The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 02, 1869, Image 1

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Office, 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue•
EDITORS Ayro Pitonuseou
of man, per year.
Delivered by canters, per week .•.. ....... 13
Democrats in Council—What they
propose to Do—Whisky Deal
ers Arrelited — Spaniards on the
Alert—Chinese Confidence in
Mr. Burlingame Unshaken
Mr. Richardson's Condition—
Difference of Opinion Among
IlfsPliysteirma — Re Cats Scarce
ly Recover — Cuban Meeting
By Terrerccit to the ntairome suirtu.i
New Yona, December 1, 1869.
Edward Schaum, the murderer of
Stott, in Few York, was found last night
at "Roddy, the Blacksmith's" Rah:lonia
this city, and arrested.
'Mere was a meeting of the moat
promineht Democrats of the State at
Albany last night at the request of Gov-
Hoffman{ at which tho policy, to be pur
sued next year wetifreely chemise& Mr.
Tweed, General Nelson. ()Aug Hall and
others were present.
The San's dispatch says: All the guests
recommended the Governor In his men.
sage, to revoke the action of the late
Legislature, and repeal the, Fifteenth
The canal question then came to the
surface, and gave rise to a prolonged dis
cussion. The general feeling was that.
the rate of tolls should be lowered, and
the present contract system abolished.
With respect to the mtudsdpal reform.
the conclusion arrived at was that the del
egation from each ward should prepare
ouch billints they should deem necessary.
The Commiulonera in New York are to
be abolished. O.her matters of leas im
portance were merely' touched upon.
A number of .wbbe/ty dealers In Ron.
doubt and Kingston were arrested by
Marshal Barlow a few day. ago. Their
stock was set . ed and their places of bus.
Mess closed on charges of defrauding
the revenue. It appears that no stamps
have been used on their packages. and
the revenue officer In charireof the dia.
Wet, it is said, has not reported a stamp
sold for two year.. The frauds are said
to amount to one hundred and fifty
thousand dollars.
It Is rumored that the Spaniards in this
city have been making earnest inquiries
In marine circles about the number. ar
maments, location and movements of
our naval vessels.
The Times' correspondent at Ppkin,
writer that the Chinese govemmt Is
anxious to have It clearly understood
that Barlbsgame's treaty has not been
neglected, butaction On It only deferred,
It being thought best to wait until the
result. of the negotiations of the misaions
with other countries were received, when
the whole subject might be disposed or
at once. The confidence of the Ministers
Mr. Burlingame is unshaken.
The . Paldri College Is by no means a
Ware, as has been ascertained.
ii,The grand mass meeting of Cuban
mpathlters to have taken place on
Friday evening has been postponed to
the Bth Instant. Borneo( the mast pram-
Went speakers of this city have prom.
Seed to assist.
The examination of James Caldwell,
with complicity In drawback
fmt chs r resulted ip hia discharge.
The men arrested .to-Jersey city yes
tarday on suspicion oT being concerned
in the bank robbery at Port Jervis, were
discharged for want of proof.
♦ boy employed by Mont d Makin ,
slock brokers, was knocked down
In Wall street today, but thougithe had
g 35,000 In securities and gold withldro,
he was robbed of only one Inuttlredidot.
• New toast, AffdrifOkk —ltleherdsen
remains Ina very weak condition. Stim
ulants Wive been administered durin g
the day and evening, end the s tomach
has retained them for an hour at a time.
His physicians differ somewhat in opin
ion. Some believe his death Is. Inertia.
hie It a short time, while other* are
more hopeful• His friends feel slightly
encouraged, but the grain of comfort Is
very small.
Railroad Accident and lass of Affit—As.
iodated terms Arrangement-16de.
Deattittelti Ether Matters, dm., dm.
tityrserrste to tea Pittestun esusw.i
fhtfesoo, November I.—Last evening
the weatward bound freight train on the
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Rail
road, running to two seetlans, collided
at Coon Point; near Dekota, Ham A.
Smith, of Quincy, Bilehhoinoind &other
nun named Spaulding, were lowantly
killed. Four others were seriously in
jured. The collision was aimed by the
engineer of; the leadtng leading aection
becoming staUed on a heavy tradition!
a thorn carve.
The Northwestern Asiociated Pram,
by en arrangement made yesterday
with Mr. MedlH, Chairman of the Elea
utive Committee of the Western Atm
dated Press, are to pay seventy-dye dol
lars per Weak for dispatobee - throbbed
by the latter, the contract to be termina
ted by either parry on giving six months
A girl named Dorothea Vonderrhoff
died suddenly last night at No. 150 Cool
idge street, from the effects of poban,
but wbther administered by herself or
some one eke is not yet tustertained.
She was employd ins saloon on-Adams
street, between BLOW end Wabash eve
nee, and it is surmised the poison was
administered by soma one in the saloon.
A special from Madison, Wisconsin,
says Congressman Hopkins le still alive,
and his symptoms are regarded as more
favorable, although there seems to be
but little chance of his rowvery.
A meeting of prominent Chicago gen
tlemen was held last night at the Sher.
man House. David A. Gage, J. C. Simp
son, Jae. Van Etta, Wm. Tooker and
Henry Grates were appointed-delegates
to theTarf Congress to be held LaMear
York in January.
