FINANCIAL. MINH 1011, NO. 80 FOURTE AVENUE, PXTTIIVIGU. Will CAPIT&L . . qeo 000 StoekboldeTs Individually Liable. lialfit. OP' DIPICOUN2 ANDDICPOST/ JOHN rLOYD - , resident. ei=2l Thos. M. Mantas t Jots W. Maraud, T,„z7, ; 2),1 t { ' I Iv ' " V. Ttits fay crimdmd UADKDm.d to . dc.sxoteral Ramrase GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ‘, nought at Highest Prices. PM IL !BUTZ, Banker, Cora Wood St. and sth Aseino —ve w m n JANES DRLDI' It CO, Waimea= to 11. JOALI • CO.. Corner Fourth lime and Wood St., 33.A.N.13:E1R16, BUT sod sell all kinds of [UAa 4:~ +I, I:i*:Y~:):~IIU: 4T 6011), MUER MID COUPON% 1/015T TKIIII3, Fri - Interact Allowed on Deposits. iffrituner eovarlIa•••1 iamb at lowed martet Orders execrated he Me Purchase and Mao of STOCKS, BONDS mud SOLD• ' t Alms T. BRADT & CO, littsintral Gaittt FINANCE AND TRADE. °Prins or Pirrearnort Gazarrx, - Wanieranag, December.. 29, 1869. The tendency of gold, hocks' and bonds was decidedly downward this morning,but the market was - well sue. sustained at noon, yielding, however, again at the close. - Gold opened at 119%, ind` clank at 119%. Coupons due January fast are coming ia 'very sioely, and disburse ments by the Goverilinent do not much exceed three millions ; : What the effect of large disbursement:a most be can 'easily:be caloulated; and it , abould, ,sur prise no one if gold would touch 117, or a lower point, after max Monday. Any inaterial demand for greenbacks by the banks of Now York for the South or West would fares a large amount :of gold on the market to realise the cur. rency, and what a-decline of one or two per cent. in the premium now means, nobody can tell bettor than the bank mongers. who have all their surplus funds now invested on call loans. Government securities were very weak early this morning, but gradually advanced about % per cent., and closed dull and heavy at the former quotations, with large offers to sell at present prices. Lower gold means lower bonds, and those who need money or have opportu cities to inveet at high rates gladly avail themselves of present prima, and rein wag in something that will yield a lar ger percentage. Stocks are dull, lower and heavy. Money scarce at high rates. Madness dull. Quotations as received by Pb. B. Siert= Gold, 119%; Silver. 116; 'Eighty. otte's,:ll6l4: Five Weenie , WS, 112%; % do 1861, 111%; do 1865, 11134: do 1886, tX,naols, 114%; do 1867, 114%; do 1888, 114%; . Ten Forties, 10844 y Adams- Ex. wow ' Company 60%; - Wrehante Tinton Bspress Company, 9%; American prat Cc ComPllcy, 88:: Western: Union Telegraph. 31%; Beading, 99%; New York Central, 80; Pittsburgti, 2 = Wayne de Chi ,n: 88; :Ohioit Opel, M%; Michigan Southern, 84%; 'Cleveland at Pittsburgh, 81%; Chicago. Bock Island it Pac 103%; Chime° de North Western 67%; Chicago it North Western Prefer:ad SA Erie 2 3%. Swart. .1133Xlismais. Lams. -London, per A ...... ----PAS PA Parts, per franc 24 25 Berlin. thaler 88 91 I:frankfort, Siorins 61% 101% ---GloalogunOtatiorts recurred by James T. Beady. k 'ON Gold: 119%; trolled Rates Sixes, 1881, 118%; Pive•Tweettels, 1462,112%; do. 1864, 111%; do. ISM, 111%; Tan,Forties,,loB%; Five-Twenties. Jane =July, 1885, 114%; do. d0.,1667, 11 : do. d 0.1988. ntral 114%;17ad0n Pui n C y? Ce do, do, gi Pe:llM, - 11/8%; Lkke: superior 163 . .:. ory 'rename to the rutsbasta fisams.l .. - . Nsw 'remit, December 2 9, 196 n. , A rumor of .the failure ef apremitant iron foundry proves unfounded. A re. port of another bank defalcation Is tin. authenticated, Another rumor obtained crux' ency that Treasury sales of geld Will . . be continued during January oa, the aura scale as during the present month,. bet lacks probability.' All the markets are unsettled be rumors, and activity in money. : The Treasury disbursed gixo,ooo . to-day. for January, in rarest, . making $3,650,000 thus far. The money market worked very etrin. gent this allternoen, mad 7 Por dant- gold wae l the general rate for call-loads, with exceptional transactions at 1.16 per cent. per diem: The process of calling in money by ewporatious to disburse in' January , is 'still going on, anti la the wain' Canoe of. the present activity in regagry. Prime Mace:int, dull at 106)12 w cent. Stealing heavy and lower.. 0 % 8 2.1.. Gold lower; opened at 119%, touched 120, end closed at 119%. . Carrying rates 7 per cent currency to gold, and 182 per cent. curreneyto gold, and 02 percent. . Clearanass 127.000.000. Cioveniments lower and weak. Coup. one 615, le% ®lB%'; 62e, 12;412%; 645, 1 l%tkilli: 6.5., 11%®12; itew l ,crisl4%; 675, 14 . %®14% CA', 14111 . Ten . Vezina, sgeibg. zscincs. OW. The 8D nisi bought $2.,000.000 at 110 70.100®110 25.100 . , . Mato bonds lcal; hilesoluis, 90%;, I old Tennessee', 63%; now do. 48%; old Virginias, 47%; new do. 64%; old North Carolinas, 42%; new do. 28%. Socks weak and unsettled, Pecitle , Mail being the heaviest on the list. F a ms.Thirty.Thices—Cianton.4B%; Qum- Dillard, 34%; WeaternTinion W., 81%; Quicksilver, 15; Marlines, 7%; do prefa . red. 1420 Adams ErProliv, 60 %; Wells tr. yams% ;63; American, 5/4 nic e Stater. , 4 3 9 , i ,. 1" s i c t r i t 2 1, 1 6 3 11:, 4 42 . ; p N ri ew Tor i9 Ceetral : lam. 129; do preferred, 1,211; . liewhion • scrip ' e r V i V idi ; D take 99 ftere, M r . lean Ce n t, 54 %; ilinois Central, 181%; Pittsburgh, 82%; North Western, 68%; do preferred, Oil • Bock Wand, tce,q, St. Paul, 7% I . do preferred. 813,11Wsbub_50.3ii_ do preferred, 73; Ft . W ayne . coN , weirs Haute. 24; do preferred, 64; Chicago and _..Alton, 141%: do preferred, 14A Ohio and . . misaledePle 23 %. Mining shares dull; Boston pricey Calumet, 60; flees. 75; QuinoT, 0 Sob.Tressury balance, $8,788,452, In. • eluding $7,793,850 currency. Burners of clock tip of greenbacks are current. - t 1 The Treasurer of Illinois will be here le - ' to-morrow to pay the January interest ~,,l on the State bonds, and to .yay off p the stock due at the end of the year. - rEraoututt 'mums% 1 • (Wiwi cn , IPrrreistrium ksarrz, EDNZ/DAT Deo I A. 16339. The oil market was stronger today, particularly for exude on spot*, seller thle month, and refined. also, was a 'bade higher. As noted from day to day, for tome time put, the trade generally is -absorbed in mixing deliveries and get , - Marmots, and considerable compbdut being made in regard to the trouble and piu,,,,rmee a n therefrom. Two dars MOTO and the agony will be over, sod it is to be hoped thet the close of the year will wind up and close up for all to come, the manner in which the time oil business has been conducted in Pitts burgh during the put three months— this is the earnest desire of nearly um, munnfacturer and dealer in the beaming. . t 4 8Iles: 1,203 bbl* arPO: at 16: 2,000 Do oecubor id 16; 3,000 do at 16: 1, 000 et VW 1,003 Ppot at 163,11 add 1,000 loch Jinn 'try to March 1.2. g. Juary may be ectoted at 12% bid and 18 asked-I,OW brim sold last evening at LaX. Late in the day 16M was bla for spot, and it is id there was an offer out at 16% for 5,000 bblL - - BETINED Market. more active and prices a fraction higher. Bales 2.000 December et 291,(: 600 do at 28,4 i; 600 do at 201,.; 1,000 each January to March at 2.0 q; and 1,000 each February to March at 8L At the close 29e; was bid for December, with but little offering. • OF OILLIDE OIL ET V. U. Owaton & B. 160, on act. B. Goldrich; Thos. Hackett 320, on act. B. D. Karnes; Keystone 011 Works 80, on account Jas. WlBanc Fisher Bros. 400, on account E. IL Long; Jamas Wilkins 240, onimoonnt Philadelphia and Boston Petroleum Co; Brilliant Oil Works 972 on account Look- hart t Frew; Commercial 011 Works 246, on account O. V. Foreman; Wagner & Leech 830, - on account G. B. Thomu; A. B. hinis 80. on account W. Bartle; War ing, King & Co 416, on account. Fisher Bros. Total. bbli. 81131111:721 07 OIL 37 A. V. IL B. Forsyth Bro. & Co. 151 bbla refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 262 bbis ref. oil to Warden. F. & 00., Phila. Fawcett, L. & B. 162 bbla ref. oil to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. J. R. Truax 10 bbha lubricating to B. Collins. N. Y. J. K. Trani 40 bbla crude to D. F. Wright & Co., N. Y, Tetak PIITSBDELGH MARKETS Mews or Yrrramtraon Gezerria, WzDNJUIDAY. He t The markets continue dull with no • Prairot of any Immediate improve. meat within the next two weeks. The arrivals of flour, grain, and country produce generally, continue light, though the supply le fully up to the de. mend; while in regard to values there are no important changes. It is proper to remark, however, that hopes are en. tertalned that badness will improve iner the holidays have passed, and the annual settlement's effected, and it is earnestly hoped that these expectations will be fully realized. APPLES--Continue very dull, and prime to choice Ramada are being sold I at 52.5033 per bbL APPLE BUTTER-Quote( at 750 85 . BUTTER-Is dull, with ; a supply con. siderably in excess of the demand and' prices are barely sustained. We con- I tinue to quote at 30® 15 , though we are cognizant of some sates of prime roll having been made at 80. BROOM CORN-Sales at 13314 eta. BEANS-52,603 3 00 per bushel. