ri Eta gittsburgl! GulittE OTMI: 61111111 BE ILDING, 24 MID 86 Pllrtil hi _ . OFFICIAL PAPER Of intilsburib. heat and Alio. sheaf Compty• IDDIDAL DEC• O. 1‘69 ftmwimmalAMweq ,W e . U. B. Bonne at Frankfort, 91491 i. OoiDelcaed in New York on Saturday at 1201411120. - Time has given about 1,000 majority for the regular Republican ticket. _ Tin Covode.Foeuer election contest cmas up again in the Vienne to-morrow. Tzeitrienda of • strictly revenue tariff await, with ill.distunied anticipations of pleasure, the Report of Special Commit dower Rwata, which la to be laid before Cowes to-day or to morrow. rtfin.lo lISLCTIMENT, Ile well in arid as out of Congress, rapidly gravitates toward • liberal scheme of free-banking—the In stitution• to be bind upon the security o patine bonds deposited with the Treasury, and will them reserves In coin instead o the Treasury paper. IT II ESTOUTITD that the letters Ll= slly rut through the Washington post- MOO alone, bearing frank■ instead of steamy', would weigh twenty-eight tons, the postage on which, if paid, would amount to $53,760. The amount of franked printed matter passing through the taste office, is act down at ISO tons, thepostage na which it charged, would Yount to $4.800. liggregs te, ,76,560. Staipai of franked letters and documents are forwarded through other offices. Titialibame is likely to be abolished at the present session, the members of Congress Toting toXtemselves a limited number of stamps. - Nor IVES the recent vote in We Rouse, which but for one negative voice would bare been unanimous, can quench the ardor of the Cincinnati Enquirer in the support of its favorite scheme of more than halfway repudiation. It is now de swanning the Democratic members who voted to uphold the public faith, and their constituents as robbers of the hard earnings of the West and South. The Snquirer need not be severe upon Its Democratic friends in Congress, since they think with that journal as bearti'y wenn, no matter how policy may lead them M vote just now. At any rate, this Is what we are told, by the Er.' uirer's friend, Mr. Run Tat am of Virginia will not be dis posed of by Congress until after the boll day• recess. The Georgia bill, from the Senate, will be referred by the House to ! the proper committee to-day, to be re ported back and passed before the close i of the week. The matignanta of Georgia are alone responsible for the delays which I attend the reconstruction of other States as well u their own. They showed their hands too moon, and spoiled thereby the plans of reconstructed Conservatism in the South. Virginia has now to pay her share of the penalty. The Georgia trick caigiot be played but once in that Ile-W— -and the result will•stiow that even that once has been a failure. THE Attorney Generalship has been 1 again offered to Judge STRONG, late 01 • ••:. our own Supreme Bench, and he has BC , mood it. His name goes to the bonnie today, , His legal attainments are as con. h • il • spiprunni as his p?litical orthodoxy is be. .„ 4 load question. We need not add, there- V fore, that the . appointment will be ea ...-: penally grant) inglo the Republicans of I, Pennsylvania. There is no longer a doubt of the fact that the President has tendered to Euala I• 4 i' )!S.ffrearron•the Supreme Judgeship just il vacated by Hon. R. C. Gansu, and that the offer is held under advisement by the distinguished ex Secretary, the condition ....I pf whose health alone causes any hesita i. • lion In his acceptance of that laborious 4 . - . V • ,isdaition. At this writing, his decision hes not transpired to the public. It is to be earnestly hoped that he will persuade himself to undertake yet this one more lii___. non responsibility. - - - • A QUESTION voIIcoNNTRUCrIoN The 14th article of the Constitution, which declares that "All persona born or aafilultlized in the United States, or sou. poet to the jurisdiction thereof, are citi zens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside," has this further provision lo regard to the basis of repre se-Mallon in Congress : "But when the right to vote at any election for the choice, of Electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Repressnusu yea In Con green, the executive and Judicial ofti cera of a State, or the me.n born of the lesiallistare thereof. fs denied to any of tne reale inhabitants of such State, being 21 years of age, and citizens of the Uni ted States, or in any way abridged. ex cept for participation in Isabelita, or to oilier °elate, the basis of representa tion shall he reduced in the proportion which trultdinaber of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens Seyears of age in such State." Everybody knows that this provision Wallttoule solely t 2 meet the case of the colored population, so that if any State `taw proper to deny them the right of suf. !rage, each State !should lose in the heists of its represestation the whole number of such disfranchised clam lied the 15M article, which le now on Use eve of ad.