Loud Mean boy named Geo: H. MIII
- an inmate of the Chicago Befopii
School,- between twelve and thirteen
years' ofage, was struck with the butt of
a whip *task oxtails bead by a watchmen
named John Berton. and so severely in
lured that lie sootiatter. -The rea
son given by. Berton for wilting the bar
was tharbe Laughed
_defiantly in his Ikea
Barton surrendered bin:well
A:letter from Winnipeg to the St.
Paul Pioneer dated 15th of Hofember,
says the French ball tweeds, who have
posseasion One Garry were to have a
convention next day, and (bat English
speaking people who are friendly, were
Invited to Ifs present by delegates tear
the pawpaw of trained° cansideration
the pretest aoadltiolkOr thecountry, and
to adopt such ounsanres as may be deem
ed for the welfare of the people. It
was believed that nothing would he
vg• ls t upon. Meantime the Fransh pia
are masters of the altuatios.
Tbew are LOOTS numerous than
all Abe others emplaned. and
have • number of more than ordt
naryibUfty. The following propced dons
will some before the Convention b First.
A compromise with McDougall. &wood,
A. Sodependant Republia- ThirA . An
' nexabten. Ofourtt4 Colony under
Engliod. Filth. Batton to the Hudson
Bgaayy COmpatc'e rule. ThO Eng
and Scotch would proba
bly agree to unite with the'
French half breeds in establishing
a colour"-- nd
" England, while the
French half breeds at present :WM tlO
- to have tiseparsorgovernmard
or annexation to the trotted States, or,
as a last resort, a compromise with Goy.
McDougall. The Pembina road Is Will
guarded by a large number of men. It
war takes place. both parties talk of
co ning in the ald of Northwattbrat In
dian tit beArv v v_etbellottX. wtdeh vivid
demoralise all paries.
Boats Carullna.an4 Cuba
!Br Telex...pc to out Plummet. ammo
c om onA, B. C., December I.—Bcdb
Owes of the Legialaturelodaya,3oprod
resolutions exproralve of BY MENUS!. ft.
Cuba. wad requeVilt_lbe ressaThartm of
the Insergionla afilialufflgorenta by the
United Statue, sad P 91 2 0 141; tbe last
dollar and w. 19 NI Govonnottla
saes of Far, . •
• Aar. ; s •
tiat,LA No \
)‘. F
- '
The Meeting of the Nationa l ] Board
of Trade at Richmond—Great
Enthusiasm Permanent Or
ganization—Eloquent Speech of
Gen. Hiram Walbridge—Highly
Important Business Transacted
—Withdrawal of the Pittsburgh
Board of Tiede—Ball in Honor
of the Delegates on Friday
Night, and a Grand Lon Nion
to Follow.
By Telernmh to the Pltt.twrgb Gazette.]
ltrcemcian, November 30.—The great
est enthusiasm exists among the mer
cantile community here over the meet
ing of the National Board of Trade,
which commences Its semi= to-morrow.
The Committee of Reception appointed
by the Chamber of Commerce extend
the hoepitalities of the city. Nearly
half of the members have arrived,
/chiefly from the Northwest. The South
ern members will be here to morrow
morn Ins.
Prominent among the subjects to be
discussed at thissession will be the report
of the special Committee recommending
the completion of the James River and
Kanawha Canal to the Ohlo. It Is be
lieved an appropriation by Congress of
twat:Arminian dollars will be wilted to
tonlplete this line.
S. grand banquet is to be given to the
Boartrof Trade by the Chamber of Com
merce, and an excursion to Hampton
Road. is In the programme.
EICIMION D. December L—The National
Hoard .of Trade met 'at noon to-day in
the calplol._ Prayer was offered, and an
address of welcome delivered.
The report of the Bro.:lncise Council
for the past year was received. It shows
'that the. National Board contdataof Spiny
seven constituent bodies and atzteen
thousand bueLnesa men.
Among the prominent questions to
come up are weights and measures, con
veyance of real estate, regulation of Joint
stozk companies, legal rate for me of
money, and the relations between debtor
and creditor. .
The Board then proceeded to elect
',Mosso for the ensuing year. Frederick
Paisley, of Philadelphia, was elected
President. On taking his mat, he said he
had almost known the commerce of this
country from Its Infancy and had watched
Its growth to Its present proportions. It
was so great that no man In public life
could overlook Its claims or ignore the
the action at such a representative body
at this. He thanked the Boast for the
great honor done him.
The Board then prodeeded to the elec
tion of Vice Presidents. The following
gentlemen were chosen : B. A. Kirk
land, Baltimore; Avery Plummet, Bos
ton; 0. 8. Hazard, Buffalo; George Op.
dyke, New York; W. N. Eagan, . Chum.
, 5 .
, J. A. Gano, Chictnetatt; George F.
ley, Detroit ; J. W. Taylor, Bt. Paul;
J;Porter, Loulitvillet , E. 1% Haller,,
wankee; D. T. Burr, Filet:mond; J.
H. Brown, Portland; L. R. Bbrivock,
St. Louis, and W. L. Frenbohn, Charles
General Hiram. Walbridge delivered
an address. He spoke of the resources
of the national Government and its exist
ing obligations, and predicted that the
latter will be paid to the uttermost farth
ing, as welt as those of the Butte Gov
ernments. before ihe end of the present
century. His estimate was, -that the
people of the south will have to pay a
yearly tax of $11.60 per head, and the
people of the north a tax 111.e,70 per head.
exclusive of the comity levies and corpo
ration taxes Commercial Inter ity non
einstn the redemption of every obligation.
