The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 20, 1869, Image 1

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Vffice,B4 and 86 Fifth Avenue
V' kCithlS OF THE chuLy
By Inu i pvr •,tr
De11..4,1,1 Lr carrier, yer •.d
American Ministers and the Ala-
bama -Claims—Central Ameri;
ran Ship Canal—An English
nen of the McFarland-Rich
ardson Scandal Threatened
Disturbance at Londonderry—
Emperor Napoleon Himself
Apia —Spanish Refugees Ban
ished—Ecumenical Council Ad
journs to January 6th—The
Pope's Interference in Protes
tants' Council Objected to by
French Bishops—Another Va
cancy in the College of Cardi
nab; — Assasshfiltion in Madrid
—The lloverninent of Spain
will be Monarchical—China Ap
proves of the Action of Mr.
*ph L. tet • Pii:a•,urta
- _LOS/iON, December Spectator,
today, in reply to the comments of
other London journals, on the Alabama
question, 001110,1 to the defense of the
American Ministers, Johnson and Mot
ley, against the charge of their Butner.
stance to English infinence. The writer
says the English people believe that
Johnson impartially took in them and
their dinners.
The Tones sari there is great Interest
felt in COUlnltatittai circles, as to the pas
sibility' 01 another »hip canal. deeper,
wider and less subject to fog and sand
delta, through some of the Centrid
Amerika° Staten, to connect the Atlantic
- „and Poall4 "cone.
• The NI t et, thly Renew has an editorial
s on the } Lirhardnon-DlcFarland tragedy.
The Writer pro ounces the Astor House
Vre-itilio, grotesque, tlllll3OOllll.
Tar ...,'ru:uent, apprehending a riot
at L m-• morrow, has dispatch.
ed tetiihiai to that plat, to quell any dis
order that mar ix•cur.
LONUUNDEUR V., Dec. 18 —There is in
tense excitement in this city in View of
the threatened dieter hence., on the ores
Won of the celebrating of the anniverna.
ry of the siege of the city. Additional
police have been sworn in and many
troops have arrived to be used itothe
suppression of any outbreak. Up to
this time, three o'ciock, the city is trail.
• gull
PAII.III, December le.—The F:Lupero
ha• entirely recovered ['rum hco rOCOLI
The authorities to day ordered all the
Spanish refugees In the city, who were
In any way ioipllcated in the late revo
lution; to leave the country.
Commercial parties in this city, and
particularly those having brusinese con.
nectlona with Amen., are much agita
ted In relation to the approaching termi
nation of the postal treaty with the
Milted States. This treaty expires on
the drat of January, and though the
French Government in disposed to renew
It Immediately, during the Interval that
moat necessarily elapse before It can be
acted noon interchangeably by the two
governments, lettere cannot be prepaid
by certain steamers, and much ember
:Moment is likely to 613811 e.
M. Leseepa, engineer In-chief of the
Suez Canal, Iran been congratulated on .
the auccens of the work by the Emperor
and b.rd Clarendon.
• • • • •.
Heart Rochafort't new • Journal, The
Marscifb 8, Made. fir • t appearance tem
morning. The authorities have not in
terfered with It.
8.0316. December 18.—The session. of
the Ecumenical Council will be resumed
on the sixth of January. The French
Bishops have protested against the
Pope's interference In the Protestants'
CounciL The Spanish Bishops, home
and colonial, sustain the Pope.
Another reason was given today by
the Ecumenical Council, for adjourn.
meat to the Muth of January. The
Biabops were under the necessity of
attending the Cathedral of Bt. Peters
on account of the acooustic Imper
fections of the hall, and have therefore
•reaotvt i to hold their sessions hereafter
at another place.' but" which cannot be
put iu order for several dove
. .
The Council hits not yet named the
seventytwo members of the three oom•
a1i1.101311 provided for, namely, Disci
pline, Religions Orders and Eastern Af.•
fain.. The members of the Commission
on Faith have been designated, but the
names are not yet made public. Several
of the bishops, among whom is Father
Matthieu, haveobtahsed leave of absence
for the purpose of holding ordinations
In their diocese.
The Vivito Calico/a to-day publishes
the text of an Apostolic letter, imposing
rules for the government of the Council.
Rosin, December 19—Cardinal Pentini,
• native of Raffle, died yesterday, aged
seventy-two years. There are now nix
teen vscanctea in the College of Cardi
nale- It.istnd erstood that the Pope will
make no nominations to fill .vacancies
while the Ecumenical Council is in
MADRID, December 18—Senor Sale.
verrio, a Minister of Finance under Ea•
Queen Isabel, was stabbed today by
-Senor Revitadeniro, who formerly occu
pied a high position Under the former,
bunwhektras imprisoned for frauds dis
covered by Salaverrtn. The wound has
been Pronounced fatal by the attending
ON olden.
A decree has been published appoint
ing Spoor Sank to Investigate and cog.
gest reforms advisable to be adopted by
the Government.
Mauna,. December 12.--General Prim
pte.liet) declaries that there hen been no
chauite of op r , . - Cn3Ofihe_ffovornment or
of the Cortea on the que■tfon of a Moo.
arcb7. The Duke orGenoa will nrob3 bly
reeelve the crown, but should he decline
it, the Government lOU not favor the ea.
taflis hment of a DO-ohne.
Ilse. 17. Mioister Barlim
game hes received official notteo that the
Chinese Government le fully aatianed
with the action of the Embassy, of which
Mr. Burlingame to the head. Tble con
firms the previous reporta to that effect.
LosuoN, Deostuber 18.—The steamer.
Sootia, Idaho and Columbia have arrived
LONDON, December 18— . Eveneng.—Con
ante for money, 92y; HCOOULIE. 9r2n
American eiecuritiee—'6* SVC ' B7l , 84
.Ten.iorties, 82X; Erie e, 18; Illinois, 89 . 85:
A. & 17. W.. lei.
FRAY IC Vo December IC.—Bonds
quiet at 0114,91 N.
..,Pwran, December 18.—Bourne firm at
72f 60c.
LIVERPO December 18 Cotton
IMMO: middling uplands 1141 d; Orleans
12d ; 88186 14.000 bales. California white
wheat ha 7d; rod western No. 2 ha 3d
.@lBl 4.1 ; winter ha. 10d. Woatern
Flour Ma 9.1. Corn, No. 2 mixed 28e Ad.
Oats 2a 9d424 10d. Barley nominal at 56.
Peas, 35a@atia. Pork doll at 1078 6d.
Beef 10.34 Od. Lard 775. Cheese 68a
Baron 65s 6d. New COl/111:1011 Radii 58@
he 3d. Spirits Petroleum le4d; refined la
13.1. Tallow, 45e. Turpentine itie.
Los Dos. December is —Tallow, 47e3d.
Sugar. 39 .@ 1 8s Ad. Cahn:ate linsed dna
er at Ms 6 d@;5884 , 21.
Petroleum, at Antwerp firm at 61.41.
At Bremen firm and ;inlet at 6 thalere
63 groats.
At ilarnhurg firm and unchanged.
H. VRE, December 78.—Cotton steady.
P.” 1.18, December 18.—Bouree strong;
Rentea 721 70c.
. v
0,.... a
' •
, ~,,,.• ,
~... . ,
; t
ill , ti . 4 /
j i lx.. . : ' , ,.i t e: 4 j -
.tdditional Merrautile Failures
Estattr of A. D. Richardson
Death-bed Marriage Go he l'on•
tehted—The No, e mber : Elrrl ion
Frauds Sixty Indictments
Found— Morrimses-Bdn. Wood
Lottery Squabble—Erie Batt
uay Litigation --- St ea msh p
Wr, ektd---Forged Bank Drafts
Duel, not a Bloodless One
--41reeley'd Rijoinder to Gen.
But+ er---Depfl•tu re of the Eigh
teen Spanish I an boa I s---Par
dotted by the- President.
o.ionot. 1.. to..
Nit , Y.Pea. Ihnn!.
AUDI r ton Fit i'AILI'REM,
following failures have been re
p tried alone lesterdat F. A 11. Toned,
Ininor dealeTk NVest tercet—property
taken possession .01 hy the shoed for t he
be heti'. of cred ito Deeerualogiaa,
Rine A417,1a10.a, Broadway:
y Dirk ILnling . hitia , I:Mt Tenth
Street suspended and matte assignment:
Btolltps A II ALI, prod ace dealers, West
client; Matthews .4 Winner, poxitice
dealers, Washington Street; Ittotert
Atkin, provialikas, West street. If. F.
begram, dry goods, of Broadway, has
effected a compromise with his creditors
on the basis of paying fifty centa on the
dollar In three mouths.
EaTATE Or A. h. itirliAßD4o:n.
Surrogate Tucker stated to-day t hut the
question, If any, which may tie Involved
in the right of the property of the late
Albert B. Richardson will come :,store
R. C. Ilutchmita, his successor, for ad
judication. NJ formal application has
bee nlade e hy any ono for totters of el
minestration. Mr. Richardson's brother,
who called at the office on Friday to NI,
certain what course bent, old ad -pt, wen
informed lie had ro. right to take out let
ters of administration, and that the sons
of the deceased. or his widow, were the
only persons who have that right. Mr.
Rlchardsott did not make a Will, and It
ill said the death-lied marriage well be
ounteated by relau yes ot the deceased. FRAI na.
The (it-and J ory r.f Rings county to-day
id - fawn/0d indictments against Filth
election Inanectoru and canvassers for
concern In the election frauds of Novem
ber. Among the persons Indlott
Wm. 0. Brown, one of the Fire C„ m `
misaionera, Juatirea {Watch and Buckley.
