!MEM! E. Immo Gaitite, . CITY AND SUBURBAN. Tiro Churn%'funitsked 6.1 the gay 4or sts dam& tAs reek for lb eras per ova by Jura, Viper alums: 3 sum. 32. , - - - - DOW lee house Is belug built as Eon Liberty, for the Pennsylvania Ballston Cowpony. J,b M. Claw, an alleged professional. yoiterdaY was released from jail &V We Mayor. at the !instance of his friends. 11111142 iliersy.—Bovendeen citizens yes terday were removed from e silts =Ma of 'metropolitan aro. to enJoY • brie:season of repose at Clarement. Retovered.—The oast stolen from Co he's stoie He nry (filet, who la now In Jall for the eirsnoe, was yesunday re amend' Alderman Taylor's police, at chOilat;es. emetted.—A horse attached to atraaon belopstoit to F. W. Spree°. of Etztotrat caterAtt away en Canon attest peter. darealleakitet the wagon to atom. No one :Fats 14 %mod. 8111111 Vire.—A. alight tire ()warred in 11211dlarahop at the corner of Meadow toroOn streets, East Birmingham. yelatirday:morning, but was extinguish. ed Waco any arirtoua damage was done. . . Sea Thler.-13orne sneaking wren. drat .barglerionaly entered Mr. James McMonnegle's cellar, In South Pitts. barika Wednesday night. and stole arti cles of 'clothing worth Mean dollars. No eltte. Casgletrp—Bou Foster, a boy about sixteen years of age, while °Elating on the aldewslk and ath Pittsburgh, ran against • post broke Ids lea In two Varna. Drs. Sutton and - McCord reduced. therm:tures. LeXteey.—Yesterdayjohn Cralgryres oatroxated to Jell by /melee Kerr, of IlleClutil Lott:114111p, to =ewer s change of lareene preferred egainst him by Kriftet-Faloon, silo charges him with Ineellatledow end calf. • Ilinevatlng. 4 L Alderman Taylor has thoroughly renovated Ida sanctum, re pppering, matting and Improving It In mum) respects, making It one of the neatest, most cheerful, and content Isullghttride's °Moes to the caty. Abandoineent —Mary Steiner made In. • before Alderman Arent, yew tin ma cearitine bar husband, Simian Meiner s atith deserting hie family,—her eeltendtwo children. The Steiner home la le - the Third ward, Allegheny. War canalise's& • ReMitedl.—Gen. Vred. E. Foster, at one time connected with the PEtaburgh -pram was recently married in Washing = Vacy to anamomplichod widow. His Mende presented him as a wedding eft • megniffeent silver tee sat, with the sur tommy happy addressee. Patellar* Mang.— Kate Jackson made Infeotmatton bonne Alderman Matters yesterday charging J. Hefner withlarteny as bailee, the articles In dispute teing seven chairs. a safe, and a whip, all valued at eleven dollars and drly cents. Warrant issued. Leg Praetured.--Jamee iB. Orton, a ruesubsrof the Police force had his leg fractured yesterday. He was sent to Marlon street by Lieutenant Wilmot to atop some boys from coaatinr, and while Mending on the side walk a boy came down the bill On s sled, striking him on the lag breaking it. Damaged tee Veluete.—Wm. McCoy a liverystable proprietor. stated to Al derman - .3llleMsattna yesterday John Williams bad hired a horse and buggy of him, and returned the vehicle dam. wed - to the extent of twenty-live dollars. A mtsdeniermor for which a warrant wee leaded for Williams' arrest. OW:ratting Travet.—William Ball, eapducter of car No. 4, Pittsburgh and Birvaingbaos Pastenger Railway, made infotmillon before Justice Barker of South Pittsburgh_ yesterday, charging Lents Weland withohitructing the street with ',Wagon so as to prevent the passage of his car. A warrant was leaned for the arrest of the accused. - Gambling.--Gearge Lents, 04:praetor of a beer saloon In the Second ward, Al. legbetty. was arrested yesterday, and taken babes Mayor Drum, on a charge of keeping a gambling home, George Bowers prosecutor. Bowen* states he participated In several little games at the saloon, and lost WO. The seemed was held for a bearing. Ak.. young Girt Sedoccd.—Yesterday ln- Tizmetion wan made before Alderman Super, by Cornelia Gander, against Richard W. Morris. for seduction under Vr9 l liew-dt 'marriage. The puttee are colored and reside In tbs Sixth ward. The °Henna is alleged to have been mm milted some time ago. The accused was arewdoWl and gave bail for trial. gunny. Fredericka Blav alleges that Matthias Hallos entered her house during the absence of Mr. Filmy. and threatened to demolish herself and the bonding with an az. Matthias, It Is mated, was In liquor at the time, which In a measure accounts for his warlike conduct. He will be arrested, as a war rant to that effect has bean Issued. Bow at botte.—Yesterday Bridget Boyle and her neighbors Mary Ann Dougan and Llate Morisse" . met In an unfriendly manner near their residences, Paulen Row, Soho. Bridget states the others wanted her to take &drink. which she refused to do, whereat they became angry and threatened her life. War. rants lamed by Alderman McMaster& Arrested on a Prue...a—William Ein doldia, a saloon keeper of Allegheny, was lodged in Jail Tuesday night on a pro cess Issued by the Court of Quarter Sea• sloes. The prisoner was convicted on nine charges of selling liquor on San dal", but when the sentence day arrived could mot be found, and managed to keep out of the way until Tuesday. He will be put throne, Saturday. Choice Segue.— John Megraw, 45 Math (late Band) street, has a large and traded assortment of seines, tots°. on, pipes. and everything else that to nec essary to make a smoker feel comforts bk.. No one In the trade keeps a better anortmentor seUsonesper than Megraw. If 7on want a gcxl sewn ors oleos of the choicest tobacco, be sore and call at 45 Ninth street, two doom from Penn. Dropped Dead.--Teaterday about four o'clock Mr. Charles Ferguson droned dead in Lawrenceville from heart di sease. The deceased. was one of the oldest residents of the city, alums' fifty years' of age, and kiwis • wife and family. He resided on Penn street. Twelfth ward. He was one of the best IMellißleal in this vicinity, and had been engaged to superintend the carpenter work of the new City HalL ['lancerly.—Ambrose Whalen having taken a considerable quantity of mean whisky aboard yesterday. stopped at the to/therm. at the south end of the Mo nongahei suspension bridge and abused the toll-keeper. Mr. Henry Erba, who nude information before Justice Barker, charging Whalen with disorderly eon. duet. After hearing the case Justice Barker, in default of a fine ono costa, committed the accused to the work ileum for sixty days. Yank. Unexpected.— Wednesday night, vs. grants !ought shelter In the Allegheny. lockup, as they had been wont to do during inclement weather. They were departing morning as usual when. r Drum interpoeed. Tenn, them, h thy, able.bodied young men, he disposed of with free puma to Clare mont. The remaining frt , q were allowed to depart for the county jail, where they will spend brief terms. The number of loafers about tbe lockup wi ll likely be decreased by this action. Tee Fast..—A difficulty occurred at the door of the District Court room yester day Intoning between Mr. Carotteua and Mr. Mitchell, one of the tipsteves. It appears that Carothera was trying to enter the room and Wini forcably ejected by Mitchell, who budded he wee die. aareng his duty. Judge Kirkpatrick observed the affair and called for an ex. planation. A 03mmisdoner wee SD pointed by the Court to take the alb (bet/Bathe parties, and a hearing will be had on Saturday. Mt. Mitchell wee suspended for the present. 