THE DAILY GAZETTE PENNIMAN, ItEED & CO, Office, 81f and 86 Fifth Avenue P. H. PENTMELN, T. P. HOUSTON, JOSUE Ilia N. P. I=TEI TICILIIII Or TO DAILY By Mtli, p.,,,,,, /icily trod by y.nyery, per level FIIIST EDITIOX. azzrAtrivar. FORTY•FIRST 'CONGRESS (SECOND SE14111011.) HOUSE: Bills Introduced and Referred—Resolution Offered— Interesting Debate on the Bill for Taking the Next Census— Some Progress Made—Petition in Favor of Belligerent Rights and Independence of Cuba— Not Read—Notion to Adjourn Till Monday Lost. (By TulNirsDb to the Pittsburgh uswm.l WAstimuToli, December 10, 1869. Tile Senate was not fn seaalon to•day„ haat cm yesterday adjourned until Mon. day. DM] Belle Intrednoed and referred : By M. SCOFIELD: For the tranafer of the Phil ade iphis Navy Yard to League Island ily dr. IWISIERS : To remove the political Mentalities from people of the States lately in rebellion. By Mr. WHITTEMORE : amend the laws regulating the coasting trade. By Mr. SHELDON, of Louisiana: F.:tending the limits of the Port Of New Orleans, and making an appropriation for removing onstructions from Rayon Teets. Loulatana; making appropriations for repairing and tinishing the Now Or. leant ostom House. Br Mr. WELLH: Donating to the city of S. Louie, fora public park, the land on which the V. EL Arsenal stands. / The bill donate the entire arsenal tract in lieu of nix acres heretofbro. JIMMIXt, and authorizes the erection of an arsenal at Jelles, a Barrack, By M. NTRICK LAND: To extend the time for the completion of the military rood Crum Cooper Harbor, Michigan, to Green Bay, Witiconsin; to divide Stich, pin into three Judicial districts, and to estsblle.h s Northern district of Michi• gun: alt. a Joint resolution of the Michi gan hagialaturo asking an appropriation for rite improvement of the entrance of Portage hake. By Mr. JENCIi To oatabliob • uniform rule of naturalization through out the Untiod Eitstea. By Mr. FIBBER: To authorize the ormstruction and maintenance of a bridge acmes the Niagara river. By Mr. LAWRENCE: To abolish cer tain fees required of pensioners. making It the duty of the pension agent to Make out semi annual Pat... for pensioners, and administer the oaths without the lota now rt tt ut red. By Mr. HAY To repeal so Numb of the internal revenue law as requires far. mors and gardeners to have a broker's beenao to sell their own products Irma Walls or stands. By Mr. LOBCRN : To provide for the sale of the coin in the Treasury, except such as may be necessary for the pay. wont of Interest on bonds. MEiNEM= By Mr. MERCER, instructing the Committee on Retrenchment to Inquire into the propriety of reducing , the =- prunes of the obsequies of members of Onogresu. By Mr. WOODS, Instructing thel Com mfetee on Foreign Affairs to Inquire into the condition under which the French Cable Company bolds its cencenaknes nom the French Government to oonneet its telegraph by the French shore, and whether there is any restriction or reser vation In ouch enneesadon that is !neje. tile= to the rights of the °overturn= or people of Bib United States: Mr. BOA° asked leave to offer a reso lution. directing the Committee on For eign Attire to inquire into the expedi ency of recognising the independent. of Cuba; List ot)ertion was made. 1 Mr. INGLRSOL.L again Introduced his bill authorizing the additional Inane of forty-four million legal tender notes, and moved the refarrence to the Com mittee on Ways and Means. i Mr. GARFIELD moved its refe nee to the Committee on Ranging. Mr INGERSOLL supposed ed lb was I le a debatable question, and pro d to diocese it. Mr. BARFIELD, Who held the floor, desiring talicall up the census bil,, de clued to yield, and Mr. Ingersoll with drew his bill. The Speaker presented various clocus menet, Including a memorial fro the State of South ty'arolina relative the recognition of Cate. 1 The House then went into Comm ttre of the Whole, Mr. Dawes in the c lair, and resumed the conaideration o • the census bill. Mr. KELLY moved to strike nut of the fourth section tbo proviso that vln any city comprising more than onetorn gressional district, the Secretary of the Interior may appoint one district Super intendent for such efty." instead of one for each Congressional district. He ar gued that It would =pine upon such superintendent in Philadelphia, com prising four and s half Congressional dis tricts, from four to six times the amount of iobor impaled upon other superin tendents. without any Increase of com pensation. After considerable discussion. the mo- Jkir. JENCIEES moved to amend the bill by inserting an additional section, as eace.on eight, authorizing each district aciporitdendent to employ, by consent of the general superintendont, In addition - - - to the enumerators, one or more persons to collect, collate, arrange siad repro i the epochal statistical information called for by the act In relation to mines and min ing, manufacturing and mechanical In. dustry, mercantile and Mad ng wrath ihdaments and buzinees, fisheries, educe- Mon, religion. charltier, charitable, ear. Lary, reformatory and penal biotite f stens, and other commercial an social statietles. H 9 argued In rave of his amendment end to Dhow the n ty and advantage of the emolo ant of such experts as his amendment ntem plates. After considerable d kin. the amendment was spud to to 457. Mr. WILKINSON moved an end moot to the 14th section, Impoain a fine of 16.000 upon any corporation bleb shall refuse or neglect to glee an nfor .:oation required by the Act. ana -1 t ,a,, his amendment, he deeds, his belle f ...hit two States of the Union Min iwg,,,, any lowa, paid to railroad rpo. noon . far transportation of p ace, 510,000,000 a yea: more than they Ought u, pay, ind when- gle people came to snow how they ware victimizidby railroad companies, it would awaken • degree of Indignation ,whiatt would re. quire the Government to take bold of, . ILLKINEI mammoth. corporations, and re. strict t heir power to rob and plidniarthe. people. After dlecusado• the amend. Merit was adopted. Mr. SCHOFIELD moved to strike out the enacting clause. Ho - was opposed t o the multiplication of Federal ofileem as provided by the bill. He preferred the act of 1650. He believed that upder it the census of 1860 had bean well taken. De schedules were better than those pro vided in trite bill, and he belleVed its ritachluery was better. There was no provision hero for getting stalled about tho principal products of his o n dis trict. Mr. G ARFTELD—eTive poor 's fight." [Laughter ] .Ih,?. SCHOFIELD appreciated be la -1.... of ;he Census Committee, but a did act like the machinery of the I. nor did Ire tike She multiplication of ederal . 111 . ,, 0. %lueo the war comae need. there ass but 0110 .ea of Federal o oars, while now there were four soil, kid this bill proposed lo ere,:te a fifth ign..l .11r. 0 A RFI ELD regrctted that * Fm-' Hon to adopt had not bean orieled earlier, so ael to save time. The queatiou was taken On Mr. Saba field's motion to strike nut the =me ting rause. which was rejected by • ,large i majority. Mr FARNSWORTH moved to strike out the sth Belden, giving the franking privilege to the eansti. takom. Ho made u s , motion sa a teat question. Mr..,GA AFIELD whits expressing him self In favor of abolishing the franking privilege, did not regard this a test ques tion on that subject. The motion was rejected. Mr. WARD presented a petition figned by 72,000 citizens of the State of New - 11 411 Itt I Zle • EICI VOL. LXXXIV. CM York Liking Wrigr*s to accord bellig erent right. to the pple of Chiba, sod recognise their independence. lie asked that it he read. Mr. FARNSWOHTH Ind other" ob- )acted. Mr. WART) theniltladrew the political, wad announced t he would, on Mon. day, move to ammo d the rules to have It read. A motion to adj o in . till Monday wise rejected, rejected, and the e, at 3:45, adjourn ed until to-morrow. MEXICO. Reception of Uon. Wm. W Reward to We City of ileilco—Ranquete, speech !