ANERIOU BANK, NO. *M FOIIEtTE A.VNNIIN • 0168 CUISII CAPITAL 1900.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. DANK OP DISCOUNT ANDDLPOIBIT. JOHN ?LOYD , -WY. PLOY°. President. Cutter. • You. IL OJb Marshall, John D. Wertland, .Jame T. almanac, Archibald Wallace, James W. Amu. ' Jas. D. Kelly. koyird4. wen A°74 :. This Bann Is now rally oreardsed sac primed 10 do ele a az enteral bagmen. • • jk GOLD, SIi'VER AND COUPONS, Bought at Highest Prices. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and sth Avenue JAMES T. BRADY & CO., lßsocetwo to 11. JO* $ 00.. Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood BANKER 19, Bur and sell all kis di at GOVERNMENT' SEMBITIES, GOLD, SIiTEE AND COUPONS, ON BORT /FAVORABLY TIEN , gl - intereet Allowed on Deposltit. • town ifirlfunet 100 s ed on flovereseet BoyAi et a •Ordata sweated ter tem TIIIPeIIOWID seer gale et sTooxs, BIOND/I salt SOM. JAMES T. BRADY A CO. TE littantrgt Gaittis. FINANCE _,ADD TRADE OFFICIC OF ' . l . PrOarSac GAILITZ, MONDAY. DeCOMOSP S 7, 1888. The entire markets •In gold, bonds and Mocks are dall and quiet, without any material fluctuations. - Gold opened at' declined to 120s*, and closed at 120%. • Bonds dull but steady. Stocks heavy hi sympathy with gold. Money not much In demand, although there are Indications or stringency. 'BuattieesdulL Quotations as • received by Ph. E. Mertz Gold, 120%; Silver, 117; Eighty. ones, 119; Five lwmtlee, 1882, 118%; do 1864, 112; do 1866, C.% do 1865, Consols, 114 M; do 1867, UM; do 1888, 111.4 .3‘t Ten Forties, 10874; Adams prime Company 6054; Merchants Union Ezproee Company. --; American Eg ret* Compa ny, 87 34; Western Union Telegraph. .4; Reading, 99%; • Now York OenU 86 al,i ,4: Pittsburgh, Fart Wayne & Chicago, 8834; OMo aMlafe dppl, 24; - Michigan Southern 86; Cleveland & Pittsburgh. 84; Chicago, Bock Inland & Pacific, 104%; Chicago & North Western 675‘; Chicago & North. Western Prefer red MX; Erie, 23, IXORAZO.S. Large. &nal,- London, per .... 16,05 Paris, per franc..:...._,__..:24 - 25 Berlin, ;haler - 90 91 Frankfort. florins ...... 50 51% —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 120%; 17niuxi States Sixes, 1881 4 * 1.11141; Five-Twenties; 1882, 113%; do. 1884, lit do. IIKSS, 112%; Ton-Fbtties,loB%; Five-Twenties, Jinn cry and July, 1655, 114%; do. do. 11817, %; _do, do. 11158. 114,%; 'Union Pacifi c lroad, 83; Central do, do, ...99; Op. Patillk; 108%; Lake Superior 92 ter ?teems" to um Pittebargh Gasessal New Yong, December 27, 1869. Money easy, being held most of the day at thil7 per cant., but the demand in creased tripe afternoon under calling In of loan. to meet payments of dlyldends and Interest due in January; rates at l doss 7 per cent. currency. There is, however, no prospect of a prolocurid ao tivtty, and money promisee to be plenty • • and easy after the opening of New Year, Government offices except the Postot. - flew, are all closed io-day in respect to , the memory of Stanton. Sterling quiet at 8%(49.' Gold a shade easier; opened at 120%. fell to 120% and closed at 120%. Clearances, 114,000,000. • Carrying rates, 80)7 per cent. Governments steady. - Coupon,: 81., 18%010: ern. 18%@13%; 84a. 122)12%; 85e, 12%@12,44; - new, 14%®14%; 87s, 1410g1E. 68", 15015%. Ten•FOrWm, *Pacifica 83 / 4 (P) 9 . _ln State bonds the principal dealings ..wart; in new Tennessee and North Caro lina, the former strong and the latter . heavy; Missouri., 90%: old Tennessee", now do. 40; old Virginius, 47; new do„, 55%; old North Carolinas. 41; new do. 28%1 Louhrlana Levee Sixes 88.. • Stock s very dull but generally st eady. Five Thirty Prices.