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-4(34% eta. CHESTNUTS-Quoted at 54,60. CRANBERRIES-Quoted at 512315 per bbl. as to quality and condition. CIDER--Continues dull and nominally unchanged, at $40038,00 per bbl, as to panty. CARBON OIL-Is dull and unchanged, may be quoted in a jobbing way at 2713 2734 c, for standard brands. DRIED FRUIT-There is a anitinued active demand for apples-one house re ports having sold same 25,00 e Ira of "mixed," to go out of this, market st 834. Peaches very dull and unchanged --9310 for quieten, and 11312 for halves. CHEESE-Is quoted from 17 to 18 for Western Reserve; Ohio Factory, 1834: Ohio Goshen. 19; York State farm Dairy, 19; and York State Goshen 20. DEO33SED HOGS-Sslea at 12318 eta. EGGS-Bather dull, but unchanged, 28(1438i'. FEATHERS-In better demand and higher and we now quote at 86390 to the trifle and the usual advance for small lots in store. FLOUR-Continues dull with canal& arable (tiering, and, as noted yesterday, there aro no buyers for round iota. We continue to quote at 15,7536 for winter wheat; and $6,2535,50 for spring. Rye I flour $5,25. GROCERIES-The only new features to notice in the grocery market Is that Sugars are dull and easier while , New Orleans molasses ere scarce, firm and ' higher, with an active demand. Coffees, Teas, and almostevery other article that comes in this category, are dull and drooping. Following are the ruling quotations: Suoena-S H, 10%31014; Havana 123 13; Cubs, 113344313; Porto Rico, 123431334 Demerara, 143431434; New Crop New Orleans Sugar. 14(31434 for choice; Re tined Ex. 0, 1434; B, 14%; A, 15; Bard, 1111c.' M014.115121-New Crop New Orleans Holmes, 771385 c; Porto 13100, 65(375. Sraure-White Honey DripS, 51.00; Silver Drips, 85c; Perfection Drips, 51,10: Jersey, 85v, Lovering, 90; Golden Ilk Amber, 60; Common, 60; Booth t Edgar fancy, 51,00. Comm-Fair to Good Rio, 20132134; Prime, 22(323; Choice. 2334. Bras-12 , r011 13%v, Rangoon, Ne. - Tses-Youag hyena. 51,0031,60, G. P., $l,lO to 1,90. Imperial, $1,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 85 to 51,45. Sou Chong, 90c to 51.50. Erraactr-Pearl, 7; Silver Glorse,ll34c, and Corn .Starch, 12c. CoataaarritsrEn Lro-58,00 per case. Fauns-New layer Raisins, $5 per box; Prunes, 1334 c; Currants 15c; Valen cia Raisins 171318. Seicsa-Csasia, 65q Cloves, 40e; grain Pepper, 85 Alleploe, 80c; Nutmegs, $1,60. HAS Lxati--12c; Shot, $3,00 per Ding. I Soars-"Babbit's," 12= "Oakelre," 1 Ile; Bodo, 6to 7q "Dobbin's," Ho; Wax,9c; Chem. Olive, 830. Ceirotas-Mould, 15c; Star, 23c. I Br CAPP SODA-1134 per 100. Flag-Lake Herring per half bbl 8,00; White Fish do de, 7,00; No. 1 Mackerel Shore In bbl 128,00; No. 2 do Bay, bble. $17,00; No. 3do Large bble $14,0P, Half r: ia lleain additional; Labrador Her slo OIL -There is little or nri wheat offering, though the mills are being fully supplied from the West; we continue to quote fair to choice red'at 51,15311,20. Cate dewily and unchanged-C® 4B on wharf and track, and . 5043520 Meters. Corn Is in good demand and scarce, though in all probability the market will be glutted within the next two weeks as nearly every grain dealer is mending out sacks. Quotations may be fairly given I at 80c for ear ' and 850 for shelled. Bye Is firmer, and in better demand, but un changed-950 for Western and 51 for prime State. Barley is dull and noon catty urnihstged-A11,0001,10 fbr spring, , and 51,15431.20 for fall. ILLY-Is firmer with a limited sup. ply; we continue to quote from country wagons at 518325 per ton. HUSKS-Sales as 8 centsper pound. HOMINY-Sales at 5 9 , 0. 60 per bbl. I I LIME-Sales of Cleyeland white lime at 5232.25 per bbl. ' ONIONS-Sales at 52,50433,00 per bb/.1 the outside figure for choice. I LARD OIL-No.l Extra is quoted firm' st POT 1,60. ATOES-Very dull; sale 1 car I load, sacked at 53. Small sales at, 57(360. POIILTRY-Dressed Chickens 12314, and dressed Turkeys 18320. Live Chickens, 50(355 c. per pair, by the coop. PROVISIONS-The demand is light and prices unchanged. Shoulders. 1534 for plain, and 1634 for Sugar Cured. S Breakfast Bacon, 21(321%, and af in Cured Hams 21343,2. Lard, 19c in tierces, and 20e In kegs and Pelle. PEANUTS-Quoted at 9310 cu. I • PEAS-Dull; $2,50 per buehol. SEEDS-Bales of Clover seed at 5 8 ® seedemised nomi at 52,2032,25. Tim. otby nal at 13, 1 503 4 . SALT-Is dull, and Allegheny Itiver brands are quoted at 51,50 by the car bud. with the usual advance for small lots in Word. STBAW-Elales at 512(514 per ton. Lave t♦tott Marketa. Blew Yong, December 29.—There is little demand for live stock of any kind. Beeves go szowly; with 900 fresh and WO "lA' somata. they can barely be sold , out; mime are about mon Monday, vary- Ing from 11 to 1731 e, but very few went outside of 14@16e • lot of 97 Kentucky grades Bowl sold at 13%17c; 40 Canada rcera and little heifers scant 5 cense 110 76 Michigan oxen and. Meer CPA awl at 150; 70 111. cattle o,s4cirt at 14Kin 76 choice Ky. 63 , 1emt 1 61 311733Wr; Only 'gears sbeap arrived to day, but they are sufficient; there is a little firmness at s®lo for thin to prime stook. and 8@,8%0 for extra; • car of 77 pounds State Sheep sold at 5%c. • deck of 114 pound Canada' at ago. Nov have been very weak but are firmer to day, with ' ,m u d. of , 23 they erred at 9 34q4 10 340 alive, and igg@ls , a dressed; western dressed in good con lion sell at il3ja;11211. EVITALO, December 2 0 .—cattle: re. lots 600. about one-filth the usual run : market opened active and prime were !,ic higher; Wes at 153g734e: Nat, and 8%( 93[0 for common to good. Sheep nomin ally Unchanged, Dry Good" NEW Your, Deoember 29.—The trade I being 4x:copied In taking stook and bal. anolag soeousts, but lithe Ls transpiring In the way of buying or sailing gend,,, • and prises remain without alteration. The profits on the tale of thle M= merrenandise are so small that ' s moll f houses are quitting the business and en tering Into other pursuits. Bahmionia, Dec. V.—Flour dun; western wapertlue 114,14 5 , 00, Wham "Wit red $1, 118 @ 1 . 42 . Dorn netlYe; re eels* small; white 801487 M Yellow 8 8g. 920. Oats dull at 64421.576. Bye $10)1,05. Provl.lona very dull and unchanged. Whisky arm at 11. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH ' ----- - - /Caw Yong, Dec. 23.--Octton flrmorith • sales 830 bales at 25%c-for middling uplands, closing quiet. Fle - nr-receipts, 15,456 bble; flour 5%10c bitter on low grades, with tales 7800 bbls at 14 70%5 for superfine State and western, 25 300 620 for extra State, 5 5 1006 25 for extra western, 1585%6 35 for white wheat extra, 25 40(96 25 for . round hoop Ohio. 25 75® 600 for extra St. Louis, and 86 5008 50 for good to cheloe do, closing quiet, in cluding 8500 bbla low grades for export. Rye flour quiet, with sales 200 bbls at go 00®570. Corn meal quiet. Whisky -market heavy for iron bound, with Bales 300 bbls at 9853011 00 for western free. "Wheat -receipts 3,105 bit, a shade better, quiet and the limners of holders restricts the export demand; Bales 32,000 bn at 11,20 for No 2 spring; 11,33%1,34' for winter red and amber western; 81,45 r white California. Rye quiet. Barley' withont change; sales 8,000 bet at $1,23% for four rowed State and Cana West on private terms. Barley malt to fair re• quest; sales 7,000 boat 11,25 for Canada _West and State on private terms. Corn heavy and lower; sales 28.000 bn at 81,10 for old mixed western delivered; 93(3950 for new southern yellow; 98(951 for new white southern. ()ate -receipts 1,100 bu, heavy and lower males 2,400 bu at 60(9620 for western; 620,60 for State. Rice quiet at i 3; ®7%c fOr Carolina. Coffee quiet. Ro g er quiet; sales 200 hhds Cuba at 11(3 11%c. Maumee dull; sales 300 bbls New Orleans at 731377 c. Petroleum dull at letio for crude; Vio29%e for re tired. Hope ' quiet at 18026 e for American. Linseed oil Is dull at 94993 e in maks. Coal : foreign dull with sales by auction today of 70.000 tons Scranton sold at 51,3004,35 for lump, 54e300 4 . 