13 I El tile littsimttr GalEtte, C 3 M - CITY AND SIIBURBAI4. t _US Qua 4 "instead io - too ea, for ots dam% of the wait .15 ml9 l . Per week; ter, *ma, leper torems : mew. 12 Mayer Drum disposed of twendrilys 1 la mbs result of hilarious Christmas COVIICiII.—A regular ateeting of the @elect wad Common Covinalle of the, elty will be held thta 'Merman, et two` o'clock. 1 - . May beak —Two Englishmen whole names We of no 00I1110q1201:1CO, got into e fight in a saloon in the Twelfth ward Saturday night,' during which one bit the under lip off the other, An inform* / . , Hon for mayhem was made before Alder - man Herron, and the biter arrested and held for a hearing. • - . • , Cseuseactig- Eariy.—Saturday morn ing two boys, about ten years of age q each, were picked up In ■ beastly state of intoxitation, In the Second ward, by Ake Allegheny police. They remained In Itick.up until evening, when their '.. Petenta took them in charge. In an. E rr ,--ttwer to inquiries, they stated the liquor , • bad been purchased at a store—two bot ties of it—but the name of the proprietor - they professed not to remember, Serious Accident,—Amin whose name we did not ascertain, met with a serious .acoident on the Allegheny Valley Rail road. He was employed as brakeman on a 6. 8/lifting" engine, and while engaged .Ixt shiftin cars in the ward. ailftPbel a n d fell on the track Twelfth in front of tilienalne, which pawed over one of hie fee: omitting .11 In • terrible manner. Re wu removed to his boarding house and medical attendance rendered. Am putation will bo necessary. . illayors Court .— Mayor Bream was oo copied the greatr portion of the day on Christmas, In dispensing justice to she Unfortunate Individuals picked up by the “guardlans of the peace': during the • night before and on Christmas morning. There were lorty.three victims of bad whisky In attendance at the morning Court, and thirteen more at the four o'clock hearing, making a total of fifty. Id.Z. The Sunday court was also a pretty throng one. There were forty. one prleonera in the lock up Saturday Fund Drewned. —Saturday evening "the body of John Daugherty of Alleghe by city was round in the Allegheny river near the food of Filth street. The body was discovered by a deck hand on the tow boat "Greenback" which wu lying • at that point and it la supposed that he MI in the river while attempt to board the boat Friday night. Alderman Don Aldien held an inquest on the body and - the fury returned a verdict or “aociden. tat drowning." Deceased was about twenty.eight years of age and was addict. ed Matrons drink. A Hopeful Pair.—Bridget Mob:fortis and Bridget Allen, both of whom we have had occasion to mention in our po /los reports freqqpntly, were on the rammer Saturday. They were drunk and disorderly and were annoying the entire neighborhood in which they re. sided. An ofilmr took them In charge Sind conducted them to the lockup, where they .remained over night, and yeetAidav morning, In default of Pay ment of. the required fines, Bridget thicittforris was committed fmithirty days, and the other Bridget was mint up for twenty days. Q!1 Pliday afternoon, Mainers Eddie LW ner and John Forbes, messengers at the omoe of the Union and Allentown Freight Late; were rewarded for their past di!. .11genos and attention to duty by hand• Nome presents—Eddie receiving a neat silver watch, and John a fine slider pen. oil ease and gold pen. The gifts were presented by the other attaches of the office, with whom it le a yearly custom to reward the messengers who have faithfully performed the services regnir• ed of them. The - affair wm a very pleas. ant one and throughout creditable to all engaged. Bank Robbery The Ytret National Bank of •Ledinek was entered on last Friday night, and tile sant robbed of ;400,000 in bond; money anti, notes. The robber; after securing the spoils, refreshed themselves casually at l a barre . of cream ale. which Abe Cushier 'kept for' the benefit of his thirsty friends. The ale was so , and the scoundrels feeling so over their success that they took too much for their good and became noisy. A politi. clan named John Smith, discovering that ,aomething wrong was going on, pen the zeinibmernenta and forced open the door. A desperate struggle then look place, in which two politicians and One of the robbers were badly wounded. Attempted Suicide. Yesterday afternoon considerable ex cltement was created In Allegheny by the attempt of a young German woman married, to commit suicide. She reside: on First • atreet , Third Ward, is about twenty-live years of age, and the mother of two children. Shortly after dinner she wag observed to drink something out of a vial, which subsequently was disoovered to be laudanum. A phyal clan was quickly summoned, who sue. (*.dad, after ooludderable trouble, in restoring her from a lemlsonscione state, but not entirely freeing her from danger. test night at half past ten o'clock she was improving, but the phy. &clan still feared the rah act might prove fatal. Sickness and domestic trouble are supposed to have caused her to make the attempt. Her husband is employed in one namer railroad shops We withhold the fbr the present. I=ZMESI Hartz* been petitioned by numerous till Ze n, to call a meeting for thepurpose of 'appropriately signifying- the public, sorrow at the death of our late (Mann. gabbed fellow.citmen Edwin M. Stan ton, I, Dared M. Brush, Mayor, hereby request the citizen, of Pittsburgh to meet at the Mayor's office on Monday at -4 noon for the above purpose. . It has been suggested to, and is heartily approved by the Mayor, that during the hour of the funeral of the late statesman,- from twelve to one o'clock, all stores be closed and business suspended. The Superintendent of the Fire Alarm will cause the city bells to be tolled at regular Intervals for one hour Mt Mon. day, commencing at noon, as a mark of respect to a statesman who, more than any man now living, was revered and honored by his countrymen. JAHIJI Emma, Mayor. Saturday, Dec. 25, 1869. Fatal Accident, A distressing accident occurred 'Satur day afternoon at the house of Hrs. Web. ronaky, No. 233 Ohio street, Third ward, Allegheny, which resulted In the death of Henry Beta, a Herman boy,. about • sixteen years One. It appears that the young man or boy had called at Mellower a abort time before the accident marred to see a young lad/ friend, and alter spending a abort time In the home he treat into the yard and pawed the time away @booting at a mark with his' revel. ver. He subsequently returned to the room where the ladles were and proposed to go to the skating park, and while the lathes were preparing to accompany him the revolver, which Ile still held in his hand, was accidentally discharged, the - ball hem which penetrated fils forehead and lodged In the brain, killing him al. • most Inatardly. The coroner held an in. quiet yegmeay, and thejury returned 'a rerdlct of daub by "accidental shad in... A Vital Snot. Saturday evening between live and al= Vehug, Charles Cole. a boy about seven ben yews or age, met with an accident which resulted in him dean,. Re pm. cued a Oda and went to the hank of Ike Allegbeiv river, near the Hand street 'bridge, for the purpose of shooting at Mark.. He was engaged placing a paper wed in the pistol, which was leaded. and • the wad being too large to go In the bar. reit( Itoistol easily, ho placed • ram. • Mar p platol and then a tt empted to posh in the wad by pressing the rammer tun omach. doing scone of M inft lingere st caught in = In the trigger, IteVithe pistol, the contents lig stomaett. Dr. John Dickson, of this. city, who wag pluming in a buggy near by at the time. went to the ,wocuttled boy's rellef. He put him in his buggy end conveyed tam to the red. dame nn Leozk amt. near Sandusky. in Cele, the Fourth ward. There all the eanistance in his power was Om the lad . Dickson, but he stated that the wo und would neoimoutly agonyprove Dud. The thy lingered. In greet . ; until two o'eltx=lay wlal death relieved Ida . in • {S 1 r+. - . t.