AMERICAN. BANK, NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE', PITTS,BI7ItGYL CAPITAL • . . 12014000 Stockholders Individually Liable. SAND CT DISCOUNT ANDDYTONIT JOHN PLOYD.. rierldeut. DIIaNCIVS. WY. FLOYD. Cashier. Thom. M. Marshall, Joint M. 1I•rtimoll. • Wm. T. rriaarior, I Archibald Wallace, Junco W. Arnitt. Jas. D. Kann Cbm, 11. Lomb. Wm. Mord. ohs Fiord to Raab a ref, 'orougge4 4MP Rod to do a tracral Banking basincra. ICIOkU • GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Nought at litilatat Prices. ÜBTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and sth Avenue a,► T. BRADY &I CO., OFC , CeI.rIIPI a JON= it co., Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., SALN . IOIMS, ==tl GOVERNMENT SECUBMIES, GOLD, SILVER - AND COUPONS, ON YOST FAVORANIXTI9.II3. [ice Interest Allowed on Deposlte. ifirlfoner loaned on doyen:meat Bonds at lOwest market Orden executed for the Purchase sod h&c. of UTOICIES. Sleattil sad GOLD. JAMES T. BEAD"; & CO, littsinwif FINANCE-AM) TRADE. • Orrick or Prrtaimunit Gemara, j SATURDAY. Deo. 25, 1851. I Blueness, as Is naval on Chrsitmes, was suspended today, and with the egos• lion of toy houses, confectionaries, AM., it has been doll throughout the week and is likely to continue so until after New Years. The markets, in a general way, aro devoid of anything really new or important, nothing at least worthyof epochs' notice.• The demand for all the leading commodities is light and entirely local, while in regard to the values, there are no important changes. - We are Jai:topes that after the boll. days are over and the annual settle =ants effected, that business, generally, wilt- improve. It la reasonable to ex pect that money matters will then work nester, and This, as la welt known, tend. ed materially to depress trade for some time past. Everybody for the last month or two appeared to be hard up, wanting what they could not get, as It, has been almost Impossible to make eel. lectiona, and as a rule, business is nearly always hard when money is tight. There aro some men who take advan tage of time like those, who could pay if they would, but Who It appears do sot meet their obligations because others Cannot do likewise. The receipts of grain. flour, provls• lona and country produce genet ally, al. though not larger than usual, are never. thelem fully up to the demand, and be aide', as a general thing, tmaluma men, at this particular meson of the year, are So disposed to carry any more 'lock than possible. APPLES—QuId and unchanged, with At supply conarderabbnin excess of the :demand.' Balm at ;2,50®8,50 per bbl, 3nostl7 at 12..60(43. --APPLE surriza—Quoted at 75485. BUTTER.—Prime to choice Roll is in Sir demand with gales at 33@E6. Corn. =on and inferior gnat's very- dull , but unchanged. • BROOM CORN—Salem at IS(g)I4 BEANS—Unchanged—quoted at 12,60 04,25. se to quality. BUCRWREA.T quality . Oa. CHESTNUTS—Quoted at Is. ORANEKBRIESt—Quoted at 1112.4)15 per bid. aa to quality and condition. CIDER—The receipts are falling ma terially but the supply Is *still in excess of the demand, and the market Ls dull and prices nominally unchanged, at g 5 OS per bbl. CARBON OIL—Is quiet and -un changed-28 for 60 or 100 barrel lota of 'standard brands. DRIED FRUlT—Apples steady and dzm but unottangd galena 8(49o. Peaches continue dull at 90100 ter quarters and 3.18;L20 for halves. , OHERSE—Ia quoted from 17 to 18 for Western Reserve; Ohio Factory, IBM: Ohio Goshen, 19; York State farm Dairy, 19; and