THE DAILY GMHTE: PEtiliThlMl, REM k 00, Ofte..e, 84 and 86 nigh Avenue. T. B. PETTIKILT, T. P. HOUSTON, =ILI VIM L I. lUD. EDITOSJI APO PILOPELMIIIe IMES 01P THAI DAILY. " .......,p.o• ......beta. 21 Mall, p,, re.. Dalivered by carriers FIRST` iDITIOX. JfIIDXIGHT4. NEW YORK CITY. Istrep4 , Trade—Fairy Boat TwiggeSworda —Recreant Pollee Ju Ocean Mail Service—Drawback Franda7The Spanish Gunboats —Stolen"Bonds Come to Light- Bank Defalcation—lnjunction Continued—light Watchman - Murdered. . Ng Telegraph to-the Pittsburgh 0 Wile.] Nara Yong, December 28,11349 OCEAN MAIL ISETIVICE. The European steamship lines refuse to carry malls after the first -January for tho sum offered by the Postmaster General, via.: two cents per letter. Mr. Creswell Is now here endeavoring toar range matters. • . Mr. eresewell declares his determina tion to carry out the provisions of the postal treaty with Great Britain at any coot. nuoverxorc CONTINUXD In the Supreme Court today, Judge Barnard sustained and ordered the con tinuance of the injunceon granted by Judge Cardoso In the case of Alexander T. Compton. of the firm of Pardee d Co., against the New York Stock. EXabanfte, in the matter of certain hum- Maus in gold with one :Foote, a member of the Exchange. . The Court - ruled that the plaintiff's prop. arty cannot he reached against his wilt t but by the eue process of law and through regularly ooustituted tri bunal. The Stock Exchange fa •vol •tintary association of individuals un known to law es a Court of Judicature, and It can receive no countenance from this Court in any attempt to stretch its authority, either directly or indirectly, through the medium of a cmartnership over persons or property which've never been voluntarily submitted to ha control, =I The Slur soya there is great distress among the cigar molten of this city. Obit of the heaviest manufacturing firms has - discharged at lawn one thoneand bandit within the put -three weeks. Other trade. end business are suffer ing In llke proportion, owing to the tm. lietded condition of the gold market. The wholesale clothing firma, whose em• ployes are, numbered by tens of thou sands, have almost entirely mead manu facturing goods for future sales. The same is true of carpenters, bricklayers, laborers, coopers and others, thousands of whom have been obliged to leave the city In pleat of work In other localities. runur BOAT aoLisszoxr - Tho Erie ferry boats, Jay Gould and James risk, Jr., collided with terrible force this Morning, midway in North river, between Twenty-third attest ard Jersey City slits: The Omit ran into the Fisk amidships, crushlnsTrithealdes and hull, the Gould having her bows badly stowed. The Fisk was towed In almost a Waking °outbid= to. Allison's ship ward where abe now Ilea, and, the Gould Ih Moored . at the ferry wharf st the Erie depot. None of the passengers were injured. The damage la estimated 01,20,000. _ • , GENERAL ?WHIG& 1111,0111:e. kindttan :Shia madetoday. In the Snit of Rovrena:Laterence vs. 13enIsmier. Butler, brought to recover the valutrof Gen. 'Dodge' swords and other property, seized by General Butler In.liew Or leans. The mall= Is 10 vacatettle cater of arrestQ*lW,General Butler, oaths ground-that the taking :gas ander the orders of the United. Stales,' and that there was no conversion.. Decision lINCIMAAT POLICE SUSTICES. IL Is understood that bili - yor fleiseh. of Brooklyn, in his annnal mew area will unfold recta relating to imfaithful police jastkes. In atheist one case there le a very remarkable diserep ancv between the actual amount recanted in lines, dut, and that returned to the city treenny. • •Tnearadrisu oirsnowrit, There...were 110 signal:lf activity on the Spanieh' gunboat. :at quarantine to-day. Men are being recruited in this clerfor the various positions ou the boats. It le mow cbualdered imponible that a dew tare will be effected before neat wee k. , . DILAWIII.CX-IIR&IID8 All the complononeparsone lmpllcited in the drawback trends, the Times min with two exceptione,lieve been taken as government witness/a. The latest addi tion to the nrunberle Bazonel T. Binh:ll ford. 5• • ;WATOEUICAIf 111711DERKIN Thorns° .:Elares, a Weld while en duty this evening telt= Montagu - 6 street, BrailaSM.-New Tea. ww shot Wy•Edward Perry, a pink deal er, and dtod Immediately. = The otMoore of the Rine Monty Alms *spelledronounce, the report that they disabled sordless bemuse they Toted the Republican ticket a sheer norms A bundle containing 116,000 worth of Fonds, stolen fifteen yea* worm left at ooeof the police statbins Ws morn. log, by a boy, who escaped arreaL D..USILDW/ALMMON ` .Vocnirig Yost plias the ion of the Merchants Exchange beak by Ms irreg- Jabal ties of cashier Oakley at 000,000. THE_WINNEPEO REBELLION .Arrical or Goy; McDougall' Family at Paul—Their Statement of affairs— Tile New TUTU entibester Report a Ihs. bricatlow, s By Talegrapt to the yttiseersl.6laertts. ST. PAUL, Minn., December 22.—The Wilily of Governor litoDougall arrived bore to day from the north. They left Pembina last Saturday. and will await She arrival of aUveroor McDougall, who to expected to arrive in 51. Peal next Friday en route toVinada: They deny the reports that Governor McDougall had any thleg to dOWitla:.tbilt annum Min= sllans or Inciting Umtata rise In hie favor againet the insurgents.'-- They believe She mast of the Inhabitants at end favor .ed bicDougall, but that they , were deceived and controlled by a few design log loaders, who miarepresented Mr: Pougall's mission and won them over. The St. Paul Dispatch; commenting on the Red river news secolVedtrom New York today. says “The report that witrads of filibusters er ee to be passed imr ,rrivready m within 0 miles of the Prilieh border is a fabricatkm. es the 'Amara: railroad point le 400 miles from the border, and forced marphes, with the ground covered with mow aura the mar. earl ton to thirty degrees below zero, are not probable and we would not ad., vine- the Winnesiegers to rely upon any material aid from such eXpedittott, as It Puy exist only on paney," IJPPER RIVEN& i • til l ruti.a •GI Atokam Taleemea.) Otp.errn 'Dn.': 23.-illtettr 44 AI with to: thebtoNater to the chew met, Weather '• cloudy. Thermometer Moat°P.a. I. . r. llaotv.artram, - ale. 28.—River felling slowly, with 11% feet Of Water In the (Manua.- Cloudy. Thermonseiorla ammanono. Dec. D3.—Ricer on a stand, with about 10 feet water In tbc channel. Weetharckmdy. Ther mometer at 38 at 4 r. x. w. Tdonosarown, W. Va., December 28. —Direr falling. with 7 fie, water in the channel. Weather clond.r. Thertnoma, ter 40 at 4 r. x. a. Fteamer /bconara No. s Sant. ~,-/,l,graptt to the mut:ante `"6 O;:, .. N .Jr,Ln, Dec. 41—Tna Madison :packet, I...?OneTeN n • while *thing lanAivir last 3;!_aht. Mary the wheel house of the etes.Ve Tionston and stove to her bow. pinkly% her In tan fat .0T water. She ean beessll.7_3lLised. Th e U3oustva wee only slightly raNgoo• • tt L-w -:-.11411 1 .101tttbitr c‘ r ' l 4 \ • - VOL. THE CAPITAL. Suit Agidust: B. & O. Railroad-- Department Business Suspend ed The Navajo Indians— Boundary Surrey Between Cal-. Morrill' and Oregon. Io7.Ttleittsoll to the rtastxtrigh litootto.) Wasansormi, December 28, 1E69. SUB O . ORPORATION TS. a. 0. B. The case of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad! Company, chaiged with ob• atructing public highways, was taken up in the Criminal Court to-day. It was in testimony that the Company refuses to conform to street grades, thereby retard ing city improvement. The object of the sett is to compel obedience to municipal law. 011101A1.1117811112/8 BVEIPEND7D.. The President was in his office but short time to day.- No visitors were re ceived and no Lltbinet meeting held. The clerks of the Departmentv were ell permitted to leave at noon. .