye that
when the nature of the American strut.
de was understand, - England restored
her' sympathies to the North, and that
reclamation.. now, based on earliest ,
wrongs, are airoti undu ly vindictive.
The ~kip , in Its money
article, scribes • ease in the money
market to • the diminished capital re.
qulred owing to the shrinkage of prior
thrtheeneting tannelf stnorinkL - -...
Unmans, Den 111. —A tounif gale
from the northwest warred today.
Trimmere uprooted. chimneys thrown
down, and in some Ininiknoss houses
I were prostrated. Ten pinions are known
to have lost their lives, and mazy other,
were badly Injured.
_ -
PAM, 'December 11.--The Ministry
nu not yet been formed. There are no
farther developments In the direction of
its liumation. It Is festal tbat YLOlllsbar
will be nnabiep form cam.
Parts. Deeerriber 31..Piiitee Marks,
of Pinola, and his wile, lie at the Grand
Mail The Emperor called upon them
.The Anima Official or this morning
contains the following:
Olks of the Greeter of General Tate.
graph Lawn The manage of the Presi
dent of the Gulled Guam tb Oongems, at
ha opening, se It ts published by the
newspapers, contains In tne part relative
to the French TranwAilanUoCiabe ON as
awiertton which this admlnnitratlon coal
Were It • duty to correct- It states in 1
milatasoe that according to the terms of
theowirtiwil dispatches from Anna-
es transma,W by that route are 'raj wit to
the examination and ntra of the
Fran& Government, sa d it evident
that the peerage was written under the
improision that such are the conditions
of the ocinowskiii. • This Administration
exercises no control of that nets» either
Over dispatches from Amman or horn
any other quarter. but its duty la to see
that onnimonlertibmi are Geminated
aver the
of their
rang, or of their reception et Gm:,
and Gist 'hers is no favoritism In tabl
sport. mull also,. op Amount of the
telegraph niouripoly -Mild by the 13ov-
Orlitnent, see that no avail:Messrs dam
'thartinely introduced upon the line, anii
so livid the but which. legithilittary
kluge' to the &atm Boob is the double
aim of its control, to prating at onoe the
intimate of the public and of the
Ireastrty. May, the conditidne
under width this department ex
erciess • 4:carol over, the , buil
neliese -of the.,' line ire
an withou ate t!'
g e s
hilintirt , initicu erm
ploys sre charged 'with the task, sad
their duty I. Gattleted to the mace.
don bf rtpbers, such se the signals of
plain mid Guie of nal and of r~nav
tog, and the number of wards whieh
farm the aide for the application of the
garoromeyt ; "fez: Again, the most of
the &ouches, particularly throw des--,
tined for BanGIV Bordeaux, . Tome, '
Tooling and atm asoninas artiVe a;
Parts 'IL •• The same Is trueof corrals.
pondenin addressed to any pato( spew.
or Eoglsnd, weir messages Ming
transtea alert from Brest to - Londoct
;neves reolock Allv-Ito to the . pre
sent lima the Ministry. ties- not been
formed, hut reported It will be to
. . .
• •
HA.VA7.I4 sharp ell.
gagement • weaned yestaaday between
lospitist troops and the insurgents
- et a Magus, In the Chico vlun ellsuict.
Twenty of We latter ware killed and
oaptneild. c Not eme seespsd. A .
lerype.quentlty of provisions and mtml
hone of air, as wsll es some Important
' oweespondeno& was/so quantum
The hutment& sontinne to present.
themselves to &he awash authorittsi to
solicit pardon: •
The :theurguit..,, ba rs burnt :anther
Plantation near malslosnm They killed
tone maulers and six. unarmed Spottiest'.
. .
t.1:4 , •
Clottrerarrtworue, Dee. 31.43eme dohd
ince the Sublime Porte sant a demand to
Immo} Paoli' 10 stand= tde lrootdad
dest,..,Thls rota/Agra unanswered. th e
wpm_ forwarded a violent tee.. .
.sage to the pule effsat.
MADRID, Deo: 31:--It tit reported WO
Etr rovannel Itai positively'
consent to the candidature of
Dias of Genoa.
Hexane, .pecember 31.—The city , , Of
'Port an Ptiooll wee captured by the rev.
igntionfr7 rnpy Marl on ;bleated
514. M.•
amino?. pt.war.
Dad 111.0432. m o w
Vinglalearom Now:Tork, kr. antra&
Rumor of ' a Neutrality Procla
mation Contradicted—Question
of POSseMiOn — Presidenes Res
'sage Misprint—lndian Treaty
Violation Internal Revenue
Receipts —Cuban Insurgents
Laying Down theirl-iirms.
Ms Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Queue.)
Waging:frog, December Di, 1889.
A special state ; that President Grant
is about to issue a proclamation of rigid
neutrality In the dispute at present in
progress between the colonists of the
Red River , country and the Canadian
Government. This proclamation is
limed toile at the sympathisers, who may
be disposed to aid the robots, and at Gov.
who' seems to imagine that
be can organize expeditions on Ameri.
cin *oil to , regain his authority over
the insurgents. The situation in the
Bed River country is 'Viewed In official
circles as a serious Impediment to the
scheme of the English, Government to
unite all 'British . North America In the
new confederation, and is not therefore
regarded as a matter for regret, although
the , final snows, of the rebels is not
counted on.