80, for steamboat , 94,80% 5 ,17 for grate 15,2205,65, for egg 58®625 for stove, 54,15(94,50 for chestnut. Leather; hemlock sole firm at 90031 c for Buenos Ayers and Rio Grande Wool quiet, with sales of 160,000 pound at 47(949, codomeatio fleece at 55(956e. Sheathing pper steady at 220. Ingot copper rather more steady at 21%0=0 for US• troll and Lake Superior. Pig Iron; rules in favor of buyers at 132% for Scotch, and $36038 for American 3 4; bar lower, 585 for refined English and Amer ican; sheet dull, 111012 gold for Russia. Nails steady at 43;c for cut, Ofee for clinch, and 260300 tor horseshoe. Spirits turpentine quiet at 43045 c. Pork with. out decided change; sales 250 bhp; at 10,76(530,00 for new mess, Pifer old do, 92402 6 for prime, and 522030 for prime aims; also, 2,000 bbls new hums, seller I January and February, at 1120,75030,25. Beef quiet; sales 125 bbls at 56(913 for new plain moss, 510(917 for new extra ! mess. Tierra beef more active;, sides 150 tierces at 125028; prime mess V 7030. Beef hams steady; sales ofl6o bbla at $30(933,50 for new. Cut meats steady, sales of 90 pkgs at 12(3 12%e for shoulders; 150.160 for hams. Middles dull; sales of 100 boxes of Cum. berland cut at 14airi. Dressed hogs firmer; 11%012%0 tor Western. Lard, firmer; sales of 300 tierces at 16% ®l7%c for steam: 18018%0 for kettle rendered; I also sales of I,teo tierces, seller Febru ary and March, 18tee. Butter quiet, at" 18030 e for Ohio. Cheese dull, at15(1916c. Freights to Llverpool, firmer. Ship. manta, 16,000 bushels of wheat, 4d • per s et, ea per steamer; and 600 bbisof flour per steamer, at Is 6d. Latest.-Flonr closed a shade firmer on low grades, with a fair export demand. Wheat quiet and very firm, 111,2401,25% for No. 2 spring, and 51,34(945454 for western red and amber western. Rye nominal. Oats dull and heavy, 60061% for western. Corn nominal, 11,0801.10 for old mixed western. Pork dull and heavy, 830 for mess on spot smiler Feb. rnary deve Beef dull and tin. changed. C ut m ry. eats and bacon nominal. lard quiet, 17,44(918 for fair to prime steam. Eggs steady, 400430 for western fresh, and 33c for limed. eeriest:so, Dec. 2 9 .-Eastern Exchange firm, at parolo off buying and 1.10 pre mium selling. Flour dull, at 53,7505,00 for spring extras. Wheat very quest and 34(5%c lower; sales No. 1 at 650 and No. 2 at 78%1379c, closing quiet and steady, at 78%®78340 for N 0.2; this sf,er. January, m o a r r Nkeot. w Cor l d 7 l B an sller %CO %e lower; • sales, of No. 2 at 690700 for regular and 72072%0 for fresh reoeipts, closing at for regular new; no grads .5205tc; this a ft ernoon the mar ket was neglected • and nominal, at 690 for No. 2, seller January, Oats: fair speculative demand; 1%01%is higher; 43% ®44Re for No. 2, and 35%036 for neglected, closing at 43%0440 for No. 2. Rye fairly active and firm at 09073 c for No. 2, elating firm at outside price. Bar ley dull and nominal at 75%770 for No. 2. Highwines quiet and nominal at 930 Sugar 11)40140 for common to choice New Orleans. Provisions opened firm and exalted. Mess pork in good demand for future delivery, but Inactive and nominal fcr cull; early sales at 530,50%30,75 seller February, • elm- Mg weak at 530,00%30,25; cash lots-nominal at 529.25(326,50. Lard, a shade stronger and quiet, closing at 17® 17%c for cash, and 17%017%c for Beller In Feurnary. Meets quiet and steady, green shoulders at 10340. dry salted 11c, rough sides at 1314ci short ribs at 14c; hams nominal, 143 4 'e for green, 15(915%c for sweet pickled. Dressed bogs in fair demand at 25c higher, closing at 511;011,50 for choice lot'. d ivid ing on 200; live firmer at 200 30e higher, .58,37%09,35 for common, 59,60(910 for fair to good, and 110,25® 10,50 for extra choice. Cattle firm and 150200 higher • sales $3,62%04.75 for common to good cows; 114,9005,62% for fair to medium; 86,50037 for good to choice 'blipping steer". Iteeelpts past 24 home: 4,496 Ws f10ur r 35,660 bush wheat 12.752 corn. 21,442 oats, 1,177 rye, 81el barley, 2,378 head bogs. Shipments: 3,e23. bbls flour, 2,019 bush wheat, 19,697 corn, 680 oats, 959 barley, 2,403 head hogs Sr. Lotrts, December 72.-TobsoCo firm and but very little offering, with sales of new lugs and common leaf at 60 7340. medium leaf 80100, gcod manufac turing 126614 e, and bright 15057.5 a. Cot ton nominal at 23.14 c. Hemp, nothing doing. Flour, low grades in demand and Var.; superfine itata.M. extra 14,6004.80. and double extra $505.25. Been dull at $6,6007,50: Wheat film, No 1 spring inspected 980, No 2 red fall $1,65(91,08, No 1 do 51,1001,12%, choice 91,20041,25, prime to strie ll Y Prime white 51,150420. Corn drill at 75®75340 for dry yellow In bulk, good yellow sacked 820 and choice white 90e. Oita dull at 48(9510 in bulk and 54%30570 for sacked. Barley unchanged, prime Minnesota spring 51,10. Rye slow and unchanged at 141%324. Whiskey higher, with sales at 9554(396e. Groceries very dull and them is scarcely loathing doing. Coffee r anges at 19073%e. Sugar 1114(313%a efeausee 7001300. Pork. bold firmly at 5V,50%30 without sales. Dry Salt Meat firm; order sales shoulders at 11 3 / 4 e, clear rib 15%e, clear sides 15%015%ii. Bacon: shall salsa clear rib at, 17%c, clear tides 17:(318a, 'boulders nominal at 1401434 c. nominal at 1040178. Rewires were flour 8,400 bbls, wheat 5,600 bush, corn 7,000 bash. oats 12,5C0 bush, barley 700 bosh, rye 800 bush, hog. 1,600 head. Cattle-better demand =dune/landed; sales at 2310014 e. Hogs: small sales at 8309%, for light choice. Thenumber eat to date is about 166,000. Crnerseell, DerloAibir 29.-Flour 11113. changed, with faintly. at 5525®5.50. Wheat quiet but firm, with No. 2 at 51.10, and No. 2 at 51,14. Corn in light supply and firmer, with new at 7643760 for mixed. Oats unchanged arFlet let 60056 c. Rye dull at 9e(994e. ley I unchanged and dull at 51,1501, . 00t. ton dull and unchanged, with middling of 240. Tobacco - Unchanged. Whisk, 94005 c. Hop. firmer at 19,76® 10,60; receipts 500 head. Provhieres .firmer, Mess Pork held at 529, buyers at $28,50. Bulk meats firm, but quiet, with shoulders at 120, sides 15e, and 16%e for clear rib and ,elear _loose. Bacon in fair demand; shouldes • 14e, aides 15%01734C for clear rib and clear, I Packed. Sugar cured ham. 21X1210.1 2rd higher, with sales of 200 tierces at I 16. Batter firm at 30035 e. Cheese 17(i) 18c. Eggs declined to 840 Linseed oil doll at 880. Lard oU 11,48(91,60. Petro. leum 30®390. • • • Ctaysherip, December 29.-Flour dull and. heavy, bet nominally unchanged. Wheat firmer g, but unchang, with light sales fee No. lin l red winter at 51, 14 ; no demand for No. 2 red. Corn noudn illy unchanged; sales of old No. 1 mixed at 980 and No. 2 do at 91o; new ranges at 800853. Oats Mall and lower, with light sales et 600 for No. 1 State. Rye dull and inactive; held at range of 9030850. Barley dull and inactive; held at 90a011, nominal rates. Petroleum very dull and tractive; refined beldst 264326%0 In arse lots; wade lower and held at 56,10 per barrel.' Tomtno, December 29.-Flour dull. Wheat is le better, with sale. Of No. / white Michigan at $1,13, regular do. am ber 51,07, Na 1 redll,lo, No. 2 do. 51,05. corn Is 2o lower, with sales of Dewar. 764 no grade 660. Oats doll; No. 1 held at 49d. Dressed hogs are held higher, at 10 01034 e. Clover seed unchanged st 57.80. Receipts: 600 bbls Nu wheat I 1,600 bash corn 400 bush s oats , b s, MAW I pounds dressed ' hogs. Shipments: 2,100 1 bbls f10ur,825 bosh wheat, 1,200 bush ' corn, 67,0 00 pounds dressed hogs. . I LOUISVILLE, Dec. 29.-Cotton: sleet of I 17 baler, good ordinary 220 Flour quiet and steady; extra family 95. Wheat: red 8414 . attilta 5410. °ern. 6566700. Oats bOo. 60Rye 890. Tobocco quiet and stied,: sales of hide, atlsoB for lugs and 59 512 for leaf. Provisions firmer. Mess Pork 530. Bacon: shoulders 1455{{e: clear rib 17%e; clear sides Ha Bulk. Moats: ahordders 12o; clear rib 15%c; clear sidle 1,306 tad. V 8.1J:G: i.e e. E: THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER SO, 1E09: 16,5(e. .Hama 22,4 e. Lard 18c. Whia• icey esa. NatorramE, Dec. 29.—Cotton steady and good qualities scarce; low middliog 22%c; good ordinary 2:1.4c. Corn 71c. Oats 70c. Rye 51. Wheat—red 51,10, amber 51,15, white 51,20. Flour at 54,50 ®R,SO for super to fancy. Bulk- meats— clear aides 15%c, clear ribbed sides 15c, shoulders 120, new hams glo. Rump pork 525. Lard 18%;,:i. blmwatrirsz, December 29.—Flour more active, with spring extras at 53,75 1if,3,90. Wheat weak at 8230 for No. 1, and 79550 for No 2. Corn and Oats nom mini. Rye lower at 730 for No. 1. Bar ley nominal. Dressed Hoge higher at $11,25@)11,75. Receipts-1,000 bblsflonr, 84,000 bush wheat. Shipmtmts-2,000 bbls flour. MEXPRII. December W.—Cotton quiet and dem at 24c; receipts 1,261 bales, ex ports, 327 bales. Flour In fair demand for medium grades; sales superfine MIS. Corn 934194 c. Oats 674/690. Hay $260 27. 1 Bran $22. Pork lovga. Lard 19340201.03. Bulk shoulders nominal at l 2 c; aides nominalat 1630. PHILADELPHIA; DeCeMber W.—Flour exuisaively dull and unchanged. Wheat better; sales Pennsylvania red at 51,30, white 111,40@1,50. Rye steady at IL Corn very quiet, sales mixed western at IL Oats 65®570. Jamie= steady; crude 21e, refined 29340. Whisky dull at 11(i)1,01. ' DETROIT. December W.—Wheat—no.. important change: extra white. $115; No. 1 do, 11 08®109; amber, 51 02; rep , ler, $l. Oats nominal at 43.34. Barley firm at 11 90@il 95. Mill feed- 4c bran, $l5; coarse middlings, $2O. • Dressed hop firm at sll®ll 25 ror heavy. 