• • I= The Indian Bureau hu official reports from the Navajo Agency, stating that the Indiana had received their annuity goods and presents of goats and sheep from the Government, which had the-effect of strengthening the relations of peace. UOUNDAILY SWAYER Daniel G. Major. United States Astron omer cud Surveyor of the boundary between Valifornia and Oregon, hu ar rived In. Washington with the tint report of this important survey. BRIEF TELEU&&IS The steamship Larifa, from Liver pool, arrived at Boston yesterday.' - —Commodore McDougall has been or dered to the command of the South Pe- aide squadron. —Nearly five hundred Chinamen armed at St. Louis last' night, on the way to Texas to work on ndiroads. —Fitty.tive thousand hogs have been killed at Indianapolis during the present season, whtch is now about closing. —Rev. Father 'Donn, or Sf. John's Church, (Catholic) Philadelphia, died yesterday morning, In his tilat year. —Tee Ice in tbeHodaon river give wet , In front of Harlion city, yesterday, - sad carried with it wontdi t ty light unite. —A daughter of Nelso - n Whitney, Ilv log stout elm miles trout. Bloomington fellinicla silica Monday and w —The funeral of George Peabody will take'rdsoe at• the town of Peabody, tea data after the snivel of the remains at ,Portland. • —Two Cubans were garroted at Ha vana on Christmas day, having been convicted of !nettles rebellion among the volunteers. —River navigation at St. Lonlewu Ittlly resumed yesterday, and several steamer, left for the month. The weather was clew and mild. —A tire occurred at Manistee, Mich.. yesterday, resulting in a loss estimated at .60,000. The Tyson House and a block opposite were burned. - • • —The Sunday School Superintendents of St. Louis had a banquet last night, at which the general Intermits of Sunday &Smola were distressed. —Prominent members o f the New York city Tinton League have taken measures to place Mr. Stanton's family in a conf irmable pecuniary condition. CAMBRIDGE, Masa, December 28 Cattle; receipts 618; market inactive and last week's prices hardly maintained. Sheep and Lambs; receipts 3,231; market q_Ctlet at las: quotation'. ...=Track layingtm the Ludaville breech of theOhlo and Mbudialppl Italtroad - wka' • completed Monday night. Regular trains will commence running to Cincin nati by.thesieW tout" to-marrow . . —Michael Dioan, a treek repairer on the. Chicago, Rook Island and Pacific Beltway, has recovered judgment ageing t that road for ten thousand dollars for Injuries received while in Its employ. Another of the gang Who halfri been committing robberies along the line of the Erie and New York Central Rail roads: has been arrested, and `s large . amount of goods found in his possession. . —lt'..has transpired , that a number 'of Virginia sheriffs, appointed . by . General Oanby, while military ..commander, are Wanton in sums ranging from 4 5 ; 000 10g20,000, which they collected but are unable to pay over. ^ —A unions riot occurred on Monday et - Dearing, Columbia county, Ga., in which A. N. Hada and Ellis Adams were Wed, and Dyeh Hodswounded, Whls ky was the cause, pollticebavingnothing whatever to dowita . the L. - Ir Whims of law fleet of thirteen Spanish: gantraant‘ancboredtee.ttek., battery et Charleston, S. 0., were entertained4t a - collation yesterday by the municipal munoritiert. The fleet re mains three 4 /our days, and expect to make that port their rends:lnc/Wu -The frigate Pizarro and three gunboats were expected lad , , e - —On Thursday night of last week Steve Sennett Iced Tbm Judson (ooloted) had an alteroation Bell's Station, on the Meniphis 4 and LeulaVille•Railroad, during which the former ems brutally murdered. On Monday night a party of masked men took Judson from the ems: , Cody of the constable, carried him to the Woods and shot Mtn. of , . —Ramona . of icregularltlery lA - tbe Merchant'. Exchange National Bank at New York prove true. A deficiency of 8160, 000 has been discovered. and further investigation la likely to Increase the amount coesiderably. The =am of tba. delinquent parties heart ;not been made public. The 'bank demi to be fully equal to meet the.defalcation. --Thomia Coyne, oonvlet In the Wawa: . • chusetts state misuse, under sentence for life for reacialaughter, attempted to cum; mit suicide yeaterday . morning,4 pr. throwing himself from the fourth balcony to the granite dour of ins Ptalq WAIN 3 0 wry, a distance of thirtyedght feel - 'lts fell upon the stove, crushing it In splice. tern, but received no aerie= injury, —At New York. on Monday. A/' Duziitingainit;ci icirawaiVint of arrest want her husband. William Needham, otherwise William Horace Llngard. well knownitomie einasr and mimic, nag log that he hibilaally, anus - her. and that a day or two eine be, threatened to blow her brains anti The warrint.war isetted, bat they both sang as usual the lime evening. • —On Christina Dry a bloody • fight warred at Morris Lae, Idinneeatei on the Lake Superior Railroad, between =net:Wades and Irish labarea., • all drunk, which lasted about-three bouts. One Swede, name unknown,. and James Brown, of Fon do lan. Wte., were killed, and Oven others's/leaky wounded, man' whom will die. Abort day men were engaged In the row. At Montreal. Canada, yesterday, Judge Conrail decided that the evidence, of forgery against Caldwell was condo. lively (*titillated,- and ordered Wipe ba committed foe estraditioar Islearung to the terms of the treaty. Caldwell's runnel gave nation that they would sP• peal to the higher Oaurt alto the question of Jariailleticru in the matter. Tea will delay If not prevent the extradition. —A. dispatch from Virginia City, (Nit 111")"6326theuYsi ./f/lenty-six dls h shocks of earthquake were felt at Mariposa MIIL The water •In the Cole Terinn/ Mining Company increased air- been linala AE Steamboat Springs the Coda was three," throardi .aartk;lB - "heighlref twentyntive Mt llboolte were felt this morning and last evening. The mines are uninjured by the earth quake." ...The New York Court of Appeals has decided that a broker who yen out in f r i n ':: "lnm i g:t: n i wi d stm t p t e ttt o grv isl iti e g . h i l :hir t. 3 7nuti le a to in ce th r e f otistamer for the highest price of stook '' dowd 45 the tinteof tae trial, because the I customer owns the stock. and the act of the broker is a wrongful _commission. leThiesres iten case Wean— by ttle • gre., ers' Board. —The State Association of Sembilan- dents of Schools convened in Indianapo iii. Indiana, yesterday. The state of the colored schools was fully dammed, snowing the necessity for mixed school& The glarteTestibers' Assonation also ma. vaned In their sixteenth annual seinen. Mayor JileAuley delivered an addreesof wetsCHUO, and Prof. Misty. ot Albany ThlivelallY; the annual addrem. Both saeoelatlcate are largely MIEN SECOND EDITIOI FOUiriPeLOCK, 4. JQ NEWS BY CABLE. Fire Panic in a Theatre—Eigh tea Persons Killed and Many Injured—The "Times" Sees no Cause for Hesitation in the Al abama Claims Negotiations— Trial of Trauppman, the French Murderer.— Inauguration of Constitutional Government in Frice—Church Disestablish , • , Mimi in Jamalca—Reewal of the Campaign Against Cuban ;Insurgents. Tele4raDO , TAIDO.PILIADID'AOI29tb!.): . •GaltOLT ' LONDON, December 28.—1 t la noted by the pram here, with approval, that the new Auitro-Ctilneee treaty forbids con suls to engage in trade. Daring the performance at ;be theatre in Bristol last night there wait an alarm among the audience, and in the efforts of the crowd tOeticane from .the building eighteen persons were killed and many tri he Tirats,,in considering the claims of ths - Americanfloverninent against Eng land, says: The case of the Alabama Is the -only plausible one presented, and even then the fault' le due to' Union cruisers for pecmitting her to escape to England, and therefore Peed not tear the resumption of negotiations 'or reference Of claims to arbitrators. The Pacific Steam Navigation Compa ny's steamer Araoulppai to ply between Panama and - the cities of the west coast of South America, was succesafully launched at Greenock this morning. - ::Dispatches irons Vienna confirm pre vious reports of -.the' entire suppression of the insurrection in' Dalmatia.' - I= December 28.—The trial of Tratippmanti, for the murder of the Wank famt . kimmeneetti in this • city. today. The court room was densely packed with spectators st the opening of the proceedings. The Journal Official announces the re signation of the ministry, and the Em peror's determination to accept the um.. It ale^ contains a letter from the Em peror to M. Emile Oldvier, requesting him to name perorate who wilt associate with him to form a homogeneous cabinet, faithfully representing the legislative mejority and resolve to apply in letter sue spirit the &mains Cottrultum of See. Camber Bth. Toe Emperor counts on the devotion of the Corps Legialatif to the great Interests oft the country, no less than on that of itL. °Molar, to aid him in the -task he has undertaken- of -putting intb sucoesafal operation &constitutional regime. The new session of the Corps Legislatif commenced to-day. M, Schneider was selected President by a vote of 190 to 40. The Liberal Paris journals, comment ing on the Emperor's latter to)i. 011ivier, Nay personal government is now at an end to Prance, and the letter is the first chapter of the Liberal Emplre. P 1 Rtivosymr, Ja.. Dee. 13, via. Havana, Dec. O3.