THE DAILY GM=?,: *-ia;UnIDND , BW, RAID CO., Offla3, 84 and 86 AVM dawns& P. E. pEnrutel, - T. P. IPINTON, Zorroas AND WORKS OW WHO DAThY. Si man. per year D 1 - 1, ...3 brcarnan, pm week lb eta. FIRST OMR Jf10111J1170117% TILE CAPITAL. The Treasury Inveitigation—A Charter of Incorporation Asked For- - Capital Removal —A Qno- rim—Admission of Tirginia— Senator Browiden' —Fractional Currency. I(D7'eclef6eopb to t h e PlUsborth amino.) Wastiniarcar, December 4, 1869. AaßavAl. or malmeas —razazDzsrr's :swum —IMPORT or THE ILLORETAT OP TUE TILEASUUE, &O. Al least two-thirds of the members or Congress are now font. Sixty arrived this morning. To-morrow monOnir trains - will bring additional members. The Chairman of rho Committee on Forel:tn. Affairs says the report on the Baum; question will not be react for . month totems. The PrisidenVeMeassue auscomeletod yesterday. - Neither it nor the report of the Secretary of the Treasury Is printed. This promotion was tsken In order to prevent their premature publication. as In repeated eases heretofore. Both these documents will be given In manuscript le the prom. All other reports have been prints! and the newspapers supplied: THE rktausuar terzariairrow. Over two years ago CongressappAnted • Select Committee of two Senators, Ed ' amide and Chandler and one Repro mentally°. to Inquire Into the charges against tho management of the • wry 'Department. After two years' thetough exambialkm or :witnesses and the. Treasury ,Department, machinery, bobki„ do., the Committee make, lama putt.' It will be recollected that the charipairerti that affairs In the tresatil7 Waling laid note bureau were carried on a criminally reckless mas weri resulting 1p enormous lames to the people, donduct so loose as to call for , the Intervention of Con pram as the then Secretary of the • Plity, ,took. no heed of warning". The report .of the Committee, covering Bev. emlhundrod pages, sustains the charges, and states that the aggrrigate securities wrested by the Government, from 1860 to ()debar El, 1887, were 18,222,000.000..0f whit& the printing bureau prepared It,- 827,000,C0N that bonds, certificates, as., were printed by oho bureau; that $486,- 450 of the second amiss of the Bevan thirty man are unaccounted for and that duplicates of ilve-twentlee of ISS2. were executed in the Treasury De gar.meat; that over eight thousand notes 'cli:fivetwenties, third aeries attusuing - to. 1405,000 have not been sat isfactorily 'accounted for that various tends marked "destroyed" =the books of the department are not destroyed, or at,least no proof is offered thereof; that the methods of accountability between -the various bureaus In the department, as well as In their respective operations, have been grossly careless; that vouchers were taken for.interebange of securities DC= bureau to bureau on slips of paper, bearing no recorded evidence of traria°• thug that in printing and transmitting eiguities to the register's Wilco it was the paeotAce to sand with each one thousand 111011111•11 ten or more extra im,pree. alone, called a.stack package," to /WI/ eardrum of any that might be accidental. ly,defaced; that when a bondman bjured It was thrown In the fire or said I. have been destroyed, and as :extra" or a *bra package need in its dead, but no atikmat taken or recorded af the bane scgion.Such are a fewiirrectutera, es. tested :from ,_the voluminous report, shivering that overlie ironaof dollars - unavoidable imprabdon that many bun. aria lbouland morethwi the Coen:rates mutton must have been Lost or mislaid, CFAZTJER 07 .11100HPOZIAIDA TO BIZ , .A.MMILD MM. • A memorial,' signed by many nent claims of the District, = mated to Congress on Monday, asking 0:11t a charter of Incorporation for a faint Moak company.~ to be dealgnated the' lis• dustrtal EzblMtion Company, .and em bodying such privileges and mditance as they think they may lastly ask Om woo to accord to an entered's designed for the common benefit of the country. Em=am IC Man from the Wed named Reaves. law wan Forewently active am the members during last deatoth ong has rw• turned to Washington to revive the agi tatoCa r' on the subject of the removal of ad pital. SUPREME COIIST. 'ha Supreme Omni of the United Stefan coat today but namacted no tru. ulnas and adjourned fill Monday, when the December term will COMIXIMICe. ADNIMITOW x. OP Prominent Virginians new here usy' they are eatbdird that the President will, In blls..asesaage, serommend tbejmm•-, asp . admintignOt quit,State. - "PItAOSI6AAttIISSZINCT. ' The reoelpts' of fractional enzreney for the week were 1658,601 Shipments, ri61,291. ' Astrionzit demizoSed, UAW. • • 9170811 X. , There Is no donin that them will be- (imp= of member*. In each branch of gran. crnalOnday: HISMILTOR DILOWALOW 8/nab:re .Brownlow and family , have arrived health ri meth better than taxi winter; BT.`IIOIIIEL S-rdsißurels of "nr #Wray Bw4red "atry main la Lft r ift— ta e Bftleaa .elan hto.thel7LUb Ligb elset.) fir;:lsio% . Dea:err 4.—The, case of torsi laindred . and arty -ulna burets of whisky:Wright, her from New .Orleans Morthan &you age. and claimed by C. B. laattaren and B. Gooda ll .' sepia. law of ErAiorernor Matte:ion, of Clint; was taken up in the United Butes DU. tact - NarienateiDoolletle WOO thergairielpil runnel for the defence Nomad° as the motion to file an • amended answer:. The sineant • inbred la nearly .10.000. - 'TIe pales bare got s'elue to the rob. • tor: albs "dtarbends at the &rather Bret on Thurday. well known New York -escort thief was introduced to .Diwiey,at Columbus, By., by a watch.... natter.•leanird Derry% bushier, $3l. /alma btmbet., registered at to South . or nth Cl. Crawford and aeon 'after the robbery attempted soma as= aisaxad stag to a - pawn broker;:Whoi inspecting lorkethies mom mieetioned came. Finding inspected, end an _ entering the shop mk. that uso. 'ailett.-3Vberin he . inuderaly took fr. dstaetlse,. be bodily left, leaving the ring behind, which was'aubsequemly Identified by Cawley. He , told the pawn broker hts name was Trobridge„.., , . 'or TENNESSEE. laminations tbr State Convention-6e. podlanon Looming Op Banned Acne, dce. taj verettues to the PUtitcran HAntrrthis, Doeember B.—The Con. Tendon today nominated Delft I. Brown. J. C. Thompson and John F. House esiendlehttee ;kr Dui Constituttonitt I:tut. veothm. A revolution offered to sustain the credit of the rge State .was voted down by. • la majority sy .. The HMSO temipaesed the hill to ratify the lease rest .thel Ntah,ifle Yd _ Dcarthereatern 11411444 ko the bletabvillet and Chattantogl'll. 'Tee MI tograst the right of way to the Melon:A and Southern Iteulreed wan postponed. idEaPECIA. December 4.—The Demo &sties County Conventibn to-day nomi nated Colonel S. W. H. Stephens and James B. Haskell candidates for the Othatantional fionventka. Beeolutions were adopted Instrueting the d to submit the . ipteation of negro =I seretestelY ttk ta 0 4 00150) gibs Opettlttl tiont4eleettots4 Deentdteas Sr Cabs. ter Telsoaln to ths Zumwalt %nava PEITLADMICW.DOOOMber. I.—A the signed by twenty thonaand persona was tbrwarded to Wieldnictuts,' to to be presented to Congress on Ma l in asking the recognition of the Otheet eta as nethgerants. .0 1 1:20.;4: ~~.> y _T a ~ tingY_ . ) 1 al .- TIER WEEKLY GAZE'n 11 , 11WPWIll Wlldan 1 42 a 1 7 01 " 2. 7 1 11111 H 1 1 14 • Ili ; • 1 T. No &rum 1.6=1111 •• =WOMBS 000 intlinti Tau NM& nnenbn• ............. ....-•• 111 One of in. . IS Ong ............... ED • =WU itratzt.4 intalsowdy to th• IlstUr RIM 113:19. I P. lUD. DM VOL. ; . NEW YORK CITE Argument Postponed— 1 Pro ceedings Withdrawn—`l'h rlow Weed—Silk Robber ted— . The Fisk-Gould Case. sy reievnth to the moans beanie 1 Ngw Yomr., December 4. 