FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BANK, NO. 20 FOURTH AVENUE, • PITTSBVBGU. CASII CAPITAL IMPO.OOO Stockholders Individually Liable. MAAR OF DIACOUST AND rozros.4.r. JUUN PLUTO wm. nuYn, President. (..,•1314r. DI C.SCSOIIS. 113 m. M. ItaratialL Jobs IL Idoril•nd. Wm. T. idiannon, Archibald Wallads. Jame•l W. Arnytt, Jag. D. Kelly: Ctiu. D. Leer b. Wm. Fiord- Jobs riori, This Sauk t. oohs Cult, oshida .""""" to do ay do Ilumktpg _ 1G1C143 GOLD, SILVER OD COUPONS, Bought at Highest Prices. PR. R. RELIT; Bank?r, Cor. Wood St. and sth avenue! LIES T. BRADY & Co,. Onereesors to B. JONNII • CO. Cotner, Fourth Avenue and Wood St., BA:N.ECEIR.S, Boy and sell all klsds of GOVIIRICKF,NT SECURITIES, GOLD, auxsa.artn COUPO33, ON SON FAVORABLE TIM M. I Interest Allowed on Deposits. anexoe, loaned on Bovertunent Bonds at lowest mute. rates. Orders osesested for the Purebase Sand Nes.e. of ISTINVOIS, RONDO Nod BOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. littstvgt Gaptts. FINANCE AND TRADE. -..- Oman o.or Prztastritan GAsirryz, I Wrnissosx, Deo. 16, 1869. i The Government bond marked was dull but sMadv, opening at a decline of ys Per cant. of last evening's:quotations, with a good many orders to sell In large iota by capitalists who reinvest their money at present high rives In local aeourities. told was very heavy to day, selling as high as and' gradually declining to 121%. The decline seems to be dtre to the tight money market, and an In dispassion to hold gold over January In anticipation' of lower quotations. !Meta are weak and nustuate rapt dly Wader the manipulations of cliques. Mousy from 12 to 18 per cent. with a dull butlnesa. Quotations as received by Ph. B. Meats Gold, 1= -Silver. 116; Eighty. eme's, 119. Five Twenties, 1882, 114; do MA 112%; do 1885, 1123; do 1885, Console, 1140 do 18W, 11534; do 1868, 115; Ten Forties, 109%; Adams Ex. c i ia r.i 'ciritriany 8134% Merchants Union Company, 10; American Ex. Mxr.ComPoo9, 40 !‘: Western Um=Tale~aph, ph, 34 , 4: ',Reading; lia); New York Central. 89: Plrieburgh, Fort Wayne Et Chicago. 8834; Ohio & sippl, 25; fdichn Southern, 85%; Mlasfa- Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 82; Chicago, Rook bland & Paola°, 105; Chicago & North Western, 7134; Chicago & North Western Prefemed933; Eris, 8834. 11011.101411 L Larva eterilt. London, per S. *-4 8 , 00 116.10 Paris, per frane..._..-...„.. 22 23% Berlin, duster ---......--. 92 9334 Frankfort, florins 62 54 —Closing qmitataciarsosaveci by James T. Brady, & Co. Gold: 12134: United Slates - Sixes, 1881, 119; 91veTwentlas, 1882, 114; do. 1864, 11230 do. 1886,112%; Ten-Forties, 10934 ; Five-Twenties, Jana. wry and July, 1885,1115%; do. do. 1847, 11634; do. do. 11388. 11634; Union Paellic Railroad, 85 Central do, do, 99; Cy. Psoifin, 10834; Lake Superior 96. (By T. cgraph to the Pat Want. Owatta NEW Tons, Dec. 15, 1869. The failure is announced, to-day, of Richard Patrick a Co., of New York and San Francisco, of W. B. Wlldbank, stock broker and former clerk in the Sitb•Treasury, liabilities not stated. Rumor says a prominent dry goods firm has also suspended, name withheld. The governing stets exchange have con cluded not to offer a reward for the ap prehension' of Gray and Pratt, • e the victims of the bounty loan fraud have already taken the nowasuy steps In the matter. They have, tiowever, directed their lawVoromittee to see Mil there is no compounding with the rogues. Mosey market was very active and stringent op to 2130 P. it., with dates for call lsans-at at 7 per cent. gold to 1.160% par cent. per diem. After that boor money be came easier in consequence of payments by the Treasury for ;ribbon& purchased, and before 5 P. Is. money was per cent. currency to gold Interest- Alter bank hours money again advanced to 7 per cent, gold and 1.16 per cent. per Mem. The demand was generally sup. piled before that time. There are oer- Wnly some indications that the stria. gency ta being assisted by artificial means, as greenbacks were very SCAM to-day and in sharp demand. • The dis count market was unsettled by mercan tile failures, and rates are somewhat reoriltiaL Starling firmer a t o y®B9. Gold heavy. opened et 121%, tnehecUL2l%®l2l%. , and closed at 121%. Carrying rates 7 Der cent. Gold 3-64@1-16 per cent. Clearances P 5,0 0 0 .001 Governments declined, bat closing steady; Coupons of 1681, 11944119%; do. '62, 114 @nag; do. '64, 112%0' 112%; do. 112%,:gitis%; do. new, /IS@ 116%: do. 116%@)116%; do. '6B, 116%@1115%; Ten-Forbes. 109%(3109%; Psi:lnas, 108% 0108%. State Bonds Irregular and generally strong; hilisourts, 90%; old Teams - ems, 50 34 1 new, 42%; old Virginias, 49; new, 153; old North ...Wollner; 42%; new,, new South Carotins, 73. The stock market was feverish and un settled, owing to mercantile failures and the stringency in money. There . wee a general downward movement in prints, the decline in some cases being quits marked. There was a ranter on the street that the consolidation of Wabash and Lake Shore would nor go through, which caused a heavy decline in Wabash and finally a rise In Lake Shore. istro-Thirty Prices: Canton. 50%; Cum berland, 28; Western Union Telegraph. 84% Quickailver, 16; Maripots, 730 pre fence, 15%; Adams, 61%; Wells, Fargo, rryi American, 49%; United States. 111; Pantie Mail, 60; New York Central, consolidated, 68%; Erie, ; Hudson% do.refer red. 4*4' Harlem. 1 33%; River 60%; Reeding. DA Michigan Central, 124; Lake Shore, 8535; Minds Con teal. 181.%; Pittsburgh, 94 Northwestern 70%; do preferred 83%; Rook 1a ,„4 1,00%; St. Paul 72%; do preferred 84%; '*abash 61%; do _preferred 7% p ort Wayne 88%; Terre Haute 23; do m a w, red 5735; Coinage and Alton 143; do pre ferred 143%; Onto and Misidaslopi 25. Mining shares quiet and unchanged. snb-Tressury balance. 188,570,851. Gov. erument purchased 82,000,000 Five- Twenties at ill 60.109@i11l 60-100. PLTROLEUPI 111/I.IIICBT Orrwi or Wricaniaan Gas ma, WEDNISeDAY, Dee. 16, no. The oil market conthmer fairly active. with a fur volume of Montrose In the ag. gregate, but a great proportion of the sails reported are settlements. and esPe• daily le this the case in regard to crude. Compared with yesterday, crude is lower, while December refined le stronger and a shade higher. The still = further decline In etude may be attribu ted to the fact that the river is again In fine navigable condition, and It Is alto __ gather probable that the receipts on this present rise will be as large in the aggro. gate as those on the preceding rise. There la still some considerable cont• plaint made by rednera In regard to the gravity of some of the oil recemuy deity. erect. It is alleged that this complained of oil was "doctored" above, having been manufactured out of the refuse left tin the bottom of tanks after the oil had \ro Tao oil, and while ft may pale for are:amiable oil, it la at the same time almost worthless for redoing. We are Informed that In one Instance this ' , doe. toredn oft, (44 gravity,) only yielded 40 per cent of rafted oil, rtesd of 70®75; Oda is, if true, and there seems to be no reason to doubt it, is a fraud, and the wan who would engage tit this kind of business Is notblng nor less than CSw. gales: 1,000 bbls seller December-it Ib Sy; 2.000 do et 151: 2,000 (settlement) et is; 2,000 seller January at 14: 2,000 do e t 13%; 1,000 seller first three months next year. at 13)4• and morn was catered at