►. inc. I= Crrr or Mexico, December 1, via* HAVANA, December 10.—Hon Wm. R. Seward and party arrived in this city on the 16th nit. They were received at the railroad station by President Jan roe and Osidnet, and a commission of Notables. On the 18th Mr. Nation, United States Minister, gave Mr. Seward a banquet, at which Schollissen, representative of Germany, Minister Romero, and other ministers, and many ladles were present. Ledro TeJado, President of the Su preme Cburt, in a speech, said that Mr. Seward's name would be imperishably written In the hhaory of an important epoch, Dv bin services In behalf of hu manity and republican Institutions on the American continent. On the night of the 27th a grand ban quet was given Mr. Seward at the palace of President Juarez, the Cabinet and other prominent pawn. being present. President Juarez toasted Prealdeni Grant, and paid a high compliment to America. Minister Nelson ramonded. Lerdo De TeJed° spoke at considerable length in dehulog the relations,of the grivernmenta of the United .tiltatee and Mexico. He proceeded to point out the resemblance between the 'laws and In stitutions of the two countries, and de clared In these respects, and In the com mon pursuit of Liberty, they were much Mr. Seward followed in a opeesch, die. ! claiming all cersonal loterest In coming to Mexico. The Mexican government, he said, wisely gave their political psi. Lions to their own countrymen, and not to foreign adventurers. Ills sole ambi tion was to inspire the American people with a thorough understanding of the l idestinice of the continent. Although ' originally colonized by European mon archies, yet cooper or later it must be entirely Independent of fbrelgn control, and of every form of despotic govern ment. Mr. Seward proceeded to give an eloquent exposition of American Repot,- licenism in its application to the Amer. Iran continent, and closed by proposing a toast to President J mart a, whose name, he Bald, would remain Indissolubly con nected with the memories of Lincoln, Bolivar and Washington. An operatic troupe present sang "The Star Spangled Banner." Min ter Iglasins interpreted Mr. Seward's speech. Immense enthusiasm prevailed. An very large crowd was present, all wahine to see Mr. Seward. Be wall probably leave about the 10th inst. About one thousand men are at work on the railroad at the pose of Del Machu, oar Oh.lbe. The yield of the Sonora mince are bountiful. The manufacturing intoresta are Increasing in prouperity. The Macias insurrection bad encbd. An unusual number of prat:manta memoa were issued by the Insurrection ists. A light .hock of earthquake wee felt n various F.:via of the republic. An Enggish steamer While raising anchor at Vera CU= mapped the chain. Three sailors were k Hied and eeven wounded. The town or Fresnolin wee lately visit ed by a terrlde hurricane, Over 200 houses were destroyed. A party of meu employed In vomiter. felting revenue stamps were disouvered in the eaplOtl and arrested. A rebellion has broken out in Sierra Puebla. The town of Capacalla wee captured by Regret's partisan. Regret's head quarters are at Terailla. The Vera Cruz telegraph has bean rut, and a force to reporting marching On Perot.. The town of Stanve has pronounced in favor of the revolution. The amnesty bill hoe been amended so as to include several important classes of parsons, who did not previously share Its beoefits. CHICAGO Bold Robbery and Attempted Murder— Row • Reprieve wan Obtained—a Strange Case. =I CHICAGO, December 10.—Last evening about six o'clock two mon entered the office of the treasurer of Parma county, at City, low., and asked for some stamps. Mr. Camery, deputy treasurer, turned round 'to get them, when they caught him by the throat, knocking his head wind the wall, and ,tabbed him three times. They then seised eight thousand dollars that lay in the safe, and decamped. It Is feared Camery is fatllly wounded. Should the robbers be caught, they will be lynched beyond a doubt. It turns out that some fine se was em ployed la obtaining • rete ol Daniel Walsh, the murderer, fro m Gov. Palmer. W. Li. Eddy. who was messenger to lay the matter before Gov. Palmer, after an Interview, tele,llsphed back "All right," after the Governor had expressly de Glared that be would not interfere. On the strength of this dispatch, W elites friends informed him that he was respfted. Dla. liking , to disappoint the prisoner, the Governor afterwards consented to re spite him for thirty days. A very strange ewe ban been on ex amination before Justice Mayo, of Syca more, De Kaib county, Illinole. It wan brought on complaint of Johnson Low, of Clinton, same county, who @wore he had good remora to believe that three young men of tihabbona village have re. putedly tried to kill bla slider, Miss Caroline Low, with arsenic and stryo nine. These three young men, names not given, have been residing at Shan bona for about a year put, and they have generally boarded at Scott's Hotel. Miss Low Is the young lady who for three or four years past ban been auffering terribly from splinters of glees per meating her person, and the defend. ants alleged that her mind was a shat tered by her trofferingttutt her testimony was not reliable. elks elated that Rho re- peatedly overheard there men in a room planning the stealing of horses; that they diacovored that she knew it, and have sine° substituted powers of ILISODIO and atrychnine for morphine which she received from her doctor. Sheprodueled one of these strychnine powders, which she stated was placed among her morphine powders by one of thew young men. After a hearing. the accused were discharged. HAVANA Demand Or Ilertry— Incendiary and Other Proelamialou.—.Arrival of Troops. ClVTeltrraph to the I Itt. burgh CO Lear., Have. A. December 10.—Several per sona In Havana have received letter. from Gem. Galcmria demanding sums of money of from $1.,000 to $lO,OOO. lie re. quanta that the money be forwarded to him without delay, and in care of the American Consul at Numb These letters have heron delivered to the Span ' IGO Authorities In Havana. An Incendiary proclamation, dated Havens, December 10. was received by the Steamer Ooleirtibia from New York. The prOOIBIII4ICIO has teen circulated extensively thrOUghout the city. General Cospodes has Issued ■ pencils ! oration in which he Invokes all true Cuban to destroy their wham, and sugar crops, in order to deprive tho opanterds of these 11:168131 of revenue. Sep thousand Spanish troops arrived today 4reat COIF- -~:--- vu , t h e r novemerile In Behalf el pr. Plat scu•ppe—littw Bsarow. au • Wrlt of Valor so t.wPnane.37 ' LOT Todtsnlipb to the Pithothrea thisenel v HARRISBURG, December paw Schoppe, under sentence of death, has presented a petition to the Napreme Cour; of Pennsylvania. earnestly sneers. lea Wm innocence of the murder of Min Stelnlcite, anj asking • now hearing ou • writ'of error. nttc.rpey General Brew. tiler has assented to the 'wanting Of a writ of error, returnable nth Fi le trp day In January, wbleb be SECOND EDITION'. FOUR O'CLOCK, 4. X NEWS BY CABLE. The Publication of the French Yellow Book —Rein' ions with Foreign Powers Amicable—The Emperor and the Ecumenical Council—Allocution of the:Pope —llls Satisfaction at Seeing so Many Bishops Present—Stormy Scene in the Corps Legislatif— Negotiations to be Reopened on the Alabama Claims. (By Telerre,h to the rlttetelrgh(leaetle-) 11 , 11 A FOE. Pints, December 10.