FIN.ANCLA.L. iNERICAN BAH, i • NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH CASH CAPITAL Stockholders Individually Liable. DAN II OP DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN Y 1.0), M r nrncl - rove. Thos. M. Hanlo.3, Jam Y. Mortised, WM. T.. happen. ♦ renltml4 Jame. Mr.•ream, L. U. Leech, Jae. 0. Kelly. Wm. Floyd. T i tfi L li V a l elle now WI. orgeelsed mad v.•vne to do • general Baak:er GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Nought at Highest Prices. Pll. 11. MERTZ, Banker, Cur. Wead St. and sth Avenue 114)6 JAMES 'T, BRADY & CO., macn.wrr to 8. JONYJI A CO Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., 13A_1IEZE.IRS, 12=Ell GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SOLD, SILTED IND cooross, Obi WOIST TUX& yr - Interest Allowed on Deposita. 4'llronr, loatwll on Eiorernmenl. Bootle at logrr.t mute. rsk.. Orders expensed for Me ►areYsee mod dam of !MOCK" BONDS asd SOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO rre Ilittstrutglj etaittk FINANCE AND TRADE. Orrron ov Prrregreem Geswrre, TURBOAT, Dm 7, 1889. 1 The President'. Message had not the desired effect on gold that was expected, although the market opened a shade lower than the el:Jain quotation last night, but towards noon the market be came very strong, and chased at an ad vance of % per cent.. at 1235(, with a very bullish feeling. .Government bonds were very strong and .advanced about t 5 per cent., with a large latisiness and an advancing ten dency, caused by heavy orders from Europe. Stooks are strong and go with gold and bonds, but since the outside public is not buying the market Is without its small support and most be called • broker market. Money is very stringent on master alai paper, but easy on call loans. Quotations 65 received by Ph. R Mart= Gold, 1211t,L; Silver, ,119; Eighty onais,:llB.4: Five Twenties, 1862, 115%; do 1864, 11355; do 1866, 113%; do 1865, Console. 116%1 do 1867, 1.16, do 1868, 116%; Ten Forties, 109%; Adams E. press Company 58; Merchants Union Entrees Company, —4.; American Pla- M 0 Company, 19i Western Union , 0 ImrraPh. gig; Reading. (: New York Central, 11:1%: Pittsburgh, Wayne a Chicago, Fort Ohlo musats. sinpt, 25% ; 4dichigaci A Southern, 8834; Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 82%; Chicago, Rock Wand& Facifin, 107%; Chicago ,t North Western, 75.1 i: Chicago d North Western Preferred WV Erie, 26%. 11.1011ANUA. Large. Ansa & London, per £ P 1035 66.20 -- Par* per franc 23 24 Berlin, [haler 92 94 Frankfort, florins 52 54 -.Closing quotations received by James T. Brady dr. Co. Gold: 1233(; Crafted States ages, /881, 11634; IfiveeTwentles, 1104 115%; do. 1864, 1134; do. 1266, 1133%; Ten-Forues, 105%; Five•Tarontlee, Janu ary and Ray, 1865, 115%; do.; do. 1867, 1111;• do. do. 1868. 115%; Colon Pacific Railroad, 86; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pollfle, 107%; Lake Superior 98. lityTelegrob to the Plttabargb essesta.i NEW Your., December 7, 1889. The President's message and the re port of the Secretary of the Treasury are much discussed today. In the main they are satisfactory to the mercantile community, but do not meet with the general approval of Wall street specula tors. The failure of N. B. Falconer & Co., Importer. of British dress goode, la announced. Their indebtedness is en tirely in Europe, and no one here Is af fected. They offer to settle on • basis of 1811 8d sterling on a pound. The sleeper.. Mooof H. F. Loder & Co., dry merchants, le also announced, with r. Mattes OroTbr memo. - Mon”' clowkr active at 7on min. Starling dull: at 834 (§17%. Gold firmer; opened at mg, touched I=j;ls t and dosed at .1.233(@1.23%. Carrying ram Clearances 000,000. The Sub-Treasurer sold one million at 1= 67-100 ®122%. Governments, advanced % per amt. in sympathy with gold, and adverielog rates abriliaL - Coupons of 'St, 11,18%4 119; do. '62, 116,01.116%; do. 14, 113%® 113 %; do. '65, 113®118%; do. new, 11b%@11534; do. 'B7, 110011854; do. 'Bll, 116% @ 116. Ten-Forties, 108%11910834; Pacifies, 1177%0163. State Ronde Orm. blisseoris. 90; old, Tennessee, 50%, new 4434; old Virginias, 49%. new, 53; old North Carolinas, 43%, new 32%. The railway usarketarea more active, With an advance in some of the leading shares. 7bo chief activity. an advance were In Bt.* Paul. Northwestern, Lake Shore and Reading closed strobe but unsettled. Among misoellaneotteshares use Pacific Mall was the feature, and ad vanced to 5134. Elprets sham : were all higher, with, more bushiest: Canton, 15034; Cumberland, 2534; Western Union, 34%; Qolcksilver, UN% INaripoca.B; preforred,l6%;Adams Ex. Arms, 68; Welts Fargo, /834; American, 6 6 31; United Btate9,sl; Pacific Mall. 674; Nee York Central' con., 914; Erie, 27; do. -, Proferred, 4530 Harlem, 1115 .Had. non Scrip, 8331; Readied, 99%: Michigan Central, 105%.. Lake Shore, IT; Minot. Central, 195 - Plitattargh.B3; Werth West ern. 76%; preferred 59%; Rock Island. 107%; St Paul 7230pret485.1:Wabiati68%; preferred 72. Fort Wayne, 5754. Tens Mmte,l33%; do preferred, 68; Chicsgo & Alton. 144; do preferred, 148: Oirio & Misdeal ppi, 25%; St. Joseph, 108%; Cleve. land, Coltuntins a Cincinnati, 7434: C. C. Cincinnati and ledianspolla p 2234. Mining shares dull. Boston price= Calumet, 50; Heels, 75; Przokliu, , Quincy. 20. - Soh-Treasury balance, 1.39,816,439. VETROLEUPI .weave. Orme! O. Prrremrbea o.eraerrs, ThESDAY, December 7, 1869. s Notwithstanding the MI market has bead comparatively steady daring the past two or three days, with lees fluent* Um in value, yet tke trade, generally, la an ustsativiacitary and unhealthy condi lion, and Pt UkAY to continue so during the remainder of this year. The fact that ands is so mneh higher relatively, ttiiirrain tireitali for 'the kid.; and the estonbrildiP obstacle le 'removed the better for all concerned: -get the raw and manufactured article on a teals that will afford the manufacturer a margin— it la sa plain as anything can "be that there is no margin at eminent prices—and then, and not until then, will dealers manufacturers bo enabled to do a logiti-, mate imainesa. It la this more than any thing else, that -hes crippled the cel.l trade of Pittsburgh this year—it is this that explains why our export, gall so largely behind those of the same time • last year, and It Is this, more tkan any ailing else, that has Mused many of our m emories to stand -4 11—idleeme- darter what was at onahtneetiashieded the best pallor the year. - To-day the market waitdavoldaf Any thing really new or ItDpOrtSat—:rietraus. at least wartayof spettialuottoe. As has been the case for some time Past, the Bates were light, and the feeling gener ally among the leading eneridera,br not to enter Into any new or froth gnus, but to devote what Is left of ib year to settle and close up this year.. btramik. There seems to be no demand utile from It& mantled den Vary, and wham the market, opened firm, it afterward., I Rye dull and b 0400; lid les or wes"r.