the same flguire:wl4hout finding bey. era In addition to the above,lthere were several other sales effected, but the prices were within the range above noted. I=E=! December oil was In rather better re quest to-day, occasioned by several "Wiens" being disposed to "cover," and' compared with yesterday, prices are a shade higher. In the early rt of the day It waa quoted up to 31 , 4 31. q, but at the close it wee offered% at 31. BaJek 500 bbla December at 31.: and 1,000 each January to March at 91%. RECEIPTS OP CRUDE OH, D 1 A. T. an. Penn 011 Wory. 00 bbla, 0 aceopat J M Biter! tole her 190, on nt Fisher Bre; Owaton ar. Bowers; 658 Owaton dr. 8; Peerless Oil Works tlO, on account Mawhinney Itnx Brilliant Oil Works 569, on account Lockhart, F . Co; A B hillia 63, on account W Bart e: J D Bell 219, on account D Bushnell. Total 1,979 bbla. BMIPMEIOTh OP on. RP A. T. B. Lockhart, Frew .t Co. 149 bble ret oil to Warden, F. & Co., Phila. B. W. Morgan & Co., 190 bbla ref. oil to Warden, Frew & Philadelphia, hieffelty tree., 419 bbl. refined oil to W. P. Logan Bro., Philadelphia. Mentsheurier, Koehler A Co. 350 Edda ref. to Waring, King & Co., Phila. J. Id. K. Truax 125 obi. paratine oil to D. F. Wright A Co., N. Y 'Petal, MEM OIL SHIPPED EAST DI - QUICSER DEPOT. Fleming d lb. E 043 tibia refined oil to We-den. Prow d Co.. Philadelphia. Hutchinson Oil & Relining Co. 20 We ref. to E. B. Hubler. J. 8. R►meey 10 bble refined oil to tenple & Johneton Total 1,073 bbl. OIL NIIII , PED /LUST IT WM' PENN II- IL Kirkpatrick a Lyons, 108 bbla to W. P. Loon a Bro., Ph PITT2SIIU ROll NAB IL ETII Omar or Prrnosoitcro Gsrarra, wnoNeituAr, tho. 14, LIM. 1 Toe inclement condition of the weath er to-day tended to retard out door badness, which at best in nothing to bored of. There hi no life or animation in the general markets, and, as noted yes terday, bunt:leis men, generally. are complaining bitterly of hail times, and particularly of the difficulty in making collections. Dealers in grain and flour are doing little or nothing, as the de. mend is light and entirely local, and, besides, they have little or no margin on what they do sell. The Competition is so strong and aharp that they are oblig ed to work on Small margins, and in many instances wait a considerable leaght of time for their money. Our pmauce commission men, are doing pretty well, as there in an emery demand for butter, eggs, apples, potatoes, tut they, also, are doing considerable grumbling. It 1. posaible that atter the new year opens up and 'the semi annual settlements made, that trade may liven up, at least It is to he hoped .o. APPLES—Quiet Rua unchanged— Belem at i2,60(9.,fin Der bbl for fair to choice. Most of the sales at j2,50a.3. APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 75(05. BUTTER—Is very dull, with an un usually heavy supply and price. are lower, we now quote prime to choice roll at 3032—but few sales above SO. BROOM CORN—Sala at 15,®14 eta. BEANS—In fair demand with aides at 12,6048.00 for fair to good and PA for ettios. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR--4,.@44 cts. CHEMTKUTB--Quoted u fb. . _ - - - - - - CRANBERRIES—Quoted at 812@)16 per bbl, as to quality and oondltion. CIDER—Is very MO and the supply Is large, unnsually so, for the season; we quota nominally at 1.55§7 per bhL CHEESE—Ia quoted from 17 to 18 for Western Reserve; Ohio Factory, 184: Onto Goshen, 19; "lora State farm Dairy, 19; and York State (Mellen 20. CARBON OlL—lrf doll and droop- _ . Mg, under the Influence of adverse re• porta from abroad, and we now quote at 204@29y4 In a jobbing way, for annuls:id brands. DRESSED HOGS—Salm at 1211013 eta, DRIED FRUlT—There lea fair do mend for apples, with sales at Wan. Peaches dull and neglected, with a supply largely in excess of the demand; we continue to quote in • retail wpy at 100 for quarters, and 11@12 for halve. B—Dull, with a drooping ten• decoy; may be quoted at MOW for limed and 87438 for fresh packed. FEATHERS—In better demand and higher, and we now quote at 8.54£0r to the trade and the moat advance for ■mall lota In !store. . . FLOUR—The market COOtiCITIOS dull and lifeless, and notwlituttanding the supply in Mors Is not large, it fa never. the leas oonsidersbly in excess of the demaud. We continue to quote at. sfor winter. • and 115,bu for choice pring wheat brands. GROCERIES—The market La moder- Italy active and steady, without, how ever, any esselial change to mak* In quotations.: Since the date of cur lest report, there has been several arrivals of new crop New Orleans sugar and mo. lame, and most, if not all of the leading grocery houses are Prepared to SuPPIY their customers. Following 'are the ruling quotations. ismagas-8 H. 104010 , 4; Havana 12 ( 13; Cuba, 1134@13; Porto Rico, 1334®1334 Demerara, 14,4@113<; Now Crop New Orleans Sugar, 1401434 for choice; Be. tined Es. C, 14%; B, A, 15; Hard, 1634. Idozasers-New Croy New Orleans Molasses, 86% Porto Rico, 65(4175. Brarre-White Honey Uri, 51.00; Silver Drips, B.* Perfection Dtips, 1,10: Jenny, 85c. Lovering, 90; Golden 70; Amber, 60; Common, fe; Booth & Edgar fancy, 51,00. Comm-Fair to Good Rio, 300 31 34; Prime, 72023; Choice, 24®2434. Bing.Carolina,_ B % Rangoon, 7340. Tess-Young Hyena, $1,00®1,60, G. P., $l,lO to 1,90. Imperial, PM to 1,80. Oolong, 85 to 51,45. Son Clung, gee to 11.50. Brauca-Pearl,7; Sliver Gloss, 1130, and Corn Starch, 12c. CorrosurragiaD Lrg-1111,19) per awe, Fatima-New Layer Raisins, $5 per box; Prunes, 1334 c; Currants Mr, Talon. cis Resifts 17019. Briems-Caslia, 66e; Cloves, 40m pM PeE s cr 85 Allspice, to La tD 12m ) We; t, 53,03 per Nutmegs, 11,60. )1 tot, 12c tic; Rosin. sto 7q "Dobbin's," 15q Wax, Sc; Chem. Olive, 834 e. Caantaa-blonid, 16c; &sr, Wis. Bi Cram SODA-$634 per 100. Fran-Asks Herring per half bid 8,00; White Fish do do, 7,00; No. I Mackrel Shure In bids $28,00; No. 2 do Bay, bbls, 111,00; No. 3do Large bbls $14,00; Half bbL 3734 in additional; Labrador Her ring .10011. GRAIN -Wheat Is scarce and rather firmer, though unchanged, 111,1601,20 for talr to choice Red. Oats scarce but the demand is only moderate and prices unobanged-97(4 01 on track, and 49(550 in store. Rye is unsettled 'aid Irregular &mingling between 95 and liLlSt-some galas recently to Milliners et 51,05. Corn L scarce and arm but unchanged, 75 for new and 95 for old. Barley continues very dull, as buyers are very scarce, and prices are nominal at $1,0001,10. HAY-Sales from country wagons at sl7®ys.--sale 1 car baled at $2O. HUSKS-Balm at 3 cents per pound. HOMINY-Bales at $6,00 per bbl. LIKE-Salas of Cleveland white lime Si 02142 A oar bbl. ' ONIONS-Sales at 52,50@3,00 per bbl, the outside figure for choice. LARD oth-No. 1 Extra is quoted firm at $1,5801.65. POULTRY-Demand more active but unchanged; we now quote dressed Chickens at 52414 cts, and dressed Tor ka” of 150117. POTATOES-Dull but unchanged; quoted at 66 eta by the car load, and 600 for smell lota In store. . _ PEANUTS—Quoted at 9 ®lO eta. PEAS—DuII; $450 per bushel. PROVISIONS-ale. Bacon Shoulders, at 11% and Sugar Cured Rams, at 22 %. In tierces, 193, and ln Palls, txptplit2l. HEEDS—Clover Seed to In fair de• mend with sale. at $8,2£458,50., Flax Seed is unchanged, though weak; we can report a valet at 12.25—50 me buyers only wanting to m. VA. No movement In Timothy seed. SALT—ill dull, and Allegheny River brands are quoted et 1480 by the car load, with the usual advance. for small lots In store. irritAW —Sales at 4112414 per ton. Dry Gocw. Mar Stet. Now Tons. Deo. 15.