IRE Ei As lit** Caliph 01710 L EIT6IQILDQIY, 81 MID 86 FIRI 11. OFFICIAL PAPIER Of Pittsburgh. Alloglutur sag Alto; 'balky plant,' 116 C. 65, 1860 EDWIN 11. lITANION. On FM*, y- morning, Deoeraber 1869, died, at his residenoe in Washing " citizen mho, UTing or dead, km bad, and can have., but oneeontemponcy peer : fit the - loving regard or the consecrating . rernembriatro of the American peopfe. Tbls'ernmt will sontul, In tho hearts of Qlll4 =Mitt of hL countryman, a depth of sad emotion widcb, bo once ,before In this mewl, has tmeh thrilled by the touch of Death. Its goooneacie, but a oozy few years slum MM= the Repablle, ha existence eren, were iodated upon his stout and faithful heart, would have been them national adsznity, from which, Heaven Jr thanked I the na tion was spared. Hs lived—to see the Republic - saved, Liberty preserved, and anirensslly honored. his country rescued Trout all perils, and on more jading „ the destinies of the world's and he dies, In this hour of pew% crown- ell with the grateful blessings and mooned by the_deepest sorrow of the American people. lied we fitting words for Ma eulogy, we could pronounce no tribute, over Ida tomb, even faintly expressing the :glories of a Ilfe which has enshrined the name Of EDWIN M. BUXTON, with that of dritunaw. LIRCOLN, In the most glo rious pages of history down to all future thne. The Moil* and Moodiest treason I known to the ILIA century MIR seems lusallable of the noblest victim. Oa . battle fields, in eteslthy eunbuscades, in the deadly treachery of hospital and prig on, by steel and shot, by orpalsed war or by cowardly aasassinations, that gigan tic treseon alined at the heart of the Re public, and penny! a =nivel of murder ono hate, raging along the Union front, `and counting alike the highest and the lowed of our defenders among the near. balf a ndllionnt Its slain. Dharmed it Ist, its dreadful work can never be..,forgotten while there remain any of the mention . of Its conquerors, to bear their wounds into untimely graves. Enwu 11. SWITO.III, yesterday enviers daring all of that mortal prat which the eimilesof his country. had left him, and filling a too early tomb won the pitysical -wreck of one who, at fifty four, item. shnuld and would otherwise have twain' •the fullest vigor of hUl.lnanhood, wan as clearly a martyr, to the muse of a coon try for wkichell of his strength was given, ° as If he had gone down in the front of any battlefield. • . Yr. Smairos, at the time of his death, was jest arty-four years of age, having, been born in December, 1815. HL fa tier, Dr. STANTON, who was an accom plished scholar and an eminent physidan, ' removed tb:km Virginia to Steubenville, Ohio, soon after Edwin's birth, and died daring the boyhood of the distingulsbed subject of this sketch. Being the elder 114 :". be took dame of the asks of the Inallr, end of the education of his younger brother and two sisters. He commenced life as a clerk in a book store, where he compiled a work on as - turd history, the proceeds of the publi.. cation of which were devoted to his inc. - Oar's silPPert. The book' was regarded ' as a very creditable achievement in the literary line for so young a man. His si.::-~. .r.z;rz;F• - wan was out or bed, he hurried to the White House and demanded an immediate audience. He was at once conducted to the bed chamber of the astonished and alarmed Inmate, and. In reply to the in quiry u to what was the matter, Stanton thundered out, "You have traitors in your cabinet, Mr. President." Poor Mr. Buchanan trembled and tried to reason the case ; but here were the dispatches aid the facta.. Be then dispatched a note to Floyd, the Secretary of War, to know' by what authority he was sending those guns down the river. The Secretary, pre suming upon the well-known timidity of Kr. BUChanan, sent the insolent reply that Übe was to be Interfered with in the dis charge of his official duties he would ten der hls resignation. "Accept his resig nation instantly," said Stanton, and from that hour Floyd tweet° be an'otlicer of the government, but started South at once an open and aiowed traitor. Thus, by the hand of a berolcman the rebellion re ceived a stunning blow berom It was tally developed. - Who can say that EDWIN M. BUNON, in that bed room, on that morning, did not save the coun try; for he put a stop . to the outflow of its life-blood and its strength at the hands of a traitorous administration ? BM who shall write the history of rim:ol In the War Office ? Ratheil, Who shall be the annalist of the great Reiniblic, in all the gloomy hours of its one great trial, and to the splendid glories of its ultimate and perpetual triumph? The life of Secretary Swim? was Itsel a thrilling and gorgeous apotheosis of the liberty . of mankind. On every page of American history, through that most eventful decade which now einks, with one of the foremost of its berms, into the mausoleum of the past, we see a glow ing record of this man's atom plialunents. For six of those ten years, Mr; Branton had to Flute life; he was effectively lost to himself, and only re. veiled In the struggles of a Republic for an erdsinnos among the nations. His country's records are also his own. lived for It alone; that it might live for ever, he gave all of