11 Street Eneounter.—hates ,!nns Bow. man was sauntering up Wylie Area, on the same sidewalk on width Idles Hate Rambles was rambling down town. The •wo met, and -were Pmpte. when Mint `os coughed' slight ky and Miss Anna - ..lately followed snit. Mies Kate Mow, l'erself insulted and remonstrat thoughtu, AUlut in a demonatratlre rod with Mb.. • her Of a waterfall, to. rarrellesing , f the original article. lib a tuft , ipaupd to Alder ' AIM thereupon, 4 oRJ:tarred. s man' Thomas' cane against her chair of Igazultandtettit* nvihnd Who was Amsted viiirwiliac•nme I~nll,ia;l Ra' Neetlng-:JPeUtiona.-.Ekpoit• of CominitteesLTbe Poor Faint. A regular meeting of the Select and Common Caunctle of the oily of Alle ifitnny wan held yesterday (Thursday) evening, December 9, 1869. *elect Council. Members present Messrs. English, Fat:Myer, HO, Long, hforrtson, J. C. Patterson. A. Patterson, Riddle, Reiter, Wettach, President hLeftrier and Clerk Oxley. minutes of the preeeedios meeting were read and approved. =1 Mr. English presented the petition of Henry lioldship praying for a new no seasment to be coeds on .the grading and paving of Madison avenue, and to have the name equitably charged upon the propf ertrabutting thereon. Referred to tht Street Oommittee. cosvnotzEn's Mr. Hall - presented the report Of Controller.N far the month of 0V614 of which the following le • nsc•rtrri..rrion , .• I. Zingllsa sod lien • • t P 3= B .l . e .- 6. gM v&. &'. '''''''' n relic CnAgay. — 2121211 II 12.677 in In addition to the above. the Treasurer has paid interest to the 111310130 L or 101.098 45 during the month, making the total expenditures $18,676 29. The report wart accepted, and warrants ordered to be drawn for the Beyond amen - atm. ' A. agtontialcatlon from the Controller was slag presented by Mr. Hall, recom mending transfers in certain appropria tions, which willleave • sufficient amount in each to carry it through the year. The communication was accepted, and the Controller authorized to make the transfers. Mr. Hall also presented an ordinance prepared by the Finance Committee, providing for the refunding of money paid by owlet° persons for sewerage as ' eesaments The ordinance provides for the aelisesmant of a tax annually, amounting to one-ninth of the whole sum to be levied, for a period of nine yearn. The second section provides how the money shall he paid out. Mr. English moved to strike out the second section. Mr. C. Patterson 'toyed to postpone for two weeks. The motion to postpone was lost, and the question recurring on the amend ment of Mr. English to strike out the second section, it was also decided la the negative. Mr. Hall then moved to add a section Instructing the City Treasurer and City Engineer to ascertain what persons have claims against the city for sewerage sa ges:mane and issue to them certificates of indebtedness, bearing interest from Oct. 1at,11170. Withdrawn. Mr. hiteEtrier moved to amend the sec ond section by striking out that portion ankh provides for the payment of the money and interest and add that it should be paid In the order in which the assessments had been paid. Mr. Patterson amended by allowing interest from the Ist of October, 1870. Mr. Hall as an amendment to the amendment moved that interest be al lowed from the let of Icily, 1870. The amen i meet was adopted. ' The emend section was thou adopted. The - ordinance as amended was then passed finally. Mr. Riddle presented the report of the Committee on City Properly, accom. ponying which wes a resolution Instruct log the Controller to advertise for pro ponds for the atone work for the Second ward square fence. Report accepted and resolution adopted. REPORT 'or ME STREET 030 E rrrys.. Mr. J. C Patterson, chairman of tb, Street OaMmittee, presented the report of the Committee in substance as follow.: The Comualithe report adversely ta Laz ing the city with the coat of sewer drops on Ridge avenue. T.te construction of a sewer on Rope ally Is recommended. The following or. dinancea were presented; requesting the tapping of sowers; grading of Chart Jere area. Accompanying the report was the following: Mark - toed, That the Committee on Streets and Sewers be directed to have a new mar of the city Made as complete se possible, and that the engineer be in , et.rueted to procure the necessary Info, =tam and Include such portion of the reserved tract as the Committee may deem advisable. The report was accepted and the reso. lotion was adopted. The ordinance for grading Chortler. street was paned. finally. An ordinance relating to tapping ftew• era, was read three times and passed. An ordinance for the construction of a sewer on Rope alley, was taken up and after considerable discussion was lost. The profile of grade of Butler plank road within the city line, was presented cud adopted. Report of viewers on Fulton street, Fifth ward, was received. Mr. Riddle presented a oommuniest don from the Directors of the Poor rela tive to the purchase of the Poor Farm, recommending the purchase of the Ra. matey farm, fourteen miles from the oily, at a coat of MOW, scommetilYing which was a rest:dation authorizing the purchase. The communication was received. Mr. Patterson moved to refer the com munication to the Committee on Poor Farm. Adopted. Mr. Wettach presented the report of the Committee on Water; while under consideration, Cottrell adjourned. Common Connell. President Slack In the chair. Members present: Messrs. Comley, Gilliland, Grenet, Hanna, Hastangs, Price, Kopp, Megraw, MaNelll, Porter, Heineman, &Idle, Tate, Thommon , Voegtly, Warner and President Slack. Minutes read and approved. PETITIOPB, &C. Mr. Coakley presented a remonstrance from citizens on Buena Vista street against the opening of said street from Canal to Jefferson streets. Referred to Committee on Streets. Mr. Seldle, • petition from citizens of the Seventh ward, asking to be assessed only lbr cost of sewer abutting on north side of Madison street. Referred to Committee on Streets. Mr. Hastings, petition for lamp post on Hemlock street, between Poplar and Esplanade streets. Referred to Gas Committee. Mr. Warner, resolution for the erection of a lamp Ft. s on Sedgwiek street, and onus/resist les intersection with Sedgwick street. Referred to Gasommittee, Mr Slack, petition for gas lamp on Sampson street, Referred to ties WED rolttee. Mr Price, resolution for construction of croealllge on Federal street, at the month of Locust. Referred to Commit tee on Streets. Mr. Warner presented a communica tion from the City Controller, asking for power to pay bills of advertising sewer betide out of appropriations for city printing. The paper as received and the authority granted. OiLA/110 OP ITEWEISeIL STUB M. Mr. Hastings offered the following: Besotted, That the LX,mmittee on Streets be and they are hereby instruct. DAM prepare an ordinance for the open ing and grading of Federal street from Its present terminus, on • straight line, or as near as pomade, to connect with the Perrysville Plank Road, and that they be instructed to petition the Leglis lature to pass an act enabling the city of Allegheny to amass the damages as far north and south as in their Judgment may be necessary to defray the expenses of opening and grading said Street. Referred to tkimmittee on Streets. THE AULICKbaII. Mr. Hanna. from the Committee on Markets, presented a report showing the