—There is a Esir business In prints and certain classes of domestic Fl inch as Heavy Brown shootings; in ct. In all goods which are very low an show a tendency to ed. yam*, oat in other respects the market is languid and deprmad, and things look equally enough around. Prices are steady. Low/evils% December 16..—Oetton gulag and steady, with ml4lllllOO al 2.1% C. Flour in good demand, wit h ex tra family at PAS. Hoes arm st / 0 5‘ 0 grass; reoeiPto 2 . 70 ei killed. 440. Leaf Tobsoco steady, with solo, 67 MOB ene for new green frosted trash, iO./5040,60 for lugs. and Kele for good to medium itat. Whisky steady at Ofo. PIT 1 EEL RGII DAILY GAZETTE : THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1869 mu:Kt:TN, BY TELEGRAPH 1510 w Youg, December 15.—Cotton heavy; aides 8,000 bales at 2614 c for mid. dung uplands. Flour receipts, 90,558 bbis; flour dull and 5c lower; salsa 0,400 bbla at $4,40q4,70 for auperane latata and western, 15,10@.6,10 for extra State, 14,00 00,10 for extra western, 115,70@6,20 for white wheat extra, 15,20(4,i 1.05 for R. H. 0 , 15,76(96,50 for extra St. Louie, /0,664 18,60 for good to choice do, closing beery. Rye flour quiet: males 180 bbla at 14,60@ 15,50. Corn meal quiet. Whleky more active and a shade firmer; sales 100 Ws western at 11,03@i1,04 free; latter price , r Iron bound, closing at ;1,03. Receipts wheat, 18,322 bean; wheat heavy and 2o lower; sane 72,000 bushels at 11.2041,22% Ibr 100. 2 Spring, 11,29 winter red slid amber western; white western. Bye quiet and heavy. Barley dull; sales 2,700 bush Canada West at/1,35 Barley Malt quiet; Corm revelvte were 11,200 bush; market In 1(g120 better; sales 40,000 Mien at 11,11 (41,12, unsound mixed western; 'LIS@ 1,14%, sound do; 99a new and southern yellow. Oats, receipts were 6,175 bush; market firm and quiet; gales 24,000 bush at 03®63%0, western; 01',„g o etb!..c, state. Moe quiet. Coffee dull. Sugar quiet; antra CO hints Cuba at 11 , 1 c. Molasses dull. Petroleum quint at 1711416 c, erude, and 31c, refined. Hops quiet at 18(4126a Coal; domestic in eellmg at CO @7 per cargo; foreign easier and dull. Leather; hemlock sole steady 30431 c for Bueons Ayers and Itio Ursod. Wool 1s unsteady; sales 25,000 pounds at 14%4 63c, dotmatic fleece; 32421 c, unweaned; 23(446c for pulled. Linseed MI dull, 91 oait3c lu tasks. Spirits turpentine quiet. sheathing copper steady, 32c; Ingot cop per dull and drooping, at 21%0:11%c for Baltimore and Lake. l'ig Iron quiet at 1.33(4313 for Scotch and /30439 for Amer- lean; bar quiet at '85%87.50 for relined Palginsh and Ame'rinan: shoat doll at 11 (412 e; gold, for Ronnie. Balla steady, aho for eat, 6 , 40 for clinched, 26e for hone ahoe. Pork dull and heavy, anion of 300 bbla at 02(432 1 50 for new mina, $32,60( - 0475 for olddo, r. 14 d for prime, #28®30,50 for prime me.; al. 500 bine new mob teller February at 432., and 250 bile do Seller Jannery on prieate terms. Beef quiet, sales of 1.200 bout at U 5 for new plain mess, $12®17 for new extra mess. Tierce beef !needy, sales of 150tse at 1,2,6(650a for prime mess. 127(440 for India mess. Beef bame dill:, Beira of 96 bole at 1.10@,31,50. tot meats amieei eat, of 325 pkgs at 12® t3o for shoul ders, 17@174e, chiefly 170, for hams. Middles quiet, sales of SO boxes at 17,ti0 .tort ribbed Combo _ . private terms. Dreased hogs firm, 1834 e for western. Lard heavy and lower, was Of 11101 tierces at 111(Itifio for steam, for kettle tendered. Butter dull, 11:4300 for Ohio. Cheese 16(2) ONei Freights to Liverpool dull, 7,600 Laudiels wheat per steamer at 634 d. Latent.—Flour closed quiet at 5(4l00 lowan W heat dull and heavy and le lowert winter red ;4284430 for 210. spring, Rye quiet and heavy at 11@1,25. Usti dull at 611ig63e for western. Corn rather quiet at 01,12 i fur sound old mixed western. Pork Will and heave at $.31.714P2 for mesa, January and February delivery, heel steady, with a moderate demand. Cut meats unchanged. Bacon nominal. Lard dult at Illl.(gle%c for good to prime steam. Eggs steady at 313(4,41c for fresh, and .41(220 for limed, eFLIOAWN becembor I6.—Eastern ex. change flat. at 1.10 off raying par and 1-to preminm selling. Floor dull at i3,45(4,6 foriiming extra. Wheat dull with sales No. lAL 67488 c, No. 2 at *lli closing at 84508.1%e; this after. noon market fairly active but irregular at 85'4c cash and seller December: Isdk,e Old. seller January, for No. 2. Lawn In fair demand and a shade higher, with Rates No. 2 at 7/ reJemed 77478ci no grade 615®0e9, closing at 78,(4,19,4c for no grade; this afternoon the market dull and nominal at 7104 c, seller Dim, sod 11l c. seller January, for No: 2. Oats tirm with sales No. 8 at 42ii - ®42%e cash and seller the month; 43141,131.0 seller for January, and 475 tic ashler for last half April. Rye vial and firmer; sales No I at 76e, No 2 ,sc, rejects.] 70c, closing strong at 75c for No Z. Barley entirely nominal at 71450 c for No 2. alai:twines atcady and quiet at 05c, clon ing firm. Sugar at 12414)4c for C91:131110t1 to choice Orleans. Provisions quiet and easier. Mess pork dull sod boo lower; sales st $3l cash, 1i3t4.31,60 seller Janua ry, 1131,75Q,32 seller February, cloning doll at 831 cash. Rump pork quiet at ;25,2.5. Lard dull and easier la IBN4 18%c, closing at 18.,;c. Green hams quiet at 1554 c. Short rib middles thirty day. In salt IL.. Dressed hog• quiet and • shade higher at 1 1 2.25@13 for aott, 112 A @13.2.5 for good shipping lota, 113,40 for extra choice. DeOeMtel la,-Tobaccio, firm; sales of 7613bdiesert .15,600)18.76. Whisky, dull at 97(498etenerally held at latter rata. Prodslona, dull with but little demand; mess Pork bald at Ph eaten at .30,601430, - , 4 bulk meats nom!. natty unchanged; Mug doing In them; bacon, dull and d ping; salea of about. darn at 14%c, and of aides at 1734@ei00 for clear rib and clear. Lard, dull at 1734 e for steam, and 18,54 c Inc kettle. Butter and cheese unchanged. Limeed oil, doll at all@ikle. Lard oil. I Ltinfiel,s6. Groceries, unchanged and quiet. Hoga, dull and drooping; .10010.60 for great: net receipts 10,60 u; the Price Current gives the total number packed to thls data 214.000. ST Loots, Dec. 16.—Tobacoo deli and drooping and very little doing. Ootton steady; odes Dilaaouri and Arkansas at 221(@22,tic. Whisky steady as $l. Cof fee quiet and unchanged at 19(:24c. Nu mar more active sou higher.s 121,;(4,114, for ftir to good fair, 13 ii®l4c for prime to choice. Molasses anctianged at lorct 80c. Cattle dull and unchanged at '41,4 6yic. Hogs 811 ff at 9.5.j@1tN0. Tot.soo, Dee. 15.—Flour doll. Wheat dull: amber 11.08, No. 1 red 111,12 i, and No. 2 do. $1,0554. Cora dull; no grade 7r.c. Oats unchanged; No. 1520 and No. 2490. Drowsed Hogs 1.2(kri.3%c. Clover Seed 10e lower at 18. CtivtaAreo, December 15.—Petroleum market quiet and saner for refined held at range of 28@2854c In large lot., and 100314 for small lots. Crude again lower and held at $5,10 per bbl. 511hwannet, December lg.—Flour 11.13• changed .Wheat dull et 1354 for No. 1 and 82 tic for No, 2 Oat. unchanged. Corn nominal. Barley unchanged. Dressed Hoge dull and lower, with gales at If I2(gi 12.50. idzurnrs, December 15.—Cotton quiet and firm at MO; receipts, 2,270 baleal exports., 624 balm Flour wady, with saPartiaa at 45,00. Corn al 0 2 1 3 113 c. Oats at Mc. NASHVILLZ, December lb.