—The Government half officially announced the disestablishment and die. endowment of the Church In this Island. One of. the Agents *III be that many clergymen hive to resort to manual Is.. bor. for a livelihood. Government has abolished the private jurisdiction of Ma. &ankles' Cowls. - • Erin Noivrras, December 25, via Havana, December I.l3.—The campaign in the Corn.' cgey.cliatriet waa opened today.. Gen. Ca with three thousand troops of ell arms marched from this place In the di rection of Elia Miguel, Mama and Gusymaro. The movement, if enemas• fill, promises to miasmas:aid of iminrreo. tion. • ~ -; =I Roes, Dec. 03.—1 t is certain that In the questions thus far submitfbr con indention of committeesap poin tede by the Council. nothing is said on the sub ject or - Thu Pope expresses the opinkm that the members of the 03until have U 0 voice in the regulation of,abit body's promaxihrite. . . MARINE. NSW& LONDONe Dem 28.—The areamarii Olty or Brooklyn. Hansa and Marathon, - al from Neva York.. have arrived out. FughmciAsk Men oosusEaclAt.. LOSDON. December 22—Roenfag.--Clon. sob: ;for money. • 9215 ; seconnt. 92 ti; 629 bonds '628.86; 'Ms. 86; '87.. 83%; Riles, 18g: Illinois. 093; A. et G. W., 26. ' Pears, December 28..—Bonrse dull— Lrmai2ool., liecoMbor Monad steady: ;Wands 11 Mallg, leans sale. 1000 balm Man chester markets doll. 'Receipts; wheatlis Om* days 00.009 quarters. of which 40.- 000 were Ameritsint California white Itts ild r , western 81; 4d9Ba 6d, winter, is mists= flour Be 3d; eons no. 9 Mixed 214.967•05 ts 86.95;'betel 51 eeu 36 pork 106; beef 01; lard 76266; OMAN Ms; ,eon 545; producia unchanged; naval mares dull. Lannon, Deo. 26: 7 -Tallow closed. en? filer Ma 96%155; Milned pretroietun easter. Massa. December 2 0- 001 /mtt, fin?" , Mies 5t.12614f onspot.:: • . 'Ass-want . , Dec. 28.—FetrolenmItinary 81111, Dec. 2&—Petroletim firm YO theism 66 groats. Santana, Dec. 23.—Petrolenin firm .116 ireF,OszlcolgCbPling‘ • , CINCINNATI. Eton MOM&itureis sad theTartil4ilia- Dial' ,Wilde! Still: Wisc. Tele.pb to tn. risubora emtt..t . CWWLIUGLII, December 28.—The 1111140471:M1944141.31;i11iptinit ICHWIbr the Rofplooiel t)leß. Pen*, month in reference to the reoncilos of the tariff on pig iron to SAM) dollars per ton. The sense of ,the meeting j pea agtnet such reqie'dan'qt yio oriapiud by pmminimilAMmulliaturelilla At Mount Pleasant, yesterday, a bisoknolitt named DusiouvidnDnisid,- in a istalm, - playfulik ensiled • pistol at Thomas .Coroorms and shot him dead. He had carried the t Mints!. without • cylinder for Revere' days end snapped It at people,' fie slYs he forgot the cylin der woo Yeohnied,r beinft very drunk it %be t etutraoter lug %son good is • psalmist& &Won. Me wain wrested and gave ball to, appear ., At the Orlmtpal Court. ' • " Mrs. Wilder, whose husband on Stul -1 day, at Cheviot, attempted to molder, subacqnently killing himself, is still Ur i 12* /Slie . ry o , miplitf tips recent rebbiory or I the nonnty treasury-of Tame county, ;ova. has ;been flnafly.annwslltd. mill beSecollected that Denton Camery. **instant Trpasnrer, averted that be bad been knocke d . dotsbj piantopct and other wise mottroatod,, tutu !of ppme PACO. Do-ham finally oontessed that bp emsmitted the robbery on blostelf, and itsa restprintptori Agljar of thewiongy. Shortiltenonniellonnersinn Crul 3 D 7 7 u nattoon to commit spicing by anectins htemenr la the bowels, inflicting* wound which:may prove highest* been retimie4 is I Yon Man of sterling character. —llia committee of claseni appointed to take Into oonaideridkat the Pre/fist, of holding akiforldWirair. at ',ER. Zoete.' In 1872, has decided flit lbs Project net ertl.rfoldthhrbfat Orwlimble and. 40- &treble. Articles of Ineorportalkin for a . 9rnoildlrrair Amoeba with a nap hal of about one wallop dollar', win to prepared for opprvszt by a isprimastinit to be held on the 3d proximo, as, wkdch time the arrangements fury holding the FAIT 11 1 1 1 W Mmfgeopea. , • PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER _ 29, 1869. CITY AND SIIBUILBAN. PANEEITRIC. Bernarts of James M. Cooper, at the Meeting of Cittzene, Upon the Death of Hon. Edwin M. Stanton. • Mn. Gamester; :—Thls le indeed a solemn occasion. A great man has fal len in Israel. Edwin M. Stanton is ne more. -What affecting memories crowd • upon the mind et the sound of that name? What perils to the Republic. in the early stages of the war? What a -nobleconeummatiori, and what a halo of glory surrounds the heads of those *ho have wrought out time nation's salvation? - Mr. Chairman, I have thrown together a - few thoights, and a brief• resume or sytiopais of the principal Incidents in the history of the noble dead whom we have met this day to honor, and, with your permission, I will now present. what I have prepared . for the consideration of the meeting: ' It la right and proper that the citizen. of Pittsburgh should come together to give some expression to the deer/ feeling of regret which has stirred the hearts of our satin, community over the sad an . nouneethent of the death of the. Hon. Edwie M. Stanton. . • He wee ono of Ourselves our fellow citizen, and it was among no, and here In Pittsburgh, that be first attracted the public adtttteftfotrlhr hiegreet qualities as a profound lawyer, while his pureand lofty character In all the relations of life endeared him to us as our friend and neighbor. I do not propose, Mr. Chairman, to pronounce the eulogy of this 'That duty Will ao doubt, It tireprover, time, be confided to abler hands. Nor have I risen-for the purpose of giving a history MA2141116 or of his eminent pub. tic aervieein but may billy recall a few of the incidents of his distinguished career, without trespassing upon the province of the Minorite, or of those who may hereafter. he called, Upon more ap propriately to may - hereafter.. to his memory. From the .reiXtda Of Lb* day I learn that Mr Stanton Was born at Stenben vllle, Ohio. in December, 1815, of Quaker parentage. • At the early Age of thirteen years he became clerk in a book store, and two years later entered ..E.enyon. College, where he remained two years.' Reduce _commenced the study of the law with his guardian, Daniel L. Collier, Esq„ and began the practice of•his profession dove years later in Cadiz At the age of twenty-three years .hewu elected Prose. eating Attorney ibtAlarrleett , ,tiottlitY. star subsequently he becsuatt.Berportsr for the Supreme Court of obro;, In 1847, at the inatanCe.:44.34. l lK-Iste Judge Wilkins, ho recutke burgh, and formed a with the Hon. CherleelltobgeSoll_ the most didinguithed bar in Western Pennsylvierfe. 7 W. -, member of this Brut he belean.-.,: tettkr.leallft: fog counsel In a - number of the moat Itapottant cases recorded in the hooka, including the great. ?Wheeling Bridge Ills reputation was now firmly estab. Ilehed as one of the ablest legal minds in our whole country, and his practice In important causes. especially before the Supreme Court of the United States, was so large that he found It necessary to re trieve to Washington City? having, in the meantime, espoused for his second wife, the daughter of Lewis Hutchinson, Esq., of this city. - Borings very successful and lucrative pmctice of his profession, he was in,1860 appointed to a 'seat to the Cabinet of President Buchanan as Attorney Gener al, where he quickly discovered that trump and Imbecility were at their bale. ful work, and that all the - energy end force of his determined will, were re. quired to defeat the machinations of the arch traitors by srhono he was surround. ed on every ea.. : • . ALL will remember the celebrated order to stop the shipment Of ordnance hem Pittsburgh to the South, sent by Stanton at this critical juncture, and the anti• tilde of our citizens, whoweremeddened almost to fury, and ready to proceed in any extremity to prevent the treasonable deed. This timely order saved oar good name as a law abiding community, and it was wrung from thefeara of M. Buchanan by the sturdy patriotism of Stanton, In spite of the Mau denuncia tion, of Floyd, then Secretary of War, and his rebellious associates la the Cabt net. Well may it be said of Stanton, ..Faithfal among the faithlen—only he." At the end , of Mr. Buchanan's! term, Mr. Stanton