—Canton, 404; Cum - berland: 25%; Western Union Tel., 82; Quicksilver, 15%; Mariposa, 7%; do - pre. • leered, 14%; Adams Rennes. eli Wells& Fargo, 1914: Americap, 5/3; .United States, 49%. Pad tic Mall. 4734, New York Central 86 34; Erie, 21%; dopreferred, Um:: Har lem, 130; do preferred, 184; Hudecm • scrip, 813:; Reading. 99%; Michl• gan Central, 117%; Lake ' Shore ' '551 Central, 113%; Pitts. , burgh, 72; North Western, 87%: do pre. head; 81%; Rock Island, 10434, St. Paul, - • 73; dopreferred. 90%; Wabash. 51%; Ft. Weise, -88%; Tern-Rents, 24: do pew fermi, 55: Chicago & Altos, 14Ik do pre. Stirred, 141; Ohio & fdisitinelppi, 24; Do. ' buqUe, 109; St:Joe, 107%. Mnlng shares dull Gregory 175; Smith Parmelee 185. • • • Boston prices: Calumet 60; Franklin . 7; Reda 76; Quincy 20. eirrsausan leAsmcre. Omma ow Prgrgatrams Hazarni, hicianmr, Dee. 27,,113311. • Burliness wall very dull • today, the in. • elemmit weather laving a - tendency to retard out door operations, and It Ii not ' likely that there will be ranch Harry im provement thtii. week. Trade is nearly "'always slack , between Christmas and NemYears, and frequently for a week scatter the New-Year now In, se usually takes that - time to take ' stook,', make annual settlements, ate, etc. APPLES—Continue doll and -man ettaated. 7101 10 0 W from 112.50(114,60 Per APPLE BUITER-Quoted at 76®36. BUTTER—The demand fa only moder. . ate and prices are barely austatned, SIK) • 33 for pnme to choice Roll. 8g0066. RoßN—nries at lulu eta. BEANB-1 2 . 5 0% 3 .00 per bushel. 'BUCKWHEAT. FLOUR-4444A eta. CHFSTNI3II3—Quoted at 34,60. • cRARBERRI693-43noted at, ;mans per bbl. as to quality and condition. ClDKR—Continure d mil and nominally unchanged,' at 840808,00 Dec pta ss to quality. CARBON OIL—Is quiet and chuned-28 for 60 Or 100 bunt iota or Mandard brands. • DRIRDFRUIT—QuIet and nnehanged. Small sales at 8(g90 inc Apples: Peaches at 90100 ror smarten' and 1143120 far bairn. - CHE'l:73E—la quoted from 17 to 18 for Western Reserve: Ohio Factory, 181: Ohio Goahen, York Biala farm Dairy, 19: and York State Goahen 40.• . . DIMMED 1 1008—liales at 121413 cita. Mast—Dull: 3543411. , yEATHEM,In better demand and " . higher, and we now quota at 86@90 to ---the 'trade and the usual advance •kw annul lots In store. . FLOUR—Moves, very slowly and not withstanding Me arrivals ire by no 81304 08 /AM), and the tinnily light, It is noverthelem considerably in excess of the demand and ph ees are nominally 00changed. We continue to quote at g6.76( - 0,00„ for Winter Wheat, and 1 3 .25 r8,3.3n for Bprlng • Wheat. Rye flour, $5,2505.60. atiatiego in this market ', m a nt is light, but the mills art:getting std theYwant , from -the week we 'mu ' tlnbelo - qoote fair to prime red '11415 'ffBl,:ek. Data scarce, bat as - the demand tallght, - ntatis are not quotably idgher r ,.• 47@t8 on trick and ,1104362 .In store. Barley aentimues &beet& there not so much offering; ening quetcd at - 311g1.10 for prime. Corn inseam, i ras• , at 80 on wharf and bring it, but t..!!::,r• -- • . • ply; wersontlnue to quote from country wagon at 118025 per ton. .BUSES--Bales at $ oen_te per pound. HOMINY_ S ales at $6,00®6,60 per bbl. LIME-Balas of Cleveland white Dine at 920236 Der bbl. ON at f2,60@3,00 per bbl, the outside figure for choice. LARD OIL—No. 1 Extra Is quotedllrm at 1,50. • POSATOES—Steady and In light sup. ply -66 by the ear load and 60 In store. POULTRY-1n fair demand at 134514 for dressed chickens, and 17@18 @ for turkeys. PEANUTS—Quoted at 9@lo ctn. PEAS—DaII; VA per bushel. .PROVISIONS—Rather dull and mar ket easy. Shoulders. 