~..:.:,.r,:~rtw+- Krim Kiingle Amovg the Orphans. Among the many pleasant Christmas gatherings which cluster around each return of the happy day, none are more pleaiant and cheery than those which occur at the Pittsburgh and Allegheny Orphan Asylum. It has always bee n the custom of the managers of this Insti tution to signalize the recurrence of the Christmas season In a manner to bring happiness into the hearts of the children and surround the day with bright and joycrus memories. In accordance with this beautiful practice, some tline since the ladles having in charge the Asylum began the kind work and aided by char itable donations from interested friends, succeeded in making Christmas, 1869, as' happy and memorable as any of its pre decease's. In arranging for the celebra tion the building interiorly was decorat ed in a handsome style with evergreens and flowers, and each of the main depart ments were furnished with a Christmas tree, upon which the gifts were hung In In such profusion that hardly an original twig Could be seen. Added to this, large tables wereoccupletilwith the remainder, the arrangement being such that each child of the two hundred, together with matrons, teachers and servants, had some remembrancer of the occasion. Friday evening a lltrary and musical entertainment was given In the chapel as a preliminary to the festivities of the next day. About two hundred children were assembled, and together with vial. , tors, from both cities, tilled the roam. The exercises consisted of Recitation., Dialogues, Music, dtc., a programme of which we have, but are prevented from publishing for want of space. The ems teal exercises by Prof. W. B. Black, who led the children, while bliss McEltieny, a skillful and accomplished musician, , presided at the organ. The children acquitted themselves remarkably well, some of the performances indicating a very high order of talent for the youth fel performers, and all them being of a character to reflect great credit on both teacher and pupil. After those exercises, the little inorzdilla were permitted to march through the different rooms sad glance at the many attractive ar ticles provided for them by the providential hand of good Santa Claws, whom they also had the pleasure of meet- inn in material form—a large life sirs figure, clad in furs, all sprinkled with the beatitlful snow of his mystical borne. his arms exhanded and , graeping the huge packages, which were to scatter hairi ness, wherever he visited, the thought of which seemed to please him. 'greatly and dimpled his lolly face with the rea lest of smiles. He occupied a corner of the dispel and seemed to be hiding sway until his time came to start out on a mission of love, scattering bright smiles on his way. His time came In a few hours and the result was seen Christmas morning, when the orphans assembled to receive their gifts. What an array there was. Drums, and rattles, and trunieets, and balls for the little folks, and books, and knives, and gloves, and writing desks, and dolls for the older children, not -to mention toys of all kinds. and sizes and shapes, together with such an array of candies cunning little stockings filled with them. cornu• copiers bursting ,wltb them, added to fruits and- cakes, and everything the Chrishitss appetite of a little boy or girl, or grown people either. could call for. Then the servants received each some little article, testifying In a substanliel way to their worth, while the matron and her assistants, in neat portmonnises well filled, realised that they were also remembered. None, old or young, were forgotten in the house. All received an allottment, and all felt that it was Indeed amveasry merry and a very happy Christ . The distribution of all those gills oc cupied a considerable portion of the ear lier hours of tht day, and the dissuasion of them, In general and particular, con sumed about all that was left of the re mainder. Everybody seemed to have received mat what was desired, and everybody united In pronouncing the celebration aeon of the very beat which has ever been held in the institution. . . Great praise is due to the managers who labored so nobly for the comfort and happiness of the little innocents on this day of all days in the year. But the higbeat'ecomium they could have, wu evbred In the delight and joy which It brought Into the hearts of children, thrown by the vicissitudes of fortune helpless, upon their care. Christmas Among the Lutherans. The observance of Christmas in the .Lutheran Church, durini the 300 years since the Reformation, has been a matter 1 of religious principle, quite_ as much as I with Eplawmalhumand Roman Catholics. , & devout religious Bernice, including a 1 sermon held in honor of the day, which . is generally still further solemnized by , the administration to the faithful Of the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. I Since the era of Sabbath schools began, children's celebration have formed, as in , the churthes, a part of the Christmas observances, espicially among the Ger man Lutherans, who invariably bring with them from the Fatherland the warmest regard for this festival. Luther himself was a faithful and joyous obser ver, not only of Christmas, but of the other holy days of the Church year, and his followers have always imitated his example in' this respect. a Moro than one Christmas sermon is included among his works, and in the early days of Luther anism it was even customary to celebrate berth the 25th and 26th days of December as the first and aeoood Christmases—a practise which is not yet wholly extinct. In Gerniany where evening religious' services are very rare, even on Sunday, It has been the custom among the Loth. emus to brilliantly illuminate their churches, and hold a grand service.on the evening of Christmas, as well as of other holy days. The different churches of this denomi nations In this city, both English and Ger man, observed the day with services appropriate to the event It ommemorates, and an unusual interest seemed to pre trade all of them. The Sunday School of the First English Lutheran Church on Seventh avenue, had their usual Chris tian celebration on Christmas eve, as has long been their custom. The decor ation.. for which this school has acquired quite a rePutatien, were as usual, grace. fulbadeslgn, and-beautifully executed. The whole room was in a wilderness of evergreens, and the walls were covered with appropriate designs, monograms, and mottoes In evergreens, colors. A cross of gas jets, In a niche of dark green produced a very beautiful effect. The first striking flsature of all was the large Christmas tree, which Is emphatic sly a Lutheran instUntion, brilliant ly lighted with a multitude of trasjete an d trimmed's" only Christmas Trees .are Underneath the tree. a fountain sparkled in the gas light, falling Into a mossy basin tilled with gold fish. The exercises Were devotional in their character, as Is customary In this church, and consisted of singing, chanting, repftting the Apos tle's Creed, de. The children were ad. dressed In a few very happy remarks by their pastor, Rev. Samuel Laird, after which each child in the room was ore. rented with s - very handsome bog tilled with confecttionery. The occasion was a most enjoyable one, and the happy faces, atlas children amply repaid tbo origina tors for their labors. St. Johns Mission School, connected with this church, held a similar celebration on Christmas mor& Ins. The two schools number about 050 scholars. The Lutheran Sunday School of East Liberty will have their feaUval on New Year's Eve. Parker's Lam:Ling On nearing our destination in the night a thousand fires Ilt up by coal oil end gas meet our !radon and ;rendez the scene sublime and grand. It seems as though "Parker's" was destined to become the most productive a, well a a the auv at sod safest place for investment of all the ell country and territories round about. I am cre di bly Informed that there ham not been one failure In any well put dawn—all being paying Investments. If this statement be true, cspitallsta have no risks to run. The terrltoty has now been Leaded upwards of six miles from "Parker's" up, and seems to Increase In production as far as tested; which makes It difficult to obtain territory for lees than one-linuth royalty, which I under stand three weeks ago could have been had for oneelghth. The