d rok. QM Rs Eittsturgt Gaytts, CITY . D -SUBURBAN. Mrs Gaserrg harlaskid 0 19 eitY for days of the week for Utmost pa week;'! by inaa, piper annum": 1 oNos, -*weirsse y persons ,were takeo to the ":Yesterday Deputy Mayor Nichols corn. nutted Maggio Kinafelter for thirty days fo vagrancy. Paying Its Way.—Roder the new man. 'torment the Central Passenger Railway hi paying lu way. Po quorum. —No boatmen wu trine• weed by the Street Committee last night, there being no quorum. Central Board of Educellea —Mr. John Harrison, we are' pleased to learn: lasi been re elected to the Central Board of Education, from the Thirteenth ward. A guarantee le given that every barrel of ale put up by Pier, Datumis 04 Co., la made of the beat qualities of malt and hop:. To Insure a good draught of ale ant for Pier, Mantlela d Co'.. cream. Slight Fire.—Between ten and eleven o'clock yesterday evening, a the was die covered In the fourth story of the New Opera House, Fifth avenue. It was ex tingulahed before any serious damage was done. 'Plationle—Tneeday evening, at the an nual election for °Moors of !Minor Lodge No. 287, A. Y. M., the. following were chosen: W. M.. W. . • Layne; S. W., W. B. Story; J. W., H. Butler; Seam Bu . G. C. Bhidle, T user, James Hindman. The Butcher's Bill—Otto Bell made information before Alderman Bolster of Allegheny, charging Mrs. Simpson with 'waving a butcher's bill at his shop to the 11101012 In of illl 44, by Mealy repre senting she was the owner of a house in the Fifth ward. Warrant Issued. Beekires Driving.—Yesterday B. F. Moray, a livery stable keeper. made in formation before Alderman ktehlasters against Frank Hopper. Wm. Breen and Richard Maths, charging them with hiring of him a baronche and two horses, and then driving the animals in a reek. less manner and breaking - .the vehicle. Warrant issued. New Cloarters.—we bear that Major Erna. Assessor of Internal Revenue, will - soon go Into new °Mots In the sec and story of the Bate Deposit Oompany's building, on Fourth avenue. Collector Davis should be la the same building or need~y. Bo officials are sadly In of new and th more obmmodlous quarters. Going to Antilanky...rho „Republic nowsPoter eitablishment is to bo remov ed to Allegheny city, where the paper will probably be issued in the afternoon. The Sunday edition Is to be discontinued. It Is aald Mr. John B. Kennedy la to be Editorial Manager. The official "nap" of our Water city Is expected by the owners to drop Into the concern. Old NAB !Untie. alias Banta China, alias St. Pietist**, has hired a place to bold bla Christmas reception In the large window of Youngeon's Confectionery. corner of Diamond alley and timlthheld street. lie sends out no cards, but urges parents to bring their children around thre. to NO him, for he la In all his glory The en and the Star of le/Pa.—To night the crosses marmouatiog the two spires of St. Paul% Cathedral will bo lighted In honor of the great. Chrhdian holiday of Christmas. The northern spire ism finished wee mrppiled. by the well known bell and Onus !builders, Messrs. Sheriffs Lt. Loughrey, with • large star formed of gas Jets; clt has not yet been lighted, but to night, if the weather is favorable, our readers loos out for the moss of fire and theme teoric star away up beaVenwadli at the tips of the • cloudclutchlog Cathedral Sneers. The effeot cannot tal l to prove beautiful and impreative. ElI IR =III = Blvatires Extraerautary.—The enter pricing and gentlemanly proprietor of the famous Ohinootague and, Anancook oysters la in the city introducing thew grand specimens of bivalves, which are perhaps the Boest grown in the world. They are models of plumpness and beauty, and deliciousy tempting, and toothsome. They are brought with __some difficulty to this market, but still fEiirare sold at mach lower prices than any others and are of decidedly superi or quality. Messrs. Steel ,t Brothers, Third avenue, near Smithfield street, have accepted the agency for thin city. • At the works of the Hyam's Meter Co, of this city, our Inspector of tss Meters, Mr. R. H. Smith, tested, with the best futilities at his command, the last of the two mammoth three hundred light meters made by them for St. Paula cathedral. Three tests were made, the first one registering three and ono-half per cent. too fast, the second teat shout one filth of one per cent., and after an. other adjustment of its lever, a third and tinat test was made, when it reg.(' Sered very exact. The capacity of these meters is eighteen hundred cubic feet per hoar, and are most complete sped mans of workmanship.. The teats were made with the meter prover used by the Hyam's Meter 03 , which Is supposed to be vary correct; but our Inspector In. tends, when his cable foot measure ar rives, to give It a thorough test,`and If it Is found to be correct, then he will place Me stamp upon these two large meters. It the prover should befound - to be in. correct, it will neoessitatirthe proving of them again a n d provers, when they have arrived,have them properly tested. The stove tests were made in room in which the temperature stood st at 60 deg. Fehr.; We barometer thirty ;~-- MEM Effal II II One hundred 4911ars-re*ard wilt be •177- '2=Tninatttm that will lead to the firulLog the whereabouts of Mr. Samuel Slokman, of California, Washington country, Pa. Mr. Elickman was Lut seen at the National Hotel, Pittsburgh, when he left on S aturday evening, the 11th inst., at' o 'clock, r. at. He is about sixty years old, little above medium hedght, heavy amendn weighing about one hundred nin ety pounds and bald headed; had on a snit , of dark clothes, Information can be left at 145 Pboith avenue, where the reward will be tf { ~a is Chihmoas all the Tear Bound. A few more hours and the whole world rejoices, children shout their Marry glee around the glittering Christ, man tree, and the aged themselves, by the Magic of the UMW, revel once more in childhood's happy days. Alas I the withering Christutse tree dispels the en. chantment. Bet why should scenes like these occur but ono. the long, long year, when means are near at head to moat them at our Mestere? 'Tim music. with Its magic power, Rayon gather wlthyour • children or friends around a piano or or ma sapper home, that makes you feel like them and all are merry saouChelst ,—., ma. day.! If you have no lostriextent, DOW I. the season to buy one, and Mel lor A Hoene. No. 53 Fifth avenue, have the tamest, beet and cheapest stock ever offered in the city. =I 111 ME Th• old attablished bona, of kfaornm. ,Glyd• It Co., retail dealers, as well as whol•Sale, in the trimming business, have made' snob. complete arrangement' for tha holidays that to-day no house in the city can Make a better show of beau tiful and seasonable goods titan they. Their stock 1e beyond. ;enumeration. Balm to say they haireeeverything kept in • first ohm trimming and notion house. Ladles and Mines out to day shopping should be sure and call. They have many nice. things for Chrtatmas usseants. and not only nice but useful They wish us to announce that their store will remain oren until nine o'clock to-morrow morning, so as to acoommo• date all who wish to buy on Chriattrias morning. 1 1 1 e . 7 C 1 Practical Firm. In engsgini workmen it is slwaya the safest and best policy to engage those ... who have $ practical knowledge of the 4. btutlitess or trade which they represent. L. - Often inferior hands are engaged, and , xl3 th e same price fold for th e work, 'when . ~,..; . efteewirds It has to 1:0 gone over again. lil . .To avoid this in the line of gas fitting, .11 branches, we or commendp lumbing_ to all Tur '-, are kissers. Fulton a Mowann, practical men, whose establishment fa located on •,, i. Fifth Avenue. near High street. All .. . . I work. aooomplietted by Mee gentlemen' ''''''...,,,,,- ,••• steed fogies satisfaction, or the - ".... will be' rat:aided.. The' ority - la in ....,-;-', mgemml. are alms ' ": 4 : '' ' ' . :4l ll r . al t i lrir •is their trade. cad . '.x.:• : ...7.-.im hettdriatii. - 5 ; doe. bah rhre. ,p ~",:, :,,,.f . p,Muronapsiy attended so. kz ehl! sat e s. . , , —.—... Give th eta a • ' 01/..,,.;• ; , . • .'7 - - . . - _ . .