—Cottan steady, with low middling at 2.laic, and good ordinary at 2250. PHILADELPHIA, December I6.—Petro- boum: crude Sttgc: refined 34n. Whlaky steady et 11,1Y/01,03. B►Lrtatoas, December 16,—WbIalty In good demand at I1.02(01,03; warm I 3==! NEW Yong, Dec. lb.—Arrivals of cat tle, 1,840 bead, of which 250 were extra Coristmas of 11 to 14% cwt, *old at 18® 200. The chief contributors of Ikea. were D. Halsor, of Madison county, Ohio, with 29 head, weighing 2,350 pounds a; home; B. Caldwell, of Indians, with 12 head of 125 E scot, sold at 1814 @Me; Coon et Co., 38 Indiana, 18 cwt, at Buffalo, where they oust 100 gross; Scott .t Ford, of Kentucky, 27 bead 10% owl, averaged 150, and 9 splendid Kentucky grades of 1414 owt., by B, D. ' Gaff, at 1814 ®2lO. There woe a good trade in these fat cattle, and all kind. were rather Improved. 'Sheep are doing well, with only 3,200 head to-day; among them =3 bead Canada, sold at $l3 each; the beet forty-two, 111 pound. sold at 130 per pound; ID bead, 140 pounds, sold at 80, and a ear, 70 pound., Ohio at sc. Hoge are unchanged, with only 13 cars to-day; sales on car of Ohio, 200 Pounds, at 11%0, • car, 170 pounds, at 10%0. CHICAOO, December 15.—Live Hogs loss active at 19,50®10,00 for common, 1110.3754®10,75 for fair to medium, 810,25 11,25 for good to choice. and $11,40®11,05 for extra prime. Cattle quiet at 34,20® 5,50 for butchers' cows and light steers, and $5,25®13,1234 fur fair to good shipping beeves. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD PTTTBZURGIL FORT WATNII AND CHI CAGO RAILROAD.. December 15.-1,179 green hams, J P Henna A CO; 400 eke flour, owner; 100 bids do. Watt, Lang ft Co; 6 kgs lard, 1 tub butter, 2 bbls vim, angorder gar, Henry d Rea Jr d; 100 ; Sheppard; kgs apple Putter, Vc Lindsay Jr dt Co; 1 car staves. S il P Adams Bnt; 24 bbls hlgbwines, R Woods d Co; 1 Car wooden ware, Watt, Lang a Co; 28 bas cheese, 14 pkgs butter, N J Braden; 2 table outsell, J - Wilson A Bow 2 bole chestnuts, Carter, McGrew & Co; 5 bbl' rye flour, Woodworth A Davison; 2 ears limestone, Laughlin A Co; 20 kp lead. J W Wilson; 1 case tobacco, Julian Allen; 50 dos brooms, Hugs Coover; 6 bales upholstery, Lemon a Weise; 44 bdls shovels, Myers A Armor 16 okgs butter, W Li Graff A Co; 10 bbls onions. Kramer. Bohn A Co; 1 box butter, Wood worth A Davison; 7 bbls onions, H Rid dle; 10 kegs pearl barley, W Haalsge et Co; 23 bbl , 11461,111 ex, 8 ktoCrickert Q. Co; 80 hides, PA Delouse. Prrlasnmol. Clitourgart AND ST. 1 Louis Italuaos.o. . bbls molasses, Bhlpton it W allace;; 1 car Hares. F Kober, 2 do do, RAMROD it A: 1 do wheat, J W Boutgardar; 16.eaddlee. tobacco, J Fullerton; 9 has candles, J it A Dietz; 6 pkgs meat, 0 W MoClurei, 6 do do. ..1 A Renzi:dm:4o bra Lard. 10 bbla Oil, H Diver, et Co; 81 bge feather's, W O Noble; 11 bga flaxseed, W H Graff & Coi 3 turas tobacco, C E Fitch; 5 bble oil, B L Psbbeltock it. Co; 8 do do, A Kirk patrick & Cu; 10do do, 6 tea lard, Ha worth D; 6 bbla oil, Schwartz & Hazlett; 1 Lill tobacco, A Schaub; 1 cask bacon, .1 h Arlen 4 bbh oil, F Hallman; 19 kga pigs feet, Erarner B pkga to. bacco, T Blackmore; 6 bb la whiekT, 0 U ismkner 35 Aga barley, Smith & 1-10; 158 do do, Neilson & H: 1 car milifsed, Hoo Stewart; 13 bge corn, Billow di Lurie; 12 bble dour, W H Richardson; 15 do corn, S B Floyd; 18 tibia turnipe. W H Graff & Co; 12 bge cabbage, L Blanchard; 10 bbla flour. 30 bp chops, FO Craighead. CLETELAND AND PrrTFIBURGH RAUB ROAD, December 15.-6 cars iron ore, riboenberger, Blair & Co; Ido do, Bra dye Bend Iron Co; 1 du do. Hutchison, O & Co; 176 aka oats, .1 Mathews; 95 do do, 1177 aka corn, Scott a Disal; 1 car grain, S Hood; 8 cars pig iron, Nimick & Cr; 1 do potatoes, ZD bhis floor, Voigt, Mahood & Co: 6 care shipstaff, 70 eke bran, Shomaker etc L; 10 bble oat meal, Rinehart & S; 20 cases tobacco, W H Kirkpatrick & C 01.25 do do, W Cooper & Co; 10 bbla lard oil, W B Hoye & Son; 10 boa sewing machines, Smith & 8'; 20 bxs, 3 racks, 1 pall tobacco, Knox & Orr; 6 bdlu paper, Bakewell dr. hi; 10 casks ware, care .11 Knox; pig lead, Davls Chambers, 26 bble vinegar, Watt, Lang & Co; 7 bbl. egg., S Devol; 0 bke mede. clue, Schwartz & H:11 bbla dry,applea, H Roe Jr; 15 aka 2 bble dry fruit, J H Lip pincott; 6 bbla paean. Reamer & Bra; 87 bdia broom corn, II K 61oClelisnd. ALLSOONICT STATION December 15.- 124 bge barley. 20 do rye. J Rhodes & Co; 64 bales cotton, Kennedy C ACm 7 hides, 3 bbl tallow, Lapps A W; 10 rasa, tobacco, J Kohen; 2 tare ore. Lewis B A D; Y 9 bbls elder, .5 Kopendiffer; 5 bble tallest, A Holstein; 105 bge oats, II Knox A Son; 68 ball. handles, Bpratt A Jrbre son; 30 bdle broom handles, K B Meth ews; 2 ears wheat, Kennedy Broi 3 cinedled bogs, Ripley A Beekhert; 1 ear emperage, Italy& A Robertson; 1 do do. Jsf Hemphill; 10 dot waehboards, Myers; 10 do do, Clark Bro. A/MA;(111E2(T VALLEY RAILROAD, De cember 10,-2 can metal, RimMk Co; 1 do do, John Moorhead; 2 bble tallow, CI Reales; 1 aka Hour, 5 do bran, 11 M Dick ey; 12 aka rays,O P Markle; 10 eke corn, lido oats, J 1 ieges; 7We corn meal, J Kohen; 38 eke buckwheat four, John McKeever; 3 dressed hogs, 8 Manifold; I bid onion; Ldo dead peaches, Volgt, Mahood .{t ON 1 mop poultry. L J Blanchard; g aka taaa. it Chrlaty; 45 aka oats, ?A do wheat, Boost d SPECIAL NOTICES £ SCOENCIEL , I9 PIILSIONIC BYQUpp sicA Tars TONIC AND NANDUANN LLLS .111 cora Menniption, and NlshielialaLll taken SiCeard. Mg to ell on. They are all roe to be tabu at the same Mine. They sneeze the stomach, rer lax the Ilver and pat It therarkt non the appetite becomes good. the heed dignsta and Sagas Oond Walzei*.rlliTEMthtelf.V"—td . P. toe &Pens and geta This To the' cig.r=4174. 9 1°fc.8.1...k. of Philadelphia, own his annealed nee... In by treatment of pulsvonnyConnmption. The Pm • movie Syrup ripen the Morbid Inner la lb. gs, nature thaws it By easy .spee.r. ' tick for when the phlegm or matter lit rt. alight r e u rl it oft. sad the patient has tO 5115, thrlSesitMl:Vio; and 11.11,415 1, m .1 be teeny used ;o clean< Om slams. and liver. s. that the rola:wide Syrup and the hod .11l male end blood. Schenkie Mandrake Pills act apoa the Here, reactor!. g •Ilobstroctloal, rel. the duets of the all Medan. th. bile starts Neely , and the ner n relit Ten the stools all show erns the Pillse en do; nottileg has ever Dees Invented ex. rept calomel I. deadly pelmet which is very diaa• corona to ase u.ess nth great ear.,) that -111 unlock the n bled •er and M the etrerntous of the liver lite eon, ck's Mandrake Mlle. Liver complaint Is ohs 01 the meet prominent canes of nnsominou. oesOoreel Lays Is a genie ettssol.l wed alterative , and the elk ell to the Seaweed. which this prepsunion Is nine of , assts. the stristach to throw on the {num pan to Mend?. me nod with th e lictimovie "yrun and it Is nine Into end blood without ferment...a or 000nni In the stomach. The great reason erby uttysicisn do 001 Pura ronseruptiou s, they try to do too mach; they give taelklete to mop ne eon ; o stop chills, to st eight sweats. hectic tent, and by so dole* they derange the whole digestive preerste. net Yot l itt ' or ""'"'" Wile./ • Liao er is his e atl„meeVila does o one. the en., aod hey will a stop of their owe neon!. Noove ea. be cored of Counesp ges. Lev Cm kale.. tin pots. late h Dle stomach are made health' . If a mown nay ronnmptton, of owns the loons In mime way an diseased , e i t he r inewridea thereon, bronchial trinnlos. pleura or the limn sees mass of mad I t deeor , e sod, . thath must Ins done It Is au. only the lama. are orastlisg. 