operator, of "Parker's" do not seem anxious to have facts regarding the region published. I mentioned to some of them that we knew little In the cityabout "Parker's." Their answer was, "too many know about It already." On the contrary, If I bad any Interests, I would do all I could to bring capital on to operate. . Orsini. =1 The Mission Sabbath &hoot of the Franklin street School House,' together with the Mate School connected theta. with, bad a very . pleasant reunion on 'Christmas. The superintendent and teachers had provided quite a treat for the peddle. Bev. J. 0. Brown gave them a short address on temperance, his remarks were received with evident satisfaction. After dostributing the candy and cake remarks were made by Mr. Kerr, the superintendent. Today, a year ago, there were two mutes in the school, and now there are from• thirty to forty 'regu.: lax scholar". Mr. Kerr was followed by Ur. John Wilson, Mr. Wm. M. Harm -I,y, Mr. Blebsrdson and Mr. H. ht'fdaster. Shut spindles in Hie sign langus were made by Messrs. Drum Nichols and Davidson, And the meetiniadJourn ed with thanks to the superintendent and teachers fbr the mce treat presented. Pollee News. John Coate was arreetedat the "Point" Saturday night by officer Mackerel, for drunkenness. When captured John had In his possesaion a photographer's sign or a largetrancecontaining nine pictures. The Mayor charged John twenty.nve dollars and costa. Edward McKinney raised a disturb: ante at the Rush Rouse Saturday night, when a policeman Rae called in who con ducted him to the lock-np, were he re mained all night. i Yesterdaymorning be was required to pay a tinef ten dol lars and emits. Margaret Jordan, in. her enaeavors to be merry on Uhristmaa, inliulged too freely in "benzine" and became boister ous. She went Into the house of a neigh bor. Mrs. Raley, in the Eleventh ward, and amused herself by breaking the fur niture. She was arrested and brought to the lock-up, where she was provided with Quarters until the next morning., when, after a hearing, in default of tsayMent of a fine of twenty-five dollars and mate, she was committed for thirty day... James Riley and John liicholson were drunk and acting disorderly at the Union Dzpot, Saturday evening: Officer Woolridge attempted to get them to leave the place but they refused to do so, *hereupon they were arrested and taken to the lockup. Riley. It appears, made an assault on the officer with a knife, and was no boisterous that It became nee. weary to 'knock him down. Alter a hearing yesterday morning, they were required to pay a fine of ten dollars and costa, each. David Isaacs, in hie efforts to prevent a friend from going to the lockup, came to grief himself. Officer Mariner was conducting a prisoner to the station house when Isaacs Interfered. The offi cer called amistance and took hint in charge. Ho was provided with lodgings and after a hearing yesterday moping, he was fined ten dollars and costa, Felix Seifert and John Rankin havin g taken numerous potations of lighting whisky, gut into a row on Smithfield street Saturday night. An officer ar rested them and took them to the lock up, where they remained till next morn ing. when they were fined five dollars and costs each. William Clark, colored, was drunk Saturday night, and while riding on a Wylie street car, acted In a disorderly manner, using obscene and profane lan guage. • A gentleman remonstrated with him at which the blackguard took of. fense, and when the gentleman left the ear the negro followed him and wanted to whip him. An officer was summoned and the hallow was taken to the lockup. Yesterday?, morning, after hearing the facts, the Mayor imposed a fine of twen ty.flve dolims. In default of payment was .m,ltted for thirty days. Peter McClarren and William /1011 got Into a'fight in a saloon In the Twelfth ward, Saturday night, and dur ing.the row the former bit a part of Hen derson'a ear off. They were arrested and brought to the lock-up, and the next morulog were required to - pays line of tire dollars and costs each. . . „. . El. Bayles was acting in a disorderly manner Saturday evening, and an officer approached him and requested him to keep quiet, whereupon he struck at the officer. He wan taken to the lock-up, and yesterday morning a line of ten dol lars and costs was required of him. James Lewis, colored, was at a colored ball Friday night,- and, it is alleged, struck Mettle Gordon because she would not dance with him. He was arrested, and In default of the required- due was committed for twenty days. I= ..A number of colored Individua's as sembled at Alihiand Hall Friday night, for the 'perinea of indulging he terpes. chorean amusements, and as a rough crowd was anticipated Charley O'Donnell and Jimmy Donavan, were employed as Amoeba officers, to preserve order. Night came and the dusky men and maidens began to assemble; next came the musi cians and scan the sport began. Waltzes, schottisches, and quadrilles ((Viewed each oteer In quick auviassaion ' and during the intervals many of the participants in ' the exciting and exhlllerating exearcises ' . went out to see •man" or Mother words made frequent and oft repeated tripe to places where bad whisky wax dealt out to them. Tie natural result of their frequent potations began to be apparent about eleven o'clock, when one of the sable knights who had "deeply arank," but did not die for want of more to drink, as them was an abundance of the article to be had across the street, asked a dusky maiden to join him in a quad. rifle, which honor she pointedly declined. Al this the "hero" of at least a dozen drinks, took offence, and forgetting for the moment the gallantry of his race, he dealt the object of his rath a blow which Tidied her to the floor. This was the sig nal fors general row, and things longed "squally." The vigilant conservators or the peace, however stepped in and exer deed their authority, and the valiant koight who- struck the woman was forcibly ejected from the hall. Quiet was soon restored and the master of cere monies cried "on with the dance, let joy be unconfined" and the dance' went on for a brief period only. The originator of the trouble, who, it appears, la a barber by profession, after being ejected from the hall, repaired to hisehop and armed hlmeelf with a razor, and "returned to _the fray." with ven geance In his heart, ready for any deed of blood. He managed to reenier the hall unobserved by the vigilant officals, and. eenewed the conflict, and while oflicer*O'Donnell was in the midst of the light, endeavoring to preserve the peace, the "knight of the razor" attacked him in the rear, and inflicted a Severe flesh wound with the razor, in the left hip. The row then became general, and the 'layer's police were called in, when, in order to restore •quiet and preserve the peace, the festivities were brought to a chase. V.! OPERA, Honas.—Bliss Emma Maddern concluded her engagement at the, Opera . , . Houle SettirdaYrlight. - She hi prisseased Of more than ordinary dramatic talent, and promises to become very popular. This evening Edwin Adams commences an engagement, on which oocasion the beantlfel romantic Grams of "Enoch Arden" will be produced. The drama, in live acts, le founded on Tennyson's Poem of "Enoch Arden," and was writ. ten expreenly for Mr. Adams. As Mr. A. is. a general favorite to this Acity, crowded houses may be anticipated daring his entire engagement. 1 Pirrastruou T. 11. Ber ry, the celebrated vocalist and comedian, commences a brief engagement at the Pittsburgh Theatre this evening. Dick Sands, Herr Bottum and theother oeleb titles, who have been, drawing large crowds for the past week will remain during the holidays. LIBRARY Lsorosse.—Misa Kate Fields will lecture before the Young Mon's Mercantile, Library Association at the Academy of Music, Tuesday, tomorrow evening. Subject: "Life In the Woods." The subject will doubtless be handled In an able and interesting manner, It Miss Field's talent and acquirements as a writer are any criterion by which we are to judge. KATE FIELDS.