The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 29, 1869, Image 3

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    FI NAX OI 4tI6.
A 11121014 ILE,'
prz - rairastan. •
casai c&PrtAL E 200.000
Stockholders Individually Liable..
JOHN V1.0Y1.) Wll. 'FLOYD.
- Preiddcht. Cuba..
DMA - mot&
Thos. M. Mamball, Jolla Murtimid,
TOdbasinon. ♦rchthald Wa11...
Jame. W. Arrott, J.. D. /ally.
Chu. B. Leath, I W. 74./a*
..Iroha. I
This Rut la dew tally ormitaad and Pre
to do a amend Bazatag buslueas.
Bought at Highest Priam
PR. • R. MERTZ, Banker,
Cor. Wood St. and sth Avenue
Corner Fourth )Lvenne and Wood St.,
Or Interest Allowed
•TYonq 101.nt4 On o.
IOW"( awns, ro.s.
Ordure executed r•iv• eor ritr,;‘,.•
stud due arßelkke, ..::1,-,;Cke
lECiLES T. L ET w CCs.
Olt gittiinnt exapth.
OFFICE kor Prima:czar Gassers,
Tun:nay, December 28, 1869.
Gold remains very dull andel:ion un
changed in quotation, the opening price
being 120% declining %per oent. and tin
ily closing at 120. The payment:of Jinn'
ry Interest has so far had no alined on
the market. since the amounts mid out
were tri but judging from the
temper of the market now a considerable
decline from present quotation is almost
a. certaintly. Toe bull element in gold,
although not lacking means, has nothing
In its favor to assist an upward move
ment,exoent the reasemblingof Congress
on tho 10th of January, and the hope
that some big talk may be indulged in
by that body of Lestnnynore greenbacks
in order to galvanize business into some
activity, which eventually must .11 end
In smoke. We poetess a more powerful
stimulant for bringing about an unusual
activity In all . brunches of butanes' by
using the Idle gold in the Treasury and
banks and the forcing into circulation
of the large amount of gold hoarded by
private individuals ever since it touched
Wow 135 on' the 24th of September last.
by naming an early day for resumption.
The Treasury now holds over tiny mil
lions after ail January interest is paid,
the banks bold thirty millions mid, to
gether what will be added after January
it will amount,to one hundred million;
and what le boarded in the country Is
folly tiny millions more. The power
this will add to the general credit by
being put in circulation will be
double this amount colts effect on bun
t:was. The decline in the gold premium
will also require lees of a circulating
medium for the present business and an
expansion of all trade Mint, follow until
nor greenbacks are all withdrawn
from circulation, or what would be better
and help the smaller clam of business
men, the retiring of all national bank
circulation and the establishment of
free banking. Such a lasi would give
elasticity to our, currency and add to the
prosperity of the middle classes, by far
she most numerous of the whole popula
tion of the country.
Government bonds will sympathize
with gold• and decline in currency value
with tower gold quotations, and the se
cutler of money about. January first will
also force large amounts of bonds on the
market, at what ever they will bring. a
Stocks will conform to gold and m ust
decline, the more so sines the holders
of the speculative Moon: are also holders
or gold at high prices, and gold once be
low .120 will `make holders timid and
force them to sell.
Money is getting smreer In anticipa
tion of a very tight market about January
next and every body le preparing for it.
Busluesa more active.
quotatiorui as received
Marts Gold. 120%1 Sliver. /17; FUMY'
one's, 11834: Five Twmtles,- lligt, 1111
do 1884, 111%; do 1888. 112%; do 1886,
Consols, 114%; do 1867, 114%; do 1868,
114%; Ten Forties, 10814 ; Adam Ex
press Company 61%; Merchants Union
Express Company. --; American Ex
press Company, 88%; Western Union
Telegraph. 824 Beading, 9934; New
York Central,i 86%; Adams; FOrt
Wayne & Chicago. 86%; Ohio &Minis.
slept, 23%; Michigan - Southern,
Cleveland & Pittsburgh. 83; Chicago,
Rock Island & Pacific, 104%; Chimp .8
North Western, 67%; Chicago & orth
Western Preferred er, Erie 25%. N
7rOMAZIOZ. Lava. bow&
London, per a pop
Paris, per franc.......—...-- 24.% 2634
Berlin, thaier . . .... .......-- 90 91%
Frankfort. florins 61 52
—Closing quotations received by Janes
T. Brady & Co. Gold: 120%; United
State. , Sixes, 1861,'.118%; Fives Twenties,
1862, 113: do. 1864 lit do. 1565, 112.
fen-Forties, 108%; Five-Twentles, Jam
114 g
wry and July, 1866, ; dO. do. -1E67,
t 14,%; do. do. tea. 114%; tiniOn Piscine
Railroad, 86; Central W, do, 92; Cy,
Pacific, 1118%; Lake Superior 06. '
elly Telecoms to the Plitablen esaeua.l
new Tour, December 28, 1889. -
The money market was quiet and may
In the punning at 607 per cent. on call,
and active towards the close at 7 per
oent. currency to 7ln geld. These spas
modlo movements of activity are due to
the calling in of loans by corporations
to pay Januarydlvidendi , and also more
of a glut of theatarket. It Is a remark.
able feature , of loans os call Ural the se
curities contain • general sprinkling el
Auld certificates. Prime diecounts quiet
at 10012 per cent. The' asistant Tress
orer has thus far disbursed 82,500,000
gold on account of the January Interest.
The disbursements are entirely for
coupons. The looks for registered inter
est not being ready, no payments on this
account will be made =Midday. The
.A.11516/Ant Treasury Is also paying semi.
annual Intermit la currency on bonds
Issued In aid of the PaciOn Railroad.
The statement that 11. B. Clain & Co.
lest some 880,000 by Joseph, the Cin
cinnati merobant, is wlthant foundathin.
The firm is acting for all creditors. and
ptio,tasi :represent the entire amount in
It is dated that the Irregularities in to,
Merchants' Exchange Ptak are dot to
rho fact that Calm, tate ashler, has been
welding Ida brother, • tobacco mar.
.chant.recently suspended. It is reported
that the bank cannot at the utmost lons
amrer 1110,000, which would still leave a
surplus_ of $75,000 to 8100,000, after pay
ing thedivideod. The bank holds secu
ot itehso
o v f
r k e i s n en ; te d w , h w io i n ll g co tvheey
The commisalon of the Tennessee bond
bolder. meets to morrow.
S!erling quiet and firm at 8%09. Gold
lowor--opened at 20% and Closed at 20.
Carrying ram 607 percent. Cleanness
$31.0(10,000. Sub Treasury 501d111,000,000
st 120 1-1000120 15-100. Bleb:amounted
0 13. 22 0. 000 .
4yeruutente dull but steady. Con
one: 814 1.8%01.8%; 62e, 12018%; 81s. 12
442%; 65; /2012 g; new, 14g014%;
Ca. 14%014% .68s, vigatm. Tan
StateB%o9. Pacifica, 8%09.
state bond steady; Misreads, 90;
old Tennessee', 65; new do. 48 ; ol d N u..
girlies, 47; new do. Kg; old North
Caron met. 42%; new do. 2844; South 1
Caplina4 SI: Louisiana Levee Slat;
nog. The stock market rending the late
fadures of dullness and steadinee, otte
festurole tokitcatlve of the future is that
while the ..puis" aro selling at g@t per
taut. below what the market calls, or 1
02 per cent above the market.
- Fire Thirty Prices.--Centoch 4B ,%; Cum.
berland, 25%; Western Union Tel 82%;
Quinver, 16; Maripwa, 7%; AO prefer- -
red, 14%; Adams Ileprese, flig; Wells a.
1 , ..zg0.z.q; American, 88g; United States.
49: P..citio Malt, 47, New :York Central
3 04: Ede, 23g; do preferred, 40; Har
lem, 1/24 do preferred, 154; Inchon
beep, 81%; Reading. 99X; hUchl.
Ban Central, 117: Lake Shore, 85;
Illinois Central, 181,X; Pittsburgh, 83;
North Western, 67X; do preltered, 82;
Rock Island, 104 X, St. Paul, 72X;
do preferred, 85l(: 'Wabash. 513(; Ft.
Wayne, 88X; Terre Haute. 24; do pre.
tarred, 65: Chicago ARCM 14th: do pre.
ferrsd, 142 X; Ohio Mlskseippi, 241 C.
C. et I. C., 19; Hartford d: Erie, ay,.
Mining 'shares dull: Quarts 76;
Smith Parmalee, 175.
Sub-Treasury balance. 184,802,447, In.
eluding currency 17,285,947., Exports of
specie port week 1788,971, imports 116.504.
nrrasusau sUtiutrs
01,101 or Pm's:einem Ciererrz,
Texan/a. Doe. 28,, 1869.
There la nothingyeally new or import
ant to .be said about the markets in a
general way. Butanes; as la always the
case during the holidays, is very dull,
but hopes or an eat ly Improvemant are
entertained, and the molter the better.
Our merchants and manufadurers are
DOW 1 dally engaged In making 'ready
for arutualeettlements. taking stock, eta
eta, and It will probably take two or
three weeks to, get thrOugh with tide,
and until the old year's inisinees t pretty
well closed up, It is not likely that there
will be lunch effort made to do anything
in the new one.
We have frequently adverted recently
to the fact that Pittsburgh merchants
generally are obliged to work on ex.'
tremely small margins, and there is still
bitter complaint being made in this
respect. I; Is owing to a very sharp
competition, and some parties, in order
to secure t rade, will sell at or about
oast: while others who refuse to do this
kind of business are doing little or nab.
.lug, as they think they might Just as
well take It easy, as to employ there cap,
Bat and brains with no prospect of any
return. It is this that is crippling boat.
mesa here, and so long as it continues no
reasonable improvement can reasonably
be expected. As we have frequently
statedotompetition Is all right and proper,
but when It decends into 'low and mean
personalities It should be discouraged.
APPLES—Continue very dull, and if
anything prices are lower: quotations
may be fairly given at $2.,50c3.
APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 75®85.
BITITER—Is in good supply and drill.
and prices are drooping: we are reported
sales of prime roll at Eon, though dealers
crc sating about 11.1c,—choice Mc:
Bitt • CORN—Bales at 18§14 ota.
*lt !...:44.3,00 per bushel.
Fl CR-4@4,4i eta.
B 1-74, ^i.Z.F.S.-keuot:va r•`. Cr.rlkl6
cud oNat:;LS.,,a.
