The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 10, 1869, Image 1

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Office, 84 and 86 1 Fift4 Avenue.
P. B. exinam"
lona ma.
Ilintons AND Psorazeioas
B y m an. MrTeaz
D•ll•Cred bl etalle ra. per week.... •i• • • •1,5
SENATEI Recognition lof tuba
—Repeal of the libeller of a
'Medical Society—Bill Amenda
tory of an Act.Belating to Ap
pellate Jurisdiction of the Su
promo tend—Election of Pres
id, lit, Vice President d Mem
bers of Con i grm. 'HOUSE:
Georgia Reconstruction—Free
List—Lengthy Debate on the
Mode of Taking he Next Census
—Election Frauds—Gold Gam-;
Ming Sales.
(By Tt I. g rap.. to 1 he Pittsburgh Gaactie.
WAstitsorott, Dooember 0, 1E69.
The Vice Prealdent Submitted s corn
mutucation from the Covernor f South
Carolina, endoralog the resol Sons of
the leg,sist ate relative to the re Sion
of Cuban an independent go
A number of petitions fequeilti g relief
from citsabilitita imposed for rticips
tion in the rebellion. Also a °mortal
await/ale theacaszordanoeof 4xillitgernnt
ehelate to Cuba. Referred.
Mr. AN fLIONY, in prelim:ding l e report
from the Committee on Printinsaid he
intended noon to call ahentio to the
neoessity of tome reform in the idler of
public minting, the report being a pro
vision for.the printing of 20,000 copies of
the rep , :rt a-the Commissioner of Agri.
Cdr. PON{ EROY! remarked that the far
mer. and it.,rt,io I r nrallata of the country
Were tritere,ted in the report, which was
out to ad vanes their Interests, and wan
deserving of circulation for that reason.
The /11P0/1 of the Committee, and chill
ier reports from the same source, for
pablication, were discussed. In regard
to the publication of a map of the United
States, ill thuratlye of the laud resources
of the country, to hemade to connection
with the report of the Commissioner of
the General Land office, considerable
discussion ensued.
Mr. CARPRNTIIIt introduced a bill
relative to the ealarles of the Justices of
the Sept erne Court. tialug that of the
Chief Justice at 1112 000, and Asaoclete
Jaattees at $111,0u0; Referred to the
038113:11tlee on Judiciary.
air. OSBORN Introduced a bill tor the
&veal of the public lands In eithedialPPl,
Loualaria and Artuutaas. Referred to the
Oosnmittre on Public Land,. The bill
ml:eu hat all public Linda In the
of Florida, Alabama,
Louisiana and arterial., shall be subject
to diaposal under the Homestead laws,
by sale and location, under the name
general lawn as now govern public la do
lu other States.
Mr. KELLOGG Introduced a bill eon
titillating the Misersaippl Valley Levee
OOMpany • national corporation. Re
!erred to the tkumultree on Commerce.
Mr. MORTON presented a memorial
from citizens and members of the Legis.
thre of Virginia, urging that the State be
udtultted to representation In Congress.
Tabled. •
Mr. SUMNER offered a resolution di.
meting the Committee on the District of
Cblumble to consider the expediency of
repealing the charter of the MecikesirSo
trarf of the District and of taking such
tegialation ita..may be mesentery
to encore for the medical practitioner. in
the District equal delete and optortuni.
ties. tvithetit distinction of oolor.
Mr. MORTON objected to the 'lmmedi
ate consideration,
Mr. SUMNER Said If the occasion (or
the resolution was known there would
be no erjection. A surgeon who had
been breveted Colonel for services in the
Union cause, was now a practicing phy.
stelae in Washington, and he and
another member of his pretension had,
upon making application to the Medical
BedMy In the District of Columbia, been
black balled. Though they were colored
Men, the effect of that act was to exclude
them from the co-operation and counsel
with members of that Society in Wash.
ington, and thereby inflict a penalty
upon their patients. A rule of the Raci
ng, referred to, prohibited the consulta
tion or • emaciation by the members
thereof with any resident practitioneer
not a member. Thus were them colored
mactitioneerestmt qut from theordleary
egiportunitim of consulting with their
profentional brethren on Important eases
conduit before them. Their race was
degraded by the act, and the procession
which- was guilty of such astrociam
degraded itself. The medical profession
of Washington must take notice that this
outrage would not he allowed tecontinue
without a remedy if the speaker could
obtain it through the action of Congress.
Mr. TATIER3ON inquired whether
it was posalblo to apply the necessary
remedy through the medium of Con.
greesional action. Would not admissions
to the , medical'eonsultathms of this so
ciety be Agulated by the society net
withstanding any remedial &co n by
Congress, as proposed ?
Mr. SUMNER said that by re ing
' the existhgeharter of this Sod en
Mu/Dadra a new Baciety founded on or.
publican principles, which should re.
mire colored men into Its fraternity, the
object desired might be obtained. This
same battle bad been fought, gage by
stage. and the victory had been epprov
°dot by stages. The present question
was but one additional feature of the
Struggle for principle.
Mr. PATTERSON expressed his cor
dial approbation of a proposition of the
ehante,er of that proposed. At first he
supposed this one might not be practical,
nor attain the abject meat
Mr. MORTON then withdrew his ob
jection to the resolution, inasmuch as It
was simply a direction to the Committee,
sad would not commit the Senate to any
action to the premises.
_ Mr. TRUMBULL repotted from the
Committee. on Judiciary, • bill intro
duced by Mr. Sumner relating to appal.
late jurisdiction of the Supreme (burl
WI b as amendment in the nature of a
substitute. The hill as amended is as
° s:
Al3ill Defining Me Jurisdiction of the
Courts of the United rotes in Cerium
Casey.—tie it enacted, dte. That under
the tinneUtution the judiciial power of
the United Stat esl does not embrace po.
Mical power, or give to the judicial tri
bunals any nutbority to question the
decision of the polincsi departments of
the Government on political quesulcmi
and it is hereby declared that all courts;
of the United Maim, In the admit:aura.
lion of justice, shall be bound by the
derision of the' political de manta of '
the Government Op politima questrona..
sue 2. And be it further enacted that
It ream with Congress to decide what
government Is the established one In a
S sir, and it ie barony In accordance
with termer legislation declared that no
dull B ate government exists In Virzi a k
Mitiairsippl or Taxes, and the so called
chit State government in either of wan
States shall be recognized as valid or
legal Mate government either by the ex
ecutive or the Judicial power or author
ity of the United States, until COngreffil
KW( so provide, or until such State goy.
ernmenta are represented in the Con
of the United States; and It is
hereby declared that the act of Congress,
entitled an act to provide fur the more
efficient government of re belellalees pure
ed March 2 4 'Ol,. and the several Hata
sepirestuencary thereto, are political in
their character, the propriety or validity
of which no Judicial tribunal is compe
tent to question, and tile Supreme Court
of the United Stales is hereby prohibited
from entertaining juiladiction of any
ome growing out of the execution of
said acts, in either of said States, until
Senators and Itepreesentatives from such
States thall be admitted into the Con
greets of the United States, or Congress
shall recognize such Slatego
as valid, and roranathUe all acts=
of Sete authorizing an appeal, writ of
error, &them anynis, or other proceeding,
to bring before laid Supreme Court for
rev i,w., any case, civil or criminal, nr
other proceeding arising out or the axe.
cation of said act to provide for a mare
etnelent government or - rebel Status,
and of ants supplementary thereto, or
ill lit :: 1 1 l it . •
~, , . 1 ! „,..:,.: , i •4,1 . ttrl.:ll (I:ricazttte
Which alltblbrlVl an PPplia In any
from the lung went or the Circuit 'ou rt
of the United Staley in a iuol , ros repro
proiwoding io the Supreme Conic, L.r
which nuthoris4 the Suprenie Uourt
butte a Writ of AtthentA corp .,
or other writ, to bring before It
for review any judgment of the Cir
cuit, or any other ()MIN, or of any .1 ‘llllO
thereof, 111 a Anbras corpu4 ease, or pro.
needing, be, and line ',awe are hereby
suspended; and no law heretofore passed
extending .the Judicial systent of the
United States over any Of the said retiel
States shalt no Construed to rettognite
any State government existing therein,
until Senator. anelliepreferititiveefrorn
said State Muni he admitted into the
Congress of the United States, - or Con.
pawl shall recognize a State government
therein as valid; and the President is
heroily directed to hold said Slate. by
military authority Without regard m any
civil proceeding or authority whatever.