A large majority are ethos holders and
politicians. The teals Will begin nett
week, and the District Attorney expects
to have at least half a dozen indicted
persona convicted before the Bret of Jan
The lottery war continues. A ner the
apoOintruent of Joh n Morrissey ea
receiver of the Sltuutouda lotteries, In
place of Ben. Wood, the hatter obtained
an Injunction front Judge Cardosa. re•
straining Morriasev from pro,ellna'
under the order of Barnard. When
injunction was served, it was found taut
.Morrissey had disposed of U. property
to a brother ~f s,,,,men a for the noun ual
snit, or MIA« will rows be•
foe the snort )4 N166,1a,
The motion made liv Mr. Karnaey
counsel. in the atilt against the Erie
Way Company to veceto the Rote of po
needing. granted I,y Fttirorn, w.
argued yesterday bet orf. .I.lge Murray
et Delhi, Delaware nmutv, and .Lemed.
The Court Toluecd 1., beer the motion t.
confirm the orders of Orpt” /MU. Of in
junction and for a receiver, and ad
journed till the 28th.
An important test caw" wee brought
before Judge illatcbford to-day, which
involves the right or a merchant to re
Cover books and papers which 111,121.61fe1l
seized by the Cushom House Collector.
The law of 11367 proVidtn that a Judge or
the-United Mates Court may deliver up
such books, after the necessary exatnlna•
lion has been made. Testimony will be
taken. _
The Honesdale National Bank of Penn
sylvania has, notified the Merchant. Ex
change Bank of this city that attempts
have been made to defraud. In certain
drafts purporting to be by the Honesdale
Bank on the Second National Bank of
Philadelphia and Fourth National Bank
of this city. The bugtut drafts are for
$3,01,0 each..
Th e eteemahle tirecian, from Palermo
sahore at Jam. Inlet, Long Inland, he
broken In two. Alt the perwona aboard,
.:aentEme In number, were rescued at
mminent risk by a life boat manned by
he employee of a wrecking row-puny.
The complaint of James Flak, Jr., In
his suit fur damages for .alleged libel by
C. C. Norveil of the :runes, w. tiled In
the United Statila Uircutt Court to-day.
Fick claims 1100,000.
A duel concerning a lady camp if at
Aquia Creek, Virginia, a few daya ago,
between Col McNamara, a politician, and
a broker named Varrium, both of New
York. The latter was wounded, probe
Lily mortally.
Governor Hoffman has appointed Chinii.
H. ViltV Bram to the vacancy In tlieCourt
of Common Pleas, created by the election
of Judge Braden to the Supreme Bench.
The steamer Rhein, from Bremen via
Ekmthempton, on tisk 7th, arrived to.
The United Staten .team ■loop of war
Ratty arrived to-day from San Domingo
via Samana and St. Thomas.
PARDONED DI Tilt r.tealuE's7
Colonel Richard Enright, who was
convicted of being implicated In whisky
frauds and eenteoccd to the penitentiary,
has been pardoned by the President.
The Tribune, to-morrow, will publish
a reply from Greeley to General Butler's
response to his former letter on universal
amnesty and universal suffrage. Re
(erring to General Butler's opinion that
some ball dozen, more or less, of the
Confederate s should have coffered exem
plary punishment, Mr. Greeley says
"Wises five more years of peace shall
have intervened, I am quite confident
you-will consider that two or three as.
amulets would have been enough, and
after the lapse of more years you will is
satisfied that to haveetrung up, In Deb,
him who waa%ur stiiiicafor President
to lure, would have answered the pur
Ho refers to many historical pnwe
dents to &low that severities after a war
do not serve to aave or perpetuate power.
In short, he stye: "If there he one lesson
written all over the face of history, it
see.. to we that pride goeth before
destruction; that the COEN ueror Ina civil
fund wk . ° has glytted pot vengeance,
stands Men very auar 'Ma final down
He vitae Tennewow, and the overthrow
of the Republican party there, as an in
stance of the legitimate Intl ta of a probed' -
lion Polley. and impeaches the policy of
eweeping diafrancamement and prosartp
tlol3 an leading inevitably to such [llama.
toy.. ldisalasipni and the defeat of Dent
he regards as a vindication of the more
liberal policy,
In eunclualon, ho expreanes hi• coon
deuce that as penBlolHl cool and wrath
emu., thouaande who have earned will
thank him for what ho has dono and
dared in reeintance to ibelr own .. 0.
v i ner y impulaes, and Joyfully truetn
that thle will become at least the com
mon faith, and even that of (ion. Butler
At one o'clock this morning, the eigh
teen Sisanlet, gunboats, whose departure
had been hourly expemed during the
pen week, took up position In the wake
of the Spanish war vessel Pilaw.% which
had been lying In the North river during
the pant three weeks, and following,
lammed slowly down the river and out
the bay. A few epectatora were present
and there 'was no demonstration, what.
ever. Twelve untiniehed gunboats yet
remain at the Delamater works.
or amthe e , in.. NV Penitence •nd Its Results
kilo - re,. I • ca . opre , etted ea .olllll{
... ~,1 ~,•„ ......1 ,„ „ ~,,, „,,,,,,,, /he . 0'!"0 . 00 Is a copy of a letter Ts-
In the tiller id
,„ ~.. be : 0..,.. F ~. ley , ~, ~, ~, ~,,,, , ' „ 1e a few days since, by Col. H. C.
0 re •'k.Wi, tr....), chic! Of the Government deter,
preettetealy report yl,p, .F.F. slag, auggeated the pro- tire.
.4 11 , twee,. and ~ e r a up, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t,,;,,,n.auee,;itL",, goti/e,,adig.c,...etefit.t.trettelo,.l
. 4 1 thp i , kairt.
ociteretoe levirt.
I 11, A ill, nrw,n,lll list we. , k kec, op t.,,, re,
Mr r,. moved that x coustnitte, , If
-A it rr .1 .• ementeht temorred - -
~.1.• ot to chi, Ilia mail ' ..... A. "' '..."AA 44'044 rant ..' ..1 three be appointed tee report at the. neat N ll.. . ,
~' art 0 iii meet at half pest Fl A. et , n lean k mete pieta. Thts plata WU
at here thia morn og or 0.,..•kt0n, near The •
I tali-l'ol)gant3 ttnestion- P 00d.. 4 "l d ' a e 1.4.4 .n1 e .. ° th e 111 ii•le 1.....1r (r " " ' ' Ar• '''.'" '''. r e. • d. ' .. NI thtlae b. take tep the argument and "t c " c '1 ... 10 ' c '.° i t "."P f r ,. '" Y; "r
°P9"t°" ( ol. 7 meth. e t, Ole by one or the best en
ilex nine. A eta: 01 1 / 1 0 raved ~,, nii,,,, , , , e r , , totv• Fl ,ca ON or incredible it may ape from toe l icy of Mei i•te rte rhe I, n nal e c ur., i,.c. eu, i urt.r. eithrinettes.l for °';
„ ,al
„ c t . t , t c - c g° „ o 7 . - c 7 N lh " r f L r° „ '" , c 7, -.. 7 . "r y . . t Vera oi the I ntted States, as you will see
Florida k
..ppeais tor um erunien i
•„,, , "1..,, lee c eed rt.t• tire, tl, ea • - wee ...., c - , c. ,
cc. ', I , si „ r a h „ Y oci A. Nf w„ .. when 3,t0 tome In ,kaucelue It . 1 pL ig
Lb° shaft /1111 111. NV: V 1 h eicternome. pear, et 1.1 net eel helms tree that I nwurn ( " 4 " . .. '.. hi c 0 . 0 te ur .
ten the 3,1 :Sem, E. toter° gave a grand 10'
' ”t° 't.rt '' ' '''-' t'' '' ' .; ".. 0.14 ~. 1-,., c .. ~,,efored ea, the Of 11111201.1043. $:!000 F •I have ,t done well, with the hope
~,,,,,,,e, La ~,,,,, .•„rv.,, two large Aid to Enforre the Lams and to or Mel , tiga,el , 4 Allilllg to erillet OV.II
A NI %Vete., E- c , hoped that both ,01 making a speedy fortune. You may
house. doe nait h .1 and • 11111, 11l • 1/If, ,ARII, . order to ft rrn 11111 V1.1.i, upon dinner In hire h onor.e et wle. le •pet,•1,0..
( amnion Pit •• Mau /tenet,
" l'rotect Life :mil l'roperty - Re. '''
.....,:i, ;tees ~mo,iii ell would rep.,rt a ' be anxious to kn... the engraver's nears
entranort lo the 11ill,t, There aer,,,,, the Cltristmli people at Witinepos. I wore made I." h.." , R. " ... ". Nl ' A " .. .., et t I‘l , ll. /'. • :rl . 1.. III•tt, ..I rye... 1,, retcm Wing Oil Ineremse In suffice It to ray that no lan 1011
ger dwells
urn: P.r. ,,,,, . the , i...iiir/g 1104.04,.. .1 construction Musiiiiii.s - Adeti,- here, :UV learned that the 7111,1/011g 411 ard, Frederic k ' , board aliel eether.. "ti Nt rh ey t% u ~ I, •,,, ,-,e% „ , c . c,„..,, •- net •. are . of the 1.'0.. 1 Otlr c 0 ....Y on this earth, that be has already gone
Ws road which
n w t ill tw aisr ei n ve lus y r . e to t c •Tvel ...,
Ili, Lime, 4CI N ere earned obeen in ill patisseries vve,• niong every effort' to iti the. eerie a grand ball, anomie," Itv Roar r ~,„, , r
~ y ,„ „,
„ ..,,r.c .. , c c 14111; J.. o teprointe l ourt.