:,,r. - ntisi;) -
- • ,0.3‘19,0 pro 14111, tai to
ric=l:%=. •
•Ma 7 be
22N0 for sitsion..,l brami
' DRIEDFRIJIT 7 ctaiva stz d • Inc.
Small ages at 8%90 Mr Apra,,
at 9®loo for marten and 11Q12,1tai
CHEESE-1a quoted from 17 to 18 for
Western Smarm Ohio Factory, 18,44:
Ohio Goshen, 19; York State farm Dairy.
19; and York State Goshen 20.
DRESSED HOGS—Sales at 1.24313 eta.
EGOS—In better supply and the mar
ket is easier; we now quote at 38(6370.
FEATHERS-1n better demand and
higher, and we now quote at 85(• 9 9 to
the trade and the usual advance for
small lots in stare.
PLOUR—Thhils one of the hardest
places in the country to sell flour on
commlsakm, as no one wants to buy a
round lot. Dealers are not disposed, for
some other reason or other, to encour
age anything of the kind here, prefer
ling to buy In the west, and they, seem
ingly, give the west the preference,
even if everything else is equal. Prices
are nominally unchanged. 15,2565,50 for
Spring wheat, and 15,7568,00 for winter.
Bye flour 15,2565,50. .
GRAlN—There is no change In wheat,
and the offering continue very meagre;
we continue to quote at 11,1561,20 for
fair to choice Red. Oats steady but It Is
impossible Just now at least to put
prices np, as the attempt has been made
several times recently; we tan report
118 eke at 48, delivered—small sales at
50652. Rye Is not offering so freely
and the market Is steadier, though
Prices are unchanged, 9561400. Corn
Se scarce and in good demand-- , tale 1
car new shelled at 85. Barley continues
very dull; sale 1 car No, 2 Chicago, at
11,00-80 day note.
HAY—Is firmer with a limited sup
ply; we continue to quote from country
wagons at 118625 per ton.
HIISKS—Bides at 3 cents per pound.
HOMINY—SaIes at 18,0064,50 per bbl.
V.r CR—Sales of Cleveland white lime
at wpm per bbl.
ONIONS-Sales at 12,5068,00 per bbl,
the outside figure for choice.
LARD 011.,,N0.1 Extra is quoted firm
at 1,50.
POTATOES—Very • dull; sale 1 car
load, sacked at 5.1. Small sales at
POULTRY—Dressed Chickens 12.141 t,
and dressed Turkeys 18@20. Live
Chickens, 50(g.5.5 cis per pair, by the
PROVISIONS—The demand Ii light
and prices unchanged. Shoulders. UN
for plain, and lox for Sugar Cured.
Breakfast Baran, 21®21.34, and • Sugar
Oared Hama .2134022. Lard, 19c In
tierces, and StOo in kegs and palls.
PEANUTS—Quoted at 9@lo cta.
PEAS—DuII: '2,50 per bushel. i •
SEEDS—SaIes of Clover used at VN3
BIC, and Flaxseed at 112.20®2,25. Tim
othy seed nominal at p,sow.
SALT—Is dull, and Allegheny River
brands are quoted at WO by the car
toad, with the usual advance for email
lots In store.
et 1124)14 per ton.
OY7IOII 07 Prrrunrstaz GAszrri,
TUESDAY, Deo. ZS, 1669. S
The oil market Is devoid of anything
really new or important. As hu been
the case for the put two or three weeks,
the trade generally Is absorbed, in ma
king deliveries and, settlemesita, and
this will continue during the tsarinas of
therm'. There is considerable effort
being made to open up business for
next year, but thus far It meets with lit
tie or no encouragement, es Operators
generally are not disposed to anticipate
the future at protect, and are not dis.
posed to buy or sell future deliveries at
present quotations. Manufacturers, are
now disposed to discourage that wild
speculative mania, which has been the
leading charactertatio of the business do.
ring the year which is so near at a close,
and to operate more in oil and less in pa
per contracts during the year which is so
scan to set in.
Spot or seller the month firmer, and
this aftenspon an advance of •
..t:‘ 'was
demanded. Futures weak and drooping.
Sales 4000 bbls December at 18; 2000 do
at 16%; 2,200 bbls spot at 18%; 2000 bbls
seller January and February at 12%. It
was rumored that there had been a sale
of 6000 bbls of 42 gravity—ln tank—at
18,4 i, though ft was not generally credit
e4 an 42 is no better for filling contract.
than 48. and this latter gravity was offer•
Ing at 11351 f.
Market west and unchanged. Baku
In lota or WOO bbla for December at 291‘,
January and January to Much 80,4 1.
and March to June 111081.34.
Ll=ll . ll 01 0111:1DX OIL HT A.. 17. UR.
. .
Fisher Bro 820, on account E. H. Jong:
L. B. &Co. 480 on seapant J. Gallagher;
Oil Worka 003, on sozonnt
'Lockhart, Fdg Co; Wagner & Leech 482,
on account 0.8. Thomas; A.. B. 18tlils 80,
on account W. Bartle; Wagner & Leech
240, on amount B. B. Campbell; Fair.
view Oil Worka 660, on serionya. Loco- .
hart, F. &
eaipxgitre oW
air lry A. V.
Lyons A. Co., 483 bids refined to. W.
P. Logan & Boa, Philadelphia.
Tarentum 011 Works, Su bbla, dinned
to W. P. Logan & Bro , Philadelphia.
lAvlngston Bro., ZOO obis relined oil to
Warden. Frew A. d:Oo., Philadelphia.
- Forsyth Bro. A. Co. 418 bbla refined to
Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia.
Teta/. ._ 1,306 DDIE
LTIDAMOOD 011 & Refining Co., 224 bble
to Warden, Frew & 430., Philadelphia.
Total . —. . . 324 cola
OLL 81111 TED RANA sr Niger . rawer
Union Refining and. Storing Com.
pany 217 bbla refined oil to W. P. Logan
it 1310., Philadelphia.
Total 217 bble
Dry Good*.
Nast Yong, December 28.—The mar•
ket remains languid yet 11rm for wont
oimea of , cotton and woolen fabric's.
The only change of importance to notice
today is the advance in Utica bleached
Uinslitui of one ceut per yard, prices
haying risen from 200 to 210. •
, December 48,,-Cotbon
quiet, with sales low mlddlltur at 22ge„
sad good ordinary at =Ka 'Wheat—gal
IWO; amber ILlb; white ILW. Corn IL
Oats 70e. Rye IL Barley 11,20. Flour
$4,50136,5 0 for super to fancy. Sulk
Herat clear sides 1153‘V. clear ribbed do
15e; shoulders 12e; new hams 2111..- Lard
Rump Pork 120.
CB; clew), Deo. 2W.—tittle quiet end
firm it 13,754:34,85 for common caws. PM
(0.90 for fair to medium. feeidi,ds far
good shipping stem.
gisw Yoga, Dec. 28.--Ootton firmer,
withaalee of Apoo bales at 253. e for mid.
ddng uplands. Flour receipts, 4,583
bbls; flour 5 @leo better on low grades,
with ... sales of 9,800 bbla at 114,9 1 104,95 for
superfine State western, 14, 20 3 6 . 15 for
extraNtate, $5,05®5,20 for extra western,
55,8546,25 for white wheat extra, 53,30®
6,16 for R. H. 0., 15.75(46,60 for extra St.
Louis, P 3,5008,60 for good to choice do.;
closing including ailed of 4,700 bbls
low grades for export. Rye flour quiet,
with sales of 150 bids at $4,50®5,70. Cora
meal quiet. Whisky without change,
with sales-of 250 bbla western at 99a
bound, for free' and the latter for Don
"with no receipts. Wheat:
1 ®2O better; tales of 86,000 bushels at
11.17 for No. S spring: 51,20 for No. 2 and
No. S do taxed: 5462®1,36 for whiter
red and amber We...ern; 51,38007 'for
amber State; 11.40®1,45 for white Califon.
nia; 51,45 for white: Michigan. Rye dull.
Barley quiet and nominal. Barley malt
dull. Corn, dull and heavy; sales of
23,000 bushels at 94®96a for new Eiouth
ern yellow; 980 for white Southern, and
old mixed Western nominal at g1. 09 ®
.1,10. Receipts of oats 600 bushels. Oats,
dull and • declining; isles of 16,000 bush
at 61®62t, for Western• 62 ®64c for State.
Rice doll; eaten of 20 tierces of Carolina
at 0%@7!,:c. Coffee quiet. Sugar collet;
sales of 61.11Mds of Cuba at 110. Moles
se quiet; sales of 600 bbls New Orleans at
73G78c. Bops quiet: 1/3®20 for American.
Petrolenal quiet, 16340 (or crude, 29%c
for relined. Linseed oil quiet, 91(03e in
casks. Spirits turpentine dull and
heavy, 43®440. Pork firmer; sales of 350
bbls at 129,500030 for now mesa, 529,50®
30,50 for old do, 524,50®26 for prime, and
128030 for prime mesa; also 3,200 bbla
new mesa, seller January and February,
at $29,50®30,25.. Beef quiet; sales of 13
bbls at 85(2)13 for new plain mess, 510®17
for new extra mesa. Tierce beef cull
and heavy; sales of 50 tierces at 5 25 ® 28
for prime, 126 for prime mean, $27030
for India Meet. Beef hams quiet; sales
of 70 this at $30®33 for new. Cut meats
dull; sales of 7a packages at 1201234 e
for shoulders, 15®160 for barna. Middles
quiet; sales of 20 boxes city long clear at
1654 e. Dressed hogs dull and heavy, at
11®12.0 for western. Lard is a shade
Armes., with sales of 800 tierces at 16%®
17%c for steam, 185;®19c for kettle ren
dered; also 1,500 threes steam,Seller
February and March, at 17%®183. -But
ter quiet at 18®326' for Ohio. Cheese
quiet. Freights to Liverpool are firmer,
shipments of 25,000 bushels wheat per
steamer at 4%d, and 1,600 bbl. flour per
steamer at la 6d. -
Lalett.—Flour okaled 5o better on low
grades, with • fair export demand at
24(gil 25 for 10. 2 opring, and $1 23®
winter red and amber weetern.
ltd a :lem , nal. Oat. dull and heavy at
eil.4s2Nc Corn nominal at
nia 111E1,1 weetern. Pork
vi.ry !if:, ma , :,)a -not; sales
P. 1 ,1 !!./1(4
• "...rvsf, CL:f. 1...c...11 .
t - IN en •
:~1 .1114 !.~
Ls;; , :. • .
