The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 18, 1869, Image 4

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_ _
ttt VitsintrAt elaitttt,
A est Littardey will be Christmas.
lion.- EL W. Markey is In Harrisburg.
The i , ierirelty Hall le slowly pnvress.
Poultry le getting plenty in the nun-
Mayor &eye, , of Steubenville, Wve In
the city yrday. _
poreder the water eapolied our peo
.ple r and unobjectionable.
Folly one thousand persons have left
the city on the hat rise on boats and
barges as employes.
It isnot true that Mr. 8.. Herr haa
tallpmeal a Det of reeclutione to be pre
set:ltalie the Bottum Ecumenical Coon
Yesterday /alderman Lindaty cam
udttedid lan for Mal Cllasi Arselbury,
ideassadlt and binary, on oath of Mar.
t Wild.
It will to pleasant Information to OUT
clothiers that whole hest of
boys" are coming down the Allegheny
Ith a fleot of rafts
The January numbers of the Athletic
Monthly and of Our Young Foiks Cr,
received and for sale by W. A. Widen.
fenny. No. 45 Fifth avenue.
Cbarles Schenek and Jnbn Bona were
yesterday tined ban dollars and costa by
Depty' Mayor Nichols, for acting diror
-4.07 grviicalor street, Lawrenceville,
htgaday night.
From the returns sworn to before Col
lctor Davis, by the *gent of the Tbomas
troupe. the grows receipts for the tiro
nightaamonnted to $1,016. Upon this .
tax of 120.60 was paid.
i James Mammy, a colored offender, en-
, gaged In the pleasant exercise of whip
ping Ida wile ,yederday, for which, on
, complaint of the y lad, Alderman Shore
loaned a Warrant for his arrest.
The flidabargti Pram Club will hold a
meeting of Importance to night at thel
rooms. Third National Bank bonding,
—lfircrierof Wood street and Virgin alley.
Panottlal. attemdanee requasted.
• Frederic% Alumna was berate Alder.
; Man Water yesterday for whipping his
wife, but when the lsdy eew him in the
hands,or the polite ant relented and
withdrew the snit, tie paying the costa•
Vie Mama Conn la ahead of the
Grand Jilin the tranuetton of bumf
new. D at Atunney-Peareon -Tusher;
things" with a vengeance, and he te eht .
I natty suwatawftd in obtaining Joist contd.: ,
Fraternal.-. The brothers James and
Francia,Coyierbsd a pugilistic encounter
yaatarda7. They adjourned to Alderman
DocialdaraVa oars and preferred crops
salts rot assault and battery. &Leh gave
ball far a hearing.
Manaldialng.—James L Len, an iron
ddheraladdlng In Ormsby borough, tail
Ida hode-Wednaaday morning w go to
eta woldrand has not mince been heard of
.1 Bs saotier, industrious man and he
Mende her that ho has been foully dealt
Heckler Drbring.--Oanduator
Livine. car Hoy 7. Citizens' Pusan
Fm Wire, Male Information before
Dental' Mayor Nicholls, yeatairday,
charging Peter 'Whalen with reekleeslv
driving hie cart into the car and at:cough
ing a dashboard. The accused gave bail
for a httiltrNt.
Astutan and Battery.—James For made
Information before Jeannie Ammon yes
terday, charging Henry Garke with es
end battery. Fax is a puddler and
it is alleged that Fox sold the accused
some notions on time. and when he went
to collect the bill he was thrown out 01
the house. 'Warrant leaned.
UseL—James Zimmerman stated to
Alden:claw Arent, yesterday, that An
thony Smidt had kicked and Knocked
him down. Upon James' infOrmatlonfor
aggravated atonic and battery, the Al
derman loaned aWarrant for the arrest of
Anthony. Subsequently the accused
entered a mew tau before Alderman
Bolster agalmd Zimmerman.
West:Vines In a lEtal , .room.—Joho
Meet= in the seventh stage of delight
Meliristion, yesterday entered the
saloon of John Engle. on Penn street,
and anceeeded, before leaving, in de.
molishingseventi gleans. and a couple of
window panes. Ete was arrested and
corrunltted, by Alderman Moreland, for
a hearing on Batarday for millstone mls
i chief.
, Mary ligninger and her niece, Mary
. Bollinger, had a little douiestic difdrence
• yesterday, which was only settled, by a
visit to the Mayor'. oitice, whale the
niece charged her aunt with pulling her
4 hair, calling her vile names and pushing
r l . her out of the hotels, for all of which she
f was required to pay the caste of prose
cation L for assault and battery, when the
thee* relented and withdrew the milt.
1i•; , ,,;,,i Alleged False Pretense.—Cathartne
'` AicSteen yesterday made tuforrnatton
:• .'1.!: , ,:. , before Deputy Kayo: . Nichols, alleging
...;, ; , 4,:t1 that Wen. Ward had obtained boardian
4 1 :,,. 1 for his taro children to the stnnunt of
~ ,•• • $42, renreaeliting blataelLaarthe owner
',./1"se,:lollni eatlgations
he proved to be
• . hos. She further state. refnaes to
1, pay the bill, hence the wilt. Warrant
<,! •
t •bot Blumlf. Yesterday morning
Mr. Willbtin Moredand, • resident 0 1
Robinanu tOwtishiti, took a gun and
Iwent our to bla barn to shoot rats. I
carrying gun over a log, the trigger
caught - and the contents were dtedherged ,
the genet peeling Into nia rtet eide,
lodging above the huh rib. It wee sub
esquently extracted. But littleofh
hope 1.
entertained.' tor the , re:every te in
• Jared man:.
.t ",
n , •
Allegkeni Counts Ileme.—At the De
combs; meeting of the Directors of the
Allegheny County Borne, the following
named portions were unanimously elkct
ed to eerie during the ensuing yr.
anrutuirtignt 'Aptif i . 1869: James M.
• kicElroY, Onperintendent; imam Mc
roster, Yermert Dr. D. Donaldeon, Phy
itletam=. C.. , Braddock,
' Elophl• Illfays„
1 I
• 1
etoo,itegrate.—tme hundred dor.are
1' reward will be geld for information that
g will lead to finding the whereabouts of
fisal Bioko:tan, of California.
Washington.county, Pa Mr. Ellckmar
11 was hal seen at the National Hotel,
Pittsburgh, Where be lett on Retards'
evening. the Mb lest., at 5 o'clock, P..
He le stout sixty years old, little above
medium height, heavy set man, weigh.
log about one hnodred and Musts
• pounds, and Laid headed had on
he len
a mit
'of dark clothes. Information can
at 145 Faorth avenue, where the reward
will be paid.
2' . -7.
A New Pubircausa of lontrest to Ad
';l verasess......blears. Col. Wetherill & Co.,
newspaper advertising !manta, of Phila
t delobis, have Jost published a work em.
bracing - a complete list of the Southern
newspapers, with informatlan Important
f, to all advertisers. This house has enter
ed into large contracts with the best
papers in the South, and are prepared to
°fiat great induoementa to adverthatra
Meeeda.,,Cal. Wetherill Co. have,
during the pest two jean. obtained the
head rank amongst our advertising
houses. They send the late work to all
who may desire it, gnitattonaly. We
would *dries the advertising public of
Pittsburgh. to send for a copy.
We received a can yesterday from
'' . .i Leaky Harper, Fag., editor of the Alt.
4Vernon (Ohio) Banner. Mr. Harper
will be remembered as the able and
trenehant chief editor of the Morning
/beef this city, some fifteen years ago,
when he contended with persistent Inge•
unity with Craig, of the Osserre, and
I Riddle, of the Journal Those who con
t damned his cause were forced to rout
"; mend Its champion. Mr. liarpe: is •
formidable &deanery, • talented writer,
"!. • genial end sincere friend. We shall
[ always be glad to welcome his mile. tie
is spending Bono dikes with his brother.
John narper,
E.g., President of the Bank
of Pittsburgh..
k --_-
Result of • Cottision.
. 1 ,i Yesterday, Adolph Burkhardt, •
l) brusher, was driving down Penn street
• t
on the track of the Cilium' Passenger
,'".. itallwey. He attempted
th to the ME b
..,-- i n down eo, collided wi team
John litoOormiek, which was proceeding
along *heather track. Burkhardt horse
had bothjegs broken and had to be •bot
-"..., Ina few haws. He Alleges the collision
71 was the result of maliciousness on the
1 , -) part of McCormick, whom be charges
with whipping up his houses and !Men.
..';',. docutity dfteing into him. The animal
~ • was raided At eighty dollars. Alderman
F- . ', Kasnig,) upon Burkhardt's information,
f.' , : , timed itrazrant tar the 'Mein of hicCor
?::4 Pia f ln Wi ll !r xia milelger.
TOO Quay--"Comederclar' Libel Vase—
Partial Dearlug—To be Continued To—
A partial hearing in the rase of M. H.
quay, of the Beaver Radical, against C.
0. Brigham and R. 0. Thompson of the
Pittsburgh Conivicre,a, ehroving them
with libel, a n. tire of which we pub.
fished a few day. since, took piste at the
office of Alderman Beeper at three o'clock
The Commonwealth was represented
by M. Swartzwelder and Thos. M. Mar
shall, Earls— and John Hampton, Est.,
appeared for defendants.
Mr. !Overt:welder called for the read
ing of the information, which was read
by the Alderman, after which Mr. S
stated that the witness he desired to rail
first had not yet arrived, and he would
have to call the prosecutor.
