11 tt i s vititratt STANTON DEAD! His Mast Moments. THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. The Funeral Afrrangenseta2. DEPARTMENT ORDERS. CST TotogroTO to Ito enitboorik Etszetto.) . WAsiroscrroN, December 24, Mel STATE OT L K. STANTON. - 'lrx.l3eeretary 4 'War /Intim S. at *Woo, died this warning at three defeat - , of congestion of the heart. Mr. !Stanton has been confined to the house ahr about . 41 week. The President;and !toePresident called on him last Sandal .111rilrifty?fcmrth birthday, when the for um tendered to bean Ms anointment es Aimeelate Jtusnoeot the Bnpreme oourt,, for which Mr. Stanton expresied hisgrati Bade and acceptance. Yesterday W. Stanton COW plagued of • sickness, but his family wars not alarmed as to the Mat result, as he had apparently boon in ■ worse Condition previously. Shortly shay midnight hi symptodis became *igniting. Surgeon Omani Barnes was gonad on his awo¢ tamed alai; ball:and It hapcsaible .afford !Vet Rey. Dr. Starlit., of the Chuich • of the Epiphany,Plettetant ,Bplexpal, eras anmntoned bat shortly allanWrd the sufferer lost his oonselotts- etnetkand was =ibis to converse with an) me.. The initiations of the bean ceased Ibr a taw aeconaa, and then re turned, Ids breathing being nevi faint. e Ins not until hilt in hour beibro his drab that ttla family could "`realizehe Wu dying. About three o'clock A. w be expired, quietly breathing away with out a struggle. - At ids bedside in his lest moments were his Wally, consisting of Mrs. Stan ton. his eldest eon; Edwin L. Stanton, ESA, his oldest daughter, atiout twelve 'rain of am, Lewis, Die wood eon, nine years of age, and Bessie, Ma youngest child, aged five years. A large number of prominent citizens MA - persona holding high official poet. time, called today at the late residence of the deceased, some being unable to credit the report of bin death, so unex pected and sudden, until they bad meths fled themselves by personal Inquiry. OFFICIAL AIiPrOMICICKLNI% • Deysirtweeittqf Mate, Washington, Dec: Si, 11360.—The following atuaounoement 'of the death of Hon. Edwin M. Stanton is published by • direction of the Pees!. dept, Ratuvrotr Tuft. ' lesecatice Manaus, Washington, D. C., 'December 34, IB69.—The painful duty -devolves' open the President ot announa. ing the...petiole of the United States the death atone of Its most disUnguirbed Minns and faithful momenta, the Hon. . "Awls Y. Stanton, which occurred in ' , this city at an early hour this morning. He was distinguished to the contralti of the nation during the entire period of its recent struggle for -mulcted existence— . Ars& as Attorney General, then as Some. :Cary of War. He was unceasing In' late labors, earnest and fearless in the as. gumption of .respotudbillties necessary forhfa country's saccess. Respected by • all good men, and - thawed by wrong doers, to his death the bar, • the bench and the nation =stain a great loft, which will be mourned by all. '• • As a mark of remota to his montory, it ts ordered that the Execntias Mansion and tbe 'emend Departments at Wash, . togtote be draped to mourning, and that all business be suspended on the day of the funeral. .. [Signed] U. S. Sharer. 'WAS DEP/ATM:AT OLDER. The Secretary of War this Micmac ismied the following order: liar Department, Dec. Si, lBB9.—The following order his been received from ' the President ,of the United Stake: pre stere.l The eminent ability of the late Secret ; pant of War, his great Mull acquire ment'', his arm patriotism, and his star ' dy devotion to duty in the moat trying • time of the Republic, when many others faltered, have commanded the admire,. Son of.tbe country, - while his manage; went ofthts department during the flays when a man of determined energy and will was demanded. marked his termicif •.; epos as one unequal in administration. is ardent that the officer connected wlth.ine Department of War be draped In mourning fora period of thirty days, and all business suspended therein on the.day of the funeral, and that on the -. der after, the receipt of•ttala order at • -asebenilitary post fifteen guns will. ad. appropriatraln ootnmeno. in; at meridian. • • (signed.? k. IL BELKNAP, Secy.. I= - The body is laid out in the front room on the mixed floor of hla late residence, the room la which be died, and attired to .a plain black atm sulk ' Arrange ments : tor the funeral are. under the direction of Hon. &meg Hooper, of Maseachnaetta, an Intimater friend of the family, sod the Ceremonies .will take plain et the house of the deceased on" ifrindinr et aO3D. The reinains will, be interred at Oak Hal Cemetery. firOrks town. whark.biz. Butnton has a lot, r and : ' where one 'of btu children is. In:tried.. • "•- The body,will remain in the apartment •-• where now laid oat untiehlond - In when It will • • •••• .- • into the par ~ • • time-none but the meahnettmily and friends of the deowned can be admitted to slew the remains,::The coffin will be a plain one, . 4 :Orered with black elotttandtiendsotet .11ytettanod lees- Stanton has senseeted7lbit the funeral be as quiet and unoetentations as powdble: Thereeere the body will ;amain • lit the, poleration; of the'lihwiliy,. at the leeldencelitleoeastod. - • - • ..<' - itils*L*9 9***lgN*9lto';••• . .„ . 'r>. •Unlted-Stges Sanstore are reesuUed to meet atthe Enited,Steles Senate Econ. tone. o lomonow. iSittuday) at 10 -•lo'olack*. it. to make arrangedunitswith Mutsu to the funeral 0! :Row M. 1 7% ; .•:-...A.: 4 11 1 10 3 tr.0f the City Muncil will be Mid tomorrow to taken:dem' with ref- Inoue !nth° . funtnal. . • • • 1.414. :the DeParinienta ,draPl'd fa • ,111011Mtruir. - • t ; orders bate been Wood: , -Attorney General's (elec. Womb= U. illen:• By order of the :Idente and memory of the late Hon. , Id.r Stanton: atone time Atinrney ""•• .Sietterkf of the Vatted States, =elbow • the seeretasy for the Department of War. this 0131011 will be draped in mourning • and be closed during. the.day oa which-the &must iscremonies.whedi. be [BlOOl,l - .: • , A: FIALA t MIMS AildrolY asseTal- Dwane: , Department, Wishington, D.D., December 24,1888. In • obedience ;to the order of tbe..President.wnd as lurk of moped to' the manor" ,of the late Non. E. M.'Stantod,the Matingtdato •:•-• ;get! Meteor, of War MUMS SWIM the entire poriodor the recent rebellion, a falthfhlubileoffloer and e true rettiat, -this Department, and the Custom : Notmes:thronghowt theoonntry, will be. • closed on- Monday . the 17th inst, the day • of the fnnerat. On that dathe flap of the num* servtos will be placed at half mast, and the Treasury Departmut be draped in mourning - WM Riolt=4 r .".l. o secretary of t h e • . Iforxl)eportnad, Washington...D. 111 Deownillar a 4.1868.-11 'M with , deep rer. to• grin the Secretary of.the NUS tip:matinees the Navy and the Marine corps,, the , • death in this elty , at an early ' hour tMe morning, Cr lion. E. M. Stanton, thd ' ' had served 'the. nation In various pod., lions of !moor and dignity, and woe ._ oat, with marled diannedon end &find ix as secretary of the Department or , Wet • during the recent attecusful attuggie to; sumo* . f respect to t tt e e Unlon. Jr a l e=d, the Navy Department will draped In Mourning:and will be cloud cn day of the funeral. • • Palled 3 • OZO. ROVEDON, • secretary of the Navy. • ;Department • of Mots, Wsaldngten.D.. Deoembsr .1610.—Puranant to the • president's-order.. of • this datei.the De - pertinent of State will be &Wed in 'moulting and all badness suspended on Monday nest, the '27th last., the day of the • funeral '"Of- the limo Soo. EdwinU. • , Stanton.'' (Signed.) ' HAWlteron Preis. • 50i1tY412 oodwr untsiMlSM: l -..1 . _ • The4ninloes of the Supremo Conrt now • In. Washington,' Cblet &logos , °Vase, and Justices C l ifford, Swain., 'Miller • pad Field being raiment, bad confer- - ^ ' . .'