The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 28, 1869, Image 1

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Office,B4 and 86 Fifth Ancona
T. p..zroirrroa,
Zama AND Plorsurrost.
JOULE - 11110.
I. P• ROD,
WltaNgs ON% 'll4 -D/IlLT•
Zl Idin. per peer:
Dgff•er,4l bl carders. Per
The Beneh, the Bar, and
the People
A4journment of the Courts.
Meeting of the Citizens.
The death of _lion. Edwin • M. Stanton
the brilliant lawyer, able jurist, remark:
able statesman and mighty war minister
of the age, which has cast a abode of sot ,
.101 t. throughout the land and filled every
loyal heart with the most profoilnd re
met, Is porhapa more deeply'• felt In ihilf
' rommunity. among the people who have
alwaya felt it an honotro claim him as ■
I citizen, and where hut brilliant in
. ' WWI drat began to shine lbrth and tato
rank at the head of . hia profession. In
order to ehow.the respect and reverence
that ta due to every man wno, like Mr.
Ellatitoo, has sacrificed hie life In the ear.
:vine of his country, a reverence heartily
and willingly accorded by a loyal and
grateful people, a „meeting of the Bar
was held yesterday to take some formal
cation in the matter. At a preliminary
meeting, held in the District Court Mom,
Friday morning, shortly atter receiving
the sad' Intelligence of 2115 death; a corn.
mittee wee appointed to prepare resole
tkina to report at a subsequent meeting,
and an execrative committee was also
appointed to arrange, the pnilinitnaries
ibr that meeting, after which the meeting
Pursuant to adjournment, the mem•
ben of tho bar assembled In the County
District; Cana room et , eleven o'clock
yesterday morning to hear and take ac.
lion on the .reporta of the committee e
previously appointed.
The meeting was called to or der by
Hon. John Kirkpatrick, who briefly
Aided the object 'fOr which they had as
sembled, end then called upon the Exec-,
Wish Onhmitlee for their report.
J. N. Powers, Esq., Chairman of the
Committee, reported that the Committee
bad thought It fitting to bold the meet.
ing id the Veiled Bones District Court
room, In consideration of the fact that
the deceased,- In honor of whose mem
ory the meeting had been called, had a
short time prior to hiedeath been sieve
ted to the highest position It wee pouf
hie fora member of the profession to at
tain. to the Supreme Bench. The Com
mittee would, therefore, suggest that the
meeting adjourn to the • •13090 named
owingSarnan order: lo Io
_or C 11 1 6 6 2 1;
Wet Court, Judges of the Court of Com
mon Pleas snot - members of the bar
according to seniority.
The suggestion was adepted, alter
which - the profession formed in the order
named and marched to the 'place desig
nated, when the meeting was again tonal
to order Judge Kirkpatrick, - alter
which the Business Committee was
called upon for • farther report.
Yr. Powers then submitted the Mow.
. lmadditional report from the Donaulttee;
relative to s permanent organization.
Praidene-Hort. Wilson McCandless. .
Vice Eresidents-Hone. Win. Meßem
non, Henry W. Williams, MOseallamP•
ton, James P. Sterrett, E. H. Stowe; J.
AL Kirkpatrick "P.: H. Collier, Thos.
Mellon and C. P. Shannon, ' '.
Secreraries-Jamee S. Craft, Thos. Wit.
llama, Thomas McConnell, James. J.
Kuhn, Robert Wocds, James Vetch
and A. H. Miller, Ergs. -- -
The report was adopted, ad the odious
erred requested to take their seats.
On teklog . 4o chair Judge hicOaudlees
thanked the locating for the honor con
ferred upon him. He.had known Hon.
Edwin M. Stanton, the deceased, Inti
mately for a number of years. Altera
brief reference to hie early career, the
speaker referred to the abilities of de•
ceased as ajorist and his character as a
private gentleman, both of which wore
highly spoken of. No one who know
Edwin M. Stanton and associated with
Win in private life could nay anything
against his private chara d
cter, and he w as
beloved. respected an honored sa a
David Reed, Esc.. front the Committee
. oat Resolutions, submitted the fallowing ,
aItEAIS ' We, the members of the
Bench and Bar of the several. Court.
bold in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, have
received the sad intelligence of the death
Of Honorable Edwin H. Stanton-for
years a promintnt member of our bar,
and recently appointed one of the Jug-
Wes of the Supreme Court of the United
_ beaten-otter having ailed with Odin
bed ability, the Wilco of AttorneyEa
ern% and subsequently that of Same
of War, under the General Govern
ment, in which latter position he proved
himself, during the trying ordeal of the
days of the late. Rebellion,
to be the
greatest War Minister of theage, and In
the discharge of his duties se sueb, Im
paired his health and strength to such
an extent as to muss his demise. Being,
therefore, in j .tot meeting *rambled,
- we bare unanimously
• - Basolved, Ir. That wewillevercberien
in our memories the renowned services
of the deceased-asAttorwry General and
Secretary of War-In the dark days of.
our Republic, when our Government was
struggling for Its existence against tree.
son and armed rebellion. To his able,
systematic and zealous discharge of duty .
.-the ~seritioo of his health and strength
-while conducting and managing
Department of War-do we greatly Owe
our successes in suppreadue the armies
of the enemy and praserring" and main
taining oar national Union. .
ad. That his abilities as a lawyer were
of the highest order-aa law reporter.
counsellor, advocate and larist--higi.g.
Buts, scoomplishmente and capaclty wane
preeminent, being attested by nonionic,'
Mete of national reputation which : he
remain:illy conducted. in all repeats
_ be was a model lawyer, and had his life
- been spared would have adorned the
bench to which be was appointed. b, d'
' 3d. That - we recognize Ids late oonftr.
motion as Justice of the Supreme Court
of the United States by the Senate, im
mediately after the anbouccement of his
appointment, without the usual action of
the proper committee, to be* high mid
well-merited honor, and unprecedatthx l
.In the history of the imvernment;
ith. That we eincerely condole with
the family of the Illustrious dead, In dd.
the sad hoar of their bereavement.
6th. That in the token of ear esteena
for his memory, the Judges o r on. one
Courte arerequested , tO adjourn forte
. day, and that the several court rooms be
draped In mourning for thirty days.
6th. That a copy of these resolutions,
properly attested, be transmitted by the
Chairman to the family of the deceased,
and that the Judge. of tbit severed Courts
- bold= in this city. are - tequested 10'
order three resolution.- to be entered
upon their respective records, anti also
that these resolutions be published - in
t h e newspapers of this city.
7th' That be requested to
* diallilfrettad•annoin re Metier*
4 apm n the life, protesaionat character aria
public , services of 'the Hon. Edwin M.
- Stanton.
Mr. Reed. In presenting MO' 21 110/d-
WOON spoke In substance as follow.:
Ma. CriainUart : With your pawls.
girl and the permtesion of the Members
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-• ' ~- :' Aff.:'--: .
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of the bar. Inzlislin O'tbsbfitotcpremarka
aR aiti bate tettbiti.OneunosSi of the ilium.
Wolin dead. It seems brit yeaterday
Into he mingled with us rat the bar and
in the private walks of life. The . angeL
of death for the put few months has
boon busy thrusting In the sickle, map,
tog a harvest or the shining tuarks of the
land. A little over two months ago I
mot Mr. Stanton at the Continental, in
the city of - Pltibidelithia. Had: it not
been for bin friendly recognition I would
nut hive known him. That fine phyal.
cal development and robust constitution
which he possessed when here was gone.
It weals sad eight to look upon that
emaciated body. I Imola . hot
• refrain from Imo reflection that
he had offered his, life as a libation
to the manse bf hts country. He died
that , the Ttepublie Might live. Who
within the hearing of my voice has for.
goties the dark days of the Republic,
when we were held In breathiest ace.
penis, through fear for the result inGtbe
conflict between treason and liiyiUtyt
We know that there was one man at
least. whoee patriotism - and Mysilty we.
could trust in that hour of periL That
man was Hdwin M. Stanton, then a
member of Jaynes 'Buchanan's Cabinet.
At a Meeting of the Cabinet the lnifuteji
Waal made by ?ar. •StantOn'of Otte Score.
thrift of. War ilind;•the Ws to the
position of the 'atinnyLatid. The re
ply wu that the army was In distant
Parts of the country and the navy in the
Etat India waters. tie then declared
that there wan treason in the Cabinet,
and that as long as ho was a member - of
that Cabinet ho would oppose treason.
Within a few daya after this memorable
declaration of treason that Cabinet went.
to pieces.
- •
Air. Chairman I ant not hero to eulog
ise or plus 'a paziegyrie upon the life and
Illustrious deeds of this great Man, of
the age, this will be done morn - appro.
ptlately by others selected by the Hee
cintive Comtnitlee Tor the occasion. His
life is a pars of the bletory of the phuntry,
tboughtlesdhe thee° lips
itrenealed In 'death, they sphak to us,
though that groat bean has ceased to
beat, yet the Nitride= it inspired
courses throUgh every vein and artery of
this great republic. He needs no monu
mental pile or acu!ptured marble to
cometuorate his illuefrous deeds and his
devotion to his country. Ile lives "em
balmed in troth, avid in fact in the hearts!
of his countrymen."