Mr. .11. S (Judy. sworn—l reside In
Beaver, Pa; have resehel tuere ,1111ra ,
1862; I made thin Infortnatton for libel:
the article mentioned io the infationtlott
was pubilabed to the l'Atsborght cot
tee - ma/of the 9:h lest: the extract sae l
taken fro an anonym°. letter nuts
Imbed in the Bea ver Artots. I read the I
article in the (Ammo eta/. (copy of the I
Paper containing the article was I
ahown ['Mile., who pointed out the ar
wile.) On reading be article I thought
It referred to me, ea I was the only per ,
son building a large building In mite
town of Beaver, except the Alethodst
church; that was not the only reason I
thought the article referred to me as the
Comaiercia/ had previously attacked,
Den liani.ron, Mackey and myself,
charging us with being corrupt; I had
been engaged in a newspaper contro
versy with Mr. Brigham prior to the
Lime of the publication of that article;
Brigham taxi two or tliree ahoin a week
and I bad but one: In the Commercial of
the Bth lost Mr. Brigham spoke of Dm,
Cameron Quay et l'o ; It was for the
foregoing reason that I took thin libelous
article to apply to myself; I have eree
led a large building In the town of
Beaver. with% will cost {MOW; it is
the only large budding In the
town except the kiethodis Chtuch,
I never at any time drew Out id
any candidate any money for my sup
prom)nOr never betray.] any man who
ed to vote for. I never betrayed
anybody fur money, or anything else. I
never W. at soy time pact any money
by Mr. Mackey Mr toy sum , ,rt e 111 to
WLO put m i °MCP. i roposed
reve hi nue n
k,elleer 11l be eticivenieutiy
blind fur a time, to enable rue to make
feal,ooo. Never attempted to steal any
sum of money from the TJuited States
Government. I ant rot nor never have
been engaged in any distillery, or In the
whisky business.
Cross examen
have resided in
Beaver, I think, nines . 1 read law
and wag admitted to the bar in 18.54:
vas afterwardw appointed Prothonotary
id was In the ottee for six years and a
question—What was the ofnce worth
to you annually?'
. Ofjected is by Mr. Swarteweider as
being irrelevant.
Mr. Hampton maid the alleged l.bel
charged !some pursue with obtaining
money corruptly. and he desired to show
that the defeudent wan posseostd of
means which be must have acquired
corruptly; that he did not acquire, the
amount of money be wan now worth
tbreugh his legitimate business.
Mr. Marshall said that if the defen
dant, Mr. Bingham, would sign an
acanowledgement that the articles pub
Hatted referred to Mr. Quay, and meant
all the counsel for the defendant had
nand, that he had obtained the money
corruptly. the ecnin.l for the COIIIIII(M•
wealth would withdraw their abjection.
Mr. Hampton said be would admit
The objec.tion was sustained.
Q•lelltluD—Wbet year r.ld you go into
the Pennsylvania Legislature?
Mr. Harebell objected.
Mr. Quay desired to answer the quer
lon. He said he wanted a full in•asti.
Mr. Marshall said that the counsel for
the Commonwealth objected, and that
Mr. Quay wee not an attorney in theca.
Mr. Hampton asked the question, be
aid, and proposed to follow it up with
others relative to what had been brought
on in the egamination In chief as to the
witness connection with the election of
a U. 8. Senator.
The o jection was withdrawn.
Answer—l went Into the Legislature
In ittea, and wee a member for throe
anocessive eessions; was • member in
1867, when Cameron and Curtin were
candidate. for 'C 8. Senate.
Question—What amouqt of money
were you worm in laea before you were'
elected to the Legislature!
Mr. Stir...welder objected. on the
ground that it wee both impertinent and
Mr. Hampton add his object In asking
the queation w. to aacertmn where the
113.e00 came from that was put Into that
Mr. Marshall prrusrdied that if the
gentleman would admit that the article
in question charged Mr. Quay with ote
mining money c druptly he would 'with.
draw the objection.
Mr. Hampton replied that the moss
cution might Infer from the article what
they pleased, but he would admit nett,
Q. What did you pay for the, lot on
which that building is erected?
p. I did not bey It; It was conveyed to
my wife by her mother last fall: I am
building the house upon It: Munroe,
Sillier it Co. are the contractors; the
-I:district price la $15,000: I furnish the'
namely to e.eet the building.
Q, la there anything i" the article
ertintished in the Commermai of Dec. P,
1869, that bode you to believe that you I
were the person alluded to, except the
fact that you are pi:tun; on a new tutuse
in the town of Beaver. and the reference I
thereto and the extract from the Beavir
Argus ,
Answer—The whole thing hinges on
the extract from the Beaver Argun. It
indicates who It mean, by what follows,
If the comment had been published In
dependent of that extract and leaving
out the reference to the building of a
hone, I might not have known that 1
was the person referred to, but fur the
allusion to the building of the large
bower and for the persionelltlyi Indulged
in by - Mr. Brigham on former °cessions
the mere charges of corruption alone
would never have led me to suppose th
I was the poison referred to. Mr. Brig
ham and 1 had always been good friends
p:lor to the publication of thet article 1 ,
We had never quarrelled. nor was there
any pensonel ditfieulty between ust. Mr.
' Brigham had been making rough charges
' spinet me through the Commerever prior
to that time and We bad got into
a newspaper controverey. am
e liter and proprietor of the Beaver Rods
cal; I started the 'pap , about one year
no; it cost meabouCg3 4soo or 13600; the
controversy I speak of commended about
two weeks befsre the publication of tha
article. Mr. Brigham called upon me
through thereminerrusi to write the
history of a man who had bought the
Lsglislature at Ifarriaburg and then ran
away with the money. I replied to that '
article. I think that was the commence*
went of this libel busing.. I did
say that Me,„Brigham had received any
portion of the money.
Br. Swarizwn;der objected.
on the
ground that this was not a proper cross
examination. This la a prosecution
againet Nineties. Bingham and Thompson
for libel, anti not again. Mr. Quay. Ivo
act of Mr. Quay c mid be offered as a
jnetification for the publication, and the
question was irrellsvant.
Mr. Hampton said bin object in asking
the qui emu was to chow that thin al•
leged libel grew out of a newspaper COD
' troverey and to rebut the presumption
of malice. whim was requisite to coml.
tote the offence of li bel.
Mr. Swartswelder held that if the art!.
ete was libelous, the law presumed mal
ice from Its publicetion, and under the
law the defense could nut rebut that
Mr. Hampton held that this case wee
different from ordinary cases of Ilbel;
that the libelous matter wee fn relation ,
to a public act of defendant while he wee '
I a member of the Legislature, and that'
the defendants have a right to comment ,
' on the matter, and that under the 7th
section of the Bth article of the Ormailtu-
I Ban be could offer the truth in evidence.
It was therefore poper to chow tte t
there was no mailer r
in the publication.
Objection sustained, and the eeidenee
role d out.
Mr. Hampton prep..' to ask the wa
n.. If he had not attack.' Mr. Brigham
tereugh his paper prior to the public..
tion of the alleged libel.
A. I did.
Q. What was the subject matter of that
controversy between yon
Objected to, and objection sustained.
Toe ...act misled into the Comme.rica
was blished In the Beaver Argus, It
was p pu uttied...l Wedneeday w. k. I
read it when it appeared in that paper; I
did not make information against the
oritor of the Arena for libel; I had a
libei ault pending against him at that
At the request of the counsel for the
defendant the cae was postponee for a
further hearing at three o'clock this
The fact that A,noid ,end Hartman
have been disposed 014111 not In the
least interfere with the arrangements
made by Mr. Joseph Dobler, the great
trunk manufacturer, from making up
and selling st marvellously low prices, at
bin establishment, 7:o. 104 Wood strtait,
those superior trunks, valises, satchels,
.to., with a new stook of which he hat
pet ailed the afore.
The Late Rev. Hem) E. T.chudy. 1 Attractive Beek Establishment. , The if elatett a rLast Night.
The Bishop of Pittsburgh end a Koran) .
\ A along tee attrerlive places lust he- An exciting and welt conduated lel- ! ...
number of the clergy and 'Lily of the tore and boring the holiday mention, are hard nietelt, for a purse of $l6O end • tionary
city and etch Ile, met together In the our book establiehmenta. Prominent elmenpionnitip of tent city, wan plated I Carpenter'. New Guide.
chapel of Trinity Church, ou the 11'1‘,11- 1 among those engaged In the tracirr t ia Mr. I I.t night at the elegant and wall eon I A ,seon's Illetory of 1-lor,pe, . to..
log of December 17t e,
ri fe, after morn- thee iie Nile art, 7l and 73 Fifth avenue, ,
ducted billiard eala.r of Mr, I. Bennett, I
Brown • P r nlk! ',"''''' h ,,, v ' 2 :"'",' s ,
Mg prayer, to give expre.ion to their lust below the pono Mee, who but been , No. 6. Simithfleld Brien. Toe eonteet I .;;;',,Yd.';',.",i4e;;LT:h!'-'l.', !:' ,. r re . tl.. '''
feeling. and take action in reference to 1 long and 'favorably known . being ORS I WWI between Mr. John Neleon, ansinted I Horne . 1 ntrteluctiou , 2 0..
ito death of their ine brother and roe. lof the moat extensive booksellers and Iby Mr. Richard Staftird, and Mr. wil. S‘,„:"l'''''''." Th . 'l' .. " l I u ' an ' Lge "'
elate, the Rev. Henry I. T en i r ody, I periodical dealers went of the mountains. I hal. Dodds—mm.4od ny Mr: K. J. len, ;,,,.r,lte";.erTyr,T:,o'or.,?r.l,',.'„‘;',,'
which Oramrred In the city of Philadelphia 1 f inritlentally, we had en oppo h rtunity I eon. Thorne are ell rera{rll7 , ll prof.- W.iev'm Nt . .. . .
1 O dee kw ee lJtig u t n l . le ~ r , r r a d r il d n. d r
i i 7
y p I
i s t y . f o . r w t r .
m Bona' player% of no ordinary cepmelte, Channel. on the Raman».
on the 2d day of 1 inceinner. -After a full
and medial ex prenelon of affe.e.tonate re- ito heavily etoek.d. but a I" now filled, and conaequently the match attracted .11,‘„dirkklinte.o(
nntk't'rteerN.rearb'T'e"74lanietit, full..