Referring to the above, our regular
dispatch says: No proclamation has, as
reported. been prepared at ,the Depart
ment of State declaring the neutrality of
the Government In the Winnipeg rebel
lion. Nor !sit known that any is con.
temelated. Up to noon today nothing
whatever had 000nrred. • -
tanstarloar OP rosiest:tog. •
The - governments of Portugal and
Great Britain severally claim porwernon
of the Islander 'foliar:l, on the western
meat of ALICa, and certain portions
of tertitory opposite that Islandon the
main lend: The * positions are valuable
only In connection with facilities - for
cerryeog 017ethe Unable to
settle the question of poses:anon them
selves, these governments have chosen
lbe President •of tim -United Stater as
=PIM. The: Iflpte •lor.• Wing lbeir
pectlve documents at the Department of
Htate aspired today.
cuaa ArrAnts—ussumaggra mrsorge
Private dispatches from responsible
sources MEG:rang; received today, state
that Valunissgta reports that In his dis
trict about 700 men, with their 01neenst
laid down their arms to the Spanish
faces, and that In the district or Reme
dios the Chief, Coca, andel! his men sur
rendered,. Bpsolah IDOoeues are also
reported In the district of Puerto Prin.
ripe In the surrender of insurgents. The
opinion Is expressed in the dispatches_
that the Cuban muse Is daily growing
di comment bee heratoibm besnitiede
bolt misprint ' 'President Citadel% se-.
noel message. which represented blitz as
"the United Malts la the first of
all . D• timw " is . PM/war to state th at
In the maliwenipt fanilehed to the
pram the proper word is **freest," e
sauternes reading: v The United States
Is the heist of 'ell nations; so, too Its pro.
pie sympathize with ill people strug
gling for liberty and self-government."
Col. P. P. Picitilyn. Chief of the Ohm-'
taw tribe of Indians, bee entered a po.
test toeserthe Commissioners of Indian
Affairs in behalf of his. trite against a
violation of the trinity made with that
tribe, by collecting Internal revenue tax
In that—yountty. This yam Induced by
lbw seizure of • tabooed Lawry' a - few
days ago.
. .
viz 'marrow vonn.
The committee appointed by the Union
-Leafyle to obtain subscriptious for bin.
Stanton expect to raise one hundred
Thousand dollars. A. T. Stewart will
load the list with a handsome sum.
Ravwswis RECEIPTS.", `
The receipts of internal revenue today
'were $240,652; tor the month 111,403,222,
mid for the fiscal year, to date, 485,987,502.
Al midnight Trlnitychimee eauxtunoed
the New Year to an enthtudaatio crowd
assembled in the vicinity.
Canadian View of Ins Rebellion.
Cam Ana, December 81.—The following
a the Canadian view of the rebellion on'
Red river, u given bY the spectal oar•
respondent of the Toronto Globe at St.
Cloud on btu way to Winnipeg :
Sr. Cunns, bilin..tecember 131.---Gov.
blelkirimll, with Colonels Dennis and
Begg, arrived here this afternoon from
Fort Abercrombie. The parties seemed
somewhat deepondent at the state of, ,
Swann at Red' river, not so Much from
the formidableness of the insurrection as
from Novaral other c3X111814 In fact they
Neat to regard the thing Multi mi a small
Matter..ea only a very email portion of
the inhabltanta are conoented,in it. The
dlfilettitr has been with the authorities
of the Hudson -My Oompury, who, In,
eluding MoLansim have been altogether
Ment in the matter, and It la suspected
'that some of their employes were the
Instigators of the whole affair. The
Ottowa Government, it. is gathered from
it* Party, have done much toward weak
ening the authority of the- Governor by
their dilatoriness.
The religions authorities have been ex
oessively bury, but It isexpectedthat the
Vicar ueneril of chubs° has authority
from Rome to clear wa y that phase, be.
aides the primes do not Min the Annex
atlonlats' views, and would probably
resist annexation were It pushed. - • •
, Amerlean and One or , twd adventurous
, pettifoggers on American territory are
, evidently pulling strong and ushing
1 annexation. The Ideas g the
loamy t related are merely • &Onions.
One thing, !grinner, is oertains lf any
, tbinglike annexation hi attempted the
Indiana will rise In arms. - The come
, stamen of snob onalug would be dread
inkln fart, the people here, though die.
hint, stein terror at the idea., As regards
CoL Donnie, histead of Instigatiftg, the
' Indians to light, he used the strongest,
' and happily most ancoesaftik endeavors
to 11001) MOM at their homeb, - end to pre
vents shot being and: He had a party
ef fifty In the mone fort, end when the
Milo! Might* was P ubli shed , he oases.
ROW dnbanded them . awaiting further
neirotlatkma, which t he French express.