• We may espound ...well done good and
faithful servant."
When the future historian shall r 3
count the history of this country for
the past nine years, ho shall rocord
Edwin lit. Stanton as the greatest states
man of the neniteeuth century.
Jas. Vesely Esq., briefly reviewed the
public life of the deceased and related
several interesting Incidents in connec
tion therewith, Indicating the character
of the man. His Integrity and patriot.
Ism were subjects of special remark,
and were spoken of In the highest terms..
That Mr. Stanton woo an eminent map
In his profession tweed not be said; that
he sacrificed his life in the servi63 of the
country was equally true, and that his
death was the cause of sorrow through
out the laud was indicated by such ex
presaions of sorrow' and grief so had
need heard in this meeting, from every
quieter of:the nation.
Mn. CHAIRMAN—When a great public
character descends to the tomb and
leaves hla countrymen and kindred to
lament his departure, it is befitting, and
gratitude and justice alike require, that
els Illustrious deeds and personal worth
should bespottm of with commendation
and honor. Envy can no longer pointer
him the finger of detraction, nor false
hood stilly the lustre of hie name. His
deeds pass Into history end tecome
the common property of mankind, to
teach nations and men• the value °Leto
principles he tuncerely espoused and
resolutely defended. The historian; as
he travels the track of centuries, finds
among the millions who have lived and
passed away, the names of Ronne whose
lives were crowned With honor and
whose glorious achievements have won
the homage of after generations, and
been honored by lofty columns and
statues of marble and brim. Mal we
clatmltilat deaculAs'
l aeh t tOsn ' thla nation and this people,
a man whose fame and greatness the
future tfistprian will transmit to pos te
terity as worthy of lasting remenibranter
and glory, and one whose undying
otism in the bout of his country's peril
is worthy of something more durable
pianmarbleer brava. .
, ,
tiestaseicer . tnen • rettrirell' to the rp
pearance of Lincoln and Bannon u pub.
lic men, at about the same time lu the
hour of the country'a peril, and said that
they would live. together-Imperishable
upon the page of bistorY. After a brief
reference te theirpatelodsm; all and in
tegrity, and what they bed accomplish.
Led. he, Cooke of Mr. Stempel as follows:.
Mr. Stanton though cut off auddenly
in the prime of life and the maturity of
his intellect, has left Mr admiration and
worthy of honorable mention, mental
aid personal trifte whichi greatly 'dia l
tingehibed him among men. Re rose - In
his profesilon rapidly, not because wealth
or Influential family connections opened
the way, bat because Itie embitteti
camels* effort drew attention to hie
carly,efforta and excited Mae to renewed
exertion. peateesied an Indomitable
will and treated net to dieplaye of-win
ning declamation Leman a cause, but tO
severe and continue& study. - and that
thorongh preparation before trial:which
mrke the careful and atiocess..
jut lawyer. When at our . bar be was
noted for the exact knowledge he had of
the law and fact. of his C3SO3, and for the
Constant labor be".gtractialid in'. gaffing
readyfor thedontlicti he lantern& Day
and night be tolled, and exhibited In a
large degree that stubborn pertinacity of
purpose which distinguished hinvln the
great donee he afterwards performed as
Secretary of War. HOnttirr Oral few one
of his briefs that was not 'attack with Its
completeness, and with the array 'of 'au- ,
Itioritrit lirelente& lbst he added to
his'labor - that high 'degree of method
Which few men possess. ,i 3 Orderwaa the
'controlling 'element Of ibis mind. He
'possessed a power of arranging his facia
and the decisions applicable to them. that
made him almost lrrennible when they
were pieced before a court and rjury.
-Hon. BoberSlidcHnight folkwed, and
In the course of hie remarks related sev
eral interesting incident. In the public
Iffe of Mr. Stanton. Hie first Interview
with blm . after he became a member of
Mr. Bnchanuan'e Cabinet, was- in rela
tine to the removal of cannon from thin
city under the order of Secretary Floyd.
He found Mr. Stanton' engaged In the
trial of a cane In tho • United Staten
Court, and asked him what the peopleof
Pittsburgh' snould do in the premises.
He replied that they ahould not resist
' forcibly tea it would give the traitors
who were seeking for a pretext.jon their
treason, some moue to talk; they, would
in Justification of their own acts refer to
the rebellion In Pittsburgh. but If they
could only hold out until Saturdaythere
would be no further trouble, as Floyd he
thought would not remahrinthe Cabinet
-longer; This Osoutred oar-Thoredayeand
on Met following Wortley • Floyd re,
He alio 'relabel the folloWlng striking
incident, will.* Illustrates Mr. Stanton's
I sagacity in,dloserning how the
not the rebel strength ehould be attacked
u their mart vulnerable point: When
his nomination for the War Deneriment
war before the Senate for confirbration,
Senator Doollttlecame to Mr. McKnight,
then M. U. from this District, to enquire,
"If we confirm - Ibis nomination, and
the,questioucy slave condo up,
what court* *mid 'Stanton 6144,"
Mr; Melttilit ed - -that the!ques
lion should be put to Mr. Stanton
directly, which Hz. Doolittle emboli c&
to do. but did. not. For Mr. McKoltht
saw Mr. Stanton the same evening and
did put the question to him. Mr. Stan;
ton replied, ..If slavery becomes an im•
pedlOttht.,fo the mucous of the Union
cause. I would hit it square between the
eyes." This was repeated to Mr; Dco.
little, by the Spanker In the Senate
Chamber, .the _ next day, and tuber
senators wart eta inkixtustbtle; much
District Attorney Carnshin Was the
next awaken, He said in making the
formal announcement of the death of Mr;
ht triton, be had given ex premien to his
estimate of the character of the de.
neared. • He then alluded to a visit he le
Wolper', With Ge& Moorhead, kid o a ld
to the decimated on the Illth of Doce m bni.
last. At that time he wu in exoellerd
spirits, and - there was every prospect
that his health would be restored. He
"alluded to the appointment of Mr. Stan.
ten to a seat on the Supreme bench, an d
theascathidavelyitepdbliain Senator
had sigaed a paper requesting the Fred.
dent to tender him the position; He
hold it as a precious-recollection that he.
had been the first to convey to Mr. Stan
ton the news of the intention pf the
Prealdent to make thiaappointmeat., It
;was no egotism tat pMixtptrid the rid&
Urns of :file incident, and he hoped it
Would not be considered as. such. Re
closed by - saylng that although he had
not lived out the allotted three score
year; and ,teid, his fame_would bs re
ibettillared as long as the ecollection of
abillty devotion, integrity and patriot
lain crowned. .
A. lt, Brown &q.. spoke in autedance,
ae Mlle :We stand to day with sorrow
ing h urt s and dimmed oyes, looking
intr. t e opal!, grave of a great lawyer
and a great statesman. whose early de
micebas_cast a deep gleorti over a cent!.
neat. , .
. .
ktii world over admires true courage,
whether It be the courage of Christianity,
irtdchaustained martyrs 11l the Anophl.
theatre, at the Rieke, and no the rack;
the citulegia of patriotism, which inspired
thnuaande in this land to - realize the hie.
torte fable of Curtius, and fill up with
their own boodles the yawning chasm
that impenlltni the Republic; the Cour
age of hntrienlty Which, regerdlena of
shot end shell and meaftengere of death
in a thousand forms on the battlefield,
calmly gathered up, they . fallen braves
and ministered to the wounded and
dying: which entered peat-houses; and
hospitals, end.vielted and vomforted the
'homeless; friemilerst end netTering; or the
courage of etateemen, which was so nobly
illustrated in the life of the statesman
whose death we mourn Malay.
Mein staintoti.qxipularly knotimi
inillsOonntry tie our great Secretary efi
War, but recognized throughout the
world as America's great War fillulater
—wee conspicuous for hie indoinitable
courage. In the early days of the re.
hellion, he wee faithful among the faith
. less and he est:Untitled rearlitels and faith
ful fo‘the end; ;mewed by' Bawer andup 7
bribed by galn. With atern Integrity
•• Thellncoptrable wl'l • • • '
And ownag ucter to submit. or 710.1,`•
and with an me single to the mauve
tiomof the Union, he gave hie lifer for his
country as truly as the bravest lof the
noblo heroes who died on the crimson
battlefields] Mitts republic..
It Is Doting that the nation should rem
00r the honor which Is due to one of her
martyred sans,
but It is peculiarly am .
propriate that'd Who knew him so well
should now, In thin- courtroom,
scene of bin earliest Intellectual tel.
umpbs, and the threshold of his life of
tireless devotion to the cense Of humsn,
freedom, .esnress the grief of sincere
friendship, wh'lst all mourn the , great
War Minister who has gone to answer
the groat 101 l shove, where the
t•bracen throat of war" is anent and
voiceless In the
,pretauco of the PAM*
of Peace.