" I sion of Virginia Ileferred till dt.,,, the ' , crone', Illdl.llll near the occ ,„„ ch i ..,,, 40 ....,.. gi ,..,, ~t ~,,, rh „,, . ,
1.. .. ,,, 7 ,
~' „ ,; ;. 1.,
i ' ' k ' .' ' " M • li - de.. I/II , 41/ that In.rutic h. the o il er h ay ,"
lel ling inn. ,411,1 111.041111 v killed. It la
• 'in I rrt ter to lervek over the rule in
1,1 tintoteutwtte toner el, •he ',she. Some arter the IfolidttYa - Georgia t u !.",",„`, l ;,, ffi II".
10 '''''''"'" for , , ~,. no, chhorcu„,,,, utreette 1,,t he m VII, (,1 I' e NH, - anon of rm. ..`ra' I'• " • rime .I the meetitig of i ~,Iffe in
, 0.1 to take op area in feever of (... - A "..A
140 1114 , 1..441•1 10 1141 , 1,e, In Ili„ no tie
were deoterated nas a l Illuminated.
many this:mewl dollars to keep
Mole ruirall.
keys - Lurie 1 . • -to tem Louie A•eit.rtuteett Ikr , .., 'hat the ku•lges IA/ requested to c " a° ' I ll"
end are auppeeed to have i u .„, „tied C 1 1 10( I(/ Ile C011Sidell t (I
h .e .•
To-413 3 - ' Tie ‘i. titer save that a notorious rt nee' (1 ' 4. " • ..I.nleg 1" Mr . i "`“ w ar i l ^ i a eMurrer. idt. r. i ; roneti:Pol end rre.,ni a th• I .., 'LIP r - n.o. ..1, (hurt hi I Ont or prism. although I bare never bees
...dant iv. Tee • re, • tri ell have le,
rd.., tit ill eel and ud Alt - mug at :1 I arrested in to y life. To-day lam poor
the, trees. Ir,• P. are tem.,. „, u ,1,, ~, Tot,neco lievenue from Virginia " '
titan me•liirieV • 011tleor end fiend af, h„ i ale4v•le alto.' hi. diamterl o o.ol.m. itt Ina, ~,,,, ~ ~,,.
.. to \le leo ',Ave it • tto . . •I • - I
. • ' • lln ours* nod broken in spirit; upright be
, tn.(,, the, It, I totlestroy the nit,' I otemeteg e • . • .S.i .1 . In tern l.4 otr .11 s Otte le ' , tikes ten t• . ' 1, ed • le .1 . 0 ." vietitted
extri•eatt. the Pole, Tile ti matte 1,11
, tc.tea ale , i 011 lin illet's routePt Niontatie l ..''''''' ""'i*
''''''''' son 1. 11...1, AII, II i , , ,r tII for illsoriiii, i irio s 4O sii ❑
. 1 .. , i, offered the I fore the world but entity in my owe
- Hostile Indians l'itr , ued and ~,,,, ,„,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, ~,,,
„ 0 ,,,, ~,., 1 1„„ F,,,,,,„.,,,,,,,,,„ ~,,.....,, I: .„,.„.„ I „,„„, ~ „.„, „ ~,,„.„...,.,, , „„„„ ,„„ ~ .„.„,, ..,„,,..„
forty feat and omrt. ler •ken ro frercluent,
I conacienCs. I have aban doned - coon lat-
Puilisbed-liold Salt, ilia %leek one et] M. le mite" • erewle • ... ......elele erte c cacti )' Inc towering the King, Prtia•let. er ,twin t
- • • • I ii 'it and ietting tor ever, and destroyed OULU
Mat I's . I meet/its, le , trade a ale the hostile ( . ..mi s, and ....toped t "aYiiig "lint 1(.."..' FL • • 1 .1 " . k. " - . ' • ev e . let id tn. •-• ••• ire" ' ,..- "eeett ' hr.."... '''''''.'•." ' '''. ''''''''' "( ''...1 . " 4.. . y„h ge , r , my guc c, K eep thi. pus. 1
AI moetitoo. t v,•• ~,, ~, r,„ tr,,,.,,,,,„ . to I/re (lIIIit ted - Giild i n l t it , near NI., eiti river, boll with the /4 , ,1111i 11/- " ..Wh '' r th " " .. '' .. "'. l ' " 1 ... " . .r I• I I "... I, 111 . • ' ~... , I .1 11 for it i bar
__,''''''' ' l'4 a lA`r A°.'''''''" r'"
t e'r'''' '' l. ' ~.0.1 v.... st. rh, I assure you, hun
, ~,,,,,,, or en'iiiiiing Irool four litentlrmt I 'tooter, Sortie • ittruala ootit il le , t., pc . ' c.c. t - •le it.,,,1 atel Iltral - thervb, ,
fib'ut Ile, the. meriting I 1,0 eart h • ver
hot , . t t - I hat • metnuvrtee of tiro be be ° .atr i a "' " r Lo"ress ' ii. " .lls zu Prompt
1i 0 11...., sh.• h 1. . ,, r.„. ok, 1.,..11 „„, k „,, .I . rt , a4mr) -Januar) I ittere ,, 4t in ,to 4, t hm,L,,, , t ,
, i ltione telocely dee d• on I glee polititml Slgniltrantat ' „ Sir, 'Neu c,„ , 00 „ c „ c,
cepptenred le report at 4 kola...eon:et I eti to take Ills course-my own coa
l. fifteen yeara, gore ieray. .ecie block I the aide of i 'amides and Menuoiceil, and I •r. k '"(''
111141 11 , 1 r , io NI J , 01i., il
1,1 hottwas was PA li low .1 up eat quirk le Adi :IMP. I ant ke , err to Inform you that Itictisron, 1111.0 , in., ot we tray a plan Cor orgYllloo I Pelerice, sad the dark walls ath peewit.
hi. 1 , .,,...11 • 1 ticernee lieneral, ham tmo. i ''"?'''''''''''''''llrh"'''''''''''''''''''"'`'' ; '[.:n t' '"l''' ' ' '' l7"l3' ''''''''''''":". 3, P ; ' ,., 1% .7* . f 0 . :,. 0 ,7 " , ' ,,, v 1 ‘ .., ' , „ .. -,„„ t i: 11.
' ' um, t•uonit omit., by•laws, sod !mob i abide I see More net hie before me with.
that tut. fentelea 111,t, .) diem had ci .1
tune I e 1.1, 1 0. e itt Pr' , r ~. girl, %he heti “'
' firmed ton tot eriteard •te. and, it. prose., Ihn re ...lotion a l Sallalarlia. At tic morels .
.„, .
titer welters an may in the opinion I r :n the past few month. once I have seca
. 11 , Ite weire rontrontion eaten I '"• " ring "i I '' .nl-r • to , ooronottee he prertinont to the °Hem so many of my old sonfederatea in Crime
fled from , the home. but teed ler eteteugh 01 - ‘01:1100 . 1,,I. I.lo , olllher IN. ISt, "r ‘,”,•,.., gout Inoue., I .^,, ti'd I ...le ' '',""'''','''' - 11'. Ste. -t v - t'l k ntl t iotor or
anti Nlt I k etegat t in maklng nee o f any
'u trade
I POAe,a:r.arl,a.k.:irt=n,re,.he,l.7,„,ol,2%. 1..: , 7: 'FF , / ,, e " . i' " :t t " ' P... ".' 11 10 I . fir I 1 n'e' notated
snatched by your officers and thrust into
tee ester, halloo{ 'her 01 . on t , pof the
hen" and en" • re.. md I ..01. "e"''''.. 'rm. eul ieet of rho admission of I rate
t 1.111 A• A 11T,1.
'r,,, c,1,1. nahle ft, the purism° a nut. 11/e 01011 m 016.1A4i0p1P,/, and the fol. „ ie .. I hove o „. Come to toy mum"
01,5l1111: I ho. 11,1 River people.
( ,wing lk""" '' "AA A".""re(l ' jar."' W. and re
to clean myself , And rer;is•
1 , 111111111 ill. be. othin„: 1•.... i. had hi. in %liPtinaran. hands Ile, re taken to the I ' ' 1 "C" A `, k '''fil
I •
Mortar, .1 Slatrie David lieed, W. B.
r...spad, e hen the v. o.e. :Met k tac o , .et State ./141.1 114000 411.•11,4,1011 NI 1/10 % pltaaPtsrt to Ulla Feller nap.
nt,..„1,,, I r
hr. ir.,,.., r . ,,,, , ,,, ,,, er,
~,, .mlllOOO haearrivrd Unit Cnionel 110041 , •
I : o l.e l 't g :' ::: ."A r j r ;: : ll , . 7. : ::: ' , l, ° , , ‘A . r l l .. i i: : . '-t i t : . :
. 0 , 4 0 0 : ' ,1 11 : 1 ,1 , : ', : "'- : „ ' i .
l i t ' l l' ia .'"' ll :.. l .l . ''' , . ' ..7 . ...1 1 1 . :11. '''.7 :: : : . . ' tin . a solemn vow to reform and lead as
Negley sod J h.. Melielvy.
i l" . 0 •
o h., , oeet , o , t h r ,„ chij ~rued to meet honest life. If I ever touch this I:nudism
Tll4ll, Worry lefl 1,,,,,,,A • 14, 1 0 144 . 01.1 up T . 1 1 .1110,1 `llll,4 , Vior General of the ' A 1.A... F ..e , ... ... 04 . tro"l 4 8.0 •. „I p,,,,,,tv v, lin.ung,
id, the .401.4 , 111 , e next Frhlay afternoon again, may I never hope thr mercy.
~,, 1 , too t 0,00. 0 ,0 ,,..