receipts daring November as fol lows: Duncan Dallas, Clerk of Mar ket.. 11,216 BO 0. B. McNally, Diamond Seale; 376 07 K. T. White, Second Ward Scales 517 II Total P.epart reoelyed and filed OAti DLATTERS. Mr. Tate, from the Committee on Gas rt , presented a reso, stating that the Com mittee, in a conference with the dile- Gas Company u pad found that the com pany wore ready to meet the city on the meat liberal terms in the matter of lay. log gas mains. The report wu accompanied by a reso lution forum erection of a gas lamp on the corner of Middle alley and Sampson street. Report received and the resolution adopted. PLED VIE= ogreirratzerm Therordtnance for the establishment of a Paid Fire Department, u reported with amendments from the Select Calm ell, was taken up Several amendments were rejected, and Messrs. Tate, Me grew and Thompson, appointed a Com mittee Of Oonferenee. In B. 0. Messrs. A. Pal:term:at and Long were appomted, Mr Hanna presented a pednon for gas lamps on Webster street, Second ward. Referred to the Gas Committee. ON THE FEBCZ. Boldness from Select Commit wen acted u or. Too rep in of toe Committee on City Property wee received, asking for •o thority to advertise _ for proposals for fur- Matting stone foundations for the to of the Iron tenon around City lialL A dlechaition heie sprang up in relation to the awarding of the former contract for the fence, it appearing as the 'wt.° of the Councils that thin contract included the foundations. It was stated. how ever, that the contractor thought differ ently and refused to furnish the founda tion.. The matter was finally nettled by the adoption of a resolution referring the report hack and I wit ructing the Com mittee to advertise for propoaals for the fence, foundation and all, complete, and report the name to COULICIII4. I=l The ordinance providing for the re• funding of the excess paid by citizens on the sewers already constructed, was taken up and discussed at great length. The Arai section was adopted and the au• cond rejected, when Council adjourned under the rules. EMI Smith Pittsburgh Council tHi 31 F P, 1.06- The Council of the borough of South Pittsburgh hold a regular meeting, yes terday (Thursday) evening, December 9th, 11169, at the (Mies) of Justice Barker. Members present hissers. Kim, Brown, Sheargold, 991lhama and Bur• gess Roberta, who presided. The Burgess stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the bill of Shontie tic Winton, contractors, for pay. lug. de. The bill originally amounted to upon which there is a credit or Vi(). leaving a balance of 11,791. The bill was f rr work done on Chestnut al ley. There la • dispute as to Hsu of the amount claimed, and Connell was called to take action In the matter in conse quence of toe following notice. SOUTH Px TPrif: KO 1, Nov. 25, 1&39. To the Council and Treasurer of (he Bo rough ef South Pittsburgh You are hereby notified to not pay to Monet, & Scanlon (except for my use and to me Individually) any more money on account of their paving contract ((Avant:u alley). By a contract be tweet) them and me, mid money to due and payable to me, and not to Shoo. .4 Scanlon. W. E. Ritmenna. It appears that Mr. Richards became utereeted In the contract atter the work watt commenced, and he therefore claim. a part of the amount due. It also ap pears that there was a mistake made In chauMeg the grade of the alley, causing the bill to run several hundred dollar above the ~tinante. The Lturgees said that one member Council, Mr. Kim, took the reeponsibil ity of authorizing the Regulator to change the grade of the alley, without ....Insulting members of the titreet eum• mitten. or any other member of 03unell. Mr. Kiln said he had property on the alley , and ho ordered the grading to tie done became It ww needed. After an informal di...atoll of the matter. Mr. Btebarda jope. r before t,a Council and produced an order from Shoo. and Scanlon fur the payment to tdm of f9t 61, the amount claimed by Mtn. Mr. Nl:Louse al.oca.me before the Coon ell and produced an order from Mr Scanlon, um homing the payment of th amount of the bat to Mr. Shou•e, Mr. Richarda &wired to witdraw thy notion above mentioned, and p• -tolasion Wan granted. Mr. Brown then moved that a warrant be drawn In favor of Shown, .t Scanlon fir tho amount of the bid, wino,. the Fl6O in dhipute. Carried. Council then adjourned. A musement. New Orem HOVIIN —The grand and entortaining sensation play " Formosa,' will pe presented to.ntght, on the occa• •ton of the joint benefit of the charming artnee Nlpos Ada Ilsrlaud and the genial and clover Mr. T. E. Morris. These Sr tins have hero d r ay, lug very tine houses, but none better than their high histrionic ab I:ttes rau!. t ro tLn we...10n or the, • tamern to-night, we beep. aka very large audience, as they de.mrim that recogM don from our amusement goers. We re gret that " Formosa" wit run no !newer than this week, and that-the favorite In terpreters are engaged to appear else where nest week. PITTaiIDUB.H TILEATR6.—LIttio Mac Is !dill an immense card at the Old Theatre. The house le crowdect nightly to Nee him in hie antics. Madame Sanyeah, the beautiful female gymnast, vrtv has boon acting for the past week. ia a general fa vortte. The entertainments are first class, and the entire remusny are stare In their profession. Remember the ma tinee to-morrow. ACAlotall or Mrsiv.—The Drummer Boy of Shiloh .ntinues to draw immense boilers, and with etch evening the thrilling historical war drama is better put upon the stage. To morrow after. nlou, at two o'clock, a grand fashionable matinee will he held, at which children will oe admitted at half price. Comirro.—On Monday evening the King of Pantomitnists will open at the Academy with a powerful troupe, inclu ding the Kirsify ballot troupe. Thy rude splitting pantomime of Hominy Dumaty will be performed. A rare sea son of ale nights fun may be confidently anticipated. Nia.soriic Ham. —On next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings Theodore Thomas' Orchestral Concert organization will give two performances. This combination is pronounced by most eminent critics to be the best ever formed In the United States. A fashionable and brilliant au dience will doubtless be In attendance. Tue.. ?d.aara E Buckley's Serenad• ing Minstrels are playing to good nausea st Masonic !Robinson Township Teacher.' Institute. According to previous adjournment, this Association met at school room co. PA Prof. S. Wilkinson, instructor. The regular routine of exercise. occupied the forenoon arestun of the lustitute. At the close of the exercises of the pupils, ad. drones were made by difforent members of the Institute. A motion to adjourn for one hour wan made sod carried, which Meted the fore noon exercises. Alter partaking of an excellent dinner prepared by the ladies of the district, and an hour spent In con. verse, the Institute wan again convened by the President taking the chair. After the tranascuon of miscellaneoun business the programme adopted at the last meet. leg of the Association was entered upon, and disposed of W. follows: M. McFad den read a iielectlon entitled "The (los. log Tear" a lecture was then delivered by Prof. Alex. McMichael on the " Duty of Parente;" followed by T. Wilkln. Mwho read a selection entitled " Parody on the Old Oaken Bucket " also a selection was road by 8. .1. Glass, entitled "Socrates Snooks." The ques tion, " ficsofued, that the nrosperlty of a nation depends more on wealth than Intelligence." was then discussed by J. Collier and El. Gregg en the adlrmatlvr, and C Shaw and As Tomer on the neg. live. Tne next meeting of this Institute will be at echool room No. 6, C. Shaw in structor, on December 18, for which time the following programme of of ex excises hue been prepared : Essays, Miss Etcher and Samuel Wilkinson; select readings, J. Collier, E. Gregg, M. Mc. Fadden; debate, J. J. Glees and A. Tourer on the effirtilatlVe, and T. IVII. itinson and M. McFadden on the nags. doe. Question—" Breolred, that we suffer more from Imaginary than real evils." Moe*. The iVeatber. blgersits. Entrons: The record of the last lunar month presents the following: From the 3d of November to 3d of De cember, twenty-three cloudy and veils t-la day., thirteen of snow, six of rain, seven of sunshine and sixteen of white frost and freezing days. Daily thermom eter, 96 4-12 deg. River 3% feet of an average. The rain and snow days to be subtracted from the cloudy days, latlyea the aurahino have. Temperature, same day. of 1868, 4311. or 230 deg. colder for the Month than 1869. The indications were nearer the reality than usual. The indicatione of the present month are not clear, but so llyz as my sudgment is con cerned, tweed on past experience and the general appearance of the atmosphere, and the snow presumed to be laying in the weal and northwest, It will probably be a cloudy and moderately cold month, with the rivers skimmed with Ice Sleighing In tlie country, and a natural, cold winter, the beginning of which may be tempot - arlly broken in upon by a Jan uary thaw about the let to the lOtly of January, the Snow storms being the mast ntimerOttainlakiett a cool and equal ly bat healthy period. 34DWATION8 toos 48 Point to twenty-two cloudy and variable, four of rain, twelve snow and eight sun shine days. • The weather report may be looked for on the day of or the day after the Urn quarter of the moon. Pittsburgh, Deo. Bth, 1869. No Neeting.—The committee on South Side consolidation did not hold a meet ing, as advertised, last evening. It wee pond In conaequence of the idoboeppe meeting. PITTBBUTIGH DAILY GAZETTE: FRIDAY MGR I e S •ti: A' $ ; :s: PETROLETEI ITEMS. Production for November—Developments B•nd--shipments—Uteveland Re fineries enspended, d c,, &c. Advices from Parker's Lending on Saturday say that the pipes need for coo. veving the oil across the river to theatre have been swept away by the high water: and consequently small quantltlew of are being sold and conveyed away in boats at 13,50 to 16,00 per barrel. Quite a number of oil refineries In Cleveland have stopped work, and It is estimated that over four hundred hands are out of employment. 51enufacturers nay the Muse 1111 the low price of refilled, en compared wtth crude oil. The Titusville Hcraid of Thursday says: The ratio of Increase of the pro• duet, was not so great during the period under review as It was for any previous four months, yet the increase was not log mnderable, having amounted to about 2.50 barrels daily, the total yield, as shown by the oifferenco between mocks and shipments, amounted to 399,518 barrels or a dolly average of more the 13,3110 barrels. About the 15th the prospect for a largely increased pro. deletion were good, on account of the yield of the wells oo the Foster ferule having suddenly enlarged shout ZSO barrels daily, and several new wed a 3 d tug from twenty-five to one hundred barrels being struck. Later In the month, however, the yield of the wells on the farms named fell off materially, and there wax a decline in the product of the wells In many of the id districts, which touch reduced the rate of locreaae. Ths folllowing report shows the productiori previously retor ted in 1860, and the average per clay, since January Ist, the product from Jan uary let to Deceniner In last year, and the average per day for the same Woe: Total shipments of ('rude for November, 01 barrels of forty-tlve gallons each, 32.3,940; add to reduce to barrels of forty three gallons each, 14,3145; total shipment of barrels of fortytbree gallons each, 3.46,335; stock on hand November let, 276,475; stock on hand December let, 337,65 e; add Mercurio on December Ist, iii,les, total production during Novem ber, 9..+0,510; overage per day for thirty days, 13,317; production previously re ported for latie, 2,417,496; production clove January let. 3,916,950; average per day for 334 days, 11,427; total production mmie time 15.1 year, 3,413 Mil; average per day saute time lest year, 335 days, 10,11se, average per day during Novem ber, teat year, 10,275. 'Phe largest increase on any one farm took place on the Independent tract, end amounted to a little more then 200 bar rels daily. 'there was an enlargement in the product of the Parker's landing district of about PIO barrels lu the daily average, the total daily yield of that dis trial having reached 600 barrels daily against Wu barrels for the preview , month. •• • In the yield of the Ernary Brothers' tract, formerly the W. Scott Oil Cum. pany's tract, Utper Cherry Roe, there was an enlargement of fifty b3rreladatly. There was an enlargement of a like amount in the yield at Enterprise, and one of eight barrels at till City and el• molly, sod one of forty tarreb, at Scrol, gram, on the Allegheny river. The in• crease in the yield of the McClintock villa Oil Company's tract reached ninety barrel.. That In tho Allegheny river diatrict between Oil City and 'lleleoute, In which I. included West Hickory Creek, wan stunt twenty live barrels. On the Cur tin tract, Cherry Tree Run, there was OM InCrellee of twenty to twenty.five bar rels: there was also other enlargements of minor importance on tract. and human in carious parts of the district. The yield of the Foster anti tiregg farms averaged ISO barrels against 1115, the a•eratto (or the previous month. "fli• greatest falling oil as compared with the average for the previous month, took place on the A. and J. Buchanan farms at ite.ville, and amounted to 123 bbio. I n the Chuech,ltun district the decrease WWI Abolli ninety Larvae, and on the Story facto there we. • decrease of tiny !gyred.: there war a decree.e uif twenty t • tinily hArrela yin each of the four tracts or farm. on ripper Cherry Ruin. soul on elcli of the a roe tract. or !arm. on u 'born Trot' Run tto re was a dam . rt4.l.o of t..n to twenty iyar the Corn planter ...I Cie pp farm. the dwrease waY °or...Rural:le, and oh lx i of ito. trade at Tidioute there wme a eight de. Tun product at Pit Hole, 6och, it.an and (anus in the vicinity waa wittiont noticeable alteration. la the Pleasant ville dletrict the product wax leas by per hap. fifty barrels daily than during the previous month. The product of this district during Oc tober,exclusive of the Independent tract, was about 1,200 barrels, and for the month under review: with the same tract excluded, it was 1,160 barrels. The heavy shipment. of Onotssr ever eupplied the market., and COOR-piontly there was, during the month under re view, a much smaller demand front the markets outside of the oil district, anti the stock, in all hands, ineteirned largely. The total stock on the morning of the let, anutuuted to 337,65 a barrels— an Increase of 61,183 barrels. Thin stock Included the quantitlen in Iron and wood en storage laugh; tboee on the hands of refiners and denten and at the wel ls, and the amount that had been loaded in bulk ~ats in the Allegheny river, but which hail n•tt been considered as PhilllTlOLlts. So noticnd elaew here, this awouut . lu eluded in that in Iron tankage. The stork In the Maude of dottier., re doers and pipe tympani., In wooden storage tanka, aggregated 25,100 barret+, and was situated as follows: At 'trod farm, 2,000 narreln; on Cherrytree Hue, 1,01111; on Hull Rum 251: at Petroleum Centro, 2.100 on Upper Cherry Run and rtaluity. 