L,"woo,fff+eso ,44 M M 11 El el El , _ letaiguc .iiiiienungta, at MID 8$ Twig a. r►rEs • ITl44l"lailk. *umiak's, ....u.. '• ' ; ' , ,g11 " 17 li*faSY. "•-nitakilatT. DSC. T. 138 5 "" ~ _ .~'"~~ Iniann‘nli@nit itigg gitndlnlW t°rkr atail " A00= 61 77 1 ...uer Sptalsibrbig, r eeil irm is. •,* =of ' of du o = f a , "i :Wet the frankness of Ortrclarloa "i;ao lll l l *.hildelAnaYar s 2 1: 448Cit ,, " laP"l T Zaaa of omPrlda Heinz' ' nn; fareigfr was cLogro` and ._ lnatetrmst *gabs& . *OW a t the fkmalsoimita 1n Bon. ' _ f lifilliS tr'' 'rei 1 1 : 11 Zamuisigs, ... ____,-; ..•,..7.163 'ThamPson , 1 4 : . I mai., ./TP.= roffday and - uillela — tiretike44 4 o astincam no lea' ~ -.0," -ans ....d. The elbasttlY - pron the lenarlitA4" =Agd in Q ., . 11144 ibmihx. pinta br an. ~,dotiii4o44, 2trxr, Emit; w hi c h u ., :aktimiwouu °nspabitabdioiu ,dsiodast,im# ~, r,„5. _.. - t ...„ ;,-- '-- LEI ROAD. - - %'lllll4l°ll,llRia,Vll. forlAdi wiiii Of new di. 17110010211.°1".1osaft Of the ten .."Ont .. jk _i s _ an d of its , 1 044:f 4 0 1 0, , 4 " 4 " , " at , rsterasy'a _ ee g• .4, 16404 4_, 111 ~ Th e ' of President I 'lielen .."!.T , ighitetory to liti ,OgOir t ill O tel ill"' we_ The theft wed `l2l. . pu blic. peettom ottbafisteethef n e e ded thembabe=. blic*.tatlFldigt taWlwh end 411114 ** 11 , eill atl e k lle,.., orm plated In the - ... mia thlitfieththdttlio ,Illithip"00 refen aliCnifi -7:-. ------.- '. 4liteteddesee to the =- . : ,5ei ti1 i 11ed . ,......„„.. '111 ' • mid( the West A r litethild nr ., •••" -- 7 — . - - -- consequence to *itk;'- ' leinthe bed hands, and merits 21,411rib. ppblto.oppoet I - ..U.,.- 1 ' - MAABLeAOS. s i ':; .** A6pdaint met an ew • 4#141 V ** ' - fallisteklea% bemade no such ' *AM! - - u the Coast!tn. * .4met ' . firitht tOtthithith,, , _am___a . am _ Twin e = - . , hi far the moue . , Imam; it convened ':',. , ti k i f A - - -- - r oad'aftore ham*. _........,- , ,,,, un -. 7 .-- Peet F ~,t ; thi „,„ tit . NB t ic - -- - -iaingihioli h l it be. f to. - ',..fe___JF:' : ,.. 4 " 4 "-- effludg =mu. • - :.impr,-..„ „tams oceesion -,.-111c,41r4-7.4"ArAiirca: alcieers ed illthaq l " llB g oo d tenaewhich 4 ' t_ - . • ' Wargi i Wikalgreill mid r _ ~ _b4,,,r,.,, ~-._-_,-,,-Ta aismiar, of '-' -- "" La — illa" data inno 4 =4" a • -• ' 11.41,11146,_'hAdarc.-4thhi MOP is - - 4 ' &minima of the oiliest Madame , whleh 'balmy emanated fern In ,eolo l *- Nj o ht u ' Aivekt-11904ir oilivirozon ' • 40011040-11-- 41141 . 110107"....- eillii , e vitty siti'dileiriniter from the 111=Ottiaiiita tiOlde live; liesse and.EZillawha •,,; which ate !All ilitidei..l l 4 ___,,,.. m . irbial he owe & lea itits' - -1I ---- f 4ti I 2 e I.** *4l - 413404 gad * 24 ° ;1-r.p. caol '''ll".4ll.l l4lliNAM AM - Pash% ..,. -- , few sidles . '''NeaCiiildragi il i which delb f i -P- I W s6l ri l4l * * ". 1 7:3 iirit,cialtnA^ , INS to .11001101' ! • onts . - 4. /0 10 ,1 * * * ** * **l ' Lli r ban, * S , ..**oBso"2**l4l/104'-,,tpf w Rh~ecooo. ; _ .4111014 , 1011, ~ „ isibiona 1 1 ,, / `-' '1114 ,01 /. 1 4 1 ,*. - „ L uba a .. -‘ r ilidlP l 4 o4 _ .: olll .t ' • • 1 --- ; 11.413 - 1 at 001 ' -ildf**74l4/0 .!' ,:.''7- lil4lo/111IIIIAIS ' ' 4 , -;.. - • - A' - 1 1feigntile 0 • ~.. 11 . 61 - _ . •,iii, ‘.6 ' '..'" -' ' eri - --. Agiria v 1 •-.1 ..' ' ENE ME ..---. • i5,,......54 .... ~qu il l— r"ioslaiml` zpi11 i 1 0010 4 .7 40. 4 7 8 Pi l t. I .‘ , ::*g:17 ::4 1-- -- ' 40 1 . ,.. :br ik ths l 004, i -,- an. , . 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If thetas Were peld ss the profits and socrunulailons sentite, lt Is ttot believed that It would fre thought ObJectlonatde, but, tens required to be rola all at one time, stiO cdten after the dpproiss hes beem ueed tff the exPetrece of the tszpayer. or reinvestment in trosi- it seememare onerous, and is more 1 new eertously complained against. ma objection mord frequently l l made against this tax is, that it leads to a system of topic:nage Into prt vete &Min and is not only offensive but sometionsinjurions to individuals. Ido not see why this objection may lot, with-equal forte, be surd egainat , all taxes upon personal property. Such Wes cannot be collected without woer- Wining the amount of taxable property I =lbythe tax payer. Its law a tax iomes dors notb- 1 lag More Wu th% If nc wi much. It dm- 1 Iply requires a truthful and honest state- Inca of the actual income of the tax , WSW during the preceding year, which gin be compiled with am amity. and with es little ex POSIIIIII 'of private affaroh ni r any other law—national. State or , nielpal—which seeks to robe revenge from the.tersonal estate df taxpayers. Altai - 1, IS is but a tax upon the creased wealth at the nation; and when It Is understood that Government i. Iles are exempted from taxation. d ' that the interest on these securities p 1 dudes large amount of the Incomes of tax payers, I inbuilt If It will be to il i abolish the Income tax so long sa he labor, Industry and business of Won - try are directly or Indirectly subj to any considerable taxation. These ob servations are Intended to apply to the queitions whether the Income tax shall be retained or abolished, and not to the rate of the tax or the manner of its es moment or collection. ' -We extract other paragraphs: The experience of this office has con finned the opinion I entertained when wafting Upon its duties as to the only Means of preventing frauds and encore. log the revenue law. Tbese objects, If accomplished, must be attained through the local officers In each collection dia. triet. In this view it was that extraor • endeavors were made for the ielortion of proper internal revenue oft care with the incoming of the present administration. 'Where the Government has placed' efficient and honest ossuwore and oasis. tants. the taxes are seemed without de. lay and with renonable accuracy. The mama may be said of collection of the revenue. where co ll ecting officers of like character are found. 