~..,,,..,.. 4...nk.
hi. errmarles, 00 tietohlay, nod altMo.igh N.,eti,,,0, Terctiori., a. ~,,,,,,,,,i,,,i ~, iseked iri 11.• of Me ...e. otie , e ..elet ...„ .1. Ic,cc „ , Rh,
no formal tkenelusion war rearthed, there , ram rot and Arming 11,1 hundred of the i at tw i o'clock. P. 8.-I have lived a fearful ills. Blues
wife tool four children, and Mr lietch,
I have made ttie above resolves I feel a
b. were, child and misher, W. , Lb,' o b . nt•ell/Od to he an entire 1,1411111111 V Or 5... .1' . 1114 .. 1 . , ." . 111-I ' ll r.r ~r ,t..qr nod throe steelier%
r killed. J . icorhardm
it,l ia
--ms. • -.....-
Ilaginth heil' ttreed reLetitnla, and that t h.d ..." ' ..... ... 1 • 01.....e1f"
reljof to my mind which I have not fall
r '"un' ''''' Tb " , ''''' "" i i in 'he mites, i feel. ug against extending any further
rho 1/mio..i abate , . that the li a,ii • -e - CORAETS •
and mast mrtidoly all lee drud. the, Meer. Virrl.4llllll Lb. SlOOO Fort, stet' t
before for twelve yenta . bat it Is never
gustrter earasion• - Pun nem - b.
i h a d 11111.1 the Pueltin ...
T he 1i,,,,,, , ,“ ~,,,,,, ~,,,
~,,,.. h. prix lieges to 1•1 , 1,111 r. of Om( 1e1,11,1r) ' nlit n1.,11 MS the (dim a pliertion with 1 " d ” . 'd ''''''•'
h ~, I , too late to repent. It is useless :ter you
,I„. c„„„d,„,,., „„,, 4.„,,, s 4 3,1,„„„,,,, , ...negro - it, and the fourth I ettlevou herd , A 11 141,1 I"V . ..terrier Ix,_ In
try to trace me out, for when this
leo,. thriming a mentinti ei stream on rho ..... 1...1e - game la alaiiisheit.
Iliiw to Tres el on Your %nape.
ruins elutes elavijocc, and 11144 b r ,, ch , h Nlr. Cullom. chairman of tile eorimotiett at I' ert.tge. Le Prerie wile waren went ' 4l ' . d"lte'..d• cef IS -con K. 'e uttorri. rrt-tn . .l me: 1
In the emu. ertaltetephiral nNertilt on on tap._
, reaches you I will be in foreign countries
prepared rt , 111. eihrelt will ne ince - minded , Ilia Predl .l. . , 1111 . 0, 41 ter over Port ' ' ...r.e. A. "'" r" ''''' '''' '' ''''''T'''' ' I O etl of lettere A .len, prtmerotrix, k w .. (1- . . t. :-' , mtlY mars 11 ,
doing all in their power. A rope has
Very Respectfully D. C
teem extended around the hole, and all ' . .' "r'L'''').• Inning
ii. , l tho , pertinent he had no ronte leo, 111 flllit
th e derend,,,, u., e ke , e t eeti pc, b a y a Fs.rhots .• I'.9tilMes'' we unsold that In
persons excluded from the huh/ea:hate l e i ghts 01 oiorm '''''" ''' ''• zone `'' l b .. ''7r u r .t v iernl It el I). eallOti in his reeterves: trt• . .olil l
, P , r . .... ,, Id cle . teel . .ei:e . re
. r, . .
111, girls used to be
Acted,. mu,. ~,,, rcc„ cr , c , f roch I nll,l Stet,. and the 110110 hereto( ere 00. sere Feint...atite absent , nod over k• 1 10 1 '' t . ' ... .'g' . " . `'',, , ' int . hie . 'II 110 , an I i.iwit f prose - him,
by having long needles
I I , z-iton °eery Ineur. to the seen, ~, expoing as cairem „I , terrttoe, unlit 1 ' 11... (.. ' l ' e. '"/ .. ..'d in^. rep rted et ..relitm, A moo had r a1 L L 1 a,..„1,,i . . ir . eta., F:.,„ll ~, • t ',•`.. Ad "I the .......V mettle upnght
die... Mr. and will the MO until all the I,h.Y.hAr'd 'u (. « l' r "' ''' ''"''' l''''- .1 " . '".1• hAAdtl"Ar•Atr° with ° ° fitt.r httun. A ' • ''''''.g‘n"" ''
' ' ' "r"lg
' ""l'r°." 'n
It d I 'I i tut , of their slay, under their
Ibe moo en, t.,1 lev an Itnperialint 0f11... ' , risotto/me. n toe \Cesterti Penitentiary .0 r. •'(
taellre art. recovered, which will he allot , ‘I I. l' r "I" ""'', ''' I" i° i' e laaaage of th. i - ol talon Is hoorle e% peeled
mil and oboe Ineemurea Cro the est,im ; A ...titer Mitt mitten a prociemation of I end urged on be - Ore. , . l ' el•riY "I the Mr a term ed ”lle year anal 1.44 , 11 [menthe. ch,n, end most of pa have heard of beck
time yet. n. 11/1 ni.lll Amager,. to enter
litann the work of reetertp. Lion or Mormon tom. .m, it.,,,,, I ,uoi ts-en • , ptured and •ur , Ingregation Wore meaerele tr lured 'I he •urpty can. of IS 1111.1111 Kremer .
heaths and tether contrivances for th•
pr ,,,,„„,,, 1 . ,,,.„,,,,,,,, t ,,,..,.1 1 , en ,„ 0.1 e‘ ,..„,... nrinle II In nlll,•ndi will die The tteeb ~, 1,...,1 A club car., and I,uvi c i A ccurC,„•-
The earth . Pall/ , 1111.11111K1.411411i 1.1 l
01111 enlarging the Pea It . ) rot usually, , 111 , 11,1.11. A
n „,,
.1 II ...„ 1 „,,,, 1 „ t,i,“,,i,,,,,1 I, tiled lai born Proteettente alive, lialniL .Jr , we,. Oof Ilit.(1 00 the paylueut of costs name purpose, whitin in now more pleas-
A lolegation froto Florlde, rotten/tens ...,,,,,,c cr ~.. cy,„,, ct „,l
.1,,,,,,p, ~ litotes ex li , moral 1111«. r//, 1..10, liy .I,en 111., Wit) scClmplterai by shoulder straps,
aa ill i
The exiiiteineo I. ~ r y great end In- '
creasing. Ton fanallee in the eirruity of I leprearental. ye i'. Ilsoulteen, fluditer he the brat ar,phinn the, haaing fr„fii the . itereriered and ar , eted sere ra. .4 the i ill, ii i ... 0 . I lag,r, csouvloted of ea- putting the shoulders backward, not at•
im, ere Alters. arils thev ernut 1.. see era, KAI/ 1 11,ili . n l •he I a Schrader... .
ere n ortnif 110 , of 10,4 boles. , 4,,,,,,,, f l terev, a ~ ,lured menet - ter of the (thew "rat a I y..,t.,1 the . anadlen potiry end
Frey, °' r ° • 0 0• 0 0 lii 10, 1 them down. wh'cn 0017
o l'...testard houses, instilling and threat
aborted Ina flodnon HAT OM/pally
tll,l . V , lll fell next. It le the general S•111•411N I. , n. Can., ado/tent birenerel of P ree.., ." 1. 44:0. ....retlend o d 1. Pay • . 1 . 1 . 1 pu a the stays up above the proper and
11/Alen. '' ~.1.4 14,u and ~....
tepiniten that Mater 1101.1atl• 14 lii fell In.the 'tale, and J. I ~ lob., ea•cerows of ' " I'll , '
~I,t''..ntEtr7r „ In- cc - , 1 ,:, ° , '°'' , ":' , ° , ° ,1 0 o.og
ore! place of the waist, which is 11:0
Thttl, 1..1.0 denser , JI the acme taking 't ern, etos.toteateleti ley '' teeter Wilatth,
. ‘ , ,. : t. : cc '' , ‘ , :' , ;: c c_c d ,, ;7 l ::: - - 0 - 41 . 0 ;
cri-r7,Z'icc°,,-',.-7,-.. _--..... - John h.,A14.1, , ill, feted a the Jar- 201
narshately above th e hip• Therefore,
smy ef t two weerrlma Icenliti - A. htelllng•r, 0 c
~ .
railed on the Prevenient 'hie morning for , c ,
..„ r , • 11111EF TF.LFAIRAMS.
:11..431.T. L11:1110r ruse arid Skeer arrived the purr ene of getting troop , . sent . 1 ;.','. 11 , ' ; ` ,,; 1 , 7 „„". °' ,.., rrY n , ' '''''''
' „,, o , „,„,,,,,,,,.,,,,I 0 ,., o o d et .. jo , eto ~,p , ,,,n i ,•• end small waistn must be tojunous.