.i'' , "'t . 4'.';';:'4 , ';' .- '.i._?.''.,--:.:;.:' En ence this Morning with a view to take clumps ot, the. roues! ot Mr. Stanton, but on consultation with Secretary Belk. nap it wu thought most appropriate that the funeral servioseshould bounder the control of the Department of War. PALL DEAALEVA. The pall bearers of the late Secretary Stanton will be General Belknap and. Mr. Creswell, representing the Cabinet. Senators Sumner and Carpenter, Pupa elate JustioeSwayne, of the UnitedSteles Supreme Court, and Chler Justice Cart. tar. of the Supreme Connor this District, and Surgeon Gwen! Barnes. Adjutant General Townsend, U.S. Dlatsjet Atter. nay Plerrepont, of New Yurk, General T. T. Baker!, and two members of the aortae of • Representatives, yet to be behitted. soar 4111NOWICER The afar says the death of Mr. Stan ton was tint announced iothePreeldent, who was walking otr Pennsylvania ave nue at the ttmei by Senator Williams. The Prealdent'a drat remark was one of sun:whiny and when asaured,of the fact, blabspad dropped upon his breastand he showed much emotion. NEW: YORK cm. The Cuban Insurrection— The Cabinet and Belligerent Rights —Court Martiaflnd Executions —Conspiracy Agninst the Cap• tab General—Arrest at the Sub•Trensury tbirrand—Caind Basin in East River. • '• tgy Telegraph to the Plitsborgh eidetic.) Raw Yoart, Dec. 54,1889. MBAR PLATTED& The Lit Itesolunon, the Cuban organ, gives an account of the attempt of the United - States at mediation between Spain and Cuba. the most of the particu lars of wince are already known. It states, however, that about the, lit of September, In Cabinet council, it was decided to give Spain ten days In which to soup( or refuse the proposal of the United States, and in eau of refuaal, as wet considered probable, a proclamation recognizing Cuba SP a belligerent wee to be leaned on- the 38th of Septernberilbe President announcing that W. be this do. ebdon. This information was not con tained In the document treat to the Sen• ate on Monday. . Havana letters say the Spaniards have abet Seem pereens at Blur, Del Rio, and some Shy more are Under arrest in con. aurteneeof the killingof twovolunteere, which, It wira assumed, wag part of the conspiracy to shoot and rob all Spaniards. - Count- 'Unmated& has. written to De Roches, asking to be relieved of cow. mand, because, he says, the men sent to him' noel Havana. are Useless and rtin upon all.' oceaskins. This request has. oonOrmed, It is said, the Captain General in the belle. Which is shared by many, that there lea conspiracy on foot to die. place him. It Is not probable the request will be complied with, as the rumor of arresting De Rodeo Is every day growing stro F nger. rom Puerto Principe intelligence comes that 11,400 Spanish soldier. died In the month of October from disease. They garrisoned flatmate and guarded the railroad. , A Hanna dispatch sayst A Quantity of arms and ammunition, intended for ship runt to the Insurgent forces, was found on the plantation of ToUo Lamer; near aterless. The oohimander of the Spanish forces Immediately assem bled • cotart - martial, Which tried Lamar and found him guilty of treason. Lamar was then • exe cuted. idigtiel Acosta. ono of the leader& lit the insurgents, has been exe 7 I rated.' A liege numbs! of MMus, who have butt arrested for conspiracy against the Spanish government and for other offetiose, have been seat to Spain by order of Captain General De RoMs. . , . • ABM= WOR ITRADD. Hairy A. 'Allem - Sootier of the Sub. Tressury .bulklieg, his -been arrested and held %% ten thousand dollar for ex. andnation. - oharged with having pre babied film and fraudulent receipts to the °overgrown. on which he-obtained money which he appropriated to his own use:andsho -with, haying destroyed a book lir the- SuisTressury containing a record of disbursements. The charges against Allen in telethon nat Dunni to. receipts is similar to that made agalng,. Superintendent of the Assay Office. _ . ran rums& CANAL. , Captain Selfridge, of the glinboatlap• ale. is here, obtaining pialitoinary Infer. mallets relative 'to the pronosed Darien Canal, of tile survey_ for which he la to havercharge. ' . . COLONY TOR COLORADO. A new colony to settle in Colorado was beillgehed lead evening. N. C. Meeker is Preildeet and Horace °reeler . Treasu rer. Filly-nate persona paid initiation fees. •. Monet= CAIUL DAMN. Surveys have been made for in hn. manse baba Tor mud hertz on East river near the Battery, estimated to cost MO. WPEOT YON STANTON • Tbs nags on moot of the nubile build• Inge are at half mast In respect to the Plempt7.of Menton. - NEWS BY CABLE. Francis Joseph 'and Victor Eman uel to Hue au Interview—Neu trality of Telegraph Cables— :, Flight of Lopes Confirmed. tar Telegraph to the Pattaballh einitte.l PaJumf,'Die:74.-411i. nen settled that the long expected interview between the Eintbertrr - Austria and the King of Italy will minor on the l ib ,of Jannary,_ at , Aneona. After the Interview King Victor Emanuel p llvhit Vienna in oom pony with the Emperor. The ex•Qneen of Naples gave birth to a daughter this morning. At the latest accounts both were doing well. = tlfinutts; December ga..—ghe Kluwer of the United States had an interview wabe Minister of State yesterday, at . which the American proposal for a nen 'frailty of the telegraph cables was eon. W Janeiro Savioas isongeni the reports' of the flight .of Lopez, but nothing us known as to his whereabouts. . , = sosE. Boma, Decimal:air 24.—The result' of the Tote taken on Monday last In the Ecumenical Council for the election of twenty-four members of the Consuiltlee n nDi a ac n i gu e m w eet ibmldte l k a nown at tba sald three - French bishop! will oerudnly beeleoted. GREAT BRITAIN; ...U. . ....rrismc, December p.—Weatherelear co:Pol delfeut htr ating, with a o =mamba ao el the holtaye. . IiUUNE NEWP. -Idolvemsexam, . - Deoember - 24.—Tbe arrived orth Anieries, from Port. /sod. rrwierday. Boumisurrori. December 24 —The staahialdp Houma, from New York, bas arrived. .• AND COMMERCIAL. '' , l.Oractet, December 24,—Cousole for money IMO do. account92t(. Amer!. TX, 74 1 - a I L V I ZI. bo gn a .gtre: cal l / 4 211Dutbs 9234 Atlantic& Great ;PeruusiDeentsber 24,7110urim at 7? freace.77,aeuttmem. "Under:MU -Deestabur .24.—btakets witteraltr,,Adreeek nom at 644 Gd• Tallew.,44e rld. - .43Latemurrot, Deceriber,24.;4sarket eldee. . • mgaebeecodeeembear24.--Beaned Petro leum Davila at Da 7Ndials Byjd. Tal. loW' quiet- sr 45e' &lOUs:6d. Calcutta idneuted Huger 124035 s ed. AsrMeser. Deoember 24.—petrolerun 1/15.5 4310, 91 2 „ 3 . 3 - 44014be . 1 T 4"3 Dit a ett l atu k9. . 'Deceuder '24.—Petroleum firm at,e Moms, Dre.2l.--Cottori opened oirt et nowt; . and sant; orrlitiudfi*Tt Paste. Drs. 24-13aorse closed Arm. Bents 72 hawse M. • • l'aestrardtrr.: Decembez 24.-retatted Staten boud,seponed qutett Pre-tmredVi. '"uiCieias (BY nleirso to tu ritutwian omits. Itonwass. Ponta. Dad:mbar SL—The following dispwich has rust been received bernby 42:en. IV: F. Clark : ,Horators, .2k.. December int.—Dane vi —Das is fasci& by_abant &gat hundred major!. 