the individual mu, brain and heart and hope. The 'Union lives, and his death now pays the lest in. staliment of sprice which was all that humanity could give. In the centuries to come, the student who would know what STAXTON was, need only read the faithful story of that tremendous conflict. That is his biography. .1 JUN A. mum., Esq Already much Solicitude m manifested u to who will succeed the lamented Stanton on the Supreme Bench. Besides many names spoken of heretofore, that of Joni A. Willa, Beg , a native of this city and now an eminent practitioner in the Supreme and District Courts at Washington, is mentioned as worthy of the high office, and likely to ,be ationgly premed by influential friends. We base , a high opinipn of Mr. Wsus' learning and Integrity. If the mantle should ran on him, the amnia will be sure of an able and an honest ?edge who will never disgrace or degiade the ermine or tarnish the honor of We ostltity. Iv- is insisted, by friends of Judge BINGE/AX, that his statement, of an un authorized intexlinestion in the Presi dent's message In relation to Georgia, was not correctly reported. All that he now claims is, substantiallyi that a proper interpretation of the President's language would restrict its recommendations, con cerning the proper oath to be taken by members of the Georgia Legislature, to the third clause of the fourteenth article —not the iron clad oath of the later re. construction acts. This Is putting a flue point on the matter. The true question turns upon whether there be, or be not, such a use in the situation bf that Bate as to demand the fullest intervention of Congress: If It be right thot, by Its au thority, the Legislature, as originally elected, should be math convened—and no intelligent and candid man can doubt it—the act of Congress to that eljectcoyers all the ground about which It is worth while for any one to contend. As to what particular form of oath shall be prescribed, for the members thus proyfie- I gally,weabled, Is merely an lame of tweedde• dum and tweedle dee, en far as the 71111111 point Is concerned. Whoever admits any Conger:alone authority in the Premises will not cavil upon any minor points. Hr. Bingham simply fails to see It in that light, which we regret on Wise count To the twelve or fifteen Republi cans, original membered the Legislature, who have been assassinated by their po• /fUrallenrmles, Judge Bingham's logical acumen cahnot apply. littee's the pity I At laud twenty of the surviving members are clearly disqualifled. Twentreight colored members were expelled. &motor Idiller„Ulected by the Democrats, sap ports the Congressional plan of adjust - • meat. IT Is earn that, Attorney General Hosz accepts theaction or the Senate, upon his nomination to the Bench, as a reflection upon his official conduct, and he there. fonsinslsts upon retiring from the Cabi net. Bat 'it le oleo . rumored that the President urgently desires him to remain in his garment post. No decision of the matter is anticipated until alter the holl days. • TB= arrior to be shocked, at Nuh- TM% at the actions temper In which the country has recetved what they explain to have been merely &jocose proposal, to sell the portrait of General Thomas now hanging In the Tennessee Capitol. Never a-poor joke more unfortunately missed dee. :Akty.ALsitutT, lati•Of Xonbana, tele molar!' 'dental of the =trent charges aialtist,i/to potialateacy of hie political principles. Be mows My record In' favor of tbe negro and Republican principles lung no blot, and, if examlned,.wili vindicate me against all cniareprelentallon. Bit Whin Mottittbur B. LOWRY be come madet'lltr hottest legislators? 45 .11/ wimp 'ci I 'General lawn. graduate as a pattent orodielat parity I We really hsveitot. beard et tbeconyeraWn of either th goo diatlagaialied geutlemeae—.l:bst. Wbaf t'ilad:-.11 11 11 the Post to uk soca , , qustkirts t IC Is was of our stelghber's haltsl • • • . Olga .ur.ass of a Sao Domtniao sea port, at $160,000 annual reut4., inoludoe the 'expreitt stipulation that, at any tigio dozing ita fifty years' term, we mity bpy the property outright, at the Axed ptice.of V,000,000. A- Cosexrcullow.Lx. COIVENTION 111 pr word to Kzeducky. GirLO eked in Hwy York yesterday et LllOl. _ _ U. & Scam at. Itanktint. / PITBOLINXIIt Antwerp tiOIL , • 7.• • • ••••.4 PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: SATURDAY :MORNING, DECEMBER 25, 113;s:. I== It is right that people should celebrate the annivenarles of the birth of great ben erectors of the race. On such days 'we call to mind what the hero . ,'of the day was, how he lived, what he did, what he taught; and for the time being we are, or endeavor to be, like him. Do we cele brate the natal day of Humboldt? - Oar minds are turned to science, and to those lofty thoughts and investigations for which he wee distinguished, and for which alone we revere his memory.. Is it Burns? Wit, and song, and genial mirth rule the hour. _ Is it . Washington ? Patriotiem —a remembrance of his great and unselfish services to his country and ones—gives color to our thoughts endear festivities. How, then ; shall we celebrate the sc• cepted anniversary of Him in whom cen tered all that we can conceive of wisdom, purity, bezdvolence, kindness and love; whose