The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 09, 1869, Image 1

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Office, 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue.
P. Eonirrox,
;h.llVentd by carriers. per vrect
(AECONU 29E14Y10N.)
ENATE: Alterations in Com
mittees—Dignity and Sover
eignty of the Nation—Hatiflea
tion of Amendments—Repeal of
die Teta, (lath--Politteal Condi
tion of Caba—Disabilities.
'HOUSE: Homestead Law—ln
' tic:filiation for Farmers.— Ex
empting the troperty of Sol
diers and Sailors from Taxation
I—Assignment of New Heathers
to Committees—The Next C'en-
re/Ct +pet C, the PRIM. re. Oa>, ttr.)
(111 11101.1011 of Mr. ANTHONY. the
Elbinding 4 1kunmitteas were announced
by the Clerk. The following Senators
ri ,c,
co ' lotto the several muctittlosa named
. bolo altar the alterations, made thin
'morn' it: ..s ,
:I , breme Itelattons.-11den3n3. Sumner,
Cameron, garlou, Morton, Patteraml,
Schurz and Caseerly.
Appropriatxma —Messrs,. Morrill, Me.,
Wilson, Colo, Sprague, Sawyer, Poole
and fimok Om.
Noun, Affairs —Menara, 1. In, Antho
ny. Nye, Drake, %borne and Stockton.
rtuctlfs-.Messra. Willey, Perry, Car
penter, Norton and Hamilton.
Librory—Mosarc Cattail, Howe and
Morrill, of Maine.
T Audit and Control Contingent Er.
peones—M.4ns. Ferry, Edmunds and
The other Committee, are without al.
The following petttions.were promoted
and referred: ,
• .
Ry Mr. EDMUNDS: Ono of C. D. sent
well, of T.1.1%11, setting forth that the pe
tlttoner had been a rebel and had got much
of It. and vow wanted to be relieved from
all dlasbiltnee.
By Mr. HUM N KR: One of W. Cornell
Jewett, asking as a means of vindicating
the dignity and sovereignty of the nation
to aunpend rue work lag of the French
cable on American soil until France an.
Starts...l the landing of a cable from
Aslericat en French anil, and guarantee
that all American dispatches eitould
freely pass over Frauce through the
hands of American agents. Mr. Sum
ner remarked that there was now upon
the table of the Senate a bUI which met
the prayer of the petitioner, and he pro
posal calling It too at an early day.
By Mr. ILA AMIN, a memorial from
officers of the (reheat States navy,
resenting that injustice had been done
by the special promotion ever them of
many of their juniors in the herv,c AN
ender the Act of July iifeb, 1e66, and
praying Congress to redress the great
wrong under which they believed them
' selves to suffer, by restoring them to the
positions to which they have been rele.
Handy entitled. Mr. Hamlin said he bad
certain knowledge of facts in some of the
tames referred to, and had no doubt OW. '
simple Justice demanded at the bands of
pengresa a reparation fur the wrong
coMmteed. He asked the earnest and
candid sth ration of the Committee on
Naval Affairs to the itubiecL
Mr. EDMUNDS gave notice that until
Feb* he would auk for the considera
tion of the lieuae resolution regulating
the hours of labor of Bovernineut
era, workmen and tuerhenica. A reso
lution was plotted et the last melon In
relation to the hours of labor, without
touching the matter of compensation,
The Attorney General had given a dee
delon on that law, but the heads of do.
Oartments bad nut executed the law in
accordance with that decision. The law
itself, he helleved,'was not satisfactory
to the workmen. At least it was work.
ter no profit tolltem, but tended to de
moralize any government institution in
which laborers were employed.
Mr. WILLIAMS introduced a Joint
resolution rotating to the amendment to
the constitution, providing that when
ever saltafactory evidence is furnisned
to, the Secretaryof State that three
fourths of all tote Legislatures have rail
fled any proposed amendesent to the
Constitution of the United States, he
shall forthwith proclaim the fact of such
ratification, and if It dell spitear that the
Legislature of a State has ratified an
amendment proposed as aforesaid, any
other action by the Legislature of that
State as to such amendment shall be
void, and disregarded by the Secretary of
Stale. Referred to the Judiciary Com
Mr. hiURECIRAN introduced a Mil to
promote International coinage, tiring the
weight of the gold role of five dollars at
124,1120 troy grains, equivalent to a coin
of tirenty4lve Rant% Referred to tkim•
=Mee on Finance.
Mr. CARPENTER introduced a bill
in relation to the rights of members of
Congred providing that flotillas in - any
ad of vo hgrem alma hereafter be con
strued to prevent any member of Con.
great from practicing as attorney, molls
4toy or counsel In the prosecution or de.
*ma* of any cacao, claim. or proceeding
In any Judicial court of the United
Mr. FERRY introduced a bill to re
peal all laws requiring what la known aii
the administration of the teat oath. Re.
Mr. CAITELL Introduced a bill glying
the ca,naent of the United States to the
erection or a bridge across the Delaware
Ricer, between Philadelphia and Cam
den. Referred to Committee on Corn.
-Mr. STibiITER offered • resolution
calling upon the Committee on Military
:Affairs to consider whether any further
' legislation was needed to secure for all
colored eitirsszw, who have served In the
army of the United Suttee, complete
equality with all other citizens, In the
enjoyment of military bounty. He had
Understood a statute ertsted by which
the former slaves who had served In the
army were excluded from the enjoyment
of that bounty. As It bid been the ob.
Jett to give equal rights to all who served
under our flag, and tweaked the early at.
tention of the id altary , Gozsmlttee on the
complete accomplishment of that object.
Mr. CAMERON offered the following:
fiescfeed, That the President of the
United State. bo requested to communi
cate to the Senate, If In his opinion uot
warms:wage with the public interests,
arty information be may have with re.
gird to the civil and political condition
of Caim. Adopted.
The resolution previimaly offered by
Mr. Ramsey asking for information eon.
cerulug the presence of Hon. Wllihun
Meth:it:ol,ln Dakotah Territory in op.
pole Lion of the inhabitants to his assurup.
t ion of the office of (Overrate., wee taken
„MA' HOWARD Bald he thought the
, resolution unnemanary, inaamuoli as the
linerrats of the United Staten were not
involve! In the local disturbance which
had arben in the Red River country.
The die' urbane was confined to one of
the renege possessions of the Dominion
of t•.anedn. He had been informed that
McDougall had received no appoint.
ment to the eremite of authority in the
Red River country, but wee acting as a
privet. 01.1.00, though having received
an 1111EUran , 0 of future appointment as
Governor of that portion of Brltiab Am.
erica known an the Red River country.
Many mutton on the northern border of
Minnowsr ware, perhaps, greatly die.
whined with the 'arrangement reandly
made, by wit icl t the nudism Bay Lem- i
pony It.:d e•dd out their interest.. and
etre great oljact with them was the ores.
fen bj n local government of their own,
t o look after their own special interests.
The di fliculty fras apparently of a purely
bleat nature.
Mr. !I A NISEY said ei portion of the
people be reprenentad enjoyed consider.
able trade with the Rod River country,
and that the people of the latter locality
were in a state of discontent awl revolu
tion. The lotted Staten was represen
ted there by a collector or revenue, and
other oilleisin, and it seemed important
that the exact condition of affairs there
atiould be a,cortained. Agreed to.
Mr. TEIVII)1 AN offered a reeolution
requesting the President to inform the
Boma.) whether, since the hot 110611011 of
Congress., any negotiations hed taken
E l
• •
-- r
7. ,C 1.14' t yY
4 .4 • Altaly
N ,v ern O r
Or been
n propowed.O .v beetwee tonotn this
lkent ad the tre lif
Greet Britian, to respect to the
ty treaty or re , dprority lawn, on the an 1,-
ion.. of trade and eornmOree between tho
tinned :ion*. and cana4a, and to
ta cote
tottfron any eorret•ini !nee° that may
have taken pine° Innernan the Executive
and I ieVerlitiletit of Great Britain, or
that ot the I)ottinnou of Ilanad a ,
Mr, ItiUMNhill. auggeated the tthicertion
of the would °leen° .•Ir In the dinerettou
of the Pranident the Information be con
elateut with the public Internet..
'rho reoolatiou as modified was Niettid '
The tevolution of Kr. ST I4 IWAViT ro.
11110801,1 z the ltratelarytOruntnittee to in
quire if any ra the Staten were denying
to any clam 01 perwma the equal I rotor
Lion of the lowa la violation of the
treaty otblqrationn of 1110 ri,u rie,,nt It
amendment woo agtend to.
The reaolutlon of Air. DRAKE. pro
vhiltia that hereafter Ihe tHor of the•
Senate ►hall ho cleared of poem,. me
pnthled to Ile mellowe ten oflumea
before the meeting of the 1...4y, Iv o .,
agreed to -1;) to tr.