1111.911T6 BY RAILROAD Prrnsannou PORT WATNII AND Can. osoo ItAlum% December 29.-100 bbla flour, Watt, Lang a, Co; 100 do, own er; 1 car scup iron, T Maloney; 1 bbl game, Bragg - man and O'Brien; 60 hides, Ys sl ' Laughlin; 50 bbla alchol,4 - Adler a Co; 25 do spirits, Hostetter & Smith; 5 d a alcohol, 11 F Fahnestook & Cm 1 bbl onions, 1 do tallow H Res Jr; 6 pkg.* butter, W H Graff & Co; 57 sks rags, Mo Elroy& & Co; 5 oars limestone, Shoenber ger Blair 2do do, Laughlin & Co; 58 ebb. onion., 8 do turnips, Woodworth &. Davidson; 66 mks rags, R Christy; BO boa nails, Graham & Spangler; one bale wrappers, W J Gilmore; .1 car barley, Speocer & McKay; 5 tibia pus. Arbuckle' &;Co; 35 bbls bones, Seward - Lt Emerson; 2 dressed hogs, 1 box poultry, 1) Elvers; 2 dreamed hogs, Isaiah Dickey & Co; 1 ear horns, Hartman & Lore; 16 aka rags, .7 B Weldln; 1 car mlllfeed, H SchnelOsob; 8 cues tobacco, A Schaub._ CLEVELAND AND PITTDBORGE RAIL. ROAD, December 22.-7 cars iron ore, knosuberger, Blair & Co; do ore, Union Iron Mills; 1 do do, Hallman & H; Ido do, Everson P & Co; 2 do lumber, G A Mandort; 100 bbla flour, Schomaker & T..; 8 kg. a butter, C A Bo ucher, 2 bbis varnish, Fackiner & I; 1 car grain, Graham & M; 59 mks corn, J d W Fairly; 15 do barley, J M Carson & Co; 32 do oats, Asbuckles & Co; 29 bides, A Calhoum7 bins flour, 7 Obis floor, Man field & Co; 8 aka oats, F G Craighead; 1 Ohl eggs. H Rea Jr; 1 car staves, Phillips M; 201 rue, R Christy; 2 care pig iron, Loomis & C; 160 by corn, Mcßane & A, ALLEGHENY STATION December re.— 1 car shingles, John Nana; 1 car ore, Grafr,.B Co; 7 hides, 1 bhl tallow, . _ Lippe & Weise; 23 bales hay, Rose do E: 89 eke rags, J B Jones, 1 bx butter, J Herbert; 1 car barley, H Hardt; 4 do metal, Lewis, Bailey ,t D; 2 do do, Lind say & McC; 1 do wheat, Kennedy & BrO; Ido flaxseed; Ewer Hamilton & Co; 6 bbls 24 eke flour, J sf. Lusk; 2 pkgs bat tier. J O'Hanlin; 12 aka potatoes, Back field & Niehonee; 15 bgs b flour.R & A Carson; 50 bdis broom handles, E B Mathews; 1 car lumber, W MeQuewan; 1 ear lumber. S Walters & Son. A rasenixerr VALLEY RAILROAD, De cember 18.-1 car metal, Totten & Co; 2 bbls whiskey. M'Cullough, Smith & Ce; 2 cars metal John Moorhead; 1 do do Struck & Oc:; 8 can limestone, Shoen berger, Blair & Co; 82 ears coal. Kier, Foster .& Kier; 10 a ka buckwheat flour. T C Jenkins; 6 bbla onions, Knox & Orr; 3 bbls beans. W D-Cooper; 55 bgs oats, Keil & Ritchart; 13 kgs butter, Volgt Mahood & Co; 14 bbla onions; 1 bbl but ter, Bruggeman & O'Brien; 6 cars rail road iron, C A Carpenter. prrreenurnx, OnsCraltaTl AND BD Louts Ren.aosp. Deeiimber 29.-1 oar wheat, 1 do barley. 0 GI Russell; 25 Ws starch, .1 Porterfield; 100 bbla flour, Watt. Lang & Co; 23 bp feathers, Isaiah Dickey & Co; 2,800 Nils paper, Godfrey A Clark; 66 bee feed, W - H Eantker & son; 23 do feed. Day &Co; 23 do barley, Smith & Co; 73 IDV_ oats, Fred Schield; I tubs butter, W H Graff; 1 car staves, .1 Paint er A Co; 1 car bones, Seward A E; 20 , buts tobacco, El P Shriver & Co: 60 do do. (hiller - McGrew &Co; 18 caddies do, J gullerton, 1 car lumber, J 31. Seibert. - Rxvira PACKETS. 1;6414mm1i.2A , 1.,x1113.1AV0 'OOll NEW OW EANA.z i are 1: —1 he hew low-pressure Ce vier iLo V. golONT2...Cors. J. C. V.COPOO Will leave for Um above ondlotennedloto to on WIEDVEZDAY.III9A Inst.. nt 4.r. x. TOT rnigt3 or it.TV Vt'in°P.l7,nait RUNT PORTI.R. dein CHAP. BARS! B. Agents. ' - • - Through 8111. Lading via alana Boat to Bal. ration. ladlasola and Brno., Team,. &IA S I:: b"..1.-1""d M"‘‘'.".. itZg A aTl/ n 'ln a nntra i titioi l. l%Tkra w tolle and Tinny, p.t 'o l "ff."*". g'"' 70111,1L9T roarra. .• 03 Water otreaL LOUISVILLE, CAIRO and ST. 1.010114 'OR CAIRO AND ST ; s ia dW i t lAVlr6.—Tbs Atte' Pue.n[e azt.i.rc ItoGIES Tao'. itcsraae. Nast.. Wit leave lir the above and Ittsroted.ala ports on dATURDA.V. J.10Z17 iSt. r"fti' • "" TiVt:INIWZ I AVIV: r ig!tu. Ittropabrad Wu ale= to as hvllle. steamer w Ne. norm. by 01111111217 . a ratreag. dela No. 93 Water stsaat. FOR CAIMO AND ST. LVIJIB.— no dee Daeeeßket eteamar I.E.N OALA J. 11 Hem Commander. Janes Me len, Clerk. will leave ea announced above. on THURADAY. Dre. 21010. et 4 r r. VOll ST. LOIIIEL..-Thes i dge {MIMIC/ MARY DAVAGE AND BAIIGIA. • Will reedy., freight this morning for the above led law/mediate ports. Will leave op THIS DAT. *Otis luau Apply to dell CHARMS 11/Artate. Agent. STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL ARDAM QUEENSTOWN. THE INMAN MAIL STBABIKEEIPS, Numbering lantern rst-elsei vessels, among ü • CITY 0? ANTWIMP. CITY OF WINTON. CITY OF BALIINOItre CITY Or LONDON. Balling ETZKI BATUNDAY. from ?ler 41 North River. New Vert. Tor imimegermlnithe r information applg to BINIMAIL, Jr., 143 SMITIFIVIT.I.D lITRECT. Plltsbarth DIAMOND OIL WORKS, 14. M. LONG It CO., Mee, DALLBLI:II BUILDING. • TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND MALMO IN Petroleum and ita Products. Tittsbarth Ornse- , DALLICLIMI .En mate canker of Duquesse Wwr lod /min PhradelphlA 011ee-131 WALNUT ST &DIM), WARING & KING, Coma Lams Menhasta &Ad Erolum la Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK DUQUESNE WAY PRILADELPIiLL ADDRESS, • Boom 17; Cisamber of Cosramereo, - 331 sour= SECOND STREET. apt° ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. RUBE N W. C. TWEDDLE. Lubricating/41%h Test Burnlag Ms. llellpae Stallr•ad Azle OH, Stands 'mat heat without cheep: remalaa limpid nab:men temp...dant. Special ell Or txopleel ethnics or hot 7r, ma,. lawamaktattretlve, tastae, Machine Wow. eti, Saw NW awl Waslag NW Oily adaptedlOT high exen.d. Splakle foui. Wool. Hana•lLlabt OOr 011,Tsaaenelltaff-Hgenzale, fans and VtalablaCOasol WI. Harassa OIL I earaUloa AttlfOß VARNISH. to Hulett Iron Work sad itaetilncre boot item TIM 111,3datta aro leMinifletnied ander_Dr. 1 "1 1 1.11=f1: 0 =11 giro= puree ly pare, vellarm , add rawly light col ored. stand ble temperatum ueehantred,and limpid dueled eXtime eAd. The Nall. road Wee. line p ualled. and are In <mutant am °emery of the prinelpel Railroad. Samples cgs be examined and e den left at 114 WOOD lITSaWL Walla odsurpears Bridaa RIVER NEWS. The river has commenced to recede again, the Monongahela marks Indi cating 10 feet 10 inches last 'Distant. Weather continues cloudy and cold; wind from the northwest, and mer cury at b la, down to SS. -Itualnese continues doll at the landing and it is not likely that there will be any Immediate improvement. Capt. Stockdaie has received later ad vice.' from the boats he built here for South Amerlba. The Australia had made one trip from Barranquilla up the Magdalene river and brought down trie largest cargo that ever rftchedithbe port. Her name has been changed to Bisinark. The Barranquilla arrived at Barrammilla on the Other November in as good a et:m ullion as when she left here. It may, therefor*, be set down as ■fact that build ing boats hors for South America is a =COBOL The Glasgow, from Nashville, arrind about noon yesterday. with an excellent trip, her guards almost dragging the water. She made the round trip in twenty-five days, and would have made it In much less time, had it not been for the unions cqrrent In the Ohlo. and fog. gy - weather. She will probably reload for Nashville. The Nellie Rogers arrived from St. Louie on Tuesday night with a fair trip; including a considerable quantity of metal. As will be seen by card, she la announced for a return trip—Gluiest d • Porter are her agents. The Carrie V. Rounts will leave for New Orleans to-day, and shippersabould bear this in mind. Copt. L O. Vanhook lain command, with W. D. Rogers In the omoe. The Belle arrived and departed, as usual, for Parkersburg. The Glendale, Capt. Hare, is announo. od for St. Louis, forthwith. Mews. Flack and Collingwood are her agantr. The Argosy, from Cincinnati, and Maggie Hays, from St Louis, were due last night and will probably be found In port this morning. The Wary Deno departed for St. Lords this morning. She had a good trip. Including some 800 barrels of rein ed oil, shipped by Livingston Bros. Work la progressing rapidly on all the new boats in process of construction. —The Vicksburg neer of the 23rd, says: We do not remember the time tut so much freight bas been at our levee aa now. The Forsythe had to lay at the wharf some time before room could be made for her to unload, notwithatand tog there were three wharf boats and piles of freight on the banks. —A New Orleans dispatch of Monday, says : The Argosy left here Thursday . for Cincinnati, but burst her steam pipe near Morgans, and seriously wounding two deck band. The engineer came hers fora new pipe. The boat will be delayed some days. --Rapt. D. Neal, or the Indians hu reoeldedu dispatch from Cept..7. 8, Neal, of the Richmond, dated New Or. leans, December ZI, saying be had saved Wild Wagoner. 