No calamity more dire to the people of
every section could happen, than the
dishonor of repudiation. He was pro-.
fottpdly convinced that the beat interest
of the whole people, as well a• the senti
ment of the cenitirio, demand that all
our debts be paid. The great lorsedical
question then recurs, how are we to
pay our debts? I answer it in
one brief sentence. Let us grow op
to the debt. And an enlichumed
statesmanship and a vigorous policy will
soon secompliah this result. In order to
grow up to the present debt, let the na
tional government exert Its van power
and wealth to produce a development so
rapid that the demon of repudiation strangled before It htr attained
formidable proportions. Capital and
human tnumM should be otillooed, and
should migrate to those points where
oo demanded, and where most profit
able. The national government has
completed one railroad line -connect-
Mg the Pacific with the MIAMI°. This
Is but a beginning. A southern and •
northern connection moat be eittabliabed.
The climate, the tomography of the coun
try, Its commercial wants, and the finan
cial necessities of the Government, de.
mend at leant the three lines referred to.
The extreme upper Washerlppi valley is
now impaled with water oommunicar
non with the Atlantic by the St.
Lewrence, the free use of which
should be secured to us by pro.
per neitotlenOtot. Another ender
should be constructed through
the centre of the country, connecting the
heart of this great valley with the waters
of the Chesapeake. Still further South
the rivers should be rendered available
to commerce and harmless for injury to
Riparian agricultural by the appliance
of art and science- Side by side :with
then great [hoe:high:fares designed for
heavy freight, lines of railway should be
constructed direct, without curves, and
on easy grades. Subsidies to the national
lines of ocean steerage; should be
granted, until we regain our former
position on the ocean. The National
Government could now appropriate
INN),000,000, a Stun more than sufficient
to complete the works out-lined, and the
additional tax would scarcely be fait
In fact the influx of capital and labor
would begin simultaneously with the
commencement of the work. and long
before any profit could be realised front
their completion, the general Govern
ment would be more than reimbursed
y the additional breadth that would he
Ivan to the basis of taxation.
General Walbridge concluded with an
eulogy of President Grant, than whom
no one is more likely to see that the
highway to a real and enduring pesos la
the road that :leads moat
directly and speedily to the
development of the material
Monroe. of °upcountry. The political
orgininition. by whatever name It may
be' deeXetedetbet brings liSeir •in hu
many the Spirit of the ago, by 101-
b:wing the lead of the executive, will be
the wining party, comin g man who
'wide It wlll - be theg man—the
real hereof theldrietoenth canary.
After ewer • msolol°ll was adopted
Bmfung apeochekto ben u.iniatea, and
daily sessions from 10 to I o'cloca were
" A ed pir n estions for membership were re
ceived from the Richmond Flour end
Corn Exchange, Augusta (Ga.) Board of
Trade, and J'eterebnrg Merchants' Ex.
Permutton was given the Board of
Trade of Toledo, Ohio, and Pittsburgh,
Pa., and Merchants' Exchange, of Pen.
14•4111nols, to withdraw from the Con-
L i V ri on, with the National Board. The
Prograhime was then coin.
Oamideration of the first fonr proposi
tions sue pcatponed. Proposition WM.
being the unitbrm Immurement of
grain. us taken upouni •retion
adopted -6 4 be
1 the numr of p de to
isinetthee btahel should be. Ihrm
In all the States, so long as bushels are
mod in Indei that the central system
should be adoPiod In tranaferrinu all
'commodities usually 501 A by the bunhel,
and that meakureccent by built ebon y
be abolished.
sly& grtolealtion was mates and
weights. trn this propoaltion rasa
iag t o wire adopted recommending the
local boards to adopt 11 rule that tares
a wl be the actual weight of the pat:hags
at the time of sale In transamkma, snit°
Midst /o
nlesattree on ar
ticles PPlP o l4nit tube of Certain fixed
stelndstdi but arbbstrare wiLY by tp sn sg
or package.
The 1011013th proposition wen nnifonn.
Ity In etecatlng connivances of land .
On this propositions committee was so .
pointed to prepare and recommend to
sadsate Legislatures a statute to he
adrilded fort ics form andsneral requi.
ages of tionVeYnnee i The eighth proptedtlon waa uniform
practice In the United Stitee pc etriet
Courts, eommittee sp tpd to
prepare • 4101 It? . . 1121Ptior
all Stale District Courts In the collection
of debts, where the parties reside In
different Statist.
The ninth proposition was for local
trade Mermen. A resolution was adopted
that the Executive Council shall recom
mend to all Slate Legidslaturss the repeal
of ail license laws discriminatin, • teat
non resident traders. The discussion of
this resolution wee animated. its orPo
nents taking ground that it was an
effort of the largo cities of the east
to do all the business for the smaller
cities of the west and south, with
out paying soy tax thereon. Its
Mende urged that it was In keepinavvith
the spirit of the age to which these local
licence laws were opposed, sad was the
result of an enlightened coon:nes.
del sentiment. Domestic free trade
to to csime, and might as well
be accepted now. The resolution
was favored by Messrs. Opdyke and
Chithanden, of New Tors, Repeat, of
Boston, and others. end opposed by
Meeara. Llano, of Cincinnati, Dore of
Chicago, and Hashe, of Charleston, 8. C
It was adopted by 11 to 12.