'With capable' and honest gangers and storekeepers, it 1 is not powelved bow there can be any failure to collect the tax on distilled spirits. Oertsinly I have more hope of noses by securing the aid n 1 honest, capable and faithful Jowl offlcere than seem to be warranted In any or sit - the mechanical devices which have been or as be suggested for the prevention ef frauds In the revenue aerates. It may well be doubted if any consid erable portion of the tax can be objected to on principle, or for injuriously inter fering with the manufacturer d or being too high. It la the hired ta the meet equal and least burdensome of any laid on the clam, for lt is a revenue paid to proportion to the free consumption and inereaalng modes of the people. If these conjectures are wall founded, after a brief period the excise tax can be limited to still fewer objects of taxation thane* preaant, and those, snob as all admit to oe the ones that should bear the burden. The realization of these an ticipations will enable Congress to sweep away the special er license taz and all others that rest upon the labor, industry and smaller business transactions of the co untry. - - Ftnanetal Indiscretions. The Philadelphia Ledger remarks Thew movements are contagious—not always in the shape of a defalcation of an officer, but by some species of robbery, and breaches of dust, confiding creditors axe continually plundered. In view of the multiplication of these iffithe affairs," the question is naturally aided, when and where we they going to end ? They will not cease until the offenders are broughtto lustice, and treated as mom. ' deals Instead of unfortxmate guilty of indiscretion. Who tler th s= customer? Itconfidence In all kinds of corpora° trust companies is not ;to be, utterly lost it Is high time to bring up this criminal parties with a round' turn. If moseyed institutions do not care ad ?ldeally r their own tnancial Interests to prosecu fo te those who steal from they should, at least, have some regsM for the interests of society. In view of the dberimination - constantly being made between big and little robberies, there can be no wonder that the standard of bud• ness morality Is steadily falling; that the public reagar4 ddO for drictbuzinessenceallty ca'mptexicestixig. and &base tamp adbe eress neing to think then they have but tb steal an • large scale in order to I escape puniahment If detectei. Then are I now four or five bank cashiers, in various pelts of the country, at liberty and abroad, end yet their criminal abuse of trust to I unquestioned. Boma of the number offer I oornpromiseoaying back part of their robbares Othera are being coaled by the officers, and are secretly employed in untangling knotty points In the bank's tanked that had better not meet publiel tn. and several others, whisk sione's throw of the geed commercial centre of the countey, open and unquestioned rob. bera, have not even been obliged to take to flight to avoid prosecution or arress ls a matter that must be reformed, there will be no 'eduction of this die. eriktion of offences. On the contrary, it may reasonably be expected that bank I and insurance defalcations and robberies will heiress°, and that emblem and taus "rho have drawn the wherewith from 1 company mold to meet speculative mar. gins rill caatinuakeir nefarious business and accept non-peosecution as approval if not a premium on rascaLty. Report of the itterstary of the Wavy. Ttur report of the Eleseretary of tbelliery dictate at length the employment of ves•.: sae, le entire metric% as follows. North Atlantic squadron, 12 vessel; 76 gone death Atlantic) squadron, 4 vessels, 43 gum Pacific fleet, 14 resole LW guns, Including the • frigate Gremiare, now teatime at Nef• York. European wpm& row, 2 vase% 106 gum. Asiatic. squad. 'ton, 10 vessel; 72 guns. The command: Sr of the North &Latin squadron Luis been directed, while preserving strict neutrality between contending powers ltt Crabs, to permit no lnjusticeto chimes of the Untied BMWs, to prevent Interior. aria with our comment and at once to t=l and punish any or vio - n oar deg.. The other squadrons all need relMormuleots, and the action of Ckmgress Is Invoked or memo, imply adding f to their efficiency. The __.eruce needs, We the .• • , and tHir• poeilon--'of our country regales • great lumens in the effective force of the Navy, DOC OD much In tee - number of shipt that constitute Ito bean number and character of those employed: Ha remedies the nweelty der 'close economy in the expenditure under the meat airciamatairesa of to country, but naval expenses make but a smell part of the annual appropristkee, atid thewealth of the , country will not br increased by neglecting the meami of ostionslisstitM and boom, no more than =may laved by refusing adequate pro. teolion to commercial enterprise. The Secretary earnestly urges the oropristY Of ecimmeneing at once ;the building of ~At fronels is, suitable:to cruise on turvlgn Mallon; and able to protect ,Our oonstnerte, and vindicate our, prin. Amiss in ear smarting. This will ultimately nicinlreiso leo than ten, and without attempting to build them all at 'ORM; we Mould commence immediately us *Ur-0U RR lb° aslalle. cue for the - Nate and two fur the European ewe& ton; recommends that plans for the boil ers cod mafiosi of these vessels be ant. owed by poisons outside of the navy, lritb best at which be adopted. Thom. some addition may s to our wooden Itellies, and the proper emoloymcmt of WdMilre ships as we now have, and with our monitore and torpedoes for litrber &Mom% will Ora us the malaria of a navy uderiers to command reopen sWoad; to afford time in ewe of sudden war to armadas and apply merman:seat our and Abe resources of our P with peoplar..=* Secretary also =lt .Monitorir be' rovided or and • Improvements In ord. 