• - Mr. Mlieshall laid he had been request-
Ind by the comtnlttee to nay a word in re.
gird to Mr. Stanton, but no many had
already Booker., diet it heareely seemed,
poesitio Or necessary to tdd anything-lo
what had already been said. The grand
alchemy of Mr. Stauton'ssuoceas wash's,
devotion to his labor. He Was born, an
'the great num br the petiole in this
county, of parents of moderate meting,
and with scarcely authelent •aueans to
give him a professional educition. If
Mr. Stanton had contributed nothing
else to command the admiration of hie
fellow men, the example given by him - to
eiteMbers of the bar, was mufficient to hot
es • monument while time !jets. There
Was another plisse of his character which
could not be passed. Iu thet, times of
peculation and plunder among ,public
men, he having handled the money of
the natioh - for years, and might have
amassed a torture of untold million., yet
ho died a poor man. His worst enemy
staid not say, tbat a single dollar bad
unjetatly appieertated by him. •
S. Scheyer, kaq.. said:—Mr. Chairman
and Gentlemen: I have listened with
deep interest to the eloquiht tributes,
which have today teen told to the emi
nent statesman, whose death the nation
is now mourning. How tiobbi his char
acter, how vest hie aervicer, how great
'hie sacrificeado appear to us, now that
he is gone! for death heightens the grief
which.. it- Indicts, by brightening the
merits of tho.alemuled; the lefinite re
mitre leaves nothing to ho discerned but
the nobleness and brilliancy of toe min.;
, Butt Ur. Chahman, lit is not my pur.
05 . ...0.u.k Ampere, upon am, time of this
'esseuibla with thoughts which gentle,
men more - able and eloquent have so
gracefully and fully expresasd; I desire
to ,add,..but one modest flower to the
*reef!' nyed his tOMb, In die reeltal of
btialucldenlkeehich tends $o illustrate his
great kindness of feeling. It has teen
frequently charged that Mr. Stanton had
no ftlendahlre, mid delighted; only in
antagOrdsms which could display his
wonderful mental power and force. The
incident which I am about to relate
refutes the charge, and it is only to do
some justice to Mai In this regard, that
I presume to address you at all.
ln 1853 or 1814, Mr. Stanton, as you are
all aware,- wee engrossed In the cares of
an immense practice: '!lre - gave to it the
energy which - characterized him ; fre
quently passing entire nights in the
preparation of his causes. et that time
I was a very young Man. ongaced as a
reporter for the prosts, and of coarse was
frequently in the courts in "the line of
my bwrinesa. Imes .at the mote time
endeavoring to prepare myself . for my
profession. I had no acquaintance with
.Mr:Ettsditon, he had never spoken to me;
I did not wipers° he even knew my
name. I we. therefore much sarprlmed
one morning to receive a cot e from him
leaking an appointment ' for me at his
office that .evening. I was received In
the kindest manner. Ito said that in his
youth IV word, of encouragement had
been given him by an older man, and
that be felt it -Ids duty to do the same to
one whom he saw to loin el miler cheum
stisicces. • His . kind inqutries.drew from
me a statement of my affairs, then dark
enough; whereupon be - proceeded to re
count the history. of his own life; how in
early youth he batibeen _obliged to as .
aurae responsibilities which teemed to
preclude all hope of acquiring his Oro.
.feasion; how he had struggled. through
all'diffieultieeineeer once yielding; en.
couraging me ,to fix myself then on an
object • In life, and never to give up, be
clrcumetauces whet they might, untildt
was attalined.-% He passed the entire,
evening In similar; discourse, which
came to The at the most di:disc:Ming mo
ment of my life. While 1 had and have
occaalon to remembee Mr. Stanton with
feelings of gratitude, it is not my inten
tion to refer to this Incident with refer.-
epee to Its affect open my life, but to
present it to you as proof of his 'great
Mennen of heart; •
shall ever cherleh his memory: Ma
very asperities and manner are to me
but .the expression of his nobleness.
The man who could bnd time amid the
barrsatmentir and demands of a great
practice to take by the hand a struggling
young man, had a heart too noble to be
limltill to but one ' , expression of its no
bIllt*: And J. ArelleVe-Ilrat ho who has
been so'bitterly Wailed for those very
asperities had alt the time a heart of
great tenderness, restrained only in he
manifestations by . the Imperative di,:
mandrill hie country's lutenist:4 •1,
Boit . A.' Purvilnee wan . the next
speaker. Hie first acquaintance with
Mr. Stanton was In the trial of a Canso
before Las Honor Judge McCandless,
„whkrtbarss thorny after, he came to this
city. Mr. rurviance's remark's Were
able and highly interesting. - He related
several Incidents, showing the Pereever•
once, energy and pfitrintJam of the do.
D. D. Brace, Esq., said that ho folly
concurred in what bad been said of Mr.
Stanton as a lawyer, jurist and states
man and as a member of the bar and a
private : citizen felt that be had a right,to
add a. soord. to •what. /nal already been
k 4 071.,0ne act alone, the people of
this nailon owed - Mr. Stanton a debt
avail:ado that could never be repaid.
At the commencetnetieof the rebellion,
when tha CMei Magistrate woe unable' to
decide a question - upon which the life of
the nation hung, Mr. Stanton decided
that question. lie said that the Govern
ment bad the power to combat treason
and suppress rebellion, and for this de-
Claien the speaker would ever feel grate.
J. F. Slagle, Robert Weeds, Tobit kie.
Citron, .Legs.,' also Made remarks, In
blch wore narrated many Incidents of
striking interest in the life of Mr. Stanton.
The resolutions were then adopted.
hirailagle moved thet• the Min:Mt:ea
on Resolutions bo continued, and that
they be instructed to make the ncoessa.
:7:arrangements for holding toe meeting
euinceeted lathe 7th resolution. .
The:notion, waaadopted. i.
Qn :pollen of 4. 11.13rowe, Esq., the
meeting adjourned.
Ptirsatint to theM;por's proclaniation,
published yeaterday morning, a mooting
of MHzena nras hold at Wilkins' Hall, at
Melva d'clOck aiteiday, to , give
snort/salon of the public morrow In con
*agitation of the death of Hon. Edwin M.
Stanton. Titn' ittendlide, although not
Large, was fair and many of our leading
idtllghs were among. , onthber prea.
Tho meeting wa■ organised by calling
lion. Jared la; Brash to' the chair.
The meeting wee opened with prayer
by Bishop Kerloot.
A. longs list of Vice Presidents were
appointed and the reportersof the city
press designatid se MEleretarlfm.
Mr. James M. Cooper addressed the
meeting ably, giving a detailed hiatory
of the lift and public services of Mrt
Stanton, and concluded by paying a high
and eloquent trlbate to the memory of
the deceased. lie then unwed that a
committee be appointed to prepare reed
lotions to be submitted to the meeting
for action. .
. .
Thu inotlon was :idol:Cod and the chair
man appointbd lietwrs. Jas. M. Cooper.
51. W. 13eltzhotirer; C. F. Von Bonhorst,
B. F. Janes and Wm. Id. Hersh.
Hon. 3. K. Moorhead addressed the
meeting in substance as follows:
At three o'clock A. M . on the 15th of
April, 1865,.1 wasaroused from my alum
btcrn by the violent ringing of my front
door bell. 1 haatened to the door to as
certain the cause of such an untimely
disturbance, and there learned from a
memenger sent town by the Mayor, the
terrible news that President Lincoln bad
boon assassinated Such a shock I had
inter before received. On Friday morn
ing' hist, tho'24th 'net., as ttiaVeled from
my house to my place of business, I met
what was to me a still greater one—':Ed
win ild.Stanton, the great War Minister,
45 doarlP'was' od idery - tongue find de
picted In every countenance. -The sad
news had reached the city bytelegraph.
add a glean ulooth bung over; the thy
whose inhabitants knew him so wetland
loved him so faithfully. It is proper and
fitting, myptends, that we should Maim•
bin to du honor to his memory. We owe
into him as citizens; OS owe it to tam as
patriots. ,Our city, our.Bu4e, our nation,
all has hlin e. debt. thitcaxi never he
paid. But I regret to have learned that
it was expected I would deliver an Onto
gy. An eulogy "on Elwin' M. Stautou!
Whilst I thank the gentlemen who
moved the selection for their kind inten
tions, yet it is impossible; I cannot do it.
Our relations were too close; our friend.
ship too deep . and abiding. As well
might .1 be stilted to de *hie Mike for a
bioilise tor a eon.
If I can control my feelings, and you
can bear with mu for a few moimints, I
will glee younn instal:woof the closeness
of the tleirthimbraind us as friends.
