The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 31, 1869, Image 1

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    41 ,
tumw, a'oo.,
ftfre,B4 and . 86 IVth Avenue,
Xvrross AD
11111312 OP TOM VULT•
117 lull. per,yera:
allured by mniers: ix* .4.l'"'"
Statements About , the Suez Canal
Contradicted Heavy' 4 itleitt
Eeceipts from America—The
American , Navy , Criticised—
' Royal Baptism at Rome—The
Ecumenical. Council -Discuss
'Whether PhiloicipVlsWeierit
• dox--Tranpman, the Murderer,
Convicted and Sentenced—Citi•
nens ofCubs Ordered to Diaarm.
Ip Tet•Fr■on to lb< rittainagb Gazette.)
Lc:loos, December SO.—M. Lamella
Engineer fn. Chief of theßeez carat. hail
Telegraphed here a contradict - loner 4he
stories as to the dangers accompanying
the navlgatlon of that canal. Ho says
that since the canal ha's been opened to
commerce Jim depth at the very wont
points Ina' been Ingrained seventy cen
The receipts of wheat from America
are still very heavy. There Is a great
accumntation of wheat bothhore and at
Liverpool, and- a statistical lemma of
this oily says there are neweeVenty.four
more cargoes attest bound to- England
than at the Corresponding period last
The Metes has an editorial on the sun
jest of the Ainerican Navy. The 'Writer
blames Secretary 'Robeson for confining
Lb attention tocralseta rather than line•
of-bottle ships, whereas the English Ad
latralty Is satisfied that the greatest of.
&waive and defensive qualities are
incompatible with cruising.
LONDON. Deo. 30.-Speele In the Bank
of England decreased £37,000 since De
cember 23.
F . ItARCH.-=••
Pixie, Doc. 30.—The new ministry is
still • matter of general speculation and
newspaper comment.
Prince De La Tour De Auvergne, the
ex-fdluister of Foreign Affairs, and M.
Greasier, the ex.Mlnlater . of Pahl*
Works, have been apt ciroted Senators.
There has been an unusually large out
flow of anode from the Bank since the
beginning of this week.: The amount on
hand today fa folly 297,000,000 francs lea
thanat the close or bank hours last Thant.
- lunette "asylum it • Tulle was to
tally destroyed by fire yesterday. There
were no live* lost. . •
tip to this time, o'clock evening.
theta are no new developments in regard
to theydintstry.
At lien this evening the trim' of Traup.
mann for the murder of theSinck fami ly
terminated la conviction and sentence at
death. Thapriaaner rose and smilingly
thanked the Court.
Roes. Deoember 110.-• The Infant Plitt
ores Christine, of Earle*, eras baptized
here to day with great ceremony by
Cardinal Patrizsl, Vicar of Abe rope.
,TM Pope was represented es_ god father
by Cardinal AntoneilL The Empress of
Austria represented the, Dowager „Em
press as god mother. Over four.b
notabilitiesof Roma, .Naplea- ang l = l
werefin attendance,. as well. as the pre%
Uses, tbe guard of ,the Popeand others.
'The semi= of the Emmenleal Conneil
Yesterday lasted due hours._ The subject
order disemision wee mbether .pltiktua•
• pity wia heterodox. - - • • - •
. . - _ _
' ELaNnwrita. Decant:sr 36.--Ths Gown.
nor of histantas has tamed an: cadet
,beating: all -, citimins having arms
. 14
. tits* pas seelen - to deliver the same' tO
•She Spanish authorities within two diem
.Thrwe neglecting to COMPLY 'with' Ibis
order wilt be Wart =dialed. • • -
The Pais , da OW* to•ilsylitildtdisathi
statement, telegraphed from New, York,
that Cabana have gone to Wahine:lnto
bay Senators. •
1271 M
Deo. 31--The Mirada r of
Audio% Zcrillsp haat:leen generally.bad•
fy received dartogids semi-criteria 'car.
.ney, Jug& flaiebed.. At Talencla,-Beree.
lona, .and some ; other hove oidel
.l ilivechca hiver.of fionaroby wirio
terrapted hYliefßita.losn vim&
. .
OLLSOCrffi Deoeurber
terdaT., India,' troth lifetr Ycrrk. •
'LONDON. DifiCOMpOr 4S-feeaSkyorS
mots tbr • mobay, — 92X 1 siMOMII. 92j
Stock Rumblings 1,111. - bit - elbiairimi Setup.
American Securities firm '821;
88V=4 . 8531; 'B7* - .81X: 10-40.883 f-
sr, Dec. 80. —Bond s heavy,
Brien. 17; Illinois. 100, 8 ; A. it G. W..,28K.
PAWL. December 80.-Bourse,
nate* 7211384. • • :
Livituroot., December 8L tiotton:
market firm; middling islands .11ii Or. I
leans lly.; salsa. 15,000 bales: Cal ifornia
white Os Bd, woolen: No. 2 - 81144: winter
-tat western;dour. 22s 3d. Corn 120.
aimed 29a M.' Oats Sla M. - Barley Ba.
Peso 88s. Pork quiet 108 u Beef 101*
Isird 74s 844 Cheese 68s. Bacon 51s.
Produce unchanged. Naval Mores
Lonnoit, Deo. 40.—Talloir 45s BdoWit.
el. Sugar quiet, Spot timer, east at
WPM 6d. Calcutta linseed thin at 80.
Animus:no Dee.-3O.—Petroleum heavy
at 59341.
Bassistu, Dee. SA—Petroleum quiet. -
Baca*" December 80.—Ootton quiet.
Hammita, Dee. M.—Petroleum quiet.
Tbe alba Vane/ulna
cogienuanng—lesusry Of,
Jilseofsetaring Companies.
to tha PlUabardS 4:blMiN.,l
Barron, Deoember 110.—Two anujose.
is of Fenian volunteer' have arrived
hero, rquipped,;-undoubtally forming
• part of the Fourth Battalion of a
preen of Passkey-and were modem'
Into servito lard evening by, . Ad s
John Brown; ' mustefien efil".:er of the
Legion for Eastern leassect,a6 ; - 4,„ Hict .
oornPen7 " alb. "' 1 . 4 3' reee:Ft o Peril
oillosrod. The tr",irOtt is la eoultaaml Of
General Banc,, Whose headquarters are
In flew :ork, and tt is the military
Info° 01 . the John Savage breach • of the
Fer;str Brotherhood. The avowed put
;ass of this movement ts tO prepare for
any opportunity for earep Wend in Ire.
land, There are comperder "Law.
reacts, Dowell era other cities sad 10n.
siderable towns le this section, and their
naorbers are said to be formidable.
The January dividends of the many
lecturing companies ehow a comparative
decrease, but not to the extent the talk
of dull times would aremcto b i t uatilY.
Of the twenty.rdoe companies WtrlY
dividends In Bosaio, ( only 'lax pam. the
Dwight, Great Falls and Mancheeter
rtl n a i ntic a . r O t t h nilne e gri aindtifve. and
d m t at i
for the that time,.the semlomural difi•
dead. Of the Mbete tirentf-Jilllkt
range from 3 to. per cent., one toeing
of 12, three of la, one of 8, one of 0. row"
of the, eight of 0, and Ave of 8 per cent.
Conflict of Slate and Federarifartidli.
Lon. •
(By Tolotripb to ,ho rvublgrxh Gatetts.)
• Blom TOOMEdr, Deo. 30.—A case Inln3lv-
log State and Federal jurladletlon has
arisen here.. The Stelae isw..lasbmaiiiz
upon the Southern Express Company.
The Company has applied to Judge Bus.
teed, or the S. (Mart, for an Iniu mi l a xe
lion. which...sinus granted. The
Auditor hius leaned a circular to theta
collectors, orderlug them to. collect the
tax is 'pito of the It)mmtiou., This a m
promises to'be one or great interest, and
the State and Company both hays eml.;
nengotmsel to tight it through • the
C 1 4w
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JOSUE 1:116,
P. worD:
Maw lc an
Service Contracts Batifledi
Attempts , Rts , tm,Swhilterßunhs-v
ton Fund—Another Decision in
--littsburghDrover Bobbed.
By 'return* te,thsrlttiburib Omit< ./
Nsw Yong, December 30, 1869.
The. books seized • last night at the
office ofthe Atlantic and-Great Western
Railroad are_ in possesaion of the Erie
Railway Company, from whose °Moen
all orders regarding the management
amansfille ; The °marls:Ha 4 033toditliii4
ls in charge of two officers of the Sd
preme Court. No btudness is done theirs
The-estuie.,c4,-this raid . by,, ItecelVet
. .
O'Dohetty appearapaday,,ln thealleged
bed " t tiud' Aimee "Maßtiney; 'fiifkrierly
President of the Atlantic and Great
Western Railway, visited the Broadway
office a few stay' ago and carried off with
him to Europe the most important
books of the company.
ocicerwaart, imams ooNrhOvinsY.
Postmaster GenerarCreastrell and Post
master Jones have had another long
consultation to-day relative to the am.
tram far carryingmatia betweenthlapcut
and - Europe. Reprasentatbief of the
various steamship lines took,paidju, the
dhscinsalon, and eft* a fulrailitiree Inter
change of opinions on both aides the.'