The bill to reffete Certain persons
therein named from disabilities imposed
by the Fourteenth Amendment in the
Constitution came up. It contains the
0111110 N of four or Nye hundred persons.
Mr. HIJMN Eft moved to refer It to
efonentittee, hut after dfsemetion with
drew the motion, when the hill passed
The Joint nErholnatin ihr the ret cf of
persona engioxed In the late rebellion,
providing that upon the dual adoption
of the Fifteenth Amendment all dlimbili•
ties shall reooe, was lab, .11 up.
Mr. HTE WA ItT said he Ifelie.eil the
time bad arrived to metre the declare
It,, here prop... A.. N., danger need be
apprehemled upon tile i Lll.l{ /IGO re
morel of these dlaabilltirs, but, on the
Contrary, the continued imposition
Would have the effect that Congress de•
wired to prevent—that of throwing the
former rebel Shaw lute rebel hands.
'I he Senate went loth Executive hes.
sloe soon after. Adjourned.
Mi. PA 1,1,1F.R introduced if bill to ad
thorize the Burßenton and Missouri
River Railroad Company to change the
esilablished route iu Nebraska. Referred
P. and C. Railroad Commit:re.
Mr. I.A W HENCE offereda renol Minn
directing the Couluilttee on Public
Lando to inquire as to the a-pedieney
of amending the hoineatead law so an to
authorize ex.aoldiers and seamen of the
United States to Secure one hundred
and sixty amca of land instead of eighty
acres, as now authorized for a home
stead, out of the alternate ...mina of
land embraced in railroad and other
grants, owned by the cover tinienk
Adopted. '
Mr. SAEWENT Introduced a bill In
procure and dissiminale information of
the extent of cereal and other crops of
foreign countries, which wan referred to I
the Committee on Agriculture. It re
quires the American Consul. residing In
counties which raise cereal or other.
crops that mune iu couipetation with
American products in the markets of the
world, to furnish a quarterly ritatement
of the condition of crops to the State]
Department, which are to furnish them
to the Oordmitairmer of Agriculture,'
Who in required to put thorn in a con
densed form in his monthly circular,
corrected by any mom:trate information in
him possession. The object of the bill is
to to rainb information In the farmers, to
enable them to sell or hold their crops
in view of foreign markets. what of the
information sow obtainable being drawn
from English wmretts and colored by the.
Iwo iolitne of 014 e,.. tart . other 11115
were untrtshor..d anti ren.rrtd Iln 1. • I. K:
119 Mr. 5TR1CK1,..1.11,, Erten.bug the
i'ortage, kaS I.airotiopertur Italtroad.
Knwenaw Hay, AI teltiaart, t, Fink 1.,
burg; roneorrnalir duties, 1111(.,-t w, P t u
grayling a portudErai rednctum of tru i 4. 1.
By Mr. I 'A VANAUti ft of Montana
To provide, Jor the OhTliOn ref rortalu
ofTioere by the people.
By Mr. MUNGIN : To exempt from
taxation the property of ex.euldltera and
anilora of the United Statev to the come
anent tut the property of hood holder,
By Mr. O'NEILL : For late rtettoration
Capt. IM.wtmr Lynch to the active
iat of the Navy.
By. Mr. M'CRAIti : To atueatt the
.et for the consolidation of I • oiled Stater
tat. 111 oFt.
The tipeaker made a proposition to I he
louse to teihrehoe to the assignment, to
• mmitteee of the recently admitied
members. Atpreesent It was not in bfe
power to assign them to comlnittees, and
he suggested be be authorized to assign
the.o as tooth meatballs to tomb 001.11-
Waite., as be might deem destrable.
Mr. FIRES r KB, of New York, expreoved
the hope that the Flpeaker would Wl
prove the opportunity by adding a 01101-
ocratie member to the Committee on
Mr. FARNSWORTH suggested that
the matter be referred to the Committee
on Rules.
Mr. SCHENCK did not favor that
suggestion, became it Would ho apt
t o cause delay, and would look to wane
thing like a permanent arrangement
Instead of a temporary ono.
Mr. FAANSWURTEI did not wish
to be understood as objecting to
the apeaker's prop:salon, but he
reminded the Home there were a
great many of the committees of the
Home-that were obsolete, except on pt.
per, and that never met and bad no place
of mooting, And he thought It better that
the whole *abject of committees borne.
viand by the Committee on rules.
Mr. MrFI..CSMS offered r rheelutton
giving the Speaker the authority aug.
Mr. DAWES favored the referrlog of
the whole matter to the Uommittee
Lutes. If did not seem to him quite
right to leave the matter eutlrely to the
Elpeakiir. It was a delecate matter, sod
he supposed the Speaker would prefer to
have it arranged by the Oommittee ou
The SPEAKER wild he had no deeire
In the matter at all, ether than might be
(rheated by theliouse.
Mr. ELDRIDGE esiggested that the
difficulty might be obviated by the res
ignation of members of committees who
are 130. Itervingon more than - ono.
Mr. BENJAMIN thought the whole
matter premature, until after the admix.
Finally the subject ante referred to the
Committee on Rules.
The flame then went Into (Mutatlttee
of the Whole, Mr. [Uwe+ In tbn
and proceeded to the comideratlon of
the bill to provide for taking the ninth
eensua. to Gz the LIU cubers of mom berm
of the Rouse of Representatives, and to
provide fbr their future apportionment
aiming the Suites,
Mr. EiTOKFZ, Chairman of the Coruna
Committee, commended the industry of
the sub committee which eat diirlog the
recces, and said be would leave the
management of engineering the hill to
the chairman of the nub-committee, Mr.
(Airfield, of Ohio._
Mr. GARFIELD proceeded to state
SUCCieLliiy the points of the 6111, and
machinery devised therein for taking the
crowns, explaining Wherein and why It
dltTored from that 6.9 whrin the "".."
of 1860 was taken. In reply to question.
pat by Mr. Buller, Mr. Clark, of Kansas,
and others, in regard to representation
in Convene, Mr. Garfield wild the pre
sent organisation or numbering of the
Holum brogan on the fourth of March,
1864, and manifestly will run until the
same day In March, 18711. The census lo
be taken next June ought, of
0011138, be to complete, so far as
the taking is concerned, by the tinit
of Stay. We albeit not know until next
fall what the basin of repreaerdation will
be, and as • matter of course no re.
districting Of Attains mu ho made until
this time. The Committee had agreed
thle morning to 1111 up the blank fur 16e
number of member. with three hundred.
In reference, to information to he ob
tained from railroad- contpaniers, Mr.
Garfield rynoarked, noir that the „ egre
rpleation lind. Won got _ rid Of, the nest
,t;reat fight would be with three great
corporations. Congress 'should at least
know what they were doing with the
national wealth In their hands.. In reply
e qUeßtioll by Mr. Poters, h. sated
that with She whole Dumber of weinlwrs
tiled at throe hundred, no State would
suffer the loss of a member, but with
two hundred and moyonty-iltro fixed a
the number, two or three New Engla nd
States would
Mr. lIITTIAIL of Maas, lagitiren
whether . any arrangement ♦m. nib& In
the MII for the obtainlog of telegraph
Mr. LiARFIELD replied, there was
not, except as regarding the telegraph
connected with nillroads. The Commit
tee bad prepared an additional schedule
for that purpose, and had it reedy to
oiler, in case the house desired it. But
Lilo COMluille , Pll...l bevuunie alarmed al
tan NO h. hilt. and 101 l it wu.
Mr. H A I:BM:MAN. amnion. Illenither er
the Committee, espreueueut hla
views on the aulject, dwelling MI lb,.
Itglimo,lNnoo of a full and onmuulete ran•
sun, etuilurari ug tdormrly and Inentne.
Ito tbrught It time IA ask *bother elanaefi
nrooo Out being r.vorm In thla ..unntry,
stud whether our nyfutetn ol Inennie
and Unit - urns'. tbrUslue wern;unt worludnut
small 04 Abe body polltlusal. With that
Idea btu wnulefat lII° Kota, lltimul
an additional colounui to the proper
•rhedul, fir a return id the, enohly in•
omie from wautnis, aaterlor and profea
The l'orntrdttee then nr.,eb.b,ll,', dli,
rtie• att.\ optedtier the 101 l by i•ectlone.
NI l r N I llovt ti to it,t1.111.1 1.11.
tell In the third tweteln, by Inn dine the
term of the census employee,
to two veer, Instead .or throe. lt , jected.
Mr. DAVIS moved an antrudtnebt to
the 141111.1 point by Ineerund the words..
and erbenei,r tfietr eerylrea shall COILSO
LO hn requi red." Adopted.