• owing to IsNuie eauae or other, broke ita dull anti henry; Mtrherin woes conelderably. We can report &alta of toe gum , : i,16 , 11,1,1 I 6,000 at from I6X down to In. it fmuff tut xed western. Pork cot N. wax stated :hat I,eoo Olds of nil cancelled tiro,: 1130,75 for meat., January and Fut, cootraclacaning for I,tao bbla, and at ruary delivery. Bent nominal. Cut accounta it had cot back to the mesta I met and aired v. Ha , Ii nominal. party who started it, and he, according Lard Ilion at I.r prlo,t , .1.1.d111; sales to report, vu very anxious to sell or 2.50 tiercea pr me real., for February at loan it, anything at all an as to get It off I 1&v, gum . , and his hand. Without devi.ied change. -0200,00 Ci =I! Sales fn lota or 2,300 bbla for '.'em ber a; 33; and I,oot, buyers option from date Until nest April, at 33!4. January and February was quoted at 22%, and December at 33. BRCBIPTB OY Cal' OE OIL aT in. r. 88. David Bly 80 bblit, on •er4unt 0 0. lirevrford: Union Oil Workni24o, Hoes Bron. Total obis lIHIPMV.IITR OP OIL NT 4. V R. R DEVPM DKR 13. J. M. Ritor, lit talk. refined to W. P. ',wan dt Bro., PhiladelplMa. Tarentuni Oil Works, 234 M,ls: rottoed to-W. P. Logan et Bra., Phllkdelphls. bleKalvy Brow. 278 hbla refined oil to W. P. Logan Ben., Plailadelpiala Lockhart, Frew ‘t. Co. 465 toldet ref. oil to Warden, F. & Co., Phila. . . Standard Oil Co., 577 hbla refined on to Warden, Frew k C'o., Fhlld Total 1,588 bbia. 011. SHIPP). EAlsr IIY Wkl tr.IIN 11. n. Kirkpatrick h Lyons. i3lO bbla to W. P. Logan it Bro., Phila. Union Refining and Storing Com pany 328 bbla refined oil to W. P. Logan Bro., Philadeluhla. A. D. Miller 53 bbla refined oil to Waring, King & Co., Phila. A. Herta 500 bbls refined to C Leonia Philadelphia. Mentzer, ILA Co. WC bhln refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. ....... 1,897 tibia =I OPTION or PITT/OM/MB Gamma, TOINIDAT, December 7, 1869. Bosineis generally, to quiet and rather dull, though the dry, mitt weather which we are now having Is Calculated to Improve trade. an wet weather and bad roads always tend very mach to re alrict out door business, particularity at tido season of the year. With the ex. ceptiou or oats, witch In consequenee of a temporary searCliy, are firmer, the grain bUllinedia is dull and devoid of that animation and bouyancy which should and usually does prevail at this season of the year, This is accounted for in the, fact that dealers have no mar gin, and, like other men, they are not disposed to employ their: time and capi tal when there Is no promise of reward; and what 1s maid of grain la equally applicable to emu; the mills appear to have the inside track so far as the los* trade Is °moaned, while outside of thbi there is nothing doing as there le little or no demand for shipment, nor le it likely that there will be thin year. There is considerable feeling In regard to bogs, and the hog product, so to whether present prices are likely to re maintained. It is remarkable how hogs keep up In the west, as prices In Chicago are role lively higher than here, and even at the extreme prices, Chicago has thus far packed a target number of hop than during the same lime tort year. As we noted yesterday, there will be but few if any slaughtered here this year, as our packers do not consider hogs a cafe In Vestment at present prices—at least this is the inference from the course they are pursuing. APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 75(it85. APPLES—Oonthme doh, with a sup ply considerably in mums of the de , mend. We continue to quote at . 82•2,3 for fair to good, and 63,50 for choice. BUTTER—Is quiet and unchanged, stales of fair to strictly prime roll at 80 (pfr, and cholas at 9edp7. BROOM CORN—Sales at 121g114 eta. BEANS—V.2,SO@3 25. BUCKWEIF FLOUR—DiII; 414. CII DRANytyattiFA—Quoted at ;12415 per bbl, as to quality and condition. CIDER—Sales all the way from 85 to per Mg. CHEESE—Is quoted from 17 to IS for Western Reserve; 19 for Factory: 'Ai for Ohio and 21 for New York Goshen. CARBON OIL-1s quiet and un changed; may be quoted at 29101,30 eta, In Illotibing war. DRIED FRUlT—Apples sturdy with aces at 7344E04, as to quality. Peach,. dull; We of 2,050 Rre prime southern halves at 10%; quarters may be quoted at . :GOB—Scarce with sales of fresh pa ad at 88(440 TIIERS—In better demand and o • • d we now quote at 8.5@,90 to the tf•Mle and the usual advance for small lots In store. FLOUR—There is a fair local demand trot the market is quiet and prices on-. changed. We centinue to quote winter wheat flours at 1 5 • 50 tg 8 s and spring wheat brands at $5,25@5,75. GRAIN—W beat la quiet and un changed—but little Offering, we continue to quote good to prime Red at 11.1591 1.18. Oats decidedly stronger, anti gen erally held at an advance, say, 1.9050, on wharf and track, though as yet buyer. ' are loth to take hold an the advance, Rye is quiet and unchanged at 9.5(gi51.00 —not ma mush offering. There's rather Mora Inquiry for corn, and the offering, I .are light—new crop may be quoted at 70 @,75-11ttle or no old In this market. Barley continuos dull and nominally on changed-81.00(4L10 for spring and 61.15 @LA/ for fall. HAT—Is firmer and higher. Bales at Allegheny Diamond market of 32 load. at 515%24 per ton. HOGS—Sales of dressed Hogs at /2(41, 14 eta—Mainly at 1234Q113. EITTSES—EiaIes at 8 cente r pound. HOMLNY—BaIes at 16,00@6 pe ,50 per bial. LIME--Sales of Cleveland white lime at $2@2.25 oer bbL ONIONS—BaIes at $2,50@8,00 per bbl, the outside figure for choice. LARD OlL—Firm aF 81.50 for Extra No. 1. POULTRY—Demand more active and market firmer; we nogg quote dressed Ultickans at 12014 eta, and drowsed Tur g• ye at 15(1117. POTATOES—May be quoted on track at 50 eta. in bulk, and Mc sacked. PEANUTS—Quoted at tvo eta. PEAS—DuII; VA per busheL PE.OVISIONS—Bacon Shoulders, atl7; tad Sugar Cured Hama, at 23. Lard is Armor and higher, and we now quote at 19% In tierces, and 20)4g#21 to palls, SEEDS—Flaskesil 1.1 offering pretty freely end there are buyers above *2t(—sale 1 car at that figure. No move men in Clover or Timothy Seed. SALT—Allegheny river brands quoted .t $2 for email lots In store. BTHAW—fialas at $l2 per ton. WHlSKT—atithwtoee quoted at 41.03 Rectified 111,04 end Proof, do, 111,1 S. mAttimrs BTTkLEGRAPH. - New Your,'Denember 7.--Cottondull; heavy and lower; sales 700 bales at 250 for tuirldling uplands. Flour: receipts 16,588 bbls; market dull and slightly in buyers , favor, sales of 6,700 bble. at 14,65 436,60 for superfine State and western, 95,4640,25 for extra State, 15,20@6,25 for extra western, 96,10@8,46 for white Wheat extra, 15,60@6,25 for R. IL 0., 98(06,60 for extra St. Louis, and 98,5643 0,00 for good to choice do.. Rye Flour dull; sales of 150 bbl. at 11 1 , 75 5 5 , 90 . sales Corn Meal quiet; of WO bbl. ran dywine at 95,10@5,24. Whisky lower, Wei Of SOO bbl et western at 91,04 1 ,461,06, free, closing at 91,0434. Wheat: market dull,- heavy and 160i20 lower; salsa of 48,000 bushels, at 91,20 for No. 3 spring, 1111,25(3;1,30 for No. 2 do., 91.25 for winter iedMinot., /1,34@1,3634 for winter red fad amber western. Rye gotten salmi of ,100 bush Canada In bond at Mo. Bar- y firmer; sales of 39,000 bush, at :it : 06E01.10 for two rowed State nd 111,301791,40 for Canada Wen, the t e latter price for very choice. Barley 4rl . -- - Receipts: cora 4.057 .Iniah. Dien .envy and easier, with salsa 52,000 bush at 111,08441,08 for unsound mixed western. 