Postussater.(Hatelal nedledthiserestraete
already made. The steamer Rhein,
which wks to have. ladled ta.dayil. nada
on Saturday with the mails. She has
also 180,000 specieengaged.
At a specialmeeting of the taloa
League 'Club " this 'imminif, eddy:ease
commetnorative of the life SRO services'
of Edwin M. Stanton were delivered by
William Cullen . Bryant, Rev. Dr, Bel
lows, and others, and committee we.
anointed to raise a fund for the family
of the deceased statesman.
/Teal 7(23 Ti) BRINDLE. •
Attempts were made to day both at Al
bany and Troy, to swindle banks by the
deposit ,of forged certified checks oti
the Wed Na tional -Bank of this city,
plartiOrtlng tobo signed by S. B. Mitten
den d Co. The attempts were unsuccese.
Tbeman who made them gave_
name as William H. Raymond.
Judge C. Derwin Smith, of the Supreme
Court, at Rochester, this afternoon gave
his decision in the Albany , and Basque
harm* Ihdlroad salt. 110 decides that
the . Ramsey ticket of Directors was duly
elected, and that they are the lawful
Directors& said railroad. - • •
rtrtenoaan DREIER ROBBED.
Laud night about twelve o'clock An.
Rosins Norris, a drover from Pittsburabi,
Pa., was attacked by a gang of five WO.
waytaen at the corner of Montgomery
and Washington streets; Jersey,: City,;
and robbed of a valuable watch:
SMALLPDX. Diann. •
The -nuncber of deaths by smellier*,
during the week ending at noon .to day!,
is thirteen. The disease, which at one
time threatened to begone epidemic, has
nearly died out.
The ennu i ! report of the Board of
Health shows there are twintithoaaand
tenement houses in thla city, ocouptedby
seven hundred thousand persons.
• The Ironclad bilantonomah, which it
ordered ready for sea, ht understood tole
intended fat thy' *Boort into Portland
herbor of the British ship Monarch With
the nantaineof Geo. Peaboity.tal.: +
irraineemanti tor the Tiuntna4lirt-
Mitry.iilections were made .Usclay. , " It th
understood Mr. Tweed will. be roaleated
President.' •
' v ti at f4 riiidngit'imidodirtitl?.°4PM=;,""tsctiLwic'tior an Elid ea!
The iteamera Mammonist and Manhat
tan, from Europ e ; Strived today.
• •
more Earthquake
.etriatardpe, Without licticow
Fete Tfir or ' , nest Clew*
. . -
bes Eirgiand, - aud More
pert Trade for 1889 Tea Shipment"
tat ftwearaw. iothe Mut:arta Wasetta.l
Saw Faure:taco, December ISO..—fieV
eralibocks of earthquake Were': felt it:
Vlitinla silty feat night anti till - hiorri•
. Berea of them Wore severe Wei thi
'people were of.
The steamships Orillimmeandliseific
collided aff Santa Barbara od the night
of the 28th. The steadiers Mete fall of
- paltentettc, but none Wit . te ininreitatoth .
vessels were Wily, damsged... The boata
of the Paciihrffere lowered-10 et khostet
bort thatsthe ateavier :would Sint . . The
'Amino win toirredstrituftautitsßarbalW
Pent thousand tonclof Vriteat *sand
for — England - cin Tuessy. „Ten sorrels
are nowleadhrg for the samedeettentbcd. - .
Since the rains there if less disposition to .
hold whist. With the exception of the
southern portion Of the State, where drys,
-Warm weather yet prevail, sulthient
vain has Man to stimit tot pletvin‘ittile
somedistrires the seed If already in
Ahiground. - s.. . _ •
Oar elporthisda bias* tohTew York,
daring 181 E, aggregates rive million all
hundred thousand andlifty dallsrectbree
per cent -of which went by wapofTerul
ma steamers. — '
One hundred packages of tea ftre-Pair
York and Ore hundred and seen ter
Lineage were shipped by railroad to-day.
Alaq seventpel grit packages of silk
worm eggs, for Lyons, Brandt.
Shocks of earthquake were felt
throughout western Nevada lid' night.
Bo damn* is reported:• t
Thehallion yield of the tros1:0 m um%
minket White Pinegor member, *ft
eight tborwand Shipment.
be mad•lo New ' v erakAlzect hereafter..
// Akins% lignitair-e•Prti,;* th r m i Mg
.. ZL .•' listleg °elite agiiiid.
My Tatasraps to tsarittatarsh oasettr.)
°Masao, Deomnbor 80 . — Tno f°ll° ‘o 3 4(
Ala va oso tibia hia tie iehiaudieport
of business of Chicago during
,the ,pet
roe . Total . villas' tof "niamtfaddreli,
flfty.eight millicm - , ,dollar., l againat
sixty-three • MiLltisli -Um. ' Year
pre i vkms. Total value of-, /mode
noolved Au , tbe ) dig, 4415;652,000;
SMILIELII 3V7,553,000 butt - year. - " Total
Wholesale so
foram mooned' „UM 3 6,630.
abloot, 40411.488, Wlost.,,youicze set
0o at seventy tong
Willa= dollars. The total tune of dally
and Weakly papers during the year foot,
op 87,194.0u0 sheets. Number buildings
erected daring the year 3.428. against .
4,410 the year previous. The characteri
of the buildlnp thin year is imperior to,
bag Year: 1: :-
. ^ Z „ ,
The warehouse of D. W. Derry, and'
their oom•ctibe adjoining, at Morris.
fig., were ilcoiroYed by fire bast night .,
PM g/ o . ooo lCiDlyle~ ... .e.-..m..."'
2a MAn. ou PPmeq.fboJoiookAlooo.'
OtANOtarnoY, F lows mein,
coming Cincinnati express train on the
Bajobigan Central Rallond, near Calm ,
pet, this morning, and was instantly'
killed. a---
(Br radio me Atlantic Telearapto _
CUL CITT, Pa., Dec. fa—Elver at a
stand, with 3 feet 8 inches water In the
channel. Weather cloudy. Phantom.
018 au
BROMISVILI.E. Pa. Dec . 30:—River
falling, with snout93efoct of water In the
channel. Weather clear. Thermometer
44 sr, r. x. a.
Gazaitawirto. Pa.. ,Peo• 30.—]lever
on a Maud, with about . fast wawa,
tp tau ahaimat... 'Wealbei clime Mari.
'momater at 31 at 7.r. w..
bionoewrcorrr, W. VA.. December 30.
—Diver falling. with 5 feet water In the
°benzin. Weather clear. Thermometer
47 at 5 P. x.
(ireat _Western
New Year's Receptions—British
Colnmhla Citirens Bemorialße
for Annexation to the United
_Lands Undis•
posed of—Stolen Bank Bills—
First Public Reception at the
White Rouse. •
lElTslinnapSß , the PitsOnoES ILLSR ca.
' _ WAISMIERTOE. December. 3, 1669. ,
TIMP houisfOr reception by Vice Prod—
dent and tdra. Oolf= at'thoir :rtaildenist
on New 'year's Day will be from half.
past; twelte till three o'eloclCr.9l. Cab!.
net officers will - berecelred irol4 one tilt
three &deck' r. it. The' 'recieptionit' bi
the public, - officers and oititena , Will
:probably be greater in numbers than
heretolbre. °Moors of the army will sa.
aerobia at the War Detrartment and 'pro
ceed In a body to the White ttouae to psy
their respects to the President.
. Vincent COlyer, of New York, yeeter,
day lkirobAlb President Prard a fflemd.
MAL:ldiotic! . by S. number ` oi prOpertt
holders end business moo of Victoria, to
:telollowed ty another; w hick .arill - con
!tato the ' tames of all British merehents
and others at Victoria, Nallimo and other
placers In tarot of the transfer of British
tbiumbla to • the 'United States. -The
President. to -day returned to .Colyer a
iorbil'reply that be had read a with
great interest end Pent It to the Sefretary
of Stets
Colyer also ehoired the Memorial to"
Senator Sumner, Chairman of thet-Vons
matte on Foreign Relations, who; after
reading it, Paid the movement was lux
portant aniLpould have but one tannins.
tine. Meaffw bile our Government watts'
forthimovetnentnf 'England; lehlek la
fast seeing the Montagu:* arta ten priletl
cannily of an European empire on this
hemisphere. Both, the President and
Senator Sumner desired their replies to
' ba made known to the memorialists.
