The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 04, 1869, Image 1

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113319 & CO.,
Office, 84 (14141 86 Fifth Asentug.
IL P. ism
as lean, per year
Dollvarml by cavilers, per west••.*
Contradictory Reports About the
"Movement of Troops"—lm.
manse Election Frauds—A Riot
Ceased by Polities and Liquor
The Fenian* Preparing for a
Movement on Cidadae—Robbery
of Jewels—Peabody .'Edna
-Wholesale Seism of RUM
lerles—The Revenue Wirers
and Soldier* triekbatted—The
Tariff to he FutPDown $25,000,-
400, and ' biternal Revenue
terreselmseVit tiorPitemerts osseuti
' - Saw . tont, Decernbericitet
behaved' that the movement of
trope In this vicinity is to capture a
Slithering Of men which are believed to
. .
have formed rendezvous preparatory
fore Fenian raid on Canada. Some time
ow:General . carnmenstar of the
Feniap forces ; tatted. an- order to the
Brotherhood to the effect that "before
anatheresitter has passedaway decisive
measures would be retorted to hy the
Fenian forces to achieve timtobject of the
Brotherhood." tbe pst twOtemiths
great activity has exited at the Fenton
headquarters in this and other cities,
and immense sulithelestman have been
enlisted; who haysf-bmn asetred that
before long they would find work to do
g the independence of Ire-
MD& •11: - ooncinded that the* troops
are to be immediately transported to
the Canadian herder in order to check
mate the potalbeillenisscirabL Another
report is to the effect that the troops are
hi capture another Cohan expedition
Wel hais beettimUutlng lit litres tares
tot many miles distant from this city.
The troops - left their quarters early this
morning for. their destination.
At a meetftig•of Use chile= of WU
Usmabuigh early Mat evening. Matte
Attorney Morris made an address stating
that Immense frauds had been perpe
trated at the Last election, and he bald
the proofs, and the perpetrators would
be brought to punishment.
thepapers teve extended eulogies.
grin fdr.-Nicharfflon. •
One of the greatest whisky raids made
bathe nalzhborhood of this city elnoe
the passage of the revenue lawn, took
place this morning In the Fifth-ward .of
Brooklyn in the section adjoining the
osvp.„yard; _
.:;yard, V,frisletietZT-Ez
tve arrangtments tete imidataithe
attack, and as it was appraises:OM - that
- rest:taboo would be offered, Major Cap
oral McDowell ordered outlive hundred
I=troupe to cooperate with the
Sioillaers tinder Iblissictor Pleas.
atjou. The distilleries were twenty In
number, and situated on Marshal, Little,
Baited States, Plymouth and Water
tree% - and Hudson saventut: The
troops formal inljneyiendtbeSsevenue
officers attacked the diatilleries. Thou.
Mends of gallons of whisky were allowed
to run from the vats. A number of
rezWere running at the time Thirty
isttibitand Carrell of whisky were
ed and thirteen distilleries went
either destroyed or captured. The cap.
- Lured stills were stored in the Navy
Yard. The stills, worms, pumps. to,
ea rare valued ateevaral thesuland
• deft "' - "Tee ow* . tuft= —up
'IMO capable of running 'eat lives
hundred barrels of whisky a day.
A few . of ..I,lm stills were removed,
last night, 'On the former' raids, nine
Wits were seized by some akar& The
working party was attacked in 'Little
stree where a crowd • numbering near
two thousand people hadessembled, and
...,vatnitesal persons were injured by bricks
thrown from - the house tops. The pres
ence of the troops, however, prevented a
Means outbreak. , The crowd followed
the troops to the navy yard entrance.
Seeping open uninterrupted volley of
mitalles . A Gannet.. who was in the
working party, had his head laid on
gatesby pa a=efatrh ► hands of a
rioters congregated about the and
,in adiscvnt streets, muttering threats of
- Vete:lnce Utast the troops and rem
'dee officials upto a late boar abater.
• Moon. Az twooMilack thatroops returned
MI Governor's Island and Fart Manama
in transports. ^-
A riot. the Impelling causes Of which
erne politics and liquor. osatDumread inss, the
ji tuor store of Thorns ett
e=ilesseltse,thlssiternacts. in,
lorence Scannell; 'emoted politician and
a cadditiate.far Alderman, was mortally
wounded, George Saltzman' was also fa.
tally abet, -end Joseph bleztine; an 4
Thomerilonshosh Dud/ Waved% but
. Wlll recover.J3canuelPs brother labeller.
, to have shot Ashman, and Donates is
' believed to - have shot - Scomirell. -Ail
-present - -rod unwounded are under ar.
ft to stated Gut PepbutersrierFeParinit
for a new movement on Canada. Their
ace W4O haveldenty of rites, brit need
money to purchase ammunition. "
, the residence of Sheridan Shook was
entered. ha owning while :th &tang e
p badly
ore Itdlnner, end the room
ritObook was robbed of $15.000 worth
JO: jewels. The moats, in their hate,
vjecerkeked a package of
. 1120,000 in Gni.
;god atetet bonds. .
A special Weahsngtati Aye
[ Commissioner Wells expreaseatee open.
sterathat , this, nett= can be Weak'
e..9 12 4 000 4 1 X4 and to this and the Coutatto
end Metre propels, to. em
eflown'ths tariff 125,000400. arid Marta
!'.rervesitte id 0.00.0,000. On theists Make
' crew duty oncoat,amt and Meter. the
• :Committee are *tie. • - '
IlitYreffians toeight ,Made Cridel on
s registry atlas in the upper part of the
telly. - dammed the. registry list
• s. robbed meat the inspeeteti of his vain.
• Tbesttuzsers•City of Antwerp, from
I.toorptol, and crow Glop%
*l.Autireartivedi ,
has of nine
, -fttlndredentedrilmderand ithi:l2crea*
L'; •.-- •
7' CHICAGO. . -''
'C-he Intend. braise
, —aaUstled.-wilib. the Verdict if. we CM*
-:,, asses Jury-Cap? Ester M
-Jeasspanunant of a Funeral .
alit'reesisalite gm nuatang_
_.*sss 4
~-. 401170A 0 0; Dedunber 1.--Tbslaide
! - .ol'.l.Dersths Vandeiihre; who diedsod
- ~
:I al l ay ertlttlials: i nigh‘are not ilatieed
, r , w ith the settle! of tilit 'Clarensee July
• yesterday; and 11 have a pose setrige.
easmlnsnon. They sum* BPI 'pbq , et
same kind. Tassa'gro 2 11F20120,0 •
Abortion. a ....-... ...... -,.,- ;2,.. , .
Capt. Ban. Bystor, who wits'aoigq
by Die Coroner . yesterday An ;k
the desperado Fraillig Wal b a m ite yht .
`; bre Beandar 11°Callister tods on is
writ of Mk= coypus, and. an in.
unginagon, disc barged,, the BeeNdes
'regarding the cup as clearly °pooling/.
!table homicide.
, ' ,' Dr. Made. s Elonseepathlo physician.
' I glad at Galena cni Wednesday. Be was
I •1 4 SilhAlthil4- 1 4 - daf• ...The Alytelm.
Ellstalle.' Mashies. , lb* IM*** ON.
• Antegt..ifigald the: daddltrieti e e de .
. cassed it tile "atitiolit[ed 'heft/tor - the
/Upend. Wben all were pi a"
• ready for theancray, idre. ludo gut.
denly decidatl t the funeral. d
be Plebs: mod. PO ad As a .be_
behoved her "and wan gill' AUT.*
„the Odd Fell° belt redre‘,
40DIPISMIOn Ph itli Ilan tagatitb la
.ehurch. to attend the Inners] eras . dlb'
- 0 ...
~...,, , -.., , - -
it 10 4 51 41 1 14 1 411 ' i *-Pilitaill
%tree Olit - of iirt 4r 4 4:. na g e.