1,600 bales of cotton, and would claim salvage. No particulars —The employes] of the St. Louis Peoria Packet Company on Friday evening, presented Captain E. A. Eatable with a magnificent solidsliver ooffee urn, anger bowl and cream pitcher. . —Th'R.O. Gray arrived et Cairo on Monday from St. Louts, having fought her way through the toe. She reports having met the Kate Putnam at Grand Tower.. —The St. Charles broke her rudder on her recent down trip and was do• tabled eight hours at Rome. —The Camelia and Bt. Charles were advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pitts. burgh on Tuesday. —The Cumberland river was falling on Monday, with 18 bet on Harpeth —The Great Republic left Cairo for New Orleans on Monday with 1 500 tone. . SPECIAL NOTICES. i; ir-CONBUnPTION. DR. SCHENCK'S :a nd O in eTl6l3r for the, core of Cann., DM Contotention. on. SCUP , CFOS SLAWLED TONI 1 tar the cure of Dior:opals and all the Dabldlated Condi tion. of th • SW • soh. DR. rellit• OK'S MANDR•it P LLB. rot Messes of the Liver or to act nos Gault Par- dative. AL of these these Idedtel OA ate often regu'red ig D o terppm nenption, though the Palmonic Tele NreA ' TeethcoartVii br,l7, AVM, :174 ins Otontech tea Liver. and help the, dere p to direst lad search through the 0100.1 vegoela, by arttlatl MAIMS PM la DOCI• reeved. Toes, le l,lnee are colecientiamly san ded to the rub Si the only th ee, create table tveret., for Pulmonary Contheeption. hind for ell those morbid Mad Wow. or the Irody vapid, le that fatal cheese. =Tar Completes and Dye , p rota are often formalness of Consurnieldn. and w en they nthisifeet Hamacher they regales th4Yrr=?.`;”:4l;l:s•MOdielue whieh had tae a wes prole/Wen before tee yehlla hassles he. been proved by the thonsmsd cares It has merle through &Period of more thee thirtysetre years. iu all of which t me Its 'emanate,. ha. M umma and the meet it Isarte simptleion men betootle doubt that itemedy winch may be nerd with confidence to all cases whiter admit Of • eure. If ...patient will perteveringly follow the es metro. which accomiteng each bottle, he eat tend, be rend. If hie thugs are not too moth r atted• to mete • cute (oral Is. teen to eases auppaaad to be incurable. when blends thd phy- Linens nave despaired, the use of this blether. hes three the life of the patient ant antalaa hem to parfel,:h alth. Us er, bu does not my UM ail cases of Tel min openmptton are wtihln the leach of medicine. bat he emphatically muerte thee atm when pin testa have tumid Mar =the mmetoom, go. as • otnlest etraIMIIIS C141.1,a110t mutest. general debtirty, err n to thel • degree that they are obliged to Ite to bed, and Wheel they Lie illaeo tip by their ph rslcien they may .till M eared. yo teed mei treatment cast motto new leo gr. bat when the lanes &revery ead ydireseed Ind to some ex test destroyed. • eon may he et. meted by Ur. nebreckt • athelethee. Also. in rerofttlous amts. three seedtainel are epeady elk ene Dr. rebenth has photo.. graphs of • aerator Of persons who have. been wiselyvered with 111110111( Mara, and now oil eo bested Op. This theme Duelfyleg properties, welch meat be Mrle to heater ittee la Ike large. to the In meet of Cons" plies um or tn• utmost importettm to_give visor and • ortedihr tome to toil sham. llan. It la Itelleataay to strengthen the appeal , of the pattent at di be prove the di v Woo • Proper nourishment is re paired together with each ethane es will Mete oe seed easily eireetlble. The articles moat suitable for the diet Mr., patients are desisast . i d in Be. be cle t e Abrams.. which am - .gum totthd grateltonely . , re general, too molt highly nutritious MD lee as to be pre. feergd,berthe diesetwootheas toestbe sttengtla. need in order to make either Mod or Mildittille This leoulniment, la met 0. Sa/larted Taste. nod for this Porrere• It was lied tre Woe ated s the dieitstitte p Were are pot In good order, the food asits prober*lnct; the System of the pollen le laviedrabd and tt • latiga bet. gra Irttyl:relgr fig°ll;2l,V=Tal pelemote twee, will of et the core. Palmas sy Conmemptioule almost sideman. OL soot with DIU epete end Liver Complaint. eishthckta Mendrees Fill' On to ended to re. abalyactio•• Ito:MON Liver end restore Its Stealthy *Mica. They have Meth* eifie.7 whlch Is ascribed 1.1 caloalal or *'lilac mesa. •' std ard warreat led vet Meant la • Pertiele of althea's* gent pew., Theme Plitt cure the meet °hottest treediveeesr. aka MOW.. pUre, 01 lots effee Lien t, end ell other dime*. which •Mite from • Vapid or obstthe ed e °Denten rfthe Liver. Use box of these pile will prove the elem.! Of the -tedkdle ' ea Cimeampi, on ale Pan'Wead Tenn and Ild us drain Pills an navalaanla avilllary sa•dtelan 'easy relieve tail moraines at the patient and relr omen ohs Pigment(' elsee eilhethit a ma. reege nfo und nears( llk adosanot Anna of Cansemptlea, wine the ate tiniest en. eesimaail ant all alsisetems eatentlag to the Jadgmeet or the etryllelmo la lealataeliemil dtaiti. TO. IlTee of patient. In. wars e.t.a lo In • dying a mditlon bud Wm maenad for sown by/Damned' Cleleralo`a tbs.' gnat raw Vrtaban-Va Almanaa natal. %fall treattae on Um yarn. forma et elms 11. els tonne al treatment. ana nnat a 2 d ctiona hen to nos his lardlalse. nu tot bad gratin. or Slit nail to addramong Prtnnal Wee*, No. an, Norte Elite Weal. Plaltadelpton, it. rein • the Paimanne Syrup merreinnlipe Ton. 12,:el b otisilirliraeto r i 471 entireties. deer:mar OILS OrDOCTORWHITEIER CON. TIMMS TO TEIIAT ALL PRIVAT2 Dllerallin. Thstratinerotletims at oases result lag from self.bnie, ppV•clot eamenallsess. semen dobtlityjrritabulty. ereptione, ssod.d embelor.e. aat fleetly Impoteecy permanently cored. persons alainted wlth dsucate, latrlcate aad tome .taxpllng eosolltotJon. 000301•1. ts art poutely laelted to cad tor commitaltoas andel coma limning 21pOilo100. UMW& of tomb... by enabled blia to Mime remedies at coO• /lent. MO, IX sad which Is meet cues out be need without Ithoirsnoe up Wetness. lied , Mines prepared In the establlenmsnt. 0 , 014 ea ting. onion. twenties and wattles neoa r mle , boardlor and Owens NMI. ente Or t• requiring dally . coral attend.. an Yam and chemloal b Mae sonceatratleg the tamed Dditeral Wing*. 0 =Star Vim have Wed, Vatlour esee. Send what ha save la kle pan- OM of My owe. mat to sea eddress for two stamps In sesledearslona. Tbonssade of oases treated inans, ato = ff.tiada : ll o 7 va Um i O. aeariol:7l Court Pftbor.”, Ps, Hoar, •. a. to II P. a.• 800. dale IS a. to SP. 11. r 1020143 sant to any 04. dtr” Alf two e ta me Duquene Wa7. Pittsbana. Ps. IarCANCESIN 'TIMOR& UL. fiEzb, &G.—AstonMiley sad alum% adrecillooe cane , of Omer are being dilly made by Dn.' B. B. ELINZ & CO.. et the Philadelphia Calmer I:Amery. 901 Arch ISlnets PhilSdelptidg. Pena., 'ad at the brim& of. flee Is charge of Profbeior Z. G. DALTON, US Elm It.. Claelnaml.Ohlo. The tniebeteats used lie Caliper Antidote., the most gd.muk, awl nee ..... I knows IS the civilised world. They are lot coati, eallo6 or tamale& man. else. They sire Utile Or so pale. They are ea domed by the bait tarpons of the sae. No other Demons hare them! eatidotes. No other treatment Avoid be seed. Tor yartbrulars tall or address al shore. . nolLeillTnts I= TRADISIIN'S NATIONAL MANN, Wood St, cor. Semi Amu. EMMET PAID ON DEPOSIT& A. BITADLLY, rreoldeat. • W. VANICIMI. VW, rnaldeat, dAF CYBDM MARCIA N. HOUSES & SONS 33ACNICE:EtS, 57 MAREMT STREET. CoSeethes, made sit tea principal points al Um Data ./ states ass Cawslas. Stoeks,Bon4 and other Securities SOUGHT AND BOLD ON 00101:13SION. The snipriatan drab:meat of oar national resources and Ma rapidity with which the Go, ernraonli Is now enabled to redato the national d. 4, by weekly rmzehasea Nader It apparent that the time I. approaching eaten the Jive lAtited States Securities. I 1. "'" tx "'" may b. N"" at not *v."o.". :al or loar and a hall per OM. ham". Ps:Yawls: atteation WA la ta. Pu.gmm...d oak of 11•11 T, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood titree4y Exchange, Coin, Coupons, rirJUST OUT. IMOTODAL IFOROOLDI34 COII6Fa t OOSR TEMOLT AND Nona so mod. M Oars Mose ao ple anat. ona Aar 10 Astor Itenunet . u u too son of those Aortal's taated ewes. Una "Proven Cetbeb Wats.. deal Er BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. rpleadld Hale DIY IlthVastle nbe world: tae calf Da and pad' Dy L= e t; salt. tap nataataments: reacleggolnuseet: o a t dtenloaa Unto restedlss alma of bad dm: lidere - staa aad teems thit Eats sett Ned begalltal.iteeteratnes. told allDraggista aad rarfataamand neater] moped ag sgabig. tar.