Mr. STEWART offered a Joint woolu•
Lion directing the lieereuiry of the lute
nor to suspend his orders or November
24 and 110, 130:1, restoring to private
entry the land heretofore withdrawn for
the benefit of the Southern Pacinc Had.
mad of California. until the end of the
present iresslbb of Congress, so that the
intereabi of pre-emption and hOmeatead
wittier% as well as the rightirof the rail
road eon:many, may be brearefgatifie.
Referred to Oriannltteb ohAtiltat
Mr. DRAKE lutroduoed a bilfVa=
rra a Uniform time for hOldightelec.lons
electorapr Picsident and Vice Frew.
etcl-Of the United States, and repreaen
fotleea le Congress In all the States nr
the Union. It provides that the presi.
deutisi electors shall bc elected in each
State ow the etleOnd Tuesday of October,
in the year in which thee are to be
dhosen, and that ropeefrottalives In Con
grows shall be elected In each State on
the etecond Tuesday of Oefober next pre
reeding the beginning of the term of
Congreus to which they are elected.
Referred to Committee on Judiciary.
Mr. STOCRTUN Introduced a Ulll to
further amend the set to provide inter
nal. revenue. It emends the act of June
30, 18131, by adding to erection 124 a pro
viso, that all bequests or daytime of per-
Nonal or real property In trust exclu
sively for charitable uses etial I be exempt
from tax or duty. Referred to Commit.
toe on Finance.
_ .
Upon the expiration of Din morning
Dour, on motion of Mr. ROBERTSON,
the Senate took up the bill to remove the
political disabilities of certain maroons
therein earned. An amendment was
agreed to increscing the number of per-
Cone thee relieved, and the bill named.
On motion of Mr. St:ROYER, the
note reconsidered the action taken on
1 ednerday. by which it was ordered
that the fl c,r of the Senate should be
ef a
b t
red of Intruders ten minutes before
t e meeting of the body. The resolution
leg again before the Senate, it wan
a ended so aa to read, "the floor to be
el red Eve minutes before the corn.
mucerneut of each aesclon." Agreed
The hill to encourage the production
of cotton in the United States came up
imortier, and on motion of Mr. SHER.
M'Cli. was referred to the Committee on
n motion of Mr. 11.0 WA RD, the Ser er ,
eta, adjourned until Monday. l
Mr:BROOKS presented a petition of
the leather and hide importing trade of
New York, asking the repeal of the duty
on hides, and stated that the Mildness
was unfavorably effected that it exceed.
onehundred In leather, and two
hundred maliona a year lo oota and
shoes, and that the capon trade In boots
and shoes 18 ruined.
Mr. FASHER presented the petition of
several hundred chivies of Nlegara
county, N. Y., 'asking the removal of all
duties on (vial.
Mr. SHANKS Introduced a bill to per
fect the reconstruction of Georgie, which
was referred to the Reconstruction coin
mates. It directs the military coin.
mender of the Department to convene,
by proclamation, the Legislature of
Georgia, which was elected under the
proclamation or General Meade, of the
26th of dune, 1e65. and cause each mem
ber to take the oath of office requireder
the reconstruction ants, and regattas the
Legislature so convened to adopt the
15th amendment to the Constitution as a
condition precedent to representation in
Mr. STEVENSON introduced a bill is
place on the free list the following ant.
ales in tea, coffee, molsuea and syrup
melte]a or cane juice. rice, salt, lumber.
hides, stains for printing paper, and Iron
In pigs. Ite.erred to Committee on
Ways and Mean.
Mr. STEVENSON also Introduced a
bill to provide for the settlement of con
flicting claims to Patent rights. Be
(erred td Committee on Patents.
Mr. FOX asked leave to offer • resole
lion for the creation of a special commit-
eo of five members to Invsettigat
causes that led to the Unusual and ex
traordinary fluctuations In the New
York gold market, from the 21st to the
25th of September last, eapecielly to In
quire whether the President, Secretary,
Treasurer, or any Milner of the Govern-
meet was in any warmer interested in
causing such fluctuations, with power to
send for persons and papers.
Mr. SCOFIELD and others objected
and the resolution was not received.
Mr. CHURCHILL Intoduced a bill di.
riding the Northern Judiciary District
of New York Into two districts, to be
called the Middle and Western Districts.
Mr. WILSON, of Ohio, Introduced a
resolution instructing the Omunittee on
invalid Pensions to inquire into the
propriety of amending inn pension laws
by making It the duty of pension 'agents
to prepare touchers and transmit them
tdthop e poeteffine address of the pensioner.
A ted. _
OSIr. VAN TRUMP presented the Joint
rdeolutions of the Onto Legiatature re.
Jading the proposed Fifteenth Conatitu-
Meal Ateendment. Referred to the
Judiciary Committee.
Mr. BLAIR introduced a bill to enable
the Jackson, Lansing A Saginaw Rail.
1040 Company to, change the northern
terminus of its road from Traverse Bay
to the Straits of Mackinaw. Referred
to Committee on Poulin Lands. '
Mr. LOUGHRIDGE Introduced a bin
to provide for a continued supply of ar.
tificial Bathe to soldiers, and to extend
the time for tiling claims. for additional
bounty. Referred to Committee on In
valid Pensions.
Mr. GINGHAM offered remit:alone for
printing five thousand owlea of tim re
port of the Commissioner of the General
Land Mike, with the accompanying
maps, and of a condensed edition for
distribution abroad la the French, Ger
man and Swedish languages. Reterred
Cbmmittee on Printing.
Mr. INGERSGLL introduced a bill an
thorislng an additional lame of legal
tender notes to the amount of forty•fpur
millions, and moved its reference to the
Committee of Ways and Means.
Mr. CiARYIELD moved Its reference
to the Committee on Bunking, remarking
that the question of reference of such
bills might as well be decided now.
Mr. JUDD inqadred whether, uraer
the rule organising the Committee on
Bankingt, tole bill did not necessarily
go to that Committee.
The SPEAKER replied that he had
no power over the House in its votes ro.
fairing bile. This bill might, by a vote
of the House, be cent to the Committee
on Public Builducga If the Chair were
to give Its views on the applicability of
the rule, it would be that the bill should
go to the Committee on flanking; but It
was not within the province of the Chair
to make the ruling.
Mr. INGERSOLL said if the proposed
reference were to occasion debate he
should withdraw it for the pretant.
The bill was accordingly withdrawn.
The Houle then went into Commit
tee of the Whole, Mr. Dawes in the
chair, and resumed the consideration of
the °ensue bill. The illsonasion was
participated In by many of the members,
as to the most aconorhical manner of
taking the census, Mr Butler, of Mewl
chtufetta, contending that the work could
be beat and moat appropriately per•
formed by the oflloors of the internal •
Revenue, and Mr. Garfield holding the
ground that the small economy In this ,
matter would be arfustefulnexa.
. .
Mr. SCHOFIELD meriting on the
remarks of hie colleague (Mr. Kall9),
ridiculing the Idea of fairs economy'in
this matter, said he Would like hie col
league to road his own speeches, deliver
ed in Pennsylvania during the last fall
c ampaign, in favor of the H.:publican
party as the party of economy.
Mr. KELLY esked his colleague to
state whether be had ever suggested, in
any of his speeches, that it was wise
economy to save pence and throw away
Mr. SCOFIELD could not say hie col
league had said that; but hi. colleague
had said a great many foolish . things.
He might Feasibly have said that too.
[Lsughter. l He believed, alter all, that
the safest and beet *ay enn to go back
to the old mode, end let the census het I
. telton hy the I . rilted Mates :Versalsla, kEton tliiiiol.
who wee .:, hOthltKi .12 , ere. and ut-ty et kJ
w twin were , snerten:'ed In the matter. ,
,13e had examined, last night, the old
cemun bill of 1850, stud found that many FOUR O'CLOCK, ,!. .11/,
of the Lest features of the present bill -: - - - ---
Were tran.crlpta horn It.
Mr. IWTLER, of Masa., *tshlng to temt
the settee of the House on whether the .
gotten tnaehleary of th's,Got•WriA4•ln bet Donds—Government Tele.
should be used for tittrin2 tioi yeneue, or /Le
w other • pea set of officers should be graph Lines—French Excited
aunt s moved to amend the fourth sec. I
L Choi by , . nnaking It read, *that It shall be I Message—Decrease of
I the duty of the s.c.on ors, f (uterus] Rev.
off the
enac t In each twat-tr., to caul. ell the Mullion—Feumenical Cerenio-
Inhabitarun to tle enumerated." there
Wes A peel, weft trained, nod thoroughly 1 n i et ,_p ea t uu l y Funeral Fleet
strusi tmy ~I amt. who could do Lt.