1 ,,,,,, „f 0 ,, ~,,,, ~„1 r,,, , ~,,V,k,,,-L. In th ., L orightnem a said lo he attained stilt
at the krone of k11143 , 11.r them allormain. forr.•la t aid :tat , auchteritien the exec ~'"'- -• t°
" Hoodr. 1" e " 1° de, " ri d . . 1110 ~.,..,,
. 41 ; 1..1..0 I 0,
. 01.0 u. 00 ~,,, ,„„,,,,„ „ Lc , ''
better and more vastly by neck straps,
Th e are spar :is me palm. to mermen 1110 ting the law• and pr”tectltag the Ilrea alum t he, 1..1t10n
I.lF•fer ran aneeeilly DA 100,11.111,10. iornperty of citing/dna The part r Nem 4 , 1 1.01.0,11100 Aii,t7rlN,. .., , ~, i ~,,,, ~, ~,,,, 1 ,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,.„,,,,, AINNI I era, pe,•,11,....1 of it and which are simply a thin leather strap,
'aura, 11, /MIX Xi , . i 1 pr....emitter. 'aced with elite. for appearance, passing
kAI er.o OI OItIaI.ANIITT. piain that • merge number of eatsaatit• 1,1 41 Ai, I set - mote, PI a largo be tire
. a `',..,' ~, .. Pas s I”, of CIO mud err the neck and buckled ke the stays
.... p..,... 1 ,..,...,.. , 10 ,. -A tn, bean • ,, e , eirefel :ate.," erretidetet pbm • tram ling 1. , -n stir greet intlignai km -.„0, 1111 Ana totted •t•teete sl •rt tc •••1 d 1 .....c.
to I..nd There is no doubt that the best
~, Oral. in rewoma•to their I, ,ueet •tatfel san p a rre.noel ha' ..theena of n . 11.01 n
di...moth to the Dde"to .. 1 ....... 1 from .....• tt
t ' . • is helves 1116k111. ',her, t , realse tt.e t::lo.iti /. 1. kire, aii . p ended god yto hot , w00. ... 0 1 b e nc ,,,,,k1 by atoootoe and
Le not, el mettle, with the hvg.Pl.l,•oo err • it: i...., t, NI I oeuga. a toeing twitted be
.. „ „,c,..ticc,
r letter) Pal, the rause of the reotudent at
. 14 I 111/ • III , III• I .r .arr , eti v wee n(11,1
round shoulders, which al. have an an
li,ix,ebiii Cooliv stacking the breast lo " Ar
°°'.i.r.L "d
I "''''
' ' ...1 te under, n 1 .11.1 . 11111/1111e0I :11 lb..
martinet °I
Mtn eta and Foal health.
th.C01 , ,,,,,...
.„.r., ~,,. ~,,, ,„ ~,,.. ~,,, L .„ y ~u , 11, ,f,M,p. on Amerman 1.11 111 e‘roren 11100,. , rt., r .1 dttnente ft, ~.„..,,,,
tt retern P-ii ,1,11.17 for the rear and
I gents in an...her ellUlltry. rrsomt base 1 , 0•••11 1 •,1111 Ur Itie C . 111.1 i,„ , r „.„,c,„. Fie thin reason seeding -master says he
the hteuree. therm teeing , nll'r dlnilll 11.•-11• I' a"
' )./ry ~i H er. It 1" 11. \ '1
encourages his pupds to wear very std
t v feet qua. lea *haze they CA.0,4 111 I
-A ILK In t ILLIk.P., la 111 the matter ,I Mow Amon ila Tte•ti.
toly a few days heron. a poi, pie of tat, . b ....... a. tn. ( 4 ( 1 ... , .." ( .41 w. ^ me - 11 -0 , st t.. 1.e.-ember IA- A aperuel tii• Th... 4 ".• ''. are. '. ''`. Ic 1 ". ter Krill ngtimil. who hia ties.ii oemnned mad ught stays , etad 11 must lee Will - elated
eons in e truck sere pitched 11110 a 1 . 1141, •1 . n' , "" , ' '''
"'" 1'."'.".".'''.."
‘""""'".".• I P...• hf l kita re. Pao, .i. at, eel: ~, I , init . lie Drat La lof Di. elute, wan nw an .11 , 1 sent pauper In the Western hrtt some 01 . the hut miens and most
hole, where a porteen ~, :he foundation .1 " . le wecc• engag• - el re a nsmecte"ei '"IL 1 the .., t Pat.; I ~• ha. ...04,1•..1111 IstltAr I''''• • '`' • • 0 • 111, 11 , e 111./0 i',lllol . lan.l II apttal al. Di Irllolll.lllCe *olle walkers 121.015.5 flglArCII which are
Of the. ralloomf nati eft% eu Mar eu or 10 , 1/10 ......" ' .. g . '''''' g .h• ''''''' i . " . ' , . '... 1 , from arr tre e evi. t anadt•ti et Pen t ho, tI. I . ~i..,, 1 ri, .1 .... , i „0,m, • Jen . 1•••4 a pee.•l ~ n er.loreeented from nude unattainable without the help of
workings that approe,..hed la, near the .4,0 no i trado . ri , • 1 'llStle. 11 I il• v•rpeue 1 ~, a tv• il . firer •• Y • .•". ....1 e. .. • •"...°... '1111 ... i the '...n, u•„-
1 ~,„. ,1,, 8., I ~, 1, , ,,,..,„ r . ,„, Oh,. Pa,, ,
.u...: .d whalebone •Ild b e le.
tonere. et-untie. -1 tars:,. ,. The entire aut. ePt
g./. b. tem 0,01 on 1 ' ..44 salt n or tee,,,,, , Pre, died at t atiihrhtge.,n the I; 11, after k ttegleenv NIIIOLV Ke nna for, b that the A - hat/ever Vele may be to ke
nke or the
of the ale
It d t irginia yrs. 1..i11p.r1 I
, ~,
~,„„ „ the ~,,,,o 0 ,,,,,p,,,,,,,,, r , .. ,ii germ', ilittefte 'lettere heti raid the sum of frOns 34 far
cuite.tion of amo t l waists for the sake
ei! i l i . i . iti , i . e:‘ ,.t. e .... r t d i , .. t i:lr f, .. w i , i n • . 'ii . e; r ... ...7 4 , ,,r 11 ,k ' . :
. r n.. , , , , ,.. 1.,,e; i .. 0 . e ,, , , :u . t .. ti7 , • .. a ., . 1. 7 .. d i tt/t: I
~..- ..„ ,i n j t . t , ce . . , ... ,, te , , ,, er . e:le l 1 1, ...0c , u et { l t 7 . et , ,,,,. , . ,‘ , , ,, (c'c.or. ::,, Li r p , P :,.7.... , ' . " , 1 . : 1 1 ' .. . t t , ... p. .. ,. ..f . ' ,., .. p .1 .,,,i th ': , of .pp,,,..1 - 11,1, or fashion, the prevention .
iii the eo i d ' ca tts o o a r 'b e l e ., °l. ' '' ." (b. ,er et• •i•te . trut, tbe 1 dee whiPh ~, . a • nen. ..ii . eal h the e s' iat . e .' „ V i . a , •':
. le t ''" ''.• ' '''''''' . h " . ''', '', il l'l. ~,,,,,a 1 "f
'","°"',"';.'; ‘ ,..L .Ch 'n'''
t rioreedliiie• of the toeClatature -The Vlrgnita t.ogishatiire. Mr timid, p.n., r .„ 1 ,,,,, ~,,,,,.„ I. , ~„,..„, ~.,;,,,,,,
,„,..,,,,,,, ~::, , b.
~ r h,.
, c , ctch., r '' tt
- A he an e 'hie .e ~alep, of 1 .47 il A° A ...• “ ' nod
. ""
Peuitentiart -1 tie wet them itaiiremi , ati , e ittetribier "i F. i•s l v, stated be I ~,, i , .„,.„,„,, ~,,, „e c ~,, ~,„„,,,,, „ c. , c
~ ,
„,, , . I tea the p.o.e. ,e d• he a„,,i A„ ton
nos - nt. ne erne/toe, tre • e 'er: , prncurn,
tore the II otnielatee, In repiy 14. a gorse ~ ~,„1 41 , 01 „ 1 „„1,.„,,,, , I ~,,..,,,
n,,,,, , , , ... ,
..' , r 1 ...,.,. , ,
... ,, r '
~ n . ” .. .t.r - Vt,se, a .... c. a l' t ee. .•,,,•„,v,,,,, •... tvutevon An I n thts poet we Lee able
Hill-Toe I onstituibiusi I °mention
n, that te • thtrel• -I iha c.d.', •act ~
. I' • toed .1.1. Jll,lm, ' a P ... puts' /b.^ lietln.n. ',, n,Il stkme intormetion to that fiat../{
(•I,IIC ApAtil) tu the Election fur „, i „..„,.. u r abe Leclal•tiare weial,l he nn. 1 r i l i r' r" 1 7: ' ,.. ` ::: ,... 7 . 7 .. :7' , :: ' , ' , '" ,,‘ ,1 4 q i1 .... .' , 7 ,.. ' ,... '' 117. a., I-./lln - I :
•,, 1 fir I ' L
' ed I a I me
....„., , „,„ * ~ a , .i, n a d . ,,,, „ .„„,,,i „„„„ ~,,,, ~,,,,,j f r „, oo e gentleman wh o re, ~,,,
Menthe,. abia b. tale the teat oaili
had gore.. roe Ar 1 P. 1111013• {tent te.dta
.• ''''''.• ..- heed '• ' d ." . 14 ' 1 . 1 know to Lave (net] the experiment. He
ih. t mouittre• w' ,lane r•ke up the rase '. , c , L c .. r , , c ,
~, , ..,h , c ,.„„ ch , c , ~c , lid. . ~ • ..roe ai \ee ', ir, iris. rho i ••t/iii mettle It 1,• rep ordering the wrchta „ ts„c ortr ,,
Ili Vetegreepte te. tbe ”Itte.eraa nate,. .
~,, ~,,,,.„ ~,„ „„ , ~,,,,,
„1 „,. },. ~ . ..... h.,. , re, per ~ ..I lee aa , ~,, , in, err, ',her h. pay 11.- stn kunt 'ILI. Me ram uty „i ~ ho objection t o y our "bosh.
id im0rg.,.... NI •11.141
NA, it Vat IL, I/pet...le., I, -Thel . ionale
.ente r 1... 14111 tit•reat
lug the re.ulta of•tny experience In the
rt id getting thin. I need not tell you
hal I Was never remarkable for my at
tention to dress and appearance; but
having been of active habits, 1 found my
weight.incressimg Lo an .convenient de
agree I tried the usual remedies of
"Hartung." as tar as it agreed with me,
and wearing a belt, but they were only
partially successful, and the they
felt tin•
ctimlortabie after a few hours. 1 had the
common prejudice of weanng laced stays,
end an Imprusion that any compression
or the ribs moot be injurious. But after
reading of their merits I thought it fool
sh to be deterred from trying them by a
mere prejudice, and the result has been
most saUstactory.