• WLit Zactort% Na.lo Nand stmt. NeW Tort. wyMiddl OiLIafIicCANDLEIN & 00., 167 Lat• Woof. Ow • 00.1 Inunsguax DIALS= IS foreign and Domestic Mx*" Da too WOJD MUM &Ml*" DUaaVaire: Gold, Oonpons, Bonds and Stooks DOVONT AND SOLD. 3E3 PITTSBURG"), PR, covoonsoza TO HANNA. Ewa' • ocka I= /ad partleidar attantl od es paid to the surds.. sod e of GOVERNMENT BONDS. iff , t 2 .t Drafts on London. CITY BANK. 12Fifth Areim,Pittsbargh, ==l IVOCIDOLDNIN INDIVIDUALLY LIAELB. MEOW PAID ON DEPOSEDI POMLIUN =CHANGE Bolted and WO, and when defiled malted to Nnrope. Colleetlose undo on .11 the prim:lW Potato of the I:Wm.:lstate. and Gon Doxneme Muss. JeJeu McCann. vu. rreeldnett. W. N. MOWee.S. Cashier. D.ThMaell. auaCm James WoCabe, Thlntae Bourke. Hugh ILehtn4. J. Mole.). Jr.. You'll* Zane. Tenon Comphou, Cantos Phelan. gr . Wad ' , JON. N. GAZZAX. Solhater. FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, t now apes DlAeonat. Des.dt wel Chuang • . A. 117 suss rsoalved trolls CPIs Doll.? upwards. Insarrat at Use mm of alz per- am. paid oil Wu. d•Pualtd, == Np. DITHREDOL BAN 0 I W. H 0.. 51115'4 tL Itz EfICIIT YA M u . AMOS. PAX. 121.1 ED. DIT4RID6}E, ?ridded. Z. P. 1101IINCIL. Caislikm• CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ao. HOLIDAY GIFTS Positive Reduction In Prices PIANO COVERS, Mosaic, 4rnsinster, Wilton Rugs, Crumb Cloths, are., SC MUM BROS., Jr". si r/Flif '4 AZNU" zi AHOY' WOOD STUNS fi CARPETS. NEW FALL STOCK. Oil Oloths, Window Shades, • DRUOGEIS. • DRUGGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever °bred. BOVARD, ROSE k CO EI FIFTH AVENUE. =U CARPETS. REDITCTIONS The alteration and im provements of our Bales moms now in progress, make it necessary for ns to im mediately dispose of a large portion of our stook of CARPETS, OIL =MIS, Hearth Rugs, &e., Many goods will be sold at prices bolow the present wholesale cost. Call at once at OLIVES EeCIINTOCK & CO'S, on 28 Fifth Avenue. WOOLEN. DRUM =I FELT CARPETS, LIL 2, 21, 3, 3 L 3 and YARD WIDE. BORDERED SQUARES Suitable ibr Parlor& DINING 8001- CBUIB CLOTHS, Woolen, Linen sad Cotton, eir LOWS& RICER 7111 LB? 01111 Natwithstaadlsg the asthadatebal WU, MIIIBLAND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Avenue. ealtalS 11.1*.1 10# lam* or 9r t rontala Aortaranoisya NOTICE.—The asseennent roe GRADDOU, PLYING AND MUDD° • FORTY-THIRD snuter. Pram p.m , s UOO 10 amt.. street, to cow read, for .XSlalisallol4 and eon be Rees st this oaten uatll ATIDIDAY, January lot, 1110. Atom It wilt be ratantad to DA City Tom. ear.o Mee tar oollacttoa. H. 3. Y 001 2 .. CRT Miran r. 133:1 Haan STREET..:-The under inzrAt:4l V . to ammo 7:gr Z le " .ltritriet to fO t I .P ITIo. vlll meet to . llTOont Wyatt eir i Tro p til l at a hrl il d•tllllther $91.114- swat. 8111111[0.1 rts.POieD. 1111 VID&ON PS, e s VlDtt / M. = EXEME! FFICB OF FISH & HITCH, Bankers ad Dealers ?a arcrve=:L3=cLexi.t SECURITIES. N 0.5 Nassau Street.N. Y. mx= 2b our Oustomera and Ckerrogeouterata Yeastlit Mete ISO Wk.. S. costarred rata other elates If seeratlee. Parlat an . 4 ." 1 " of lateral, la lading to resat! fatal for Role proatable forms et !aerostat In marl way lay a ea fely lamas& • Durtug the vitt the iteeessttlee end pall of th overhasst. sad the aotuto7ooot 010101,0001 tt sasseltMa. rssaared tam se attisatam aka; from Mb mass, so- Mud with Ma pat:lolls was of ao people to ?air sahm, Om absorbed almost We males nasals Meg Or lasoodaM7. aad abortad alteatioa from other classes of sameltles mblcb had Dam Wars damned sae- Meads 001LNIVOLITO scat Wild 30 110011 tas wools of Um most cautious Investors. The Government ti so longer a %flyover. It so needy the couatry's esigt.d. bet deldree intently and liaorahlY to Misr It. ' The rapid wynonelstlai of apt al for Wee% went, and the reduction of the national debt sad newt roman of the national etedtt—tender• La tt aerial► shut hereafter bet a comparatively low rate of interest can to derived from mroat• meat In Govensment beetle- ie euavelltrui the march for other We sad well goateed eliannal. Leto which cavil al not employed is bottom may wisely dov. The entenulma a Peace, no leas nsedftd their time end plans, for the common welters. than were the waste and wit of War, now tall for the capital witteh the Government no tonne need., and Wier for It a remuneration which the 'Government need no longer pay, and 1n some came a mummy If statue end seeming al toe nation itself. _ The desire to capitalise the prom ma 'At& MI ay Dow be raelleed epos ltie•Terenty beads, 144 which nattetal decline le Gold toward ye; sad the abfllty of the aoyaraboebt to faze these at e Lower rat* of literal. a 4 ,1 at gar tin. =U.' ignlsb. Is UM by ma, bolder. who duly. some 6.llolctery warm. Y to which at the guar Low priced senuithis hi the autet would afford rotosoory softy to loath so oo &mg*. The spolloattoas for lalortnallos sod MITIM stack aro addrotud to al dolly. .Dow how =I, omit' lo tbs dulls for Iblasuotrattot. oat* whit torts of Westmont men piolltatgo fat Gov ornotoat ootorlths at promos market Woo, an =titled to the coialldeace of the Inverearm TM probers of this want be lad es to feel the Importance of direeling out 'O,lll attention beakers, our lugs experience and all fbllittos fat obtaining reliable itformation—to the work of molest It inesime measure, and to offer the result of our Inquired to boss who may be dis potfl to confide In our good faith and judgment. Wens unwilling to offer b our friends and the sable anything ebb aptording to. inz best I Wettest le not no Man sa the national obligor tints thtfladVel. with which we haye hitherto primevally Identified onnelmin. diem ebbe the GRZ.A.T OIXTELL SACITIO g allsitOAD LOAN, whirls meets all these vi euiroments, we bare earafelff embed 3El=l others but bars found no other which would levy dose, until the rollentng wet placed it 0 11 bandit FIRST lORTGAGE Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds 1:1111 WESTEIN.JACNIC B. B. CO, OF CALIFORNIA Tho Western natio Lflr d commeting Sao namato whir Ilia Praselmo, foralMes rho Ilnal Ust d tbo extrsortmorr fret of Alf marmites liM of roll from the Moro of Ma I.lloolrl to tbst of the Pulite. It-la 160 miles in Ingti, lael•dini • Iho.t Dram*, and It will Oa Oa METROPOLITAN LINE Of the Patti* Coast, ant 014.14 It chief WE., and travartl44 the 4144 en of the rka .4 growing ewe of C.f. , Ma, roto.lll, to 444101ba to ea Loamosok sO4 leerative local trent*, the theozgh bythess tem tbetraloneadCentralPseleeNallreads — between the lasteri Mates and Saerasento. It t oomplrod, fay walloped. and Is mosso. Oil . oper•tton, tad Itt santloav 1a Oetohar, the ant full month. amosatad to 1101.000 ma cots. The Oat esrahlts OUt. K •1••••Is•i IMMO* =oast TO 0800,000 lot wanton. I. tome..oll. the laterest as ID Bowls tttll to to; 41111.000. Tae Woo of the property sad trsaellaaa 1I ma Ism than Ten ARM/ma of Dollars, = $2,800,000. ma Bondi Ira 111.000 each. Wallas tf Taxi to res. and win be sold at Ninety, and Accrued Intereet, fa eanvacy. Tiny irs sad* passed% PBIHOI• PAL ADD LIMOODPf. 111 GOLD COIN, la ibe ens of Dew Tort. Oesspoas Sae Swum" u6Jaly De. Tao near approach arils' tine abut Du MOWS States eau probably faad the greater pa 1100 0 tuna per nat. debt. l■ 'aurally saunas tsgss. rs mo east Pass of ateennesiostkat wilt af turd pica w:ten meant, allb the satin rite of leanest. TES WfaTDIN PACIIIO BAIL. BRAD YIRST SICOITGAGIC BONDS outstbaeo aa acylatsce wear GI other mecuittatbasell ulna woven neaSes alatoiaplotad ealtroad.sai maybe WA will so snob coda's= u GoVero - bad. on as Irsbclus mongsge. on How . Took City prbierty. The lola to cash mammas. Its etalnA lo colt. lassos app mat. stash be rapidly Vitas. Boadswlll be annual as the orders ara anolyed. Gortranoat Benda ntonnel at tbstr DU mu tat Yalu la szebsasv. - . - • Of All unarm. me , a " W . =taw, w.a...llo,',.eilfer.fer.e.e' s7a=4:4oFLlViel 2.41101i_ dal or send. 111.69. the Mena.. ell Te MO of ten= fiall LTV 0141 2 :r i g: Mr MT= 'r.l= ing."vl:4l:...'s• 0(010 .0.1!- 6.ll...N.ttafaLditifira:teillyiksiet use tt is Weer entafeaftorreartrel be oftVk tty of tha 4064 That . a:homily at th e thee of Ifirt:Ve 41*.riValllt:=Iretri. asconit earli fear for line 7•116 111.111 WI: i . eferrltet! ithelttake •the MAMA Wooer the oro We buy and sell I Governmmt :rr.:11r.:=4111.',°V.`ittX:2,1132...4"" each rear a. neer aserartleabla. - 13 11. de and receive the accounts a . 41,V*.i r ltrit'Vfp a piVr.:: 7 " . "'" • . be end thermal, me., up,..g.4. widdidis . Ranks, Bankers, • Corporations and a rrAattl..l) , i ' 4l 034 ' J I MII II ZL L . Alien tJ. B. =dm • • others, subject to check at • sight, r r r i.rntd """ h " "); • ouri.g. th.seed,c—En. . , . Land of the Cowmen Centhell. • and allow interest en doily balances. ' rm . ALI""L"... • Attest: 4113frijiltf.wonin. •. • . • 8. . . ' • IMI'CLEATI. it CO., -. •0111“114 jacrltailtiELS CLEVELAND 11 , Lim, . 766 76 Wawa Amami 1110birek ra. sloobobtr=“ZiTmml. acelhalifi . • por We Iff J. 2.011.111M.D. . ' FISK & HATCH. - . , . nvousea. AN ORDLYANCE• rho Orsolfrig and riving . ar 111rty••teond te reel. froth Llh• arty tttttt to the Allefheey Slyer !scrims I. Be t: lo‘toritod and goaded by 1. 