In the year 1850, when he Waa the part.
nerplJudgeklhale4.lateOf this city, and
rapeht Sine in hie office, I
bad occasion to be absent a few days on
the Allegheny monnunimi. One night I
dreamed a terrible and frightful dream
about my friend Stanton, and awakened
(*Alarm..:.), fell asleep *gala, and again
the same thing returned to annoy me,
and I awakened in a fright. I was at
onde impreesed erith the idea that some
terrible caliinity bad happened him Just
at that time. I lighted a media, marked
[helium by my watch and again went to
sleep• laths morning early I wrote him
of my dream, and gave him the exact
time of the occurrence—the next day I
xeturrred; wont to his office; he met me
with extended arms, clasping me to his.
bosom, and with his head sobbing on my
shoulder, he said, "This Isla very my*
lerions the Om e Mentioned in your
letter was the meet perilous moment of
my llfe." This was never after explained
I am, tfierofore, not the man to lay be
fore you in detail a history of his life, I
cannot trample upon ground so holy.
}low his heart hated treason and bow
he despised traitors is known to the
world. flow ho endeavored to prevent
the war during the administration of Mr.
Buchanan, and how he unearthed trea
son in that Cabinet and gave loyal men
notice of it, la already written In history.
How he counseled and- advised the
patriot Lincoln during the darkest days
of the rebellion, and how by his In
domitable will, energy, perseverance
and courage as Minister of ,War he
pnehed•the rebels loth° wall and achiev
-0 the victory
r over them la, known to
you all. •
To. Edwin M. Blanton. more than to
any attrervmnit Bringer dead, are - we In
debted fur the restoration of our Gov
ernment, and also. fur the emancipation
of the slaves. Ildw correctly- and ex
actly is his character described by Lord
-Brougham Itt"BrinsitStatcaman," where,
speaking of Lord Chatham. he says:
“Ass soon as Mr. Pitt took the helm
:the steadiness of the hand that hold it
wan instantly felt in every motion of the
vessel. There was us more cif wavering,
of torpid inaction, of witless eipectancy,
of abject despondency. His firtunwas
gave wintidence, hiss spirit- roused mut,
age; his vigilance secured exertion in
every department under his sway."
But he has gone—and died compare.
tively a poor num. He died • martyr to
the cause of his country. He abandoned
the highest elevation or his profession
for her cause, and In her service wore
out his life and wasted -his estate. His
integrity and incorruptibility was the
dread of the camp followers and rascals
that swarmed about Washington.
On Saturday, the 18th inst., but little
more than a week slues, I congratulated
him upon the fact that the - President
would appoint him to the 'Supreme
(Amin, and then bade hint good eye. He
was lively and cheerful. Little did I
suppose It was a final farewell. Ile had
faith in God, and wilt receive his re
ward. Let you and 1, my friends,
strive to-luilutte his virtues.
I have observed In the morning papers
that tome friends in New York, at a pri.
inackiilanar party, just after the close of
the war, actually: mad* up a purse of
illoo,oodto be presented 10 him as a token
of their regard and higtr appreciation of
his "valuable services, and deputed Judge
Pierre tent to execute the delicate ruhelon
of tendering It to him. The Judge talk.
eal with Mrs. Stanton who told him she
did not thlllk It would be aecapted.' lie
shrunk Pima the attempt to make an
offer of the money, and when about
leaving, Mr. Stanton who bad overheard
some of the converts:it lou with Ma wife,
seidr"Plarrepont, 00ine% baCk: .1 have
always regarded yon'as my friend, I run
now sick, you may never see me agakt.
I want you to do me a favor. When you
go back to New York tell my friends
thorearid elsewhere, :not to ralea any
money or other gifts for me. I must
refuse thorn all. They have my thanks
for their kind Intentions, but I never can
and never will accept a rent aa a gift
from even my beat friends." - •
I have evidences of the same thing In
two letters recently received from him—
one dated November 25, writing me on •
taunneaa matter. tie speaks of his ins.
bitity to attend to his practice and his
income being limited, although his prop
erty la ample and unincumbered but not
Pr"duetive , _he mak e natio( those words:
been proposed.
but you know me well enough. that I
veculd rather servos& night watchman,
or occupy six feet In • cemetery, than to
to any trims's MendiCant."
Ile ban newton to" the` graVe, and to
his houor ne has died comparatively •
woe man. The brightoat ornament in
the ctuiplet tbekkerrounds his brow is
this, that in theenlimea of great political
corruption amongst public men having
the oontronor hundreds or millions of
dollars, his hands are unstained; he has
atd poor kW :mono! to • better and
brighter toward than earth can give him.
HEMM%KM OF rinalc 8. nauziosT.
Mr. Brunot said: HO had pot had the
pleasure to enjoy no intiniate social rola.
lions with Mr. Manton an those-.of his
friend, Gen. Moorhead, and of wbkh be
had po feelingly spoken. :Yet, upon the
announcement of the death of lidr, Stan
ton. he felt not only that the country was
called to Mourn for the leen' of a great
men, but that be himself had loin a dear
friend. As when a friend la takettby the
hand of death, the mind dwells not
merely upon the generosity of his public
character, an, • tbe death of Stanton I
brought to Ida mind incidents of person
al Intereouree Illustrative of the- groat
nonillion of the demoted statesman. Re
told soon - much of Mr: Stanton daring
the war, and at altuoet every interview
thorn were *pee spoken, or actions do
voloped which Inipronaed him with the
• incomparable fitness of the kectetary for
bie high position. '
In a convation the evening before
the lattla ofßull Bun .1 asked Mr.
'Stanton anxiously if he ' thought there
could be any doubt of our success
We'll be whipped I" was his excited
reply. "is• it possible why do you
think so?" bun/ ff. , 'They are pre.
pared and we are not. General Soot!
should have gone to Richmond when he
marched to - Alexandria." The civilian
knew the position better than' did the
commending General.
A. few days after., his applintment an
Secretary of War, T.'tnet hint in the ro
tunda of the Capitol , and congratulated
him nbon WI appointment, saying also
that la reply to the questkin of a promi
nent gentleman in the cars,. I had
sald be — win - alt ;right.,
.on the
alavery rikeatlon. „ they wilt find
out where A
lieu on the slavery question.
I lute alavility—it Is doomed," Ile sent
for me, atetwhen I went to his silica he
placed IdfnWhanda letters and papers
rimming - I'4mila and wrongs against the
Governtrient4 In the Quartermaster and
Contract ;Department. "This moat be
stopped—it Mon be stopped," ha said,
'and t want you And other men for
whom I have no pay to help uce atop It."
And all through his administration—l n
exrruptibly, fearlessly, persistently and
mercilostaly to the o ff enders, he labored
to protect the Government against frauds
and to punish thedetrandera. • '
Ills judgment of the public servants,
both civil gild Military, seldom erred.
On one occaliou when he was about to
leave hie silks to attend a Cabinet meet
ing, he reqStiati me to stop a moment.
"you went o Pittsburgh Lauding—did
you see Gee pal Grant ?" no sir. "Did
you hear th the was drunk In the bat
tle." "No. could not have been eo,nr I
should hay card it from souls of the
sick and w ruled on the steamer." "I
do- not bet' tt" said he "and yet a
respectable i committee of men from
Louisville aNa here, who have about per
suaded the; President to displace him.
4 .They Ault not muceccd" was the ener
getic conclusion of Mr. Stanton. and ha
went to the Cabinet meeting. That they
did net succeed Is firmly believe due to
Edwin M. Stanton.
When the quarrel of the' late Presi.
dent against Congrems wore Its moat
threutonlnekipect, I called upon Mr.
Stanton with others, and staked, SLIn
case of hllt displacement, he would
consent tn. , '. be elected Senator from
Penneylviuta: ..I am here only from
duty, I long .to get away, and will accept
nothing. lint. rent." "Da
. . you think
therein anrui for the surmise that
Johnson w f orce against Congress?"
His reply "Let him dare to try It !-
They con'trkg General Grant to do any
thing wrung!" I rarely wont to his
office during the War, Without seeing or
hearing evldenCes 6f a qnality which
was most of Al things denied him by his
I.ll.lollliol—thit tenderness of heart which
gave to the Pnfortunate sufferers to the
war. his earnest sympathies. Re was
never atikedlo do anything for the sink
and wounded, without responding to the
extent of file power, ond no reasonable
auggeation by civilians In their behalf,
ever failed to gain hie encouragement
and cooperation. . Thonaantht • of
mothers, widows, misters and . broth
ers who , sought his aid, will
testify to the lender consideration and
sympathy Which Mr. Stanton never
failed to evLece in their Individual cases.