Al:t i n , t , ' , the rntire aide walls
the deepent int.resd. 'llia g.llll. rout- . Mechanical worka among which are
geed—lo w hin', all repent shared—the anti lilt elem... 'Mom in tilted up in ninny heudrede of •neettor. and elicited i (•1,,,,,, ,ii: Th,oiogl,o. NiXtlll'al and
t ,, , , , , , : i ir e s ra l zf g e th of , 1
t i.z . u n t- , 71 . 4 , " ,,, h ,, ..1 , f r. pee t
i t i
, l , " „ a i n e o ks chre .o, l.l ,.w ist
snits WAS nnannuounly geY r ,, r•
adopted to be Sent In the 1 - ereaved widow ' ' ,.. h 7 ,, e , '"" t,„ ,, , ,. * a r x " ,. a a ,, din f it b rb
and friend., nod li t liliatied to rho el tY with even'. euth adept fur buyers and vie. arable netting on the remelt wan don, , 7,'"ronye7)rYin"';r'eo.'t'dvervin'ti,;'a and fit«
end Med -reality, at price » lower than at any
and Church newspaper., lire to pa. up and down, are peeked possibly, °moult. of the I.ltatOti wag., I other 0d0r... Toy It n,ka for thrletituoi
slim I - 1 r.
woe bauka add holiday glfle, loan over ono theumand Male. changed • atm New l'eare, "Sabbath School It elk.,
Called together for the Met time li.WeS i "`"c".l. into department. Pew houses hand.. The game wen quite np.ri.,,i, venal fi ad., Pei. Ink and Pall .,
~,,,, c,rm.Lm.
of Lb,. 1 , ,,,„,,,,a, no . mers , eau hw.tSCOrf 11 more elegem selection of ' though ile mu' of the coide , eill• e.eved It a 1 and gel hallila.iiili at I". J. l'i
than four yo•r• legs. to mourn • it lw elain and fancy venting leek h. , riser- • . owl ea they oramarny do when ratite , l';gen!a, No. it SI, xth 3INWIItIS, near Smith
death ainolla the elrg' . ee de ire mi . hod aed plot e hole.. Photogr•ph 'IY coinpoeed net not excite.' by the rel. ' Mall ',trout.
rer .,, o haoa a r, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ar , ear , ~, ilia 1 albums In every rityle, sine mid price, I lying erne.. and appl•neauf the rem...,
gratitude on owe to Alio gel. t. sir,, • are 1.,, i, found in large nut.. era. The ! lii partite. of Is letatle. Nevsribelite. I
li "'lug thus Icng even ., es ‘,.
.., e . , e I department of Juvenile weeks In I wane eximeieut siert.. Wii. dal., and •
II iri vineyard web ul, ore ,,, ran k s . I Inree and varied, froui tee I altogether tee el hit..,i,n ,4 1,1,111 10 lb w
ill., I ”„,,, trifling to the to , st cos tly, I tnetheineiteal gauze Woe highly credit
air hear,), Wanks and ...,,,,,,,ig 1 1 , 1 / 1' a number .4 them are wo n., I IlitiO. 1110 Ni`,.., Which Iron. a gentle.
meets f or the f ., ,,„ „„, g,,b,,,,,,.. th„„ I and wal ...Irene. , many at their bentoy. 1 illatile friend on reeeived 111 Rill, i 110
I.llSrelfullV VOLIC/11.1011. 11, o 0..4..11,1 n II( kmof thaleading wilier. tharika to ihe referee, who Meekly re.
Me Idle err mourn the departure heneu I itt I- ''',.., and AWIOI.I.W,IXWIMI In XIIWWrb hoed the trivial romp Intent of etTortflug
.. ie, no well a. In plain attire, make a 104.1,33 MM.) waa an follow,
Of our dear brother, we are ivotfortea in I '.
retailing gratefully ter many exentfent I I'llee d'''Prtemet theuseelvea. Close by N'' , ""ii , tied Penner— runs—
gesitoye o r , xoo d anti t ,„, „ ho .„ 0 ,,,, WIAIS tie been the finest selection of rosily 115.
b tro s „ or i e l oorepero,„, an d a fs „ hto t gift temkn, annipt,musly bound and 1,• in lie rune :tell. Time '2 Imo. end Ise
Inntrated In the newt ex qulelte manner. Rutin:en. Average run. Xo I Sel p ante
friend. He wee a reholer of more than
ordinary r'..'" , and conet. ringing in price from twenty to at 1 ty. Dodd nod earther—highent I ues--M4,
as X thinker. and I"Clca' as tl reaaoney live &Mare. The collection of the lead- O'N 47, 43, 3s. 35, a 2, Xe Totai In Jo rune
8 0 , f or the emir, so lung
11.,1 p,,,,,„11, Ina writers of prose and ectlon In thin 70 :". A veritge rum Ii I le pout..
Velma, of delicate health and an unpaired
of t‘" l lF and limi t IRll"Il l • In every Style It I. generally undone...l Ih u t the
type and binding, I. :ern large. All nlalrli wO. o ' 3 Pinvori "toe, no n now
conntitutien, he tmemenned I,,Ww, that
the difierent siylea and edition., of the , claaileoge will he feathromlng from , Ilia
would einineutly have fitted Mtn for
Bible, from the neat and handy ,
to m,. goittletoen defeated, Ton 1,1:AVH, , . , Mr.
pine. Of high true: In the Church.ihek Stoll oal w. Ye • fl . -
H o woo often ~,.1,. , ~, ondure p.aikat pillilOn, to the large and elegant - • • r" tn. lie ham n
self dent., each ref ess r or hie Wrath I family row , also. Hymn books In great , "lur e .1.r... " quirk domerehettel Ime de
and the F.Macopai it,toe o f eaey ei t e i t fleallillity of touCh, and all uil
ran are compelled to kilos'. ',Ben tie
('racer, Kotten up In handnothe .o.r to. on i :ort .o, eloi . S: tarliperailient. ail lia.
wee brought Very near to l'itrimt in etuf.e . !Tn.% welc h murk the sk;111111 lel.
he, prtelleged oto till up that which h .' Ill " '"/ I "' I " ll e m. Inu r e h '
i s h e ,h t „, or the e m, et t oes or chrter• •• Wow. work, b 011.% in faney and soh Itardlete 11. partner at time.. played
h.fn, th in t,,„ty ~ ~,, metre , the ntential r,verit, and on a ...Hely of aub- '''loallY a" Ortlitiaut. end . few 'Men. of
tit...fermate.' betokenni that they were no
Church," but he el ways etetured with a l' ! '"„, ° '
manly h e r,, and ~,s „ .,t rt, . with a ihe spine of chroue n, Insekert,,,,k,,, adepts IL the alt.
sweet cherrfultiese and a .terit of mine.. i 'e l r. l'n'''l"f"'" "t'd lifil'" , 10 , ! , r pa
plalnlng Imbuiliolon tit the will oi ‘: of, I I"" . • raae Y at ata. " * ". a" " aha ' ,al a ll a " t
wrt artleiee. Is visa large. Item°. this
that ate now 10 US matt Ne.lng wenno
array id the el...utile' , and LW...A11" Wr
rise. slight Dante many other eXiiellonelea.
...Nurtured in the Churrh from h.+ 'Man- Vie hope our render. will go early end
cy, the sou of a clergyman, hewan both
eaten their glen. when the 'eck la so
intelligent and al n• a et:l,
large and tn.. variety no extensive.
nineersly attarbed to the Cntholir will
as hweled down to nS. and hr nen.' dllll
- loved Ina LN , Likary an well an lila
Cb arch.
We tileaatiOrl lOr file roil example,
while we motion truly our lni.A. .kuti we
pray.that when the Master . % ll 'Mall
reach us, we may e Mote ruled and
malting, an he en.. b comfortedl
tented by Cite assurenre of iaag tor
given end occupied,through the ti merits
of the Naelour's ern...
We aino tender to the Bishop 4 Perim
melee - Ma and to the derv/ of Ph,ladel
pine our grateful -hue km for their kind
news ad the at umlaut tole Ply, id tam 1"
PrlY r egardbllOWW at 111. fw11,2.1 10 thst
So Information has yet been recetyeal
from Mr. Samuel Sick man, • f California,
Washing no county, Pa.. wUO n'yatnr l
nurdy disappeared irons the NAtioserl
lintel, in thus ray, on Saturday ever
last, although his friend. have made di:-
igent aeareb aud Inquiry for him. Mr
S. came to the city Saturday morning.
the Illh Inst.. to Iris, test some hoe oese.
having lu possseesessn se.ut our hon
tired Molar., stud Le nrectssi t.. repeiv
Ira hundred more ou err I v it here, Por
puree pat meet
farm lie had pereLassed recent.v.
Ile In: ended to return h^uroe
same meson:. mid Aires: Cite
wan L.
at the Naclonal sal ere
a hankel, cositaming. aun , 4 , per , n , . e s
sad nbilts, osi liars
Slur, then, no truce of hint tine broi.
discovered, and Is. in feared that he he'
Mtn with foul plat': Ile stns alsset s so
years of ego and lOrtlinrly kept st
and owned a tan yard in California, nOt
recently sold them and le isght a f•rsts.
SO wag an indoes.rouss, sober ,an.
and ham a wife and one child, anti woo
man of considerable property. A 'iv '
persona having transacted tarallit.ra with
him Saturday or sin , that lime, are re•
speeded to maga the tact known at lin
Fourth avenue.
The Lew Vim:lcated
The murderer may f a limo
his crime frown tho knowledge of the
public, and tne tiltht enjoy the property
Liable unlawfully niched from his not
tor, but sooner or later Lilo blood of the
ricffM of the former di lie traced to
hie Marla end stand baldly out in damn
ing. spots, to prove his identity with the
crime, and the lit gotten gains rof the latd
Par, I. frequently the medium through
which his gulit in male app•retit, teat
la due titre all critic to diva and
the criminal Is r• qd:rod to atotio to the
offooded law with either his life lir
Cray. In order that Justice way be V11.d. -
In the rases of Hartman 111,1
both old offender.,
totbu who hy sr , tto.
Ismailia have managed iele jilettee
• sorts
tints, this fart bas teen vorttle.l
After a aroma years adroit in artier id
SitiltAtt ever, grade, they have
arrived at th e stopping pilot, and 'wiled
day wore n ich see wooed to the
dare for a term of ii-toes years, a hen.
-tenet) to which the entire comhinnity
will reepond awes
Is I a Gag ?