5,25 for spr:,.: •
unsteady end ;;;;„.
No l at 84G85e, No a. • -
closing at 79.50: this after.-,, •
kat was steady at 79,46793ic
nary and 02. seller February for No
Corn quiet and 23/a23 in lower; ranging
at 70(a7e0 for No 1, 71 e for rejected, fa@
690 for no grade; closing at 69%0 for reg.
our and 620 for fresh • receipts of
No 2; this afternoon the market was
quiet at 70c for No 2 seller January.
Oats firm and excited at opening sales at
4334@44c. but • auteeqcomtly became
easier; sales at 49@i4354 . 0, closing nomi
nal at 4234(442g0. Rye firm but quiet
at 790 for No. 2. Barley inactive but
nominal at 75®770 for No. 2. High
wines firm at 93c. Sugar at 113Mi1lc.
for common to choice Orleans.
Crnanwstert, Dec. 28.—Flour and Grain
unchanged, excepting Wheat, which la
higher; No. I red sold at 1R,14. Cotton
unchanged; middling 23N ®24c. Whis
key dull at . 94@95e. Bogs higher, but
few in the market: whole range 59,504
10,60, the latter rata being only obtained
for extra large; receipts, 1,500 head.
Mese Port in demand at 628,50, but held
at SW. Bulk. Meets quiet but held
higher; shoulders 1234 e, sides lto, clear
rib 150 and clear aides 1534 c, all fully
cured and loose. Bacon quiet but held
more firmly: shoulders 14c, clear rib
sides lity,fig Go and clear sides 17.!4(0
11340. hug,ar, Cured liana Malt
Green Meats bold at 1034,gilli@1ra for
'Moulders, sides and hams. Butter un
changed; trash 30G,350. Petroleum 30®
Sr. Lorne, December 2&—Tobacoodull
and drooping, but not quotably lower.
Cotton nominal at 24c. Hemp unchanged,
with small sales tandresaed at 51 40.
Whisky advanced to 950. firmness
quilt. Cattle metier, but not quotably
-higher, at ;a 5040 50. 'Hoge very hug
under light receipts, with mall sales at
is Mao. 611
CLEVEIAIiII r December 29.—Petrolengt
weaker with a downward tendency; light
sales of refined reported at 280265ic, but
closed dull. Crude lower, toe outside
figure reported was $5,40 per bbl.
BALTIMORE, December 28.—Mee pork.
is decidedly lower; light $ o, heavy 131.
Bacon: rib sides 18@lai4c, clear side:elec.
shoulders 111@15340, hams 204121 c.
Whisky sells fa:lly at $l®l,OL
LOUISVILLE, December 28.—Cotton:
sales 18 bales middling at 240. Flour
and Grain steady and unchanged. Whis
ky quiet at 95c. Tobacco: supply small
and prices nominal.
• Murat", December 28.—Cotton: high
grades are scarce and very firm, at 29a;
receipts. 2,036 bales; exports, 899 bal,a.
Flourt superfine Is: Corn 91594 c. Oats
Piln.Anzistas. December `2B.—Floor
dull, with isles of superfine at 1 4 .25®
4,50. Whisky steady M'1,02. 'Petrole
um dull; crude file, refieed223{c.
ROAD. December 213.-7 MD Iron or.,
Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 50 bbla oil, J
Spear; I car lake sup ore, Coleman,
Rehm & Co; Ido do, McKnight, Porter
& Co; Ido do, Everson, Preston & Co; 1
do lumber, G A Mundort; 1 grind stone,
A Bradley & Co; 125 hf bbla, 20 cir do, 20
kilts white fish, W M Gormly; 10 bbls
oat meal,,Rinehart & 8; 4 bbla, 1 he-glass
ware, Mutual Glass Co; 10 bbls oil, LIP.
plmott &8; 30 aka rag; McCullough, 8
& Co; 6 bbls buckwheat flour, Atlas
Works; 1 bbl pearl barley, 1 do oat meal,
Porterfield. & Co; lot machinery.
Knapp PP P & Co; 84 bdl. Iron, Mc-
Knight & Co; 2 bbla ale, P Loath; 2do
do, G Mashy; 2 do do, Geo Heineman; 10
bbla older, I do, 1 -keg ego. 2do butter,
nevelt 127 aka corn , Moßane & A; T 7
bbis apples. L A McFadden; 43 aka rye.
Robb & Herron; 6 bbls apples, Volgt,
Mahood & Co.
camber 28.-72 oars coal, 111er, Foster &
man I ears do,lbleman Rehm & ON 118
mks cats.?-22 bbl. flour,Bruggeman &
O'Bri; 18 eke potatos, P Gallagher;
10 stellate, .7 Arnim:our; 12 aka 00100.,
A I Williams; 60 barrel. name! oil, W
Mackeowo: 8 bees hay, 13 Fronadrigary 1
car grain; Scott '& Meal; 1 box batter, E
ilsarleton; 13 bats meal, II !riddle; 7 begs
wad, Jenkins Brat 1 ear lime, D L Rey
nolds; 2 cars metal, 51 , 11nIght, Porter &
Ca; 3 do ilmestone, Rboenberger &Blair;
21 able whisky. M'Cullough Smith &Cc;
2 care metal, John Moorhead; b cars rail.
rout Iron,A Ea:pager. 15 eke buck
wheat &r, Dilworth, Harper & Co; 16
aka do, 3' 8 Dlleorth & Co.
EMIR RAILROAD. December 22.-160
hides, D Chestnut- & Cu 4 pkga dry
peaches, Hitchooci, McCreary et Co; 26
'Ws Mullein" E:Lipton et. Wellies% 26
do do, Littell & Mechllnen S eke meat, E
11 Myers & Co; 60 kgs pip feet, J H Per
leer; 25 bble hominy, a pkgs butter, 1
bbl eggs, Bruggermen & O'Brien; 8 toe
sewage, F Sellers & Co; 6 bbls whisky,
Kochendolfer; 10 do do, L Berkwits; 38
for lard, H & Co;
. 6 bbls whisky. H Ma.
dwitaelef IS bee candles,' Montan&
grave; 10 bits flaxseed. W H Graff & 0o;
1 car staves, M P Adams. -
okoo Itaitgoati. December 28.-60 bbls
flour, Hubbard Bro & Co; 84 bales broom
core, U M'Elroy; 200 bbls flour, Oboe.
maker & Lsugenhelm; 100 bbls flour,
Watt. Lang & Co; 800 bids dour, owners
Lear Umeetone, Shoenberger, Blair & Co;
2 rare do, Lasgblln & Co; 22.8. pastes',
Dilworth,• Harper & Co; 230 Asada Ora
bam d Marshall, 1 box butter, 1 bbl eggs,
Deemer a D; 67 bdle shovels, Myers &
Armour; 100 bbis flour, Beghmyer 'Poe
kamp; 50 bbls !debate" W Millar &Co.
Ammons:2ff STATION December 28.-
8 cabs metal, Lewle, Bailey & Dalzell; I
car wheat, Kennedy 8r0.. ' 110 boxes
pipes, R W Jenklnson; lbbl alcohol,
A. B - Brill; 2 cars wheat, .2dilehell &
Reynolds; 18 hides, A Holstein; 6 kegs
lard,l3.lppley & Beckett; 1 car ore. Graff,
Bennet &Cot 21 bales hay and 00 bags
rgchr-Itoso ,k Ewing: 160 sacks corn, 2d
Bane & AnJer.
letrittfiggr a fr " -dau T`ma4 imonl
Oirt INLSI3_ OTY or E LWSW7.IIP.,_
OM lir BOSTON aITY or 5.412 . 1/W54,
r cm? or WNW! ,
Sallios ZVZ al !SATURDAY. from Pier 45
North Farm Nem look. lot wawa/ tarthar
-If i extraflLLOirrszrivricousaii
• The river rose considerably during
Monday night and yesterday, but was
about at a stand last.evenlng with scant
eleven feet lit the channel. The weather
Is again growing colder, and it la -proba
ble that, for the present, therein la over:
Mercury at 4 P. Y., 38.
There has been no arrivals since the
date of our last- report exoeptlng the
packets. The Maggie Hays, Nellie Rog.
era and Glasgow were doe last night,
and will probably be found to part this
T m hetN.S. Hodson departed for Cin•
dental lut evening with s light trip.
• The Mary Davagtwas making PrePs•
rations to depart for St. Louts last even
ing, and If she did net get off last night
she wilt go early this morning.
The Nick Wall, Is enronte from New
Orleans to Pittsburgh.
The new steamer Carrie V. Hounts,
Capt. Vanhoek, with Mr. W. D. lingers,
In charge of the office, le announced for
New Orleans to-day without fill, and
shippers are reauested to get their bills
of lading in am early as possible.
Business oontinues dull stilts landing,
and the offerings of freights for all
points have fallen off very materially
within the past week, and it Isnot likely
that there will be any improvement for
the next week or two. •
• • .. • • . -
The Glendale will be the drat boat oat
for St. Innis. She is one of the best
boats In the trade, and tamnehlmproved
In speed with her new engines.
The Julia No. 2, departed for Zenon-
The. Belle, Captain Richey, la the re.
giallo Packet for Parkersburg today.
—The towboat Mary Alice, in discend.
lug tho falls at Louisville, about Br.
Saturday, with about aix barges loaded
with coat, belonging to W. H. Brown
Co., Pittsburgh,. mined the abuts and
struck the lett band pier of the main span
of the bridge. The tow first struck a
stone flat that, had been sunk to build a
crib, then doubled round the pier to the
right and canned on it. The bargee
broke their fastenings and piled one
upon the top of another, but the towboat
saved herself. We have conversed with
several steernboatmen who, witnemed
the catastrophe, and they agree in opin
ion that it was more in consequence of
the inoompetaney of the pilot than any
thing else. The pilot at tbeiwheel, they
say, was not a licensed falls pilot, but a
man who usually takes W. H. Brown it
Co.'s tows over the falls.=Cia. Gazette.
—A New Orleans special to the Cincin
nati Commercial, says: Departed dur
last night: Leonidas, for Cincinnati:
Thompson Dean for Celt.): Antelope and
barges, for Pittsburgh. Arrived—Rich
mond, from Evansville. A severe
storm prevailed yesterday.. Wild Wag
oner and Richmond, bound down, col
lided at New Texas landing, early on
Saturday morning. The Wagoner was
cut into the hull up to- her ibrward
' -tab. By the exertions of the mews of
mats the Wagoner was saved,
to day. Nearly all the
r•• !n lives lost.