069. The argument In the Spanish hboat case bits been Peettioned tat mu we/. Medley, owing to the prempure of other trasacteae on District Attoiney Pierre. Pont. All legal proceeding:a in the metier of 'Ohne& Fargo's Explessare withdrawn, and the difficulties between the same holders andethly Riffled. The Cmantmeed Advertiser announces attrintbority that Thera.. Weed has re ared from political and JeCtrnallatic life, and le nellkely le reappear In either. The Jury In the case in which the Government sought to nave abou t 120,00 worth of silk ribbons cmdemned on the ground-at andervilltatian by, the palters, have been discharged, hairleg been unable to agree. They were out twenty-three haute. A Mae named Andrew Bausard has beendmild to answer the charge of rob. fling the United States Bonded Ware. rooms of 111,000 of silk In September last. In the case of Ramsay against Pink, Gould, Lana and others, Judge Murray directs that the several orders of the Court which are returnable at Delhi, Delaware county, on the Itith Inst., be nerved on defendants, Gould and Lane, through the post office, and by leaving copiasst their Tesidencse. This L iti consequence of their successful avoldaltf% of pazional aspics. YIItOINIA Farther Proceedings of the National t Beard of Trade. lb 7 Tartiriph to the Fluently& Gantt.] fitcamonn, December 4,,—At the acia. don ofthe Natlonal . ncerd of Trade to. day, the gaeglion of the resumption specie payments wee taken up and do. timed at length. The whole subject was then referred to a committee of seven to report on this session on alt phltia sub- Mit/ed. The Committee consists of Beam% Kirkland, Brtilmore; Chittesden New Xork, Rapes, of Roston; Richlands of Chicago; Halton of Wisconsin, Hooper of Cincinnati, and Hindle of Charleston. The following propositions were refer red to thin lkommitteet opposing the ex. pansiOn aline currency, and favoring legislation looking to convactlon and early redemption ; &Ginning that the es. tablithment by the Government of ohailered floral head and regnintor, corn. • hinted of private capital and endowed with privileges sufficient to present the Kunst renibtly tar the present currency evils; to abrogate the thres.lifths credit advance reserveg to:prohibit the pay. menu of the interest by National Banks, of credit balances; to the re demption of the National Rank notes, so that they may be sent back to their lo• Witten for re-110.1110, and require the re• items to be held in the respective bank vaults, In money, and not in the credit balance in other national banks at a die. mace, and finally the repeal of the 10 per cent. tax on the circulation tune of the National Banks. The 29th propo.ition /eking Congress to requite all American vessels under register to carry one or more apprentices to secure a supply of efficient officers aid seamen for onr marine, was taken up Toe Propcsition was adopted. • The Committee on the propositions relative to the Ohio and Mississippi rivers reported, recommending that Milgrim make an appropriation for ren dering the navigation of the Ohio agd Mississippi river free of obstruction., els gl i ti ni ty at Des Moines and Rock Inland • 1.•/• uao 11+11040.0 wc- should have one span over the channel four hundred feet long .and sufficiently high to not obstruct navigation; that in bridges built over the Mississippi above the month of the Miseutui. there shall be one span three hundred feet long, and that the construction of the piers of such bridges shall be superintended by goy. mutant, engineer% - -The report was re. calved to be called up in Its tarn. Tho 80th proposition, the James River and Kanawha cwt. was taken up with the report of the Special Committee on the same, which uses forth that a contin uous line of water occrununication be , tween the Mississippi river and Atlantic seaward is imperatively• neededi e that the James River and Kanawha canal, if extended to the Ohio bas special promi nence, and that in this work all private and corporate proprieforehip should be I Brat removed; then the Goiernment should grant aid; then after the canal has paid back the money spent on it by the general government and State of Vir ginia, it shall be a free canal collecting tolls erralelecut for its repair - Alter edveceriy by eft. Wetherell, of Philadelehla, Mr. Trevasant, Mem phis, and Mr. donee, of Thera, thelreport and reeolitione of Mr. Monroe In favor of ,memoralizing Congress to carry It into effectwas adopted-eyes 50, nays I 15. The vote was received with loud sPpp ,S.l2loatitt Vie adopted ilettfilathig the Executiveekencil tp suggest toUresgreal the putting of the work of extending the canal inta the hands of trustees rip. ted by one of each of the States of Missouri, West, Vtrginisr. Arkanuts, iUf nols, lown, Ohlo, Maryland, Indiana, Wisconsin and Virginia, and one by the General Government. Alter accepting the Invitations - of Norfolk and Petereburg to visit those cities next Thursday, adjourned till Monday. CHICAGO. Bop Slaughttava—Safelde—Detaaltlng Castiterd, , keel . ..WT*oh to tee rtuoteuen Bosom.] CaLoAcio, December 4.—The number of bog* packed In this dty thus fer is 811,6611 against 178,104 1.a4 season. A man named Jas. R. Holmes remain ted suicide early this morning at the boarding house of Clow. Sather, No. 76 Slab Ditnit street, by taking laudanum; Roth letters found on his person Ii fa evident thstate waslabming tinder pecu niary embarrassments!" His home is imposed to be at Mount Morris, 111. The calmer of !_tio_welt-kn_ow_u 'Orr I g o ad: r e use of J tected i . n M ih N e arweil e k crit.. bat faring foga his employees. The ag gregate amount taken is about four thousand dollars. He restored twenty- Aye kundred dollars cI the amount and was allowed by the firm to leave for parts unknown. He married about tan menthe does, and went Into an extrava gant style of living. The name of the =abler MT. M. Stanton. To this we may add that Frederick J. Pratt. cashier of the City Horse Mailway Oompsny, eon of Frederick W. Pratt, a well-known and respected citizen, has been detected Iln „emboss/big Muds of the company. Me otoefesias to have taken at least flf. VsedAhousspd• dollars. 'Wine, women Wad Ikea living have been the young 's rain. Ile age Is about twenty. :two ream _ ST. LOUIS. .s ll : l lPeit Inenati Vaptlve—leamben of • Whine Stela and Boys among the Cheyranera far Zdalr!ra to Me Mamma dram to.) Tontraieeember 4.—The JaratiOn City (Sanaa) Mira says: Chas. BlOWne who has been a colorise among the Chey enne Indiana for•three yeah: and who naajnier earliPod. Saha that there are in the wireal bank Gram arm s more than twen ty white DOR 'mut trim, captives. among them Henrietta 0741. sixteen years 01d... daughter of Win. H. Floyd, furniture dealer ha Beaton. This girl was slatting her friends in Texas with a b r ow, when the /adieus raptured tbem. niutng the brother and carrying her into oiptivi4. HAVANA. nr-Tveon9 toh, HAVAIIA, December 4.--Cionerai Lem in eck and General Cuba is ordered to velleve bim of the command of the 'troops In the Cies, Villas district. 3 dpenlab war steamer arrived from Osdiaywharday with • tatalllon or 'Woo= the fatally of Captain Genaral SECOU EDITIOI. FOUR O'CLOCK, d.. 71 OFFICIAL REPORTS Reports of the Controller of the Currency, of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, thiS Peere tnry of War, and of the Secre tary of Internal Revenue. (By Tcl ryb b cbr PlastAligh CL.rtte. WlMinitnioN, I/ect.ruber 5. ISO. REPORT ON THE CONTROLLER 01 THE The annual report of the Comptrolint of the currency, shoos IC2O Banks In active nperatton. Their condition Is more gratifying than fortherly. The opportunity afforded speculator. to mani pulate the money market la almost entirely done away' with, and the banks have more complete control of their af ro irs. The Comptroller tecommenda thapas. sags of an act requiring all banks that go Into ilquidation indepoait legal ten. der notes for their ontatandiug eircula • don, and to take up their bodds dettoa. lied with the Treasurer of the totted !Bateman secklity for their circulation within sixty days from the date of the vote of the stookpidera to wind up. He also reconaineuda that all taxes on banks be made returnable sod payable to the Treanoror of the United States, including the special tut and dividend tax now payable to the District Collect ore; that the oompensatkin or Bank Ex. auditors be Increased, and provbloci be made for Its assessment upon the banks examined, and an inexeme to a fair coin. peculation of persona employed under mm in the Currency Bureau. The recommendation 'coking to the establishment ore central redeeming agency in New York in the last annusi report is renewed. The Comptroller says the legal pro. hlbltion to banks to hire deposits Is not aultelently explicit or positive to pre vent it, and luau at legislation to that end. The Comptroller argues In favor of the National Banking /Vacant as the canoe of the ease PA the %prier market, and lower raters of Interest than would otherwise be obtained. Lie thinks the government circulation which Ls not convertible, end therefore not eittette., should be with• drawn. and be substituted by National Book note., which are nominally redeemable, and are certainly amen able to the lewd of trot°. No check or limitation ehouid be lab polled on the latter, other than the law of supply ..and demand. A ...Mad) tasting