—The French ern dal yellow book la Just published. It give, a favorable account of the condi tion of France, and Mates that her rela tions with foreign powers, and their re lations with one another, are still more amicable since the conference en the dls putebetweew Greece and Tatkey, held In Darla. The nitration of the North Ger man tlentederation is not such as to mute France to change her attitude. in Italy, order is gaining ground In spite of revolutionary movements. The Book makes ad important declara tion In regard to the Ecumenical This beldnltsaya. Is not beyona the pale of political powers. So the Em peror la resolved to use his Incontestable right to Intervene In its deliberations, and through their representatives all Catholic Powers approve this course. The Turbo-Eityptlan question la re viewed and the efforts made to reconcile the Sultan and Vtoeroy are dwelt on at length. , Atnerlissu affatze are treated of teelbe following effect The advent of General Grant to the Presidency t,f the United Staten has made no change In the Gov ernment relations existing between the two nation. France has assisted the efforts of the Washington Government to re-establish peace between Spain and the Pacific Republics, tut the sympathy shown by the United State. and South America with_the Cuban rebellion, has unfortunately complicated a settlement of the above question. Winding up this subject the Book says : "The Frem-h Government hes no remain to violate the laws of neutrality. The only alto of this Government Is to develdpe peacefully its foreign relations, and guard the Interests of France," The Carps I.egtdatlf ead another stormy session to day. An opposition deputy demanded the Impeachment of M. Formula, Minister of Interior. Scenes of violence followed, such no never be fore have been witnessed In the Cham ber. The sitting we, adjourned amid guest excitement. The prosecution of Reuel was caused by a libelous article wriften by Charles Hugo. It Mu ter minated in conviction, and Hugo has been sentenced to a tine of 1,000 francs, with four months' imnrietrnment, and the publisher of the journal to 1,1100 francs fine, and two months' Imprison. merit. Li loNooN, December 10.—The notu has an article on the Alananm claims. It hopes the Amerimn government will appoint soca men as hteorge Wm. Curtda and William M. Evart, to atete the feets and law of the tmol, and thinks that good results will certainly follow such a The body of Mr. Peabody will bo re moved from Weatmmater Abby to the chip Monarea to-day. Crowde are at the tomb paying their last respects to the remotion. The ateannahlp Brazilian, built ez • prewly for the Muer canal traffic. In. been found to draw too much water. Ad VlCes from the Porte announce that die attempted to make the passage, hut was obliged to discharge half her car go to get through. Enizolunri, Dec. 10.— The %airman publish... a report, which it declare. m• titled to credit, that Lord Clarendon will aeon re..pen negotiation.. with the ("tined Stair. for the watiernent of the 131E3 Roan, U.m. 10.—The Pope delivered an allocution before the assembled Bishops. He expressed his mitisfaction In being able to open the Council on the day that had been fixed and at finding that the Bishops cam. In such numbers to aid the Holy Bee, helped by the Holy Spirit. False hum= seleuco and impiety were never before so strong as at the present dav, (or they were as well organized, and hid themselves be. hind pretended aspirations for liberty. But there was nothing to fear (because the Church was ettouger even than Heaven.) Bat time would remedy the present evils. The holy father concluded with an invocation. to the Holy Ghost, Blessed 'Virgin, and Saints Peter and Paul. 131:113113 Lassoiv. December 10.—The Duke of Saidanha baying been pressed by the King to accept the post of Ambassador of Pommel at Perla, positively declines., and declares he would prefer to realign ottice under the Crown rather than take the place. = Penna. December In—Reports come !mm Madrid that It la confidently be lieved there that President firent In tende to mire Cubs. =ICE! tiornA., December 10.—Ernest, Flooded Duke of Hare Coburg, is dying. Price Alfred of Englied le his heir. =I BREMEN, December la—Tbe steamer Hanover arrived from New Orleans. Ivan, December lo.—Toe steamer Militia, from Now Yore, arrived. =I Lorriairc, December 10.-IDienfeg--(tin- Imola ft2X for money; amount ii2 , ;(4 9 2„4i. American itecuritlea: 5-20 toncia—'62a, 84g; ink : 8234. F•ries 20!4: Atlantic & Oreat Western, 2034. Week. quiet. ?Anil% December 10.—Bourse quiet at 706 07e. . - Lorrworr December 10 —Tallow quiet. (bmmon Healy ea. M. Sugar firm. Re. Hoed Petrolernm Isa. .;ti. Calcutta linseed 595. Lleseed Ott quiet and steady. Petroleum at Antwerp firm at 111 W. Petroleum at hiremewulet at 7 thalami 0 groats. Hamburg—Petroleum quiet at 15 mare Mariam, 8 &chitlings. HAvar., Docawber 10.--4.k4ton arm at 1114 f. afloat. . . FOAMY. POUT, December 10. —.Bonds closed quiet at 6044. Livenrocit., Deoember 10. (biter; Wee fur week 54,000 bolos, Including 10,- 000 far Onion and 6,000 for Speculation; Mock 819,000 bales, Including 21,000 American; receipts ibr week 84,000 of which 16.(100 were AMPrlaSrlt quantity at sea 320,4*0 of which 151,000 were from United &stem Market to-day la a trifle better, rinsing , aleudy at 11,0011 M for middling uplands; Orleans at 12®121.A. Sides 12.000 yarns and fabrics lidiaceneo. ter quiet. Wheat receipts for throe days 35,000 qrt, including 27,600 Americans California white es 8d; red western Ni ddt winter 81 10d. Flour 22e. Corn No. 2 mixed 2ai Od. 041 w ed.l Pea. 88a. Pork 41ft Beef 101 s Lard 76. 6d. Moab 68s. Bacon 07.1 ed. Common Re. idnlis dd. Petrolatum unchanged. CINCINNATL lafttertd Oven his ~nles7lito9 Choler'. MS the Pat es and ennuis Tcir(rinti•l 012tuniziATI, peeember W. Cierire, reernVy eppointed Supervi sor of Internal !SawAto fAr oollakOrA Ohio, entered upon We dulls. today. The disease celled the hog eholtire hes broken out again among the atop fed swine at one distillery et Cammineville. Twenty to twenty-flee died a Ay, mostly stook hogs, light weight. • PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, DE( 'EMBER 11, 1869. TILE CAPITAL. The Atlantic Cable—Sale of Gold • Coin—lllness of a Member— Revenue Stamps—lmportant Decision Court halms —Ao Meeting Yet—The First Recep tion of the Season. CBi Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (I netts, I WASIIINOTON, DOCMllber 10th, 1069 =! The subject of the French Atlantic COle was briefly considered by the Com mittee on Foreign Affairs yesterday and to-day, The Committee will unanimous ly sustain President Grant'a views, rela tive to ocean cables, and report • lila with the view to remedy this complaint. REVErru EC PTA If PS-11.1 PORT A NT DECISION In the Internal Revenue Rorestr dur ing the month of November, five Multi red and eighty-throe throw/Lod six han dfed Distiller's spirit stamps were is sued, valued at $6,000,000, and tobacco stamps to the value of $1,800,000. The Internal Revenue Commtmloner decides that although distil/ors and brownie can sell at the place of noutufsott; so long as they sell in the original cas or pack- Agee, to which tax stamps are affixed, without payment of tax as Ilquar