"lly weight has been reduced to what
It was ten years ago, my digestion is ,m.
proved, and the greatest compression that
1.17, be borne, instead of being painful or
dlmgreekbie, is extremely tileasanL It
us not even necessary to wear them ell
day, provided you are laced as tight m
poulble the first tiling is the morning,
when they are much more effective than
tf put on after breakfast. About an hour
after breakfast, I agree with other writers
to the subject, that one osn always tighten
them witt comfort. But of course the
extreme of tightness requires a little relax
shun for dinner.
"1 must add my testimony to that
winch you will, no doubt, quote from
the "Corset and Crinoline," as to the
value of nocturnal compression In redo
ceing the size. liisagreeable as it sounds
or feels at tint.. I was surprized that it
soon becomes rather scramble than other.
wise. It certainly makes a material thf
feranceon the size you ma bear after
washing and relacieg in the morning,
and is somehmes also beneficial to digest.
lon- Although the exhibition of a good
figure is no object of mine, I cannot help
seeing the advantage of stays to those
who Consider their appearance, in improv
ing the ilium and carriage and the fitting
of the dress, especially if they hale the
least tindency to corpulence,
"I find the best material for male cor:
sets is well dressed leather blocked or
stretched when wet and soft upon a pair
of wooden blocks twelve or thirteen
Inches high, by the method well known
to carriers. The blocks moat be prepar
ed by those who know their proper shape.
I believe it would answer to any ingen
ious corset maker to take up and adver.
Use the manufacture, as many gentlemen
would wear them who, for various
masons, will not wear stays like those of
ladies. The great advantage is that
leather keeps quite clean when worn next
the akin, and Is remarkably pleasant to
weer, and so the corset is concealed with.
out any further trouble, It may either
be stiffened with crinoline steel, or be
thick enough to require no stiffenieg,
except, of course, the steel plate In Oxon ,
which Cannot be too stiff. it is most Con
rerdent to make them lace in front, as
lacing tight behind, without assistance is
by no means easy. They are laced with
strong whipcord over a seapnite piece of
stiff leather, about sixteen inches long
and six indbes wide, with the steel plate
attached to It by a thinner piece of leather.
"As your shape and size alters, the
leather can be cut and new holes punched,
and the blocks must be altered. I can
not say that this plan with answer la all
awes of incipient corpulence, but It ts
certainly worth trying. All the doctofir
in England, with Punch to help them,
will not now convince me that this is
Injurious, because I know for a fact that
It does not produce the elects which they
think in ought to do, and so, it seems,
does every one who has tally tried the
experiment for a month,"
A retired corset maker says in a letter
to the Englishwoman's Magazine, July,
1668, that she constantly made stays for
gentlemen, and that many patients - had
been sent to her by pliyaiciaas, and that
she could give some astonishing instances
of reduction of size and improvement of
figure, both in young and adult lemons,
by judicious lean,. ,the bad hover known
any harm done by it; with much more to
the same effect from both her end other
( stilug 1n ,.,
By Tr , grap% trt• •••tetie
%/./.1 r 1.317.4.,0 rv,uut 14,
- -
to tidy paszeii.l,
7 he tots o tee. ewe. of revenue •on to.
i""• Bill r" " srd 3 Rra:s:.• tuns, Iti Inc the nine mute ns
of ilo.lioio•toiti try, I. .40.1 ending Nos-mats, 3M h. were F.: ••ll.Er_,
o:meet the Slate, and moot:Led e re—s .1 au Lruwr t.i nesrly I::„.tsitt,isst Dan lest
non providing for tehitig ccutellinte "‘
session of the penitent:dry. news of tvuinols
The Senate also peatitsi, o,n third rout
log, House tell AO reduce the tax on
liquor dealers. The rr
b tilt: la • great rodue "i" t %Tomas
tut on the old tax and satisfactory to the lion \r) teeter acre of
trade. news coon... Mel with %tit ona and Army
House bill to reduce tax on merchant., s , h t ra et a for that torn t..rg had an inter
adopting the .rd esystem. pastel
„recoud reading noel a
n„.„ the view with the President and Secretary
special order.bor the second TLeeday in %N"Ar yretorehig - . It s understood that
January. • transportation of army stores through
The Senate then adjourned until fur Art at, I . a ,„ frpt „ fa
Wedneaday next, thus cutting mr action
on the l'itiettinati Southern Railroad till `„,
r.'"P'lMi'm 64'herewfurebeen In
after the fifth of January, aa nn quorum way of lb* Gulf of California sat! ' , lit ,
ran lie had after to day. and the River. By the new arrangement, cairn
turn adjourn. an Wednesday till the firth taring the yearly transis/rtation At tr.,
of January. hundred thousand tons, the saying will
The penitentiary was a'wo the emboss be cud...Am over use old rate..
of dlscuartion in the House, and that testy
tinnily premed the Stomata bill, providing
for the management of tbst institution,
on Its tired reading, and adopted the Sen
ate reaolution authorising the director.
to take Immediate charge of the labor
and materials of the penitentiary.
The Inuit's - 1118'am.! ChattsnoJtra Rail.
rota hill wan taken up. It was amended
so as to provide Incorporations and corn•
ml.lonent In part of the Slate, Wring
two hundred feet for the use of double
track, and authorizing the company to
run their rood from Italian°, Lenetnon.
or Murfreestvero, to Decatur, Ala. The
bill was put upon paawage, tout no quorum
teeing present, the (louse adjourned till
iutNnTl'rt - TI.NnL CON VENTION.
The election to-day for members to the
Constitutional Convention palmed otf
quietly. The Minoan andliierence wan
manifested by the voters.. The prilin
were open In only five of the ten city
ward.. In these Lit! rotwt were rat
for the Convention and one against.
Edgetleld gave 46 for the Convention.
The weather wail raw and Inclement, but
the voter., absented themsei yea from the
polls because they were not certain that
the action of the Convention would be
conservative. The opponents of the
Convention did not vote. Under the law
anthcrrlzing the Convention, a majority
of the votes caat prevail, and the COnven
don will be held, though the vote be '
light. The apathy of Nwahville deem not
generally prevail In the State.
Maitrntn, December 1/4.—The vote on
tbelionatttutiontil ronVelnl , .o was light.
Dot little intermit was manifested. The
vote of t..)e city le: for Convention 2571,
against Convention, 224.
The if vahotehe'A Browneville dlepeteh
gives the Vote there for Convention 346,
eganaet 50.
Practicability of the Flying alaebine to
be Tested--Chltiese Laborers tor tlie
!bulb—The Orecon Central Railroad
—A Dry Valuta! Neared.
nr Telegraph to tee i....ette.;
Ban Ficiscoico, December In.—At •
Mooting of the /nook holden. of the Steam
Navigation Company, yesterday, it was
decided to construct a flying machine of
euthreeet capacity to test the practicabil
ity of the Invention.
John Walker, of Texas, and Me j or
Rhea, formerly of the Memphis Ave,.
fiancee, leave to-morrow via Pacific Rail.
road, with three hundred Chinese to
labor In the Southern States. They ex
pect to reach New Orleans on the 10th of
January. The Chinese are under con
tract for three years.
The fire/ section of the Oregon Central
Railroad, twenty miles, will be immolat
ed neat week. No further extension
will be made this winter.
A dry winter is feared. There have
been light rains In the valleys and llttie
snow on the mountains the present sea•
son. The weather ham been unusually !
warm (or the past weak. There has
been no detention of tralum, sod the Pa
eine Railroad In reported free of snow.
Funeral of State Senator Humell—Fticr
tion Ordered to Mill the Vacancy.
Car Telegraph to the Plltsbargh kluette /
CoLumpy'', oe, December Ifl.—The fu- I Antl.Pretectlre League at Ct. Loma,
nen' of State Senator Russell, on Sato, Inr T.lesrmo to tti. yoget,t,
St. lode , Dec. A meeting of Free
day afternoon, at Uriania, was attended
Traders was held to night at Polytechnic
by a large concourse of ei ,l29 na.r Ch.M . flail, an Antl-Protective League formed,
Stateeuanty, eby. Haves, Secretary of consthutionadopted and officers elected.
State Sherwood, and thirty other State Hon. Nathan (tole, Mayor of the city,
°Metals Mr. RussulFe minor read a wan elected President, and among the
sketch of hilt religion. and public life. Vice President. are Lieut. (boy. Stanard,
He wm followed by an address of his for• Norman .1. Coleman, Jas. R. Facts, Hon.
tam classmate at college and afterwards John Hogan, Jame. Ban - leon and
pastor. Gov. Hayes closed with affecting representatives of the Repueficas. perm Murder and Robbery—Sl(/All/0 hewer&
remarks expressive, of the groat loam of creff., Toms, Di s p e id,
tate In Mr. Russell'. death. II ratite/it /bar, By Telegraph to the rittmonni oarcue.l
the s
Amefger and New World. The constitu- . A LLEOPIEPPT, Md.,Dec. ll.—Dr. An.
An election to fi ll 100 vacancy In Lie tion 1. similar to that of the American , drew Mead am mur dered and miffed in
Senate has beam ordered to take place on I Free Trade League. The Executive I his More here last night. Ten thousand
December 24th. The district la strcaigly I Committee Is composed of prominent I dollar. reward le offered for the arrest of
Repuldhian. citizens the murderer.
fertoon 1 rouble Lapel:tea --Prot - U..1.1QU Ot•tiou• to r: x -N.,' ret a 0 .e w ard -
• from (.01 er nor Sir oouicall —I oleo. , lhalotrreatedneaa I /auloted kr. ON
•• •neflt —I ntioxualloil Nl , ,et.Jug at llupar, ?Wale of the ft epulri ir - Perot,-
FOUR O'CLOCK. .1. .71
WA bll/310. aM. 160. - .l23ber 11. I ni3c,.