We have no frronently exposed the
shrewd tricks of F. tog:ern c.mfidence
men that we hesitate to make any
public notice of a mmlldential circular
that has been extenhively circulated
hereabouts offering first elan. , counterfeit
money to parties who are, willing U
pay for it at great shares A friend In
Allegheny, occupying high position,
ywaterday turnudied with a ropy of n
circular signed by "Woiran .0 ,•' 73
ri . olol\ U street, New York, , ffrlog him
/1,000 In skillfully executed 111111101.011
not., I's, 2's and b'n, at the rate of 81s 00
per hundred. The mrrular enclotten a
wspaper paragraph di lining how clev•
orly the 00(0111:1101etig0100.1 WA how dam
germs they err, and altogether the loaf.
ter looks as il "1•110111. MS - wan really
meant. We think the Mtn of , •Wogar ,
0 CA. " should receive the attention of
the police , authorities, and In the 11101 , 111 ,
time we hope all who receive the,:
tempting halts will treat then, in the
saute manner as our ALlegheny triend
ham done.
Cuusrrratiuu of a Sit IV I hapri
The chapel on Marlon avenue, Alle
gooey, nearly in troll of the Fenner,-
Gary, will ho consecrated to morrow.
It was erected by the First Itelortned
Church. This church was formerly
known by the name of "The 434111 RP
flelorrned Church,"by Ihe acdon
tbe recent General Synod, the title
"German" was domped no not mogioally
belonging to the name, so that it is now I
to be known as "The Reformed Church
in the United States." Tine Chapel is
of the Gothic style. and in very hand
acutely furnished. The windows are of
beautifully colored glass, each adornett. 3
with an appropriate emblem. The pews
are elegantly upholstered with minuet ,
and the floor covered with a neat carpet.
The arrangement of the chancel is also
very fine.
There will be services (lame limes d,
ing the nay, on which occasion the
J. O. Miller, a talented pulpit orator
York, will preach. Tbe Sunday Sch,
nervioe In the afternoon will be Inter.
APegede tra lfeeath geout
low. Assault—almost; •
Alderman McMaster. yesterday had a
cave of felonious assault and battery
b fore hint, which, if the facts alleged be
true, we. certainly of the moat mars
'gemus and villianom. character. The
prosecutor. tleorge Talbert. alleges he
went to Hartia blacksmith shop, in
Cherry alley, to get A horse ettbd. The
Thomass being performed by n workman,
O'Neill, when Tall:" rt Mated he
civilly suggested .mething about the
work, when O'Neill, without!. word, and
entirely unprovoked, dropped the shoe,
and picking up a pair of pincers, detat
him • blow on the bead, ensuing It open,
and knocking bunt aeneel... The at
tacking party immediately 11,1 and her
not been heard The tithe?
workmen in theahop attended to Talbert.
He recovered atter a titer and bed bin
wounds dressed, w hen UM information
was made, ma. which a warrant wan
Issued. _
Pl•pfullyCtln Mil Visalia'
Henry Wlcherison, a lobar, dealer,
reeldes at N0..1132 Spring harden avenue,
Allegheny. For the past nix nights be
has been subjected to a peculiar annoy.
anon, In the alispe of a nocturnal wen.
darer, who regularly clubs him abortly
before midnight, arid announce" his up. 1
patience by ft-owing touldere through'
the front window. Night before het,
one r the boulders CAITIO crashing
through the glass, tblvered a lamp 1 , 13
I the stand and alighted within a few In
abet of We wife . el head.
chap who
' tensed If dimippo.irert before he could be
recogn.z .. d. Mr. Wlckerson la lire] f
the amusement end has notified the
Mayor, who has Instructed the pollee to
keep a lookout for the eooentrto annoyer.
than one of these great favortlee. which
are rapidly !biding their way Into nearly
every hoLlealarnil in this rind of liar , State
-the American Buttonbole. . tvervoam -
There can be no more appropriate or trig
.. d F.,. , 127 5,L...31, Ma' . tine.
neee p jable l iri.j.inj j.."" kihijiljjn'im which Mr Jollies I spy, corner of Fifth
than i llabdraduely bound and Interest..
111 avenue anti 'Meet, (ontrence
leg tarok, and there !fir ref tan:ay:l.m plebe ~,,,,, ~ 2 }' bran ~,..,,), ia the. v.p.,...1., and
in the ally Where Inn e alba ran 'Le pro- nourtetto• agenL 'I rm.. , lapi, tnetru 1
~,,A ,„ 0r . e .,,,, ~,,,,y , with i at u f f nettle have not been as tOdur trArt r •iltinal . The ~ eer.,
~ the 4 ,,. ~ ~0 , ,,,,..
ailyse"," than ' t ‘ h " M ' hhiliej Bii.h 4 v. a i r be ''' : m b " a " :e n t '...'ldl"N!'"ai'te'll.i,.',...ts*,:in,lde 1 1
1.. ""• -The , hair in, come"" , by
lcuatettory, No. IT.' 1...J.11 . .11MM' etreol• popularl i tv, and their •u permit merit/. are I ; " Ur. ° era " . ere grand. an d ea , . Klan,. to
The eatabitvliment In atorktel to ropletton treever.allv r“cc..
rd. lee wide range re'rre ra n .d •nd arrPf•retnd by • minute
~,,h ~t t iumea gay, Might and heatinful, "I excellent wi ts in they arromploth- " it " a. i '''' t • " d ... " i "K .. ul "" ht. ''' .
In malty idyl... and varlet te• of bind helottintut, el itching, env% mg, loolar., i verutei. ~, • 1 .1.11A , '`.' '1“ .."". '''
ins, and embracing worx• (Tor the overwomong. buttoolmle a. titling, oleo- I ... r..h....... ." " eine Kt...J...h" hair 1 - - ----
, ...Oa " ....srY JawsK• atl Ittrongh M•lxe• them trdwbetrantle artlrle. Itt the nitit K r. "' ht. t tr. fiti .. 1.e...." n ' i L ., Y A Sil ED. MORTIIi AIRE&
the. range of Ilierrture, !art:i.,. to ay ovehdd, en d when rinee Introtlortal r ater " a... . ' hea r nein ''' . it ' s...a J.-
he noble Worn the Itmeence aretort two I t t• ev ran never ten, There, •trur r ted ire rornto , er" tritn'h wr CO not in •20,000 la icier roe want! arereen.
which would he valuable at'dittor .to a I u t,,i,,,,,a „.„ (LL „„L L „ f „d ,„ ~1 sty f ,„, , . carry to these glands a •01. not
1 Tiiiihan K rleTrY,
library, arirrre a lad) 's rentre la , l.r. ire '1 plain rl , ll and Wept , Turn are n o I 1 . ....." ~ ...., ." ....r t... nh't Bill. howl an, near L.A. tante?,
delight and In.truct the children T.,.. .t ~,,, r0,,,t,.1110 prieww, and ere lima 1 ^urrt•;" thorn , the hair will 1a,...:e dry i he 119 an Wield ores,
I •nd felt tx! The reprodurtion
porreatwr ran Lordly fall to tat eft:el:led , irlarroil within the reach of el er it ttiv
r li' W ANTED. —AO UURROW. -
!•h the eholre alb rd eel or the tr ems ' Kt the elegant sale., and cam( le st , ttto I h., thew tore dolt...inn upon the runic
at a tinrh they tit, We •e I.ln rid last r. Karty. where cturte.tu• .i , r•tn r " ''' ' h..' small H ien! v " ...4 " t" Si 100 -Thee- i 00000 ri Colima iv
tittiun to the tawdow •1 the Li tportitory ohltirtoZ err
tenet Sr.' a! w .N. i.e bawl ' he , " P r ' m ,', ". , " 7, " , d ",""'" . , "" , ' , "i ''''' I .w• r tSua ./ ...,.. ea te.a , three rear., e
wlirl ha found • large evil , cr,on of the Ito wart bone i•itri, wi.Le I! Lind a fol . ; et. " ... an...... ' n ' . '''' ..... l u e -- It' mn N J ' ,„ t „, . . L ... I . ft i it ,
~.,,,.,,,, ~.„ fr .,.
ho• at r e row, lath. verntb„; della., I end com.n.4; uf tile wrest A Inert , ' ".... It ." ..... i ......Y It.""aat ar Y• htat , " "
tore L ,,,,,,, „.„ ~L t„ .., LL,L . i fore re. - ha, 1,11 in produreed, to stAiiiir- ..... {, .4. rlf • ••r, s•weirrity. ',dress, iiii•
g.eutletrieliW Lira•aft trael.• and ..itt verb t ran Maohlibs,
tt. arlea for late, all ante , and sty lea and ! attentl di a onr eader. r intontiriating 4, into the ''''''l' by the • PP" .". ‘ r)( ‘ b ' I air! , in! , x X • n •rarra •urrt! ...
mnumeratce lot of fe lt article.. t noting any imrehece 1 thi• dt,..1.10rt. a the
the ....eline.heje
ro ill bong beauty and uttitty• any ..1 -awl
, ah .-t1 would make a tn.alt agreeable Ito an Inerenawd hoe thv 11C11,1 1it.11,111 ,IV .1-A/:—,..t.:EliTs...—. e,..2.50
I her , it eeriness time: for If the boor were i•" „ '• ill{ ;",",N;',!,'"1'L..::,":,."..LA. ,t,..L.t..i7L-.
I Plltaburgh Stettell V% deli, !ti nisei ari wan, ail the tools wan appited, I 1 mt.,: tbr r e , t , , ran i ura t ,, te , c ,„ t ~,,
•nti handwntte prcept. ,
it., ,i tc ..aph n oe per, it It.. a ~,,,,,,, re.le ..f the remerwhtatlN a alai:n(4cl° , 111 wound probably tle rive or 1.1. week. ,.,,;•;!:,., T:.,..,,::.t......‘.r.a5t...,,,,,,w,tv....t.,,,
eur In .lell trialterw presides over the ! tog esgslinerhitieni. ril the ray i. the 1 fa Info It wo d`l make Ita appoar." ,... - , .., , 1,1 -- we , ,1....,,1 , ~,, .„,,, ~,, c .r,
' ugh thy akin. •./ , u....at0 -.Oxbow° i ova tee
tt.iettilvlstu ti.t., tawl..avj tiC a "Pa "( .. 1 Plttatourgh cbencil Work.. tocam.i at No. i ''' ,........1.......•ta..“, ,ar.....,‘ Wee ix tar we.
telt, awl t flb•lext c lerl., who mink lit , ' ....x. a, rt cr, ... if r r,r, ii.anr, wi,Ler
i -di Mai Iret street, hf eaara. I. K Sutton A i Tint, brills, and :natty tarry artl,..e. i .„,
~Li .,,,,,,,,... _,,, L . ..,,,,,.„ , f „Tot s
no truth' , to ,
le n t the gier•lw w brother I fur , Itrwltut. at Marcum A CrUtla 0 et. 7.: "t . t •Iva Ww.- ntwaarax• Par. or erd.
thee to• i or Inn. we feel a. lOr , Pennrie 4 "r er • Ylr'r''' 4 'r.' n" '9 triton, i ~...... . i ' ' 11, hr. Mo.
it. •velllll/.
