The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 13, 1869, Image 4
C IS lit4Aut • - • , AND SUBURBAN. • 13110,ers is furnished is the city 'lO ,;Wa days of as week or 16 emu per *Olt. breeo3,lBper ammo: 1 mos, ft. trntis lock-up Ina mums dawned last *SW - Ia Without animation JMIS.4OW. • - ng ;Tlntatorameeoramonst to have snot seekers In the city, cannot complain this week. • Ilew Allegbent Oeundls will or. #ase,laanary with. "inditanOTSl that °employ El., Dleineaqe Owe, wlll be rapidly filled. T 1 1 114 :lirr Car, WM 'assume the dukes I 7 .14. thaStwaind week of January. Wt year were so flamer larei testa to have teat favor thirsesson. ".'Maier Drina bad lour ems before -ham yesterday morning, and three an Saturday. Mgrbeej ttreaten are anxious to tom I b e ... I1 the d Fire Department 149 12 CM ItO LOW " OPOSUDII. Filth Avenueand Smithfield strode [-to We the emit. Saturday afternoon Altainil ea IPlltsbargit Columns wilt hold a silo:fat I to toasting tbla attaro2on to constder the ;sotto or ttatasalng themarket stalls. nut fai the municipal onUo[ in .414,any vadat exciting, and prom , ,:liesto-ba Omer than Mt 'sacral yearn, . • gibepreptieton. editor, and employee ottbe /Probate Freund enjoyed a pleas 'iMetteiltilend supper Saturday night be Ttled.—Thomas Campbell. **dieted for the =Wet of big wife, will -trifled actin the present term of Cenirt. • She ettandame yes at most of tho - city . thelrohot terday seamed clot tray ObComaglng to the Isadore of the flocks. - „ • v - Allettenr error' wig be made daring the 41033filit yearn in hid. to Introduce the :teaching of germ= to the Allegheny, bind driidng bee been Aged* at branch of 'lndy Into the 7.llstaburati . Mile t3eltools recently, with - fZt-i l ltietwesigit question shows signs of 1411Moi `Allegbeziy• It L thought imotber law will hive to be enacted be arson put= are setigned. Rink and Park, ate ready ibikatit ealitioap. awl dams of the torw,u4 with skeane' *Aare gia.magng. lanPalancer that good . . of our exchanges, east and west, Asa Of skating and sleighing earafvals— ust last littaburshem bare been long. ift - for, but don't gems likely to get for 4- ,tor a while. .• • •-igi; ambers of the Mercantile Library gtiSsubltallt should remember the moot to-alight to appoint a committee to T 1; Masts eanditlates for °dices for toe ,Wltilia year. --Dlesederly.—Thomes alley was arrest - - ed on' COM alma late Batusday had • L .-.ilistiotbsglia • Mandan, manner end lodgedin lock•ap. ~Testerday morn ing be was hoed { lo and soca. • TM linn " in M re ons " bws a •• w h thaos e •l e en d A le th y ta iad s" • • an Immune* of id. 500 each en the *Miner Arthur." renently del , .krned by fire on the Monongahela dyer. ~T<temy•Days.-Bar■h Olngegett, a eol• ,onct temslarorbo agenda the IMMO , ' or her time to jell. 'au yeaterda c. wet to. that IntattalaDa for twenty days on a charge Of dleingleily eluded. Bbe war drunk sad &orderly. — Cableagleg;4ohn Bell made informs thin before Juadoe Helsel yesterday chanidell hits. Johnson with obtaining apbgea ef film to the value of 11160 by means of false and fraudulent replwan• • , lona. A warrant was issued. Delinquent Boanter.—Baturday, Act Snowden made information before Alderman Taylor. charging John Wußhg with fraud. John. It le alleged, wain debt for two weeks boarding and f, WM:opted to decamp. Warrant loaned. illegal Liquor Metting.—lnformation Was made Saturday before Alderman .—Taylor, by Jame, Cornelius, against William% for selling liquor on •-.4.7lStitidllY. The accused keeps a saloon ca.-;:loc-Babeeos- street, Float ward, Alla ' &toy. Warrant Issued. , `asyersCoutt.—The Idayoes mottling conk yesterday morning was an sties tarP' one. There were fifty cases In all, efz t rn of which were from the "Tirsitth-. ward station home; twenty paid doss: twenty•fiee were committed and Ave titatherittal. • Lliaordezig Conauct.—Ed.. Donnalll made Woman= before aniline Hales' i=dodging Donnie Listen.wieb y conduct. He alleges that ])studs mina to hte ratillanee during his ildielXio and abused We nuttily. A war: W was !moil tonne meet of Dennis. Alfneet Miss.—The •Totrit ., eras the - r =t d y s = i s down ergistzreit on Jame, Plittlak blviria. Patrick being ti:Jerrel l •,,zl, - guffaw. Jams was o tTa t hs before o_'. ages= Humbert for and bat "jaw, but the arralcsas compromised. _Wanted.—W. Robb:mon. who. with Onsalderable dithoulty procured the co • ballib ewers Its release from ,; • 60..000nty jell, la wain wanted. /Da bandsmen:an nine craw have Waned hail plus for bla arms. and officers were In ,sorett of Ulm an Elittirday, bat lo far -borolatlod to 111:0 410 haUdgt airliaik l o ill ladles' bets is s' fdiessant dressed by the taxermitlist and • baked on • lied time work, which is -Moo" from wow tbeoutsiretetust 'wings of the bird. Of mane Its else le Waited Intim dimensions albs winged' =User, and it can only be won& by in. - dim with IMILIAbBadaI and —Judging-10- - frersattUY—dlMOsutive brains. Reargantwar.--The Keystone Sheaths bsell re ag l r ed ltre= a, . Moe President. J. Rayburn. Jr.. . and J. Seibert, Treasurer. :.3::: x^. beX i tte;e ol :ta menit*m4. twee freem the ad mtt among whom are eight or Mlle ladle& The trirorm will be the name so 012 Yar• okte Metope itsanoty, Entire." will ,isstual at the 'CUM e of rho Carlisle SWUM on or - about the 24th Instant. - The took wil l . contaht . full actoOnt the gad ware masa, and will to relit at the tellowteg retoF -Coe Dan • ~._..: ~ Oraut Joha Hatshsw. restate* qt y N'ourersysons, Irani boast drunk Bator- Mgr, night sad.sttempted to brass up • ' smastanit 'fbrotitus ;Whim De. wife wit!: alm at•Adsltr eallsethil" podestitsti. " - _-"WW; _sttertiomedifficalty, thSODAtp where be was prodded lOW Dossiers until Sunday smuts/. wtoto idtirs WWl* t . us was matt to JAIL for • UM. haver eeetued .tha wall-known made, d music_ p o w., • „r tome, or Mestar. Barr, Enan a 84.131a1r a.nopy 'cribs ..lionnialn Miser itimultss" nadegir and tirilliatit instrumental • • amiralitluctibr Ws Sam c011aP12 3 2 2 1s • ' /gr. !ilittk"Credner. fronUsplees wart )r and alwik2ir eotnnesl:- -., Wm is Misrz psasentei mid sboulcl • • Minim= - - '-; 4.- wieussisiggik,Waiirrvimuss-43162tuttergirdriMevIIIE .., j S .hi on risbaummk b :ho initlidA her . - ....sokalt_illar. woo and k4 , l)e gi , , gip 'Am, ....1 yeigardrirr 012Iniliglohy I t.,'; 'imar,24114..'1,0., Altarsoul!zd bw 4 .;;-:--,..,.-:- - bse4o gas "*" a u nabus it,...r. t , •:";:;,' -7,- ''.4.--...-fAmr•egit 1180141314-I*.P4nottitr,ro4 m a " that Os, hha „ a u sw --- )ketfOrs;usaioninm% •-• 7 ' f' - WgialriPP - ................„,.... i 4104 nr: re i 4 , 46 1 0411 ,s yri..... i . d Oldirraci„l. tao ~.. 3 ,sf . .. L.,1011":..,, *V446.- TribiTrieLS 4 bim lig ...4 '. :. ,a4w"...oishil flif*Ptcrrianl'Our ••','llt : ' ',..i.11., icaik“ luXll4o4' .t . '"e - . - !. : -., ' wortop ~1„.„ e,. , ).. - e iimm ~' 4 l- ' ',-.;d:--04110.0rvio oigiolis Aryttswalw 4- $ . *'• e , ',..31 -- IRO- iii - t 4" st!! hiMaalt .1.,.:_:•.,..,:,...;...... ...., ME M - . , _ - , „.,511,; -, ' ' -2;, 2 4 2-',.,'.4-9,r.61;',74,3:t;_,&',F.:1-".17-tkf,',,4,5::4.-4-i4 ElPuuslue.—Johnjankins and Ed. Fans, young weregm not yet out of their slew". anituning themselves, Saturday night at the expense of the izens on Wylie input, by ringing door bull. One of the guardians of the night caught them at their fun, and took them to the lockup where they remained until yesterday morning, when they were required to pay 110 and coats each for their night's amusement. Far new Oritans.—W. T. Sown. Mtn. chandiao Broker, will leave for New Or leans Monday nett. and give hia Kum. non to purchasing Louisiana sugars and mobilises. AU business entrusted to him will receive his beat attention. Address letters in care of Phelps; Parke deo.. New Orleans. For daily markets and other Inf;trrms tlen apply at office 171 Wood eat. cornea talth avenue. `Sweetened.