The !Superintendent of 1 tabafi Affairs
for New Mexico torwald• to the I radian
!!!hce a report of the condition,./ the
Mesralora Apart. , Indians, in which it I.
stated they ere null on the, war path.
li e the night of November 13th, a party
of twenty of them Wok atemt s hundred
head of cattle from • man bring
twenty miles east of Fort Stanton, on
On Rio Hondo. The commanding
ofilivr at Fort Stanton sent Lieuten
ant Cushing =and a detachment
of thirty-two men of company F, Third
cavalry, In pursuit of them. The ca♦
•Iry followed their trail over • very
rough and broken country and overtook
the Indium In • canon 04 the north side
id Guadeloupe Mountains, about two.
hundred mile. ItOntil of Fort Stanton,
and at noon of the 114th attacked them.
After fighting three hours, Lieutenant
Cushing completely routed eke
rantored snout forty head of stolen
stock, and twenty els horses and mules
belonging to the sarage•. The nu to bar of
Indian. engaged in the fight Is animated
at about ono hundred, and the number
killed and wounded fifteen. They aban
doned their property during the tight,
and took to the nick., on the sides of the
canon. The rocks were upwarda of •
thousand feet high. The trail was very
difficult to follow, the Indiana frequently
dividing Into email parties and scatter
ing over the country. Lieutenant Cosh
tog traveled at leant two hundred and
twenty miles In puranit, without water
for his men and animate.
The Secretary of the Treasury ban
given orders for the payment of Jantury
Interest ou and after Friday next, with.
out rebate. A. interext to the extent of
P 0,000,000 will be doe on January lin,
the anticipation of one week 11111 give
entheinnt time for ita entire payment at
that date.
The Secretary or the Treasury has dl.
rented the Assistant Treasurer at New
York to omit the wales of gold on Tue.-
day and Friday of the present week.
This order done not effect the tale of
gold OP Thursday or the purchase of
bonds as advertised.
There is now to the Treasury about
1114.04000,000 or coin, 1138,000,0 W of which
conalette of deposits for which gold oer-
Lincates have been toned.
Preparation for the Reception or the
Remains in Georgo'Peabody.
(By Telt(raph W tine PM...4mb liaselte.)
PORTLAND, Den. lit.—At a meeting of
prominent citizens last night, relative to
the reaption of the remains of George
Pesbod.9. • committee wiu appointed to
confer with the State anthoritlea and
such other persons s. deemed proper.
(lovernor Cbautberlaisi will order out
the State tntlitls. .
PORIT LAND, Deoember W.—The com
mittee of the °ley government visited
eislem on Haturday to confer with the
trustees of Peabody Institute In relation
to the reception bore of the remain. of
o.,rge Peabody. It is thought the final
oeremoulen will take place at Peabody
Institute a week or ten day. after the
arrival here of the remains.
A. Lily
lilt hoeuinber lb -The St. PAUI hy a ,••• • •
I. chir ru1,1.1.1x lector from flu A• A. I
I 1111 (GO
I.lld Itrater I Onliefed el llonolaoghlrf
1 , .4a1 ui th• ttlreet. Irotv Hum
111141,11414) t. rrd ct Agaltt•l a Italiraad
for Oaf oriew.
.illg Hp3v t.otd
roant now oo Pacific H•liroad
Receipt. of 4souseoatut Places.
I,lllk Hate, wt.:. has
Lawn on dor:nig :he week for whit
ping his nephew. a , 1111,1, ago haul le t Awl
diod, Was :ftftt et etvngrow/tried "(
mattatawhter en.l senteonat to the Pen
..entiary ftn• a te year.
Last evening A it past toght o
wine nom. gent e wetf. panning along
Wntault •sentte, nearnter,
Mont,. strrant, they
not I,li a Irian whom they nupposed In.
ton:mats] atatudlng mill ton arum
around • treat, They about it!ru and
found that he was dead. The man
proved to two tie...go Pt. Ahern, • few
yeasts singe of the well known otationery
and book binding firm of Munson, !triad.
ley A Co, and one, of the moan popular
v, , ung elan In Chloaert. About four
years .Ines he married a beautiful young
A if.,, but tatmnig drink, In whieb he had
Indulged tin, liberally previoun to hi.
marriage, Imams him besetting pardon,
until he become • sot, and this in him
Nicholas Troesch has Jost ohtalhed a
verdict of tea thouund dollars agalnet
Lb. row mousi, Chicago and !nititine Can.
tral Railroad, for the lons of au arm and
Tronach et• • switch conductor,
and claimed that through the mroleeni
nese of the engineer, or had condition of
tha road, hu woo thrown from • car and
run aver.
Joseph Sheerer, a Prominent btainema
roan or City, lowa, wan
killed on Friday lent, by the accidental
discharge of hl. own revolver.
The lattan now. from Cheyenne indi
cats that the gold excitement concerning
lug Born Mountains continuos, raging,
and a large number of miners are now
preparing to wart for there early next
Comuderable extols has lately fallon
along the line of the Union Pacific Rail
road, but no delay of trains has occurred
during the pant week. '
C. J Connell, cashier of the Union
National Bank, but resigned, on account
Of 111 health.
The receipts of the four Owe. of
amusement in thin city during \ovum•
fool up 1132,70.
Celebrotko2 of the Unlob or the Old and
Michool rreobytertan COurrbro.
Sr.. Lorin, Decernher 19.--Tee Colon
of the, Old and New tichool Presbyterian
Churches awe celebrated 'here to-day.
lu the morning appropriate discourse.
were delivered In all the Presbyterian
Churches. Tide afternoon there was
Union Sacramental service In the First
Church, and this evening a general
meeting orutzliee wo hold at the name
place. All tbo liervlben were well at
tended, especially to.night, the cape.
01011) church being crowded to excess.
All the Presbyterian inlnleters end
Church rakerslhe city took part the
Nodal delenee Macre'atlas Recommend
Industrial Schools lo• loadg Ladles.
el Telegraph to ihe Pit . G Uuette.l
BOSTON, December ID.—At a meeting
of the Social Science Association last
evening, addresses were made by Mr.
Batchelder and Char!. H. Musson in
favor of establishing industrial wheels,
In connection with the public schools,
to teach girls sewing, cutting and malt
ing garments, and all awful domestic
work; also, to provide a place similar to
that entabilahed by the Young Men's
Christian Association, where young wo
men of the working classes can meet for
Improvement, education and amuse
ment. The project met with hearty
sympathy from those present.
Arrrv•l of Troops rrom Spam--Ciunrid an
against the Insurgents.
Bavaria, December 11.—The Third
fiattallon of Catalonian volunteers arriv
ed from Spain to day.
General Peelle, commanding at Puerto
Principe, announce. that be will begin
the campaign agalnet the Ineurgenia.
•5 7- '
M Xll 'Ol
rutlon of Protest:, nun at 11"..1,111
n. 01 Inelaun 1:1‘,
Jame, W wan Lt.
.a.' ve•l ~ tiksl
U .I,cll :nAUr
- Th. Ilornutag.• SI ill, O.r ruallu
!set tire ..f rfintlll4 . lila,
Rahway r,er, a tow mile, innsN
J were hunntl fr,lay
Intowng I IZo.rootl.
—Th. oottgm I, , kers ..r NIr1111.1)”. hare
rus..i‘e4.l t 4, •uk0 . 14. rstim.a.t,
r thwr wleftl tett+, LO•is
vo,to , e,..itelat•• , l
Tta..y CM, IN
1 1,1 , 111[1st! ior•uox mev./.
tv Ilvo
11.04. Hutch H. Henry, President of
the V ertuoutV•iley Itatlr.,ad. and l'11,•11
•rtatee Marala•l for the Dutrirt "f ter
o ont, tool. at his residencel at Choate,.
IRIAL 1.0. r v n .5130 T
•rrnota. Saturtl•• night. Mr. Hem, 111 tom. vs Eduard Loren.
WWI widely krown anumg booms. men Mettor•
throughout the country. T •• 114.1141mq.
lv -Al Davenport. lown, on the th. Thotroo. Berger.
John eno Thorne', K Won ars...tutted i':""
Chriatian KM - 11111flii, when the latter in 40 TerranceCO
self defamers, drew a revolver and tired. 1."61'•
kulmg Jeiln KI lion and wounding "l rank
•• Bauman.
Thome^. Kern mall was •rreetud, but
after an examination was Machargrtf. ••
Samuel 14111, et al.
-John Stewart, a worthy coloredlti iti,,h.rdmc.uovora.
rant, efPif'f'• ,l ,• • '' , fadi•rf . 421 ••• Juo. rittock and James
tin outeklrta or Ketaturky,
was aasamilnated Nunday morning by Henry A. Ilearfgrasa.
either of tyro white employee of the
oetabllahment, named liourge Hoffman
and , lOurge A histentllt. ellowart wa• soot TUE JUDICILIit
through the left breast. No reason ran
aweigned fur the deaf, save thlret for
—The following failure. In New 1 ork
are announced Benton, Willi.
dealer. In wurytaid good.: M, B .vweeu•
•v, builder, of Brooklyn, Ward
Wheeler, dealera inlolck,ln, preaerves,
etc.; Frederick Wllevm, coal merchant.
The (allure of two cattle dea/erA,naines
not given, In Hud.n City. la atm, Men
tioned. The following Orin• have made
sallgnmetsta A. Colon & Mon, dealers
lb dry goods; DickAun & Son, coda water
—ln Chicago, on Friday night last,
Edward Carey, a well ammo thief, was
Gl:served stealing a wire skeleton on
widen clothing was exposed fur sale, and
was pursued and caught by Robert H.