—"Women In the Lyce um" will be the subject of a lecture to be delivered under the seaplane( the 0. A. R., Wednesday evening, at the Academy of Music, by Miss Kate Fields. The sub• Ject is one which interests the ladles par• ticularly MA will be bandied by the Wonted lady who deliver!' it In a highly entertaining manner. We have no doubt there will be a large audience, in which the ladles will have the advantage In numbers. ORrir.s.l4B' Fath.—The fair for the ben efit of the orphans now in In thq basement of Bt. - Basra Cathedral, bee so far been a grand success. 'The Spacious ball is thronged every evening until 12 o'clock with the vonth.and beauty of the city, and the Cathedral Band la Con stantiv4in attendance to enliven the oc. caslon with sweet strains of moat en chanting music. Minch and the New YeaValllnner Plttock, opposite the Potitoffice,. bee still on hand a• magnificent assort' Aleut of splendid holiday books, juvenile works, photographic albums, -stereo scopes and 1101111, tine chromes. he., do , which he will continue to often:this week at decided bargains. Beilarger or more suitable stock can be found' from which to make appropriate selections in gift giving. By the way we may announce that the thirteenth annual Pittcok Din. nes, afforded gratuitously to the nowt. - boys of the city,• will take place next Saturday at Lafayette Balt The little fellows will lice to delightful anticipa tions till then. 'oysters ; oysters, Oysters... The eels. braced Chincoteague and Anaucock (Va.) Oysters are received fresh and dl. real from their native watery every Mon, day and Thursday: Quality guaranteed. and sold at the Unpreoedented low pri ce of 18 per barrel. Call at ones. at- STREL BRO If. Third street; near Smithfield. 'Chitlstroas Presents for Cita'amen— Fur, Cloth and UM Gloves, Bowe and Eloarho, Handkerehlefa, &a, de., at Kam:rat, GLYDE & 00:11, Dim 78 and 80 Market atreeß. • PTTIBBORGH DAILY GAZETTE: MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27, OUR NEW CITY DISTRICTe The Survey Busintoe of the Year—Ate noes Laid Out—The Survey Committee and the Engineer Corp.. Consolidation, It was agreed by both its friends and opponents, would be ad vantageous to the new districts, and es pecially to large property holders, but Its opponents claimed that the 'cost, ex pense sad Increased taxation would more then make up for the enhancement of property, except to holders of Immense tracts of land. They Counted the cost as though it would corue ` et once or within a short apace of time, overlooking the fact that improvements, public as well as private, must be gradual, at the will. deed, of the individual property holders and extending over ; a series of years. Time enough has now elapsed, since the consummation of conaolidatiOn to judge of Its effects upon the city at large and upon citizens and property holders, and the impresaion with the great majority certainly is that It has been beneficial and will result in increased good from year to year. Itis easy to point out many advantages gained by our new die t data, and opponents of consolidation can of course point-to many they have not yet got, yet it takes time, and ere long our new wards will enjoy all the plat loges, water and gas as well as police stations, which the old wards have long been blessed with. THE sarvEr COMMITTEE. One of the most Important committees of our councils called forth in cense• quence of the enlargement of the city is that on siurveys, and for the year 1889, just closing, that committee has been composed of some of the ablest and beet members of our city legislative body. The committee made an excellent Nalco [foil for chairman—Mr. John Chielett, of the Seventh ward—a men of line abilities, a large property owner,and one much Interested in the city's idvancement and Improvement. The fact that he Is a prac tical surveyor was most opportune, and when -we say that he took an active part In tne duties pertaining to the committee and was prompt and always attentive to them, we have said only what is due to him. The committee is composed ol eleven members. SURVEYS OF THE TEAR. The work of the Survey Committee, or of the Engineer Corps under them— the laying out of the streets in the new chy—lit of course of the greatest import ance, not only to the hew districts, but to the city at large. The .Committee ap• pear to have been Impressed with the value of the work, and as we learn from their report, which - is wain to be pre- seated to Counctls, they adhered to a resolution that wide and straight streets were desirable, and that the work should be done as speedily as poseible. The laying oat and establishment of grades of streets aid and encourage improve ments, which might otherwise bo delay ed, and the very greatly increased im provements made and under way the past year le the• beat evidence of this, and that consolidation Is advantageous. under the direction of tho Committee, Mr. W, 11. Kennedy, the able Chief Engineer, three survey cored; 'were put to work early last spring, and the opera tions were continued without interrnp• lion until the winter Weather interfered. Now a full force is engaged in the office preparing accurate plans and profiles of etretits laid out and grades establiehed, which have been approved by Councils. The .amount of work done during the year is enormous. Very general antis faction has been given parties immedi ately Interested, and, we think, tho coat low, the appropriation of f le,ooo having been overrun but a few hundred dollars. OUR WATER SUPPLY liennett4 Plan We have received frOm John F. Bennett, Esq., the following, whk,h we cheerfully give place in our colluuna. It Is an ap. pendix to the Holly pamphlet,. and opens with the following remarke or that paper The information br valuable in show ing that locomotive tire engine. may be dispensed with; that! the largo water supply engine* are many times" more powerful, and can be put In operation at the most distant parte, as coon as the telegraph conveys information that water to extinguish are la required. The au tomaton machine mentioned by Mr. Holly la not required where there is • tire alarm telegraph. The Information with regard to the delivery of water di rectly from the eourcosof water. namely, from the wells or the rivers, hugest' of high reservoirs, is clearly shown and useful, but not -new. The information respecting the abundant supply of cold, tilteirel, soft water, from wells and 1111. derground cellar, at Birightuntop, N. Y., la particularly Interesting to the calms' of Pittsburgh at - this time. The Turbine wheel's and rotary pump. are not re. qulred in Pittsburgh. The "Cornish Bull Engine" is the moat powerful and economical machine known, for pump ing water. PROPOSED PLAN OP WATER .111UPPLY The following plan of water 'supply is submitted to the citizen. of Pittsburgh:: Mr. Bennett proposes that a well of (arty feet diameter be !sunk in the Twen ty-third ward, mar the bank of the Mo nongahela river, down to the rock-bed of the anginal river. which will there be found at fifty feet below the low water mark. That this well be made water tight from the surface down to the low water mark for the purpese of excluding Surface water. That aeordinance be passed forbidding the sinking of privy wells above the Water Work. as fares •the city limits, .and .below ft ea far as Four Mils Bun. That drifts or headings (otherwlito vaults, cellars, or underground reservoirs), be extended from the hottem of tie well on all sides, particularly under the present Monongahela river. The three Cornish engine*, each of them sufficient to sop- Ply the present wants of the city, be built, and all of them kept In operation while the drifts are being extended, and the underground cellars or reservoirs built, and whenever these three engines are unable to keep out the water from the workmen, to cease - from extending the drifts, on the presumption that the supply of water will be suffi cient. To hat.e two supply stream. the first to be at the height of the present first reservoir:. the .taloond: as much higher as may be required. To supply all the service pipes from the main, and thus expend only the power required to raise the water to wherever it may be needed. TO have telegraphic communication from the fire alarm signal boxes to the engine house, and increase the forcing power to whatever may be required for the fire hydrants during the continuance of the fire, and no longer; and do away with all locomotive fire engines. To haven Special Commute to examine this proposed plan and situa tion; and any others that may be present ed; and the committee having made their selection, to report it, with their reasons and its estimated • oost, to the Councils and citizens of Pittsburgh for adoption' or otherwise. 