17. and will be .Provhdonal Governor in a few days. and, Insane are not to have an ehxdiom• (Signed.)] J. W. MoDoiliztr, Sects Relablloan Ju!crutlys caimans... pram:o3lton DAILY GAZEITE: SATURDAY 11011141iNG, DECEMBER 25, TILL CAPITAL. Army Changes—Gen. Terry Com mands in Georgia—Bill Signed. (By Telegroph to the Illtabareh Oesette.) Witexturcivoir, December 24,1869 ARMY OAZETTE. By direction Of the President, Brevet Brigadier General Dadeau, Captain U. S. A., is anigned to duty In Wwildngion. The following changes in the !stations of officers of the psy department have been made: Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Simeon Smith, relieved front duty as Chief Paymaster in the Department of Louisiana; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Gee. F. Febiger, relieved from ditty as Chia (Paymaster in the Department or the Cumberland, and waived no Chief of the Department - of Loutaiana; Brevet Colonel Augustin H. Seward to anigned to duty. ea Chief Paymaster in the De. partment of the Cumberland, ram IRONED. The President has signed the bill pass. ed trY Centre& on Theaday fait lo retai l:lune loyal owners of steamboats and other vessels taken up by the Dotted States during the late war. The claims under the bill amount to tioo,ooo. • TO COMMAND IN GEORGIA. The President to-day issued.art order assigning ben. Terry to the command of. Georgia as a district under the reeonstruc tiort acts. 'in adrittirm 'to 'his duties l as Commander of the Department of the South. • _ Hk3TAL CONVEVTIOit Onicial proclamation is made to-day of the now Postal Convention-between the . .trnited States and Great Britain, which wit go into effect on the first of January. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. The Chicago papers will net be hewed . amorrow Ole. Bull has returned to this roan- try from Europe. —Mrs. Slants. aged 11), was burned to death in elncionah yesterdal• • —The steamer Westphalia, from Brem en, arrived at New York yesterday. —The Chicago packers have slaughter ed 337,656 hogs thus far this season. —Beorgo Waist's distillery, In Phila. delphla, was totally destroyed by fire yesterday morning. Loss 125,000 to po,ooo. —Mayor Hall and other TammanY magnates aro making preparations for the electlon'of a new Democratic general committee. —The Grand ',jury oL Jasper counts., lowa, have exonerated from guilt J. G. Case, who aocidentaily shot two children a few days stem& —The fair at Boston. In aid of the . Young Men's Christian dasociatlon, closed last evening. The receipts will reach nearly 00,000. —The government officers have denied that the recent removal of arms at Man. cheater (England) was designed as a precaution egalnat •'Fenian outbreak. —The holders of Erie Railway shares in England, have made arrangements through a committee to teat their power of obtaining redress in the courts of the United_States. ..-flov;. Sanders has purchaaed In Chi cago sine hundred tons of railroad iron for the Omaha and Southwestern Rail road, now being constructed front Omaha to Lincoln, Nebraska. Philadelphia yesterday Ilsgs. were at halt mast en Independence Hall and other public. buildings and on many pri vate residences, In respect to the Mem ory of es-Secretary Stanton. —Gen. N. 8 Solomon, retiring clerk of Cook county, it iinoia, has received a dis patch from President Grant annottneing Ma appointment as Governor 'of Wash ington Territory. Ho wilt soceptlt. -Three yortug .girla Who *era enticed away from New York, on lest Monday, by a man named Itoben, and bitten to St. Louis, ware taken put of ri house of ill fame, and will be returned to their parents. —The Philadelphia city Councils hare appointed a committee'. to ascertain the cast of the apparatus and buildingsown ect by the volunteer Bremen. This is move cm/yards organising a paid fire department. —Deputy Sheriff Jackson, who mile. dared Archibald. Doughnut, In New York city some time ego. has Been rwindlctad for murder la the Drat degree. The-pre vied! indictmeat Ibr thansiatighter haa been overruled. Enstineers are surveying a route for a new railroad to connect Pemberton with the Camden and Amboy road, whereby the distance between New York and Philadelphia will be fedi:teed to two and a half hours! time. —Both branches of the City Council Of Baltimore have appointed a couttulf, tee of flee to attend the Peabody obse quies. The Board of Trade, Corn Ex change and Trustees of the Peabody In. "'Mute will also be represented. —The trial of B. lid- Felker. M. C. Vol ker sod George C. Exton, charged with conspiring with ono George Johnson to kilt Allen Pinkerton.. was concluded at Detroit yesterday. The jury rendered a verdict otsacquittal after a very brief consultation. —A bill to amend the Act incorpo rating the Erie and Niagara Railway Company, and change the name to Can. ads and Southern Railroad Company, also, a bill incorporating the Canada and Sontharcetern Air Line Company, have passed the Ontar4Parliament. —James Broin, aged fortyelght years. employed in the packing house of Shoemman er. Co Chicago, was instantly killed Thursday afternoon, by being caught in the bettor a swift revolving galley, the bearings of which he was engaged in oiling. He was fearftilly mangled. —Thursday night, Hon. J. Hyler, ex member of Hangmen, was knocked down by a man named Ackerman, while craw l lug a bridge over the Hackensackriver, at Hackensack, New Jersey, and re ceived injuries which will probably prove fatal. The aavallant was arrested and lodged mita. . • —Mrs: --- "'Geller,.at sew York, charged with pelsonig her- hUsband, and upon whom Dr. Wedekind was charged with attempting to levy black mail, has been discharged. the analysis of ciecessed's stomach falling to detect them:ramose el poison in sufficient quart. city to cause death. -The City Councilor Bolton has an. thorized Mayor Shurtliff to petition the Legislature Ihr an' sot providing that after the yoar .1870 the Beard of Alder- Men shalt COlllatt of - sixteen members, one from each ward, to be elected on the general ticket, and the Commott Council to consist of three members from each. - - =Suriegite Trate'''. Of New Tort, has 'decided that a permanent reshienceJn a foreign country, with declared but anex ecutedietenticma of becoming a citizen of that country, does not operatees a re. nunelanon of . I'll allegiance and citizen. ship by a ,cibren of the - United States, until he actually becomes a .citherat of another country. ' —At New York city, Barben U. John win, charged with felonious posseasioa of United States' bonds, esterday held by Jasilce Heir= to awa i t the action of the Grand /dry. ' The bail =was fixed at 7125,000. Jerome Bradley was remanded in - default , - of 150,090, to answer the , charge of forgery, De well seer larceny,' of the bonds. Three cases excite much attention, and rich developments are ex• patted front the trial. Wednesday, Mayor Knight and each of the tan raemters of the City Council of DabOqllo, lowa, wore served by the Bnited States Deputy, Marshal with is peremptory mandrands by the United States Court, ordering thorn to levy a special tax to pay Biggs' Judg ment against the city for 1;76,000. The t:money - was torrowed .ef Riggs in - 15 5 7. The total amount of the claim is tae Iheadred and twenty thousand '—TheNew Torii. Conricirof the Union League of America have a adopted pre. amble and ' : resolutions maiming in strong terms the indebtedness -of the , whole country to disabled volunteers and families of those who fell during Its late chit war, and approving the pro= partneri before congress of PILYINK pen alone morally !mead 'of semiannually., A committee :was appointed to go to Washiraton to rage the speedrpassunp3of the man named tieriegeWash legion. aged 25 yams, member of Com. pony E, U. S. heavy artillery, shot a rebetitriCenttickyafter tbeetose.of the war as:A.:was- sentenced- to, be banged, which sentence was commuted to UM' years imprisonement in Newilentpehire. Be was liberated on Friday, by order of ,tleneral . Sherman, 'and - transportetion provided him to return to