.'. • - St. Louis
t Tetuan
•., • tha
- - (,
tiOli ".. , 11114, , ...0
for the rivo^t ~:•;at,t
that for the ocea...
Islittan Is wanted, cm,
—Captain Sam. Montgomery has gone
to New Orleans to trade the Dexter to
Captain T. P. Leathers and others for the,
Benda trade. The Proposition is 110,000
and the steamer John Hllgour. The let.
ter, if the trade le mist:mated, Is to be
transferred to the Lmtsville trade, in
command of Montgomery.
—The President has signed the bill
passed by Congreu,. Tuesday last, to
reimburse loyal owner" of steamboats
and otter vessels' taken by the United
Matra army during the late war. The
Maltaa under the above bill amount to
—A St. Lordo dispatch dated Sunday
NavigaUen still impeded.
Weather clear, and considerable thaw
ing going on. Ice to the river Is grow
ing molter, and It la probable boats will
leave for the mouth tomorrow.
—Tbe Beifont Iron Company* of Iron
ton, ban contracted with the Pomeroy
Balt and Transportation Company to de
liver 8,000 tons of iron ore from Iron
Mountain Landing, in Missouri, for 14,60
per ton.
—Captain Frank Batchelor says the
cotton and molasses on board' the Swat.
low will be little injured.
—The Mollie Ebert, Pittetiargb to New
Orleans, passed Memphis on Sunday.
A . &ulikStaiiS
port NEW OR EANt
m: r id dre .
-vl ha WM wss
C V. ItiNtliTZ...Capi. J. C. Vairnoon
Will leave for the above andinterniedlata now'
WXDIVIIMDAY, 1191 h lost.. at in t
for freight ern= a A raLt=l. cwt . ,
614 IttlfaiT TORTAL,
del/ CHAS. BARITY.II. •gentr.
Through Bills Luling via above Boat to Gal.
cotton. Indianola and Brawn. Texas. and Yo-
bile. itch. aad MvaitgoinetT. Slab. ma. via Mer•
(113 Line. fro. tlrlrans an 4 by_litonnia's
tied River Pultela to, Shrev.port
and Jeffrraos t Alvan bc
93 Water atreet.
The Me passenger Deemer •
%JAN ',ALE. J. M lia A. Cr:mem/re.
James We lee. Clerk. will leave •8 a- roomed
above. en THUIIDAY. Dee. 301 e. st r. H.
Tor (TOOL (*OS,ge &pm as bekrd
Will reed's feelatt thls mended for teazle..
d' intermediate puns. Will leave 0.2118
mg "" Mt. tI P M
d ILI TWINE& Aden.
H. M. LONC & CO.,
USN, DALSELIOB istrunzo.
Petroleum and Ha Products.
Pittobarek lming 0111m-D4 n i IIIIIILDIXIP
0011tOf pa WOW drat.
ThPadelphtsOffloe-131 WALNUT IT
wasurp & KINQ,
Petroleum • and its Prodnets,
2,140m17, Chamber of Consomme,
apt) 133 BOUM • OCIND brassy
11421II7AcTIJEZE Or •
Lubricating &High Test laming 411 s.
Rangstail Azle OM.
Mande sr , at 11.0 with nilange • ,reinalaa
limpid as lowest tem atm rts. /pedal 01 tot
• tropical climates or hat WI WI.,
LoammiOalgo, Itsglae, llablas Mbar,
w ut cot •Crele.
Ram XIII modPlasing OIL.
Adapted for hi
1101atial• 0//. Wool t inesehtight BP%
,l/assM•rie Ram& Beasals.•
SSad latablerglaismeltsms,
igarmessi Oil. Igarallste.
11013 VAIIN ta ;lemma Bright Irma
Work mad lifacnincry }rum Rom.
Throe rodents, are mounifactired anderr.
Isreddle spateattirperheated Mesa la Vse.
•mto. Thelallrics at, almost odortma.
whin ir sm . orm, Ind moody light mi
-1 =nlpld reeri ‘,l 4t * :ll " . gentig
I soma Moan a equalled, and are in conotant
be ' ffgoagiattlgigrre WWD
ataagi. Worts at nharpstnirg Bride,
11,moved In on. Wants, without blooding es
leartog oorsnesu flonlona end Dimmed Nana
Removed In aPm mina' es. AU oneratioas pot
formed without pain or bloodebed
Podeot comfort Immediately! '
110 noleonone medicine used!
No acre feet after operating!
ltslaread and It!! Joints treated .111:CSIMmil
Peit-Blts sad Chilblains - turn' In &Midas,
BatiatioUon Oren et !Noney refunded. Geed
COX latrine:et aired.
(Mee Bows rem SA. x. to IS Z. and 1 to It
r er.ddle. 9 to
• Iteteeinear tie place. Nol 49 11111 street. old
3'. ° gr.: 11:14agas — cus, Pliriersti '
• deleTaid
jacr B. LYON.
lkalps AE Wekkti and Ammo,
01156-1.. 5 701311TH ATINI:IS, Plait:6sM
11112911211. Deputy, Mews'
LiSj awh inle.a, 55531111LTT,D05117:5n5.
DR. SCRINCK'S raLmortn SYRUP for the
core of Cimetp, andlionsumptlon.
SCUP...O ISILAWKID ToNiii for the
cure of Dyspepsia and all the Debilitated Condi
tion. of tb• t.acti.
DR. eCIIENCitio MANDR %XT. PT.LS., for
Mae.w of the Liver or to set as • Gentle Par.
these three Medial .es air often requ'red
In raring Consumption. thimisb the Pantionto
Rlrpy alone 4.'",:gt°5711.5.77;A:.1.:11%
...unties the Stomach and L abe
anti help tie
?animate Syrup to direst and march Unman nal
bl oe d e g e Ms, bywhlch means a cots* lagoon or.
litdiciaes coaselentlouslY offered tO
the aa the oral sere. certain and reliable
remeu mor b idlmorlikty Cousueoptlou. sad for all
tbom condi ttooe of the body welch lead
tf Mat fatal olsease. Liver Complaint and Dye.
plinla are often forerannere of Cout:n=l.m,
sad w. en they amalfeet themaelma they mulls*
the mo %prompt statue= I
The fialmonse Siren Is st.enedicine whirls has
hut • long proltsUon barmen,. Deane. Devalue
maleeen proved by the thousand carts It Om
through • period of mom titan thirty-nee
years..l* all of which t me Its reputation tits In
creased. and the most rm.t note sk•ptieblia eon
no loon? doubt that It is a remedy snitch may
be used with confidence In all cases which admit
of •enre.
If the rmtlent wail perseveringly follow the ll
'venous which secompny nett bottle, he will I
certainly be eered, 1t his tuno an tiot too moth
used to make a cure pool le. Sven In nue '
es:Tooted to be incurable. when Mends nid pp,.
Eneon. have despaired. the uee of this Medicine
ta saved the Ith ogre paling lad restored
Sum to perfect h
15... Schenck does no say that all eases of Pal
myna. consumption toe wattle the resell of
IDeekble. but he emphatically ne tt th at o ft en
when patients have %comet e evonnoin.
mien as a 'Joint coogb,,creetling chill. night
sweats. general debit., es , n to Steen .edegre a
tint they are tinned to Ile In •beel, and when
they as e glee. op by-tit ele phyelcian they may .t.ll
be need. We ingest teem mtht eta nests new
lenge, no wiles the lanes are very tad y dinned
Sato tome extent destroyed. • VIM any be er
ucted ty Ur. Schenck , medicines.
Also, al ly ltes
am% these medicine.
Ore equ 00. at. Dr. Variant has pinto of a nembee of person erne have been
perly oven with ma ni
lt. inns and now
hea a led sp. This ahows lap oting P.Pertlen.
watchman be able lo heal ee I ee le the lou t .
IS the treenneet of Consent thin It 1/1 01 the
importance to (lye vigor and • nein.
tone to tea eystem, Bence le/a nen.. to
ttneente• the •Plretit • of the patient and hat
prove the di. Won. .the patient
qatred tanner with muck mein as will m a ke
lb.toed easily dlielitlble. .1.101. moat
minable for the dlet of Coosexibllve potion. are
dengsabd to Or. Behenek's /timelier& whieh
dLad sated aratatioosly. mineral. 000
meet hinny nutrition anklet an to be pre
tarred. bat the digestive orgaseenstln st• ength
cued In order to mate ening toed or tannins
11.11Ceable. Tina requirement le met by Ib•
&Meted Tonic, and for tie panic. it toes dee
Wan the dig ot estive o were are pot in good
ord., the rep. proper effete the noble
Of the pane.. Is Invigorated and et ; e
longs bee
gin to exercise Theeation, in • normal and
EE ealthy manner. the healing pose.
Fulsome Synth
eumpUou will elf et tittle.
Pennon Con is almost nay. cola
, end with Dyspepsia and elided laint.
whenek's Mandrane rills an hio re-
I move 00111111.1011 , from the Liver arid ecotone Its
I health, a n ion. They line all the Ogee. which
M noribed to calomel air sines.' , and are
warranted not to eons La • particle of any Ws
, net poison. Then rillo core the moat Obstinete
Confront., stet headaelle, plies. Id i omsi &fee
lion, and all other diseases winch eme
[Prete or °bona eta condition f the Liver. Dee
box of these Intl prove the egloaey of the
menden. '
la Continent on the PesiVeed Tonne and Mane
drake gills are Intabiable nxillary Medtellet
They .obese tee solr-riege 'of the canal and
win the Pulmenic in elfeeting a one.
They h eve been footed eeefal in adraseen stages
0f Clonniblellon. where 00 10 0/0 WMO. a
-0.10 Comer.and all nun/toms smolt,. vs
the Judgment et the pnyalclan is Mated •sondy
death.edition ollen. erbo tern sete• 11
In • Inner . . have heel preserred for
manta ey Int KM of eattenek , s then great rem-
Dr. Selten•Ve Alumnae acetate. a fall Death*
on Ina various forma oldies* a. ale cede or
treatment., ant Irene, a 2 dayeliont bow to smiths
medicine. can be ban antis. or • at by mall by
addresalat hl. Prlnctpal trace, Fo. 15. .North
isLeth Week. Plllmlelpaps,
Pelee a the Perineum byrap and Seaweed Tat.
eareb 11,50 per bottle, or 17.60 shalt dozen.