11,08%1,12 for sound do; inside price for lota In store; 111,08®1,07 for mixed western and 96c for common new southern. Receipt.: oma 7,934 bushels. 04141 dull and declloing, with sales of 28,000 bush at 63(4640 for western, chiefly at inside price: 660600 for State. Rice quiet at 7607540 for Carolina. Coffee quiet, with wiles 900 bars Rio OD private 1 terms. Sugar firm, with Wee 300 Wide, Cuba at 114411,1 e. Molsimes quiet, with WOO 200 bbla New Orleans at 700600. petroleum firm at 17@17340 for cruder 0230Z9.12,40 reamed. Hope quiet. Linseed 011 dull. Spirits turpentine, quiet. Pork dull and unchanged; sales 300 bbisat 132 @33 for new me s, 11-33(4433,25 for old do, 3,60@24 for prime, and 127,60(4130 for prime mess; also 600 DM,' new mesa, sel ler January, at 131,60. Beefsteady; sales 'l6O tads at 15®LS for new plain mess, 110 017 for new extra mesa. nem beef dull; sales 80 its at 926@28 for prime mass,/37®30 for India mesa. Bee f hams quiet; sales 125 bbls at 13004131. cut meats dull; sales 90 pkgest 124912%erf0r ' ' Shoulders 17@i 7 y 00 for hams. Dressed hogs quie t and steady at 1361334 e for western. Middles quiet: sales 303 son city at 12(41750., Lard dull and ashade eager; aalint 360 to at 16 . 300 for Steam, 1 9 .101 0 -No for kettle rendered. Butte, dull at 2Y®330 for Ohio. Cheese quiet at 16®17%0. Freights to Liverpool dull and heavy. Latest. —Flour closed dull and slightly . .In buyers favor. Wheat heavy and to lower; No. 2 spring at 91,2591,29. winter red and amber Written at 91,99®1,16. CEP • . 0. 7.—Exchnoge at park. ; 1-10 premium. Flo,:rquiet at 1647,75 j for fair to choice whlto winter extras: t 4 bukgs,2s fir good spring exat: tii@ ! 4,115 for fete to good do. Wriest: the de; mand is almost el , itisivelv on specula. tine ar. oon: at 901,,V1r for NO. 1, and I for N.,. r ,sing at outhNo for I fu: ore vnr‘; N 4/. 2e„1,1 at 37V;88... !sailer mouth, 513116 r January. After ' ,- tango the market s:ood Nig?lB.4a seller December. Corn ' morn argon ri”irt and 1..,f1af, lower, at 77.6,77!..,c for Nu. 2. ripecula Ors and distillers were the only opera tura 77@,,Tht,r, seller ,the mouth: 77@,'70c, a•-lier las: half of December, and 76(g, 794 c seller January; during the after noon Woo were made at 77@77qc, teller Dervm her. Oats, dull; rats of No. 2at 41%(3,4Z3, cash; and January; and 414 r wire Deceit; her. Rye, quiet, at 77(.477!,jr for No. 2; cloning at 70%n. Barley dull ant nomi nal nt for No. 2. flit:hemes firm at ICs for tonal on,l Ilee 1. , rH.... found; In some instances the letter was held at Prorirdous firmer, cloning at 11 , 30.&04111 far mean par 1 , $26,50(5'-'7 for Prime mean, 1/.2t4t.r. , for I.issf IS@ 111 , ,e for sweet pickled hams. 14 , a/ilk. tut short rib meld le, 11,,,,k1 I>,,- tor dry Ratted 111.,0111.1,4, loose, and 1e(4.10,,, ror lard; punk sakiors3l.2.s coyer Jan uary, /11.54, seller February, and 131,7,1 buyer January; dreased hogs quint. Cr./-ii leg steady at $12,25412,73, dividing on 200 FK)untlx. Deoettator 1. —Cotton, dull and luwr; middlings, low middlings, 230. Tobacco, In good de mand; sales of 11l hada. xt $7,95 w $16.76. Whisky, rinees tirtuor at Pie; now held at $l. Hogs, dmy at $9,7;410.25; receipt., 6.800. green meats, dui , at I le. Wu lo rg tulles at these robe all round, but I shoulders alone sold at 11l 4 1. and bunts at 15 , ,c; eldee alone sold at Pro. visions tla', demand light; mess pork held at $30,50, but not saleable at better than $3O; bulk meats, 12 , ,1g1.54c, and lac fur shoulders, clear rib and eloar sides; ,parked bacon dull, and shoulders uttered at 114,0 to ontne out and aides at 17 4(41,...; there is n ntuderata demand fur nnoulders at 1440, Out none fur sides. Sugar Cured /lams 210 to 2.21. Lard 1;3, (415.,,, , mod dull. Butter unchanged and 'toady at :1041350. Egg. 374.15 c and dull. Linaend Ott BSc§floe. demand light. Lard Oil $1.501 1,65 and firm. Petroleum 32fg 31c (or retitled, Sugar dull: New Or leans 1344 to 1.13,c. Molasses lower: be@ Sac for choice New Orleans. coffee steady at 13e to 21c. Potatoes $1 per bartet. PUTLADKLPii lA, Ueaember 7.—Plnur dull a'd very w”ak; northwestern extra farntly 75(56,25, Indiana and Oldo }5,X7@6,50. Wheat very dull and at, ehanged• Rye 11,05®1,10. corn in (air demand: axles old yellow at 11,08a1,10, new 80411 la. Oates unchanged. Petro leum very quiet; axles crud• at 24c: re tined at 3P4c. Provisions unchanged And a email Unsineaa. Whisky 11,115@0 1,00. ST. boom. Den. 7. Wong; 7 'l (46 , 1 c for new lugs, 8%,10 , ,r fur old do, li( for dark leaf. Cotton un changed; 1...2%0 for low middling. 2.3,21 ,43i-,c fur middling. Cattle eteady and unchanged at 2 q;(r. Hogs firmer. but noeh•nged: for light to good, 9)64.105,r for choice to extra. Cutcson, Dec. 7.—Cattle dull and a shade easter at 63,7643,50 for fair news, 65,76®6 for fair to medlnm, epd 60,40(4 7,12), for good to slams, shipping move.. Hogs dull and 10T14.5e lower at 19.454 9,60 for lair to medium, 110(400,60 fur good to rbob-e, and 110,75413,37 , , fur extra to prime. Louirixtbba, Derember 7.—Cotton rilliflt; middling logs ateadv at per gross killed 3,400, receipts 5,1:10o. !isles of 77 bbds a: Se Pd . new lugs, and 3:,se for due mistsufsct tired Leaf. CT-PM - ELAND, Th.+Mll , r7.—Petrolenm: supply .hurt Llllll Wm; relined Its large loos: 3::(4,71.1, In rota:! Iota; vrtl , lo firmer aed better; held at 16,6 e. Memrins, December 7.—Colton and onminally at 2.70.,c; rt °airs, 2,752 bal.; export 4, 1,4;50 bale. Neauvii.i.x, December 7. Cotton cut.: I w m 1 ,1,11114 an I goal or. cinary 7b . I=2 New l 4 .I(2C, Db-ember 7.—The market In Inert, set prices are unchanged. The Indlcatlonn are [LI" 01.1 . bxre touched bottom nn domestic cottons of ?mot makes. There lea wove/11,2M on foot to raise tho price. of Atlantic Brown fibeet logs per yard, aa they arc becoming scarce and sold ahead on orders. =I PITTKRU ROR FORT WAYxR sx o CA GO &ULM/a, Deventher 7.-300 bbl• flour, Sbomaksr d Lansanhailm; 7 •k■ hickory onto. Harri• A Ewing: 200 •k• dour, R Riddle; 30 bbis do, A L Jones & (k,; 5 bbit. beans, 20 do: broom•, J S Cot 21 •ks rugs, EL Christy; 7b Ws whisky, Jos S Finch 6 - Co; IY bbl• onions, Waxlivorth . dr Davison; 4 tubs butter, H Res Jr: 27 Nile broom bee dies, W Mardorf; 10 kegs apple butter, W H Gr. ft & Co; 10 dodo, W J Steel et Bro: 6 bble dry peschat, Rigger ,t Lewis; 10 Able dour, S Demo]: 2 do beans, 10 do Tgiro, 8 tube butter, Votgt, Mabood t t c o; 89 drnuml hogs, J P Flume et Co; 1 ear o Gilead, Itooti h Herron; 1,200 Dbl. floor, owner; 16 Obis whisky, DIIIIng•r it F: 33 do do, F Everts: 13 bids eggs, W B Graff & Co; 17 by buckwheat flour, G W McClure; 53 bin cheese, 31 .1 Braden: 26 bra cheese, Cannelrl & Kann 4 roll. leather, O N Heaton; 100 bbls flour, D Wallace; 300 do do, Culp & Shepard; 26 bbls highwiries, Bbipton & Wallace* 24 do do, 6 MaCrlokert & CO; 2 Mils alcohol. Oa° Kelly; 6 pkgs bacon, .1 H Parker; 26 bbl. Ilyuor , M McCullough Jr; 100 bbls flour, Alien Kirkpatrick & Co. 4 can rye, Dan Wallace; I car feed. H W Wil. llama; 60 us lard, Jes Dalxell; 3 cars fer• Mixer, Seward & Emerson; 4,,bbla crack ers, J A ItBrItkULIC 7 bra Minis, .1 P Hen na & Co; 4 bbls - alcohol, B L Fahneatock & CLEVIN.AND ANT, PrTTANI . R9II RAlL nom>, December 7.