Foe Forest c//e/nwn Her ~,I, ... . t
ter Telverseh to ulseltusersellautta ;
WIIICELTICO. ` December d- t o*
bust 811133 ... 1 4 h 'Weeds • • . of
ev i ,
coat tor 'Atm °ill olt the'lknor Ohio. I
broke a wheel d rudder *boa Steu
benville -last lug. ' Thy . , by
came unmausges le aad d . , dow n
the ries:. Fourteen were dunk . peen
Brown's Island.. and Wellsburg, - lb,
Forest City,area to the• • of the
Sampson 'add totted her ashore . cow
Jib condition. ,
:.fin' . - e~.;:r.:'%>~',-`;iic
~~ ~".,.L
- .4.
\ ,
• ,
, Is the lent sae
s; Mechem commenclel sad lataVala '
Illevemper Sabilehat la Wasters reasinnau. I
-'" 'ED anon. mechanic or mcachael abaci be 4
...,_- ~. - , : -,.. v.- P V\-- 0
ifY r . .
( r c , o Male lahmillars.... ......... •••• ov a
\ l--
... . Oahe of 111a.....a.................... Mg
Glebe of Um LIS
1 ' --
. I
• copy Is faralated antirdhallai tathe Pahl
The National Board of Trade—lts Eles.
dons Still Tull or li:derma—Excursion
and Banquet—Tim Members are Bar.
log a Goad Time Generally.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Bunt, )
Rica mom), December 2, 120.
In the Board of Trade this morning
Mr. Markel, of Dubuque, had the flan.
In the unfinished business of yesterday
being a resolution for adoublatraolt rail
way from . the centre ulna sour:ea the
grain and produce In the West to the At;
lantle unheard, he showed that a double
Iran! rued 1,400 mile* long, with train.
starting every dye minutes, having 8,200
trains on the track, with 54,000 can In
motion 365 days In the year, would cot
have the capacity of only /5% millions
of tons each way, while the Virginia
Water Line, with Wan of MO tons, and
doable locks, and cued only SOO days In
the year, would have a capacity of over
le millions tons each way. The whole
subject was then tabled by a vote of SO
Th uhisteenthlnoPordtion: A Niagara
'Ship a • , wasonlaidarod. Theresolu
tion • • • • 47 Mr. Begley, of Detroit,
Aire •g untie Congress the neoessity of
.. • • • a ship canal around Wagers
' • And _appointing a committee
Oritterrewarbeeaplalned that
•Oon was not asked to give any
mo .y to the work. The resolution war
adv.. • • by hiniars.4legley, of Detroit,
Dore of Chicago, Hilton, of Wisconsin,
Opd ke, of Hew York, and other.. They
urg Has not poly • eeetimial, but *na
tio •neeeselly.Tbetatiude ,44tlitg of
the • which might be n eed ed as a
navy •me day, is locked up where It can
Miler reach the ocean, Tba, cul t orhic4r
is variously thrtilniteif as ringing
from aix to twelve million dollar.,
la nothing compared with its vital
necessity ftu• it. There 'll a chain of
i t
water e 51.2.000 miles loogo,betructed
by fells, an obstruction which
may overcome for a few million dol
lars. Eimpec.Pr Aim Awkada, would, of
her' 'chore% be e , paraof the United
Stet eolith° commerce of this canal,
nerw 'flow IhrOugla. the St. Lawreaos
river, would then be - going through one
of our oWtt river.. The Welland Omal,
the oily existing otttlet for produce,
except the Erie Chard, can only receive
vessel"' with 20,000 bushels ofain,
while ta larger portion of the it/kipping-no
the takes carry 40,000 bushels.
Mr. Dilpuy, of Boston, said it must be
evidentto all that the radii/ma Papa.
da are goon to be changed. Movements
in that DaMinion indicate it. In view
of the Important abinute.he thought des
lay In action on this .subject advisable.
Mr. Tirol.. of St. Pauli gave a history
of the nnveinent In the part, looking to
a union' or Caned* with the Milted
8 and the cameo of the Winnepeg
vo wel.:
b d * other move
looking ta m tbe ente mn in the
end. Ail
i e:o l u nti g: rath im er .de stre e Lgth r e o n r ed !w th aa e t
!forimmediste action. • A ,
of a t o4liiril vote. but GI; a reconsider.
Won t was adopted, gym 44, nays 27.
.!! lah ProirultleU , 7lie Xteatlitdieu
of tray Freight Charges, was then
taken up . . Mr. itichards, •of Chicago.
° Ai rier
ilo arm sa ltit ba ion a , nekton
. Congregs to
tioliOf freight mid passenge !
in the United States, the rate to !
be • pu a reasonable inesometnite '
the loons Divested In each. Ile mid
bed a , _fictitione ttOckof
ittMilliong of" dollars, Ind - upon
this riublie manmade to pu. interest.
Bail de were public InWtutioni and
sub to the Interference of the law
- a gizmo.
ope , .
2 tater nntion hum Mr kila
ley, o South Circling, the resolution
was to led.
Theh and 21st propositions, refer ,
ring to the James fiver and Kanawha
Canal; and the Southern Penne - Egli- i
reed, ! . . postponed Until. to4norroir.
A , !dation In favor of establishing
Met , genteel Observations to give.
wire .• of ernitibir - storing-onehe 1 .. ,
and . - ..! ~ for the benefit of commerce,
was re erred to the Emanative Council.
The , . proposition. was taken op. It
coot tip from the Baltimore Board in
the . pe of a resolution affirming eon.
Urn . In the general pirinciplee of the
natio .al banking law, but believing the
issue f currency - COO Broiled, and ask.
ing .. repeal of that portion of the law
Multi . g the circulation of national bank
notes • • 5 380 , 000 . 00 .
On ......01 Mr. Rapes of Bruton . as
2grd • . position. recommending, to Con
gress the adoption of measures to beaten
the gumption of a specie standard of
valus ..!.. .g up from the Itoston board,
was so taken up, and both discussed
our p'elOck the Blard adjourned
tomorrow. The ball given in
of the Board to-nigh. at the Ex.
Hotel, by the dam" was
•. Id Malta and was idtanded by the
of fashion of the
ho •
stPart an Plimea—fgaluzge Cop.
eadratlng tits Troop,.
;a cis nu,..burze
..neetenter . &—A." Part ea
letter of the 10th ultimo, steam
eoncentralint att' by
aid, placing canon ifhatitter
is an evallable pudtion In defence
„ city. The palace le commanded
and It is Ws int/nation to nun
Ithe btdbitone fn tbenelehbarhood,
der tut palmation ware. •
1. reported that the crew of the
ar Penland have transferred the
to the revolatlontsts. At present
Is pp{ &single mawof•war of any
In port to protest foreigner..
exit 9Wnbta who was placed In
•of alSontsn. LAS .nhtenellfed•
.vanes, on account of hls treachery,
; • declared eaftwedt7Riesident
Mao I
of lb
natio 1
. Manns it i committed
• t She Ile, Ky., yostordsy
of out, brain'. Gauss, hi•
by bl
• •fT. M.V , ft,
M • wires bursted yeaterda at
n 1... „ d iftur named D.
• torilasi? ... ,reeed over Tell and I
on Time.
tfatu li
a great deal Of
- 1111 am A. Murray. of the Dos of
Mn y A Wslwith Mch . V. was held to
ball ..ursdaytn three thoolantlitellars,
for moan; highwiffes contrary to has.
I.= •
jor Chadwick. fteikibilca nand.
nee ,• r Mayor of.Costen. dectiesa. A
atiti . • ' meeting watt celled _
for last.
•• le Plume' .11a/I.' o be in
faro of Mayor Shprtleff'ssekt
' wattuslay Alterman Thomas_
red • Lig on &ma strode Phlls;delphla.
atm k his wife with , a hatchet and then
cut 'Athmat, while AborDtanatieratem
• • fit'Ot Hitstm is 111
edit amditioe.
anM n••• Mama shootin affair at Jack. l -
last week g .
between D. C.
figuwaly Peony Pelted
and Deputy Sheri ff Wszd, re
.• I n the death of the former and
UM wounding of the latter. Whisky woa
the maws
—.General Sheridan, vr is sick at
'Minn% is getting better bo
every day
though still confined to his bed.