113= One hundred dollars reward will be paid for information that will leadio the finding the Whereabouts of Mr.., Samuel Sickman,' of . ILktilfornia, . Washington country, Pa. ilr. Sickman was last seen at the National Hotel, Pittsburgh, when he left on Saturday evening, the 11th inst., at 5 o'clock, r. M. He Is about Maly years old. Uttle above medium height, heavy let ; man, weighing about one hundred, and ninety pounds and bald headedrltad on a snit of dark clothes, Inforthation can be left at ICE Fourth avenue, whore the reward will be paid. tf: Chineeteogue and °nearest Cove pp,• ten, only id per barrel. Enquire lbr Marshall's °yawl's. at Steel & 8r0.% Thlrd.Avenue, near Smithfield. 100 bar rels met arrtvrd. Gloves, time and other useful articles for site, at Marrero & Carlisle's, 21 Fifth avenue. For Holiday Prescnut.—Just received, a now supply of the celebrated Bertram dt Fenton sewing machines, expressly for holiday gifts. A -very appropriate and useful present. Ottice at NO. 77 Fourth avenue. .Cidneoteagae anell.Oysteis at steel & Bro.'s. Fresh arrival to-day at 16 per barrel. Third avenue, near Smithfield street. Top, Dolls, and many fancy articles for Christmas, at Macrum Ctearbabes, 27 Fifth avenue. asst Nine Lees Coeditor holiday pres ents at Meer= dc Carlisle's, 2t Fifth avenue. For the Best Assortment of Milan= Presents, at lowest prices, go to - -.Manumit, OtAggli& Cc;:s Nol. 78 and 80 Mulch' street. Bows, Ties, Suspenders, all new holi day Roods, at hinemm & Carltsle's27 Firth avenue. Fresh Ark4lll of 'Chincoteague Shell Olsten at Steel & Bre.% tcoday; Vlach are selling at $8 per barrel:. . Steel ik Bre; have just reoeived a stock et fresh Vblnoataague Shell Oplerl; st .6 pea. barreL Elegant new styles Jewelry. Alt opened at tdamina dc.We% ..17 avenue. . - THE COURTS. Common Pleas—Judea FRIDAY, Dccember 21.—The cue of Rodgers vs. King dr. McKee, preilb rusty reported, Was resumed, and had not been concluded when Court adjourned. -John li, Hampton, Esq., announced the death of Hon. Edwin M. Stanton. He' said that the intelligence of the death of Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, which oc curred in Washington city at 3 o'clock this morning, had been received in this city. In making the announcement he alluded briefly to the early history and brilliant career of deceased, paying a high tribute to his memory. J. F. Slagle, Robert Pollock and F. Magee followed Mr. Hampton. Judge Collier said he fully endorsed the remarks which had been made, and said the news or the death of Mr. Stan ton will fill every loyal heart in the land with sorrow. He then directed' that a proper minute of the proceedings be en tered upon the records of the Court, after which Court adjourned until Monday. January 3d, 1870, Quarter Seasiona—Juace Stowe. TRILL Lure TOR MONDAY. 171 Com. YR Thomas Neuman, et al. 199 • John Selman and William Salvino. 200 'a 'John Bradford. 20[ aa Adolphus Laviene. 202 o John Goettman. 203 ", John A. 13Ingey. 205 a' John Shultz. 200 a' IRMO Ludo. 21/7 'a Daniel Stringer. 208 a. • Wm. Merryman anaa Wm Edgent. 86 " Jessie Jones. 126 " James Freel. ISO " Jacob Matter. 141 " John Foltz. 24 " Charles Ramsay, Wrn. Lloyd. et al. 'TRIAL LIST 7011TCESDAY. 217. COM. Vs. John Harbor. 189. - • Shtermini; 3 SASS& 184. " 'Thomas Fielder. 136. " Elllan Hall, 3 CMOS. 189• " John Lefevre. 210. Parton Murphy. 2 cases, Imo. " Margirotllber. 360. " John Ruth°lmor, 2 MDR Henry House. . •• 129. Joseph Lotion. 130. .• Joseph McKee. TRIAL LIST FOR WEDNESDAY 179. COM. vs. Gerhard Johnstcr . n, 2 asses The Grand Jury will be in session on Wednesday, December 29th, 1869. Pros ecutors who have not boon heard will app-- pear on that day without 'fall, an will also the constablea of the 4th, 6th, .7th and 16th wards of Pittsburgh, 2nd, 4th and sth wards, Allegheny city, and Mo. Keeaport, Sharpsburg, and townships of McClure, Lower St. claw, North and South Versailles. Ctiristmu Present. for Young America —Fancy goods in great variety, at Mscaust, °LYDIA t CO.* - Noe. 78 and 80 Market. street. Band kerehiefs, Collars, Scarf., ha.; for the Holidays, at Worm .4 earth:4lo's, 27 Filth avenue. francoteague Sheri Oystera.—Fresh arrival aftiteel Bro.'a, at /6 per barrel. Mantissas Presents for . Ladies.— Wrath:an Desks, Work Boxes, Panay BOZOS. all kinds, at MACUUM, GLIDE at Co.'s, Noe. 78 and 80 Market street. Shell Oysters only le per barrel at Stee & Bro.'s. Quality guaranteed. Jewel, Glove end Etifidkereblef Boum for preeenta, Macron' it Carlisle, 27 Fifth avenue. Christmas Oysters IS per barrel at Mee & =EI YATCHLTT—EUSSILL—On Thursdap eTee. the. December lad, at the residence of the' b'ide's parents. by Rev. P. If. Hislimsn, Mr. .1. ALBERT lIATCRETT and Miss PALLIEt A. 81D18SLL, daughter of Capt. James Itegeell. all of Allegheny City, Pa. • No cares. - IPhiladelptila papers please copy.] MED: 1100RE—Oa Saturday, December 211. at big tete rebid. nee. levee Dale (Isle Stathos, Ur. (ILPLMOIDI MoOltr e , In hit 11th year, formerly of Alledheny CID. al Dom tUlegheny slat lore on the at rtyal or the 10:111 train Tilts Alban Deo. The friends nf De /Mont' an feeneet redly 10,1101 to attend. UNDKRTAKIIRS B. PATI4II.IIOg .7.1111 N 1.. WILLIAIIII. rATTItREION at. WILLIAMS under: corner of Pl2th avenue and at privet, Pittsburgh. COSIns of all kinds, Shrouds. CraperanWileves, and every aeace stun of funeral (drubbing gond. filtultned ou ter mint pasonable terms la the city. Wargo I carriages ferniebrO. Mice open day and nigh% CITLAU L.EB & N PEEI 111_ ABUN• eere IIS N S K AIr TDL VtAYDCUDLta AVF.NCE AlleahenTaty, .[Seto Wartal3 V. C0120411.a DDilotl 4,411 h real atC luseelles Imam:. ellevaraly an , 1 celens, at erlrys aryttjt from ell to 1100. Be -llrs Nrepeled tor In•trulent. "Emma and Cal. Mies torageed; also, .0 Ateds et da l It CMGs , PP , . at all home. dal and night. JOSEPH NEVER & SON, lININEBITAACEIII3. No. 41/14 P.lOlll MMES. Carr'Aga, for Reaserata, S3.UO Zarb. 00/713111 sad all Mutual lenralahateat al re. dues rates. or JOHN M. COOPER & CO! Bell and Brass Founders, . nen, Lecomoins a hums SILL BMW= • Made Promptly to Ctitter. BABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Prow!elm and Manubetwas of 1.111. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. omee, 882 PENN STREET. roondry, Corankoad Railroad Streets, PITTSNURGII. PA. F OB BALL DIARIES' - . - wor 1890, Al the, Etationetv ' Store. of W.S.- HAVEN & CO:, Corner Wood Unit `Third !Mat • HENRY 614 HALE, .11EMEHANT TAILOR, Cotner of Peni and Sixth Streets FALL AND WINTER STOCK' NOW 0011dEPLETE :LAIRS OLGENI MHN 5 RN puritale • wee 'meat for t!alr Hop . „ , • HOLIDAY . CIFT. Would do well ta!liipiruld ex. olne LB] stock Vz " B r ints.94 ib=eirible i tattgl O j i nti Malaita at . .•. • . , W. G. DIINSEA.T/113, JEWEL.Vii dell ' 116 rnma AVENUE. M= = FULTON t NUNN, I.ItALICTICA.L.PLVALEMIIS. des AND Amiss irrrnitv, mai A • Neale Melt Street, rirrizsvacur, t Lead Elm Ouzo nom. Ou Irlztarea. Mak; Path Tabs. sad Wuh Stsuoa. Des Pipe ERA Malay, Ala and Bear ramps, Ma Bhutto Coats Adams. on hand. Pubre and hints Buildings Aloof up loth Bu. Watrr and Biwa Hiatt's& Apparatus. JobtOug promptly &waded to. EPLECor&L - • CLASSICAL ACADEMY, (Strystoos Boot ToldOjoit,Ltbettl and.) Wit ter Te! Wrist ow 1103IDALT. JUWT• Td. Montan to be bed front the Psis olpol• Whoa 3LV. T. 1.. TTLLTIL jarNOTICELS— u Tb-Let,"..Fbrdate,;, ~ " Wants,""Found,""Boarsting," Re., not erreetting FOUR L.I7V/14, qia be inserted in these columns once for TWENTY-FIVE DENTS; each add/• timed tine FIVE CENT& WANTS WANTED. - BOARDING. - A Db.agant Trout Room, twitn good faxolly board. 