resumed his proems:lout labors; but In January, „1862. - •he was called upon by President Lincoln to so. oept the position of Secretary of War.. How he acquitted himself In his groat office I need not now describe. It Is a great and eventful theme. The record is deeply graven Upon every loyal heart In the land, yet it was at the meted his Life, and children yet .ndbortt shall learn' to Ilsp.the name of. Stanton one of the nation's martyrs. , His herculean tabors in organizing victory, involving se much `as eighteen hours work every day, ware a constant strain upon hie powers of body and of mind, and at last told with for feit effect upon his nitturilly strong and I vigorous constitution until at the close of the war Vire Stenion was physically prostrated, and only a wreck of his Ihrtner self, Milumgla. his ,rnental condi • lion was still thithydrvid. , Of hie otheaquent.difficalties with act- Presideld4obloilon,twhOttaind it posslble,teeway .frena the path of duty In the bitter strife between himself and Congress, I need 'not recount the particulars.' SOH. it to my, that he yielded:his - MOM is Secretary of War ttuderprcdeat, to General Grant, after lens • and painful struggle with the President, but not until le Wes occupied by onethe nation could trust, It Is safe jersey this dieloulty contributed largely trolsoraysle therymetoont /f hiscittatst.' Yorraoon alter these symptoms as sorneda more alarming character, and excited - lilts worst apprehensions of his. friends..; He partially recovered, how. ever, and onlyalxiat ten days teems Ids death to argued an Important case before Justice Swamis In his own sick chamber. TM. leAcknowledged to' have been one of his shiest efforts. On: his fifty-fourth birthday be was tendered and accepted the • rogation. of Ansodate Justice on the Supreme Bench, and his nomination by President Grant was promptly confirmed by the Senate withecarcely any oppoeition. , But his ghat career was drawing rap. Idly to Its mate. On the day following an-unfavorable cheese in his condition °Warred, and ho continued to grow wpse, until on - Friday morning. the 84th init.i at two o'clock; the Otter chordires sundered, and the soul of Edwin M. Ettantragdood. tn. the ,presence of his Maker. , r - • A nsuommoimni his ids, s and osier.= orates the memory of her faithful son amongst the brightest and most death. less pages of her Many, in transmits his name and fame through,all the an nals down to the latest of recorded time, I propose, Sir, that this meeting of citizens of all classes, and without re gard to party, shall give some indtable .;presslon of their feelings moon this .damn occasion, and I therefore move the appointmentota•comPaltteCof live to prepare and suttalt resolutions ex. premise of our sense of the magnitude of the nation's bereavement In the death of Hen. Edwin H. Stanton. .- Ttioniotion offered by Colonel. Cooper was adopted, and tbsChalrmsa appoint ed Messrs. lamest M. cooper, id. W. Beltaticover.'ol F. Von lionnhoret, B. F. Jones and-Wqr.:M: Berth its the com mittee. 'The able' pine yrk irsi listened to with • marked -attention; and reflected crealt ttiiite head and heart of Its so• ootnpllsheit author., Cam! A. well, known laths oKathrina," own. exl by A. G. Myers, has been In Fume of drilling for some time In Fond Coun ty, Wong tuned from Tionesta. it has revolted the depth of g5O feet without finding the third- said rock: - The esti mated death of the oil bearing rock lq that locAllt7 Is sopposed to be 1,160 or Vie Cooper lithe, at Benrennebtir htw bon parahased by a number of as - Witte tO 140 developed into all tsmi . *rand wells Zr. Wag sunk. The on it Is Katmatod vont] 1100.000. The Beall rstut. West Hickory, U -1000114 cm amazingly.' A new twenty barrel well was recently struck. Bun, Aram & Phinney well, an ES . IIO has been floWing at the rate of tgenty *Tells - ash um y 'while a undergoing prowls ofesnd . 'gag brake Alisdnionl pin aitiOve ainoiteti to nearly 13,00f1. But fear, of the wbleh U. expected to be represented Alf / I £ 4 ?FP 5! , 70 , blmncanv.lowil• • MENFISO OF Mla=laY. Cemmisdoners APPunalliC— ooll3l derlabill of Overture■ Postpelied- - -Tite Ruling Elder. The The Monongahela Presbytery pt the United Presbyterian Clutch met in the Fifth church (Rev. S. B.ll,ted'a) yester• day morning at ten o'elock. Rey. Wm. M. Coleman. Moderator, occupied the chair, and 'Rev.. Wm. B. Andrews acted as Clerk. • " - - The morning session'eras spent In the trenseetion of routinebneinete of no pub• lie importanoe. In the a ft ernoon Mahal young men delivered RITMO= Ill igi rMen• of pro gram, which were h creditable. Tim following pangolin! wore elected Commiedonera to the Oltnerel Assembly to meet here In May !next Mtnirter e Rem. Jame. Grim. Da. Y. & Tamer and H. C. McFaxiando - Friacitials Al. tomato,: Revs. Thos. Hann, E. Bar clay and F. A. Elnlabizmon. Elders: Memo. James Bald, U. Salentine and R. J. McGowan, Princillaals Alternate.: fdeaars. W. IL BtowitiViiio Folks:and R. Cum . . .The o n otrieration fit:overtures on Psalmody, Marriage Eh • dammed was till sister, dm., was till the second Tuesday of te ary DIA sit which tide • special g or Presby tery will be held In t Second Church, (Rev. Mr. Hanna's) Midas 'avenue, for the purpose of illsonsaidithom. Rev. W. H. Andrewailawached In the evening by appointmal or Presbytery on the °Moe of Ruling der. He chose the following testa as tads of Ida re- marks: • Peeve all things. / 3 . 21- The Elders which are am Yon I exhort. Era 4 t flock of le among you: nt e as being lo Tax God'. herit age. I._ Pet., 5-1-3. introduced Dia eubJeM by Inquiring, form of gov ernment bas Cod Inirtituted In his church/ EpiaommoY,'/O•PerWsnoTann Psesbytery have. each * different times in the put, been in the INl•deney. The =tan hu been waged m fiercely! tau now, as in the rest, lonia are ready to tarn away from ha cosititeration. doubt. Iniwhether any spiel* Of ernment hi of &sins oriels., He cordially subscribed a modified fans ef Presbyte. rise Church governotemit - BOCStala It la the most simply, mecureeproper repletion. tattoo to the membership of -that:hum/4 asouses, la high degree,equality among the dentin and mainly boost= It accords best with the System: of government, which God satablimMi In the Church under the former Of dispensation, and by which the Apostle! and primitive Chris. time were governed. =get the present dispensation. Dr. Ligispoot pigs a high saisipilunuit:learirestoygirhinism, when hlreallet hiellefetentlatere viii vii, to ,nrintibersol the shall be • • p t sad this ; =04 ,14,4 abridiredand din** to • byterianism in. in a bigltasospous soda mimetic:al republicanism.; IS ham &tonight to eboise his own ?Wenn and under God, and subordinate to his Word, to make Its own . • • ls and regal The q aw uestion asal =m by thePrest• bytery was.,..BbouM• Ealing Elder ex ercise his odic* In • paeltandaf congrega tion, an indeflails tow without a- reelec tion by the people? The Reverend gen tleman, as weonderstood Min, took the negative aide of the qdwittion. He sue Mined 01. posit/on Itry thil:lbliowins gumenta: _ Ist. Tho choice and rkenfrot of the membership are necessary tattle •proper exercise of office to a rndgnutation. Pa r:mega should have no elistence: God himself did not Invade the sexed right of the peep), In this =Mex. Let no man dare ao . it. • Thenteinnanollther be comes dietastefol to Al majority of the congregation, he ought tie be reetrathed from the exercise et~n that =ogre. intion—that Ii pheiiihe Opis of the congregraloritrilitMffieffivic--- -_ 9d. • - 2& Scripture authority for the change. There 1s no eqnvits plure authority. But it can be reduced from Scripture. Such deduction is both natural and ne. oessary. There is no =prow Scripture authority for present divisions in the ehUrr.h. yet some maintain that they are c , fornary for the vindication of the tenth. Palpable facts.' The ruling elder can retire from exercising bas office in a oingregation at plenum,. He may re tire with or without reason, and no court an compel him to continue In office, however necessary him services. If he should remove from a congregation for a time, and return, be must be re elected. Ilia own will may dissolve a relation: - but cannot reinstate in It. If' the officer can sever a relation, the pee pie can. Here be quoted from Stuart's Collections, a standard work on Presby. tartan Church government. 