—William Murphy Iwas at Holteheimer's saloon Saturday a eninr,. and having a taste for ewe.* Mho limpp fled the contents of the sugar bawl ,ta his handkerchief. One of the employes of the establishment remonstrated with him, Whereupon the sugar was scattered promiscuoasly on the floor. Officer Chambers was called In, and William wee conveyed to the to m bs . where be sojourned until next morning, when the Kayor charged aim one dollar and costs for the anger operation. Troublerrome Swett Grade.—Gallagher agree; In the Second ward, promises to ' be the neat etnmbling block In Allegbe• ny municipal leglelatlon. The grade of the street Is greatly complained of by the property holden. Already emanclh, have been treated to numerous petitions ,and remonstrance! against the manner, style; cost and everything else of the grade. The prOperty holders don't want to pay. for l 4 and the Street Committee, aided by Councils and the City Engineer, seem to think it the beet that could be witablished. It is a matter of some die, e 9.4), cud from present appearances, Is Akely engage the. attention of the Court*. Wan" Robbed A gentleman from Zanesville, Ohio, called at the mayor's office yesterday morning and stated that be bad been robbed at a house of W repute on Fourth avenue, of 175. The matter was investi gated by an officer, who arennpsuled him to the bowie. whore it was ascer tained that he had expended r. .5 for wine, and that the proprietors of the house had received fig, and gf.o had been expended at another house, and he had $l6 In his possession, which made up the 176, so more did not appear to • hive been anreobberr- The gentleman, It appear., was conducted to the hones by an-Allegheny D0UC.311311.13 who was afterwards arrested and locked up for a hearing. Poor Myriad Man. A young man of rather prepossmaing !ipperi49 o , called on Capt. Graham, yesterday, and related a tale of sorrow. He has been maenad about two years, and In the selection of a companion thiongh life, according to his Statement. has been exceedingly unfortunate. He states that be is cruelly treated by his wife, and has reason to suspect - her tidel• by. She amuses herself occarionsity by ,heating him with the broomstick and inch other Weapons as she can get hold et and yesterday evening made Co as ' mutt upon him with a hatchet, which be repelled with a chair, whereupon she threatened to hove hint arrested, • He inorlired of the Notate what course to puree and was recummended to dissolve p irtuership. Tee Breacti or Promlee Case. The case of Amy A. Johnson vs. Ed. H. Smith, the Chicago breach of promise case, which coontilati tho attention of the District Court during all Last week, was concluded. as will be wen by our report. Saturday morning, by a verdict In favor of the plaintiff for IleyBl4y.fiVe dollars, The charge of JudgeStrkpatrick to the jury was an able, exhaustive and well prepared document, and, so far es we can ascertain. was entirely satisfactory to both plaintiff and defendant. The iNtirdid was unexpected to both parties, Ice well sa tooutaulon. . By what mfiner of calculation the jury could amen at neynnty.five dollars damages we are un able to (Hanover, and are Inclined to the belief that the verdict was for expenses rather than damage.. Vont May Ituspected Saturday evening, Mr. John Stein, re. aiding coroer of Pump and Barnett alley', Second ward, Allegheny, left his house about seven o'clock, and has not been beard of since. He was a eon. tractor, and had gone out to get money to Pay the hinds, leaving orders for them to await lila return. Some of them waited until eleven o'clock. It Is feared ;Washer getting the money be has been 'foully dealt with, as it wes known he wax to get money that night. The ads. log man was a antler, iedustrlota citizen, and a man of oonaiderante prop-ray, which he had acquired by his own emir -11one, His wife and children are very 'mnett'distreassid at his' mlateriotis appearance, end will be grateful for any informationof his whereabouta. C. I, Combed Sea Island cotton Is the name Of a new thread manufactured at the Williston Mills, Es.* Hampton, Massa chusetts, Which contany his secured patents= several pieces of machinery forttie msnafaclure of spool cotton, prid. chine = mw W h h ic i h ch l h h i i s the ic c e m o b f i ngm ea a d derives Its ,Thejlbera of the cot ton 'are cordbed out by this machine, re. moving al/ uneven or clotted Material, Erni enabling - the tormufaclurer. thereby. to produce a strong, tine and even thread:Which catirmt be attained by any other method. This thread, a maniple 05 which has beenthown hit, Is superior to the best English thread manufactured another triumph of American ernterptiae and industry. Mr. F. Ea ton , No. 17 Fifth avenue, is the sole agent for this excellent thread, and we would advise our readers to call and get a circular and examine this excellent article of spool cotton, as It Is only necessary to give It • fair teat to bring it Into general nee. Clearaliur Salo. The grand semi annual cleartnce sale of J. W. Barker & Co., to market atroot, commenree this , Morning. Meows. Wier & Ca r eer° the Bret, we under. 'tend. to Inaugurate ibis* clearance ee.whtch_hav now beemde so Popular at 'thee mdabl , 7hey hare en 'minium of goods on band, every article of which has been marked down to as low s figure as they can be par chided Tor le the men= tutritet. It Is the policy—a wise one, we think.n.ot Barker £ Co. never to carry over from one season CO another, and in orMr to prevent this they sett goods at the close of each season at a very small ad. Wince abrivelost. They'lluive on band as good an assortment of dress goods, ebaskarletawehangialikN o g iltlh b lank eta and housekeepir g-g eta eon be. bound in any hoarser tbe, kind. Those wbo atabd in need of any article In their • tide:will fuId.ILIO Wets Ainvid244 l lo to cal l at market Street, es we are Well as anted that the goodie are es represented. arid the , prices, ore decidedly low. Barker & en . have a re LitedrVe., for fair. dealingoand Deter fall to make good their promise. Those who - desire to pluckier. itch and beitutiful, and at, the same time cbeap. Christmas commits for their friends, should not fall to otaulinetletdr stock, of slit% cloaks and cloaking,. ..-.14:• 00 , ,Ro44ogr Prelate. ,hiatiors. C. Yeager, d Co., No. 110 law *demi, m tut : nodules an tuanstUdly due , . ecaorient or faitign and domestic fancy , goods, suitable for holiday meanie, which attcyoffar their adininasie and re• ilial patrons at Taxi iista;nallie prices. During the business acid plesabre tour throughout the old . Continent made by , .Mr. C. Yeager, he avalldd hlrosetla op. porintrities 'ped ' 'for map. lag . goods- ln— the markets', .id 111/MV 001441U1y act - Ragland, end . in Llinquouilestte howl lin now id stare one of the Limey finest end moat ow). protumnivo Welts AT tads% .'wares and ganoral finny. gamin and )100`eltleallvet -cooed in ;Mikity. Iltlrcitbniosa superb Perin Amex nalde,. cud receiver% glove hodmode hinereblelboces. Tousle t bo dit xeC listrlinlatfit disks. .ratt , hAtte: ; poehet --- habit; - op* . etattsery.,.. abUmi. cabt r 7 " enne . segar. cam Bnal* leathecaldha. ladles :octintanlonst . Itoindeo. .itsitheak odor asses4.3ehemisn, gum =a ebbs new end Abcatinde of other oullotini / :lion , go,to 'Tao of!the ha t a 01r k. 4:0.-tauroimi aniofed sides mid 141 , 11411 1 JS Vidtioli---I*--ditele. tinny—and-, lnew aids bee inainned inch 'proportions sh josh* . direct importations from 'Ettihya k which Will basilic* bar. made. Wm • powleote hate been scented in. u the vestu pt : o =ituutsts. et. Europe, =dins. will ha: Oahe es the order of pghttlf hrany , :woo . desired. -We Pasta "tsotiUlUeuL: Maw. Yore . 