Alter progree-tng en tar at. the fourth
iseetion of the bill, the Votntnlttee rune,
and the 110Uhe, at 3 o'clock, adjourned.
ileetieg f the Fationnl t piton
Leazue—Cm. Geary Iti , -44erted
I're:44m:it—Mace Aceepts Al
leu Challenge—An Ancient
Sivo d knot—Noman's !Suf
frage AKsovint &e.,
Trie‘f sob In it. ,
New Yoim, looe, It, pow
The 11}1101:1.41 Union League of
Thr held a meeting Lore to clay The re
port of the Secretary shown the League
Is spread over twenty-tive State. and Is
especially strugur tit the South. d.Sur,
of Pa, 110. -re.nif43,t . Prosideol,
and other officers were enesain, Including
an F. tecutive Coipmitleo of (tee from
each State. Resolutions were adopted
tbsoklng Proaddelft I:nsta for his r..-fe•
inenilation to ()levees retiatfve Lo th e
re-establishment of the legal irovernm.ftl.
of GoOrgls. and earnestly asking l'orf.
grew". to 1,101.4 lawnto folly carry them
(Mt. Ale., entreating: Congress to pane a
uniform spited. of rzL(LirtairAtflot:. The
giant meeting:: will tie held in Nti sans °gni,'
In February.
Jame.% Niue., lott.,,,,,ittott Tsui
challenge, to tight for ?.:01/0 it hide, ot
The sword knot worn by lAtroo
1 - kmaris tlxn twmirptiootl tho rurkioh
roress in hs, pro , oentod to the
Nsw York II t..t0r14•41,kw-Lety.
The Woman's State Sodrozro A smsna
two nan ttttt Its annual 1,1.44111 g thls
PVl 4 lllllg. A largs kobbsore was presoht.
Law. Monte prssph•d. A wers
den srod Celts Itorls14:1., Mr, Mork••
wr4-1 ao l Houma:m.l.
The New Jersey liallraad OotOpe,JY
have elwitprouilleed with Mrs. lout.,
ht.bano was pet oh the , • , tr
the Ilocketaanett 1,114411 alit drawee. :, by
pay tug damages.
WEST Y I IttilN 1 A
Steaull. Are Wei. $.l 11.11 r 1 Mkt
If draws sunk Vile Dead 1t5411.• He
•Tho Wheeling
and l'arbeireburg Picket itelv•at out r.t.
ett kith pier Nil. I ,d the like railroad
lirhlgo, at i'arker.liiirg. laet night, in
....•Inek. mill"link inuntelnitels.
Thlrteen live. we I , •.q,niippnwel
, look , lookheeds. All er
the pe.iinsorer.t2irw re.
ikirtatri cared. Full panioularn. iht yet
rt-tool yeti .
Wti Et: LAN", I ha,M,—Later reports
from Parkoridiurc redoes Ills loss ot Ilfn
to four or live. Tits natio. err letl yet
aneerleuned. It see:that he hpalt struck a
bergs, Fronk by with the
bridge pier, andwent down to twenty
fiat of water. bite pre he 1,1 ytotal
The imase•bgt•ra were al I 0n...1.
Marine diaaalbrys atbof .lath
rola - ,. Within n wo.ok tub, Intrvot
have bawl trunk by eitirtlding with piers
of the now lirtitgosi at Itel late and l'atk-
Limburg. and a bomber of timid., meet
dents arm reported le !lava ~ ,Urreti ut
the Mttiobett vitt° bridge.
Flea boallee 6av4 boat tonntened from
the wreck of Lb., %Learner 1t0b.34,114 lip to
thug hour. namely: Sinford Karr, John
Karr, Ileuthorn and I. mg, and or.,
name unknown. Thecae are all that are
positively known to l hot, though It in
repotted anti behetypt nix i.e eight more
are mhedrig. The Cuban prueell germ
barely escaped with their Itien. linung
their %tannage. The It at wtur VAIIOI4I at
3i1,0u, and wan :clawed for 111'...!,110o, In
Wheeling and Cincinnati einnpanien.
—Four hundredand thirty ~,,, ler 'e
loquente were held in I 'Meng. during
the pant year.
—The circlet ton of the state Bank of
Tonnennee w 134.4.0 Y-1, exclusive of free.
Lionel currency.
—lt in mated that Pere H yam Mho hat
received a dindetch from Rome in Dome
there immeatistely.
—Too National Hoard of Troth, vowed
Fortress Monroe yesterday, returning , to
Norfolk at two o'clock.
—James K. Pierce aulcided yesterday
at Clifton, Ont., by Jumping off the nue
penalon bridge into the rapids.
Leginlature of Tenneaxee will
vital the refildeuee of Atm Jiittuf,t4g, Coil/
in a body tai-morrner (Prrdil.)
--General Atwood, of the Madbion
(MO.) Male Jon nail, in repoymiug vory
slowly from his recent nacre Woven.
—There was no ,ItiOr um In the Mon
tana Legislature yeaterdey, but one le
ozprcted to day. The newton will' be
—A reeolution 11101. ell the Kentucky
Sena!" yentorday, for the re,uu god of the
'remain,. of Ea- 4 ;0)5.19r WycklUte to
--Sophia, a oolorect ahaushermaki. on
the steamer Marietta,COLUMMeli suicide
at the Memphis wharf on Tuesday night,
by Jumping opeorhoard.
—Conarelernan. FrQPlana. IA
of Lvoorb
nin. in getting better every day. Ito war
aide to be lifted to bin feet yenterday,
and hopes noon to be out.
—TWA:nate Marlariat, Convention inetlll
Innnuatrlun at Torre Haute. l'hn meet
ings are largely attended, and gruel In-
Loreto is felt In the Fairview,.
—The Ihreethreof the Renton and Al
bany Rai lroad have appoi !dell n eon 111 l It -
teo W inventigate itlll Therrien 1,1 cruelty
torminiala gransportral uver their road,
—The Momphht Board of Aldermen
have derided to cell the stook of the
Little Rock Inland Railroad, the pur
chaser to Inn en the road In et x month.,
--The fiertnitti plivaireinwof St. I . 111111
hold a meeting to night to remonstrate
agsioet the hanging of Dr. Schoeppe,
physician under montane° of 11011th for
—IL Is stated In official circles In Now
York that the Spanial" 'gunboats will be
roleseed. Judge rierrepont says ho has
not !sufficient ovlrlonoe to lus giessostilon
to warrant further detention.
—A man passing himself oil" as Count
Theodore Picard. and isa an authorized
agent of European capltalleas, wan
arresterityeaterdav la Ht. Paul fur awind
•ling tho National Marine lisnit out of,
lifteentitindred dollars.
—John J. Echols, after being told that
he was about to die,_ said ho had nothing
to do with the Burdett murder, but he
told facia that joint directly to Mrs. Cam
ninghain. Mr.,. Cunningham and deue h.
ter were present at bin funeral 'Tuesday
—Hantitel P. thatch ford, late Deputy
Collector of Now York,, 1t Is underittood
acknowledge, to Mr. Fterrepunt his
complicity in the drawback fronds, and
prolnillem to make a full earearture of the
matter, Ho says his revelation will as.
louleh the country, and lowliest:team°
who stand high to hualtuiss, otiktlal and
political circles in New York and else.
_ —A letter from Fort Icramie, dated
December 4th, nays “The Indian
trouble, in Wyoming are quite alarming.
Rand, of SIO.IX aro roving through the
territory, robbing and murdering. Oue
Wall pnrty,iprt left Fort Jimmie were
orivee In by the Indiana, and another
that lets several day. previous bad not
been heard from, and it la feared they
have been captured.' •
POUR O'CI,Of 'A. A. .7/
Opening. of the Eeumenial Conti
ell—Fo Power illos n Special
lteprusl , u 111 e—" American
Promise Egonl to ils Fitlll.l
- —Protest b 3 Prince of
Monlegro—Treats Beatification
Itejteted —'Bpanish Republi
can Inveatimatina Committee
London Press on American Mat
t nrs— Bishop Temple's Appoint
ment Contirmid—Fault of the
Suez (anal—A tOttmrem of
Deists—Speech of the French
Minister of the Interior.
- -
y Telrgraph to the littabarib Own, It I
Rowe, December it.—The Ro•ti to lnl ral
313.(1C1i was opened tn-da; by 3110 rope
•t'he ev'enther ie unfavorable, relit Is fall•
ing at Intervale throughout the day - , but
an enornioLa crowd filled the Vatican
and lined the streets through which the
Member. of the Council passed The
Pope, followed by seven hundred Ins
horn •prriel.dral to the hall of the Coun
cil amid the ringing of bells and [bun
dering of cannon from the forts of St.
Angels and Mount Aventine. The
Holy Father 1 In tine health. The 'Aral
ler]a of the hall of the Council wns eM
im plod by the Sovereigns and Pt - Int.., now
in Rome, by mern hers of oOrps dlploinw
tome and other notables. The
!11tPi1t...4 excelled In grandeur and Haag
ulhrourn any taken place in R ime with
in the present century.
1,01,01.1, Derettiber f , —NO p IWO! has
.p1 3 C141 representative at the
LoNoox, beeeother N.—The I :tzheh
Niihe.try ref otad to seeept the nrdin , ,
101114 I , i the treaty of oonntaree bet W... 11
England end Frameo, profeeeed by the
The loam In nil artteln on A titoriean
licattrora, my.: The fact that roipudiaticri
ha" i4WII prat:Leta! by all the Stater , ea:
asteteh tioettrt, tutotoletett WILLI the
theory vrtileh widely Mit:eine In the
Union. that gold debts may ho raid in
cotter tripircis Au:writ:etc Net•untlew. 111
!ern :r ecnveraliin will archer, di:Areal
whit cloTar aneecao.