Wilcox, a clerk. Carey, when brought
to bay, drew a pistol and discharged It
twice at Wilcox, the last shot taking of
fend. In his aids and producing what wart
thought to he a fatal wound. Nature he
was finally secured Carey wounded three
other persona.
Navigation of the Munson.
(UP Tr , egroph 4, tn. ll.Pagb li•aette
Pot . onanarms, December 19.—lee In
the Hudson halt broken away near Her
12111.1110. - D and is floating down the river
In hwavy onuses. The atesinhoat Rip
Van Winkle tried to reach Random
yesterday, but had to put back. The
sudden cold snap will now close naviga
tion to thin point.
31letiIgen Congressional Nomination
Iny telsarsob to the Plltateor.b aas.u. I
tinu of Judge R'lthey fur the Sixth file.
triet will glue satifeettun to both
CAI partite in thin State. It In .peelally
etveptable to the her.
Tua marine disasters on the Great
Lakes in 1889 have numbered 1,914, and
the total loss Is upwards of tour million
dollars. This Is a large increase over
the total number of last year. The Mil
waukee &mina uys The disasters re
ported In November number 403, involv•
ag damage to property of upward or $2,-
000,000. These are probably the highest
!figures ever reached in any one month
since the navigation of the lakes began.
The loss of life during the season was
considerably less than in 1868.•'
- -
Tag Statute law of Virginia declares
that "No marriage solemnized by any
person profesiing to be authorized to Dol.
emnize Use same shall be deemed or ad-
Judged to be void, shall the vaildin
....Aged to be void, nor . ....c validity , .__. , ~..sti., w"-
thereof ht;;"11 7 4 - snotherjudge for the — District
thereof he in any wey affected 0 . acc v lu.` , Court, and thought that an aitional
of any want of autboritz in such persons, Judgeship should be created to u t
if the marriage be In I other respects ; the Orphan. Court business.
lawful, and be consummated with a full , W. C. Moreland, Fag , agreed with
belief on the part "of the persons so mar- , Mr. Guyer, and could not see the nee of
lied, or either of them, that they have another district judge, as he thought the
been lawfully Joined in marriage." . present judlclaiy w. thoroughly capable
of attending,to.ybe boatmen. if an ad-
Tug mean depth of floe Atlantic Ocean , 'Alti that he should be °°./ Judge, however. be created, be
gniascertained, In the laying of the At. th ought
attend exclusively to the appo inted
busine to
as lof the
ludic Cable, to be 12,000 feet, or over two cral wort,
mil. and a quarter; a plateau at that ' Alter some further discussion, the
depth extending from the hanks of New amendment of all. Bayne was with
foundland to within 150 mllee of the drawn, and the motion of Mr. Marshall
Irish coast. The locality where the At. wes amended eo as to read that the oom
lantle reaches its greatest depression Is . mittee be instructed to report on the
believed to he a wide chasm, !waging :,000 propriety of creating an additional
miles east and west, and having a depth , Judge, and also en to what Court he
equal to
in& the height of the Himmalaya ; should be &Reig w ned.
I The mattock ait` then adopted, and
David D. Bruce, Itabert Woods, Thomaa
111 F: CO( KT&
The ro,t• 4, arr:onn vn. ,, flortre
.•ar,so% f—• , krinduLtrient, was ,fie
awnl n 1 :t,.• t.l:. fur 1.1.4 roAsun
That Orrurfse was pAncllng.
L'444”s. .4•414 n 144•444.
• •• 11 411 . 1••
4444 •• I 4•44,4. J. .n.lan.
t 4 •• A n I i , rdori. 2 0.11B(14..
• I na w r Pot, 144411. 4 rro4e...
oristinn Swideld.
144 •• .1-ha A. M4-4insar.
1-414r4rt n.
*L'A •• J,1414.444
244 1L,1.ert 11414t4ard.
• •• I bank. li i44,41A4r.
• •• 14444.11 b 1.44.4144 k.
41 •• J4144i411 Mr }ins.
13 44 A I. 1 4 44.414.
17 •• 1•411(rial.
to Additional Law Judge W•oted—
netting ut the ideuabres or the Bar—
Itemlutlons nod nuggeatione—Bar As.
A meeting of the members of the bar
was bald In the Common Pleas Court
room, Saturday, at two o'clock P. N , to
hear the report of a Committee, OMMint
ing of Maj. A. M. Brown Col. T. M.
Bayne, and J. F. slave, Eaq., appointed
at a previous toasting to prepare a report
on the lillbJeot of the appointment of an
additional law judge, and the conaollda-
Lion of the Common Pleas and Dlatrict
The meeting was called to order at a
quarter peat two o'clock by D. D. Bruce,
Erni , upon whose motion Maj. A. M.
Brown was called to the chair, and W. B.
Carr and W. B. Roger., Bali , ' appointed
Major Brown. upon taking the chair,
stated the object of th.e meeting, and said
he knew that the irOrement on foot met
the approval of the judges of our court..
• lie expreaeed himself as In favor of an
additional taw judge.
Col. Thomas M. Bayne, from the oorm
mines appointed at a previous meeting.
:loads • verbal report, In winch he stated
that the committee were le favor of
creating an additional judgeship, and
from consultation with the judges of onr
courts, he learned that they also were
favorable to the movement. There was
a .11Bieting opinion among the members
of the bar as to what court the additional
j j , u n d i g ,
y e
w s e h r o e o l i n d
fa be vo asai r
of ir b ed e bi b s o tri t
ci th oz. e
Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., was In
fayor of basing an additional Judo, but
thought that there should be but two
Judges in the District Court, and that the
loudness of that Court attcu!d be limited
to mutes amounting to over 11.000.
wee in hoot of having the now Judge In
the Common Pleas. Mr. Marshall con.
eluded hts remarks by making a motion
to the °Elect that • committee of live be
appointed, to report ag,,a subeequent
meeting, the draft of ad' Act of Amem
bly ou the matter under discusaion.
After some discumion, whICA was par.
Licit:tilted In by • number of the mem.
here present, Colonel Rayne moved, as
an innendmfint to Mr. Mamba/ 's motion,
that the creation of a additional law
judge for the District (.7dort be adopted
as the aense of the meeting.
S. H. Geyer. Em., waa opposed to
b ov ine an additional judge In that court,
as he could not see what would he the
use of him. There was not sufficient
bush:tem for another judge In the Dis.
trim Court.
S. Palmer, EST, was also opposed to
O. 294.
Ir is estimated ther,not far from 20,000
people In New Tork - stjy live in damp
and filthy milers. flee are in that city
18.082 tenements In which pearly half
the population reside, andr:thaZdeath rate
among then people is over seventy.tbree
per cent. The Advertiror remarks " it
Is truly-said that the Hottentots and Es.
quimanx are better housed In their mud
and snow huts than are multitudes of
poor in this metropolis."
A minimax boasting that he cured
hie own hams, one of his guests remark.
ed: "Well, doctor, I would sooner be
your ham than your patient."
/.. the beet and cheapest. comeleeClel MI 11121L4
~ • r•puacr pab.lened In Western PemorhaalA
No farmer. mechanic or merchant sballia
Blofrie subscriber,
(lobo of Ito
Clubs of too.
I rtatr'lia!st e t toy PSAINVIYLVA
tt• &abut, o'er . .. for I'll alit 01111C
TON.. of liar Ltvaataany sr rya, far fu, ys%
per..l at trl- atlirte of Lae comay. t•
latter - at •tratttl. Aire .a, r. 7111. 11101ND•r a
Jitart•rr loth, DOW hattrweet the how. Of le
J . Soereta i
A I to •4•• T. De, SO 111.9.
Royston, Beet O alleing.l.`berty street.) Wlll
- Term noels on llt/li Li 4Y. ima•nry
..trovisr• to - hal from tee Principal.
r 47 ki•v. T. L. BiLLAJL.
N OTIC E.—The assessment for
Grading of Buena Vista Street,
1C1.... =1
he {.dreen In the bye. of the (It? Tswana
111 FEDERAL BT., career sf
• aLltu H RN's.
Our Goods are Unsurpassed 811
GU Wcac>42. IEI%.
Elegantly Illustrated.
•TUVEN 1M131113.
Oxford Editions.
Rosewood & Mahogany
Pocket Books.
Backgammon Boards.
Tourists' Cares.
flo ?mat for a Child or Mend
Nos. 71 and 73 fifth Avenue.
Where you will and tn. Largest and mon Ai.
ltactlY• monk I n th• slty of
la tha maw, elegant blattlaga
Blograph y,
Standard Novris,
Sr Poetical. Works,
Pr otegreph Albums,
Writing Desks,
Poi tfollas,
Ladles' Wo,k Boxes,
Ladles' Companions,
Opera Glasses,
Cribbage Boards,
Backgammon Boards, •
Gam - s.
Dissected Pictures,
Without cud. rives ex...441y low .4
441 •44.
71 and 73 Fifth Avenue.
ESD•Y VENINU, Dec 01.0. Si 1,116
o'clock, W onill to cold deco d Floor of 0•11.
merclal Dales Rooms. 100 -mlttlltldotreet.
20 chuck Cltlaeoc 21\ 0011/4 Bank;
20 shorts k cam's. National Baal.
6 .hare. Coatkokista Truck Co.
• :500 shArea rec .. 4)11 co.
em •.• MCD•Waill Alooldosecr
SUN - 1)01E8a
111 Dodo Foxtbero•.
18 do Peanatc
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6 boles Corn doncto;
Now load:lag from oxouxer Aren
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93 lama wen:
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