0. Ow:UP thet-estralksirirWasr reedere. , iddoWPOS tbdintO teirldatadiesi ondnitd. iyeraddytoidhUdionAnd th at lugs eon , of ProPsfOr the/ 0107. - . . . • • - • .:-_. --,--- -;,:tr,-;;;-,--.--,;:-...; ,zPA'-';',-a-,,-,;-,-ei-.At_ Z-- ~t,giler.l*:,-,---- .0 - ' ,. ...:-. 3 ~, , ,,r - -- x t , i, -4, 4 ~-., - -44-P-vv:--, 41:-Pfa*,"4! ON - 41..q, -'' o :,` .-- -14'f ' ~..t c . ~g•,_ , •••••''''''''-' ::`• v•".-:4.r1,71;t'f-34,--,•'-',,PI •-••74 , -. V . 4, .•., -A- . 1- ' - ' ' ,c.,.,,,5,e,-, -(,-;.skt L.,_,A,•.•‘,.4.-A-A -;*''.::,*:•::•",?••s,:'4'•:;:faar',44:.--2.4.„416":AA. •,-, -' • • ' : , ''.• -,-', " .=-• •••:?..',Ip-.1•45*..fl : - . •, ; -; ..‹.Afi ,, "" - LIPOILTANT IBETUNI COailcils This Afternoon—The Planet Stand QuesUon This afternoon there will be held special meeting of the Pittsburgh Coun cils, to take into consideration the pro. posed re-selling of the leases, or rather choice of stalls and stands in the Dia. mond Market The Market Committee, we believe, are heartily in favor of the - Movement, and a repot to tha. effect will probably be presented by the chair man at the session this afternoon. The butchers will bring organized oppoaition to the change, and light the measure with much vigor and °erogenic's'. At a meeting of the Market Cominittee held on Saturday, • delegation of butchers were admitted to the floor and made re monstrance against the ordinance. They bold, that they are wiling to pay an additional or higher rent, but seriously object to being again put Into competition for choice of della They say they have added to the worth of their places of business by personal effort and energy. and that It would be MA act of injustice to sell away fluen them their once purchased and pain for right to occupy them. Indeed, the butch ers go farther and promise to relapse to attend the sale, and If the worst comes, to abandon the market altogether and set up one of their own. They variously estimate the value of the stalls bat argue that the first purchase of choice, made some twelve years ago on the opening and occupancy of the market house, did not contemplate a second voodoo at the close of the term - of ten years, On the other hand, the Market Commit tee urge that the first !OM did contemplate anther auction for choice when the term of ten years had expired, that that term ceased nearly two year. ago, and the Mande certainly revert to the city and are at the disposal of Council. On the first of January, no matter w hatosr- Son Councils may take today, the chairman of the hiarket Committee wilt legally take Posseadon of the stalls and stands, by giving the lessees ninety days [MCC° to quiet. This action will be pro per end beetling like, and will leave the whole anhject open for disposal by the next or following. councils. Aa the mat ter stands, it promisee to afford consider able trouble to the City Fathers tp straighten out, and the proceedings tit day will be looked for with greet in tercet. I=l The water question will hardly be reached to-day in the Common branch, as under the roles it will require • throe fourths vote of the member. present to bring it up for action. Timm In favor of the Coleman-Rohm site are nut sufficient. ly 11011301 , 311 e to carry them point In that direction, although. we incline to think they have a working majority If the ordi mince could be resurrected py the sus pension of roles. It will come np In regular order at the next stated meeting of Councils. AMUstakellta. TICE CONCERT.— The music loving por Hon of the cornuinntly are anticipating a rare feast on Tuesday and WrdnetsdaY 'atoning next, at which' Halo Theodore Thomas, with his orchestra of forty six leading instrumental artiata, will ap pear at Masonic Hall In two of his grand orehestn concerts. The following. Which wo clip from the editorial columns of the Cincinnati Com:n..l - 6 , 11, la an Lodi cation of how the comsat., are apprecia ted in that city , Tbe appearance In our midst of The odors Thomas and his orchestra 'has core aced a musical excitement such as las. never been known before. The tom! musicians themselves are in a peoalla asndinon of exalunion, such as can coal . be eoroprobendod by those who have boon tOucbed by what is termed .musk madness."' The guile M regerved sesta will com Inane° at Mao o'clock this morning at Kleber's nitt.ic store on Wood Street, and there will doubtlesa be a greed rush for them. Oran... Hot se..—"Formotei - at the Opera flouse lest week, was not a stir. oink a ftict which cannot be attributed to Mr. Canning or his excellent company, the piece was well put on the stage, and. we doubt if the roles of "Jenny Boker" and "Tout Burroughs," the he. mine and hero, assumed rimpectirelY by Miss Osborne and Mr. Christer, were over better sustained. This eveutug Mica Emma Maddern, a most dashing yonuf actress, wilt appekres Patti, in the "Pet of the politic:mita, - and In SLR characters In "Our Brume' PITTSBURGH THRA7ILEISIadSGIBBIIB yeah, whose daring and fearless. yet unmanl performance on the trapez at trseted such admiration at the Old Theatre letw Week, will romsin at that Institution one week longer, and Mans ger Williams antumnoes several new at• trricDcww. , APADEUT op Mcsic.—This evening, Mr. G. L. Fox with hie prantoutlrue troupe will commence a brief season at the Academy of Moran. , "Flumpty Dumpty" and olliccory Dircory Dwk" will be presented with all the original tricks and stage machinery. The Martin ballet troupe accompanies Mr. Fox -01111/d AN 0P1C8.1,.. —IT . 0 rau 's oelebrated Opera troupe will inaugurate a brief sea son of dye nights and one matinee of grand German Opera, at the Academy of Music, txrmmenclog Tumidity, Decerm bar set, when favorite German operas which have ant t a mp represented In this city for a number of years will be pro ducecL MONOPOLTEA.—Rev. 8 P. Linn will de liver a lecture on the subject of "Monty. elks" at Lafayette Hall, Thursday even ing owe. As to what particular channel of thought the lecturer will follow, we are not Informed, nor do wo expect to be - nattl we hear the lecture. cnorcq Mm . The congregation er the- Pint Riptitil Church (Rev. J. 8. Dickeraon's) a few days Sinop supplied the rosin auditorium of their handsome edifice with a new anti beautiful organ. Toe Instrument -lea Made by the celebrated Manua.. curer, Mr. Wm. A. Johnson, of West field, and la pronounced by competent judges to be one of the lineat of its character in the country,. it occupies a portion of the church at the front, directly facing the centre stele, and stands sixteen feet high, twelve feet ' wide, and eight feet deart — The casing a of imported Chestnut, oiled and via. Dished, and decorated tastefully with dark ask trimmings, which renders the estarier soliesranee very nest and wt-- tractive. It is provided with two lianas of keys and twenty-three stops..*lth all the other appurtnitanoea of a first class in strument, and cast, when completed. B As yet there has been no special trial, bat visitors to the March, at the morn lag and evening services, yesterday, had a alight evidence of its capacity,. when it wM niattlpvalated by fate , John la. - Ever- NON SaltiMULigrid ,aaminpliatakl MT.I6. M an. In every respect this' brelkalnary trial gave satbfaottou. revealing &clear, full, meet tone, with a volume and. fitejirer.,:jwblea came-fully up to the highest expectationit of the builder and purchalitra. It Is probable a more pub. Ito trial allll 'he given alwirtly,.when it , will be subjected to a more thorough and conspleua tag. tlf It but answer them, ball an well as an yesterday, the oneertalisly in havetto fault to du may congratulate them. selves lu the hoammalon of a handsaw* ornament to tbelr church, and One or the Quest molded Instruments In the city. ea • Beal Estate l'renstera 'The Milstein deeds arnreradmlttq 91 ireCOrd In the offieeof T. A. Rueter, Eaq , Recorder for the ootudy of Alleghepy, Saturday, Demister' /43 81 *-- sasersalams to Joan 800. ey. re.hrOary 211 WA; Wien ters‘leerton e.t.aAV tre•tte Mary J. no./ Jr.. lerritoteca t.) 40 1 rerW-. w e , nern Se s. Erze and parege• 111... t .1.903 ' 0 ,6; ` l ,;l%;,l„'i.t,•.i r r;.t.