1 0 Cao of PlLtr , nar,", in &Ltd and °wanes Conn. rile asesablied, ar.d It is hereby 0rd 40 .." .4 eistsetad en fe. of gad sibs. Inn the es engineer be and be Is h nen, etobotlesel le a ected td adv. r;;•.• for rect... for the graci and ; &clog of 321 sues a c rem 1A..7 street to the •i:,o otny River, to let the same In toe mane., din.tea dlnaneo cope.ruing streets. Patted Anna t 31L.t, niso an set everaleg cleets, apidased d•ittf . ‘ 7Lt. th li. l 4l 6 lat:enr ordlnanceorrtof ordinance .blltettng with the ptssege of th i s ordinance; et the present time, be and tbe same Is berets! re. pealed so far tee mac e ff ects tole ore tt &nee. lard end enacted Into ale 11C er onnell.; M Althea) of 1, ra President of Select Connell. Attest: IL S. Ifoonow, _ Oat ballot roorident of Common Conn Atteet: 11. llchtoStaa. 0 Clerk °teem:too Connell. Wit AN ONOLNANCE i [ Pia Grading ■olbeTrT ality. irrolma Twootvoovonto to Wwootymitobth street. SIC. I. de it contmn:Easel enacted LW &keg dad Omnsnons Councils V Ms (My of PilisOusglu and it to hereby ordained and amoral osirliortly of tea saw, That the (nty Siordiaor bi suitiorlsed and alracted to Weenier for pro easels Mr los tending of Mulberry alley. ITOM th to Seib sires,. and to let the mime in the wanner direct, by an ordlaaneo oonairalbB street pan d Maass t alit, 188 V Mora.. act contornin ans. approved Januar, G. 1586. Sac. IL that any ordlnanceor par.( ordluanee conflicting with the passage of this ordlitioi. at the present time, be and the smog Is hereby re pealed ea far as the lame affects thin onllsouicii. Ordained mad enacted into • law to Coonella. MI 47th day of December, A. D. 11109. Jain Ma IdcAULTT, President of detect Connell. Attest: E. 8. Manhole, Clerk of Select Connell. W. A. TOMLLYSON, President of Common Council. Attest: 11. lic3l.eurmt. Clerical' Common Council. QM, AN ORDINANCE Eirpeistiss Viewers en Forty.seeend Street !Sewer. SW. 1. Be It ordained mid enacted byth•Clty of Pl.tsburgh. In Select and common Connell. amsembled. end It Is hereby ordain. 4 and emoted il h el. n = il ltlelVargnilllll4:dt pototed toast Se Viewers on Porty.senond Meet Sewer In the nlme of Wm. Jamey. Robert Wbehiman and Bonbon Willer. realtned. Site. S. That shy ordlnanm or part of min name conflicting with the pa sage of thin milk han e at_ the present time, to and the mine la ereby repealed, so far no the name affect, this ordinance. crslabied end enacted Into law thLs filth day of Deeemner. I). 1009. • P: eldest JAM Arliett V C t orel. . Attmts Z. 8. llonnow, Inert of select Connell W. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common Connell. Aired: H. Nchfaarth. Clock of Common Connell. deb! AN ORDINANCE To Amend the Fifth Iteetlou of the (My Cede, title, "pennons." Bac. 1. Be et ordained and enacted by the Clefy of P.tubtirgh. ln ah 4 Common Councils mbled. and It la hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the anal*, Th►t the alb Leo- holy of ti.e City code. title Coned's. ps. Yid% b amended by Attain' net the wt rd Prlday”d insert.' Las end the second Tneseley. ay that the section than read ite bush. “TecConat etis st all ALSO mt. In Joint on the second Tuetd. next seeeesd ...organization lbr the elemlost of all ci ty oZcare to be elected by Commun.. , • , &sc. 9. That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting with the pan.. th e s ordi. mance at the wee. time, be nod name 1$ hereby repeeed so far as the ewe affects this co, Damao, Vrd.fnfd mad enacted Into •Ic In CooAclls DID 111 dal of Del:ewer.. A. D. uev. • Preslaett i oV INettft Connell, AIDED Z. B. Monnow. Clalz of tle.oo Connell. s. W. A. TOMLID6OII,_ President of Commas Common. /DOD: H. Kalinin, • Out of mamas Domicil. • 4011. ate. AN To Intherisetheeredies of Shutters street. frees as AM/ ....h .1 Rua. tine street to Illestero Arenas. !MOTION 1. Be CI ordained and sseadad by the i &Ltd and Common I:bluetits of as CUP Of ant . Nose, and it Cr array ordagnat and evaded by the er•thortry et tas gems, That the Committee ov streets be,and they an hereby eathetteed and directed to invite. and receive P.O.W. for the puling of eautters street. from an s'ne toh of Fayette ecru tto Western &reeve an to contract therefor with the lowest and nes t bid der or bidders, at their diecretion. Sac. SI. That for the 1..W.5. - I=rof defraying the coat and expense of end Improve meats, there he, and is - hereby levied, a special tan to be. equal. nsessed coon the several lob bounding one anottlng open the said Clutters street. respectively In yr . ..onion to the feet front In them respectively comprised, and beendieg and abutting as sforesala. dec. a: That as won ea the cost and expeeees of said Imptovement stoat be felt ascertained. it &ball br the duty of the Street Commissioner te awes sad atportlon the same areas the were' loss bounding and &batons upon said shutters streetrrebectlvely. according to the rel. above indicated. and thereupon proeeed waste demand-Lon collect the acme, accenting to the previsions of the Art of the General Assembly of the CoMmonie.ith of Perdieflventa. entitled ••Au Act deflated. the =saner of coliceiltw the reto gr.T.v.oorf cr adles :11,g.,,tr,...T,lotnotrtZtbct urposes," pseaedthe thirttew city of Mareti. enc. A. That as much of any ordinance as truy ...hit' , with or he =Mated by the foregoing, be amid the game IS hereby rohealed. . Ordained and enacted into a law this the 51134 day or MeceMbert, A. /l. 1.89. • JAMES McBRIZIL, President of Select Cowell. Attests JOattt9 8. 0.11.10, clerk of Select Connell. ALItitED BLACK. President of Ccesinon ConnrlL Attest: don AN ,ORDINANCE Supplemental to Ordinance Pearl*• lug ter m lapping and Wag Sr Beware I nAllegheny City. -' semi. Be ro o-dolnee sod enacted ay the eel.,dioshholai4le7slthy me%aesyof the tame, lbs. teem sad after thep f tlee ordossnme. mob est. , . Athol tin as taverns. eating semen basher shops. livery slab... dyeing and scouring t OWN. Bower fs eterim, located on emeet or alleys where s are laid. shall be provided with underground drain. counmvons to them .ewtn for the ose of ea 17 log of all the water or Wields 5050 would otherwise be dimbarged Os the sidewalks or In the gotten of the streets or sills by th coadoctors or dews spouts of the bundlisise, or b 7 Plf:s4tvels? inks or other 7e7Xer ur.h:f it stwi ie mad: MAI the lloy Engineer to site Co ll et Levitt parties at deted by th a seetivo , or by are ten p fd of toe 111 4 41313124172Ja j doVniVit''a c ut: prO•10 1 /16 661 loath them., that .hey will b. required to fake under-rand musectWas with Me petite sewers within the .curt o thine dal'; otherwise. there will be incurred b 7 them the p twe,11,7•l•111 dollar% to be mac. end summarily vef re the Meyer. axe. S. Lll loonies received. for sower wrialts ar Or lons Impose dander th e sewer ordinance now in force, shall be De d into the GMT... or/ and plasm t. the credit of she general smear 1 7:1. 4 e. .It shell be the duty of the it.reet.Coni dthsloser tomato In'orinatiun before the lamer unman parties delay ot violating the Ordllluabli flaw., _ toe ee. °iing vf tubb sh. offal, or M to weeping* in toe street. Mote.. or a the wer inlets; md also for my • elates of the ofth and i t a. shone of the ordiumee relating 0 taFpluit d using &elven , of which this le a " It ' . atiVi t lat enacted into st I.w this Ma Bid debts sir ember, Anne Domini one thousand undred and duty 616 e. JAMES MCBRIZB. President of. Select Correll. Attest: J. LOMAT. Clerk of nelectfiny cll. PLED ISLAM: President of Common Coo=l. • MAW; IL.DriAroniu. • Clerk of Common. Council. r da2ll :4 2 .Tilitiour As cr. riz tt a lm i t;ip ri . g ibt a r i tirEirm.or BeD2a 1. tlonfotned and waded be rbefert tv=4,thzuzga i r qr wow dad . TOW tbe Controller be end he ls Wane aotbotised and empowered to Ronde pre• portal, . “Reeewel R e ad " to the enweot or esol),1100, or for each amount as may.. be nteawars to Wm opine bele... of matured wooe r• maintop sitar tee fonds already provt• dad for vier r , finetion ma, haw - born se esawed. sold Rends to be Wined by the Mayor tad Tresswer. sod to be coonterd . ned by_the emirate: toll. of the denombuttons of 115 1 0 vac 11.000 web; to bear data of Jansen 1. Wee: te Meg:: li4:ara:i . ty years from tea date I t . Iv ' sis t itts rate o nix :e t _Mti d ai the Stet days of Joey on' , each ac eners:7 le., at the bolos A elonA Baal to the city of Philadelphia, and to be Dee of ~,st o we to the purchaser.. polders thereof: tea. C. Ibat All sales of ads, which I l rAm:rbludnie,gl.l:l o .3.thal vatvh , „°J tee on /man Bo n dsd enhances of said bonds I gitrallTedi ;Mt rat% C* rsr innson of vonticile ne ' reon, to !bale warants el she Tresimr. to WI the amount or tomes of tea cor o net. on each bowl so en and, 'h elf e . a. t am e to and " rut eeoperty of the City of Alleabeny. be tad le herebypledged for the redemption of said Doo o a of crunchy end the interest front time tlnie accruing thereof . Bic. 3. All ordinances or parte of ordinanites conalelmi with or impelled by the foregoing, we belch, repealed. n• Ordained and enacted Into slaw thls the 1130 day of December. A.D. 18010. /AMES ideBRIKR; . • /redden% of Detect banana: • /Mat a J. R. 021.11 X, Clerk of holect Conseil , • • ALTReb 61,,k0r • • • Pretliteert of CommensOcanms 4Vst; ROUST liuMollll, • Clarice Conteriell A N ORDINANCE Maittos tol4eismmedivierN w er Aimless, eau. BAJMKERff. 