Mien. I ypWd fever, has been eery
mere. *mend Ilarir ? aff has had charge
of headquarters during Samna Sheri!
1P D X 11.1 ".• rs• ,
_ CW4II :tot% piseetley,a4l:-lIIP
wuzinese fir= and erdp•keepate 'ware
burned out. The Me rchant . Mutual
Insurance Cu',. :bnildbg. a Theater and
Metropolitan hotel were destroyed
The Loss 111_ThriMily Balm"' at a roll.
Ilan to million and a half dollar.. •
Itr.:101110MOBtate Cluizdan Asscts'
• 164 etstertey, now sitting at Colrain.
bits, opportunity baying been given, to
present request s for prayer a large nem.
her Improved it, among them Mr.
of Shelby, Ohio, who asked spaniel
Drapers fora son who bad wandered
bhmAtieneViind frees Wheur no Utiht
:bad kwitn ptifeitt4 Seo l 9 pt*S.
This ease excited isalrsordleutry Interest
f a all present.
Juba fire yesterday morning at Gil.
" i on, TexaN consumed tour entire
blocks and thres.tourths of two othif
wok , -0 corded in 'the elotbirtg
rwiehnehmeni C area, corner of
Strandt and and !treats. A
high northwest winds orePt 4tao p ..•.
9nabetthwardly direst= burning
blockai on Fremout Meet, between
Strait& entiteostettleeetwietart ind three
blocks betrowle.htentralger Vitt Chimer
sad Wept sag preartSrs*Orink.
' 5 " '
Riot at Annapol s—At Work on
the Tariff—Navy Grades Estab
lished Appolitment Fifth
Judicial District Judgeship—
, Treasurer Spinner's Report—
The Nation's Debt Can be Paid
OH in Lesstban Thirteen Years.
1117 Telegraph to II Plttateugl Gagale.)
Treasnrer Spinner's report says be
tween the 11th of May sod the 25th of
November there were paid for United
States alz per cent bonds on amount of
the sinking fund, and for the hind Mid
'tablet% to the order of COngretta, intainest
and premium bind thereon Included,
589.222,270. These payments exceed
half a million dolhas for every working
day. The Treasurer now holds In trust
for the fiertitl7 of the Treallutron so
count fifths two funds nimed175,478,2110
In United States six Der eent. stocks.
,The dividends on these stocks so held
van Mat lin.- - ficoind tw , thie - Trier
enry and for the reduction of the
public debt of 14,528,728 per an.
Then • • Ism - already been
reidgiVelrltir Interest on these bonds,
poi.= in , gal, which his been Ittvilrusi
InVistpd eateli toads, reprtse*lug
$787,900, which are held ter the two
funds above named. If the same rate
of purchase is hereafter maintainek
and the accruing interest invested semi
annually In like bond; the whole
National debt will thus be paid oft in
less than thirteen years.
The Nevi departMent has received
information of • serious riot at Annapo
lis, Maryland, between several citizens
of that puce and a party of marines, from
which it appears that the difficulty orig.
lotted in a fracas between a marine and
civilian, last Sunday, In which tba former
fared badly. He returned on Tuesday.
*fin Oulmbel al" !mended, mono
his Wirittie. They Were Met by "'number
of civilians, and a general fight mimed.
The marines were worsted. Soso( them
was struck with a paving gene, and
knocked senseless. The difficulty was
renewed on Wednesday night. About
twenty-five marines, armed with sticks
and billies, came out, a collision ensued,
and a sarkuw riot was Jusudnoni. The
Deputy. Militia and pollee illeetWed in
checking it, however. after the homer
had received a blow from a billy, and
several other persons had been injured.
Owing to the absence of some of its mem.
tifille - dUI tied dO much lao-dajr. - f eano.
folttea have; than far; adopted ?b prellanl.
nary amendments which will reduce the
present tariff, If carried Into a law, acme
1115,000,000. As yet the free list haa not
been enlarged enough to Include article*
which would come In contact with
Amencan oviduakitt elrgife nature.
The dilly on opine ertirptoly be fixed
at four cents, and tea twenty oent• per
pound. A motion made by • member
to place coal on the free 114 is opposed
by Kelley, of Pennsylvania, and has
been laid aside for the present. Some
NairEgland 'interests/ere sulions that
Nova tia coal shall come In duty lee.
but Maryland and Pennsylvania coal
Interests are opposing this very warmly.
There will probably be a compromise by
reducing the tax.
The lloadof Officers moently- en Dee
Blau at the Navy Department to deter-
mine upon the rank of staff officers have
adjourned, and submitted to the Secre
tary their report which is to be trans.
misted in Congress. It Is cuiderstoodihe
has recommended that' sargeotts
of the fleet, paymasters and engineer. of
more than twelve years standing, shall
rank with commanders, surgeons, pay
coasters, and chief engines; of less than
twelve years standing, and the secretary
of the ittidltheraegrekatp, of the
Vice Admiral shall manila 11IMMisnts.
Passed assistant surgeons and first as
'Want engineers, shall rank next after
masters. Their ambient engineers shall
rank with mldehipmen. The above
ranks are one grade below those held b
the et/ff.:Millen foreeveral Tetra PO ,
There seems to he no doubt that T. J.
Durant. of New Orleans, will be appoin
ted Judge of the Firth Judicial Diann,
including Georgia, Flonda, . Alabama,
MLelaalp ta.
The President has appointed James H.
Flak commissioner to examine and re.
port upon the Oregon Railroad Oompany
vise Jesse Applegate, reargued.
Closing Argument en the Bible-Scheel
Question—A Decision to be Given at
• Future Day.
( in Te.j..gramb to ittaPittablaill 0 Azetts.)
prsredossi7.:DeOember.4.-41d. mord
log Hon. Rufus King began the closing
argument for the plaintiffs, by nyine
ads le an Mane of the Lira magnitude,
not merely because of theintense Mien* I
11 discussion his excited tturoughontthe I
hind, bur bemuse It' involves ttie great
and vital intervene of this city. To the
court It was of Interest as a nutter of
law. He had • difficult yak in re.
plying, for his opponents had travelled
so wida of the raerk. If this were a
debating tnatietis their amine .would
ham been jhati at, . The routiffen to be
decide/lima whether the remit/Bens of
the School Board were in violation of the
clause in the bill of rights. He read the
motion and the resefutions, and called
attention it, the fact pat the gentlemen
on the other side dial not pat foywerd the
first resolution, which provleee that ell
religious honruetionehonldbeeseludect
This evasion was by design, and not by
i iedthent, lyilWrieelettoa - witimdirect
Oblation of the CM/Ottani:M. The ten.
siltuiiim tog there shall be Listruction
irCloci. e . } goad says not.
atilt - ;_tierlig
01 1 174 r.
a 'the ah re! glotilo snit nibs
onssion, until i,~ 6 blare
, "Mani, emu wpaat,Ja Lt
ilibil Mon pstve itmtgbt 11% bestial
tithed: Thegreateat pewter ite Milken.
deity was that it had carried
so. grellt •"/ a: ilidglite.: ::.;a6 Us inu ,
prised at the statement of the
defense. that modern Manhattan , was
tug tipafloolitree.of Chttetheetty . He
thought - the lihnhfy it cgAil u r bir th
showed Ott !loos: Ind° , AO 101 t of
darkness--theotner the growing ifilis'Of
avillsitioe. , 'Esildeeassed,,thselailds
Irts. d et ri lgkits . t =tr i le i st Cl f f V z s!