system of currency, la tho only one that la adopted team exigencies of trade, the wants of the.couti try, and It le • vital question at thlstime, w bother this result can be reached be fore the return of epwle pal went. II Fottsiblo at all, It is only through the agency of Sr rtional Banks. The ma chinery of the Governuaeot Is not adapt ed to such ends; and further, If possible, it Is so only upon the adtptlon of a policy which will tend grad ually, but surely to the resumption of specie pay menu it must be a grad. ual development bf a process which shall absorb legal tenders, and pot In their place a paper currency which shall at alt times, and under all elrcuous.anoss, be exchangeable for cote, tither of paper. legal tenders or of gold. A p pair cur rency which shall gradually therm.. while the legal tenders for Its redemption shall gradually decrease to soca ratio es a healthy demand fox banking m d . .mMille..9ltWaitall.49kbar..ClA9 UntirbefaxisiAtetratwitir-Intfooi-ustotira to specie payment, conditioned only on the wltharawal end'osnesiliatton'Of Alle ge tender ditißar OS. weary OCilies bank, Currency lune& Fie, banking upon a specie basis may also to permit ted with equal safety and without delay. With detests properly adjusted. banks may aeitkbilabett with authority tole gle and put in circulation gold notes, Timid , ling the amount only by the utility of the banks to comply with the necessary conditions, and redeem, their lemma By the - eafabllahnettint banks" , on specie basis, the resumption of specie payments is only anticipated, and familiarity with gold values will do much to relieve the subject of the mys tery' with which it la assoalsted in the minds of many !coking forward to the day when uniform values shall again prevail. It may may be that by white legislation now, a banking system can be estata &tithed truly national in its eh/piety and scope; which will furnish a and cur. renoy of uniform value In every State of this Union. out. sagnsuat's 1199062. Gen. Sherman, In 'his' reMort, which will be submitted to Congress on Mon day, opposes. any further reduction of the army. He says the entire army la on duty, and he has 'constant calls ihr more troops, which cannot be granted. He calls the President's canteen atten tion to this matter, that Congress may be appealed to not to diminish tee military establlshmeot, because of the great extent of cottony, -the unsettled character of a large Tr glen measured north, south. east and , west, by thousands of milts: the acts of the Indianswite inhabit this region, and like growing necessities ottifforelhni greater protection to the roads that traverse this region, and the mining and agricultural interekhl therein., Whits the canoe at large Is at Peace. • state of gran war °endemic to exist over one-half of 14 extent, and troops therein are exposed to labors. murders, fights and dangers that amount to war. Withdrawing or largely diminishingly) troops in 'texas, the Indian - Country, Arizona. New Mexico, Montana, Idaho, or junks, as well as in some parts of the Southern Suites, would, be believes, result in dontinulng things amounting Men anarchy. He refers to the labors and exposures of the officers and men, and hopes that they will receive the assurance to which they are fairly enUtmd, that their labors am appreahtted.' °Moors have beau re• qulred to perform the dentition( Indian agents, sheriffs, &a., foreign totheir Mil itary training, and have done this duty without murmur and with marked in telligence Never, he says. kasha known the army officers so poor, but they hope by the appreciation of currency their compensation will soon become more satisfactory.. Any diminution of their pay would result in the loss to the ser vice of every good raker, tcrthe ex treme damsgeof the army itself. General Sharman advisee the adoption by Ogigrees of the new army regulations as prepared by the Special Hoard of Gin cent, In referring to the army ootutolittation, he says there are Ore hundred and nine unattached officers, orwhom one hundred and Oftydix are awaiting orders. The number of retired officers is one hundred and seveutydeven. He urges that cav alry and artillery regiments be officered alike In regimental and company organ izations, and asks for an extra Lienten ant for cavalry companies. He urges that it la aniust that the reduction of the army should fall excludvely upon the !reentry arm ofthe service, and 1000113. menda that after Congress has enacted the . neantaary laws, the President assem ble la board of diantorestedgeutcal own, to whom shall be committed the' whole matter of reduction and roorgatd radon. , . Generalfiberman commtatsupon what he calla the absurdity of the Staff of Army, making their own reporte,to the Secretary of Man If this Is oaollausd; he says, we have the absurdity of the General commanding the army with his chief staff offlears reporting tolomebodY else. He hope; for legislation that will allow officers cline armyy to call upon th4 -43 .4 4 nd for tr9oPsitaKes4 of 4 4" He advocates an Increase of pay for the Herecommends that forte cover ing the Mini of, Proilawd, •Boareta, t New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Or leans, and San Francisco, be completed sll scan as pomade. 1 Zadalliattention . .tathilegratait rasp; 1 . maidschnt of General Ttiomas, that Seal Island of Alakka, Siasul, and St. Georg• 'be sold to gg the hl bidder. Be la Br. foreied that BaCirewai eurveral mißtofa dellart‘' ;which., he says, would . go far towards ii .lr._ f~. . . indemnifying the Government fur the otherwise poor and coati'? country. REPORT OF TUE SECRETARY OF WAR. Tee renort of the Secretary of War to published tovisy. The Secretary Indorses a reeommendation of General Sherman that legislation b$ had enacting the roles and articles of war adopted by the Board boas-eon:I la conibrmity with act of Con. grew of July 16th, 11556, and approving the new regolatlani dorapilhd in Jane, OM. The Secretary then continues, still t referring to Gen I Sherman's report. after the =moll on made in sword* lance with the am f idarch/1.130, there remained In Nov Leber 1502 unattached oillcorti. Alt of este have been assigned lb duty excrptin 150, who are awaiting orders. It see s eqditable and Just should • reductl n be made, thstoffieers awaiting order. by their own request, and preferring that to sett,* duty. should have lees Mahn for (halogen than those *he applied for arolgmbent. Ofthis class there are 139 ofiloore, Someof them, however, had epeeist reasons for wilting to he placed on the awaiting orders 11.1, which the Department required and which should be regarded. It Is certain ly fair that the consequences of • redaa non of officer. should fall proportion ately on revelry, artillery and infantry, and should Ckingress act in the matter, it le proper this consideration should nqt be overlooked. In Wends* to the reduction, I amour with the report in recommending that authority be given to relieve a greater number of officers for arose than is now allowed by law, seven per cent. of the officers of the whole army. The present maximum of the army I. 52,234 enlisted Men. Relying on two-thirds for actual service, the number of men is 34,82.1. By the plan of- organization submitted In the report, themwould be 4650 men. Two third. for actual servlde wimlici be , 140,750 men, beloW which It *Mild not be : prudent to go, as the necessities of the 1 o3notry and the great extent of territory to be protected will reqoAre every man I of that number. EBEEEMBI I recommend that the staff corps be re tained at the standard fixed by the act of lnly, let& and that the dense pronibit log apprantmente and promhtiona be re. pealed, In Order that vacancies may be - tilled, as was the practice prior to the act of March, 1130. Although the army may be entailer than herekdrre, expo rienee has shown that these officers are es necessary fur the mailer ea the larger arsay. lie endorsee the recomendation of the Arlen-silt (tenet' al of t he artily for the repeal of no much of section six of the act of March 111, 1069, as prohibits fur their appointments or promotions, leer ing the organisation of the A oilman( General's department as it was fixed by section tenth of the act of July 20, 1068 An Increase to the number of Asaintant inspector Generals Is mcommuded. The expenses of the Quartermaster's Department during the hunt veer end log June 13th, 1869, were 321.968,401 08, a reductlo, of 114,900,000 below those of the preceding fiscal year. In February, 1889, the number of civilians hired by this department exceeded 10.000, which has since been iodated to 4,300. Of the Quartermaster General, the re port states that the clerical force of this ',dice has been redneed as low by late legiolatlop u to seriously retard public business, and to provide Ibr the settle ment of accounts, some increase In the force Is neousary. A building capable of accommodating all bureaus of the Oar livartment, ate proof and secure, is much needed. The railway oomparden to whom the military railroad materiel of the Q 46! tormentor's Department wan sold on credit at the end of the war, Incurred onginally (Minim of 87,891,401 Interest bee increased this amount to $0,000,000, about one-half of Which tise been paid: but some railroads beink 161 default, and showing no disposition to meet their ob• ligations, suit has been lately ordered to be bronsht against them. There have been paid for water trans portation, during the year, 11,424,2 Z: 82, Rod e ar. traturporatlon. r 4253- By arrangement between the mental of War and Interior, sunA T a n rtr the Indian service are eow transported by the quarter Master's Department, no routes in the IndlenTerrltory, t haunt:tat met under the contracts being refunded to the War Department ant of the sp• propriatlon of 5 . 