Kentucky, burhe declined it,saying ho could get a living In teew Hatialitre., . Jtanel-isa; • 'Ma' signing his name as /1. Sambright, of Huntsville, bad., sent an order for a box of plata'', averring_ that the Union reedilente of Huntsville found it necessary to go anti. ed because of the persecutions of the' rebels. He ordered , the pistol* to sent by the Amerlean Express Company; in care of the Provost; Marshal, the bill to be collected oddelivery. No one cal for the box. When U was opened it w led as found to be' Ailed' with 'Valetta and and atraw..iMessrs. Mersin A Blay,sued the Company for the value -of the die; arras, and have secured Judgment. CITY AND SUBURBAN. taista, iitavy teeth the Allegheny yesterday Greensburg has a fgble Society freshly organized. The deer ei3aiton expires on the last drip of December. The test 'day of this mouth-wilt be the 53417r1day of the year..' She poetothers of the two chief' will be Upon this ttlbfbleg betlfeeh the hours Ut eight and Leal. Marchand has been app,lnted perstmaeter at Irwin Station, in Vane of John J. Hurst, resigned. " The Malli with charableristie coed Mete; Out out a draped paper last-even sag, as a mark of reapect to the memory of Mr. Stanton. Ttie Junkie *DM more 2rohded yest4t day than at any time, during the year: All egos, classes and sexes, seemed to 'Atte prepantgon for to dXy's feetivi. The Hempfleld Railroad la to be fin ished from Washingt3n. Pa., to West Newton, as soon as the Connellaville Railroad Is oompleted to Cumberland, Maryland. • The Betsey Comer mks of City Councils met yesterday, but transacted no bnel• neae of any itimortance. The report or Chairtuan Chinlett wilt deVeloo au im• menet, amount of business transacted during the past year. Disorderly 'lllouse.—Yesterday John &inanely made Information before derman Donaldson, charging Oteherlne Hamilton with keeping a disorderly house In the Fourth ward. The accused was held for shearing. Remember the Poor, the sick and the lowly In the.outpourings of your gener ous hearts' to-day. Angel visits on a Christmas morn must be as pleasing In the eight of God as they are joy produ cing to the souls of men. Bt. Paul's Orphan Asylum will be" open for the reception of vitatore to day. At two o'clock, P. M., a dinner of roast tur keys, provided by the immanence, will be spread before the little onus. The Cath edral Cornet B tod trlll enliven the occa sion with music. Zell for Washlogton.--Jas. A. Hutch inson, Ean., of this city, was summoned yesterday for Washington, receiving a dispatch announcing the donnas of his brother. In-law, Hon. E. ht. Stanton. The deceased left a widow and four children to mourn his Ices. Mavonic.—Thursday evening at the annual election for officers of McCand less Lodge, No. 390,A. Y. M.. the follow ing were chosen: W. M., J. H. Glum; S. W., George W. Clay; J. W., Wi lilsm Clark; .Secretary; WiWere King; Tres*. urer, George Laing; Trusteesa, Ai An derson, John Scott and John Moore. The "Little Orphan." a neat and tiploV little paper published by the Young Mans' Sodality. and devoted to to the In terests of the Orphans' Fair In progress in the basement of St. Paul's Cathedral, has boon laid on our table. It is a model of beauty. Mete and neatness. and ro. nootaeredit to its editor and publisher. The whisky taken out of bond in this (.IC"Clat) Congressional District, during the month of November, amounted to two hundred and fourteen thousand two laundred'and tweutyniue gallons. The tax paid on the same amounted to one tiniidred and seem thousand one hun dred and fourteen dollars and tlftyeents. "The Setweppe Tragedy, Eatirr..— Now ready. Published at the omen of the Carlisle Herald, a book containing a history of the entire cane, Including a ' , ketch of the prisoner and Dia victim, a full report of the evidence on which he wan convicted, the origin:lents of counsel, charge of tho Coart, and also an account of the execution. One copy.-- ......... Twenty tk.piee ...... Fifty Copies. One Hundred Copies. litalitorret.—Have you a friend who always wears a ruddy glow upon 'his cheek, and carries enough fat on Ms cor neae to keep him from shivering these cold days? Wtto is never troubled with indigeation, nor colds, nor headaches, nor rheumatism 1 Who laughs enough to keep him mellow, and troubles no one with stories of the ills be staggers un der? "If you have, watch him, and you will find that ho drinks from three to ai x glasses of Pier, Dal:male A: Co.'s Cream Ale every day, and that's the secret, honey. Our retail stores yesterday, transact ed an immense business. Our avenues were crowded with'people and vehicles, and certainly Fifth avenue presented en appearance which would have done credit to Broadway, New York. There was difficulty , experienced In moving iron:roue point to another, and in some of otir :prlncinal StOrte the Purchasers bad to watt for boors before they could In turn be waited upon'brthe overtaxed clerks: 'Brom the number of purchases made, present making will doubtless be lively today. • ' Cross galts.—A day or two ago Rich ard Adams made information before Alderman M'Masters, charging his wife and Michael Adams, his brother, with larceny as bailee, of a stove, some house hold furniture and elevin hundred dol lars In money—two hundred Of which was gold. The accused werd committed until yesterday morning, when they had • bearing, when circumstances were de veloped which led the defendants to make information againat the prosecutor for larceny. They alleged Richard was detected with f9OO of the money In his , possession, which he was endeavoring to conceal. • The parties In both suits gave ball for Court. where the matter will be fully investigated. =3 It will be aeon-by their advertisement that the "People's Savings Bank,. Alla. gheny, not yet a year old, is able to go alone. A dividend of Ave per mint. fol lowingdit so quily tbt org iitnization clam . ~ Inattention, is an emphatic evidence that the People's Savings BAlllt, which so nnostentationaly pursues Its quiet way at the corner or Federal and 'mock streets. is owned and managed by expo. rienced and judicious financient, and la a earenally managed and secure depository for eaving and la so oonaklered in the Mortuary. Rtpert• The followlog la the list-of deaths in the city of Plt.abargh (rum the 12th of Dee. to the 19th ef Dee.; la reported 'by Dr. W. Bravely. Physician to the Board of Health: The following were the console of death: loptry, 1; horniplegla, I; erysipelas, If disease n(spine, 1;' dlphteria, 1; hyper trophy or heart, 1. marasinees, 1; eelamp sla, 2: porloard Ito 1; gangrene of lung., marluegals. 1; lironchltis, 2; scarlet fever, 2; whooping cough , 3; tabereulonisi 4; still horn. • - Of the above there were—Under 1 year, ; from 1 to 2 years, 3 ; 2 to 6, 2 ; 5 to /0, 1; 20 to 804;i .30 to 90, 2: 4010 00, 2; 50 to 60, 3; 60 to 70, 1: 70 to 80,'1;" 90 to 100, 1. Melee, 12; fetnalei, 12. White, 21; 031. ored, 0. Total, 29. ' ' • slinday Sauad airbilmas. The children of the pariah and mission Sunday schools of Trinity church, to the number of about three hundred, assem ided in Trinity chapel, at throe o'clock r. m.; on Friday. , After the usual even /on service of the church, ohop Hot foot, from the chaucel, addressed the children inn most appropriate and hem. Ong manner. 