*ark well. As to the objection urged King. ll'illiant Receives the
by 111 r. . tArtield, that the people height ,
004 /i, N., /we !ta . .rtnatton to Totems' ' irco.ts of the Orderof SiL 6901141 ,
FL, en tlO ~iii.,,, it at It ought have seine
nilort ..11 their taxes he did no , I — The Viceroy of Egypt Sac
t tint,
t e h " r " y
o sT" .now that the "'"'''' rote In ` l '°`• climbs to the Sultan of Turkey
..very mottle!
rhea furl be very letrPuse or ii , cortair.lug 1 scene in the Corps Lt gislatlf '
the proportion of lazes, and every one
would say that It wee just as necessary — llluniluations in Ho ior of the
to glee answers truly to the Aaalatsnt
Atweenere as IU an buntnerator. If lEentneDital Council.
uttritibere were now to rote for nab hp
pohitrhent of a new officer In each of Ity T,legrapit to Mr r Itl•burent li•ar:, 1
_their district" with the appointment or
lirellialber of cub officers, each with no
mark* alerke.ll hecould get, they would
be accused, however j tinily or Mohanly,
Of voting that amount of patronage into
their hand*, and they had got ah much
of a load of that description to carry ee
they ought to load them:wivee with, and
run a good race next fall. Eapeclally
was that so whoa they had already a set
of officers with very little to do, and who
could do this meatus week without any
charge to the Treasury.
Mr. MAYNARD argued that It was
not to be expected that with the rate of
compensation prattled for en Umeratent,
(four donate %dub for ale day.), com
peted men could be procured, or that
anything like a complete comma would
betaken by theta.
Mr. STOKES, Chairman of the Census
Committee, replied to Mr. Maynard's
objection, and eXpreshed his conviction
that competent men amid be got for four
dullara per day, which was all the mew.
bets of the Tennessee Leglinalttre re
! calved.
Mr. JUDD argued on the great Import
once of the etatistimil infbrinallon to be
obtained by the heehaw being taken, not
! only by the Legiolotive Department of
the ountry, bat for the natlonot credit
ors abroad, and expressed the Pediment
that no ideas of economy should be Per
' mltted to Intervene as an clientele to a
perfect and complete comma.
Mr. FAIRFIELD also replied to the
argument in Myer of employing the In
terne] Revenue °Meets to take the con
cue, taking the ground that the tax gath
erer was en officer odious to the people,
who should be thoroughly convinced
that the °ensue had 110 connection what.
ever with taxation. The whole coat of
taking the °amine of IS 0, exclusive of
printing and publishing, woe II 310,000,
of which 6C6,000 was for the payment of
the Anistant Marshal, who did the work
which enumerators would have to do.
Mr. ALLISON, a member of the
Cent us Committee, also argued against
the amendment offered by Mr. Butler.
Mr. BUTLEB, said his plan did not
prof 'INN to Interfere with the Buttes of
the l'oummetioner of lowest R11V1.111U , ..
but to place the mamma' s for this purpose
under the Census :••ttliwrlntendettt
M. ALT.ION remarked that then the
proposition was still more of jectionable,
because it would place the assessors and
assistant assessors under two selpsrate
and distinct Jurisdictions, which would
make rowfuatelu worse confounded. It
I would be fropowalble for them to act
under two distinct and separate depart
ments af,theeoverminent. He would be
very glad if the expenee of taking the.,
census could Le reduced, but the pri•
mary and great °Ejection to the arntem
proposed by the gentleman from Mast.
chtlartla woo that n w Id interfere with
the legitimate hutnstees of the Internal
Revenue Department.
Mr. WOOD thought the amendment
offered. was not without sume' merit,
and said late - firiff — filthfillie "toff been'
to favor anything which would nit
atriet the patronage of the Admlnlatra•
Bon, but considering the vast interest at
stake, and knowing the whets value of
the census depended on its precision and
accuracy, be would not allow any feeling
of a partisan character to Interfere with it.
Mr. J &NUE ES agreed that there wan
something of value in each of the tend
ing preuwietions, and that while the As
sensors should not be employed to take
the enumeration, the statistical informs
Bun possessed by the Internal Revenue
Bureau, should be utilized for the pur
pose of-the census.
Mr. BUTLER clotted the debate by an
argument in support of Ida amendment.
Ile claimed that under it there would be
eMciency, greater promptitude, greater
accuracy, and greater economy. The
gentleman front New York, Mr. Wood,
had informed the Commissioner that the !
census of lafls, In his State, made by
the itepublican party, had been entirely a
fraud. The coroner,' tottuff would seem
u, ha, that there should be no census
taken at all. There might be an Idiewyn
cracy about New York that nothing
could be done there which was not s
fraud in some wey or form; but he trust
ed there could be an honest census
taken. He admitted there wan great
danger that nothing could be found c
inworkaut the
comma, about gold speculations, or obout
schemes of every sort. It seems to be
one living mass of corruption and fraud,
of which the gentleman (Mr. Wood) wan
a representative. Laughter.)
Mr. DAVIS asked Mr. Butler whether
he meant the State or city?
Mr. IiCTI.Eit —The city always, Mr.
Mr. DAVIS—Then I hove nothing to
Mr. BUTLER—I thought not. ( Laugh
Mr. WOOD—I teak the gentleman
whether Me opinion of New York one
been gathered from the amount of lit!.
gallon to which he has been subjected
there? (Laughter.)
Mr. BUTLER—Not at all, sir; I have
never yet been able to get a , ase (or trial
in New York. I raneet a good deal of
fraud when I do.'
In further criticism of the detail,
of the bill, Mr. Butler said he
wanted to know the datintics of railroad
transportation, of the express hominess,
and of the telegraph bualoee•, because he
looked forward to the time within the
next ten years, when the country would
have to grapple with three great inter
eats, and take the ountrol of them.
The debate being closed, the qusation
was taken on Mr. Butler's amendment,
and It was rejected. Ayes, G;—nays not
On motion or Mr. Wood, and after ren
eiderablodiscuaaion, the lifth section was
amended by requiring each district so.
periofendent to be a resident of the dire
After progressing to the seventh nee.
lion, the Committee moo, and on motion
of Mr. WOOD, adjourned until Monday,
winch motion, however, was apparently
oarrle4, but on a division of the vote by
yeas and nays, wan rejected—yeas G 2,
nays 105.
Mr. FERRY, from the Committee on
Rules.' reported a resolution authorizing
the speaker to ensign recently admitted
members to committees, provided this
should not be construed as changing the
rule limiting the number except for the
plepsent Congress. Adopted.
Mr. LAWRENCE introdnoed a hill to
prevent and punish election frauds., and
prescribe the time for holding elections
for members of Congress. Referred to
the Commit tee on Elections.
Mr. DAVIS introduced a bill to Impose
a tax on all flctltious and gambling sales
of gold. Referred LO the Judiciary
The House, at a quarter past four, ad.
journed until tomorrow.
President Gram's Stress/v-110w It was
Received—lnterior News Vali:epee.
(By Tetta•aph Co the l'ltlebnyhti tiahyttr.)
HAVANA, Dec.B.—The message of Pres.
!dent Greet has caused intense excite.
went. The sympathisers with the rev.
elution era disappointed. TheSpanfarda
are satisfied, and look upon the message
as the haftiriget of peace and prosperity
in the Wand.
News from the Interior are unimpor
tant. While a body of troops were con.
saying provisions Irons Manzanillo to
Lee Tunas they were attacked by the
insurgents. The tight looted two days,
from morning until night. The knees
are unknown. Theirdrargents harrsased
the troops the entire distance, but the
convoy reached Los Team.
YH Altit'E.
PA Rah, December 9. —That portion of
the Pre,.'dent'. Meets/um relating to nen.
traitor In the matter of the amen cables,
philtre] here to-day, causee great excite
' Mena
The bullion In the bank of France has
increased . teu million seven hundred
thousand francs.
The mewl official Journels prate*, the
speech made by Ftorcadll In the Corms
Leiria[att( yesterday, and assert that the
sticcoeas which it bad in the House bee
to strengthened the government as to
render It Improbable that the contem
plated change of the Ministry will be
In the Cores Leffiblatlf, M.
Rochefort replied with bitternesa to the
apeech of Forcede. tie made offensive
allusions to the Emperor, which caused
great dleorder In the chamber, nod were
received with a storm of di nent from
the majority. He spoke of the scene at
the opening of the Chambers, when, he
asserted, the Emperor gave the algual
for MaMbers to laugh at him. Roche
fort wee frequently Interrupted and
called to order.