*4 a.wllllngsseatis effect. He moreover
iitopped a large patty of ,fliong. on their
way to fight
reportarin and went to
Penitdna to to the Governor. The
whole matter- Is evidently ?In a fearful
muddle. A want of Let andlndgment
on the part of the Canadian Government
on the one hand, and shrewd calculations
on tge port of, two or three smart spent.
laton on the other, hare made She mud-
Grivertior cOionel Dennis
and Alexander Begg • arrived at Si:
Cloud; Minn.,' from Pembina. yearn ,
day,:endvill be in 'Bt. Paul this after
noon, where they-intend remaining •
few dam.- PM party bring no additional
mils from- the Red River country, but
they , assign to Cabello aggression the
the chief cause of the, Insurrection., •
" p.Alatters Cpsuces
- 'iLtinnastrerh Dee. 111, lOW.
nada ppit.teh to the Pitt.trurgh Osumi.,
Ilecitel is bore ana...U , PrOSPOCta Ire
MAW) , growing bristlier: The friends of
bids are rapidly luting heart.- Ito tar as
shlAge can 'be Judaea ornom counted,
is aate to- my .. that - . Mackey wiltiralk
over the course and ramietran almost
unanimous vote. It!. said that money
Is being used to elect Irwin. bat it that'
is ! se it will, net, do.. at this late hoar.
Stie .tmositsis ire erristag,
Biting w ill turely.be_ elected ; Bowater
0 1 Ib• Ileum?. - • . ', .o. s. x.
i -Bon.Fcsarr Blodgett, ettairmanoT the
EititteCeothdOommnteeot the Unimak.
publican partial' Gterstli. - bis traded a
~ceil tors meeting of the Obrumittee - at
A Atlanta 'on the Stir of• January. Els
toldiell all Republican members of the
tr .
- the Denacs te Corn
hal jmuan *s WWI
ail EarommaUP
Me saute purpose on the same day,
The Plot to Blow Up the Spanish
Ounboats—Beported Cruelties
in Calm by Spanish Authoritiei
Filibdster Beports—Extradi.
Lion Case—Brooklyn Election
Frauds—The Stanton Fund— , -
Triniiy Chimes Announce the
New Year.
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh easel te.)
. Haw Yorm, Dec. 31,1889.
The particularsof a famous plot to blow
up the Spanish gunboats have • leaked
out... It appears that there really was a
plot, and that Ryan, the filibuster, was
the prime mover, but treachery, whisky,
land imprudence ruined all. It is rumor.
ed that a similar plot to destroy the .fio•
tills lying at anchor le again on foot.
The watches on the vessels logo been
doubled, aimed boats patrol the bay, and
the Spanish authorities have taken
measures to expedite the sailing of the
expedition at once.
CliUngair TO CUBAN&
- Havana correspondents .glve toe par.
ticalars, probably. suppressed by tele.
graph, of many cruelties perpetrated by
the Spanish authorities In Cabs. Sixty
three of the most respectable citizens of
Havana have teen torn from their - home's
and sent to Spain on suspicion. Seven- '
teen more have been thrown into dan-,
goons of the Mom Castle to be tried for
their lives. Don Tello Lams, a kinsman
or Georgia Lamm, end ayoutm million
aire planter, has been -barbarously exe•
anted. At the demand of Matanzas vol
unteers our citizens have boon shot by
the order of a drilinhead COURT Menial.
and two aged and Infirm gentlemen who
could not well be shipped away, have
been put under bonds of 1110,000 each to
keep the peace towards Spain. •
SZPOLTs. ,- •
• United Slates Marshal Harlow pro..
nonnces untrue the reported sailing of
the solemner Maria:with arms *for this
Cuban humrgonte. - The Ms steamer
Anna has been allowed to get to .sea.,
ostensibly for Haman, with L 5 passengers,
but carried no *sr materiaL . A rumor,
perhaps unfounded, says some Cubism',
boarded her' outside of Sandy . Hook.
• • ' Tiss EXTRADITION O&M ,
Information was receired to-day that
Caldwell, charged with complicity lathe
drawback fronds, will not arrive here till ,
next week, u according to the extradition
law seven days must 'elapse belbre be
can be discharged. .
TIM ELSCT/0 . ! rtADDS.,
The accused canvaissers and laspeetora
of the-election In Brooklyn ware ar
raigned and the trial seldom' for Thum
day next. •
The Moomer, Maine, from Bremen its
• • •• pom, arrived 1.041.7.
• •
Heinlein of burvieflog Mosbere-o.
mum Organisation.