....r .1 teem a pore mal inspect.= it the I we. , b•erved iti the manegeret 'lt t f thin I -.we- - --
a '' Ilia our '''''" rY '''''''' u "' 1 " Y " ." i trivia, an d porxr•n• In need
ritenelle 1 4 ,a Caw. ot ',elders., of artirteen veneer ! FOR SALE.
'l li n tlia " n r a ' : tgl.e"l74ri.."lt'ne7,":nt'i'W'r• 1 ."d rush astir ors r ' Y r nrt " ''''' d "" r "'"" e• 1 * , "" . '1'" , r .,.. i„trhittrri,...ti,i,‘,
,71.,:;:tte,r.r1L,,i.",..".nj 1 L .
th e m a l, m drop i. t../,,,,, p.r. Irter ri.ell -triity and seciretnne. eadrlrltant L ?., - L ii . „, i ~ , ,,,L , ~. L,..,, ' ' f ~,,,,,,,L , , L
.... i 1.4 Oli SALE - S I DI h A ND Fl I
, nna , K ellewaberw I ex per ore In gettlng Me, ut.nt• OW pi.11..1 L uf , w, - ,. ~,, a ~,,,,i, . „,,,„. attLt „. „ LL . i ‘
..- t Kr. l i a-r. hN It went WILL. ra
. ....- M. ,, .. f. , •*‘ , ' rh• ,, 14. 1. 1." ..,b, " , n .. nor date of 4 touary rt. l'ar.. null, he. bac L '. ' '''' "r
' ' . :1 .- ' ' ."' iota".'-. Ti
D sahinglan Putrilr Wrentrot . the eetairli.herent of threw , w•r Ca, .".t . eon wrilirg le - . Sage'. lint•rrlt Remedy,
I.act evening the benuttfu. Cabbsta of i ft.' . ... it, an'. ."• ca.
nn Prtviurvd wt . .. i i
and •ay. It hot cured Mtn of deafrover of . i L t L ":, . L
L, i n . ..
Little Wee prnillined by a ae ,•1,.... ~r. I rrn,.e • ."Pa , ' F.-r rtrid r , 1: - ..h;te ' , din" -, totirtoin year. ea:ending. lie wasnu ; '
I priren from thew. of f. 1131, 1.1111114 The Lien( that h., ~,,,id ~.,.., h,..., . per,,,,,, talk 1 1,7 , OIR 5 11,E. ik EiRsT CL A ~e , 8
.z ty young nib... of 01. W.ah:hist , n. I. priee ••Iwtem am. 1113.01 , . ,, a1 1. ~,he , , .. cf ied hr tiros de r .11d can ltd. Jr` •En ;., i K l!W e 1.1 n ildClier• - lf
irtrh,rol, li 11. Kr Ilf, Under the Metter. . cr y
A r.r , and 'ogether WC!. :mar the ciaurrh Loule( dna two melee " '1 . ., t .' . .t, t i , ~:,......", ILL ., L 0 ,,,,„ , L , ~
thrr /lion of Fed. V.
li. I. Thu ball th e tt../J e r .. . l. ) i "..h. their .".J.• .°. . Ilasitt. I: wt ...Id tn . &1rm0... ~r 'lend .. - r. t-• ttt Kt- t-. ' r•tt. t , L
rracred extenalve fenrottage, not onl, at xtv rnt! , to 11 r It V• Plarce, liurlAlo '. • ' ~ '• ~ ,•• liouw 0, ..a roe
of the irunding ww• cr" . '"` l, ma.). l'a. here, but trop sordnii l'oeter n• matt N e w \' ,, r k . ' ..e. s.• •11J eat., irt
mg 'Mettle to gain ariedittnnee The
, - . i. , in tin
i „.. „ , ii non in. . ,
„in.. , inn lit' •
1 "' a ' h ' V ” "r i I ' ''. ' n '" see 11..rn..1 at thew. , wdras. Steel ntainfia.
roars, dilate and wit.... at., Wed rem. i horning 0r ,,,,..0„ ii ......„„ iii ~,,,,,,,,, ~,n
'fend and with effort, an.l gain a.P..
..1 .temp-•. rherae for ratir,..d.l4l"/ h ,t 4.1•,
d.denee of Pr .f. II,: . rod.ttv a. a i . ,
(Ong malt fau c010r5.... - , .1.. teal
" ...her r., ..",- " I .an." it. 1 ic, obtained Mire at Inv bore and at
ntnain the itant!.. o ftn. t "%mg ie lie. I
„in. .. 4 a Lin .. ~.,,,,L L . r. , ~, , , ..L,
who reirirja" the ' 1..1. " . "" t iiha " ... "" o. env 011lt, fd.biteriten et fr•r.rerr 111
" lit r ' be . t i. jeet. iii i need of .11 , 11 artirle. .d. , „..1 „..t I..rget
the fairies. arm au. Katie moven, 11. lon noriiiinni
... . i mnrhn , , i ,..., nLi wh . rn
eireedlngiy g., ,, i voea:in.. TOO Cantata ,
... 1 . e .., L r,.. ...( L , ~,,,,,,,,,, ~, , L , ,,,L L
will he repels eil . .ir•roght. Nhtl I\ ina• tie. ;
at .: tr it for children 'I he priverrerlw are pUrcbacing au Organ for the aChorri.
The 110.4•) awu
1:111. 1 Ve it $1.11... I 111 r.itr
triß ten twrgor a.lry. mud. , olfor
tolttion ,re A Idorninn Nl,Nl*sti•rs
aga.t,t AL,((RIF/11,6 rnlars , an an
, tv.:. . ady '4.21U-a [ha: an
ev,n.0.1.. , •ut t.. 0 or. 6 .be env.,
line Dy the brolsele of Ler k
eery .;., when Wiling', wi.leett rer.•
entertel the timme un.l ereated
..10.1,1 .Iraer true a lonlitel
00l and i t renten,og to , ale.ot her .he
Md not furtoeh he eon, money 10. out
w ky, IR, o
11,01 WYWI 1101 known
to her. but eel...inept I v ah« aarertalttrel
hot name Ile nenalned w the holm.
went. time, but tinnily I.R. through fear
~1 the pollee, who were attr‘rtiwi to the
Irenee by the .lams of 010. Kehallor.
The Aldermen la.ued n warrant fo: the
sorest of the neeuatel
Itr•l Fotair Cr.uatrrk
The following deed.. were admitted of
room(' In the Ofttill of T. 11. II tinier, Kati.,
itorordor for 11,0 ramntv of Allegheny,
Friday, ilenoni i i tir IT. lard , .
H. 11 1
ra , 1 1. n IL, lo•ti 1 1 . r 11 .313 •••1
o. 11 el,. 1•..1 11n le•enn 13••••. Y 1,133;1 , •
sit */ 1 , . 0.1tr1.1,1, .4• 1•./1......4 `Ol ••ti
01. r. ,1 ) 41 5 :
. 3 5 ,
•1/1.1. •• 7.1 Ar3o•ls., /•••r c ari.
I u ri
• iind ln A gioi• r cool
Fla ~.• r•• .• • .11•1L1r/gst• re • •nel •
11 1 . ' ;1•143• • •• mlltH` a 1,. 11 . n:l3 ' ..
• r • and `cc i 1,1 11. ,
The following I• the Het of death's to
the rity of Pit.etntrgh from the 4th of
DAo. to thn Ilth of on reported by
!Jr. W. tint vely. rbylsiellfritO the Board
if ilettli :
The following were therane. nf tient)
)id age 2, timbale I. eyphilirl e
I, tnarat
, sue I. IT
it 2, pritutuonla 5, brut
.11ttle I, enteral , 2, toetilegiite2, dittetit
d begirt 2. xt.eritit fever U, poen.",
er I. tot.gettlouin I, atlll t.rn a.
he shove thore wore—ender 1 year,
; from 1 to 2 yf arm, I ; 2 to 5, 1 ; h to
10. 1 20 to Mt 4: :It/ to 40, 2: 40 to &I, 2;
50 to Go, I ; 60 to 70, 9 ; 70 to 80, 2; fro
to 100, I.
Males, I?: fom4lox, 17. Wtilte, 28; col
orod, I. T 28
An (AtiArrel Itemised.
Solon tittle ego the Kuockol and
Lirectii families, farmers residing In
Bream) township, had • quarrel which
reedited In several law suits before Al
demean Koenig, but the matters were
finally arranged, and pence for awhile
reigned. The fight has been re newed ,newed
however Yesterda y tirorge
made information before the name alder
man charging Jame• Lunch( with Wont ,
nun assault and battery. The accused
Is eharged with attacking deponent with
a dagger and inflicting a nevere gosh Ogl
his forehead and also breaking 11110
itnnekel's house and creating a general
row. The pollee are looking tor Jacob.
John Washington called ut the resi
dence of Fauna Walter., on Roberts
street, the other evening. He knocked
at tbo door—with lila foot—and berated
it off the hinges. inside the bowie ho
continued blot friendly entice by play
fully grasping by the throat.
When his band was removed a blue
mark encircled the fair creature's neck.
The chii, under the (igen LURLI.OOB, wen
not appreciated by Fauna. whni Yester
day, mode Inforinutioun Kcal oat W r
toil, before Alderman Butler, charging
bin, with niallcions mischief and uwan t
and battery. Warrant
hriaimas ietttg, at John N. Pittech i r,
Opposite the Postolnire.