- la ~~, s _~ ~~:., ~f~. >`";..:. ME If the Pennsylvania road and Its coo. nectlons had oeen in operation In the days of water.clocks, further progress In , he art of watchmaking, at least along its line. would have been unneceasary.. Its treys are generally up to time. It is itself an accurate chronometer. But this watch, so perfect in Its move. meats, la not for the purpose. of suer. talning the hour of the arrival and de nature of trains. It Is designed toasebit you In Winging the men your divi sion op to time, a thing which they will; no doubt, aSfaithful laborers, relish very much. - The near close of the year admonishes os all to "count our days,. so that we may apply our hearts to wisdom." L , tt every Mk of this watch remind us all that we are ever drawing nearer that world where there are no Instruments to measure time and no successive ages of duration. *lOO Reward I have great' pleasure, Mr. Yarnell, In presenting you. In the name of the em. ployee of the Pennsylvania Railroad, with this beat:Writ' testimonial of their high appreciation and regard, and it 14 my earnest wish that you may live lone to wear It L a mark of their generous fkvor. Mr. Yarnell made a brief and appro priate response, in the course of . which he paused • well-merited compliment to the employees under his charge. He expressed a hope that all would be faith. fed and oome up to time In the discharge of their duties, and tenured them that ae la the put he would have no favorites In the future. He .returned thanks to the worthy donors in feeling terms, and assured them that he would band down their beautiful gift tohis children, charg ing them to preserve It as a simian me mento of the generoeltyof the employees of the Pennsylvania Rellroed. When the preseniattpn ceremonies were concluded, the *hole company repaired to the dining room of the hotel, and partook of an excellent supper, got. ten up In Col. E. J. llnget's best style. Thai following were the Committee of Arrangements: D. R. Hartzell, Chairmen - John Kyle, John Tierney, Jas. Murray' William Corbin and M. Klrwin. These' - • • gentlemen arranged everything admit'. ably. and the interesting oocasion passed oIT to the entire saUrtfactlon of all. The watch, which, with the chain, OclSt $325, Is one of the totted _States Watch Company's tine stem.winding move , menta, with all the nice adjustments, and is heavily cased in eighteen carat gold, and was purchased from Mr. W. G. Danseath, 66 Fifth avenue, who la the the watches of the comp an y in t a tir t market. The is the fourth pre sentation of these watches mede by the emplo the. yes of ibis road within the last six men _ llothisy Good,. The watch nears the following inscrfp. tton Presented to Jean Yarnati, linpervinor Division Na 11, P. It. R, by the employee. is a token of their esteem. December. 1869." We congratulate Mr. 'Yarnell on tbe receipt olthe handsome present, and the employee on the excellent manner in which everything was condected. We are indebted to Mr. John Nichola the gentlemanly clerk, for courtesies ex tended to to last evening. Tb trim aChristmas tree right and trim It about hell are two different things. To our Allegheny folks we say don't come to Pittsburgh for your aindles for the little folks treat. At N 0.1.12 Federal street pm:twill tied our old friend George Heaven, who Is acenowledged to be the champion in his line is a °Andy • mann. rectum. It is surprising to see tine many nice things bo he. tor Christmas trees. over one hundred dlfferentoesigns made out of cAndy. In fact everything that am be thought of be has on bands. He also keeps a very large and motto* of nuts and all kinds of fruits. Call to. day sure and our word for It you can visit no place and be better suited for good things than at Barren's. I Best Amartmest of Ch ri stmas Pre at lowest prima, go to Macaws, GLYDIa Nom 78 and 80 Maraca. street. chiseidesgse Shell °peters id Easel et Bro , s, Fresh arrival today at to per buret-, RES ME /NI E BEAM. G PRESENTATION. A large number of the employes orate Pennsylvania Railroad. and Invited guests, assembled in the parlors of the Union Depot Rotel lase evening, the occasion being the presentation of a beautiful gold watch and chain to Mr. Jesse Yirnall,, Supervisor of Division No. 11, Attalf past seven o'clock the doors of the spacious parlors wore thrown open, and soon every portion of available space was occupied. The Meeting was organ ized by calling E. Yadley, EN ,Resident Engineer of the road, to the chair. The following gentlemen were appointed Vice Presidents: Messrs. Wm. Woods and Samuel L. Long. Reporters of the press were chosen as Secretaries. D;. John Douglas, in presenting the watch and chain, spoke in substance as Pollows: Mn. YARNALL: I have been' request. ed, somewhat unexpectedly, by the gen. erocus and liberal donors, to present to you in their behalf, this beautiful and elaborately finished time piece, as a to. ken of their high appreciation of your personal worth as a gentleman, and your efficient services as an °Meer of the great Central Railroad of Pennsylvania. Although eon:clone of my inability to perform It in terms befitting and appro. priate. It is nevertheless a pleasant and agreeable teak. In these days. the march of art and science is miraculous. When we con trast this magnificent piece of mechanic art, so admirably and delicately actj net mi, elaborately finished and richly set, with the rude chronometers which were need by the ancients to mark the pro great and fl ght of time, we cannot but adore the inventive genius of man. The earliest artificial measorer of time was the sundial, whieli is said to have been borrowed by the Greeks and Roman, from the Babylonian. But It only counted "the hours that are serene.' Then came the clep-sydra, or water clock, which was a vessel of water with a small hole in the bottom, through which the water trickled out In • given time. Then came the hour glasses, which measured time by the running of sand from an upper into a lower glass through a small spar tore, But it would be impossiple here to give a history of horology, and it is not necessary. We may say, however, that portable time pieces or watches did not comet nlo use until the close of the fifteenth or beginning of the sixteenth century. But how rude were the watches carried by Henry theElghtb, and Charles the Pifth - tn the tint part of the sixteenth century: compared with that of which the Scipervisor of the Eleventh division of the Pennsylvania railroad Is now about to become the possessor, through the generosity of the employes of that great oorpomtiont We think that if Durumsattt and oar other watchmakers bad lived in the days when clepsydrae and hour glare, were invented, they would at least have advanced some ideas on the laws of "vertical and horizontal escapement." Not leas remarkable Is the progress of science in the construction, running and management of railroad. There are few, we think, that would exchange the ° luxurious cars and rapid speed of the Pennsylvania Central, or the other roads that center here or elsewhere, for the -anairs pace and uncomfortable systeufof locomoden which obtained In the days of pack horses. Our American locomo tives and railroads ire a wonder, both to the civilized and savage nations of the earth. The one,.. with which you have the honor to be oonnected, Is oar. tainly one of the greatest roads in the world, salts main line and branches are, beyond all doubt. the safest. The secret of this is not difficult to unravel. The company employs none but these who anderatand, and attend to their basis' nese. Therecannot be found, anywhere, toe superiors of Hon. Thomas A. Scott, Vice President of the P. R it., and J. N. McCullough, Esq General Manager of the P. P. W. ea C. R. W., as scientific railroad men. They unwell acquainted with the whole 'system of railroading, both as to its generalities; and details. Of Masan. Robert Pitcairn, J.' IdeC. Creighton and J. D. Lung I need not speak. There could not oe more honor able, impartial or better qualified gentle. men in their positions, They would not have subordinates is, their