deal ers and rectifiers of distilled products, they cannot sell without paying • tax as liquor dealers el any other place. BALE OF DOLD COIN Representative Coburife resolution, which wee retbrved to the Committee on Wan and Means, requires the Secretary of the Treasury to sell all the coin not, necessary to be retained for the payment of interest on bonds, and lbr other de mands in coin, and to continue the sales monthly, reserving oolv such amounts es may be needed for the above named purposes. The Sint reception of the season by Secretary Ftsh and Mrs. Fish tank plate this evening. There no a large attend ance of ladies and gentlemen, the latter Including Cabinet veneers, foreign Min. laden, Senators and prominent army and navy officers. NO lIINNTINo IOT. The (..Nlmmittee on Banking have not yet held a meeting. ow tug to the engage ment of Gen. Garfield, a member, - who has Ounce of the r43I:IIICUR 13(11 pending In the Home. -Mn..!,, In the3hourl of Claims. Judgments were rendered the past year on It 4 24 wore dlaamiased; aggregate amount of elalma V.,000,000; awarded gAOO,OOO. 060601 A UECOYMTttt•(TIOY It is believed rongrea• or - 111 take no action on the • Georgia reconstruction question until alter the holadays. =I Representatisle Van Au ken la dennned at Come, in Pennsylvania, by Meknes. NEW YORK CITY. lasing Paragraph of Pere Ilya cinthe's Lecture—The Spanish Gunboats Released at Last Arrival of Senator Fenton— Held to Bail—Stolen Bonds Recovered. anum,nUrmnrrrwnmr, New Yuba. floe. 10. 18101. Pere Hy.seintne con eluded hie address last night a. follows. In modern society celibacy panne for tee mike of i led, but , the. OICOPOOne, II you make a rule, are ! Kenna God and cw• lest nature. Celli, lacy is cowardice if it &len net allnitYl nuTbige. The Apo. ilea have mid mar riage la honorable. i Carriage is apothem before God and men. The great object in view I. the recomeiliation of heaven and earth, and of the present life with the future, and to manure a union of earth, union in the city, In thy nation and in humanity. It was the thought of Jesus Christ The foundation of your people , Is the Wile, the book that speaks of ; ' (oat—the living w.ird of Jeans Christ in admirable manlier.. From your Primal. dent there chines t.hrough his irord• the p Christian faith , PO/1•1 In Jeans is at the root of this o Gem May Josue Chriet protect your usury tad develop In Europe, preps log •1211.11114 strife, unity and religion an materna/ prosperity, and when I return . ball tart Europe that 1 have found her liberty ...elated with Christianity, a d have been among a people who do not think i hat to be free they must be tad from Gad. Mr. enollabba , counsel lot Delamater, at the hearing . day, moved for the re lease of the H lab uunborta, and DM trial. Attorney lerrupont having made 00 Oppollitioo, VIII g he had received Instruction. f Weald ntroui to proceed no further In e matter. It was Mil dell, ahoWn I t the war no longer ex. fated between Spain and Peru. Judge (Latchford to-ti y made an order grant lug the motion .f Mr. Stoughton. Among the p • angers by the A Ilema. Ma, from 1-:u .pa, arrived to day, are Senator Fenton and daughter. Romaine Mu lenen, one of the alleged perpetrator. of th•dravrback fraud; ha. bean held to t .1 in glO.OOO A portion of he proceeds of the rob bery of the Du chess County Insurance Company have been 'recovered here in the ahapeof fly. one thouund dollar C. S. bond., and . man named Chanty ar rested. ANADA e Entreaties Com of Cale swell. 9fIlli0( In Ihr Telegraph to be Plitsbarahllaretta.) MoarTglia L, ..mber ICI —ln the op pliretion mad In the Chambers for a writ of ma In behalf of Cald. well, who was remanded In connection with certain revenue frauds in New Yorkomunsel for prisoner ~intended a magistrate In I.lwer Canada has no Ju risdiction to non a warrant for the arrest of • prisoner In Ontario. Collnaoi forth, United Blair. Government argued that under the recent art of Parliament a ma gistrate In an extradition case has Judi. diction In all of the Domielon. Judge Mondolot reserved hta dertidon till to• morrow. ( barge of Blare-walling Ily Telearsph to lb. l9u.b.r h lt• •atie. Idoitroommay, ALA., Imeember 10 J. Edward Htany, late rovouue detudive, wu arroated today at the Instants of Supervisor Emory, charged I.lth levy blanks:owl on distillers. Atadavlta in s died I lam from different parts of the State show that he obtained large soma of money from thorn. Oommiesinner Camp bell required him to give bell bond for bb appearanea at the neat term of the Federal court. MIME= tar Telegraph to the Plttetsurgh Oeselte• 1 Portong germs. Deeomber 10.—In the Circuit Court to day, before Judge Tappan, • yardlM was givon for defend• ant, in the mum of .1. Nelson Luckey against the New York T, thane 11111.0Cie lion. It was an action for Ilbei in the publication of an article su the Tripuse —s regular court report. The pump o. ant meld for MOM , —The N. Y. Herold prints. letter from Edward W, Tyllidgm one of the apoitlas of Mormon reform. and the leader of a echiern in ihrt Mormon Church, in which he may. there aro other rau.s of the pltbdiug trouble among the Hall bake Salhb. Ito sato that the people have been reduced to a tomroral bondage by the sower of Brigham Young, and the spirituality of Mormonlym hsa died out of the Church. Tim reformers pro 'rf.° revive three doe irilets. They war egainst Brigham Young's policy, but not against himself. —The etse of tbe Supervutors of West chester mural y agulnet the earetlea of Willett, the defaulting Oeunty Trout:w et, for the ameuut or hia deficit. wee concluded at While Plato,' ynotettjay, end the. j, rebderect a vettiteregelnat the pipettes to the full amount or 'pie bomb PAD* —patrte•Oonnolly na , torn P4IIT plena. and killed Inur.duy by being meant In • revolving linen at Dry Docks, st Oarondelet, near dt. kiENIMAL NEWS. Cuitsoo police practice musket drill. VERMONT hall only three daily DIMS PsPere. ()he divorce to every two marriages in the average In Connecticut. A wens!' In Baltimore paid 000 ter charging a girl with stealing a dress. Witers cravats are coming rapidly In vogue again among gentlemen for rull drew occasions. W nsct.lno, W. ca. , man tl ritetti rel two MI !BOIT 4. stogy" cigars monthly, the revenue tax opott which amounts to $lO,- 000- $120,000 per annum. AT the State-Municipal Convention of Ohio, now In melon at Columbus, a res olution was adopted, 29 by 16, in favor of licensing bawdy houses at $l,OOO per annum. A BLIND Man named George Boyd, from Kansas City, Mo., stopped at a hotel in Quincy, Illinois, on the 15th last., and has since disappeared. He had 65,000 in his possession. Tux central Pacific Railroad now has thirty.tlve miles bf snow sheds. Three hundred Chinese are employed between Promontory and Ogden In the construe. lion of snow fences and the making of Tftriollll repairs. TEE railway' Conductor on the New Jersey road who put the man off the cam the other evening for not paying his fare (resulting in the inane death, by falling off Hackensack bridge) has been arrest ed for manslaughter. Buses the accession of Dr. McCosh to the Presidency of Princeton College, more than $400,000 have been contributed to Its funds The money has been employed In putting op holdings, or invested for the berietikof tba college. A SALE of - filteen-litonsand acres art coal land in Grant and Mineral counties. West Virginia, war made • few dePleiro, for cash, to John. L. Crawford. James Boyce and Samuel .1. McDabbin, of Baltimore. The price paid for the pro perty weri-.11:11.5.' 