3,950; at Pdhole, 6 toot; at Tull mite, 1,600; on Lower Cherry lien, moo; at oil tit v, 1,700; at Miller, 2.100: at Ti• marine, 3,00; and at Story Farm, 600 The ['limber of wells In pro.= 01 drilling on the let day of December was 14 lee. then on the Int of the previous month, and about 30 lean than on Jamie. ry Int. Ikwidee thet4O new wells there were at the black oil dint net about twenty to twenty five old well* which were being drilled lute the ninth sand rock. There were no new discoveries of ter ritory made doting the month, and the extetesion of the known producing terri tory wan not at all material excepting at Parker's L.andleg, between Lower Cher. ry Run and the Allegheny river, end at Oil City. To other plaoea than Pittsburgh anti Philadelphia, the shipment during Yo vember watt much lens than for the pre vious month, and the total shipment, as .compared with that for October, shows a falimg off in the daily average of over 2,000 barrels The i:dement to Pitts burgh was greatly stimulated by anti& pations of a '•corner" at that place, and the means of transportation were em ployed to their greatest capacity. The shipment to in/ew York fell off 64,000 barrels, that to Cleveland 00,000. and that to Hoeton 5,000. The increase In the shipments to Pittsburgh amounted to 25,000, and the total shipment to that place aggregated 91,000 barrels ut 45 gal lone. The ehipment to Philadelphia wan enlarged to about 11,060 barrel. The amount moved by the Allegheny river was only 60t1 barrels, and was --bonded at Parker. Landing. The xhipuient of refined reached but 2.8,000 barrele—a decrease of 11,000 bar• rota _ _ . The total ehlpment of Crude Naive lent from January let to D.cember 1869, reached 3,685,000 barrels against 3 508,000 during the name mouth. last year. Theapeculative movement which wow insugurated in October, was continued during the early part of November. and under It and an artifletal anarchy of oil, prices were advanced from $5.60®.5 05 on the Lower Creek, and 85 40 at rdlller and Titusville, on the lat. to 16.25 in the firmer, and 36 00 In the latter locality on the Bth. The advance we, characterized by considerable excitement and activity. After quotstlona reached 16 00 on Lower Creek, well owners and declare were unusually free sellers for both regular and future deliver's, until the rise cul minated. About the 10th the markets broke to consequence of the large &meants that had been .old and a report that the "bulls" were unloading, and urines yielded. The decline lasted but a day or two, and was aue.seeded by a sharp advance to $5 048210.00 and KM, according to location. Prices again re ceded, and wore tinotewl on the =4 at 26 cents off the above. Prom the date named until the clone the market was demoralised find -panicky. Qutatione declined rapidly, and on the 30th Mites ammo made at 85.45 on the Upper Creek and 15 60®5.65 on the Lower Creek. Real Estate Tranofera. The following deeds were admitted of record to the ofßee of T. H. Hunter, Esq., Recorder for the county of Allegheny, Thursday, December fi, 1569: Isatrella el m a e l tn ... FropeTe orhrek.rob. ; 41 1 lb sad HYu OR . DI. .15 e s po . o 10: J ata• lift:Wile 1.0 John 6 *MP a, o.r. tea , . Idl 0 re.olla's plan, Cam , I sir, et. o• city st,zl3 Jose,. N son to Zion Mel., !OVID, tire: t 1. no.. IT. d mutes'. PlAtilber ...... .• Jn o 6 Irwin t •I, . .....11.410 Sept IN,. lot No In !rote 's p 1.., 1 . 114 town hip ..... 15°3 . .... . ll“ "ab* -. lo th t Yo. F. irttP:ratz.b.Bl4c'atoti.ororratd CIE! A P, /4..rtup t, Pan Dem 3 N•• LW, 8.1 o 7S, Llottqn•s supple. MAI play, Lower St Csl• towns Lip... ........... . ........ •• ••••• 84° Thom. C. Ps:l.-two Mt P. , Cuee, June D. 11.; trart of lact4 I rt A lowsoalp coo• latelos Sloe,. 9 3-10 pet che- . --VOW !sweet Yuord $e Robert 31srvbsil No• 1/03: Au acres and 93 perches In Lech towpshlp. $3,190 Farm for Ladles and Childrco, and IV bens to Purchase Them. Ai the season for present making Is at hand we would respectfully suggest to those of our readers who are in doubt as to what they might select that would please their wives, children or lady friends, and at the same time prove bent finial as well as ornamental, that a set or part of a set of ladies' furs, would best conform to the idea of suitability. Fors never go out of fashion, and eo long as winter comes and goes never wilL They are becoming as an article of dress, pro• mote the health of the wmtrer and more than any other garb defy the coldest atmosphere. in view of the local de ;nand generally experienced during the holidays by our dealers In ladies' furs front present makern, Meagre, Nict...brd Co., an old, reliable and responsible drat clam house. No. 131 Wont street, else• where by advertisement Invite the at• tention of their friend, and the public generally to the large, tine end judicious ly assorted stock of ladies', mt•ses' and children.' fors of all grades, qualities and prices, from which admirable .816 c lions can readily be made. Their selec tion anthraces all the latest etyle. and novelties which ran be found encounters of the moat fashionable houses of the east. Their prices are reasonable• From acquaintance with this house and the members comprising the firm, we can heartily and sincerely recommend our 'fiends to bestow upon it and them a fair hare of their patronage. Tae °rev. Brewery —By the malt Moors which Blume out has Mime ita wand among the first to the country. Though the Entrllah and Hootch alee are celebrated throughout the world, we do not think, from the &ler , shown us, that they are superior, or even equal to the cream ales roads at this brewery right in our midst. Pier atrinal'e Co 'a brewery Is on Stevenson Street, near Pennsylvania avenue. Good Huu•e and Lot—Public Mal• To- Day.—Tho property, No. lit Brooch at met, Second ward, Allegheny, Hoes at !suction thin day at two o'clock. linyere inter eated should not 141 to be present. A I.EOO ATE, Auctioneer. Runaway—The horse.; attached to one of the F.soeistor otoniboases ran away down Flfth avehue yesterday, and In taming Into Smithtlecd street oroke a pole Ml'. They were checked before soy ;unbar damage wan dune. For fashionable hair-amsesing, plain or by tonging, and a frizzle, for a luxurious 'shave or bath, and for iskiilful cupping end I.rhing, cull at Wllllanowe's els gent saloon al No. 190 Federal street Allegheny. EmPid . Yrrient Ogice.--thrle wanted for mink , and private families In the city. 11. Inng, at No. I 2 Federal atreet, hear bridge, Allegheny Cuy, at the Den ler Washing Machine U7lica• im =l3ll I 4 [O - - , 11419. I 0111,—un Tl.,tiroday . log. ilsth. 1609. • the by 1 11.. y. J. 9. 1..1‘...0, Mr. eltlhP.l. tillY0•• 14.510 g. h. t HAWI(.I:Ii. all of Pit Ti 0( —DA liltAt•ll—, aderanay. bee. .•A. ISM) ILI lilt*.o 4.1 tat r, maze u. l• a . U,' .r.,..