'IMO* b ORharbor dM that nuns be Oren for the perfection of the system of enbrismtine torpedoer. tbat a large sum. - lair.of costly vessels and a large amount of espeadve meobloary on hand end on eileptial to naval earner be sold; that - Itolneetnente should be, held out to oar lieratiants' soft:ship builders. o Maki Men essmenfen Pins to be a .by`. the - Plan - Dept t Mitt:grit Met of .necelleo7, 1471/0 Wen by the Gorentment at an appraised Thine. TDe IRIPPARMeet of navy wee and bold. ; All Of more dry ' dock; are recommend. 10310 those of .Pananoole yards. . A great Valise th a l im r= te o utio f Mare Tad. the cons. .irstertwa of wake it la. Iszlei the Delaware .riven sod New loges! the lemma In the - aim of aboaDeeport yawl r tee , establialmoent of anittercThril orf,the , Eiontharn Atlantle pn et=ef -meringest law tor. obi Umber Ircede, and the ladaygoa sireiouree aw !mem of the, zarrii UttgUdlag freirddif of bge . 1114 e thes bet se liccompibment it 101.611 -*rim% Oa dui y. *Oa 64 Ist tdOed win to 051,10-ai 46.2kiitbe atbra tog* - ist 411 -,o.l,llrod3asm Effi BM ', '• •-•Z::::.,..",-%-•',?'`'•l2,..:2,':;':::tf'r.,:t`':,#.fti.i• r ics'e,•,:ym,aV,..',.f74-%,,,,'N '''''',..:'l."'z:i'':'....,,..X--t'-.4",',.:,•-i.",'o'''. -, , t'' , , , '• - .'T4 ...•. a , .tt • • ~-i•;'.4''.'&'- ` a: -.-" ' - - '" • - • ' and 1.4 etdcustkutAt men for warrant and petty offices, and the rirat.ion ot all eeeMen in the United ftttee. The esimatea for the next year are made on a Wall of twelve thousand men, an in creme at four thormand, which it is hoped, will be approved. The actual expenditures for the year ending De. ember lat. were 1120,081,286. The esti mates for the Meal year ending June Mb, 1671, are 122,205,871. PIiTBBURBII AND L D. CNELLSTILLE RaLHO ON Asuroal Meeting of the atoeltholdere— .lteport of the Preehlent—Election of The annual meeting of the atockhold. era of the Pittsburgh and Cannallavillt Railroad Company was held yeaterdaY. Monday, December 6th, 186 9 . in the office of the Company, at the corner of Grant and Water streets, this city. The meeting was callA to order at eleven o'olock.and organized by tailing Mr. Israel Painter totbe chair, and elect ing /no. H. Page, Jr., Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by the chalman. alter which W. 0. En- Di President of the Board of rectors, presented, on behalf of the Board, the seyenteenth annual report for the fiscal year ending Nov. lit, 11369, tothestockholders, from which we make the following extracts: PRILISWEIreII DEPORT nt the Stockhoklera of the Pittsburgh and OonseLWitte Railroad Company , Your Board of Directors oresents the following statement of the affairs and proceedinpof the Company, &embracing the period tetween Oct. 81st, '6B, and Nov. let. =I ffig 1=1116.11 C03.304411 . AU.L.P.r . soon • 12ItZCIAVZ15;.*" ." •• •• ROG 04011.1 M: rapensea 401.51117 get Zarelo42 01.753 72 Total number of passengers carried. 163,124; number carried In '6B, 4=789. Total number of tons of freight carried, 615.079; number of tons carried in '6B, 598,503 4 showing an increase of 117,577 tons; the traneportation of coal and coke has increased nearly zit per oedt.l 'grain, de., have about doubled, and manufactured Iron, Including steel and Halls, has Increased 25 per cent., and a corresponding Increase is shown in almost every other article of freight transported over the road. The entire Increase in the earnings of the road Is $100,292 77, or 19 70 100 per amt. Tke coat per mile for maintaining the road Is 9,905 05. It tuts beer_ the object of the Board to place that portion of the line between Pittsburgh and Connelbwille, In such condition that when the road is ample. tact to Cumberland. competition with op. I.ing roads to speed and comfort may be fully anti safely maintained, and in the pursuit of this object the revenue of the company has been applied with the strictest economy, and the Board hops by the erst of January, 1871, the task will have been tally performed by the removal of all treating and the substitu tion of earth embankments. The report , then enters into minor de tails relative to repairs on the road, roll ing stock, !Lei motive power, al., at con siderable length. NO APUIPENT 'No accident Involving the slightest hi. jail to a !tingle passenger has occurred during the year, and the stockholders are again reminded that at no time to the history of the road, has any passen -ger been killed, or even received serious injury. The report then enters into a short history of the case of Allegheny *aunty vs. the Company, argued before the hu. prams Court, recently, which it appears is the only litigation In which the Com. WY le eualged. The entire line is now well tuned. flonaiderebte difficulty was experienced in the earlier part of the year, lrom the lea dlity •of warm of the emirs:torn to proceed with the work. Thom bilks as entirely, be teen replaced by Wham and others have bean assisted in procur ins laboraret The dna two sections of the road east of OonneLlaville have been completed, and the °outplay ta dallying revenue from the =sof the aims. The mist meager of tar de /allured Dam M mwt. tralcb. at W pat Oat.. amoosts to .....• • ......... at Lad. moult teemed or 1 .unst.. VAC'. at Maktrg a t e.l at. lmonnl a.Rad.d•. 1:11 Which stun II la the hands of the Baal. merrstelOhlellenieed Otimpthrottstr. lug Ito iner cent interest. In sidling the road, the citizen , of Baltimore have been most liberal, bat so far Pittsburgh has done but little, al though it is laths recipient of all the bene fits remlting from the road so far as comOned, which benefits have been neitherfew nor small, as a slaws at tee analysis of the table If o zroducts brought Into the city and taken out will show. That the citizens. how ever, do fully understand Its value, has been manifested by their hearty dean n clash= of the polley of a rival hoe which endeavored to prevent the build lug of this line. It is manlfested daily by loquhries es to programa and by tor rinse at soy appearanoe O t elm . al ri s i t Yee of all the van wealth of Plus a comparatively small amount has been tweeted In our bonds, although the securltq le mitted be perfect end the Me of interest ad gau to rely astiztaatory. There Is perhaps no other city which would be thus anoarently indifferent to an enterprise so vitally necessary to Its welters. and should there be any delay In completion from Lack of friends, It may be entirely attributed to ciliates of Pltumburgh• An effort Is now being made to obtain aid bets, end It is booed that better re. sults will follow. The Investment is not only safe, bat remunerative, sa we ere atp s, present placing our Firm hfort. 