001 It IS the .vole lardy. The stomara aud Me e , hoer it.ot their I one to make blood 045 of tad. Now the ony chance Is to take Mr sennek's thme men .o,ch wilt beats nu. loam to Ibe ilt fo roart Itir; t Ztro72.=ll tine no gain ta gen. sod as .esoo the bony Or. .111 to r ow. the 10kge COSlmelled bin ea, sod the panel gets 01 a> well This is the to i w e• hn. o 1. ns stotes. sim pnonse and oal y Liver Constabout and D. spine la, Senna a Seaweed Toni end Yaw/role rills are emllielent, slitbo•l Ituerolemottle Syrup. Tale the biSedrske • lo all ninon complaints, aa they are pe, acuy ii7.... — I.May. usin.rrolated health 1.313.1 /1 part. part. sad sow mdstm SSD pounds. wa. 0.. away to • mon altsieros. la the very laat sta. of Parlsooltary csasamoalos. tte physietan• tsarist M. 0.. hl• ices arid inatmllotvd tds We. H• assured the aforesaid modletnea sad Mad his recov ery =UUT• almilarty aalleted tare used Dr. be... , prows.= sant reoesslabls re.. dlr.. n ilmee.OP.l rad , ho llt not almolutety seem roan psmoom.l see Dr tesameet„ Cobol pattrata .151 their Wass eaandoed. abd 10e this our - p..911e Is protases. ally st Isla Mem, Ptitsdeldlla seory taturJay. where all ans. for adv. me. be ad. dross.. He Is ales professionally at No. U Bond .t.nratOte. Yort, evory other 7 . ..ey, ottera Vo. Flaaever Samos. seem Wednesday. He glees aim.w fr., bat for • thorough ....Moe with tits Resp....ot tbe price Is N. Odin hours .1 rm. Wl from V to3S• rrthe th. Dm , mrel 11 .... 5 Taw . rent 41.90 per tots. or al/./141 • tad doses. 14.4rat0 nil, SD oasts a boa. /or .sle 07_0 druggistlallCUl-d• • lar DOCTOR WHITTIER COP TINUCIS W THRAT LLL PRIV Wilt 1114ZABIN. I hat emmorous. lass of caws a...ta loa Rom •olfwboss, pro' seiner soOmollnena neryoas detsllty, irritabllity. eruptions, endasioss lazily perne.e. l l cared. Perwrosallets with della.. Mirane sod loos staradl. conetltutlo.. canals , ..• polltsly ad los ited I o es I fur .a.ltalsona whs. rows esllg. Cavort... beft of toasters, has ...led him to port. mosedios at .c - rte. oafs, t .4 which Is away _awl tan be us. without tiodrone• to toelosaa. Med kites proposed to the mtablisom.t which em braces...l, resettles asd oathne roan.... bcardloa sad elm PM( " rertuirl. dolly porousal attesitkr, .4 vapor md elmosiesl..., 10. soncents.l.lth• fawn. ineral aprtogaai• matter who taco fan.. mat your ca. He. what he sail la his pam phlet of Illy ow. and to soy address 9r two ...ape to teal. envelope. Thousands or cases Ire stsd.ovally. iLtr oft. •14d au cir , dtr LI. ter Consuimtlaa fn. orm.nally at by mall. ters, 9 Wylie most, Omar Court Hoc. Plit..totitiM P.. Hours 9.... to •r, Z. S.. fordays a. lo 11 r. Pomp/del seat to say ad• ore. tee obetwr. arritANHOOD: DOA mart `;`.,b"relti T ITloe .r. t. t7nE ON TUN. 'NAT era, and KadteriCars a( Meraossatoos. Canwmption, Kpbepsy and Mental and Thirties' Ines emelt?, ie.. by BURT. J. CULVVISTELL.II. D., tattoo or the ••Oreen Book." 40: •• A boon to Thousands of Bill Oen •• best yoder sod. in & plata .1.11i4191. 110 Ally redress . postaeld. wt. adol rr cont. or two boots., Storni., to Cil SO. J C. BLINN. A Cl)., 1911 f Bowen. Now Tort, Pootodlee Bo: SeSet. Soo Dr. Ostwor wr.l't • •Marcage Ovals, price BB mats. 4? IrJllllll . OUT. . ..Cl3 EERY PIECTORLL TUX:IMS." FOR MUM. C 011.115. PORE & 1118lIkT AND BRIM CHM None es rood. None so pleasant. None Care as Quick. NUORTON a MI., °eV 10 Astor Hausa New Tort. IarDATCHELOWS HAIR OWE. c Te n I p D le a nd iadn Hd a pe rDfyee c hth y ;b l u a t m te i n, meld. relia ble, ostaataaeoeel no u & rt Min= ri drat tbe ria/r ace and Rpesatlfel. &Les aroo bed by all DrellarD sad PerltTrayre; and properly applied al Bata. lars Wl* 711Gteri. Na. Bond Med. Nee Y*rlE. a1y11.113 ligr --- THE HEALING P00L..-- WAYS YoR YOUNG SUN gen. hay. fallen Into 'Wont banns, and non netts. .higher 11e nod • better M•NNOUD. wlWeerraln swam of rell.l for th.stnlcted. bent la aesll4 lettet Z.IIIIMATIM!`B.II`,Viuti:VA,"??,'"I3 ral 'Awl! AI.OTICE TO FLOUR DEALERS AND CONGO 11.87.—We are now rem-1,- lot of 40,000 Whet. earefullyselected WHITE. AND AIMEE AND TENNESSEE WHEAT, purchased In Olbson, Parte. (Irmo Lad Moreaucounties. Indiana. This lot of Wheat is We very host to be Ibund Lad cannot be sarpamsd by any In the tinned rbetea. We ha..Clot h sur Improvement. in Itschlnety. Bohlen end Cooling Boom., wed are now prepared to Inman the beet Flour we bay., made for In you*at prices that defy competition on the same oules a gear. EL, 7, ME Et MEL, Pearl Steam Allegh.n7. September LT, 1889. FLOUR! FLOURI FLOUR I 1111IrmisorA RAKERS YLOMIR. 4#o Ltd. Legal Tender, 3#7 bbl. Ha Elk Sal bbl. Re.tee. ITO Obis Sammit YIII. *lO belt Wine. Ca. IMO Ws Red Raver. 133 Ws get Day CHOICE WIDCONSII4 MOHO. HO Ws Itiseestde, 11•11 bbls White Star, •00 bias vinleas brands Aortas Wisest Flour. A S r. WINTER WHEAT TAMIL'S' ELAM& City ra n orgrrlneV ii. 2,blo. Pride l o th,: W lLHitteaterLd (gni, choice 100 ale Woes ttup ea* be biosght Hots the West. WATT. LASSO • CO. /TH ITE enta IT4 Wood Street. T.l.o , traltlVll ° Ornatetrayer ii, P l A llet NrerriCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the bolder, of the 818 PER CENT Inaielpal Bonds of the City of ►lleghon that Um Coupons oa 113 M Hood. cousin( due J nary LL 11110, erlll be paid ots ear Close Um alth taxi at the Dank of Mubarak. la the lily or Pittsburgh, Ps. O. UIA.OVERIIOII, Treesum of the City at Allegheny, P.. dole r. 7 & MUTT, ORNAMENTAL CtIRVW.Re, So. leadanki AL, Allegheny, Pi. AL.Vrereraldion..T.'Aella RIVER NEWS Upper Rivera. (Eli 13, , _ A. A. P. TealgraDA-) GREENABOROVOR, Dec. 13.—Riveron • stand, with 4 feet water. Rah:dog. Ther mometer 40. OIL Cory, December 16.—River at • stand, with 42 inches water in the char. net. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 3D, at six o' lock D. at. Ildonue.:crowtt, Pa., December 16. Weer stationery, with two fest of water In the channel. Weather raining. Ther mometer forty-three at four o'clock r. at. BnowNsvILLE, December 16.—River stationary, with Bve feet In the channel. Weather raining. Thermometer forty. two at four o'clock P. x. The river was stationary last evening with wren feet three inches by the Mo- nongahela marks. Weather unsettled. with freq 'ant raltut, and that there, will be another rise is almost certain. Mer cury at 4 P. 01., 40. The Belle arrived ebotit noon yeater. day, and departed again last layering. The Kate Putnam. did not get off an expected yesterday, In coneeqnenee of the luclemency of the weather. but will positively leave for St. Louis today. Jas. Russell is In command with Wm. Harbison in the office. The Coal Bluff, which boat left hare on Tuesday with a tow of coal lbr Horner, Wood Jr Co. grounded nearly her whole fleet between "Horse Mil" and "Head man." The Mollie Ebert la tilling up steadily and will be the tlnst boat out for New Oriesna. The Argosy, from Cincinnati, was due last night. It is expected that the new J. N. Ma• CuHough will to ready for lamina= about the almond week in January. Work la peallng rapidly In the City of Evanayfilr. and the new Carrie V. Rounts, la about completed. —The following la the wade of lieges paid on eteamere plying between St. I.lli. and St. Para, the lent season, ma fornlahed the St. Paul Preaa: Captainti 1176 per month. Moue IMO to 2.50 140 4 . 