em ploy that were not trustworthy and did not, In every respect, poseesethe qualifications necessary for the positions to which they appoint them. Hence, sir, although I have no personal acquaint. ance with this fact, I am convinced that' you give perfect satisfaction to your employers, and this splendid testimonial speaks of your personal worth and pop. ularity more emphatically than soy words that I could utter. I can bear testimony, however, from experience and observation that You, as welt as the other supervis ors of the road, always give a solid bed, a clear and accurately gauged track. A. train cannot run from Chicago to New York in about thirty hours over anything but • solid and well appointed road. Bat excellent as are the officers, both supreme end subordinate, there are many of them that vet need to be watched. and I hope • watch will soon be wa pot up tched.on all of them who are now us- Trim Your Christmas TOM. M!S THE /MARKETS. The Butchers' Stall questloo—Ata Ad , lance of Falk Per Ueut. to the Rents. Ittade—A. Bouts Asted for Leases. - - The Market Committee , at the Pitts. burgh City Councils met in their chem. hers last evening. There were present Nevus. Anderson, Booth, Caskey, Daub, Houston, Llttell, Selferth, Zero, Chair man McEwen. Superintendent Kilgore, Clerk of Markets Dunsetath sad Com mittee Secretary Morrow. The selling of the butcher stalls In the Diamond Market was brought up and considera ble discussion followed.' Several test resolution. were Introduced to de velop the - feeling of the mew. bore on the subject, ,when It wan .ascertained that the idea of holding a vendue was abannoned, but a general and unanimous feeling was manifested to have the rentals of the stalls advanc ed. A resolution was introduced, and subsequently withdrawn, urging the doubling of the present rates, or an in crease of one hundred per cent. A resolution was then introduced in creasing the rents of the butchers' ' stalls fifty per cent. all round, except such as are at the present uhoccupled. Tho resolution provides that five year leases, at' the advanced rates, shall be gratuitously leaded in legal writs log to the butchers, and that on. the payment of a bonus of three hundred dollars, the lessee can secure his stall for ten years from April 1, 1870, at fifty per cent. more rent than what he now pays There was not a dissenting vote. and the resolution was unanimously adopted. 8 u bee quently action was taken which makes the same advance on the stalls of-the fish dealers with like provis. ton regarding leases Toe gardeners' stands, and the stalls In the upper story of the Market House, ware Jett untouched, the Committee thinking the rents In those quarters were euLticlent. ly heavy. It is thought-that the huatts bra and fish dealers will readily acqnl. etre in the decinlon of the Market Cow. matte° and in most cameo will pay the re quired bonus and take a ten years' lease from the city. If they do not, another effort will be, made to obtaln.the consent of Councils to expose the choice of stalls at auction sale for the benefit of the city treasury. After the transaction of other boldness the Committee adjourned. RUE: E TRADING Alleged Fraud—Mow It Was Hone. Yesterday, John M. Ewing, from Clin ton, Findley township, made informa (lon before Alderman McMaster*, against a man named Fred. Bauer, charging him with fraud and false pretence. Ewing, who is _posts:muter, hotel keeper, and grocer at Clinton, states he came Into town yesterday morning, to sells horse. At the horse market he met Bauer, a "pleasant appearing and genteel man," who bargained for the equine- One bun dred dollars was the price agreed upon. After settling preliminaries the two took a drink, when Bauer represented him coif sac eon of a well-known livery sta ble keeper In Allegheny. Ewing was well acquainted with this individual, and everything was jolly. When the final arrangements came to be madnßsuer, It Is alleged, slipped a piece of paper into the hands of Ewing. remarking that it was ■ check on the Citizens' Bank, fur the price of the animal. He then went away. Ewing ,countered toward the Bank, presented the little slip, end die awered It to be only an old cancelled pronalsory note. Ha returned to the' harm market, and upon inquiry dlncov °red, according to his Information, that Bauer was an old offender in this line. The police are looking for Bauer. , A Handsome Present is a Good Hook, At no house in dry can a ft er melee. lion be had than at e wall known hence or Kay t Company, No. 65 Wood street. Five minutes anions the abundantly laden shelves and tables of this immense glad busy establishment, aro sufnelent to confirm a pet idea of ours, that It Is to day the publishers of the United States who represent moat perfectly, as a elms, that liberal, enterprising spirit which is the baste of American character. Strug gling with each other in competitions that would overwhelm any but houses of the most thoroughly established thane. ter, we dud the Harper. the Appletons, the Upplitcotte, and a dozen more, leaulng, with a bewildering rapidity, all of the beat that can be found in atandard English literature, In — the "glitz Inge of coteruperary authors, and In translations from the French, the German, Spanish, Italian, and even searching the rude dialect of Scan dinavia for the tender mercies of Iljorn. son. All of the live Dore edition of Ten. nyson'a, Idylls of the King, the Doro Bible, Dante. D3ll Quixote, Atala, and the new edition -of Hood's poem., are here, illnetrated by the same master hand. Of this year's publications there will be found the exquisitely !Untainted "Belled% of New England," "Lady Ger aldine." ' , Gates Ajar," and the "Uni verse," besides half calflibrary editions of Tennyson, Browning ; Motley, Clog. fallow, and every standard author in Ito language. Juvenile and toy books of every conceivable etyle and grade, Prang'. chromes, photograph albums, writing deske and every kind of fine eta tlonery, combine to swell the proportional of a stock that has never boon equalled in this city on any previous season. Call In to.day and take s look through the enormous stock before purchasing else where. Their number is 45 Wood street ilttetell Gina ter the Holidays. The thoughtful holiday giver - will nat. wally select a present from among those articles which are both lawful and beau. tiful, and the mind will just as naturally revert to some musical instrument, to suit the capacity of the person for whom the gift is intended. And In making a selectionof musical gifts it Is fortunate that we have mach an. extensive musical depot as that of Mellor dt Hoene. No. 53 Fifth avenue, to resort to. Independent of their stock of pianos end organs, they have a large and choice assortment of violins, guitars, !lutes, banjos, accords one. concertina., Mouth organs, music boxes, music folio% elegant bound vol. rimes of choice music. Ac., from which a very judicious selection may be made. Our readers In quest of musical gifts of any desired kind, Should not fall to call at Mellor A Hoene's, .next door to >ta male Hall, and examine their really ex cellent stock of musical goods, which for variety and superiority of manufacture. are unrivalled. Good Opportunity The dry goods establishment of Messrs. J. W. Barker & Co., f 9 Market street, has been doing • flourtshing baldness Mum they marked down their goods and commenced their great eemi.annnal clearance sale. It seam, like old.tlmes to coo the numerous patrons that daily visit their warehouso. A rare oppor. tunny la now afforded for all wko desire to purchase goods for their own tole, Or present thorn as Christmas gifts to their friends. They have still a splendid as. sortrnent of efts, velvets, cloaks, antra• chine and housekeeping goods of the very best material, which they will sell ,at decidedly low pricer, as It Is codtrary to their uniform policy to carry over goods from one season to another. Lot none fall to embrace the rare opportunity which is now offered. An Attractive Place In looking about for holiday gifts don't forget toll 'at Mamma & Carlisle's,. No. 27 Fifth avenue, and examine their Immense