Many cities in France were Illumine. ;
ted last night In honor of the inaugurs•
Lim or the It'amncil at Rome. At Mar.
seines s crowd of 1,500 men made a yin.
lent demonstration against the illumln.
attune. They marched through the •
streets &Meng the Marseilles, and de
stroyed the decorations and transparen
clea.•nd c ,mmitted other excesses. The
pollee diepersed the mob after making •
sixty &treats.
The Prenident has nominated John F.
of lows, to be elrealtjjadge of
the Koctith Judicial District.
rr.TOll 116e141P1111. •
CUE IT BRITAIN. The custom receipts fur the week end•
LONDON, December B.—The prime of log December I th, 1•01 . 0 J 2,328,353.
rebel bonds lave been CollaiderSbly Ito
proved re. , ently, In view of the proposed ' TENNESSEE.
settlement of the Alabama claims. Railroad Accident Salads 'larder
The Government will take preposition Legtatativo Proceetttngs,
of the telegraph lines of the country on 3 s , Teheeent , te the 33 , ‘ „ theneehenenes 3
the let of February.
Measertin, December 9.—The quo,.
The delay in the willing of-the funeral
Beet of cif orge Peabody wan owing lion of a union depot for the various
to an accident to the athanter Inconstant. railroad. la being agitated.
Idveuroot.„ December 9.—VietteLs ar. i A brakesmart On the Maniple], and
riving from the South Atlantic report Charleston Railroad bell horn e
ValAt OURIROI A of Icebergs.
lettere from Rome assert the majority : Thursday sod wait killed.
of the French illabops, including Depth, I Peter Everson, a blacksmith. formerly
Leup and many of the German Bishop,. ; of 8.- folds committed, suicide at Van
evil oppose a declaration of the dogma of , Buren, Ark., by shooting himself last Papal th'silltelity. 1 week.
LONDON, December 9 —Toe epode In A bloody murder uocurrea at a candy
the Bank of England Increased C.M4 ,000 pulling In Franklincounty, Ark., on
during the week.
3 Thursday night. A difficulty bemired
between Mr. Eubank and Themes
ROME. ' Wert, the latter aceueleg the former of
ROME. December 9.—The r.....u.. ' . .. which Eubanks . luiphatically denie].
yesterday, attending the opening of the i Wen drew a knife and commenced din of the Er' Inmentnal Council lasted nnible lig blot, and a man mimed (lull
dye hour.. The city
bas boon
entirety ferdbega r x ,, i v t o sla r t . l r og
Is b u lt b n . ct i Ler m t . h: hea t d .
traucAull. The illumination' and firsH
with a
eft upd killed.
MO, but was snot by Guilltigr
lirdi'ke"Th Btntl/"1/4"-eve llretliford was kpttired, teil - Vr i. still'
postponed on account of the rain.
At the sitting of the Corte. tc-day the i at 1.,..
RV I I. 1,1, Deasmber 9.—Thu Renate
Mtnieter of fatale alluded to the aasem. i
tiling of the Church Couticil at Rome, I Ned, P .- " on tir e' m a d ißg , day, the bill
ed I_, an act committed while serving
providing tbst no person shall be indict
anel toad° a speech foreshawdowing the ,
,P an a soldier during the late war, and din.
policy of the I.vernment. He intimated
that the Government would not hesitate
missing all finding of prosecutions of the
to take strong steps for the protection of . kin d .
catsin case the Council nhould advo ' ~7,1“
te meaauree hostile to her Interest. 1
, Mg the Government to send to the Ten
I now. Senators and Representatives
BUMS' 4. copies of the naemoria/ staking Coognous
Sr. PwriMaavrto, December 9,—The ', to compensate the Tennessee railroad for
Emperor Alexander has conferred the : loosen sustained daring the war, war
Grand Croon of the Order of St George j adopted.
upon King William of Freesia, no a The ratification of the lessee of the
proof of the cordial relation. existing I Naaliville and Nonlmestern Railroad
between Resale sod Preemie. • wee consummated.
- e The House adopted an amendment to
Ecerr. 1 Senate bill, on third reading, authorizing
Naitheille to eoll city bonda to the
PARIS, December 9.—The Viceroy of , ..., o f ',No., andpa
cu ..e.
Egypt bee yielded to the ultitnaturn of „ thi reeding the serthie hill
toe Sultan, end accepted all the condi :be Common School eyelet. The t
s. en
Uinta It impose
leaven the question of wheels to the
counties, and auttorizaa them to rota
tar (or arbonin.
Losoos, December 9—Eventsg.—Con.
sole ror rummy, 92%; account, 92y,;®92%.
American Elucurltio firmer; '62s, 85)4;
134 51 67ti 86%,; Ten-Forties Bl'.
Erica, 20%; Illinois, 994,; Atlantic and
°rest Western, 26ye.
I•IV saran., December 9. Cbtton.
market steady; middling upiands 11%d;
Orleans 12d; eaten 12000 bales. Broad
stunk dull. liallfornla white Wheat Sa
10d; red western Nrk;.2 Ss id; winter 9a.
Flour 22a. Corn 29a. Onie 21 11d. Pau
901. Pork Ito.. Beef 107. Lard 7aa 6d.
Cheese 68s. Bacon 67s 6d.
[Armour:, December 9.—Tallow quiet.
Relined Petroleum armor. Sugar S9.@
393 RI and quiet. Turpentine quiet.
Calcutta Litineed 59a.
HA vim. December 9.—Cottun arm.
at 1331 afloat.
PA KM, DentiM ber 9.—Ammue firm,
1./ges Td. Poe_
FRANI( FoRT, Doc. 9. Bemis flan at
Aril - wear, December 9. Petroleum
firm and unchanged.
Bruno xte, December 9.—Petroleum
firm it. 9g.
Ha ununu, December P.—Petroleum
firm at 11 mare Juncos 10 *chilling..
FRANKFORT, December 9.—Booth
closed elan as 90%@903,;.
A Rpplte—T.xe.--Aulcide—Jury Mailed
to Agree
(BY Telegrepb to the llttstmeel nose.* )
CII tc.too, December 9.—The conflict
ing statementa In regard to what dlapo.
anion tiov. Palmer hre made of Daniel
Wa cruse, have finally been eettled
by a dl.patoh from the Gove.nairr
to-day, granting a reeplte of thirty day.
The regular tax levy for the present
year In Ude city foots up 1{3,990,832, On a
valuation of U 66,022,180, at the rate of
fifteen mill. on the dollar.
A partially insane woman named
Johanna Janek, at Madison, Wis., lain
Might, stripped herself naked, Jumped
Into a well of a neighbor and drowned
The Jury to the well known Rhow-
borg whisky case, on trial at Dubuque,
Involving twelve hundred barrels or
whiskey, felled to agree and were dis
charged. The Jury were out about. sigh
teen hours.
Ptyotaleg Letrtalatare--Italtreed Platten
—PP MAXI Pefirage.
Cateen*, Dee. 9.—The following act
was passed by the Wyoming Territory
Legislature on Tuesday last, and was
signed by Gov. Augur: Any person in
the employ of any railroad In this Ter
ritory, who may be Injured or killed
while In the performance of his duties,
or otherwise, shall have, or his widows
or heirs shall have, the same right of
action for damages against the said ' , vim.
pony, as if such person was not in the
employ of Said company. Any agree.
Went, written or varied, to hold such
company harmless or free from damages
shall be null and void.
The Aunt vote on the Woman's Bug.
rage bill in the same Legislature stood:
Council, seven for to two against; House,
seven lbr to forty-one against.
Additional nutlet, by Telegraph.
Cnieratio, Deownhert.--Graln marketa
to-night quiet. Provisions steady, with
maim 1,000 bids Mew Pork miler Febru
ary at 132.qM . 25, and 600 kg* do caller January at SW; Bales 1,000 pieces Green
Hama mi 113to,and 700 neon Lard in
lots seller February at 19.3.
attorney at rel•Int111 anterior to sod at
ii 3ac la the's Lenore—
and vicinity wan he Id at the ltdard
to take argot.
Appointment—A Question Settled Father
Sintulsh Gunboats sr 111 not IN' b 'rhe deponffiour not objected to were
—l'ulitoni Reeei IrtN-4'anada Sa-
Rel 'belled -- Another I nju Dr t itni : He : ;) " isul du'rt in ti tin ed eidricks, DeputV Sheri , /
. 5 m e etti og „r ten ~,,,,,,,,,,
~1 ,
of l' sett eternity, Illittope, deposed that
tisfled 'Virginia itecouAtrue-
lion. Ib T"b r o"''r i t .:,:','Lo :.f li Ni or"'t l i t:et hn ;. "" lren%e b r a i ri a . Trade Itoolnk IuAL 01011111 g
I l'ruy ed for —Stimull-p .. x Epi- ('n.c.ion pin ~u ... '... co‘ ro 4 t l Ht" ' relatlve. tOnecuring Executive clemency
knew a W,IIINTI by the enure of deitaistuat for r) , .