*. lion, been foreseen when this provision was incorporated in the Constitution, it would never have been inserted, for that summarily -and peremptorily forbids any such contingency as is here contem plated and provided for. Bet under the laws of many of the States certain male citizens, "being 21 years of age," are excluded. Fur ex ample Massachusetts, Connecticut, and perhaps others, exclude those who cannot read and write from the privilege of the franchise. In Connecticut a voter must be of good moral character. la Rhode . Island he must be possessed of so much property, and the same rule applies to the colored voters in New York. Luna tics and paupers ere excluded in all the States, 'or nearly all. Bat none of these exceptions fall under the provision above quoted for various moose. In no proper sense of the term do they represent classes, nor are the canoes of their exclusion pemeneut. A roan may be unable to read and write in 1862; in 1870 lie may be able. Ile may boot bad moral cimmeter at one election; before another comes round he may be a reformed man- He may have no property this year; next year he may here all that the law requires. A man mayllie a lima- % tinnow; who can say that he will not be • lane man a year hence 1 and so on to the end of the entire list of such creep. tlonal CUM Bat "can the Ethiopian change his skin ?" Debar a man from the right of Atiffrap on account of the color of his ak and you debar him for ever. In all the other cases, except that of the lon. sac, it is hi the man's power to put self right, and if he cannot vote it is gen erally hie own fault. Not ao with the man • color,thl wg w loch 'le ~•r e r the l'ottatilutt ,, P when itt.tel6l4lll was ' , rt ., p i e . r. llt . c. " o ' o r , , er 1[190,11d ,1 by regular aureh,lntent, utt , l'revldence, wheat , . I the 1.• :bele lot t .. lg. m .5 1 1 t:s tr, tort although It count he done utter the I 'All t re, :.rr lartlt , i , shall have been 1441,•14,1b, right the 4. tmrt•Ptlt ,t.ll.l:mrttgC ‘ 11 :1:tt 11 : 1 ' lll ' e s " 1.11 1O7: and ' r' l le Milli be. 1. , ener4.. , 1' •r tteleur , I. w , r. et,t , tied applan.e. Il In l"treh •Pr l Y hl • r .lillt 6 • 1011,.11 I -ir 1..1 tea ter• foregoing IlniVl6l , ll (IP any but plooooo 11 Lin+a lie.l"er that we .., llt h the t ant,- I..ttot ..r classes WhlCh the male metuhent over 21 year of age are the revaesentatives restve 1 , 4 tl:.:% n r. " r • att:• . . lea , eatv lats.ttlets, as it were, 1 ,, In this country we have but ts classes, hour, ttb , we thrb..lllg n VW'S. 1.. r ettelllllll.lllC er,rrittp. ol martial toeav • while sod adored; but P°l'l'eolly even that distinction Will s /On he done away. grand old Arm} the t ,littberlatel 11,14 a. , aim aseetti • bied tleat•atel... A a to MI distinction hounded upon cider tieing of le utr L here to I.reathr Ills y" ";,`„",. abolished, and all remaining diMbiliuenudr to invoke the tittllttoo etf derly dla,,ppearsi,e thiese le being in the power of the persOns most cribs /urn in Intaattni of g... 1 will 1.. gtoh. f brou fret warrors, ra. b the y all ap the turhnl:h. r'e war A; thawolring concerne d , we shall have en . d . ntety Rh: and t0 w1.11,1,,,e uuu disfranchised dosses, none who con be . to the berme Meet, ,Alione 11,1 , agarti, anti ht'rultug. the counte d ~,, the representative tette „, , th etuorins are for enshrined the , of the, • t•tetert .1 a . ..rent. ~f 4 4 nt. It hat , of population, as we now have In every S h ":,, r e " , a ! 