200,000, for the pacific.- don of the /adieus, granted April 1869. Although the amount ef clothing end equipage an hand at the end of the war tiu been reduced by Wog and Daum, mere edit remains • stook valued at over 442,030.000. The general depots have been reduced to f41..r, and at only two of them la there any large collection of material, vim Schuylkill Awed, the Delaware, and at Jederaonkille on the Ohio. Thin latter la being drawn upon constantly. nut It atilt CM:IW= aver $ 14,000,000 worth of war materiaL The average cost of titian' be. been twenty-three cents. Tobaooo at an aver age monthly value of 919.000 bus been furnished to the troops at ore prime and the Freedman's finnan bee been sup• piled with rotes to the value of nearly $260,000, most of which has already been paid for, and the remainder la In, promos of refunding. At unalreasury .then has been paid 12,762,175 at commutation on tenons to Linton soldiers while prisoner. of war. Claims foraciplatiew ferelehod the army dining the war amounting to 12809.101.. 13 hove been received, of which re.- 01 . 1.87 have been allowed and nain, 4.13 rejected. The river and harbor works hove pro- I greased as rapidly as the means appro. priated for he ir excention allowed. Theof the Northern and North western survey ken has progressed com mensurately with the amounts titertbr conducting It. The= rlor surrey, drawing to a ounPlot hiustfteulripat mazy tior harbo of refuge, and make known danger' to navigation highly Important to the oorn Menial alienist of the Rates dependent upon this water line of communication for the transportation of cereals and ores. =migmatite Ind seograpblcal and heal explaratmaand surveys haver been continued 'during the year In the territory west the fdleilardpitt rider, sod ifilbrmation thus obtained is sup plied to the troops occupying that section of country. The survey of the Colcendo of the west has not, for special moony, been resumed. Liberty Arsenal Atte ltourl, has been sold 'during the year. Meg', Louis Arsenal, which will be mobil under the muss act seon, as it can be opened: but certain buildings thereat should be reserved from sale and devoted to moral army pansies. The ' sale of Harper's Perry Arsenal peoperty will take place Nona:the!. The 'Nome Arsamil. Champlain Asenal,, AN:Vernon antetal, Alabama, and .Appalichicshi Arsenal, and' Borth Oarolina Arsenal, are recommended to be sold. It Is ad. visible Ms should be done, and that the captured andiin Shreveport, Lbandana, in Marshal I and Jetreman, Tense, and In Marlon and Davis counties, Texas, , should - I* eindlarly disposal of. Atpilist: cipal arsenal of construction and depodt sod powder depot are recomme nded on the Atlantic and Pacific oasts 'and in the vallay• oft the ,NtheissippL The sale of some Of the present eastern arsenal' is aonested as a mean. to raise fends wheadega to esaddlah the prated. pal ameba Tot. Ltd Atlantle Coati Hock Wand is the pram for the principal as , Penal for the valley of the idlittinainnt. Politisi devote should be eetabuabed the Atlantic and Pecido coma. • Disbursements by the Paymaster ,Generalfor the year 1142,4118,770 20, and for Tecoostrveden porpoiesigBlB,293 46. Increase of cadets at West Point to four hundred is recommended. The tidal expenditures of the year, in. eluding 123.M1110,60 of 'old war debts paid, is 569.644,042,76; estimated dell deludes 52 940,000; estimated expenses for the dust year, Id 1,63.4103,1110, besides the following submitted separately for coanderadon of Congress as presented, by the Chief of Engineers: Par 'brill. Bastions K 196,400 for rivers and her. bong Tipen,9oo; total ,126/58""). As to lb& fortificationss lurgethe appropris• dons - asked tor dm torts near the larger cities named In the rert of the General of the army, to wit: Portland , Boston, Bed York: New arkersi c andßan Francisco. - REPORT OP TER ,00XXI88WEER OP TA • =REAR REVERE& Treik,u7i Delutri tuffs , .o.ifgee Ilefolsca Revenue, Washington, Nov. zo—sui: r ham the honor to transmit henrelth the tabular statement made up rpm U. nceounte kept In this office winch the Secretary of the Treasury b rintiirsd r sci W Mitre Congress. Tlior are as MI; leery Taltie 4 A—Sheering UM receipts IZZ=MI PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1869. from each specific source of revenue and the amount refunded in each collection l district, State and Territory of the Celled Staten for the Meal ' year ending June 80th, 1869. Table B, showing the number end value of Inter hat Revenue stamps ordered monthly by the Commiesionet and ,motithly reetipte from of Internal Referee stamps, the commissions allowed on the same, and receipts from uienUt for the sale of etrunpe for the fism- Iyear ending June SOth, 14181 Table l7, ihrilefing the Territorial distrlbotion of 'Mental Rev enue from varlouri sources In• the Milted Status. Table D, elbowing the total collections from each specific of revenue for the decal yeararianding June Seth, 186 e. 44, 6fe 86, 6T. 68 and 62 re spectively. Table E. showing the rates of reieLl?ts from speedo sworees to the ag yeoman of ail collect-lone for the fiscal years ending. June lith, 1864, 65,66, 67, 68 and 69, rropectively. Table F, abstract of reports of Lae District Attorneys con cerning snits and prosecettiona ender the intermit lacerate lasi. The i total receipts from internal revenue sources, e xCi tredve of the direct Marmon lands, and the duty upon the kintrula- Don and deposit. of National hank". were for the ewer roar 1866,11/60,629,314 28. This Inc:laden the nuns rafpded fur taxes illegally assessed and Cpilect ed. amounting to p 860,839 12, n l l2 . ell Of which wee for lace. assma4 and collectea Ih prey - inns years. For the decal year 1868 there wake 70- funded 11,018,224.8 L Drawbecks'erem also allowed to the amount of 14279,- 98f101. Ro drawee:lts were allowed during the fiscal year 1899 by this Bureau, excepting on general marches Mee uuder anction 11l of the act of &larch Stet, .1868, to ale and patenteoedt clime amounting to 1377,411.31. • The drawback on ruin and alcohol is not al lowed by tins Bureau. The receipts fur the current yeti. are estimated at 2115,000,009. , A comparative statement La subadtesd st ehowing the total receipts front tit same general eources of taxation for t first six months of the fiscal years 1 and 1642, from July to December, 1/1181inelu sive, 667.1e6,288; from July to December, 1867, inclurove, 866,110,0301 tote% gale for the first eta months of 1809, 21,188,358. A comparstire statement is submitted showing the total receipts from the same ftoorces for the the last ex months of the fiscal yearn 1898 and 1869: Front January to June, 16461, inclusive 2900582,760. From January to June, 1 868, !umlaut's, 104,479,918 'Total gain of the last six months of 1869 over 1668. 126,062,812. or 1810 per cent- During this pe riod the amount gained on !spirit. is 29,684,522.. The amount gained in stamps 6608,335. Amount gained on wales 1111,68 e - 104 The neatest 101111 from tiny one smirce of taxation for this perlo4 was on incomes, which amounts t 015,747.490. In special t•xes not included ender spiritti tobacco. to , the lose wall 11,436, 719. It is worthy of special pollee that 1,, regard to rseilpte from tobacco since January Int, 11039, and hereafter referred to as being largely increased, the loss of Rsteene on this article fir the preceding tax months amounted to 168,232, and it should be borne in mind In considering this loss. that the present spoken of col lecting the ton on tobacco liaCtiot gone into full operation prior to January hat, 18469. • • Total gain (or the above raided, 126,- 062.812, or 40 per cent, it Will he oh served that the gain on distilled nitrite during the period of romper_ lacm 1$ $ 2 .