Ilaterake PlllO/5 mate a box. tor tale by all
" dell:d&P
- ;1 7911 WHITTIER CON
• •-lass of cues Inman-
Lama 4 .•
;4 4.
bawd!. O r d en 'as
rcgetrur 11247
and aerates' baths,thas .
mineral etaings. No nutter .
1111.4. year rasa Read what be asy.. 1,-- •
palet nt 7177 e. ona la .7 ...OM
stamps la Leafed envelope. Thasade of euw
treated annually. at OS , • ad all over the coon.
try. CoasotLattou tree. aarsaalty op by) mall.
odire No. 9 Wylie Meet. (near Cart Noo.l
PLlZebdritt, Ps. Hours 91. y to 111 Y. N. Bon.
days lle a. to Br. N. Rapala eat to ay ad.
dn.,or two atamtw. zed
•THLWAY etcrrolum TOOCESW."
None so wood. None so pleasant.
Nona etre as_ljulek.
0 Ulna
No. New York.
Tr./ no more tho toblo toned nano..
tint "Brown en WOOL." 620
TILL. splendid Hair Dyain Um bulls Um world:
Meanly Dee sad yernce Dye; taradeas,
We. nstaataneons; no disappointment; no
dlealons tints. remedies Um etbeta of bad
d Instisoralsa sad lesenatba flair soil sad
*mama, slam or brawn. bold by all DmiuMta
and Perfumers; sad peoperly applied at
0.4 TaCierT• IP , VI Rosa aims. Ne.
Tait. . 1eD340
Positive Reduction hi Prices
Wiiiion Rues,
Crumb Cloths,
Itc., ace.
JrgA. i 1 riern araroa,
011 Cloths, Window Shades,
Ingrain Carpets,
At the Lowest Prieto Ever Oferet
The alterations and im
°manta of our Sales-
rooms DOW m
it necessary for us to im
mediately dispose of a large
portion of our stook of
Hearth Rugs, &a.,
Many will be sold
at prices i ;low the present
wholesale cost. Call at once at
23 Fifth Avenue.
1,.19,2,; 31 and
thalami fir Pirlors:
Woolen Ikea and coma
lT Lent pant num tilt Islam
Ifoimithitaa . dies the ■adinatilsimod tarlN
71 and 73 Fifth Avenue.
Wood St., cor. Second Avenue.
Gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stooks
soucarr AND SOLD.
• W. ITA.NILIEK. Vica.Prealdeat.
.d.LP CYRUS Jn.eoaattler.
Collections made of all the hthielDei reAht or
the Malted Mates and Chusattu.
Stoeks,Bonde end other Securities
L atgentor =tattoo t 0.14 to the pturobsoo Ana
I7.gited States Securities.
Corner Fourth and Wood Streets,
OH, PA.,
=commons TO U&NNA. akin a c 0..)
Exchange, Coin, Coupons,
♦nd Dart Willer attention paid to the prase*
and W. of
ttlata on London.
CI 3 g
112 Fifth Avenue,Pittutarrgh,Pa.
c&rnAz., $100.004 1 .
. . d
Bought and mkt, and when ealmedwitted to
Inning. Collection made on all the prlselpel
Pditita of the United Mate. and Canada.
Admitting Inmanle. Pritaideat.
Jeans hinglann, Ylca Pleiddent.
. W.N.MOnglam, Cubing.
D. llunsen, June. McCabe,
e ßourke, Huth Keaton&
Tonon P E ampbell.
Inns. B. Barr. H. A. FArToniA.
no. In. Herman. Th Borneo.
OAS JOB. nolieltor
Of Pittsburgh,
ix now open forlmonnt. Deposit sad General
Dant , on esslnma._
Any Bum re. leo. from One Dollar upward..
lenonms as the rala of di per eons. paid on
Oma dCP9ldia•
71110011. W. It,_WZYNALL .
7641 . 1 WW .-jl.BltEtT.
- 11 , tll *.',7:, r`rttll-rt
k s. ,sr..
PO 11 In'
!VALID. PEOPOII/ILB for faraisbleg Marl
Locks sad Keys of sew kinds, to be substituted
for the Looks aad.pcys sow unt oa the Unite.
States malls, wlil be sauteed at Ibis Depa.,
meat 00111 0 °lair ek a., the 3d day of 7111-
RU• 17, 1170. It le desirable to obtain Locks
Sod Keys of • nen calm unction Outhe exclusive
ups of the Thalte4B , ates malls, aad,lf pracractble,
Invested expressly for tbat DOTPON. As we ex
posure of a model Lock and Key to public Aram.
Illation wont., Impale. If net estroy. It. ut Illy
for las malls. Ira Department prescribes ao
model forbidden, but retie. for 000 .election oto
the epeeists. of mechanical skill aid lagenolty
whieb • fair compolitno amonglaveatees, hero.
by Invited. may develop. It te a eddeleat to de.
seolbe the p Manion requisites of .Mall Lock. to
follows* t Pelf-toothed ualform'ay. mount,.
'phloem, Mooch. durability. novelty of <ma
nn:anon odd reality of mak Too klads ea!
Looks ant Keys. coo of brass arid the other of
VOL 111Wanont In esterase Pane mod interior
construction sr tractional , . ore required; mid
Propondo should specify separstely the pree of
each bra...took, cock 10J 'for' the aame. • eaeh
loot Loco and each Key for mime. Doplicate
sample. of Mich kind of Leek. and Erie pro.
posed, •a. required to be eabmdded wl.b the
Propot ne; one if etch tempi. Lock to t • rivet.
id an and sad snootier to be open or
purloined, to that Its labernal utruetore nod ar
rangement may OMIII tae .sassed. /very
millets should be plainly tamed teltb Um Old-
dues name, and, It to mama et up pat of ft
M revered by ■ palest, PM dite of such patent
sad the mane of the palmate* nut be atse at.
tacked therm*.
The Intental,plaa Werra:nman' of the Locke
effereel, ul am mike's.: dupe of the lery re
qelatto to de an ,thom, =net hot be Ilk* any now
or heeetotere Is Übe.
They mast to warranted not to laftingeapoo
or megtot will any patented haveetion of width
he bldder. Is rot the patentee. Pret.renm wtll
be given I. a Leek. the Key of med. Om not
been exposed to genera] observation or bee.
Debliely described. disclose d or steggeriMi.
• de eisloa ma the vests. Ildfoelinene and Pro
toomls will be made en or before the 3d day of
MARCH. 1810; red tales. tbe Postmaster Gen.
era shall deem It to be for Os laments of the
Department to Meet a Ithe Prolemei ..... Peel.
men. imbedded this adveitheement.
reset hereby expressly reserved to him.) eon.
tracts will be e atered Into as woe thereafter ee
practicable. till the saeorsetel bidder whom
Locke shall be adopted, for, flarniehleg etcher
Licks and Kaye for_ (Mr years, as theymey be
needed s.l ordered. U atetnally 'agreed to
In writing by the rootraetor sad Pmusiseter den.
oral. f. the time being, not less than sixteenths
before Its explratilm. the 00111.41,1111{7 be el.
tended mid continued for an 111 , d1i100.111 VIM
of Poor years. Bet on and atter the expiraboa
of either term of the contra., or on and after
Its rightful aamelment at an/ time. the Postmem
sertieneral obeli leave the rigit to centre. with
. sediay say ether party to throb* the Mem,
or .ay other kind of Locke ea I Keret and If b.
shell &es proper to demand and receive 'from .
the lato or delimit:an rontrnetor 011 lioieh,e.
or antinlehed lie/toad the howonal parts of the
Looks oontnatod far, and all Oleo, vanes aid
&Wine, (which woald natio othen to sake or
forte soon Locke mad ref s) is the poaeassion' of
nob contractor. who, after their mum der to
tea Denartstant stall bs paid for Um same, al
such pi. as may b ascertained by tads at.
The coat...tot mist eau and be able to ter.
nleth if melted and ordered, AO,OOO Brass
Locke and 3,040 Braes Kum within three menthe
Irma tha Wu of eateries Into contract. and
110,C Ott Iron Lochs and 00,000 non sera wt h.
la tan noolhe beta tech thee. But the Pon,
seater thaeral • lilieserve to tight to lotlel.
or alintntsb, u the wants or lateen's of the icy.
vies may dessall, , the ova:tittles of the Locks
and IE, ye sheen apeolled, with a proportionate
allowance of tine to tarnish them.
All WI Lookat , trubbe4 by the contractor num
tw wag ranted to loop In rood working order Iv
two years to the °Minna' •of this service
when not subjected to Dint Tiolenee; snob os
Inconts deb:ultra wlthis that Moo to be replaced
with want Looks without churl. All the
Leeks turnlsited nodes contract are to be, each.
distinctly marked 'IL In either suit
or i 51.04 loiters, and up the Keys a., sou
bend m the amoral order; each Key haring Its
appropriate number dlatinotl.► stamped upon one
stde of the bow and'•U. Mal" on the opposite
1 std•.
.The contractor will be required to delver the
Locke at kis enema at the PintoCice Depart
ment. Waelnagtoe. D. 0., cut up on aticka.faraa.
leg 'thaw e bundles of eve Laths each, and se.
eerily peaked In wooden loge. containing not
more than two hundred Locks each. The Keys
Ire to be delivered to an agent of the Da sartment
duly the !modally authorized In each case, to
take charge of and cum ths woe from the
sentractorie maatifectorj to the Department.
where bath Locks and Keys are to be Impeded
and approved twins they shall be paid for.
• Ihe =Mimiler will be remind to it,. bold
with maple 'wearily La the sum of PIOT Thew.
seed Poi am. to be forfeited to the Culminate.
as liquidated damages, la Pee of Ls taluretto
fclihfiallY Deform the eor.L . met. either as to fur-
Wahl./ the supplies ordered wlthis a ream:Sable
time. or as to gauging the lasalUltel.rl of the
Kali Locke sad lays with die privacy. latatritY
awl care. .
Plo proposal will th erefore h m scented if not
amompauled with a toad of the peed am of
Tamely Thousead Dollars. dull , seated by the
peopthal meths. Whore responsibility most be
edderd by • Judge of • Court uf Record Reared
to that, plus of teddeaca. &Width by the
Clerk of each Court under the seal thereof.) sad
conditional Lr their . eethellog respourible as
agates ea sl.e ragalltied bond for the failliment
attire mitred. la case sorb Troonal shall be
excepted. The mannfacture 'Wadi Locke ant
. lithe la, of. thessity, • lemtly laaporthat and
donna' true; whiok the Department well con
gas, to so btedar impose kailzathie am set ea
thopmpealth with theumotuals of good thattio.
te Di r.