031 TeLeiriave to tee rine:wet seas.*
Msitarmx.n, 0., December 114—The
first reunion of the Sherman Brigade
took place in this plaoi to-day. This or
gemination consists of the filth and date
Ohio Volunteer Infantry, ettr battery,
and McLaughlin's squadron -of eav
airy. The meeting wu attended by
a large number of the surviving
Members. The reception addresses were
made in Miller Hail. Hon. 100. Sher.
maittinder whootiattirpleesthit coninsand .
wen originally formed, presided over the
meeting and made the welcoming ad.
dress. The hall was beautlfolly decors.
ted, and was crowded with the soldiers
and their friends. Remarks were made
by Judge Brinkerhoff, Lieutenant
Chaney Woodruff, Major W. F. Hinman,
COl. J. J.Willlams, and Gee. R. Brinker
In the evening a bounteous table was
spread in Young's Hall, and the gallant
survivors of the old brigade dld ample
justice to the good things provident
Regular and volunteers touts were
read and -responded to by - Gen
eral R. Brinkerhoff, Hon. Jim Sher
man, Capt. B. 5: Chamberlain, Capt, W.
F. Hinman, Capt. L. D Myers, W. Gard
ner. Stewart Miller, Charley Woodruff,
Dr. Carothers. Capt. 0. 0. Tannehill,
Capt: Farber. Col Isaac Gnu, and M.J.
W. W. Smith.
At the close, the permanent organisa
tion of the brigade was effected with the
following °Moen: President, Hon. John
Sherman; Vice Presidents, Col. S. M.
Wolff. C. O. Tannehill, Lieut. J. P. Mc.
Elroy, and Capt:',les. S. Skew; Setire
miles, L. D. Myers' and W: F. Hinman.
The nut reunion will be bald in Mount
'vernon on November 80. 1870, the mini.
versaryof the battle of Perrysville. '
In New Torn to-day will Wapner-
al bollday. and trainees impended.
, —Qom D. Prentice Is goideally ream-
erlng and la comnderiel out of. danger
—Pere Hyienthe'a leder, . tented
8%700 to the Frenchlßenerrolent Society
at New Yorks
—'fbe annual charity ball la Ramon&
all lb: PAT. Brd at the New. 'York.
Academy of Nude: • •
i. reiletpte' of the treloti pieta6
Railroad for November amounted to
1111N 5 i.0xPeniv5.; 499 . 6013 . - •
•=The eitensive nil cloth ,bubri_of
Richards & Throthens,l Pfo Newton, eW
Jenson, was destroyed yesterday by Am
—The thermometer meet of Omaha.
drains the tut heft of December ranged
from thirteen t 6 eighteen' degrees below
McGtdre, awaiting trial at
Hartford, Conn., for the • murder of his
wife, hung himself In Jell ,Tnursday
—Yesterday, at Chicago,' • German
named Eno. Dinah. committed salad° by
shooting himself. Want of work
lt end la
bonny to support was the anise. '
—The total loin by tire at 12;131.111/2L
Sy.. during the year Jost armed. VOW
122,00 0 . awl. amount of inswints 1242 r,
WO. Tamara of the are department
—The import duties collected at Elt.
Imola for the past year., td
41,714263; timnage and hoipitsl donee,
storage, official feet, an," 4 62 . 80 4 Wwl
11.764.122, ,
*one, formerly detective inn*
U. M Quartermaster , . Department: . wee
before Gommiammer Nle h at Resba n ui
=lts v Me c oae ha e lr alttbaned anal to , day.
7281"" for i l men isI blitiC al "n w l i fe4zien eg em ainarY :I :7 64 cuieum . i e 7l.l: r : l in ni etth: 4 l / 4 1.1.11 12 8r : "'"Idari3kui ' i alsa a co * U wld L im any 'llteasa m d ag :th ." : 6 :
die c onutree. Solna of the GOVeroMeor
appointees have been installed but have
been served 'with a mandamus trt
cause on the Sal of January Irby' they
—The United atria steamers tango.
cornett and Terror are to proceed to Part
land on Monday to Weirs Us war veal
Del bearing the remains of . George Pea
body. Twol ._llal 'oars are being pre
pares by Miftw Railroad Company
to =Toy the : yemaina , to the town of
—— , .
.-‘i..' . Oesibilealon of 'Federal Mane
anivehed at liaahville yeliterdaY;loo
po vestigate She frauds alleged to hate been
practices) by clahn agents in collecting
nty - end dog pay of colored soldiers:
It la thought hundreds and thousands Of
1 dollars have been diverted from the
r pockets of thig elate or soldiers
l -- —The Erhirliallreigi °facials at ißier,'
'ltorlr. deny any complicity hi the edam"
of the hoots and pipers .of the
and Great Western Railroad
idxetnt melndg a th w e. Egoren a
d n e d t e a c b tiv t
1 forte to help Mr. Egbarty, and thereat
Of ,o plane of oafs kOoplog for valsaltir.
In the lithgvaults. - - • ^
—A special from Desmoinee nye Zee.
F. Joy.
gan of Rep L eat.
cF rei
d F an ii t r o i tt i h ioen Rimh-.
L‘lllORaomb e 'so aepi d
other Western railroads, has written 'a .
letter to Henry. Strong. of Barlin
denying the Charge* made *rig Bans'
tor Harlan and J. IL thinnal la 601111116.
lion mrlth the Cherokee land pale, ~ , . :-,
NO. 1
- non IWTLEB.