relations reached not to a nation or a generation, but to all nations and all ages—He who came to seek and to save the lost, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, to bind up the broken hearted, and to give his life as a ransom—that in finite Philanthropist, whose power to bestow benefits is equal to his will—that bountiful Hertaftictor, who was dead and is alive again, and who calls us up from ithe impurePursults and pleasures of earth ' to those better treasures and purer joys which be only can bestow Inerhat spirit and with what atm shall we celebrate his birthday T God loves to ,see his children happy, and has made joy not only a privilege but a duty. As sentient creatures, he has given ne all things richly to enjoy. He has clothed the earth in glory and beauty, fed na with food convenient for ns, and enabled us Co gaze with the eye of sense, supplemented by the faculties of reason and of adoration, upon the superior stlo ries of the visible heavens. He has made us social beings and set as in families, binding oar hearts in the sweet bonds of natural affection. His gifts cannot be numbered, neither can we estimate their Bat la the etent of which this day ls the anniversary we have the most trans. cendent expression of God's good will to men; let us therefore rejoice and be glad in it When the Son of God came ip be a man among men, a Friend, a Seethes) a Saviour,. Heaven sounded the key note of that jubilant song which can never end —"Glory to God in the highest, on earth Peace. good will toward men 1" But there was no room for Him In the inn. While ungeli were singing of the glad event, the babe was lying in a min. ger. Let as not crowd him out of our hearts, but keep these things In mind, ihat they may moderate our pursuit of things that minister only to the pleasures of appetite and the pride of life. 14t us not forget that the greatest of all, He whose name is above every name, was the possessor of no human habitation . , and that while he went about doing good He had not whereon to lay His head. Tot this "Ban of Sorrows" was eminently social. Austerity and asceticism +were utterly foreign to his nature. While he hes given ukso Many good things, and commands us to rejoice, let such rdlectlons as these moderate and purity our joys, not check or dampen them. It la an era of good will ; then let gladness, coupled with mutual kindness and charity, abound. 1 We greet oar friends, wishing one and all a happy Chriitmas, and many returns of the festive season, each one brighter and better than any that'went before it, until they shall be called up to be with and see' Him whose birth we celebrate to day. RELCIOGS INTELLIGENCE. The revival In Cincinnati Bemis to be pretty general In the leading krotestant denominations, espedally Presbyterian and Methodist. Mr. Hammond, the noted Evangelist, line been laboring for eomethne in that city, and Considerable success has attended his efforts. In con nection with these especial services In the churches, the Young Men's Christian Association have inaugurated meetings at different polnti, and mnch good is being done. The Freeman's (Roman Catholic) Jour nal takes the ground, relative to the Bible in the School question, that Protestants should care for their children, and Cathy lice will look alter theirs, and not to be taxed for Protestants or Godless schools. It wants Christian schools, and avers that the State cannot tell them what Christiknity is. Mlll. Rebecca Camber, who recently died In Philadelphia, left over fifty thou sand dollars to various benevolent and religious objects, principally 'connected w ith the E vangeliard wing of the Spisco• pal Church. The report is floating about •9n news 14erdom that one-half of the ordained ministers in the (rate) New School Pres byterian Church are without - regular charges, and, of the two thousand five hundred in the Old School Church, one thousand are not settled pastors. It Is also stated, that of two thousand Lutheran ministers In this country, only about fif teen hundred are engaged as pastors. . The total amount of the collection In the Philadelphia Catholic diocese, up' to last week,. in aid of the Pope and sent to Rome, was 1113,950.83, all of which was collected In Philadelphia, except stout six thousand dollars. ' The Central Baptist, of Bt. LanlN pro. tests against the organization of more Baptist churches in Missouri, mainly 1,5- cause not more than one church in twenty Is self-supporting. It thinks that, If the eight hundred churches were coneell dated into about half that number, more might be accomplished In Mate evangelization: • • Tho priests of the English and Germap Catholic churches of Sandusky, Ohio. have announced that parents must send their children to the Catholic schools, or be excluded from the Holy Saikament. Intereiting revivals are In progress In the Trinity Methodist Episcopal church in this city, and at Beaver street church, Allegheny. city. At the latter church, tweritY•tive conversions and accessions have taken place. The Pittsburgh Chxistias Advocate, in noticing the conaolidationof the OAristian instructor, °C.