%' l l:AltyVVlii r W. twin to Fettle 11 urn. Actg. rit le 4• S ,r_vg.l.l.,wr;g' , `,TrhAl'i 7,1 - CA Div... ekes Mame totrestrp i .. ..... vidiDelletake__Cr or Walley i t. P In i *WM: ItIrtillieM711;1: 11 4 11 Ur% US on Sprlae 'en ITCLUIr eaters ; by Woo. Ches. MP UAL metro. Aim ettte. 4.48 120 . l e fri andel: kW. es. emu Drt Xdirerdelet Will °erne. llrre. rr. , rat on "Awards alley.ll.l AU nil it 5,14.4.111 . Pi tree Litt .*, K. 'JIM" 13 1 :11r d 'Is 'emu --11 tam btoi;;a - ;;:"rrtV Mobs "aa %Sm. t. ll Intrn. Plutenree*Aco: Jewel 1.. arshell to Petit , oak e.. LEM Ma. EM 04,611, 4 1 .' C hi ..'"Vt"2l.lF4' Psi Mau& 11to, . "Thataita Eifrataat Veal Info )5110‘11/ said q 284 l'Arink;iBl66a t =1.320741Tedi after .'" think Ul t---. it jetted cis without The bar _tam dined a a 1 a tam'to and ragnnste .ige who L t r i„..e„.mr, pais d blin on e p gm , Ce 7 W" eilh4 la MI !Wr i te irs epot ducted tothitentbs w Bided witbladalulli by 4 11 4 6 = en ElaadlY marninf war d , *(o4; l i m in g notion a ux nab names • ** 4- ' 3a .."0111,110E.1 d,y, and .tenth Ler ot i Vi cul lial "" r n sa d - a d ra nn lt t i ti, lk i lr ana :ll r . !Italinaarr.l:l:l PrITSECEGEr DAILY GAZETTE: MONDAY MOit I e DE ::4: 13 THE COURTS DLittlet Court—.l ad ge Klilipalitek SAITUDAN, December 1.1•--In the case of Johneon vs. Smith, the breach of romtse case, previously reported, the Jury found for the plaintiff In the earn of 576. The usual Saturday basin® wee trans acted. TRIAL LIST TOR MONDAY No. 58. Drew vs. owners of the Memo boat •' Eliahs Bennett. 62. Burbridge & Co., ve.MoDevitt. E.. 'Royceiler et. it. vi. Grandy 's administrstrli. 6. K. reusitsmE vs. fume. E. Fulton vs. Fallon's executors. 4 4 411yde vs. Robinson. roll a Co. 44. Koontz vs. McKelvey. Common Pleas—Judges Sterrett and IZET22 Saktapar, December 11.—R. S. Mor rison, F.eq., presented the petition of Catharine Monahan, who la confined in the county Jail on a cables, Issued by Mayor Brush, for non-payment of a floe far selling ISOM on Bands*. PraYlnif that a writ of hoZ.aa corpus might home, commanding the Warden to produce her body in Court,lth the dayland cause of 1 [ commitment, • hject to the deereeof the Court. Petitio received and writ award ed, returnable on Monday, December 13th, wi th notl . etc. TRIAL allr POB. MONDAY. 278 Little, et al. vs Mekboy. 30.5 Waring vs, Thomas. 305 Waring vs. Loonier. 209 Best, Thompson & Co. vs. Kenyon. 313 Thom* vi. Lindenfelser. 318 Elliott & Son vs. Neal 116 Barnes ye. Ibindeay, of al. 318 Smith mt. Matiboy. 319 Stewart vs. Clark & Sumner. :r2O Hughes, et ox. vs. Franey. 351 Fiidgera vs. King, et al. I I ato Commonwealth, firma vs. Miller. • 324 Clement vs. Sample. (keener Sessiouv—inall Bench. SATURDAY, December —William Einstein, convicted at September amnion on nble indictments for Illegal liquor selling, was rolled up for sentence. Judge Stowe stated that doe regard would be paid to the recommendation of mercy made by the Jury, and that eon lance wattle be impended In four cases. provided the costs were paid within two weeks- On each of the remaining five eases, numbered 80, 403, 164, lab and 166 of September term, the defendant was .tdauced to pay a fine of fifty dollars, the costs of prosecution, and to undergo ten day.' Imprisonment to the Work Bones, making an aggregate of two hurt. and day dollars fine and fifty days in the Work House. Gerhardt Stonily, who boa bean con fined in Jell for several weeks for surety of the peace, wan dia•harged by order of the Court, and the prosecutor held for the mate. TRIAL LINT FOR MONDAY. 29. COM. vs. Owen McDonald. 15. " John Keneretn-2 cues. 856. " Dennis Crowley. 2163. " John 47. .• W.. 1. Roblneon-2 masa. FO. " W. C. Meredath. H. H. Meyers. 21. " Cherie. Ramsey. 418. 11 Jobn A. McGraw. 51. " Thomas Hutchings. 66. " Ella Oyler. W. " Anne tirudon- 2 cases. 46. " A. G. Walters. TELL LIMY {VII TUESDAY. • VO. Dow. TS. Allen Taylor, el at. 199. " Thomas Fielder. •• Adam Showers. Se. •' Crux lea Fr•:m11. 67. &honer. Ml." Edward Lynch. " Lilly Ragere-2 came. en." Jacob &wanner. 91. " Jobs Modem. 92. " Win. Heckert. " lAwrenee 8011. 435. H, t 3. liabooek-2 caws 3u7. " u. S. Selkrtet. Compressed Nell! We pubilahed Saturday, a brief article on the high aspect talons entertained In England, of the euocese and great value of the process known as the Whitworth .discovery, for subjecting Iron and steel In a molten state, to an enormous pre.. SUM. WO learn today, that some two years I agn, Mtwara. Sterribew d.Tarr encored a patent for their method of compreaslng metals to a molten state. and have at great emit, had externals° and musty° machinery, manufactured at the Attu Works, In this city, and after numerous experiments at the Black Diamond steel works of Messrs. Park USA. d Co.tanc eroded to the manufacture of compreets.' ed cast steel passenger oar wheels, which have. by the severest teats at the shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Altoona, ' been demonstrated to stigmas anything known In England or America. Teti English and W. Whit worth will have to rise earlier In the morning to keep up with Yankee Ingenuity, and with our Pittsburgh workshop. The Preeldant's ft, tugs is everywhere the subject of conversation. It is praised and erittehaull, nicked into small pieces and put together again, much to t h e *di ti.tlon of the "pickers and patehers" Lieretrally it gives eatiatkralon. We no tice however. that he neglects, by some overaight,,to call the attention of Con. green to the great benefit that the country Is reosiving by the manufacture of Pier, Denman dt tr.'s Cream Ale. It is appa rent that this article, by taking the puce of stronger liquors. .111 eventually do so much for the prevention of inebriety, bat it deserves the encour ag ement and patronage of great and small, and it Ilfa calves it. Employment Olbso,--Girla warded for cooks and private familias h the city. a. El. Lori, at No. 12 Federal street.. near bridge, Allegheny City, at the Ilex. tar Washing llsoldne Offies. lm A yaw feature has turned up In the Richardson scandaL The friendeorldrs. I I McFarland aver that her relations with Richardson were at all times innocent; that at no time did she entertain the least idea of marrying, and that when the Richardaon letter was published last spring, mentioning his Intention of MU. rying her, she felt shocked and thorough ly annoyed; that she was determined to be rid . of McFarland, bat would not consent to marry Richardson until the very last moment. when, her name Me tes been so closely wised up in the affair, she 'ffeternahrod to provide for her (*di .dren by becoming his rife, and thus obtain her share of Richer dson's properly. All this Is to be brought, out on the trial. It is reported that a sharp correspondonee bas passed between Beeches and Greeley. In which the former bitterly complains of the manner in which ha has been misled by false representations In regard to th ns a l relations of the various parties pervbi to-the:hater Rouser marriage ceremony.l It Is also said the/ unless Greeley exciter.; atea Fletcher publicly from-the churl brought gadget tam. judlchilly ea other., wise, the regand;gattlematt Ida furnish the coeteetioudeace for shill:attest to the • 4 Dormer &maitre MeLatiorttnt, or Cumberland county, thus writes on . the Bchoeppe easel: The Jury before Wham he was vied wu notably one of -the moat I)2 try tel , • li ed gen w t as eleg eirt era uar n ly ell of e t a d o ef ig erulan cma t'e own choosing, for although Mallow gave him twenty peremptory chillengea and se It meted tight to cholla:010room, heludygised ther rativOif 140 attain. , • es allowed him. In commenting on the use the Barris. t ! geih — Teleyecodi .e ye: "Trio public !should know that' WW.letld 4Wift of Dr. .SehoepPeare using their tittrioOdoitsto Satisfy the GovOmithat tber,ii reason -410 lontit'prbilot, gip foto. of the P(lriatelatltlteu are olCu3taigifi oftti Poretult. is the ,Colorna.Valms. COnirentlon at vac gland cultural Mora* * 4.4610, average _9.