I deluie—Rallroad Collision. . did not know her tirett cosine. think the ' ' Sb.. pre, who to sentenced to be
and the ?Tomo. rooms were
plaintiff wan the woman, could not Swear lilting on the L'lld lost, for murder.
ssw y
~, t , , . , o,„,„ ~ o,
~, 1 ,,,,,.
r i1 . . r , t1Z .. , 1 , 17:a y r.
~.1 u 1 :1 e r, 7 , 1 , 0 :n Z , Y , Li t,.. " , ,t. , n l " . .eLer short rt , tp - o, a deep Interest wan Inamt.
no nt, heard ,h s , tt e, t , kept an ansignation Although the to.ting was galled ort
la, Tedesrapin to the Pi ts4Urgl. LI. 1
One of the largeat sod most Ord/LIAM The deponumn of Willis/. Hopper ' r.'.1,..d,
aUdlOnces ever assembled to the name nex.. Klee , . 1,:hir . .1111. Her repu : : filled.
By Tel...rapt, to I bc14.100 Oslo tie.)
The Committee on Recount:L.o:lmi held
I a meeting dim morning on the subject of
' IGO adrniewion of 1 irginia. The Meeting
continued two hours. Right or ten
speech. were MOO toy ItadlOahi and
ConsorvatiVOS from Virginia, aruk mem
bers of the Committee. Some,-wanted
the iron-clad oath adomustered„ttimen,
hers of the lAiglidature, while °theta ono•
tended that the oath to support the Um.
auto Eton of the United States le sufficient.
The Committee adieurned to meet nest
on Saturday, at whim lime the et:intend
ing pat t!tie are required to stibMil their
reispeal ye viewa to viir!ting.
Supervisor Dslobar, of Ne York,
writ,. to Cominisaloner Deland (hat the
prectiY4 prevails Ina conalderatdeextel.t
in hus district, by revenue 0330ni, of
for their serces ut eg olit
paper. that the law reentry* the tax
that the practice cannot be sanctioned,
and moot not be perudtted, and that all
money received for such purposes must
be refunded, and those who refaillo tore
fund at once will be dismissed:lmm the
ADML9sION OF riltalMlL
A Committee frmn the Legislature of
irginis waited on the iteconaarvetion,
Committee thi• morning and presented
their views, briefly reciting what had
been done In the State towards tarrying
out the reednatruction eels, and asserting
that what had been done by the people
of Virginia was in gv >d faith.. and that
the constitution as far as adopted shall
be carried out to the very letter end
apirit of its intent.
hatter Pave been received bare from
prominent gentlemen In esVida al,
pressing inttisfsetion with the view, of
President Grant in hie message relative
to that country.
rat - tire-160\ RECTIOI4
The committee on Way. add Wane
this morning bad the Iron eadbo tit the
tariff bill under conaideration. The du
llest remain about the lame, With a new
elattatil eat I on.
Bed River !tatters—Kin--Guava a< der
I :Hy Tiloarere to tee Must:arab Curt.. 1
I rrra w.., December 9. Donald G.
Smith, who arrived here a few days ago,
received a cable dispatch from the Hod
son Bay Company to proceed at once to
the Red river to assist Gov. ItlcTaviah In
the administration of the territory, or
succeed him In case of his demise.
Dispatches received by Government
from Mr. McDougal and Gov. McTavish
represent the difficulty in the territory
to be subeddlag. Goy. McDougal will
enter the territory as soon as the Queen's
proclamation machete hint, and the au
thority of the Dominion Government,
and the question of territory will be at
once announood by him in a proclaims
tion dated from Fort Garry.
Tho Executive Connell will meet at
once, and every reasonable represents.
Lion from the balf.breed population will
receive the earliest attention of the gov
ernment of the territory.
PlSTErtirOrto, Decemtwrr 9. Several
stores on the corner of George and Hun
ter streets wore destroyed by fire. Lose
An euphoric° of gunpowder recurred
here by which several men were seri
ously Injured.
Pasting iniEttegard to Early Adanalos—
ho neepose the Dereatunot.
(B) Telonnw W the Plttstouritt tio.ons4
Yew Yu , December 9.—A Rich
mond dispat nay.: The President'.
rotemumendaSo to Congress for the
early admhetion o frgiota and the prot•
pest of it beinga dike carried out,
causes a gene al fee/I f rejoicing, the
exception. being a few factions of radi
cal. whom the Republican party left to
run the lest Convention by themselves,
and a few aoro headed old Democrats,
who exhibit cheap pluck by swearing
that they would rather be order Canby
than Walker. The groat mace of the
Republicans and Conservatives are le
.loiced at the proapent of nu early admis
sion. The talk ataut the Legislature
undertaking to upset the provisions of
the now Corartitution, or render them
inonorative, L unfounded. The only
Portia. Interested In Weeping the State
out are non resident. who have been
appointed to civil office by the military.
All northern people who have =no hare
as farmers or business men are rejoirsu
over the approaching admission, no mat
ter which dela they aro on In politics,
and all the officeholders are opposed
to It.
Woman Suffrage In New Jotwry,
67 Thlekr•Oli to UM rlttgella
NEWARK, December 9.—lta the No.
mane' Suffrage Convention to-day reao.
linking were adopted that wornan's right
to vote In New Jersey tuts never been le.
gaily cancelled, and that women suf
frage ansociations be formed in every
Congressional District to promote this
object, and moire the election of room.
bera to Congress and the Legialature
who will advocate the political equality
of women.
Lae of • Pittabargh Coal Rarge.
(By Toirgrapte to Os ettLitarsti fissett4./
Lowavima, December 9.—A
containing twentyttio .11untlreci bttM
of coal, the property of Chas. MODOUgat,
of pligintirgh. sank below the FaUa, In
eix feet water. Valued at Ilsom— n i, in.
trOltOt for chastity and tarn., was not
Academy of Moine wan drawn thin even.
log to bear the lecture ref P got d
ere Hva. Bicler reins next on the Mat—
elot/ie. F.very seat to tale bending won K‘mt non telt ...mooted with
,coupled and hundreds were compelled Mi. Jolmeon.
a I be d ...non of fanny Thompson
toconteut themselves with standing room a
the „rat— Kept a
The audience comprised the Intelleatioce ktiOn the Melilla cr. Min. Johns.,f), nee
of the city. Pere Hyacinths said atonally. I beard that Mrs. .doh nv in
Ladles and lientlemen, I come to kola e house of ail fame i Chleeit".
had P. S. Travis arrested in her bonne
seek in this country a week's repose ''"" ono night, he was In tad et the time.
Moan the tisrUggles of yesterday and Fanny rename' , tee anew, certain ques.
thane Of to-Morrow. I come, row:fired to I non which affected tier reputation fur
be talent. I come to behold that gland S n' dit Y .
Ada deixisit.on was neat
nation bearing an impress of the Deity, did km.„. mu ch guout
the more profound as the hand of man Al re. Jolinnon. her repo anon waa bad;
I. kin apparent on it. I come to look I was In her bourse recce with rue b unbend;
Upon that young and vigorous nationdid not see anything wrong there.
whirls, If It weakens not, will realise in Musa Joan. Parton vain° next on the
the future the greatest and best In- Ilet—heeded In Chicago until I was In
termite of tied, for our race. I ymra of age and had no putout ler orru
come here to listen, not to speak. It i nation: was not personally acquainted
happened, however, that In this greatl with Mrs. J 0111 0 ,01.1: did not know the
cosmopolitan city I found France, and general repute...of Mn,. Johnson; had
was appealed tat by the chariteole tin heard Mr. flatus and Mr. Travis speak j
behalf of suffering France. The mean ;of her. Iler reputation in tort goal.
bora of the French Benevolent Society 1 thins U Watson's deponent came ,
asked me to 00111 e. now Met a severe next. ltd not know Mn. Jot/neon per
' *inter is about LO set In, ai.d aid I mostly; never heard anything against
my suffering countrymen in New I Mrs. Johnson's reputation. I heard two
York. Pere Hyacinths moire at ' men say she was a •Irtuoue, good wo.
length on the eGavernment of Life," man.
with a charity as a aubeidlary element. .11,1. Amy A. Johnson called by defers
In the noun's of his remarks he said, dente—Am acquainted with Mr. Travis,
clove expremsts Itself by means the of Chicago; have seen him in 1.110 city of
/Mat foreign to It lb man. It to at the Pittsburgh at the rd. James Hotel during
root of every act. The heart le at the the last week.