'Re also read one of Dr. Knhienburgh's -delightful - Christmas stories about Santa Clans, explaining, that the name lea oorruption orbit. Zilch. otos, the children's favorite Saint. The Rector, Rev. Mr. Scarborot then questioned and instructed the c drat' in . hls usual felicitous mann which, was followed by the heautitri carol 'called "Wonderful Right," which the, congregation of tenth children arid parents bearaty Mined. The Rector then ordered the Mari lion of the large collection and vari Of beentifet presents, canalelog of kooks, candles, dolls, toss, Sa. de., ca ['slog tbo Muss DT. the - Atuldren to 10,,k glad and Joyous. , This moat pleasing part of the service was followed by the carol entitled, "Carol. Brothers,Carol."' lateotor and J.-EL Battey, ralq., the efficient Superintendent, reopectfully thanked and ournplleaented thentalardlons and children for the perfect order and decorum obaerved throughout thetudire services oft the present occasion, as welt as for the generally exemplary conduct throughout the sear 'ln the schools. Them addresses were follovied by a sup plementary dlstriblatietrof puttee tosuch Owes andohildren aebad most distlya gashed. theenselsts% lit'..ther':rooPective schools. The occasion was ono which old. and Stung - appeared equally to en.- before tno final coral • was autlicand ttuo • J".'''.slr6'reglet °air% Obliged to. leave benediction pronounced. • HOY. EDWIN X. SI'ANTO3. Annedtacement of Hui . Death td the Courts—N eetbig of use Members of the Star to take Action Relative Toereto— Committee appointed—Formal Reel ing to be.llele.Monasy, um 27th Mat. The ihembere .01 the bar of the several Belitis sitting in this city, held a meeting -In the District Court room yesterday morning at 1135 o'clock, to take action in regard to the death of Hon. Edwin .M. Stanton, lately appointed by the Presi dent one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United Staten. The deems ed was, prior to the war,. for years a member of this bar, being' in the law firm -of C. libeler & Co. On motion of David Reed, Het;, Hon. John Kirkpatrick was called to the Chair and John McClaren, Iraq., was theren Secretary. TheChairmas, in fitting and appropri ate! female, atattel the occasion for which the meeting bad ASSellibled al luding. to, the illiistrions service of deceased In. the various public positions hbliad held, RDA reflrMil to his eminent legal abilities a 4 counsel and ifirOcate, while in the practice of hie profession in ° T)n motion Cour of David Reed, Esq., the chair appointed a committee of fifteen to draft resolutions of respect in memory of the deceased. The following gentle men were appointed on the committee: David Reed, Thomas McConnell, James Vetch, Robert Woods, John Barton,S. H. Geyer, A. S. Bali. Charles W. R obe, A. M. Brown, John H. Hampton. A. M. Watson, John H. Bailey, George Shires, Jr., W. B. Begley Ent John McClaren. This committee are to report at an ad journed meeting to be held on Monday In the Dustrlct. Court room at 10 o'clock, A. at. On motion of R. .1. Powers, Etq., an executive committee of nine, conalsting of KJ. Powers, C. B. M. Smith, John Mellon, S. &toyer, Jr . D. D. Bruce, C 413 0 J. R. eiweittar, J. F. Slagle, It. B. Parklaeon and C. Magee, FAO., wee appointed to make suitable arrangements for conducting the proceedings of the adjourned, meeting. On motion, the meeting adjourned to moat Monday, Deciimber Zl, 1869, at ten o'clock A. in the District Court room. IT The Chairman of 'the Comtnittee on Resolutions, David Reed, Esq., requests the committee to _meet to-day (lnriet mos) at 10 o'clock. A. at., at the office of John McCiaren, Fog., Bo 73 Oraht street. R. J. Powers, Esq , Chairmen of the Executive tk,mmittee, req nest. this com. mittee to meet at his office, 63 Giant Minot, this morning, at 10 o'clock. What Allegheny County Proposed to Do in Bomar ut the Eminent Ez.Secretary Stanton—A Colima Bronze statue of Deceased to be Placed Arming the Group of arpreisentatkre Men of the War on. the National Lincoln Monu ment—Names of the Advicatee of the Project. In September, 1668, a, meeting of our influential and wealthy citizens was held, at which the following paper wee drivrn up and signed: WHEREAS. The National Lincoln Mon umeLt Association has adopted a collotial bronze etatue of Edwin M. Stanton, late Secretary of War, as one of the group of representative men to be placed on the monument, therefore Resolved, By ibis meeting, Informally called together, of the friends and neigh bore of Mr. Stanton, that we most cor dially approve of the proposed object of placing the figure of the Great Wat Mender upon the Lincoln Monument, as commemorative of the distinguished and invaluable services rendered his country by the man Who was the right arm of the administration of the Nation'a Martyr, I Abraham Lincoln, throughout nearly the whole period o. our great national strag gle. Beaolued, That a ouumitte be appoint- od by the Chair to collect fund. to carry out the of tact of the foregoing resolution and that these proceedlogs be Opted 14. all preeeut and approving of thew. - Thorns B. llnre. Chairman. /lusts M. cooper, J. 11. Mo "Ms./. ' J /hall. ath, , Joseph P ummer. 0. 0. Busses'. • Jas. A. Ilutchlasna.. J.lna Harp - r, C. W. Batchelor, untie A . Berry, J. MM.:. it unit. Aniseder .. pier. BM, Pen. ' James I. Brain. Ja ne. ) Tet .. J aen ' P BakawrP, Bane. preset. Js T. itiliCAla. ' Juse t.1 , 1":/eorth.. J . B. Slily.. . II W P e n nns, J. rs. Ilsrper. .1. P. ny, 7 1 2 . ...:1 , vitgeborat. 1 3 .1 f. m i. /1:10 . / iusho• IlrbotteZ . A. Brnl u e.i. t. J. B. twit tat r • .. oho B. temple. N. S 1 , 1..1. Ismael Itts. J.S.Bra y. Jr . • T. II Goren. M. W etebattuovt.r. B. 11. r. .m W. ~ I Mourns, I.lyorge N Dilworth 25 cto $ 4 00 .. 800 . 15 00 R. m.u.ti.r.m. u° , ema^. wm• A ex. H Jur.st, Hine. W, Homburg, P. B. Beaman. 11.. B. ParAalmn. V. P. Hartle. 1,1 , 111 MeCan& el. A lAA (Mamie.. . •W m. LyncL Vim. EL Brown. & U. EP:4AM r. IL Bruno. w Ts - O,IM Awlsg, J. W.k, H. A Wel no t. T• . (IrAbam. JvAriott Walton. - • • We do not know whether any funds were ever collected for the purpose, and think the above Is the first publication of the names of the gentlemen prominent ICI the grateful movement. It is hardly probable that If the amount has not been raised, that fresh life will be given the undertaking now when the loyal people of the country are mourning the loss of the eminent statesman. TILE JUDICIAEY Meeting of the 111111 . —P/a1)08Ed I Jodgesttp—Meport of the Com- mime. An adjourned Meeting of the members of the Bar wee held In the Common Pleas Court room, at half pastlne o'clock 'ee, terday, for the purpose of hearing and taking action on the report of the erne widee appointed at a previous meetisg, relative to the appointment of an addl.- done, Law Judge and as to thepropriety of the formation of a Bar Aesociatlon. The meeting organised by calling Major A. M. Brown to the chair. • On motion, the reading of Chet:Mantes of the previous meeting was domensed with. Col. Thos. M. Bayne, from the Coen- Mitiee appointed to prepare a report relative to the appointment of an addl. 