0100. New Tune has two hundred gambling house., eight thousand professional gam blers, and 111.500,000 capital invested in the game, while $50,000 changes hands nightly over the cards. Besides these, there Is generally "game" at the elute, and often at private houses. A nauxo noo stele 'doll in Petersburg, Va., the other day, and while protesting his innocence, unwittingly pressed it as he endeavurext to hide it more completely under hli shirt, The dull gave a loud squeak, and the little negro, who had never heard of crying dolls beiure, turned almost white, and thought a miracle had been done in his case. A co RIUMPONDILIIT of the Sosntf.fie Asia...eon believes that the Pacific Rad. road i. to have an effect in changing the eteorological character of the plain.. His theory la that the bawls of iron fur nish such a meansof establishing an elec.- 'meal equilibrium that the climate is ren dered atom equable, and the rainfall over the country la sensibly equalized. Wear Timm i• has some tall sons in the neighborhood of Lewisburg, hying within • half mile of each other, whose respective heights will exceed that of any other section. The first, twenty years old, Is 6 feet 2 inches high; the second, nineteen years old, is 6 feet 5 inches, and the third, between fourteen and fifteen yews old, Is 6 feet 2) Inches high. 'fun advocates of temperance in Rem ington, Jasper county, Indiana, have or ganised • Joint stock ounp•oy with subeckineli oapitala 6n0,000, upon which they propose to tome bonds for the pur• pose of raising the necessary means to oppose in the courts all applications for license to sell iruoxicating liouois by the small, - within their corporation. lig animal resembling the Rocky Mountain lion has been seen about the lows State line, and in various parts oh Buchanan township, lowa. One man saw him carrying sway• port of a sheep. His tracks have been seen in the snow. One night about twenty persons, with thirteen bounds undertook to unearth bins, but the dogs would not hollow the trail. Tug officers of the Philadelphia mint have proell a medal commemorative of the opeWng of the Pacific Railroad. One side bears the head of the President, and the reverse exhibits the most striking characterietica of the road. It Is appro priately Inecribed, and a number have been struck In silver and bronze, and one In gold to be presented to President GlranL MIBII PottgaRITHJI had been perform. lug opintualistic cabinet feats at Terre Beate, after the manner of the Doren. ports. The young gentleman who tied her the ouvr night smeared her bugers with printing ink. When the cabinet was opened, the Ink wee found all over her face, clothes, Sc., and thus her h®- buggery was made apparent, and her spiritual quackery and delusion exposed. IT is reported that the Faculty of the UMversity of Michigan have decided to abolish the Senior vacation, which here• totore has been the month between Class day and Commencement. They claim that this in advisable from the fact that so many Seniors go home after Class day, and are absent at Commencement; far. thermore, that the vacation &battens the year too much for the highest good of the clam. Tunis gentlemen visited Quincy, 111., on the 80th ult., and put up at a hotel. They retired, all occupying one room. and left the gas burner in such a state that the gas escaped. .Not appearing the next morning, the door wu forced open and two of them were found in advaec• e d stage of asphyxia, and the other almost Insensible. Fortunately they were resus citated, and went on their way 'thankful for their escape. BOevre clergyman writing to a western paper says that In looking over the list of lecturers engaged this season by the various courses the "conviction creeps across my mind that genuine cal. tam is not the sole thing twilight alter by committeemen. Sharp wits and sharper women amuse us rather too oftec." But he dads consolation In the thought that "even these lighter lecturers turn men away from the theatres." Iv is stated by a Fort Dodge (Ohio) correspondent that a block of gypsum, Bun which the, Cardiff glut Was chinned, war taken from the gypsum quarries in that neighborhood, In lend, by a couple ol men, who said they wanted to take such a block to New York, where thoy could make a good thing out of It. They were subsequently joined by a man named Maas, from Byr. wt ., 27 . y., who is believed to be the "antediluvian artist." AT the Winter House, Port Scott, Kansas, the other morning, ft. M. But. ton, of Marshall, IIL, went Into break fast, apparently In perfect ponenlon of his faculties, and finished his meal with seeming relish. He then rose from the table, took a case knife and commenced the operation of sawing off his head with as perfect coolness am If It were an every day performance. The chillness of the knife and the Interference of the hoard. en prevented his sertonily harming blip. Annanssi Dawi, an old street preach er, who lot years wandered about Wheel ing, with a bible under his arm, Macau waw on the corners and by the wayside, died on the Oth, In the county lat. More than • quarter of a century Alum he be. came demented en the aublect of religion, and his loud and disjointed harangues were principal ly o on that topic. Ilia in sanity being a mild type, be was never closely confined, but was suffered to go and come from the same •Uonse es lie Too warden of tbe Albany (N. Y.) Penitentiary save that John J. Eckel, who died there last week, told the stew ard of tbe prison that he had an Import ant revelation to make before his g ei gh, but timt be dig! wilbOht making 1/.. He was oonvlMed of /simplicity In p4,4ficif delli =a years m, twelff yea xBO. the Telepou was suppoped to refer to it. he pallY 4rßn4 says Peke' etllolll - ileplare4 thine's/as eVly Mat of all COnnftaao la th that ttmr and be did not know wbo committed 0. STATE NEWS Tun Harrisburghers are enjoying sleighing. Geo. H. ITUFV, of Altoona, iv the last candidate out for the State Treasurer ship. 01.1 Va LOG A N is moving this way. She lectures on “Girl." at liarriabarg zest week. L. H. Warrrest.T, Eey., editor of the Great Bend Pennvirantan died last Friday. A YorNii M CHRISTIAN AASOCI TION IS about to be retabliehed at Petro learn Center. A. u mac dealer in Harrisburg, received an order for a quantity of ratline. among which was a • •a saraneighed for a quart: t. " Ton price of gas in Washington bor ough has been reduced from four dollars to three dollars and a half per thousand cubic feet. A. wax In Chester county has been fined for allowing obnoxious weeds to grow on his farm, to the damage of his neighbors. Joint Larruitcorr shot a large deer on last Friday, on the mountain range back of Orfetrenburg Springs. about two miles from the Springs. Tan Covode.Foster contested Congres sional election case will be decided next week. There is not the slightest doubt but the seat will be given to Covode. In Forest county, deers, bean, wild. cats and withers are very plenty this winter. Such royal hunting is within one day's ride by nil front Pittsburgh. Trouts are fresh signs of trouble among the Schuylkill colliers, the miners coca- Phlining that the operators do not adhere with good faith to the terms of the recent ad j ustment Tuts following Post Office appointments have been made Gallitzin, Cambria county, David Mills, vice J. Troxell, remousi ; Milroy, Mifflin county, A. W. Graff; vice H. Maclay, deceased. Tun Pennsylvania National Bank at Pnttsville was done to the amount of $13,000 , 0n a forged check last week In the hands of a confidence man, who