-Philadelphia., and - the United Presbyterian, of thiscity,sind her ing thereby attained the largest climbs• Lion among the religions paper of Pitts brugh,.that it Is only for a time, and gives notice that the .eltioxats will soon regain . Its former place of leadership in circula tion among the papers published here, . The Official organs of the United Braill e= 1i Christ and the Evangelical dews ciatioiy (AB:might Methodists), are discus 'Ring the question of Onion between these • The Congregationalist says for. forty years Dean ilachelor has led the'singing in the Congregational Church at . North. bridge, Run, with no trouble in the choir. This is rerearknile, as few choirs remain intact for many yens. . `Over one hundred cleramen and thirty laymen have signed a dberunent request• ins the "Protestant Eplsoonsl blaliopsof Ohlo, Kentucky, Delaware, Penney's& nia,.thasachusetts, Virginia, lowa. San. us, and Nevada, to consider whether theri be grounds for presenting for trial ) '.; .. . 'any bishop or bishops who may be alle ged to hold, and to have taught publicly privately and advisedly, doctrines con trary to those held by the Protestant Epis copal church iti the United States, with the view of having the real doctrines of the Church affirmed and settled by the au thority of its highest judicature." - This Is a propositien to test what Is held in dispute between the two parties in the Prelestaul Episcopal Church. UFSIII&L NEWS. etIICINNATZ complains of the want of a standard of musical criticism out there. A COAL famine woe feared at Nashville on account of the continued low water in the Cumberland. AnnallOgllENTl have been made for a reunion of Sherman'a brigade at Maeail• on, Ohio, on We Slot. Tux excesa of the earnings of the belly penitentiary over It expenditures for tbe year Is $10,1.53 83. 9ss hundred and five steamboats have been wrecked nn the 'Missouri river, be. tweet' Omaha and its mouth, alone 1840. ErawEs cities of Maine show $00,782,. 000 assiessments—a gain over the value• don of 1860 of twenty.flve million dollars. Tax expedition to satires , the Isthmus of Darien for the proposed ship canal, will not leave before - the middle uf Jan uary. In St. Louis, recently, a woman and her son died of small pox, no assistance having been rendered them. Este nearly ate up their bodies. Hinny Powgas' statue ,of Eve, now nearly finished, is said to excel hie Greek Slave, and indeed to surpass anything he has previously produced. DatilleS droves of cattle arr in motion In Ksfisas, going Southward, the laws of Kansas permitting the passage of Texas cattle from December 1 to Starch I. A Jusucz in Cincinnati, in order to promote the public gqod, will exercise his duties as to the celebration of the matri monial bond without fee until after the holidays. Tux returns from tho Constitutional Convention election In Tennesec indicate that there will bo five or six Radicals In . . the body. Seventy-fivo is the whole number electet:. Tux Eight Hour League in Oakland, Cal., Mu/ decided to disregard the eight hour law, and go to work on the ten hour system. The capitalists have con. segaeutly resumed building operations. Are English advertisement reads as fot-• lows: Stolen—A watch worth - ten guineas. If the thief will return it he shill be informed where he can steal one worth two of it, endue questions asked." Tim Secretary of the Ohio hoard of Charities reports that he visited during the last year the jails in fortymine coun ties. In the jails of seventy-six counties of the State there were reported confined 8,263 prisoners-4,737 males and 628 fe males. TOE certificates of the Bonneville Mon ufactunng Company, with t 20,000, and the decree of Court to change the name of the Pittsburgh, Mount Vernon, Colum bus & London Milt-bad to the CleTelaad, Mount Vernon & Delaware Mdlr3nd C 0.,. have beer received by the Secretary o State of Ohio. Tasviell this tale of a gentleman who lives in New Haven: "Be was suffering from the toothache, and,,to ease the pain, filltd his mouth With slcoliol. Thinking to ace It flame up, he diseharged the liquid into the fire, when, In tin ;instant, it beret into a dame, caught his whiskers and ringed them clear oft" BIIATTLEIIOIIO lady bought a bushel of potatoes of n termer the other day, and when he came I, measure sthein out be found he had just one bushel and sit po tatoes,over. lie offered to leavi3 the ex• tra potatoes for five cents, not getting which he threw them in..o wagon and carried them home. That . h Vermont BM Tint Nashville common schools are about to be discontinued, on account of the city bailie oterwhebningly In debt. Judgmehts lot more than two hundred thousand dollars are eilow overhanging the city, and no money to pay them. Er eentlon on public property is stayed by the individual credit of the Mayor and other wealthy citizens. PRACTICAL jokes are appreciated In California. A gentleman, .to whom a fond wife entneted several bottles of mineral spring water for her husband, filled them with whiskey in transit. The husband drank freely before attending a lodge of Good Tempters,. was carried home drunk and in disgrace, and wrote', an alarming and indignant letter to the' proprietors of the springs while suffering from headache the next morning. Tna inquest on the body of a soldier who was gagged at the Wellington bar racks, Halifax, one night, and was found dead the next morning, disclosed the