1630 Breakfast Bacon, 2 / 3 jt Sugar Cured Hama, 21@213f. Lard 19 in tierces, 20 In kegs and pail ,- BEET Piits. _____ZS—Bales of Clover seed at sB@ 834 and Flaxseed at 12,20132,25. Tim othy seed nominal at TS.5O@4. SALT—Is dull, and Allh River brands are quoted at 11,80 eg byen y the car load, with the usual .advanos for small lota In store. !WI:CAW—SaIo at $12)14 par ton PETROLEUM MARKET, Oman mi. Prrre7mritort Gmtarrra, Mortnav, Dec. 27, DM. The oil market, as might be expected with soft weather and every indication of another rise, was weak and drooping with more sellers than buyer., even at • decline, compered with Sattiiilsy.. There are no buyers; for spot crude, or seller this month, excepting the "shorts," and they are not disposed to take hold very freely, being apprehen sive that prices may go still lower, before the close of the year, and that they may yet be able to cover at better figures, than thee. now prevailing. There are but few who havgany correct Idea as to how much is still abort for this year, but the feeling prevails that the great ma jority of those who are regularly In the trade, are pretty well covered up, and that the moat of these seller opliona, yet ureettled, were acid by outsiders, notby men regularly and permanently engaged in the oil business. There has been • good deal of speculating in oil by outsiders this year, more than the public generally have any idea of. CRUDE. As already intimated, was dull and weak today, and, compared with Satur day, prime are lower, and even at the decline there were more sellers then buyers. Tho sales were: 5,000 seller Jan. and Feb, 2,000 spot—settled......„... 2,600 spot, 40 to 46 1,000 spot ,000 January seller 1,000 each Jan. and Feb... REPINRD. Market quiet, though, If anything, a shade firmer. Salem 8,000 December at 29,0 and 1,000 at 2934. January to March quoted at 31; March to June 3114. =RIFTS OP ORRDE OIL RV A. V. RR. Fairview Oil Works 729 Ws, on ac count Owaton & Sowers; A. B. Mills 80, _on account W. Bartle; Lookbut, F. & Co. 1,538, on account same; Liberty 011 Works 409, on account Owaton & Si Fisher Ben. 489, on account J. Bushnell; Owaton & Sowers 320, on account name; Peerless 011 Works 80, on account Fisher Bro; Wagner & Leech 80, on ac. count Outten &8; Fisher Bro; 160, on amount Id. Long; J. T. thockdale 400. oti acoonfit;Parker, Thompson & Co; Lickhart, F. & Co. 721, on amount Owston & St WeetlY,Wilaon & Co. 60, On 'coolant T. Chem. Total - 4 687 RHIPMENTIP OP OIL RV A. V. R. R. Fawcett, L. & S. 62 bbl. ref. oil to W. P. Loran & Bra, Philadelphia. Lyons & Co., 217 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Fulton, !dextrin & Co., 263 bbla oil to W. P. Daum it Bro., Philadelphia. Total. 636 bbls. OIL. lIIIIPPRD Rlwr nuombors DEPOT. Hutchison Oil & Refining Co., 320 bbls to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Fleming ett.b. 504 bbla refined oil to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. ...... ..... ...... 824 labia OIL SHIPPED RAMP lIT WEST PENN IL R. Chien Helloing and Storing Com pany 257 bbla refined oil to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. Orries or Prrssnuaaa °awn. E Moar,,,cr, Deo. 27, 16119. I= 'The offerings were again compare tliely light to-day; about 800 head, but the average quality was not up to that of last week and, besides, the Soft weather had a tendency to - retard busi ness and restrict operations: Still, with a light atipply and several 'Mall droves taken out for shipment, the market was steady, and by 10 ti 11. the pens wero pretty well cleared, which Is always re• garded as a good omen—lf the marke drags after that time the probability la that there will be a number left over un sold, as` boyars generally are through with buying at