-8 care pig Iron, Grail. Bennett & Co; 3 can fickron ore, worth.-P &O Ido lake sup ore, Ma Knight, P & Co; I dodo, McKnight it Co; 1. do champ ore, Reamer & Co; 1 do lake cop ore, Hulsey, Wells & Co; Ido do, Colon Iron Millis 1 do do, Everson, Preston R Cu; do do, Brown & Co; Ido Canada orti 3 Oratr. Byers et Co; 2 do char ley ore, Brady's Bend Iron Co; 1 do Jack son ore, Chen, S di Co; b cars gray warm ors, l e Blairdo shingles, W W Higdon & Co; 1 car cop per, PIUS& Boston Marefg Co; 123 bbls sand, Dithridge & Bon; 100 bbl. lime, Reddlck & Co: IS bra scales, Fairbank, Id &Cm 1 oar *alit, Owymos a. Stoneman; 21 be. oil, B I...Fahneritixik et Co; 5 bola oil, J H Parker; 25 has hardesra, S.. comb et Cot 10 bbla buckwheat riser, 15 bra cheese, 6 bbl. cider, Volgt, Mahood & ON 24 cases tobacco, Little & Baird; 25 do Mr - nuts do, K P Weddell; 6 btds oat meal, Rinelsari & 8; 5 cases CO. 4 do do, Lindsay, S & E; 8 Able oat meet, Strickler & Id: 4 de buckwheat Boor Totten 4:t Co; lb bee cheese, Woodwo rth &D; 15 bee cheer*. J A Graff; 16 do do, 47 bbls apples, H Rea Jr; 15 do do, H Riddle; 30 slut rags, Christy B; 5 bbls floor, J Olingwlch; bbis eggs. B DeVol; 201 bbl. apples. J Weyer; 120 oil bbls, W Flaccua; 68 Wino apples J Ala*; 39 bbls older, 22 do ap ples, Braggermau & O'B; 21 do apples, F OCralghead; 8 bble apples, Head & 21; 2 bblacider, Day & Co. Prrreaunon, Griacticrawn AIM ST. Lam HalLaoen, December 7.-60 eV. wheat, 47 do rye, bloanor & Harper; 16 bbla Soar. McHenry at Hood; 3 bin butter, H W RIO kin: 7 bbla onions, II Rea Jr; 8 balm ;oar, G H Denier; 4 bbi. oil, 4 do tallow. E td Johnston; 60 bble, 200 Mrs Boor, F pecker[; 1 cm oats, 1) Blackburn; 3 ears staves, Hastings 1 do reed, M Steel & San; 4 pkg. leather, ,Popp, B7t Co; 29 Ow lobitom, E W bdar)lnnisa; 10 bbls d peaches, Volgt. & Co; 197 bits adllfeed, Campbell C; 17,i hides. G N Hottstott; 130 half bobs herring, .1 Conner; 1 car lumber, J 0 Dell; 7 do metal, Loomis & Collsrd; 2 do wheat, Scott & Cilsalc 2 do do, Kennedy Bro; 3 cm sausage, J H Parker: 2 do do, W B Ha s & Bon; 4 bbla oil, Radio & ,Fteld; 5 bbls whleky. Koehon4lotorl 10 ltgs pig feet, 2 Casks shonlderi, Sob & Co; 2 bole cringes, P H Hunker: 12-yel4a4otmoccoricJ Blanchazd; 4 dad., J W Taylor. ALLEOILLIST Vara= Ra.u.noAn. De. camber 7.-74 cars coal. Keir, F & 45 _do do, Armstrong D et Co; 18 do do. Coleman, B. & Co; BO aka oats, 1 do mama A W Moktath; 48 aka corn, IS do oata, 20 do wheat. 48 do rye, Scott & W eal; 50 aka oats, Graham & Marshall; 2 pkgs bottar, 2do poultry, L J Blan chard; 40 aka Sour, Brugaeraum &0; 1 bbl Mater, Paul & Gibson; 8 ears met al, Idcß.u/44) P.l Co: 2 do do, Itlmick & Co 1 . do do. Mos. Graf & 0; 10 rulla bides. W Flacons & Son; 1 car metal, J Moorhead. Ati.621111017 STATION 'Timm:Mar 7.- 100 bbl. flour. B Knox & lion; 1 car reed, Steel & Son; 8 ears metal, /4 0 & 14 1Y 1110011choom 1 do lime. Simon Dram; 5 bra cheese, B Jenny; 6 do do, 0 Myra.; 10 do do, J ISaldlnger; 5 do do, F Nettle; sdo do, 15 Way; 1 car metal, Ido ore. Lewta, Batley & Dalrell; 40 bbl. Joe Craig; i Du Nulty, J 011ardln. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8. 1869 RIVER NEWS 'Cho river continues to recede steadily at thia.point, with 7 feet 7 inches in the channel by the Monongahela marks last evening. Weather continues cola and decidedly winteriali, and we should not be surprised to find considerable float- Ice in the Allegheny this morning. The Sallie In tilling up rapidly for New Orleans and Will be ready to leave as tinned-need, Freights eonlinue Ibrindant, oa -1 •laity for Ht. Innis, and hosts load log for any of the leading ports below experienee no dlitienity in getting it trip, and, that too, at Ipli rates. The Wild Duck for New tirleens, and Argosy for Louisville, departed last eve. Ding, both with good trips, The hull for Cape. It. T. posters new Evansville anti' Cairo packet, has andvdd. The R. C. Gray from elethmatl, was due nut night, end will dont:Mese be found In port this scorning. Tho Mercury at 5 r. x. was down to 27. The Ilelle.ll the regular packet for Parkersburg today leaving at noon. —The Warraw packet C, T. Dumont 101 l over hare all day elaturdaY, sheet ing liar deck. At ten n'olock last Thurs. day night, below ltielng San, on the Kentucky tilde of the river, 14 r f her negro deck hands _lumped her, and left the boat to get back here the beet way •he yould. They came up nn the (den, Buell Friday morning, and brought suit agatt the t'tilted etates Line 00., bolo United StstmQemmisaloner day, for two day's wages, at 12 per nay each. The owner. of the boot cared lit tle about the amount for which the suit wan brought, but determined to oontest the claim, In order to teat the quwition whether (heir employers have all the rights claimed by the deck hand under such circumatanoes. On Saturday, Commisaloner Halliday gave Judgment In favor of the owners of the boat, de. vidiffif that a crew had no right to leave a boat In distress under the cirrotn• al.anvoa u .toted,—rfnetnnoft qr,rfle. —At the Parkersburg bridge, all guys have been removed. The piles to which the gove were (•atenad are two hundred feet above the bridge •nd below the bridge, lea line with the pier. They will be marked by flags In the day time, and lights at eight. The miler dam has not been removed; It Is not more than MMMME —The Padorah Herald say. that It w Ceptain Joe Fowler, of Fowler, Lee Co. who was out by Captain Wm. Thompson, of the Tote Hurt, ou Tues day night. His wounds are not consid ered eerlous. —The Kate Putnam left Onotansal for Pittsburgh on Sunday: the Lorene and Leonidas reshipped their Pittsburgh frelg6t on the Putnam. Pilots—Hama ton and Henderwm. —The sternwheel steamer Richmond bound from New Orleans up lied river Runk 11 miles below Shreveport las , week, and II reported a total lows. N lives loet. —The Ironaides with 5 model berg In tow peed by Cincinnati on Sunda en route for St. Lout.lote.—Cap Sam Dean and Jaa McDonald. —The Messenger, Matttomb to New Orleans. ieft Cincinnati, on Saturdny night with 860 tons on boat and barge, and SOcatitn passengers. —At St. Lords, the steamer Tom Mor gan has been sold to Capt. L. R. Rucker for 12,100, and loads at Mt. Louie for Black —The ?diary Davage and kLawkeye. Louis to Pittsburgh, ware int bouieviil on Bsturday. —Tbe Meggle Revs, Pittsburgh to St. Louis, posed by (Aueiambi on Sunday evening. —The Cumberland River was rising on Sunaay, with 154 feet on Harperth Shoal. —The hissasnger. Pittsburgh to Ne Orleans, decended ate falls on Sunday RIVER PACKETS MEMPHIS ADO MEN ORLEANS. • L• 011 MEMPIIIN A•D J.I•IW ORLEANS—Tlkorerrame n/k 1 UK C• pt, T. S won, WI'Irlor• f, Le 1,•••11.4. pati W I , • 14111 o I. •t 4 r VI •pyry L....a or to & I Kli _ . I 1 I% IINCINN•TI WEEK LT I e•ee. l'ltsstoob TRW'" 1•1 I. cl erroum W•No•T. • r et• The new And spe•adid • m• r PIAUI F.A. C. A Cnipmlo4a,. Siri•ree L. ken., I. lel,. Ns. lea, a so scY. one, r , LEttl= Ire 111110 11 LLL'S.. Asc... STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL ANDATia QUEENSTOWN. TUB INMAN NW:!. STEAMSHIPS. Number.' lret-elase vessels. eseuag Oral the celebra I• CITY rre r A tels, CITY ./ /TNT Rhp ITT 11.5TirN CITY trf 11•1.4p1‘ Ott.. ITY OY L.,111, !Wng 4 , 1E1(1 11ATURD AY. tome /ler 43 Xew II ark. foe p.musa4eur farther Infortmatlon , poly to WILLIAM MINIMAX, Jr., =I WALL PAPERS ELEGABT PAPER HANGINGS. toam•led Wall Papers la plate tlot• 'oos to soot cod smok. Venaillio• xr , ..vds with gold and Inlal4 aeor.s. TM nom y Lt. 8, INDIA TAPESTRY. le Illit P•NILLS " r: P fe d gp d o P' n r Ye ' d ' att ' Vito b. Nse and alwhene to th e ' eonotry. rot sale at w. P. AC A IRATT A T.T'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty &reel. -u nECOHATIONS.