York State (imam DRESSED HOGS—Gales at 12®n cts. EGGS—Sales pickled at 88 to 85, and fresh packed at 89§:40. FEATHERS-1n • better demand and Idgher, and we now quote at 56(j90 to the trifle and the usual advance for ;email lots in store. PLOSR—The market continues quiet and dull. thbugh unchanged—demand entirely local and the milli a pp ear to lame the most-of the retail trade. We continue to quote at $5,75®8,00-for Win ter Wheat. and 85,6005.76 for Spring Wheat. Rye flour, $5,254213,60. GRAIN—The offering* in this market «milliner light, but the mills are getting all they want from the west; we eon. Lime to quote fair to prime red at $1,15 Ql,lB. (Jars continues - remarkably aoarce, and. in consequence, prima are sending upward; sales of new at 89®Q6. Rye is not offering so freely and the ar. rivals appear to a ndling off; though prkos are unchn at 95€031. Oats firm but not quotably higher, 48 on track and - whart and 50(452 In store. There Is no Improvement o note in the demand for barley and prices are nom- Ratty unchanged at iiirwo for fair to 'trimly prime spring. SAY—Is firmer with a limited sup. ply; we'continue to quote from country wagons at 113025 per ton. HOMlNY—Belaat a mate per pound. Al ll6,oo@e66per LlME—Balm of Cleveland - *bite Wee at =gam ver bbL ONIONS—BaIes at tszomoo per bbl. the outside figure for LARD OIL—No. 1 Extra le quoted Arm at 1,64:Ka1,65. POULTRY—Demand better and Dier ks!, firmer. , Dreamt turkeys may be quoted at 23 ® 2 0. and chickens at 124514. POTATOES—ReIent- 65 eta. by the oar load and at 60 eta. in core: PEAERTD3—Quoted at 9(1510 eta. 62.60 per bushel PROVlSlONS—unchanged and rather dull. shoulders, 16(23103i; grew", Bacon, 21(g2lyit, Sugar Cured Rams, 92@e22yi. Lard 19 In tierces, In kegs and pins. SEEDS—SaIes of Clover seed at PO 133, and Flaxseed at 92,20432,24 Tlm nthy seed nominal at 3,60ig6 SALT—Is dull, and Allegheny River brands are quoted at 9490 by the car load, with the usual advance for small lots In store. ElTit.A.Vides at 112®14 per ton. PIIVROLEVIII MARKET. Din= Prrremntas auarrs, SNII;ILDAT. Dec. 2) . / 669 . ORTIEW FOR TUE WZZL The oil market has teen moderately active during the welt which has juA closed; thongb It is but proper to remark that a great proportion of the vales, re.. ported as Inch, were settlements. Prime have fluctuated considerably, par- Similarly crude, which has sympathised strongly with the weather, and as noted th e other day, the therniameter for the lasi month has been an excellent gains, I re o turd to the flume course of the het. Compared with the early pare of the weak. crude considerably stronger and higher for spot or miter this month, while "futures.” .are dull, with but few buyers. It Is not a Ilttle remarkable that while oil for this mouth be Linn at le.ipliSK, January will only bring 13 :4. The shipments of refined east con tinue • very light, not avenging, : f reaching, one thousand this per day, and owing:to the fact that crude fa-much higher relatively than refined, it kart thrernfouriba of the refineries hem are stopped. Many of our refiners who had contracts out for this month and had the prude to make It, have sold the latter . .. . . ~ 7 :,,, ..,.,,,.,....T ., .....,, ,i , ,:,,, .....; ~.,...,,,,,,,,,„... ~,.„,.,,,, . , .."°- , ...... . 4 . , .. , .........,:.: - ....:, c.,;..... , .41-.',..4,.... - . . + A .P,,, •. , ....'::.51.