Adjourned till to-morrow.
The Board get through nearly all of
the basins= on ha programme today.
The citlzena gave • ball In their honor
on Friday night. The excursion to City
Point and return by way of Petersburg
battle field Woo place at the end of the
week. There are fifty-four members of
the Board present.
Proceeding. In the State ChrislLl:Wen-
Vielllloo, St
CO t,uxece, December I.—The State
Christian Commission reassembled this
morning In the First Presbyterian
Church. Rev. Charles R. Dunbar, of
Holunibus, lead the Christian akeribuis,
in oonnection with the Colon prayer
meeting, Which has been held daily for
nearly twelve years.
Rev. Henry Moorehouao, formerly of
England, made a brief and eloquent
Whines 'al this meeting, the =West
being Christ's prayer for his followers.
On aaaerubling at the place of meeting
yeaterday, the chair was taken by the
permanent President, H. T. Miller, of
Cincinnati, who made a brief address,
invoking the harmony and inflames of
the Holy Ghost on the deliberations.
The morning amnion was spent in dis
cussing Moire and Prescribing the pro
gramme adopted on yesterday. Speeches
wore made by Col. Anderson. Rev. J.W.
Wiley, D. D. Moorley, Rev. Henry
Moorehouam and others.
In addition to the officers elected yea.
terday, E. H, Dennis of Columbus wan
elected Railroad Secretary, and William
Dunn, of Circleville, and Rev. H. Lingo
Mulch, of Calton, Enrolling Committee.
Daring the progress of the discussions,
a crazy street preacher made a fire min-
Wes' slimeoh, and got along pretty well
until be began to get somewhat penional
in his reflections As It was pretty evi
dent he wee likely to prove a serious
disturbance to the meeting, two police
men came In to arrest him on cemplaint
of the Committee of A.rraiagementa, but
he was Induced to be quiet and per
mitted to remain.
At the afternoon section a communica
tion was read from the Superintendent of
the Deaf and Dumb Asylum Inviting the
delegates to visit the institution.
First topic for discussion: "How can
the christion activities of the enttremem.
bershlp of the Church be best °Toothed
and developed?" was opened by Gen. B.
BrinkerhoM He urged the Importune
of having committees appointed in evearryy
Church, whose duty Is shall be to visit
every member once • Month, and see
that the sick, aged, infirm and poor, are
ministered to It wu shown that the
churchee were excelled' by secret eocletiee
in the care for those classes.
Messrs. Moods. of Chicago, Caldwell,
of Cleveland, Trayden, of Painesville,
and Chidisw, of Cincinnati, participated
in the discnaslon
Crazy Clemente attempted to sprat,
but wan silenced by Judge Reuben Het*
heack prealding, who decided that he
could not be beard.
The question elichejl • lively Interest,
the respansesto gneatons being In an
eases Impromptu, and often very perti
A Committee on Ranolotions ono ep.
pointed, congaing of J. W. Wiley, D.D..
Rev. W. H. Goodrich. 13,0. Sighted,
- Roo. E. E. White and W. E. Wart.
The 2nd topic: "The Lest • way of
uniting evangelical Christians in the
work," was opened by Dr. E. Pratt, of
Portsmouth, who urged the Importance
of union meetings, and predicted the
coming together In Christ of all denom
inations now kept apart by sin and ton>
ranee. He said he had Just read the
Methodist discipline through and
through. It is good reading [laughter].
We learned to love and respect)eacti
other by finding each other out. The
difference between evangelical denoml
notions had not meat enough in them to
feed a single starving soul.
John Henry Dm:iglus, of Warren
county, a Quaker preacher, spoke. ally
ing he had felt perfect freedom here. He
quoted from the seventee th chapter of
John, ea authority for Chrfetlan unity.
Rev. Erwin House, of Cincinnati,
thought Christiana, whether Baptist,
Methodist or Presbyterian, worked best
in their own Churches, but they need
have none the leas regard for each other
for this tact.
Dr. Mather was glad the Matherlist
Discipline had done his Presbyterian
brother, Pratt, no much good in twenty
tour hour.. If he would keep it two or
three years longer It rroulddo him more
good (Laughter.) Ile advocated the
frequent exchange of pulpits by mini*
tea of different denominations.
The Committee on Enrollment report
ed the =moor nearly three hundred
delegates representing Baptists, Con
gregationalist', Prised., Methodist
Bolen:mai, abd Wesleyan. Moravian,
and Protestant Episcopal, United
Brethren, Christian, Littbenui, Disciple.
and numerous Young Men's Christian
Association., and other religion. bodies.
The singing was led by - Pror. W. IL
Deane and pupil., Misses Gould and
At the evening sesidon an animated
dismundon on the beet method of *tiered&
ingthe study of the Bible, and the ques
tion of the Bible In the Common SchOole,
was participated In by Hon. E. E. White,
Rev. Henry blorehocas, Rev. W. New
ton, and Bev Dr. Ealla. The dismission
attracted a high degree , of interest, and
continued until • late hour.