—In Wood, ud Fres. onitatka. for W non relit oga of Dlnlos Ifoomo, Huts. A., al 00. 101 Market meet.,f/T 1080111 H. 11130116/5 • 020 § ar TADIPED GOLD PAPERS for Plors. at No. 107 Market wet, JOISIIPH IL HIJOHK.a BRO. LEG C. EL ARATIALIS °FEICK. W. U. of Penns,lvan!. Plrreetrann. Debientter Ch. 111139. HIE IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on theday of Dember. A. IL 1409. r at l arnoti In Pankrnyeley m a. Issued agalnst Estate of J N REEKY KL co Allesheo, tity. In she County of Allegheny. and-Btate of Beturaligahiks hYd hhen Adlotiod Bank rupt on Km wen petition: th.t the payment of any debts and denyery of any property ttel lad toad liankrnot to blot or for bl. one. and the transfer t hat y pt_rop-rty by bon ate for bidden by law; a Meeting of he ( retsina." of toe eald "ook.rt, to prove their DoOts•od to M e lon or bolne a.s lib atone assignees of bla Estate. 1":=1`..;4.7 r k .^.;74 . .,`,7.t. batboy eountv. hefot• JOHN pt. Cu KV), " A. 111:11CDOCII. es( tee __D_s. M.l hal. as Mee. eeeee . TN RE-WIDENING OF ERIN bTrlitZT, In the any of Pittsburgh. Court of Qaartcreeselosts, No. 11. March engem INS% Iglacentaeous decket. all persons lotersated are hereby bottled that the asabothe•nt of dam age and benefits. as roads by the viewers ap pointed by the Court Is, the abort case, has been approved, and all partite a...tied with bcpedts an, hereby required to pay the sente withal, thirty day• from ltila (late. otbartelee they Will he entered so liens scalps, property and collected aaording to law. J.l. SLA.OLZ. My Attorney. No. 101 mu, avenue CIECISI DIARIES I FOR 1870 Our ock of Merles be 11701 e bow eele , Pl , ., comprising every style, from the mealiest pocket Mae to the largest Counthi lion.. Da It Jour nal,rounln( one, two and there day. to the page. We have them of all rota., so that par e ordering by mall newt only ePealfy the som ber of days to the t are. sad the price In Welt from 31e.01s la $51,00.) end the Hook we I be sent by return mall. A Imo, laroo oasortatoni of the Potent .If. Clostoff Diaries. The lead. supplied al Publisher's wholesale Ile, JOSEPH HORNER, .40. 129 Smith/kid Street, the.rerr rirmntrftun PA. KEYSTONE POTTERY. S . JEL KIER & CO., =!7111 QUICSBUMUUr. 111111111101 n Wl.llOl 4. onSee and Wanthotme, 363 LIBISTY MUST SiN.Au orders talrotaltitll nunnnen an. • • .2-M rr PIIIIIIIE2I THE BLOOD. YVII BAIA BY DICIIBEIIITS iirEBYIFAXYZA C7==:l Ei B. LYON. t4aler of WAIN' and lemove. 0111 C A —A. A POlntrli /MINIM IItULAnA ,Tgl i .J°Rl4 r!lpAl7 t rtgl.b.gib cLieut.ml2l2 IIaNTILTT. Pnaar. SPECIAL NOTICES PULNIO.NI4' r - ,1 SCAlt•Kri Mn P!! •h • to, re, r.oa•arnhtl•a. Llrer rad Iran eh., tr tale. s000rd• lo ~- ee• Inas. Thy are Lame to he LAktal laxice.ame time. Tb,y c:lmate the stomach, re. [bottom . Sad put It to wort: ttee• tae •opetlte become. fowl. the rood dlgesta lad makes goad Wood: the graLleat herrn. to aroar la le., tit. atars-xd matter ' , pen lel. the lava,. nod th. patle at oatirrows the alseaae sad meta sec:. This la the •haly way to curve...natio, To these thrrnrextedlelaes Dr. J. 11.8cl:whelk, of Phi...le:ohm. coca ht. oort•saset .1n 111. 11 . T.E1109 Of palmoriary , oveistalptlort. The Pul- IIItMIC cropsyru tbe mortyld Ilesmr la ll* tnee throsest off Uy eas oertorsn. f en th• ph..., or t a ata, r. ,„„ Alva . ntsh throne off. i.aUeni ha, re. awl Inogs ta.aln to heal. , ht ta, the m••••er.1 Tonic ao,l liandr 100, ,y need .or,aaa•Le Ire slotnaeh nod ,irer, a toot the Pvitoottla hyrup no.l lb. feeds matte aoral Oloss4. rcherna • 11. areal, art upon the hoer. • -•• .1 A• erma sad of the hJi bladder... tdfle fLaria fb•e!y. sad the Meer .toot. eh, ' was L. n to ba. rver t.,./111 tart bow aced «z. deadly pew. •blch le vet" .t e st the ecratl ,, u• of thr Ilver lilr behroct, biaodrele lbws. . . . . . . . Li ..rcomillstant Is one or the Imo. {1m0... a( I onstansistion. • • SCher..(kneannA i•nl , Is a gentle atironiant and .11t•ratIve. awl Lb. allt• , 1 In the St• - sawae4. which this preparation o. made .1. a... Cate the st , oloct to threw out ter gas.ria Juice to the Cod with tin Pulliam, • yrap. nod It Is ma... Into good bind wllitont gornee•tatoot or &aorta,/ la the ate:mow-h. The great reata.n why phrelce much; rare Cutlet/caption It. they try la. do too they give tardlcJeic to stop ?be nous h. sto, el, night •+be 1,4, rt . ? 41r:b..1 114,4- orII.At THE t:A LING POOll.. k • ‘‘.. al CH .Lo b•vr 1141.4 L r4o. baba.. 4,1 oorr 4rairr a Llgb•r Ilfr 444 a urrbrr 41, WWII, wlth ,erna.4 of re!, 1 f4r the aelir 6,1 u ora,4 Tr4;ae. at esr Fe. e14,r41 Hi/WAHL: • , 111 , /IIATI 4 IN. Buz I', el“laaleelya.l. 1 . 4444- WIT tri-ellY WHOLESALE GROCERS. & OM HARPER & CO. 243 LIBERTY STREET, =I 00 Barre "Perfec lon Drips, Eil:E= 55 . BARRELS N. 0. MOLASSES, = 5 HHDS. N. 0. SUGAR Earc= To which they Invite the Atten tion of the Trade. ESTABLISHED BY A. & T. GORMLY, 1812. W. M. aOIIIIILY, WHOLESALE. GROCER, 4 No. 271 Liberty Street, (Dtesc-ri, Oar. E•OLI =I E. STEELE J. A. STEEL/ Al . STEELE & SOP, Commasion Merchants VIA:14711. 0 RA IN. VIZEDI, me. I= ♦LLEOIIENT CITY. ra. PETER KEIL. IA AM V. ILICILLRT EIL & EMHART, VIZIRCISANTA 77,01/R, 01113, BRED% XII/ PEED, CI $4O Liberty •1.. Pittebureb. MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, OHAIN A !ID PROD UCI Commission Merchants, Xs. S2R LIELIERTY STUMM, Con . flesosnts whetted. rT W. C. ARMSTRONG, (s.coessor to F.U. • Armstrong,' PRODUCE COMAIROON EERCRART, No. 26 Morkot Street. miss L. J • BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Iletal Grocer, No. aO6 PENN ST/I[6T apti.n stiFITILE, BAIRD k PATTIE:IW, Wholesale Urocers, Commission erchants llealers la Prv4uan /our. Bassa, Chew., Pltsh, varbod and Lard Troa, Gla a; coilari Varna mLd all riltsharah blmmihet ras ge•e rail 1111 and 114 BECOME, alltikr, petsbarah, JOBB I. fOC.g.. Ell, TOIIN I. HOUSE & BROS., Sac .• mown to JOHN 1. HOUOS • CO., job o i.. ult Wooer. Sod Imotlsslott Id/fret/any Cor o ., of kottbdold and Watof onto.. Pito burgh. JOll■ IMIPTON ♦. 'IIIIPTON &WALLA CE,Whoit. BALI; OILOVERB AND PILUDDCZ DLL. $2l. Ya S tILITH STMULT. Pittalmmh. WI: LINGERS. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER In Ms best Is use. for sale, wholessisn a DI us.llll ava YI burl area, by J. Al. PHILLIPS. .111PWrIngers of al ands reps ral on Al.ors sales. 