Tl.ll , aly Nev., nomanniting nn I;
oral kraut e aliblelllßUL of the Ala/tetra.
.alrestlon in lan mesiage, tufeta that the
tnercaln want indomnity for than
leriing rather than their trade or pork
els. Thin Limy tre given. Inploniney
may sal Lida friction, and rontyve a *en
timental grins ante withoutotolll prumie
log Britian Inter and prld,..
Ti... Ilantn nental ram:. genera Ily
plaal Ntr. Itontwell a plan tor rmonitt.
l et of apte,o pa) merit,
app to pliant e.f 14. T. Dr. Tr of
fitnilnil of F. rater, healfetm ronfir ttttt d
wan writhatundf riff the protean*. and arvi
mein,. 40111.11. 11.
IL a rewrLed 11,u Lilo l'uitr..l
rlyni.lll, will v.t
flit r..tria nun ot Mr l'oebakly to Aruersm,
the rtle•lltr•rntrretail.
Shallow iron Me:intern ate building
on the Tyne for the Milli:Minn of the
I ritual. Mr. Ashtairy, who hailed
through the l'anal on the varht Cambria,
write►, after taking rare:ill viounitinge.
optation th►r nU rowel drawing
iaer I.III , <PLOOLI feet ran tiara through the
1 . 411,11.
Mentirkl N. I'. Batik i 144 airfoil here.
P. 1,1-, I icusein her v. -'rho Ste. h e d a y
pnuu a large pinion of the report .0
thii Secretary of the American Treauor v
and ^aye: "An American iiroinoof Iw
fulfils skint to lie fultilltnent."
In the (*.rise I,egialatiff to day lit,
Pomade lie I.• thalinstio, idinisfer of toe
Interior, made a epeee•h in favor of tics
verification of the ejection ~f D r „.ii„ ,
ilesverntrient candidate for the
lie declared the 4loverrnmont
fondest the country against evil "Mc •
tritium, end the cottiury endorsed It. I u
Edema only ithoordeto tirevalled. lie wan
lu favor of putting down the evil anent
oh. had Megrim:4ld Parra and other towns
duMng the late election. He um/eluded,
by I wincing the donut'es that the this •
ernmeni etched to nottabllah Ilherty, but
unit prudence end nrunieivi. squsecli
way. warmly applauded. The right of
At. I irealie to nit woe siontalned
-171; usagistieth77.
'i.e Prince of Montego." loot pm/Meted
agallirst the intention of A
ropy tile territory with troupe, and the
Pr to moon tioyernment 1 sustains Moe
MAl , nin, December B.—The
toe have appointed a committee b In.
reattgate the dam at those florin Calcium
to he tried for participation in the inear
A LKXANTRIA, Deconnber ft. The bark
Neel, the tam Vowel through Burt renal.
bar been totally teat lb the Red see.
Fu Roth Deomaber lAwg-renal
of I rnixta l assembled In Naples.
Lek ram, December 8.--Evening
1r2.,, for money; amount 1 0 2L.462,4".
American I... Neuritic.. flat:
6 1 e. a.l',„; 67n, 8.5,.i; 10-40 n,
Frankfort, fonds 90:ti,1491. Erie*
Illtnon. 610 a, Atlantic A Great IVontern
Stocks steady.
PAR., Ileoember —fkmme lion at
7.1. Ilk
lava:m.oo,, December Is. Coiton
'needy: uplandn ; ()Hoene I I %.1:
wale. 10,000 Wen. California white
W 13.1 9. 1101; red western No. 2 he (id;
winter tb. ' , lour 1:)a. Corn 2.9 a 3d.
(pant 2a lid. Peai Ita. Pork I lOC Reef
1n7n611. Lard quiet and ateady
Chenee gas. /lawn 674 dd. Produce un
Lowram. December R.—Tallow firm at
47.136,447. bd. Linwood 141 firmer at r 2 ,4
Ma. Sugar 39.4.19. ed. Refined Petro
leum It. BM7rilotH.l.
)Invite, Mcomber H.—Cotton gumt
and steady.
A utwerci and other thntlmmtal potro
loom markets Linn.
Progress on the Midge—Festival or the
Immaculate Conception.
(lir To!oomph to the Plitaborgb
l*r. lamas. December B.—The work nn
the eastern pier of the bridge to cross the
river here la progremrogly rapidly.
Eleven hundred cubic yards of masonry
hap been laid In the post live days. The
Oar has reached the bottom of the river,
clad te-day the land pumps were out
to work, and thotrond andtwoter beneath
lho pier is being rapidly pumped out.
The caisson hart now only fifty-ulna foot
to link before reaching the hod of rock.
'rho festival of the to - maculate Con
eninttrn has then ftlebrated to-day is the
Cutiedin Church. The I,oloLtill N2puoi
tlon of the eacretkrrest It been continu
ed all day: Theetons are adorned with
the costliest and moot beautiful ornat
Mento s and the churches hove boon
thronged with devout woishippellet
National BIM Hail Association.
Telegraph tote mum. 1, negate )
Dorms, Dec. B.—The Nalloual Bane
Bell Asepeistling met to-day, when the
following named °Meer* were erected
for the ensuing year; President—A. N.
Bush. Fired Vice President—J. H. West
ervelt.. N. J. Second Vice President—le
P. Fuller, Mo. Reeindlng Secretary—
D. E. Coon. D. CorrespondioN Se°.
rotary—A. T.J.reetiorTril 0. Treasurer--
W. A. Corant, N. Y. The, next Annual
meeting will be held In New York.
I►hplomary $Pi teS Ii Swill I,it
GunWM question - Nomina
1, fas-N 0111 inat 1111 IS rwitirturd
-Termination or Indian l'rea
lies-Ordered to Duty-To Sei
ne Disputes-Deputy Marshal
Shot -Ten Lle' , lte Ontlau s and
Illicit Distiller, Reprieved
itittge,hip,- Admission of
- 111116411 S
douwl Dehek -Supreme Judge
ship -I'f in the Treasury.
Teo Soleil 0 t „ dify .otalruied the
emeinauwia el i, i. Itelkozp, Seereter v
01 Wel., end Mr. Itobeeon, ae Secretor)
of the sevy. All other jarenhuthone
Were referred 10 the appropriate Cou •
1' QV.
TOO litontah gunboat Iltrta It,
ourtoi t 1 ~ , I tttenlent nv ditolont,y.
14 , day prtaboand a
1 , 1ti. ,, r 1 ,, 1.110 S., rotary of Slat« g:t lag a
itinalgn Chat the gnnhoata null not I,n t i n ,
In«nna n( antryitat nil war with }haul or
Any bllnar nation with whlrlt the Unlttal
~ektrA are at tan , , Thtm COllllll niboution
In st4tlM,W .1111 1 that ht.ratbr
1.1 ,0 • On 1 , Ili.. Po.IIN - 101•111,1010ter 1.•
rollit,e 11.10 objeol.l.lllo of Ninths, Inn 01te
of Whirl,W2ls 11.10 role.. or twc.
101,1.0401 111 Liar rnitiii.l
Minton hir t lin Porlivinti icon
Thu IttiniMor, nil Lho
of a Lie. paper, ii.x.preiinen.l
w :th ;lir a npintiation noel an•
..1 ihr • laislnti M •anter, t
Ih«rwinr til the ticitriltion
I itntrinn A ttrirtiiiv
will Ire
ran 01,10 1111 mo 11i lii, Ivor
HMI it .0 milli Team!
the prenlln«. will
rirthw ill lewd Li.
the ttuillo.oto, ebon thry will
1.41 Ir.Inn141lr•••I 111' Ihu iniiittneti.r to Il,n
11.0 , 1104 sp.h.h Th. si,tll.l,
Milliftler tale.. e V1..10 kl.o.lnr 1 , 1 11101
Mit, It, Mr.
10. , )00, N. 0.0.. that the war
vvt•••o • -•1•0. , . 01111 HI,. nnil 11, I.
4t.; .••
tt...01• , r11.0.1ir, r•riew hoot:
lii• i• niin•rn,
wlli I.tho
.• • i 0 1..0.13 Owe,:a 1 1 , 111
..... 11$4. 1101 4,114111 tilt. repruniiill.itive.
1.1 I'4lll, It nwl Enti
0 004 •11/1•10 11l M. w•hingtitiii lir I .14u
it In Intl
i•••,..1 tlinv in 11l 111i•lin
.10 4, the Intit tiled 10 4 4., hi, 1••••1•.r
all.o/UK Wool. with liir dew), 1. 0.111.-
vAle lersdly T 1.041101.0.
Thu ttttttt /11A1.101116 rrerrl
In to-day a' 1' 11:till ittilgiar. P.
!Umiak 1,1, la:staara'un.