and very attractive stock of the latest styles of fashlocutble and Ramona. ble goods. Here are to be fonnd lace goods and trimminge, and satins and. velvets, together with hosiery, gloves,. scarfs and handkerchiefs, not to mention shawls and hoods, fringes, sat and Plated jewelry, sari:toes, and capes, and jaunty beta with fine french flowersi.snit plumes, all styles and colors, in addition to= endless assortment of varieties and notions any of which would be received with pleasure by any lady, gentleman or child. Remember 27 Filth. avenue, and call today. .w. G. Dameatll , s Goods... Rare American novelties in lewelty can be found at this old and favorite re• sort, be Fifth avenue. He 'has just opened a soperb stock of arida* MAI' ling BIITOIWeie, and rich and elegant jewelry, embracing the newest and moat fashionable designs of Parbdan sod Mo• rentine manufacture. Chain bracelet,. tine cameo rings and silverware of all kinds, sod in Mishit° their atoclrls Prob ably as largo at cm be round In the city. The public are cordially invited to 'visit this establishment, where poplar prices are the order of the day, ■nd no hand. :Eimer present for a gift to-morrow can be bad anywhere. • Kerry Chriwmaa—Mr. E. R. Gardner, therpopular dry goods merchant, whose store is on tho corner of Market street and Fourth avenue, wishes all the ladieis a merry Christmas, and desires them to . call to-day, and take a look through his elegant,stock of - dry goods and fors. For thne who may want a handsome gift In a dress pattern, from a silk to a calico, or a handsome set of fors, call to. day, as he is selling at a rate surprising to what other houses ask. Chincoteague Shell Oyatets—freah rival at Steel Q Ben's, at fq per lArreL ESE MEN PITTSBURGH DA_ll A BENEDICrs STORY Domestic Grievances—An Elopement Case—The situation. 4-row days ago, 4. S.'llewitt . appeared before Alderman Taylor and related the story of hie domestic trials, which are of an aggravating chaieeter. He stated that otter being bereaved of one Mrs. Hewitt and mourning the pro per length of time, be concluded' to em bark again on the matrimonial sea. With this Idea In view he wooed and won a fair dame of the city who but a few weeks ago dropped her maiden name and became 'the second Hrs. Hewitt. Matters went smoothly enough until in an evil hour au Insinu. ding straoger. John Dumueyer, a single young man, made his appearance. Well, In short, the young man was of a capti vating nature, and succeeded in a very short time in influencing Mrs. Hewitt to mysteriously disappear from the home of her husband. That aggrieved man sought In vain for the twain, but finding his detective powers unequal to the task, called at the magistrate 'e Mike, and en gaged the services of his police. The matter rested for a day or so, when a clue was obtained, which resulted in the diaeovery of the missing ones in a house on Logan street. A visit wee made to tide establishment on Wednes day evening, when Mrs. Hewitt and the proprietor of the house, together with two other persons, were arrested. The matter now rests In this wise, Mr. Hew itt makes information against Dunmeyer for fornication, and against Mollie Bailey and Hattie Noble, occupants of the resi dence where she found refuge, with maiutaining a bawdy house. The ac cused, yesterday, gave ball for hearings in the KIWI of 130 e each. This peculiar case of domestic inlaunderstandlog now rests In magisterial hands. -Sensation Extraordinary In the ledleif Fur Trade, at Wan. Firming sik' Co.'s Represtetative Per and Slat ileum, 139 Wood Street—All the latent Style. at 25 per cent. Lens than any ' Other ileum In the Llty. It is admitted by all that Diesels. Wm. Fleming ik tn, of the great representa tive Hat, Cap and Fur Home, 139 Wood street. have now the largest and meet magnificent stock of Ladles Furs, that has over been seen In the city, and that they areselling from 15 to 25 per cent. lens than any other house In the vicinity. A visit to their elegant salearenua, which arocertainly fitted op in more at tractive and costly style than any atore of the kind In Pennsylvania, 'will convince any one of the facts we have mentioned, The large basement is crowded with boxes of furs, and the spa cious salesroom filled with beautiful samples. A dozen or so of clerks ant:l -ntension are kept constantly busy wait tog on customers. and packing and ship ping goods to all parts of the surround ing country. We do not know of any other store that is doing half the bust nen that Is done by Fleming dr. Co., and we daunt if any four storm In the city are nailing a. much, either wholesale or rdtail. The fart is Messrs. Fleming - Co. Lave established en enviable repute. lion for all qualities that ensure a sun. coastal business. From the proprietors down to the youngest clerk and saleaman I there in a uniform Obeerfelness and courtesy and a strict reliability of word, that Insures the return of customers. And it la not only admitted by Diapers, but is a common complaint of cempetl. tors lu the business, that Fleming a Co. do uuderaell every other house lu the trade. In fact it in a frequent remark of other dealers that this hound la ruining their trade by cutting down the priced. Bet what is ruin to the old style of deal ers, with their Blow sales and high rain, Is a blessing to the public who receive the benefit of Lily reduced prices, and Fleming A Cu. say, that . they are well aattatied with the aggregate profits of their enormous train. Oae thing is cer tain. the man who can sell the boat arti cle for thelent money, wilt always coin mond the trade, and Fleming CO., 139 Wood wren, are In a fair way fur mo. nopolizlng this branch of the brineens. blre. Robbb , IlJuar. Mrs. Robb - s did a sensible thing in moving her new and elegant &toroth No. 91 Federal street, Allegheny city, in time for the holiday rush. She beast all tunes enjoyed the confidence of the shopping community, but this year she has en deavored by the pratientatioh of sops: for attractions, both in the arrangement of heir store rooms and show counters and cases, and also In the, almost endless va riety of goods which she offers for sale,, to virtually compel purchasers to visit her. Her otject weans to be to Induce a visit to her baiter, fur she feels perfectly care that a visit cannot (all to result in a purchase. But;" as ono of our lady friends, to whom we were telling of this nazaar, a 'few dap; aItICA, said to nee, "what does site have for sale there 'V" This was a posnr. We could only refer ber to a catalogue of all the other fancy stores we ever heard of combined, and tell her that she could find at Robb'e everything mentioned thereto, as well as everything in reason that was not men tioned. Teaming. of all varletlea, hats of all shapes, fans of all colors, perfumes of all odors, jewelry of jet and jewelry of gold, toilet articles and trimmings, handkerchiefs - and gloves; in -a word, whatever is beautiful, bright' and appro. priate for Chriatmeue presents, the lady has; and she also Lisa agreeable and at. motive saleswomen, who will serve cus tomers wite affability and courtesy. The proprietress buys from mattufac. Wrens direct, and she Ls enabled to retail at the same prices at which others whole sale. and title la the secret of her success, - and la the first - one in her trade to resume epode payments in exchange for scrip. Remember her No., 91 Federal street, Allegheny city. For Christmas. Most' f our city readers have, doubt lea., seen the flno display of trimmings, dress goods, hosiery and gloves at the old and well establiihed house of Joseph Horne R Co. Nos. 77 and 79 Market street, during the past season, but few of their' have any idea of the additions that have been made to It within the past week in order to meet the demands of their im mense holiday trade. Persons desiring to make purobase• of anything In their line for holiday presentsehould give them a call, as nowhere in the city can be found a larger or more complete stock of goods at such reasonable prices; and wt know of no place where a more appro. paste present can -be purchased. Call and examine thestock before purcbsal : elsewhere. Chriatmas In Allegheny. Those of our readers who live In All. fp gheuy and wish to buy something an - stantist In the dry goods line, shun d remember the very popular house 'of William Semple's, Federal street. Tbla house has long been known as the place to secure the bargains. Though they sell cheap their goods are all of the beet quality and selected with care. Per. ions wishing something substantial in the wee:inane°, fora Christmas gilt, should call in to-day at Sample's and select from his large stock Just what you want. Remember hie numbers, 1811 and 182 Federal street. • Mirth Avenue Dry Geode flotise.t-It is hardly necessary for na to •call-tbe attention of our lady readers to the well known Dry Gixids House of Mount. Bates & Ball. No. 21 Fifth avenue. This house has one of the linnet Stocks of dry goods In the city. and no WOO/ . Antristinas gift can be found than a rich dress, cloak or shawl, such as cad be lotted there. To our sensible readers who wish to buy a nice gift and one that will be of service, we 'say go to Bates & Bell's and take a look through their stook. . Oysters, Oyster!, Oysters.