Oat= If thel;llble breeetartan, to what
e , 41d UliMatilteloillkili no ',Con.
science woo trielik44. RN no child :
-t wiiii mit sii.‘ la- tit I, the -*Kt?
iertqt, I BIM" lle..eitd.A. Atla
&tied SO tetaer'SSiter Oohbolies
wedeln the itinffiol IBpard, besslos they,
bssorlyt heretedeat_M o oktfdefesi In
ria ,,„,.. b ,,,,,,. A f
MO votorL*T lb. { t warp
row INitila Re miußeal , %bap with
' 40 4 la Pol4ollo.c.k.tettPlOtetep el*
vithettedierthe 'wuttm -te wiat-ttatu
Hut peeple .optthe en the. =Woo; M the
Miring eleetibuit' ffeirtilid floor mations
Cuthotto_pepete toew.,theattet object
was to b HaTtliti theeliWolin Catholics
would not come into--our -Valletta
affriolik' '.and, lweehp, - MOM ''_," ne for
deserting. the' Ways of - Mir Tethers.
Mr. King Alewen milts eiripmning up of
the entltli elairr!dif plaintiffs. Mb
closed the argument, and the Comm
took the case ceder ecteheintet; sods&
Joarned. When It will be ready to
render a, derision. I. • bard to ay. Mr:
WrOB I O ,orlifliment , pen_ sited the cattle
alb'ems hetteit - -41Xilli -, Muni tbn.
ring thefdellvery the Court room was
densefirralwodildifl effitetatena.
1 !Tra ` MUM MO . Minya= : bity"
rgibto;-Cable ADlspateli-by Otago
- rfiliele..Trafts,: ,
triTel‘sobininit _ i
Ir6'ltinir4 tiamircibiMlTilo following
cable disnsielf mint by Mr.
To lidlioir on oblin—Goa bits
Tipperary-fiosial -Tan millions Irish
t . ner7onimnsyl3olll ' , - ~,, 'r":
140 - 5102 -Y14.70/3
Cable Difficulty Settled—Carlist
Conspiracies The Monarch
Ready to Sail with Peabody's
Remains—Burlingame Inter
. views King William—The Lon
don "Times" on the Ecume
nical Council—Will it Bring the
Church 'Peace or a Sword ?"
Suspended Journals to Reap
pear—Call for a Guard at the
Leghdatit Chamber Intense
Excitement—All Quiet Again,
(By Tolograpb to the Plttobargt eteette.f
PARIS, December A—The reported
difficulties at Farts and Waaaiegton
about the handing of the French cable on
the American shore have been amicably
At the sitting Of the Corps Lagislatif
te-tley, Henry Rochefort nee and de
manded that the National Guard be or
dered to guard the ball of the Corte Is
&Lauf In the Mare, for the protection
of members. The demand took the
chamber bigamies, and created an es
tramthillu7letaltattop. An expression of
astonishment burst from all parts of the
ball. Cheers *which was an.
wend by edam of derision and (Map.
proval. The opposition members gener
ally smitianded, but the majority protest
ed 111g41:14 the demand and dematitre
tion made hilts hirer.
Pinta, 8 P. M..—The fears oh diem:tore
to-day on account of the anniversary of
the twartoades of 1851, sod of the death
of Sandia, have riot been realised. The
city his teen unusually quiet all day.
and at this hour there area, symptoms
Loewe, December 3.—Dloestehas
from Rome announces that a prelyno
dal conference was held yesterday,
when a papal allootaloh wet delivered,
and oaths administered to the °Mean of
the Reamebles I Connell,
The limn to-day soya things et Rome
areargu4pg 11l for the Council. Galilean
tam is remnant. The Austrian end Orr
man Mahon demur to the dogma of to.
fallbility, and discord is. openhanded
among helium Antonelll aludate his
bead et a performance In which he never
felt ay mead! y. It will be some time be.
fore it cab become deer whether the
Countil will bring the church peace or •
sword. •
The cotton mills An Uncialtre are
again sunning on fall time.
MADRID. December B.—Several Carlist
conspiracies have bean discovered to va.
Holm parts of Spain within a few days,
and a number of weann have been made.
The authorities are taking extraordinary
precantichis eneinia outbreak..
Several order republican Journals, the
publication of which were suspended at
the beginning of the recent Insurrection,
have been permitted to reappear.
LONDON, Deoember Inns clad
Monarch la ready to Nall with the body
of kir. Peabody, though probably It Win
female a few days for tbe root of the
fleet. Toe cables ars draped with black
cloth and white mak.
MADRID, December 3. The Portu
guese Government has Invited tenders
for the manufacture and laying of the
anbutarl=fnqui Portugal to some
eligible Ataintesei ease;
touching Si Azores.
Eteamig, December a,—Mr. Burtinm.
had an interview with Ring Wiltratn
yesterday, and presented Me creden
tials The meeting was characterised
by the usual complimenteri speeches.
Prrtriancruo. December L—Oen.
'gnatlad has been appointed Malabar of
faretird Affilra, tomer:cad Princeaorta.
Quemwavowzr. November 8. The
ademathip Mush' from New York, - ar.
rived to-oa,.
LONDON, Demote? 8 —Ebening.—Coa
eMs for money 83x ; do. on soceunt
92%. American Securities arm: 62e,
85;`655, 04,0 07s, 115}4; 1040 s, sox.
Erica, 20N: Illinois, 0113‘; Atlarnto end
Great, Western, UN. Stocks untidy.
PAWS, December B.—Bourse arm at
720. SI&
Lol l ool l , December 1.-I'sDow f6at4l.
I @Ms. linear 88a fd. Linseed oil CO
I 12s. TUrpsistine Iffs 9d. Vaal* Oil affi
loa. Ce,hmtta Linseed 60s sd. Refined
Petroleum Is Tyid@ls fid.
Aarrwsur, December B.—Petroleum
firm as 60Kf.
Lrvamnititi, -December IL-00We—
sem of the weak, 128,000, exports; 00,
000, aculstion, 28,000, Muck 686,000,
Amer 19,000 bales. Receip ts of. the
week. ' • American amount
afloat "Aiparlean 188. Market
today dull: middling uplands 12012)01
Orleans 12@i20: same 10,000 bales,
Including &WO speculative and export
blancthamer market qulat but firm. Be.
Man of Wheat at Liverpool for 8 days,
(21,000 [mute* 'American 56,0001 nd
- western N 0.2. 8, Od@fladd: winter De 211.,
Oallforada White% lid. Western Maur
225. Corn—No. mlged, Oata
Pus 112 s. _ I lls fwd. parf 1011 ed
far new. lanaTes 66. Shane Bes. Ba
con 17e ed 807 new. Petroleum =than
gad. ; • -
Falurdeour, December A—Piveterett•
ty bonds el_clped firm sod unchanged.
Haven, Elgoernber 5--8 P. Y.-Cotton
closed octet On spot at 18631 francs for
IoW udddllnspg admit, 1843 E francs,
141', LOUIS,
the bileilitete Broiling Up of iW
Wbbkry Ring
Lome, December &—Tbe can of
gperry rredtynnan, distillers, or Ps.
ON P l '. w i t:a i r? . w ' 4l OP ° l 4l P d
other day, roes the 'Cahoot
the old =deity ring here, only *two or
three more cases being before the COUlt.
Ptirtiata to ttre appidnttoent of tbs Fro.
sent District Attorney, thistrlng carried
on their swindling operations with im•
vanity. They controlled a capital of
ocaol4lfentt.WlLunt and elabraesd in
their argarosenbil many wealthy men
and • comber of eroyernettent ornrnda
and !detectives. rka. Their opsationi
wereotalarge sale sea they controlled
the completely that babobsest
diatilisre mold compete with them. Now
nearly all of them are bankrupts, having
boutroined by the payment of 'bribes,
lawyer's fee - /ntborrustens of al
lam* OP. 71611bnie lunotusit
tbbiii6varameal atose the atamt
un s ay jaa bap
_in older. front 'Mak]
mow, 5 Oa One blintlred thousand dob
Ws, and WO or lima NMl:anima esses
ate at ii, tt - l:!!1; •
The tenser° ring also embrartng
of wealth and I nfluence, has, bean
broktWalo an¢ sermoti o f
oontlated rap. OPlrerdo of 140,1300,000
added ihkrTritieurr from this soma
addition %to the above some slat./
memos cases have beep won by the
9 (ll TMnecit. •
'lane 'Contempt Cass—Parttes seamed
—Further 'Angulo' Aimed.