foundation of all, let us be men of heart; Defendant'. coucel proposed tee prove
let on bear our beetle Into cavil life,'lnto by the witness that she bad attempted to
social life, and lotto domestic life. Let spirit Travis away front the jurisdiction
us be than of heart In city, in State; let of the coml.
us love COUntry. fatally, loyalty and Saw Mr. Troves in the room In front of
probttY; let love the Church Mr. Fultoo'n odic,: I first saw him at
o Cgitget; btlt not as the church the St. Janos lidied: I did not threaten
o -any particular sect. Let ti." or induce Mr Travis to go sway; I never
re.pect . the letter, but not as au extin• threatened Mr. Travis with violence if
welsher. The letter kills, the spirlt he appeared agninet tee In thin cam; I
gine life. TIM lecturer cautioned at have no recollection of Mr. Travis ap•
length In lucidation of his text. While I pealing to a umglatrate in Chicago when
tie did not speak directly of his relation these depositions were being taken to
toward the Church of Bottle, he favored have me put under Mends; Mr. Travis
the Idea of an uneectarlan Church, and 'did to in, that be was going to see his
the reconciling of religion and liberal mother; Ido not k Bow whether be has a
Ideas. mother or not.
The Tribune says Judge Pierrepont The defendants here rested then' Mae.
does not hesitate to distinctly •ttirm that The plaintiff Introduced the following
In case of the expected release of the rebutting lestirtiouy
Spa/nigh gunboats from the original Amy A. Johriaon-1 knots Amon Rick-
Peruvian libel, he does not intend w en- inane I know Patrick Halligan; they
tertian the •Pplication of the l'uhan au wore at my home in April last in the
thorltlee for a new seizure of the vessels lure part of the evening; Mr. Mock man
alleged to be designed for the commis. was very much Intoxicated; he vomited
Mon of hostilities against the govern- In my ripittoon in the parlor; Mr. klinck
went colony, and the people of the island man got into bed in my house that even.
of l'uba. noises the liovernment at tug without my consent. Mr. Halligan
Washitigtou Khali no direct., after farther and 1 were sitting just back of the dour
consideration, and he deems it highly in the middle room. he had one seat and
improbable that the national authod• I had another not far from him; there
ties, as affairs now stand, will decide to was a lamp In the back room. Mr.
I have the Spanish guntoata rellbeled, Heckman acted very bady; I naked Mr.
I and Judge Florrepont sees no ohance in Halligan to take Hiockman away; or I
the ease for the Cubans end their Nympa. would be forced to mil a policeman. I
thimr• except through the action of asked Mr. Hinckman to leave my
Congress, by srhich the ultiumte course house. Mr. Halligan attempted to
of the Administration will be tinal:y de throw me aver on the bed. but I pre
teimintd. vented Min. t did nut 'Mire to
Thomas St. Johns, of Mobile, ham tiled tied while either of the men were
complaint in the United State. Court in my lic.use that conning; I did
asking for an injunction against the Erie not sit on llalligan'n knee that evening
Railroad officers, to prevent them from at any Hine; they left nip home. 'stout I,
investing the earrlibigtl of the road in two rile cit. Halligan mid li irk man was
outside enterprises or ape rotation's, in too drunk to take away. to let him have
order thnt mush earnings may be applied a nap. and he amend then take him away;
10 the payment of dividends wt stock. Mr. Hickman neveraave messy money;
Mr. St. Johns owns three hundred share. Mr. Hickman told me that he was a per
of EVIOStt,k. 'social friend of Mr. Smith's, and that he
In the Board of Health yeaterday would try and arrange the eilificultyethat
it wan lasted that the amen-pox was was between us; he said If he wan not
about lemming epidemic In the Fifth, here when I came bi write him a letter
Fourteenth and Sixteenth wards of and he would mine immediately; I wrote
Brooklyn, sand three special inspectors Mr. Hickman s letter in pursuance of
W.Ze ARPOLltell to veginate the latish. this arrangement , and that Is the only
Rants.letter I ever did .write to him. Roma
A collision occurred on the ill's Road No. te in the St. James Hotel Is just Off
early this morning between a passenger the parlor; 1 entered my name as Sea.
train and a freight train left Minding on man at the St. Jamm Hotel, when I ar.
the track, just outside Bergen tunnel rived In tne city on toy way west; Sea.
without displaying any lights. Some of men wan tiny maiden name; lan entered
the Cars were loaded with livestock, and it to prevent Mr. Smith from know
it is said a large number of sheep were ing of my arrival until I saw
killed. Five freight ewe were demob him per...m.llv I did not tell
Isbell and the locomotive of the passenger Mr. Smith that I took money for preen.
train badly Injured, lotion at any lime, and he well known it.
The Spanish gunboat cruse has gone I did not attempt to match Mr. Smith's
over until to-morrow, when Diatrict At- hat when he started to leave the hotel. I
torney Pierrepont expects to have in- mainlined no impropriety that I Mil
structione from Washington as to the aware of. Ido not know Chas. E. Beck•
course to pursue. er, a policeman lo Chicago. When I
lived on State street I kept boarders, two
engineers and two medical students.
Had no lady boarders. I never, at any
time, kept an assignation house. On
State Street, where I kept an ice cream
saloon, I had four rooms, one store, Met:
cream room, kitchen and bed room.
which, accompanied by my hired girl, I
occupied. tala Thompson said she was
tight when she Mended against
me. Captain Travis came to board ,
at my house, hut I had sent his trunk '
away before he was arrested. Ann
Thompson acknowledged that moot, of
her testimony was not true, and apolo
gised to me for It. She said the reason
that she had no bandied was that I had
an old fret for s lawyer who had brought
out things which she did not want
brought out, and that If I would pay her
bills she would come to Pittsburgh and
cantradict her own abatement made in
the depoeltlon. I never kept a house of
ansignation or proatitution at any time;
never had any dieposition or occasion to
keep such a bou•e.
At tial. point Court adjourned to meet
at le a. a Friday.
TRIAL LINT YOH rot tent.
se. Dravo vs. 'dimmer Elisha Bennett.
62. Burbridge &Co. vs. McDevitt.
S. Hoeveler et at. vs. thready'eadmx.
5. Kruesk•mp en. same.
5. Fulton vs. Fulton'. ear's
11. McCarlin's ear'. ye. McAboy.
43. Hyde va. Robinson, Hill LS Co,
44. Koontz ve. McKelvey
Doing. of a Revtvalbt—Rellgtoua
Ihuatasm—Flog (,hoists In Kentucky.
(Ili Telegraph to the en üburgh ...tette. 1
Clntlnnort, December 9.—The Broad
way Presbvtenati Church was packed
to night at. a meeting conducted by the
celebrated evangelist Rev. C. I'. Ham
mond. He does not preach much, but
resort. to anecdote. and illustrations,
and makes the minister. and laymen do
the work. Over one hundred pereone
rose for prayers, and about two hundred
cnildred within a week have prolesmed
conversion. He will remain a couple of
weeks more at lewd.
There Is an anwsnal religious interest
In all the cburcheo, and the daily morn
ing and evening prayer meeting's are
The receipt. of the Bethel ntr amount
to about $3,500. The daily a.tendance le
Immense, and Increasing every day. It
will close on Saturday night.
There Is • report from Kentucky that
the hog cholera is prevailing In that
State. Yana: day the meat Inspector of
this city condemned a drove of two bun
deed hoge Just arrived from Paris, Ky.,
on account of having the cholera. None
of It la In Ude locality, except that Im
Diotrtct Court—Judge Kirkpatrick
THURSDAY, Doe. IL—The case of
Johnpson va. Smith WM resumed, on
the opening of Court. Mr. Smith, the
defendant, being again called to the
stand, testified wr follows.
I have no knowledge that ■he had Il
licit intercourse with other men since
the alleged promise of marriage. The
segregate eum of money sod property
Unit I have given to plaintiff from the
21.1 th of March, leaf, to September the
same year, was $1,500. From that time
to the Sub of May I gave her $2O. The
money referred to, or $1,250 of It, was
given for the settling of a breach of
promise; the balance was given for living
with her.
Croce examined.—lt wee on the '29th of
March, 1867, that I gave her the 81,240
for the settlement of the alleged broach
of promise. I did not propose to her
that she .11 her house fur a drove of
hog. and that I would dispose of the
hogs fur her, I never had any convents.
tine with her in reference to euch a
transaction . . I eannot ewear positively
to the date of which I gave the plaintiff
the 11,250, bet It w. Monday. I did
stop at the Stock Yard Hotel in Harris
burg, M. M. Grove proprietor, in Octo
bor. 1867, wee there about Iwo weeks. 1
was to that ally in September, 1867.