4. I'All things should be done =toed'. ' tying." If the exercise of= °find Ina I particular congregation retarded its growth, or was • bar to Be edification in numbers, knowledge, faith and halloo's, , Paul would have said, "1 will bold no office In that congregation while the world steads." Galvin retired for three yearsfrom Geneva, and the same people reelected him. - Mr. Andrews then oensidered the ob. Jealous. 1. The course indicated would no unacsiptur= 2. It Is contrary to the standards of the Church, and especially the Confession of Faith. If the officer 1 1 should not be reelected =his feellnp would be wounded, and probably ke would retire from the Church. 4. Hon. arable men would not accept the office If lsubjected to a reelection. These were alt considered at length and with great ability. - • The one system", he said. had Just= much scripture authority as the other. Bat tile one was .better =stained by scriptural deductions. It gnardsagainst Intrusion:and wares the right of choice 'and consent. It makes the tenure of office to a oongregstion no the part of a teething and rulingelders equal, and gins the same righta to the congrega tion it guarantees to the- officers. makes the brightest talent,, the most shining piety, and Indefatigable energy within the bounds of the emigre, paten at any time available. It wrongs, no man.-for what the maizi t t o y . cl , cen ffragelie"rectir The office it itser f disci be recal led , but the right to ex. arab. it In- a aosigregatiaa, la. =epee ' %tenably, contingent on the will of the membership. Old theories will be Investigated whether men will resist or not. Macau ley says "The truth is, every man to to a great extelit i the creature Of his age. It Is to no pencee that he resists the tofu. Once which the vast mass in which In le but an atom must exercise upon him. He may try to be a man of the tenth Oes• tory. but ,he rennet. Whether he will or not he moat be a man of the nine teenth century." • The arguments and illustration" of the Reverend gentleman were very tz e nd 4 hie, and put -with great flares, althou gh , If carried out, they would no doubt be looked upon by some as a grievous in. aeration on a long established o r d., o f ecclesiastical polity. - After sermon, polity adjourned to meet In the Second 11. P. Church. Sixth avenue, on the second Tuesday of February next. - THE COURTS. Dbtekt . , Caart—JLitlfill ... ftesplon ana Ktrkprariet, Wickuut, December 28.---The, equity llst was resumed Ws A num ber of asses were argued. None of them Were, however, or public Interest, Setts—Jodie Stowe . . TITABD.III', December 233.—Ttie- awe of the Commonwealth va. James Hellman and William Seville, Indicted for Ur i:eel, wee taken up. The defendants see mod of steeling 4ts from Pratt SmastiU fame, FedanalliXllo4 Sus.. shear. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and Ate defendants were ie. ftanded for Bentenee. 4. Levine. holKe4jef lareanY. wee nex t nieet,3 op vial.. WAGjuzy returned verldiei salty, and the defendant 11WSed to pay the Ousts of. pico t op= ma Pasco en torprlionmad the ectluei iele4 haws Sbriuß7 Pay& slat►r ri.rsoiwworsapAy.': 179, aona Ts. itierbird Jobstidon, $ OM The Chsoil Jury Val bi - in end= ott Wednesdays Deesulber29lh,l66o. Pram. sentare who have not been heard will sp lpear ort that day with :rut hal, as will also the coratabies of the 4th, 6th, 7th and 16th wards of Pittsburgh, 2nd, 4th and ath wards. 4iteiiStity, and Mm Keesigat. illatisburib bilMn4hige of Woos B lower 43a. " .wonk ap4 TV1144, THE ern SLOE QUESTION Convention of Colored ben—Seeond An- mild Gathering—What They Pre. pose—Meuures 10StitUted—ResolutIon. Paased—Flirst Day's Proceedings. • The Second Annual Convention of Delegates, representing the colored peo ple of the Commonwealth, commenced Its session yesterday morning, according to notice, in the Avery Mission Church. Allegheny. This assemblage is called Mainly for the purpose of considering the best method of securing the right of sut . . frage for the colored race, In addition to Instituting creatures calculated to in- crease their general prOaperlty and ele• 1=1:EI The first convention assembled In Pittsburgh a year ago, and resulted in Much practical good to the cause It rep resented, by setting at work Influences aed active efforts for the accomplishment of the designs contemplated, which have been felt throughout the State by the people. The delegates assembled and —were called to order at 10% o'clock, yesterday morolog, stoat eighty answering to theta flames at the call of the roll. A tempo- zary organisation wag effected, with Reg ki. B,Garnett as chairman, and 0. L. C Hughes, Eaq , of Harrisburg, Secretary. Mews. Stewart, Jackson, Woodson, Green and Williamson were spoon:dad to receive oredentlabs, and other commit tees on permanent organizstion 'and mien chosen, 'alter which • recess was taken for dinner. • ATEILILIWOON BESSION. Busse=Pbtel at two o'clock. The Committee on Permanent Organisation reported the following list of °Dicers: President-O: 1.. C. Hughes, editor P,cgress of Ltberty, Harrisburg. Vice Presidents—H. IL Garnett, Francis Weeds, W. H. H Hunter, John Peak. Abram Cole. D. W. Asbury. Secretaries —B. K. Sampson, o. S. Woodson. Sear- Rastas at Arms—George Waithington Galloway, and Benjamin Goliah.flamp. The nominations were unanimously approved, end the gentlemen named se. sumed the duties of their several offices. Rev. H. H. Garnett moved the ap °ointment of a general Committee on Baldness, to whom all matters should be referred without debate. A lengthy disci:union ensued on this motion, which was finally withdrawn. Mr. Granville Sharp Woodson moved the appointment of oommittein of three each on Religion, Education, Panties, Wealth, Female Education and Labor Industry, Statistics, and committees of seven on Address, and tive on Finance. The motion was carried and the several committee eppotnted by the chair. Prof. Simpson presented the report of the Committee on Rules, which, after being slightly amended, was adopted. Mr. John 8. Williamson, of Allegheny, was appointed Aisistant Secretary. Rev. W. H. Hunter offered the fol. lowing: WIIEREAD, The Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania has ratified the Fif teenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, thereby signifying their willingness to accord to all of its Inhabitants, who have resided in the State the time specified by law, Che right to vote and bold once, be It Resolved, By the colored citizens of Ponnaylvania, that. It Is our oplco lon that • State thus ratifying and maiming such an amendment, and no tifying the President of the United States of such ratification, is bound in law and equity by all the previsions of such an amendment; and be it further Besolvect, That weappoint a committee to omelet of (-) to urge ills Ex cellency the Governor of the State to maks a proclamation of the fact, and. thereby at once enfranchise us. The resolutions were referred to the appropriate commtttes. Mr. Brown offered the Ibllcrwing: While we look upon the approaching event of Universal Serfage to be at no distant day, when the ballot box, that priceless bentage of universal liberty, shall be glian_ta all nien,Ltvetnwtlyeof race, color or creed, Beached, That we regard it u one of the moat siorlotis achievements of the Republican party, with which every, colored man !Mould be Identified. Referred. Mr. Miles Green presented the. follow ing: That we, ea o Convention, heartily concur In the recent action of Congress in relation to the Georgia Legislature. and we pledge our warm and earnest support ;, the Republican party and the present Congreu. Referred. Mr. George Washington Galloway of. fared a paper artlbilows: 12e.tolved, That we organize a joint stock association for the purpose of edn. eating the laboring - moues whose cir cumstances have .premed them from attending schools. Bee:dyed, That this J. S. association assess each one who shall become ■ member Afro cents per month for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Educational Board. • Mr. Prdpres presented the report of the Committee on Finance, assessing. a tax of one dollar on each member. The gentleman suggested the propriety of collecting the amount at once. The suggestion threw the Convention Into a state of considerable excitement, but, in the form of a motion, It finally prevailed. While this idea was being tarried out, Rev. W. H. Hunter, offered another reso lution aa follows: Wiranzu, we have heard with deep regret of the death of the Hon. E. M. Stanton, Ex• Secretary of War, and