The following is the memorial •
TV —Ric lfreeßesey the Presid ent of th e
Ceded &arcs: - ,
Your memorialists beg leave most ro•
sneetfully to represent, that we aro reel-
dente of the °amity of British Columbia,
many,of us Beitlsla anljects, and all of
us deeply Interested in the welter° sod
country. r I.3 That
thosewh°oraoreurßraidtrdeubecis a
Mated with the moat profound feelings
of loyalty kind devotion rd' Her Majesty
and her government, and that all
entertain for her feelings of the
greatest attachment and to the
country. , That while we thus indulge
such feelings we are. constrained,
by the duty we owe to oureelvcs and
fauillies,, In view of the contemplated
rants of the political ties which unite
use the mother country,to seek eunuch
political' and commercial affinity and
connection as will insure the immediate
and continued prosperity and well being
of this our adopted home, That this
Colony Is now mattering great de-
Peoselon. owing to. Its, isolation, great
touchy , -of . population,and other
causes too numerous' to mention. I
That we view with feelinge of alarm
the avowed, intention of ' Her Majesty's
liovernmernh to conforlorithrthis Colony
with the Domlnlou of Canada, as we be.
lime such a, measure. CAA only tend to
still Maher : depression and ultimate in
' pity, for the following reasons:' That
confederation Cannot give us protection
against loternal enemies or foreign foes,
owl to
.tite,distarrisof thla.-tkMutyr 1
,gliadislie- Nit it, centurt , Open
V*41. 12 0,1104 , golk ; the prolapse of
opt. lands, - aim forests, our mines, or i
oar waters- that it cannot bring ns poem
lathe:sour streateaneed, es Use Dominion 1
Melt* suffering from - leek of its' that
our connection with the Dominion can
satieo. no sentiment of loyalty or deco.
non; that her commercial and industrial I
Interests are opposed to ours; that the
tariff of the Dominion will be the rubs
of our farmers and the commerce of
our chief atlas that we are tsstigated I
by sl'eli'antinlellt sr loyalty' to hilt
Majesty i _ l ,l our attachment to the laws
lan thititutiona of Oreat Britain, and apr
deep interest In ttio proepetity It our
adopted countryi to arprees our Si,yoin.
Mon to alseterance from gegland and a
.efinfederatlon.with Canada. . 'WS admit 1
• that the Dominion may be aggrandised
by confederation, but we ear sue no
benefit, either present *rotate, which
mar Morns* 0,-lblereltima t That we
desire a market for our coat and lumber 1
and our tlithi and throthh lkininion seeks
tabthe aamehrodnoe of herown poll. She
tab take nothing from *lnd supply us
nothing in return. That the contedera- 1
Ong of this Colony with Canada may I
relieve, the; :mother 'Coots litten the
trouble teetering and
protettitig this hoisted, distant Wollp,
but It cannot free us from our long en
eineingdepeemion, (Ming to titektok.:or
population,* aforesaid, and the contin.
tied want of a borne market der Our pro
duce. i
1 10 e efaiStfidnedY. a r iliiteffilii which
beset us we believe to be in *close
union with the adjoining States and '..,
Aerritottes ~We ma already ~..lcdswity
, se dolybi' Nobjectsdadloteraud neatly
all our commercial relations are with
therm they burnish the chief Markete
we have for the products of our napes
land and waters; they Supply the Colony
with mold of the necessaries of Ufa they .
furnish us with tins'ottly meardrof coup;
municalon with tie OlatAt • irOlids Midj
we are even dependent neon them for
the means of teaming theeverintlii the
mother country or Dominion Of Cenadi.
For these reasoos,*o earnestlydeedre
the enplane* of this Colon, by the
United States. 'lt Mead 'torah at once I
in Opening
to alt unrestricted mart
for our productShtlet stlttnit of pop- ,
' citation, and with .'s ulduoe investment:
lof .ealtitalln our coal and quirts Miner 4
• ant'retisur tenant; the
_remote -would' 1n..1
11:D711fib the a ar diethlrig ndla atil'iltatsmannTee-
Aloft* :and: through . them'. *ith the
world at large; - it would, lesiku the
exponsesi Ad ..! ait. ligibljtidnoseet, . I,y
giving WO kellibientat institutions'
and Imlnediatecantrel of our demotic
nelicerC; besides giving* protection
' Tregibt l irdll it: witiVu t'r, 1 4
le of our own 'kindred, religion 4t
Ungue, isstan-Tie,who fee all time
nat. ultfotetely. act ut Medi 0 tie tet o .
thins fa 'weal o wed. That 'in vieW,of
' bete feats we; reestectailly request that.
'your Vicallency 'Will ' cause this memo-
al to be laid before 'the Woveri.
-pent of the , ' Vatted : Stant, and
at, _ ildf,any. '.. Ilegotiritlonsi • . which
may . .be pending or undertaken
betWesnryOur Government . and that of
ler Most Drat:Mire Majesty ,for the sat.
Bement of territorial or other questions,
'that you will' endeavor to *lnduce Rat
Majosty,to:Conseut to the transfer of the,
Colony to the Vatted Kum. 'We belipri
Bar earnestly 'desires the wel
fain an happinem of all her people,.in.
view of the aircumstenete,that for years
*babe* 0011ip•AIAIL to-oho %Annrd'exodtte,
of tans of thoutuiroM of her aublecis 16
the Chltedltheies and that she will not
let poLtlesi traditions and i entiments in
flues:weber against a imAilaliro SO earnest;
ly 'desired by the people of ibis poor.
isittlted , Coltmy. , , i ..-'
N0v.,.,' -'t .'s
Dated British Colitebla, N 1869.
TflO 1141111.10 L/Of It%
. 1 4 1 , 1 %42, 111 9 - 40k
il-; •+,• ;
' The Depart:moat of theluterlor states
the estinVittel i number off; .cresidt pub.:
Ito land unsold and unappropriated,
after deductinir,all dlaposals OM :far as
reported...Sinea thlicieno--Florlda acres,
17,328,496; Alabama, 0,414,374:••1d1eehe1p.
14,725,817; -Lcinielans; 6,488,903; Ms.
smart. 1,131,72Cn. Arkansas, 11,307,0717
total 47,479,619. 'As to Virginia, - West
Virginia, Berth Carolina, Booth Carolina,
Georgia; Tests, Xentuchy and ' Tennes
see, there aro no public lands within
their limits. ; •
irroMitruirtirmi,u, '
The Comptroller of the Currency
.warns the piddle to reject , all fifty and
one Mutdred .dollar bllhi of the Flat
Natiomd.Bank-of jeraer City. - of which ,
,some 112,000 , of Unsigned linpressions
'were stolen from the Bureau in April,
j 867. The Bank will. however. rode=
Alan& notes. •
Collector Casty and tdestra. 'Shoot and
1 . 14110 A pa i l* &named Ttessar7)4l444'
have strived fromffew Orleans on bad
ness , connected : . with - Custom Hansa
Supervisor Fulton. reports that he hat
B,oed the Paella Match P 3., at San Fran
cisco. for 'alleged violations of the Inter
nal Revenue laws.. .
mo!m itEcErtiorr
The are; public reception at the _Exec
utive Maud= will be held an Friday
evening. ,
The receipts _or °Wart"' ptst, Reek
amounted to $1,1316,024.,
Characteristics of the Mongolian Race—
Fire andStearaboat eltatistice.
my Tekraph to the Pittsburgh 0 &Lett.)
• St... Loins, December 30.—John G.
Walker, the gentleman having in charge
the Chinese who salved here on Tuesday
night, in a communication to the Repub.
limn, says Gat a marked characteristio
of the Mongolian race is suspicion aud'a
want of confidence, and this tenden - c$
can only bo combatted through a strict
adherence to the truth and compliance
with promises. 13e further soya t There
is little prospect at present that. Jotthe "
will ttespaas upon the domain of olliambo' ,
to any serious extent. Those who have
held Ontilopai of procuring Very cheap
labor by obtaining it from the shores of
eastern Asia, are, I think, mistaken In
their coneluolont - From one end of
China to the other the Value of labor In
Ameried, California standard, is well
azutaltbough labor IttChins is
very- 'cheep,' able-bodled merrwill' not
engage to expatriate themselves for e
series of years, °leapt on condition orie
l:wilting ettchhlgh will enable
them to return home in comparative af
fluence. lam confident no rellibee esti
I be placed upon obtaining and retaining
Chinese laborers for agricultural work,
°steepest - tire wages of the country where
thelatiot is performed:and ;mmetr more
lathts thlidalle Abe toilet/ad •labon. Mr.
Walket believes, however, that consid-
erable numbers of excellent laborers may
now be found in: California, at from
twenty six to twenty-eight dollars per
month, and they rand. themselves, or
seventeen to nineteen denary and Mond,
- The DAM ilublber of fires 'in this city
from January let to November 27th, was
13 0 1 total boa ,1641,770! insurance, 3467,.
379: loss over Insurance. 3174,400.
The total number of vessels enrolled
at Mile port during the past ye ar Ora 163;
aggregate tonnage about 73,000 tons.
Meet of them were owned here. The
vessels of the Northwestern Line
Pocket Company and the Northireetern I
lJnion_Packet tMmeany, Tibet/herb:lir 113 ,
tonnage about 15,000 tons, are not In
cluded In the above, nor any of the large
number. of steamers and barges which
come to this city from various Ohici river
• parts; neither aro many other vessels
which • during certain seasons abandon
their regular trades slid ply between
.here and New Orleans.- Thettotal amount
otelected from all deecniptlenk of vessels
at this port during the year, , lncluding
tonnage tax, inspectors' fees, enrolLuient
llcan*e.'and hospital aocoant $60,0130.
Nine Case■ at Belvidere, Illinois—Sy=
taw, or tae ratlesta..
. .
)!y 4the rntsAsr.hßKctta.i•
Cameo°, December - 30.—Ttie Tribune
has a special from 11.1videre, dated to-
night, erhlch says no farther deaths
have occurred in the families poisoned
by trichina near that place, since yester
day. One - of the victims can scarcely
live twentyqour hours. Two new cases
have aPPuired within the last eighteen
hoofers= eating the same meat. There
are now nine cases, all very sick. As
before stated three have died.