that time. Compared with last week, prices have undergone little or no change, though as a genera., thing . sales were not effected as readily: to-day ma on last Monday, which may be accounted partially at lout In the fact that the cattle were dot, upon the whelp, as good, end bad consi didiceltrin getting butchers the kind they wanrablyt ed. As will be seen by reference to the report of sales, prime to extra fat steer. sold at 7300, and medium to cud at 61§7. There were fewer country cattle In this week than for some time past which was owing to the bad condition of the roads, and more from the went, . about ' forty car loads, or about 750 bead. ,The soft weather always_ bas a depressing effect on th.stock business particularly at this season of the year, as ft curtails the retail demand for froth . meats,' and prevents butchers from buying with their usual vim. There Is able a good deal of poultry offering, and hourith; standing turkeys are bringing • big price, they, nevertheless, butt the tulle of fresh meet, . . Leal' Sheinberg sold his three Ken tucky show cattle to J. F. Bellstels, the well-known butcher, who always buys the beet he an get, and dace not care much about the price. These cat tle, as *general thing, were considered the beettimit have been offered here this season, end this is @eying a good deal. Mr. Bellatein, also bought some other premium steers, hard tobeg. Hartman dt Lowensthse sold 18 from Chicago at 6 . 85 07.788, 8 head from Wash ington Co. at 514,20%. • Jas. McAllister sold . 18 head good to prime Wears at L. Mothablidak. Zeigler sold 57 head from Chicago at Rid% M. Verner sold 70 ttaiiiitiMaolded stock 's. , oot:Needy wholesaled 18 head fair atsteers to Gillett &Cm at 734; ratalledlo 6 4iid• Kraus g& tfaao7ohead:lolll2steeleti 414614 and fat eattleat 5)420,113. Imo Vannatta told IS head steers ThyP use about 4 100 MOH 4 atOhio G. • • Trattrtliall d Lobman, wild 80 head from Chicago; stockers at 14 fat cattle at 610 PH. tiraenerald & Hahn sold about 85 from Chicago. at 5 HE5 7 34. H. marks & Bro. had 58 from 'Chicago at 834tg1734; and 18 from Otdo at 734(p)7%. Hulewood Hlackstack sold WI bead mixed stock at opitroo. L. .t I. Members told 55 head from Chicago. at 6 13411 f 'Old earn steers from Üblaagost 103 f. • Nicholas Carr mold 24 head of Ohio Mock at 84Z48H. Holmes, Lafferty & Co. 48 bead of mixed "took at 4X4.37. . ' The offering". althotigh by no means I large, were fully up to the demand; and tigthoughlt the market was rather slow and draggy, Is posalble here would t • but few, if any, lefto ver t unsold. The llama quality dld not near equal that or last week, the great plop Mon being wwwwage._ suitable only Lo Butler butehem. Prima to extra fat sheep as might be expected, sold at full prices, while the eattituonergtsdes were duller, If anything, than last week, Ahoegh without any material change. We can report sales of the former 54,51X35,50 rr head, and the latter down as low as b 5 per head. The whole numben offered was about .1,55% .as•bud tome 1,300 last week. Adam Eckert sold 41 head, averaging 78 lbs 22,7 e; _ Imo!. Emmen retailed 195 common. lab sheep at 11 1 . 55 @2.75. Joh n Walter mold 190 al 51,50(0,150. Joshua Gansnrs 68; sold 55 bead to Wm. Toth. M ;lOW held Miaow at D B. Taylor sold 340 Wad of =Mod from Ohlo. m 10043. =alai w. Neely h7,.1 181: sold 20 atatattlag 103 half, balance at r29.1:1:A": EMI MI bead °outman 1 60. 