4T ANDERSON STRELT. Allegheny. WANT'S*. Two Solicitors '• for as old ostabllobed tics York (all •+eh) Life inearance Cutopany. to •perete In Western rinusylvanla. Will te paid Wary: Address Box 186. Psttsborat Poetolliee. WANTEDA German Gen sLsa 4N who speaks Era Ith to take the General Agency et !Zow York Lite Insurance Company; who have an Enall•ti office at Pitts burgh. IA e al Inducatnente to a propernerson. Andreae, for Interview, Bcx 700, Poetolnee. Itittabergh. awe WANTED—An 4 Mire Interest Ina good twines. ( litanof•ct urine pre(er re A J) ov a • ming man with 1.13410... experience. vailable capita. about 11110,00 U. Address -I.t• 111:, Gazette Gibe, WAITED.—From March or Anal next. THREE FUttNI4H LOOK U•1111th 1.41 AD KOOK. with boarding tor five adult persons. in • genteel private family. lu Plttatotreh or Allegheny. Allarss, AO. l• el•zsext OYXICIX WANTFJ:I---lIELP.---AT EM. PLOY/LENT OFFICE, No. 1 St. Ceti. Street, _BOYS Until! and KEN, for einem° kinds of employment. Persons trantlng half of MI lands tan be supplied on short notice. WALNTED—An AGENT fur this Y V elty to tell the celebrated BARTHAX YAcioNI SARUM MACUteirt . tee racril:t r ll m eltrtriterlVlVLlTgr "P" ' • H. C. WILCOX.. , Tratellne Agent. ANTED.—AGENTS every- WHISTLE to sell the .4.IIIORICAN EN T- T Ali the oaly tEIIIC Ye RSY ''t 'V: I . trtlAci :Nu E lp; Oreee AIMose..ANKrITTA metm./aE Boetoo, or Ht. Loots, Mo. • • WAIVTE D. MOUTH &t - 130.00 U to Loss louse or mall an - moats. at stair rate of Loterest. THOMAS K. PETTY, BUt. Bond and Heal Ettate Broker, No. 179 ttic . thgeld street. • WANTED. = A GENTA. $2150 PrjVDT; OOMMON CHINE. ['steamily aIN. great lodueernants to Agents. Tots Is the roost titiOttlar Sewing ma chine of the oar —manes the "mous ••_Elsatic Lock btlteb , '—will do MIT kl ad of work that earl be done an any tnachln. —100,090 sold mud the demand couttlntly Increasing. Now 14th. time 10 take an Apepey, bead foe 1121.8.- w aq lit Address iPOOMU i . ..: , % ., 112:t0n, mass., Pittsburgh, Pa, or ISt. FOR SALEL FOR SALE.—A Tobacco and CRIAR SMILE an !hup‘bura. T elmur ... Of anion entaltal Ws would be aniet taw areotnent, as lilt la a good location and doing a f ood boldness. dud. so Boa Hkarsmburg F OR SALE.—The Good Will or • LARGE ItuA.RDIRG'HOUdE, Jutted rably located for dologaregolar and prosperous builneat, haelog now twenty boarden and in. ereaatog patronage. Lease. great will and tarot tore (nestle. Cause, Id health of testae. Poe session glean let JaLtta y. Address Y. E. E., Gantry% Orma. . FOR BALE.-STOCK AND FIX TIMM, LK ArIT. AND GOOD WILL, or • tret•elses Greet al', doing • good badness. The ondtreir ell being turned lo other buttress, Is the reteou fut senor'. G. W. PUdICY, 40 Ted era! etreet.Alleeht FOlll SALE.—_,A FIRST CLASS NEW BRICK 1/WELLIrO 110U13E.—If nut aa d nem rel I re rre •lao, A noet sot/Walla' Erich House and Large Lot o 4 Protheet urea, A tiro. n. arlr u• ar Brink Hoare of six rooms, hall. attle, good eel or, gas sod water. Forty- Fifth Watt. Also. an excellent Y , aae House Of LAM room. end Call on Pot r-Furth slrn.t. . Also, A wet bulls 1 r.me House on Forty- Fourth stmts. Paved In front sod r. a.. with • One 'Teuton-for anmh, r house on ssme lot. Aso. A first elms modern Style Swathe llouse of six [coma. EM= A1.,0 Belldlng Lots le Bloomfield, with tett rear* to 12y. Iceman, legatee of D.'S. Williams, Reel Relate and e /mut, eeveateceitt want. Pitts bcteb, BA, oPPOnt• et. Jottofs Episcopal B. it'ec• FOR SALE. 'Mouse ard Lott at Spring Hill, /Wreath ward, price 3.1300; 10* sexes near Fleming btstlon, 44.000, 11.411“ end Lot, 84 James street, 113.400, 11 houses on ming. street. 111,411.10 CSC. bouses and 3 lOU In "Pleasant Ira ley, 44.300: 3 screslo nevem, township. on Xv.r. r4een road, 46,1100: * lots on Yrernont street, ,000. home and lot lu talent, Irid, 44.004; sere gronyd In Bellevue 80r0.111.000, house and lots, bead or rent, 69,x34 boos. and * acres in Elisabeth Bozo, 61,000; b00..' sad lot In Bridgewater. Bearer couni— a h , ouse 0001010.ennbus 91 rooms, lot 85 by 910 feet S 000: Ibral at Fair Oats Mallon. 34 acres, per ACJI, frupdre of .111. W 4111411.04414. Real Istate Agent, corner. Ohio and Buatlnsky streets, Allegheny. . LIEIIBOIIIALL.—AII persons seek. lit/lign, or invesitunts In lissel Es tate, will sale time, trouble and money I,y. gets it a copy or the • •PITT.BiIIIGH REAL IE...FATE ISlst.inTra. ,, Ilia given assay onATIE or will be tont by men Fleas Loan, requesting it. Pens. cannot tall to get suited out of the wee list it contains. CLIVYT A riimuns, Fab. Ushers and Enid Estate Angela, No, US Yoarth 41/1.11.. Fen SALE.—Engines and Boil en, Now and /Second Hand, of all kind. constantly on hood. - Orders from all parts of the Country promptly earented. JAMES HILL • 00.. Comp Kailon Avenue AP.P. W. C. B. W Allembeny. X. 11DESIRABLE CITY 800 DYNCE IG/It ALE, tood 'matt". Iv , - Ettlios !STREET, • well built Ebro bto y Brick Owning House vt.ll analogso to mfort and coa••olence. ital. Two Car/ors co 1 , 10100 Room, Ellcten, Washboase •clo 81 Coat .rs. Gas sod Water daturas. For pets •nd terms apply to IL CUTHBERTO SONS. 311 elzth areaus• lOWA LAND FOR SALE.-300 .terni of Oulu, land In one of an ben cafta n sin lowanear the line of the Chicago & Northwester , Hafroad, • Ad to o.• of we mon arodooll para . °. or the State. Will be auld low, the who - law • part. Apply at one to fr e .Me_LlN & Co. Itlk Fourth avenl;e. FOR MALE. -ENGINES AND HOMERS. new and second-hand, con staatl7.un band .d Doman. IniEnlflß /I BRO.. ~: tF ornerSeyentaanta aad Pile arah, meats. rittab Pa HOLIDAY . DOORS S • CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! THE lAILGEZT AND BEST AWORTMENT AT U.. E.. DAVIS et CO, 193 Liberty Street, Bitrol7 illasirsted Works and •ll am. Bibles, Ttstam nts and Hymn Books. Juvenile Books of all kind*. Toy Book.. Games .d Puzzle. Clain and Fne , etatloarzy. • Dlar e.. Pocket 1100 k/ and Mew.. semis' Desks and 1...eV idkotditdo. rbotogresh Len Men a• d Boards. Tte Latest Publication, - Please Call and Examine. 4.15 RELAD I BEA COR D :s BEAD • Samoyed In one minute; witnont nieedlat er leaving eoramemt Bemires and Dimmed NMI. Reintrred Ina few mlno•es. All operation, per formed wllboot pain or bloodebedl Perfect comfort immediately! 140 noleocone medlelne used! No sore feet alter operating! Enlarged and ENE Jolntalreated armee 1. roily. Prost-Bite and Chilblains eared in a few days. 'Eatlareetlon given or money refonded, Good city References given. (101 e. Hour. from Si. x. to 12 AL, .0 1 to 0 r N. Sundays. 9 to 11 A. N. • Itememetr t►e ➢lace, R. 49 eLith street, el 4 81. Cale, at, Weirs. Dr. D. PUTEJISON. PU(2144104 Ps. &MOP Lit:)srr NOTE. ASPROMISF.ORY NOTE drawn 137 the under alerted. dated Plttsbumb. October lot. 11109. numbered S, for SIXTEEN HUNDRED DOL. LARK. (11100 . 0.00,) at twelve mouths from date wltblotereat, payable to the order of JOHN A. MUDD'. Was Moiled on October Ist to the sold 'John A. Wilson, New York city. but never re caved by him. All veneer are hereby WAIISIID wa in.; ricautratlna same, as payment bee been deli: e rad. GEO. B. EDWARDS. • ARQE SHIPMENTS OF ALL kind. of fresh /eke Ash are reversed daily polprew_pondor dab stead. No 49 Dlaramel Mkel, Pith burgh. and as-the Twin ar Clty Stand, Allegbeur elty e career o r and Unto streets. One long experlenee the banana exist les no to al we,. have on bands nut Hereto nkle. end can Wham Flab. Salmon. g. Black Haas and White Perch all et v...ry low ;nice. blvo eta a tmll. a will Inst. • Ins tuaNle. Wholes le or MFR. All 'orders Mad oroutertly. G un CLOTHING. !)OATS, PANTS, OVERALLS, OAE3, &c: • Also, 01ltd Clothing of ail Linde alsaya on band aa4 far sale, wholesale or ratan, by J. • H. PHILLIPS, 90 and 98 Stub street., NOTICE. 0 3 . 1.1iLN GRiNT, Warn. 1 1 / 1 11 swam, Pitta• 1 he Lions* Bard will sit tbrkseasitigthe above ao tro?.I.I7:II.EisDAY, Deoember 99, • dentist JOSEPH BROWSE. Merl,. H. B. LYON, sealer of Weights aadilroasorei l / 2 Once-110.3 YOURTH z .II.I72I7. pluy s tr4._ li g i pt .i. Jlllll)l It/LliBN /4 ty, - htt [Lint.lo. XaNULTY. BMW, Alfa- tat. • • ••• ;71' on CASKS PEARL ASH OM stars r" """1.11. VINEGAR. THE 'PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORK& BALLOU & ADAMS , 167, 168, 169. and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Are now prenared to tarnish VINEO4I3 at tee LOWIST MUM= HATES. Anoni;on to tic . ..lady called to oar EREII. WINE VINEGAR. NEW JERSEY Alutual Life Insurance Co .) NEWARK, N. J. Assets, Over 8500;000. • Al. Policies leaved by this Company are perpet ually Non-Forfettlog after the payment of one Annual Premium, • Dirldenda annually declared and applied on third annual premium, either on the permanent intern:. of the policy. or In reduction of prenal- HENRY EIREPATRYCK, General Agent, 162 1-2 Wood Street, (2d lloor,; PITTBBORGH. rer Reliable Agents wanted. . bis P. .141P.A . 