- 8711,4 Z), op tobacco, f 4,76544: on fer mented liquor., 161,174; on' intern. $2,083.757: on ammo., $ 9 50,515, from gas compante. 1134,887; from hanks and hankers, 1133,605. The only articles on which a loss was curtained are leg• sates, aurceasions and pensitlee, 'pedal taxes not Included tinder .plrtta, he. These aggregate only 1. 4 !01,73L Re Paints from the same generaflonrees for the six months ending Bop! bar 80th, PM and 1869, from A pnl to September, /in. inclusive, $102,881,950. ,Twenty•sis dtatricts for this period not ivnreed, are a,ainested at gi,sts.ouu. T amount (or this period, 1104,377,950. ,From April to September, 19611, inclusi ,543,0 a. The aggregate receipts fbr- e present rear will be Increased by from twenteods aft.aricts. a , It Se ss tlomted. to 11,516,000. Total gain, not Including receipt. from these &arida {4818.816. If the receipts from the un reported districts eqaal the above esti mate. the gain will be ii 33,884,838, or Nti per cent. During this period tire gain on .pirita b 11,100,115.134 tobacco. 166,0146.801 on .ales, 111,016.01: on Incomes. $27,721131; one:amps 117,0410* from bank and hankers, P. 374.33. The gain on spirits during this six mooths of comparison Is not whim° by nearly KOWA* as It Woe for the six montlag ending the 80th of Jane last. This Is amounted far by the circumatan • ces that the old spirits m bonded ware house on the 30th of August, 186 i, when the new law went Into effect, were all by operation of law to be withdrawn front bond and the tax to be paid prior to July tat, 1869. It is a fist, however. that the gala on tobacco for this period of com petition exceed that for the six months ending June 39th, 1869, by $3,000,000, showing a steady and continuous Increase from t big mann. The gains on stamps, Incomes and sales correspond very nearly with the gain. on these &rimless forghe six month. of comparison ending June 00th, 1800. Referring to gains 'on spirits and to bacco for these periods it seems proper to nay there Is every muss for contralti lotion that the law of July 20th, Mg, taxing these articles, was enacted. Smarm —ln considering the increase 01 revenue from distilled spirits for the last dx months of the decal year ending June 30th, 1869, the subjoined facts should be remembered. There were In the bonded warehouses on the let of July, base re shown by the secoents kept in this office, 27,218,403 asthma of spirits. Thle In. eluded all claims for leakage then out standing, and a large quantity claimed to have been destroyed by the Mini. ing of revenue bonded warehouses, as well as oestain amounts which;n b ee . previously withdrawn upon fraud. utent t cods, and still unaccounted for. Under the mondons of the act of July 20th, 1656, as amended, all spirits in t ended warehouses at the time of the =of the act, were required to be woad theta: paid thereon act or tololy la, 1869, and by this require ment 24,383,1d1 gal l spirits were De- Oeleartly flamed upon the market during the nodal year, and served to that extent to increase the returns from this source, While on the first of July, 1889,-there re. omitted In bonded warehouses, of the new product, only 18,563,838 gallons. It thus appearlithat the quaritity'of spirits in bond to be withdrawn and the tax to be paid during the fiscal year, ending J ime so, two, is less by nearly eight millions of gallons, than the quantity which wss compelled to be withdrawn and the tax paid for the &wad year, end log June llotia, 1869. The following statement exhibiting tbe movements In distilled spirits hi made from statlaticat Annie/led by the division in charge of the subject in this bureau, and although the figurine uc'. be ateolntely agourate, they ap mate nearly uto be -deemed re le. Number of gallons withdrawn from b on d e d weeentittam Jun July Ist, 1658, to June Both, 1869, produced prior toluly ,Ist, 1168 at ft. y cents per gallon; 824-883,951; produced p p rior ai to July icers]. Ist, 1868, on which tax was r lon 96,651, Total gallons o et f p distilled spirits, Old product, 24,479,512. Number Oxalic:sus apple brandy produced prior to 'July Ise, 9688, and tax told after the' data at glper. gallon, ROM. Total gal lons 24,616,834. Number of idiom of spirits prodocndfrom July Mat. 1888, to Jane tax& .1889, on which bait was. col fected at fifty cant' per gallon 88,204,048. Number of gsl.. Sins of grape and apple brandy tax mild at 60 ',Gomm gallon, 871,737. Ursine& inns 88678,854 Tota l amount on which tax was cdiected 82,092,417. Number of gellore withdrawn for augumptlon and inert fmnt July' let; 1867, to Imp 50th, 1068, 181 X 647 ; of this was exported with payment of tax 4=701: balance o d trig& tax was - collected Ibr the flied year 1868 6,709,04 from which itappeant that the amount for which the tax was collected for 1869. exceeded that f or ism gams, There was produced during the _year and bond " Jail litt. 1568, asthma 6,469,104. It would appear also, if the records of this office exhibit fully all the Writs that were crammed aud eipotted during the two ram, Mit forth. year 1889 the comrumption and exportation exceeded that of 1864 to the extent of , 64165.770 gallons. Thee* fig. urea are presented nos for the purpose of ehenling_the tmeamonnt of production and consumption of distilled spirits, but to exhibit the fact that une 80the- 7868, not "prior. tOverummthe law t di to a tenth ;art of its tax on 41. d.. "Allied spirits. - The total amount collected on thsan• newt net of incomes 1867 wits 527,417,754 push 193,890,870, for 1860 up to Nov- ember 36th, 063,680. This last snip will be Increased to an amount of over 088,000,000. As this tax eipires with the assessment for 1870 It will he rot Congress to determine whether we can part entirely wits the receipts from this mime of revenue, and If not, whether any auleritute can be devised morejust and equitable, end lees burdenaondepn• to the payers. If the income from this source cannot be spared from the general receipts, and other objects cannot be found more accepidble as a substittute, it Is for Congress to determine wbetbet or not the tax shall be renewed. In con sidering this question after determining the total amount which ought to be realised from internal revenue sources, and considering what will be realized by the present system without resorting 16 Incomes, the ques tion will present itself whether the entire income taxes now assessed shall be re vised or .011 be renewed at a lee ratan( taxation. My opinion In that as long as a large Internal revenue le required by the flnandsi neeessitiee of the Govern ment, a portion of that reel:dine should be colled from incothea. SC PUBPDBOHA AND I VEIL —The Julicy of changing supervisors from one risdiction to another has been found td be advantageous. It Inspires new nest end energy in the officers. and frequent ly relieve. them from local embarrasa• meats that tend to diminish their use. (alarm This office has proved of greet Importance to the service, and should always be filled with men of undoubted integrity and equally, who pongees a high order of general Mutineer qualifies. lions. The prase:Salary le not sufficient to always command such qualifications, and I venture to recommend the propel ety and economy of Increasing the salary. The apparent reason for placing the appointment of Supervisor. whore it now rata no longer exists, and la sot likely to main occur. I would there fore suggest that the law be amended so that this officer shall be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Detesitivem, as they are now termed by law, are In fact the saaletauts of super visors. The name has propel of no ad vantage to the service, and le generally regarded en odious, and for this reason many very competent men have been unwilling to accept of the sppolntment of detectives. lam of the opinion that the public service would be promoted by changing the name to that of asaletant supervisor, leaving the manner of at* palntment, the tenons of office/and com pensation, as now provided by law. Tog INTEIMAL RIVENUS LAWS troT CallraT on BUITOWNSOME,—Of the total receipts of Internal Revenue for the dual year 1169, there were collected from the following source.: Spirits H6,062,- 402; tobacco M 420,7011; ferment ed liquors 1160,991.79; Incomes and salaries 131,791,866. stamp. 