03• , ' O. • (;) • e t ? , v c. o cy , c 55 ‘‘ • c 25) c•St st.t -( 4 . S" • 2\ . Q FINAN CIAL TRADESMEN'S NATIoNAL BM, wuod at., cor. Second Avenue. INTEREST PilD US DEPOSITS. Gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stocks BOUGHT AND SOLD A. MiAlll.KV. Pres Mont. . VA N &IRK. Vice rer•l•lent 1.11 , • V lir , KF. 114 c.A,ler N. HOLMES b. NONS, 13 r_at. C,7 MARK ET STREET PITTSBURGII, PA. wsLatt tn. pr.cloal [Mica n . tbr rnlted tita,• and rao•Ftas. Stocks,Bonds and other Sororities I= rartieti lee atl,erition pate to the pmeeheee and .ale ni United States Securities 1.,‘•1 _ HART, CAUGUEIt & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood Streets PITTSBURGH, PA. (dOCCIrbt.)II.S TO BANN 1.. HART & C 0.., 0,11.1“. I. Exchange, Coin, Coupons, =2l COVERNMENT BONDS. S!Ftg Drafts on London CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITA L. 8100.000 ITOCKLIOLDERS MODULO' LIABLE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. TOILICTUN EXCHANOt liam.ll% and sold. ..on whoa clestred real at to points of t/1.4/loss rusde on •I. th• orloclpal points h• rotted ~ tats• wad ,0[1•410 It I rlas.lo. J•mys 11t. , •... Vlev Pr. sldent. W. Y. )10nesm. Csslxlar t/ACTOIII/1. Itssao. Jim.. rota., Thomas Rourke. Bosh hooting. J hunt..!. Jr.. Ter< see rampb•ll. Patrick Rum J 14.020. re. lan. MAJ. Y. Barr.11•,•••lo. Jon. los. tlsrlosno. Thorn. laroes. JON It. th•ZZ SM. Snitettor. FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, IS 00W open for Dttoneant. Deposit and dowers! ng basin••• A, Ana rent It et from One Dt.!la, upwards. Inteteet at tbe of Ala pax bent bald on tame depostaa. RD. DITHHIESII. R r waYnss W. H. HIMN FRANK .111H1tAtf. W. C. H•PH. HT SON. 1141 , 1(1 11Itrr,H., DAN Ll. SIIH., D. Y. Infott /MIL roaHMTILL. HD. DITBRIDDF., President. r. ISCHLINCEL, Ca•hior. THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY I=l=l Ipeersonra..l by lb. LogiCal.* of P•ansyl•s so, !sena, A 4. IS. V. /or lb. .afe-loreolag of Bond. and Dane, seen - Mee. (3•14 •ad al,ar P.a.. 1.1.1. Records, Nanaond• sad Vainaol•• of all e•aerllptioaa. aadar (Ilarsata, sad for vna ~aunt of ••••• In It. toltrala,-,00( aaauY. Itaddlod and Vince. To. S 3 FO URTH 4 rElrrE PiTTSIMROII. PA_ i . 1.14.32•T - W ILIA AM PH.11,1,11.8. r LLOYD. . - WM P 11111.11.41. tl t ti/ t. I,ANA_Z r • PT I.IIX StE, S 4 51.L.1.441 X I T..M ELI, X. s 1.1111, U. HUSSEY. II a r t , 111p4 4 11 , 1 2, Mita &Va . t OI LB D IAMOND OIL IV ORIIS, H. M. LONC & CO., to. Ws, rittsaargb„ Pa. T . CB BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS I= Petroleum and Ite Product& Ftstanursn onIess—D•LZELL'S BUILDING urn., of Duquesne Way and Irwin street Philadelphia OM•4-131 WALK UT ST set:TOM WARING & RING, I=ll=ls Petroleum and Its Products, DAL.ZELL'S ROOK, DUQUESNE WAY ru ILA DILPHIA AIWRLEIS. Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, 13 BOUTII SECOND BTILIZT .010 CLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HEIBUIT W. C. TWEDDLE, kl A 7 , I77ACRUISZR OP Lubricating& Hig h Test Burning Oila Relapse Railroad •alo 011, htzwia gnat heal without ...go, rem.Ms limpid s , lowest hrespeaalims. Special ell lot Lroploal climates or hot we•lhrr, Locomotive. ■aebtse alma, Will eat •cr.vra. Sao 31111 aad Planing Rill OWN Adapi..d for high aplakle Oil. Wool Fload-I Ight 011, Tolson.' atoll , Ressola, lad and Finishing. daaoliao, Oil. Hansom 011. Paeamea • .4.11M011 prra.rvo Brie. Ir Work imkel II "Aomori, from Iltmt. . . product. are manufactured and.. Dr. pp. .c. by Superbeated Stearn In V.c ann. Tbe Lat..leader/Wl e are almost °duties, pre?, ly pure, notion, and tunevly light wi nced. stand a Web temps's. are 00Ch•Ilf.d. tad musha dnrine eat. e. Id. The Rail road tills ars unequalled, and an In eonatant lie Olt many Of the principal italiroado. Samples eta be examined mad order. let at 114 WOOD Sins-ET. Woe. at Itharpsburn Bridge. CARBOLIC SALVE. • The important discovery of the CAINDOLIC ACID as a CLEANSING. PURIFYING, and REALING Agent is one of the most remarkable malts of modern medical research. During the late civil war it was extensively used in the HospiUds, and was gonad to be not only a thorough dishy , [mutat. but also the most woo derfal and speedy HEALING REMEDY ever known. It is now presented in a scientific combhoulou with other soothing and healing agencies, in the form of a SALVE; and, hawing been al' ready used in numberless cases with most satislactory and ben eticial results, we have no hesi tation-in offering it to the pub lie as the most entail", rapid. and effectual remedy for all Sores and Ulcers, no matter of how long standing, for Burns. Cuts, Wounds and eve ABRASION of SKIN or FLOM, and for Skin diseases generally. eald by all Druglfida. Price 23 caste. JOB F. 113 Y, Sole N'r, NO.B COLLEGE PLACE. Mew York. 4 Er] IRON Ali D STEEL. DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RAHM & CO., =I IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS. DUQUENNIL, L I AND JUN (ALTA.. ' ; ‘, T 4 l a ll ,' n *, P " - ' ! . 114t !if .''' ) , "A NT I L 11 , 11.1C1t 1 . 1.AT1, AND (IRA Ti'. IJHAti ...l RA I", 1 , 1. A N.ER, cerreit lAN orA , IRON, A rrKrn. eralso A 1.1 • 1 .. TIN' T , Ft Prigs, w 15.4% A ‘l, .t pattern. Istb.LL, alias link., A. TP, .11. .0.1 IV.LIJON PPHINUS sad VI NAIL, AND SPIKE,. All Gooda First Class and Warranted. r.ot and .ad 77 Wfl.. MILLER, BIRR & KN. ay unt N UL(•. W. BARI, VA!. I= CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR 8- PARKIN, OFFICE. No. 110 Liberty Strut, VITTIPVIIt.II. VA. ftll au DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIDI MILLER, (8..e.50r to JOti. HARM t (XL,) Has los w-enten.l.eo Itb the leading /oa r., In Lb. Ear s .nd Is prepare./ to protaptla and tatirfsotorlly• all all orders f r STIP. al BOAT •VT., t'It•NR, rlttittla Livtak t o, Pi TM. NJ a Rd. W It AXLES. Lot 'on. rgIVIC oat On. togtether 1•11.0 every dattorloslott of Okt•Pit WORK. Olifoo and gorge! Corner of Duquesne Way and First Strati •012.[EN. pITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. 6YfuLISF Er/ IN Mtg. ANDERSON & WOODS, BEST REFINED CAST STEEL Of d•mrnptlnv. Al., but &dined German Plow and !Spring Steel. CORNIER RV!. ANL/ FIRST A VENUR. ruts !nue, r .14_19 ELLERSHIUSEI PROCBSS• fl. Truttees are an , .part..l It grant Ikea sea fer Ult. ate .4th. pre ITSF.N 1110 CRBS. . Th. rtioerior Imparted to gowl Iron, LI. , -- .or ►.rne. .bete( to au It as ohms. Ilsyques applying to JAMES P. SPF.ER, Atturn• y for We Tr...., ROOMS I ard 11 Inuit., Building, 9ey ruurtlo avyeue. Parll•slntewel in•lto. •tstl the al Licit me k HIE eL, to Dew In • •p..ruloo. SnEFFIELD STEEL WORK& SINGER, NINIIICK & CO., FTTTSIIIIECIII, PL. I= CdST AND GERMAN STEEL. RAILWAY SPRI , os, ♦ Sit Pi.sTroftlf SPRINGS. SILL, t rstz.. lux. t•.. , Sc. Warehouse., NII if ate r and 100 First Sta. B LACK DIAVIOND STEEL 'WORMS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., :Lc ror • Jescriptlons of giiii7[l.llllaLL. CD. , al. War. L., T. I KT' THIRTY 711[+1.1,11.11.1 Al , ST.I.ET, P.TTIBUILOII ROBINSON. BEA & CO., Dacoeswrs W 60•1:ts0s, IVINIII • ktitt.” . .. WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS lAD