Those.who have died were taken sick
about twelve days after eating the pork
andAted. .14 .sixasS.:fottr weeria.[..Thei
sYmPholoside efrOirfe . Oarnortir the 'stom
ach and bolvels with diarrhoea, hot
skin, .quick pulse, dry, red, smooth
tongue, great soreness's of the muscles.
Trichina were found in Immense num.
tem in pork, ham and bologna sausages
made from the pork; also In the muscle*
of those who have died. The sufferings
of the Patients are terrible.
—the Damoctatla Contentian, at Mom
phis, yesterday:laminated atait John
son fat garSr.' - '
—The lice,„ - „ - A, river in front ofAlbany
'.7as free of lee yesterday, and the freshet
receding rapidly.
—At Milwaukee the Wept of wheat
and flour, retliteed tb wheat, for 1869, toot
up nearly tvrentydiso etillfott bushels;
shipthents twenty Millikos,
—A Louisville, Sy .; yesterday, Min.
1118 - 0111enoit little girl lour years old,
died of hydrophobia. having been bitten
by a mad dog two months ago.
—The Lestrandlla Coed' ell - merits of
Miler a, Honby, at Plilladelpilla, blew
op lid,Wedlisaday. The bending was
wrockedkni no one waaburt.
—Albert AueOn's large cigar manufac
tory, at Hartford, Conn., was burned.
Yfleterdity isterll,:z together with the
contents. Loui MDOO4 Iniatrance
"• • .
OlVOity, valberday morning, 6
Mr. Steadman, of Oneida county, New
,YrwhAritt. killed while endesvorink to
tratittet9 l slandtglim fof Sold'
—VbeedorriPriceot deeperileyohng Mr
.gro; ringleader id the atrocious murder
near Lquievllle, haat September, was ar-
yeitteads, -oh hoard the steamer
-.Onnrieri itood.hlni balm Welded at.
Hudson kitty for pulsing counterfeit
teeennee—new Lena and well eleinted—
on t ine , Trstleatruin'a Nstinnal Bank-of
Nor York. . •
krtielea of, leaociatlot of the. Fort
Wayne road and thq paid° railroad
YOM l adj t . O0:86 Ofetithr Of tnete , A
niiiicitt Indiana Ala, Indiana, yesterday,
Capital 13,000, - • • •
--Charles Debeny andPiteld Onndsem
+ight's plies' tight Irr W 1013114 yester
ay tontnlng. After eleven "winds the
tight Ives Awarded to. nobility' Oil ao.
mint of a knit,
—the annual og the litanake
I tit:4 - , ieto3bere' 'emonstlon commenced
O'Steen altynn Wednesday.. _Overt Mill
hundred delegates, Includipg twenty .
womettoirteptasent., • . .
—..The.yeirl binder the MilldElt Canon.
ar 11. Martin Mt" ben pick pon
picked h
lhbb Caniditithbro of Lake Nilehigatt, TttO
lit Monet ono Bast intioiettdietr, Mathis
pi the Jinn tldttem rer prod of %%Nate.
-Tbo Murderer Reel has been granted
a new trial by the New York Supreme
Court, tor the reason that_ this odenot
MAW,. of the_
did not in hhilong
tottidletkkah* the objtkalpint Wiwi".
OherVllCaisubiL .
—The Womsn'sBnffr e g o Association Is
holding a semen at Concord, Now Hemp:
ships. .ADOnt tue hundred imso.l are
ProStki. r t - Ark7ololsvazd ie. her
raplarktr anut.Atery-sewerW on • stoc
Stimner's position on the Caba question,
and tnadwa stlrflttgampaarltilohall
-rne Nen. "fforitle Seyntoui **earn ,
leg from I:rtlee, N.Y., to reeldenbe In
Deettlald„Tneedey 'atoning hli horses
Inname ,frightenett.ead liner they lyed
'run a Ann dietenne he' was thrown fnnn
the carriage; dislocating;Jllatshoulder..
He patent the,night in . tenth pain bet
, wijn bettor yhsterday. • .
.;.-The Perls Libel* newspaper 'MY ,
that about a year ago Russia ordered two,
handled•thouSand rid, of a new pattern
from American M
=Mere; alibu. Bulks
war deputed to deliver these arms to the .
Cur, and: hating accomplished his min.
lion returns to Amerieswith a new order
tbr one hundred thousand
made in the Um - stook markets
InlfeW York eityare repreaented to be
at Metal in a very unsaleable °audition.
As a rule they Sounder knew deer , in
dithyramb. their bembninglimes are
unableto seetsin their trembling bodies,
and some : more exhausted ' thaw then
fellows sink on the foul ground or the
tolarlyMtpreteeted cattle pens. -
General - John
tbs . /Kansas Pscifle Railroad Cbrapeny for
an Wined breschof contract. Reclaims
Ong whin he settled with the ,Onlipany
ih' lB6s , they &grind to give hint two
bundled damned dollars of .thelJoited
Slates bonds Ant lesookro the Company
under the act of °ingress. The bonds
that they rally did give him wire of
later date, so that.: be has lost amend
Grated Untamable Wetdhig at . the
I hYllagagne.
At the elegant and beautiful Jewish
Synagogue. on Eighth street, on Wed
eetidayleight, there assembled one of the
a largea udiens w
t ce 'l ' moat e'ha i r l e tian ev t er seen
fas dra ido w n n ab to ,le
. gether in IWe city. They were drawn
thither to witness the impreealve and toe.
collar ceremony of the joining together.
for bettor or for worse, for life till death,
of a couple professing the. Judaic. faith.
The Synagogue was Militantly lighted,
mid with the rich and dealing attire of
the guest., the surpliced Rabbi before
the canopy, together with the grand,
swilling musical. notes of. a choir
, .
stationed brass band, presented a gala
appearance and effact seldom witnessed
and enjoyed at the celebration of the holy
marriage certunoey.. The streets. for
squares Mont, weroblookaded with car.
dages, and the crowd outside, attracted
by curiosity, ate' quite as large
. as
comfortably seated and standing in the
synagogue. The happy couple were Mr.
lueffer, welt known, *Triter and
wealthy dealer in cattle, and Miss Esther
Aran% the accomplished daughter of
M. Krause, Esq. -
At half,past seven of the dock pre.
ciaely, the bride and groom, attended by
six bridesmaids and brideemen entered
the synagogue, and, while the band
played a beautiful wedding composition
from hieyerbeer,marched to the canopy
and the ceremony et uniting the twain
In one was commenced. The solemn
services were naidemed In tee tiermin
language. The contracting parties both
stood up, their attendants being arranged
on either aide, and after the prescribed
cenoninut genethrongh in solemn and
eloquent manner, by the good Rabbi,
Rev. Mr. Nanuaborg a cep of wine was
banded first to the groom and then to the
bride, who both sipped of the contents.
The bridegroom then took from the Rabbi
a plain solid gold ring and placing it on
the linger of therbride, said, "by this
ring -thou art • my,spoese, accosting to
the custom of Noses sod the children of
.The marriage °entrant was then
read and given to the bride's parents,
and another gins or wine was blessed
six times bridegr oom rabbi, of which the
bride and subsequently par
took and dashed the glass away, corn
memmorating in that manner the de.
struction of the temple, at Jerusalem.
Thep ,pliorfed earnest and hearty con.
gr.' otions and a crowding about the
ore ~and groom.
The bride eras richly attired, wearing
a heavy white moire antique dress with
superb trail. The dress was neatly and
beautifully trimmed. An elegant 'folio
veil, fastened to the head by a bridal
'wind' of orange flowers, flowed to the
floor.. Beneath the dress peeped forth a
dainty pair of white kid elippered feet.
The bride wore but little jewelry, but
what graced her person was of the most
valuable character. There were nix
bridesmaids and bridesmen, as follows:
Ist. Miss Krauss, sister of the bride,
sod Mr. A. I.4ppetan: 2.d. Miss B.
Strauss and Mr. louts • Shamburgt Id.
Miss Lin Rosenhaugh and Mr. Samuel
Bing; Ith. Miss Salo Weller and Mr. S.
Ilissern sth. Miss BllaStrataberger and
Mr: A. Weller: lith. MU. Lin Frank and
-Mr. Sue- Grainger, Iles. liddesumide
were all neatly, arab, nobly dressed to
white Freed, rmiethaanfEed to the waist,
and elegantly trimmed with satin folds.
They wore no veils bet bad their hair,
fashionably dressed and deeerated with
tine artiticial dowers. The bride and
bedeamaide all carried exotic boqueta In
gold and silver holders. The groom, as
well as the brideamen,Were in full dress,
black frock coats, bison. pants..whne
you., white ktd gloves, and polluted kid
boots. There were many other elegant
dresses which, were we inclined to be
invidious, would be well worthy special
note. A. spirit of • y compels as
to note the bean 4 , attire of Mrs
Manimati, of Ph -••• Shearers a.
Puttl - tifontle aki owered, ant with
gore and full em •- di rich and
'rateable real lace shawl; held together
with a large diamond brooch.. vowed
from her shoulders, and bee head dress
ing was very neat and pretty. Alto.
gather we ostler sate snub an array of
beautifal women and se much goon taste,
richness and elegance displayed in dress
as the gathering at the wedding and sub.
quent reception afforded.