7 cent. Bonds as 90 =Peon the .ar It is but little to ask of those ausaerned safely and profitably to aid in immedi. *sly and directly promoting their own laterette Nest year will ass the road Will to Cumberland. cosemsoricams Alen iStenGSSIS. We are conatanUy asked U our plans and ngements are prfec for can neotionsarra worth and west of P ted ittaburek Polonble Progress is being made and will certainly produce sattafeotory re sults, but negotiations are not sufficiently @drawled to permit their being favorably presented for your action. The enor mous power and influence of the Raid snore and Road is g allantl but steadily ex Ohio being suited in this behalf. In y the language of President Garrett, it would be es useless to endeavor to atop the flow of Magma; as to hinder our making just the connections deemed, at the proper time. Grades and terminal advantages insure our being sought largely by western lines desiring the nearest 101 l best access to the seaboard. We bare located a line from the Mb. .nougabels the Allegheny river. The tine called the Baltimore, , Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railway has auto been located hymn Engles era. Prom Beaver through to Toledo and Chicago the Pittsburgh, Beittmore & Chicago line is note benr el swiped. and the to ion Will soon' be made- ,T I Companj bee been organ. inet elected an efficient Board, with ..Indge Welker at its head as President. We have also made progress upon. the Somerset Brazen. The lin from Union town to Painnont, upon the e Baltimore & Ohio road, is also receiving attention. That from Bridgeport to Bedford will be located during the winter or early neat The labors of the veer have been a?. dons; and conducted amid much anxiety, but We C .4 1 2 hilly oar and claim emigre tolation upon the favorablacesults which hire followed. . . The retort woe received. The report of the Chief Engineer. B. IL. Latrobe, Was thee read, In which was set Ibrthdetail the progress of the work oxithe entire ]ins front Pittsburgh to Cumber and, bout which It tipping' that the work of tonstruction on the eastern sad=Unbolted end is progsww u vrti v rr y ei l lTwas 4 r . scelSed. mamma OP OPYROCki. The reports hoeing been read -the Moira= announced Maine 0032 bind nen in order wee the eketion of Dino. ton for the ensuing year. On motion, the meeting went Into en election with tin following moat: Wm. wan Bughsrl. O. L. B. Irettarnuinaohn Fleming. Wm. Phillip% Wm. Baldwin, Joseph Pennock , Cyrus Mows. Bevis. mln Deford, John napkin; Wen„ 'Perkins; baud Cohen. $033131ni O. 0023317201202 OP TEM BOARD. , • b A a moo e n m ee a d n t n enw e y ealteethdmh hnt met and atoedsed by the election et Ne. 0, Sunhat; Esq Itteldstt, and J. g. Pace, Jr.,,Beeressty and Demurer. . „name hentlemen hare Wed the oftlete to which they - were. lieleeted for "bur anmessive erm with , marked , sanative t t o the s, Company , end to abllt thrre -sabre -aadattendoe of the altookboldem, is arid= itt the memautdayat lug% and •exdat upon** dlaeharge-nt abehr-datke e m ntl th t e e llfth tam, taking with them the conadenceot the patine and el the CkIIMAX OW. ERN SUS _ . ~ s V,4',41;;.; • - , 44WR= OE_ : DAILY GAZETTE: TUESDAY MAIMING, DECEMBER 7, 1869 An• GINERAL NEW& Contain:ma Won Due boo awed .. • d of the Nara Academy at An- aped . lOWA boa seventy-nine Incorporated cities. One of them bait a population of 218 souls. AD attempt is to be made in Maine, to establish by legislative action, a uniform series of text books for the State. Tax Supreme Court of Miami has decided • Sheriff's deed to be void on account of an inadequate description of the land sold. Tan million of gold which Secretary Boutwell refused to sell will not again be placed on the market, but the December sales will proceed according to the pro gramme. A annexe ton hes recently been rude In the rates of transmitting figures by the Atlantic Cable. Formerly, each figure was charged as a word; now, flee figures can be sent as one wend. The Presbyterians of St Louis will shortly bold a jubilee celebration over the recent reunion of the Old and New, School Churches. Rey. C. A. Dickey formerly of Allegheny is chairman o the committee of arrangemem Tax official malt of the vote in New I I York for Secretary of State is : For Net son, 330,974-, Sigel, 810,783; majority for Nelson, 20,941. Far Controller, Jades 1 Allen received 330,871, and Mr. Greeley 307,068, showing a melorty for p f 29.705. A erecter. train luicil, tlith the Hon. Thomas L. Jewett, Prod tof the Panhandle R. R., left Steuben Ile Wednesday morn ing, and arrived at nati at 12 45 A. re. of the same day, having made the run Is seven hours and one minute, distance 970 miles To oar, three large tracts of land ID Greenbrier county, W est Virginia, for merly belonging to Henry 0. Middleton, deceased, are to be sold under deeme of court at Lewisburg. One tract embraces 21,000 acres, another 6,316, and the other i 5,783 acres. Sparse has come in °attends with, the DM rains. Grua is green for the gat time in six mouths. The volunteer wheat ' and oats are sprouting, early vegetables are ripening, and the.farmera are begin ning their ploughing foe the great crops of next season. I Tan new school law In Connecticut, requiring all children under fourteen years of age to attend school at least three months every year, is having a good effect. In one town a manufacturing company has sent twenty five children out to school this term. A LADY cum in the Third Auditor's