1r59. at :s, sold from t 5 held Washington Imberlb, at ;490: Chas. MetZooid 20 head prime Wash ington °musty sheep, averaging 112 lbs, at a 5,50. J. F. Noely 140, medium slump, aver aging 75 the, held at ;2. I=l3 The market was a little slow to-day, in consequence mainly of the soft warm weather. though, compared with lut week, prices have undergone no Quota. ble change. We continue to quote, In a retail way, at g10,50g112,00 per cart grow for fair to prime heavy oversaw. • Needy sold a small bunch to Emerick & (Jo., averaging over SOO lb., at 11.. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH -Maw Yong, Dec. 27.—Cotton quiet and unchanged; sales 900 Wee at 2530 for middling uplands. Flour—receipts 1,524 bbls, without decided change and a Bide more doing in common; sales 6,900 bbla at 24,50@4,90 for superfine state western; 65,15®6,10 for extra state; $5@8,10 for extra western; 35.70®03,M for *lute wheat extra: 2.5,2005 for R. EL 0.; 85.70@6,00 for extra St. Louis; $5,50(48,50 good oboe* do, closing quiet, including 3,100 Dbl. low grades extra for export. Rye Floor quiet, with sales 100 bbis at $4,60®5, 76. enr. Meal quiet. Whisky dull, with males 250 bbl, westerly at 98,t4e@1l free, chiefly 99c®11. Wheat; receipts 11,466 bush; without decided change and a very moderate export and milling de. mend; sales 49.000 bush at $1.19 for Nue. 2 and 3 spring mixed, 11,21X®1,24 for No. 2 do, 111,31g11,3634 for winter . and amber western, $1.33 for winter red — Virginia, and 11,35 for am ber State. Rye quiet. Barley Malt quiet. Corn; receipts were 12,620 bush; market dull and drooping; sales 32,000 bash at 95@980 for new southern yellow, 00 f@ll for new white southern; No for yellow do., and old western mixed nom. lnal at $1,09@1,11. Oats: receipt. were Z;.023 bush; market dull; sales 16,000 bush at 62060 c for western; 63®650 for State. Stock of grain in warehouse Is wheat 376.874 bush, corn 600,238 bush, oats 1,393,625, rye 63.569, barley 301,013, malt 79,314, peas 12,131. Rice dull at 7@730 for Carolina. Cotfee dull. Sugar quiet, with male. of 150 hhda Cuba at 10%®18c. Molasses dull. Hops quiet at 18Q26.3 for American. Petroleum quiet 16,tic for crude and 30c for refined. Linseed oil quiet at 914G929 in corks. Pork heavy. with miles of 670 bbla at 229%30 for new moss, f29,50%30.00 for old do., 224@26 fur prime and 228(gi29 for prime mesa; also, 1,4:00 bbl. new mess, seller January and February, at 229. Beef steady; sales of 175 Ws, at 15@13 for new plain RIM and 1110(3i17 for new extra mesa. Tierce Reef dull; sales of 120 tierces, atlf2s@;29 for prime men and $27030 for India mesa. Beef Hama quiet; sales of 85 bbls, at 230033 for new. Cut Meats heavy; sale, ( Upti Pacitagell, at 12©12,ti0 for should .and 15©16a for hams. Middles heavy; sales of 85 boxes, at 14,J®15a for Cumberland Cut and lfio furlong clear. Dressed bogs heavy at 11}4@ILc for western. Lard heavy; sales 400 ter at 1 6 ®1734c for steam and 17NG19c for kettle rendered. B utter quiet at 18ar..c for Ohio. Cheese dull at 164616 a. Freights to Liverpool - quiet but very firm. bhlpment of 15,1)00 bush wheat per steamer at 4%d; but now held at sd. ......_lB 16 Latest—Flour closed steady for low grades, with a moderate export demand. Wheat quiet and steady, with a very moderate export demand at $1.21(ii1,233/ for No. 2 spring, and 11,31.1/1,33 for win ter rod and amber western. Rye dull and heavy at 2141,05. Oats in good supply and heavy at 62163 e for western. Corn nominal. /1,0941,11 for old mixed weaternlnew southern yellow Is selling at 9.5®97e. Pork dull $3O for mesa on spot; safes of 500 tads mess for January at 229. Beef doll and no. changed. Cut meats and bacon nominal: Lard dull. 17®173/0 for fair to prime steam. Eggs steady, 23c, fair demand. _emcee% December 27.