Holiday books or etl kinds, Annual*-
All the new and popular Annuals.
Pow ro and Poems, by all the standard
authors. illetorire of all kinds, and
n pan nit aubtails. Travel. a: d voyage•.
In etWeva , trtety, Standard work., in
e;egant hooding.. Family and Pocket' '
it, In neer two hundred Ity les of
binding. E, ' , copal Prayer Rocha, in
user tbrro hnndrott idyl,. of binding.
Teetathents and Pinto, Hooka Juven•
Ilea for boys and girls. upwards of den
hundred different kinds.
The American /Suitenlisle, oi - entraining
uW family ft.cntur.
We do not knew isliat would prove
more acceptable so a (bruit Ulan present
of malty reurttle to tbettnpulaLtte andatm
Wiaa, heart , ern let t irty then !hot r
amens. Itn • thou . le one ','ld of pre
went that vrol inertftr env dr„rrttn orw:
- a
ttwt tal. end will wain:ft a wart. , heart
in try,. tutl la.oo
t,: grill (al!,
met-v. - At and I•ttigt•r ppm, att-d by 1110
rta t tplant, that any (tn., mid, withal. it
la matrielly annt - d to th.twn to a h
geuartUla men uwuntly prettont their Mr,
..their mothers, alett.tra, vrlytte end ettll
itren (Icon aught hundred of our est,
onutsovt , already eunorett, end anattral
hundred morn havo determine, to wemaro.
hie .14.( apprormate of all gills to A
retteful wife or a Ilnpenrlent ebt4, I: a
a pulley with the en-opnratlve Art. In
nut - anon Company of Western Pennevl.
Ituader, t amnltt y Ur afire !WWI ,
tame, or your r t lsildrltn lie bonelited,
RUIII a prtannt 7 A newt payment of lan
dullerw Itiwy sot , ory themnee thousand.
Ttilw haw happened reetently In th•nuate
Mr .1t•I0 Mttl.eughllm ot Now lirtatU. oll .
lu }hey he IrlaUrnd 111 Inn Ca, .weraLive.
to HOPtallita, lie din t o fPtver. T.hauntie
mute Of our Oa, your tatt at ler
rum. The ulnae of t hem tlPl.Y Ia
Suitt Wield it,rcot. l'au3bur4h.
Avery afeaaluit l Much.
The mem:nary public arrvices in the
Chapel of Avery Church, oorner of
Avery al,tl 7Vc.rth 'treed., Allegheny,
which have 1.1 aurprrtled for nevoral
months, will be reettifited 40-tnorleler:'
with preaching at 10, and
The pastor, Elder A. Cole, has Invited
the attendance on this occasion of Roe.
tI fg.trnet, principal of the College, the
elders of Wesley street Chapel and of
the John Wealey Chapel. liichop T.
Jonon, from Wwthington CilY, an a I ))
quent dieter, will officiate. Several 01
the white t•lerioal„ brethren are .100 fl
vlted to attend, Including Rev. Dr.
Clark, of the Methodist Church Fifth
avenue. The ex cannot fat'l
to be
very into...ging. The Treaters of the
Ave: y Mon C'hurch deserve touch
the liber•l nod tasteful manner
in %blob they have fitted up the audi
lorium, which now presenter a finished
and elegant appearan e.
Mortuary . lir i.rt
row on Robert. fttreet
Bout. Boot.:: M.&
Wobeter 'Ft I . usbritiktoil PI
51r. W 11,41,01,1he1,10, wr {. , puler
Nn. 5 , 0 i.St. l'Inlr) ntroet,
depends not on any sensational clap trap i
methods to attract customers, but rests
het reputation upon the principle which
has already won hue sash great survive%
—that of warranting every tartlet° that
leaves his sausialivhment te he a
represented in kt y le and quality of goods,s
and to to equal to the very is-ift In the
general make U. Acting upon this he
has built up a large trade, whirh In the
i ...est evidence that Ma gooda and tonna
arc satisfactory to true. who know how
tat appreciate tine workananshlp and hon
orable dealtng.lwr gentlemen readers
lhould give mm• call or leave an order
to satisfy themselves
who indulge In (ho Use or tobacco or
Nagar . .., will find at the oatablualtutehl of
Mr. John 510, raw, 45 Ninth (late Band,
street, a varied and t h.nre seleetten 4 r .
the very linen( brand...llloW.
which W 01.11.1 !Make a shotattlS
gift. Mr. Idegraer has K.. , a vers . Ono
arattorthoolt el...renew. re
is, eel
other arttrteri, which ire highly
I •PPreeintret by shone who In urge In the
vv....1. tire lattrolc to
be found than the; which Mr. Megraw
oiler. for sale. The price., Inn at Pe,
retasonettl, Let thowe. then, who WO
In quo. or Knell articles be •Ilra and
iWI at 45 Slosh marvel, two dour. (rum
111.1•1•, et s •rut•
A Unttlat,
For the benefit of the poor of Allegheny
oily, will he delivered on Sunday
evening, the 111th Met . „4.0•1. reterii
Chu r ob, by the Ite•. Father*Ol• Pre.
ideal Of the St. Seminary.
Subject—The Mille. As the lecture is
for the poor. under the nuto•icee of th.
t•onterenne Of the KOCii ty of Ht. Vineen
,le Pouf, we would recommend thone 0
our readers who wteh to. veil lhemeeevt •
p.r a rare treat, to attend the,ere, a
the abilltles of the I-Operand Father or:
well known to the public.
Temperance Punitrationa.
Band 01 hope Bodge, per down ...0 0
Rood of Hope EloPlonk, o 120
Hand of Hope Hymn Rook., Per
dozen ..... •- • I 80
Rlblu Rule of Temperance.. . c.
Alcohol and Tenser., ..... • 1 00
Temperance Tracte, per parka&..
Twit PowliL 00 Temperance... •...• ISe
Yur "l"o F. U. Heineman, 113 Third
lit%lt; V% ekbtnug Plarhins
It has no equal. It is simple, chmtp,
dnrable and offend ve. Selling rapidly
75 machines per week.
Also, Wringers, Clothes-horses, ,'t'.
Trim Machine is sold on trinnthlv pay
N o
at II If 14(.1N(f)1, Agent,
No 12 Federal street, A ll City.
County Hood.* fur sole. 3
Drop In at Born's corner of SmittMeld
street and Sloth avenue, for lunch or
dinner to-day. Fresh o aten , Ram e and
other delicacies will tempt the appotite
and prove healthful to Ihe partaker•
bettor cooks In the city, or Inure areOln
.modatlnit Walters than at thin establtah -
Went. Everything nett, catun,
prepares and healthful, Make. Burn'.
One of the most popular restaurants ID
the city.
Messrs. rAt e . No. 563 Licriy
street, have a large and varied zegorb
went of gueenuesre and Bristol ware.
, 1
A very neat and appropriate gi ft may be
selected at this boost, in the shape ofle.l
table mat, handsome and durable, com
plains beauty with usefulnese It
would be an acceptable present to any
No lap—Trop
111 , slida) Pre•eul•
Clo - hOmaa Pres+ paa.-lir.l varte'y of
fancy artioloa at I , .votat Pr wt., at
Ain. at at, tit.t Ua.t eo'a.
•• • L
I p • .P. I, el. Y •:.• Ilan,e td' (sat r
Men - haulm tad Dealt,* In fancy goods •tt,,,•, I
,',.,,,, , r ‘...11% •., I
PU11 . .110 4 1 at F tatore prtreta, et /
... : 0, Pr tx, not,. .w •
NI, nt m, .1 rI, A ro •,
N , ta 7 , ~ 1 .., Ntarlo.ot ktrt.ttl. , . " r ..4.• '....'. ''' "'. ~•.. I
' . r - .7 ..• .• . , l'. ',re. I otr Lna dll
lima/test. mon . affl find Attmethlog
their {vantage y ratting at tha Ottntl
nerst•l At their eart‘Pat rsonyentenee.
( ream Ur tr takt the ....At •
..Tutu' .3 , 1114 to lb.. n n.v v. It I.lnw ; F OR SALE,
r L.. tak.• late pike.. ••( a
xt..l . mt . om. ; ••
n... 1 Nlarm f ir:
rtrt•, k Imrrol •.!
it.t kri titoy 0,0 boar. Peer, Dan.
Air tit., trill tlrtalL
ci,n,,, y..ur order.. at
lire were
1 , r...a .Nll..vottPrx. v‘mo and other
orh.:l, alt, Fifth dye
!i• low the Postotbee.
Mfg11(0 now styli.. .7 nwol ry, jtvut
wm•a nl Ninrrurn A l'arlisle'a, Fifth
linponiible to detedt oven alms the
YlLlirlatiOn after the
NI ilk of V h/iOlg, whinh linking , a a moon
beautiful atinearenee to the akin. kola]
nv all druggiela and fancy gi vele dealers.
V. W. tirtnekerholl, 1' h. agent, N. Y.
loves, nose and otbor 11110611 lattleio9l
girt., at [Sacrum d (.'arlin , e's. 27 lath
Constitution N uter ua a certain ruin tot
and all Ilbrearten of the Kld
any.. For sale by all Drulatata.
Beal rate Lace ( ooda for hot Id•Y pro.
at htscruni Carli•1•••, 27 Fifth
('all at You ng•on'a, eorner of Suitt la
(laid atreet and piatoond alley, for
hrintllll9lconfeeilonerlos. T h ey have a
very large 'deck on hand, sad no place
iu the city affords a better choice for
,cturchaaera. An trimming ChrL,dnias
)roes theao article. are Indlin.11.2 1 ) 10
Snellre a supply at . thin Ilrat class eatab
Ate e•nert kid Wort
eut, black and ell eidore, filet received
ACltt'll, At.
A Brilliant and varied assortmeni• of
ribbons. I morn ,
mornings, laces, culls &Alan.,
varlalloi and notions in Isaias goOtla at
Atoorheads, No. al Market street.
Jewel, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes
for preaeuta, tdiacrtint Q eiwthlith it
Fifth avenue.