12E EENNISTLY A NIA I:00"MAX. ran. D. On &ail after 11 P. a.. dciday. OV. 141.15. 11160, Teal. • will arrive at scot derarl, &ow the urban Depot. comer et Wasia ead Wart. streets. as follows , • Aortas. Derart. Itati Train..., 1:110 am..ficerbera Ca. o.oo ea imie • 1.06 am •VaCIPC Zi... lit/O as Wall , * N. 1..0 AO ams Wal No. L. aa BrpstonAc No11:50 am Maltl T,. raln....- 0110.300 as Aall , s No. IL. 11:50 am Brialon Ac.. /0010 as 63.9 0 0 am Bra , ksae No* pm 1011IIS= Aclolso am etude's: z. :MS pal Brans Ac Not 1:00 Wall's No. - -Mates 1 1: : 11 3 3 p M os 41,°"Talts"VN-"e2.011111 12e Wawa No. 1...1:50 E l fpr 1.3 0 0 6 5 Ac . ..5. " 4 . .. 2 9 010 1 c9:1;:11:: 1 0. ..:11 1 :00 pie ovus WYl Attl i c No11;10 cos 'Wart race ... lWall'a No. ...1!10141 WATh=r;,,:='T ''''4l. (o t.2 3 : l illk Trail lefreViritill ...lay at 9:01 a. tn., reactileg littsall 10 ::!11 zs. ltd trirttlzn 1 .ND I b O OO 7. tn. tad arrives at W 0. p. m. •Cfactanatt 'awaits I. arra daily. 00. Express leaves daily except Monday.' An 0 VirriaegrAZ:::::iplu , F. tL B wrra. AseAu Vie Femur ntelilts/Ivoaa .omptay slot ar• 117 4 3.1 ri n'u"aid lalrl "" F irVe. " T ‘g" P '' Ple l gra:lF %4 expaadtS : that camas vial. will be • be rim of wrier. titan Saket drltract. WILLI ROO Ftenerio O._ itoonik 3V.,., 81' E :11-1 . :411V - 1 MUM AD.—lts sod eater NOV. 14. tRI39. the Csasentme Trains on Oro We stern rennslisagla Nallroad will antes at and depart from tM M 611,1 Street Depot, Allegheny L M. PrUcregt Dipper. =br.eNo 16:40a mlllatl V100•M an No. I NOW a m i npor No. I 9:60a Express...... 10:40 W . IA . / NOI TLC • /11 Bbaryttl No. 1:6.• P ;If n re• St. pP igiLt li l a illyelnaon No 26:910 p Iloringd . o 36: II tli b rehrtge. n i agreisillif net6 l6 ll 0111 01 O:00 .. m 7 i 4 l o :. eta 100 . Invea ALT= City at ENO p. m. and melee at Allegheny MP* . Wm at SOSO p. m. The Vales leasing Allegheny Cllty TIO6 a• in. male &Mc% Connection at rreeport rettnWals leer.. Rasa !Stages for Ratter and Harcmhstoerly T11100001.1ek.0.0 purchased at the Odle% No. 131,CLOr Mese usar the Buertenalonßrldra, 3Cemsh. satd at e Depot, further lalbernation apple toAllegheny. aimms L.F.aPrarrs. Federal direct The Western renttrylvanla Railroad 206 Mime any risk for Baggage. eampt therreartag apparel, and limit their resrontlhllitY to Dee Hundred Dollen to value. All baggage al seedingtheamountfasalmiwtllnaat the Malt eg the owner. Wass UW111114.10 con =WAND M. nos emend nunautuld.s. Auto.s. . MZd : PORT . D aultla NOV. If th. 118 arrlve st the ilalon who ci="' " • MVirghhiltt: ohs FVWP EL r r x Is 33itur. 10:13 .• . 11:53 • m • PiTTIOUII.6II /1. Oat. 1.111 Luis from Chicago Ex.. 1:83m la Facile lis:..111t0 .adt. itzuha lo wb ""V.E: 7.1) . p OttvgoEsIM111:1111 Cleveland ra Dtalto Zrie YCD Ex. 8.039 al CL i ExTtOispam deems U.V• Leetsdale Le..6:153 Ites.'r Palle •• BOOS ma New Castle "10:Siam . Etton " 9:111 Leetsdale n: _ Hothester 9:41P••• 4:.111.• Leetsdale .Mefkaa p m Omp•ralts • .sa3p LapiehUs •• 10:43pm Yak Ostp Sum, , ==l . day Chlszch. gall sal Luna !Wpm daily., minks daSll. I t. em. aftrine;b7 - 1:13p m' p. ebl.l 111:02 . 1&ChICA 41Ival. Pas. t o - UANGE OF INNAMINI MEL ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD THY ONLY DISTOT ROUTE TO TRW OIL 1190109 5 WITHOUT (MANUS 09 GLEE. Oa and attar ItONDLY. No. 99, 11109, TWO THBOUOII TaMENS DAILY (aacept Bodo) 9111 lora .1.111.0021) Depot. earner or ilm• oath and RIO atrota,tar rraaltlla.ollolaL=9. talo, .4 all points in Oa 011 Retst • - ! IT Do /0..""1TAT6 ir. .. V= elilattr...4 l :llll:: littAr: eat: min.-Li:so .. Haltos... 9: aIS nA ß lVaraLlirll 1:: 111'12,lati: tail =41... tgg 419 Sala WArkl , . as ; i i ; Ilrady'a B Ada 3:15 S iik rair. HAI, 119:06 asi ch0ch.,.... 1:013 p 01 Canna Judo an MorauArsiaa stop aaI2ZU. 1100,pal palate. stall iIIS. jU r M"U'd .e. J. INVE - if — " lieel. 12 . i . apt THOMAS X: WNW goon. Mtn. ITTSBURGH CINCLXICATI . LOUIS 8AU.:91.1 HINDLF. CHUMS OP Tl3llE.—On wad after IFONDA.7, 3401.t W 1669. roctZeltig. ta d.antra bererStms. • Levert. my.. stall .. ..... • ti:Oa a. at. Leh e 3 R Me Berathera =pr , At9Bp. la; 6:00 a. ea. eut 9.411. m. 7001 p. we • pzed Ace , ll 6:48 ra. 1113 o,loa McDonald'. Ace , n.No.l 11016 a. re. 5:33 a. ea • ersubermille Aceeranarel•o: 4 o rm. • fletlestale , e leen. Na. 16:67 p. ea. 3 Vv. re. allude , Canna Trsta.. 14:66 9 ea. LOS 6. n• ir,th7_6 P.M. freprras nlll leara dat4y. • la as P.M. 11.11011 arrive daly,_ Y. 600 - 1.1., • General ticket Malt . Coluzataeol. W. W. 0631). arlfet. Desaleara, Otdo. EITSBVIEIGH &MIME& 001110.10 V ILL lwe. to ..d altar Trln3DAYtber. nu, ans. tram win arrive o tro sole:t o art fn. tat I . 7ea n . earner or Graaf sad W atrtata. jte Door.. 4MM. MOOD lad from llt r 1112 it A Xs. to .d Data. 3:00 P. N. 10. OA. N. West Newt. Acoam'd 4:30 r. N. 11:33.a. x. ftaddock.s ACOODOVII. 6:15 T. N. !Zia P. M 1 Melt Aa. , srort.lo:3o r. m GA* A. r a Veer. Too to sad Dam West N. :C.) P....14:91♦ a. /Or tickets aPt V.. t , ATMOND. Arm. w. B. nee LEGAL OITICIL uB9. g ON THE PETITION OF ALIOH DODGE. of Pittsburgh. ' Pam, imbolids betel: of camsk Doers, deceased, ptarng foa too extension of • patent ge;nt.ct to Malls* 6arin Dodge on the 11th day et Jiterel6l.lllsB; nnd .retuned mettle MU day of Idy r WM for an Improvement 1.11 . 11 re Plaee. ft Is ordered that the teeth:any ht this ease be closed on the lath DAY OF 71011.17/.31" NEXT. that Lie time for riling emir:Dents and the Si,: atolnerh, report he'll:lotted to thalllll4 day of Fencer, sant, and that the said petition be heard on the lid DAY OF liklitOlX NEXT. Any yn,non may oppona nnti SASKILL S. PISSES, cpasulstuNza OP PATENT/3 DICTIMH. 91,1660 TN. THE . MATTER OF. THE siffilitfon of the 1/117LEHOLD EASY nee,. BIILLDENO .ALEBOOLATION Air • Multi of IF' - Ha.. 1100. December Term. . • . - _ i Nottee le hereby Wend.. ►s appllo►Uos heo bees rude to the Corr{ of Commas Mese • Alieghaby, - at. Fa 1190, December- Tem. 1969, br the Freehold o►bl sod Bolldthe AMP. Odetlen for s 00.0 r of IntorPorelloo, sod.. the same will be granted by the Coe. ►tthe D. amber Term. oak. sedlitent moos be o►ews to UN dolts 1. ' . JACOB H. WALTHE. Port6o:o4Al7. rrrrezvaan, Dila: 7.1680. delloo6 Cr. b. 7e4ltBBALll orricz. N . D. of Pennsylvania. Prmentraolt. December 10. MI S fr ce IS IS - TO GIVE NOTICE max as the 13th day of Dembe.. 1). 1440. , It irons la BtAtr , mo.. , —,• • ToAkto Or •-• ctry, to toll VW., Aq I e or. sod :dal. Pennsylvania. Tr. ' , A (apt on his ay ralvrol any debts and d crty ocioeo.. - Mg to-such Han . ..• , 61; end the mans:et.. ..1 , sot tee. 00401. to « pe t . ' o a t ar , bei m . 7 0 4. 4 to choo et toll se ona or more aminnere Ide LIMO*, VIII be held at a • curt or 11anlynbtey, holden ma 1161 , 0cral street. Alleenene 114.11 6. d. 16 au °Wm lA. •A. • ChtS:rllo 13..5. Kennel. as PROPOSALS. 01/Itolt OP TUX or ishson - rdrr C.,airrr_ ' rirsesaaau. StOta. laws NOTICE TO Bascum—suisaiu PR0P95.11.8. addressed to “Tbo lattote• for of the Alltglatny County Psteoa. ,. . will De si-r calved at tale *Mee until 3/.t tort. to ?negligible I eco fine Trie... l th *RBA! , roe 01x =oath -th s treat J.onarf 150. life.% Lessee to Bella Cif to R paned. rerpeeUveli. sad to be of approved quality. Bale tone made at .o much per poOrd..Bonctlor.two titoottost do.n will be molted lbr faltttlel pertbrateBoo of eon:zees TN helm of the aeourlty mad ea company thetld. Mlle. endorsed by the Wade!' and probttod st MI6 oft - e. will he held monthly. ... MENU' LIALIBSIIII. • Controller. defl:rgt CITS 0/ 411.LAGIUN1Y. PA.. 1 . 111/61:111111'S 07WICS. beCtMO4l7 la e .11411111.1' XTOTIUE HERESY GEFI2I ' •A- 1 totho tioldas of . • • 'BIZ PBS 011111% innitipallotuli.ol the City of illegititiyi' ~ . tut. th e Catty.= an Hia Batas =ss Nisi a am-- kszy Ist '11670,. will b. D.J. on ooffi full aids - the elute tai) et the Bank of Plttetestsb, is WI Citi°f Ft" , *burgh' 1.." D icacrszeow. ?reenter of the Cloy of Attfiattat PI.. 41.14 ref C .12 . or A LYItl altlll% TSZAMIUM . S 01,7101, Den YOU 13. 1669. f ALLEGHENY CITY ' . CoinpramLse Bonds-Wanted: :. Pam - or bolding Cc. rremui naves of AllEgEtty, Po.. ere et retry 1001111.0 thsetho Blektal rend of 0169 rrul liriellted tied" Iloadeet the' totrest rater rso4l44.lreepeodh Ida etelved try the ..,saidaisiog fur , tamer. Lt dos of Janom; lifte• ,--- D..14607111:111 101 f W- ' Toestaret of the OM Iffr If lif f dslerite 0 111 112=
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