< . I el eg. I'rr.lueu ul tee 1t0.% ~ re b temae C 011• et, Mr A. L. I.ll‘TvN. 11 , ...,1"0, ra.. .ed MIS. Ml' THUS It. y, avg. at esugel re /./I Jamas 1/•• rest . [ IIICRAWS , . - I . •II , WKLL Da , rmea/r V 1.00, be Ma Rae. T 11. tlen.• lir V 1 111.1 A M e . MAN 1 1, 1 w Mla NI tl 111/ A ( HAW VOSD. nr Prrt.strurrrn. P. EIMM DI [II Tu-••'•r a-ft.:rem, r FLMOISKIL K , eixty ars. The funeral ...II she p sr* 1. 1 1 1 al T 0 1 .1 1 .4 .111 h•cleck. Item OMme to, 'deuce. Forts*. hat.reeo am) Itatton. Fr ends al tor lam ty are trawl ullr Ine.ted to .1.n.1. WILLIAMS -4 m Wedurs..l, Mfeamhet ]u ....sr. •sl • Lsl ltAl W.1...1a11_. t her •I trout the I•s:sler.• of bee b.ut r•lu ma. AL.,. Allen. tot , Morchaff tilde Road. Lear tat' I.llmiti. arrat, , ...t, .1 * 'Moe • atria,. leolte J. h. Myers a S. Et, Peen •.. , •1 riles.. of a. f , rope , I NI 11.1. 1. V. 1 - n• • 1•T011 I I. It •• tar t 11.09 1.111e5 MAIeUI.I".I. to th• 34,1. t ear 0.1... • =1 Jupty . ryes A .e{Ex•7 ‘ . 0.)• •• t.At. = El= ItAltll.l.l Wt.l. , esday morale, De ember .1 1 , 11/91,50, •ce.l 9 'ea t. muulla• aad 13 .I,ye. Ist Inner. will take prone from Inc tral.co.c orb • Imrrott, No 19 Mont gomcry Wye, Alter str- ay city, Tritc♦FTSSEN•N.c gg 9 tr•c! CO. Trre trieneg att.* faulty sic crepe, rot lEKOCIS4Oi-ilyt P•r. O. 1.160. r'❑♦HL `tl 1 , I' Ott IyOoyfe to Na 66th y.s afG • age. Not,. c of footral In to mar ow • 1 spry. IINDERTAIDELRB MIZICEESITI • • • • - MATT. HSU& &I th L A MIS, Uuertaa•r•. corner of gir avenue and app er te of funeral flatel..htna ve faraelne.. on tn.. tad., eaase•o.. Lerma In 1 * clty. lit ane awl cunuea f ant , abed. Office open day end Weep. !gy p PEI:BULL-5, N• C III I - A&T•It ND Llyiegl ee70.11.1e elillll/1/1111111TIMILT •IYD CtlllllAa ENI , I Allegheny City, when . emir CO , ni Me We conelaal.l, anophoel • An era, .It•tion ko.enrood. .11nheenh, d Wnhn. .I.one, at pill.. .arylug Crow 44 to IWO. M. hee prepared far la,. mem.. Hearses and Ca • :tape. flarnl.ht , / , inleo ‘ Il alnds of eum,. tin..., If re,yeed. open al all boar, 0.1 and aenebt. &meta. PERSONAL.—AII persons seek- ISO HIM LS, or laves... ota neat ILF tate, .114 sava trouttle and moo.) Oyilo ttatlng a ropy a the ••I.II — NVIUNIJII It 1. LeTATIC HEM Oven swat anam orllltos te et 07 snall rusa newacsllng It. . Itet=s! ' 4„s4 - . " 14; 0 .i. ' ir1...1 t 1V ter rerro.te, $3.00 MACS,. I nd Uc" K".". 139 JOSEPH MEYER /s. SON, TIN 1.1.12111:T.A.K.V.111 1 3, N. •114 ?INN ISTIAT corn NO and all Tuners! ►nrnLW:sent at dun. rats. sul WHOLES AT R GROCERS. &C ESTABLISHED BY A. & T. GORIALY, 1812. W. DL GORDELY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, =I =I t1TC.0.1.! J. A. srszLs. M. SiTEELE & NON, trArnsvalsston Merchants V.L,OU It, GI 11. A. LN , FEED. 1k- • Er!.!==l =ll PETER KEIL JAL ES I. UCUAHT LIL & RICH.IIIT, - ZOMIIII.III3ION 1111112011ANT8, FlOlllll, GRADE, BERMS, NUL FEED, dal 349 Liberty RI., PU1394.330 m I'll r.. 0 MEANOR & KASPER, /lAMB. GRAIN 31D rsoinros Commission Merchants, 211 e. 3211 L 111121322 11111222. W. C. ARMSTRONG, (mi....0r to trot.or A Armstrong.) PRODUCE CORRIEDION MERCHANT, No. 25 Diarlr.ot Stroot L . J, BLANCHAUD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, No. 396 PENN BTEEEI ,plB.pgio LITTLE, BLUM b. PTTON, Urtatters, Commission A 11 erchant. Cad Dela/ants Protlaeo, et.... nat. uarbtsnowl Lard WI. Iron. No.li. ‘ NI. t o Non y arnAAod kil . tlitsbakl N ktrlgipa i tr . Virt="T Lll ud it. tir JURA I. notian.rtriv. itovea....wm. R. 110061 R. TonN L HOUSE b. DUOS., Sac .• castors to JORN I. Millet a ro., WOole le Wooers and Commission Merria., Cf.., of +nilthtleol and Water "roma rititbarga. JOlll.l ..... ......... • • ...IL QnieroN &WALLALCE.Cr hole- AL ROOMS AND PUODUCS 0661, 164 . No. 6 nISTki ATUKAT. Pitubenre. T ARGE SUIPRIENTB or ALL linos of /n.\ tato we retained daily • .1 ralpresal popular ash mood. No SO Diamond Macke. inttabargli. awl .. st o th e Twin 13 1 21/ 3 go 'd it 41I'ih rlYr LT . .17„1,.`..vg`Z bostoes. torte. el alwa nano on hand • arch cites article, and can aril W hits Olsh. Herrin. Block MU. and Whl✓ Ilcrch all Si err lore twines. he MS atoll, wo will Winne tile . article. Wbolatalo or cciall. All ordars d promptly. • • 8 • 1.714 °6 P.% kulth"l:lll:7e4leUln"..e': D.atst• to , A PIPpES.-200 bbb Choice 'NUMB AITISS, tor sale bx • B. aM1111.1.111. HI Mt avans• NO TIC IV- Lee," .• INe. male,^ VI NEGAR . "Lost," " Wants," •• Found," " Boarding," dte-, PO C . LIN EB. THE PITTSBURGH be snserted in these columns once fox TW NN TY-FIVE C' teN Ttl ; eacA add*. Nonni tine FIVE CNN TN. 11, Y1NE(; ,.. 41 ) WTORI6. WANTS WANTED. - TO BORROW.- .3.(.00 —Three I , °u•. [l.li“ in sums u( 1300 or more. for two or tile,e f 4.pr B"E=ini lass property rt•urr as recurity. AddrEnr, to mediate , . t. S.. tiAllTrl °rest r. T riitinitni ...emit, annum. Vallee. Alla ninny , A r1i7j...13 ,. — . O A , r, tee .t Inipsoewal teinl• an. ale • Inn rennoinlaine the I.Kit - of Mechanics.owl., Al !fontanel...nye, •••••1. Al enhens • Al • or o AL..hN W I_Aiv?„.,,T,L.,tr.e.i, e r, a . . „to u r d „ nine 'mini, tin arcond door a with bllaf iLt I ' M 67V. P,'7.%*:.`.';47'14: VW. NVANTED---FIELP. --- AT ERI PLtYMENT OrNICF. . No. I r St. CA tree N St, BOY NULLS and fo dllterem timelyof employment- PC1.0.18 w•ntlnF bell at all Mot ean be setoylled on ettnet.no,Nm. ANTED--An AGENT for this OLT oell the celt ['rated BAA TN All TAUT , .• bISU INti 11A1•111 F.. cm whirl/ we Um. Tr . ay..llase /urea, W A NTED.— 4 CiENTS every: w RP. to ...II K a IT TWO 'MIN Y., the truly actln•l ulitina Machin.. tat, Itiactitntl. I'. Ica Oa. N 111 anis .111.1,000 stlintietkrt. mini., All . .... A SI t4i..1 ANKNIITtItiO lit ACHIM/. CO.. ur ht. Lout.. Mo. ~!! WANTED. - NIOLITGA 4 6iES. - 100.000 to Loan In large or small amounts. THOMAS K PET CY, 13111, Hoot and Heal Estate Broker. \o. 1711 mu thdeld strret. ANTED. AG ENV.. $2llO ,•1111. H. Price us.y 11$ Dr em Inducements to Agents. Toil Is the roost popular Setelng 0121ne or thr nay—makes the law.. ••klutly htlvo" —sr 11' do ant ILI , of *ors at, can tlone •ny mat hue -10(1.090 sold snn the dernsud coot tautly Increasing how ts the tlny• to take ma Agency. Ps, l.•rel reolars, I.otnetyrs•-11011. Addr.ts ygl Wall A t. Ih"tott. Mass.. rittelitirth, 1 . .., or M. WASTED. 50 COAL DICUERS Will Doi ploosmol ,narter, 1: mvlol izooml sail p.a.., ay., al lb. 111.3..• of Of "Inetcer Iron and Coal At Shin-Lori, on the J fone. LOWand Fraliklin r conatt. All tett' (ruin rm.. ouro. A pithy to H. .11. BLOOD, litoor.or TO LET rllO-LET.—A Furnished Hoeui •uitt... tor I . A• "'"°A . •Ul..lre at 113 A, EN la rge ~ F or 11111.171: t0.n•t..1 witn board. al Sc IN U 11.1 E of It . rpal.a►T—TWO FURNPIWIXD •I 3114 Prut rtt ET. PO^M.—Al , u 'or ..or or two ervttrsurn. Ir..i.rri•t 31 SISTII r[NO-LET, WITH HD AII 101 NORTH A V GNI K. AI. ben, FOR SALE. II I+ A E-4 FOUNDRY AND vf , to rart:tte• for .11/os 1.111 amal • /oo.ltruir Ati , ress. • • It .• • 3 , , 11. tqr1...... L"OR MAI.E liaRSEw, r ALIO. 11l 06 rir..- oirorn •L•f•. •try ca. La,• n•rl a .el IS Oa. girl., alogre apr drun tr. rourol 1,1 gentle. A sod car. lAsr , I.Lrogi. double sod torso. tr•rn•Las. to. , •. I •r• nt r. rd. uror of AK -1 MEHL 0.1 rde IZra n•r . I 1 , 1vr.r.1 . r• WA AL JO!) Adooadro Astor. 1 4 -4 0/11 S 4 LE — IS ESIDLNVE — The ar•elong. No ill A rol•reors •tr-rt. n• od la NIA froo •nrforuau • s .-t/Ina tr.. IL 144:L u .