- 1 41 1h9 u t $ OO Pct 74a4 f owl th at this - ioss,rata wag. ttsa, result. oL,9ousbinatton =Pith*/ taintem, ThO Nitutuly irro. Pgaelt WAG t0.043/4e.labOCM9r•Alearre by looklnglinhoteXthuld;,oWaatoo. It was pnotowoOl•tal oak WPF-w ookailvtd• the pahnikftdo_.ha tharioati l o o _ __.twont7- sore farms, to woo! On 9 sat .o-aoudance , entitle 'antler WA Won_ I,:aa4 Woo to place AnAltaboodsot a VommlWan au= of money; zot. , exesedlng $2,1)00,000, to aid th eir mettlemeutfaad alacstortrettsaa lands Ist tates *We no pulalsbinds aro kola, the Owner An-ho tar ita fens, 1146 at Aniramnbl• old ileac,:who__ fbneterly holdthe position or ortho Peace, who lOao 010 dor aetostati;lit Ili street bysyontb.4a-s=minsekVdat did sot lattutsgp tobbilMoealdokofilooponadoe hin4.,,,"Yataltplan.".aald ha' ZiroJoh forixiaboaptoi ototooZ- - ; 2;,z ',..f•)4YWW,ladtea-troshk!tio*Oder. "you rjoah • two!ogrghW! ,: . 110 'OW - to vide& an antaminutly 'slava Kt talect of Oontotapt." - I ME Stock of Ott to the Vatted State. Below will be found the actual or att• mated cocks of 01l to the United States on December Ist. The stocks in Pitts burgh, on railroads, at Cleveland and at Corry, Erie and Buffalo are estimated, but we are confident that they are not far from correct. Of the stock In the West Virginia and Ohio oil dthiricts. 35,000 bbls. Is located at Burning Springs and vicinity, and the remaining 15,000 at different points In both districts. The stock in the United States, of crude or its equivalent, was located as follows : At New York, Ltd. 131 At. blind ights 1.3..000 At Pittsburgh 1n....03 At Cleveland ";MO In Oh trisr.e. or Penn 5,,...... St 0.0 In Orl Lna.rict of W. Virginia and 0010. mew At grit., Corry rad .-nitalo 100 J At Ilostonsso arttlenons 'X ..a. Ms ttalimads In transit. ..... .......... ...... 33 CM CM `Web Jurtiary Ist. taiSi. about obis 6 . 0) . J. 1.4 WZ, about The total stock In December la, It will be seen, stout 700,000 barrels, or about the same an that nn July Ist this year, and about 100,000 barrels leo than on January Ist. The stock or Lubricating Oil In Writ Vlrglniaon December 1&t, was from 40,000 14)45,000 barrels. AdalUanal "lariats by Telegrapb CIIICAOO, Dec. 11.—At open board in the afternoon the grain markets were only moderately active, but price. were firmer; No. 2 flitting Wheat sold at 859 E %Sae, cub, closing steady; corn quiet and firmer, at 7643,77 e for round and car iota of fresh remount, cash; other grades neglected but firm at the close 'Change. Evening markets lifeless. Provisions quiet but firmer, buyers appearing out side the prim; sales of Short Elba, full cured, at Ibk,e, and Rough Sides, twen ty days In salt, at 14,40. =I COOPIER—Ou RV' hide/. D e. 11th. 1609. a , ter realdette.aauttev• a. Mrs. !SARAH CODPER affed Mites/axe. The r. mates .111 arrive et the Osten Der. , • at eta Week. baler, 3ro.elnee, Tam. •eet.o 1.0001, to proceed to lb. •Ilritteey oroetery. in. friends of tn. family •re reMentrnln tattled to • Mend. lINDEItTAKEIBB B. PArrtnerte . , ..... I.• W iht.t • KS. EATT . ! FILSON & WILLIAMS, Uneerisirt rt., earner el Firth ...... awl h Stress, Fltintnegh. (.1.100. of ell *WA 151110nd*. Bengt • nodl/Ineet, WO mil '1...V - V. of Rifler.] Verniihing good• tarnished on W. most 0. .seeable term. It the 0111. He.. AAA esrringes anished. «Mee open day_nein rinRULES & PEETILES A p . I I .IiT A N AY•f AN D I.IV Kg tiTA DLO , I U ISTIDLET AAD CHUM Allegheny (111. where 11(11 ;11 econAtimily suy,rted rein ol imitation Inn *cod, lialignel non Wnrtilt Mann, wire. nrylng (WM An to IRMA Di &CA iiinplienti rut larttinent- Hearst. An.l CA • Mao., rtagalibegi also, .11 tinny a 110111 lAN Bonds, lf nertersig. sll hoax-, (102 and aletrt• josrpn auFtEu & son, lIICDEATA.K.32I/IS. N. 4114 VrtiN 6TRILILI Carriage./ far Flinalni., 113/.00 Maea. 001711115 sod all ?suers! Fungal:mums st d 114.4 tat.. WHOI.r 4 A T.FI GROCERS. &o ESTABLISHED BR A. & T. GORKY, 1812. W. ffi. &ÜBMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER. No. 271 Liberty Street, PITTSBO RO H, PA. Si. STZZLI J. A. STICILLK. M . & SON, Commission Merchants I= 1 , 1.01U11, 0 IL& IN, F`E.IF.I3, site. No. INS Unto PTKLET. wear K Cuarmos. IM==E FITLY KEIL - JAMICS I. RICH LRT KEIL & BICEIART, "ZorommoSlON OSEIECEIANTS, /AD P. 1.3241 Ir non, GPM, BEEN, LULL FEED, ea 349 1.194419 al.. Pititabor39- 1479i.0r mE A NOR & HARPER, TLOIIIt, tillalti AID PUODUCI Commission Mere liants No. Lo LSBIGUTT 11111111411 T. W. C. ARMSTRONG, (eluceca•or to Tamar • Areassrong.) PRODUCE CORHINSIIO/1 MERCHANT Pie. 25 Market Street. L. J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer No. 300 PENN STELE? n'TLE, BAUM & PATTON, kirrarelrriit= c i , , Valipg Merchants 4.4.011. Nrlis,Crars. Lvttas Yarns end AU Plmblk bi 1112..” nes ca:gIg L ILV wag U 4 MIOND STRAT. way.. sorsa. AD.. NOCIR..-Wit. N. NutNM Tom I. HOUSE &anal', 'inc . erasers to JOHN 1. 11011NIC • CO., so le Otoote• zoo toslttloN IlerNottot. of •Nattbik Co td •od Water stretta. Pl,,storm._ J01D1........................J. WALLACL INoP T ON bWis ALLACOE.WhoIt. 8•L.i6enT61M6D1666.106b4A4 .JOHN 000 Plat & Bell and Brass Founders, 81161118, LOCOIRY/1111 I MUM lubl. BILASIXES Made Preunptlig to Order. BABElirB I.IITAL Made and Kept on Hand p.m:vim. MA InirkfligUMOTl Of J.M.Coopershkroved Balance Wbeel .STEAM PUMP. WI PENN MDT , Pectin, wallow' itannud iamb, B ; INEICHINT TAILIIII, (true of Pea and Sixth Streets FALL MIR WINTER met 1-b4, ro w costP 4 41314:301-41:11PrEEK 13 Bertire•i:nditerointed, -7,17 a xxsz.a.wws, =I mamas Van. ilas dock et YAW. Todd ♦ Ca 'II Oaf • Peas at af. oa laa—ess bast to tna siadteL Ag..try Pea suaraatord., N OV E LTY WOBIO. • DissolulloiriCrailk. - ?haPo aftaaitenteendatiay and.' the Ina al Au ) .* ROMS ALMS. , w w 4 a 4. beta diaaare6 by anatualosaasst.• , Parrandada, gatlisedgat AVM T. • • leaPace4nalth eism audadilasar, .iamfall McKee' K. land Maw; 121213":71111.,144:111.1k, 144 AL L Op _ 1 •." tit ; a I *, *WWI. van alar n ini,stml. Bent. •• - I, m• 4m,--4ettu/s. I rlicra l a" l " M l galL : ". - .13BLS CIEIOICE-APPL.4 .75 morn FAT '-•: turgioasi CLW7IILD. 2% BM PIMPLE% ti ramie), J. D. CUMULI), . N TIC ES—" L.a.," •For "L o d," Wants," "1 1 ..gc1," " Boardmg," Be., not crowding FOC R LIN Es, be inserted iw these columns one* for TIVEN TY-FIVE OEN TS; each wL Nona! tine FIVE CENTS. WANTS grAIiTED.-4 few young En gROETIC r 1. 5 to solicEt orders fox a *prig . Ca o earn fom SIC to SIB • week Or partlealargi, 4.141.11 w V.. 011. or 'lca. WAFTED. --TWO 130 VP p ply at MOuN lIS .A.SK KT kr - IVRY Vt. saw. street. Plaasaut All. the, y WANTED.—A Gentleman and LADY BOAILDE It to aCCOpy candor,. able room. on ennead boor, ottn .1 reasonable rate, In • •ery I..callty, Allegan., ettl. Andrew C. Claims UT "ICS. WALN'rED•-•.-HELP•-•-•-AT Eln• FLAMM/NT OrTICE, Xo. I Et. Clair Eiroot. BOTO riIRLO urd lIKN for dllerent Morro of oroplornear. PerUnd onond2 Ulf ol Ilads eon Os mooned on Worth co. a WANTED—An AGENT tor this ZTL7 41%."1.7:A11t , r ,: r bt, 11 .1 olrer terms morethan soy WC. r company. Call and azazoloa at 161 Wood , tree H. C. an win. Travel's, Ascot. W WED.