00 4 .• 110 44 70 " 110 .4 Finn clerks Second clerks First engineers.... tiecood engineers Mates - - Deckers, from pe to 60 u —The number of barges mod by the steamboat companies in the Upper Mir sissippi trade during the mason of 1860 true 166-divided is follows; North western Union Oompany, foin Northern Line, 90; ,Diamond Jo LIDO, 16. Mad of the ate?* Were Nat bargee used for car rying grain,varying in capacity from 2.600 to 1206enuthele. —Nine st 2., and eleven bargee, worth $500,000. waging to the SUN= Navigstion y, have laid up in the vicinity of Sacramento, owing to scarcity of freight. The warehouses on the Sacramento river are crammed with wheat and barley. Farmers are holding out lot higher prices, and, anticipating • dry winter, they will not Nell. —The towboat Ella:moon Eforner. says an Evansville telegram of the 13th to the Cincinnati Cimonermal, broke • follower above Newburg and went to that place to repair, leasing her tow, ten boats and nine bargee, above Newburg. Rho was to have departed the next night. —The Charles 11. Durfee Is named af ter a successful trader in furs, de., whose first experience in the West was as sewed clerk on a hilwilmippi river boat. The Durfee la bound to the north west to be need by the America Fur Com pany.—Cinci.nnatl 7\' a. —Captain Tom. Meltzer has chartered at Vicksburg. of Captain W. C. Hard wick, hi. light draught steamer, Cobb Webb, for two months, to ply In the Yazoo and Talishatchle rivers. Term., 11,100. —Telegram. received at New Orleans lain Thursday from Shreveport and Jefferson, render a considerable rise in Ms River • mean:illy. Sig boats were preparing lor Mumma in that stream. —The Kate Robinson struck the same obetruction that caused the Arthur &e -aster, and mink on Monday. Rile le,owned and insured In Cincinnati and was com manded by C.O. J. Kenniaion. —Mr. Pell, • pilot on the steamer Rapidan No. I, accidentally shot him self In the band with • pistol at toe Rtchaond House. In Paducah. on hat urdey night last. —R. P. Walt, for the Memphis and . . White River trade. Is progressing favor ably, and will be completed In abeut two weeks. The painters are at work on bar. —ma !found City ferryboat flaUeda which has been aground below Island 40 for tbree months, arrived al klendads, Frlday, and goes on the docks there tor repaltw The Belleererrnoa, enemas from Ns Orleans, lima 30 bbd. sow. 5119 bbla and 16 halt Dbl. molasses and 116 plow, for Pittsburgh. —The Abeeans Is loading at Mein °ail tor Mal:ninth and It is the linen• lion to load her here for Nashville. —The Comber Laud river was 1.11109 on Wednesday, trtth feet on liar path shoals. —The Norman from Evansville, has WO bosh. wheat and 4 bbl. nuts for Pitts burgh. —Tbe Camelia and R. C. Gray arrived at Cincinnati on Monday. —The Wabash river la in navigable condition. jiJ:l i.VAiINcIiJ..E. GAM) & NT. LOUIS. VOIR E•ANSVIS. LE.s id dr z e CAIRO MID ST. LOMA. - Tto. Gee pawsuger .I.cunar KATI PUT S• 11 rola r, Wm. t arblaoa. club. Yaw* Mr lay *bar .4 forarmadlala Dena, TA tl DAP. Dr. Mk at • r For Imlarn or mamma. so oty 04 board or to unt.litaT • MIT all, /LACK A 101..L150WP0r.,,ag. NU Tb. maararr la. r.tnsue •111lobo masarttl pammagers tat aorta. dal PlEqpt& Ann NE) . 0111.F.A — Ns VOR 3iERIPMI3 LNDr a d i r li t .1: 24 z w ORLICANS.—TOo toe P ia ITl n ie iuar Coot. 0. W. Cle, FrpoorA, 16,11 loaro tor tbr sloor. oAd totermedloto porwoo THU/ PAT. lath I. as 4 r. For Mesh& or passu. app ß li lr os board or to tAll.t.l • tOII{IZST • FO oR, don/LACK • COLL I NU WOOD. t~yal~%s=~l~=~ TO LIVERPOOL ANDAM QUEENSTO WN. TSD IRWIN MLR STRIDIVIIIIM Num.n.s oloteen Irst-cleas yowls, among them the celebrated CITYeI • PAIrJel, OM' OF •IfTWZIII%_ B081)rii or ep il s HALTIMOILL !telling ILYklil BAT. B o lt, from nee North Klee, Ne. York. Vol lolheogooc Mhbor Inforrootloo apply to WILLIAM BERMAN, Jr., 143 SMITHIFILLD Plttabarsb OI LS TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ANO pz•Lints IH Petroleum and lta Products. ,o r ntlVAgg.l,7igg l rl lo . l "X""• rlzrod•ollice--127 WALNUT IT. WARING & KING, Oom.a.goa Iteretanta alid Brokers la Petroleum and its Products, DALZELLI KOOK, DUQUESNE WAY PHILLDILPHIA ADDRIZS, Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, IZ3 BOOTH SZOOND BTIUT 'PIG E PETROLEUM REFINERY HERMIT W. C. TWEDDLF, MANUFACTURER OF Lubricating &Met Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Itallamot Isl. Oil, ISlaroto gnat hest without etmagok limpid a , lowest gooriPootrm. eoeum 01l lor t , ordoni ell:Batas or bat in rob., Locomotive goaltie ilimbis• 'bor. Will out scrape• Raw Millard Pleats"' WM 011 a. n ri t ztafzir 0. - aissiVkloodstlibt 011.TIMOOPIrellOOPWOMIZads, on . tat sod Flalisliliinglataaoltse, On, Iliarodas Oil. 111WautAlma. WOS VABNI3}I. to proton Bright Lem orksud Kacuuterr friam Rut. new products an rasuabotarod wierr_pr. Twaddle • Weal Iry Superheated Mem V aao. The Lau uas oat aro almost odortli, yerhe ty oure i rbria. sad manly bpi col aucttangeditaX scroalu timid arta/ ratriuw cold. Tao raollo.3* unsquaried. sad ars la coward ma mans. Of ali• patirolpid LOtroarlia. Baum Ws sea p r ejauci! . ovitatraz,..v wooD Ando. PINAR °LILL. ISEMEI =Ciii3 FFICS OF FIR & HITCH, Bankers lad Dealers in CiirC:ol7ol•l2lXLOrLt ~y~{H~~~~4Y~~~~ No. 5 Nassau Street, N. Y. 1332= To our Curtomerl ..4 Tbs sulprishas of ear nattosisl ....d the septette . keh ' , beak eh. Ss, =I /et. try tor.kly t areltaset, maeler It appareat that th. time It Lppe r esablits .142 Ike Ti,.- Twenty bonne may be Molded at net any lour =I Meeew►lle i►ei+ idik prim, cc compared wlte 1!!221=1:1:11:M:1 rillen 18 I..At.g to forteral Lagulrr for profitable forms of lavestateat la .bM► 7 may IN, safely taValted Daring the leer the heather les uut peril of the, aud tha commas.% cheap.. of la aecarttlata reatiored titan ea attraetive that hem this man, carrelsed vrtil Um patriot'. Wit of the people la Melt Wet,. t►a7 allot►eA &Mott t►. satire loat , / ca►llal H thaelt..”7. a al•arfM att.atiou tram alb.. slums .2' rlthia. 'alai WI b... ►.w.'.•le gladly e••••n•tl•• and ••a•d VD most Ms 1= To tteverotooot Is a• 100,1.2 . • barrovrox. It o lent•+ otod• N• ooettn • • .•att•l. Cot &atria gratefully and Imentol7 to rows, It TO. rapid amotoolotl to of ..►l ol O. I 0000 - Nat, .ad WI wrodaalloa of tba aatlasal dabs wa.o Isapsevemeat Of tbellPhosal or ellit—mdar• Ins it tennis tltAlltmettafter b. a c0mb...1,bl = 1. 0,41M113.31 bead, Is tha llor .ther aed vrell. muted Maneil Imo tettle....all al uot ...okayed la nu Inane way I=l= The selorstrisas of P.a.. so less asedtal la mei, nu. .n. Owl, tot Qs cosmos welfare, Was wen. the tut.... coat of War. .o. cal ►. ospl La .►l.► Um Sovonaossi so los go at. sod •ffar for tt • ram•••ratis• Mt Elo.erameal awrd so lost.• 11.7...4 I. ..... a seerurlo u s 1 b. sad eadaria, . mail =El= The antes to capitalise the Mt. ....htett tt ay ow be ' , ennead Noes hoses, sae bleb . •••••••w 4..uu la 0011 t..W par, luta Go ability Of tam Ostottan\t to had t►oa at I!=:1 rata. Le ►e Let ►7 sena7 ►olden erles auto ems saWfattory swans. ma to widelk et tas mtay priced wcarttlr la I* ant. ..maid shwa !!=1 no .POSlcattos. f.r lativmatio• at sin./ E=l nal to Ow dagglre for Ws usarszak, as to WOOS or hove...rut mom prolluble titan a.. rfllrTlnrm. 