—Tha cele brated Chincoteague and Anonoock (Vs.) gysters are received fresh and di.. . - . . met trod their native waters every Mon day and Thursday. Quadty guaranteed, and sold at the unprecedented low, uric* °IP per barrel Call at once at STZEL*Bna 'a, it. Third street, near Sailthile4l. Christmas PftUM' fur Young America Fancy goods In great vailety4 at, Mschom. (MIME & Co.'.. Noe.. 18 Ana 80 Market street. Fresh arrival of Chhiroteatitie Shell Oysters at Sterelt tadAyi, which are mailbag at 16 p/br tarreL • Milldams -Presents for Gentlemen— Ful', Cloth and Kid Gloves. Boiaa and IVII I MACIIIIII4 OLTDE & Dina 78 and 80 Market rest. stool do nro. hove Jost reeelved a stock or froth Ohincoteaguo Shon-OYlnull, at SO per barrel , Chrtsnass Presents for Wettllng Desks, Work Bows,' Fano7• Boxes, all kinds, Mkontim, Gt. Trot CEL'at Nos. 78 and 80 Market st.met. Astegant now styles Jewelry, Ee last Opened at htaanam t carllalo's, 27 itth avenue. _. • . i3AZETTE: FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 18:s: NAN SHOT • Street Row thy Moronic—One of the Parties Shot utreugti me Jaw., This morning about half-past two o'clock, a lot of young men In attend ance at a ball given at Cowper's -Hall. Fifth avenue, got into • row on the side walk in front of the door. They Were all under the - influence of liquor, and after squabbling a few minutes ender them drew a -revol ver and fired at a rompanion. The bul let Passed through the Mall'llcheek,and grazed another's head, who was just coin lug out of the door with a young lady. Immediately after the firing, iheahooter disappeared down Wood street into Dia mond alley, and through a private alley toward Fifth avenue, where the police lest all trace of him. The Injured inan, Peter Driecoll, was taken to Dr,-Harm!- ton's °faro, Penn street, where the wound was dreamed. The man who did the shooting is unknown to the pollee. A Chrlsimas Present It is selling , rapidly. Beventyflve• per week. Now la the time to get the moat useful article which is Ininse OnCe every week. Being aware that it la the most laborious, and at the acme time one of the most rote/wary dutita of housekeeping,' and which entirely devolveempon the ladies to do, aid every person jitoads that day In the old house under the old system. It la Maisie, cheap, durable and effec tive, and la accessible to every family. It can be paid in monthly payments. It has no equal, and is easy worked and only takes two hours to do a washing. It Is an the Dexter Washing Machine. All that we ask la a trial. No slopping: no boiling of clothe"- • Saves soap and time. R. Et: Loro, Agent, No. 12 Federal street. Allegheny city. • . For Holiday Prescins.—Just received, a new supply of the celebrated Bertram dr Fenton sewhag machines, expressly for holiday gifts. .A very spe:ropriste and useful present." Office atllz. 77 . Fourth avenue. Eruption■, healing and all akin dig: eases removed by luting Milk of Violeta, the most elegant toilet. Lotion ever pro dooed. Sold by all druggists and fancy goods 'dealers. V. W. Brinkerhoff, h. Y., general agent. • Chincoteague aad Ananceck Clove Oysters, only IM per barrel. Enquire for Marshall's Oysters,st Steel & &Ws. Third street; near bmithneld, 100 bar; relaJust arrived. Glover, Halo and otter mend articles for gilts, at Macrum d Carlisle's, 27 Fifth avenue,. Toys, Dolls, and many fancy articles for Christmas, at Mann= dcCarliale's,27 Fifth avenue. Knell. Onters only 56 per barrel ■ Steel de Bro.'s. geniity gala:sateen. Bows, Tles, Suspenders, all now holt day goods, at Macrum dr CarlWe's 27 Filth avenue. . . MOOsass Oysters pi per barrel a Steel and Bro.'s. Real Pine Lace Coo& fur holiday pres ents at Macrum & Carlisle's, 27 Fifth avenue. Jewel. Glove and Handkerchief Bouts for presents, Maorum Carlisle, 27 Fifth avenue. Handkerchiefs, Collars, Scarfs, do., for the Holidays, at Blurt= a Carlisle's, 2? Filth avenue: =I 7 /TICYART-'LLlLlli—lbs Thursday. pee,__ her 33, MT. 'at .he reeldanee of the bride•. patent., Allegheny e 3 y, by her. John Doaglar. /I. D.. Mr. JAMILY STE WAET and M. JANI EL/S. .tiIeIIOLSON—WALICER.—On Timm:lay, DA tuber J 7, IEO9, by Rev. John Dontlbs, D. D. r. THOMAS NICaIOLSI/N. QUMMIIIanO, Aps •OA, Az‘l Mrs. ELIZA IVAKKER, cf Al belay MEM ORE EN—Tborsday moraine. nemtber A 3 d. At eaa Welt:wit la the nalla Orat of borate. Cre. OLIMICN. wit.. of Oeurge (Irwin, and daughter of Jos. h Curoe. leis Funeral at 10 Welton A. It. Pat oar. from the late residence or .feeeisel. at Nestle Island. Toe relents of the fatally are lo ult.! to attend. DICKEY—On Thorsdaymonalnit. Ilioontior oFdat JO were,. )1 , a. 1••• on'. DICKEY. wife of It. it. Dicta. lathe Sad ytarat bet age. Th.. funeral lake phial On PATCSDAT, at lit o'clock A. N., Mat • bee late realetne, 1.103 Nl:eaten% avenue, Alto/beef. UNDERTAKERS SAXES r.. WlLLz+el. roerrcusary AG vaisLLlANts, Pancras.... earns, of Firth avenue an 4 ah street, Pittsburgh. threes of all kinds. Shrouds. Crapes end tiloves, and every emits dun of tuners{ ftirtlirtilsgardid• rusoso,so s o the meet r. ssocable terms In the City. Beane and vizi - awes Yerniahed• Open day ass alarm rtHARLES W V DILATAILEAS NI) LIVARY STARIar. tf 44111 LAT AND (311. inf. AVENII2 Allegheny C. when iielr Cll.l - Yll , IKA/3111 lue mam4 happlleh reoa at tialtotlOrt ItAnwood. ILaboAany ond t at prices •nrytng Mum 44 to Aipp. prepanA for lultieheat. hl.reea .4 Co, ruff.. f0rtt196.17, 4 ad/ Oliviaof 1100.r0,0L tio.do, If rmolrod. !Mot or.cli it all horse. .4 abet. . JOSEPH MEYER & SON, ItTiVnoRICAME.EIII9. OE= Clarrloges for Arousals, 43.00 !Loot, 00771N3 and all rontral Fun Madam at rt doted rata.. ant JOHN M. COOPER do CO" Bell and Brass Founders, MINE, LOCONOTIPE a UMW SILL BRASSES. Made Promptly to Order. RABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Proprietor. and Munfactimus of J. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Office, 882 PENN SE T. loand l 7; Gm Maud Xd Street% =I HOLIDAY BOOMS! CHRISM/El PBESESTBI THE LARGEST AND HEST AANDINNENT R. e. ne,y - nly .st cb„ a= 11 oslyIllestratediFoits and Altanie Bibles, Teems* - nt{ and Hymn Donk& Juvenile Books nds. Toy Book,. Etamefind Porslta Fiala and 7411111, alatkintry. Dlar et. Pocket Hooka Ann Strom W Ming Desks arid Fancy inkstands, Photoaratia Lhen Mena. d Boards. • ,The Latest rat:4.Mo, Flame Call and Z.:amine. 11 . EIENBIr G. BALE, DERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Penn ind Sixth Streets ALL AND VNTERITOCK vow. :COMPLETE dr4 4 LIBIES'AR ,GENTLEMEN r d i e t.:l4l. • • wee present for tbelt • HOLIDAY CIFT. Would do won te..ton and examine my dock or Manilla. 4.MOCRO, .1 CIVICLIcY and nll.- VEn WaAE 01, the total dml, abbe patterns Jut received at 4. W. G. DIINSEA.THIS, = 1:1=1:U= IMTTSB I O4OII,- - HANK FOR smmias. O. IV SOURTM AVLBUIt, PITTBIDIXOB. .01LARTILItZD IN /1811. • OPZN DI: from 9 to 4 o'cloeW. =C id to Tf Ol o- SATURDAY YINING from May No ;r Asa,' W ta d °taloa,, midfrm No- Tlib" lot to Mt; MA •to IliVelock. Intelsat at te rate or Ma per t., free of tax,and tram wit h hdrawn ompossog emi aged-rummally, Is J.... 7 .W MeV: BOOU ot 82.1.w5. SA. M. 