Lays is 11 it • kalraid, ol No• '24,d
, nn. NI , a. ttttt an, at Fianna yl
M•Y . P.I. I. 1 h 1 r•. ! \Val It tl
A initaa. ali rr 4 r 1. 411. t.l
„II in
iiiir I irrittt; lsm
txtttsutl, sst 1 st k, ( . .Irrtrir,
any, s tat.,
I...podia!, :is were tttttt
ilian.”witlding furl v
1,, tiv rkiissairs , kitty-1.3T to lb.. Navy
•nd ,srai ttrcrty
the V. am 1
.indor idattai. -Wn M. Ma
hail, O. hr., rut diddidatil F. alinaidar
.1111 ,, 11g :Ito 13.11111a111011,1 tornt
ti.trittltt ltt ttoy witt t .Itar Iv. J. 1 , 04.,
.\ ...toll-not 'I rea../ror, tenn t,tto. W. Pal
tstetr, A itittaittrt, al Nett \ t.rk. A., I Mr
1 , 111•1.1(11, :II 111 , NA, o Ilatittsrlaawni Att.
tit I. I. t 'lt.ttl ttf the litarmt It
trtittntit,, I t.tyttel Alll, I Isf th«
Itilrnu l'Ar.l4 aw 123.1
l 'r
..r 11,, 11.1”,. / .tf ervittrtnt.
ttztd t 041, rtg, ettttl bort tot
11111-rtatt ttf MtttittttllM 11.1 ttitr.:,-).
Thu S4nuatn 1. , day Ih.. 11 ,, tiv•
1 , 111 mlinving fr.,to 111.1,111:w.
larK. 111 al 141411 ( Itic,JULifitt,
ho P.
11,/rAllo 101 FI,
IttEliltr.l 11. NV 1,1t. , 11.111l and
1 , 1 I. ',Jo., 11. 11,, rd
NIOIIIA, C 1... II I'limunx, Jo, A 1
A lon, In. I.: kWh,
TIP.. W. NANO( VS 011110 if
.1. .1. NW, J. , . A. Fran,, ['miry A
filuton. 1:11.. 1.4//p•on, J Nwry,i,
W 1/, I'. J no. K.
Wllla, Jan. W. Nei...4,6g. T. I' A 111141,
1 I lArrla. H, T. .• how hnn
flak or, and HA.1.0.,
iNtIN IN 'INN 11 - IIN %SI
The Seel - wary II the Tre•asury at pro,
too lino on hand about 471,tettlioto in ••tin,
end the receipts from enntotna ilortnif
the halanra of this month are ontlittated
at sll l .intontat, which Will make a toted "I
$.1,111:10.1.0011. The weakly matte. of q.yl •
letwoner. will rednee thin amount tot ,
toultd nillltonn. tlu the alai inst. JINNI{
132,000,000 will lie rtiiialricil L.. ittiy the
atoll atinund tolerant on the honda of Vett
and due the let Inv,/ ~,,,,
which will leave a balsora on hand nl
about forty Itor nr forty-ak IntlhOite at
that tone.
TEN 1..1 . 11.10. , A l.l o
(„lelleetor tialbraith. of the First Tun
nellere leetrlet reports to l'ointolbilitter
Delano, the riestruotion 01 eeveral
ntil Is In Jefferson (solely. This i•ounty
is said tole tweeted with 4 0010 W. 0..
gaged lo viiilatlng the iiiivertieffolt rev
-01/110 laws. The 10,01100 Rlltliorit Irn did
not suri•rrd I 0 wall kng any striate, as
their approach wee heralded 10 parties
lit eolluskot with the °misses snit 111th
,dfatulers, who made bugle to leave.
Thn committee appointial by the ir•
ginp, I,aghtlatUre to stall Washington
and urge upon rongresa rho inutiettoun
adiniwttott!d* that Wale, had an Inlet
v lOW to•day with lien. Both, ch arr ,„, n
of Lb.. Onionittett nn Roronntritetlon.
'rho interview wan nallstactory n, Nab
partici., and tbo cottinsitt. fort stemma!
their ii.lisooti would to, Rueetnoiflll. not
that a 'dodge will in rr.italrell an a pr.-
Molnar. , that the Stale r.truttitution wrll
hrearrled out in good faith.
A 0P,1,T AI, ro. n A I. NM,
'Clio following lolograin wan, rwwlvud
al the Internal Revenue office, to day .
Mariam t, Mo., Doconilior
Marshal Mose% wan .itnt dead oo ti,,, 4111
loaf , iny Font Whiliiworth, me linuntell
county. l'insao Iteuruet the Mar.tial to
wind a forgo luunevflntel v.
M ,ca .1. Lc t
eeeee ueeloer !tattoo Itne tolnarrapno,l
for fuller particular',
T 1 ON Drummond, of I HOMO, WHO
D-day nominated for Circuit Judge for
he Seventh Circuit, cinder the oe,
aw. Thy. la Um only Dlstrlot.ludue
j oo . ot l for 'lreod Judge. TOO
lou of Circuit Judge for the Flghth Cir•
alt will moan (IC TOO 1•Oole.0 le
.Id to be between Ben Larval, of
.url, mud Judge pliliM e Of lowa.
TO t06T1,15 1,1111.VTF2.1.
By direction of the Secretary of War,
in canal where nuentemn erne, L. to th e
ownuraliip of animate In I.o.lolViii 111 or
Indiana, the notuneanding otlicer of Ulu
nearest tnilßary poet lb in nit In mil
eaten.. With the Indian LKent In elm; ge
of aaid Indian., in au al VD...Ligation of the
1,1,011 A TUL
The National I,lbor Convention of l'ul
taod l'eskple adopted a temolution that Ito
Pr 01. 0 ,10111. anA Viet, Pr 14111410. t he a
gMiOo tit watt uu the i'reetdent of the
United Mateo and_tander the notagt
of the colored lalatrora oh the Uni
ted Stet,.
AD order ham been trented from the
War Department directing tho ton.,
of Matthew L. Taylor, sentenced "by
military court one rear ago to (nor yearn
confinement in the penitentiary at. lhauts •
rlllet Tuxa.
N. nonnoatton hes yet bees made for
the sokennoy on the bench of the Supreme
Court of the United States. The choice
Att.orttely Gnu
tal /1,11 41111/ JuJgoi
f•lytwrule Inh Lu nu. I Ilk the national
The Otl indlen Al debt al j 100 pa, cent., and provkluag
fairs to dat agreed to reports I,tll look free bunko);
1.1 Ih“ ronnatitoi of all treaties ta ynnoonoed. will
with eard fi.r ,1„. 11 Ili,' ditty on Nora
by spot, .1 legislation from Limo to tone. la. or
4, ,1.3/ I.P 111 stottin rod, although Itimaell an nwner In
Rear dolt tal 'raven has bown ordered . Va"a" ' ":"''
Cilitto. of Pt rt Ailtavaal at t;v,01,14r, It Mt iigc, let, a rrnmlnent
railFraneoust, on the lot of January. tataalt , at land , at the
I sti
L Insurance Company, has absCouded
with a !size SIMI lif the Connetny's
money Ile also. owed litany atnotints
to inti r tica it I. It noised.
I PPER 1111E104
II I.K, l'a., bee 1111 l bhr e _'the
e tihnr. n knire is
fit •Ir etnse , unry, with nil feet wet ' ehW
led It 11, ity. caLle.l the Nieghte it
iu the ehnEionl. Weather elefit. The, r Y th "'' wh "" . "" " ' " '" d
cemieten nt Ir. , 1••Im••. li.r• ee't.l nil city the
M decal of its membeis. They n:n. , hate n
W. VA., tIen , 1311)1•01" g ;„ 5 ,1 11. r the relief
It'. Withl.lPly liiebe.l.l water I
Ore Sant, The, oi nothing In Ult.
min 11... ehnimel. Weather Nearly. lbae•
,e.moor XX al I r. r. Inell w hit, tent c•ml, our
ti,.;“ • ti. ..We tin oar
.41 n ninotlt four mut n half IYlUntry
omen 11,•IIVI•vtd. .1.03.1 y
Kn.! other,. W 11: .1., n,. 11118
nct tettlarit • -Troop.on Illy 11 1 111 - Ch Week. Ciial in (hr Lehigh regio n Iteeec• wick. cltneil on nn nretage Omit twenty live
is, h, g...nrall csnla per tun, and In the eichilyikillrr
11.‘• AN hor attempt gions will tall Line dollar per tou on the
wan lately tenole , 10 / , 11, 1 11 :Its newt, siz,e
.1111. 1,1 was fru.r,..l. Many nOrnilllll cilitzpr i.f tLr Cincinnati Times
in the pl•pt hove VA) 4 r rmr.l • N7,n ote
• loy .if the n )
rioting and most reliabie
•• . , .• .