After the ceremonies at the synagogue
the entire party of invited giving, with
brldeand groom and attendant party, re
pairtod to Turner - anal, on Sixth avenue,
where • reception was held. After a
- grand Mir& and promenade, and gen.
oral congratulations to the happy young
couple & • dance was inaugurated,
Teurge's eplendid orchestra cif a dollen or
more -pieces furnishing - moat excellent
c. At •Intdorkut the „entire P lll 7,
soe two Hundred al
add young, married and single, marched
te the capacious dialog room attached to
he hall where,under the auspices of Mr.
Jelin Richter, assisted by that princess
among caterers, Mrs. Blekhart, of Bir
mingham. Were spread two tables the
full 101106 of the hilt *Will ward liter
ally groaning beneath the weight of the
good, and tempting, and toothsome vi
ands and WilMlWltti which loaded. The
geestadld full credit totes banquet, after
which the cloths were removed and the
meeting was called Id order by
Rev. Mr. Natunbarg, who Was sainted
to, preside: lie. deliVired an eloquent,
beautiful and appropriate address in
Germam•which was rapturously received
andthe lumplly rounded periods brought
even more spinbine an gaiety to the
part l'ittock pelt re.
speeded to a call, and briefly spoke, ten.
(tenni .-,X.:5-7r."llll.lcum to the ban-.
eouplo in Monona ate . seir
gunge. kaaolitrouso.Dl*.was next call
ed npont and .sroke eerman, -
leg _hearty Mot
Speeches In reopen° te calls *ere made
by. J. N. ffaselett, bil..Dl,lllniter
and otbetn. The beautiful and haul
mellowing song of wits Tenn. - Ina de.
11001161 y rendered .by: Mr. Apfelbannl
and was received wit uethad the
ourn e wildestd
at sp.
plane. The banqj one
o'clock, and the entire party again
*ought, the dancing ZOOM. where trip.
ping the light fantastio toe was kept up
till the alarm bell tolled %tuns o'clock,
when all *ended their Ivey; hanieweed
If! think Over the plentuse of the wen.
_ . -
A manna of the New Orleans City
Connell has offered an .ordittantp_xempr
leg all restrictions on bakers. He takes
the ground that the price of bread, like
the - price of beef, should be regulated by
At It public sale on the Chrismen farm,
near London, Ohio, on the 10th, 120
hogs laid for $1,900-one sow and flee
piss selling for the ,enormeus tam of
0106, and sacking pigs told is high as
$2O per head. • •
Peon 2,000 to 8,000 tons of white clay
were shipped from near Liken, B. C., to
certain confectioners and cracker bakers
in the North, and has doubtless found its
way into the stomseld of children and
other innocent folks. -
Doirstrcims from Omahasay that there
has not been a detention of over three
hours on the Pacific Railroad at any time,
the snow fences working admirably. On
one occasion a train cut ilf Chicago was
detained over twenty-tour hours. -
Striatum tons of California flax have
latel - been worked into bagging, and the
rein t of the experiment is said to be
high y eilliready. It is considered that
the fabric made from the California article
is superior to that froth tic jai., rich le
imported at a heavy expense.
Tar. Troy Times says of Miu Field ,
end her Adirondack lectore-" In her
peroration she emitted wrapped iii het
theme, sa t in a pillar of flame. Every
suggestion of a polaible criticism dis•
appeared, end - the stood for a moment
the Goddess of Liberty,thirealed in form,
gesture and impassioned eloquence."
TEE Temperance League at Battle
Creek, Michigan, seems now to be an
assured Motets. Stock has been taken
to the 'amount of $100,0003 a Vigilance
Comthittesieppointed end efacient officers
Clasen. The Mans ffealbra were visited
by st committee on the 22d, and faithfully •
t admonished. F r i - re., of them announced
their intention of "thimg-up." - . t
• Tux Rhode Island Medical Society, at
recent semiannual Meeting; Opt:lead a
continitthe ttnx obthin from the General
Assonbly filch inhibition thi may be no.
cossiditoprotect th e &Slimed t.Ms State
troth the empiricism of ignorant and on.
heroptflons persons who - are practicing
medicine walled the semblance of mitilb
Stratton, either legal, moral or edticatton•
aL "
.- : • ' .- t- -.. ' '.
. , _ . .• - .
, 1 Rathiltitt Tho mas J. Cunning, Milt
Mg in Holt coontyi Missouri, amen of
Intemperate habits, abused bit Wife; Mr
log, "I don't Wok like a dying man; yet
lam dying." He had bissons called in,
i directed them to sell his hOgs, and pay a
debt, ind, telling his wife to do the best
she could with the remainder of his pro.
iertasid 'low a Mid fantod immediately
ll'e .
: Ati Isto"ub Ohio,. a low dull sfie
Beecher White, a ilagesti prepared
Some ratpolson in ,which phosphorus was
an Ingredient, 'lid Me having ignite!
gootituee t e„;,, he riot some of it on h is
hands While tilloi ell/ 101h tt, and.
th e a im " ma tieet:g i un til w un ate o r . cou botn ld
,be brought from itona':. • ...... he
hands were burned so severely • u...... ,
maxims them,
A lawns, in Hanger, Me., who want•
ed to get his Chrism; PalleyellesP ,
selected aline looking one .and Inquired ,
( I.f the exitlemin trout the rural districts
" it Sfleloting , and being wawa:with - the
affirmative, asked if ha Trani lake Ms
oath of itt Nothing 14 1 , the . poulterer
.. asiented, and the et At u w ag administered
--"'"-----t. by - the sprig of I %e - re , Igo then deem.
private (very 17 orders were .ment ded - a dollar - ..,.. ---- aa_ w "
Dom Washington an Tuesday to all the A ,„,„.... t ,all PL .---
navy yards, directing that. the work of .0„,,... — " - .oeisithenomenonlas lately been
Maus out vowels of war for sea be vfig. --- ..‘,, -- . 4 . - &romp Some weeks age
,oronalp prooOotitlxl. The monitor-Mai: a 3r
____ , ....7.,... ....15 Obierrea in 116 . 41 '. rth ,
Aptlilt33llb, now re fi tted at the Brow,'"
~,',:i'ecbsinop,..L.ol.ts. neselpiergragetkluz4bdngenwßeto
navy yard, has been ordered to depart '
once anti her deatinatkm la inmor e" bathe 104 reading
be Dimino, as It la said that ay .as , rid h i l It ly a tis.
pests possesses taking Mawr ' :..- r Zed to ''''''. t, tegaoltolt the tom of long .
vent the easel= of that par ~.-' um. bout g ee / e a in breadth, In
-Island of St. Domingo ,f, , e s t opre. saute, a . _,.._ ~,,,,n , h,e o.,
States. - . , .- Non of the pendicuAL. l ".l7 l 7:'"Z't e! ---- ' - '_
-'. • / A th e Wilted reatekatittors Meta f-eSt•
been _
' Artartilsa tte beggar Blis
f -t- ---7 " t be e &E,. "1- He /tllll -. - beeit u kii ,.D "rn e t e u rcl u gelrik ey, 7lPas but
' 4l gklievnZlil ftoM the in rbusoseaplas
A Grob tersa his Tea name has
n ' A been "'wiled'
avEsst Utraty
,• East Liberty was all agog I,l'llloml ex.
dttiment on Tuesday night over a grand
faetionableWiddlng :In the church of
Ste. Peter: and Peal. The grbom was
Mr. Thomas S. Murphy, connected
with the Jibe stook Tude,
And - Utak, Julia, 1 El accomplish , :
ed 'daughter of - Ssineil (Whin, Esq.,
The church was crowded to it* fullest
cspecttr with invited, pests. Im.
presets° cerininiii w b E i imitutined by
Rev. Mr . Barrett: T musk, of the 00•
wilon waS very fine d elicited Marti
braise. reeiteeti wee held ft the
madame sir- US bride's parents and wan
largely attended. boog, mirth, dancing
and feasting ruled supreme up till morn.
kip, and a very ' time was the
overtone° of all. The happy ychAing
.eoug . .hate our hearth:at wishes for their
svaddlog MA reter 9 s.—OnWedned
day eventing; • very inillient and *ell
atunKleid_ wedding took plate at 8 1 .
Voter's. Eplikidpil hhttroli. The Voiotia
ems Mr. fdlinternyerend The bride , hlhui
Gosling. The oonple left for an extended
brldra. sour, tho tnidnightTnilii:". .
The many friends of apt. J. 0. Mat.
tem of the police throe, stationed tinder
Deputy Mayor Nichols, will be pained to
learn het he la .suffering from an attack'
of lung fever,. which ill all probability
will result An death. He took sick on
Monday, sad last evening was In such •
condition' that physic/ens • did not
expect nim to llva mail this siongog o
Captain Hallam was ono of the best °M
oors on the force:' and bad made many
Monde in his °Mold welt
as hie general intercourse. _
—The Caned.
aided to rev'
Ladies , Working Society—A Pay—Ttie
Past atutPresent.