Butler and the neap Plines—.*., 'national
Interests—Tee Weather and
The Propelled Pew Railroad.
Bazonnuno,BllT'LEß, Dec. 29, 1869.
Wane. Berrons: With your per.
misilon I shall send you a few jottings
from old Bolter. - . Strange atelier' 'have
been circulated about this county, and
your correspondent, before coming to
sojourn here, had peculiar forebodings
'bout this fair land, and now diems It
but justice to say that these stories are
fictitious. A finer and better improved
farming country it has not 'been my
privilege to explore than is found in
Clinton, Jefferson, and adjoining town
ships. I had heard of the glades and
soap mires, and also heard that the only
productions and exporta of this county ,
were buckwheat; hazelnuts and the pro
duct of the soap mines; but not so. It's
all a vain delusion. They produce and
export both the necessaries and luxuries
of life in abundance, while their tables
are spread with viands as choice and in
as great profhslon as those of their neigh.'
borax in districts lets remote, and the
buckwheat cakes they make are such as
would grace the table of the most fail,
tidious epicure in the land. As for the
soap mines. I presrithe they exist only in
story, as I have traversed a considerable
portion of the county and yet have
tailed to find - any trace of them. Neither
are the educational interests of Butler
county neglected: Their schools; teth
public and private, wipcompare favondaly
with some of the best In the bannercoun
ties. Some of them at least excel both In
interest and advancement It was the
privilege of the writer to be present at the
Teachers' County Institute which con
vened in the town of Batter during the
first week of November, sad he there met
as tine a corps of teachers as any County ,
Institute ever visited.' I found them to
be ladles and gentlemen of both educa
tion and ability. Headed as they are by a
:county Superintendent who is a gentle
man worthy, in every sense of theword,
of the position which'ha occupies, I have
not the least hesitancy In lapilli' that there
is cot any daiager the educational
tercets of Butler coulity lagging while
there remain 'such fiends.
We• have bad some snow and cold
Weather, which.was detrimental tomes) ,
of the farmer", they not .haying ;their
corn - crop harverded; but we are - now ,
faiored with Mild weather and tank it
we may "be pernStted to tall tend' al
The railroad from Freeport to Bailer le
-new a certainty, and thus fails to to
be i query.' The work of condi% Ohl 1
puithedlorWard as rapidly at tlie'
weather. ill permit-
I The Gault. is Jotted on zany tab*
throughout Budget county, whiph dams,
tbe goodlndsitumeluid 'wend polities bf
Its riedent.: -lc la stymie lance with de.
Utah and I. s awe oiwelcome recep
tion where I paths old -Cajal&
Mo re
wet: No.
PRIDLT, December 3L—ltearees of fOT.
filter. were issued In the following
010611 •
United States vs: the distiller, of loos
Walters. still, et al.
United States vs. fortyelx gallons of
distilled spirits; et at e Maimed by Wm.
United States vs. one bamal of. Wring;
owned - by Stieknell, Hots= Schnell.
• United States vs. thirty:Me berrebrke
distilled spirits, claimed by Maitland
& Co.
United States VII. - -three•barvelwordia.
ttUsa b3 C:F!*2
United States vs. distillery of Abraham
Gsary.•decessed. -
United States vs...thirly•eldht hundred
Myhre found tapopacesionot-Jaeobßran-
An argument was haird oh the Motion
to release the stook of liquors owned-by
Sweeney I Co-, on bond. P. C. Shannon,
Esq., appeared on behalf of the motion,
atm District Attorney Carnahan, contra.
Decision reserved.
' - . Quarter Seaton' Court..
186 Com. vs. Gerhard Johnson.
Ed - ot John A. Blngey.
141 . John Foltz ' -
. Henry Hones.
246 . Patrick Murphy.
154 - ' . •A. Amason, et. al. -
208 . . Wm. hterryman. •' : -
836 ." Simon titranal.
237 . Andrew Jackson, et •L'
238 • , . 'Wm. Lynth. - - ,
217 - .. . John Barber. ,
184 ." Thomas Fielder., .
206 :. 0 .. .John Shultz.: . . .-- --,'
he . Charles Neff.
418- ;. . :1 " A. J. Hagan- & D,N, COnitte
•• - - TRIAL WIT FOR 21111:BOAT. r. . .
22 COM. Vs. Jae. A. McFadden.. - .
W. J. Robinson. -
187 - --.-- ..M. Shierman, Sour& • 7 .-
24 ...., Thomas O'Neil... ,
264 . John Craig.. -
2.55 . '. Davld Hatch, et al:
256 4 . M. bleClaren.
258 . . Wm. Him:Broth. ,- .
...„ , ~
Served M l° iight•
. .