Tr , ova Note sown: Eaptrnos have nark, rs that etty that. taking the gold
I:turned t.wardts Puerto Prtnripe. The standard, isbrk to now held at higher tag
'" Iod".".°). the urea Ilunt ever twlore known there. He
I "'" ted "" that toad. clan ea that the crop Is extremely short,
Las at" " vans wit s teh he &ernes that peckers can
-sea- pay the present prices and still realise a
ni c ht ) han•lontne pro'(' Line show Low
true thus pre•ln.t. rn may Le.
Iteeember 1 - Judge HLYERILINi. re (Tut experiment: , 00
(Ir oLpti y e.mrt, ram lift franebbtion of arterial Llon,i the
.tenon orthlll olt.•10144.1 eh, In Ph ' l ' ki r t ''' L"19". vu I, """ ninety.
t o , „r of k„„. nine emu , in which it was performed on
tuek v i., ti,til.v,llo City National m e ek.. account di hemorrhage, reported by
in the apppe,nlott of thn t ut o ro o r, f or le t eed I.nntbds ttries.ahl, the results
the defeneo to , diemlae the rule fumbled, were an rdl.Pwit Eleven cnses Were
In.t,tu'ed to var the tax hopelewa from the out...e. in twenty, the
lea led 47tAle mil lamina enal,tg operation were uti.noeetielul; in three.
Irotal I ailed Stat44.l lands hold by the the resell wt „ a„ rt tgl e i , ee ,f tr , th e re .
k • slid !Ala .14.e.1.444.0, Whieb wtllappl v ,
11:11131U,L. 4..14) t Who
4441 toodt holding muill beindx, deeter,W '
entirPly nnei eto4lll. Much inlereio be.
the .4 if,. ,egielature rxitnettteitatm
end ;h e of „„ gr , e ,„„ r„ r t, te di ng the , also been 4.31:1t4 . .11 al .miens time. by the
1, ,
I. ,pal. A n alive.) will he I performance of thin oprrntit:l3 Ip came ot
pousinung, hut with ilouttilul 4454 as
lu WO Ye lastan• is of this kiud reported,
all hill three were lailtir(S.
,44. 4 44•,14,
1.• r“ I,.llillewßlan Infrlk. for
!..149 11111,0rIty. awl PI. n 3 zan ,
1.4 I a., tr. alit ti..vorrtnr, 1,260 majortty.
E.\ --..enerni
“f Compose. elect from
11,.• Third Instrict of Tt,AS, pined
u.r i gr, here yesterday for Worthington.
Ile VIA 111.• lilt" [aisle Is elected ..orernor.
1111,40.1i/lit`e. Arl3 that all the fluid,
deesll . ,l en the Davin ticket
goo.l aimorittro., 1111•1 that
1,1 /1 , •hl of Pn lovislointo have
on col r by 11,1.0111 ',arty.
A 10/0 1011 t, in wlOOl wen' four men,
010. Cal, 10 ale river at Franklin on
FfirlAy iket, owl only two of the party
thr oitirrs being dointiril (l ee
• • . apt. ;moth, 'I Fr uk
4 on lite road tort wetn Frank
.11 is rapttity Ruing torlrrad
wlrr 110 iica 1.10 ractr.lll. Metier,. Lord
A lie !..w. The trritke nerosB French
ere. r...te trr ready lin. the rads
'no• atoll ,. eltenntott will be resely It
;be Mars wall, ware in February unit.
lift DoW und. r etentence 111
trth Al t'ar , t4te, in lahriction of itartng
1\10.11n.,1 A f;crntsrl !Maly, has mule An ap.
ten. 1,, liar., ltertttt, the Minister of the
Nt•tt, Gen,nn l'onledt•rni,on. 111 mt e r
!ere w,th the Penurylnani• antliornice in
In;hn`:, miler :let•l:nes, saying
;4,44k:nn, 144,44;n4 b. bad a
I.ti r an; Ina: nnrir, "nr Imes jn.un,
i.e ;Hue, and n 4; Inumvut man elf.
rl,: f..11-wlng paid changes bate
ncro tnadt..n Pennaylvanta
4,ruom,•nr. o. revnite county— S 11.
Ihern!..nbani, Hue Mina M li raa+ey are
rent ord.
t•st 11,1‘4tr v, Forrlit rot. ly - Jo.
I) I.lvun, C rrticoeti.
11 eat Finley, W.ltington comity
!..stroict Groin, 11(712 .I,,tati horns, re
tiesviir etninty—Siirn
tir tinier, vire .littin MrAlec, rixlgned
.1. arroon Fornarri, 1 larion onnty— It.
11 sir, 11 , e t: Slit In, : resigned
It i'letirtield county A
bangb, r resigneil.
11' , in, Potter —I: W. Wit
r ce ilivrts, rerigned.
,siren Centre, itradli,rd r. , llnty—Jll
fwpi, vier It .berl de
From that enterprising Journal, the hl
City Tinus, we learn that, on the
("ark farm, the Brown well has
(tern torpedoed from twenty barrels up
to one hundred and eighty barrels on
Saturday lost • the Stewart well was pro
dicing one hundred and ISlxty barrels,
and the Windsor well " Ited Hot," one
hundred and fifty, barrel, per day. tin
the latter tract, of thirteen Ivrea, twenty
pus wells are going d o wn. The Sage
Run region in to be thoroughly tried
at onee in the need farm the produc•
tom is severity•eight barrels per day. A
large number of small yields are report
ed: some the old Pleasantville wells
are going down to the ninth sand. The
Jane, on Mike's lion, is doing thirty bar
rel-, and two wells on the Robinson
tract iorty barrels each. Parker's Land
ing is now rated at 1,300 barrels per day.
Tile N.,vemb, ehipmcntn from till
City were ',lid barrels, ready for ship•
mem, I,?,(Sitt barrels, and produced in
the month at that place 21,1"4 barrels;
average vivid now per day, 1,300
barrels. Two new pipe•ltnes have also
twee laid , one at the mouth of the Clue.
ion, and the oilier near Anchor's station.
Five new wells were struck within a
week and list o lair average.
T. , E Tidir , Ute ',Rig., Our the week
ending November Intl], yirlded 1,123 bar
rvls hltiinurnta, 6,07:1, total in tank at
flickory and Tidioute, 30.366 barrels.
Prolklhitiou lu Mlchliplat.
A correvimodent it the Brookville
l's.) 14 - lublirun, writing from Michi
gan, given an account of his visit in
NrirrtUnne, and "pp. “In this place of
soUIP Sern pro Oil plasm where
whisky is sol d,` making oar liquor seller
bur about every 'Mem* Inhabitants, and
that within is Slate which boasts of a
i.roliitiltrary law. I have been all my life
In 'AVM of a prohibitory liquor law, but
my observation in this State has concha.
cud me that no law le o` any avail unless
backed tip by the oeutiment of the
people, Intl that while liquor Is allowed
to hi manufactured, a prohibitory law
amounts la nothing. I have seen more
grog shops, said liquor is sold and drank
more bare-faced in Michigan than any
Mace I ever saw, Bagdad, in Mexico
only excepted,and the great harvest day
In this State in the Sabbath day. I
would advise l'enuaylvannia to waste na
more of their energies in getting a pro
hibitory law, which they will never ore
enforced: but exact a rigorous enloren
meat of the percent license law, which 1
deem Um beat one ever enacted or that
can be enacted while liquor is manual).
lured. le is true it dos' not stay the de
mon rem, but It put his keepers, the
maladies, under bonds to keep Aim
Mn. DaLan° contends that the Mate
intents malls public, so denuding to S u .
porvisor Tattoo, of Philadeiptits, are act•
tutted entirely by polltlcitna Be sa p
the politicians of Philadelphia do not want
the revenue collected, and that any man
h e puts there whit is honest will be attack
e d. LI. data not deny tit truth of MS
. Aar yea against Totton.
.1 I) M•n:xni prtpan d eo
re..? 1114. r.• lt.lwen grrnt
,i,hv e i n thr Itttres ttl enthrstote roul at
lIIIiicF. and it hor‘htr lall I, prpectril.
Serrsal mime hare stt I I 1
I I is Sala list • n. instruc
I lon ,14t.tvr I I his no•On to KIIII
I .orntngo, Inclo.I.• nsn : :,: , - stinn In Prosi
Tent Baer. oi that Heiiiilrlic, to sulxoft
the iinetedrill of aunezntlon the l sited
' States ton vote people. It is gen.
' eralli believed here that the vote will re
suit ID an overwhelming ratification of
the proposition to annex the republic,
with the understanding that it shall at
Pest &same the Male relations a s oui
Western Terriwries to ottr Ouvernment.
Lien. Ilabcock la expected to return about
iiie lath pnrsintet Ex Senator 1)oollttle
. 1, said to ha In the nay of a number of
New York capitalists, who are interested
lin the affair, to represent their views to
' Congress.