&MIZE as the Proposes sad melon=
the Postataßteer Decent Mar Omsk It ezzedleat
to select the • Brae vcck of one bidder and the
limn Lock of another . . lie, tbetelate, names
the Mat of anitraelleg with thread Lthlvid
sale fur each eaten:ln eleds of Lathe as he may
ethict. •
:. proposals .a - ald be earth:illy staled aid lid::
dressed to the ilkamil /Lathiest todatestar
0 ... ea.,” and a:Waned on teerrnmpe **Pro.
gouge for /Lag Lode-••-. . .
JOILIi A,. J. Oillli th
cotlitthl -'' - - - restaaster=i; '
Imiiberazing the Grislier and Pastes
or Tbirly-seeond a poet. from Lib
erty street to the All e
811C1709 I. Bs it ordamsed and escorted by the
My Prikeiturph. 8414 et and Convaloit Coon.
ells aneabied. and rt
oftereby ordained and
marled by the authority toe *a.m. rat the
Cut) Itnemeer end he h reny horime
Mid directed t ondvertise tor PeoPosme Meth.
grading/ and raving of 32 , 1 Street. tram Liberty
t la the allegheny Hirer. bud to let the
same In tne manner directed try se eminence
col.orunli streets, passed Aaron 34;11837;
..t e.beertilpg streets, •pprorea Juin•
ery elth, 1.04.
Sec. W. Thatany ordlnancear parte( °rain..
with the passage of this ordinance at
the present time. be an m e etsaltie IA nereby re.
penied so Was the tam tAls ordinance.
Onfinnea sad enacted Into a law in Connell%
this 91Iti day of Lecemner •• • D.1809. -•
J. 17.48. eIe•ULEY.
President of Select Council.
Attests r» S. Mosnow,
Clerk of Select Conned..
President of Common CounelL
Attest: H. MC31.141,8.
Clerk or Common Comm. d,21
Pa; Grading Mulberry alley. from
si =lreventa le Twee,ty.eighth
SIC. Be ft of-do:hod fl u e Ote &tee
and Orson°. Councils of rffffo,fuTh*
and It be Hereby ordained ead by f/te
sabborifY Of the volts. That the Cal knadfeer
b. an.hurlsed and 'reeled to alvertise for pro
onsalt fur Oilradius of Muluerry milcy. from
/1731 to 110. h street. and to let the same !n the
manner direcod by an ordinance soncerning
street . 555..4 A ..... 31st, 1867- also, an act
cones rn ins streets, approved Januar. 8.1008.
gig. A. That any ordinence or ordinance .
with the passage of this at
the present time, be end the same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a mar in Connell..
thillilth Clay of llecembor. A. D. 1309.
/Akira fdcAULAY,
• Prewdent of Select Connell.
Attest: Z. B. llonnosr.
Clerk of Select Council.
W. A. .i6silia - sort,
• Pre.ldent of Common Council
'Attest: H. McblArrea.
' Clem or Common Council
Ric. 1. Bo It ordained .d enacted by the City
of Pt tebargh, In /Select sad Common councils
amenabled. end It le hereby ordained and reacted
by lila authority of the tam,, That a 4. Andrew
Miller. James Irwin and Minus Tindle are ap
pointed to set as Viewers en Fortywecond street
Hewer. In the Olsen of Wm. .7 teeny. Robert
Wiseman fled Reuben Killer. reelened.
Bar. 11. That any ordinance or van of ordi
nance contlictiers with the pa twee or this "reti
nae e at the preaeot tiess, be and the •same
hereby repealed, so far as the same affect. Lets
_ .
Pr sldeta of Neleet Council
Attest: E. 5. Ilonnorr..
• .•
reee(dent or Common Connell.
Attest: H. Preluerrnt.
Marko( Common Connell. dew
firAniend the Fifth Peettoo of the
Lily Cede. title. ••Ceso•11.6•0
Pr.c. 1. lie it ordained .d enacted by the City
of lh a t bi bu d, r g an , d
It lbeheee and Common Cornelia
ordalittd.d enatted
bY We &inborn) , of the raise, Tbat the Alin sto
lle emen d ed iity Code, title ( 00. 2151,
by striking oat tbe rd riday and
n 0
rad te second To.d.y, to that
34(1 , 1012 (ball r e d as to 10•/: •.TllO Coon.
GUS lb all also net 10 Joint sea Mee on tea • r coed
Tibia dee next ate e.ding their OrKaniaation for
the eleelloa of ail o.ty 0170.8 to be ale.ed by
Co. elle."
SIC. Si. That any ordinance or part of ordi
nance conflicting with the b e e
of this ordi
nance at th e pleeent time. and the seine Ls
hereby repeated so far as the same aftcets tide or
Ord•lntd and enacted Into aI. In Canaan.
thLs 11,7111 day of December, A. D. 1111:19.
Pre'ldent of .le. Connell,
atom: I. B. Mon.'''.
.• • .
• W. A. tOICLI2ISO2c .
President. of Common Cannon.
Attest: U. 1 1clinfinft.
Olftrk of 4 osamon Ccuoc.lL eel
Utv“ -
t.oot 2, of
cvv :,;' • It-r.t c.otor.
. .
and dlrested to tuella and noes@ proposals tor
Um outing of tthartiers Wren, from so a , e,
is iota of Vase, et with Weston swamis. and
to contrast thereforhe lowest and best bid
der or DIMWIT. at ther dberetunt.
SW. A. That for the pulp of de frtyltig
the cost and expeuse of stud improvements, there
ne. ara Is hetet,' levied , a special tax. to be
equally vonfted noon the several lott. bounding
and abutting, up.o the said Chortler, street.
respectively In proportion to the feet Gent In
them respeotively comprised, and branding...l
abutting as aforesaid.
Sae. 3. That as soon as the cost and expense.
Itsaid Imp. overran. shall be ft ly ascertained.
it shall be the duty of tat. Street Commissioner to
ate. sod ILAX.IOU the same aeveral
lots bouading and abutline upon raid Cbartit re
Street resractively. according to the rule
above %wheeled. aral thereupon proceed towage
demand and collect the same , ocean int to the
provisions of the Set of the General Asrambly ol
the Commonwealth of Penntylvania. misted
•./t.O Let des oing the manner of et/Letting the
:tl=m o ti f f 'LTA' "° poring of the "re'
of .10-5 9 71. rad for o th er
3r3 t ri scs," pasted the thirtieth day of llotch.
War C... Thal to much of any °romance as may
thwthuS with or b...vodea by On foretold(. be
d the same le hereby
nVtoWed and enacted In to Alas, this th e 113 d
day of no:comber. A. Let .l lllll ,,
President of Select Coutell.
Attest: .thillerer IL Oxastrt
Clark. of menet too nen.
President o A f
Co um D
on S Council.
Antal 1105ma0 DILWOUTLI,
C.:Mb of Common Council. &TS
espplmestal to Ordfaience Av..•ld.
log lov Slio Topples lire Voids. of
dowers la Alleghery UST.
136 C. 1. Ile in ordained and meted by the
tvel et zed Common Connell. of the city of •11e
gba..y, acid lt is hereby ordaine d
end en. cterl by
toe anihrolty of the same, 10a. iron; and after
the bu.age of this ordinance. all such tae.
:Istun•nts as . eaiing hooter:. barber
atom livery i 115.... dyelogre aud scenarios
r orn a and bctortra, located War:rect , or slky•
where sew... are laid. shall Lb prarided with
undergmand droll coaster one to the.. sew...
for lb. Phila.*a of ca rying off all the water or
liquide tilt wouldotherwiae be discharged on
the sidewalk. or in Ibe gutters of tbe strreca or
nil. 7 1 b7th Coadvetors or down spout. of the
building. or by pipe. drauslng slue. or other
receptacle. of era te the pr. mist a; and.
Nether, that it
all ha spade the may et the
City Invneer to give not:•; toalt.:parties at
adated be th • seetlen , or by are toot 9d of tut
ordinals. poised June littn, 1•419, re sting to
nyw but:dinga, and taillog to comply with the
provtalons to
lank thereto. connections l be
required te make under-tamedwith
the yabllo aewere within the •pecy o thirty
day'; otherwise. there will be incurred by teem
the ye hal: y of twenty.ave dollars. to be Pecos.
ere d re the hlayor.
Ito. 9 on
ell:cies received for sewer pYrnstts
or far dam Imposed under the sewer ordinance
orw In fox-, shall be ba.d into the City Tee N
y sad glass. t. the credlt of the generalsewer
k C. 3. It rho I be the duty of the Brevet Com
inisnoser re coke In onnsibm before the Mayor
eireoin canter guilty of violetinet the ordinance
reptiles; t the tar online rabbet. offal, or
Sewer In
In the street, antlers. or the
Inlets; and also for soy s , olakon of the
fifth and elite ar eelons or the ordinance relent,"
toteppylpga d using ecirers,arf which this is •
numb mut. .
indelned end enacted Into a law this the 93d
detors t e , Qate u r a
s tro . Lgon . lel one thoueand
President of Select Council.
Attests J. B. Oxl..xr.
Clerk of tined Cooecil. •
Frestdent of Common Coulson.
Clerk of Common Cousell. deft
Arrovidhof for in. lifolooso Ilea of
hoods ..ilaturtuo January I. 1070.
BBC. 1. Be ordained owl eserfal by Menefee(
and Commas Coned/. eef the City of Alleghamr,
dad ft to hereby maned by Gs authority of the
mom; That the (Amtrak, be 000 belo hereby
led and empowered to have bones pre-
Owed, ane Idea as twel Ponds," to tbe
ammo at 055100.000, o rd e rsuch amount as May
be woman to tote up the balsam of nattered
bonds re nostang eller One fen& already provl•
dad for toketr r etmaytton any have been ex
hamted. mad Bondi to Pe stsbed by the Mayor
rod Treasurer. nod to be counter:tented by the
ntller: se
to be of the denominations of . 0
and 51.000 teeth; to bear date of Salmon' X.