Weltre.—The Noeentive Committee o
the Parshurith Prase Club hove nailed a
meeting for thin evening et the Hoard
Trade Boom% Wood street.
The Continental, next door below the
Postalila, wdl he ready to day for the
aromonodation of hungry voop,...„Kee,
member the place,
liana Imre hie 1., Coi I ars, Searfa,An , for
tha 11011d•VS, .t blacrum S Orrlials'a, 27
Fifth avenue.
Everything to tempt tLe appetite and
Ridley the cravings of hunger at the
Continental In abundance.
A Superb Saturday dinner la to be
served up at the Continental, Falb eve.
nue, to-day.
Rowe, Ties, Suspenders, all now bolt.
day gOods, at Iktocrum d Carlisle's 21
Flab Avenue.
D on 't p a .. up Firtp avenue without
gunning at !tonal:101111.We Continental
to day. _ .
- •
Irstiev •rtlele& for ChriStrin* presents
at Moorhead's, No 111 Mattel street.
Lard sand One goods for the ladles at
Moorhead., No. NI Market. 'greet..
\PiPID—BILI.L—Ja Thor...3ay •••PlPf.
Prom , ' ISM Si the restdrocr of roe PM e•. pa.
g•.LUr R. , . J. O. Clara, 41,y. pH p,
aLa daughtar of HP, L.
D-1 R!.11 - TAN —UT Ree John 1...,
m‘ere iwy, December Vi.e. lA,. /1,5 Pli
1.1! eir.I.ATD sod Illre CAROLINE TROW TIEN.
Imr‘h of ♦lleleree CUT
LITTLE — , 13 Thl•totay, Dee , ember 10th. al II
o• Inn r NIP E• N NEWT, Infant •o•
of Thnta. t ••.• • ) sod Catty C. Lunt..
• ro • ,esrs •ou 3 mouth..
T. e Mortal .111 tale plate I rola tbs restdesee
of Isis resale,. 1.. t. 31 Llslon street. Ileseete
111101,INU. al 10 as.clees. The
fries& of the family Itt• respett fully lavt.el to
maci,ss—tin Thersd•y sierblete. nee. 16th.
Mrs. J
l s r
111 . .If •of .h.. ta Taos. Masts
la tbellto year ad bi •
Tar fuse
rs. dill lots place es 1+,1 . r...u5', .tr •
reams,: Dee. 14 h, 51 J o•cla. 0, from he la.
resides , ••a reef of Liberty rood 10. age se
biretta, Twelfth ward. Tbe !deeds 01 the lasi
ly ale risPeetrally 1011554 10 'Stead,
Rl.. .
root!! II:. hen,— markrt sr Gre at yes! THE PIMBURGII
terrlnv . • slveno.,l yuntalmii., and ano-i,
all a ~ , 1 Ind Phlpnett. Sheen demand
Ugh; nut quality {:end : market artlve
and nu..) ant. whit! •tles western at 3'..,(g , IVI 1\ 11( 1 I)
4 •• s rt, .. I. :GA ",,-. Canada: ,!, 4.lki. and Balm/ I
CO, . h rt• It ~,. reoeirav moderate; mar - tt !le • hut •t• rt.
ket nominal , a and ournainrearl. a J _ ..,. ; .01..K.....1 EV ~,. • ..- I ov•vat.J an..
• .er popular •Irstaitty•tt •/3 tr. In the Ve• • y,,
7 , k W ~ . 41.1“, .. . Geo. 17 —Cotton active ! 1....1. , v. trona d e
anti Wither, roremte 6....41{, 6,500 balori — I)rs billit!lN HA•1!.
111111 , 1. mg .:i ~a 4., es iv •rtm 1,070 bald ki • 1 , ca. ,, 0 ,....,, i , ~,,,, 11 , sv rmaa• fla.ty•ra
1 r.ov-ot a ! , 1 tio , week 17,17',, ex rrla ,
._ i t \ lTa voly.,...?l,lata,taistaiir....atut , i ,‘,..,,,,, ~....
!leo,. ' ~,!,, !mirk 1 . .1:1 SOI bale. I _ . _
• 5t 0 1 i ,...... 0,,,,,,, ! non ! . tirloall.o. Whlelny ' o'.-PTTRIMEIGH T HEATRE,
110,611„,... t ~ t'le, « unoloced. I 11 W taILLIAII, I. ..... ~,. avirvro
Tr', G.,,,, ha. aptvon!ed G. W. 1 • an, I.ttet SI, .e\ 01 tue ....tlte: ...t u t,. oi
the Ho, v.r, TAN vFA ti ),•., .t......
Kari , 1.,.,1 , 1 , m, ,, ! Greenviile, Vier - iv.. mutt- tIALLOU 86 kil Al p ,
r .,...,.,.,,,.,,,,,,.,.., ; ,r. ff0 . r .,..,....,.. ; ._.,., „ 3..„.,.. , .,.. ,, , ~..,:.
tr. ~,,,, ~._„,, ll , Mimen, ni Mesdrille, '
i) 9 , 11,,i, •
yao• te'll. , l it 1 Out.lliit - vavt la.
, C1,1111,t! connit , Nnr, ablic. I . great .1. , I • 10,1 ,, Iv • ue• hitt 1,1•11 t. t rite
1 v , q t r m•danve .ttst 'ob.
l'lllt ‘,.., 1 , e , m11.. , 17 —ln the evon- , ay. , M.ttrte• reel-, Rednettao s t d th•totr.
I In t , t h e t um , lllo4 , lLet wtot ,ntvttlvet. Pro- !
I vivito!! Orli! /411.1 111,111, va, ,, a Mesa Cork
rafth at 11'...7 1, oivo,r tv•hrunry, P 0,75
I irreo n slomolera ill ~•.
141,1100ns! allarkets Et Telegraph,
Li?rAt' iDETIV Or 1111.4.1 C.
TI,7ES—“To- Lel." ArN, •re woworrne..r.l VI . : VI • •t T
arcritE s,
A d 1:1, HT ett.,tutto
&C., 'Puri e lung I. I S todi r"
""'` ""'
be tn•ert,d clwit lrftrf fOr E x T RA WINE viNEGA n .
TIV T A' 1I b; (•• K. , : ; tacit adds
£U1.11.1 !me F'/ [ " F CF: ,' TS. -
.(anc r to
111,1 Ct. l• •••••
A u :s:11;t: VP ;
, — , 4lTli O . AT M\
r ' s
! " ;o '
\A/ ANTI:D.—Fro LL VI gy m 'larch or
Apt, •.•L, ANIIOIK .
I II SI •il• • •,, 1,.,1/.111.11 •or
• , ••4 •et E, p • y f•TIL ly
W 7", 7.C,E„n„:
A A 7:
Mu,. In • ...ri pmanant
•••••• ~ILy. 11..“&awrrs
urrk.L. No I Da. elan
t.110.n sad Irk,. I.r diricrrst ,
tin& 1.. 0f emplfrrene Da. Pre - Dow I.DritLeg
aa, Ifta..• Cl.ll . 3e 0.., ny gewrD.D.otlea.
ar:, th•arazy..l It AFT Ralf A
ta y • ;al ,Y.V. 1.4. NA a , HI • V.. Lyn ahlra
offer .raa• eon .It.r.t taxa aay ruasto..,
T 14 A' 11. ! . the ..aly tarh Y•mi.J
~,t utrA 1 . .1r5. 113.
kn. 1%1,1100 re naltuitee
1,•• %ME,. KNII TI N(1 111,1LINI
.x. flail.. •9 f
It •. W t. tau. •Tttl
• e p t. r .... V*J
tat 11 , h ard. Itltt•-
. ffo y. 7.1% Lot. '
1„II '!‘
13 ~, L t 41./04
•.r 4 end 3 n. V. 11 . 1.
31'11 • I• 11... r.. .13
1 Irlll.ll
Cam •I .41.• Stall .11. 34 •flto4. U vet
1v4.114 of
51. W MT/Will&
4r.4eurner .443 443 044411441
DE ni+o !: Al..—All persons seek
o- tbs. .1, nu In
a. 11/71.
L ' a IC • IL. ',IT., sway OILATU
wt. nt rnnli no any reqUelltlng
l'enrnus ty ton 1411 get wiled oat oT lbe MeV
i. It enut•lns. Ii,RT PIIILLII`e,_ rob
rs y.n.l Enlate An ent, No. 139 r onrth
F _
OIR SA LE.—Eng int.' and boil
ra. aaa.l 6ecaorad Ilodad. of •11
—tn n • al Lelenop e Plant
10. •..1 'AO I•orene, =we , or le••
Dee u 11,“ n• , ton. onre. Illatoes. µhet n.l
ulLe• onn r,
Ho urerinn nu.rh , tir
11• alno, O 1 and Po...Mc
it ton on• enl.r. A ll•rik OAN• • %lA F N., howl
el •only
.1• 13 29 •lath
tii• k I.AND FOR PALF.
t. —3OO
la oat. of the hel l
horlion. .he Sta.. se a b. ••31.1
ree. the wile.. or • Tun. Apt•lv al hoe- to
it. 14. LAIN Co..
%WI ',multi sesame.
_ .
s.• and ....nand-bud, un
*Land, u bud and ...Ira
linlCArg a aim..
Carnal Paustaentb Sd PIS, struts.
[ln IN 11 rutabnulk. PS
P Al - ransom .J••".• 1.. WiLl.t•na.
TT • 11110:11 & IILLIA
Undtrt...r., nos., ul
in agrenn• nal
.trret. I'lltsburab r.f all alma..
crn,••nd0. , ..5 . .... and *vary drecrili
Llun uf fuer r•i ru•nl.ll,nd tr..dons.d as Linr
aunt r t•slna In &no and
rarrines• r I lin, ugwa dat 1.11.15445.
rUHAIRLEB raratLe_ 11.11 I•
43:1 , , 1.1V RUA rrkiit.cs.
iVg: :. , 4tV 4 2l\rAt4 T AT, l ,Va „' ! l . ! tr ",l44l Vii
Ri.m , a • c.0..0y enr,ilca •rtu. n 1 a.