As• iodate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. therefore belt • Ite.solvecl, that In the death cf Hon. E. M. Stanton, the nation bu lost one of Its moat able eons, and fearless advocates of the principles of truth and right. Prof. S. A. Neale, made a few remarks on the reeoluticrn, gasp suggested its pos. sage without the formality of referring to a Committee. The suggestion was rgreed to. The Convention then adjourned until evening. . SV=ILNG SESSION .. At half pest seven o'clock the tbnven• tion reassembled. together with chinos In nuts meeting In the auditorium of the churelt, where several interesting and practiest addresses were delivered by 0. L. O. Hughes. Erq...and other gentlemen. The attendance was very large and the proceedings spirited. The second day's session will convene thismorningat nine o'clock. EONONGLIIPLI CITY. Bright Times of Joy snit Madness- Suboantiat Pantie Improvements-- Dew Balidings,An Academy Pro. posed-Mesta of Manton. MONONCIAILLUI. Orrr, Dec, P 7, '69. Since the rise In the river which he. permitted the immense amount of coal tying In the valley to be got into market, money matters have looked up con siderably and - business taken a fresh start. Many miners who looked with dark forebodings on the approach of winter. with the prospect of a hard one and no work, have received employ went, and the shadows that rooted on the hearthstone have given place to joy and gladness. Improvements in this city go on stead ily and are of a substantial kind, being manly of brick, atone and iron. The society of L O. of O. F. have during the summer erected • 'line three storied building on the corner of Main and Wishington streets. Besides the bold. neat exam on the first dm, and -a ball for the use of the Order on the third, Ii contains a large and commodt. ous town hall, which this place stood Very greatly. In need of. Alex ander d - Co. are completing a very fine bank building and dwelling on the corner of Main and streets. The enterprise and liberality of this gentle. manly firm In erecting In this place a building which for magnitude and beauty is seldom win outside of cities, and would fitly grace Mtn avenoe, Pitts. burgh, command the thanks of all cid , d. company but been formed to catab; 110, an ftaslemy on the first class system wad substantial Inundation. Plans and specifications for the building have been spade out, and If public enterprise is aunicistuly strangle) carry it through It Will be a greM adVentalle to the Pleat -We hairs also been shown plans and spa. ciflcationa for sinew,laU, drawn by D. EL lehitaiww, an Architect of this city. This IN very much needed, as the old one is in $ vary dilapidated condition, the that floor not being tenantable. &wooly had we ceased our coogratak tattoo over the 000detatmt of M. M. Stanton to the Supreme Judgeship, until t h e Deem of his death was Ilaahad to" an over tha when Peace to Mai ashatiot Mat apjght7 latiatm Bus 'gas C"%ssa; • Ign =MI - even anotbetr, RAILWAY DISCRIMINATION. Reply of Secretary Lesley on the Part al of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com. pony to the Pittsburgh Grain Dealers and Millers—A Basis of Arrangement Proposed. Several days ago we announced that a Committee of our business men had vlalted•Phlladelphia for the , purpose of holding council with the officers of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company on the subject of freight discrimination by that corporation against the commercial in terests of the city. The Committee ware cordially received and treated with the utmost respect, and the grievances com. plalned of were noted and a basis of ar rangement was promptly promised. Yesterday Isaiah Dickey, Esq., Chair man of the Committee, received the fol lowing official communication from Secretary Lesley on behalf of the Penn.' sylvania Railroad Company; . OPPICE PENNSYLVANIA R. R. CO., PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 24,1809. Isaiah Dickey, Esq., and others,. Qom mince, Pittsburgh, Penn's. GiorrLencie i—dt a meeting of the Board of Directorsof thisOompany, held December 22,1869, it was resolved that the following basis of arrangement with the Pittsburgh grain dealers and millers, to begin January 1, 1870. and to continue to September 1, 1870, be approved : That upon grain shipped from Colum bus, Indianapolis, Logansport, Illinois State line, Fort Wayne, Chicago, and intermediate points on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway, west of Crestline, and Pan Randle Road, west of Columba; to Pittsburgh, the usual local rate be charged and paid, If consumed or disposed of in Pittsburgh. If not consumed or die posed of In Pittsburgh, but shipped to Philadelphia(' or Baltimore, after being hold in Pittsburgh not over thirty days, the current through rate in force at the time said shipment Is made from Pitts- Inugh, shall be charged from either of the above points to Philadelphia or Bal timore. If said grain Is ground Into floor at Pittsburgh, and said flour ship. pad to Philadelphia or Baltimore, the grain to be charged the prorate of the current through rate from starting point at time of shipment from Pittsburgh; and the flow charged the prorate of the then current through rate on flour, from the point the grain was originally ship. red to Philadelphia or Baltimore, at the tints the flour la shipped from Pitts burgh. Barley made into malt at Pittsburgh, and said malt shipped to Philadel • his or Baltimore the r ley to, ••• • !. •ed the pro rate of the curren • Tong rate from the starting point at time of shipment from Pittsburgh, and and the malt charged the prorate of the then current through rate on malt from the point the Barley was originally shipped to Philadelphia or Baltimore at CIO time the malt le shipped from Pitts burgh. • On river freight: —Through bills of lad log by river and rail 'to be issued by agents of the Peoria R. .R. Co. through to Philadelphia and Baltimore and such grain and Hour as are consumed or dia -1 posed of in Pittsburgh, to be charged the regular ;boat rate to Pittsburgh, and inches is forwarded to Philadelphia or Baltimore within thirty dart after arri val in Pittsburgh to •be charged the Penn. R. R. Co.'s proportion of the through rail and river rate, current at time of shipment from Pittsburgh. The necessary certificates or affidavits, (if necessary) to be furnished the agents of the Company as to identity of grain, flour, go. Tne rebate, if any, on grain and flour, due from Western roads, to be collected by consignees from roads west of Pitts burgh; and that east of Pittsburgh, to be allowed in is rates, as stated herein by the Penn. R. R. Co." • I remain, gentlemen, Yonne, regretfully. Secretary. We may remark that while the teals Is conciliatory and acceptable as a com promise by our merchants, still all the concessions petitioned for by the Com mittee were not granted, and the full ox. pexxaticms of the Pittsburgh conferees have not been met. . . . The gentlemen of the Pittsburgh Coro• mitt., entertain the hove that the rail. road authorities will erelong agrettArith them in the , opinion that overdo/Cy It had been both politic and expedient to pro rate from Pittsburgh, and 411120,10Y' west of Pittsburgh- Is Ia regarded here aa very unfortunate that the district ex cluded from the application of the rule now proposed , embnwes nearly the whole section west of us that is tributary to Pittaburgh. In other words, Pitts burgh Is the metropolis of the section of country aa far west as Columbus and Crestline, and Is of mune especially In terested in having that particulsr section embraced tinder the rule of prorating asked. Mr. Dickey and hls colleagues have discharged their duties well, faithfully and intelligently, and the thanks of the entire business community are due them. ' CITY DIE'ROYSILEST. QrWUgwd Paving—Sewers Coname. [ed. 'The spirit manifested In strut Improve ment and the construction of sewers in our city during the put year la ex ceedingly gratifying to all who have the interest of the city at heart. as it is per manent improvement of this character that build up a city, not only by Increas ing the value of the pmpsrty, but in adding comforts and conveniences to those already enjoyed by the citizens. The Strut Committee of Councils, of which Mr. Jas. Weldon to chairman, has been very efficient performing their duties to the public faithfully and hon estly and with an energy highly com mendable in public servants. ~ lINGLICEZIt OORPS. The Engineer Corps Mider Mr. Harry Moore, the able and efficient City En gineer, have contributed bawdy to the success °Elbe Street Committee. In midi don to an immense amount of labor per= formed under the direction of the Survey Committee. as the very able report from that Comicdttee published yesterday will fully demonstrate. Below we give a detailed statement of the streets and alleywgraded, paved and curbed. and the sewers and board-walks constructed during the year 1889, With the cad of each C Z=! Colwell Street ' harlot alley Dm Riddle etreet.