Rut, Mr. Chairman, I must end my re-
marks. A..year ago, it was proposed to
erect a statue of Mr. Stanton upon the
National Monument. A gentleman, who
was a stranger in this city, was dealg
noted to collect the necessary funds snd
to that end was given the natneaof a law
citizens who, it was thought, would be
the most ready to respond. When one
of theme gentlemen read the heading of
the subscription, which states that the
"friends and neighbors" of Mr. Stanton
proposed to erect this monument to his
honor. "Sir." said he. "1 am neither
the friend or the neighbor of Mr. Stan
ton. If I have any personal rotations
with him It Is enmity, for he has injured
me, - but I appreciate the services
he has rendered to my eauutry
and can honor him for MM.".
Mr. Chairman: The great War Minis
ter is dead, Ilia enemies as well as his
friends will now appreciate the services
ha has rendered to his country, and
history will record, aa of no other man,
that the nation unanimously
his lose. .
At the conclusion of Mr. Brunet's re
marks, Mr. Doper, from the Committee
on Resolution. prevented the following
MW "
lINIIIEAS, It bas pleased Almighty.
Rod in His wise and tutorotible Provi
dence to take from thin mortal We our
honored friend cud neighbor, Edwin ht.
Stanton; the patriot statesman, the pro
found and acemnpliabed scholar and
Jurist and the Nation's benefaltvr.
WHEELS/AS, Wei the citizens of Pitts
burgh and 'Allegheny. here assembled,
without distinction of party and in
nontrumite i all-thele)al people of the
-regard lila death
national cilam ty, and an event which
mast thrlil with sorrow the hearts of all
true men and lovers of their country.
Therefore. -
Resofried, lat. That in the death Of Mr.
Stanton, the country has sustained an
irreparable loan; the nation has lost one
of its ablest, and most faithful public/ler
' yenta, and we shall ever cherish in
grateful remembrance the patriot and
sage, who stood like • tower of strength
in the time of our greatest need; like a
rock, agatest which treason surged and
lashed in vaint a man wnent no disaster
could appal, and no Ilioo3Bll deceive: but
who, as Mr. Lincoln's Secretary of War,
during the greater part of the Rebellion, -
organized victory, by keeping our betel-
Sous tilled and our supplies equal to
every emergency.
That It was owing to the wise
counsels and the sierra and unyielding
devotion of Mr. Stanton that Abraham
Lincoln, our martyred President, was
mainly indebted during our great us.
Clonal etrogele tin the support be so
much nooded. lie wets confessedly the
right ern:Lei Mr. Lincoln's administra
tion; the adviser of the famous Prorinma•
tlon of Emancipation, which has been
attended with such grand and sublime
results to four millions of the human
race and removed The only stain which
tarnished our nation's honor.
While thug acknowledging the
eminent public. ikervioes of Edwin M.
Stanton, we are painlully impressed with
the fearful cost to 'himself in the wasting
toile which broke him down, end at the
close of the late war, leltbint chattered
in health, and only a wreck of himself—
in short, another martyr In •his country's
cause—and well deserving of a niche in
the same temple of fame that will bo for.
over consecrated to the memory of
the murdered lancoln.
4th. That the last honor conferred by
President Grant, end so promptly eon.
firmed by the Senate In his appointment,
as one of the inatices of the Supreme
Court of the United Stable, in a grateful
acknowledgement of the merit* and do.
servirg of the greatest of all our,- War
Ministers, and that In honoring him the
Administration has done honor to Itself,
and Milled the orpectatlonsof a grate
ful people. •
sth. That we deeply sympathize with
the afflicted family of the damaged
['stria, and we ask to be perinitted to
mingle our team with theirs, and en share
their great sorrow In the to,. which we
and they have sustained. •
6th. That a copy of these proceedings
be engrossed end transmitted by the
Mayor of the city to the family of the de-
cemed On uotloci, ttie report wie . unanintoniily
On motion, adjourned.
Ili the United Stake Court ' yeaterdity
morning, Judge McCandless providing,
District Attorney Carroll's° formally an
nounced the death of son. Edwin M.
Steam. Mr. Carnahan said: • '
MAY IT moon TRH COURT : The sad
duty falls announce the death
of the lion. E. M. Stanton, lately am
pointed ono of the Justices of the Su
premo Conti of the United States. This
melancholy event took place on Friday
morning, the Zith teat., his res.
'demo in the city of Washington. It
was well known to the public that
Mr. Stanton's health had been 'Darin
for several years, the mule of labors
performed by him as Secretary of War
daring the period of the rebellion,
greater and longer sustained than nature
ordinarily allows to the moat active and
powerful mind, untied with physical
strength, the most robust and enduring.
But a considerable Interval of repose,
with encouraging indications of totem.
Inn health and strength, had induced
the hope and belief Meath. crisis
Weep° was pained, and that nage , ye
of pablic neefultistes In the etiWir e od et a .
lion to 'which he had, by the 'get or the
President end Senate, with the hearty
and grateful concurrence of the nation,
Just neon elevated, were in reservation
for the patriot and stateerrum. His de.
miss was therefore sudden and unex
pected, and has mused the heart of the
great nation, whose able and faithful
servant he had so long been, to throb
with profound and poignant grief. This
is not the place nor this the occasion to
recount the public services of Mr. Jim
tice Stanton. When the heart Is full of
sorrow, and the eye moistened with tears
for the less of the virtuous, noble dead.
the language of eulogy itself is insipid,
Id. sometimiio, impertinent.
r. Stanton am:Mlle services, and his
titles to national whom and gratitude,
are written on the tablets of the nation,
and will pus down the centuries nn
dlmned by time.
It was not permitted to biri Juetloo
Stanton to enter upon the discharge of
the judicial dutlea to which he had Just
been assigned. Had it pleased Provi
done° to spire hie life and strength, It
cannot be doubted that he would have
achieved a judicial eminence proper.
Honed to his unrivalled grealnege as a
War Moaner. ' 'Man proposal, but God
As a lawyer we have the testimony of
the SWIM= and venerable Judge, who
has eo lone sod eo ably presided le this
circuit, that Mr. Stanton stood at the
head of the brat ram of the national bar.
Your Honor knew, and I knew, the
kindram of hie heart and the sincerity
Find warmth of his personal friendships.
To-day a nation's respect, gratitude and'
affection, and a nation's grief and sor
row will accompany to the tomb all that
was mortal. of Edwin M. Stanton. His
life did not reach to Its three wore and
ten years which tlioPsaimlat tells us lathe
ordinary limit of human existence; but
his name And memory will, endure as
long as great public services Fire held in
grateful remembrance as long as patriot
tam and devotion to the public good. are
respected as virtues.
As a mark of respect for the memory of
the illustrious dead, I move that this
Court do now adjourn, and that a minute
be entered on the records of the Court of
the came of the adjournment.
John Li. Miley, EFT, seconded the
motion with appropriate embarks.
Ilia Honor, Judge McCandless, then
responded, and In fitting and eloquent
terms referred to his intimate proleratortal
and personal Intercourse with Mr. Stan
ton. and eulogized his private character
and eminent public servicea. Redirect
ed that _ a minute be made of these
ptoceedlue, and that the-remarks al the
District Attorney, in' which he fully
concurred, be entered at line - on the.
I minutes of both the Circuit and District
Courts, and out of respect to the memory
of Mr.Justioe Stanton, the Courts do now
City Councils assembled is regular
session yesterday afternoon. After be
ing duly organized, Mr. Houston, ha the
Common branch, President Tomlinson
fu the Chair, moved to go Into Commit
tee of the Whole to receive the an
nouncement of the death of Ron. E. M.
Stanton, which being agreed to, Dr. Mc.
Candled was called to the Chair.
On taking the chair, the President
stated the Council Cs a Committee on the
Whole was organized to receive the pain.
ful intelligence ottne death of the great,
good and illustriocut Secretary of War,
Edwin M. Stanton.
Mr. Houston then said: It as my duty
to announce to this honorable body that
on Friday morning, 24th noe!.,-the spirit
of life eminent ex-Secrettiry of War,
Edwin M. Stanton, passed from earth to
Toll the bell mournfully! Let the
Iron mouthed minute gun scund the
dirge of sorrow! Muffle the drum! Dark
drape to.daf the old flag and hang It at
half mast, for a mighty nation weeps in
anguish. Liberty has lest a friend; op
pressed humanity a champion. Tbo War
Secretary of the century is no more!
Stanton is. deed All .that •is
earthly of the moral hero, the zealous
patriot who stood a shining mark
In the wilderness of humanity, even
now, as our voices are raised to
sing his praise anti utter lamentations of
grief and sorrow, the dismal grave
stands broadly open, gaping to receive
the remains and assert fresh victory over.
mortality. — A nation cannot wasp Wars
too worthy the worth of the Man whose
life, strength, vigor and temporal happi.
near were aacrificed in the holy ambition
of discharging his foil dray towards hie
God and his Country. They cannot over.
estimate the loss sustained In the pass.
lug away.of whero, who in the tire of
his own patriotism Consumed a life that
an Almighty Being ordained should
prove a willing sacrifice in the cause of
Truth, Liberty, JusUcis and Equality.