• . . . .. ..,
EVlerespondtmeeo ea. rilistatrAti Clatette.l - '
WEISS. Enrronsi Onf Eiherthbitillels`
haver. aryie of &dug tirminewthst ii
Pronliar to themselves . : • , "83.oubuttilma
t ever, v. o f
f rO.
he Plist Ing Metho ,,Be dist Church, pl ans o
had the following ordni Snit on
hint In the parsonage: , - •—• • ..:
; 'Weir Sir: - You are rei s t edtoafieer
toMiorrow ; afterzioon:•nt 2 o'olo2e. before
J-a,Mr. tailor:And to ull2l2led for s
mat or othes, and oblige yottPhierids."l,
Desiring to "obey the powers that be .
and infer se triable oto live • peißeelb ii .
with all men. ' the preacher f promptly
appeared attn., yippee time and plum to
'answer the tampions. when, - after She.
examination • of ' height • and ;earn oiler.
Once. he was Waved - by the • l'icnightok
the Tam." that he should be rewarded
next week tor hiecalli • lorerillnil to hi
The bawl
of ROv.iwwuioni pallor
of DM Preebyterian •Dinierh of this place,
dotal not impraire,'stid lets only kb% sal
prmwnt, to presettentro on Sabbath. All•
the other pastors, we. belleve,l are are%
'and are laboring faithfully at their pmts.'
Opritilloinne.tite . tarred andietied
that .boa • entimbled lambs Opens House
during the present espaort, was that of '
last night, on which oximpott gr,"Edwhi
Adams the talented your* ieWt.wee thel
riniplent eta, bengal. .Zetory, seat Wall
cucunied from tilt to douse, await° thOwl
usually counted bietheorchestin,lettch
Asocesart part of the intertdinadett wh
"conducted ; behind the,
standing mo m w 003 11 Pilla end bin'
tired* were &Slued - await: for went of
room.' The entertablinant, we ere pleased
•to say, wee as utisieetorY to thetindtence
as the wadies,. was to the beneficial%
belt ofslibldfouniedies,"Wild Otters
was prosebtud, Mr: Atlanta seaunsing the
Me rote. . The ,cast mas u poll throe
Ont. OSteCinember instal Ng - Wind
= 7 ardir role in s. manner Ar m =
througiiout theplow and when divan,
Pail' dropped lathe Wage of the lisentld
ad; he. wsivrictopelled to :Mao him son
pearancd-and was not
'read lortuttled la*
thur entil "he - bad s a osneeeh."
“Enooh Arden" will be presented thle
afternoon at the , nuttiest). lend for
Arming !Mild Oate4with, the "Chrnen..
.t arot ,
wilt Onestitilto WU 7.
Pi r rinvind'resvrtts. — T heold ' didn i .
wits Ailed to oterfloillail lot night, and
the esuretainost visa lard clan, Dick
Sande, the unequalled clog dine?, • we,
one of the leading • annalists.' HOST .
Soltora, the coma hell performer, atlu.
continues. by lated lirscefel rind deatron
h a ndling of the :natal to win `applied
of the audience, as do ail the ottiercatia ,
bridles In lar „aphelia A
grand FewYear' . matinee wilt he gittin
the efterneott; excellent enter
tau:ma thisAvesdnite
, Tatit,-,BArdPn6—The celebrated. end
renowned lienlan,ccaninnation, stetnny .
be 11801kby'ribreneito our andamnamwd
voirdanorni canmeocia ed anipatentebt
the Madefil7:ol-Alreda,
mondo evening: ,They. Slime • with
mu surlety, kighl
epotentlfwbettMot &bey burs been
thalami Ma tbes i ptil tollcilre* MOT
'Ammar val,l6lteo tC .Weatera remailllrMada.
No fir..r. amebante , orlametunnt nhealcl
interriberi.— ... . .. . .. 4.11 •
Olutoof ...... Si
Char of vin II II
cove u foralslxici LtatllflWatlT t b t Le pt
;.0 ofa dab !WU' eaters Ire ?BO MA
rumuiiker, txw.;
Banesemely. Caned.
We have the Pleasure to 'chronic:sling
another very pleasant affair which tame
ou at evening, In the eximudve ohs
bli,thii:fnt of lir. Gent)" lode, corner of
Penn anu
!Sixth streets, being the We
sentatiora of handaorrielY gold triarint." ,
ed ebony' canes, to officers Selintal
derson, said W. A. }Teak, Ire the le..upir
l4izth street Meretrilmta. Inehadjog Henry
Hale; Harry hi0rtun,!.15.,77.1 , MUN Mr.
!bolt, Mr. I.trannan and ntbera,
Joseph M. that am, -req.'. In making—
' the.preasmation-, speech: mid, pllteaarc.:
Anderson,and Iloa77ct, I need rioktral 7012
bow:much pleasure and 'gratillestitss It
affords me, on behalf Of :our -mutual"
friends, who Appreciating ...your mules
end .worth, net 01 4 1 .9 oDefiCetic. bade*
and reliable ratinicipidnilleera,dlschirg
tug your ardlouaind someturtroVisagee.
mot duties with real and lldellsy, buto, also
admiring you forthe ardor you evinced
In your country's einse--eittzen abiding
4-ebrinking irons nahlardeilltle..lqttlood , ''
to all, risks, IA the fleld,Ahe camp- and
prison,-ever-watchful, ever faithfriL
Noble voinuteerartft - theiemse of - unity
and freedom..