*,..'Wie 4 1.1P 4 ''' pi.,...4.4...,** . ' ' and bought the former to cover, and they did this because they reali zed a profit both ways. Rut taking present prices es a basal, Instead or a margin the manufacturer would incur a positive loss, and this accounts for the very small ahioments and the suspensiOn of so many of our refineries. Receipts Crude this week 62787; last week, 46,798; from January let to date, 994,726; name time laat year, 1,657,335. Reports refined, this week, 6,29 R; but week, 10,834; January Ist to date 591,095; same time hug year, .718„525. baler, this week, 66,100 bbis crude and 22,500 bbis refitted; lut week 70,400 bbis crude and 20,600 MAR refined. CRUDE . Of =use there day. a n d we was nothing done to dm only repeat Friday's quotatone. spot -or seller this month sold st 1635©1635, with eomesetUements effected at 16(446g. Private edvloee re port oil-dull above and drooping. - =I! December sold yeaterdayat 3/%432A%. January wu quoted at 30%1331; Janu ary. to March 34 and March to June 31%. It Is not a little remarkable that the price at Antwerp now is Just about where 1: was when refined was worth 34 and 35 cents in Philadelphia. RIVER NEWS. Upper Rivers. tit/ Pastas Sad Atlantic VelepApb.) OB , Crrir, Pe., December al—River at a stand, with 3 feet 10 Inches water In the channel. - . Weathercloudy; Ther mometer 40 degrees at 6 r. M. r. BROWNSVILLE. PA., Dec. 26.—River falling slowly, with 8 that of water in the channel. Weather clOndy. Ther mometer 40degrees at 7 P. x. - c. The river was about stationary last ermine, with nine feet in the channel t the Monongahela marks. We should not be surprised to see another rise with in the pert fortyelebt hours, under the influence of the present soft weather and rains. The R. R. Mutton Is the only arrival we have to report. As wilt be seen by card, mho is announced to leave Tor Cin cinnati and Louisville to-morrow. Cat. J. T. Raman Is still in charge of the offlos. The Mary Davage, Capt. Campbell, will be the first boat oat for St. Louis. The Belle departed for Parkersburg on Saturday. The new steamer Carrie V. Kounta is filling up steadily for New Orleans and will be the brat boat oat. —Nothing can be done towards eating the cargo of the Swallow, or saving the boat until the river falls. The water is up over the hurricane roof on the lar. board. The river has been very rough.. for several days, and both wheel-houses have been partially carried away. Capt. Batchelor thinks her cabin is too strong to be canted off by the high water. The boat is lyinestralght, and It is thought In no danger of breaking. —Saturday afternoon as the steamer Comet was passing through the:draw of the railroad bridge at Terre Haute, a barge attached to the side of the boat ' struck one of the piers and Rook. It was loaded with pork and lard belong. lag to Keith & Russell. The pork will all be saved. Much of the lard floated away, but has nearly all been recovered. —On :December 21, for fault of ,drun. kermess, therLocal Board of 'lnspectors or St. Louis revoked the licenses of the following periwig, vii: Lewis Thompson, Howard Crown, Charles W. Curtis, Viola, and Alexander W. Carry, engin eer. —The Glasgow, Nellie Rogers and Maggie Hays left Cincinhall for Pitts, burgh on Thursday. Hays and Jones are pilots on the Glasgow. James and Joseph Whitten on the hays, and Whit ten and Gorman on the Rogers. —The steamer Nick Wall, which has just made a trip In Red river, and re. turned on Friday to New Orleans, was to leave New Orleans on Monday lust for Pittsbargn and way landings, with a cargo of sugar and mOlaages. —The weather moderated at St