'sighed Aube oiSee. • Rapt of Manumit—Geo. A. Item, President: S. H. Hartman, Jae. Yarn, Jr., trice rrealdente: D. N M•Kin.e., Secretary and Tremor...". A. Bradley, J. y., enlists, A. S. Bell, Am. N. Mimic*, John S. Dilworth. Y. loom. 0 SQUAW. baearitoua Ithoets,inaScott,Rot&O.Barimfht, 110041". • , ..Lost,". Wants," "Found," ...Boarding,. not sit:ceding FOUR ELVES, mill Det inserted in these coiumna 0114,4 for TWENTY-FIFE CENT'S; each adds &mat Line FIVE CENTS. WANTS WANTED—An A ctive Interest to • good [mean, (Manut.e , sning prefer. r o d), a c• wh u•Ino. experentr. A•Guette abo ut AV. plta, it11:10,000. Addrres WAFTED. BOARDING. A Pler Front Room , oho goal family boaro. Ali t FleP.R.l n7ltfte , T. Allegheny. WANTED.—From March or lI~}•[7RYI. I next. ZrilittE POwNliiiettntlit TY‘FURNI *tin/ Writ,. with boarding for In 'nye adult persone. In • grateel private family. P•ttshurat or Allegheny. Add... No. 6 OAnCrri Orwita. WA NUTE D—HPYELEP, .—. A T E 11an. area, PL O T O ME I NTO an MEN o for Ed ll2 C rem Mudsor employment. Perrone wanting heir of all kinds can be eurinlled on ohJrt notice. WANTED—An AGENT for this TIZAW.VuI I keVAIriVi? g,'".. T atArt offer - terms worn Ober.' than any 0111, 4.1311pa127. Call and examine .1 141 Wood street. - H. C. WILCOX. Towellot Agent. WAINTED.—AGENTS every- MERE to gill the AlleettlCAN KNIT- TiNb MAI'HINE. the only Pinctleal Family Knitting Machine ever Invented. Prim gll3. Will hill, NlO,OOO mitnhee per minute. Ad rheas AMERICAN KNITTINO MACHINE CO., Boston. Mato.. or Nt. Louise Mo. WANTED. - MORTGAGES. - 130.000 to Loan In largo or small amounts. at a fair rate of Interest: THOSIA.B K. PETTY, 8111, Bond and Beal Trial., Broker, Ho. 179 Sn' tudeld Meet. WANTED. AGENT. O . $ 250 CHINE. Price only {Ht. (treat Inducements to :1117st " s; f T t l .7 , l:, 'l' l.l:::, t tLTV ar orati l tl; Gook donor lards.' wort that " can be done on any marbles —100,1390 sold and the demand constantly Increasing. Now la the time to take an Agency. lA.td for circulars, iss.,ba. IXLware ol Infringers:TM Address aircuma a Ituaton. Ida... Pittsburgh, rae, or ht. FOR SALE FOR SALE.—The Good Will [a LARGE BOARDING HOUSE, admi rably located for dot AAA regular and proverons Imsloest, haying now twenty boarders and In creasing patronage. Lease. (cod will Add &mil tore for sale. calm., PI health or levee. Po. semieddirra lit Jai da y. Address K., Satins orrxci. • VOR BALE.—STOCK AND FIX— ., TITIOL/S, LEAHE AND HOOD WILL, of OrsLchiss Groerry.'doing • good business. The understg , ed being engaged In Other business, Is the roma for selling. H. W. POSEY, 49 lred eralsrrect. Allegheny. FOR SALE. A GOOD SIDON D•HAND BRADBURY PIAIkO, 7 1.2 OCTAVE, Nearly new. Also. several pain of VENITIAN BLINDS, All oOlore nod neatly new. The above art wlll net old Obese, for want of room• Apply to M. De ItO'Y Coreer of Sixth /thesis end Smithfield Sliest. rqt SALE.—A FIRST (LASS .A. NEW BIIICK DWEI L .L.t.sO NOULIE.—If not • d soon wl Ite ren I. •Iso, A m su pebs, null Brick Rome and Larne Lot or Pro, ct sreet. 7:47! Also. an excellent r•ale• House or font rOonte snil 2. C . s.. I t a . , n .el fro i r xelfserlh "re., bola. Fr. m• Ileum on Toni- Ponnti street. Paved In front end r•with Moe epeAlug for •13Uttltr booze on tome Jut- A so. A On) el au modern stile a MI:120 House of slx .0731, iLi...mber of Building Lois on different A 1.,,, Banding Lot. In Bloomfield, with ien year/ to ray. !: "of L W! I tV M d lriXeAL% iee .rL Pa., opposll. John , . E.lteentltza. F ° SALE. Howe d Lot, on Pprlst Ileven ward, Pelee *5,500: 10', acres near leles_lng !Hatton, U.igitotH Lot. 54 a j ttve L Z ' eaa, twee: 2 housea tool 3 lot. In Plea:ant Ye. ley, $4.300; Sure. Reserve townthip on By, r. , WO: 1,1 wt. on Fr...street. aq,01./ ‘ 11: 61,9 0 4 1%4 lot In exit., Ohio, *2,1 , 00; 1 mere grossd. In Bellevue Boro, .111:000; bon. nil lota, brad of Bearer street. 1011,11151); bolus sad acres to Eliganetlt How. 111.6110: boom and lot In Bridgewater, Beaver eount-i 6 owle contains 91 rooms, lot GS by 210 feet— . s , ooo; farm at Pale Oat, bLatlon t 34 acme. pee *dm /again, of a ' WHITMORE. Bea Tome ♦Arent, corner Ohio out liastaual meet. /MeV... IDERSONAL.—AII person' seek. & INN NOYES, or Investhunt* to Real Om Itoll, will sore tl r iat i; trto . Lile i a i rti . r .fT ' A ff rtc 1-114. a.,, elverio4or Slunk de will be mot or mall rams moor requestlurrlt. l'ersouo counts: 101 l to oet suited out or the large list It contain.. Llliire Poe. Ilshero and 80. Estate Ageoto s No, INY Fourth 119.11 k, . OR SA LE.,•Eng - lnes and Boil 'en,, Net. sad: heeond Mud, or all kinds constantly on hand. Order& Itolit all piste of the Count."' promptly executed. JAMES HILL a 00.. Corncr Marlon Avenue P. 7. W. IC.B. W Allautteny, P. . OA EA P PROPERTY for Pale.-- Nj No. 47 Pprlog tiarden Seem.. twenty. Mrs, feet 4lx Mateo front by one h.andrdd and ten dr. p. to en aley. ' A largo frame building, ”Itabia for a man tretory ors oe Dux. Alto, • dwellin g boom of 41s loomfronting on t e alley. lb • propetty will Lea old ala bargain. •pti. to. . CUTHBERT 'ON& ao blith Averice • lOWA LAND FOR PALIE.-300 i%trit:4l.`g:llo b 'l7; Ziorthweater , oat ra ad, o.e pf C the ' mew ii.,e;:lrga ,r alzd l ftlott• or the State. Will be told ate pail. Apply •t pee. H. McLAIS it Co.. 104 /faith WO: MU. FOR PALE.-ENGINES AND BOIIARB . and second-hand, non atantly on baud and nt bon&l, , t icx BRO .. 15:0M" I•iltanotan. Pa IM ' Orl OTICE TO DEALERS r , alol{ CONEltrldEßS.—{Ve are now retell , WItEAT. purchased In album. Parte. Breen cad Moreau counties, Indiana. This lot of a " t est Is t/rf t 7ery beg a t,' ti tle , found =not WeV:e aal T o A lllthed e oni. t i e tuurov:tuenta 'Machluet7. Bolting Cloths and Cooling Room. sod are now prepared to runtish the beat Floor we have nude for ten Penn at Price. that defy companion Oil the Mae [ROES of flour. D. T. E.EII3IEIIII L DEO.. Pearl tamElls.Allcahn, Seeteraber 13, 111H511. VLOURI FLOUR! FLOUR! 480 MitrlitrA BAX:ERSPLOI7IO. bbl. ErentEre,ToTaTekutpl7nlNlVAl!.l2 yr_l i actua Co., WOO 8819 . 11cd /weer. 133 Ws MS7 ."'. CHOICE vnsonNew CLOVEN. I bblslserside A Idea bbl. White Stu, SOO rV.ltlvrtEzorAviniiggiflt. W.1.C . 1t =raiz/1141S i LEkt. pride . of mi th: Blulsader and Co,rets choke tn. Long der ula lower than can be breasts from the West. • WATT, LANG • CO., • aIS and 1111 Wood Knit. COTTON MILLS HOLMES, BELL & ANCHOR COTTON MILLI 0.11.7"7"15330/143 H. itaastbatertn EXAlirfliXDll73l aad 7 0 . 111 WED MIA6IIIIOLIA 23 AND MATTI G OQ4C) TO WATTLES 4 SEEIFER'` New Jewelry Store TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. U'lLi'Th 00114) WATT IkSBl.il DC WATIR.S. CRAIN AND SAND HBACELNIN. 11A.DIESBCHIEZ HOLDESA, Lane aunt. ' lltall)ND HINDS AND PINS NUS,. AGATE SINUS a SLYLVIS BUTTONS. VOLID SILV/DI D_PbATED vratus, VVllD. r r aceNatt i e, K giaill.ticßLE GOOD& Ae. • 0N L T:1'41r,14" . 1 r;:49:1.7.1. ° ZAT re. duet our (lock aStalith an Roulum. RDA.. WI AAA glee Si. • • WATTLES da SEEATTIE; 101 rtrnt avntUE, above Smithfield Meet KEYSTONE POTTERY. IL HIER •tic Ca, Yanutactann a • 4117answAst. awaroz. W ark eees and Wanhours, 381 LIBLIMT STRUT OW II ordert tweansotlV attended to. • DRY APPLES & FEATHER& II bow Dry Applra; D. SIM sacks Prattierr: 07 tatrii arm ` r- fn cr B • • UTTEO nail' bblaprime 11--1 roll Butler. tor sal. bl J.B.CAZIFIED). VINEGAR. TIIE PITTSBURGH. VINEGAR WORKS. BALLOU & ADAMS 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE Are . glow moored to Inenlati VINEGAR nuke WWIXT MARKET HATES. Attention I. oar ticelarty Coiled to one ERZRA WINE VINEQAB. = XEIROHANT TAILORS IPPIIEBSON & MUHLANBIIiNG =I W. U. OVGEIZI 4 CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 10 SIXTH ST., late St. Clair. • We have) est received a large sopplrof tall arid Winter Clouds. which will be sold at renal. alce ife.llUllL•tt MUNI.* veld still at tendd lathe Cutilne Docarten•ot. iderHERSON lIMILANBRINC). MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING. ti wee wsd complete sseertrocut of M ed i= and nee Goods, at. thr lewest prices. GRAY & LOGAN, - 47 Sixth St., S 9 Fifth Avenue, (Late et. Clair.. roao P. FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, Xteps coutantJT ou hand Goths, Cassimeres and Vesting& Al., OEN TLEMEN.B 71711N18L1 Mil GOODE! No. 93 . 