“ ........ mama street Twentieth street wealth street . Wslrelew alley street Chaotte l set Tow rl esmil street Pte. alley...—. email:me alley Meter street roster's al eY. Mlllesher/Per. ". haat street ..m ea alter W , Ile street. Liberty street Thlrty-alath wrest Steel etas street e.ltler street street Reel* alley Leevet slice .......... ........... Forage strict. .......... peon street ett?,.4tire.ley spring ailey. ............ soeseeash strset ......... ........ . .. Robert. ss set at. Patrick . ..ales' elpruee 16.1• Fortrthlra y 3 1T:1171 . :r 4itste. Total .................. I =a= ----- Fourth avertite: - $ i WO OS I Talmo avenue-Wood to 33,.t0c ken Dimond-Waal to thattheold • 3 eat to Toone evenne-Chrere sad Seal 'Wield.. lit CO Latimer ------ culvert.. el too $1 flab htetioe.,. J Wtiatleilt f•stmated) .aa 3.ae0154 losti,lattb nisei ii•Usalsal ''' Mg% Ptte a/f"..."ll'l.BlMstretva a thl . Fr YlftO * a4lkt IN instal • ma% Pearl amt., tuth to la -rphy,... • arl st t mt. Malta .0 Lava. Cedar reat aaanaary ant Leona Xl= acres )3 ca• 11 Irses 311.11erartlia towaahlp rasa •acSnracarloa Pmet Imozovemou. Oman tune rooted Board Wat 0..... cesenswit rten—PeAgee uteneu 'l4 -- Tv armo r, Deoembor 28.—Tbe moot llat waii taken up in -thpiCoturt. No busting' of Isteptst t 4 t4ll putollo :was , . 9171MIAT. NO. 300. The City Assessment. for hhC9. Herewith, in tabular form, we present the figures contained to a full and ex haustive report of city assessments laid before the Finance Committee of City Councils by Thomas „it. Phelps, Esq., who has so ably - and creditably abr. charged the duties of the office of Asses= sor dating the put year. The report contained other very valuable - inibrtna. Mu which we regret we cannot lay be fore our readers for want of apace. The exhibit la flattering and encouraging, and betokens that the affairs of the office have been well and faithfully performed by the present Ltioumbent. Here are the figures: ..2z."""SSZ ;;; 1; se. 3 LI 1 .-, 51 .td: 31 , E ?. 4' a 6 i; • 5 E • v 4'21 AILI 4" Heal Estate Transfers.-, The following deeds were admitted of record in theofEce of T. H. Hunter, Esq., Recorder for the county of" Allegheny, Tuesday, December 28, 1869: germs Stewart to Joh. btewart. December V. 19b) lot a 0.47. Vaattlegrlrt's alan, 17. h ward, P.P•bergh W. 11.2111. W. to 1). L. Pamenon. Nov. DI, 1103; lot 11 by IN feet on Perry otteet.Allegbeey Cheri" Ullmote to Clement - Newton, Ile= Mil add oae arta In Wilk.. township Soto James Sloan to Wstuterw MeMllltao. July M. le 9: lot le by I= au Fedora. &treat, Alla the by..D.,MO Michaele - leery to 111thael Nevem:bar B. we; 1N by Lilt feet In Beene lr.ot• street. Kits , &Meth township 111,0te Samuel Iltelte to palesLanglltt. November 10. w ard.. Allbi I egnIASS n m feet 7 V , Baena VMS street. wood wOW S. n S n 10 0 cor n er M i Penn l a H n a d l Me c D h c aumboe 1n 10 b word. Plttebetail. 4 by 100 feet Cl! 100 Demie Hanle to Toole. W. Joan. I/clot:well. „lent lot 11,.. 7s. Wildest' I Alexander.. ohm • rewooraaeecue 81.160 B. Id Hartman to James H. Hays, del. 1. Isar lot 30 by le ett 103 feet. Steelton asenm sad /IWO,IMMO Juba THlmett, Jr.. to dordsn 11. Wm. kitten 13. ad; lot 20 be 1 0 lest on Talbot street. Braddock'. borough Ima C. 11: Hassey end ZDOEMS K. Howe to Jeoa. la on L. sad W. J. Beanies. December 1. Mat .1( mecum fleaddock , s Plonk Hoed. NM Jolla. Pdtsburgle ' KOH ot U. MeDowal to WI be mina Demberel.. *son 2, 1309: 49 acres and II o , re aca In Pau.. tdwaehlp Sohn dechenhach et as. to Etat Petit• abet 15 by 'Wee. an Talbot stroll, Braddock's /Old k. Dammam to ..drew Melo. Jana."' 'let. IC: I.t No. lfd le llordeuee's planof Lower et. Char Corty to J,:lan stre et arch aist. 18,13; by 75 feet on Chotne t Nam le/ d.. 4150 A.*s ea et we. to Wm. Bey bold, Jam Wi1t,.1151161 3 tr . OM feet on Main allay, Meleesport.. .WlO Jo .1, Cost et us. to Aodrew dolts, • prllloto, ISM; same 10. as above .../ IS M .7 A Ph•lllps to .1 meta Porter. Nov. 40. h. 15111: 3//by 60 feet on LarkfWa Seat Nino hma A l a nt erea• then et or. to Charles Ott. Almost 10.0. 1767; lot NO. 165 In Domenea's plea of twwe Write; lete lownablp W5O Wm. to monad Lennart, CM, tlftb., Mk, 3 acres In Baldwin townahin.... .. •••• .1500 Nmwy Cistaamen to William , .1 3 . 24th. 1100: 31 saw In Roblnsoo lawothlo.l6 Jeemiah Deoltry to Mahatma 01111 a, 11 1704. 0601; W by id feet borne, of Magee nod Vo b • atm.. ' 4600 STATE ITEMS Tim oil production at Parker's Is esti mated at one thousand barrels per day. .Itm_Hrie..counkygrand jutz..lau.matie complaint that the pay allowed jurors, of both- chilies, is Inadequate, and recom mended that it be increased. ' 3:0/11t Hamm' HcCutimmitt is. the name of the young man from Ottliene county who died recently from Injuries received by swallowing a sword. A..ccar, vein, three and a half feet thick, was" recently struck at a depth of thirty two feet, four miles east at Sharon; Mer cer county, on the fkrm of Hon. Charles Koons. Tros Uniontown (Fayette county) jail hsa had added to its inmates recently' Joseph Barton, charged with stealing a gold watch from Dr. Duncan, ot Browns ville, and-David. Klffee and John Nick law, accused of attempting to mu spur ious national currency upon the bar keeper at the Monongahela House. In Browsusville. A Wettest Centrovem in the Catnone Cenral about Mask, An effort will be made at the Connell to lune a decree prohibiting any, music but plain chennt In the services of the Church. 'Many excellent, influential and pions eceledastitai fever this movement, but we believe a vast majority, both of priests and people, will deprecate any change. In outdoor processions and In the ceremonies of the Holy Week, the ancient aslant may be preferred—alwi, in the consecration of churches, bells, ic., but in the High Mass and Vesper services, few will be willing to have It introduced. In the great cathedrals of Europe, the roar of the fkegorian note may be tolerated, because mitigated by dlaiance—but to introduce it into the chap ids and churches nob, would be more than human nature could bear. We know %clergyman who, when officiating lin a email chapel in the country, was un expectedly wasialted bv six big-chested Alsitaelass roaring the Gregorian chaunt until they were red In the face, and the poor priest bad like to die of consternw don. He len that part of the country. very grEPaninom World has tried to rid'• cute the modern music ; but when that stately periodical attempts to be funny, it reminds las ofan elephant trying to dance. It should know the English Ii not a-musi cal langnage,except for ballads and melo dies, and that the repetition of the words by Nowt would be very „unpleasant to our iiinipime; whereas, In the Latin Iter ation does not strike the hearer unpleas antly. We hold, too, hat:womere have just as good • right to sing the praises of t God es men: but by the adoption of the Gregorian &tiled music they, aro whit ded from the choir. ,We feel certain that our opinion on this subject will be heart. A sly censured, bat we cannot expect any. s thing else from people who prefer. noise to music.— Catholic Teiegrepli. 7 Moe Ni . 1103 1.4941 3.22 2A 6U 1 WI 9 2,19643 2,082 9 1 VI 611 I-001 4 .. I . 2.4 . 9 34 4.4 C 15 1 6.C119 I CI 9 13,91 72 4.791 73 I VA II ',Wen 69911 7,496 73 4,V9 99 Tits European diplomats at Washing ton regard Secretary Pahl(' statement of our relations with Great • Britain as a remarkable paper, for never before has a great nation thus arraigned another great nation without a menace of war or the de mand of a dollar. Mr. Thornton, the British minister, Is active in his exer tions to ascertain exactly what our govern runt claims, and It is evident from his Inquiries that Ids government Is 'some what at a loss what td do ' with discon. tented Ireland on the one band, ,and contented British America en the other. ,ag = m Z 1. 