( 4-Tele imph tome ?Inshore, Geom.)
bri l ol4.on4lptlFi LAM APPar . .
Uttle Bock special nye ; Judge Taney
a 7 uiEces dsr lf.Court, has rebound all
the offtetilla of the Memphis and Little
Welti/allroad,who gore arrested for
contempt. In refusing to obey
=Wooled that the Judge=
Midnetiod hold militithulty
WinneTbe quest loq 101MIMIr
Board labial maenad te ,n apla
will be decided Ay the Supreme um=
Ptiddent Ellinekleyiallbe old Ilemils
has made an &pollution to have the ere
:tratneurell to,th• Faunal ;won. wibigh
will be aalmil dlsposs• Of all iibsr,
tionsit a i a lred. -Thenalcent bUn' a
salt t
lb* bear 'Boarifftwa=easila
h a rd must,
. .
Conspirators blot—llaraire of the Chole
ra—The Immo°le dilated by the
apanlet at there aed itepataid IMO
Great Lam The Insurgent' Alleet
San Joao and are Etemdard—llitir
tory Government to be EistahlttuM for
Chum Villa. DUG-1M
(Br Tamara to the Plumage. Cismat.)
NEW YORK. Deoember B.—Later Hem
et letters state dud of th leader■
of the negro and Chineae coseplestoss In
and near Segue, hays bean dad, and
three hundred Mahe. administered to all
the others.
The cholera, smallpox, and fever am
none to rage at San Jago, the deaths
averaging from twenrydive to thirty per
di general Lewes haa ten thousand Spacrlah
troops with him at Ciareo Tutu. but
cannot make any
General Puela,=h reinforced
heavily by European troops, ash leave
to abandon Puerto Principe, as the Eu
ropean officers conspire sgatted him In
every projected movement.
It is reputed another expedition from
the United States had landed on the
southern shore of Cubs.
HAVANA. Deoember3.—A better dated
Santiago, Cubs, November 28d, contains
the following intelligence:
A well authenticated repine, reached
here that the memo Teaser has landed
a party of 121111mstars in the Bey of film
wlth a large quantity of military stores,
and that they have reached the Interior
to safety.
On the 20th the Spanlardsittacked the
Inanrgenis entrenched at llNgata The
troops commenced b . shelling the rebel
issiltWa, and then with bayo
nets, but were repulsed with great loan.
be of the Wounded art coming 111
The govarnment le minus animals In
tbeetrees On the use of the army.
Atlanta front Puerto Principe to the
2ttio nit. bare been rend Informs.
Lion le brought by a negro se the lo
=ta were app B an ' Joie,
was garrisoned by WI colon
warm'. party of twang with
en °Steer, sent out to reorgutolter, was
oat off and captured. The morning
the houtriptuts attacked Een Jose, and
sad after fighting _an hour
relied the white flag._ The tierrium
arlardad. and sew mg as °Weer
bur men who approailhed the rebel
Ulm and proposed capitulation. The
soldiers, without orders. Wed • volley
and killed two of the Sinatarde. The
fighting was then renewed., - The Cubans
v,ht desperately aid endeavored to
scale the entronetarnentle, but reicibroe
merits coming to the ticarrierm, theyenal.
ly withdrew. Eleven Widow were
kitten. The affair caused Much excite
ment at Puerto Principe.. The Colonel
commanding the Cantons ban been sent
to Havana to be tried by' court martial.
The Military Govemment wW loan be
inaugurated for Glued Villas District.
Great results are expected from thia
measure, which, it lie Imposed, will le
d to tie complete reestablishment of the
Spanish authority in teal quarter.
Tin Central Scud at On German Re
farmed etliacb—A leW Marlet—lt
Win reef to Pittitangh Next Peb
LIST TelensDh to Übe Ptusbeik Gazette)
Penatuctirrua, Deotinber 3.—ln the
General Synod of the *formed Church
the subject of the tarlatan of the hymn
took weedeferred till the next meeting.
The District Synods ware authorised to
annex the selection of hymns to their
respective liturgic..
A new District Synod was analltnied of Wentmoreland, l.7trloa, St.
Pant and New York. Clasela. This nee
Synod will meet In Pittsburgh next
Tbe missionary operations, as the as
the borne worst la canocrocri, ware rep
resented es Ina promising condition, al
though the friends down mme folly up
to thegreat detuesia_
In the aftensoan neden a anti of
charter exr estrunuautions was adopted.
The attention of pistons was directed to
the duty of giving certificates of din
nilsalon to all members leaving their
charge, so that they may connect with
the church at their new residence% The
report on the Wall of church we
Connected with the General Synod ere
3 .lases, 6111 ministate, and 117,C110 mm
to mantes%
In the evening session all the churches
were directed to observe, in a religious
way, all the chief church festivals-
Chrletruis, Good Friday, Feder, Awns.
Won Day, and Pentecost. AU chumbee
were ale° requested to lbrward their
foreign missionary money to the thus=
Evangelist Society or Now Tork,
Munch:rod CRIe Or tie largest Med
Important meeting of the Reed
Church ever bald in (late gountrY. The
subject of liturgical ennetilit, wit h lie
umderlying question% was the ob ject of
the ocrntrovaray. The whole matter, In
cludinithe DUIZIWOUII
nk =ll lb=
out af it, eras bat= end
tarty slued.
1111881138171 1 7
Ahura Sleeted by as Ovalblaming
Carries bat Mires
Laudlis—TM Legislature Lustily
Sr= use. ru.staral Gamow
lemon, Ina, December 4.—eddi-
Clonal returns from six mantles 'jell
Ain novena thousand additional ma
jority. Dent hag carried Red three cum'
dell, and these by very amall mhjoritlei
The whole Sidled ticket, with a hew Si.
eepUons, has doubtless bee n elected.
Toe dart at the National Souse,
York, Clarke Weedy, hu been muted
and lodged intail, as • dertspilee to the
extent of sa,opa
801011twomty tboneand IX/MBISI of wool
was mathued In Wuhlueton county
last week, by gr. A. W. Patterson, of
Steubenville, i t from fluty-two to forty.
dm aorta.
Gus Ram, confided at Brutlic of
murder Who wood &Frew, to takiag
leave o$ his coonael. il•Bith*and.
Esq., of Modvillit, him with
• dt.d chided :tog valued at 1460, am
• token of Fulham'.
Tnu treasurer of the Avondale relief
fend, acknowledges the receipt of 1102,200
up to November 27th, of which $10,747
has beenodd Pe to the alkaline committee
R 7 4 3000 tb - &"ted fom4
banks Id Ltmerne ill county t g i
cut p.O 'at pee
per cent Interest, $211.871.16 Invested In
United States tines of 1868, and $70,071--
131 In ritlbroadlon_ da t leaving $7,618.96
in the treasurer banda
ON the 27th, at Shamokin, liortletreber
law( °entity ' , Tho &Wards, coltired,
Imopiloyet'tt pond at Douty some,
wait Welty sliot, by some person un.
known, while engaged In hip Mules In
the porter's cella% A. short time preei.
ons be had a &lenity with some persons
at the railroad depot s one at whom,
named Thronestrues in
the Nu, and et the supe tint° tired a re
volver, 'with no Mher MCC tlotn to scat
ter. the Crowd, taus noggin blip to
return to the bold without Antler motes
tation. Buspkion felt on Gallagher, and.
wu arrested as tai assassin, but after
the ezaminstion of some thirty witnesses
he was released, nothiaL appearing to
warrant hisqLuilittitaL dq rdtltdael
ly resided at U 41701711.
A. mew= me of poisoning OCCIII ,
red tu-Poltsvalo Ca the elreolOg of the
Ist Wt. by which a whole thirdly, mimed
R oac h, were swept Into eternity without
warning, 'The Mises Jot/Mot says:
"The servant, swirl& girl, with It wag
exec, etemandleled.put ammile into every
dish ehe bad prepared for their copper.
tot abort 8 P. Z. the family were sadden
ta k es with oulentsetchmg =dining
the stomach. and before a phyebgen
could be summoned thewhob family
were dad.. Tiro= tobseilototil too.
seated was belltrendbid_tt gin • '
In theiredeehnd ow= otilw
...I, died ,. lhe alp to Op cellar
wan the POO _ of x . a deil* PLs
l y h o e log borne* reputation, and
are said to Mons ermoyed and ill•treated
Ute savant girl. —ammo swa t . hum
be& A spirit of revenge no doirit spur
red her to the commission- of the deed,
as there wren° valuablesin the boom."