Here the testimony of this defendant
for the present was concluded, and Mr.
Moreland proposed to offer In evidence a
telegram from Chicago signed by S. W
Allindsr, which stated that the witness
Halligan who had been regnially sub.
pinned would not come, and stated that
if he would testify she would shoot him.
Offer objected to, and the objection sus.
The counsel for defendant offered In
evidence the record from the Superior
Cloud of Coot county, Illinois, in ■
breach of promise came In which Amy
A. Johnson, the plaintiff in thin case,
was plaintiff, and E. H. Smith defend-
ant; this for the purpose of contradict
ing Amy A. Johnson, and for the farther
purpose of allowing accord and antisfao.
lion in this imae.
Plaintiff's counael objected on the
grouted that the rocord is Immaterial to
this case, and the counsel for defendant
having asked qtreatlona relative to It,
are found by the answer of the wanes.
The Court sustained the objection and
sealed a bill for defendant.
- .
Defendants proposed to offer la act
denoe the depositions of several witnesses
In Cbicak, among whom was M. D.
Brown,., of Chicago, nintive to the
chancer° plaintiff. PlaintWs counsel
objected to the deposition of Mr. Brown
on the ground that be bed been the paid
Quarter Sktastous—Judge (Miler
THURADAI, Ddeember 9.—la the case
of the Ourrunonwealth vs. Florence Sul
livan, previously reported, the Jury re.
turned a verdiet.of not guilty, and the
coats to be divided between the parties.
Cbm. v. Thos. Carlan, Indicted for
assault and battery, on oath of Lewis
Knapp, was the next case called; nolle
pros. on payment of costa by defendant.
The next case was that of the Com
monwealth va. Henry L. Hall, indicted
for obtaining geode under fela pretense;
aolle pros. on payment of coeds by de
Commonwealth vs. Cherie. Halley.
Indicted fur assault and battery: rolls
pro,. on payment of meta by defendant..
Commonwealth ma. Sant. Newton, Geo.
Drake and Miller Clark, indicted for
assault and battery, Then. Cade prosecu
tor.. On trial
The following surety of the peam. and
abandonment eases will be taken up on
Saturday morning at ten o'clock. Par.
Sew Interested must be in Court, other.
wt.° the cases may be dismiesed at the
coat of the par Ass not appearing.
8. Coen. vs. Simon Schook.
'• Valentine Derry.
Mary Joyce.
" Michael Hofer'.
Michael Harrison.
" George Hunter.
Fame Hunter.
" Anne Hunter.
Mannuel Canes. et al
•' John Hain ,a.
•' Geo. F. Harbaugh.
" Wm. Brooks, et al.
Common Pleas—Judge siterrett
TIWWIDAY, Dec. 9. —The ease of Hill
and Coulter, reported on trial yesterday ,
was submitted to the jury, and had not
agreed upon a verdict when Court ■d
Jones et az, vs. MoAboy. Action on a
promissory note. On trial.
Court adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock
Monday morning.
Plot lhatlelent.—W. J. Robinson. who!.
confined in the county Jail in default of
ball on numerous charges, was brought
into court yesterday, and an effort made
. to secure ball and have him released.
The sum required was ;5,1500, 10,000 of
which was secured; but there still re
maining 1)+'„600, ho was remanded. and
shortly alter he was returned to prison
an officer of the Court lodged two addi
tional ball pieces sued out by Charles
Jeremy of 1600.
~ . ::. . , , - : , ; .!:. : , ! ,-., ? -1
NO. 286
Plttsburatt Interested—Public Meeting
Lsot FArolug- A Itepritre Deislatiade4l
The meeting organized by calling Hon.
I Thou. [Habana to the chair.
Mr. Bighttua briefly stated the purpose
for which the meeting bad been called,
and after giving a brief history of the
ease, announced that the meeting was
ready for nominees.
fio motion Memo". Swartzwelder, Par
kinson, Cohen. Roth, and Dr.. Abel and
8011 h./ wore appointed a man
mute., to drag resolutions expressing
the sense of the tbretinu. The commit
tee retired, ati after A brief absence
rep .rteci the cffli,,,,j a ,
ErArfrrd, That for the reason that the
i l vronr is not - yeeteal with the powers
of a Court of Error ur Appeal, and is Ju
dicially bound by the verdict founded
1 nom the facts adduced on the trial, he
should interfere, tf.addltional proof Is
i alt„riled Lim eller oonvtcnon, and am.
I trace not attainable at the trial, and
tending to show an Illegal conviction.
i Ilea"( red, That this being a case of cir•
nurnstantml evidence, the rule that gov.
erns In the trial of crime. 'Mould control
the Governor where additional facts, un
attaaable at the trial, are furnished
helall r. , That, since the conviction and
nermenre of Dr. tsciKeppe, numerous
learned medical and scientific societies
and Individuate, have unanimously con
curred in the opinion that the teats were
!anemone, the post merlem examination
incomplete, and the symptoms not pecu
liarly indicative of poison.
Er-a/red. That In the exercise of the
rardomng f ,wer, the Governor sasunies
1,1 uity power, and supplies the deficien
cy of the law, where the law Is Bumf
!totem by reason of Its universality,
therefore, that the Governor pardon or
reprieve Dr. Schulte.
The tomtit utiona ware adopted, and Mr.
Bigtiam and Dr. titto Wuth appointed a
committee to convey them to the Cover.
nor. An address was delivered in Ger
man tIY Re•. Nutimbers., attar which the
meeting adjourned.
A Case of Peculiar Sodium,.
We were made acquainted yesterday
with the particulars of the deaths of Mr.
and Mrs. Welts, No. 68 Crawford street,
Eighth ward, which cannot but effect,
oven CO Learn, many readers. Some four
or ❑ve weeks since Mr. end Mrs. Watts
removed to this city from Washington,
C., bringing with them a family of
bee children, the eldest, a girl, aged
eleven yearn. Soon after aril ving, the
busload and father, who was by occupa
tion a glass stainer, procured employ
ment, and peace and prosperity seemed
to have followed him to his new home
among stranger. But, alas! he knew
not what were the imrposee of an irusern
tmble Providence. A week ago the
strong man sickened, and on Tuesday
afternoon kind strangers closed his eyes
in death. The loving wife, after again
becoming a mother, was also stricken
with disease, and yesterday her spirit
tied to join that of her husband in a bet
ter land. Side by nide their bodies now
repose In death.
A brother of Mr. Watte arrived yester
day. a short time previous to the death of
hie minter In-law, and upon his aaauring
bur ho would gee that her children should
be well and kindly cared for, she closed
her eyes and died In peace.
We may add that the deceased, who
died of pneumonia, were members of
the Eplecopal Ch arch, and received every
attention from Bishop Kerfoot, who was
conetant In miniateriug to their want.,
temporal and spiritual, in which he was
efficiently anointed by the realdenta In
the neighborhood.
The brother will take the bodies to
Washington for interment, whither be
will also convey the orphan children,
not this a case of peculiar sadness?
(Miner John Kirk, of Allegheny, yes
terday morning, about one o'clock, was
responding to a call from a companion
when be slipped on the Icy sid ewalk, on
Ohio near East atreet, and fell with each
violence that his right ahoulder was dis.
loostied. Dr. Dickson attended his in
juries at his realdenoe.
Last evening abort' five o'clock, Mr.
Robertson, clerk for Mtwara. Hostetter
Smite, was walking down Federal street
when he allpred and fell, near Morgert
alley, spraining hie right ankle badly.
He was unable to walk home, not wan
carried thither, where the lniury received
•.euical treatm6nt.
—August Hahn, a laborer, was Si/led
by the caving In of ■ bank, yesterday,
at Mllweukee. He loaves a family,
—The double turreted monitor Terror
was pat In commiseion at Boston
Wednesday. Destination unknown.
—The public lamps In Independence
Square, Philadelphia, were teat evening
lighted and extingulaltied by eleetrielty.
—A petition Baking Congress toabolleh
the tariff on coal, signed by prominent
buaiueoa men and citizen, of Buffalo, has
been forwarded to Waahington.
—At a meeting of the directors of the
Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Wednas.
day, at Baltimore, J1:10. W. Garrett was
unanimously reelected President.
—The steamers Cuba from Liverpool,
Idaho from Glasgow, and Northumber
land from the klediterraiman, have ar
rived In New York. The Cuba brings
malls to November 29th.