fact that his bands were tied behind him, his feet fastened together and drawn back ward to his hands, and a rope then placed in his mouth, and the ends, which were passed over hls shoulders, dt awn tight and tied to hls hands and lent, so that his head; feet midlands wereidrewn together. Tax New *York Board of Health his received a communication from Mr. Henry Bergh, calling attention to the hor rible condition in which cows are kept in so•ealled dairy stables in Brooklyn. He says it is not an uncommon thing for the pooranimals to din while in the act of being milked. In this way, he adds, hundreds of children and adults are poi. !toned. He thinks these places should be closed at once, and their proprietors dealt with as the law directs. The Bitted has ordered an inspection. Oust hundred years ago Rev. 8. Kirk. land wrote: "The manner In web ye ppl. lays° parts keep Xmas day In cons. memor`g of Um birth of ye Savior, es yo pretend, is very affieffg and strik'is. They generally assemble' for rcad'g pray ers, or Divine service —but after, they I eat, drink and make merry. They allow of no work or serv'le labor on ya.slay and ye follow'g,their somata are free —bet drind'g, sweseg, flAht'g and frolie'g are not only allowed, but seem to be essential to ye joy of ye day." An amendment to the constitution and bylaws of the New York Stock Exchange , was offered a; the last regular meeting of the CeOrern!ng Committee, providing that In case of the death of any member the Exchange shall pay to his widovi and children, if he haves any, and if not, to his legal representatives, $lO,OOO as a gratuity free from all claims of indebted. Bess against such weather ; the sum of to be made up by an assessment of $lO on each surviving member. This dons not affect the sale, of scats by heirs dr claimants'. .Tug most important lawsuit which las ever occupiid the attention of the courts of Kings county, N. Y., has just been commenced. It appears that old Peter Caller, who died in 1804, left his sons, Peter and Jacobus Calyer, a life interest in his farm at Gmenpoint, and to his wife and three daughters a life biter. net in four houses in Essex 'and Hester streets, New York. Some of the land at Greeepolat was sold by Peter Calyer the younger, as it is claimed without author. ity. and other poftions of the eetate are still in the posit ssion of some of the de. scendanta of the testator. A large anot her of fine residences and extensive warehouses and manufacturing establish ments are located upon the land. The water front alone Is estimated to be worth millions of dollars. To recover this suit has been commenced, and it is said that other actions will follow to obtain dama ges end compensation for the use of the property-for many years past. . Tux Governinetit han aiready'estab ll ah. ed a cosi station at the Bay of Santana. The Gulf squadron will get its supplies there. -The naval force on that station is to be enlarged. and our influence will be I used to keep Baez is his senses President . of San Domingo till the Senate can piss ' on• the lease we have made for part of his possessions. Senators say the coons of the administration in this matter looks like the initiative of a policy of outside colonies, and their' talks indicates that 'there will be a good deal of opposition in thiSonate to the ratification of the treaty. Several Senators and members have ex- Indeed surmise at the lease of .Samaia I Bay and the proposZd purchase of the island aft= Domingo . ,:withont - consul - talon with Congress On' the Tait of the President. There are - various stories about arrangements having seen made by 'parties who were in thesecret negolis• lions, to purchase largely Irk the Mime. date neighborhood of Samara Bey, In thb hope of an advance in property. In many respects the thing is regaaltd ea a joboind it is probable a resolution will be introduced calling upon the President for ell information on the subject, together with the authority under which he acted. EOM A DISPATCU from Chicago, dated 21st. set forth that John Hickman, living near Chandlerville, Ili., bad murdered his wife by cutting her throat. It closed with the wends: "This is the second wife Hick man has killed. He was acquitted of the first murder on the plea of insanity." A correspondent at Pottstown thus writes to the Philadelphia Press: "It may be ad ded that this is his fourth murder. A Mrs. Brownbaek many years ago, and a Miss Hannah Shonges, a few years since, both of Chester county , ' after which he left for the west, nehere he murdered wife No. 1: If Mamie, guilty conscience produced it." iimur NATURE IN DISTRESS. The IraNJ or ➢II. KEYBEIVB L'ICCG CURE cannot be et tim!kied to dollars and Wm. Thee ands oc .. spople who have wed It eon testtfy to is ex trinfift ary merles—some of them far gone wlth diet asei ci the lug es and gel:am:Lary orians., Is Is without question one of the steedltst aa vrLll as the most matinee of all lone msdinines. it will mire the wont eau of Asthma. II wal cars lout standing cases or Bronchi I It will case apl4lnt of blood. It will care •common cough in slew days. It will care the Wont tug of son•thrott In day. It will cure ottars h la the head.