1-2 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. airlitenVe Clothing mule border la the !lien et7lee. seithtl NEW FALL GOOD& • imlandiel sew stock of , CLOTHS, 04.88111fERES, &Q., MI:=:1=:= sez: Merchant Tailor. TA Smithfield Knot. COAL AND COHN BRADDOCK'S FIELD Gas Coal Company, MINERS AND !NIPPERS Ol GIB, BLACKSMITH AND FAMILY COIL, Nut Coal, Slack and Coke, ANTHRACITE COAL. Of all sizes, and of tea t est:Dm:llE can be for. aat reasonable nit,. Lvave girders at 11, and Dirda. No. 73 A NDELIYON 117REET, Alkali.) tv. and Linen; ttre.t loppoti e torn h aireet ) Pitt burgh. Andy... roe once 3:47. vittabargu, aud they nil: Reel, I P.myt attelattun Air Prompt attention given to western shit, mente. datio97 CHUBS DILAIIISTRONG, Youghigheny and Connellsvifie Coal, Arad Manufacturer of COIL. HICK ABD DPBULPEURIZED COKE. OFFICE AND YARD, corner Butler and Wort, -street. Liberty and Clymer atneeta, Minh ward: tiro beeond street, Eighth ward, and at foot of Boss street,. LOU. R. Dopot, Becond ward. Orders m ss at either of th.. aboye les„ or ad dress to e through Pittsburgh P. 0 . ,. . will re. eelve monk att, rit•on. a1q1741137,1= ley sr otephenson . tr. Co.. Bissell a C001 . .4 d Hugo., Alex Bradley. Park, Bro. d ~Co, Park, ReCanty Co.. Beetle. Grad& Dull, Wm. M. Faber & Co., J. B. L.yort & Co., Jame. x.nt.tt At Co., Allem Mcßee di Co. 'Ca on Doe pot dote, Coonellyyllle B. R., Pelitigylvanla R. Id, Allegheny *talky R. R. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Ita•Log mooted theft . Mee to • N. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Floor Ann) =MAD BLOM Ate now prAspkrod to foralsll4ood TONGHIG6 aftlINT COAL OISSLAUEL at too moot mark t pOOO. All =Lao loft at Malt ogles, to ad zlxes through the am% will to at= to oronotr, notrioziqui SCHIAIDT & FRIDAY, 1111POETErd_OP WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, &V, WHOLE /MIX DEW:1511111 PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PERK STREET. Have Removed to NOS. 884 AND 3136 PENN, Co?. Itlerientle St., (formerly CenaL JOSEPH S. FINCH b. Sas. ISS. 187.135, IYI. iss sad 11% /LEST ETILIOLT, prrreetreee. litia7l747ll7lzzal ar Cemer a Diettlke Pare liZ in iftes woes. utrx.70.../vEz:lll3 Wawa' LIVERY dt SALE STABLES. ROBERT B. PATTEBSON & CO COMR OF Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., ITPTIBVEGB, PA, Will on Every Saturday Hold AN AUCTION SALE HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES WAGONS . •• ♦adKe apportairduft to the Horns. PAM. doal log to sell min phrase learn theft notloo of consignment on or before Thursday of cub week tit order for &Menials'. Prompt at tention Snd good care trl/1 Oran an Stock tuft nasals. JOU H. STEWART. Luc!kisser. Anal s. ISTILIIAST ■olr. v.rSrralmf. Roar. e. PATINEBSON a co., kv:ki;viNlL• 1k..0 COMMISSION STABLES' R. SEVENTH iyznas & aiswir at IPTIVSBMIGII, PE. aambi WALL PAPERS ELEGANT • PAPER HANGING& i. 12 meted Wall Pane. la_eaabi Hata haver/ ons to soot and molter Verntilloo troonds• Trigentra i t u l l terTlTY: ti l liV i ltnabl V E B L% atanhrea mad printed sold. Needy Imported andnot to be toand eleembeis In the country. Tor sale at NEW WALL`PAPER STORE, • 191 Liberty Street. DE 0 M 41-T I 0 NB.—ln Wood, Marble matt Fresco mita/Am. for'. Walls ono eolllogv of Dfolog Boma., " 210107 Martel, street. • • . • • • JOellfekil B. EINEM & no.• §:AXPED GOLD PAPERS for Pylon. at as NW Karim nmet. Jaunt 11.11.01826 no, INSURANCE WHAT MORE ACCEPTABLE Child:toes y etesito •horang wire. mother or Omer thane Polley of I.:totem - once to THE i E NN MUTUAL Life Insurance Company Or PIIILADEL Pl3Li The OnlyTrnly .Motnal Company in City or Staie ACr . IIMULATZD CA VITAL .11,500,U00 After Mylog loots to the soot 0f..g1,%00.000 There le • special adrant•Re In toting out a 'whey now, as those who get their henries wore January Ist will have the benefit of the 80 per Cent. dividend of Jlentiary nest. JOSEPH S. TRAVELIJ, Agent, ,OYFICE-37 tIFTU AVlNtri, exi==i TIM NEW JERSEY Mutual Life Insurance Co., .NEWARK, N. J. Assets, Over $500,000 All Pellet" larued.by tele Compaay eie perpet ually Non-Forfeltlog after the payment of one Annual Premium. . , Dividends annually declares' an I applied cm third annual premium. eitheroa the permanent increase of the policy, or In reduction of prenal. HENRY KIRKPATRICK, General Agent, 167 1-2 Wood Street, (2d floor, ar , Reliable Avesta wasted C ASH • INSONANCE COMPANY. rinmaws natzmuira. z.. BB Finis Avenue.. Second erbene. PITTSBURG% P.A.. - Capital Paid !?F i ng".► "a . :',ZPesistin 40.11111 I.2 . Vaitan. ,‘ Jas. na1.14. HOHEVIT H. WINO President. JNO. P. Jaxornoto, Tice President. JOillenTON eieerstary.. Cnirt. J. GRACE. , Geng Anent. Dolores on Liberal Tenn on all Moo and Marino Blots. ota:soz EISIMANCE COM. PANT OP PITTSBURGH. L.RIANDZIL MARCH. Pres:lOW. 0 1%P . al k Eart . Deere Lary. Mice, 951 Water t streetttab, Bp., • •Co.'. Won. h. Writ of 7100 and Ma rne Risks. A borne Institution, manaired by Db. rectors who are well known to the coremenity, and who an determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the abarsoter which Nay hay. assumed. as offering the beet proteCtion to those IR Bo deal. - * to be lectred. DLLIiCITWIS: Llamas, Itlmlak, J.ln B. neatal. B. /1115 r. Jr.. Ob.. J. auks. Jam. YeAalty, rilirKitikVaill& LleLtzr ir=, Phaf i E.Ymar ". r id M. i T:ong, Wm. orrlsaa: lialt PENNSYLVANIA , . INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIITIRSURSNI OM= Do. 167 N WOOD sTrutrz Brarz 01 0010003 CE BVILDUW. • • OW.* D 0 1•DoW, and Isamu salmi Isoarre exclutvetv. C. C . BOPI.‘ Vit . e sldest. ROBERT PA. Treastuer. McELHISNy. . • • lamourd Walter.MicrolSt George lartiscat. C. C. Berle. Ca. km. Hobert Patrick. Jacob Painter, Jaclatk lilac • Jana Vcrtley. • frariPkEgr. AMlnca. pirDEMNITY . AGAINST LOSS BY FIRM. MOULD, INZUWICE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. ornolkoasalliloaxersuror.,aear Am. =MM)NII. guinea F. NaasUr, Plowldeal Loth. Nmer, baTid S. Brown, Barrtnel Gra Jacob R. b ia,„ ward C. Da,4 .613 W. C. DAL Y vice Preslasat. '". .W. 0. BTlZlimbemarmh,r, Barth Welt corner Tlani sad V7 , 1.1 " =. 15 annirwle NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Car. Federal FL and Diamond, illegkeny t ea m tn o. a. ar4oRD NATIONAL BANE . JAMBS X. dTavaNbuzi. Ccereta . far debaill Brier, IL" =IL Joe. Jaalg o rebarr-frobert Lea. C. C. myle. PWl=l 1 1 :Ir "/11j= fr."ittiVstst. PEOPLES 3 1.11181111.4110 E CON. PANT. 0.11103, N. IL COHNILE WOOD a miens. • ECOato 4 Nginm7.l+lltlngllre . aad thala• Maks Vilacvtata: Tolaen fat,2ll. Mofrtshira°4 t0...4 . ra t ,.... 9 hul... itt.e.a: Wm. Va. girt. - WT. d j . nee rt" , '. Jeknaes D. Verner. Sarnoellll TWN I TA L PT IPIn" W. F. GARDkXII " . Ile=. . AL LEG lit ENT INSTIBANCE COMPANY UT MOM ICIL,Ho. STY/7TH ITTEIT,HAVX lILOCT. ~laglites a/Nast all kind . al PHs atm *sem alas, JOHN riming. J.... Predd..t. • , • T. J. HUSRI N 802 1! VIP Pnuldeln.2 -__ • E l l , * . IWitHr i i&ma i rl a Lionit. ..:.., • , I:ol.7.orain . VIZ /MIL Jr.:, 14, L. imnest,ck ..I. Illattlama. .•H. Zverwas. C. O. Hassey. , Hdbert H. Davit. • Hamer .. _ Chi ~ Fraacla Seller., a ' telvll:l»,..'. crg:f474.e"" I )o„3:l:l, l4 o:o;tri er i, t wit?' 11;411 100 WOOD STREET. MEW GOODS. FINE VASES.. Etainurium AND alma. Du:Viat me • ITA 13 m 1.117. 0tri. • BAUM° A Ism noel ot NIUE • PLATED ' GOODS ikt •lldiumeptioas. stooN=llMltbe . sathir. R. E. BREED & CO. n i m CULL AND . SEE E= China Sets, Parian St,atnetts,. Vases and tsacksiirefoles;.7 °Wahl/ for the H. EIGHT & CO'S 18. 189 LIBERTY SUM pg..Ak Wit aSsOftultllt Of Ms While Griddle Ti n ihr !Sadly mal hotel use awash se bum. PROPOSALS CONTIOLLZE OP A LLEGITICIT CCIATT PA:, Yrrtesuuall. Dees. %OM, 1909. - I NOTICE TO 6lBEllB.—Elealed PHOPOILLLa, addreutd to ”The laspee• ter of the Allegheny Cellutl reilou.° will he ee' eeired at Oda Waco until alltt teal fuelnalue.' fur forilibleg the Co :my Priaos with =SAD foe six • teouthe *OM Jemmy lath, lila. Loaves to trelgh Ili to 9 pounds reelletleto/ri . .e° o to be of obilroetta quality. Blde, to bewail at so Loch per attn.'