IL. Ltau..gaar and N.isol
• Mr., at rr.c, 'urn, fr. , m Si a Simi. ts 4
•11101..•••. 4 Cs.*
•lacraale, .13 41.1 of gammas..
ro,•ir.4. 451
- -
JOSEPH 1111E1E11 hBON,
Crri DIE 1171"
Car rtairos los IlramerWWlll.l.oo Ku Is
COVIPS Nal and .11 reatral raniallment nl nr
Aurrel raus. aa7
Corner of Penn ana Sixth Street,
NCI. hint to parcba.. a ewe proaeott for Lb
Mao.. • lor. a
Wou do well lo • lnp ew and •t•erine
n il W
li 111,. LOCK.. 11 , -. / fill ....I
Eit N . 4116 of toe :noel Jr' el mole ~,,, me JOS%
reesiv..l at
11 W El, ND ((I'TI'! LS
oust l l ,l.Lp•Cirlff.
M•WOMALL IsL.llll WILL (A . .. 7•11.14..:
M.L..111.1-1.4 Mllllll WILL (-CILZ
rshall . s 1101xir. $l.OO per
Pr"..1,4 %Mart. sue., LL
A 11 .7 Driigestl. tropri.or.
17b.1.04 sad reta11 6. 1 0. , , 1 . 0..t.
11111.11. X.
167, 16S, 169 and 170
I.IERSON 111111.1\1111,V„ Un Muntlp' E‘enin4. Dee. c2o.
No. 10 81111 fiT. late Bt. Clair
e..• just re-eels,' ar, •01.1 or rill
NV uss, .8.4..1 ,, +ll , Ls. sold ut re +sou,
rice. r •1 L.A.Sh MSS. +lll 8011 al-
A Isere and complete mertment of kfddluto
d tine Goods. at [Pt toter. price..
47 Sixth Mt., h 9 Fifth Avenue,
y. mr.A.iti)i,k,',
Hteps masts:2U, on hand
Glotha, Ca/manseres and Vestings
'No. 93 1:-2 Smithfield Street.
flO•nt•• Clothtng =de to UrAtf to the 116.5 t
- ee41:023
♦ swlendld new stock of
Mores, GANSIMEREth &C..
Just remised try lINJIIIT INN Xt.
bui: Keret... T.llar. ♦a Amt ., field •ISald..
Intmeled Wall raper• In platn \lnt.
.nen and ranukr. \ errnisOna orr•rodt
Ver role
ITlA'l';‘'l`ll2,'TV: NV:FT
starnp. , and prtnt..l g.nd
sew!, Importer , ' and not to be found el.wtnere
We Fvr at
W. P
191 Liberty street
.re .d Fre., fOr
SSW avg. of I m 0,4 Nova. Hails. to., ILI
No. 107 Mart stret r
. 'lvo r• 11 N. NV OMEN S ANO•
b "
Another Lot New 31111Inery Goods
91 Federal Street, dlloyheny
Velvet flits, 35 eats.
Ruffled Collars, 10 cents.
Cord Hair Nets. 15 cents
New t linen Colter%
A. 1.1. kJ - 1.1-:14, t'llE.A.s..
Bell and Brass Founders,
611611111, LOCOZOTIiI I °MSG 111L1
Slade Promptly to Order.
Made and Kept on Island
Proprietors sod Manersetorers o(
J.M. Cooper's Improved Balance Whet.
Office, 1182 PENN STREET
Foundry, Dir. 11 lb and Railroad fitment,
191 Librety
►loch IV...rated Worts 14..1
Testayo oto sad Blom [Woks.
Jut oile 800. of Va.
Toy 800.. Beat. sod pa. •les
?Iwo tad I , pe • rtatlonery
Mar es. Pock.l licoks te.t Baas.
111 Ming lies. sod 8..7
Pbataantb •los as.
lb.. lase 5.. l Board,
T. La... Pubite.on,
Please Colt owl
7 4'
Corner Penn and Sixth Streets,'
rrrrsairacau, PA.
The moat <maple. ISaAn•sa rotlaa• In pas
UPZI.I D•lr AND rvinriNci.
atadenta can eon... ere at
ata •.ttmr.
,OnSslng VnCn el atalna pat
nlll7ll W sy.,
AL SS Sandusky at, illeghtny, h.
B ht.Tia.Troft=7; MEWL PATITI
of WI degartpt...
S . el. SLIER & CO..
■a.s...tren I f
4irszowAscs. BRiesTua. waits ake.
aloe .11 Warehouse. 3153 I.IIISITT etTitiL 7
IT ALI , ardor. ~.
1.0.. best la see, torOa. sr boleaslo or lerla 4
at No R! Lad RN Silt Weer, by
SlPWrlagers of all Id r.ds ropetr-J os Own
Orrt of Ow . wrssno So2l. sots', .se•
for Wally oar, or far all* Of
r.. 17 lirocer, Store
j o: m
dr.: Corso,
Healer of Weights and KN.._
" 1 " — aa- a rotralli •V/LNUE, Mu._
r JOHN 1LL5:12.16.H. Dep.', Pittab..;ia
Watt. GLO, B. IIaNtILTI , Dapt , tl, MP. 1
[tor mut.a., 17.2111.1=1.1:111 ALM D 11A7T13. G.
,A.Tr“DAY ~.
perfarte•uret, Ert•t •
1,1 I `;
I. If. TI It, AT 110,
REFORAI .1.1 - 11 IRT.
lb. Llhra,
_or MUM('
li • A i•IA AI A -
I.2llllrW' kt LTD rtxr' UM
(. VA/ICC 1; I - 7. 1.. F. IN.
L. FL. p4,s ts orttaar tw.l u.
tt. demple 'Meat,. n. 4 orlf and
Lae noneerful 11l nun IVA •
21.• ,a-rdard and moat azp,nalre organ IrtOrtan
.'nee:41.121:141: MATISSE. (Sr 'he accocoperrla•
tron of marl
trp••••• 11 1. h....
. A. alf•rt the pice. .Itl te, a itnl.•
Sinn to 511 tp•rn.. [Pr 'too, 50 ecat.: ar.ll.lten
ear. of •g-. •-•1..
T 4 H ICV I.netns • • 14 over
r lO o e•• •..
00. ',lnd. , • tt.. 3, f .ndlr
ri r me. BO— Os, r
stow. ta •be secured .n •t letwer
iros . 0004 . flat wfttkont extt• rtntrac.
ovmP4 1L usd
ory olreory
A. rettrfar.d at .0.1 , 1,1 n • The Ire !, en lot
fry LP. f. si a In
Invoad nt •••. 5. .5•
.t • ...Li Inf., • na
nr elT ," ” it 'I LI) bF e 64 .Yll ,
auaglng Doector
Grand German Opera.
For I=l,o lab( nd orn, XI sati.-
v IV HyVtl , ii
last Lay fy 0,r,.•0rY• ••• 1.1nool••t
11.Yina.Y.o or th , .111.1 ys
c•I L•lcut coutprtsing • eauag
prr•rA. Theodore IlabelOassa.
1ra..., r Tteor Lo u,
Ile H nrKlNat AL. J., Wk.ll•l.lCli.
Ma. •II Director VaN
WL. 11•• e. rrreutiy conelvoin In tb
*l't n.
0p..10g Is ht. Tuesday. Deeembwrgl.
THE WAIT. I. N 111".
Vg aloe o eeee rarearror.loll h.. n
rutLa ,gre.L, ratty rt am La rgo arra ...b
locs. , t. Or.. a. rreea unan arrow,
oar tar une gad ',oral. daa ••
rs, t't or trr season. • •
tr A al A :rr . lila renown ed of -140 I.
lab thc C. lograaera ala
• • Itoare Aria, ••
W F-AlaAr, only an[,{ li et,e
Ort.lnally produ , ed in Aire.-'.ex L.. 0 c t ..mpany
Immortal Masten' pl. , cr. (A Fl.l 'H.
TILE JIC.Whi.IIS. ll,a .In, .1
ISATU I,l' tHMIIeI At 1) day o
♦VrefrN ,T jr.. ?; " 1:-Z , 1% ft y " tVl':**ll..lAnee. 1.1-
:5[ AIL 1V.1" Fl
EVENltai —last I.lala
M.A. V on M tber's i onlao. r
• -
h gro• I Inca... ar, proatur vd with.
I int btre t nu,
..... otit SU: ramlir 40 , .
• of rket olt
LE.t.. •
LAY N 00.1 a.r.rt, om •1
'Me eurti and IiIIADUATE3 14r. and
Mrs 3 art, vrlll gi•• • 14.4.Abi
1.11.. , 11• III AI 11 VI:3ICAL. IS.I,TEKT•III
1103DLY ASD TIMMY EVE 515139.
flecembee 71Eia and Ist. for the betteel of
CfIHIST 4.PII9f.BWAL rllO BCH, •Ile ghee,
XI. fiery Z. ortoe, the tslestte.l two( Ye .
at.l the 14 l‘sr% Brothers Acroosto and
enotort .hastA„ Appear earh .re ply,.
All 10- pterA-• tel. I be re...terra to eus,m.•
Defer We w•N•e• of the LADI6tI•
City R&M tommanetog O.tanner 7th.
Din one every /17 fro. , 1$ to P. o'clock
Mauer and sclulostsu.—.
.LABS. cuTuativ.
soarnun AV LI CELINA.
MA ails,
ai am aurs.
1 . 7
al all 44...11..Li0t5.
4 , ,R. E.'l3RE...gra az, CO.
— ion limas's frriarwri,
China Sets, Parian Statuetts,
Va... and tancille, ran) as fn/
S. HXGBY & C 013.,
PI B.—A loot.osseous. Ist of Roo WAIN
Onusßo Bora go, Muhl, and Ovid ase Adways cm
laSl BRANDIES, 61N, &0.,
Nave Removed to
Cor. Movecth St.. (fcannerl Canal.)
E*l-71-la. co.,
TES, 1%7, 191. rn
•2IT kIErT 1 . 11 . r5n =Ala.
nistaled Pare gr.s indsk*.
es TOIMION FncEs . . zn. d . v.
III,() .4..DT,11
1410401 1 1 COTTON MILLS.
. of u es. T 1 n'tur.7l.l ,ca Lie fiT
F low & ID e.301301ZA