office, who lost three brave sons In the war of the rebellion, has had laid on her desk, within a few days par, for adjust. meat, the money accounts and property amounts of one of her deceased sons, who was a quartermaster. She Is now en gaged in their examination. Fooa 'hundred children in the Man chester mills have been made to comply with the law of New Hampshire, which requites them to go to school a certain part of the rear. An :evening school has been opened for the benefit of those whose labor Is necessary for their own parents' support, and le attended by two hundred sciszs le is edit:rated, en the meat plausible basis, that the surplus wheat of Minns. sots the present year will be folly 10,- 000,000 bushels, while but a little of the great grain plateau embraced within Its limits has yet been brought under culti vation. One farmer the past year har vested 1,000 acece, with an average yield of forty bushels to the acre. "A DirAuultsaic delegation from the Seventh Ward presented the Hon. Wit. liam M. Tweed a petition, signed by 8,000 - tor.payars of the ward, humbly begging tle nomination of Mr. Richard Walters to in the Board of Aldermen. It is to be hoped that Mr. Tweed may [l. lONA the miabes of the escudo la this in stance," Rahman subsidies will be bard things to obtain front the next Congress as the members appcv disposed to frown down all efforts In that diremion. It Is said that the Northern Paeifie Railroad will not come before Congress this winter for aid. They have a One laud grant, and talk about gang to work next year on that as a brae A connocron on a New Jersey rail. road train ordered a passenger off, he been no ticket, and stopped the train in the middle of a bridge. The man off Into the river. Was that not 11 murder, even In the foreign and uncivilized State of New Jersey t The author:Mee ewer to think It was not, ea no investigation has been ordered. Omar excitement prevails in Wabash, Indiana, over the enforcement of the Sm. day law. Ilea, women and children me Maned for &Mg, knitting and blacklist; 1 boots cm that day. Ahem one hundred Indictments were lately returned Into Court against the best citizens of the town, lacludbig several ladles. Three negro barbers were In the list Tag lisifinillhonjudvnent berths Cola. monwealth against the Credit Motaler, does not end the natter. The Treasurer and Auditor General will now proceed to the collection of the tax or "net earn ings," and also file claims for the taxes accruing 1869, and both Moen feel as- ! mired of bathe able to add at least $3OO,- 000 more to the Treasury. Tan Secretary of the Interior gave a decision is the matter of the amount of pension to be paid to the children of sol diers and sailors who lost their lives In the service of the Goverment. He rules that where there are more than one child, each child entitled to g 3 in addition to the regular $9 per month, after Us death or marriage of the mother. *Tuesday the National Bank of Port Jervis was burgiersed and sixty thou sand dollars in bonds and notes were cap tured by the *Met At Jersey CRY a lad was sanded with a portion of the plunder on his person. Subsequently two more pasona,..both very young Eng lishmen, were arrested at New Toth on suspicion of being luipliceled. Tim Indianapolis Journal denim, au thoritatively, the report Leom Washington that Senator :Morton had agressed him. self as In favor of a tariff for protection, and opposed to a reined:oil of taxes, the fondles of the public debt, and the bill I providing for the equalisation of the CUD rency, thus givingthe West and South their proper proportion of circulation Ir is expected that the new census bill , will fail. Velem it is posed by Jannazy , let the statute of 1850 remans in foxes, ' and the Secretary of the Interior is re. gated to go to work, taking the ninth census tinder the old law. Them are so many conflicting views that it Is engirded sa doubtful if • new bill can be pissed thzough both houses Mom th e holiday renew. ..1:r 14 stated that the Panama Railroad Company, lately organized under the title of the Panama *head and Canal Company, will' tome before Congress for a subsidy to mastruce a ship ma over their route. They aspect, to Increase their strength by absorbing some of the leading advocates of the Darien Canal. A number of Congressmen have already been impeached ion the subject. A MAN ID *OD:DOM 31511 , who -was arrested on the charge of violating the statute prohibiting excessive work for minim, has been discharged, as theitliM , ate prohibits "cornets, agents, superin tendents and overseer" from employing boys more than sixty hours each week, and it was shown that the accused was I neither "owner, agent, superintendent l or overseer," but simply a common em- ;dojo. I H. Geetenco, Treasurer the of the Aven dale Relief Fund, reports total re. carols to November 27th. Inclusive. $95,.' 200, disposed of as follows: In railroad bonds; par value saran per cent.. $21,. 071; In United States slue of 1868, $26,. 901; deposited in four banks In Lamm county. 424,900; paid to the DlM:timing Committee and ' Assistant Treasurer, 310,787; balker in hands of Trimmer, ' $7,513. . A Duerr% Ulm, Correspondent of the St. Pant Pon«, stye: "When I came here butt spring an Indian trail was r used es road. and -sidewalk, and five or six houses comprised the town. Now, sidewalks, elegant residences, and first class stores greet you on ever! comer. Tie telegra ph _ conies gethe polintionsof Path and New TO*, and the hills re sound and reechothitferblstle of * Theo. i Tam amicultaral farm at . ; Mess.,Containing ' 600 • term halt Ambers dueed thief year 1,200 bushels of porn and 600 bushels of pohdoes. and the, cams are boasting of It; tentidejol.3l:4P9l of t hat 34 1 / 1 1 11e on a little farm of twenty . 1 5,..,,, -it.Lltlirelsed 2,000 bushels of earns .03'3=444 of Polaulese 100 buibela , Of r andele, quardite of oath, 110 bushels of hockwheat, • larg d e kept of ogle sad CI bones. on it 83 had lEE = 11. 