• tr. rd • r ILY eltlllY M 1 11 • room.. wash too.. L. A., I or•fir Ito r. Ls •Lol cool 11/ In o bou.e traLlt room ror mu, curry,. of W BLitt K,Tx..lli. FOR SALE. 1.0/0. LA -Ors. of We hr.: Orrnalna • ter ofTered. at prrY•le ult. Would exchange (" I r, cA7lg-'71'13%,. • In trn annon 54021. c...• gl o 4 adr. , wiff • Lorron r•A .111.000 it acre.... fr, nt trarpololrs. threra. dna 1.1111(K Ana a r of 8110 DWLif- Sla IS JUSK6 oa different tm.. r.l n for "le on nearly veri or poop, Air.- L. • • A L LA.,rots• , LrrourrOorrl. L.. r•rri...lon . Id or par. Ilona., to Money to I,an. Inotore of ear Latst. sad n•ura.ce Airtort. !Let - rut arr... -Ord. I..rg Ir. I,- of, or:, at. , Jou., KfOrrenfrAl • bore.. VCPIR SALE. A.:. 11 non sod 1,0 on spring 11,11, riewnl ward, *5.501). 106 scr.• ocar 10.0. toe -.tattoo, ♦ 45.000. o. •E.. 1 1 • 54 63.500. Yl. ta. n 6 . 15, 1 , ract.: ttol 3 04.• 1 . 10•4 6 •111 • or. 64 3011. 1- 11..r/er.e on, I , r. ,053. 65.000. II 044 WI Yremo•tsl.l , ..t. 114.000. boo. ao.llol le natem.l.l6lo. 44,1100: .c.r./ grouw .1 41.0001 ,4011 •• mod lot, 1654 of stn., $11.115 1 0, 40111.• acid re 5.1..006.. BUM. 011.004): boa./ sod Ili coul;I:ootle nontalto tvoms, 50 65 Or 910 5 ,000; tlrso Tat, 11466 otalloo. 34 beret. per were. loyalre a. W Meal [Mane •grot, oonler Oblo and baddaak, pint SALE.—Enginee and 801 - A- en. New and Cecond Hand, at WU Id'ads evnatant/7 on band. OE= lurno r kisrior, erenue a P. F. W. a C. IL W .11' 1 11 1 • E ze A r lM A 1. 7 1 4 , tb . LM' -Two .•rt. • 4..• ti 30 f et f u.. Buller head t, •00 heel lu .i•etth. bouste near rennet, Melton irod bow bp iirr- Ire r AilnakebT o .•ef. b. O, lots bpi, are bee.ll.ll. Lod therr re. be old I C'e** "' ;.. " (ANO KILT • 00 , 8. 31, ~t: .e lOWA LAND FOR PALE.-300 •rr• • of chin..- land Inn(" ("rake b.. eon. tl •In lowa ot t lM uf Int I !ilea.° * I,attnwr•trr Hati r r•gal. ud In o g •.! tke googt •rucluell purVon• W lnt Will wad tilt ••••'• " • It:VGA I • /: • t • 104 route sycone. FOR SALE. —ENGINE% AND 801 l KRA vr and second-Iwo& con - 0.0.17 an hand Ind Loa ht AH,„. Corner & . create. no.I Vika stremia. ..ot.dmrgh. r. AUCTION SALES HOUSE AND LOT. 611 Beech Street, Allegheny, AT AUCTION On 1919 AT. December 10th, at 0 u•Glorl, rat be 01.1 try remoon. on the pretnlo, Ibe rnpert y No. 64 Lim en streetro...l find. Al .nebeny. The In! I. 39 by 137 fe re et. 1 brahoma la • tem glory betra...llo pre enbrick mot. ornatartona on Or t floor, par or. sluthe nd Moo tu. roam., kitchen man wmin bon., am and Moo . . P.m ton rorom,•el bar ti ro m There •re ther• 1001. A •tt e.. The b oar he.. •I•Ie ruol. I. 713.4 op filth rage reglst 0. yentas tore. fur owe •n•I &an pa., Is v. r ronee•leptly mrsom.l. 03.1 preterit • very pleasing • ate ru•l lotrealance. Beech rtr• vt now naverl ann I. will An wet! lo Inspect this property mot attend , 00. The ptentlac• Me 0001 for v/oOtorr . at 7 I ary,trto„„ me at .tie. A. LESMATE. Auctioneer, 159 Fecerat street. A.legUene iFLABB. CHINA, CUTLERY 100 WOOD FITILEET NEW GOODS. . - FINE VASES, /101115/114111 AR D CHIBA ' 1 " ' lalhnkr,„ I= SILTKR PLATED GOODS Call uld araera.oar t 09.15, sad v., Wel natißded no one need mu to be nated... E. E. BREED & CO. 100 WOOD spritrvr. CALL AND BED 0= China Sets, Parian Statuette, Vasa awd 1.... inv ... 17 , op.. to, tat H. EIGBY & CO's., Ma 188 LIBERTY STRUT. II• 11.-1 largoassottmoot of Floe Whits Granite Ware for homily one hotel use ollwaym o. hand. od WWHITE LIBIE.-0 s t- s y Wft ITC LI)1111120 bbl C Las 01lavalaad do., ter- We D 1 inns a j n , at D. BALLOU & ADAMS, 107, 111 , f;, 109 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, Are now pret.nreclPint/ An al the LOWESTIIAttIi&T 4 . 1•0 n. Attention Is par ticaluir called to our EXTRA WINE VINEGAR. MERCHANT TAILORS ifPIiBSON tt, IILIILINBRiNG, =I W. H. DVGED & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, Fo i 0 SIXTII ST. late St. Clair We have Jest rectirerl a large aor , DIT Of Irti . l and Winter locrotta. trlll , ll Ili 1. •old at re•tp• n, pricza M. Ml; Mt. 81t1 NU .tm, teurl to the l'ut.loa 11. partment. Orb,. Mt I . Eltz.`• 1 MUHL , . N111t11,... MIEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING Ai-arte n.I Welt mortintut ut Medium and Yipc flo • mln. al th 10w... Art.. 3 GRAY & LOGAN. 47 Sixth St, S 9 i itth Avenue, Late ot. Oat,. .04 1869 1870. 1 NEI‘ 61)(111S; NEII 6011DS Greatly Reduced Prices! E. HOUSTON & SON, Fashionable Merchant Tailors di Clothiers, No. tor rirm enrol, of berry AlN'', t•t re 11. e rrrrr t Inn. Complete •.tit I asaitncr..•. henoe oott•a• •••11c• •nr-11..n. wurlr•n mane ractt.ree. our mt. to: Prrnta, retta.... t ttal.• and Itcadl l l. nn'a . artln • car and fudge fur y.•u rat., t.s. All orders rated venal's.. to (1, e+l.l•Mrthat. tre39 p. 1 " FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, Ktep. con.tantll on band Clothe, Cassimeres and Festiage. h 21-101 EN •tl ►UBNISHLNU GOWNS- No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street lie43COl' II Clothing aunt b ordnr to Le Innenn •nTtf,_ ne3;3161 NEW FALL GOODS. • IT..Wad Deo stock of (MOTES, GASSIMERES, &C. Jan r.c..•.. try 11XJ111.7 /MKT KS at•renant Tailor. la 11m1.111eLd West- LIVERY & SALE STABLES• ROBERT It PATTERSON & CO., =I Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., PITTSBURGH, PA.. Will on Every Saturday Had AN AUCTION SALE RORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS. and cuarythirta ao, ,,,, taLatut h°".• i'trtle Acv alli planl..avc t " on or ...lore Thursday e --• tautlou and good r . „„,„, ove n all [break. JOHN It. tffEll ART. Auctioneer. • JOH. 1, STEW , Sr ..... tom 11.1,T1.111.6 0 1.• ROOT. H. PATTERSON & .LIV - E...1 - "I Y , 134L.L.E. 411411:1, OCIDIIdISSION STABLES' COL BURNT!! MEEK k LIBERTY IT rrrrspartan, PA. WINES, LIQUORS, &O. SdHIVIIDT & FRIDAY, = WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, &C., WHOLVOILIJI !AZALEAS JU PUKE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Have Removed to N 08.884 AND ESE PENN, Car. Mayenth St.. (formerly Canal.) JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO., Nos. ma, 187. 10$, 111. Ism 110. MST errilarr, 111AllIPACITIMII Ii Copper Distilled Pore Rye widag. Moo. otbmien IFONSItiIf WIN= .04 U. ottoUlt. waini.egiv 00A.L AND CONE MILES H. 11111 STRONG, YonghloOeny and Connellsrllle Coal, And Ilanntscturer of COAL, SUCH AND DFSULPDRIZED CHB OTTICIII AND YARD, eororr .1.1.7 and Morton street. LOnet• and Clymer a, Ninth Ninth lend: also Bereood street, Elan& ward, and at root of Bun MT.... P. a C• It. U. &coed ward . Orders sett n eater of the shoes othoes, or ad• dress to nut through ?Unborn , I'. U., will re• Ire promrt atten.ou. Yer wt.= l suet:art.: Haney, Well. & Wm. thellb. Una. Iron B• fow ler a Co,, Mltcbrlt, otephenaon &.. Co Or•II t, & Haan, Alex Part. Bro. & Co., Par McCord, & Co , nee.. Brag' a Y. Faber CO., J. B. I.you a Co.. Jamo Marshall S fro., Allen. McKee Co.. Co on Dr put , motel....oooorliselllr K. H.. Penniless R. it.. h. ay veils. COMA COALII COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CV., lia•lus mtnared welt 0111. NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, tr o awat, 01 ty PIM 111111611/03D ZLOS. GRAM Ml! . I:7T MIL /Mail Um til laws% _ MB= E at ir their Wi taw. itatmid as4ll. mai er, 4s seses se goessay. FLOUR. NOTICE TO FLOUR DEALERS AND CONERTDIERO.