A dispatch was received from thirWia.
cm:Mu State Convention in session In
Milwaukee, *a follow.; "realms 20th,
bib: '•We will rejoins in thy salvation
and in the name of oar God we will set
opour banners Ttre.laerd !WWI 11l thy
petition". Al . to4ty !Wag
'SIMI be the tie that binde.'"
Dr. Wiley, from the Committee on Rae
solutiom reported • resolution ID oppo•
iWon to seriUnialt
ergediti Ultothinn, rlto li in-comutiin
schools, and that we hold with chief
justioe story, An the Girard will tuna
that the bible la not a sectarian book,
and are apposed to legislation excluding
It from the itchodis.
After singing "Cling to the bible" the
nuolutinnil were .4optect. All then
Joined with great spirit in singing f'My
Country '*aof thee".
(By the A. t P. To tagr•Ph
gjuE . 41 , 911.6, Deeenther I,7The
river Is - Minx alOwin with five fed
water In the channeL Weather ntnudy,
Thermometer 97. T.
BROWNSVILLE, December I.—The
river la rising slOwlyivilth about seven
feet end bine Inches water In the
channel. Weather Womb'. Thermoule!
~ill&9lwOrgliwiffr December
liver Is stationary with four feet water
in the channel. Weather cloudy. Theo
mometer 40 at 4 P. x. • W.
CITY, Pa. December L—The river
is at a stand, with twelve feet.'Water in
the obenneL Weather cloudy. Thar-
Mon:toter Ail at 6 P. x. F.
Troops Attlirlag—Pttgoth
0 1 ,11 D.
101 Tesirapto jo tan Plitaborgb
HAYA.I I .I, Dee. I.—A Spanish frigate
orriyed to-day. !put Spatz', bringing a
battaglon of troops for seryloe In the
11- rabe apwln
lon m ai l G eneric, t ook
i=t r o.
sj ay of the United States Consulate. Ito
Ulefalianta of, Havana are desirous that
h a ss ppoint:pont be ponniment•
4 detachment of loisonbrip was Faster.
dap sent to Spain, upon; them' Cared
tr9optA.who one Mend at
4 4, 44 0 Afeiggef/ 110$141713;=
th 3
Why it Wa.9 ne—Appointment
—Public ' Debt Statement
-Will Ailmo His Duties—
Indian Commissioner's Report
Israelites Protest Against Expa
triation—New Custom Houses
[By Telegraph to 1h Intumbergh Ilautta.l
WAsturawroN, December 1. DUD
FoHoeing is • recapitulation of the
public debt statement published to'day;
Debt bearing polo Interen Pre
per rent. bona,.
Mx per tout. bondi
Total W.W.II:MOOD 03
Interest 11,50 4111
Debt beanne Interen In lawlttl t4
toottep—cerUnestes It 1 per .
it ' Ol ‘ rg watob lc tent has e eased
Ilene na.werity
'lf .......... L..
Debt bearing an lateral -demandend legal tender beteg
graet , erial ester, e
Certificate. of gold deposited....
Total atoonot outstanding
Total debt. principal and Inter
op to date. lscludina count - us
dna and not presenttd for oaf-
- -
Mutter, Fend
Is TY. D. eColn, lettere.. on bands
.4 seemed Interest th ereon—. 1,0111,10.110 g 03
Other V. S. tole harmer T. , n4s
purcrissea aud aux.. Inkr•
est thereon
Total 11/4.1174.147
Dent. loss amount In 4SI 142,775
Debt, lo.s amount n th e Tr. nou,
on Eno DratDlVmo ..... . ;ULM. W
lleeroca • 04 /MO.
Decrease of dab, during Ole pool
=sulk 7.1111.451
Ek..reaw of d.O•.lncetLatch lat.
, .
By direction of the Presititscd. the
Secretary of State will trimmed to the
Russian Minister and also to Minister
(Putt°, at St. Petarsburg. copies of the
appeal of the Israelites, presented yes
terday, In behalf of their expatriated
brethren in Robes. The appeal will be
acootopantad by a letter licking that It
be fairtsishlT Catuddered by the Czar.
The annual report of the Commission
er of Indian Andre Is completed. It en
ters hilly Into the Indian policy of Um
Government as executed by the 'relish
Commissioned, and Quaker Agents and
Haperintendents, which it is Mend has
been satisfactorily administered.
It was ascertained today, on low:dry
at the Treasury Department. ttutt the
withdrawal of the sale of gold In New
York on yesterday, does not Involve a
change of policy, but was on account of
the low price offered.
Joseph O'Dwyer, the newly a.Pixdated
Supervisor for We District of Northern
Ohio, will leave theeity nest week to
...time the duties of his Gem. His
hestiquarters will be es Ocishoctoo, 0.
Sopervizing Architect hintlitt, to biz
swuml report. urea immediate step
for the erection or the new Custom Howie
building. at St. Louis and LlncinnatL
It appears by officialthat the
aggregate Imports dur in g re re year end
ing June were 11437.000,000. •
The President boo appointed Thomas
H. Talbott, A►slatant Altornoy Gonatal,
In plane of Hickory.