was anbsequently wrested. Tint fact hu comet° light that ► young lady of Pteasantville, Venango county, died from an attempted abortion. The seducer and also the physician have Lied the country. Names are not given.. Joni+ D. Mune, for a number of years train master In the employ of the Penn. Sylvania Railroad, died at hto residence, In Philadelphia, on Monday. His num erous friends will regret to bear of his decease. Tns council of Monongahela City have passed a res2lntion directing the policy to arrest every boy found on the street after nine o'clock who cannot gives good and sufficient reason for being abroad at that hour of the night. Davrn M. Even. of East Donegal township, Lancaster. county, last year raised 16,010 pounds of tobacco, or an average of 1,600 to the acre. The tobacco was sold the present wear for 12,672,43 am average of *264.9'3. AN article in the Philadelphia Press awes that In the Diocese of Philadelphia there are 100 Catholic churches, 100 priests, and 220,000 communicants. Tide would give 2.1000 members to each church, and 1,222 to each priest Tire Erie Garrtte Informs MI that R. Ueo. F. Cain. 44 the Park Church, bas accepted a call from the First Fieeby• terian Church, of Philadelphia, at a sal ary of $5,000 per year. and will enter his new pulpit at the clone of next month. A xi:Ginza of Mei:Wants of the B >rough of Butler have organized a Printing As. eiciation, and intendissning &newspaper to be called the Butler Eagle. The new paper will be Republican in politics, and will make its appearance sometime in January. i t Bix hundred a sixteen persles pay Income tax In Twenty-fourth Con. gnasitmal Distri t., two hundred and seventy-eight in Washington county, one - hundred and tiny arvrn in Brayer, one hundred and Irty five in Lawrence and forty-six in Greene. CTI•ALIIII F. YOVNOMA.N. for • number of years ticket avid of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Lancaster, died on Sunday last. Ho was ticket agent at that place for the stage lines from 1833 mull the railroad was built, since lIIIICh time he has tilled the position of ticket agent for the Company. The Butler Citiesn is vexed that the hors• thief GIIIBand played off on the town papers and gave the enterprising city press reporters llockinberry's last confession—a piton being kept by the obliging sheriff for home publication alone. The Citizen is worse Bald In pub lishing ilockinberry's eripinaf poetry. 'f spire Ow Knit, • Johnstown rough, visited s drinking saloon in that place on Saturday lot, bat was refused anything to drink, as be was already too muck under the influence of liquor. He picked up a piece of marble used aa adoor block, and started to go out, but on reaching the door turned and throw the block back. A young woman named Pluck, who was in the room at the time, was struck upon the forehead by It, and now Iles In a very critics; condition. Owens was arrested and sent to Jail, A yam, singular case has recently oc mixed in Susquehanna county. A. B. Crawford, of Rash township, lately borrowed large sums of money In Mont rose and among his neighbors and ac• quaint/Laces In Rush and Auburn, to boy • drove of cattle. He bought a drove, but Instead of paying cash for it, bought on credit He now watts that, on his re. turn, after selling the drove, hywas rob bed In his own house, and that be is unable to repay the money he borrowed, or to pay fur the cattle bought on credit. This statement In not generally believed, and be has been twico arrested, but was each time discharged on bill. Too Waynesburg Messenger says: We heard a few did since of a bold theft of wool that had been made about live or six weeks since. Mr. Wm. Barnes, about two miles south of this place, after clip ping his wool, stored it Ina barn about half a mile from his dwelling. At the time mentioned above he discovered that some one had trim in the night with a one. horse vehicle and - curial off about 150 pounds of the wool. Re could track the wagon to the road, but no further with certainty, and had about given opal hope of tracing the culprit. We have heard it hinted, however, that some recent and unexpected developments point with al. most unerring certainty to the thief, around whom the toll, are quietly but Certainly closing. One readers will be interested to see the exact words in which Henry Ward Beecher defines ids position on the school Question. The publishers of the Christ ass Union all attention to a paper from the pen of Mr. Beecher, on "The funds. mental right of • republican State to es • tablish common schools." Mr. Beecher Nays "We believe that the Bible In schools would do a world of good and no Winn. We wish that eyerybody thought as we fa. When all a Inhabitants of a di.. „d i , (rid an agreed I haring the Bible, they should have the liberty of making it • text•book in la Bat, when the Fermate are of zed faiths, and when many of them do o f believe the Bible to Ito the word or 0 .is is nos right to root-' psi their children to read it, or to hear U read. VW is religious compulsion. poser It as you may. it is Wink men for Um propagation of opinion) which tiisi ripe dials. .1 compulsory :ago in Winds is not In accardancs with American dootrinst of liberty of WILICO•Cd. • • • Ea u . cation is • political necessity. It is a fundamental civil duty. If the State has not a right to establish free schools, then it has no right to lay Bus Indispensable foundations of Its own permanence. Be. pa w= governments must have an to• witi r ot co mop _people. tt rest schools aft T e l . irs d4 r . cr Ilbtaltivitee. They met toaltdsgiett. Been:Med= mast Ant be allowed pervert them. LI tlif Akle el tke staying woke 0$ sentsrioniem is Nie c0mx4074 sdoor,, lauclal imprio ii, Ilso Bible must be takes owe of gAs common 'chock." OEIIO NEWS. CANFITCLD has a railroad depot. Brno Lana hairs "gone through" Can ton. Cot- U. W. If cCooK hes gone to Ea rope. thliti is to reappraise all her real es tate next year. Amos has its Daily Beacon, and a bright and shining light it is. A Anti!: MITA. claims to make sheet in] as glnai as the 'Russian article. BELNIONTLII, want the county seat removed Irian St. Ile to Bellaire. Nuut.ecOUNTl' Lis raised this year 320,009 lba. tobacco worth tlve cents pc r pound. THE Summit Cowmen Pleas granted twelve divorces lest week, end denied but one. Wear akatnl himull under tot) thin ice at Canton 'aka week, and was drowned. Doan tort.stio, while deranged, tried to drown nlmself at Plymouth, but only got unpleasantly wtt. A cOLoplu WuMAN, named Wood, living near Inslem, was fatally burned by going too near a red-hot stove. iv A WARD, Li West Victory, near Makistield, sixteen years old, was burned to death by the coal oil from en upset lamp on the 4th. ONE SNYDER. killed by a train atarall way crossing in Canton, on the 2nd, was the (mirth man killed at that crowing and in that way within three years. A WOMAN attempted suicide by mor phine at Washingtonville, Mationing county, on the 30th, but was pumped out in time to be sorry for her lolly. A GIDDY onok of tiO has sued a gay trifler of n years, at Canton, for not paying her the 1.200 aereed upon as his penalty (or not marrying tier. W. J. AFFerthar, of ML Vernon, walked, for a wager, twenty-live to Newark, in live hours and twenty-live minutes, winning by one hour and thirty five minutes. Him companion "caved" on the eighteenth mile, Tog Struthers furnace, at Ymings town, was itghted up-last week. Brown ,b Bennett's natters have stopped work ; n row with the weigh master. The other operators had quit, bat resumed