—The exercises yesterday, the last
dsy of the State Ch prim tbnvention
u Terre Hants, Ind, were more tate r
mting then those of any proceeding day,
and all the session have been minter.
misty attended by members of a ll de
nominations of Christians
_A n article appears In the Dubuque
rime..., written by a gentlemen at Fort
Dodge, lore, which claims to throw
light on the Cardiff Giant. He says that
about the Bth of June, 1838, two Mr]
registered their names at the St. Charles
Hotel, Fort Dodge, as George Hall.
liioghampton, New York, and IL E.
a=, Breton. For several weeks, and
ovements of a sualLicion• chime
ter, they finally purchased an acre of
gypsum land from John McDermott,
paying the sum or one hundred dollars.
'Choy then built a shanty on the ground
and employed men to open the gyp sum
quarry, for the purpose, as they d, to
amid a handsome piece to New Tort.
They got oat • large atone, drooled It to
eleven feel three Mabee in length and
three feet two Inches wide; they then
loaded it on • railroad car. The theory
le that Hall and Martin took the atone to
Chicago, where it Was worked out Into •
statue, and thence to Blngbampton and
thence to Newell's farm. The corns
pendent e.roreselia the opinion that CoL
Wood, formerly of the Chicago Museum,
is concerned in the affair, as be happen
ed around Just when they weft digging
up the giant. It Is said the loan who
carved the giant is now In Chicago, but
propane' to keepqalet.
• Bride Atte:septa to Saletde—Marter
IBS Telegraph to tae rlttabrarldreasetia.)
Mainscia, December 9.—Belle T 01,13
send, who was recently married.attampl
ed to commit suicide ibis morning by
taking arsenic. iPrompt assistance from
phyllclans will probably aave her life.
The asoond trial of J. W. nee. c
with Killing Owl. J. 8. Ras at the
demouatratioo In this city, la now 4011
on In the Crlmpal Court. At the last
trial the Jury falled to agree and were
media/gm -- Supposed
er arrested.
MT TlFte.raoh to Llok Plasbargh Oazettf •)
LOVIKVALLE, mber IL—ln the Ken
tucky Boom no sy, the bill establishing
• conventional of interest as high as
ten per cent., w r eported on favorably
and the subject , and made the special
order for Thursday,
Peter Gelech has been arrested at
Troy, Indiana, aa the murderer of bla
wife and children, near that place in No
vember last.
4 4:IS 31
L It* lail. and chafq.s.
ho harmer, mechanic et samch-at
Elll4 oubscriber•
Chub. of S.,
Club. of tr
A copy Is furuiabell gratuitously to Ye gotOto
op of • club of boa. Pootmutora tat minima/
Ton warkingwomen of .Boaterrwee
likely to receive substantial beitelit Minn
We efforts put forth in their behalf by
the charitable. A member of the !ns.
men's t'hib," a wealthy lady, la mon
g plans for We bellied( of sewing wo
moo, in e hich othera 'will wilt Ma
Peateely in also et work with the NO
idea, but turn, her attention spore to Ike
mnteer .4- industrial tesekiz a z attea pser
children, noctiielly by. the
method. Mrs. Itatchelder and others Awe
working aweiy et the same problem of in
dustrial educatlon, and the city =de,
some time ago, an appropriation of s3,ml
to try an experiment of it in the public
WARILANTR were recently hil
Michigan for the arrest of tea or twelve
iron and copper companies doing tn&
nese at different points on Lake %perk*,
on charges of laming anstataped checks
or evident, s of amannta of money to ka
paid on demand. These corn u ton
from $20,000 to $60,000 of this anip-par
month to pay their workmen, mainly , in
az and $lO notes, which are engraved tat
a manner similar to a bank note, and
they circulate tbrough.the Late Superior
eon ntry, and are paid at the ofllee of Atm
company issuing them, In Cleorelanl,
Pins burgh or other places. Tkta vette
has been carried on for several yam
A roarstrrirs appointed to investigate
an alleged charge of undue punishment.
Inflicted by a school teacher, Merged
"that the puniahment wm isotactnatedby
malice, but was °cautioned by an - antis
appreciation of the thickness of the bona
J. U. =ED & CIO r
del°Nati No. 61 FIFTH ATARI;
L 8
TREE ce,.
A: herr br "toot, that the uhrleirelgued. am ma t .
en oloorrtro to wows d•royroo and basalt* fte
opotong ray. ttc rtt. el.y of Lite/bah), Da
e eaver
IC lb. Obtclrt,!ift. orIU In•e10111
the premises TI36I3DLT, Docalutor SSW
1&39. al 3 e•k 7 N., ek elite /ad to the Ferres
r 1 ".. .DWl tn..,
c ! ,.
JOU ot, .1
j % A. triu2l
run/ AILD Dl*lllll/ZT.
LconTllionATlOl o l OF
Ratt• of itterrosear, Ilwewmete
. where pt. I. BALLISAITEI sandal
I. of Lis leg. ha vl-1 calabash!, tas
etataa a first-clan
DEER AND ovirrait Limn.
At hit .•looa, Miltt al Nall. No. el 041100,0
necial Incltai lon to the met:thereof Na _. _ .11
A. It.. anti tboar participating la lElrsissen INN
of Shiloh. it reopectlally extenatd. dolma
PULLS for tb• County IMAIMIOMY../EIL
133 June Term. 11169. In Moon& unit
MILYZIPS. by Gee neat friend., J. D. IWO%
To Jsroes Meyer.. the respondent: -
nu behalf of tbh libel/ant In the abOVICING.
~tteod Ih• d I.os of tits appoltdaget .safig
VATAID'iy!' r=tb4-"lrid, r ivara n
orioek h. A.. oboe. and *hat yonasystuad U
you see proper.
1.1110. R. COCIVI &N. A tt . 7 !WPM:W*6M
CONTItOLL LI: OF A Lr.rpirlr.conlm - , COMM PALI
r il
irreacno. bee. Say 1160.
Sit ',LOD PFLIIPUZ•LB.II be received 'WWI
oak, until iSch /OF fill,lialtiff
legbamy county with
Ninety-Ayr OttSee Baste for ?ernet• Ecttool Hooke for Tazete4a ,
. ?ra . rfirsa Treasurer's (Nallealela
&templetcan be seen on appelcsilms. TIE. ei
delivery to be selection to the eantract.
By dlrecelom of Comm.,. Coennalteloners.
rm7T" 7 l
&moved In ono minute, artthoet NNW.' IT
leaving ebrauraai anima and DUNINtra NEN
Sem need is a few mina ra. operaatbna 11T
Conn.! sal taint vain or bloodshed
Perfect comfort tanardiateryl
No oat on. madletaensadl
No son Net after operaDagl
1414r4.1.4 and SUP Joint treatad nicateradliP.
IN oat-a Ise aye Cblialales tetrad 19•119 ens.
hatlaractlbu elven or money refunded. NOON
Cite litererrners glean.
Wire Boars tr.= /2 8., wad 1 tog
r rt. Sunday.. 9tolt u.
St new tn r
stair, iliac, No. 49 Stall atroeS, old
Dr. EL PETN.B.SOI. PlGLaborsh. Pa.
4. 14:4161
11131 17Creocoe1 at.
Will be found the Largest, Best
add Cheapest Stock of LOC
Misses' and (Oats' Furs to select
from in the City. AU the late
styles of. Hats and Caps Airiabg
Bell and Brass Founders,
Mode Primptiv to 0/via:
Made and Kept on Hand.
Proprietor. sad Maalthhownsof
I. M. Cooper's ImprovedßalineeilneS
Mee, 882 FEU STEIL
FOUndrh CorAlth and
Corner of Pen and Rid &Mk
OPCX DAILY Dote 9 to 41 , t i loat: .
SATURDAY AVID - 13% frau 7IA inV.
vatator Ist. Rom Vto 9 Wel sam:l . N.
'ember la to 1ta714, 6 to llo•
mid at for rata of Us pel cent. . Mae
if not withdrawn conrsonsaa saint
January and July. Boots of py-Laws. RA. hr.
Idabel SIM, omen.
Volt Of SDAAMI—Ono. A. Darry.A=
. H. Flertteso../.. Park, Jr. Vim
D. Y. 11•HLyle7.Seenotary and
lean:Mt 11 . 11rkt & "l
bee. Joanna Rhomon.osalSoots,Rettt. a
D. " IMlnif..ll4l. anUeltatli
Repaired and Repainted,
N Firm Amt.
Oppoini• Xsanda ELY
l*au.tok ot stags. Soda AV..% GM*
Pau sisals as aud—the Lest !JUICY:IY' . j