4 3 . 111 Oil TO 1 11,110 aelo baS 4. 36;561 t 4 EINE Reyeeme Receipts. The Internal Revenue Bureau ban made up Its detailed report of receipts for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1809. herecapitulation is as follows: Net collections oa spirits, $44,679, 962; on tobacco, $23,427, 489; fermented Boum. $0,075,788; banks and bankers, $3,334.- 808; gross receipte of railroads, insurance companies, steamboats, !Lc., $6,265,025; sales. $8,201,464; other special taint. $8,752,113; hacomes, $34,671,792; lega cies, .1,243088; successions, $1.188,020. Articles In tr.hedule A, V 82,281; Fess- Parts, $29.453; gas, $2,115,770: stamps, $16,420,7101 other articles not 'modally enumerated, $1,221,355; fines and penal tiesM,sB7l,lso. Total net re ceipts for the year, 11159,679,106—be1ng nearly fifteen millions in excess of the estimate made In the last annual revenue re C returns are not tabulated as they were hist year, end comparisons can be made to only a limited extent. The In come from sales, three million three hun dred and WV thousand greater; legscisi, two hundred hundredand eighty thousand great er; banks and bankers, one million Are hundred thousand greaten: swim, one million six hundred thousand greater; spirits distilled from main, thirty =Mims Ave hunting and forty-fcrar thousand dol lars this year, against thirteen million flee hundred thousand dollars nst year; chewing and poking tobacco, one mil lion nine hundred thousand greater than last year; elms and cheroots, two mil lions greater; fermented liquors, four hundred thoussad greater. The falling off in the aggregate of the revenue for the year la, of comae, due to the abolition of taxes on manufactures. There Is no doubt that the law has been much more rigorously enforced since last spring, under Grant's administration, than A was at any time under Johnson. BDIPTDIBE AND DERNLL The soadltlel al ponces alhotadsrllll rota. It ova alai 01MU to realm Imaosilate atLastlea and We, for the seams that ao ohs eau tall when or bow soon It may ➢w Into on Mound laser p>•s are ruptured that ferules, Una ot ...n of Ito foot, so not mouths sod , flantllps• rears p mral • ttho.t ,hat Y the sotenswe rellet. ha es the other band. • •I pane. suppose tturmsalve• ntptared tn.• an not, and.DPll WWI.. *Mob, to also ems out . f I. do Ito one mkt ha,. any denbi about rapture. 11 OW 'nu aC .a. 4 they .boliA to 'alley them Naves 13.1 lb. Widest. DS. ILLYSIS. at Ws °teat Illadloal 1114. sad at Ids Oa.. N.. 101/ Liberty street. has I...floated the sableef to W 111 beaftw, sad I. NUT oP 10 1e• bt•bo•l stssoloril •( selsoos Is tut dolsottaSsof of r dt.d...i .r 11.7; ad oar readers cannot apply So ika abler snrneon In %ISt denannennn , lnth• Di It ad Rates. The Molar has nom Imes as- gag a Ix oodles.. to u. venous Asp. sedtd. pato!! or neatly thirty-!^ yratt, and 10 arppliwd with nm host of Traw that may b. worded for the Wu( scanner nrotarod !worms Tbo Doctor boo ite. ■ the outlay( of HerolL well XS oknozio diseases of ibo Tula. kinds, tb meet sidatou I.l4duatlea sad stady. sad 044. dmills mom et the man tab leLt • us 4 411110.1% Itsowo to the medical art. ILI, coy. that ••ely • day pluses without an sirplitallon of tons. and it 4 really • irondir Aston way ..• go unpentefoted eomplet• WM/ a bo Ind at • regranzbla rW Ha la. unarm tart will .all nay Gaga and si orbs tar ninon Wm ordinary rnntn. and Oat palest kas Ows addltl.aal odossatog•cf e,.tnll ik• ?Ts. PfolS•St! asulled. ♦'mat wass7 of 111. Tours said aro u itlos7 Wks. ttua • W.- .4 ..ad wo Immo fgoomito swwwwiltk bar Irtrre sot seeded at all sad whlrs WO sucadlattl h.rtt" II °UM bore. .and WO qua su moos fiat au sat rap tue.bat esonstd• Una sularis sualues us puma 101 .as 0111•41 tl IN us tasty of Hama. Thus mai' are suable, MO inn as Ulu dliesaa by Fa... *War. 001 trau mas Oad tam so WSW*d shaeld bear Ma la a 101 airlula WINO r Una. DL [mu %p•rwsal stfealSas every 11a7 ems 11441. Moto ad Ms. 11. Cluny anon. but 9 •• L Urn 1-, L. sad Ma II 'BRUM sad .1 smart Noyes voaDgeIpta_%ADDHESIL RD VD THE PEED. AID DE BILITATED. Ills Is e tritas seams for Isvylide, Isdoptl I. W mks eel tolusard vrtal robust ownsitta Mao sad Inas beset. • • • • Ceti kii• dose spun an sailennity. paellas ep the Win nostian in as It iniminn my mein yy 4111 Ina InSlLlaintlnnbliali , tea, tle mini* mania of dm WO and all odd asd wannol.sass base. wen nLY vim.. SWIM freak On orbs awl innosil tinsels. • wags aggitgal aad attstrastes mew. U lam ~.dad 10 ilitlgsaale •1.1 ass.ata da mned Inv sled tapwasstarei la stimulate ass% wigs Ito sossitkams amitosis Ms bats &assign imam% Isaassaalsaaas Pati 40 .0.4 glasstliclutags ableb albs. la Um Winks. The aal7 gotparatisa walls Ottl fang sueStals almost sulrsgol mat. sag Vtll theassaghty awl sallgy whew th• lapettial Walt. 1. the bad. tag goats o.d slassatly• Ma age. UMW , TIMIS WralglACll arnizei. TM. mob* iMitintaDoomas snotty. y. • twat.* 414•1404 *vans, nenLY, • demos al Ws. eadibss tlis bleak elms Ur gams. ni.swasseaMloalam. gsssastalinP.l.W at..- Istlas sag Arsassansitaas 004 b.1aa...P0.' •01a1 01 .I.olsaana irrytalle larinasta..attb a Pare .thiettabil a. tear 1121.1•0 be Lakes belbalreataeltrllleat Isar. Palaver ay...able. ear allibeagb 0. DITTZES ars • pal at rellalas. tt4 oaaa.l2 us a...Um al. mat. • • NOTICED. orrrormETOTRE CITIZENS OF PITTSBURGH Tb. um*, iits. train to styli rso Oa vault as *a Wales VOIL. u .fend by dvitS...a. ud way ma paths aaa ba .aka: tbansfore .add eaalloa all gammen of baser to ba ay. na .4 Rolls WO in/ San Wats lyeated. JOSEPH TRENCH M!==n rarDIVIDEND. AKI•IC•11 Batt. PTlTskrrson. Member ILO, 1669.1 TM Dinners 40 tab Bulk My this day 64. e1...4 • 41,160.4 of SIX 111 Calif. o• the •VIS•I •telikck•T•tr• to Os stoekkuldad - 'or their Walt presentative• lbrUnik. 4.t:. n WII. TLOI D. Claim °77 " " 0 1 C" C' 19=Zeti _irrsions. Doessb.t IA. MLj WAS ILLCTION FOB W Ig DIitiCTORIS of ph b. ,coximMtr.= for lb. ees•lsa 7.. r.