1070; to mature la twenty Yeet‘ftoto 7'. 000
of lion.: to have coupon. attached beartnn lue
I tercet at the rate or en per mat. yer mama.
lineable on Melina days of July and ..tha n m
each and every veer, at the Union a agmal liana
to the ‘lt) of Philadelphia, and to be flee of
Mete tax to the perch Leers or polders thereof.
tan. 9. 71st aU salve of 5110 IP lies, welch
MT be hexed .hall be Mode by the Controller of
maiden,. by and unto the advise of the Otemstle,
tee on FROMM. and all earl:tenses of mid bonds
for matured Bonds num be mate by the Control •
ler, and het. hereby sathoraed.w them Patter
action of Councils thereon. to draw warrants on
the Tramper to pay the 01:000111 or Donne of
ten per cent. Oa tomb hood ea exchanged and
Oz.. aThm e
t t h apr th p . 0, 041 1
o 9.
and oteryor d ate
rr "7
t r dogd t Iteiregkror.B.
hood . at sad the intermit froM olsbe
to tboe ace-rules memo..
Sad. S. All ordinats. or plugs of 'ordirmbeee
contdepet with or myelled by the foregoing, are
berebY refeoond•
Ordalued ma muted into slaw &Wattle Ind
day o.... '"' r• - 'JAMES MeBRIZE.
Preoldent of Won Cosaoll..
Atteet: .1 It. CZ Liy O
colmen, •
•Lvar-o SLACK.
Preddent of ConoMonCoanall
...Wats Bomar Ino.wOure.
- d e m Inert Of Common Council
Molatles to the Refutedlog of Sewer
lantall,D7 an Let of Assembly entitled an
.et Deletion to newer Asseamtentem the Clip
of Alleshony.•• ie.% and provided on the meth
miy or nerds, 1109, the Donnell, of the City or
Amoeba:ly are Mmeted to provide by ordinance
for the refundleg of sesesameata for sewerage
to mail. T,
he to
r the of the above
re erred Act. efor,
Vito. 1. Belt orityteed andeseeted by faeldblet
01.6 hones Comicll44/ Me City of A Ilvhesy,
nadir es hereby ordained mei enacted by isathor
ffy of Me same, That sunually st the time of
ether e. 117 Tenee. the Council. iamb vo
ila, le the boner Taz then leeted. such an
amount eachyear for 7007$ is will In the
7lflon, of the Act
of the .110.0 =n ate the .moaat 0.0.0311. pro
ut to h,
:de. so tofo.e .etched
be paid
eaeti Mr Deal macht:de.
etc 3. Thal soof any ordinance as me 7
conflict with, or be supplied by the feregolny.
to end theme:le b hereof repealed. .
Ordained and enacted brio a leer Oils the 513.1
day of December, A. D. 1009.
President of she Select 0,1
/Abut: J. B. On.zr. • • •
Chet at the Select Connell._ K.
- • Ai.VnED MAO
resident or die Comma Commit.
A.tteSta. DOnmor Du:bourn.
Clerk of Common fArromil. den
sOO bbl• Lawn 'MUG . H
Lime; •
Are ie.:dal,. g :Wont uti of
New Crop New Orleans
tar They give 12 per cent. tare
on alSugar by the Hogshead.'
d. 23
mu. ISI and !21 Liberty Street
Corner of Irwin, now offer the trade at low rig
crea, strktlY
Prime New Crop New Orleans Paw and
Porto Mee. Cana and Troallshjajarlgrxrp,
New York, Ptillathtnnnr Son , naltr Er
tlolden brio. Lome! . lngm, Btnart'a
Adams , utd Long Island Byrom'.
Porto Bloc, Cubs and nag dmh Island Molasses.
and Oolong
Young Hyma eam. n. Japan, imperls.l..biunpowder
T .
Carolina and ltangoln Mee.
Java. Lagnagra and HimCaeca.
Tobacco, Lard O i l, limb, Nall., Glass, Soap*
Cotton Yarns, Le., totutaatly on band,
Fine Brandies, Wines and
ongeb,cm....itt sad
bm . lauhlv e o eharsber f and 'loam
Alridenburg laeres r, 7lPre l t/11%
do do Clarets, Imported Id bottled -
do do WNW IUOO, lo bottles.
M. Work A Eons , aparklinn Cat,arba. _
Yam Old ebony, Madeirs ukd
Press Monongabela ...iskles. ydra.
do Very dopers. 010 !scotch •
do do.
Bole /gents for Meet Chandon's Grand Vie
Im lre7lenir and &herr Champagne
Brandies of our own selee Lion an% warranted
A. k T. SORELY, 1812.
No. 271 Liberty Street,, OAF, iuglat )
Commission' Eferchanti
No. 95 01110 STBILT, near Last COw.
r rlt~
VEIL iiriurcsAßT,
49134.^. 1 .1G ;AM::: riAig
~ .";(133 :.,
Commission Merchants,
Cootlenmenis wilelted
tanotessor to Petser i Ismstronit.)
No. 25 51e.rIcet Street.
Wholesale and Retail Grocer,
a. Wbatessde Orocels, CommLai. Merchants
Daalan in Prolate /lam Bacon. Came.
arbowsal Lard . 011. Iran Nall., Gla.a.
cation Tara. cad all Plelabarah . Manal•atares
litabo lam , 119 and 114 SECOND STILLET.
JOUR I. HOClia..allir. novlG....sry. U. Gallia.
• • cenors to JOHN 4 H 01 3 ,6 a CO.. WOolo-
Site Grocers awl Cotololutoo Merchants., Corner
of emitb deld ••41Waterr Meets. 01tralm160.
.10.17( 111111}TOW S. V /.I.IJICI.
rNirrbs tWALLLACE.WhoIIe
o. 6 1312711 STRICT. PittoOorth.
The importing discovery of
DEALING Agent is one of the
most remarkable results of
modern medical research.
During the-late civil war it
was extensively used in the
Ilospftals, and was found to
be not only a tkorough disin
fectant, but also the most won
derful and speedy. HEALING
ICENEDT ever known.
It is now presented in a
scientific combination with
other soothing and healing
agencies, in the form of a
SALVE; and, having been al
ready used hi numberless cases
with most satisfactory andlben.
eficial results. we have 110
teflon in offering it to the pub
lic as the most certain, rapid,
and effectual remedy for all .
Sores and Dicers, no matter of
how long standing, for Burns,
Cuts Wounds, and even'
and for Skin diseases generally.
Sold by all Druggist'. Prioo 23 cents.
Manafaetttrers and Lenient . tar 3001'S. MOE/
►ND GA1T1.33, Mo. 39 Market attest, nth.
b ugh, Pa.
Partlerthr atMatlon live. to holism Work.
We bee leave to direct he attent lon of the
petals to he het that vve are nom prepared to
manufacture Boole sad Rorie for pawns
ereeprmi mitt pores, Boren; or der ohs rd feet,
emter Oa personal =men talon of oar Mr. AL
PIOT. formerly of Allerbrey CUT. who will bl
pleased to see Ma old mrstomers again. we nave
adopted Mr. Al perVar mode of anaemia' he
not, by lamb Ire ego be safe Pr 'renaming easy
an comfortable Soots 'and bhoes
cone• tendeP
exiteet. Otve ea • s tea l mtd be eeo.
ALPERT & h 031.311,
;02.0111 38 Market street Ps ttabarek.los
LiMilp ,.
HlM:grim awkantod GAB and IIA3 MST"
itiIiPM(.TOR for Allegheny Cour ON 'Winn
hereby given that Instil the necessary ogles a
Mechanical Testing Machinery can be yeovielen,
nlll be found sr the UITIOZ OF TFrs NA.
Twenytlyd street, lieu Penn, Plttebagh.
• IL ar
ne2:406 Gam and Ganigeter lNteetoe•
hinds of huh late Ilsb ate received dW
en). PelptEllr eth WW. No • 111
Dlsmond Market. Para' Wren. Ind at the Tnte
OW Mend, Allegh.l City. comes of redenu
and Unto streets. Mar long crapulence to the
badness env lee us to alwey. emcee hand • hest
clue arUele, and eatrielt White:Ptch.,..ealtnell.
Nemec. Black Ken and White Perch WI at cm
gait e. W holes le . .
IsccAarDLEss & co.
wiisoucart coo.. .
wag:aura DELLWO •
rondo and Domegtie Dry Goods,
214. .4 WO3D STIP.XL.T.
IMAM door MK" Dlsaai!d .
• vrrrniuzaw. TA.
ogn Esiscsoicie APPLVS
•Itar sale J. IL CANITLLD.
2 - 5 -
AD. On and after
111,h, MO, Triu • .e
Crone, tit@ Union Depot
t 94 Liberty street*. as
- IL Ti. ..'
.-- •
11 r.9..datiday NOV.
U 1 . 17 , 51; vi ti t =
kollinni: . .
.1 1 40 art. = -
ern tn. 5 90 as
'Pacific its. . 11:10 as
9. - all , s No. 1 . .. 11 - 55.151
Van TM ti;:,...._ 1 :10 ass
Bristow se.: 10:90 am
ut•tase No 1.5:10 pm
Clusleti Ps. /111:25 pat
i W 51 1 ,1140. 2 11:51 as
o]sitows 4.51:06 WS
142 a.
r tc p N . t u d &/1 :5 980 . 5
I Wall , . No. 1.. 31/10.1
i MOP. No. 4.. 5. pie
;Vast Lies ....,: plc'
I WAWA no.l. 11:00
.fie coonection . at Flar/10.
NW Train.... 1110 am
East Line. ..1•45 an:
Wallis No. 1..13 20 am
BrlntonAeNol T:5O us,
Wall's 111.2.. 9:50 an
Cincinnati Flx.1):001He i
Janaldea.% Ao10:61/
/Waits AcNol 7:00 pm
Plttstego 1:11. pm,
Paciee lIHSO pm;
Wall tt is 100.11.-01:50 pm;
Wallis N. 1. 3:1
thinsonAc No31:110 Ma;
WAy Paten's 10:40 pml
',hese trills Mt el.
ears for Baltimore.
. The Cbursh Trll lcs
01ndar at 9:05 a. m.,
10.03 a. m. our
4 ,10 p. In. and a.-r ln
l'in P elnt Inprass Paves dally. 000
Express leaves dal!, except Monday. 'All 0
tr gr l f ‘ t i tiin 'T e ;11= 7 ...2p1z . to
W. H. BxexWITII: *Mt.
lige Prior Company no 4 el
some any rlsk (celiac 'eve, exerpt Aar nesilnitan.
parel, mid limit their reapon.llsllllT So OM NUS.
dTed In Tal e on All linagaga
Was amount In 'aloe special at tbe Irtsltrai
emit:. =Hens taken Vre special contact. '
101 l tleasent), thwertntemient. Hoene. EA.