Tntt Presbyterian `inn& or
ing seven in somber. have Iliad commit
se stein In rearrange their Mot oda
rie, in .dc h reunion of
' i •I and Net litircues
were adopted reluo i mshing all
'territory without the Iniondaries of (thin,
and cresung the tire I di,rwtng Hiynuits
Northeastern--All ol the Western He.
serve, with the counties 14 Hallooing,
Tusriarnwits, Holmes, Coshocton, Mitt
kingum, Morgan and \ iiiiitilugtoo, in all
(torte( n coition :southwestern—Atli
' ens, Vinton, li,Ms, Fayette, Greene,
Montgomery, Prem.., and a,: the counties
Routh these, in all twenty one. The
Central Sy includes the remaining
CH ten counties
W nits asked as In Ins opinion of the
prirmpal as iori in the It.thardson trag
edy, liry I I W 11,. eller replied —"
hay, no WillLll.l3 bun nothing about
as, I base never seen SI, realand ; do
not remember teeing B.chardson until
be was sly ing, sever met Sirs. Sid'arland
the tragedy. But, sir, though I still
ladieve in lne Inn.C.OLICe set Albert D.
liwintrdson, and in the integrity at my
.Inn course In the matter. I do not heal•
taw to say that alt parties concerned
have acted Imprudently, ImetiIIDKNTI,T,
, ST 1)11'16. 11F.Yri,a . but as for my
it I have male a trustake, I will ac
knowledge it when it 1,, proved that 1
have made 11.. Good night." And the
tutervtew was over.
Tits Statistical Ilurrati has prepared a
lull exhibit of our trade with (''shade and
other lintish possetalons, for the year
ending June which is very
interestmg. It shown the value of im
net - ta from Canada to the I oiled States
in that time to have been Is hollows
Free of duty, It subject W ditty,
etrs orts to - (•anada, of
domestic articles, were $ 13,168,61:1, end
Or foreign rood , re rxiiorted from this
country to that, 1t..3,6: - .8,7.2 Our impo r t.
from tither Ilritish posaesamns on this
continent were valued at $021,489, free
of duty, and at 11P 4 1 . .2,W,ii subject to duly.
.nr exporta to saute countries were
$2,7(t3,173, and our re-es Nrts of foreign
were I.
Ty% law creating the nine new Cir
cuit Judgeships went into elfect on the
Ist, and the Pet dent again had the
long tel of emdwates under coaaidera•
lion. It is probably the moat complete
digewt of appicaliun■ for otlice ever
made. The name of every applicant la
given, and a list of names of the sup
porters of each is attached thereto, to
gether with a carefully prepared brief of
the reasons assigned, and other matters
pertaining to the personal history of each
candidate, upon which the claim for ap•
plication le lensed It is reported that it
has been decided to rule out all applicants
who are over sixty years of age. This
would role cut En-Senator Foster, En-
Senator Theis , end possibly Judge
Jose Ft airs Was bung al W interns
. putt oa the 7th, for the murder of
Hathews. The clergyman who suer:hied
hire prints the following note.
ItircTour or Giotto ennucti,
rimuneoirr, Ilea, 7, Iteni,— In answer to
your riunest tot information concerning
John Fields, 1 mu at lawny to give but
few words. I have good reasons to be
lieve that he bas given me his entire con
fidence, lie has made no special confes
sion, bat at all times lass freely acknowl.
edged the killing of Mathews; pleading
only that It wan June in the sudden rage
of ■ furious anger, and without neither.
ate Intention. lie has seemed fully Us
realize the creatures of his crime In the
sight of Gun ; has given himself since hie
trial almost courtly to prayer and prayer
ful thought, and has seemed to be deeply
and esrneatly penitent, but withal ve •
'Wetly and humbly so. fits own requeat
limits me to this brief statement.
rllirOCKEl'n have started out In force
rot their travels between New York and
Boston, and travelers will do well In get-.
beg in and out of trains to be on the look•
out. • wise game was put in operation
on the arrival or the evening anomie
train from tiartiord, in Springfield, on
Friday, by a mob of lheo fellows. One
of the passengers oteppeel hastily from
the car to the platform in the depot, and
seizing the Iron rail of the car with one
hand, called out that he had dislocated
I his lett shoulder, at the ammo time re
questing two men to take hold of the
arm and pull the shoulder back into its
proper place. The men did as requeated,
but the bone failed to 'snap in.' A
crowd grthered. Pretending to great
suffering, the man requested others to
pull, among them a Boston physician and
a detective The former, on onnzn i n*"
don, declared his shoulder perfectly
+nand, with no trace of a dislocation, at
which assertion the pretended patient
became highly Indignant, declaring that
the Injured limb often served him so. At
this :mint the detective ordered thecrowd
,to disperse, while the fellow, resuming
his ant, clipped away and was seen AA
more. A gentleman In the crowd soon
after mind, his pocketbook.
NO• ...,, oW;
J DA , 1+ • Nutty WI iit.• luauranCt.
rn uden ti. tiuren thOUlMD.l4kylim, a year.
/30 art, reporter 01 supreme ceont de
ep:lona in herdocky, acknowledges the
recrtpt thirteenth daughter.
Tuu olicr of J. Gordon Bennett., Jr.,
hn. yacht Danntlt as across the
Atlantic against Mr. Aabbury'a English
yacht ('amtrria, upon a wager of a se rate
or plate worth tlly thousand dollars,
rather startles Mr. Bull.
Mu Pitanum adopted a poor girl In
Baltimore, and when she grew op offered
her lee hand. She mufeased that ahe
loved a clerk in Mr. Peabodv's employ,
and was married to the clerk with the
benefactor's consent Lod bounty.
Fl Barnum wan playing by:du:KA
a dozen y.tti, ago, Thaekta•ay, with ea
him/tame friendship, called on Mai In
Eugiand, offering 10 get
Barnum smiled upon Thackeray and . •
him Ist of good cheer, lor !tin. Barnum
wall worth over tnoo,ooo.
A womas who wa• sentenced to three
years in the Slate Prison, in New York,
Tuesday, for attempting to /deal forty
ents from a pae•rngcr in the horse earn,
a few year ago, a kuccesalul hotel
keeper, worth $/00,000, but dlsaipation
hr. brought her to want, sad want to this
5T11.1.8, sentenced to be hung at
Terre Ilautemn the .7:td of December,
tak•• It coolly, and o.ys he won't die
without a struggle. Not catching the
date correctly when the sentence was
pronounced, he inquired. "When did you
ty, your Honor, that occurrence Is to
take place'
g ricer, the great manufacturer of can
nons in Prussia, who employe over
seventeen thousand hands. has acquired
so much wealth that he intends putting
up a Moldy residence which to intended
to surpass in magnificence any royal palace
in Europe. The cost id estimated at
several millions of dollars.
Too widow of Major General Roils.
who lives la retirement In New Or
loariA, Mal her pocket picked of $2OO,
rod her own and her son's tickets to New
York, as ehe entered a sleeping car at
Memphis. She laid her case before the
railroad officials of Memphis and Louis•
silly, but was compelled to buy fresh
tickets to New York.
PARSONS, and his wife Margaret,
drd in Birmingham, England, on the
10th and 11th testa., from leant and expo
bore. With four children, they had lived
for eight months on lineal 'billings •
week, the wages of the oldest child as
errand boy. They were too proud to
wake known their circumatantsea, al
though they had relatives In good dream
Tne Emperor Francis Joseph drew
four hundred thousand florins in gold
from the Imperial Exchequer. at Vienna,
before starting on his trip to the Orient.
NUTWITIIBTd.NDINH the turbillent man
ner in which the Parisian populace has
recently again conducted Itself, it Is ■
well-known feet that M. Pictrl, the Pre
fect of Police, has lately largely reduced
ins force of political mouchardo.
G L Fist on, formerly Napoleon
me Third's mast intimate friend and ad
riacr, one sent to the honorable exile of
lie Sl. Petersbargh Mission, in coon
otience of a serious dislike which the
Emperor in said to have recently con
ceived against his old friend and confi
t~ non Deco has written a new novel,
entitled iiTbe Crime of December 2,
1 0 . * A
," for the manuscript of which M.
Paul Maurice has peddhim tortythumeand
Ira CA Lecrot I, N . ICIA.r lingo's former
lot hitcher, declined purchasing the work,
which will dint be pabitahed in the col
umns of the Paris Rappel
FIL.AI-15 intrigues at the Harem in Con
stantinople, are trelleved to have mach to
do with toe intense eXaeperatiOn of the
Sultan Abdul AVI at the conduct of the
hnediva of Egypt- It will ba retaem•
timed that the tayorite mistress of the
tinllan is a French woman, who, eigh
teen months ago, was accused in certain
English papers of being a spy or diplo
matic agent in the pay of the French gov
THIEI Le in Huasia ate - priniatied with
extreme cruelty. They are branded on
the forehead, flogged within an inch of
their lives, and sent to the Siberian mines,
generally for a long term of years. Never
theless, rt usal a Is the country where au
dacious thieving is more prevalent than
anywhere else on the continent. Think
of the daring burglars who, the other
day, stole all the valuable ornaments at
the Chapel of the Imperial Winter Pal
ace, in St. Petersburgh ? These robbers
must have been at work there for many
hours, inasmuch as they took with them
even all the precious stones, which they
had to breast out of the golden pillars.