—F100r in good 'demand for low grades at $3 3041 for spring extras. Wheat quiet and firmer, . and I ®lRc higher, with pales No. 1 a: j 784480 e. closing at 793/479x= this af ternoon market steady at 791;480c seller January and 82a seller February for No. 2. Corn dell and firmer, and - IR 4 13 c higher, with sales No. 2 at 723/®7sc; no grade at68460e, cleating unchanged; market this afternoon neglected, 72c for No. 2. - Oats dull but firmer, with sales No. 2 at 4234442;c; rejected at 36e, closing unchanged. Rye dull and nom inal at 700 for No. 2. Barley inactive at 75®80c for No. 2. Highwlnes quiet at 93 ®940. Sugar lti.ftglio for common to Orleans. Melts Pork fairly active at $35 75, closing at $25(P)28,25 cub and seller January, and 2,2.5 and seller February. Lard quiet and steady, closing at 161 o cash and seller January; 10 . 20 and seller Fobruary. Meats quiet at 10Ro for dry salted sbotddefs,. 135,;(3 for rough sides and short rib middle., 13%®14e for green, and 1534 @lea for sweet pickled hams. Dressed Hog. a shade firmer at $10,1235411,00 for good to choice, and 211.25 for extra, closing firm. Cattle quiet at 27,85®800 for light stockers, 28,2548,60 fur fair to medium,P,7549,22 for good, and P. 65410,00 for choloe; quiet and unchanged. CLEVELAND. December 27.—Flour dull and heavy, with a downward tendency. Wheat weak, with No.l red held at $1,15; very little,done. Corn dull and nomi nally unchanged; old held .at 913 c, No. I at 95c, No. 2 new shelled Pe, do. ears 76e. Oats quiet and unchanged; No. 1 Elude held at 62c. Rye dull and • nomi nal, being held at 90(495e. Barley doll and Inactive, held at 900/21,00 as nomi nal rates. Petroleum doll; refined held at 264:32634c In large lots, small lots 28® 29c; crude dull at 25,60 per barrel. CINCINNATI. December 27.—Flour un changed. Whisky unsettled; buyers offer 93c, but holders ask 94495 c. • Hogs, firmer and highest light receipts. 050 1,010; estimated receipts, 4,080, for three days. Green meats held at 210,13®15. and market 'firm, but nothing- dono. owing to mild weather. Mess pork firmer; sales at $2B this afternoon, and now held at 228,60. • Locrurvims, December 27.—Cotton; sales of 23 bales good ordinary at 22j4c. Hogs weak, at sB®9; gross receipts 1,200 bead for season, probably over for slaugh tering. Leaf tobacco steady, - with sales of 43 hhds lugs at 25,5048,50, leaf at 294 13. Whisky quiet and steady at 95c.. Mnxraos, Dec. 27.—Cotton quiet and steady; receipts, 2,710 bales; exports, 3,838 bales. Flour quiet; superfine 195. Corn 92490. Oats 70472 a. Hay 2213® 28a. Bran ;ZS. Pork /11®11,12. Lard 12,1‘4261/c. Balk shoulders nominal. ST. Louts; December 27.—Cattle un changed at $2 50®8.50. Hogs firmer at 28 12.1249 60. Nasavimm, December 27.—Oottcin, dull at 221i0 forlow middlings; good or. Musty, 22e. Live Biota Martel, Nita , YORK. December 27.—A doll trade is expected, during the bond'''. The warm ralnof today farther depress ed the market; beam ccrunt up to 5,670 for the week, and 2,700 to-day. -Sales are slow, and prime scarcely as good as Saturday for the same qt:LlLlitr, DO very extra cattle on sale: best, of 10 - Cwt. grades, selling at 17gc., prime aeons at afic, medium at . .14(345c, and lowest grade at 11 131234 e; the market averaged 14Mo, but the stock was not ;,all: sold. Meats yield to_1 0 ; 1 1111 l ute week; we. Alvaciumsx ewt, at 9250: . 112 Ind'. illairettlie. i cist,lll3lBc. 78 Cause's and Ohio cattle. 6St oat. 1 8 c; 220 Kentucky. 