The girl node her escape and had not
beenarrested at hat smotmte."
The Browning Assoclation—Batertain
went Ls Evening—A Brilliant Ana-
epee, and an Intereettng Programme.
Lent evening the Annual Literary and
Musical Entertainment of the Browning
Association, connected . with the Pitts
burgh Female College, was given In the
Chapel of that Inatittition. The audi
erne In attendance was very large, ap.
preciative and fsahlonable—oas of those
characteristically brilliant assemblages,
which these entertainments never fail
to Minot. Heretofore the "Browning"
has won a high fame for the meritorious
character of the performances, and If
the sentiments of those In attendance
Mat everting be a criterion, they have
but added fresh laurel. to their reputa
At seven and a half o'clock the era,
ciao* opened with an Instrumental mu
sical selection, In which Prof. and Mrs.
Messner and Una A. Smith participated.
Rev. John A. Grey, pastor cf Christ M.
E. Church, led In brief and fervent
The next performance on tha pro.
gramme was a vocal duet, rendered in a
nappy manner by the Wawa McMullen
and !lawyer, and greeted with applause.
Mae Etbrourney Trask read the first
essay of the evening, "Rising Into
Light," a well written and creditable
Following came an Instrumental duet,
by the KW's l;✓wman and Derrah,
accompanied by Professor Menne: on
School Moak" was next
tontriltin a felicitous style, humor
s, and slightly Mark Twaie-tsh, by
Miss Emma V. Ni cola, MI2O wu warmly
Prof. Slimmer and Men L. Sawyer en
gaged the attention of the audience for
• few momenta thereafter by • touch of
"music," which U a sample of that
taught In the Plttabargh FemalsOollege,
was eirdrumtly commendatory of the
musical culture obtainable In the Mal
The programme was now agreeably
divtraital by • Pantomime, remsem-
Mg • 'Boarding School Scene
Sell',— signal for turning out the
lights The went represented the ting
ing of the bell, the turning o ff of the
light, the panaeof a fat miimemis until
the teacher had Mired and the antes
quent rallying of a bevy of the fair un
pile, each of whom brought to the ren
dezvous mrmettdrut in the edible line
which the gayway were stealthily but
happily disomMng, seated arousd the
baud, whin 10 the leather return;•
general •acamper aullues, sad one little
Wire the frzYwhof art, la marched o ff to
The pantomime was exceedingly well
rendered and elicited the heartiest ap
Misses L/Aca DUB and A Smith ibilow
ed In a beautiful and finely rendered In
strumental duet.
'TThe Songs of Seven," Jean Ingelow'.
exquisite poem representing riven
scenes in the life of woman, was pre
sented In • &ratites style and with
charming effect. The "Exultation" was
seen in the foe and happy MOM/ of •
beautiful child. "Romance" at the age
of fourtoen was the next stage. "Love"
had its representation in an enthtudeatic
Joyous young girl Just budding Into wo
manhood. "lfttmulty" promented •
scene of a happy mother surrounded by
her four young chili:l7n , her pride and
hope, "Widowhood. the fifth stags,
shrouded In mounting hatalements, and
with a sad lament for the departed,
was premised with tonchingtenderueas.
"(living in marriage" wu depicted in a
young maiden, full of hope, Wwing-at
the mother's knee in bridal ralmenta,
and receiving the maternal blaming.
Seven time• atom, the Mai Sage. "fend
ing for home,"—old calm and
peaceful and happily.cententect, review
ing in rhythmical melolly the pleasures,
the trials, and the anomie of the put,
bidding adieu to the world, and hope
fully looking forward to the bright
change which should bring the weary
wuderer stem"
'Mich Mane of the rsautibli and spa.
thetle poem was represented alone, and
with anamatedingly trutlittil and int
pmeave affect, which elicited the warm
est sympathies of the audience.
A vocal ealeMion, exhibiting superior
abilities, by Mica Kmms P. Sawyer, re.
calved the approval of the assembla ge.
MW Lizzie Kenned,y, in • pleasant
way, talked of .The Girl of 1870," esti
mating that fair atesture am •itbe highest
syfs, of woinsabood" intellectually,
morally and physically.
wThe bell goal • ringing for Sarah," •
bumerone ballad, modeled in • toll,
elm: and street voice, by Wan McMul
lan, In character =dallied mapy WIPP,'
bits on the social “shams" of the present
day, which the assimblage seemed to
fully appreciate. At its conclusion the
singer was called out by • rapturous es•
core. and sting one or two intim of the
long the wood Illus.
Moe Little L Perching, to the dining
recitattoo, "Alter the Battle," &trolleyed
• high order of dramatic shinty end ex.
raweidoo, and was rewarded by cordial
"1 Dreamed I Dwelt to Marble Halle,"
by Mae A. Cora Brown, • oppertor vocal.
ist, we, en jlearttly
t itg ad itto that the
fair singer Ina rout to Mar the
the audience wi th another tong,
"Coming Thin' the " serving se
happy selection tor o th Wood effort,
which woe received with equal =thud-
The programme wound up with three
tableaux, “Clod " .The Ball of the
College" and the Idsztyr."
The second was not doWn on e list and
considerable curiosity was excited by Its
announcement—a 1:41105Ity which was
trensibrined Into • peal of hearty laugh
ter, coupled with applause, as the certain,
slowly drawn, revealed • stout but yen
*raids table, bearing I:monition:Bosons
of %hob/gest dinner bells.
The "Martyr," was reprosenbed by •
young end lovely , &male, bowl to the
gluts with cliar t Asurtndad with tag
.I"Wy for I ticin, ind with aa
loused Sae, an • eteady,earnett 6i pM
lb and triumph, looking to "the land
which Is ahr WV.
With the drawing of the eurtan over
Miaow/ the eactlenee team to elver=
sad the anterteternent yes over.
Ttnountoul II tram • perfect ' noos e,
end t bosideo being one of the =at en
ablit over even Itt Yip Oi r r to
In the tstgbeft m* t an 4
upon as End Fops or. WIN par.
New Striae. at Parser's Lawflag HA
Vletalty—Varteaa Items.
The Northsvestenelleto of Tuve.
day, putpshed at tawrenceburg, in the
oil regkate, has the following lid of new
all strikes at Parker's Landing and yl•
deity :
The Lone Star on North mid annum
Island, on 4 of u l g t o g lsiond (dl '
Common o Hartley,
E. H. Lung. by
and cabers,
was tubed OA week and la Dow being
The Taylor W on land of Ds
Puller, on the r iver, owned by R. B.
Allen, W. Taylor, Mr. Mason, Junes E.
Brown, H. N. Lee, Elliott Brothetiand
bas been iDb4d bei ng
with •W e aPPOsnines , og. •
Darby ell, on tile Oilerd
of Thonute Bluth. owned by C.
On, J. E. B/0118. J. B. Findlay, Joseph
Mantrove, S. E. Wlllleaohn Graver,
B. P. Bldford, H. A. Breed.Wllllam
Cooper end E. B. Allen, he. been tubed
end le being tested with favorable pus.
w rit titt El o ptl ass
i picrrytirpeen mop,
tubed, and Is now betty tested convenient to
the old Bunberry wed& The well is
Ownedty Allen Wilson of Stonturry,
Dr. Erna and others Yoe todiestkoto
are that it will prove ee lead en average
The Jane Well—on the river. net the
Mike's ran, on land of 'Dr. Crawford, of
Eadenton, Gen. John N. Purls:ace,
MA John M. ThamS of Butter,
John Halnen. of Hfzill: Ind
other, fun just hero bed curd b new
being tested: The slow for oil le good.