Louis on Friday—the snow and toe is reported as having thawed considerably, though the river was 'tinfoil of heavy ice. —One hundred and five steamboats have been wrecked on the Missouri river between its mouth and Omaha, in the past twenty-three years. —Our New Orleans exchanges are complaining of the want of white labor on the levee. dating that the boat inter ests are suffering. • —The parents of William Mclntyre, who was drowned on the steamer Re becca, It is said, reside in Philadelphia —The Winona Reps/4141m says river navigation is uninterrupted from that place to the - Toot of Lake Pepin. ...I"ho.river at Keokuk. ia Mil of float ing Me. The ferryboats make trips with considerable difficulty, ' —The Argosy. it Is said, will reship her Nashville freight at Cincinnati and re turn to Pittsburgh. —The St. Charles is to leave Cincin nati every Tuesday hereafter for Pitts. burgh. —The Cumberland river was rising on fitShoa ls. aturday, with fourteen feet on Harpeth —The Missouri river Is frozen over at Omaha, and teams are crossing on the les. —The towboat Ironsides, enroute for Pittsburgh. la Ice bound below St. Louis. —The Santo, Wild Durk and Wan/ni t* arnvedst , New Orleans on Friday. The Leonidas arrived at New Or loss on Thursday. I;iw,~:~ z~:+~+-s CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. .Fo r f i t u v i a r U. as. jtll Uepa • Capt. J. T. P oelata.. WIII leave for the above arm leteratedlate porta TUASDAY. P I lan., .14 O'Cl.k. Tor freight or paw tor.. appir or board or to /Lac& tA/1.(..11/.•WoOD. de= JA.MICri COL.LINO. Arcata. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS &NOR PER OR, EANIE . .az —IG oat. • siwaser, le V. goliTlTT....Capt. J. C. Vasreoom, Wdt leave for the above asOlotersardlst• tons 0V THI• DAT, SIM ton, at r. y. Ir.r IMO PPty oa board, or to NI.ILCJa • tA/LLlNtille OW, (1011ILIST it PORTER. dell CHAN. B•IIN1.8. Agent,. Throat, altis Ladles via above Bolt to Oal vatou, torliseela and Brace, Texas, sod Mo bile, Bella ad bloataomery, via Mor gan Mee. from Bar velem, and by Mounts's led lifter rht.bllB Alexad_la. 15brev.pott Jeffresol, elves by ullimirsz . • PORTX,. 93 Water .a ` He*. e Eet. T. LOUIS pat .. tl e T. LOUIS—Then MAST DAVAO'S AND BARONS. WM metre Defeat tbl. morning for the anoint pod latermedlate port. Wilt leave .111181 UAT, .5171.11 tut. Amy to deU CHAILLAS BARNNA. Arent. 13T1iLdrdSHMI T o LIVERPOOL AND • QUEENSTOWN. - TUB MAIM MIL STEAMEIZIPB, Nutiening elalem 112atecteas Tassels, aosOlif them the celebrated . . • OMT OF PARIS, CITY 01 I.I ANTWERP. CITY OP ROSTON CITY , Tri OP lAINDOb. SAUDI* Ay icltl SATURDAY. Rom Fier 46 North River. New fork. for Nano or torthu throrstottoAspoly to WILLLUI MIWILUE, Jr., 143111117THILZLD MritZ4. Pittsburgb p1i).}:Z1:5,,117114 uanCrike Crn Inaeware . 7•Nro nuances. t nman, Deo. 234 1869. 1 OTICE...The asseument for N QUADINU, PAVING AND CURBING FORTY --TRIED STREET. rent ,Pearnb , s • lin to Butler Wen. D aaer ready for madman, sad can be nee it Ude Gan IL.LU .PATLIUDAY. deaden // 1 . add°, inn it,rill be retuned le the City Teem; etre °Nee for eolleellae. • H. I. MOORS, City Xelt neer I=l cm. rreontamws orrxr. Au...num ctn. Den IN. 1169. 1 NOTICE.—The' aueunient for trading of Buena 'Vista street, y r . Taylor ♦reeu to Carroll at est, If sow ready for examlaattoo owl can be aeee e t uth *Mee until BATDBDAT.Dee. 5111teaddek w h..i, will be plated In the haisda of tee clq tor teacake. CHARISM DAVIS, =I/ OEM VAIFET7'*: STREET.