Lecture by Wei:Wish PMHips
NIMBI; IMPORT. December L —Wen-
Phillip., In a speech In the Lyceum
last night, demanded of Congresa to
aanume the Uovernment which the Ex
ecutive had abdicated, that it compel
the States lately in rebellion to educate
its eight million dunces, and that If it
refuse to do so, than the Uovernment
itself, at the expanse of all the people,
shall sesame the duty efterwarda seed
log the bill to the different States. It
must protect the citizene ae well as legis
late for them. The war la not ended. It
has Just begun. In the latter portion of
hie lecture the speaker severely mitbdted
the New York Tribune, for virtually
saying, on Saturday last, that we could
not carry on thin government mans we
entreat Jeffemon Davis to corns and help
wt. Mr. Phillips said theSoutbern whites
have trot the business and the wealth,
and nave captured the Supreme Court.
A worse than Taney wield. Its thunder
bolt to-day,. A recreant Itepatilicate •
man who &Mgt the ermine through the
infamy of Tammany Hall, and means to
contest the election with the candidate
of the republican party. If the repubil.
can party had • breve man at Its head,
be would marshal! Its forces, nail lie
colors, no forgiveness, to the mast, and
absolutely impregnate every northern
mind with the Idea. The speaker con
tinued, with a demand that the Wade
should be given to the blacks as freely as
possible, and spoke with groat force of
the coming tide of Orientals to the Pacific
shore, which Is to be the greatest act of
American dell:ninon It has yet expe
Jap►neaeCoodns BaM—E►llrcad Ills Urn,
—Paeaogers and Treamire for Cluna.
Br Telegraph to the Tlttseuret 6asetle.l
Bog Foorrouico, Doeomber I.—Prince
Bunwedna, of Japan, and cult leave for
the east to-day by railroad with Braman.
of the dem of liaapmatiocboop & Co..
Hong Kong, who, at the request of the
Japanese Government, escort' them to
New York. Bauman visits the emit to
further the plane of Kostonanorboop &
Cu. to provide Oblnese laborers for the
It Is stated that the Mexican Govern
meet bas granted to Samuel Bran nan,
of this city, the right to build a railroad
across Mexico from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, in recognition for his services
to the Liberal Government in the late
" 41:14 411r P 1e. i. Saida tfolon Express Company
has Maeontintied operations, and the
hotness la transferred to Walla
The Mceltbaldera of the San t i ro,
011ie and Southern Pacific, and Atlantic
Railroad Company met at Han Diego
November fifth and apportioned the
stock of the Memphis, El Piuo and Ps
dile Railroad, of Which the Sin Diego
road received, In consideration of Its
&enablers, the lands.
The steamer Japan railed to-day for
H6ng prig with seven Muidred pawn.
gets and 17,100,000 in treasure.
5 1 1
Ito 1134ecalars Clemency—Deal Ilodj
4117 Tolagradt to ttut Ptitabotob fIaWWI
Roonsunka. December I.—Gov. Hob
man doctutes to Interfere with the axe.
cation of tho sentence gimbal Manner,
convicted of the murder of his wife, end
he will be executed on the 10th Instant.
The body of Johtl 'Stephenson, keeper
of the GW'mme light boas% wee found
In the rtvertble morning. DMIPIIMinm of
t i nt! 0. it4inOtinan.
Ot 1 t!f 1 / 1 4 !edit, Meeting
Teleetsph to the Pittsburgh klasattal •
D/LITONI O. December I.—The Ohio
State horticultural Society, and the
Grape Drown} Amotholon metMeyton here
toolar. 'Dobai '
welcomed therjoeietlee. lit. Winger, I
rt**l4lmt of the lamer; dalisered, the
=POI edema. About tro hundred vik•
#0 390 a IRO*" and *fraf other MOM*
bete tabula. The oomtolltese *eft ,
ed /**lith quheytioultK l L-Pgb
trlght the date wereband.
=.9 sotertatped of
!Alit WiDletate
.741 , :4" •
Fears of a Fenian Rising in Ire
land—Dissatisfaction with Na
poleon's Speech—Cotton to be
produced In Rliva and Bokham
—The London "Times" Re
views the Emperor's Speech—
The Monarch with the Remains
of George Peabody will Sail on
Wednesday Next—The Fenian
Burke for the Commons—Agi
tation In Manchester—Burlin
game In Berlin—Steamer Seiz
ed—Count Dean in Pupalt of
1.01 •
B, Telegraph to the riu. burgh Oa sou.. i
Lornxer, November 80.—Infermatton
from secret attents of the Government,
leads to the belief that a lillettr Ii threat
ened In Ireland. In the Cabinet, the
question of motioning the unseen:Won of
the writ of habeas corpus his been con
sidered. It is certain that extreme mean
uses will be adopted shortly.
C It 6, Cal CO
11.000,000 CO
. 1.116.99 CO
The Monarch, trim toe remains of
Geo. Peabody. will mall for America
next Wednesday.
The Irish of Southwark have put the
Fenian, Burke, forward as a candidate
for the tkuumona.
301. 113,33 m 613
MI 1116.610
MS 00.11113 03
There Is oonsiderable agitation In
commercial circles at Manchester and
elsewhere, relative to the Increase of
duty on the French tsicilles.
sla ye IP 7:
. 11.109,11 M 71
PARIS, December 1.-1 t is reported
that M. GoMot has bad an anthem:* with
the Emperor every morning.