MIME& ED/TOBS: This le s dirk,
dreary night, and muchloo darkfor one
to venture out. It is in truth lust each
a. night as many travellers lose their
way, because of the dense fog - and smoke
blindingther eyes and preventing their
*singe. While sitting by my fireside,
the thought flashed across My mind that
I would pen a few lines to year excellent
paper, about how we are prospering in
We vrere cheered, not long since, by
.the news that the "Ladles' Working So •
al. E. Church, intended
giving a fair In the Court House, bee
11117 g Monday, Dec. 20th, and closing Pei,
dkv night of the same week. The canal
committees for such an affair were ap
pointed, particularly those to solicit do.
nations, and many they were and they
were kept very much engaged. They
found their way to your city and were
very kindly received, getting valuabe
d o nations from good and generous per
sons, for which tne ladles tender their
grateful thank:. The programme con.
slated of suppers, silverware, toilet sets,
books, tees'. tinware, confectionaries,
and nearly everything one could think
of. It was not as much of a success as
was desired, financially, but It will add
some fends id what they already have.
The new church term% yet completed, but
the weather is now quite favorable for
working at it.
The Fair enlivened our quiet town
while it lasted. but It has returned to the
old routine of duty. The schools are
having a short vacation bat expect to
begin a new term Monday. January 3d,
Persons having children to educate
'should remember this, •as they cannot
And a more suitable plane to educate
them than at Prof. •R. T. 'Taylor's
Seminary. Do not make a mistake on 4
this important question. Your child Is
growing older, as each year passes
away, and if she is sent away to school,
she will need proper persona ever her to
guide her footsteps and frame her men
' tal and moral character.
A few more days and. the old year will
give way to. the new, and the many
happy or unhappy daysspent during this
year will have rolled Into the past. - . The
many idle moments; trifling words and
worldly amusements will have flown,
never to be recalled or undone. Bow
often have. our beinta been sad, as we
saw the yoking Viatica their time away
In the ball room and the theatre, young
men reeling through our streets, un
conscious of their words or actions.
How many families have been ruined
by that cursed evil of intemperance
during the past year? A • new year is
about to dawn 'Upon our world. God
grant that many on the first day of that
year will resolve never to touck the ac.
cursed thing again. God will help every
one to keep such a resolve, if they but
ask Him for the strength and grace.
Tnt year 1870 will have fifty-three Bat
Tmc Brooklyn divorce lawyer, Wm. J.
Fisher, released from custody upon bail
in $5,000, if said to be enjoying his lib
ettyln Canada
a -Haar= proves that in Lay libel sults
Instituted Rothe . newapapers in the last
Len years the EMU amount 'of money
collected is ;j,OO O .
Tex 'clergy cost the 'United Smite
. ;12,000,000 per annum; the criminals,
;40,000,000; the lawyers, $70,000,000;
and rum ;200,000,000.
WILD turkeys are CO plenty. la some
portions of Madison county, Ohio, that
they invade barn yards and show fight
with the tame fowls.
THE following are the mites current
of Washington . , Iowa: Wheat, 85c per
bushel; rye, 40e I corn, 880;hogs, live,
$8 per hundred ; diessed, $lO .
' 4 ltrieltatit Oran - tatidielkhoOtsyilitill .
in Tess, is so confused that Dr. Henn
has returned without havitig accomplished
anything practical in connection with the
appropriation of the Peabody hind.
A. Torso lady in Sioux City, lowa,
whose father had been accidentally shot,
thinking it was premeditated, dipped her
angers in his blood, swearing she would
not wash It off till she bad avenged his
On Friday last the little house he occupi
ed on Micetown lane, above Germantown,
was discovered to be an fire, and he was
rescued with difficulty. He refused to
oak leave the burning building until an old
thrink,. containing tresauras, had
IN Bt. Louis the Petiole Guardian So.
eiety, organized in 1886, has already
given dieter to one hundred women, all
of whom have found good homes. 'There
are now fourteen in the Home, eight ,of
whom are mothers, and are permitted to
retain the possession of their offspring.
Besides these eight children, there are
four others—walfs—that have been taken
in, and when good homeaare offered they
will be given away by the society.
A CLEVELAND girl, named Mary Golds.
; -. 'borough, wee fined $l3 20 in the Police
Court at Toledo, Ohio, last week, for artr
peering in male attire. She said that she
had dressed in male garments for the past
seven years, and that abe had never been
detected before. During that time she
had driven street cam in Cleveland, and
for a time was driver on a canal. Het
parents died when she was quite young'
and for many years she has supported
BY order of the officer commanding the
United States regulars In Boston, a man
named Lunt was arrested at Westbrook,
Me. Lunt enlisted in the regular malice
of the United States in 1860, and alter
serving eleven months deserted. He
again enlisted in the 7th Maine regiment,
and atter serving two years he received hie
discharge on account of loosing two fin
gars on his right hand. Recently he ari
plied (or a pension, and the application
led to his arrast.
In the suit of a servant. girl, at Ban
Francisco, employed at $3O per month to
,do work in a family of eight persona, but
therewere at times eleven persons,
the following points were raised: Whether
the employer bad a right to exact more
labor than she stipulated for, and whether
if more labor was performed, the em ,
ploye had a right to collect in propori
Lion to the amount of labor performed.
The Court gave judgment for the amount
claimed for extra labor, $lOO. •
THE Cincinnati Commercial contalnl
the following challenge from a printer wel
known in the West: 'George A. Barber
proposes to work fur five or eight hours,
or a week, at the rate of eight hours per
day, on solid, straight mattes—reserving
the choice of either measure. oftype—
against any printer in the world, the type
not to be larger than bsevier nor smeller
than agate, for the sum of $l,OOO, to come
off one month alter this challenge shall
be accepted. Mr. Barber can be ad
dressed at the Commercial office, Chichi.
cad, Ohio."
Ow Monday of last week two splendid
deer were killed by the Erie Road loco
motives, just west of Port Jervis. In
both Instances these animals were allowed
to run upon the track in advance of the
trains, at slow rate of speed, until they
became thoroughly exhausted, when the
engineers of the trains, by dexterously
increasing the minimum rate of speed at
points where they could not escape the I
pilots of the engines, struck them with
the cow-catchers, killing them easily, and
throwing their bodies down the embank. I
ment. In each cane the train stopped
and Konrad the venison. - •
Tun Cleveland Herald speaks email•
dently when it says that the Hamilton
county delegation to the next Legislature
will, in no event, identify itself with the
Democracy. "Doubtless," it says, "upon
local pointa th will act for the interest
of Hamilton county, bat of this we feel
reasonably certain—that the constitinicmal
amendment will be ratified; that gßepnb.
limn Speaker will be elemed,and that on
most party questions, like repealing the
visible admixture law, and other °lmo',
loos Democratic Irgialstioni the Hamilton
MitinTßepolltrctifiCiiilliktlirthe Mgt,-
lattwe with the rest of their party.
Paccg Investigations recently made by
philanthropic gentlemen In Indiana, with
a view to Improve the condition of the
it appears that there ti not less
than one insane person In Indiana to
every ono thourand inhabitants. Esti
mating the present population at two mit
lions, this would make the minimum
number in the State two thousand. The
State Hospital for the Insane, when the
new north wing is completed, will have
a capacity of less than six hundred, which
is leas than ogektiLl of the probable
number in the State. Cases which are re
garded, after a fair trial, as incurable, are
returned to the counties from which they
Tun factory girls in several parte of I
New England ere dissatisfied with the,
treatment they are receiving from their
employers. In Dater, New Hampshire,
about six hundred hate gone out on a'
strike, and a meeting of female nen.
Uses in Lowell have sent messages of
sympathy and support. According to
the complaint of the chief speaker (Kiss
Collireh) in old times "the girls were
treated Ake bohemia beings, but lately the
cotton kings bad Detente More avaricious,
and in their wild rush for wealth bed for
gotten all honor, and forsaken every feel)
tog of humanity." She further declared•
that thefactory girls were worse off than
the bleak f rotten of the South. • '
Bowan legs
padre not cuffed by a baby's
being placed utoo early, but
to a bit children lie
of rubbing the
soles of the feet together. They appear
to enjoy theoontset ,only when the feet
whened; they (loin attempt to makelt
they are socked. So the remedy is
obvious; keep the baby's feet covered:
I Knock knees is ascribed to a different
childish habit—that of sleeping on the
side with ode knee tnekedinto the hollow
behind the other. When oneleg bee been
bowed inward mote than the other, the
patient has always slept on one aide, and
the uppermost member haabeen thatatost
deformed. Here the preventive is to be
careful every night to plegathe child to
sleep in different positions. indeed, all
through lire, it is well to sleep on either',
side. - • . . . •
Tie Greek text of the polyglot basertPr
Lion fot the monument in • hohor of the
completion of the Suet Canal, has been
mmposed by Dr. Reinhold Mote, at the
t r ay - anti , I. Leipsie, under a commis-
Mon received frarn - Firia. It is literally
as relit:mai "In the year of the Hegira,
1282, (1869) under the renowned governi
runt of the illustrious Vadlth Abdul Azle
Chtn, Emperor ,
_of the Ottoman*, and
under the wise ride of the noble Ismael
Pups, Viceroy of Egypt, Wartim:idiom
Was erected to celebrate the excavation of
the firma Denali which le destined to sp.