—A GENTS every- NV MIRK to *ell We A-YUMAN d IT- Tl2lO lill."1HIN 6, the only fheottna KulLang Msoblne ever Invented. PII. N 111 Win WrIe2VITSTA gl Cl' iooston Mass.. or 84. Loot, Igo. WANTED. - MOIZTGADE4. - 590.006 to Loan I T n large or small monads. HOMAS H• PRTYY, 861. Bond and Real Estate Broker, No. 119 VW-41160d weal. WASTED. _'lo 1301100 W. 13.000. — Three tt 0vu..11 dollars of $6OO or more. for two or threw lean, of VI I= property ri•eo as security. Adtiremi t im toed Heel,. I. E•, W ANT ED. —A G ENTO. V. 154) ED moutl3 IA sell Hie Anly WHAM NE IM PROVED SIUMMON sILIt +A t tLith .. l Y.ll MA CHINE. Price oug • rea . rs ., d ez i o:r .- laLin"ol to ,. e;:y-11 &keg to. t ' iansutts • !Elastic Los, stitep •• -Alll no Ant n I t 0911 ul.l .b:1 c t t: . ginTant7t:;.l - stni nom b an. Moo to talla d sa eb,nl II•T W s.l Ad.,.... l, .e 0 1 1 10- 3 ar e f Infriogific H PltaluAt, of 1 1,-t -a.(Al.,Motwaa. WARTED. 50 COAL DIGGERS WM dud plemant quarters, eanatsat employ sand mg good vaguest the Woe. of tko, "Mercer Iron and Coal C 0.," At Banneboro, on the Jaffa...ow. and ►r nittlin linny, Karat county. ♦ll rW from kitu- Car►E• ♦DDIT to H. B. BLO'.,D, n01..4-422 OVAIHAL LOIN r. Stone boro. TO-I.IIT trO•LE'r.—a / s :tarnished Roam tatt•trte tor t.••• m- a. Terms rratoa a..". "gutta at !Ala OWL'S D •YR It Ult. rrOLIET.—One large FRONT a Roo Id.fie.nd story. tunable tbr Dottie. . :.ate craw.. tiantladsen, wilt board. at N.. IV WYLIE aTit&Z . 2.1411 -LET .-110 0 111.—A FOrliieb -471, PROW? EUXIII, very orWrotoir, I Ult. e fortwo (antic:two. Inquire at 33 NINTH woe or rrOMILET, WITH nossinira.— A. /LEI 1,14101.. t • Mit 11110111.t.1. Os Pail_ no bt Roar, with or ;MAN.. witlitio,w room lin NORTH A VENHL. wititffhow, OILY. FOR Shi..LEI. r, 4111 SALE. A: COAI. LAN 133.—0ne Of the but n. rte ever offered, at priv•te sale. Would esentht• for city pretovoty. 11/AIMS-310 moth to Shannon coty. no,. $lOll Ro ßoot. to Moscato< county. o.; 3 un o3 acres In Wilkluthe county. U.: 4.000 s meth. to Testa , . 3C *CM. one sulk 'men tharpsbort. Pa. Severs. Coe 1111101. Hollnith. land • Immix T of num Sail UM4LIDIU 1100SIth on dlde.vot streets. 14nel for Bale on nearly .•try praetor., 54e..1.. Great thronla• to nthotodold: ten then • .tho . dth pot. !theses VO thou. Money to Lon , .. Inquire ol It. n. WILLIAMS nest Kato to and Inset mom /L4retat, om,ven It, Pitts burgh. 1,-. upooaleo Joon, Iplacopol FOR BALE. ..%IA Lots on Spear Inn, Seer ate ward, price 1116.500; 101 ac oar Pleat if dation, $3,000; 11.u.0 nod to;, 64 Jae.. street, 13.600: 41 boars on Pl. inlng, 11.1100 Oa*" * boas. ad 3 lOU In Pleasant Va.., 44. 300: 6 acres a Hamra towalnip OD Er. r• road,l .....! . .". ° 2;.? I ra :21 rg Z 4 1 at, d to Bellearne Boren 11:110 ; bona alola, had of Hearer .tenet. 1101.5311; boa. ad 1 acres Is Elisabeth deco, 51.600; lama ad lot I. Bruhearater, Bete.? csagii boos anat. al rooms, lot 66 by 1110 Bre .000: C 0... 0% 101? oala Mallon. 34 acres, .0 la , aro. Itsalre of 14. ormiTkor sc. Wal Louts Aim., cars. Üblo Creca. illeghenr• 12: ERSONAI--All persons seek -164 11011311, la Beal Le Wilt are titre. trouble ad .aosel aortnt a copy of *a 'PITTS Hlll6ll/1 RELI 11611 ATS. 11.1.161111 L" 11 a tlr• 01 ;a 113 peolll be 'cot by call rata to at rasa...all. rsons rattnot iall to tret suited coot of the ;seas 111 11 a 1' Atari PP.11.1.1M, roe- Ushers 4.04 5.01 acaba. 6, 134 Fmrt, FOR KALE. —Eninmes and Roil n,-a; Ness an., Send *last of all IL tads ...anti) outland. Opts." MOO Eli parts of the CalostrY Proao , worsted. JAMES a 00.. Conker Murton .Ivan oe a P. ►. W. a 0. s. W, AllexttesT. Pa. HARE 11 1 13ANCE TO PUIR CU•sr A BUILDING I.—Two 1.4144 121 A-M . ewrn 50 fast Dont es Bathe hoed t. 41110 feet In death. %Mast.may Benner. Statics cad new brie., over LlOlO4llO 0.1444. Team WU nal, ate essokL and We? will 04 sold ate low pries to close ant the plot. CUTIIIIBBT • SIMI. de • =Plumb 4441244.. rowa LAND FOR PA LE.—.1300 d o Aorta of etedce land Lb one of ago best eau tl •10 lowa beer tke tl. tof f bieuoo Northoroster• lial•rood, Alb *ye the moot product". e panto. or tbo WM be told " It.VILV M c ; ft., 1104 /monk avenie. la RALE. —ENGIN Eli AND aur ava 0.,• and Amara-baud. aor 0..01y no !mad nod boa. ht. is CH a BRO.. Cont. Senontodnah and PPOsliwoOk. P. Me Or,* ‘9ol:tf I i' . OlY. OEU N IL: CUTLERY 100 WOOD ST IZEET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, MOH WAN AND CHINA. BZW 1 97NANXIN c h s. tan whs. INCHING AWO 10/S. SILVER PLATED 600D8 CM Call sad examine oar peas, sad ioa rod aallstoa ao aa•amed roll Oa be salts& 18 E. BREED & CO. 100 WoOill BTUEET. CALL AND NEE'" TEM NEW China Sets, Perim Stataetts, Wan sad ishatri v = 4 Sig stoshisli fhs Chs H. many & C 013., 189 UMW/ STROM tam lissomness cif this Whits Snails Wu**. fgailtthoS MOM.. ashcfs sh iss4. . os7 / A 112/1 131 Z,V10111:YA A 3 11:9__Vi :II A 2'l ROBERT 11. PATIBBSON & CO., coax= ow Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., prrronerneeti. ye. Wiit on Every Saturday Hold AA AUCTION SALE GORSES, CIPIAGES, BUGGIES W4GONs. - Aatrerkiolt "Pestokaftliko Llano, P of da. tog to sew sew please leans shoats stetwo of anssiposoent ow et Wars TtousWw/ col weak La Oder wt advsstaisg. peossza ss. seas Son sad. kcapo ova sill Os Wen all Hasa ledk JOHI U. STEWART, Wilmer. ICI= IITSWAWL.«....101111..11.1141111S0M RODTAEL PATTEIIIOO & OM, LIVEIVF. HUME_ AMID COMNIMECCON - :r:' COL On* 02101 t'llannWit, PO. .i :t,i:g,v ii:! Basus - go!IEB, ma awn weoctufflim smunm. , ins. slow mamas. mown% s. MOW ottositos Ono to lko &Mashie sad Wino of VMS MOIR oat rand MUM& INSURANGEI THE NEWT JERSEY Mutual' Life Insurance Co:, NEWARK, N. As, , ets, Over 8500,000 Al, 'Alden Isourd br 11 , 1 9'l'6" Idly Nua-YorLeillng Ante, the parlAssl. of on* Am AA Al Pre onturn Divide.* anieually declared •a *DOW, to 1.01,1 noon, premium. either on tbc porn:UMW Increase of the policy. or In reduction of P....a. HENRY KIRKPATRICK, General Agent, 167 1-2 Wood Street, (2d floor, I= sir Itektable Alpopa srantad. do3"1711 itk -- IVU AT MOUE ACCEPTABLE . 7 Chet , tzoss p oleo( to sloolog •d. soOtber or Wtor th. a Pone) of Lae Latarture la THE PENN MUTUAL Life Insurance Compan Or PHILADEL raze- The Only Truly Mutual Camptity Is the City or State AUCTI111:11.A TIP CA Pri'LL W 5OO . COO Mff!ll2l Mans la .special w...htfie la taking eta Pal/c7 taw. as these who At tack policies bolo January tat will have the benefit at the 60 p. .ant. Ittvaisad at Animas', ..:t. JOSEPH S. TRAVELU. Agent. OITIIC3 - 31 FUME AVINUI, Sid 7110 f. Room No. S. C15211=13 TEE IRON am 111111 AL LIFE INSLRANCE CO Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Festers! St., klleOeny City DILIS.ZOTOKII H. NA, J. JAN= L CLLYLKO. LIILA. J. 11•11, Cop, H. 1LL1811.../0 1 , tif.lPlih s r, i' ihs.. Nc • A. EKED CA...or Alle4balsf Tr.% 00. &VA') IVlrte.ri=itgt. ,, C. W. BENS Y, Hotter, -L. A. K. BEL.L.,_,AUOnOw-at w, PATTEVELIN, Lumber, . 8001.AirIL. leuuravos AlC1:14 Capt. HOOT. Houtison, Praoldwat. Baw..II.II,,,CLAILK.D. D. Vies • J•C011 RUBEL Seertitary,. C. W. WCICXY. Traumas . . M. W . WHITE. liantc4.l. Amnsuci. [WWI BRO6IEII, tienq Agent TEN Is • • !loam company. conducts,' we Monett - nal eacb policy bold. ffeeeletng eqE•l Gun of tbe psvilta of the Company. will ee Lanai on all the different plass of Ineurance, and being conducted on etxe n l= s to c 3 c s a B c le nal b•ls elll •Dor &ab thna lb. o bolder, e nure Im u tn. l 6 e CASH INSURANCE COMPANY. PIII3LLWEI BOLLDING. Ile. 13 Irina £1 , 113.i. Seeps& Rom, PTTTSIGIBEIB. PA. capitol All r old QR DIRECTUSEL ..t‘L l w . Vl=l! co!