again. Two young men quarrelled In a saloon, and one was seriously cut. OUNOSTOW N 7 has railroads on the brain. Her four projects are all doing as well as could be expected. The Ash tabula road can be purchased for the Iron for $240.000, and they say they can raise the stamps. The dtevenna road, to in tersect a new coal held, Is under survey. The Painesville road Is ftill of promise. The Cincinnati road is sure to be built as far as Salem. QUEER qu MIT UN OF STEEL. Bow Burned Steel may be Restored— Toe Haloom Manber el Improving the Article. I=l With all the attention that has been paid to steel end Ica manutacture, It is somewhat singular that, although its nature may be understood and its eon, ponents luny known, we are unable to account for certain changes occumng by means apparentiy inadequate to produce the result. For Instance, It is well known that Mat steel may be burned by overbeatine. Although to produce it the heat must be sufficient to fuse it and make it field, yet an ordinary white but will surely decom pose it and render it brittle and friable, at. terly destroying Its tenacity. Some claim, however, that s.etei thus burned may be restored by immersing it ate high heat In cold water. &nutty 5.11 this may ap pur, we know that It has been done. Reputedly In our •Zperiettee as a _111•11U• lecturer, we have In our occanionsidabs at the forge, burned a piece of steel, and by this simple process not only restored its tenacity and its capability to receive a good temper, but found it to be superior to *nether piece wrought from the same bar at ordinary heat for steel. Occasienally, the best qualities of com• mercial steel will harden by the ordinary process, but when drawn to a atraw or iipleeon-blue," be as soft as woes first worked, either from the manufacturer direct or after being drawn by charcoal and lime. In such cases we have re beat. ed the brightened steel to color and then cooled it, with satisfactory result& Thls statement seems paradoxical; but It to really true, although we cannot pretend to give thermion why. We have seen a piece of east steel drawn down under the hammer to a wedge shape, then turned over, doubled over itself sad welded with the ordinary flux of sal-ammoniac and bona, with perah , pe a little resint yet when again h„and hammered, the weld was not perceptible, mad the piece thus treated made an excellent cold chisel or turning tool. A yet more surprising thing in steel Is the tact (sufficiently well established by the experience of old bands,) that steel Improves In quality by long exposure to the atmosphere. The best steel workers, or manufacturers, this expose their Ingots for years, by piling them up In cob house style out of doors. Steel of an interior quality thus exposed has proved of supe rior quality alter such exposure. Are =dune case was lately related to us by a gentleman whose opportunities lot observation and personal veracity are beyond question. Ile said that he knew a con where a number of steel Ingots of an inferior quality, almost worthless, were built into a sea wall adjoining the concern that produced them, and thus remained eve years. In the meantime the conoern passed Into other hswela and the new manager discovering the discard ed ingots and understanding the attribut ed value of atmospheric Influences, had them taken out and worked, when they proved to produce steel of excellent qual ity. It would be supposed that this discovery might be attributed to the want of knowledge of his predecessors, but that he employed the original workmen to manipulate the rejected Ingots. This plan of exposing the newly cant ingots Is followed by the steel workers generally, and it Is certain that his expensive mode would not obtain advocates unless really produced corresponding benefldal results. It certaidly does so; far we have seen tests made from the same run, or cast, of steel just from the crucible, and I also from the some ingots thus exposed, to the manifest advantege of the latter. It is a well roognised fact that Iron as well as steel thus exposed, either to the atmosphere or of see water, is highly prised as material for manufacture into articles of use. Old anchors, chains, ca. bles, and other articles of iron long rink beneath the sea and at last reoovered, have been eagerly sought after as toped. nr material for the manufacture of tro che of iron, and even of steel, for the finest Implements used in the arts. A mu caws to our recollections, in that of the rebuilding of one of the old bridges of London, where the plies shod with Iron were drawn, and the shoes were bought up by • cutler at an enormous price, to be manufactured into razors and pocketknives. Tete Exodu. flora Virginia. (hole the Lreehltooth I V. i •d , ent•er, No, 3. The Free of Virginia is every day at tracting attention to the Immense exodus of negroes from the State. The impor tance of the movement in Its various bearings cannot be over -estimated. We have long considered it certain to take place, and as furnishing the true soluuon of the labor question so far as thisfftata is concerned. That the vacuum In the labor supply of Virginia thus produced will never again be supplied by hireling labor we consider absolutely certain, and It Is equally certalu that this vacuum will be lilted by the small fanners of the Ritith, who are already pouring Into the Stale. The most obvious effect of this change of labor of the Buda will ba the rapid suit division of large and ill culti vated plantations' Into small and highly cilltivated farms. Radical chaugeela the staples of preducUonu well as the mode of cultivation, and above all taut in mama In the Floe of land will also ne- Cm NO. 287. ceaearily he d•derenc bei ween the State 'knee'' , peopled w 'lli, intelligent and enterprklng wh tee and •itedie.eet by the Influx of Northern and I "reign capi tal, and the tiiate without capita). and de pendent ior labor on the negro hireling, le beyond calculegiol3. Another lees ote. vions but equally certain result of the southward movement of the negroes will b e a s i m ilar movement by a very large portion of the white Virginia population. Already the beginnings of this are &some. ered in our business and correspondence with land buyers and sellers. Many of our large landholders are so wedded to the negro that they will employ no other kind of labor, and as the negroes leave the State these "old masters" will follow in their wake, and both will profit by the change. Virginia has been formed by Nature for a great manufacturing, mining and agricultural State, and these MOVE,- meats of population point to a speedy realisation of the great destiny in store for tut A RALE of fifteen thousand scree of coal land in Grant and Mineral counties, was made a few days ago, for cuh to John 1.. Crawford, Junes Boyce and Samuel J. McCubbin, of Baltimore. This great tract of coal land is said to be of the most valuable character, ►ad the pur buers will open the mines In a short times The price paid far the property wan $225,. 000.