The police have not yet been able to din.
cover who they were. The spoils they
succeeded in carrying off were worth
over three hundred thousand silver
ttlall-Ilsoting lo Delaware
A correspondent at Bridgeville thus de
scribes the preparation for, and the man
ner of the annual wholesale slaughter of
I quail or "partridees" as they are Improp.
oily called in that neighborhood:
1 When the young men are cutting wood
they lay aside a few fat pine lop.. These
logs are split Into small stick' or splints,
and carefully dried so so to bring the
turpentine as much as possabfe to the
surface. Before the grinner starts out on
his expedition ho procures if possible •
white utter dog, If the dog is dark.col
ored he is "whitened" by placing white
bandages around him so that he CM be
really seen in the dark.
In the early darkness which follows a
winter qunset, the gunner starts out car
rying his gun and ammunition, a bunch
of splints and a two-bushel bag, and ac
companied by his white or "whitened"
dog. A well trained dog will not leave
his master far behind him.
As soon as the dot trails and "sets" a
dock of cartridges the huntsman lights
one of his turpentlned sticks, and holding
It as an elevated flambeau above his head
cautiously advances until he Is able to
look down on the huddled group of fright
tened innocents, when he elevates his
fowling pie m slid sends a deadly volley
of mustard seed shot into their midst.
(lathering up the dead and wounded he
flings them into his two bushed bag and
starts on to new victories over the little
brown backs, sometimes killing as many
as flay in one evening. The birds are
sold to dealers at the railroad stations for
$2O per hundred. Northern sportsmen
who hunt the birds In the 'day tome have
a great contempt for this night hunting.
Wihnington Corvuorcial.
The Way to Get Divorced
Ina certain town In the State there
lived, 'emit years ago, a couple who had
got tired of the jars and troubles of wed
ded lite and mutually resolved to end
them. But being rather short of this
world's goods they hardly felt like pay
ing out the money neoesrary to obtain a
divorce. So they went to the old gentle
man who 'olned them in the bonds of
matrimony some yvara ago and d
him to untie the knot.
• •• • . •
The worthy old squire scratched his
head and thought a moment and told them
that there was no way but to go to Court.
"lint hold," says be, "1 have it." "Ton
promised to live together and be true to
each other until death should you part
Come out into the yard." Then seizing
a cat that stood In the doorway be direc
ted John to take her by the tall and Jane
by the bead and to pull hard. Then lift
ing a sharp ax, hu mid : "Now death
doth you part." The ax fell and the
ocuple were divorced.
Iv is claimed that the effect of Senator
Mottna's bill fer the retorted:meth:in
of Georgia, if it becomes a law, will se
cure the robfication of the Fifteenth
Amendment to the Constitution of the
I United States. It Is said, by a careful
yount, the vote of Georgia will complete
the necessary number.
la tba Lest bad abysmal, baboadaled alesl MOT
pabtlabed to WIJI Paw , .
tie Wafer, mechawa or leurebabl ab 111, 11.
magi./ Ins Wert ben..._ L. .......... 02 I#9
Ciao, of an
Clubs of too. • • 111
I copy 1. furniab.d gratoJtoady t.w ratbef/
Up of •alof of t•a. Paatmastara an ragas/tab
Idu a 4
♦4.1.1 roes,
Those who enjoy this beautiful flower.
may atilre s very tine show in their par
• ur,i.,w during tho wittier for a mall
sum ”f money now is the than to
secure the bulls. and pot them, after which
they should be net down cellar until they
have made roots and have began to throw
up knees, when they should be broraight
up trl!ri the warm atmosphere of the zoom.
Bulbs good enough for this purpose, of
the single and doable varieties, can he
had for •dollar and a half a dozen, thou()
the newer varieties cost • mach higher
price. It to pleasant to hate a few of
these flowers in the window In February,
when all is cold and forbidding ant of
doors. There is a great variety of Wades
and colors, Large, round baba should
be e.elected, and as they grow, all sackers
should be cut away and only the male
stook be allowed to remain. Good bane
will often throw up a spike on which
"I m twenty to fifty flower& The
double sorts —er dowers the the
single, though we thin WIT ale
quite as desirable. —J. P. C. El"
I',3 I— NOTIOE.—A Special Nast.
0. tnr C.LUSIRTA IrfitZ CO. .113
t.ld et Ittrir CNCINE lIOIIGE . Deenatsr
sots. .L 7 s o,lost V. .• OM attesdausts Is
r quest. ['saturate of tropprlanne negelg
Onfore the meeting. By order sr
11. J. 1...6101..11C. Priestess..
'DA , In unaw, beuclar7.
Of ►.• l. C,lebtated 1t valelam, eoasprlifti Sit
the eallseul hulnOta of his !steal OTO n,
Two Grand Concerts,
Tuesday. December 14th,
Wednesday, Member 164 h.
Aem , gisioa. SI 1:10: go "Vs Oar's fur Is
aurae beats.
I ~,,, tam— 'Nava.laver
Allest...Ms-Bth eyntpbetly
J. lev nations la Deese
. .
Uwt 111.131.110•• 1.7 Metal )
4. nab from tb< Teem bore—The Tar. .11141410,
DI . • . .....
S. 0 ruel rantsalb—Mtelrsommr
...... .....
I. .P.ertare—WLlll•se ....... .PastaL
S. Reba —con the Itemettfal I.hOtott...
remand, sor Flsita stud Frew 905...3311.
Year. WHINIER as• 111 *MU M&
Max • rk• — Lola , d• , 1r.e. 1. ....
lso•sell —Jams,
rams elsaas. Do. 11. D
for Meat H. t o tli ABM.
142 •• cod are.. 41i9:9P
Rosewood and Mahogany
A ens assortment of latest style: AZ lessee
65 /rood Street
Another Lot New Sl l Untit7 Goods
MRS. RoixErs,
91 Federal Street. Aikeiallb.
Velvet Hata, 35 cents.
Ruffled Coliars, 10 cats
Cord Hair Nets, 15 cants
New lot Linen Conan,
ALL 6'r cif:IEI4MP
knit' Purnishieg blabliilunri;
FIFTH AV E 'ffir tr
A- application or the ratzdoLD SWIM Rid
UILD a NO Ant4)ol/11105 the et:ln:Wet la•
Grp .a.l
No. 11V10. December Tam, 1969
Notice Iskereb, gives that sa spaleatkie
tee, made lo the Coln al Dona= !DIA
Allegheny. at No. 11110, Deualin , PTO; -
1569, to the Treehoul Bank an d 11.13.14A8M! '
C1A14012 for a Char Lir or ineorperatiOa t lo Wt
the same will be granted by the. Court -
eenther Term, talus .omelet reason MAYA ....,
J ACUB WALTZK. Proatesshin ,
rt7euvisou. Dec 7, 1869.
Pocket and Countiinagilt',:lT
F R 1870. , . ::-:,.,
A fotl
.on lof all SIAM, far Obi
.. ....:::- ~..
KAY & CO MPAiiirs — .
G 5 Wood Sired,
tirrrti or OTT Emsu=ye L ismgrne'
Dirretuntult. IN.. ml. Mak i';; .,
BALA (or the ottostroettoe sr a rLAXX
wiLai 00 u. Omen..ere Toreteke, n
ley AT.... to Palley =set, A/mp.
BOARD WALE on Illowortit sad Deet . •AVIT
ohm from Alleebt Moe to piney Hip. win
IM treettoO to Ohio oleo mitt{ //rIDAZ NO
ember lithh, 11169.
Spetilleottoot ton be .Na at We i 44.
The right Istrosomed to ref oc
•n. J. 1601011116 ,
...h. tke lth mfPr Detr.kry A. D.
Th e rrpacralgoral herebyantic. at lois sp.
h.dhsh. eT
gar. MY= 4/T
mutant. to the comity of Allestehy, hod
h.. Israssyt
ea. tem • bankrupt upon Ida ass
pegulve. be D trkcs Cohn o[ ON
Julthr D. BAILEY. limaygaseq,
drsaMma asurhoo.Bl.-Lah, n thragli scram'
ExEcuroive NOTICE--Bretitif
Is Wintry( Iv. to all 12 4 , 0421511.
JA MKS C. 'CU KAN. late Cy tMOF
t • • ...rashly. Allularny =any. deed. to pay
lbit uodervlgd, sad all poraona rtal' risme
Sin preseot th ee em properly uthea ao rlar, toe
MASSA S! rreextefz: - -
4.5 errsa uovgi. •-- .
60 taxi float 66 Buller Itale=
16rt tel anab. bltante Bailketll I,l[ =.
sal% aim t 02.10 ove r Allegbewl atm,
Feu only are enroll, Lad tht7,616 14.166 ash
6tat .
2 118 6
1186 ET
R 2• ma•stactunid fecinAL•6lstl7llMlllll
eas selreins. gramr•ate4l q•al 10 o ay boo
ash DiCILLT • Cel.
Wilirrat mg• 2714C11111:1:011aneraq14111.:
CET relastedprumar.