Apprehensions are entertained of dis
turbances on the anniversary of the
death of Deaden.
Lownon, December I.—Various Paris
letters published In the morning paper.
agree that the Emperor's speech ou the
opening of the (tarps Legle'Mit' fell 'kat.
The public mind is disappointed with
the speech, and the more it isemaidered
the less it is liked.
1...63 US 03
The Times of to-day, In an editorial,
says, the Emperor has Oat yet mastered
the full truth. The ministerial respon
sibility which he conceals, Ia isoompati-
We with the theory of personal govern
ment, which he would fain retain. He
Is embarrassed between the two princi
ples, undecided and halting, and It la
uncertain which way he will Incline.
Time was, when such a condition would
bode ill for the peaceful development
of French progress, but 11 is Dow peed.
Schneider le reelected Preaf dent of
the °ores Legtsid=
Sr. Prreasneso, Dee. I.—A depu
tation waited on Prince Gortehakoff yes
terday relative to establishing cotton
fields and trade at fill va. Hobbs= and
elsewhere, In Asiatic possessions, In or.
der to be able to suocesaftilly complete
with the United States. The Prince
promised the *theme his support.
BiZRLItt Deoember I.—Burlingame
snit other mem oars of the Chasse Em
busy were received at the Foreign Ocoee
to-dev. The American treaty will =
only he thetwee ottani* made with
I =33
Linuorr, December L—Later advice'
hom Paraguay elate that Donut Dean. to
Me pursuit of Pieddimt Lopes, had ar.
rived at San Easelstaus, lately occupied
by troops of Lopes.
Ctoterreermeorm, December I. A
Mesmer, laden Mtb gunpowder, wsa
ecrised to-dwy on extatecion of being dor
tined fur the Insurgents In Bulgaria.
I =1
Qtrasserrown, December I.—Arrived,
City of Glasgow, from New York.
- Lowoorrtmasy, December I.—Arrived,
Hibernian, from Quebec.
Lon Dos, December L—Esenisan.--Con
sole for money 92%; eadlvldend account
92%. American Securities : 66,
fe%-; 113%; 67L 86%; 10.40 a 80%; 654
84% at Frankfort; Erten, al; la, 99!4:
Atlanta* and Great Western, 24. Stooks
Palm, November I.—Bonne arm at
70. Mo.
LlVSZlPool.lionmber L—Ootton arm:
opiate:ls 124:012%d; Orleans 12)4(g112 %d;
sales 20,000 bales Oalltortila White
Wheal fie 7d ; red western No. 2. 8s lid@
8d; winter 9s. Western Flour 22a. Corn.
No. 2 mixed. 211 9d. Oats 6.. Peas Ws.
Pork Ills 6d. Beet 108 s 6d for new.
Lard 75. 6d. Chinas 68s. Bamo 67e ad
for new. Spirits Petroleum Is 414; re
fined Is 9d. Turpentine 22a,
Lotwort, November L—Yellow
Relined Petroleum Is Ohdigia 7d. Tur
pentine 28a 9d(g2i9d.
HAVIIg, December I.—Cotton active at
F'amirscrowr, November L-6.20s arm
and quiet at 90,4@9034.
Synod of the German Reformed Caere,
_important Queetten IlletWed—Rasolde
Grand Lodge 061cen Elected.
Ler resew-me to the Plusborgh Gush.)
Put LO-Dirt.reLt, Deo. I.—ln the °M
ara Synod of the Reformed Church to
day a vote was reached on the report on
the liturgy. The clause which prohltdta
the optional use of either liturgy, except
Ita mos of th e ornipagadou, was toot,
toEa The other Meuse, which
looks to the mending down of two lie
urges to the dards for approval
or dbeeproval, wee also defeated, 76 to
106. The original report we. then adopt
ed, 117.t5 62. Thus this vexed question
wee settled by allowing the free use of
the western order of worship, pheingli
to the name position wit Cs eastent, which
rwedved such permission three years
until such thee am the Chums may
he_PlePsfott to make • PloPer decision.
min following of Wen elected by
the R. W. trend Lodge of Pre and Ac-
opted kimono of Pennsylvania today:
Grand Master, Robert A. Lambertoa, of
Hurftbnem Deputy
Same o.Plultinsi Seni Wand or Grand War:
den Allred B. Naiads Junior Grand
Waiden, Robert Clark; Grand Treasurer,
Peter Williamson; Grand Seormary,
The Probably =rood
(By SelegepC b th•labergh
Kanpur" December L—The election
news boas Apadidpvi la TM Ineliiir.•
The AvcdoncAr's special from Holly
aw n/Is i s's there re nothing definite.
Marshall county has probably eons for
Alcorn. 4 dispatch. Dom Okalans says
tbat the county has gone Hadical 6y one
hundred and Afty. No disturbances sa
fares beard from.
Th. 4ealesclts. Jaeksao, Alladadppl„
special spa the returns are very scanty,
batindicate Aletta's eleetkm. The fol
lowing counties give Alcorn majorities;
Yew, 2.000 a pan of 1,600 over last
year. Hinds, 1, 1130 . Monroe, 2,000, 'Ma
donnas, Tiabomlaggo, laweades and
give Alcorn 11,600 malority. Jar
-1,615. phi of 600; Jackson, elfk
Nozobee, 2,761; Wilkinson, 2,600; Adams
&yak amide, dealahtL. The ibllosamp
malopides tor Daub Taishaeha,
7alk Dapple*, 160. libe river mantles'
1 vote is eery small.