'l o t t he th g o T" t l,% u t : l T . " e " L T ,i b : ".4 s , State whore all colored men are excluded clout the dearly plirelittaoll IP, I tmge hl with me kilbily a but.. while lo'llger. that from the polio. bearltag teatlntowty the mary pr !tiny pair lriiiiito f Intern, Sept, lir« pvlrlott•ln, berm, ,de l. nod or endearing retniebbrane le Ipltitt We hold, thereh'pre, eat the provision the gentlemanly deportinent ol Lim loyal thone brave 1 .41,,,tieri who ',nye 1,..a touching the basis of representation will, soi.ll.Ja at A iuoriea eil heyollll the 01,51mmii, N'« hank u,« giver of all ~. •, d their stenos], on oral I .«hew• t,x r l ,Mll w Inrll ender the 15 , 1 amide, be a de ., letter. and will not, as same eerttenti, all,ct the of a tree government, be,,m , athed t., 11 . 4 'neat that the calla , . st It •II numbered representation of States where the re. L'Y our rev",litiotisrY fathers has ilot per then , h the. moot bah 1.l in their g,enerAtiou. der 111, their ashes, Wet Ites, pgllll itrietions above noticed exist. N it l thankful that, to mune the haplansas .,l hre"ul ss 118 it tins lessen grant.' to tle. the ,trigklualt her et! parents,..o ,- v' fruits of patriot , tirn , ery winiiiem 5,01 I. ile'y orphami. '1 ,1.1110.w. I auch (mast, my friends, A. 'evil rev ilti• •Wm may oiinie. and nom ten,' K.'. tem. , ilo no: often forth. it'll at hur toeinory dt ill ward-- lovrela or I. II -Could the king- 1..11.0. ef thezr country'a laws at Itt,hll4 ~l the L'l.l ht ill ettlllt wo Its 11. n: oarinen with the honor s i lt grat.ll wllott let II Itn• beet, rule sail of having 111,... , 11 In securin 1. , ve, 4 , • . .‘tberlcatt 11,17,1,ti :Kitty befo g re lII e . law, i• • t Sl.nintll V 10 .1115 re t tllt l: s a l I,lllll.lltlttlts. ,1 o , slll.l Illy happy forth...lon of the .14 , 01 . I'..i trtd ea .d tile , .A fall' .II :Ile , t tl,l«. tug halos. -1 thin trends la free.lona ustt intol , aletenre. greettugs, I Wittier VIII k:tt .lll 1111 fa i r olineeten r 1" /, .1 : eat 2pp:omo. loro n ei ate *.lnee the -wow- • 14111 e •attg . ••\,\ r are ~ ,u ting bater -me— .k thant. n. 4. unwired 0).1.4.0 , 1 Inore Stow tot sou the ( notioeut gn'letre lint" Many are deterred Irom taking the It 15111., lorienti, the W . .rid:. 3.1 _ "I nured hero, tented lint baths:bon. `l,roakt, Isa r iu , • , m I . 0 .. t In: urn .41.111 V he 111,. CUM 0nr1,1 , 1 " 11 -1 ‘ 1 " 1' there re "' to tear .1, th a •Itle 01 the SI ...air Its 11 , eI 4•4 1, o remember hi. pro. Itr4,tibl I ',Jahn, late Febrile M111,11i1 ,, •111 0 11: , thhh I. Ill.t I , KU :II March 'caltlng through try .11t1te ttetre t.l pov•er thvo Iv. Rout notklng st, , t , • except 1..• « c o ' .l • ' "11", 11..,1. r'' re' ,ll jet aryl water, 't itwed Ty ..•crlakes a the regular ,Intly expresa sY t.Vko•I, Ills clear and cat •,, , rettenntve eetlthate the bet' A n .1,11.•...11 tank on hand, at once oetal4e.l' • ' I cum of bllll and 7.1. W, • 1 01 r , d''• 4 . 1 . 1,, , ' , tiered In the trastitnif, let -1,, Week. INtorttrt. 1 . 111 bola combated e‘,' soy' s +!r 11,1 w great fullillulont 01 :he kir.lifthe. the.•fl .1 the 11,,,Itary oltlldrou wh, and man let, se.tutrlng the trot r t „. who ..f .ni' vial . ..oil and iy nu :••• , 1 Cl ~`llll Oh. eil‘ttgetl the •tilme.pient j o t,. NA h., at , 1 1,1 s it .r.`• ael s t tsgtmm In the great Minim, that en•ttetl, „ . 01 trout the Ott, when the 411,0110,1 htl.l. state 00, .e ' IMletlllllll.llo,l Canna 1411..11 e•r.•fu,l4 sreyer „„,-1 she s , me, ohs ail eit,-,I swee ss 11, 0 T ..„„,„.„. . 1 ,„, revere, or 4.. has rather side, :ea, .t 1; . when he ran Irony with lirnxt iti miens tar neY ••Ir l,l mew, , • t,r en t, ..11, Ir, v. hat OhnIll.:1+ Ittet , 11101 PP w it Ilt Ist at m ertt t' , : • • :het;..hour when 4/. , .• k...oit 1.0 toe par' v hn . h, , •.. , r tt•ii . silo. she .• f41••• , 4 . Pr. , In ise h{ , '.irt• /' 11.1eiming 11 ti NA.. 4111 t, 1,401' ,s, ~ .pared ii,.o n• Ills 14 , t he•e part...log et •••114 1.11 eri 'Keil tile In,. 're'. th..