8 evil, 153M17" -- _ OW.. a63‘1517Ne: 80 Indians, dm 146815 c. *map unclutopd with "24000 bead received or the week, and 6,000 to. day: most of the medium lota sell at 6 54@get thin at 4 50 5 1 , 1 0 prime et 414W/m a - lot of no pound °Roads Were' sold Bc, • oar 82 lmunde Mate at 7c, a car 105 pound Cansdu at 7340, and 2 cars Ohio, 76 pound', 534 c. Swine foot up 4,460 for the week, of wide& 41' can arrived to day. The trade is Tory and prices much deprened: live are quoted at 0303110 V • oar of 924 pounds Michigan sellin at scar of 101 pounds at 9„eic.City dreamt hop loth° klo to day and Western dressed to 12®12,40. Dry Gorda Market, New Storm, Dec. 27,—Qulotude li the prevailing feature In this department of trade, btu ; the priors are .neverthelest firtn for mold classes of cotton goods, which are bold with more confidence a, 10@164 for the boat heavy. brown abeatings, 1234013 X far fined°, lb for Augural sheeting', 423412)45 for lideneit one 104 and, 114 do, 10 for . Amoskeag bleached muslin, 12 for Bartlett, 17 for Pdasonvillo; 20 for Wamstitta and 224 for Now York ?dills. All theleading make■ of cambric* ant now held firmly at 11, and high colors at Igo. Prints In mod. erate request, but the prices remain do. pressed at for Sprague,. DANDIES ! I CAND/k8 !! Over 100 Kin& Bru IC ILY === us ' FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGBENT INTL GEORGE B EAVEN. 114c:41WITHIS • _ .I,OOnPRELS EVELAND bbls.3 - nanoal MOO Obl• rAlaefil WlJus lule by J. B. CAWPTELLI. % MILS PICKLE% 27" • Par male In J. B. CANTTILLD 75 TONI& REST BRANDS Soda Asb, for We h. J.• B. CANIMLD. PITTI3BUBAH DAILY GAZETTE : TUESDAY MOIIDiING, DECEMBER 28, 1889 RIVER NEWS Tha river was about stationary last evening, with B,ti feet In the channel by the Monongahela marks. The weather continues sultry and • cloudy with eon. alterable rain and there fs every prone rt. of another rise. Mercury at 4P. X. The Victresa from Steubenville and the Glendale from St. Louis have arrived. The Glendale is said to be Improved in speed with her new cylinders. The Glasgow from Nashville; and Mania Hays and Nellie Rogers from St, Louis, are among the first boats due. Passengers and shippers will hearie mind that the R. R. Hudson, Capt. RUIV 11111111, la announced to depart •for nett and Louisville to-day, and &la a charasteristic of Capt. Russell he generally goes as advertleed. The Argosy, after her arrival from Cincinnati,. will prObably go into the Pittsbugh and Portsmouth trade, mak." regular weekly trips. We understand that abipmeneta are be ing made from Nashville to Pittsburgh, all rail at remarkably low, rates which would indicate that railroads are de termined to compete with steamers , The Mary Davage Capt. Campbell, la announced for St. L ouis forthwith. • The Victress, it is mild, will ply as a regular packet between here and Wheel. log, in place of the New State, which boat took the place of the 111-fated Re becca, -In the Wheeling and Parkers- burg picket trade. —The Swallow, coming up from New Orleans, failed to put off, while at Louis. seven hhda. of sugar and one bbl molasses, consigned to Murrell & of that place, consequently It was lost by the collision, Tuesday morning. Lois, 11,100. The Local Inspectors for this port have commenced taking testimony in the case of the collision between the Swallow and Champion No. 6. , The case Is up Just at a time when the Inspectors are busily engaged in making up their annual reporta. and closing up the busi ness of their office for 1869. Their deals: ton, therefore, will necessarily be de layed some time.,.Cin. Gazelle. • IMPORTS BY RAILROAD • PrITABIDICUI FORT WAYNC AND MD OACIO . RAILROAD. December 74=12 cars metal,Nlmick & Co; 2 do do, .7 Moor head; 5.d0 do Hellman & II; 2do do, Loomis dr do, 2 do do, Everson, Preston & Co; 6 do do,- Rug & Co; 9 do limestone, Shoenberger & Co; 4 do do, Laugh/In & Co; 35 bin oboes., M , W Bra den; 12.1 kga lead, Beomer, B & Co; 10 dog brooms, mountionab, Co; 15 bp buckwheat flail. 