—We are now reset, t lg INV * Alit? ' 000 MI Bl u e A N D WHEAT, purchued ln Gib.. Parte. tlaves and Morgan orontlas, This tot of Wheat la th e very test to be found and astound be surpassed by any la Wm United nutca. We Dave also delshedoar Improvements la . Itaannery. hoblas Cloths and Cooling Bosons, atol low now prepared to into the be 'lour we have made for ten at priers that defy competttlon on the .ante ends of lour. M. W. ICKBIBITLOT I. • Psati ILU Alleataxy. Septenbaz 13. MIL FLOUR! FLOOR t FLOUR 1 16101111:110TA AXI/3 ILOIIO2I. 410 ewe Legal Tesder. 3111 Wells He, IST Ntrains. 110 std. esonett 161111 STU bbla Winona Co.. DSO SSD Ned 21Ter. 113 able Yap CHOICI W 190031101 TLOTTEIL 1160 Ws itleersr u o rt ■ off t ; i te m elar. 600 tad/ Tif i rraTa. TAMIrT aL01:01, Cll7 DM otapeloseeld. o¢lo. Pride ot West. Depot 1/1110, aiseellos A. w. 11 0r sad CrTni. Code.. Os. ear ads lovas taap w raa be astrastiDd ••= the Were ATT. LADD 00. 1113 all sal 111 Wm' einit. INSURANCE THE IRON CITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Of Pennsylvania. Otho, 75 Federal Si, AlleOcay City DIKE , . TORS Hos. kit. K e 1.. PH-A.IIAM. Kr. J. • U. CI AUK, IL U . apt. It. Kt .lil Ha ..A K 111.1.1.. 1.e.,. H. FAItiT . W. A. rt Kr ..tper AL. the . , Tre•l JAC. , II 11l 'II Arent. peal AL Mee , Al , cfncnr• C. W. hr. et NI Hatter. A. b. KKI.I A oArlp y IL.L. PA 1TM14.. erchant, IL SNAtKilr.ll.. In.urater. Accul. Caps.. KOUT. HtJHhS st/Sl t President. He •• H. CLAH le L. 0.D., lce President. JACtill HUSH, S p. C. W. HUSSY. Treasurer. K. W. WHITE. Merritt!. sonsaa. DLNLEL SWODER, Detin &gent. Toes I. • porn. COlSlVl.lly.ounducted on :he mu ettal poocy Snld. i rccciclnA ah share of the prof!, of the Company. Polleles aIII he lesned on all the n fferent plans of I.llc iLLMISSICe, and or. Ins coarted us enoonl. cal te..ls In aforel • •tte inrertment W ach policy holder. nut thrrtery rvtatn the 6.0.1 at home c Icarlara‘c bon. In4lustrv. MALMACIM Ctssn INSURANCE COMPANY. PHELAN'S BUILDING, Nio. SS Mirth A young. Socoad .toes, I'ITTIMS RU H. PA. Capital 1,11 Yald U V. L , MY. , T 1 .1.±, N. J. Insley. H. Vi.tnr,r. Jr. Capt.M. BMW,. Ds± . l Wall., H fiar , Man. A. Chant..., Jake HUI ±. 'Cluritan. J. 1L Nalley. Thumse Smith, Joo.±. ..... . 6..47 Irl-4,lldept, JOS. T. PoIiNsTON, CAW.. IL J. ii/LLCK, final Agent Insures On Llbenl Terms un 1.11 n» •nd !Marine Khali.. WENTELEN 1A1E4 , 11 ANCE CON PANY ItTTT"SEIJKI./H. /1.M.• NI Wit lIIICK. 1VX.. 1 11;t0.1. ltitT. SecrePtary.reeldest. CAPT. Ul.t.-1'.04 NF.ELD. lreneral AA - tn. tothoe. 91a tt's.•er ttreot, Spelt, A Cate Warr hoe , , np r.. Will a55...1.11 It ad. of lire and Ma nor Klatt. A home Inettrotion, le•naecd by Di no Atis who are well known to the coloaroonity. ited Lll , ieterto:rtd toy rrucuptune •nd HEer allty maltoale toe char..,t which they hare ed... ollerlo• the best probctioa td thumb who declry in re issared. PLitacTOtts: • icaulder 511ni1011., Joao IL McCoys, lt.killler. Jr.. Chas. J. Clarke. Jae , . Mr Ault y, S. Sear.. AO...antler Street Join. flickpatedllie tr'.l7lll).'=. IX.l6lterrwoysop.., D. Ihmeen. *an pEIVIVSYI.CANIA INSURANCE COMPANY Of PIVITSBURISNI No. 181, WOOD erTILIST. BA.NII o. ,DitSllD+.l'll riutt.ruNo. This !A • tn.sansil MALAIrt 10- r 13, Yl rt, c.1.1+61 , c11. A.I.TVit 141111/.ka roCrlao•li. .41.c.N.LHP N Y. tary. to• ore, igloo.. I..eon.rl3l. Urge and encamp/low finielle AHall bat been me...meanie refieted and refarsiabe . and le tow ogres,/ fbr rent for ball, parties. fairs, convey largest re. nod gen •Mfik." menu. It ts Me largest . r u e d hest vent/Wad rooll to the city, and ts the only /lAII uppity' with proper mean. of mfle.• la cue of nee or aerM • dent. A upper iell. dining room and ktekam, all 10 0711 muff Ise.it luve .ren r unkly adds! to Its antiolnune• nut. 1, I k. Mut Conem. lent and du grade for Alla parties wed Melo.. " otter no:::Aterr Market Seeped...lon, City Man. LEGAL LEGAL NOTICE. t..10n to v•ent• • part of • contain Meet as& cola. Wq. In Allentown. In Lower Ct. C sir Tow nstdp, Allenbnny , Lonn .7. la the Court of Quarter Nestiaua, of Allegany Gaunt., No. lir. September Term. 11469. And row. the 13th day of November, 1859. the COll3 o•tler lad direct all parties Is tereated In :ha matter of vsestim the followind described pan cf a tenon Street and email Win , In the Pl.. of Allentown Lop latehann of A gentown, to a I . N. rib strict, borglaangal Ilea &value sod extruding •eventy-threw Ret le the lotersection - th and terminus or urn ibm; and Hill alley. !whim:dug at the tennis= Of North street aforesaid sod ritegidln. onset 1103 alley shoot eighty het: ntraerterel are', bests ales at • solos on the Mt. Wsahingtof goad and extending to Hoe of Lot ported and bold 1 17 School Directors of Lower 8%. Clair towealtle and Intersection with Orehard Klee - and War and elle!. benten.vg at the polo% of tatty Keehn with Parse err[ •lloy sod extendible us sash street, to appear 11 sai Coupon SSTITRDAT. the 1 Ith of December. A.P. ISM at 10 e'eloek. 4. Id.. sod shoe oso•e. If any they have, ehe waid part ot told street and said alleys h..eld not be ciosed op .04 Tae.ated•Pending to the prayer of the betltlonere. Ittoranietsf 1869. =I H THE HATTER OF TUE •pelteatton rf the FREEHOLD BASE tee ROILDIND ALSOCHATION tor (Amur al Leo corp relkte. No 1140. December Term, 1869- le DO. Le bristly else. Hut at epollehttoe • • been made to the Chu. of Common Phu 01' Allegheny, at No. 11110. December T. 04. 1849 h Ibe Freehold 11500 and 11.10144•eso e1.100 for a Chertt r of lecorpermloh see oh, the same .11 br granted by the Conn et the Dee umber Tem. anteee.ollclc. ruse] be 140wa t 4 the cou'eare • ACUB FL WALTZIL Nottioso arr. rtrrsecriuse, Dec 7. 11109. U. R. P e n ns, a DofA% OuFtCK PrrrEIDCIIOII. Iternonner •tb. tam HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that ua the 2-i day °rite:aloha, A. D. Gras. :gamut In Bankruptcy mu halted WILLASS ItAtatie of JOHN tAI B, ft , Ailertaml CI y. la the County of Allegheny. and ht•te • Pennsylvania. who has been adJefrea • ••••_: rapt on os a petition: Ill.!. Om pr..' 0 . , lenCebu and Grewvery ol any pnepeft7 Wool to wadi ➢aatno t y to hiss or Ito hI the. and the I...aster of aley proVvrtl 1, 7 10 . tt.r.loo - by . le, teat u. lleetlbg onbe Cewiliors Of tO. woo .ntropt. to prove their Dente mod to choose one or mon saelgeee• of Ida 101010. will be held at a vnrt of Ilankrantee. to be tickle. at LIG re , enslotreet. Ailentsev eg iv e r t 1/bv ny axne. Ph.. IWZIAra ig,ey tiIIYSICIL 600400 +• at 10 Weisel 111:1111)0Cfl. othev: U. B. Kennel. as Illevwegget, 15BE-WIDENIIIO OF ERIN STIIIIT. la the eta of Pittsburgh. Coact o f (trawler Seggloaat lila 11. Illareb sees/owl/0" Illseelleacciew Pettey. •II person. laterewled ..t.v.by notified tau Oa assessment of slam- Wre Pad brawn.. ea wade by a a pouted by the rwn la the above caw, laa twee soon/veils and all patties sowerse• .12k an weby rroatred to pay tbe maw. au ,a. thiny days tom this data, otherwise they wiLl be catered as Rees against propwl7 wideollected IP:cordial, to law. J. ea..Aetr. ExEcirro WS 301'ICE--Notiell I . b....try to pll perrna tech Med bp i "1.. " Al ert H" o ' 3 ` fZ.,?; sill 111 prePoot telt el properly authroticoted far Ciltraffte, Preerotrty. de, PICTXII BOY Eft. lexectaloer ARCEUTFATS BABA & NOSElig 1•41 MY: maw PLOWSIL MMXILMOIII 11117IILDIMM Sou II csa •G. Cair atm% fUllameneh. 146 Medal Manilas inns to Or Osalgatilg sag traildlas at coma sows sad ruiLitt 5 MOM% oe Int. "arum- Ttel