1.,:1 ;'eTlfl - = klablo plilealare of Utts want Ms log as to tati as laopottoaco of dlrootioi Oar owls attolflo.l, oat lam, wiparbrues sad tar bellitirs I=l seeplytes It Ls same seeseettee, sad te stet the =I pmplp Lo coMlls la mr pia 0.1.111 MI Jagremot Wo aro sowillizig to offer Woo, Moods and tbo /n ano suntans tritlel swordtail to oar low Sisals. Is set se nears as Ms sallossl *WIS.- Wass cleesswelyea. wittl r.►lJ we have Malane pruselpally Ids:Ml*4 *wooly*. bn ciegit mg tb• WM& T CIL2f TILL C•Ct nc I= ea LA. Ire NT* sisrettlll siaadadtd maw, there but bawl tend •• SW, which 1np.14 1.11, 4 la, WOOS UN fdl••uf -S. pi.ed T. • I= FIRST NORTGAGE Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds OEM WESTERN PACIFIC R. R. CI OF CALIFORNIA. IM=l 'T fIT!SFTfITVITTT''I mi 11== Me of rall ham Ira urn of Ur atlantic , to tart the hall. IA ISO Al.. Is 1.1014 lasludlai • abort I= METROPOLITAN LINE of the Poelite Coast, enanaellse US elle" clue., era traesasisa the manna the all and jorenetng State ed Callfor els, ronetetne. In atlentof tau 11.11..•• ale learallve local lrsaga, tbe llrentgl b..'.u. over U alea and Central Paella 11/Ohandgr—betereen u. Keetern Blame mad Bacrigalusbe: It is completed. fatly *quippe4 tad I •.a•► NI opostiom sad Ma PIMP:. I■ onw•, toe Int tnll noau, amoutitail to •101,000 le cot. The gat earatoge will. try • moderato eatimaM. mamas to 0100.000 per mama, la *Ma. wail the 'Moron oa Ita !loads will be bat 8160,000. tee lass. of the propene end traueltises Is sot Ten Millions of Dollars, al tE• mord of the mortano Is $2,800,000. =I I=l Ninety, and Accrued Interest, to ourmay. Mori on =AU P.0.W.. P611CI• PAL ADD 1NTZ11.1217.'11 GOLD 00111. to Go toy of Nom Pork. Door.. A...1...WY sod Jsly Ist. The onr approach of In Was whin the United States as probably Yon the pastor pp tin a tic Six per cent. Osbi, to naturally wane toqat• ry for other forms of inestiont, older will of• tore sotlantesory wearily with ths mon rat. of lateral. THE PICTURE PACI/10 RAIL ROAD TWIT MORTGAGE RONDlstutlurnaa L.M....dmaNl•Ovir all Mbar segarlUes based epee menly local et' asemplets4 rallreed,aad oar be We with es mob eobetlesee .6 • t benL. or L. erst-clese mortiblo. es V.. Tool city PoblPert7. The Was Ls null b. snout. lis NAL. to tea • Mu. In spplitat. It .V 1 1...1017 1000*. IkeelserUl be dallverad es the areas ere raeateld. Cloweramatilose. reestvel .11001 r MU mar ket rata le .tlessise. FISK & HATCH. nal..riczne We buy and sell Government Bonds and receive the accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations and others, added to check it sight, and allow Interest on daily brawn 8. WPCLEAN R Co., Ink 9 Parra MTh Pntsburgit. Pa. what FINANCIAL TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL RANI, Wood at, cor. Second Avenue. A: i, PAID 03 DEPOSITS. gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stocks DOUGIVIT AXED SOLD 11171=1 W. VANKIELE. Via ►refdeaL .ear CTRL. CLAUAL.Ja.. cmski,r. N. HOLMES & SON& B- .11D111 57 MARKET STRk.'l' PI'TTSIIIIRGH, PA. coneetlon• houle op ell the principal I , lioth Of [he ral.dlitotell and Csnadah. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities SOUGHT ♦ND DUL.D ON COMMISSION Patttcalstr attention - to the punts. sod ale of 'United States Securities fr ef. FIT, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pb.. =I Exchange, Coin, Coupons, d pattionlar attoulloo paid to the purr-duo COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. jarusel CITY RANK. 2 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. SlOO.OOO, TOCIHOLDERN INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOISITIC FOREIGN LICH...NOE BOUght and sold, and when desiredl.ted Znnatie. Collections made on all th y . Prlnclnal points of the United mate and Canada DOMINI. II Itmeasi, J•aiis htee.••a. Pi .. .adept. W. N. Idoed.n, C•ahler. . - . D. num., Jam. MeCab, Thomas Bourke, Haab Isabela, J Unaleey. Jr.. Terse. Campbell. Patrick Haas. James re. las. Ca.. B. Barr, H. A. PreTrogba, Joo. km. tlarmaan. Thomas Bare.. JelskS JOB M. Ei•ZZA.II. boll Mar. FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, In sow etre for Thimonnt. and General Banking nestamtr. mm mull,. from One Dollar aptiramtp. Wennt at the rate of rta. per cent. paid on Um. depoetta. w r. wai'm•N riuNK ED. PITH RIDBIL R. H. ILMS. . , w. N./1 .EITSON. NrN6f MEYER.. E DAN. KINZR., Mulf. DIISTC. X. 1..• . anon KI EX DITHRIDGE., Pru Went. = CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. CARPETS. REDUCTIONS. The alterations and im provements of our Sales rooms now in progress, make it necessary for us to im mediately dispose of a large portion of our stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Hearth Rugs, &c., Many goods will be sold at prices below the present wholesale cost. Call at once at SLINKS IIeCLIMCK & CO'S, 23 Fifth :Avenue. CARPETS. NEW FALL STOCK. Oil Moths, Window Shades, DRUGGETEL DRUGGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever Offend. BOVARD, ROSE tt CO., El VIM AVENUE. MEM DRUGGETS, CEIVIE B CLOTHS, EXTRA QUALITY, BRIJSSRLS CARPETS, Direct Importations, 111111111 . BROL at,. 61 FIFTH rz.ruz, ABOVI ROOD imam odl WOOLEN DRUGOETB All FELT Ij, IL 2,2 j, 3, 3 L 3 and 31 YARD WIDE. BORDERED SittrAßES Suitable for Parlors. DIM 1G ROOM CRAB CLOIIIB, Woolen, Linen and Cotton, IT LOWER PRICER TRH LIB! 11111011 tb...a.thutm our on these foot& II'FABLAND & COLLINS , eatzsill 71 and 73 Flith,Arenue. KEYSTONE POTTERY. 8. is. HUM ft CO., VOCTSWIFAZII. 1113111201. WARS M. enema Waning." 983 usiorry ITZZZT 81/1111 orlon vramml• attended la ACME 8111PIKENTB OF ALL lands of Mrsli Una Ilsh us raoalved dal Mau . 4 WIZ' AV= "ILVV l b.' NoT:i. a 'Mg, 4 6 0 ..., cud. h eentre 0 1 radars' and lldda stmts. On land onleriol3llll ilB Übe Waensmg. mns.a asW a me nd .a s a tso r a ai w n la . Irra leb b&a W g e ßlank Hass vlaana a a m d * a assbarWboulsas*a, os Midi. All =dug 11101 proalrill• . •gr . .41i0I-VA TII GROCERS, ac. BILIS OATH, DAVI & CO, 243 LIBERTY STREET, = 100 Barrels `•Perfection" Drips, in• 6 1...a.tat ta this =art.. 55 BARRELS N. 0. MOLASSES, CHOICE 1: EW CROP 25 HEEDS. N. 0. SUGAR, =I To which they invite Me Atten tion of dm Trade. WILLIAM MUER & CO., Nos. /11 and IN Liberty Btreet Corner of Instr... now off. r the Wade at loss Air. ores, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Maw and Molasses. Porto Biro, cot,. end null. Island Bugg.. 'r Tort. Philad.lphle and Baltimore Be ane^ rte. iaolden Dry.. Loterings, BrunJla, /heart's •darto. .ad 151.nd Syrup.. Porto Web. Cato and ins I.h Island Molasses. Young Myron Japan. imperial, isnupooder oolong Tess larolln• and 0•00001 Ince. J•ra laguayr. and Bid Coffees. Tobacco. Lord OIL 10.1i,GIass, Soaps Cotton I aro, AC., COU•L•Oli, as band. ALSO, LISPOBTICB.B OP Fine Brandies, Wines and Ithenl.ll. Moodie and liparkline of Make. C0...1n bottles. Sparkling Moselte, &Bamberg end Johan. Moir. • llockhetmer, Dion's:nay. Le. Bradenhurg • Prem.' Pine Ollve Oil. do do Clarets, impor ted in bottles do do Whit. Wine, In bottles. S. Work Sone Sparkling Cat•lsta. P.O. Old Sherry. Idedolr• and Port W 1... Peer o , d Monongahela .1.110., pare. do Very Superior Olu motet, do do. ALSO, I Bole Agents for Moet 411Chandon`a Grand Vlll B ' ran7ll:l<7ls a ; n o:7 L,T=f4P; and 'warrantee )10:d411 ESTABLISHED BY A. & T. GORMLY, 1812. W. M. 001111 ELY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (DinacTLY Oar, Ku.. Ho m..) =MM M. STEELE J. A. a M . STEELE & SON, 1:7172117Thiall40111 Merchants FLADLTFI., Gi ItJ, IN, FEED. Bo I=l=l =I PITIES K1LL... ... ....Jai1= 7. =CRAM' K EIL & ItICHAIIT, 11111:1130116NTII, FLOUE, GILLEI, BENDS, MILL FEED, ea 719 LU95917 Se« Stu. MEAPOR & HARPER, /LOON. DRAIN • ID NIODINIZ Commission Merchants, No. nil LLUENTT STELE?. llostlgaments .shelled. W. C. ARMSTRONG, (nlettesoor w Feuer .Armstrong.) PRODUCE COBRIESION NERCHANT, No. D 5 Market Street.. or/ L. J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, - 110. 