-.. to " . `''' gee 779 FAurto •. os,111010.13•Y. Deem. .. b. 6". "U. " 'UZI 4•1:90 c50rr,11.3.4F7' . Corosca orlicorovoonsta ontawcr. co, in Maser rrtforuaost. ihno4 Bo IOU rd arDIVINIENDOI%O of d.u...PIM B ONtigarLISMI -51211.4 i nis our su.n.eatotuewntain Poyablo Mg of taiononest Tot or sad OW too iota 5114.10 •AAUP CL owning or MIOJICMAILLJI Issuagairs 911 Walee tluve s S kt eiTtilltr2oll. W.1.-Saber 1949. nrAyLECTION ITO Eli. T DlltiCToltS of Ws Ovoppg ! to waverer • =alarms'. bulles• °Ma% N. %Wei •ene4 oaTIPUWAT. Uo water To . ism Tomonou.Pook boT4T of li u 111 IP. i 111131130, - CLiarr.llollltOrlN . ELEGINTIOUDIT PRESENTS. • WATTLES & .81111AFElt Dim )W litamed a lugs alaol otatltsst Deena *albsDori. WATCSITIL O UMW OLD AND lOLVIT GOLD WA NO AND MIENS. MAIN amm HAND IIitA.CILITN. Yon, AGATID MOO a BMWS BOTTOMS. rum BIRO 01P4ZWILIIT. mlAlltmr6 BIM AND TIM SOLID immue_wAsi. MOMS IPLATND WAHL GOLD AND SILVER MUD CANN& PAEAN ilwruAse, 4 ;0'1314'A. All bosom rtdastirsts or gold sad Ell ea sou chew amen= a4i ni nclarsll. 101 snit ANNA vs. ammuma Mow WPM!, Sairelv7 made enter. 4040 O&UntasOCIUM.Ege & COE WUNE. Oarellliao lIIMPCULI Diroassa forelsktnilDomOe Da7 aosdk Tura exit awn otashomm irmom ra 0. ot woof) mat.. - WIXOM& usivuut CU/THES WRINGER tba ta 'LW' Ter 11 r. 14140/ 1 4 ,1 ). rattal. at NM. Iliad alatli af a. aB. rau.t.ni arwitagen et au Wads atlaana awn wan sotto. NEW GOODS The Lowest Prices WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLZGEEEIT CITY New Delaines in Beautiful Styles. Black and Colored Pop lin!. All-wool Poplin Plaids. Black and Colored French Merinos. Black and Colored Velveteens. Irish Country Blanket! Barred Country Flannels. White Country Flannels. Heavy °ascends. Ladies' and Misses Long and Square Shawls. Breakfast Shawls, Sontag! Small Plaid Woolen Shawls. ladies' andllisses Fors. Lace Collars and Handkerchiefs. • Ladies' and Gents' Cloth & Hid Gloves. Wholesale and Retail WILLIAM SIMPLES, Nos. 180 sod 181 Mara Street► ALLXIIIIINT CITY CARPETS. BEDIJCTIONN. The alterations and im provements of our Sales rooms now in progress, make it necessary for us to im mediately dispose of a large portion of our stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHE, Hearth Rugs, &c , Many : • will be sold at prices .low the present wholesale cost. Call at once at OLIVES ReCLUTOCK & CO'S, WI Firth Avenue. boy. 0.2 TUB NEW JERSEY Mutual Life Insurance Co., NEIVABH, N. 7 Assets, Over $500,000 /Lb !altos. trued bi tusCampulysnpapet waiy Nm.fteNnus attar as paymmiawr °Melee& essaally &dente •• I .11. 11 tlit , el Lees& premier, •Mbar •1 the peraehhsat here•• at the poLay, or to mimes. •f pros/. ..heeee HENRY KIRKPATRICK, General Agent MT 1-$ Wood Street. (24 door O. Wettable Arcata waata‘. 6.11417 i UNITED STATES LIFO ESIRINCS COMPANY OF NEW 1 OILL L•WIY« Stud &M. use. o. of Ow .t•.al ..• most rwaN• wnu flans lat.. oaastry. &VW% &MS. sw...tLs4Lln.n. ♦ •vpto sr•r oil 11olattio of SIMMS half • atilSon •.tLo. Tbs DU1141.11 ars turas Ma met E22=:=i3 11. L. NOLLIMIL Mr% IL A. N. Nat. Mal. liao. A. DEUX, Preet Minas. Nal MO. JOlll NaRTML Noel Mal al PINaNnO. JOHN WILION. Mottos Mloa Nat. MO. JOHN 1). LLY, OWN./ TON Ist. Naal. /117GITITITS HANTIN. Meer SI Nat. MO. A. RUM Noel Goats Mo. Stat. aurey. 4. 0. MCKIM! • lON, Seetadlto sad Matiatua O. smunarwmarss. Cleawal Aims ter Peamrylvassa. 4U Watut smet, Plettso•lplun 1110111, •.T.T . Da Liktikez7 0..0. Mao tol T. 0... lOU Wool Is. STILL GREATER r r 7 Another Lot New Millinery Goods =1 S. ROBB'S 91 Federal &red. Attecheati. Velvet Hata, 35 cents. Ruffled Collars, 10 oats. Cord Hair Nets, 15 mate. ALL OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION New Lot Linea Ostlers. ALL EITYLEI3. CIIDAP 91 91111111tAL asses: TV I i t i TEET OIL STEIDLE. _ _.„ . LIMITS I 1:00.110% ' 11tIll1711D1 I lb amen* wee beaded &MUM to spas aiid sas Islip missal,* bargalsases WWII , * Laths ea , peal stock at Ortsit to Samar 01s00 pest pmpisid sad Inwtesid to Ma Saida by S. C. T . l te be e= "a lle Mi. in92 . 4 k Uy anima ta• mat • I saw atithamaestlkalaSSO ma sot tb Pattie Maim statanobai. tub Wetter eft Io bee al S. O. SIAM 11 2 / 1 1.11%. To prVa...4=e% ems mm Wee Cur spans 4 Sasso= gat tba waria at spay stye. masamt S. o. Ttcitutuoill. Mt Tmid' lais t amiKprsatiessi every day..aadall day, si b MO. 11 Ball Time Ma Pale " emPIZ Man ffigall•Mat...a ta . ts Me 1 . 1 ITEllalio. 11 MOP. jaa rini 7 1.0011 AT Yam psul t sMaajliZtra put salts Ow MI worth e l i tass r N at PI ON esel, TIL II %II. pow salts Me t oar'F LIM wale& %Von IF birielm. as bit a itnnrslet=r WIsal• 1 16: 1 W LIMA yst. IL IL TRADEILKILL PlEWvzoom. of Om PUP. 1 7P• 72 777. oltoibilog Lowatolkw ,Soli Doi Swirl Sy Om What Natio 110 Grow. S DIP Dame Ilium sad dir'runno Saosiliny rir d, trigtm ram le At au osi Sol.37lslattoo. suitor than Con liso, 'Milt 17 17. 17.11 1 TS Sliontsio MiTilipsolatim Simla. • try Idioaord Woolo I /atom 'I SF Railway Tammy, V:. L. 1.Cba5011t5.,...7 upa " Mk sr.; Um 'Slay • as W e I t a g FR I P ROBERT S. DATE k CO, 191 Meaty itrest. SATURDAY, DK 4, 1869. 600 D BARGAINS WILLIni SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and BS Federal Street, I= Lodi& ud Slues' Hale for tie. I Ladies' Lan llandkerclelefe for Ik. 1 Una' Haul Lawn Iludken'to for 1k LOW hue Sdp Handballfeted 111-1 a Ladled' Woolen Butane 17 1-k UAW' fall Ilse Wire Shawl', $0 U. 1 Per of Good llse arty Blankets for 11.10. 