Death silences partisalehlp; the garb of
politics donned on the threshold of man
hood is dented as the grave is reached and
the volume of life is closed on earth for.
away. Logue today forget all lines, all
caste, all prejudices and unite with the
whole people of the country in paying
homage to the memory of the illustrious
deceased. Lit us be among those who
will furnish History with a text that she
may write for oncoming generations,
that the grave of the noble pilot who
weathered the storm and - guided into
safe harbor the good Ship of State, was
wet with the teamed' a people, as grateful
as sorrowing, and that there'were none
too poor in spirit or too barren of gener
osity to honor the great self sacrificing
War Secretary who warp his life away
in the cause of his country.
It is, therefore,. Mr. President and Gen-
tlemen, that I offer the following pre
amble and resolutions In honor of the
memory of the departed .
WEEttgas, The united nation stands
10-day weeping and mourning over the
fresh made grave of an eminent citirma
and patriot, whose services to his coun
try during a abort - but eventful career,
were of the most priceless character, and
to whose iron will, indomitable persever
ance and fearltwe determination was due
a Lugo share of the glory of redeeming
the Union, the crushing out of armed
rebellion. the entire obliteration of sla
very and the grand-consummation of the
war; and,
WILMINAS, Pittsburgh has ever poin-
ted with pride to the record of Edwin
it. Stanton, ao signally and anceeesfelly
made throughout his useful mission on
earth, recognizing in him a men of merit,
elevated, pure minded, and patriotic;
one who shone with lustre among. the
brightest ornaments'f our legal frater
nity, Redline as good,' generous, virtu
ous and upright in the private walks of
social life, as he was bold, inirepid, wise
and courageous In the high offloes of
national honor and trust confided to him,
and whose duties ho so faithfully dis
charged on behltlf of a whole people at
the racrifL^e of his awn individual health,
strength and life. Therefore, be it• •
Resolved, That we, theruembera of the
Select and Common Council assembled
on behalf of ourselves and the People we
represent, do hereby pay a heart
prompted tribute of respect to the mem
ory of the ihustrious deceased, and send
forth by these resolutions an expression
of that most profbund sorrow which his
death has planted Moor breasts; of aym
pathy for his bereaved wife and children;
eta keen appreciation of the Irreparable
Item sustained, In his passing sway, by
the nation at large, and the friends and
advocates • of Freedom, Liberty and
Equality everywhero on earth.
Resolved, That In token of our sorrow.
In respect to the memory of the de
ceased, we cause our respective cham
bers to be draped with the emblems of
mourning, enter these resolutions on our
minute book and instrnat our clerk to
•toroint and forward a copy theerof to
our Representative In Congress, to be
presented by Mb; on the part - of these
Councils and the people of Pittsburgh, to
the grief stricken widow and children of
the departed statesman.
The resolutions wore adopted ottani.
mouldy by It rialeg vote, after which the
Committee rose and repotted their action
to Council. It was received and ap•
proved. t3elect Council concurred.
Sy Teleerepta to the l'lttebergh @Lune.)
Wummotorr, Docombor 27, 1869
The funeral of the late. Edwin M. Stan
ton today was very largely attended.
The services were merely those pre
scribed by the Protestant Epticoral
Church, which was performed by Rev,
Dr. Stark's of the Church ol Epiphany, of
which the deceased was a member, as.
shied by Rev. Dr. Pinckney, of the
Church of Ascension, and Rev. Dr. Spar.
row, Principal of the Alexandria
Theological Seminar - y. Among those
present wore President Grant and
the officers 'of his household,- Vice
President Colfax, and the Senators
and Reprommadves now In the city, the
1 members of the Cabinet, Judges of the
Supreme and District Courts and officers
of the army on duty in the War Depart.
meat and principal officers representing
the army. navy and 'marine service.
General Canby was with the family of
the deceased. The mother of lb. men.
ton, who arrived was In wraps.
ny with Gen. T. T. Eckert. Too pinto.
nu m e corps was represented by Dilatator
Thornton and others. Rite eityoouncibe,
members of the bar and a large number
of other citizens were oleo In attend.
altos Only a fear intimate friends of
the family were Privileged to see the
face of the decessed previews to the
closing of the come in the chamber
where Dir. Stanton died. :.
At eleven o'clock a body of one ear
geant, one corporal and eight men, of
Battery F, Flfth Artillery, In full unt• .
form, brought the coffin from tho chem•
ber to the parlor, and subsequently bore
it to the home°.
The floral display was the most impos
log ever witnessed In this city on a aim
ilar occasion, the coffin being covered
with wreaths, crosses and boonsta of the
choicest varieties of flowers. Among
the tributes was a beautiful cross tender.
ed by Secretary Flab. Another, a mag
nificent cross, ea:mounted with a crown
farmed of japonicas and, immortelies,
bearing upon It a card upon which woe
wan written the words, "With Mrs. Z
Chandler's love." Other floral offerings
were accompanied with cards with like
expressions of affection and condolence.
A delegation from the Union League
Club of-New York arrived this morn
ing to attend the funeral. It C011979t9 of
Judge Davies, Goo. W. Collyer and
Howard Potter.
There were probably a hundred backs,
besides many private carriages, In the
procession. The hoarse was drawn by
four grey horses. Although it was rain
ing, thousands of persons gathered in
tho Immediate vicinity of the residence
of the deceased to witness the pro.
needing' attendant on the funeral.
Policemen in force kept the pavements
and carriage way clear of obstructions.
The remains were conveyed to Oak
Ridge Cemetery for interment.
Senator Cameron, Gal. T. A. Scott,
formerly Assistant Secretary of War,
and Representat:v Govode. Myers and
O'Neill, of Pennsylvania, came on from
their homes expressly. to attend the
funeral. 'Senator Scott was In the city
and also attended.
No business was transacted in official
quarters to-day, owing to Stanton's
Jutland, and . ell the departments are
closed and draped in mourning. The
mother and sister of Mr. Stanton arrived
on Christman night from Steubenville,
Ohio, in a special car. • •
The family of the deceased had receiv
ed numerous sympathetic telegramsand
letters from public men.
in the several District of Columbia
Courts, resolutions . were adopted
with reference to the death of Mr. Stan
ton. The members of the bar and citi
zens ales held meetings, at which
various speeches were made eulogistic of
the deceased,
The National Executive Committee of
colored men, represented by George C.
Downing. President, Martin, Vice Presi
dent, and Prof. Vuitton. were assigned a
position in the funeral procession by the
City Councils.
Major Delany and Major Augusta, the
first colored officers commissioned by
Mr. Stanton, were present.
CHT Teterrspb to the Pittstrargh ttazettea
Rams, Dec. 2.7.—1 n the Corpe Legislatif
to-day the election of Isaac Perlere,
formerly director of the Credit Mobilier,
was annulled by a vote of 130 to 31. He
was the government candidatefor deputy
from one of the districts of thin city. •
The determination of the election
cases was the butt act of the extraordinary
session of .the Corps Legislatlf. The
regular session will be opened to-mor•
row. The nominations of Committee,,
of the Chambers will be made to-eight.
The Ministers will in all probability re.
sign to morrow. and as before indicated,
M. 011ivier will re charged with the
formation of a now Cabinet.
The military secret society mentioned
'yesterday by the journals of this city,
dwindled to a small affair, The society
consisted of a number of common aol.
diers, who. were - subsequently art-ceded
and punished for subscribing to a fund
for the relief of two companions who
were sent to Algeria for having attended
a political meeting.
LtrnarooL, Dec. 28.--Generais Banks
■nd Burnside' left for their homes yester
day, on the steamship Java. - • -
LONDON, December V.—The Times to.
day republishes the card of the Harvard
boat crew, which lately appeared In the
New York papers, explanatory of cer
tain matters connected with the inter
national race in August. The Times re
joices in this card as an answer to all
charged of English unfairness about the
A letter nubliahed today. from Rome,
emphatically denim the current reports
of the liberality of the American Binh.
ope at the Ecumenical Connell. The
correspondent asserts that they follow
blindly the Papal lead.
Maputo, December. 27.--The Iberia
newspaper says Spain will folly Bettie
the matter of the new constitution dur
ing the month of January.
LOUDON. December 27.—Englieh mar
hots generally Mused, owing to the holt
- - -
IL&vag, Dec. 27.—Cotton quiet.
PARIS, Dec. 27.:—Bourse closed Arm.
Routes 72 trances SOc. •
ArTWERP. December 27.—Petroleum
firm at 6030.
Twenties opened firm at 91ti®9134*.
- HAVRE, Deo..27.—Cotton closed quiet
both on spot and afloat.
Blaine= .Dories Vestroyed b Fin
Total .141a1104511,009. • •
Egocentric, December 27.—The. most
deetructive Are which has occurred here
la many years took place this morning
at two o'clock. Seven large brick stores
In South Salina street, owned by Sat.
ford, Hamlet & Crouse. were burned or
crushed by falling walls. Five buildings
were destroyed, together with most
of the contents. The loss on these
buildings is 170,000: insured for 555,00 e.