205 711:88 rescirr: - Ap_II:VIA BkIIID & rArroN, Wlionsals Oracen, Casnaautos Dealers Pradnae. Flour. 11aa0 . 1 .4 = rut. and Lard OIL Iran, N Cato3l Tann and PltadnaTO than arm serail? US and 114 SICOND MUM. JOfl I. N0M...L1/W. OM I. HOUSE BROIL, lino ••T meter. u JOON L CO., Who - ool. firmer. ono Qoarmiseloo Yeretoshts. Ceram of Smithfield aMI Water etfoets, Pltosbargh. /MIN 11IT/3111 hI' L IIPTON awALLAcEowtiole• SAL' •ND TILUDIICIZ DEAL . N.B. 6 BIXTH IRBLCI. Plustoortla. CARBOLIC SALIk: ' The important discovery of the CARBOLIC ACID as a CLEANSING, PURIFYING, and HEALING Agent is one of the most remarkable results of modern medical research. During the late civil war it was extensively used In the Hospitals, and was found to be not only a thorough disin fectant, but also the most won derful and speedy HEALING REMEDY ever known. ii is now presented in a scientific combination with other soothing and healing agencies, In the tbrus of a SALVE: and, baying been al ready used in numberless cases with most stabilletory andben racial results, we bare no hesi tation in offering it to the pair Ile as the most certain, rapid, and effectual remedy for an Sores and Ulcers, no matter of how long standing, tbr Burns. Cats, Wounds, and ev ABRASION of SKIN or and for Skin discuses geserallii cold by all Druggist& Price 23 camte. JOHN F. :I:4' •Y, Sole Pivp'r, LLECE PLACE, New York. N ORDINANCE Madam Federal Sawa AMR Vaunt tbre Location Sued rgeolaling gem am 41,1111m1 tif SRO mina deg. 1. Re It ordained and enacted try the City af Plttabargh, la alas and Comma Conacia manna.. ad till hereby ordained and enacted • the athority or the uses, hat Federal &met be and them. la hereby extend 4 frwa tie ate, of let present damnation of Wylie sweat to Wager &seam, at the Dead of sauna avant, in the Fifa want of sold city. 6.c. E. Thet the breadth of ..14 entsn•tos Is saes at forty-nu feet sod .id inches, oda tut 6 inches and the City Engineer ad hareem I. hereby r veining to tnrury and mart tail strut aooortiegls. ea, S. That H. W. Oliver, Jr Rine hart ud Ague Weaver, bans Mile ague% ad disinterntse frorheidereof • at 4 city, &At hereby tro a T . te4:l•::2l . to view tl::=Wrera l lil dotle• molted ad maned by the Act of da mnably in each cue made and presided. Bac. IL That any ordinance or Put of old , sac. manilleting with the ofthis *re tuned at the preunt thne, Sad the same te hereby repealed so far aa the same affects this U dine... Ordained had as into • law this 13th day of December, A. D. 1669. JAMES IfeAOLIT, President of !kiwi Coaxal. Attesa i A./l i e: c row, . 1. W. A. T0N14116011, Fresidat of Omuta CoanclL Ati"l i Of C ."T alt Clara oanidl. deed GESINUIVIVELFIII MEM& PHILADELPHIA. BALI:LEY •Tewelerra. GRAND OPENING!! TALL sad CHIMMILLS TAJO/. Of • NAGNITICIINT VOCIL at WI tbescrestOse lirattha, Jewelry and Illntwam PANG! GOODS, &O. Bridal Gifts a Specialty. BAULKY • CO. have the bea. mallet Nt•re the Weed. end et all Creed be pleased so re- Wee sad epee, elate. OOO.IO Welt estabLleh. =St- NB W MARBLE arosz, CHEITHUT MID TWELFTH RTREET& PlLLLadolpida. oelnde OW • DREKA Immanent:me!mall distorts FILE garrwrzoramn,v. WEDDING. visrnie. PAM AID BUSIIIIEU CAZO JUIGIAI/111111, 1103001/AWS. AIMS. ILLUSION/SIMKO ir Orders lumen nostrosemardstreauce Sea la napless LOSS amostaara Ma. PIMA. RAILROADS igim,ya.v.iz_ ta.o. On and alter 11 r. N., nataS 14gA t LOA rods • will snlvs al Own no ttnloa Dalgot ? an n. W sad LlOrna streets, as allows: Arrrt. Nall Trans—. em, 1010 an' nontneDepa rnix. 0.110 aW Past 140 am •Paella s:a as Wall.. No. 1.0 SO am Wall.. No. 1.. Otnannt BrtatanAe Not 7:00 sat Ban Tenn— II:10 Wall, NA 1. II:30 nO Benton as.. 10:60 an ( ts.oolo an. tram'asAs N. 1. ot/0 par J./Ingram Ae 10:00 am :Ctsulant BA. Lein PM 13a,•144 Al N. 1:00 pm i WAN'S NA L. 11:114 a. Plostonn 19. 1:30 pm .Jolngstcera Ae.0:1110NE Panne B.v.p• A 1:00 pm. Bra.. Ad Nal 0.110 pa N.. I. 111:00 rim MBA Enprage 3:10 pm awls /lc No 1 0-6 D pal Wall, Na. 11•00 pi Wall's No. • 11:60 ant Wall'. NA 1.. 0:0000 RtintanAs No: I:10 no 'Fast Une .... :40 pm War Pante'r 10:110 pa tars t ',hear train. mate clove coas.-ction bar', for Baltimore. TL enoralt Trans leaves Wall. 91a001 awl Bandar at 0:00 A sq., r.eltlng Blltalausgb 10:01k A et. Be turnnig 'nova BOnnntll 12,00 p. os. and Lonna al Walls Btants at 11.10 p. m. •Clnelneal 1x... I . ayes daily. Doi II Ypres. leaves daily except Wanda/. ALL All. swans dalls Baseay. Par rarthe_r Intareausen The rennsyvarda W ltal . Toad . 3 Camay wcs m wlliferalle na n Z d rV,...,"rl,lMirace, ex. Dar wee=; .1 'lCeTti Owe an =moot In val. baitt - C;rlsk of [Nammoll e7.l7sa. I &trams] ChapertntettleO3-1 E ST ERN-Mmunt PEN NISTI.VAWIA 110/D. —On end after NOT. ikr " li v the as pseuvr- Tsai. on: the Wester. teats Ral•reA win ....t.. .1 and depart Own Ile red..' Street Depot. tthestooof DIM. toDom /mho. DesnWt. ' m.a. kt: =VA° I Li:: :, r 9.rif: • W IL I I :: itxpreas...... 10:40 a liTiNtr's 01 . SU aliss - phis No.11:40 pie lens. lat IN Trespart No. I II:03 pin I gelei No 1 lis • • Idail.—, .. ...,-.. 0:60 p se, pork atrelifir 1 Itpringd'a No 2 6t.10 p edlierinird • NO Tileallips Those trains ram daily en t Saida. The Mouth Trots leaves 411.4.0 011.11110111 every deadly at TAO a. itte City at II:60 a. to. Returning, team City of 1:40p. o. and arm. at Melt= Lien at 3:40 p. sn. Tl trains laming Alleirbeol MT ot!fiatt. ak direct wanes/ion at • - ke l .ai. tens Line of ntmes for Butler and manaaehiwal The :age tickets wit: passitased at al= No. t a ts tab exec neerthellappession Pleabareh, sad at e Depot..O.WffirtY. /or fartlar tolormaticto /Al a; 4 a AMU L r'd" VoI= A S IL The Western PenneYreelle SOS assnme say stsk tor , Baum., except toSireertil 1r reekonsibillty tee 006 Irr..m, ila.vv. th:..... An . feeding Ws .mount In vale. etilbeat e Mit of the owner. unless take. by special nostrum. !DRAM/ IL WI i 1 1 A s eek. non: General Banerlidendent, Ait.oolll. r.. m it - 0 — -- iiinim B. W. _B d ~,...1 „ ,,: a. ...„ ~,,,t „ ..„4 „ z w. , B t t r opism A. A. Trent NOV. 14th. ISIItS. pot. north OEMs vtllleEMlreon mtd arrive st the Union dela, !Ohm M Ea unk el=a. Inflow .: e - Calor Ea. .111:061 to Clhdeaso It A in:lla En r it :,... a.. 4:210 . . 111 at rwilai r rgic zwui llii I. WVE ex . Stelt it so, Cleveland Zs Mann, g 'NT& i..IIIIIg:I 7 aVIAVILM: pkTrir . ...7.til,k.w. Amon Atlepheng. _ •ZH a m Leetsdale An..0i31l as - - -A—".. Inn :::11— ew 1 0 " " 5 7. Wb 3.-- - 51:411p m Paton Wale Zit Ittdale LAS P , L,WE.".n. ;Lan dea . rTIGO '' • 8,13 pm 1 - - - ci -- ueetadale .. 1.0143 pm . EEG Oak. Son- Par OEJE Imo day Otturet.• 1:11 pm I day Cluvh. 949 Mr Scan p. M. (Memo Capper Ilan • P. 4 R. 9 H Oll4 Chbalr e N E xTnan . ivc, (ala.. Yet Asent. d W L ea. • lOU CHANGE OF TLME. ALLEGE:OM VALLEY TILL ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO TIM REGIONS WITHOUT CHANGE OWL On sad after MONDAY. Nov. 11111, THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except wlll limy, Plvtabargl. Depot, canto of