moximate„ the 10 0 4.*ltTl e' nna
Ut; tom=9ly theie-SoMm Pilik.
tions, to Promote the benificentcofign.MG
of 61,11163110 v. Sad to Wm a more intl.
mate union briween all the members of
the hem = family. This great work of
peace owes its origin
wa to the 001111100111
terlines of IMdinann Leseepe, with
the co-operation of the principal Mul
ti= ha tlons,.sed under the ~.laraaage Cl
.4 1 ul
8 i ii .....- Pe t 7 the " f rir the the . r am o
u nt of UMlrey
Wren. from deserter* from th 6 Feeler
army, &stile' , were arrested, reached tfie
seen of a million ands halt dollar*, stint
with% was conveyed Into the Trimmest in
1867, but is daily refunded to the parties
from whom it was taken as that MOHO
their claims thereto, on the - around . that
'. was then private property, bat taken
by the military. At ti.fecent
Routin ta*--- ""md of'°ll •
Manej,ers of the
session of the 5e.... ,
Solder' and Sailor(' -... Wm,
General Benjamin F. lintho; of the
.Board. wea designated to look.. alter thee
finances of the institution , the tab '
tithing th e asylum having grerition_ln!n_.
all pay forfeited, fines, lnnalini.r" •'-'
solders or tailors be set aside for ..ninr.n
port of the Institution. Generel hi
Us therefore made a demand upon to:cr,
rotary Boutwell for the million and atm.;
', above mentioned, but Mr. Boutwell -has
:eased, on the ground that thlatnoney is
the Ovate Primp of the persons from
I l ivliom it was taken, and must berepaldth
them: The matter TUI probably coma
Wore Congress:for settlement. - The
Board of Idettagni!s have already reed,
ed about two millions of dollars forfeltMd_
. . . , .
pay, tiIIIS, a%.;
A QIILIM Walt ti Pending in / 111030 TI
courts. Some littletime since an
bachelor, of wealth, made a will
all his Property away from his only
NO. 308.
needy relatives. When he, was on hie
deathbed; a' party of three nattering
friends, on a spree, concluded to en,
&aver to induce! him to change his mind
in favor of the poor relatives. He con"-;
eented, and one of the three eat down by:
tem bedside to* draw up the document..
Before the conclusion and signing of tha
will, the man died; one of the , pertyl
remarked to the scribe that it was !!azalea
to go on, as the man was 'dead a h-1."!
However, after its oottelindom, the 'dead
men wee lifted up la a sitting posturesnd
held, the pen was .placed hetween. hiti
fingers and made Mule° his risme, after
which the question was asked, 44 D0
acknowledge this to be your signature
and last will?" etc. The dead man,bi
the aid of those that held him up, nodded
assent. The corps was then quietly bil4
down, and the individuals signed theft
respective names as witaelsos to dui
instrument. The only seeming - teonbid
now is the proper construction of the
will, which under the circurnatancee and
under the influence of an intoxicated
brain, the scribe somewhat blended in
menning• • ' I
New :Yong claims the credit of hay.
lug, not precisely invented, but devalup4
ed the oyster to its grandest extent as tbet
beats of saloons, of fortunes and of
dinners. Of oyster saloons—that. is;
places of so—nlled refreshment where
that bivalve alone, with the accOmpanii
Mena - of crackers and pickles; is sold=
there are 7,000 in the City, employing
20,000 men in cooking and serving dawn,
fries, roasts, broils and the variety of
dishes an ingenious palate has conceived.'
The figures of the business are *annuli
enough to almost stagger belief. • Taking
into the count those saloons which aim.;
bine the sale of liquors with that of oys;
tern, and also the ordinal restaurante
and eating houses, a daring statistician
nuts the number of stews dispensed to
Ittingu,New York at something over a
half million daily. One quarter million
fries arc absorbed, 175,000 "raw'," and
soon through the list, making an aggro
gate of more than a • million dozen- of
oysters eaten daily An that city. The
oyster season lists nine
. months, and In
that time' New York spends about
07,000,000 on the luxury. It may be
mentioned that the favorite style is s
misnomer, called a "Boston stew.
i Dn. Many War K.= hung outlier Imo;
tendons' shingle recently at Leavenworthi
Kansas. The COMMIT la! of that City
thus records an incident conceining her:
Three gentlemen •called to - see Doctor
Mary, umalanng Meknes , One of Otani
is a legal light, remarkable for the length
oflhie head and also ot his beard. Tins
one feigned rheumatism, and sat down hi
an afflicted manner.- They then' all at
down, and the
eyed them aakaime.
By and by they spoke, saying that they
hail heard of the Doctor'sthme, and came
to be healed. They each held ants
hand, desiring her to feel their pulse.
"Gentlemen," said the lady, "I will un4
dertake to, but I want a
• fee:
please. 'Five dollars in savanna"
"That's cheap," said . ' one. "Anyhow;
Ws the regular charge," said another,
The lady looked-on,saying nothing:
Conye r in began to flag , and the via.;
hors m as e though they were feeling
round th clothes for the !lye - dollars.
The silenciew embarrassing to all but
-the lady, who sat looking like a sphinx:
Then one of her visitors got np andwent
out, then the other went out also; finally
the third got up and ran- out, without
oven staying to my goodbye to the doe.,
tor, or waiting for her to write out her
prescription. He did not, however, get'
away so quickly but that he heard the lady
calling alter him:; "It takes three smarter
men than you to come fooling round me."
Her patients having gone, the lady looked
round smiling like stilt.
bum r ‘ rus. ,
Tag Reading Railroad has deck* It
dividend, of Aye per cent, free of tax. t
Tsui mortality from -scarlet fever in
some parts of Camtiriwconnty shows n 4
abatement '
of the country newspapers will
not be Issued this week, in observance of
the holidays.
Tux East Brady I' d
ing says a
gentleman from Slue eing fell among
some gamblers at Parker's Landing, and
after a long siege with the fancy profes,
sionids, Hewed them out of $B,OOO, which
"basted the bank." .
Tau following patents were to,
citizens of Westeni.Pennsylvaida,
the week 'ending Decemben3B, 1860:
Shovel plow; Frank Goa, Wexford.
Water wheel; R. W. Trude, _Clearfield,
Bridge. Sun dial; Ludwig 3. Trrieg, St.'
Vincent. Wheelbarrow; Jas. 0. Wier,'
Pittsburgh. Oar coupling; Thos. B.
Gerd, Allegheny. Lantern; Joke:
HugUes, Buchanan. Window. blinde
Linden' Park, Brady. Machin for,
makingrellrood spikes; Leopold Thomas,
Pittsburgh. Clamps for elevating well
robes and rods; Ad= Good, Jr., Titus.'
The 'Emilia Crimps Jewels,
A COrrespondent ,• who hes seen, thu s
Russian crown jewels says they are kept',
in the highest room of the palace. The 1
staircases are lofty, and the ascent is
tedious. Four tried and faithful servant"
of the realm keen watch and ward—two
within and two without' The great Or.,
lad dletoond turned :ts baillek reflection
full upon nie. • This oyertops the Solt•i4
noor by eight karate In weight, and I am
[ Belittled the greenish tint and the Rata
lessen it only to the' groveling mind:
Bigt I could hardly see it. ••It wee 14
i size of a knob on • bedpost:: • Thli n =
' rid crowns of both Emperor and
were adorned with' noble jewels; the
former, resembling a _ patriarchal zalter,.
dome-Maped, mutes on its sumallt.4
MSS (014:1144 of fire magnificent dila I
monde, and supported by a Tay •large
uncut, spiral ruby. , Eleven - great Ma.
monds, in a foliated arch rising from tido
front sad lock ,' -simport this ruby and
cross, tasted by. a hoop of peals. The
hand for the brow curies rifenty•eight
large brilliant'. The orh is surmounted
an d- a great sapphirec-=ith mu! b_ille!
an d-pi:lnge and ray Mamma. las
coronet of the Empress lea -beautiful
Man 'of •ezipthrite gems. Apart , from
, thidd ebOve mentioned; and a lot of greet
eiiieralds, the'eothmtiou is not so atrikh it
es thi.t of Barony" This may be Mated
to AM) fact that much of !Valli' Milne Ito
old ellverenting, not .c fCir 11 1
most advantageous Ilisplay., Itn hem
coyered'up with old li ma tea..:,'.: da ;
• -199w.Ormatne, December 90.--Cottme
steady withealsoaudditeg 094(iligg
also 000 ballet- riciMpta SAM , Maas
caeOrta 1,e49: IMO easier:
with' '
it g/SW4I 6 for entre, 115,760h,690 Sor
Nt@i6,26 xxx. .oorn 900.
Pork 130,60.‘ Bacon dolitmd lower, with .
balm at. 14N, NU WOO. Nardi MOON
Lard' dull. by Mum 16€9103‘ar. 11019 1134
11)2 0 :h 7, . Butar. prime 1.909193i0..
prime 69€170e. Other sulking nnolisegP
ed. -- Gold 20X. Sterling SOW., Noy
York par sad j‘ alancual.