. Boyd fOr tivolholtesse: dollen teal be required for falthfel paribruiteee of coatraet. Thi name of the seeerity mast se. =Wu, the Ida, Dills, endorsed by thetelieltde a and probated bt.pas eave....in be Pad 3 " , abli. HENRY LalliallaET• a; , . &Ulna ' Controller. Orr= oreirr timi= • ritdrfil — ni L Prezeseraad. Dec. 'IL DA , . • NOTICE. - --BRALED PRO BiLLS for the coastreettas ofa PLANE . WALN on the Orecediane Turnpike. tram Reg. lei ATZI29I 10 Miley Abcb far • BOARD WALK an Illawarte sad Cent a Ate 'aiok from Allea's Lane so Merl' bill Le received at tide area natit 1•011 DAY, Do. ember .10th, 1169. liPeelleattose cia bones at thbitdice.- • The debt L reoerrel to riaasmlka.; ;. - ~~- Mil Ald'USMii - ENTEI tarNEW OPERA lIPTIEE. Farewell knelt of the yee•g ena handrail "Une. f. • FRIDAY XV2NING December 24th. /11419. tot Ant Da ne IMOaa of • hla season of John Ilrounbasn.. sopt 1111 SO • • .E , HCAIIONT.AB. ?coalman. . Santa 11Csdaerf, Tam:l.4e Witil the celebrated Will at/ drama. of . TRENCH err. Henri, Maul; e l • Min Tama Yeada.. >lathlld gmanna Ileinederct Ida•la.e an rectos.., • Monday Event og—EDWIN ADAYB 1 1.1NOC H AIWEN. Igr'PITTSIBIJHGLI THEATRE. H. W. WILLLVd. as.. ans D1N111 1. 5. 1 11,e rat dwer rot., htli. ; ' L e alist B , eLaral 1 14 1"111( t t u or sed . triV. I. ! IterOnt.. , lel2lle. Mt. Lacy rmirro N ,,." week or the area e.t coon n ball serrenn. the world. mum HOLT. 11. All the Nu. 4 a new Pm... amt. • Ladles` Wall., on . ..ea. day. Three Antra perflratale. On Christmas D. morning st 1U), afte.re , n et lit, et.es et It Friday, benefit or Goo. Treasurer. tar ACA DEBIT OV? MUSIC. Director . Grand German Opera. GrandTHIDAY December 1169, 11•127's Opera Sd Floor, Boom 240. 3. Tli E xurvE. Produced with fort Boos oritame. rnitnrnrez JACRROV. WILINLICH. E/NECA2 BATURDAY—Oiand Gala Matinee 'SATURDAY NlGlTS—Parewell Performaser, DER ritETecuirrz. • • chrodu with nW " ." " 1 .741. ra gl ' lFOU l 7 .9 ri Itt LT:. 63: !Lerretl...l GO: Chc • 2tie. Roamed rests can mb e ht. at Mahe, & Brom, lied .'ood street, ew en! at the Academy of Mimic at Web.. Llbmttos .5 lie.nme am* VI% t:7 74 ' rtfC I ;:14, I n laid, "r "t* a""' e. I fairollPHAin , .V 1 1.41.1 1 11., OPEN EITIZIL3( EVENINIi. BABELIZZIT 01 CATEIZDHAL. a"CITY UALL, ll= DIAMOND, PITTOBLIRCN. TM. ellegnltte tarn. and enentoodlois 11•14111 Hill has been tooroushiy ralltlest and refitralsk ed. and lanes, offered fur rent for ball.. Pant., les s conren• lune. I. wane and nen. rat sante menu. It Is the largest and ta , st yeatllated 'even la the etty. and Is the croly - -MU supplied settlt Proper means of etre.* la eta* of neer or •ect dent. a !mover hall. illstme room ult Michela. all In first eines style. bay, been r eently added lu Its arlyelntakeeu, making it the mess ease... lent and deetrahle for galls. rattles imd reunites. for tae m' "4 other tat ' ' Cl ' 427". novneler' Markel nooarlatendent. HalL a , ..:!:,,`,11.4 - • OM= or OrrrENGINIZIL A.lrr• elplirjl . 92. Plttaburgli, Ilso. 43,1, Ise% NOTICE.—The assessment for GRADINU. PAVING AND CORDING t. PaR.T.Y-THZ,ltii\grimar. From Pianos , . Ile* to Dettar Weal, la sow ready for aid earl Da *oi this odes soul PATIDIDAY, January Me 181 . 0. irtiin Ii will be ntarnadto the My Sim rtewille. for erdleetlasi. 1:1=3 City ESOINIZZI'II AiLzonzar Crrr, Ilealleals.Orricx. 1569. NOTICE.—The aueumeUt lot Grading of plena Vieta Street, Tram Taylor Arenas to Carroll all'eat. Is sow ready for itracolnallos ,Oad ego be nee as tole or deeenUllAblDAYMee.lloo.lllo9orinalll wN De plaeed la the lianda of lbe City Trusser., for colleotless. rS=ZI VAVETTE STINEET.— Notice is hereby , siren that the undersigned, apt mato ad viewers to aeles• damage.aad.aegalt• 1011 opening Fayette •treet. My of Alleobeay. ore .epee aVeliee ter the Ohio rt•er 11l awn es tbe Digadsel ea TURSDAY, December 11113. 11169. at 3 o'clock T . 8., 10 astute WWI delta of Voir appointment. Et=l . De cAnir, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 131 YOURTLI Apes tares, ( (formerly decanted 8 ) lieu Fatiir r" E District Coon ; , prectice in thU. 8. Doan District Coon; In the State Supreme and an Marts of Allegheny meaty. and main 0011_811. Moneta sloe. of the meaty. nod Jainidin ARCHIBALD BLA KLEIN ALTTOIMr] . se. 911 sir= siwurr. ert=r=i JOAN A. STRAIN, EEEI IFE-017.100 WaTIOZ OR THR WWI AND n ail Itlurpert. utedray Pltta _ tef.. DIadMrIVIS DieMatlOWl ine. Mental WWI WIZ, B. NEEPFJI, i.r.DiawAsr ALT E : I ) prma o J alriaz or OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENIIBC. j=o.naelt Cultgatrt=l„._24 an sad all lest Malan, Mended ra Rad acearatelr. • NAVY DEPAUTME NT. W4sMiggiL r lt i t v . ttgAT•ferzig Milk I SitALED PAOPO with plans and .teationa: . ladorted “Propeeala for WE Doek. , ` wilt De reeelved et this ogles mall IS M., en the 4th DST 07 MAILCM.III7O, fOr She eoesirnetton of a 71 Jetted Dry Dock. tip tire of safe and easy iratreportatlra by sea. • The nzeic!are to be prlzelpally of ifon, and of itamew ler...Veneta end pOwer to receive an tales erlth safetii vessel sui feet leegth. 50 feat drasibt. 65 fret beam; aed 6 0 , 0 tone trellitt• part:tee wiattlag to contrast for belltiag doct mill hats their plans end apectilindleas coo. Vete. In all particiAra before subedit*, them or exentinatlon. • • - .. . . Boa plus as are onbeilited will be considered . . . .• relailiely and with - cost :ot otr• e!rwell7a. sad t toe. Rot ibeorabty .31,1414 W, will be biltbisell to the bidder., II deal ti d. • • • 1 • .ma acceptance - of sof bl 4 arlll be depilation& opoa a necosaarf approprlitionof [alai Of tea -1 rt., as also letterbox. the !plane, spealleatlour and coil an regarded lavoribly. If a contact bb colored lola, pram/rata veal be 111 4° a, “ ) . , "no" . Ib• eadl invariant., aod twenty per loot. of tan caatract Peke lan Is reserved 53111 Us dock dull be lolly lad earl. llg . etcolly stilled. ', - DANIZL Allllll.llll, • Clair at the B•rese or Tirds sad Dock& Cetz:,lo-r joECtimurrY .AND par the Smells, cosuaaslty. • J. B. HARRY '- Safely Fire Jacket, Car . Beaks aid' • • JfflozrznAiroze. •••• tor !woke aed not els ihme. 41 the ue, of nave* end dyes it... crtabsei Ye OW lird BeLtlig* cam irltit the attachetat graduate &eat to arty tete re OM MP Le desired arlthout. tee ty or Llmw 24.41.nbrzalthone ached eut=s relent Ilr ' r a Safety Jr kir, which la mir= - to resist the meet leteuse beet Met lital edi tilted to It te as poalttou sad purpaire tar Piga • It le Wended. . • It la a lure prottendea Ago eeeddrada be bra. Orlituarleg Prom defective Ears or &ben U.S ftPra are seed as conductors for Abate or Wt. 11 appbcabla to all. piping that may become overheated. aa wealto dlr. perfect re. Isilliettoe • bergcomber cousbutlrde MI moo be placed la elms program." tharel, aoW ready to apply my inveetlos Pine . ieellididii. factorise. steasaboat. name cos, ae. leurree ae =Wad*. •'d made daageroas by being oreeteairdaad rlry desired. I Ind Seed ea applieatroa tight to ...a.m.. or use tee are ur ka. Mao Laobrl bee ittao r Clr =4 V g r mfr eaecest APO/ to J. 8, 81113/11.11. CHIT O. •LLEGUINIII TagAtclia . lll 01/1914 Deems tour 13, 11111611. xrOVICE IB HEGER! GIVEN •A•N lathe holders of 131 Si% PER MINT. hinnielpal Bondi of the City of itlleghiny, that the Coupons an 1.10 Beetle coning One Jul nail let 1870, tent be pale on aald eel OM the etele Janie% be Ilink of ritteba•gb • ta the eiry of filt.burgb, D. 1 / 4 10IFZEDION. Trotting' of the'etty of Alleg6toy,l%. OPPY OP A LLIOnisT. PA— • • Deeembirl3, LOC CPI' • femProntlse Bonds Wanted. PIITSOIIII boldlno Compromise Elopes coital CU! Or Allege's?, Po., . pro omelet Bellew* Mat th• elating Rind of 11109 will Do Ista.tot le lases, &Md. at tee lowest rates offend. Proookrla' will Iv otetved of tbe suolleslllB.l 8.1.7. .7. VADAT doy Or 7011007. 197 Y. I). MIALOIII6IO,III. - Treasurer of the City of 4141t1bt17. t• _, :_r ~'&`"' EN= Mx Lit ICNVE CAIiT 11 LASiTrIA.. 8. J. 1100/111, CHABLIS DAP{!, smulFl , •ll JOHY B. INS JOHN AI STUB,MOTU= DmiHEIST 19rti:)oprI =:;=I OXIINA`MMg. ar Ea