'lowa Law Judge and the coosorldation of the' Common Picea and District ,Coarts, reported verbally that the committee re. commend the appointment of en addi tional Law Judge, and that he - be as aligned to the Destrlct - Court. The corn. mimic were also in favor of inereming the Salariesof Judges _of AllegbseYccoo ty 111,900 per year, =dung it six . thou sand per annum. ." The report was accepted and the nom= miter° aimharged.,' Mr. Moreland moved to adopt there- Fort. Mr. Gazzam thought the matter as to which Court tbe additional Judgeishonld be aselanodwu one lmportance, and moved that the consideranun of the report be postponed until such time as larger meeting could be had. Mr. Woodward thought the great ob ject in the appointment of an additional Judge wee to expedite business, and he did not think that it would make any material difference to which Court he was assigned, as It was too practice of at torneys who desire to expedite business ' t bring their suite in the Court in which they were likely to be tried drat. The matter, however, of the appointment of a.l udge,l hat le whether cue additional Judge was really necessary, was ono of great luiportance, and be demon there should be a full mcetleg Ceche members of the bar before the matter was , Mr. Ferguson and others argued the . question. Mr, Bayne dmired to elate In explana tion that he had been reported as having Bald at the Mat meeting that he had ~ c onaulttal with the Judges and they warn favorable to the appointment of an Additlenoljudro." Thar was a mhitake. tie had not - so stated. lie favored the motion of Mr. Gazzatio to postpone the _Matter until a fuller meeting could be had. Mr. Moreland said that since the Jost meeting ho had consulted a number of the members of the bar, and found them generally in favor of the appointment of an additional Judge. lie had at the for mer meeting suggested that the addl. denial Judge, If one he appointed, be placed in the . Quarter Sessions Court, to take sole thereon( that business. If that was not feasible he certainly favored the assignment of the Judge to the District Court. • After some farther dbicussion, the mo t oa to postpone was adopted. - James Murray. Esq., chairman of the Committee appointed to take into clonal• deration the propriety of the formation of it Bar Association and report a plan of 'organization reported progress. but Mali 41 that they had not as yet decided upon 1 / 4 17 default. • • The report was accepted. - I. F. Slagle. Esq., presented a verbal report recommending the appointment of two additional Supreme Judges and the Incressa bribe salary of Supreme Jed. gas t 0.17,600. and that the Supreme Court set weeks annually In We city for the purpose of hearing cases, Dem i gheny county. • • .• The report war ruiceptcdand on Motion farther senors was postponed until the next meeting. - _The meeting then adjourned unit' , I Mondaythe 27th at 11 o'clock A. Y. Ms. . A Benedlet , a Present.--Benadleta, lookitig about for a. present for their by oonl mo n bettsit 169locition than by callid at ng at No. o Bat Liberty streets calico of the Royston's - Pottery. 'Mount, Kier it Co., propriotah, and purchasing a line- set of queens Ware. Try the experiment, and realize the Omura of . giving.' • - OUB REFI3III9 . INTERESTS. Petroleum Assottatton Meeting—Rego. lotions for the wate of. Refined Ont— Sew Perm of Contract Proposed—A change In the Mode of netting. Yesterday afternoon, a second meeting of the Petroleum Association was held at their rodms, Building, to consider a proposed change In the Meth od of selling refined . oll. In the absence of the Preeident, James A. Hutchinson, Eaq., Mr. John A. McKee was called to the Chair, air. A. F. Brdoks, acting ae Secretary. After reading the minutes, tho Seer° tary preientexl the draft of a form of contract, part of which had been approv at, a previous meeting. Sony-alterations and amendments were made, when the mar Was adopted, aa follows: - • TUE CONTRACT Philadelphia, 1870. P o td for account ot . - . (—)barrels 'kneed Petroletita tneds from petroleum of the production of the United Stater, brand (—) average. In nett gauge not leas tkm 40 nor more t han .48 gallon., color to be ',Untitled ereite Or better, burning test 110 deg, Pahrenheit or upwards, deliverable to warehouse in Philadelphia, accessible to shipping_and In prime shipping order, between the (—) date and (—) date, both days lti• clualve, subject to the condltlooe print ed on the back of this contract. at sellers option and paid for on dellyery at the rate of (—) cents per gallon of six and a half pounds, cash, packages Included. Should seller wish toulellver before the maturity of thin contract, at least ten days no Ice *Mall be gls'en by the seller to the buyer. - - CONDITIONS 1. Presentation of invoice, Weighers return, certificate of inspection of the oil, and an order on the warehouse, con• atitudes a delivery In this contract. 2. No weighers return shall be valid If dated four secular days, previous to the time of delivery. a. Barrels and oil to be weighed by half pounds. • 4. Up to Dye per cent. of the lot de livered may if desired by toyer be ex. nmlned, to teat the quality of the oil if the memo has been - Inspected In Pitts burgh. 5. Any soakaage or difference In tare . over one poiand per barrel to be subject to a claim on the entire lot. 8. If from any accident the delivery of the brand speclefled in the within contract Is rendered Impossible an equally good brand to be substituted. • 7. Shipping order. Barrels painted blue with while, heads well coopered and filled with one to one and a half gallom not. 8. Cooperage must be inspected within three days. Should no complaint be made as to the condition of the packages within that time, it shall be an acknowl edgement by the buyer that they are in prime shipping order. 9. Should a tax be imposed the °limey be delivered by the seller in bond. COMMITTEE APPOINTED Mr. Brooks moved that a oommitteo be appointed to wait upon retinors, and gt.t, their aseent to the form of contract. Carved, and Messrs. Brooks, Forsythe and Lyon wore appointed. The meeting then adjourned until Mon. day efternoln et two o'clock, when the crude oil interests wilt be considered. Quarter Senalone—Judce Stowe FRIDAY, December 21.—The case of the Commonwealth vs. John Bylyre+ and Joseph Tlibrook, supervisors of roads In Patton townsldp, indicted for mlede• meanor in office, previously reported, was resumed. Frank Kerr, convicted of Jere= et cet,. Itlea 11. Logue prosecutrix, wassentonoed to pay a &leo( 520 to the. Directors of the Poor of the City of Pittsburgh, 520 to the protiecutrir, and the further sum of 5t 45 per week, for the period of four years. Lawrence Bell, who plead guilty to tour indictments for larceny was sentenc ed to pay the costa of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment of four years and three mouths in the Western Pen ' rdtentlary. District Attorney Pearson formally nottfied the Court of the death of Edwin M. Stanton. formerly a member of the bar of Allegheny county and lately ap pointed a Justice of the. Supreme Court of the 'United States, and moved that the court do now adjourn, out of respect to the memory of the deceased and that the same be entered of record in the (bort of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer. . Court adjourned. • - TRIAL LIST TOO XONDA.T. 171 Coto. ca. Thomas Neuman, et al. 1t79 t. John Selman and William - 'JO- • John Bradford. • • , Adolphus Laviene. 02 • John Cloctiman. .t 3 • John A. Biugey. .03 • • John Shultz. 06 • home Lode. • ". Daniel Stringer. 1 1.: •• Win. Merryman aiinaWm. Edgent. 86 • Jessie Jones. 125 • James - Ertel. 136. • Jacob Matter. 141 . •• -John Foltz. Charles Ramsey, Win. Lloyd. ot al. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY 217. Cow. vv. John barber. • • M. Shlerman, 3 calm. 184. Thomas Fielder. • 138. Elijah Hall, 3 eases. 169. John Lefovre. Patrick Murphy. 2 cases, 185. • " Margaret Behlalliier. 360. John Dulhaimer. 2 me& • Hoary 129. a imoph Lohok. 130. Joseph McKee. TRIAL LIST TOR WEDNESDAY. 179. 'Corn. vs. Gerhard Johnston, 2 cases The Grand Jury will be in session ion 'Wednesday, December 29th, 1869, Pros ecutors who have not been hoard will ap pear on that day without fail, as will also tbn constables of the 4111, 6th, 7th and 16112 wards of Pittsburgh, 2nd, 4th nod 6th wards, Al/exhony city, and Mc. Reesport, Sharpsburg, and townships of McClure. bower St. Clair, North and South Versailles.