11.131..1F., I C de AeE' reptafizr-Villailitir,o:lll IPPIIEBSON & IlUllhANßlliNG sucbr.sacnza TO • W. U. 11131E11 & Co., MERCHANT TAILORS No. 10 RUTH ST., late Bt. Clair.. We have Jest received a large supply neaten and Winter ti.de, which lath be told at able prices. Me. MC (ILA N Hitt NO witl etlll at tend to the Cutting liettactment. delicho MCPHERSON a 111111LANB111240. MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING. complete assortment Mell ow GRAY & LOGAN, 47 Sixth Bt., 89 Filth Avenue, (Late St. Clair. non I=l MERCHANT TAILOR =I Gotha, Cassimeres and Vesting, Also, ENTIAKEN•2I IrGUNISEUNti GOODS AO. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street, PITTBBIIEBLI, iigrGentio Clothing made to order In the latest styles. se3;n6l NEW FALL GOODS. • splendid new Mei of oLorits, cASSIMERES, SO., Jut received 1:7 ask Illerabaat Tallor. TT Bra Marla street. COAL AND 0088 BRADDOCK'S FIELD Gas. Coal Company, .111NE69 AND PHIPPESI OP • 818, BLACISKITH AND FULLY COAL, Nut Coal, Mack and Coke, ANTHRACITE COAL. Of .n and of the hest quallty. can be fur. Malted At reasonable rates. Le... neders al nf -21, mtd yards, No• 75 AM/EAMON. bTREET, Allegheny Citr. and Liberty street (oarmal•• MA' teen LI 6 , rret ) Pitt-burst, Adds.. Porodlee Box gal, , IttAbArgn, and they will steely. ',Amps atlenuon 46/P Prompt attention given to western ship ments. eb.ll:grz IL CHILES IL thIISTRONG, Mar.= Youghlgheny and Gonnelsvlle Coal, • And Mann-facture, of COAL, SLACK AND DRSOLPHOSIZED COIL 0,710 E AND YARD, corner Butler and Morton street. Libeny and Clymer streets, Ninth ward: Mao Second meet, Eighth ward. and at f wardoot or to street. P. AU. LO Dcbot, bowed . Orders left at either of Itie above ollicet ad• dress to me through Pittsburgh P. U., SIN re• calve protect ttention. Lt.fer to whom lam ma plying: Hussey. Wells & Co.. Wm. nmitit. Union Iron Mills, &Fow ler & Co., MCC:oil. Blephunson Co.. Bimell & Co., (Deli& Bogus, Alex Bradley, Park. Bro. A Co., Park, McCurdy & Co., Beam, Craft& Dull, Wm. M. Faber A Co., J. L. Lyon & Co.. James Marshall A Co., Allen. McKee & Co.. On on De- 8., po AlleghenyHo V , CouanellUey mi 811.11. Pennsylvania& COAL! cost.!:COAL!!! DICKSON, ST ART & CP., • Having tomoved thole O. to NO. 667 1411EBIT STREET, Rat.O.l CUT Moor Mini EZVOND EL0(11. Oliti o NY I.7,w d al:TT 0.0 &Weal Ibi O. 10Wett Morin pilaf. Ord u =rl.4 =Getz. rcblzd 0 f: 'meaty. WINES. LIQUORS. &o. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, lIIIIPOATEMIS OF • WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, IGO., WHOLZOOLO DiA.LI7II6 PURE RYE WHISKIES; 409 PENS STREET, Have Removed to NOS. 384 AND 888 PENN, Cor. lglerranth St., (formerly Canal. JOSEPH S. PERCH & CO., u•sasa, 1117. Ile, in. - irs sod us, ILEST UTREET, ITr2lsßMirni. suairrAcronns or Copper IMrillkd Pure wo. dcalen I.I7ORZIBN U. °vow.. tioPe, Le.. ZOIDI . . 11.PATTZILION. Roar. H. PATTERSON & CO., , - 1:5A3L3E1 AND 1610.: IC, I ez4z) 0)4;9 A 1..:441 COL IMMO MOUE a LISBON IL Gil, PA. I=3 WALL P.&PERS. ELEGABT PAPER HANGINGS. Unaided Wall Papas la ylaln tint !total , 'loos to soot sad mote. landfill., grounds with gold sad Wald 11,11sam. IM 5083113 PSIS, INDIA TAPZOT UT, fiItEISIC 11A.2iLLIS stamped and printed gold. merely Imported awloat** food elsembere In eoolltry. Nor sale at W.P.MAMMAt.L'S • lam WALL PAPER .STORE;- 191 Liberty Street. rev" TNECORATIONB-In Wood mot!. ascii/Irmo lantana. Ma Meg remega of DIMIng Rooms. RAIL, Lo., u N.. 1107 Market meet. •OM JOSILPH S. HlldBtB 800. §TABEFED GOLD PAPERS for ranote, at Pia gotlibutet meet. ~ ISZ • JOISAM Z. UM= M. ":F - INSURANCE WHAT MORE ACCEPTABLE Citrittmaa p neat to •lonlng •tIC, mother or slater than a Polley of Life Inn:ranee In THE. PENN MUTUAL Life Insurance Company • OF PHILADELPHIA. The Only Truly Mutual Company in Ike City or State. ACC UKIILATAD CAPITAL $11,500.000 Alter Mint leaser to the amt of-11.200M00 There Is a medal adeantege In taking out • policy port, at those who get mar halides tm'ore Jannarj let will have the ben•Ct or the 5U per cent. dtvldend of January next. JOSEPH S. TRAVELLI, Agent, OFFICE-3T Finn AVANCS. no.77:09111el Ad Floor, Room No. 3. INSURANCE COMPANY. PHELAN'S BUILDING. Se. of Fifth ANIMUS. Second liner, rirraisuiniS. PA. Capitol AM Paid V. lINCTOtte. N. J.Hlalcy, 111.W.Olirer,troCapt.H.Rallay. Hang Wallace, id. H Hartman.; A. Chambers, Jake BM, • S. M'Clatkan. iJa.a. nailey. Thomas Umith,lJno.B, HOBItIiT H. SIBS, President. JNO. F. JENNINtin, Vice President. JONI. T. JOHNSTON. Becresaiy. Capt. H. J. 021.1103, Henn *seat. Ineures on Liberal Terme on all lire and Marine Risk . anneal INSII VIIGH. IILINCE CON. •A P (ME A ANDER NIMICH, President. M. P. LIERBLIdT. Secretary. CAP T. lIIYAMICS NEEL% tieneral Agent. Union, 911 Water strut, 13pang C 0.4 Wares home, ny, alai., Pittsburgh. Will Were union all lands of Mu and Ma. tint Mok.s. A borne Institution, managed by DI. futon who no well known to the community, lad who art determined by promptness and Übe". nifty to maintain the character which they hue mowed, as naming the but protectimi to who desire to bs trusurt.i. ninnOTO.lnt Aluander Nimle.k. Jean R. lleCunt, IL. Miller. Jr. Chu. J. ClAtki, Junes McAuley, William S. Lou,g. - Alexander Speer, Joseph Ki Andrew Attlee, rkpatriely Phillip iteymer, Marid M. Lug. Wm. Morrierels nue 13.11unzen. pENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITIFSBUIGNI 01/7101., 10. ib WOOD 13TBSZT. RADE 1.13 0011.11SECE RUU.DINO. b a Done Comp '', and tonne airstial 1W Ylte exclealvely. LEONARD WALTER, Preal.tent. C. C. ROYLK, Vice revideat. RAIRKILT PATRICK, Trea.-arer, DUu MeELIIRITY. Secretary. Dlaramor-s: Leonard Walter, Cecil eci . Wltoos. C. C. Bone, area. . Eyarui. Robert Patrick , J. C. ppe. Jacob Ratan., J. C. ?letter. . Josiah %lay, John Votatlei. Henry. Hopkins. A. Ammon. Sproul. ' INDEMNITY AGAINST LOW BY FLUICI.III INSUIUUICE CO.OF PRILADFIIIIIA. O7Plor,lll* LIsTRHEHTNtrr IST..acaz K I .1 . 1.11 Of. Exacter , Moraeeel EL Lenin Tables Wagner. Laeld a. Brawn. Samuel rtat. ' Isaac Lee, _ _ Jacob IL :Saadi, Edward C. DEIN tEMl.Aftlitb - }:! - Pileitrat! . EDW. C. DALE, Vice Preeldent. W. U. J. B izihtilleil T ElßPlN. Amax% Norta ,Weat corner . sad Wood &eve% itleZeerlf NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Car, Federal Et. and Diamond, illegheay, B mdn e. th• SECOND NATIONAL WM • W. W.•MAICITN. Preddemt. JOHN BROWN,J._ , Vico President, JA.51118 K. LiTZITZMON. Secretary. DranCions: ttl. A Cl • =flitterrt `' l l"Lrt . . • axigr, Jo. firtnorn,Jr.ttleorge flerst Jamb kopp. O.EI PWllliamf/no. - Thompson J. liclianjtner PEOPLESP INsVIIANCE COM. PAHL ornm L I. 001INIK WOOD • 11/111 CnA • Eon, o•llSsaNtsklng hrs sad Nadas Blris mrarrar: wa. ra/Illpt. Mrt. Jolla! r.. Meet% a, Watt. sel P. ebalvar. tomi stprsa. • w . rvk.e ßA rn. l A f e W. Van Wal u T I g Jame.%Vvaer. rr ßamelMui t Yatr G z llAretkgrtri,. 4LLEGIMENIE EVEIUMULNCE COMPANY OP PITTABUROH. 0 OE,No.ITFITTH ISTREET,BANX lAsuresAgatnat All lands of lan lad Mann JOHwrN. Progdent. T. J HOKI NEVA, Wm Preoldent. 0. O. DONNELL. ficeroary. OAPT. WM. DEAN. Cenral Arcot, zoms joint inria. Jr., H. L. ne: PatanNtotk T. J. Hontimaa, W. H. En ron, C. . 8abeg . .1 1 4,,, Cavort Hay; Cam. J, T.snocltd al& Cwt. Wm. Des. T. H. Nevin. SLAW. CHINA., OUTLIIR7I. i t:il,i ');I., Y;7 a 1 .H NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, NOMISMIAN AND- CULLA. NLW B DISC A HATS Tza. SOT CRIA 41101U.N0 BATS. . SILVER PLATED VOODB =2=3 retiVilie ."',IN ear Mit b: ft i rd:' R. .E. BREED & CO. 190 1111011 Ct&LL AND BEE, • THZ NZW China Seth, Parian Statuette,. Vu.. ud rukert u rtlcloo. far the H. HIGBY & CO'B., • Na. 189 LAWNY STREET. ossortOtrat of Floe White Granite Wane for family and hotel oft olosys am bond. / oc7 ICONSUMEE.