116.120.- 710; banks and bankers 111,836.5t7; legael As and sucoeitetons. - 12.431,503: schedule A, and pataporla, 1912,414; gaa companies, $2,116,00d; from the other sourer., 125,474169. Total, 1160,039,314. The amount from other sources was col lected from the gross receipts of rail roads, insurance and express companies, from the aided of broker., dealers and manufacturers, from epochal taxes and (lawn penalties and miscellaneous sources. It is estimated that at least Meaty par cent of the entire reoelpte was collected from • few obi seta and soothes, all of which may be classed as luenrieet or as the socuructiated and associated wealth of the country. It is difficult to see how the necessary revenue from Internal sources can be obtained with mach greater respect for labor and with more Justice to the common Industry than is teemed by the present law. I desire to add my opinion that the present system ought, int shun time, if faithfully administered, to yield a revenue not below the following estimate from the foliowing source. Sptrita 160,- 0(41,000, Tobacco $35,01X1,000. Ferment ed liquors 10.000 000. Incomes. Startles, and schedule A 110,000,000. Rtamppsl2o,• t 00,0003. Banks and Bankers 13,600.00 a. Legacies and snooessionsll, Gas Companies 2,500,000. Total 1173,000,000. Eire:fere or COLLECTING THE Ray- 1 1 KNEE —There were paid, Orr expense. In- effient to the collection of the newest.» for 1868, 48,776,814; fdr 1669, 17.894,3 9 5. Deduct the amount paid to storekeepers, Act of July 20, 1868, $108,918, leaving for this year, on the basis of the account for 1868, $6.783,477; decrease In favor of WM, 11,991,337, By an amendment to the act of July 20, OM. pseud March 1, 1869, the com pensation of storekeepers la to be repaid to the Government by the manufactur ers of distilled spirit. and owners of warehouses. Theme repayments are found to be difficult to colleen, and I ani of opinion that this mode of paying atom keepers should be at ollabed at once. Only 6176,786 of the amount expended by the Government for Ode purpose had been repaid on the 86th of June, 1869, After July 20th, 1888, and prior to June 10th, 1869, • period of eleven months, the number of gallons of apiece shown by the records of Ibis office to have been produced. and the tax paid thereon,was 88,704.040, and of brandy from fruit during the same period, 871,- 737. Total on which the tax was col lected, 37,676,783; produced during the same period and remaining In bond July 1849, 16,663,838; showing • produe. tton In the eleven months of 154,239y621, being at the yearly rate of 69,170,496 gallons. The following summary from the Katie local report. will convey some Idea of the mew:diode and importance of tills bureau a labors. fininbedof aelsurea for violation of law for the floral year el 1859, 1,744; number of seizures for viols. don of law for the drat quarter of 1870, 1,041; number of cues compromised dar ing the thread year 1889, 162 Atooluit oeivisi as tax thereon 116,600,486; assessed penalties fixed by law 14,130.63; in lieciof fines, Densities and forfeitures $123,109.. 98; number of oases compromised during the Oral quarter of 1870, 144. Amount received as tax thereon $79,227.89; as. seised penaltles fixed by law $10,61146; : In lieu of Ones, penalties and forfeitures $8,831,708; number of compromise 01111110ne prepared from March lith to September 30th, 1839, NAL There cues occur throughout the entire country, 11:. waving extensive litigation, the prepa ration for and conduct of hich on the part of the Government consumes a large share of the time and attention of this office, and conafttrites In itself an Important business. Number of suite brought to Federal court, dining the fiscal year Ws, 4,678. The number of distilleries registered Is 864; number of officers connected with the Internal Revenge service who report to this Bureau, 6,003. In concluding this rer art, j desire to acknowledge my obligations to the ofil. rem and the clerks, both male awl fe• male. of the Internal Revenue Bureau. for their valuable assistauce. for their honest devotion to the public service, and for the very hithltil discharge of their official duties. C. Detarto, Commissioner. To Ron. Geo. S. BotrrtekLi., Searetaryof Treasury. Furibtr Limbers to the Pittsburgh Veil Meet, thy Telegraph to the rlttabirgi filasette t 3 WBlaLlllo W. Va., Decebk. & Another steainbmt, ta of the Pittsbtugh coal fiest,lbe Ormsby, bunted agleam 4 f s ti pipe to day st the head- of Pik* and. sodding the engineer it is t tight Wally, and one deck hand se may. The boat, and bargee. with 12 6 .000 ushele (down, are lying across the be of the Island in a pre c arious condition. If the water subsides they will be all t. —On and after January 1,11, 1 the dngle rate of =tape, "half an o me or ander," far prepaid letters bet the United States and the United Maga= of Great Britain and Ireland. will be re. dared to six cents, “three prince:" liner prepaid; or sufiledently prepaid, i tine of als cents, Mimes pewee' will an to the drechot postage. end collected an delivery. Thirsts of postage, conditions of payment on newsmen, boo)* pack, eta, and samples of merchandise, tomtit& unchanged. Postmasters srUl krry and count postage accordingly on and after Janary I, 1870. =The Treunry on the ad held In Car. rem $12,779,094: oolu belonging to the =at, 1ieee71,194 coin tore, e 1137,001.440,—V i a the &mum, can buy bond-torthe present without erdling gold, Ind that be is Increasing hie -surplus of ettwattoy. The IllUatua /Wrenn , receipts on Friday . were. 576,816, ipinch from Winkle, Maaifititt sous, stem that the lastobieurdes ofthe late Albert D.:lttehardson took, plum In the - ,Oongreganonal Church .7tetenbkr atterit, °on. About three hundred per. I=4 tuardluir the widow; another sun brother of the deemed, mem present. , NEWS BY CABLE. The Empress Eugenie Arrives Safe In Paris—French Elections Progressing Quietly Carlist Chief Palo Condemned to' be Shot—Rumors of Carlist Rising —The Italian Bishops take the Oath of Fidelity to the Pope— Vessel Wrecked—The Burlin game Mission Feasted by the King of Prussia. 01 Telen... to the rlttar. rib Cm. tte.l FRANCE. PA RIIS, DOMISI Der b.—Em prom Eugenie him arrived In Pnrin. Elections ►re being held to-day for Deputies to the Corps Legislatif to the districts where the result was not decid ed st the last elections. The voting goes on quietly, and the city remains perfect, ly calm. =I MADB , I), December s.—The Carlini cider Palo hsa boon convicted of treason end sentenced to death. Rumors of e Cardin lasurrectlim con tinue. In the Cortes, yesterday, General Prun stated that aince the commence meet or the Cuban rebellion, fourteen vessels of war, Including two iron,lads, had sailed for Cuba, transporting nearly 40,000 troops. ME= BERLIN, December 4.—The king and gamin of Prusida to day entartalned Mr. Burlingame and members of the Chinese embassy at a grand dinner. There were etghty guests pregame. IMMII firm December 6.—The bark Noel, bound to Bombes, the tint mercantile vessel to pass through the Sites canal with.• cargo, was wrecked In the Red Sea, eighty.alx miles from here. = PARIS, Deeemoer Er—A. dispatch from Acme says all the Italian Bishope,except five, have taken the oath of fidelity to the Pope. I= SouTB o rror , Demulbor .earner Nammoma, from New York. queakerowil, Deeember 4.—Arrived, steamship Helvetia. from New York. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL LONDON, December 6.—Evening —Gan. wig closed et 725(. Money 92%igl:CM, accotint. American ...mollies closed tlrm; ii_mh—lea, MS; '6,ls, old, ilk 67a, 85%; 10-41 D, 81; Ertea 20; Illinoia 99%; Great Western 26%. Lrvgneocn., December 4--Cot ton closed dull; uplands 12d; Orleans 12%d; Wes 10,000 isalea. Breadatuffs quiet. Corn 29.9 d. Others unchanged. Prorbdons unchanO ed. Log DON, December 4.—Elagar firm. Amman'', December 4. Petroleum firm st 601. FARM. December 4 —Bourse firm ; rented", 72g. 40c FRANKFORT, December 4.—Bonds firm at tSoi. Bararate, December 4.—Petroleum arm, at 8 thalera and 63 groata. Basilican, December 4.—Petroleum firm, at 16 mare bunco' 2 echtifing. RATAN, December 4.—Ootton quiet at 1351 on ■Pot and 1143 t afloat. FRANKFORT, December s.