* • 7 1t will cure lariajltlig. It wVI cure chronic pleurisy. Best ds • Most , other dimes., of the leap ar.o pulthounry .rpas. If toy one will rt fleet over the matter thty-irill ant that most of their dl . studs an o es - toned by ottstruethen In some of the chaanela that ellaleate morbid =Wei - from the Fret. m. De. 2LYtf6Bs L1:1110 CORI pens out these channels Dr. Keyrer's Lung Cure, arblllt It rt.:Dore. .bstructlJn, It at the same time glvishealthl. •en and Omura to the blood, soothes the •oith maracas of the throsl'aud indite sad Is withal a wholesams and pleasant medlcl6e to 21.11=1:2=3 netts, tjd decay of the Dowers of the .y. lest ed It will Lenart Logi the °mum renewed yliyo deter months art the.. which are usually gerded ex the moat prattle orcoughs en d cAde, ad coloured:dive laralld• iltat log the WI. WY us ostly evrireed to keep Indoors, far the rea- IZIN on that the cold la apt to produce a tendency Use system to indaiustory salon and. rend those disastes difficult to curs. Dr. Long Core come'. to the old or a 'Reseed estu help. afar/ to make good and new blood to ad 1. the restoration and renewal of parts• If oil wh y read tale article will but try one bottle of Dr 'Heise r.s Lung Cars, it will. mrdneir !hem ma • f the troth of what wr gay th an anything wt an writ It comhlaas in It soma of the repel valuable anklet of the meterio eteafeo, and no one oan 0(0 It without benefit. Go en 4 see Dr. Ze: set at his 0 mat N .41eal Ogee, IM Vberty attest. Ogre hour. from nine In the raorelag until one In the afttraoon. an 4 letnt three o•o:oek nerd eta In the teat tag. and seven 12 • Moo at trabt. Dulaniaa 96, 1869 UNDEFINED AILIIIEPITN There — are many malamute. trying in their us. tur,.'hut the symptoms of obith are aot sta giest!!! epeelao to enah'e physiclaus to classify them .under us, vaticAar haul. As • general rule they artte from a general debility of the whole organlaatloa. bat their primary cause, iu at least three meet cut of Are, Is sleek of !'rtult vita' action to the atoms , b =tall.. Stimulate and tone the relaxed digestive and emelt organs, mad bodily ease, health and Misr follow the trona:scot. Aiioag all the medicines *bleb bees been recommended at coodentre to this end, news boo Men Waded. tered with each n•lloem sod entire ailoo. SS TOBTETTER:B grobiAcn BITTERS. Its Ingredients were selected from the ee.eta ble kingdom, °axiality. with • view to the la ago:sada of the physique and the constita ands and alto fir their &all-W.l°ns and slightly laxa tive propettlee. Twenty. odd years of expert- • enc. ham woad these herbal restoraUves net w 1417 elosen and hale been Jad:clorma Slant. Monad la the ce'e o• a, ed prenatabon. Tote 17 Si a • Deane for Indigestion and all red ems. plsteu. but as a hamtnad nnitefvfor oil Srlear aliments incident to hnosanny• It nom obuslned a reputation bared on lasstltuon7. nada/ alrly calms that 'of any other OroPrie tom or *actual medicine In an.. NOTIOR3 • OPYICE Ur TIIIC • COSTrOLIAR OP COONI V. rtirehustni. Dote:toner 90th. 1009. IZrALLEGMEN - • COUNTY PRISON. . The lone.' eteet•oe for officers of tbls Inetito tloh .be boM of the lasted meeting. of th B•tird of bigirctOrs 06 January 3d, .1870. By *Dier of the Board. ! IarBIONONGAIIEt NAVIIGA COMP NT.—The annual meeting of the nlockholdere ol this CoenYth7 wFI be held on THLIEODA.Y. the lath der of January. 1820, at SI o'c'oek P. as.. at their onlce,No: D•emond l'ltuburgh, for the eltellon of °Meer, fkryhe clueing year fled other buslueee. The yol • w W Is ce.. it 4 o'clock. W. BAIOCWILL, Seemlier/. Shrs9o4.o:th WIRON CITY 11110TRAL LIFE llittultallC/C CO. OF 'COYLY*. N t A.-1 he annual election for THRUM VINIIC -11/ Et of this Cotapaon. to litres for four year. Flll 00 lield at thy °tee 01 $ o'oPeof. 78 ederal went. *Het holy City. on IIOND.Y. Janoar7 1010. 1060. between tbe bwrn of IV A. K.. ad BF. id. ALLsaititniT. Dee. 1t0. 4 1 . 0 Becn tell . l • BANK NOTICES Tessias'e Deroser !it • lITTSIM. ail, D. 13. 1e69. ar THE ANNUAL ELECTION for • SEVEN 11111LCTOBS or this Bank, to serve for the enspleg Tear. * l3 50 held at the Banking House. No. 60 Fourth Averts. 2UIC2DAY, the alts of 3000.7. 1 11 7 0 . %wenn tut hours of land I &elect 1. I. F. L. 0771.11170 0 N. ttntVer. Tulip NATIONAL Baal OP eITTEDIIII6OI. PITYII6I7IOII. Illettlaber 11. 110431). • igig-TuE AONVAIL ELECTION Dim'error this Bianlietrill take pia. nt th. Dentists House. on TUESDAY. januarr 11th. le7>. between the hours or 10 A. 3t. and or. It: 401 IN B. LIVINGSTON. • Xxcitarrom Slartosaa. Hors. arraoutiou. Inc. 11. 1109.1 rirTHE ANNUAL ELECTION for thirteen Dtrectors of thLs Bask ota, be beta at tee Bat Moo Bosse, os TIIISDAT 1....T7 1 Hr. 1010. bitumen' Its boor. of 1 and 3 o aloe% r. u. A LOU. 3 Caddo, . PITIISCHO r IT ATIO•AL. DATII Or rsrlP+ll.lCr. IT N re LkOralOrll l . 1110). larAN ELECTION FOR TRIO, TEBITVIIIKCIOBS OC this Mutt. to aerie daring the ensuing year. edit he held at the Banking House. corner Wood i treet and Bath sennue en TUVD&Y...ltriiiarY 111 k. 18.0, tntneen the hours et 11 O. •• and SI Tat. JOSEPH H. 111 Lt.. Caabter. IarCITIZ ENV. NLTIONAL DANK UT rri TSCUEGII.—As election for Vilna I)lteetora of thb Beak. to tern We the totaled year, trlll be held at the Beatles lime 0 0 Tll OAT, 111.. b Jaainary. WlO. Witten the Dom.! 11 • . x. • at* T. ■. J. E. BRADY. JR.. CaaLk/ PITTIOCIKIN, P.a . Dremb r 11.1E69. • MICITAVICS' WaTIoIA.I. HAMM t. Puree Wren. December U. Itar'AN ELECTION FOR- DI• REVIVIIB of ills nett ertll bs held at the Banking 11011110 on 71:1 et.DLY:Janua . 