NIGLISFIST S. FITTSBUR6I4, ll•ontlictn,gra 44 float and Statlona, !Steam Etr gatftiaVA!.."tl4:7i and'U... 4,11.1 and W.. Irma Wart Ma.. No. It. earner £ll.l •nd enalthield /:; ,, N ., 1 , 17 . A1LD•11 LTENT IiCTOR THOMAS CARLIN & co., hank Ward Foundry and Nadine Works, =I ltanaftotoren efntatbnan and rants,. Illtoto Itoginoa.. di Presort. Polley, litianino, Onw and Aso /111 , Won. Rol lag 1.1111 and idaettlaa 0L.100.. ‘Itol• Ron. Wet ta. W•con Role. a, tiff" to ord.. and tiara ig on hood 'Cuomo .. of all times trty STOVES, CASTINGS, dm, CoOK STO V ES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TB lUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL, ifltranted to Cook, Bake or Bout aa well as any other Stove In the Union. BISSELL & No. 235 Liberty Street. ANN, on hand and for rahf, PARLOR lITOVIIN HEATING STOVEN, °NATE FRONTS, NE/MINN, COOKING LtANUL.N. GRAFF, HTIGUS & COB ! DLL•VIACTO WS Or BUIEM VAAL., Or S. r r Cr I V BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY FURNACE," los WANYING BUILDING& THE NEW ANTI-DINT ODOKISD ffrovz, "RIDDLATOR," COLUM NIA COON ET , IVIS a T• h 'el luchmasal Pattern) DuRTARLE HANOI CAST IKON MANTLIKS, WELLMAN'S RE►I. remii, olt• TIN. Dv— ham din and Oast: ORATE FILUDITIL /INDIUM, A. 208 and 208 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. A. BRADLEY & CO., 60. BO WOOD STREET, Manudsturars of U. Orestest Variety of Conic, Parlor and Heating StoTes, EMIEEIM In our wiser - meat vefil tbunil all the aria? PATTNItNe • N D IN PNIJVILMILIITS, and the reputation of our Moves Is sash that any one la leant of a good article whouto purchase uone bat shows maneftweured na, as they wit, be found ii.e most Seeable as well so Wc.l4 call pa/Mesta/ l: talon to our Sow VOLCANO 500 .o for hrelses. and stores. or 500 sold in br o' mentos. turesideil Dr with or without tutorD was have timid inefat49- 00.50. th. m er to any other and Is cheeri er. toed for Csitalowne and Prise LiDt. DA, FRUIT CAN TOPS. ' COLLINS .. r;ITTS'IIIi 4 GHFA..• - - Iro mosey, prepared to intoplP TM. ••Ita Potter. It le perfect. &MON anA ae onoYaa M ain top. Melee the rooms or the ir.ons ornr . r. a=s i tintoter '". =o f = tha top of %Iwo.. I It b asarty, Dbalnetly and ParninnenUy he locrety Mader the same or the trcn UM Cam ecostalne oppoelte the poloter sad menhir th the gertraery manner. No preserver of Plato. sMdsoot housekeeper win low ear other after hoot e . lota FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS C ENTRAL FOUND RV AND ROLL WORKS 1:090 Vona iStroet. BOLLILtN & BAGA_LEY, Rolla, 111111 Catalan, Rod Lathes. le MONONGAHELA FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Hoot,. Hurl. of IHoN HILoZ FRONTS. Castings of all DeserlpUona. P. 1 ,1 A Rt.IIITECTI; t.. 11 LE.I to t aotlnxt (wr tl•Amte.. Orr. &tt )or trt,n —N•. 150 WATER tiT5.1,51*, l'a. HAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY orrzeis AND WOllll2, TWELFTH STREET PITTSBURGH, PA ar Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Ile torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll Asa amallteasa Streets, I=l sull.C4ll, PAL. WILLIAM SMITH, I=l CAST IRON BOWL PIPE I=l Nf Plp. are 441 cast In•arlably In llta, In ark tang and 1* fee. length.. •bo. tilt amortgoent of general Castings for Gas & Water Works. 1 fluid also call Ilto ottootioa of Booartiaton • sot. of Old Worts to m, nolo of lULTORTS. ENGINES, BOILERS. &c. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL ANB TANK WORKS. CARROLL AND SNYDER, itA.NUFACITURERE OF TUBULAR, DOUBLE-ELIDED TUBULAR 7111 Z-BOX AND CE L LS DER ETZEIN SOIL, L MLLE AND OIL T e LEN ye, II NESVA I a AIM PANN A rTLINO PANE, BLLTFANS AND CON DENEER., ITZ•N piran, oisorrrzaa AND IRON BRIDGER, rsiaos DOORI AND GOAL ERITFIEL Orac• sad War•boase,. re e.. r •" Third, Short mad LJbartlyata, PITTSBURGH, PA. h/POrder. seta. to the above maltase 1.111 be bro - notiv attwhiva ath7,1419 HUGH M. BOLE& CO., Per. Point Alley and Inagua:no fti., (Nm in rox)rx.) Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists Menefectere STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STATION ART [NOISES. ofellatee• A 5/ic.'oll!"trt.L. lt.lted to ozvg-roBTUTTAri ROMER, 01'16 bone pear, CASTINGS eeeee [lnd, made to order steer r0•11‘17, 01:1 i1y1 ,1 1521/14ZT. bolo. Idertea RIDE ter 011 Wrlt., SHAFTING, MILLETS ANGERS, HOUSE sad TOBACOO neRZWS add Il e WN TOBACOJ rILLSICA on hand and OM. order, .t the INDUSTRIAL WORKS. Fronting cm ttu Allegtehe Wee, seer the PEW" = NZ - SL erd.r. in . ..2v5.7 IpH. Tar tn. 011 MIA 808 WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO., = STEAM BOTLE.B.O OIL T*ELB,_PT_ILLB. A - 4T LITITATA, " CitIt 6 Dttr/Dr jIMEYS. B.ICREN FIRE BEDS, to, Cor. of lmad Irene and Libmy = Repairing do.. .promptly. Olga,. mat to the 111DPV,_ addle.* oil be prom_ paty attended to, ►. Hgridß-N. forme d) hMnager OA-KROLL SitTIMBIS. c.en:. • BARNHILL & CO., B .11,13 R MAKERS. AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NM SO, 12, 24 AND 92 PINS PT. "1:4 "'"" flt " yr• a_p " rig:lv:LT. tar...every deserlpflo• aufiL, aval varrante4 equal he y mad. In the mummy. ChUnnera Pb. Bed, lhaam Pipes LocennuMe Hollers, Condo:men. malt P. 0., Tanta. Olt tem Bettllai rasa fleller Irma. Brldges, Pass. and se manufactarers if narunLlP. rat an* Belle.. Bepslrlsi dolmen Otortaat neUhre. MI .1•1119 ZDIRIDISO IN., RAVEN JARED M. Yev3H &80A, - - = Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORK, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. UMT alas GUSTAV'S SESCS. HENRY BIER & CO., succ.sow, JOVE AL morns a no„ Bell and Britss Founders BRASS CASTINGS MAD/. PROMPTiT TO OEDLS. Hateable and Grey Iron Fittimp, GAS PIPE KIM TUBING, 111110111,R, lIVITY LSD CBECI LUTA ALL GLOBE rerrann. ER.OOIN . COCKS, Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water and 011. bIJarOTWITTBZIO 07 J. M. COOP= t COT Impreved Balaaca-Wheel Biwa Pomp. Agents for Dreyine Patent ere, the beat in the Market. Offiee W sad Wl.. corner Tblitsestb sad Plus Iltresta. ATwooD & inccs FFIIET, Corner Liberty street sad Th Assalul„ 12=3M BUBO FOUNDERS LID IRON PIPS lIITEBIL rror Ao:arra for A. 5. DiNT.S.OIS I 0015 STEAM FUll£s AND RIAMILIS. • a EMTIBIIIIGH NOVELTY WORE& ILIWOB. M'ILEE & CO. IST) Pn A tiutill ßD AD CUMII41 6 SCALES. fuss Paced P.m; Dow Leaks Ma latillats, ?slat and Coffee KM; ie. 10:1181 OplitaMitlat GLUT 8.21. J. ...IP MIATT. Ascarricrcr • !2== OR NAMENTAL CARVERS, h. !wady It., lb:Om, Pm. . Walfflt i of all /mom lino dose. 11011M1 MnMYM i I:IIENNSYLVA -1 A NIA CENTBAL cs.u.S.- , so. orsafter II r. x.. 5a.114.17 SUV. Tray 1415. 1650. Trai • wai amyl, at and divan I`,l Ih. Va.., De,t, comer of Wat 111281•11 a... 1 •I !b.,. nt.reets. as folltrni• Arrive. Dgp•rta rrsin.—. 1.20 ma "touch.= 41.• aft SS la R:: I.:n. .. 1'45 an • racttc 5a.... IS Si I , Val..• Su. , s*o as FEM. No, 1.. 6.30 cm !Int. ;mid c .tiol T. 30 am, gal: Train .... Salt lii Wall`v No. , 6.30 Lea 11..inten At. 10:110 as Llarluneti E1.4:00 am Itraltsaa So I. Oat. pm . 1 056.;t0we Ac 10.50 am etnelell Ex. 14:2Z pi nits de Nol 7.0 u rna 'Wall`• No. 1.. 1114161* I .,U le. , •ati PI, 1.30 pm Jolamtarara Ad.4:06 ruler Exp . .. I'3o 6 1 61 1 ra'kd se NOl 8:90 0011 . 