Bennett dr, Bros., dry goods and carpets,
occupied two of, the stores ; loss 1130,000;
Insured for $lO,OOO. F. W. WalViorth,
grocer, $15,000 In stock; Insured for $ll,-
000. F. P. Vedder insured for 510.000:
Wolf Bros, furniture; Ices 112,000; In
slued for 50,000. Fosse, JobnsOn
niggled, . stoves; loss 52,000; cov
ered by - insuranos. Charles Lem
mon, building damaged by falling
walls; loss, $2,000; fully Insured. The
American Tea Company togas, 114,6001
Insured for 53,500. L. R. Cole, hotordiria
house; lose, household effects, 17,500; no
Insurance. About one hundred boarders
lost,thelr clothing and other property. -
' There were a' number of minor losses,
aggregating about mood The total loss
is about 5460,000, on which . there is
5226,000 Insurance.
In Callfornta—Heaviest Shock Ever Ea
periencell—Great Consternation—Ex.
press Train 'Detained by gores and
Earth Thrown on the Track.
Orr TelesnDli SO tha rntsb.rth eautte.)
am , nA200180.0 , Dec. 27.—The heaviest
earthquake ever experlenoed in Eastern
Caltibrola and Nevada occurred about
i da o'clock hat evening. It was
felt with more or leas severity
in. Sacramento, Gran Valley, Neva
da, lowa 11W, Stockton / ,•, Chico,
Truckee and other neighboring towns.
At Virgania City,Nevada, are walls were
thrown down, door belle rung and clerks
stopped: dogs howled, horses shorted
ana there was general consternation.
The shock was felt severely in the low
er level of the mines. Vibrations south,
luting ten seconds.
At Reno the shook was preceded by a
low rumbilog noise and lasted nearly
two minutes, alarming : Um inhabitants.
The express train bound west was do.
tamed about an hour , between Wads.
Worth • and Rano .1y large rocks and
earth thrown on • the track by the . .
quake. .
Another dispatch states theurilinitake
wu felt throughout Western Nevada.
and tho shock continued all night at
Virginia City. Tho down. train on the -
Carson road was thrown from the track.
—Private advlocm state that lain. Jno.
GI. Walker, of Texaa, has left Ben Fran.
clew with three hundred Chinamen
under contract - to work for three years
on the Houston (Texas)- end Central
Railroad. they will youth New Orleans
between the sth and lOth proximo. ,
—At Philadelphia, yesterday, Jndire
Cadwallader sentenced - George Mount
joy, convicted of *Milky frauds, to two
years' Imprisonment in, the eastern
Penitentiary, and to pay dna of 41,000.
NO. 305.
A Family Quarrel Results in the
Harder of a Wife and Suicide
of theHusband—The Reward
of Infamy—Fearful Scene—
Burglary and Murder in New
York—A Father Cuts His Son's
Throat in Rhode Island—Fra
tricide in Illinois—Harder in
(By Telt grepb to the Pittsburgh eaaeltbt .
CINCINNATI, Dec. 27.—A terrible fami
ly quarrel toot plaCe at West Wood vil
lage, about five miles from this city, In
Green township, last evening, which
retuned in the fatal wounding of the
wife and the _self destruction of the
father. The particulars are as follows:
Cordelia Wilder, wife ofJchn B. Wilder,
I. known In this city, Chicago and Bt.
Louts, as a Woman Whose .business baa
been for years to furnish homes of pros
titution, she taking mortgagee on the
property for the money advanced and
the enormous rates of Interest charged.
Dozing bar frequent absence from
home the husband looked after toe
family, consisting,of some ten or twelve.
children, Her, legal adviser,. Nicholas
Byrd, a young lawyer of this city, about
a year ago. began to pay attention to the
oldest daughter of Wilder, being en
°enraged therein-by the mother. The
father objected, and at one time cow
bided Byrd on Fourth street. The affair
at the time created a of talk.
About three months since Byrd and the
daughter were married and a quarrel
yesterday grew out of thin matter, and
during Its progress something was stud
which enraged Wilder, who attacked his
wife with a hatchet, striking her on
the head and cutting her nose
nearly off. He then stabbed her with a
sharp instrument, Inflicting wounds
in her neca and shoulder's which were
pronounced fatal by the surgeon. The
children ran to alarm the neighbors, but
on their arrival it was found that Wilder
had taken refuge In an adjoining room,
and barricaded the door. Hegavenotice
that be was armed, and would kill any
one who attempted to enter the room.
While the neighbors were debating how.
to effect an entrance, they heard the re
port ore gale, and burattogopen the door
they beheld a most appalling and sicken
ing sight. Wilder had taken advantage
of the hesitation of the people outside to
load both barrels of a shot gun, and after
killing his wife deliberately blew out
his own brains with beayy bucksho•.
Ho removed the barrels from the stock
and .placing the butt end In' the grate,
so adjusted a string on the trigger that
both loads would be fired at So
terrific was the force that the too bf- his
head from below the right eye diagonal
ly across the forehead was , blown coca-
pletely off and thrown souipleet distant
into an open trunk, back to 'which She
man staggered and fell with Just his
neck acmes the edge. The calling and
walls 'weep spattered with brains and
biood t presenUng a most sickening
On the door of the room Wilder nad
written an explanation of the tragedy,
attributing all the difficulties between
him and his wife to his eon-in-law, Byrd.
On his person were found a newspaper
giving the account of tho cowtdding
scrape, correspondence between himself
iud Byrd. about the proposed marriage,
and a letter from mother to daughter,
advising her to marry Byrd. Ho alto
addressed a line to his children, stating
that hailed come to the oonclaalon they
had better be orphans than live with
such parents as they had, add-acid he
did not intend prevlouaiy to kill hls
wife. Op the bed In big room were found
a bowie knife, razor and a strong cord,
and to another place a shot gun, musket
and. pistols, showing he had eontero.
plated suicide:
The children evidently sympathized
with the mother, for when the neighbors
attempted to prevent the escaper of
Wilder by a back way, they expressed a
great deal of feeling against their father.
ramroad becoming fastened in a mus
ket In the hands of some person in the
crowd, ono raid "d— the ramrod; shoot
It through him if he attempts to esa ape."
The latest amounts from the, scene of
the tragedy report Mrs. Wilder still
alive, but her death is momentarily ex
pected. -
The following was written on the In
aide of the door of the room in - which-
Wilder killed -- himself oThhi is all
owing to the damnable influence and
rascality of Nicholas Byrd. For nearly
wenty years we lived happily, and
Byrd came to exert his hellish influence
we never had the least difficulty. For the
last few years I have had butts poor wife
and my children a. poor mother. Life
has been a great burden. •
I.E. Wunon "
Another message was u follows: "My
tut. ! 711: .- -rr-m3y gni
• few •xorth 1n f‘XplAY:ttin:l-i dni aoc
Intend the 6,r0c4
I use 0.14 , t;. --. •
any I,l] Kir 1.17' trn
1. hr
WM , ovv.m, a
mud rltta toy
ahe aiaeuLa ils tot.lnad,
and I preferred that the little ones should
be ornhatus in preference to auchtialning•
Another message read: "Dear Chil
dren: Be kind to each ether; be honest
and industrious, and you will be re•
spected and God will help you.
Good bye. FATHER." '
The Catharine" alluded to In the
above message was an old servant whom
Mr. Wilder desired discharged, and Mrs.
Wilier to retain. Quarreling about this
the tragedy took ple.
While locked In the room his son COD
, versed with him through the doer and
advised him to surrender. Tfe replied,
"N ever , alive." and then read the above
notes to his son. It wutwo hours After
the, report of firearms, before the men
dared to burst the door in. In 001rferea.
Ma with his don..he asked If his mother
was still alive. The son answered 7yes,"
to which he replied," .I.lm sorry.'
A later account says:. Mrs. Cordell
Wilder, the suffering woman,mill prob•
ably recover. She has beein many years
purveyot Ibt lieusoli of ill fame here, at Eit.
Louis and lisahville, purchulog for
them furniture and leaning. money,
whereby she had acerimulated a large
fortune. Besides the married daughter.
there are four children orphaned, a son
aged fifteen and three daughters
Cnicaeo, 'Dee. 27 . . 7 .0n - Friday last
. .
Samuel Stowo, . a farme4 residing at
Harmony, four miles from .Janesville,
Wis., sixtrflve years old who was
separated from his wile several yams
ago. went to Janesville tad got so drunk
that a young man named Humphrey
Roberts, a friend of hls, deemed
it his duty to acoompany him
home. Ho. reached Stowe's house
Roberti put up his horses and both re
tired to bed. About eight o'clock in the
morning Stowe got' up, and while he
watt building a Stehle housekeeper, Mrs.