1 hit of bodil' Wilts SWAM fa $l.OO Good Ilion Walsrproof Oak 87 1-14. per hard. Heavy Black Waterproof Ciotti, ft per yud Rory Twilled Bu'd Fluent 1k per yard. ill-wool amulet Fluid, 18 We per yard Good Styles Dark DeWitt", 11 1.18 per yard Striped Popllns, an extra bargala, at 18 1-le. per yard. Black aid Colored llpuu, doable yridtk, lie. per yard. ltemnants at all Cads, Clubs{ oat Clup, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S BOIL 180 ard 188 Federal Street, LLISO 8 NWT OITT DRUGGETS, CRUMB C EXTRA QUALITY, BRUSSELS CARPETS Direct Importations, MULLS BROL KM==o £UOVI WOOD laillaT sal CARPETS. NEW FALL STOOL Oil Oloths, Window zi, DEUGGETEL DRUGGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices &et BOVIIRD, BOSS t CO U FOTH AVINUE. =Ets:i inrristraan. ; , ; ; ' " PHILADELPHIA, BRIE AMC ALCX).. sTeoTATEaCirSIL GRAND OPENING!! Pm Ye ALL sad wenerraus SRAM a • KLUNIT F IOINSITOCII of al thossoreltios to Tacks, Jewelry and taverns. r* OT Gomm 114. Bridal Gifts a Specialty. timer tod lan a. alar=bei N =M oafs mg &bow adios" 1•••11G• =M. itAXILArg at 00.. N.I9W MILZIBLIS 1112"03,13, CHESNUT Aso warn sums. ==l RIEUCIL & limo., ins• • suzeurs. . SLITS AND VAULTS. 110 DANT. JO MOULD ENGINES AND IFACIUMIY, DICWICrAT WO sucatazar lIINJIITMAININO LID NUT- Timou. Cor. 17th nil Pike Sta., IPtttikszes, Pa. Nag. Cu° INSURANCE COMPANY. PIMLAWII 116. MI WU Ilia. 4111114. Drama Maw, IRTISKIIIOH. PA. Capital £lll.l VD. b i letiM rtk& lasaree en Won* Tr sal nada. sak.On CANDLES !I CANDIES!! Over 100 Kinds. afir. As paints coma= via ass, es EiTIIIICITLY U 2 FEDEIRJL STREET, LUEGUEWY COTT GE•;c : . • I. ALPERT dc ROHM% rip ( 1 1M rio." ) :11:M Serb. rs. hit atto Le ~lene Se dlnV a tg: aitiaiMs et Pa L. as V a pr l ZZLow m . EgriV;=.”marperi mat= pleuni taritis s s aisnire Ig t ,Alpwro b rod• ttgarerwire. ars a g :Wu= 001iirt. litysva•tnrap r s u6rdl Siltatai alnel M i k. • Doom . gait Mali frail ta WINE firrATIONSIISIG WElDille, furry =MEM .C4lllll l NONOCCIUM: AWOL ILLIIIIIIIATCEO I*. uribus In Ana nestle Peng mustilla , LINZ ellmilltalet se. mina. bre/G11.: I • if, of frti11y11 ... ....14111121=1 1 .• imaiNIAISSIMISS.I4I I TZ =A . . . essl alrVilVii Es. !Land tor stink el m * hi r N= l l l r4a. .2.41 Am.A IMPLICI.-2011 blots Choice WIXTS2 lIPLICII, e r ,. 6,- swear WOOLEN GOODR, Hand "nit Shawls, SACQUES and HOODS. Hosiery and Gloves, to Milt all. ♦ BIAIITIVITL LIU OP BLACK SILK FRINGES. 1011111 IMAGES, all ettla k Wm. Cashmere Wade. ',WOO Collars, Irsoa i r . : e t u z r. lx . lors. Xliabrolderlers, 1711.1blaens, etc. we an sow oftextaz in, steak of ARAB SHAWLS at Half Price. GOOD lIPLADILG OP Blue and green Hid Gloves'. I : LEDS SKIRTS, TEL.a.incri,n4r4a ei IMMMEiIER MUM. GLYDE & CO TB tc,Bo Market Street. .on JUST OPENED HORNE It CO. Woolen Goods, BOOM% BLOW= 110•1111. riIIAWLA LitieiZOlS. KITT% WWILINTLII2. HOSIERY. MI *ma and la•Wite. WOOL AND 1112311310 11101410 lIALWORAL. IPLIKCE WIT•ID OOTTOW. FCT ISTEIZSD. MI 011211119 . WOOL All D 311111110 X HOWL S3IA3E.EZIES SNIT 1943C-/014. CLOVES, I,IST.ALTBIAIDOISIOS /UM ItITTS. WOOL [MIT WAIN ra LND MITTS, CLOTH blitimettibntLx aborms, LADILV, MSS= IMO BOW OWVIIM at all kW; AT LOWEST PRIDES Wholesale Room up Stairs. 77 and 79 LOUT STREET i co re i 1 1 80 cn . g . i 0 Ea i 1 c ''Czl. l • F it 41 ct P ol l 1 fi lg. M m 4141 lsm i l e golgoCr o:eme PI i : -5 ° rl P I 4 '' z 5 ``` d g A z A t 4 li:~/UA1:I~~r~~AA;~;~~i~ Rea. 111 aa/ !it Lltert7 Ural. Onmer et In.a,say off, dd dm lasilii id IO Vi Ig.lg. lir., dzia Mae Heir*rview Orison &gar sad Mimes. Ms.las, Cato and ZaitUs! Island Swum tart. iktlasktplas ud Saolawn Us la• Oa 0•10 Ra 7MM. Lenrrta es, Emmala, 11ItauVe A sael lass 57706. pro 111 co. Cabs awl Eziptal wax 7a 70. a awl Wiles =as. LaSt Sl" %sad 12". ..Coftes. 011. PIA. 11•114 GUM lea. 011010 Yam. to., eouinail, ALSO. EII•ORTM 07 Pine Iran Wines and 11babtsb. *Nana sad Sparkling Mel e e of MOM • Oa.. to baatbm 2 . l ,.... oolaVabasobark Adams bllva on. do do lair4,..L Inportd=Ltlloa N. Poigallog Catawba. Oil abeam Mader. wad Port WM. Cad aloosagaluda are W blades. P.a. M Trap Bolorbar Old beotab Oa do. ALSO, Salo Ow Neet • Clutados.• Mimi YIP enosiy awl Ilall.ry 4 1,.. of °vim =rad warrsaleili PIIB.1.14) NOTICIL Haan as aplarairlOAß sad Ols Yale nrerscros for Alloam Oba:Ar. sales la Away 11. tact atU Oa areasray alma( Merle ell Ming 114altaarr auto prarlara. 1 Oa Email a tha 0711011 OW 11111 111. 1170111.1. POIDIDRY AND nrie wan. T.lnurukua mem rear Ma. Malaria l. U. =rm. M=l==7 l ILLKIP.A FENALE COLLEGS, ITADTS CIA= Or TEM Briton' or ORNBFA. We las ekrlstias Ewa, and • rady east Wed, us! ordastsed reettyrsere rased todicests7 mess • moss therm sled esteems@ moss of Loss it WILLOW 1:41.1•1121,0 as SPAD- A!" iv Dersessons. TEMIIA—Wbobe enemas of 'MUI releg Wog sad Maars .I.saissirs• lsedrimos. 11414 saa dud. P r /ate sessfea. Address. RIM AL W. CAMOLES,D.D as all Ifni 14/OYELTY WOUESZ Intim of I l artaership , . a Tr peask. brretotorkilAide taaAeT r yr .21,1 ga - Ar.Z.t.=. -"- • • .1711 Tetal4oveiaber N. WO. , • • IlsoebesDare, r"Tar Neal M INN . 6.5146. 6. Janes AWN. • TITAN INNlrbbrib ' . Tbe WINN 69116 Natlsbiel It IN ele RANT r/117=lrail IT :agar.. VeVUvß i tili D. - irrrrarcriall. gremrestwinr MI *ewes Z 0 L I FOB GOOD. mrszyn HOLIDAY J. W„BAR K .ktY' BATES & BELL OFFER AS ECIPECIALILITI E 9 )lERINOES, For 75c., Worh $l.OO, W ATERPROOFt3, $l.OO, Worth $1,25. MEN rNOES, 87 Cents. Worth e 1.333. BLACK ALPACAS, 37 1-2 Cents, Worth 50 Cents. NEBINOFA, $l.OO, Wort"! $1.25. BLACK ALPACAS, 50 Cants, Werth 02 Cents. LINES TABLE DAMASKS, 62 Oents.Worth 85 Cents. I $7.50, Worth $9.00. WOOLEN BOWS ABM WELT opAstimirs, 11, 2 . 4, 3, 4, 121 ZABD WIDE. BORDERED SQUARES Suitable tbr Parlors. -11001 OMB NM Woolen,. Linen and Cotton, LIWEI ?ECU ?1U LW 15011 =ma:a IrElll,ll'e & COLlaig, 71 Pnd 73 Fifth Avenue. saws DR. IMMO= flolinnills . TO TRW Mt I or owl.. Magisr.__•sases, mai vim* =e l a l i,ti= gaiL " u46 =0= 4 . 006 SEMltit i xut .r amoss 24. i ls a a ps e s are theissam -- - diVara m s et masa er et iike oab, iltroartxok eilin paarlraws. en fish. =semi= xv...._,,,,,....m...„...3 =.-u-.... ~a . .... - - _ ,„,...., Exi. Or tzros.t. .i. ibg =t4lr 4.1 fa 11"....... ".. rioni Thi b te "°4W a h Lilla .— & - arceamlori =TAT& s Irri s fairseitas. sod am le ma max mous t= . a =.1113 musernZinm. sal =I mach "Wisp lam us gairs =rsisd iv a? ar egges. I='•Aft`' "My D...r. ba...7...T12=1... 1 W e .&= - = • Vt' s ' ntti tm. '" Migit...., tat r , "j= lIEMS -COUNTY •• • • D - T . fmavtanurcr. PRESETS, ME ER & 59 No.. _ . - . - 25 ■ UM KM