6 N.. I. 4 :50 pm ' PLO. Erpetaa 3:50 0,1. AcNo I 9•55 pit Wall•a No. s.. 3.0$ 6 1"41 , s No. • 5 50 pm Wa:i •• No. 6,06 Hrlntonaa No".: I 10 so •Ihtt I.lre .. I ... T:4O W. 7 eaue r 10.40 pm W.I., N. , . t . 11..0t... •strz.. t s:n • n •Le c.;....., :ozr. :,.•., •I Dar,. i'l4 Clerch T.., ,eal,.•t\ . .4 ..tdonaever, ',.. n.' 4, at I/ 05 1. .. raaa.::., I .. ..anent!, si is 50 a. as. Ite tern'r . ,.. 'es e... rtt: bare, at 111 .50 5. ro. sea arrtv..• as. ' Walla Staffers st . rr; s 7-" 102:11=110 Yxp.. • '•C•lrons& ar • o • t • Mood.y. Sc o tr tr'T • 4•lty oxrert OttO••• or further :1r0r13,,,?..,4gM.mi. hr retka•T; von la tt.s.lll , l.l(bor pax, twill 110% ay. • tr no n. • ,•• rt •I 1 ronal .Tt 1.111, to One WO. •ort • .11 14..0•0e one . • ar:oont v...t e o• the Mak of r. 4r. ed.l.S.dr • act./ oonttoct. El , t ACM ti. vrnaaJuts, .01, AltoonS. NN II:a1/411.111 R .LII ,, AJJ.—e, sad after Nov. 14. 1969.« y Y.••••aner Tn., on tbo Western Peramplyzaill Ks, eo s a '.rill arrtee at and depart 61.2 tin Paints I Streit Anestkea7 itdlaadd Arseta. Depart. kartngO•e No I CIAO a ea 41•11 TAMS= fret s.. No. 15.10 • m Preaport Na I 9:110s Y. apresk...... 1040 tar t:4 Apt Sr:: • • !seappo . ort 4" . 11l No 10; . Mal] 5:50 p •tsporlNa.llll.llo E. dprlndel•e No t 6:60 Is to Soringd's No Setae or Adak* trains eau natty exempt Sunday. Tie (Terra Train leavesAllerglarny• annelthal weer) condo) at 0:40 a. co.,neseittly •Ilognon7 (Irk at titfre a. pa. Xlettuntn. xtaw Allarbany City at 1 :WO p. m. and amnia at Allesttenty Jams. non at 3:40 p. ra 71kc val. Laying Alleattani City al TAME.. at. makettuecat nonnoction at Tr:epOnE wltEtWal. .e r'• lice of Stager for Putter an ydannattrtowa r 451 Y :L. r. Pltie 1.1;r. 2 ' , sad ". at In'ectee u afpQ ingbenY. Vor furtt.e.. tuformallonSpr . L i a m JAIEL6 Seder-al !Smart Ibe V. extern P•111611)1•AaLt alltnad Sal ass•me Lay risk for Itagu 1, d limit , nne. *town torlremulail do.t ookdlns thl• antment In •alun I.lllbe at • dr! OS the oanor, unless taxes hy spatial comma. 1/Wa.0.1) El. WILL lots Senora. Ponertawndent. Alrarositi.lX Vr. Salt I.l.2l'irrlNO:P/T12130011 NON . 4a, IMO, crab. walk...anal at tit.: Utatat rpos. north PM r burgh eit=te, se . k e .a g'l' Ve g t` - 11 . p ; Per i,24 (nl. a_ A . 1•1..11: kpn ti Aa :Cl. a 415 p Clevz.d Lz 33. 5 i Depart freq. Bre, ItaLl•Ac.. "r .• • ',rlale • IC . • ME MIM!Mi t3~iar]e ==i Utti== • - • ta... i:ia p dm Umrelk. LSI SS - CS. p. a. CeluS, Ex.Dna. hum.* • -1. Chicece I , x_prerareivea • IH. AYEJLis, J. N. MoClntou Oval. Nu. area /I.4eaL Q. son ORANGE OF TIJUL ZLLLEGYEEINT VALLEY . • TOE ONLY DIRECT Roll:TX TO TR/ an. ONO lONS WITHOUT CHANGE OP CAE& aad after MONDAY. Nov. HMO TWO TOEOIIIIII T 11.1.1113 DAILY lemorps Ikumlatal La d Plttaltargt Depot.. canon. of hie. Lad N e straets, for Pranklft, 011 C1175= tale. at 111 a. 00 Realms. LPAra PirtworrE. l Alala tat anTOO•6O Day Tx 7,5 aft Day EEC.. eato pa arlabt N. .... ■PO p. . .plea T:00 IN Lt Hallo. .. 11.10 are 'lO 'Ronan- eolll a ■ Etaltaa.../0110 a. OM Reuel... 900 a Mt 3d Halton— II:00 pte.34 Halloo TOW pm Naltere..ll:oo p Oa Mattop. T:10 DO Freeport Ara. 3t30 • mittpda Worts TAIT pa Pods Warta.. 030 pJO Irraopart An 610 p Brady'. B A: 3:15 p all rad Catrea. ya Aa 10:05 all ..... . 1:00 p o.CP:web. ...... 10:10 S Express tralas atop rBOPM PEW& Aoponotodat.loa tralat .w e al all 001 sao J. J. LA WILICNCT 0•13, Saon e TIONAB N. YTIN O . Adet. Bat". ITTSBURGII, ar t aiim LVCW " t.V.Lt." PLN HANDLE SUM Clll/1803 TEMX.-08 sltar ISUADAI, Nor h,1859, maims 571111....5 antra as ~ .8c LBl.B 0 , 80:-. PlUabargh. as 4, 5 5 .1 m.: elttaburgh T 1516. Sall 0 8 a. m.11.11:13 p.n. Bentnern Erprrsa.... 9:518 p. la. 5:00 In. Put 1.1320 -...... 9 411 a. a. 7.18808. Ylaed Acc'n .... 9:44. m. 6:53 rs.las McDonald". •n. No. i 11:55.. ss. 9:33.. 5.• Stemben•lne Accommod. 9:41.. Acc'n. No. 13.43 0. en.. 3 93.. p. Bnadas Church Train.. /3:58 8. a• 9:58. • O' sgras P. r. Trrress NW Mite dally. 19.13 r. . Mad .15 arrhroda.l.2 . .. m, N. it. Trtti=ZaZlB . ~11. L ME Errrs LRU.AI). On and US= r.7I:I3DAY. Worember, nag 1!fl, onin• wOlanive nt .4 depart from ta , 4 Ornnm none" of Grant and Wm, Maw; II Kali to ..1 from Union- per. /nom T:00 d. p. 6:00 Ursluee - Pen Ascot:viva II 00s. n. 31333 1.4 hula Unt . a. 3:00 r. 10:101. U. West Newton Austue'd 4:30 r. t•f6 L Bruldeek's Aoceudru. 6:15 r. u. 11:50 r. Night M. teMeMart..l.o:3o zee 11:4161.S.1 latch)e h® Wan Newer; 1:00 P. 1/.. 19:90.L. rat Uskets aurae to . W. B. STOUT. Bu enas /UWD..lam N AIM Sl°42 HILT MMEMB UNION PACIFIC ILUI•WAY, Eastern Dishion. The Wit.W./Z3l AliD ISUBT =LIAM WU flacon Ile EWA° LI poim Il Colorado Nevada, California Vitali, Arizona New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. Two Maaslmo Eltai.l42. mid triirimr.r...c.l mi., abit bal and Bt. Joe hall ard pop la.. al Lawnriaca. Topek.• saMMID E.. for t alljoinu tn lianso. SI a:Tirr ZIPHZIS ouliPAZtra Z UT IiVZLLISID Kill b. . AHD MACE= 7011 xiirrinimns enxtr 1...1328i AU Points in AM the Territorial, And eri ANDAII2IOEII Tat,WZMieneT of CO/ tretl3 tbr Terrt [Won, nealers Tort. Jubegrverosn dames P. eta rettbklerfa Sole tred Weer Mexico. . • . atrenell e r*"l..da m rTh'ung=i reehmelble Overland Thratsportakri AMP tram Its week= terntLers, tids cods/as Anon onequalled reetlMes or Ms Islottedielent [Web& to the Ter Wm. -- .11===:"• 11 ' Be nue and ese or Venni. via LA d a u to3 , PACTlVlO ',cinnamon. ew.eral Ismmixemere a. li. WlWanCile MOPS ....lrert.and Tif et A I 2,000,000 "RE° ow OHOIOE LANDS FOB SALE. = Coital Pm*le Railroad Company, SMln= DIVISION wag aloartail Maar Mar los4, a 11,00 TO $6,00 PER ACRII, lad ea • 083:Drt as JITPS num. Tar farina parunlars. maps, ita... ideblei SOZIN P. DZlrlairez. Load OpsunLabmar. To pa", Ka..... Or COAX 11. WOOrlOr, RI. Loeb.lmam QECIIIIIIIIC 4WD COMFORT hj for the ttseelheit easkamaltt. J. B. EUU=3 Safety Fite Jacket, Car Heater tad MODERATOR. Par Brooke old Hot Alt Ploeo. dftpesettes Via tTd.e of stow. and ens to or about the roma or Bagrove Can.. wittrtne ottactrotent to vale tho desird .t t h e o s o t toom P !nooZ• may ppttrr of = er core to .hica Lot Jr tan be 'Having obtained of Mo. Oohed Otatee ... Paw. for • OW., aeket, virtels Pmist the So. foresee 0.1 that WWI bi hp. Plod tO It to toe poeltioa and pitrDoee for vial, t Wended. • • It u a sus, prottOthh• from 'eetdeetab7 KM ortrinatitut from defective sou or wt.. b.. 111 :=" e btl."111fir 1 artne.. be"l oreenested.d varwentelee v.. 1 411 .1 " lotaction otters wood or . er cone. tilde 10... rt. nor t. olaced to uois ea now bray to epply my =Wee= Meal/lb" betwien aim newaown rearm( can, 10. Itemerbans oe o .4*Ctorl node OtaWicele4 sae rity decree, 1 .11 send males,lleattos wannwetecni en nee the b,. ALS Tcrwtortal effete to widewish Lle In Gahm entellwllW alba ty biebe ectake e r M. ATV" Le I. MAIM= - 61111XAVIOWIL STONE coantoi . - Meow Illitme Ircw, Nonlitareatooraseolititt,Olusakaa. - "USD% AT VASF/Ul-44 00.,' , • . WEwe az Mad - aztriikare,sa nags INFO ein a ztagt i r& g o ar a innuit h , , Oettkusnosnotty Leasala, - ''''' 1 .. ilniiitibh . ' - =I a CIO anamo washingtaa.