Camino, DeCember 110.=The traaaao
bone to the grain market* ahoy , the
'clam of Thane were ,Umiled and prime
unctaingtd: No S aprltig whoa mold
680 caetLand7B sitter Jimmy. Otas
dull atagyauta. , Olga Ann at 47Ioardt.
la the lamming the asarkete'mere Mike&
Parriciona quiet and ender; and mem
pork could turreted:abed al
for 'February
_Lard lege for /canary,
and ialeeoi ard miler February 0 - 140 A
do December et Do sad CambMlion..e.
Oct ~ _
- ',-Hataraoas, asorsober . 30.--Wherk
gems abates red aselSait. Ori n re.
=mall; white at yellow at
L Ness pork, d grin Bram,
dear rta at at leqw. rib sides allies
shoulders aeleMe. Bull; shoulders . er
Mita , Odes as ~ layiet, • Idirisi IBMO.
Whisky, SIOLOL •.• •
.11biriAzo, Dee "111-flitala=reesdots
''moderate and market MOM at la ad
cooe of WM% Biles 71abeed attlaiMid
for . ..1 1 nu lon to good,' WV* for maths.
Hop i i, shads better sad tale risurand;
seer iit ti( Ufa Sheep quiet , 114 en.
-PurlansralliA4 .i.Piluibli iltl,-463*,
better at 5 1 tbr raised waters.' -011 2 .
'-- Petroleum and Viblidtf_f,ful lnal o
Prrollainua deellotoit• mu! ' Pel , , ~.
Lard, - _,__;;
SAN -Deeellibirtsa64-a-s—,
• chow, PP@
Katora ,
1,65. Lead-tenders, 81,(: - • ,:- .! • .
. ;
Is tike list and cheapest caatipFall had
sa4ll6l4.l ' Vtiii .— j i n t r osiirrail ,. '
So wilier, sterisido or atoronsai auntie Do
atogleirabwriban .... . ...... woo
Claim of Sea 1 la
Aecallataralahed palattaaaly total; pita:
spot •alailiot isa.ilkisalasstor. are raquastaa
laiatalagraaak— •
romaniut, REED a CO.,
- TU. isoettly, Committee of 10* TLYI'iN•
ANCII. AND RE EOM( Eociemens sit request*/
towel,t tbelr headoinarters, 119 Smiteleld
street. TRES EItIDLY - 8 , ;111i1 at 10 o'El;a 4l . • •
, 0/ OEO.E:DI Cholmask,- •
, • dellat7 „ E. ,T.1:111NIDY, Edo,.
eh t .r.bDbboaFt ,
.. .. ic .0r lk , rtatrielle.
1 , /111131:o 30, 11059:
Or the Etdarhorberi Of •1111 este Devtett
thfietosiAt 3111etearati". will
be balk at lOW
..BellataS., Ito. 3.1 , 300r1b attune, httween the ,
heiriar It O'clock A. it aid Ir. it.. at which t ,
gine aid plabb.aa , cieettett thr NINE DOW,
/033 will be be!d. -
. . S. 7 VON 80N31302r,
reenter, see Tee snow,' ~.,
L ,•ot Pl•d Mel Plato Msg. ANIEZI * CA. for .*.
11170, . ober it [ono &matt to =ells:
mooted. •arnittitd; 54200 lotto s targoorlUt,
the Val ad otatet.oroastyvllloo on • coons
on a large gado. .. 00 atatott 2 , 10!
wort %tom Ito <tots to assert. MA4. 000110. tor 30 conto.l.oo cook., a day told 07 agent. :
Lig d made Mt tab mar l atoll toy Ileac Waal. • -
Mot.leJtaa.. Oberman, eherlt/ott. .to • or
log tao var. (*outvotes seat. . ..I.OT_P. •..
Z0t..4.54 0 . Nov Tort. do aZt
rls—d &F
s'A ‘ tv DUST.
Illillaseload at otbeialse, la sae eiaalaY.
delivered. at tliitltr tandiiie, or partlaiwka
at reisaa-
able tAnlsh.b7 ;‘,1,11..dag
wit. am:,
- Safe Keeping' of Valuables,
. • ,
Under gasenatme, and the rondo; of B&W 1.116
Fin add Builar-Proof Vaults. ,
xo. es
Wes reestillent-11111.11111 , Y &LOY*,
ITATO4ifie 4 7-12716111.1rR ik
WILLIAM tiftmoN,lgfaffe n .l4lfaly ,
a& iIiSN&IECT.
liscM & Tarat-41. v:vos nossoolUlN.
OD6III 01111 from 0 O.OlOCk 0/11.0elloa
STATfiar br der 01P' 1 0111DENos
, tbncoggeaueltry Ineg tine alilletiftever
. the . nligelany.lllver, oPPotito. Pittance'. An
the Ca:1100f Illebbeny. whini nave etch Rig
tine and alend - ere tbeillogren. giic get SO the
proolgions of tha. Act, of A egagably.. ethic!, di
nets' tbi itibileatton of an Dividende et inset ,
laimied cimAiln wittiri• 100 Cammormaiii
lutilim witb%•• enntd nul Within Wen yews
1:1.1710510 to the date of publication. . - ..
o. of Wien"
Thos ..ectrj.,Cige,d,D, " 4 " In Jan.
'II:: . F ',
it . ' 2 ' 11 2 IVEI: ..":!.•
• -was. •. j AD... IP- . al: "171.1114.
t me. , do ,Ol S ae 4..1. Mt.
Bueo, ' do. • 65 014 CO 515. I, AMC
Same, . ; . do. , , • le 010.00' JOl7l, ere.
COolfrlT OF 511.1.50111.1 5 T. fie. , • • . • ,
city of Pittobolyb. t • • - '
ralsonally &ensued befogs staili Irately Pals.
Pont and toe tba Oily end counteaforsgaid. Wag.
Hosobirg, Treasurer of the Company abnegate!,
who being by' am duty 000tH attoroing sci is*
deometwand gays that. the &Mot ed ....ii
to J os t 004 trte,to the beat of bin. itnolgtedye eel!
ballot.. • 'Wit -11.08 efirllit 'Treasurer.
Sworn and sabsorib:4 befera ma tole riot day
of Deoraibar,lll6ll . • • i , .
dett•• , 0. SMITH. ! f eta l
IRO l oir N
amber IIL • •
Err Ens
,0111LN&N PU
._, . . • , -
Jones Liimin 8
Jobs Mlim .11.: •
Jennie* Loci,
!once ••••o
*nil Catlvrlne
King W.
• chcel
I . .
Lodger Danvi
Wines MU. X
Lay tunnel •
le t n 11 r i p,m
,::: •
Miller Ilion -
Miller tv•rf,
Itiggiatt 1
Kam'. Davin
Manning - Joe
Marl.l. ante.
Mc .
liomaln. WWII
rl=llre •
McMillen e A I
McMillen Wm -'
McKee Will W.
Noble 7/te4_,,
Noll Mi.. M • ,
Bs J no II
SAIT 6.11 s
n um* Vhs
Brown w. H. •
Boyd) •Il
Ilatan Auras Ta
az Hm
Canaan Ilenry
v.. JZ.
J P •
Car.auMho '1
Owatonna.. /I
=plod Ale.x
Dag, S
=Tam. 1.1
I ruck Wm and
Italy '' •
/sand Jan
Hammond It • •
gtX r
r l ,, W IT
R chards J
en' "OcrOcs4
ElegautlY Tillifitratedi.
ram slorrioars'or , '
firet . :YY 13 - 'OOKB.
• Oxford Tlitionsr„ilkk , i
ItclOWOOd r at,MraflOgtilly
WRITitiV DIEek11:; - '
Pocket L' . ,
Ilackgausip•ii Illearey
• - -
gs . lo ;.
~t Pmest fore ifilld~ Irta-^a
. . ~
• •
Noailleaul-73, •Aiinue,
.......5t00,p,..4.- , _
.•,.,..,... • . •
..i ,•••r, ~...,,,, . .111 iiiiitialk 711114ffi11i6,,),1,,,,!..a .
~. ... .
-BIBLES. •.•AND ' . 'PRVIEft•.: -. 800111
.'.. ':,.1,i,1uer.. , ....= . !‘ #,4iii',:`_..',.'•
linacellany. . . „ -,,, ~ , . . .„
.. _ ,
' ll, l 'gra ctrl lY 2 Ttoings. ,' 10
- ' "... PosticalWorkse .--- :,-}
•, - EmotogasPh ArtawiDg•
- - - Writin4-, -.
13 0. 1t w itt1i 0 05. ,k , m1 ,..... i. _„ :7. ,
-; ~. . , Li aise compissOmr, :.
Oporsalasses. :.:,.....,st
yortaketratlieirds. ..,.... A „ L il
..,. *o4bbl,lnjjecgaiptcoa Iloaeditir 4 ,
, 1 - Gi ~ 1 4 , .: , .-
~.. ~ tsaiii
-„:".!.. - .13141Weated 1101141:11 1 0
Iriaill"a4 riliputilsllll4ll,4lr st„ ... , 4
Ewa : 7a, • Fifth , AiiiiigOi
- '
. .
u noz.. edmi . =
ircal .1 soh
liatteark Sabi.
boll x
Mimiron MAAR
alma er Jan A
Shook lowa
tIDD Ilanwy
TlyearliMPZ•Ta* ,
1 / 1 1111111 7 .
r v ii 4 V3Z4
Walt 4, J
yfin L i.B
'~~:~ <-