Hinton, entered the room. Stowe, after
speaking a few words, struck • leer aer. ,
oral times on the head. Roberts, hear
log the noise, came out of his loom and
I attempted to quiet Stowe, when the lat.
I ter seized a gun that stood near and shot
Roberts dead. The murderer launder
Frattickle Inthinak
CILICA.OO. - DOC. 27.—Let Friday night
two brothers, named Thomas' and Sim
son Cantell, residing seven mike West of
Jacksonville ' Ills., while drunk quer.'
reled, when Thomas drew a knife and
atatbed his brother several times. from
the effects of which he died the next
Aar The murderer surrendered him.
Aboaart, N. Y., Dec. 7J.-LOn 'Thursday
night burglars entered the kola* of Jas •
D. Stebbins, a men eighty years' of age
who resided One mile east of Clinton.
Oneida county. When a struggle ensued
between the parties. The robbers left
the old man insensible on the *kitchen
door, and be died last evening. Two
men named Sweeny and Bush have been
arrested on suspicion.
A Father CM BY Sou's "Artist.
Pnorutarcs, R. L, December 27.--.ln
Ddsplerrille, one day last week, Charles
Murphy, a woodaawyer, had an alteres
tion with his son, and cut bib throat ao
badly that he died soon after. Tin num
darer has escaped.• • • .
Is Moues sad cheapest coadandad sad duallt
• publiilte4 In Ream: raninsktnaut
No garner, mectuals iliarebaxt.abOola
Onto of Ave
Clete of ten.
♦oonY Ilingthed Irfts . Str•ty V3l;i•
op of • club of tia. Portals!tirs an nimeetell:
to set masons..
rroprieuxts. F
Northw ebeTerritory. Annexation
League—Strict Neutrality Ad
vised by the Government Be-;
tweeu Great, Britain and Her )
Rebellious Subjects—Rumored
Change of
. Conierning
the Cuban Rebellion--Affairs on
the Inland—The Ramsey-Fisk
" Railroad Case Decided. 1.
OLT Telegraph Ceiba Mitsaursh CWitts.)
• NEW Tons; Dec. 21 iM.
THE nangtrams I.r liCrlolliT's Lam.
The following' itpeitli snarl advertise
moni in the Hardtd; ' ,• :4
"Northwestern Republic. , Bed River, z;
British Amerieu. Capable men as grades; -,.‘•
eoldiers preferred. To parUes slowing
the United Slalom. Applleationinwriting
will only bo received.. American An
nexation League, 416 Broome strata, near
Broadway." ..
Nauviatary issusfroso.
The Tribune editorially - says: °Tha
first duty of the United States toward, i
our, neighbors Jo Rupert's JAM, who
have set up the Standard of indepen.
dance and laid the corndr•iitettif of ,
government, is to observe strict neutral.
IV in tho contest that may ensue. G.
McDougall - says tho now Dombiblon and 1 ,
England will net part with the last tar. t
ritory of. Rupert's land without making
a- tight. While that- tight cannot .;
be made this winter," without using
more territory for Movement :tif troops, I
munitions of war and supplies, not one
soldler, 'not one pound of commi ssary
stores should be permitted tomes* the i
States of Maine, Michigan, Wissynotin or
Minnesota, to be used In suppressing the
revolution in these settlements. - If Um
British or the new - DonIII2IOIIZOMPOS,
manta shall apply. force .re- i
duce the . Rupert 14'1 sub
jugationdet them trucker% troops and
supplies through British territory " I
The. Tribtine hada report-from.W
ingtbn that the adminstratlon has n
under earnest consideration the pro
ty of *hanging its course with/nerd
to Cuba and speedily reeognizing
belligerent rights' of the insurgents.
This coarse Is impelled by the evident- „
feeling i)f the people of the country, and
the temper of the majority. in Congress,
The report further states that Secretary ;
Feb and Senator Sumner had expressed f,
within, three days such views as would
Indica:a a change of policy tows
Cubans, and a higher confidence their
A Havana letter says Sen. Carbo went
up this week td isk° command of Ono,
Villas country,' relieving. Cien, ;Leeco,
who left far Spain on the 16th Inst., tin
der order of arrest, recalling from the
earning of Tagnayabon.' sioreiwor
has been equally unfortunate
having been routed by lien. Caved", itnd
at this moment Is being baselgedinEspl.
The Spaniards at Holguin have met
with a reverse, seventy of them having
been captured on a late forage eitorsion.
Gen. Marmot Is laying siege to . Lois
Tana. Report has It he Intends; to re
main there and annoy the garrison and
capture convoys coining from Mama.
From Puerto Marengo intelligenoe
cornea that an expedition'of three hun
dred men had landed." Bin thousand
guns were brought along, besides two
hundred kegs of powder. , . '
Between the Sd and IStli of December
the property of two hundred and eighty"
Cubans has been confiscated,- •
immure Ain EXPOthl. ,
The repOrt of the Bureau of Matted=
shows the Imports for the nine months
ending talth September amoosted to ,
t 964,883,934 lit gold, an Incirease of about
sixty.six dillllol3ll over similar" period
of the previous year. Two hundred and
fifty millions of the, total. were trans•
ported in foreign yams% .. -
The domestic exports were 11321,885,798,
or about eight and a half million lees'
than In 1868. Foreign goodsre-exported,
122,184.199, Or five and a half roll/lons
over. 1.888. Of the total -exports about
two-thirds were in foreign vesicle.
Judge Bsicom today delivered judg
ment -at Binghamtion In the Ramsey-
Flak came, .4:Wedding In favOr or Fisk, on
the ground that the plaintiff :failed to
sustain the complaint, and that Abe
stockholders who with:illy ableritod them
wives from the meetings at width - dine.
tom were elected, bad .ma. right after
ward to seek redrew throughtbethrurta
for alleged mismaitegment,
NEW „ADInaTISM3V7=3.-›.
o,7ric O , A ,7 ,•, 0 ,9 1 7,147” - ,,,t,..
i~r , ?~~E ~~~
<~: ,eron~arl.
• nic 'atvzipitr -
Lafayette Halls.
TVESDAT 1101111NtOceembet 00,180.
Ticket.. AO corits,, Arlide tar.. , he 1111 m Comes
Bawd of Ifinalatham. '
. INCI troats of any - mato
nolo( sky kind lying on the . Adegknir ding,
'wt., drays or' trogrotii, not natiOuttpOttad.
you aro bcreby nottlA .- - -
Or they tent be sold at toe
Expiration of ?toasts I ~Darx.
ROBERT A. arits ! .
ALLIONTAT 1ir1TA117111.022.1L
VENISON 84' OISTRA 111111111311.-
—oApt; H. 43ALL131.711 eilithsta kis
trinhday. WIDSLISDAT, DeounkU4llltb.
Strtas•ll st•cLus.•... • .
mmo. 66 Dtsison4 street. IL ealtUah*llaikla
extesded to all tastelsrlis.,-.,
111211:r7S CAPT. B. eALUIIiTIL.
enure Pirraarnen AND coiratzu.synial
-LA Coupon Ye. nut Mortiraii-lemee et
Ws Contras,. that Jaaaati .1. lairer. 111
paid on sae after tlettelste, so preprints/basalt
deltrery at the Yet etur s Eralloase Ha* is , - • • •• • ' - •
JOHN . a.; PAO& Itni*Janor.
deN:l4O znar
11:IgCITIZ tier , NATIONAL, • 004L'il Aa'S
WISK 1331144AC7 1 ,C04113L8L1L
ToEstimr EvrsirrO,'Dee.
e'elaer, - 4111 be sole ve deco ./ Aleet CM.
inc , elat bald !Vows. 140 .13141144013ert:
30 shires The Atha Were, Stock;
13 Oates C4osees 05015.1 Anal;
- S oat. Comm., Tnat .40 -
b 0,400 Allieteny Valley 44431;
41 ' 9° ?__ ,a 12:::1:.r .-7 6 Pti lkad4
•40 seerTa Blneteettem Bnetock. • .
440: - A. kleiLlWAlßE,,amplapaggc.
SALE. ;-;
. , .
4 dadrolde two rtorf _bolo/ '4werilliibOopt..,
oitaate4 moo the rut, to the ifotis/o/wa. /1-
I .P:win/ I COIitaLILL /to rooms . soot It IWww..
N. incl watcr...l.lt4 op.bla ,on
~ O/ „ .5?..
T/Ww* YIIT /on. ; /or /Ot/lOof , - "it
offlow-of etlioitlei Satail We lot: 7, Co;
No, lON Bialtblitla tirtil,S/1/ aoors - 911
11, A. it.. Or Si* 4i. x.
MB. . 1443 HZ. nr7 nay 'rum - AND
- :
rpasaurr yr iLL0w5.=441 7 11419.2.'
TIPP EILBILITII.-412 Dap now rrr
%Si from a!existu Haft.,
• . to s
un„, nore alai tar Ws, - by