— Wheeling Intel:fp:neer. k ,A 'THE FIRST METHODIST L'ltt'Fl. (Railroad rue., near Depot.) Nrar RistOSITOn. Y. a. F. CIELOWTHEB.I . tutor. Preach ICVKILT SA...ATM. al WS a. 11. &up fY. Y. nohlto corallally InviLed. rgrCH HIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, A4.l.6.sfiZNY. The Rae. BENJ. P. Hitt..RV, R VIII officiate at di vine ger, MS U. this Church on TO IsOltibliW at Half-pa.l ten u clock a. S., and ba.l- .sat seven o•ctock Y. ss• ("FIRST CHRISTIAN CHI;11.1,1. corner .fearer .t et god Montgomery g•enor, Allegheny City, .1‘ , 581.11 l'reacnina MiIIIOUWALord . . Ilay.l at lON. It. and 7S P. e. ISeato eal.nely flee and acordW bestial/on to all erFIRST CHRISTIAN VIUTECH OF VITTIII3OI[GH, W. S. Gni, Pastor. naeAlA Atm...Sly to NEVILLE HALL. comer of Liberty and Fourth 5tn..... ervico• every Lord. DA, xt 101. A. 0. sad IN • Toe public are cordially Inviced. a ' THE FEW JOHN WILIJLEY c. , trecqwill be noeced for (4 4, A1t- T[RLY MISTING ow TO-111011KOW,K.Obaal Day Al, lied (death ore ler lied. True tes: D. JACIF..I?I, Jukto w ILLLArd. CH/. MIL-LAC. . I= LPCULIC LECTURE AT the SZW J681.7,4•Li if ror• of I , l7 "l l)= 2 l337 , e " r u : 'aU ll. VIVt of li•r soa Josr• .I.G We iota, Jests, tY twoort and sr.,. r• Or PLY MOUTH CONGII EGA— TIO.AL CP t nor P. I. VAN ELME. Parlor. Preachlita to too •codasay of Mode. mocking eoltra. at 104 aad t'etock. torbJect tor toe evenlott—• Lot p'tea• ar t toward d.dum.•' All am o.rettolly lardod to attend. /It tams are fr.. erCENTRAL PRESBYTERI AN (THUM H. •Ileybenv, cater of La o k and Anderson street.. 1 lying serstr+s I. toe • ast r. 0 r. AYH 10 YURN •Vf liabestb, IP/KNOW and EV ININU, al Illy A. a and I', r elont•rt—••; be Tenth:own, of Astronomy to It. Ore.atoess The rota are r ,rdlally Invited to at.end. arNIESfIAII EVANGELICAL LUTHEK AN Llfiterl. bye, wt.) Musa street, 11 v. J M.% &TAME 10i Kits , 4, erred:llu a TO- MOKKOW , •1 WS • az.l al r. w Lecture end Prater Mooing W a LAN LbUstY EVE NI 0.16. Prteetcle LL the roerrerau .13 • ad pabil: cordially Invited. borate ire, tgirUNIVERSALIST CHURCH, corner Wl...iv event wad Tat. Aimee. Kan. VW. N. AN DEM •KK flit.?. Isentena T.V SRI rt:NUA T at 10.1,a. K and T r. K. Seats Res and • 'antennae to alt. Sunday Sedtool at BA. at. barony asaalot.. Lied. nth. Yr. Van D.lllalit .111 deliver the iourth Ireton, et tasselni'llic 3.ocl— •. •ttr.llou arm 11. pelehol•'• •- . _ arIVOILIN46: MEN'S ItIERCAN. TILL LIBRA HT AND If IeCHA , leb• ltioTl IX meet vd of toe mem of t.e •bove As oolstt n .111 be bela at he Übe. v. on !I •N Y ENS • IN.. Dee. 13,A. at T heel, for tbe pu rpru. ore., slag a C. moo. toe of er.eta member. to smut wet salt Ab •um en fo the y•ar. By ord r or [h. Dine hrs. A. 11. LAN!, kCe t.,;,,;""`' rZir N ELECTIOV rote ne- LLrt Totth w 61a1 voL qu tre Ise 4 or I. flou, on 1U o •1 Jae. 11. DOM trot, en,tra boa.. of 11 m. .10:s li.Oltult 101•11 TIN, Cubit r. 1111111 - 11 AN T, A Nat efrACTI . IIO.IIO . NAT. BC 1 / . 11 - 001101.40. 11,..mhzr 10 limo 1 ANNEAL ELECTION or tho Cant elll take 1 1 .1. et the Keating House en TOCaIIAT, January MS, 10110,5 lac% a Um 11011 ls lT aad Sr. Sr.. JVHN SCOTT J•.. den,. Cualer. TH. loos CITY I.:A . 110,0a. Sang. l it r*ecuou. oreember OM. tuner ELECTION FOR THIS TI CS I/Jut-Lore of Ode Baal, 10 serve duiln, t h e ensuing es •r. • be held al tea Banking Tonna, osTuISJAY. Janus Y T 1010, teLereen tae hours of IS at. sad 3 r. a. . J. me.orin Cutler. N•flox•L !abet It. arAN ELFCIIO2II OF DIIILEV. Tow to .er, dv•tve lb • ensuing jtat odd ha held NI the Bauktrd Ho., No 33 Full avehoe, OD I ritSD•r, January II h. 1610, betweett the twan•f Ilk. ai and I NMMII VANE OE PnT9nvpl n,CIT— tzo• M 1 X. all CESDAY F.VENINti, Dee. 14th. at 14 o•r , ort, .10 be sold on boto el Flew of Com '4o'eTart7tlLre'llll.lounTnlttlld.."*". • •• .• Itlet.a.noe — •• •• Dank r I . loaborlt • Weatoro Paneool.l Co dell A. MCI 1.0 Alta. AocUonefr, AMERICAN 1.4 P 1111 C -1" A CL-F 4%, The best Steel Spectacle le tweed waereated eat to lose they' shape. For eale b; J. EL REED & 00. 1=331 FINE HOLIDAY GOODS FOR G PUTNAM & ADAMS', Gents' Furnishing Eztabllshmrat, TI FIFTH AV lENtr.E. ("proem, Poatoflle. L ADIES.' FUN 0-KNIT JACKETS, LADILA BETUILYAST BRAWLS. UFA STS• /Algal WOOL IN CLOAKS. SCARLET WOOL IM ITS A DRAWEES LADIES', AND NEM sl) VESTS AND MURICES, at • JAMES PHELAN'S Old let Lund 19iestokInfir ISt Ores NO 24 FIFTH AVENUE. dell HOLIDAY SEASON. 1869-4870. " RO BT. S. DAVIS & CO., 11.3 Liber:y Street, Rase non on exlabltlon the tarp it and lined nolnetlea of CHENEY AS ENO NEV TULIPS PRESENTS ever neared ta:Ula conohllng I pa T f the fel owlet tlet.tly 111.1 steel Hooke reran 15 10 150. e:ee Pontlent W0n....... Ile•t Illstuttul and Itinstabbleal Warta. Jove. le Soo.. al. kinds an I Wan. tarns • Toy Books, ittn•n 11T aurae-1m Sellgt no Books Is ever) vane) ateendlag. Bautemmaa a. 4 Ch." Booed.. Pvt... Cr. q.t.' Clasen of all Itled —Amman an • ineLltintlelk. toQIIAIIHELS CI MCLANE) Lime. rrr ma , Var. bbl Liakra Vitae saSe hi J. B. CAN FULD. 30CASKS PEARL ASH IN mos. awl (or mac hy J. B. c ay r ICI.D. 250 BULS encamp. AVPLva, /or sale by J. P. CANVIISLIX 75 TaN 4 BEST 1311 ANDS Soda Agt, ler ule b J. B. CA.ri•l.o. QRLN PICELLEA 41. J fa• We el J. a. CAN PLUM. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE ebasprzt commIAMM awl iraml . 7 Western PetiIII111 , • 1211 . No fxrrmer, mettuale or mambas{ sta.' be without IS. Tore r Stns. rubrerlbers ti be Ch.. or In I It • e•py . frEnr.l.. • raurtroaary to the sorter tqo • ,101.. of ton. ruats•••••• • •r• req•ested aor OL, (11 Lt.lre.a, VEX/11MAX, UEFA) M CO.. Prapelet•• r. - - - - NE V 7 A OVERT/81MM a TEL RtILROID, STBIBOIT, MERCANTILE PRINTING. Bill Htrad., Business Cards Bank Checks, Bills of Laing, Drafts. and Notes, Railroai Tickets, Receipts. Bank Blanks, Wedding Cards, Letter Reads, Circulars. Deeos and Bonds, Certificates, Paper Books. Mortgages, 'Legal Blanks Bankrupt Blanks,•Checka, Every Variety of Railroad Bhmkii. PAPER AND STATIDNERY. Legal Cap, Foolscap, Commercial Note, Packet Note, P. Q. Paper, 'EnveloPes. Neivispaper Files, Bank tau*. Let ter Clips, Copying Presses, Gold Pens Pencils, Blank Book Manufacturers. Led 'Cash, Jottrnabi, Day, Dockets, Invoice, Copying Books, Receipt Deed Books, Time and Mortgage Books, Cheek Book, DLIRIES FOR 1870. W. S. RIVEN & CO., C. YEA,G7 - 15P. 1 CO., HAYS NUNY 07/7.N e Finest Assortment of HOLIDAY GOODS • Im Llaelr nue ever Lib-MU d belt/. lug many mew and rare art clts Forsetaml b 7 C. YL•l3lli In Kans., Neentartes, Ilona Minh, Glove and Ilandlerehlef Ban, Jewel Cases, Catehepoti, Card ileretrerk Bronze and Farina Ma 'nettle, Ilaba‘ter and China Vi an, Wire and hint Cabo, Walking Palle, Ilrehaiieal Dunn, Way, China, Neat k India lubber Path AND TOTS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. No. 110 Market Street. - dell:r1.1 car. Wood St. and T .1.01,10 EMI CHRISTMAS AND NEW 11111'S PRESENTS. New and Desirable Goods AT LOWEST PRICEd. Irsuotoy NVritio Fancy Boxes. Cigar Stand", Dolls, g°,. &o. Flandliceroblefs. Wonted Patterns, Collars, eleven.. *o Great Variety of Fancy Articles, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, IiAORUM, GLYDE & tX/S. 78 & 80 Earket Street. =I ELEGANT C ISM PRESENTS. WATTLES & SHEAFfat awretlit:tittoak ofdit wary ..Littre a HOLIDAY lIREELENTs, Otrer.trate4tmesmata totiersova4oolo.loo7 LOlOOlO.O t s.. G • AtTer Got PricWD vra wiercurs 1.•1 , 1111' GOLD WATCULI AND CHAIM. 1112001101, TINE IsTre. OP litrET Ity CHAIN AND RAND BRACII mum 40AT1111110114-01.1181NAPPTONS DIAMOND MS. NAMING, D VD* SOLID 011.1 Vi Al; goiLD mop i , 11.01411111/111 DAN= GOOD IOII S. A. ET 11 - IN. VA4/1 1ti PAIII4II 11.111111.0 VAT'S'S= at Stilianck 101 1/11TH Al9l/114-/. 00211100110101stnmer 1, 11 Pt A 0,11 0100 Lad4V 101040011 UM. Duo Walete, fur 010000 • 441 STILL OBEATEB BA.EGALINS. Another Lot New Itillinery Moods =I 3ilM. ROWS. 91 Federal. Street, Allfakelfh Velvet Hats, 35 - cents: 1 1 Bawd wank 10 cola `Cord ItairNets, 15 Mts. ALL OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTIOL New lot 142ta ALL tivrvrx. - v..e. "paw.* 91 PEIZEILIA 11711137.