• r' , 4 ' rt bl• - e s e ,r a ewc a , •. w .,int, I .11,e le. terr , •ra n the r 01'R Y— AND N HERE IT eHALL COME VROBIL. We beg our neighbor of the ini.tpafch not to misapprehend our position upon one branch of the financial question We are not now, nor have we been, in favor of any contraction of the paper currency of the country. We wive with Congress heartily in the checks wLirh it Imposed upon the policy of Mr Met'ui loch In that direction. We have red been able to see any road desirable or even practicable out 01 the woods,' the absurd because manifestly imposlehle de wand that resumption should to lacbitat ed by equalizing the paper and the coin , of Lne country in the reduction of the volume of the former. It was not due L. any put reductaous of that so I, that our greenfinch debt has appreciated from thirty six or thirty-seven • ti its present value of more that eighty ewrits on the dollar. We may thank, for that, tne re-establiptied political unity of the litepublic, its clearly vindicated ability to meet and discharge in due time all its obligations, by sufficient taxation with au honest oullection and economical appli cation of the public revenues. It is here that we find the explanation for the present abatement in the gold premium, to 12Iii against the 2so of live or bi n years since. Not to go so f,r back. was it merely to the limited contraction which Mr. McCulloch conducted, that we owe the decline In the premium, from its figure so long steady at and about 140, down to the prevailing rate at present And every dollar of this paper will yet appreciate to its face—and never a dollar of it retired for one fraction of a lin• dredW Las. When the Mouse, the other day. unanimi only adopted the —reso Ulloll— K..wli' That s proposition. thret , t or Indirect, to repudiate any port] the. debt of the Vetted States is unworthy tile honor and good name of the nation, anti that the House, without distinction party, hereby Bets Its seal of t.ondette tea 1.100 on any and all curb It did pronounce It, honest and irre vocable judgment thnt each dollar of the greenback indebtedness should he re deemed with one hundred cents of bolsi value, no more, no less. There can be no mistake in what that signifies.. Instead of crippling the business of the country, by withdrawing any part of e mrculating medium, which is to-day quite I too much limited for the absolute 'accusal ties of more than forty millions of people, we would utilize all our hoarded gold by making it the safe basis of an eniarged currency, which, at the same moment, should more than replace the greenbacks. The latter must be withdrawn—and funding will absorb them so rap pidly that the last dollar would disappear from circulation within a twelve month after a carefully devised new boar shall be placed on the market. The paper of a National Banking system Ito m.sli tied as to meet and satisfy the altered sit. nation of the present and the near future, in the only reliance we can have for filing the vacancy left by retiring the green backs. The revival of anything like State banking system is plainly out of the question; any one who should advocate a return to that exploded idea would rind no one to argue with him, for everytysly would laugh at hon. The sooner we go out of the banking business as a Notion, and go into it as a people—the more speedily we shall vin. Matte our good faith in defending the legal-tender laatle of greenbacks by the Treasury merely as a WAY.Mellt:lle, and the more profitably and auccesaluily we shall avail ourselves of die only open we/ for the resumption 'of a general standard of cash values. But, so long as many or our Cougress• men delude themselves with the notion that contraction in some way and to a large extent must sacesaarily precede resumption, and therefore do nothing, standing aghast at the fearful outlines ot a straw image of their own creation, no long events will be left to take their na tural course in the finances of the oion try. We are daily made to feel the direc lion of that course. We all know very well that resumption will come in this way, after a while, end that when it shall have come, the adoption of a tree-banking system will he as Inevitable as late. It a question worth considering whether its adoption now would not do very much to break the general fall down to the rock and bottom. _ THE CUMBERLAND ARMY We reprint below the full text of the very tine address delivered by our Repro. sentslive in Congress, lion. JAIIIKB S. Neuter, at the recent meeting of officers and soldiers of this army, held at Indianapolis. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial says: tieneralN egley'e sadness was delivered at three o'clock. I.ong, before the hour the Aciderny was tilled lwith people, and preempted a grand spectacle. The day , wee dark and dreary, but the ditlirlev• , gave the Illusion of Ku light, arid when to the Icing 'lfae added the grouping of ' live heroes on the stage. the effect wee dramatic. It was • play to wee Major General Sberlds t step up quickly to General Begley, ben him out by the hand, and•predeut him the audience. General lfiegley, Member of Congress from .P . lttsburgb, by his courtly bow, faultlesse toilet and handsome person made • favorable imprecision on the audience, who received him with cheers,. lie delivered tile oration in a full rich solos, and, when the applause entilfr rounded hie periods with prodigious effect, sounding the key note, as it were for a chores of cheers. At the close there was a buret of •pplatess. 00111141 tan or THIt CUK It KULA N Ladies awd Geutlermern--liummoned un expectedly, at a titan matt oppreed with public cares, I feel twat the plowing task assigned to me oould love been more acceptably' performed by any of the die toorwatiol gentlemen who now sur round ent itled by Yet, Rat the happy incentive of your Inv)tatlon, which caused me to travel night end day to le with you, I shall endeavor to gay something not in appropriate to the occasion, nor depargs- Ing to the theme. In this day of joyone pence, public safety and the full enjoyment of Cho richest abundance of tiotth, bleasiog. we have saserntiled to celebrate the third annual holiday of the Society of the Con:Mortised; to commemorate the hal lowed friendships formed beside the camp-Ores—along the weary marcime, and amid:the tidily smoke of,jsittle. WO have slopped aside from the busy walks of lilt, and wended our way hither from far distant homes, to stand In wilemn retroepectionhand-lo hand, with united hearts, honorable purposes, and unal- PI'DI'SIII . r,1;11 DAILY GAZFITE; 111(sIDA1 *MORNING, DEC} ►MBER -'n, 1869 high, cvag•n In scat 41.,• ;tic°, land •iry ::•51 tne: en,l en:le:1 .11:n A ot Led -•stterecl Inc arc • ta cut, r.. el. :11 lllvt IT, an.!•te rkkGhterpntl, '.l tun .\ rule •1f , Lana. art. I.,cr:. L , ngv, cut "11 what " " '"v """" 'am. en carralv. cat,e„ at, I ,11.• ' v cc,:r. I lit v • ...Iv .r .n' R 1.1 an•l -rne• ,11:1 1, , rn: nil tu: Is nv. N. I:. I 1,.••.c 111,1 i.• r,,, •nls !, •11, I.st I •, :10 a 11.1••,,,, ri e , . ..l.rca 1 . s, r n.:acr =OE trio nre.“ nlennengnr ..! :he ''l" ntn hattle, Lena the. henrt• the to tr, pnrr.: • , .11rohhett with pa:telt, ...1,111.1. h , t.„ .ehtt to• ur auppltentnnt• na ..: the •a• • . unn.loal ertng••• the Itt-reletr, nut) et. ,an nh • : with the tiorea e, .• he r. ,r ,tr.t-t, behalf ..I the nhaent unen nl r„, „„ ra4a . ; wun warn even then rununultngnub:he armed LI. .‘' f.I trawa..ll 1.. r the llfe the The , atrs ;•••irn• y 'onto,, yet willlng:y tolanntett g their OW, X% .I.t. a Is hilienn utt.htnnteal hp the the rag.. ••:: • •al n'a• ) aep .n a,x ~1 I rentehlher t 'net non • h, s, gt. h I th ur .1 tha Ma nta. •1 nnrtty,.. tine the r ••a., t•inr • •II the ['Y. t, inaler h ,1•1/1 . P 1 n lea ..I tt. ntn; , • h a Mg' Jo. ner the ,a testa ht• 'haltered ....mut , t. , fait, then, n •nrt •unnt; anal I haul of the Inak era ,, „ ,„, .4041 ..1 ton vietorneo , vet 1.. ".. 11 I he (a' .I.lnanterlng light "I "" '''' . 1 """ , !r•nat anyt v " PIA , r lire L 'liv" '""...""."1 t h e ant, r'. :..r that 1.11..0rte gnat the trekl. e a.eriung ni.ar 1,1114 are a.. •t nand ni, a . r „, g u t „f te , nyri , may ha- nen v.: ..I • Len 1. re. rattle lir twocotry. sow,: ..11r he la,table •n... kale ....rthern t:nr, anu.nntpanotal tn. the •ng the the-. a.l.aar:age. I,n:A tea ',ulna, .111,1111. M, far the rear. In ton . . y a;. r. a•• t al.. aa en th. us of War a Inart atutntio. `attar', new II .te • era:u .r•lera Arun,' had now swat...heel the , s ,. . .„ • a. hauate.l ...otter tun" rhea . ..bed dream. a Java a: „ . ".""'' "l " I".“` 1,1 an h " "' Th air. i.v h • dear Ureattle. 11 ,r. nht.tl ..r !flan& Menu:lute ••};,..,' ;ant "e " . "' . ' l ; 11,, 114.. eatnle ..ver thew a.rtia venieh wore '`a rar , nut- l al't•ng• an i. .' h then Si altah Ir.keh In reply hy Lon tatuteni •1 • tv, /rpr:seLl pie•eatre Inns the Inen. With a vote. as clear an ht. eve Vr.h nu'; . a.sh a and 1 . . n ruin- enti arratnr nr,ght, sill a atnile es sweeet as that ~f a tteetah..l itt ' , se tin .•ne aunts 1 Lrnuull hay..re.l •aul " train evury allay .1) the eel It la WO IN I:1 !V.l.' r "''l' runtored that lurth.r it...cllntnhuns ..1 It•n•e/ r.ef.nr er 1111 er I, 'at" ',"`" t"' . the tare he then eotnar Laprt, , t are 111...11,114 uttarrel hee uthter C icoat,l ,Inertatri ..n the weer rentelithereni ight f 11 -remit' , 31, 1011... Ind an N•efongton Items, ae deal 11 the old year end the a dvent " d the new. wre teased tterminig.y Th.