7 11. 1810, bettstea the hours of 111 X. and 1 r. . JORN G.' MARTIN. Onenr.M. itIItCIIANTS. a MANUIrACITtlailib . NAT. UK. t 111761,111/011, MAom= 10. 1101. itgrTIIII ANNEAL ELECTION .• of th l• Kook will t&TO plOlO "et' the Babilng 110001 on TUZSDAY. thal..7 1194 , 1870, Intaroon the Loon of I.IA. 11. and 9 P. st. JOUN 800TT. • Cublei. ' IILLSO6II3INATIORML 11111 E. Weald:or Isto. I - • nr . AN ELECTION OF DIOEC. TONS to WT. ;tattoo tht attains Tot , will be held at.tho Basalt[ Hoaw. No. al Fifth Image:. On ILIJKSOLY. Jtostry dleh. 1610;betotentholionn all A Y. ind 11. It. W. hf GOAN DUBS. FRUIT CAW TOPS. _ . finie~r• • 1:0:117r/1S'lz fT: we Ate "11011. to calmly Tianare aid Potter. .11. d aem o n aad as cheep as gm plata top. Wing Frans damped Imo the carer, raci!!_t_ALM tram the canto", aalada%ol , l7o l3l Wa l l i gn the top of lag can. Ws Clear% MAW* And renesneigit • • • ".• ' - be timely plectait tee name of the &et tha 0.3 manatee oppotete tbe ➢° and sallej teed stomer, ressotee. vresefoef of man or geed botembeeper ue mug other after me* eistra t. • • Welt • NiW ADVERTISEMF,NTS. NEW GOODS UM Good Bargains V WILLIAM 'SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLTAIRENY CITE =1 Plll4 All-wool Poplins Bc►n Corded Poplins lsr.t.and Colond French Iterioos riald and Striped Dilanes Loan and !guars Pabull . diawla Loy; and ' , oar. Plaid Ellawls Loos sad Square Vll.!peel Shawl.. Xlsses tibawl.; Enall Shaw la ==l2l EMEEI= I=l=2 =I E=M2 LADIES' AND MISSES' FURS At Very Low Prices, Wholesale and Retail WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nal. 180 and 188 Federal Street, ALLIGHENY CITY CHRISTMAS THE LOWES Ladies , Work Boxes, Writing Boxes, Fancy Hones:. Portmoniaes, Ladies , satchels, - Dressing Cases, Watch Stands, Gents , Shaving Cases, Cigar Stands, Fine Wax Dolls, Fancy Dolls, hc., Am, NEW GOODS IN AL Merchants and Dealers S MkCRIEM, GL 713 ta,33.42. aO 31‘. BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS KAY & COMPANY GO - ViTcococl gSt., (LAFAYETTE BUILD 110,) Hare now opts for examination thelr ehlendld estreetkm of Holiday Books, • All meaty porelmod.•aid vlected yglth pivot core, ►tld cooelstlaz la put of I.lro LATIBT sod MOST ELIA:IAN? MUMS of Me AMERICAN AND ENGLISH PRESS Coaprlalng btAattfully 111..U.ted Presentation Volumes 111:f= ID 2110X8 Or STANDARD PROSE AND POETICAL WRITERS. English and American Juveniles. PAYILT AND POCKET ISLE 09, AND PRATES BOOKS, Including tha beautiful WWI or the 01/011D Also, aloe amrtment of Rosewood and Mahogany rirltl . • Teartate•Cesete • Vert Parket DOOM, Library lekateerte, Jleekvanestest !Wart% Chen end Chess Rosette Note Veen god • ptee 11114410n.1ie /kr They rompeetrallr ioilelt on rally Wall Patton Of theft stoat, eonflaelt that It le oarer. petted for altroetlreneee sod Variety. dot I SS 31011:13.A. - Y* 'ORR YcCONAHY,I , Wawaleans, 114 FEDEIRL BT., eerier at Water, ALLTAIRINY. Our Goods are Unsurpassed! GOICIDS. FINE HOLIDAY GOODS FOR GENIZEDIEtti, PUTNAM & ADAMS &ate Faralilting Ests,blishunt, 72 •SIPTII A.VEINIJE, CANDIES I CANDIES Over 100 Kinds. BTIIIOTL'Y I= AJL . It 'TEDER4L STREET, aztaasnan arrir. GEORGE BEAVEN acer:4s4-Trite .• LOST NOTE. - • AIPIMYIIIIYOBT NOTE drawn by OM aide , doted Plttebartb, October Ist, 1119. 'timbered 4. Sir 111111LLN HI NDBED DOL LAR& (4eomim ) at tasty. moatha from date tetW titaritt, payable to /be order of JOHN A. WILSON. teas mulled on October 1" t to the sald Joan A. Vi'llsoa; Neve Tort 'city. tat snit , re eaved by Ida. All perms. are hereby Wia llll aistatt aegotailart UMW Y mama b. tem 1 2 Kit EIZO. H. =WARDS. • - NEW ADIiERIII3y.OIIINTEL I NEW ADVERTIBENENTS .A.T wmiakiff SEMPLE'S, Ma 180 and 182 Federal Street, I=3 At 11104,, extra rood 4-4 Bleached Knell.. At l9Kc. , heavy 11-41 Unbleached Sheen,: 113te., taxi Dark Callen,: At 10c., Fast Colore ' d Callao.: At retie., a rood altlole Canton Flannel; At ittSd.. rood Dark Delalnes• At latie., All-cool Soviet flannel: At 151)a t.. Barr. d Itlenbela; At Sea. All•irool Rob icy Ylanuele: At 40e. each, Manta Eladerablata and Drawers, At 01.00 each, Ladles` Gored Cloth Skirts. An Extra Good Bargain In LADIES' FELT SKIRTS A Great. Variety of FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, 4111011Elii 3,;e:orcii Noe. 180 and 188 Federal Street, I= N. 11.—WIII be open on FRIDAY ZVINING Being unable to wait on all nor patron. who eared yeattrday. It truald be a favor if as many at patilble could eall thin morning (Wed Oesda)) or Thongs.. PRESENTS T PRICES! CM3133 =I Real Lade Collars & glandkV., Gents' Handkerchiefs. Ladies' and Gents , Gloves. Children's Gloves, Ladles' Scarf s and Bowl, Roman,Sashds. Gents , 'lows and Scarfs. Children's Stockings, Worsted Patterns. Snit Goods, &c., &c•, Ladies'llandkerchlets. • L DEPAILTIIIEN upplied at Eastern Prices, YDE & CO'S, street WEED 1 1 rAiErLy rsvoßrrE SEWING MBES, The Beet in the Market OLD AT MODERATE PRICES, I= Easy Terms. OHN BIGGERT & SON, 116 ILUIKET deter rraa BOOKS I:= HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Very Lowest Prices! JOSEPH HORNER, 129 Smithfield Street. Oor ooloopd stook of HOLIDAY BO E 3, emoorlatag beautifully Illustrated 1.11181.1114 TION VO.laillfl of Amerleartand English . Standard Prose and • Poetical Writers. English and American • Juvenile oy . Book. Pandit , and - . Pocket Bibles and Hymn nooks. ALSO. A PINE ABIOHTMLET or Wrltlng,Deslce. - .1.0.3cet Ignolce. • cortfollus,lnicstandi. Cord Cases, Photograph Albums. ,Chromes I,lairles. 