j And alvve all, reipectimi you cies'
- and citiseris,ttetdrn to testify Id I Masa
lire their regard.. Gentlemen; In pro— ,
sentiog you these ,heautifut canes, 1 sza.„
happy to mime :lon, on ' behalf of the
donors; it ls Intended as do Idle , ebmpli•
Mont. bet ea , honest and.; lanceretilt ,
preesion of the, high sate= in which you.,
are' eld by thOse whff know you best • '
• And; In conclatlonV port:nit me - to Whet,
you, in antleipOlopq;toinoprow 4 Ldo i ns ,,,,
happy ind-prospertnut.,29l3, ',Oar. 'and
express the hope, tri dolt:lmre rot An'tbe
gest,- you - Witt :Darer Sttilit.
you ,know yod ace *bout right:on the ,!
contrary. ' follow' the precept and the ex
ample of the illustrieue Colonel Crodir.4, -
atm sore you are right, thou go ahead." , .1
Witilam C. Moreland,.-Neg., on behalf
at the recipients, replied tants nattatflu•
ant and eloquent manner. 'pronitsing
the oltiure continued g ood conduct, end-' .
lluating they might, always, xstaln the,
Approval and enconragement of' 'their
• , . .. .
i . ' Penned, cnneh,Ac.. ,_
...„, _
AirYncldent of a;very pleiu6iittratarrh . _
and ee, that wilt doubtleie rentals 6 ' 1
itreen'irioi in the'nromerioad Itibee COW"
eeietid with 11, °Craned In tbiloorOpCspillZ , i
room of the' Chrenfcli cifliceyesterdad . r. 1 :,
fiftwars, Blebaneek and Winne,' ftrWerll-' 1
ScwrAnd troirlebweliottr• eirenlnivere..o ~
temporary, were each presented wittran , '.',
elegantly - ants:bed gold - headed Car" _ g
..t. appropriate , . ApabriptkiwAtte ,
fie o those employed in theossepaelms ,
°ow. Mr. n::• kfeCord prerentort
e wine, In - UMW Of itie - donors In a '1
: and bppropliete addreek •terildelt
.Colllne,twellewdedi Irk in .etru/weld r i
'd feeling' manner. „ , libiridies were of Mick Orn*, TaOlta.' -., P.
with heavy gold: heads.- Therwerwc 1
. j' a Z Wl= 7; Ve yr ' ?It ' ll l ° l rd it 1 1
I idielr-thltabureterantertce Were ofet.••• ,
#o4l4.MfiAlkertJackacto, tponirckeepacr. - a
ipu the Choc/ride Counting.;&nue, was
Madethe mottle& bf standar:ale gold' t
pasfindboklar by the employes' of ihrt 3 i •
06,6bitahnuart,. as .a token- Or their ler ,
seem. Mr. D. C. tickles, of the raportp. „ .:.1
rral Miff, medal:he - presentrittot `speech' . t
on behalf of the donors: and bfrasokaanc , t
impondedida fewepproprlataxemarkek ,
The . present wax purchased at Memos.
.k.hernki a Wllihr, orrery s atore,lnf" , l -
the corner of Snalthdeld street and.Settkc
avenue, and was most worthlly,bestotted-, 1
• fdr. - JohnMcMillen; who kat fb6,10166
pat tad charm, or the: triaithatp rispars.' ,
icent of the Chronicle, was made -dbe: Wbre
elpient of a hancisoms, ps/r.: of deld_en • t .
glasses by the etdOl
of tttelr - fl koliZtlyiLtt
Piinesiud) it . .
• , - ~._,„ ;,/i ~ 9 ~.:1 Vl:* L4r,,,1a
Tliritimployei 4 thiiiewery Nimbus*
idebt erldr:ilic thbanseittrldstiltida -
presenteiA to ISIr. J: I.fi9troulie, prmietor.,.
of the no* Fifth aventiiii jeWelg - So?!.
with itehrints, beautiful! 'and' elegant of-
To: budded cranc,' , as aiinartent raped'
and estewn,;;Mr. dirourrebr lt: prodwde. ,
from the workshop of Mr. Donseikilb, and.<
hence the cause of the pleisititt'oecadon.‘• ,
W. C. eillYthe. - Des ; mt the :Dryer* -•
made the presentation Ina happy ,
:width° recipieesponded appeo= b lf L *
ly, attar which Lei lendid supper, served -
r a tt i lioltzhelurrl, ro vtl,M i tatyle,eminna-17.,
Worthy the regard Of his triendji k J and . W.
are ghetto note tide weblehabWlPWW•pprik,
thated..:-Mr..- Era & Aidezeon,. once,:
the mariners of thefelikof Wt&Mcc ell 7
4rid vas yeeterdex.tbe recipient; •
tram the heeds of 'the - workmen - under'
tda charge, of a boleti:at Vl4` hewisa
ebony meth, as,key , optheir Vietheth.f •
On Of piteptlenla,ly cc;Ortiif, utireirdl
. , 4
CaniitiLL ,-f.
the Weeneritinialediabbla s Truititittia =.