100 bbla flour, 100 aka barley, Watt, .ang dt. Co; 40 bdla paper, Godfrey & Clark; 1 ear bbla Joe Finch & Co; 6 dressed hogs, J A Graff; 100 bbls flour, E Ileazelton; 200 bbla flour, Shoemaker dr L; 1 car mill feed, A L Jones & Son; I keg butter. 3 tube do, .1 A Graff; 15 bble . whisky, DMlnger & Stevenson; 100 bdla floor, Culp & Shep ard; 165 bgs rye,Waif - Welsh t Co; 5 dressed bogs, 133 Jr; 19 bbls flour, H Riddle; 9 kgs nails, Shoenberger & Om 2 are bones, Hartman & Feld; 100 bbl. flour, T C Jenkins; 6 bole tallow, 3 kga lard, Watt., Lang & Om 27 ski rags, God frey & Clark; 61 kgs lead, W Wilma: 3 bola flour, D Gregg & Co, OLETELAND AND Plzsentnaoa RAIL. ROAD, December 27.-7 cars ore, Shwa border, B & Col I do late sup ors, Cole man, Rahm & Co; 1 do do, Everson, P Co; Ido do, A L Jonos dr Son; 2do pig Iron, Namick & Co; 1 do oats, S Hoed; 56 bdla paper, 46 sko rags, Robt Christy; 12 caddies lobelia°, J Murphy; 6 pkgs sew ing machines, Grover .t Baker; 5 big candles, 26 do snap, H °Mega; & 400 oil bbla, B D eke oorn, Camp bell &Cm 13 bbla alder, W 51 Kennedy; 130 oil bbla, C Wormcasitle; 25 bbla apples, Head & M; lb do do, Volgt, U.! Ce; bbla egg‘ - .l3ruggarman & O'Brien; 9 - pkga suadries 8 bole beans, 103 do ap pick, H Rea; 8 Dbl. dry apples, S novo': 17 pkgs sundries, U Lowe; 5 bbla crout, Woodworth & Si bbls boos dual, Se. ward & E. JALLIZOBLINT STATION December 27.- 300 bble soar ' 1 ear feed, Geo. Stewart; 5 ears wheat , Kennedy Bro; 826 bldes,-X .t J Groetzinger; 8 cars metal, Lewis, Bailey it D; 1 do do, Lindsay it Mo. Cuteheon; I car barley, M Heekelman; 140 bas barley, 80 do oats, 4 do b flour, 1 car feed, Knox & Son; 50 bbls flour, 8 0 64eIllasters; 1 car cooperage, J I& Hemp. bill: 10 dos brooms, F Beckert; 24 eke oorn, J Selling: 99 hides, Lnekesmp Co; 160 bge cora, lileflatte AnJer; 2 bbls tallow, _1 do butter, E Jenkins; 8 bas meal. HIPPlay Beekert. PlTrimmaalt. Crercurrneri AND ST. Louts Remnoen. December 27.-78 bgs barley, 22 do - wheat, F Schield! 74 do oats, Mean.* & 1:11 1 ear bulk meat, R Myers & Co:100 do do. Wall & tto; 134 bus rye. W J Meek; 15 bgs corn meal, 3 pkgs butter, F 0 Craighead; 10 bga rye, P Duff & Son: 25 do dour, 25 do feed,- McHenry & Mod; 1 box cigars; td W Rankin; 2 drowsed hogs, Meaner & H; 15 bbls onions, 3do berried, W H Graff & Co; 28 tem oats, Robb S H; 1 ear staves, M P Adams Brcs 1d eat, J Liggett & Co; 100 Mole four, ower. ALIAMIENNT VALLEY RAILROAD. De cember 27.-1 car metal. 2 do ere, Nim- Irk & Co; 1 do grain, MSteel d; Son; 1 do metal, J Moorhead; 8 pkge marketing, .1 McDonald Crossett: VER . 'PACKETS. =IM=E=I Fg i glT N Tfo Doe rla 71. ° 1111qrtil0 r opt fete. Sitroskra.. Will leave for tile above au 4tord late pore ILIWAY. 11810 Inst., at 4 o'clock. For :recta or pus tin. ots. r Dor board or to. FLACK as O.l.l,INtiliToOD. del JAMES COLLIN.% Agents. MEMPHIS AND NEH ORLEANS 100011 NEW 081 EA NB. Ad dr u e —t he new low-prem. ureter 9. 4 0NNTZ...C0t..1. VAX4OOE Will for the above endlntennedtate nom TUIRDAY, 219th Ina, at 4 r. For rm's°"'imit ha ll r a Ara: delaT PO S RTER. Olhal Ira RAZNI, Agent% Through Halle Ladled eta above Boat to Gal veston. Indium). nil Taaa. Ito. bite, helms and Nomgonmy. slab • 0211,y1a Nor , Zl. U 2ltirtnadla. b l3hlTro and Jarmo*. Oren by - WIRIEST & PORTICIL 93 Water street. sr. LOUIrI FOR MN LOIIIII.—The 'Lewin • . Naar DAVAUE AND DA1N31124 will motive trelebt MD ampler Aar the above Ind interandlau, porta. War leave °ATMS DAT. 9814 tam Apgar to demi CHARLES BAIINVA. Ageat... STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL. AND QUEENSTOWN. TUB MUM SAIL STEABIIIIMPS, Numbering sixteen Cnt