11.11°14 Vona and Faddy etatloner-Y II be sold at Ike Very Lowest Prices. u•nas • DIAMONDS, aill3ll CM: OPENS Las PACS O N TUESDAY IicFADDEN'S, • Federal Street, dllegbernyl a.O [altars. WATCH 6.4. all autkaundrigra 1 Lsdef. • dada IlViirlirD D W eNibLlAli 'OO43Di ~,,2/15 100E4 th• ebote.t • • BUM Z Ante. • PARI/Lle .ITATEP. AitY, *Wadideelvea lb Malls Oaarea .1.11 Dusts,' plauteil, mallow ! (4:II.7:PAINTI NOS, etc... VG. s All porebas, vr,et at 'he LO W ar GOLD RATES. Iltd Will be wad canape:menial:bar. rr 961 T. ItcPAIIDES. Jr. 1961 k a z3g . " ---- 11. • • : STANDARD TIME,. = Transit Observatiarks Of the Stare it Our On abureatery. • J. REED & CO., Jewelen, No. 88 BIM Menne. REDUCTIONS TO CLOSE THE ENTIRE STOCKII BATES & BELL Choice Selected Stock of VERY LOW PRIORS To Reduce the Stock. HOLIDAY GOODS, AT • No. 110 Market Street. commends" as ssarsony Logs sad Mr sastfl, soonest of FARM. VIEWS a, SIZEXAff sod =muss TAXOY Aar/Omm Massed dF net from tits to/M10101411.111 by oar ILL C. Yager on Ids Ista slats to taros. Bo two prongs an nand try pszelsatnin at WA loner. Tim hoes oeinfltots Superb Paris' Flower Mandy • Gerd Bureivere, Elegant Move Beams. • - Stegiant Handkeref Bares, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, portfolios. .; tookst Books, Dressing Ones, Statlbu uary ms , ! . A Gahm Fianna Cigar Vinms Russia Zeather fiaah Ladies' Companions, Hatchets, Odor Mises.' Bohemia Glass and China Vases, eie., etc, air Oran. Ulm to Import tooda. • , 15:1= HOLIDAY PRESENTS For Grntleono:Sultable for IBBIAD, BIOTRE!telYlli1111 DRESSING RODEN,' . Of - ..nikil beauthrot pail:arm mOkillicel sal faidimirs of silk vatted. Tao* aro dociamby hand...mutt oapds talks suurkit, ars eromod • ! , AT MODERATE PRICES. azso, AVArrosoing mai or • GENTS SMOKING CAPS Teietb.. with an alessut Ilse of 0111111 TV 311SEUN0 000D5. snitabl• for assthl WAY ellri. OM, POSSIEb & BER, il FLltk In., Owl Roan 111111dIng. all: la rommses ir. 4aoc•iots Nu Lit TWENTY TO THIS NEW ADVARTIEIBIKEINTS. GENERAL OFFER THEIR Dress Goods, Shawls, Silks, Cloaks, Blankets, Velvet!, ELEGA3T C.: YEAGER. a CO., ELEGANT CLOSING 0 Great ItediMo ME EL] 59 MARKS lii4=Sa-1 GRAND CLEARANCE A.ND HOLIDAY SALE', HORNE'S, STILL CONTINUESj! USEFUL AND DESIRABLE GOODS !! Extremely Low Prices! HANDKERCHIEF'S, Every Slyle andttalltY. Ladies, Gents and Children. isixoe 131-cocacilia. A GREAT VARSITY IN collars, setts, Handicerehiele and Ohemizettes, Linen 'Embroidered Setts, in Fancy Boxes, Brooke Scarfs, Silk Scarfs, Roman and Embroidered Sashes, Sash and Bow Ribbons, handsome styles' just received, Fine French Flowers,. Willow and Ostrich Plumes, Bonnet 'Velvets, Trimming Satins, Boulevards Skirts, French Corsets, Silk and Alpaca Umbrellis, j Fine Silk Fans, Fancy Belts, Jet and Plated Jewelry. Ladies' Cardigan Jackets, ' Traveling Satchels, r Gloves and Hosiery IN STYLES AND QUALM TO EMIT ALL. Merino and Wool Underwear. NEW STOCK Oen& Neck Wear. Handraillef Bowl and Poise Warman, do. • 77 :AND 79 HUT ST. - - • M ; cr r t , 1 itl AZ K 10 4 4 El 1 o z - oito 01 z c i i g ri :1 411 i g 4 4il m ig c „ m r° 2 41 4 pi e 14 ; EA 12 "21:il ... - . - Idl g A z A - t el 4 DR rownivics , TO TRIULT‘gIS s he m .isimain d tn. i gn...4r s.a. . =V 44 Ina aell‘abnacUm = . =s * of tag =• aft al= niall= Sag"! 4, csassansaa. dread oreninn=2l nannery. /adolocasa, aontarnal mmt ,ll7 .=dratery nn tra 7 2 lou,T„W i rsreil-..... 6 ".... ivizz roe ca• Mal; la war Wa5............ , • • • • - intel=n•bea or f sanose cm Ulderailen of tda" * " oath IPf . .lc aiai c. I Vika.. Iff aadbianltty at Barilanaak WA IMO. • e l7liee=rart * lTS* l B.i I .llA 6 .*W i al Unman clawkda of calm_ 4••• N . - inaita=ent Emu In %Inn , fccaw . ina•Dactot abil•ban a li'm ue llintin o 4 ,-- in 2, oger. A fel co Intnnottia•aan,Ceat ensluid Min NI or Oyinnal lbw two stamp., la sealed ennakcsa •=. anrablT: atican i =eir ~r... ...... el Diel. eamplataln • • •, z , 13. • - • I :ft I a Ma na a n ig ab• ,- .V•kr• - •• ..• opinion Y am bear Waal antitank Minima of tam can, and can Da fa 0000 14 bc Mal or R. pram 3ln WWI inatanasaw IVa••,•! Incazalnation ►Cc iteotataly neonatal, -3112/A = "7l nrion c I•= 4 4lllWai anere an =is easzaeted•rtin WA lleano u rn , . 6111112 . 1 • WA 111 is kint"Z=p .... 9 ITC Dacanica ••,!1•17. ante? =anal ow Idea al •2110, at W 101" Pro Inc= _lto sat or • bays rend nun h• .7.. 2.0.•19•41. 3 • Ea ac - to fr. at: IN • - I.l * . on•an.or nua Knat i fi e Asabane . • .1 0 11 LIC NOTICE. BayWE been abboutledGAS lad OM 7[IITS2 DMZ ICTOII /be Al *hen Camay, iotlee Steen that butil the iteeeethaty ode* sad' Itteelmstleal Tenths Mhebbterr els be preetae4 / .111 b /band at, the 07/11CL 0. TM/ L 4 2102/AL IPOUNDST AND nes ' wax& Twenty-WM street, mar teen. /Itteberth. aehosa Oa and ea. Mau havortor, LMMM n-in Prices of X)O3 3S, db DOVEL mum) -rocrtivrt TY • PEE CENTI7III. T STREET. ! J pi , S