• retie,. at ~f tidy Ashley, et Mon • tine meek o ll; ef tunic, r e. Inll lily, wan tans, y, „f I • there at that ells, Inc imi..ne pulled the IP. ...rats in the cat fate of the A rtey of lie sari ...(ainet the colored isaple, who faith -f• lie e, nu u.amter IL . ryd e ' were ilierv, and of hurl w le• wanted esily the lirave I .'Y^ 1 •el 1 d 1 g 1t d: t" the Adorn. y Genera. liar announCi •It , Tlnithan Cro resin In'ln the lollan I Slecook k , pra t hut , &tenet ul•tl the :senate disposes of his • rust. h. been already tool the 010 i e.,t p a ges lit martial ha.ery, in tli, nnido.i•on i• . Sunreme thnnine a 1 Iv , pont. ti,,, Omni, Vice Wayne, „, , The .ofig pr. mllused niniteli n 1 Mr Bun • ' Vet none of these gra l eful ise - ipiefit s el gr., ..! advocating reinhlintiort of the uu,a /tr. Morn I m IIDotnI•u , Inn. , nit the paid,. debt, Wu ileitvernil ID the peal. g then tire nitiln word. of th in. o II , nod 11.1 tu repudiated by all the ege fruit our lamented President iiem„,,r, present, rare{d hi. „ isles, or onei .1 bless you, and sll with rm..' ' Kentucky. Whereat hi.. Mougutt waxed Whet. .I,ine ooing the turd.'nod Ie coover , s , tii , h alter and Hower• Slay, came, the w army. whieh Inv denouncial them al. as cowards. add(ng, in language Lin /re. expreastre than restive belattat the redoubts of Slurfreeet Tour.', ewer Knd lit nightly en, attains , el , g nt .11 e; null that "every d—il frou. their winter canomfueutx. diverg• 1 me down the reale townrtin the hazy "ne t." time time `Pate prtsew!y wint o• h , ~,t hri nnagd t he I talked I've.. anti nageriati,l repudiation ail var lie y Tennessee. With wild.. eaten !ref everything except their salaries '• fie Klemm those majestic milli tune paused, , evidently en pectin' them to to' ri..istent start the enemy', Men fright...n..l tierce, la their (pubdc votes with their private from the Plateaux of 'leech ' , toe'' , utterances, awl very naturnity tilt Jibe.- whereto they lay in million, and, then, i tad when, having induced MID hi lake be skillful disposition, propitiated etre" , the lend, they desert,' him in Lis boor rI fortune; then, sweeping a lib Irrnhintehle power around the league.. of dotemen at need. „„ , , Tullahoma, that contained the chivalry r. snierim, wli ln he of the retifedernev. what ItaViitlitt failed Senate bon Wien 11/3.1e war on John W. t woi.. the 10,iniin at Pee Forney, 'ate .iavelary It! that body, gave oh eta 4etne,lt'inncrintin did with Bragg . that gesticui. tell legislative lieaeJitn u at Elk riser. The suasseis of Peter the and ....solution. The 111111/rtimlty ler trnat at PtilteWin wan repeated at t th s gracile: act on the part 1,1 Mr Con. Than, bidding farewell to I 1 ar, the doe's Ily Ing squadrons at [elver., of n resolution nlluwmg the Treasury nu Place'u hay with eel”' of balance Sir. Forney'e at . .. Aunts. artillery, the army settled down in the , will it ise recollected that line of Ulu Con heautlful valleys which opened amith• fr u , [ldea tial Clerks ni Mr Forney Muni/IVO whorl fora few grew w i t h the . printed some et the Senate funda, lor tints la the tepteni her, the Army of the den , it Sir Forney Laren° , resp,m, I-timberland panned ever the river, across ible, and alloy he at ideal paid. There the mo nntains, and down into the vales, , was wall , . Diehl:livid (1.111(.1111y in the way which form na'ure'• highways to the nen, ' whirl to day'. reaolution br grapple null the " teddetted end dee ' was intended to idottate, and, tin its pre• perste fon, hidden behind the ragged, , senlation, "senator Caducr , pti hook fully action. hue ancient enemy of all wood. covered banks of rblegainautra. latlittazt. 1 . 11. tee Pe,Yo_ie fns[ Lueel and 1,1 n‘y, Nit! •tatitially, that he r Pee'ee to theme who l 4' "r- '""own oat was ' D orn sunned Mitint than eimmag. that eventful Sunday; or those that stood with Tallman when it turned the 1 e ewe-. tide of disaater• I atn powerleas Coal taut Ir. In VI y undue, the veil of mystery which hangs OVIPT It is estimated that there are not lens the undistinguished ranks: or to rts'outd thou I ',00.) square miles of Lignite coal the nuitierenta instarrex of Pers e nel beds ist yething Territory, stet mum 11 of bravery, and almost incredible fortitude' this hoist is or . 