—Bonds firm at 9154 Q 91%. BRIEF TELEGRAMS —The Republican Committee of Boir ton hare armforged the eitliene manias. tion of Mayor Shurtieff for re-election, of which there is little doubt. —The CiUrans National Bank. at Wit. mingtoo, Del., wee broken Into on the night of the 2d and robbed of fourteen Pacific lialiroad bonds of siooo each. —Brown, who bas been on trial to Cleveland for murdering him wife at Beres last spring, was convicted on Sat urday evening of murdee In the second degree. —The President's, message covers eighty pages of manuscript In the Pres ident's hand.wrlting, being one of the abortast messages sent to Congress fin many years. —Over s million dollars of the Janua ry interest ham been paid, the Tresanry getting a rebate of wren per oenl. The custom receipts last week amounted to 1,744,702 In coin. —At New Castle, Del., on the Joshua Jones and Lewis Campbell were cravicted oftnegon Mrs. Meredith, com mitted In Shpthruher. The penalty in Delaware for this offense la wrath. —The North German brig Dar Meier, which cleared from Now York on the with a canto of 2010 bat. naptha, took fire from some cause unknown, off Sta• ten Wand. and was entirely destroyed. —An erroneous paragraph, to the effect that Commie:loner Delano In his report will recommend the at ',Mien of the °aloe of Supervisor of Internal Revenue, has obtained currency. Mr. Delano will make no such reoommen4flon. —The body of a saloon keeper named Morgan Haan, residing at Mitchell, Indi ana, was found lying across the track of the Ohio ,k Mississippi Railroad terribly mutilated, the train having passed over him. It is believed he fell emcee the track while intoxicated. —lt l understood that on the question of bituminous coal the Ways and Means fkmmittee stand as fellows: Moms. Schanck, Maynard, McOarty, Kelly end Black are opposed to repeal; Mows. Hooper, Allison, Brooks and Manihiki! are in favor of the repeal. srATE VTOL& ♦ memos of the sarviving members of the 881 Permsylvemla Volunteers, to be held it Erie In issuary, is talked of. THE State printer, BeAlamin filngerly, is erecting a large building on Thud street, Harrisburg, to accommodate his business. Tun Westerman Iron ClOmpa's works at Sharon were closed on Mon day died week, the result of • strike among the employes. Menem count hie Ave new Iron bridges, aggregating nearly one thou. saelleet. Two others are under cos. tract, and mime completed will add two hundred feet more. They cost about $24 per lineal foot. She has also three new covered wooden bridges, about lye hundred and city feet Wag, coolest about $2O per itneal fan. Tire house of two maiden ladies named Knew, at Phoenixville, was entered by two men one night last week, and robbed of $l,OOO in bonds, $1,600 in money, two gold watches, and- other articles. The robbem gagged the ladles, also tied them hand and foot, and they were thus rendered unable to giro agy alarm mall considerable time after the robbery. Gov. CIL.= ball just approved this bill, puled last winter, relative to the velment of tazes on nuoded lands, re ' iidithg the Comity Tzeunrers to keen a receipt book to enter the rearms of the payment of taxes on unseated lands, certified 0 3rdes of sald recorded receipts to be the evidence of.payment, It also allows owners two years from the present date to record In. This Iv very Savor ; toot Dun - hunting In Clarion corm_ ,ty is T!7profitable just now. , On. Thursday of last week, /2-. Bannon, of Btrettair, vale, shot ; tkx . e, one of them a fawn, without moving from the spot where he &ilea:Wen first shot. Onthelathinst., If,. Isaac Perupersosker, of - Claims. shot a track In Pilot township, which weighed, when droned, 210 pounds. Which Is add to be one of the Wiled eTer killed itt that ionic= _ Oar. Gnesri It Is stated, baa now detoonsldenticaueo leis • thee. - seventy. adsht VOClLlOnatteetie pirdon of co.amlen, pettauleanls, taut) , or murder belay the mend degree. besides Ilbsoet InutonetelatisppUltallons for otreadets ot Arlesalteinout due.% _Every *pont:Ulan fupardon. u soon -me received. Is rem . twit, with' ,the . mule thO ease,le NO. 28'2. Attotwey.General F. Carroll Brewster, who invariably, after due examination, reports adversely. AT inn meeting e( the Board of Public Charities, on the Ist, Dr. Worthington was dom= Secretary and General Agent. On the next day he handed In Ids resigna tion as a member of the Board by arr potabnent of the Governor, bat he In, however, a member of the Board er officio, by virtue of his position as Sec retary and Agent. It was not deemed necessary at present to appoint a Corre sponding Secretary, and when the ap pointment Is made the wisher of Dr. Worthington will doubtless be consulted. It seemed to be generally agreed, how ever, that the person receiving the ap pointment should be a short hand writer. Ten Bedford Aguirre says: 'The Cam bria Iron Company on the oth of Novem ber purchased 1700 acres of land near and adjoining the town of Hopewell, and known as the Hopewell property, for f 43,000. The same company also pur chased about the same time and in the same locality about 13 acres of coal land of L. T. Walton and the Buck tract Con taining about 220 acres, also coal land from Measra. Paul and Christian, the three purchases amounting In the aggre gate to V,M5,000. Wo understand the com pany contemplates the erection of a couple of furnaces on this property in a =art time, perhaps the coming summer. They will . dmw their coal supply from the above mentioned coal lands by ex tending a rail road up Sandy Run some three miles. The public meeting at Titusville on the 2d instant, called for the purpose of taking concerted action for the relict of Colonel Drake, the petroleum planner, molted in the adoption of a preamble and resolutions, setting forth that the discovery of Petroleum, "the rich man's nirvana and the poor man's boon," was due to hie genius and perseverance, and that inasmuch as he Is tow reduced to want, and prevented by physical infirmi ty from earning support for himself and dependant family, as a matter of common justice, as well as friendly sympathy, the people of the oil regions, and the oil In terest generally, should contribute a fond for the relief of his immediate necessi ties and the purchase of a homestead and the providing of an income for himself and family, as a luting teathnonial of ap preciation of the great service he was in• strnmental in rendering to mankind. To title end a committee of five was ap pointed, with discretionary powers, which committee has organized and des !plated persona in various parts of the oil regions to receive subscription& Tea Mormon Prophet, Joseph Suritk, says the /adepmdsat &publiems, resided In Susquehanna county for several years, about the time he was "translating" the Book of Mormons. He was very poor and with several visionary companions was engaged at times in digging for num err at places near the Susquehanna river. He and one Harris, who was employed with him in the translation, world work a day Sr two at haying or harvesting. bay a tag of cum, get it ground, and live on It till it was gone, in the meantime work ing away at the translation, which was accomplished by Smith's looking through a stone at the "plates" concealed ins hat, and dictated to Harris, who wrote down the translation. In those days Smith was more celebrated for lying than for any other quality, anima It was ignorance, and perhare a sort of low cunning. He married Emma, daughter of Jesse Hale, a famous hunter in tne early days of the country, 'who lived on the north Bide of the river, a little below the Susquehanna Depot. Her family were much opposed to the match, but she was determined to marry the scapegrace, and did, though she had to escape down the river In a ca. non to do 11. Smith early put on the airs of prophet, and was in the habit of "bles sing" his neighbor's crops for • small con sideration. On one occasion, a neighbor had a piece of corn, .nlanted rather late, and on a mold piece ofground, and, feel ing a little doubtflil about W ripening, got Smith to bless it. It happened that that was the only piece of corn killed by the frost in the neighborhood. When the prophet's attention was called to the mat ter, he got out of the difficulty by saying that he made a mistake and put a curse on the corn Instead of a blessing. Bath er an unneighborly act, and paid for, tool A awash in England carries a physi cian's certificate, which, when deciphered, is found to testify that the bower is afflict ed with hypocrisy and laziness. 3 1•210 7 -% 1143 i i:Jaij , 43/ 410 ELEGANT HOLIDAY PRESENTS. WATTLES & SHEAF= Harr just opened slugs stack of ties.