Win h e we = informed g, that, tbuith Interest
er, sold, benne she commenced
for tinsistrwan hilndnd
W• understand tg oo ktfi p pluten
putter la h red aid'
ton Meowed a o Uar. abi PrOPejtj a&
the Landing. UM *PM' Wang! •
' A .DADY Is titles. IL Y., citified 'to a
newspaper an account of henna antehle
n/drowning , and , atter the ftent wu
publlsheA In tletb, blood and bank As
appeared at the editeitnuttania aid ite•
mateial a eantailletton4 ' •• '
Members Arrieing—A Gay Winter Au-
Urinated Nontiern Va. Southern
Beauty—Hon. Fernando Woad—Tan
Ctiban question and Financial Affairs
—Women's Right.--A Nag Flaiai--R.
W. Wadley's Chasm:a—Work Com-
(Correepon ' , once of the Plttabortb Go tette.l
WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 2, 1869
The city of "magnificent distances"
has donned its winter livery. &natant
and Members of Congress are coming In
every day, and by Monday the two hun
dred will answer to their names.
Pennsylvania Avenue, which for
months past has been almost deserted, fs
now lively with the gay and busy throng.
Others than department clerks and the
regular denizen are now to be seem. A
handsome woman may be seen OCCILIdOn
any, amid the throng of long kora, half
starred, original, true Southerners, who
imagine that they are the only sumo.
bodys In existence at the CapitaL
This winter la to be the gayest that has
been since the good old times, when to
be a Virginian was all that was required
to carry one through. And many a fair
damsel from the North will shine, where
but a few years ago none but a Southern
beauty could be allowed the pleasure of
being the "Belle of Washington." Thts
season the daughter of B. F. Butler will
carry off the palm; and others will be
just as gay, yes, many of them, but all
from the North. Butmore anon. Lyon
want a Jenkins, I am with you.
Is here and glorying over the recent vic
tories in New York. He states that he
has several important measures to pre
sent this session, among them one m ref.
erence to the French Cable.
Ills rather too early to be able to state
what will be the position taken by the
majority of the Republican members In
reference to the Cuban question and finan
cial affairs, but a few days will develop
the State of heeling which crisis.
I saw the new Secretary of War, for
the first time, bud evening. Re Is a fine
specimen of • man, and is making hosts
of friends. All who come in contact with
him are well satisfied that he is just the
man to succeed the much lamented Raw
The Woman's Rights meetings now
being held weekly are affording "Ye
Locals" of the Wealth:eon press with
plenty of food, and it is relished by the
majority of readers. A. party of fanatics
are running the ooncern, and any of
your readers who have been to Dr.
Jackson's lectures have a good idea of
how the Mines run. There lihonestly
more common sense in one lecture of the
venerable and quaint Doctor than in all
the speeches made at these meetuiga.
The Arlington Hoare " waa opened
yesterday. Having only been furniahed
with a bill of tam I have nothing to ay
except that it is high-toned, and may be an
improvement on the Gettysburg Springs
Hotel, where Katalysine water latosi•
cams and looking glasses are scarce luxu
Prominent Republicans, many of them
from the eastern part of the State, have
been here within the past few days, and
from all I can learn oar friend, a W.
Mackey, Esq., will have but Utile trouble
In walking over the course again. There
is every reason why he should, and none
why he should not. Ho has made a moat
worthy and rilicie.nt officer, and another
year of his management of the fIOIIIICI/11
affairs of the State will put the old Hey.
stone In better fluanotal thaw than she.
has been (or many years. He has our
test wishes, both as to success In the
coming contest, and that los health may
Improve so that the State may not ham
his valuable services.
Several committed are now In Bandon
and are wor king hard. The tariff ques
tion will up at an early day, before
which time I will try to funibill you with
an outline of changes which kw Om
ward. Eon. W. D. Kelly will not per anything that will Wore the mann-
Lecturing Intereata. D.
Ttto Cerarte--An old Longboat* to be
Rued—lanebvltto Prospects—Large
hlVEStaleal of I,,pttal—Etaltread Alit
tars, eta.
(From oar Ewel2l Comesposdent- )
ZAIMBV/44" Dec 8,1888
Dias °Awns : Ttro mina have been
in session here about two weeks. A
eatuddezable amount of budneas is being
bensseted. Hon. H. IL Granger, the
young and males Judaea( this District,
has presided, sesbeed for the last few
days by the Hon. F. W. Wood of Mor
gan county.
The Grand Jerry decided that Hoskin.
g= comity ought to have a new court
on and so in come of events the old
State Boum, erected In 1809, as the dist
Wilding of the kind Ohio ever owned,
will have to pass away, and give place to
a modern court house. In my Judgment
the court home, so tel mi lts dimensions
concerned., don not need to be es.
placed by a new building, but the man.
ner In which the space Is employed and
might be ugly Improved. The
(% s tr i Turt totuul no bill against any
one for the shooting dead of Sue Lee, the
colored saloonkeeper, a few weeks since.
This is carrying out the doctrine that a
colored man lo
to ut no rights which a white
awl 1 4 0 4114 toned,
ALA= riuxonva.
Quin toad in the milted the
Ohio river, our mai dealer' have been
'hippies all the coal to Clincluttatl which
they wild buy, at about 7 to 8 cents, on
the can No brisker Nutmeg waa ever
done here la coal thap.ktmi twee done for
the last al; weeks. Bet It Le a male
pow rittalitugh can transport coal to
mp and compete with the coal fields
of OMo, that. are so much newer Mat
The lioshiagont river is now at flood
height--blgher that at any time three
hod whiten./ The propellers and steam-
Duda hart anspeaded wadi the water
zarizerudat PROISMOTL
I notice the Gasman, in closing some
remarkcOn onr Mate, has this anima:
Thertis no BMW In this Union which
has better Mason to he satialed with ha
oresent orndition or hopeful of the lb
km than (Wo." I would say that ,thts
is pre-eminently soot Zanesville end the
Muskingum Valley, In regard to the &
term at least, and the time !snow at hand
when this geld should he occupied with ,
mend capital and entegnisa. I state- s
tact when f ay that owing to the prox
imity of ore and Coal, Itn Is nude here
se 4a to compete stuxessfully with other.
waters In yourtuark* •
The °mations In the oral of. Perry
county, just southwest and adjoining
this count;. wilt open a market for mach
that Zanesville will be 'called upon to
sopply, beesase the nearest point trom
whiclsthat can thaw its supplies.
It Is anrprtlingic note the largesmoust
of cepttal that la now pressing Into the
coal fields lathe ueighterhobd of EHntits.
Tills. This capital will nuke srants:ss
e populatlontocreases, which mat be
Supplied promptly. Perry county has
not In In voting population In the
last twenty•llve years. A few days slate
Inked a claim of thattoupty Ithy this
was so. 'Up 'replied thWarilina4 the
INlnt7 irg a rld bat mostirlskroA7 sere
le% mad. firs mete 041 tiveuty years
there bas been a doubling up, and land
bidders who desired larger possessions
bare moved west. The rat= will oh*
slime intraue yearly tairoteit.
The announcement that the Prealdeat
otthePlttstmigh,ColambnuandSt Lots
Italtmad has boned the' Zsnenilie
Clidanal taltmad; 121 tbp VMS 01
r e ? f rat 9.l ll4 P ....nt#20,414
NO. 281.
shippers of produce, and, indeed, to most
of the people sere. It la now expected
that the branei between the Panhandle
Road and Zanesville will be speedily
completed, and that competition between
the two lines of road to the east will
a great advantage to Zanesville and vi.
chatty. More anon. OLmonnt.
Tna sale of the Hoven:men, property
at Harper's Ferry is progrng. It
has been divided off Into lots as follows:
1. The musket factory, thearmory canal
and water power of the river. 8; The
site of the Rifle Factory with water pow
er. 8. The Shenandoah Ferry with a
tract of 68 acres south and • lot on the
Harper's Ferry shore, 4. The perpetu
al right to cut and remove wood from
1398 acres of mountain land seam the
Shenandoah. 8. The iron ore of Friend's
Or. Bank, •
A number
The terms .