—We ICE TO FLOOR EAL' D .ireD ERS e now rowels -1.44 . .. %` l7O VIP AND Zan Morganrcned P Hetes and counties. Indigos. Thls lot of tiheat very at le the best to be forma and cannot smised rln the United Suites. • . We r are Slit dubs/led our im=ents to Ifschluerg. Bolting Cloths rom Mooing. end are now prepared to nirnish the bat !lour we hare made for ten years at prices that defy conmetalonon the same grades of dour. 11. T. BYLBBICDIf & BRO.. Pearl Steam IILII4E1l001a01• September 17.1169.' Flaunt FLOVIL I FLOVB I • ItINNESOTA BARNES )WI . W 450 blas. Ler Tender. 3111 betel!. AA . in 41.1 814 . 11. 7 0 0 1Vintr g 123 b Day. CHOICE WISCONSIN 11,0171 CL soo MI Ws Riverside MIS bids ifbins But,tU SWira 141 . 2ZI` th es I f;# 9,l*;,ri da ewuratr , - , =4 1111 3 ...... 0 ,. nom the won. WATT, LSOoRod 00.. ITI sag f* West. HIGH STREET.—The under -a-A- tIONNIA aotoonelf Vlnvers to mite and beoelb [or opealot Hub M et, OD yIiIINADAY. Janoary ODA INTO. at 3 o'voelr. P. D.. to Mead 10 um d.‘lea apbelt OptoLo2. amt. 6131.00 W. OtOlstat. AFDREW DAVID. ON. • JA NIA MOBOAN. AMUSEMENTS. OPE!UI. S- (ligament for MA yligLita only, moat twat. lively. with the eminent and favotilib Yonne American eclor, ' • EDWIN ADAMS, • WO° will appear on TUTS Ilion day) E VitNis December 5171.0. 1669.1 a Itstli.• do Manner. Des groat adnotatlea of Tensysoa's bean Una poem. entlUed, . • ENICIFE! ARDEN. Enoth Arden ' • Edwin Adams. EnochAnlytt Matinee on 24 Yeah Dq~ OrPIT7'I3BURGH THEATM E. H. W. WILIAMS. Lessee and Manses. TO Nteilli the gnat l,li st and romealea, mg,J. hERHy. Leal wee% or Olen Seel/A Herr Hollow. an Clara Heller, peel ICreeat escoblu•Von In an entire new hilt Lam, Ina* Oa Wednesday. Anpolar ion MS. nerleity benefit or Minors Lopez a .1 rawly, any. ben.ste of J. H. -Lanc.• Friday. onach of Y e Hato diet. Two rasa ptefotwaletwa CI New ear's Oar. Mr .. .ACADEMY - OF 110811 k OIERC4XT/LE .LIHR4R LECTURES. MISS KATE WILL LECTURE OA Tuesday - Evening, December 28, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Ccarici—OUT 124 till W 0903. ADMISSION AO Cutts. NO reserved sat Tickets to. sale at lb. Library/toms, corner Dena and EI:16 streets. dettl IarACADENIY OF MUSIC. G. A. .11, LECTURE. MISS HATE FIELD WILL. LEXIVDX OY Wednesday Evening, Dec. 29,1 ACADEMY OF MUSIC. =EMI "Women in the Lyceum." Tickets. 50c. No Reserred Sews. Tleketa fee sale at the Music Stores. • • AIR r4rORPHANS , • FASLIMR.. OPEN EV - F.IW EVEN/NU. de.S2IN BANENNNT OF CATUNDItd.L. arCITY HALL, , • DIAMOND, PITTSBURCH. This elegant, large and commodious nubile and la offered refitted and fermata ed. and la now offered fur rent (Cr ball,. panes. fall.. cOliTerVirPli. I. 0.1111. 'sod gew rat Oat/. menu. It le the largest and ben votilsted room mute cltr, and the only 11111 supplied with Pinner means of egret. In cue of areor tieel• anat. A winner hall, dining room and Ilinche Mt In grit elate style. hate been r. really add to Its synch:tt ne. la, snaking It the moat con•ew. lent sad denatte Menne parties and reunions. /or teams and other normals." apni y to SAILUEI. 1111.6000. . norismsr Market Superintendent. City HdL PROFESSIONAL. G W. De CAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. (Mee No. 127 FOURTH AITILNUE , Fl burgh.. ° (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter Lowrie, practice la the LI. 6. Oircult District Courts, In the State Snares. and all Courts of Allegheny couate, nod mate **We Lions In snorter the adlseent counttee. jalitnag ARCHIBALD BLAKELET, 11.TrOTOVEY-ALT-LAW. rw OS 111111 STILLICZ, rf=ffri I=Cl=llll JOHN A. OTRAIN. EX-01711710 .TOBTIOZ OP TIOCPTAATOLIPD POLICE ILAGUITHATI. Olics,lll 11,171 OPIUM oppoidta Oa. thedral, ?Mom:0, P.. Draft. - B.Ml• MN* e i T s tr.Aacnn=ex i s,j==d i z i distateJs. . WBIL B. NEEPEB, ALDERMLN - AND 81-0171C10 itIPTION OP THE PEACE. ornas, 89 morrit arsmuir. .1=1, 1 4 D. 17. rtd drawl up, and aU lenl Dustpan attended SO ST.E.PHII and accurately. ae. TN • THE MATTES Or THE eeDllestion of the TRIEHDLO BANK emil BUILDING ♦2BOCIATION for a Mater of eorp 'ration. No. LUG. December Term, 1669. • ' Notice la hereby Oren that an appllosUou has been made to the Co at of Cosmos Plea. .thelthenre at No. 1190, Dr:ember Tett. 1969, by the Freehold Bank and Bulletins Aro. elation for a Chart. rof Incorperealon, and that the same will be granted hi the Conn at the Da. ember Term, unless maddest moos too shown to too eontotry. JACOII if. WALTXII. Piollosolary Trersemeart. Dee. T. UO9. dee, O. r. liA1191111:3 03,103., W. D. of Pennell,. Err...mu - non. December 111 1 !EPB9.$ 2CHIB IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that on the 13th day of December: A. 1/044 arrant ln.,Bakruptcy tuned &COMM& M. Estate or J O IN ntEIN.. of Allt [heap OM is the County of Allegbetry. and Mate or Penneylvanla, who has been adAllgred • Beak. runt on his own pelltion: O.t the penitent of say debts end deilmery of any properly Wong. Ins to such of to blot or for hl. erre and the transfer of ray property by him are fie. bidden by low; that • Meeting of rh•cmattors of tee said eankropt, to prong their Deets nee to choose one or more sualipsees of tdelatale, will be held at a cart 01 Banknmtcy. to be holden at 116 street, lepbeny city. Al. Hebert county. Pa.. before JOHN N. rimm irtife. I r triAr.awgireAd.rf A. MNDOCH. o•Nnele U. S. 'WIWI. ea U Messenger. - AA TIMINISTRATIDIRM NOTICE. —Lettuu of udeutststruUott hiring jos% gran ed tOtietoWtllb.t on ihresto of POST. W. aux U. deeeztut., Isle of Lust yea Toms- Ode. all persons tudebtsd to aid east' On requested to tusks Immeolato mutual. Mt those hawing el.lum mill Dreamt Users pmpuly atuhrutleuted for IlelUt til* nt. • • JAMES BOLA WLLI.LAtII.B9VAZD. CEEMEI ESTATE OF DAVID DAUGII. NAL 1110 , 1 i. —Leiter+ of selintsiserstioa main the estate of DAVLIt SAUILMNAN. of Versailles knreible. Ore.% harlot _ 69 1 emitted to 36a..undefsfserd, readied ia sal township all parse. ladeleed to said mate will alike haeledistepsymeat,sed Items bestr g claims or demands *sales* •be estate of at deeedt at are mots tee to mike Stowe the sat t tone without del.*. 011.0068 MILLIS Arm', . . Nei. 07 . 1869: tudlrsitt s I 'I ; ; $' . 0 I ..' la hereby Biwa to all rise Indebted • .11e. a• Me of alla11:8 01./CHILIM. Late at PlOOlll , deo - UPWIIIMIVILeshafty county. dee'd, to • ay tal.laa anders ea, Ana all palms baying wUI premmt am _proprly salliastkalg the aattlement. . . . . . . SLASUMIST rzasatax. en ravica Irmacator. mwz;Tew7 - .rr4 - 17.1 HOLMES, BELL & ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. as zwiiatarats otHILVI MIDIUMeNIZIO/12, •1011011 &BD lliekolll.li tivirICTIWGS AirD•SATTIIIG. DOLLAR SAYINGS BANAL, . 5/0. 65 roviern AVENVI. .qtAtrifrillED IN 032. ABMS Open dairy. from IS e•olork e. efit id tHI . to 2 we ak r. SASUbIIAY XVERINOII, from Y. , DomDonator .1414 Dore to • o'elahe Norstaba Lt to Mar lat. from 0 Sc 111 o'clect. e toot las tees Ofe=tdill. Resw i d o4 o fitilvideoeof Dm profile declared sada a yelirAll lose .4 Mors her. to West hes boos Ga./ eerol.sanosOr 1111 Jane December. go. tee Boot wee 0011.1.4. toe rate of eis per c00t.% pear. Werra. Iffidat awn mt. L pLeed t• the of 0. depositor asphalpe4eitt been the same Interest mm the arse 11107• of ille• Sad 9.614 , 11. , coretrmoditig .1100.1, Pos the depositor to cell, or tr. to prose. ble pose pooh At tell rate molter will duet. la 14. ta. metre Jeers. :Pal Dcontaining Oa Chu ter. Br -Laars, Dolor Dog.talons, fornlaten gratis, on 5911 to or the &Dm. PILISIDLIV A AILS DERDMILIg. • Tics rnrertrocrre: Georg* Mime. A. K. Pollock. lL John Or Dakotan. Hobert !Cobh, F. gokneonch, Joan H. bhoenbelfgers' Janes Mental_ ye , • James e ldl.. .lonios 11. D. treed; a A lexander hpra. • ..learie rennock. Quinlan Ir.a l isF. Vim. J. nderson. It em C. 4 &IA •. • Colvin Adams, Item J. Lidad John C. Blnek7, I Peter A. bladelos. atom block. I John Urtshal, Wal sty?. Moreteln. PCharlet A. Colton. I to.D,,n d S ijf . t m i lgt ot: riff. tattle. ne7 yEseiror.,Jr.. =WlDhun B. Dam, rnuarrine=g, TAT 11",,t 7 g hot, arra. . James U. . Al.:soda TOW, . - IDIA= Can KIM ITr a canr s in i g il —JLlS A r l it PDA:17117":. BIIITER-10 Half bbls Mathew toll ;Latta. for ulo tt monnito. 250 HMO CHOICE APPLT, retail* J. i. 01111/121.D.