- =MEM! Quite a pleasing affair, and one which will doubtletaly bo long remembered, took place at the house of Mr. J. M. Con roy, Principal of the 7ifth Ward School, Allegheny. yesterday reaming. The teachers of the above named schools pro. reacted in a body to Mr. residence and presented their compliments to him In the shape of • hande.tne silver butter dish and butter knit es, appropriately engraved, and an elegant silver castor containing six orate. The presentation was made in behalf of the teachers, by the Assistant Principal, and responded to by Mr. Conroy. Mies hi. M. May, the . Asiiatant Principal, was alao the reelpi. ant of a very handsome slaver pickle cas.. tor from the pupils of her school: The presentation took place at her resldenci, In ountegnence of the destniction by fire of the beautiful new building In which the yahoo' teas bald. A. number of other presents weremado by the pupils of the . different rooms to their teachers,-aineng which wan a silver syrup pitcher and metier to Wes Ackley. Larceny. Yesterday evovening James Lugb ran, a young gentleman of respectable appearance, but alightly under the influ ence of liquor, went Into Plttock'e store, and while there managed to secrete a volume of Boma' Poems, as he suppos ed, unobserved. in tits packet. The @harp eyes .of ono of the clerks detected the operation, and when the fellow started out called , orncer (nipple; who:started In pursuit of Oa thief end caught him Just a. be wee entarlini. the Orphans' Fatr, at the Cathedral: llama conducted to the lock-up and provid tat with lodging for the night, and wilt have a ,_ hearing this morning. „ ETery parson when desirmis of a plea& ant and-barmiest* stimulant, alidulu ask, at the nearest restaurant, for a attass of Pier. Cannata ar Co.'s Uream Ale It is the most dellightlui and beneficial of Cuff 4, Naa atlas, 'and Genii°. men'. Furnishing Goode, at Reopen helda'a, Na 60 Sixth Weal. - Classical %Turks, School Spoke, sta., 331a014, Blue, sod Chandae._ inks, at Egan's, 41 Sixth avenue. • . . . Fins cloning of tho latest fashionable nutter'sl and make up'at Reapenbeide's, No. 60 Math (St; Clair) street. . Pa a gentlematihiprealiat, call it lies. penhelde's, Na. 60 Sixth street; near Pena, and got one of those Lee silk neck. Um, the latest hevelty. - Leans yoniniessure at Hospennelds's, Ea le Sixth street, for one of hid busi ness stilts. -Price, quality and style will Steel & Bro. heie just received • stalk of fresh Chincoteague' Shell'Oyatets, at Chincoteague Shell Oyster.-fresh ar ena at Steer d Brio% et to per barrel "Toys, Dolts, - and many. Lacy articles for eboatmate,at Diacryna.dCarllsta's,t7 .11111161,0/1110. Fiery Funnaecs. We hive hitherto bad much experience, but no satisfaction with hot air furnaces. Any of the kinds we have hitherto tried have had some fundamental defect—they required some special kind of fuel—none other would do—they consumed too much coal—they were difficult to raga late—giving out too little or too much heat—required continual care Sod fre quent replenlalling: and all had the com mon fruit of producing a disagreeable heat, i. c., a heat that seamed over-heat ' ed, or a "burnt heat," and therefore an ;_uuwhole.ime L a „ t. We had become quite prejudiced against ca air furnaces, but we have been cured of this dice. Several of our neighbors having recently thrown out their furnaces and introduced the "Fiery. Furnace," we were led to examine and eventually to try one. The result Is no , entirely satin. factory that we take plearatre In certify ing to our readers that the ..Fiery Fur -1 nace" is a very great Improvement on any we have ever before seen. They give Ont et beat that Ia wholly free from objection; nfi excessive, but only a balmy, equable Warmth', like the com elier air; easily adjusted to any required temperature. This is effected by any hind of fruil , -auttiracito or bituminous, coke, nut east or slack. The furnace is arranged on etectly philosophical prin ciples, is easily understood, easily at tended, requiring feed bat once or twice in twenty.four bourn. Our own I ornate heats pleasantly and sufficiently a large three eforleff house; bentirely soperceded eight fires k heretorme need, greatly economizing later' and dirt It works admirably, it is just the thing. So far as we knew. not one of several hundred sat up in Pittsburgh and Alit.' ghony, has felled to give full satiate°. ben. Tney are of various sizes suited to churches, public halls and large or 1 email dwellings. We think they are destined to become nearly universal. These Invaluable furnaces are manufac tured extensively by Henn. Graff, Hugus A Co., who aro turning them out as rapidly as possible, being scarcely able to keep pace with the growing demend. They aro for rale also by Mr. Goo. W. Efebley, 68 Federal street, Allegheen, who also supplies all the necessary pipes and fittings, and personally superin tends elating them up. We Incline' . to attribute the Invariable success of the furnace to the skill and care of Mr. Hub ley-,who ia,_ , ene of the moat thorough I trained and skilled workers In tin, cap. I per and sheet iron in either city, sad Is 1 so exacting and particular in the over night of his journeymen that only the beat workmen can remain many dayain his service. We have been accustomed for twenty years past to depend on him to do much and many kinds of difficult work, which other. had railed to do. He penults no carelessness, no cheap excuse. for work, and to this it is owing that the Fiery Furnaces fitted up by him have proved everywhere eirepletely success ful. 'lhey should be In every house. Sugar and nolumen. Tho new firm of DIIROIth, Harper& Co., grocers at 243 Liberty street, opposite the head of Wood street, are making a spe cialty 'of molasses and sugar. They are now receiving large shipments of the new crop of Now Orleans sugar and mo lasses, which is superior in every res pect to last year's production, as custo mers will discover on examination of the article. The firm. althonch it has been in existence but a few months have eighth.; fished an extensive wholesale trade, particularly in sugar and molasses, which is due to tbo energy, honesty and Integrity. As an inducement to the wholtstie purchaser this firm gives 12 per cent. tare on all sugar Bold by them by the hogshead, which is 4 par cent. more than the usual tare.. Retail dealers will do well to call and examine their im mense stuck before 'purchasing else where. $lOO Reward One hundred dollars reward will be paid for Information that will lead to the finding the whereabouts of Mr. Samuel Slekman, of California, Washington country, Pa. Mr. Slekman was last seen at the National Hotel, Pittsburgh. when he left on Saturday evening. the Ilth inst., at 5 o'clock, r. IL He la about sixty ysara old, little above medium height, heavy set man, weighing about one hundred and ninety pounds and bald headed; had on a .sult of dark elethea, Information can be left at 145 Fourth avenue, where the reward will be pald. tt Temperance Public:Salons. - Band of Hope Badge, per dozen It 00 Band of Hope Holders, 120 Band of Hope Hymn Books, per dozen 180 Bible Rule of Temperance.. ....... . 60 Alcohol and Tobacco 1 00 Temperance Tracts, per package.-- 25 Text Book on Temperance 1 50 !For sale by F. G. Bch:Leman, 118 Thlrd avenue, Fittaburgb. Opters, tlysterr, Oysters.—The cele brated Chinooteanue and Anancock (Va.) Oysters am received fresh and di. rest from their native waters every Mon day and Thursday. Quality guaranteed, and sold at the unprecedented low price of 16 per barrel.. Call at once at STEEL it Sne.ter, If. Third street, near Smithfield. For fashionable hair-drawling, plain or by curling, and a frizzle, for a luxurious ghat.