°&1 11-B eelr . Jain MIL, A. ni NVlneten. Jae. X '3 216•11.0. • Them. Smith, ,Jno.S. RGEERT H. NINO, Preeldent. iNn. V. JENNINGS. Vies PradeUent• JOS. T. JOHNsTON, Cant. X. J. OX•CIIL Gong Bent Ware. on Liberal Terms 0.11 all Sire and 'Caine Mat& exEsSf ERN LAMMAS= CORI SLA/AgrirDSPHLAMICir. BD 4L Presidcab, IlLaßeitT. Secretary. APT. 6111OIDEEZ. MELIA), ticebbbi Otioe. 911 W•ter men, 81••• • 0.4 Wear bltilEtt=fritfte The Sad ND. Ithrks. A home lostltratiou.monarced by Dl uwh um wet] tiro.. to the community. rtetericricar try prompthem mad Ilter- Mlty Nmettain ,he a...cantor .tech tbel babe wybea. al osiel tng hbc but orrutocilmi SO QOM rho C ol avallo to be Loitorol. -a retu 11e0MI. so • .11.1..artacr bt. Miller. Jr., Js.m.r• LIE aantl A.drv. Davl.l M. Lor , lt. D. Itica.L. plaza B. Zv WlD attli, tier =I6Z. Ciontsoft: pucvsyLv LLN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTENSIIIIIPII OPTICS. Mo. 151)., WOOD SPILL=S. SA BI UN C.IOILLEILCX. ibis Ls • biome Company, sad Warne Wiwi ines by we eultuivelv. LEONARD WALTZ/L. recede:et. C. C. BOYd VCK ine President. 1201iMier A RI Treamer. kIliP3ll Ye /MY. , Beeretary. ueenlarel Wal6“ . . 0 . 6, V y :" .... . boo. . irsall. thnit, .. Robert Catriec. : j 1: S: Pie= 3."31.1Pa1nt.T. Jcatah Ilins, loka Voqrtin, Ja... H. Hor.laz. A. ammo. Mt Scarf SD..d. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BT rms. iV3IIIIX INWEANCE CO. OF FRIMADELRI 0771171.4 n • *II 081121TIMIT 117 D 1.1410201311. Marto, W. 11.1.0[11. 7 . I➢ Lt. Lend ' a. pp s tr.. w Kavrard raleali:Ver ,Thlg3Pr: 84 riehitlaingir ' al "' Xart6 Wait coks' TRW wa wag= scaLan.rn NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Car. Wend Rt. and Diamond, illegkaly, , esuint 10. the SZCOND NATIONAL BANN M liiißnang4gg , .. • r ..= Ifralkart..r.c.ro4, ,Itobart _ a. 1 o.ii.rilltiltalas Jan. Is ~EOPLES , INSURANCE! GONE lyrics. N. z. wax= wooD I sums en. ii.liasellesuwlM.Eakiair link sad Karma illta D1113C1 . 0216 . W=. Pllllllpe, Capt. joba L. 1.11111184 iota Nyt.“.. 04. E. Pali.. !Wawa P. MOM T. TriL A = lts. PHILLII rT % . Pre r =, CV. 4.YAD/12.14 Veneta ry. AIL LEa Ai IEIIII 131811311ANCE comraNY or TITTIBBISEMI. OLEO. WIII.ITH ISTRILST,BaaIt BLOM I gnixst all undo of rue I WWII. /OHM UMW. .1... TTeddet. , T. J. RexivNae. Tuwit. MT. ) i get&l. Geosel Arta& WWWTO.NE ELMIAL ili. l / I . 7 Parma iat a . HIM .aii. OOJi 7§..=• Mules Lisle. _ n.t. J. T.{Waltd63B. M WA. W. , . W.... T. Et. arto. PROFEEWIONIA.L. W:DeCAIMP, ATTORNEY AID COUNSELLOR AT. LAW.., clam no. UT SOURS AL I TLIS:I 2 4I . bomb, (formerly comm. by on. ter . Lowrie.) •111 pranks To the U. and C(mrta, tbadtaledavres• god a l e. ' or AllftbaLy man.ty. and Mal mu fa moat of - Ina mUneatamtSts. JaMoUl A ecramiam mrsurw, JVrrOUVrtCIC.JWD.Z.a:W. Is rout rnuaer. alb.ilta•t PITTSTITTEBH. SIONOBL UcKAISTEM , ex..ximatiaArg. aftve_sadligk, ll2 o7.. LSO, .717 . 41thi C n= " %mass, raw. " INDCgtuans. sad _uaglaw et= •10. IMMOtIll•S as& JOHN . A. BTRAINN AlawiataViair. . , .. cz.o.rsunviVica. &Mews AND „ A ",us - whi4geruscr.op=t2ica. rout...llk Ps. Iftedi, ..., &." 1 " 4 . , A.l===.467=Lail mit airmiel.. WU ' "44 .2111 , A .mi l arAs ',worst= MITI= Cif orIinCECAO YUMA:MI= e=g l != i l l otr e muml WM , MUM UN/aid 111M340 THE PITTSBURGH VDEGAR WORKS. BALLOU & ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. 7... pared to tundsti VIREO AR at th• Ntlssll=Ml ticalart, called to our ANT„RiI WINE =BAIL MIIRORANT TAILORS. 1 11ERSOX 6.; 111:1111NBItiNG, BOCCIE 4.9013 S 7c) Vl7. EL DI'GEB & Co_ MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 10 BIM St, late St. Clair We have Just received • large supply of rail end Winter liceds. which wilt be void at reeeete eh, prin. , W. 11U 11. Mai •111.1 el teed art tea Canc.', Pepsi-tame , deVere McPHlZlLatiiil a MUSLAYBILING. N AND BO CLOG. A twee and complete asmortattent of Madams d Tine Goods, at th, loereet prices- GRAY & LOGAN. 47 Sixth 1U.,149 Fifth Avenue (Latest. (lair., LAD 1869 NENV GOODS; NEW GOODS', Greatly Reduced Prices ! B. HOUSTON & SON, vuhionable Itenbut Tailors k Clothiers, No. lot firm AVILNUIL corner of Cherry Ails., have An received the Poses. and most complete stock of Cloths mud Cortimeres, Vest litg ea. e.Ntorn . n r t t wle goth . 4. pao geode ea wed as utedlsm American manufactory.. Our mo to: Small Profits, Low Mee.. ajoick ears and Ready Cash. Few.. on with Mil and lease for yourselves. All orders with warranted to give satisfaction. an P. 31'.A_I-1.113-I_4lo, PMCMIONAIDLO PiIEitOHANT TAILOR Exp.+ constalail, cuz to.d Cloths, Casaimeres and Vesting*. Also, GENT LAMT.Ii`E 111TOSTSHINO 000D5. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. nyleo.firflonVe Clotbtog mode to order to t2sd Istect ogpall N -Evr FALL GOODS. A .91.614 new ...If of CtLOlllB, GitiS/MEBBS. &CM rut noateed by ug. ui LISNZ/14 ileat Xeretuat TaMen , i drattaff elld Msg. GOAL AND COEN. MI MS 11. ARMSTRONG,- DiAVM TN Youghiogheny and CaineDille Coal . - And tamzoctotor or COAL, MCI AID DBUIPIII3IIEZED COLE. OPTICS AND TATA% comer Seller Awe Morton etreet. Lleerto sad Clymer streets. liloth ward; sae Seeona street, Stehth eara. sad et foot of Sass • street. P. • el. S. It. Debut. Second stare. Orders art la either of Oa saore ca ad dress to me through Plasbarge P. 0., will te• • . . eeM Bros..* atmottoa. ISam to Arbon lam supplying: Home , Wells Co.. Wm. Smith. Ilatou Iron ATM II Y et Tom tar A Co,. Illmattl, Arepbeo►.a A Co, .811. • at Co.. Groff £ Holm., AMA Brant:Y. nu. Bea! a Or ! !! Mull. Marshall A C o .o /MA • O: Mclinei n g. ' Un ' o j n . = It.„llmunylvaala B. COAL! VO&U1 COAILLIII DICKSON, STEWART & CP., rISIOW•d their 0111 Ls• is VO. 667 LIBERTY BTItKET Mote , Cliri now /1111)rworD EUXEL ►tl zoo prepared to format toot TKIGICICN zoo LUMP, NM CULL tto unrest z . rto , korico. LII orders at Met, or old:root t. aim las moll, will to atteadeat FLOW' YOTICE TO FLOUR DEALERS LNDCOIII3IIIII/33.-11a am nom reeetv . li lot a 40.000 ausbeis carefully Delo:zed WHIT( AND AIMa AND TIMILY:IM WHOA?,arebued be 010 sou. Parte. Wats sad n muscles. Dolmas. Thu can n a Wheat to 100 very beet be fasted and b" lirMTS '4 a l tio ard i Sser g r i t ed fers ' t ' ro U. assent. to lasabbery.,laoltlai Cloths and Coallag Hamm sad Are Row prepared to Waist the ben Flow gre Imre mule Yoe ten year* atthat act/ tenpeeltLoa on the sable padn or moor. IL IMILSWZDY & BRO.. read Wm MM. /.0.1. 1.1.0. Sepiolite*. 13, 11189. WILINUELI FLOM! 11 7 1.010ni acutyrri Maas irto *so DMA Le Testa., 361 bbla ILIA, am bbl. grata., TO Obis Bow,pll UPL._ TulDleg =ma 06.. lobo bas Red VATes. sm CHOICE WITCONSTN MOORS. MO Wats WIT.TON z IiOS INA Whits star, 405 Ws 4 w r i al i o l l it hrv i ll t w c zz ittheabdes and Crown7a — olco et imis. Tor Wow than eau 0. Awash. lOwq the Wen- WATT, LANO CO. tot MI and iTT Wed nowt. MWZNMiIiNTS. EAYETTIC BTUELT.—Blotice is berobo glom UM nedecalgard.opLolng tHwy!. to same damage. sod boodle. for opeolas rap tte Wert, Cl , y at Allegtnly. !tote esvor aaaaaa to Om Oita elver newton tbkpeoamoons eaTUZSDA,Y,Ooeember AVM MO. it Weleek P. al, 1,..t attend to tho daub or thole imolai:mot. Jean D. INUULM. JOHN !STUN. &MAI alCoa¢U Do.W SCUT. OTT. LIOINV{R'S OTIFIC*'' ALIJ:0111311 Pie. 6.11149. NOTICERThe ailleigUleltli for awing sad Paving Cbartiere Street, era. Tantsa zueet to Washtarts ave,„ l bow Mote tat extunteatloN and am le hare at WD rare wall MONDAY, Dee. 1011.11169, - Irtas It 1/111 tri ;awed ta the hal& of the CUT Tteaa• am Mr tellrotlob. • CHAIUSA DAYD3, enzni UM= CRT lOrtin.M.9.l4 t W . l NCVI 4 IOE.Lne imminent for ORADLNU. PLYING AND CURBING ST. PATEUOVII ALSHT .1a Nation to ItUteeticrwr Amt.. Is =ar tistry tor sasallostbao sad =a biatosottSto sass =US 1111CDNICSUAY. Dtkostabsa nth. 1161. .1.. rhos vill to retails= to the Cal TIMIII.111 . • atom for ostketiOs. I=l PROPOSALS Ull7lfin 07 TUN_ • Corraowas OF A Luarnmt Ccumrr Fe..