0.14, nod only of the private tsoldler. 'reef. Applause . .. 1 inferior the cxlebrated anthracite. But T.n., the unrelenting arbiter thin cunt in elope prosim i is to all things, will truthfully vingticate rata We remrtem. LACS , Coal bade are ''''' with of "" I ' iron ores of Lie richest imahly, and in ofdinate room.ndere, which were firo. „,„ 1 , 0.0 ,„„.„ quantities that ages cahoot CiMlitlitin. At retort of tit., Le3oo. Rawlings, the red iron ore exists In large The esvittly mewing hour compels min nu,lints. Brown heriffifftle torn YO leave DJ the hintnriell, orator and ahounds wherever the ei ell beds are the ten of more sit pare 'mind, while at the head of the Clang merits at Mi.. Ridge and Lookout rive. there In of wagnetiC Mountain, and, afterward, at Dalton,i ron o re, 1,0 per rent. pure iron. Those 'tosses, 'i.e.*, New Hoe , , leach Tree . " i ron ores in coalition with the Coal, will Creek, Jonesboro', and,kltininis, on inn - noon lie Offhanded even this far western romantic Journey with Sharman, by the the "Sea," to Pe...viva:on C°UntrY. • -aV of 1.. nue. — 'Cho r,S.Lig. sit ra11..14 t MEE • Ilarrinnurg tetfer eh,. I Nit ttrtlitrue.tttu, wan hantely beta the agentttl tie It tar• mull t ttartt.er. mow busby en Caged "u ••rnfata / list it wttrk, which w ill be "pc vast magi' rude and importance Auutfally. tunny yearn, lettn tilt y t•• true htitit"red Itetunautl dttlinrs Lan been altfirttt•rin fol Ittr charitaitte fttirpttees, the .hvbhrve winch Les.. I,veu it, il different relortuvl ,, ry MI! t l 'II , 1ir , .11V111.111 I lie MaleTb r,S4. ' Ito gilt this ne Foe y nen 7n+ .ant „ ! it. '1 hey nettled the tt:iirtnut with the A u•i•ittr I tt•uernt, the tt•nit• tiettce " I which has been that apprt good troth Ittr tatv.lah r ttleeott, I have in Many ruses, been C' - wintered g.rat. ty tu•livltlna! ettrroptittut •tr ti etee at . i .led hi the Minn, ttt charity. lite it 'aril ul Chnritlee was rutted t , pat nu en .l I.IOA I ,, rt of unug. L/1111, SVI,CI.I It nanoe the itedittitittn• worthy ttr eirtntequary aW, anti when nu it' propriatittu to mode ttt that Ii ftr•tiperly theltursrtl I have ott tlttnitt , whatever, that Man!. th,lllanda 1.1 0.11 klt r. will ' Bayrd I , the r•late Tressmy, and at the , •1 , I 1013 , 1101 oi ge l to ,nartly . wfl h) the `1" -n6"". i't 01110 ITEMS. 'l'neua are orven thounand inmaLea c..uuty 4 bt i!to.. 4, 1 th. ”no thou.nd are-untlt r t el, mare I• I age. Dr. Dattcrn.a, 44 Dun ,thinklaanr) gave truth. Irw ,fags h In g, 6 , lour b.ys . me .1 la h.tn has tine diet Ihrm Mb r and lhn thrm 71111%111mi; b.) a are tiring =Mil The pcl.lOr of Metltottolg oottuty, arc twltthom stskit; thr c,lttlar ,gl,•ture pnbn a outmittt.; to lit rlectore id tilt o.uzity the que.4l,u n.m.,Tlng the county sent Ir , .m Can to.,, t.. lottogstown 1 ,, PEOPLE 11 H" I'oll T HIM E. I.V 1. E el ELI r r PA; P -LI: • r r • lEEE 1111111E=1 =MI SEEM 11!1=1 1111.1 , 1 l NVEMM= =I IZEIE IMMIUI2I NOTICES RrNCYTICE.- A Special Meet- I .• 01 rlO.. 1 , 1 A (MA wll, Lrl.l an •b•lr Ir.S1.1•11: 11 , .1' •E. •'... r".r , SUM at 7 , • c:ocit r. bit A Nil Att.ol•n. , l• a • - • •••••• v. (01, 00. 00-•tio7 Ii? N.. 1 1.121.11 F., BANE NOTICES IrilllNT NATIONAL BANK. 1 . A.. lalr I ., tt•bu•gt , “nopan, •- An Nr •I S I, HE. il•Ul, • I 1 I••• 11 I n. in , 11111 ve. •...I NIMINIIIIM lIME=I I . IT T 11 13~Isfl V. r4rTHE ANNUAL ELEI•TION sezvEN mitt , ~1` Bank, ta r‘r Ll3c elaa lr•r• " " nola at th- Baulong mut., N. nou. 66 Vauttll or. 111,1,1, tug I lin ar January, 1670. la tart, I ,r lAA, • a I •d R. 1.. 5T11.1 . 0 R .01,1,1, ATO Tlllnu I' N T A :UF„,!;71.":11:1;" ( -- . - r - T111: Al% ELECTION lot 1 trevlors.,l till. Maul takt :.lace A. LI.. ItatAltAt Huua.. 4/U Ti) Y. ./Auuary 111711, .I.reru toe bours of 10 • bl anti .1. N 11. "n.1.114,t0ir AT,,,••1. itrt•it lt•r. 11. IIMtI.I air TUE ANNUAL ELECTION thlrteen Itlreet,r• 11,1• flank he held •t the li•elttost House. Tl'll/111AY '•"11•11 nth. 11.7 U, between the a( I A t ••111er riTinia•ttUll N• 1 .10,41. Ilii•Mt or C..bl•A t e( I.,,nuAl.it. In 1,11,01.1 lAN, ( SAN ELECTION FOR TO TLE). 