.• ,FearthAterersecomitegu -, c ,
Inetitrite -itatembled, , Aa. the ,preibp, , .
i WEI, gum*: Am/ litlg#l=ll4.,lthile, -.
*alma- exerc4 , l 6 -- , , WA?, g-040 1 44• 11 ----!
itui4.llPw*V*l on 1111‘9#1#gVu#7.,,
Mar, which, was ,folloaiiiiltllll n,cople, .
baila4 by Mile 111d1ted. Prot.lll, 1 , ,.. Ii
ik;filid_e'lanitikAiniiii.C,Lif niimiirbail'
1it0. 11 449n. -..1 . 4 4 ch 14.49 1164 1 ,1 #. 14 1 #:..9/ 8 1 .1
ibid. Mr. Ellarcieznie_Dhunnsted his eye.
tam of penman alite - by blaintOollrl- 0-
11nee.'dltdroliletor-Donsptilsoef BduaQMM
/11tb.wlis nitaln Iniciaiiineandl the 41110911 , 4
ilion participated in,by.XtflarPl,*nrip.w., ,
Dentin, BeattY win kinnsiget. - ---
The ebeanoottseellon araaa* -
enqbee %wattages', of rEenuleaMPAT. -
Yr. DilecieFtKrollOwcClbytaccag try tne I.
I aol
allow .eanctesebere, best secure notae:,
operatbel or lareete..? mice .dleinuseed l,,i
length by brawl. Tan', Hunt, pa l , MIA:" . 3
kitenilnaagne;- :" 1 Ll3'r., ' -,, .., -,, e ii
The time tor Am3l,ll*thentaklpatibabe ...1 it
tau fixed for December. 1844, il
1 t Prot. Mercer talked for slim infantile ' '5.1
en , lnterert.. - Percentare 'quid THeconnal:n -
*Web Was f° l /°7#l/: ! 111 1# ( ../. /1 59, 1° ,”A - .%
cirtbegraipll9; ' ~ ~ ' ~., ,; ‘ it
;Al ebb Weaning wanton asteettralienwell , i,
wareetrati b74llo,sthileaDniblebraltabiai ..4
leg r oul!,l4.s4 3 Pr'Nela,Pluds:-Pr , lVit , f
••Whit ahosildtie thn ctinaeterbaibe ob.d. '
the teacher" forined . A . topiolor •P
by Iteir.%l. 7r Epk ir 0 1 / 4 *bleb e, a. . 4
I Analtlesiabilablient 14 Tlinbrinillict• - c I 1.
i Ledpcce.ll;,oo. ;41.1;-Senstieffr-Pintleige, . 1
' ibr Mcideik-Ditimon t VW,. ,A,martee * ' - -- -.t .
1 -konritlee 'quiet . anifkeely , ; mile,,-gelget 13
'ti9s,B6,litiAbn 86301043e,113%;1re1e 17j4;:-.1
Dattina /0g34 41 . 1 0# 1 41:= 4 - 19r 11 1 4:W i1 ai 1.. ..
ern; ..
, 1 Lrentitatiotibee.btesibew t,
tbe week, 00.000.tabse.incluoillegtetporte,J. I
oil 1%;000. emeiitien. %ON ,' balm - EtEPk,,„ 'i - '
3EOO bales, Thelnalne77loooAncertautt.. ~- .
reeetptabir the , :aseb.cniAni , bola% - /A. , : , ) , ii
a ening -113,141%Amarbiant niac k, lna#l-".. ti
;MO bales, American
.. 1 , ThOT , 4 g
:kat+ tOilliT itr . ilDedie . Auld buvi4' - ' x V,
thealeei6o4o beleamidnling.ti„
WAtinf (ISA= ilUchadariebuter anet , ,,,7
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Vony....Ncx,l' sidled - 29e • Sit: Oanc2a Rif' ~_..
_Bexley fait Pale Mt WI ' Pbric notating- •1 .
e s wee . Beer 101 e. 1ard,.7,4a ,Dhesee.,., .
, p i = Oa Coininon 11wiln- be,: -
tilartill--Petrokatel te:4d;" rani:lady. ft, , !
Tellittr4te liii::Ternemlhat27sfeL; .1,., c-:
• 'Ar:iliMIG , PeCe.r.Pbe" l . - Tallovt ( 1 1 1 1 0 , -.,.- seg„ebred. 15perin oil Sea. ' Bow'
aospeed vet , quiet and"steetly - 1 .-WOW
u n ma cakes bu • declining 141•4•Emly , - :
at{fa, 9,1. - . Terpentine2Bll3d.Arbaie caw. '
Caleattaltieseed deft - Linseediet flee& ' 3-
er. -Radmid Petroieuurflat at - brad- 7a mi . '
1 PnAtiliiiinT., ,D000,111,741 . ../iwa.
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' BorrAXC4,DoollMber.,3l,,naittkic rekt.,ll
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feeritin . bibille' fItIII 'et 6 d led slue
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