—Potice le berebr given tbat the arniernisurd, apr ant. Lot ItltOtl LO ammo asame• and beam" for 9 taaabt PIM tte rafter, 01 - y at /Lament. Dom us river mill am. , on the wallas. on TOZIII.,AS. December, 91111. 1009. at o'clock P. 11., I. attend to the dolt. of lank appointment. _.. • • JOS" , 11. INGHAM,' JOHN Jur ttrubf,_ • &Mal /ItCLIALISD De.WHERBT. ILO EtBRELEI CLEVELAAD soortZ Tear 41,74 . 1. b. IW.AT J. 1/.. SPECIAL NOTICES CONSUM PTIOIV. • DM. SCHENCK'S POITIONICEYELIP for the cure of Cough*, cola. and “ousurnplion. mu. ISCHK • C Sit.% WOE to TtM4lO for the cure of I/vim-ogle and MI the Debilitated Condi tions of lb • MO , aeb. I reIIENOMMI MANOR OAT Gentle. for Moe.. of the Liver or to act as Pur gative. Ali or these three Medici-we are often retie' red In ruelog Consumption, though the PMmonic tiny atone em cured trimly *Miswrote eases. The hemmed Tonle alt! Mandrake Plll5. am. le P Sires tomoch sod Liver, and help the Pulmonleyrup mod:grit and eeerch tbrouria the 014.4 Ire 1t...4 41 watch menus a Carl I. MIR el fftltd. Tures 3f-Alleines are conscienthomily offered to the Pubic a. tue only sale. certain and reliable rem:N.l far Pnlinonar y Consumption. End for all them in conditions of the body which lead to that fatal •111 case. Liver Complaint and DT.• prptla are often forerunners of Corallaratillt•el, arrilr en they manifest themselem they require th • mo t prompt attent:ori The Puistionic Ss rao Is a medicine which has bad •. long Probation before the pa bits. Its value his. Darn proved ti d y the thibusand cum it has made through. pe riod of mere than thirty-ithe year, le all of whit!, t rue Ito reputation has In. cream d. and th• most oast nate akeptichill. emi no Mower doubt that it Ira remedy which may be toed with confidence to all eases which !admit of • cure. .i 1 she portent will perseveringly follow the di rections which accompany each bottle, be will certainly be cored. If hie lune. are not too much wasted to mate s care rossi it. iven In '.opposed to be Incavabre. when friends and phy hicians have despaired. the use of thin Medicine as baTed the life of the patient and restored Dr. in perfect h Dr. Sabena adoes not say that 111 eases of ref taynery sonsinsinVon aro within the reach.of Med trine. bet be emphatically assert. that often when patients have tee tal,st alarming m mptorne. suet a.. violent rouge. creeping chill.,bigot •weata. general debility. ••• is to mien alegreee that they are obliged to Ile In bed, and wiset they me gives nab) Miele physician they may .tell be min d. No treatment can create new lunge, tot when the lre very cad ydireued Smite some extent destroyed.. mire may be &f -retted Ly Dr. !Schenck' , medloices. . . . . Also. In berofulom Dls•ases, tbs.. =edict.. are equally ewe ent. Dr. Pe/tenet has panto. graphs of n number of persons who have been early covered with runalng sores and now all healed sp. This Shown It. pnrifying propertie.. which must be able'. heal ea flies in the lungs. in the tele, Meat of Contempt'. It is or Um utmost importance to give •igor lad a neetsby tone to tue sy.tem. Hence it la necessary to Mrstizthen the ePPetit. of the patlent and In. prove the dipetion. Proper isournstunent lyres gained together withsuet. mesas as will ante tete mod really digestible. The ankles moat suitable for the diet of Cousum, tire permute are designet• si In Dr. Schenck'. Alma... which are distributed gratultonsly. in general, the moat highly nutrition. articles are to he pm fremsd, butthe digestive organ. mutt be stsengih•