) brought
$1,700; (4)
mains yet to
road figured
capitalists, wh
Ferry a peat
cured the ptr
the sale wi'
000, which
erty coat tht
mat of the
mon school
was originall
Preacklag tvs
qrgiff, "
8..). F. lit
else wer•los I
WI-grat t
cr•II/oel r.
D =1.".. 1 11,
rge - F I b.
Bray, Paaaar,
11•__ . L..1.. corner
SL paths
mar of
_Yrred /
/Will ill,
Narratives el
art d la their IS,
gri rrtr
am% Poll
I• A r d .. s = I
'rut lan • !segue
All us cardally
ars rms.
r fist! n . taat ti,
103‘ a. aad
Saatlay School at is N. lactate sad Prow
Ilasslag wiantraDAr syssuftes. Itiaada
int& ft the caa
.. greguloa and pabLW cordially !myriad.
arumtesumn. CHURCH,
corner (Inn& asst ' Ampex.
Its, W. X. V• 11 Dxlll.o . Veehlb
Seats frelb Lad • elum*
at P a. Y.
seeds) •••0114.
dellver the wcoad
mice. hatleet—t•The,
o so so d
blulfßOW. December d.
tad TIO o'cloes r r. 4 t.
P. lIA.. S. Subject of Um
••Da Harm., with &Rao'
moortrailoo of Dm lospl
All aro omehally 10011.94..
A: AGE. Diner. 1
loallsb bar earflAg•
'Man old. at. Mai
o g
aaa. Ati d
tnlill. i ll
DZfo Zeeld. z
wrote old Clay Ila
la nem ready for *7
Wm. OP Om Poem
Pttiaborgi e
NOTiege—The I
Plop Mariam to MY.
natty foe exananualoa
elite ..IN WEDNO3OA
1009. when limy Plll be
hammerer, onto fee mutt
Wane,. hue/ Weal.
lawns. lane• Weelel
lallete Paso Wee
lallate. fumy We
le leau• Pettey We
[ideate Panay Wen
Colldres . . Undenree
Ladies , &ad/Mace M.
Genie% renal• see
Old Stone
NIX 24
de• •
CUM of Penn and
NOW co
Dannlong an
Riganon and Winn 19. ad botiona-Tlean
tad nelhaarol ingseal.aaddencoadntlag
Inn Me Bible on& lee Aseaanion au antler
non ea Uneven+ to Dro It illaWand. ih
In. Omni Nairn. A D. 1., MatlDd of
Walton CODS% Liverpool., 9 14/AP - Pv .
AONOST/C AIDS. • Itaanilbe
. Pneillioaare of YoaleM. 11 Dt. CALL
BOrtn.•nbuatlatdcastotutlz Watt
soliallso Regional et Winn. Tone dank of
L. C. t..”. 11. v. mats.
na. cloth. ALIO.
fire Nano la lL LooonailvA Inns at
meata. By *4.. La
ea•Cloot dao ••••
UMMI illassaalpt bruin - D. IL Gonna, I
1.11. B. 2,, ell. Sr.. WM
Alan. SERA --
By 211011141 H. SenENAN. yOraca flu!
- e/alb. !Menu . . .
_ .
THE SEEM a human n.. near L.
WKS SEOLtX+Y. Sy D. 2.7.latsTED.
E. L. ob. Say Ds ISHODIEENEs
.RE saidinuE. EsUailAsly,
lava Plk• xn •C- 1.61441 !. 00 . •
.By SILL &Say.
nu m. lama 7f6Pp .. ElyteXpow. lairs
Sloth* 0 .0 0 .. •
"Of U 4 by al 141t11411;n, or arlll Oa
' lilll.4OK-114 oa
.IWO "W*1610117 a•
, 4:lk. tArencerirr co.`; •
111 11 *DArIX ituraal Cliturt - Lruisseseloh .
IC aet a• west.
PFINNIrlitAlf, ■EED i CO.
pannums A=P
OVEURIIING lAD RIM ill 1111111
rho Ileentary of tbe Hartlaw Maly Llm
N•ml &mkt,. ON. T.,1 ...Um elapitantler Z$
ma Fab mar Limn= Courrnricea. ail
recahnbil akpacial MUSICS IV= Ma pullgas
bates Um mod Wafts mer broyft IS
lisszkoath Coaacy Fair. st hoseuld. ■. 4....
Baptusber 14, 1154,
Hew Taft Btu. tar, al iltalo. H. 1..
Roam , Comity P•tr, St. Pm]. lima.,
1 ha Ai Amin am Fanny Yacht.*
1 •• rata Amerleaa Yeelalae.
1 •• *WA Itseklac
w.uoataa lidos 7 . air Ltratia Constr. Obi..
Roue1.001•11 Pals, IL Y.,
nee COlllll Tat , . Obi..
MIST P 11113111311 run MACHIN'S.
=E Dl=
rtmmoa cosarriitt:2o:6o
Val, at C7evalaad. Ohio.
nix rum PItYJIIITSI sump m4cluini.
The am and highest pessoLus ersa der~ta
the grant Amerleas lantgaltala, Oriesemag
lad demise 'Machina by a -shah gas
the Catosattlate ne the °seabeds Cuba fete.
beguater m. 1160. Ute Colanaltlee um an.
nosed of Meetly utstaseated entllloes,
wan Mauled to law wastage of Asearae new
eldnery, sad well sees , tated wla IWWIss Nes
tabu mete susluties of aldasehemlia
estate:las arse thoisult wad alma and 101
taseldses wan tested_la .reel lad arelleas
ltd la their must they saanlmouly 'speed
that the tatrylean Buttos-toot., Ouneizate
aM during Itaahlne, was upertor sitegars
for bully nu. aseh.awasdatst MS highest pg
miasma taw weehaaleal of ale we-
Ulna to prominent wad Its ograthae to Waft
awl auds that nose who welt was au atom
It the 1111.55 praise. It easalses • Banos.
Hole. Ovetassmag and Samba Iladdigi Dada
salvia Sala, to age to testate sa4 fakriassla
awl le wasted toll tads of week setdslia •
IlaboyiarCoaaty Pair, B.
!Warning fair. Pixas7lMl6l.
Pak 61 lisrodeld. Mattlas& gaudy, I*,
• pirlatitnic.
OlDan of W. flocesisa of Omar Ciscar4Bo
Itirrsionta 11111.**.'
Thu is to wary that I bus eoalftillllo
Amerilms cmerisciam &MOW -
Ilindas *se4lbs. and multi" II tie Ini.S
whet. za4 pnettal
srp mem% IL L. Iltassaaw,;
l'ess•LOcrcre Co. Aireicaloral
lOWA /121014101
XECH•BIO.7. /All.
TA2ginal.; cotritrz
whoa' seTwirovarrs,
NM /MD WILT rt 10417114, Lk,
11t0111OXIMMILL , OMY 7•11. '
neyrraziaint. • c•
hump 'snot
W A IrakTIL L 7I . I.B9 ' r
OW &ad asluzooms.
Cr. fi
Fifth Avant ud-Ilazitta.
41.4 . ...
Bell utßrase FulderN:: ,
UQIII tocutanik & " 0 4 4 11 6 1
gad.: Proltialif
• - 4 .4 01 / 01 :4,61 4444 4 ,'
ergyousorim4 ll4 4 66 starsade ~-
. ILece r sha P rol tathllls. r./! 4
STEAM ittiltlic;:v-
Me" 882 PENN'B7,4,lOft:
Mr. ' l 3 l :' - DVESEATiIii;
; I `f
OW ; ilium,* Isa4,o4Agailltibe
01110 PAHXD PELCHNiI. i" --.
(nos. snrwaresew ffipsyttee t wiii m
Pnseis•Maletsisit errOlKApplisilisj
rewind LA for irW•4lArhgaintaliaissope .
0 a 31 C ERA. .ir„
Oa.- *-Cbrars, ItAratsaWlltiftworme.
. .