...Wen. Sudan evert
oactaag Piltatairal
e. leaves l'lttabargla
at Wall. IStailoa'
OAD.--On and after N0V.16,11669,
paunser Trains oa the Western Pennrylefaila
Rol , road will mitt at and dew% from UPS
ArrivStrut Depot, 1,11.10007C117.0,1611664$
'Nall .Ali a
M a deTrr 1. 14 0? IEIO
No.lllB p`.. - *,
l h nre ' yang No. 21105 y at7AODe No 1 itho
6:60 pm retPurf NtA INV yyi
OprtiogiDe No let 20 m Attained <IN° 26: lei
Above trains run dolly erupt Sunday.
The Church Treat Allegheny Jusetkea
rem tianday at 1:40 a. 0.. reaching Allegheny
Olt, at 11:50 a. 0. Returning. leave. Ailelytten
City at 1:110 to. In. And 111110 114 *Ruben, Snafu
Non at 2:40 p.O.
The tralao luring Allegheny CRI 0. YAW!.
m. make direct connection at Freeport nithWau
ker . line of 2000 fore oiler and `Haanahotenrne
Peseta mas tut purr hued, at the Onlon.
No. 121.010 r strcet. near the BLl•penstonlol6l4.
,h, and at the Depot, AReghenri
For farther Infonnatlon aplAy no
teiteral Phertet
Tlte Western Pennsylvania Itvnvitad
assume any risk for it , agg:Ae. Ibrareating
. 1
=rill Voll.g 'l l o n h .lhae!.. 44 ATl ' 4 01 2,.
seeding this amount valne 10.11P•t ' at 'C lpda
tha O nu s
11111C.18.000 by sputa) t rant.
H. Pit 1,1,1
toll General Ithoulatendent. Aluartna r •
iffill%)}l TOR
S }
r ' a r '." go C e. t, 1
and arrive at ihe Ifni=
burgh at= as • •
9, Vitas
nk l . 7lllleall
4 Pet, Bo ads;
IChlndte AN 11l
Cecina Lx...:1111:011p
Eit 'nl igo ll E l kl l ll l. ri
Cleveland /Ix Sado al .
ltrle Ye' n Wad :o.lp at
CL •Wh , it• ItaltOuple •
demo Ma .41444•46 v.
Leetsdale .11.9..6411
Bee , r Falls *. WIN an
New Outle .1.01111/11m
wa • 9 11
L E eetsdale I•aaltill:
Bu's Walls " 111:111 •
Istc!f dale CVO pa
Mr Oak. Pen lan
day utter. 9:1I
o assnese lune dailY.
Zaps., arrive. deux.
pt. Out. Menem.
Chlealoix....X:oll m
Oldesa m 9
ata. 1 .6:66 • m
Put e. ~.:1111a
Cl.ll ,s11:11:01ilp m
Oldeago Is, MAY p
Pre irk /I.x.*:(l_
Departfrom /papas y.
ltes.r Falls c.11:36 a m
Laaledale. 10:i6 m
1.1:53 am
lieehestax BAB p
Mum 1 1 :e6P
B Lee ea•rPall e
s .6:16 DID
Leetsdale " 10:411em
Yale OW Otte-
. li2 pm
ii7:91"111 p. Chi
ArIA:08 v. m. Chi
Ulm r.
'. Pas. h Ticket Ag
ALLEGHENY VALLEY m..5".7..n0tal •
REGIONts WITHOUT CHANGE 01 , t'Allfl; --
On sad after MONDAY. Nov. SR. INCA., TWO
will leave rinabarel Depot, oaroii of ,- • ,-
myths/id Me streetsjar traatUa. OR OW/
(Mc alai all valeta in Oa Oil Sego.. , -
&EMI PlTTSwmall. ion,:
ii . 4lffr:::- ZV:11 i ' : 1! :: -
a... 0:40 a m faltoa.. OA aVI '•
717:a01i...11:a0 sal a1t0a.... , Iltoo a is
id Holton.. 5:00 wa1.74 altoa " - Gaga sw
oth Hultoi..11:00 p asplith Holton. 7:16 osa
/noß oda r As.. VICI am Soda World VIII a
waft , . II A.:1; 11,121 f', . I", =A n t, Le 1021:
0aa5eb....... 1100 p m Church —..... WAD au ~,,,1
37, Trv ,,, r , re,..1,1 , 17,
.'l..' Li;.:l4i:,-,i,F1..':1ii.791:.,.'
-.;x .
...—...... ■ :011 a. mt. Marla
Southern Ila.preas 33,111 p. m. 5:00 a. a.
raerreey :1 1 1e5114 2 1..
lLeDanald , • =Pa./W-311:33a. a. 7:7a aWe
Steubenville Aceommod. 3013 p. _5:05 a.m.
MaDonalMe Ate No. 16 : 67 p. za. a I P. n.
nundavOlmveb 111:318 m. 9:0 a. a.
r. Annus Ina ten. deur.
12:13 T. Maa
7. k an,
General Ticket Area Columoo.l. l b.
sr. W. UMW. Suet.. Dennison. Okla ,
I " 13 • •
On .t 1
es. um...ll77'BMT' I,o•Mbat •
e_ Itailp .4 4417 .. 1 ,61- 11 i
Milt* LadteOnl Union. • - !
7:00 A. X. 6 7. W
tteXamortAcomdt.'n 11.00 A. x. BOMB. vs.
An. to and from Tint's. 3:00 at. 10:10.1. ra I •
Wen Newton licerna , d 11:30
Braddock's Amomdt'st. 6716 P. X. This T. N : •
melt toNcK , sport.lo:3 l / 1 ". X. BABA.. •.
sanday Church Trala to
. from Wert Ncwton. 1:007.11.16:06 A.
FO 4 r
U . C.CI2 I i 1007 t
W. B. 15T0177 . .6-r,nntendent- • note
appllatron of the FREICHOLD BANK and
carp rtit lon.
No. 1.191), December Term. 11180,. • •. •
Notice herby ?leen that an apttloatinghge
been nude to the. Coat at :Cognacs, Plena
Allegheny, at No. 1120, December :Term.
1969. by the Freehold Hank sold DolldlngAsechl,
elation for • Chan. r of Incorporation, mg than
.the mane will be grunted by the Court at tie.The.',
tomboy Term, unless sag/cleat reuon heehaw*
. l.
JACOB IV WALTEX. Piothono•,u7.
7crreauxen, Dee. 7. 1749. . delmJ,s
• tr. s. mobtis otirre.s;'
w. remnylvants.
• • Przwasonott. Pasoen.r ta. 1.11611.
o. the I3th day. of December.
arrant in Bankruptcy was fiumigl airatosa •
Estate or .10/IZ, nTICIN, of - Alltgbeny
City. In the County of Allegnenr..4 Stabs-al .'.
Be. sylvanla.w tto lute been wilt.: ecd a Baal,- r
sups. oa 111 own 'petition: th.t. LI,. ;amen&
my debts and denser) of any pnit.rty Won
law theuch Bankrupt toolm or in: ht. on. ,
met truuter or say pr-rty,try him are for
bidden or_ law: that a Besting of •be vrowttorp
of the sold law•
to prove diets Debts
be bele at a lo an of Ban be
holden .t 116 Yeleralstreet, Allereetyelty. Al.
leghtay counts. Ps.. bailee JOHN 11.•.PURVI
ANCR, Esq., Atwitter, ea the fillka clay al JA.I4.
A. L. 1070, "lq PV.Vttitsi34:4l...
11. S. Marshal, sa Xessetiger.-
' • tt/Pttle OT.Ttig g
ecd""" firgagllftnte7l7o l 47llll/9 4 7 , ; •
NOTICE TO 8411EWL—Belled. , ,
I . I4OPCGALL addressed th •The Ineyere'-
tor of the Allegheny County Prison, w will borer_
eerrod at this ogles until atst last. Inc - Indio,
fir fozetehlog the Co toti Pelson trlthßittbAttb ,
six months. from January ISO.' ./.11T0..
Loaves to we!gh VS to SI pounds rsspeetively, '
and to be of approved quality:lUß to to mad*
at Mt moth per voted.'Bond for Mrothemstad
dollars IttU be rettliettfor idthfut berlb*bill
of sostrael. The namaol ilia teens:to mutt aO.
contyiwy thet btd. BUM, endorsed Os 11,4 Wads.,
tutorobsted - st this odl will be
• it !Aim LARtmr,:nr,'
C 0 , gY,
Talasin Orr ITY
ics. ALLlGlLu etmber Cro .ES, Pule.
4- 'a to the holdenOf the
Innletpal Bends of the City - of klieg betty
test the Coupons on mid 800 de towing dos it s .
WI lot 111170. .Bt be hale on nald tosf atom
the State ta.;) at the Beek of flttatrorgk. to iks
any of Pitt.burge, Pe.
D. ele.C11:11110)4.•
?mentor of the Clay of Allegt4n7, Ps.
TillialliTzillt•s Cirrus. December al, A.S. I '
Compromise Boas Wanted.
Persons bolding Consprosofse Bands of the CIO
of Alifilbey. Ps.. are toraby refilled that tie •
Itaklng hod of 11189.1 l'bs Itiveata4 la Saab
Dowd. at the lowest rotas offrred. Proxmire
will be ecelved by tae osderslrn,J WWI BAT.
ifaDAl.f, , Isla./ of J.lieefl. 1910.
-D. m•OTL112011, •
Treasurer of the City Of Alligtiany,
- cr 4
Whoa air (Mar Stionnuat am solarium.' •
rtitamtsa. Des. 434 tima,„
N oner.-The assessment
, .
FORTY-THIRD - orzurxr.
hom remotes 1111 to flutlarltztet,la aow
mar for exataltuateril W b ~ seat at
tat*, ottlra antiatfATITEtDAT. -- httith
15100theas Itartltbitittante totbaCtliThita.
11",9f10".ibigikli": -
lan STELEEIN—TheAiII4ar.,
tuv 4 7WetrageopY2isnt. 71 1 . 1,
ousts so AiA1.12.1 , sui•jet:oi 4 ).
pf TONg BEST ,an_
tp sack, 4. V i a .
o .7,7?