• rintsuaan, D. 91b, 116. 0 . WITIvE pitiwrgus".:AiD be nrelred_ cake extll 211+11 laelailn, Oft Alleglesy luau, via . , 5.... Cetmal Boot. fnr Taus 00 111!... iiita:teat Trawirtes ilaaptereama Art wen ea. 17 0110 0",: Uverr lobo epectise tb._o_ntoo:a 81 aNegos of cows cam=d ire . - Ors= or CM assEmLzii lingmait 1411.114 C Norica—trALED ,, P ROPO. - 11Ata Str-Uot roestrortslat &MANN WALL as Uto Grerstbors Istaplto. frost Nes. VT ia,see t• AM S. med. .111te, for , a ISCIAND.IOSSX.tot Illswortit 04010 rt Ate. state. Moe Allinro Zan tarLetrry Harovut be reserrid as Ws onto . astill JKOHDAS,De, .111relloalorsesa beaux etahttolatrt•—:' • Ilorlskt rsorrort to rims ex, ane bys.. - M.J. KOOS& CITY ZN91113:1416 = AMUSEMENTS IOrHEW OPERA BO WE. riro.scroesrance 0 , 1 of tn. buut.tial actre• s, VIM ENNA 1111ADDIERN. • . Witirtf SOLI KVAlb • r.tabrr 13, abaS. tam ybarkllng bobae4, to tO L bs psr (IT rtil Fr TT 1C0.0.71.. p„„, the p e o seat. Miss Lama Iladblerly M falove4 by the votese Wee of 03131131 in witch Mb rd. • Maddrrn .111 appear is due bit:brae{ ebterasera, Introducing Boum lf.. a. ard • nano Solo. Tuebbuy Vatting. Stob•riaa'•••• comely of 110M.S . , 4 ,,,2...hyttddern Math.. cm 'Saturday. I—pIITSBUIIGH TIMEATIME. ti. F. WILLIAM' , Leaser and Saba: LWAVtek of Ude b•autlful Que f the Wee, aDAMI 86NY LAB. Pint .ace of ,h.balney. 1.1 Mee. litle HULL hla unabated prforeasurt•boub” ` bale. f e j titetLlS a UOLDRI , 6I sub th; exa:ftelifaCein=":l tab hilt. Yttda, b... I salsa' Matinee avert Iredeual ay wed Sat.- farTHEODOIRE THO3I 8 , GRAND CONCERT ORGANIZATION, Of lieltrealebnied Itistetwis , emaprio•s •II I.le wattled solol.sla of all Unsi Ilrete.tra. 111 ere Two Grand Concerts, AT MASONIC) HALL. Tuesday, December 14th. Wednesday, December Ibtb. valsaloe. 11.00; ea. fltrs charge a. lirsr•rd trat. Gl= I. Ilvell.Car—Tsnutuko•tr U .it er. /111etr.t.te-1 1 0 .s)gaptureky ..11e. t ru 3. 11, It&llon a la Dana. , .1. r 1113. i usars.4 y O. 8010 ttout ttue Trvatttoue— rile VB. Y. LEGT , CII. 5. ncome.' • `rtul.z, an, O. Orand PLlftallle-11. 011 [ 1 . 1114, Dn.= Men te1....b0 I=l I. Overturr..-Crlllarn Till.. I alel. Illimetltul Husk 3 t...r.reade Jr flute and Trenre Horn WEIN Mk awl SI IiII.,ITZ. /rks—l.ober drr Free. v‘r".. tkreell—Jorms. WY' eliaLlf. No. 1 rt,rr. It .ervra MA ler .ar eal 11. err 155 vi (It,/ 41 IIriILICADEMI OF MUSIC. L.AUGIIO I 3 &CASON I CARNIVAL OW FUN Conmantani landay ETenlng. Vecembar 13. FariLINIGEITEI.4II3/0 URDAY MA' , IN KC only. nb•n the Renown. d Chums:llan nod ran talmlst. TII 0 hIC AT 13 a 111 4.E.c0vc.c.:17. 1.. vtlx. With hie brother, C li. lettX, and iah yort OteanPto 'rhea" , c 0...., Wending Me to EMMET BALLET TBOUPD. Will terail•te this place of anto.,meht with Pluning of Gram 13. matt sub , l Mirth. of I timbal Pantomimes, m tobtned of Homy ty damply. and Hickory bleary Dock. At performed 610 eon ve three in N, t. Tort, and pronoe. dv.hh Prenere. 1 rt. b.. ran.. tbrznattona, Propentra atm Ap °itent ht s,. a- P+sted vote tt. company. POPULAR t• ols b. fl !untie Dlntlnee on SATIJkIiAT it a. 3.01 talk. IgrHOBI4EPATHIC 187 HOSPITAL FAIR, Under the sosplees of the LADIES• 110140 A, CHARITABLE ABSOCIATHIN, et ME City Dell. comMeneles December 7th. Opt. I= Mom, army Sly from IS to 3 o'clork •dtoUdoo Dtanyakad nom airCITY 11411., DIAMOND, PITTSBURCH. gbh elegant, large and eommodines made gall has tom trodough y refitted and reformists. and Is now offend for rent for bath., Parties. Mrs. reniven• long. It tat re end 100 . dal SWIM- It la the irageefiand boot veatilated roan in Ulm city, and Is the only gall polled with Draper eans of! ven , In atm of are ar seel tient. asapper WM. Melva room and tinkle., all In Antares* style. itata trete r cent, added to lotanpolatenests , malted It the most 01,11• VIS.• lent and del:rabid for tolls Turtles and motions. Torte au and otter pc s tr A tr i llrite nol7anwl , Wag, Itupezinteud.w. City Hall. Fwm.l7l IN TOE COVET OF COMMON PLZiS for tba County of llitaberty. No. 133 Jana Torn, 1809. 10 Dtaoree. SALM Z. 11310133. by her bast frt.ful c f. D. flat,to, Te. 3.411L3 itILTZEte. to James Melt.. the reeheedent The Commits toner appointed to fate initiation,' an behllt of the lineliant In the atinve caw will •itend to the d tees of me TIIWIPAT 6° !Ire g be .tea Vid. l4l l ll3ll" : ' o'clock • oh 700 may ati dIC Ire 1140. December Term. lOW. • • . pot hie heoe by Oren that no application b.• been mode to the Cost of Common Pmm of Allegheny. at No. 11110, December Term. 1969 by the Preebotd Rank and BISIMEGI elation for a Charty rof Incorporation. and that the ammo will be granted by tba Court at the De e-Mbar Sean. anima .molest reasof •be shown to Um contrary. JACOB 8. WALTZE. Prathertoter,. alrrabuttOn, Dee T, 111159, deltqs6 TO 11E-WILDEBISB OF EOM Ifrft.L62,, In the city of Plitsbareit. Court of Warier fleasleos. No. 11/. *arch ecolort, ILiseellancess docket. •11 perroas are hereby mauled that the easeenient of dam age nod bomb., as made by the viewer. et. pointed by 1110 Conn ta the stove case, bee lowa approved. and ell parties viewed with benefits are berth': reget...4 to Pet the wame wititto thirty Oars from this dairt. Otherwise they will be entered 0 liens aphid proltvrtY and collected theordlag to law i. !Liam CU, attorney. zosfl.p.bimenne. = • giTUE Durrincr COVET OF Tille mum. STATES. FOR TRW. WW II DISTRICT OW VENNSYLVANIA. 0110100111 'SILLS'S, of alleabeley Clry. a Ilaakreme, order Me let of Coupe. of 11 arab INS 1057, huhu applied for *Osamu. front almdatne. end utter elalme provable ander raid Let, by order of the Costa loth= Is bushy Al yea to . All .th erod . lsore obo th bave . prlod . ::: o I r s llo le e b et d i s. " I a 1.." YO Oa Ve fa., ` .10001. In Banknapsey, a7,CICY.-Il kliodl s les INOo. . 0 .. unto. If arty they bare. war • alw-bUlts .1 0 114 not 10 wrested to the odd bankropt. • delnue-w - • S. C. 11001.NDLIRR Clerk. - - gTHE. ournuer COURT OF rim UNITI.D 871770 1011 TR" Tr Wa r •R e tt r WlT r i ff i orilVsin tS lV " Clty. 11;,ggeix,„ag,:r=fetroll Ma de ono ocher claims provatd ander Laid Art If order of th e Ownl. bode; Jo !messy Oven to all-Oredlton was bale proud rhea debt*. end other persona Interested to appear on 111,0 day of Dieriltßill. 1S01".. at 10 cecina* s ab. below, JOUN N. PURVeiblelt. Req., Resister la Ileakeopte7. at Ms Mlles No. 110Tedered street. Alleabmay Clts'lS.. dlat• aut. asv 'hey bus Shy. dlubuke 110 114 SOI be puttled to the uhl bankrupt. _. da:464-it IL C. DrCANDLZIS. Clerk. EWN . ECUTOS OTICE...NOtiCe coltereby it•tts to alldebted to atm o.toto e MAU 10 1 CULL . * aT of two.- don totratitto. Alsetbeny county. dot% pt 7 to the oadortlgned. uld Itiorooso QUID/ elotms Lwlll molts th aw propetty watotatitatiot [or oatllesnost. Oef pAS EI : RE T C BAOY PI, t X re ocourots. p,v.iotnirsiniiill ELEGANT PAPER BARGING& 11111113111. f: prißud fold. dtrri th.r.ltigd sotto be *mud elarldwre W. P. NULREWI II . I3 NEW WALL PAPER STORE, - 191 Liberty Street. GM= DE C ORA Wood, Now,' 11114Trescd =IMOD. Dus tor Walls sae' *Hums tag loom. Jig.. as .Yo. UM WOOL Meet. . Iltt - . QTANIPED GOLD PAP.EDS for ALT ?whits, atilt°. 10T Market won. Ira -waxen la IllusitTas a ago. DES= COTTON MILLS =1 atmoss, BELL R COTTON• errrissurnG L. , . jugsivittrars ottl.2lVl 101.0r011( ant WAR" NUMINGILSI -il'ls , lt AND WI'MSO. I/INGER& ' WHE WilVf.lSli. CLOTHES WiaNGER. L lb, ass. Fot l W..alultOUare tf ai *tiled': SS 'sad 1111151zitretrist. • • a. ZEILLITS. WirWpwers at an Wads - : 4 404 ", '1 et °4 , . • NE AllrAT.—WeltairasamtadlirAkWa dm* ataa Mildsl Illsead,Xeo, fete hos dares sad dirthts, ml 4 ' 4 sd wilb Um adman ran es lisetally fie doattaise.. dot Old di du WM, agdrad. , o7al i t €l"w rid gi Vr.r ° r t. Aus 42 .lA' ll l . B Libertrand SUS* B 3 MI