1/11111.1:TORS of LIII‘ Bank. eat r r during icAr. *lll fill It the Nanking lion., corner W0.r.1 Rret and R. &wk.., ort TI!ENDAY. JahuAry IM N. M torero the hours or 111. •. mad Id rat. Jl/6111.11 NIL, ...abler. WCITIZ ENS' NATIONAL 'IAA KW,' TABU ICON. — An a Inctlon for Aloe IllffeLOro of 111, Itaal. IN ...ye tor We l/c. held N the BARRA'', Nouse vu TUK.3IIA.Y. II h January, INTO. hel•etn De bouts of 11 IY. 1.14111 r J. K. UNARY. Jn . . Meer ml.r 11. VOW. M.... anl , h• It .1 ioN. ItANS. !V 1:11.1:( TION FOIL Pl - 1.1 till v.u. w 1111... : held al (b ue VhDAlr. rat.ha 11. 1.00. I, the Iluul. ul N. and Ir. Y. JWIN 11. MARTIN...O.Ir, p 3lllIo A MA St•rkt-et ' , min' NAT. Es.' 1.11-I,nt tutp, 1.1 RI -THE ANNEAkL ELECTION of thi• Lau I. ••111 tate 1 , ..ec •1. the 1.1151, Into. belvrcee the hours of II A bi •ocl A 1 . . M. Ncorr,Jn., CAA, r At., N1.111.11T NAT0,..1.•11. I't it Sul I{l.l, Il.i.rmovr 11. 163—A.N ELICTION OF DIREC TOM ta*arse durtna en•ulnig Test eelil tee laid at the Ilan., 11.oe. No 33 ?lilts swim gm no IUESDAY, ,'a Ai II h. txto.batereeu the boon . a II A. al. •nd I r. V. MC:A.:4I;.n , a:asuaar. NEW ADV ER TISEMENTS =1 NEW GOODS 110LIDAYS, WILLIA.It SEMPLE'S, Nos. P.l) and 1S Federal litreet 1= A cIimpLETE STiu lire's.. Goad,. friar rproof of hm Cloaking' I 0114-8 LADIES' 11 II lIISSES' SIIMLS, A 61.t•ar V.krik:t,\• ,)i }AN('I" GOODS Fur tho W I LLI AM SEMPLE'S Su*. IFAI and 1 2 Federal Street, CHRISTMAS Ladles' IA urk Buses, *I rating Butts, raury 1105 e.: rartnioniae., Ludic.' raft hell., litre..ltig 1 aw., Wal4 Le %laud., GrelitS' ' , bat Inc ( asses, 4 Isar %laud•. Flue Nat Dull, frailty Doll., au., au., 111111EMEIM NEW GOODS IN AL Merchants and Dealers S 713 e31, - racl. 80 Al BUTTON HOLE Family Sewing MACHINE, A Very Valuable Present I=l3 =II rr C•ralas Ea ay. =MI =INS JAMES ESPY, Western Penna. and Eastern )hio Salesroom, N. W. Corner FI/7h arriaur and .Therket NI atcorid floor. Entrance . , .to 12 DIM amour, our door br- low .Markel titre, I n. mm FURS. FURS, FUR HOLIDAY PRESENTS M'CORD & CO'S, 11E11 VG c) c:o el. !9t Will be found the Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock of Ladies', Misses' and Gents Fars to select from in the (11). All the late styles of Hats and Caps Arrivin daily. HOLIDAY PRESENTS FATTIER, lIIRBAND, BRIITHER OE FRIEND DhtESSIM ROBES Of moot be.olllnl pailieros. ell. Hoed nod (wrings of WY gained. They are decidedly tn. handeomeet good•lo atm market. •nal ore offered ALS". 1 II •NI/sOlf LINE It► GENTS SMOKING CAPS Together with so elegwat line of U ENT ‘• N- N INIIINII 04,11 N, allayluble fora vae1,1.1101.- IDAI Clirr GRAY, POSSiL & RESB 61 Filth Irt., OpT How Build axle x, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISENENTS GOOD BARGAINS FOR THE No, I'm) and 1 , '2 Feileral Street, I We.t rat. Market \t. and Ith Ate BOULEVARDE SKIRTS, rixmlirserrs and Jeans /111= THE Li►\VES MACRUM, GL AMERICAN OVERSEAMING 111113 Ball) SA GIFT \GENT, MeCORD & CO ELEGANT For Gentlemen, Suitable fur AT MODERATE PRICES - '''',....r.r.-, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Whit, .tu,t fi, A , r a Barred Gultutr, Flitoneln, White and Plain l'olurt.d Flannels L a trs and lients liud,rwnar, Hoslory. Gloves. Ac I=l Printed and Eu 16,441 Borders EDO' Bil:b AIMS Or THE EkIA-S4O MIES' 1N1) MISSES' FIRS, I.• ;tll,l WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Sus, 160 and 1S Federal Street, IMEIIIIMMI PRESENTS T' PRICES' Real Lace Collars 6. FlandlCfs, Rents' Ilaudkrrt•hief.• Ladirs' and Rent.' /.lose,. Children'. 4.10 s e., Ladies' Scarf. and Bow Roman Sashes. lornts' Row• and •cart.. Children'. Mloc•kins.. oitted Pattern, Knit Goods. tar.. Ladies' Lla 1311 kerchief,. I. DEPARTMENTS upplied 'at Eastern Prices YDE & CO'S, Etrir..et Street ELEGANT HOLIDAY GOODS No. 110 Market Street. • .• ••• •••• r‘ • kb IA •1.• HIM!IE;MI:1111:1 EINEM Superb Perin Hower Stands, Curd Be-weer,. Elegant Wore Roses, El efill nt 1111Mikere Duxes. 'Fork Boxes. Irritimi Desks, l'artfolios rocket Hoods. Dressillg G.tses, Statuary, Alb.. Cuba:, Vienna Ctgar Cases Russia I rather Sacs. Laulars' Com pa ralona, Marines Satchels, Odor Cases, Bohemia Mama and China fuses, etc., etc. /fir ilr.let • a 4 en 1.) C. YEAGER A: CO. d.„ Z z 1 e.' iil • to r 4 =a E. ( t z ", '.. v ..., 11,1 Ze ', E-I PR k. .e 4 T , E.' z Pi 14 E __,- r f w :: o 0 ,4 01 ,4 41 N w Z f 5, c P: ..-::01 =1 ;#i ir, 14 0 c=c4 A d -t1 A z ii ..., 1;3 1)IA.1“ )7Ni 1)ta1. ' l5" SINTI CHI'S 9" lIIMZEIZE g ON TUESDAY:. AT MCFAD►DEN '1 r Federal Street., Allegheny.