° or bath, and for skillful cupping and leeching, call at Williamson 's ele gant saloon at No: 1110 Federal Murat, Allegheny. Ltke every other find clue article, Pier,Cannata & Co.'a Cream Ale sells freey. - Great quantities of it are brewed and taken off the manufacturers' hands without delay or trouble. This Is why It Is better to make a good article, even If It coats a little more than an Inferior one. Sped.l Notlee,—Dr. Spencer's dental office, No. 2.54 Penn street, will be open all day to day. , - - To-day.—For to-data festivities Mr. Muni, the popular caterer to the public buttes, has made special arrangement., and a royal feast will be enjoyed by all who drop in at his oosy..cleauly. and convenient restaurant, corner of Smith field street and Sixth avenue. A Large Stook or Toy Books for the Holidays, at Flynn's, itiSixth avenue. For Ilotidey Preeerne.—Just received, a new supply of the celebrated Bertram .4' Fenton sewing machine; expressly for holiday gilts. A very appropriate and, useful present; Office at No. 77 Fourth avenue. Elegant new _styles •JeweltY.Ann = opened at Meer Carllale'a,Zt ßA avenue.- Clinistmas Premenu for Gentlemen- Far, Cloth and Kid Glo►oe, Bows and &tufa, Handkerchiefs, die., de., at , • MACRUX* GLYDS & Nos. 78 and 110 Market atreet. Pier, Daniels t Co.'s.Oregon Brewery la on Stevenson West, near Pennsylva nia Avenue. Send there your orders for Cream Ale, and it will be delivered to you In any parte( the city; Allegheny. and Birmingham, or. shipped promptly by rail or boat. OT.ters, Game, Fhb and Venison, to. nether with all the concomitants of a Christmaa feast, at the Qmtinental, Fifth avenue, below the Pest Office. Trimmings, hosiery, gloves, laces, Bilks, satins, and an Innumerable variety of fancy articles and notions for the bed. IdOs at Moorhead's popular eatablieh went, lie. al Market street• Itemeruber to call there to.day and get a present for your friend. Carlatmaarmeenta rue Young America Farley goods in great variety. at, • MACEUX. 13LyDE Co.'., - Nos. 78 and 88 Market street. , Handkerchiefs, Collars, &arta. &0., fir the Holidays, at Mac.rum & Carlisle% SIT Chrbtass. Pre•Eatl for Ladlel4 r9rI"IVZIDee 1 , Work , Bax7' Y"°7 Nor g a w3 u d i' a •d"arr,:t c t°. • 'at. . . _ . Chineatesdue and Ana:week Com °patent, only $6 par barrel. Enquire for Maraball'a Oysters,a t t3teet'dt Bro.'s; Third street, near bmlthileld. lOU bar: relajaat arrived.. . • Jewel, Glove and Rsalkerehlet Boxes for presents, Mscrum er Carlisle, Filth avenue. . The Practical Stair Builder. at Egan's, 41 Filth avenue. , , one of the • mast attractive. Wean Id 'the city to day will bo . ltoltzbelmet's ' , Continental," Fifth avenue, below the Poatolllee. • - `Saloon and 1 getpere.--Ir 'the ale you are ruling does - not give satistao. Con to your orustorners, try, a barrel or FUN Dumas St Co.'s Cream Ale, and they guarantee so long as It lasts you wilt hear no morn complaints. Unwar ranted to please. Special' Sfoiliii—De:Spenoar'a.,deulal canoe, No. 231 POMO street, - rota be open all day today , • . - A Crowded Ptace.—Last evening an. Immense throng poured In and out of Youngsona sumptuous confect briery establishment, corner of Smithfield street and Diamond alley, but notwith standing their immense tales, a full stock of ever ctblng in the s weetmest sad confectiorary line will be found there to. day. What mild t . to more elegant or soprO. Paste as a present fbr a „lady than one of those handsome Cabas;no be had at Lieblera .10. let Wood street. They combine beauty with utility and so are caudally valuable. Those who have not made clntioe of a present, should call $lO4 Wood street and get.-one of them. Glow*. Hress and other nada' articles, r?r gifts, at 11Iaerum h Carlisle's,'27 Fifth avenue. that do you ;:sot for a Chrlstmaa climbed to day? Call at the Continental, Firth avenue, and ha.e yotir desires sat isfied. Webster's -PletorbiLtiohbrldged Dla lorierv, at Egan's, 41 Sixth avenue. non% Pali to drop In at the Cent!natal today. There is nothiog in the edible line which will not be at your aerates. Carpenter'. New Guide, at Egan% 41 Sixth avenue. Constitution Hater is a certain cure fol Diabetes and all diseases of the Rid. uoye. For wile by all Druggbrla. rrtneT. Shell Oysters only P 3 per barrel at Steel & Bro.'s. Quality guaranteen. Sam. Ties, Suspenders, all-law holi day goods, at Idaarnm & Carltalo's 27 Fifth avenue. • Cnrnames Tater. Id per barrel a Steel and Bro. a. Real Fine Lace Coeds far holiday pres ents at Macrum t Oarlisle's, 2t Fifth avenue. • - Korthe Best Assortment of Christmas Presents, at lowest prices, go to MACBUM, OLTDE It Co.'s Nos. 78 and 80 Margot street. Stationery of all kinds Fresh arrival or Chincoteague . Shell Oyatere at Stiel dtltro'a to-day, which are ceiling at le per barrel. Chincoteague Shell Oysters at Steel & &We. Fresh arrival today at $6 per barrel. CM BAITTLY - 0n Friday meriting, December 2410. at 10 o'clock, rm. to the BARTII, 'WO Or TOO,. Bartly, the 68th Tear oi her am. The funeral will late plats 10 kmattuer, 96.6 Ina:, at SI Wee: k r. 2., from her late noldtoce. No. ISO, Ws shlogtoo ascent, Allegheny OUT. Friends of the family are reap, equity inelteal to attend. DRENNAN-On Thursday everieg, Die,ober 431, Mrs. MARTHA Lc ENBAN, 1n - the efld year or her tge. The funeral will take place from the sal 'once of C. W. Ilanaltulght, No. 46 Palo Alto street, Allegheny, en this. SATURDAY ArrnallOole, at 2 o eliek.i The friends of the family me respect fury Welted to attsnd. FLUB-110 Thork , ay evening. Dsmmber 115 d. M.lO o'clock. MARY. in Anon ter • f Wm. A • ono AY) , Ell% In the 0 year Of her age. Titefunerawlll take Dime onSATINIPAY, De. 'ember 951. h. at 10 o'clock A.-2., from the roa d Ant other parents. at Sewickley, Pa. DICKET-On Thursday morttlisf• 17,0 .mb" 434. at 10 cielre.. Mrs. IetP,V.L DICKNY. wife of U. H. , Dleley. In the 52d Tem Miter age. • • .. • Th: (antral wllll ake pine oil PATOOOAT. at ID o'clock A. Y., from her late Mitt., NO. %SO-Western avenue. Alleghen r • NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. arBEV. GEORGE P. RATS .111 pressh s britmas Sermon TO 31. , 17.- ROW 3111HYSINU In the tostsal Presbyterian Church. A cub ny &West for ssening gar! yles—••Tbe almos easeds sitosOber _ • rgtr THE FIRST METHODIST ClTURCH,litallnas.drtreeknaar Depot,) liWrlatourms. ra. Is. P. CILOWTHE.K. rut°. Preaching /Cram' Sarduall, at 20% K. and IP. K. Public cordially Inaltcd. Ore HEIST' EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ALLTAiIIENT. Tim nall. BIN/. r. BRooKE. R nor. wlil anh. acdl. One .crice In this TO IoORROW at Calf -put ten o'clock k. at., and I.lf-.041 non. o'clock 1, N. • arUNIVEIZSALIST C 11110111614 con , OnE tte“kond Third ATalnte. Rev. N W. . o N DittaßK Pastor. Berne:es Evßav N V oel , .t /VM a. at and I r. beau free &talk welcome to all. Benda) BObOOI at e a. -• arFIEIST CHRISTI.AN CUUMCH, corner Denver street and Montgomery avenge, Allerrbeny CIry,_JOSEPH KlNU,Pastor. Premning Tte.MlllllWW.(Lord l e Day.) at SOS A. N. and 1 • r. Oasts entirely Dm and cordlal imitation to CUB ISTIAN CHURCH OF FITTSBUROIT, W. B. Or, Pastor, meets atatedly la YtEVILLZ HALL, corner of Liberty and Fourth tercets. *undoes every Lord'. Day at .tos X . and 7% Toe public are cordially Melted. NORTH AVENUE M. F. ettuult, trAv. X J. GICA.Y. restor. eimigT sim rtlaN ww nrmch X O XXOW. at lOS A. r.. And Ker. mom.' ituraf.XX. 0.17 rratident rd Indium Ml:wry Untlerslty. •1 7 . r. v rands] reboot Xxerelses sod ad. drew. r. • t ar -PLYMOUTH CONGREGIA 'HO NAL CIIIJKCH. Rev. W. T. WM REITZ, Pastor. Prosablna In aocalitor Ball s corner of Leasoct sod Peden!' str sts. Allot