{ ram. for Um Hondas. GENTS' GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. LADIES` GOLD WATCHER AND CHAINS. CHAIN AND RAND BRACELET% MOW, AGATE. RINGB • ELME. RUSTON& PINE BETE, or JEWELRY. DIAMOND RINGS AND PINE. !SOLID SILVER WARN, SILVER PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER HEAD CANER. FABIAN S fATTTARY. VALES. .k.e. AG boagtO al Um rsdaerdrata of gold wad •011 M gold rheas. WATTLES & anitarna, Jul PATH A1r1E21137.. aeon Brollltiald drier, Sir Hai r Jewelry end. to order. deeAtt DIABIE' FOR 1870. On 8 oolt of Dltrifs ror ISTO It now ecomPlata compettlor every alylw Oros the asaallatipackat .tot to lb. lawn Coaattai Rom Daly &oar nal. rowans oaf. two and awed don to &b. ma. We tan the= of all prim., so that pot salsa ordering by salt and only roomy fho aaa. Der of days to the tars, and tba gales (tamatod tom lO .ota to 69.50.) and the Book WI I as teat byyetardlsall. Alto, ludo anortsanat of Um Pat.= OW. Clotlas Marie. TEu IraCa suppllid at PablLthres wloWal• ILt. .100;pH monOw .ro. 129 B=lM:eta &Wear ==l 1717171 13. I. MARSHAL'S arcs, W. D. of Pennellyaal rmrsatmon. Deormer O , INIIIIIII. TGIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE tkat ranke Rd day of December, A.D. MP. aln Banaranter man Maned anion th t Snare ofJOIID4 DENNY N.L'efi.orAlleghoeY city, to the County of Allegheny and State of Penusylesata. who hag bees adJuiguel n Bang. rapt on Ins ona pennon: tb.t the payment of say debut an 4 detmery of say property bent. lad to goat Sankrnot to Min or for hi. nee. and the transfer elm, to rtyr ban are Ilbr. of br lan; Dun • Denting who Creettora of 00 mid ...UM* to Woes etr Dellsand 10 Oboe. one or more stolgeete of Minato. oral ho held it a Cent of - Bankrantey: to Ito holden at US releralettret. Antimony My. A l legheny emote. Pe.. bonne 4011111 N PURVl tlnhtqz. 5e.t141.11 ..P.Tgkil. g Dr' annuli ulillOCa. _ . U. & /dart ea Illonmagar. Omer At " ^aligurr. De 'S 'ITOTISE TO V& EITIVVIEL— , odes unt.ll 3 r Vek P .lll l HOESIMPV•• ortable9th. ftw the Construction of a NA FoOVwalk. 0a aortic able et Ohl. sant. Maar fast at Tal , 7 am to adage m.o. sexaraana• taltA was— calla Ita to bat alga sibs aim of QUAL DAVO4 zosi.. Cityal ls a ilare.. Taa reserved to non surf at WI Mb. a. a . 11.01111011. VT/1 ; COXIBOLL.II3I. cm THE DEM iiti I= COMMON' ntir i m u r c rta t ptia r Lo r ar 2 7 . : J .l =rf.,A , al Wrylu:Si f c i t i va Ib4 1116 y: bum& wait W a lor tram sit bbrabbb god .w.Me elates prosable waiter mud, Ad, by order of Lbs. 4440 belles Ikbeyaby cm 40 Jr ot., Sorb brro ,s yno7ol (bar *a Übt Wild day bririgla ulori.Va neW• #OlilS E. PO tmlwgNmrmwmrr-vo4 csaohlf say tbay twt, Irby dojo W tel. t trilr ' lL U l.Vlatata. VICIL IT~Or aRI-EIETHICHCHia 2,4 ieelaelr.vitt be MO es Sowed Emma Law sek.rda Oaks 1011 MM. ; . slam exewino.istigeat Saar; auras Mai ms A. do. AO; • • • , :llalisre• leasiu.• 'Snort 6. • Mail .Allll4 kicilaselPG EEO ap of a elab of I. roatoap•n us na=MM =I PENNIMAN, REED A CO.. == NEW ADVERTIB,INMMtI. "NAN AND '''r :." THE NEW STORY By WILKIE COLLINS, ILITTHOR 07 ^Pes Moorraroxs.•• Wolux It Wurra... "to to., =I WPM'SMY, No . 673, date of Nov; IS, ILLUSTRATED. HARriEns WELLY BUFF 311.03/ Sdi COWEENCI MEET OF .. MiItAADIFIIIP . TO THE END OP ISTO Ni pops 13.721.. . LEEN. Tao. wbo are aeauaratee eirlab M. Go lalmltaala aklll broweariaa • plot, ree la balm. lag all Div ebaraoters with a tafelaatioa sllde lenders the reader reluctant to part teem. S not need to be warea teat the. doh glMlNieslip be of far thew:eel otSractlys of tites#Z. - Mailn• in no Oaf equal to Mr. Cortiu V atitsl364 Us !statue of any tats no undertakes to WON. AU Us herOes itsLCI herotatio live la the .114 - 001 T. liii I=l any fames grotlattlan of tau sans MLR Wm = WMW hw warm',• Mftg OpMW ft = lam. The pi" of bin stories, though !bran la ulna. and apparently Involved. laelliStrUblill with such consaszakam /mewled', of drosills offset, that be ressitern carloaley b tapt MS stantly on the alert without bang wearlad et perplexes. From • perusal at the advisees sheets of "ban and Wife," we an Iss4 sa- LI•AP••• • • , •••1 •‘0124 u latanon* to use his pre•loas worts.-9. T. Trains.. It I. wow Woe slue thrinablio Mona Itt t41.1.1m. exeltamext •No WOO Trout In. optotieg of tab or* shosbd .7 Wu It trtll to equal to As prelecimionitintaP sad ImpenetTabli usterest,-At I. 50, Ilk* all et W111:20 0•11.1 ash Modes. is islear. easlog tram Ma MO. It to etaldsaftllthealsl,- stet chapter that Cho ploterlatara open Ma W as.= /aw at= lb. itetata;booh arldelalaln• dims, swam entrain alressiaitmeit, taactlopo prrteraled bl &masa Catholic elframma. 11a. ¬edly ft ls the &alga ef 14. Celli= to maks aL 000.1 the lestraaisat for breaking shwa tals abase—Jost as Dlekeoe awl used hltpaa to dad well ma legal mamma to Kaaba*. Tie messes la elm bratimhas of this rite storreortit tem 1 ass 1/tensely animate =mom; &Mann Poorest of tha reader to a thar etsnietam War sad olom/sl7 Waned. walla the wawa, is Welt held oat at • [ma for thalomra of Ilso tie' is tooerra Seth:4,—X I. Wlikt• Cont. las. beyond doostioa, astral la th• art of willow aa excittnitnal alliseltall wet,. .1 here Is a hostiles ratainatioa In Me m% wt h which he eonapelsiala readmsta hollow bem through the momes of spas subtle Oat. ta torlobb buntaa pushes. and craita Wu, the place of they supernatural mechanism ed the emllat 41111 or i. story•telllna. Milt. Col:More t new teM, /d • . an and Who,' i ' peontloaa. mi ihr l4 ..., one may notate to sa. to 01111 a acoMMIMIS oftener verbose tbsolin st of It. Other ororki. ' walla to will doobtle be al latermalas Mad Ow mantas as eny.—/f. Y. hatpladrat. andsing from Os law opeldng chapter; 3ds Asulg•Altlallknoiell the other worn of the Whew. MI *CI biome jyttryoree Motto to tot looted bee whir leers than core by Its myelsel of Men& • • • net co It to oaf. that Shur pessUael tbootther. ticia w.tsnetion that use la attlah tut ezuts e , 4 tha =valiate Oa time, are hers displayed la tall taro. sad that they ludlcala hl. lateatlaa to eameame the ale matt attention of hlereadesa—Amere I=l I=l I=l=l The etovel emu Ten sphitedly sad UseptesUanahty II 'nu tall saILOSIs• resdarsln enu poutry.—Plitexteipetie-CIV Auld* colifirs atm serial story ts Zar: ;Voir add I 'pedal atitsell"multilil PoPdar perladicaL4-$. Jr- Amity JrU. Long looted for, eons al Lin. • • _' some mantbt to nose, MI, We sill be 'civil stirs:Woe Is I/septet Warik4e-Pklesittilbili Attar Datea; were la so Ural neap% ate solo). proaturlT whlah approaches that ii WSAIe Coalas. Thom or Ali &ovals grata Imp beau for wan Us. Wan the f. 4114 Watt Ile favor which the, reacts se at 4Ukill.nt swam. uor, whl.e s aca salmi Opaiillalk pal* auras • alai elnralictloa to WI ' Paileeilaga to allawar. calla* so Iterpera W.514111.1a ralatiallaa" , Mama. plums la is etrailatlaa, dimity - cousecussee el the agaeocempt thst 1 1 / 4 01. : anavelaw Dowd. "Pisa sad 11/1110. WM west . ltscal.mas. !!, • • Thaarsasloptera siva sew watt prscolcsa szceallagly ve4 and theca I. MUG_ aoubt bet that eta proms as hamlet. , lag nue popular as Its DreClacallearl. pecultsrales of la. Cclllara stile raadualli =w itlaurably sdaptad gar publican, ha • ausal arm. The steady, onward alamamaillf the story Peeps tberradertalioastaasexpecaa, ' atm. sat laa Warne arateli U .11ellies twit ratable au* lastaleueat satrlaerta won wleklikrika-lte laotalarLbaasrikasemit cbapteza.—Calni cad JlauniTaloW . _ Elorpree Wetly ) la ha Lau of LW abet, adds to Ib ahead) ohniblaatlai, Of atllfar . , Wu a saw Dosallwilllkhi CoUlu. Tbs ~.f ora7 taraibbod abintruv.'ssitis as sink). lair merest. It coons. la than:Wl „ tar I nyla, tae peat ISO ill the trifkilliWO heotehalairlila .- las% S las istsl b runvo traltbsis. - Coodbutbe tbb-i r abooesses otitis attunes attispadabliblo, entantodaetbilibstais. ,*- ,mican mien mOl4 Pm:ixta HARPS'S l'El1011ig48; 7. -. TEEMS FOR-- 1 / 1 70 ,:..•i*. • -•-• kuarzems*AsAmstr. oiiiTentyrait naartips WZTXLT. • Ow, A rAi k rz ": r 41 ."15, aid / I " 27A's B 4' 2* ! 96 ''''/AO" 4 6 r‘ 6 ,..; 761/4.10:00i Of VLF Si. Ur AA min, My% a 'elan Us witszT, or IS AZAII 'ear be naiad tido " • su ..m r ofcu tamscmitigii I. ea. e Copia WILDS. witless =WI eovr. - - /elm anuses••••• to"oiler - Eurporii Retailed' Taistabot froit its *tacit Meiji' tho dome 111110torIocr Donato.: 11A101111 & BROTREIIB, M=M 111111:11111111111CIF Opinirrlir ord r it t arren_Mitri; T -.11/AUTSS.DAT. bahlat•Sit m a Mom: .03=cajlierra Ast.,VgvA n t i O4%.„ lll , o l 4 o * - Vmu F k tartilVf lin. s hu s t s via mr.i l trl i " . ""••shr w W% . 110VV B.4fldezk'.o4: • • INIEM i -