6 sa fir sa ..... =0 81 •••• 6004110 I 8674$ 3.6%* LON 114 1.61. AC is 734 Tax Presldenthas Informed two South ern Senators that he had no objection to the appointing of • a Southern- man for Judge In Justice Swsyne's place, If they could present one whom he considered able to till the • plaCe. Efe - had looked around and could not learn of any who were qualified for the position. He would not say Qua were none, but be did not recognise any In their prominent men as he knew them. This would seem to rule out T. .1. Durant, of Judge Erkaidna, 01 pores. .1172:163 M 11l 10 1=33 :3191 300 71 .133 611 10 332 —Mr. Seward and ' -party arrived at Puebla (Mexico) on the lath. and on the 19th they were at. Tiaacals, the historio remains for which that Ideal is celebrated.. On the Mat they trill visit the monument of Cholnis: they will se next to Orizaba. witero tbri will arrive od the Zhi, Minister Matron aecom• omits the party oy this exclusion. Mr. rard lirM sail from Vera thus. for Havana on an Ecghthsteamer, Zany. 2a. = REM iM Tma Batton Taw rejoices that Utak Americana have alamdoned their whams the %rondo eatatillahment of - the Re.' public of Erin, and Maims the Utah pea pia thentsalven to abandon ad Kau_ of THE WEEKLY GAZETTE Ii the kit and aupest exdoinszelal aid May aimpapar putatikw; la Western raanqtrilass. Ao Amer, isiodo4lo , or Mar* at olioiSlF So 1=9:321 Nbugle subscriber. Cobs of evil...—. Calmat tors..: ... ; . 1 £ copy In forstlstied /Mannar to tbollottal op of a club of tea. Poctiataten are rTawistorg So set as sweats. address, PENNIMAN, REED 0., - Prwietaas A CHEERFUL WEDDING. There is it `• melancholy interest " little affair that actually occurred lot a thousand miles from Boston, a short dm since. A well-known clergyman received one morning an imperittve summons to be in attendance to perform ..icle cere mony" at the residence of an LqAtilly well known undertaker in the evizing. He went, accordingly, -supposing of course that be was to accompany t.:: , iman of grief to a house of moumincl. bet was agreeably disappointed to find I: po.ise (over the diop) brilliantly lip 1.•:F0...nd tined with guests, whoa the 1..,. 1 / 4 ;;Aker Proceeded to introduce as.follow "This is my Intended wife, Ms• Crepe. I shall marry her to-nigkt, If you will officiate." "Certainly," replied the Clergyman, somewhat amused, "and these are your friends to witness the ttenemonY," 'look ing round at the crowded apartment. "0, yes, you know many 01 them,* allow me—this is Mr. Bones, ScOrg of. Bt Charles Church." M.. Bones rose solemnly end heaired,a rtiltra2 bowed to ." ch:7-! ` ~i (. I'. T. lja.l :•:,5 11.1.,rge pr....;t• Ist1•1 viez, gave L14,42.... , out," replied to'ilte clergyman'. with the nand sad shake of the head he - had practiced at rune:ids for the' poY "This," said the host, as an individual. approached on .tip-toe, witit downcast Raze, as If afraid of disturbing the ilienee of the grinitstricken family slifirg front parlor at ia:foneird, - Black, the undertaker; T. believe y ou' ve :: met before." Blom bowed, and lnclL^e .- his head sideways, as if be expected the minister to 'whisper some dim:done to -* him before proceeding with the. Barrios:, . "Allow me to make, you updated with Mr. Stone, the sculptor," (Stein_ grabbed, the -minister's band ache would a mallet), be was the proprietor of "Stone's Monumental Works." . Then • - followed introductions to the ,auperia. tendants of two cemeteries, &plate =gra• ver, and others more or less connected . with the grim business of the 10, - -who;-- - after finishing Introdnetloa,•,armannend'... himself ready for the marriageoarementy.,, "You don't mind standing bare mad , using this black walnut case for a table, - do you ?" said the brideigoom,'`"it was too heavy to move, beanies .It'a:full of shrouds and caps that we don't want do - The minister acquiesced aides. tleebt• were duly united, after which cake, ; end.conversation pervaded the wmpany,„ • The clergymai congratulatedthe bride. gjrroooom on his bride. "Yea," replied tko NIPPY man, "she's been my housekeeper some time—nice woman—sla't afraid or • dead folks." ,• "Ail, indeed, " said the clergymen, get- tinge little chilly down along his becre" bone in spite of bluetit; end wishing to change the subject he remarked: , • • ••• "Any news to day, Kr. •Tresselst".. lieves,no—that is, yea I Yours member Marker, juutped overheard and drowned himself from s•ferrylost last week I" - • "; Well, theyfonlid trim We nadrnlng In ten feet of water, and paring Stanelolll "Yes I--tee'oe pot him up stairs fj s*d. Not knowing what might 'limn neirt, the clergyman thought it best Ito take ble- 7 .. departure, - which he did with &grow die meant.r spitento the occasion. . giblittenal Markets by Telegraph. . COrtmtoojiec. 28 —Latest.—tima firtif." nem In Wheat atter the ololeol Thanks; and at the afternoon board sales of 860. 2 transph•ed at .79®79340, teller the month oresah; 79341390 e seller January. and Me seller February. cicamerat the inside,prices. horn dull and firmer, at. 7034 @Tic for No. 2, seller January, and' 72340. seller February. Oita Ann at 43%@1434443 an spot, • Ban Fitanctsco, December 28.-- i.`lone quiet and nuchanged. Wheat; SAMS of choice 1151,60. Legal tenders fem . ." • Nsw Ortuasss, 'llacember29.L-Cottou easier, with middling at 240; salt , 9,668, bales; receipts 4,191; enema 2,64., NEW AlivzaTreng:dn•hi: Orricc or 7EI *.,Qt.l Corso., t Datetalra )11111.h,'2%6Y. • f r - 112OPTIEIE. ,ANNUAL -111LEETJUIlliF • of oho Btockholdsis el OS Yo/10 OIMISS Milli 'Company will Do hold as e *Moo Of the Company, to AlloShonY ClrY. TI:MID4T. doh.' airy 404 ISTO. botoreas shoo hours of lastll, r. so.. for the docile , * of sloe (14 Dlredurs o TroiOurai aal Clerk. to sorry for the Mouth. Tots. OUL&NDO • SEtMAUD WIIII.BN teTern 3/ ware itboq. • ••• Theeas NAM will eh farbeertantbesboTe eapitenuon MOITD&T, the 3d 'et' Jimmy. 11110. at 9 o . eloct . • soszen naowaE. 'ames YZILIOE. -e - 7 • ' ALTION on ttii:46asto 'of HAIIVICL. DLL. dee'd late of .theibeef lasted to Ui* oaderitgasd. &t parsose Isdito . ll. to said estass are hereby' notified to mats . „ dime payment, and sit panics liming datmi aptaet ratdartatlto present tains to • p. P. EILDDLE. - A 4 m l . l ant.rt . . dtMaa W o. 2910 liiirth Art.p. T HE . NEW. YEAR . --Familica dedrlng to replerrlab 'earet rvr . 7.ur ...ULM:Maur userim. Atom Ibt/ nsreftr 04,4, e dual] ;r erg. etab real Hi...arch° to fib Tea*, 01. k sod geollio.d Lasywrb,_ Jars and Sloan Coffee; &select •to,k or Ar b i i i:ol * .tgi.Vlrga ;AA: Zbbbfib sdvare Mattes soy bimerbi Dried • Beet mt b. C. Air Ho &w•• Ofir. ear us. ' .:401t1H . A t7s • COr.ber Llbert baba film Ms . , WATCLIEEL., . WATCILSI. 11=t3; lmetleas :11' ;., - • Hoveatl. luntleas s•ol 114111. Howard, America. nue h .11.4mencas 64141.34.184•••••47 4- • • • -.3.11 For salt by • • 44.1 r, L'i.vaszto a co., . de9 • .. as lanai Avssay....; ATTRACTIVE BOWIS_ THE HOLIDAYS§ ' • Ile Prise tort Child or frford' - ` 4- EQUAL TO Ali ELEOANTIMKOL CALL AT - MINER'S, • Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Avenue. . . - Whirs Ton r 1.11.11114 uw.Largegt 'ad moot taactin sunk tath* d7fof itlinnaLre BOOREI -• • ==! BIBLES AND PRAYER 800% L Ms aost elssant Mndtap Ilistory. • Miscellany. Biography. Snindard NoecLif ' •-, 'PeieticalliVorks -' • , . • .." • y. lkeiney Album* = . . , 16fri gra ttag Desk:4- • . . _ Pa ttolios, Ladles!. Welt- Donee' .. • ladle% CoMpanions. Opera Gtaseee. Portneoeninesi , .• _. . .7.. •. .. , - ' •,:,"; . Cribbage.Elt.l2l3s. ' • ... , ..., • ' • Backgammon llairds.. .., . ~, - - .r. . ' •-• Dlenected . Pleiniitii...- '," :* . . ► illrithestess: YneeSestremellioir St: '; - , j'.l`;f!. , . . -.:..... -.. :4. -,:,,tf` ,---•*-21/4*i4414.1, 71.. mzut,-.713 , f5. : , - 1 • . i;: • . k ,, - ,.1 . ,-,‘ r•':. :1 1 1 .:, - ;.=' , '. f.,::;:--:', ,- . - ;,.. , ,,:'•-•() ,- 'w4,irN.,.. ~..,,,.......7.,•ktiV 1 4,- s + t 4 ; 2 4-: Pi ~.T.,.F.: 1 ‘ 4 ,..-iti.t .. .,,..; ; .7 : .--,,..7_, . .i . ,.,, , .; ~-, : •:-...0,q.-;:f., , - , :-42A--.1-- , ,.,:0..--,.. - 0,01-.„,;., - ,,,,...,t,-.. J ..-,,, , ,, , ,..7. , ;:i 0 ..._.,... -..,.:... -. , ..-- , •. 0,. 1,---.-, ~:.:,;..,.. -; 0 —t , ... -.0 14. •- .. ; ,, i , .. } -..-.t.7. - _ - .7... - -;%.; ti ., ..0, , ( , ,...--,.. 5!41F.1.--.0._,----.. - -,. .-..-. 7 , ----.7 , '..- ----4. - -.. . ..---- • - .:0, , 1-...",::::: ~.., . .,..'....i ,- ,--..-.,.=. , :-.; ; ;:-. 0,...;_.,........ , , , : ,-.2., , , - .., ; -:•,.. , . -.:...,.. , : .,.--..; , -t.:-,1%:.?...-::,‘,.... , - r S:µ _ S ._...a.. I=l .y-.' .• ' )FOlll ... '.:':S~t a ;th