A dispatch from areatacia. kalsidasippi,
lays: coludy gives - 1,260
Dent. Water Valley and Ooffbe villa
dc's gbe-.
Am:lmm; Shoonag.
{By s lear4pA tow ritatergb Gaisticl ,
141 2E1 L1 HOTS. /13d, DOC.Wit
D. omen, a well known and 41!
tweeted aithozo of this coonty, aeot
ally ot blm
death. This o be took down lde
to shoot a hawk, blew In the magpie
Ei zrz ,,, v ,„ er .. = „ 7 . 4 „
WIMP VI bran,
Sale of the Cincinnati, Wilmington and
Zanesville 11•11road—ltortherben,-
obit of the Bible-School question In
the Court.
(By Te'egriph to the Plttehureb Gazette.]
CINCINN•TI, DeeeYON.. I.—The Cin.
pinned!, Wilmington and Zanesville Road
will be sold at three o'clock thin after
noon, to satisfy the claims of European
holders of its bonds, who are repre
sented by Charles Moran. The bidders
are Thomas L. Jewett; In the Interest of
the Pennsylvania Central. Baltimore
and Ohio will bid. Da President (King)
Is expected ; also Edgar J. Thomson,
President of the Pennsylvania Central.
Laxert.—The Cincinnati, Wilmington
rt. Zanesville mid was sold this afternoon
to satisfy European ladders of one million
three hundred thousand dollar. bonds,
with two year accrued interest at seven
per cent. One hundred and thirty-one
miles of the road from Morrow to Zanes
ville, sixteen locomotives, sixteen pee.
senger oars and seventy-nine freight,
cattle, and mai' care, and real tabus
worth two hundred thousand, sold for
one million seven hundred thousand dol
lars, the worth of the unpaid stock out.
Thos. L. Jewett, President of the Pan
Handle road, purchased, it is supposed,
for the Pennsylvania Central. Charles
Moran represented the European bond
A meeting of Commissioners from the
counties along the proposed line of the
Columbus and Nulty - 111e Bead, in con-
Junction with the incorporators of the
same, was held at the Burnet House at
three this afternoon, and le the evening
the latter meeting conferred with Presi.
dent Jewett, of the Panhandle, with the
hope of assurance that the Pennsylvania
Central would iron and stock the road
11 the people would grade it. Jewett
assured favorable co-operstion, but de
clined definite pledgee for the present,
owing to the large schemes on hands.
From Columbus to Aberdeen has been
surveyed, and is one hundred and seven
miles. The profile and surveys are to be
sent to Jewett. The books wlll be open
ed for eubscliptkin of stock on January
13th, next year.
In the Bible question In the Supreme
Court Geo. R. Sage spoke. His argu •
ment was that the Constitution declares
religion essential to good Government,
end that was the first raison assigned for
the establishment of common schools.
The religion meant by the Constitution
Is the religion of the Bible. No other
religion can be observed In Ohio without
a violation of law. Constitutional recog
nition of its truth and divine religion is
the great conservative element of socie
ty, and gives law, majesty, power, and
the highest authority. The Goverement is
bound by • regard tor its own safety and
welfare to furnish those who are to be
come Its citizens such instruction In the
elementary truth's of religion, as can be
Imparted without interfering' with the
rights of conscience. Beading the bible
with-out note or comment conveys ele
mental truths, and leaves Individuals free
to cheese as to doctrines. The defeat.
admit that religions instruction
laa j arrdlepeusable to Mike children good
cithente that large numbers would not
receive It except in the public schools.
The Baird of Edneatlon have no right to
omit the Instruction on weernit of preju
dices or sectarianism; of right' of con
science defined by the cenualtution, by
the history and policy of the State, not
by the whim or caprice of the chine,.
The first tight of conscience is that all
sources of Infortidation shall be open
and free toevery man, woman and child.
It Is the deem. of despotism, not the
doctrine of liberty, that one view alone
of religion shall be given to the child,
who le to exercise this right of conscience
for eelfinstrudlicres. These rightz of con
ed-moo is rutty protected bL i r ; rule of
schools excusing thel chit from all
religion. Instructions In schools. Mr.
Sage concluded this afterneou, having
spoken four and a half hours.
Judge Stanley Matthews, who I. an
elder in the Presbyterian Chureh, fol.
lowed for defendants. He said th is sp.
=es cost hieltatikvere mental effort.
I the low of dear children, it was
the most painftfi experience of all.
He was assailed, not by enemi but by
Mends was charged with op Non to
the Bible, and the loss of h Chris
tian reputation. Yet he considered
It his duty to appear. He depre
cated this dissuasion as leading to
• transfer of the religions contest
to political parties. He thought the
whole contest was over • small matter.
The °wheaten of the reading of the Bible
would not do one tithe of the hem that
S would result from the violation of con
science by enforcing the old rule. He
charged the connect with insisting upon
the establishment of the Protestant re-
Ripon by the State. He read • commu.
nication to the New York Jealepeat•
dent by Rev. H. W. Bellows, which
he characterized as •• sound and
ihry." and nothing else. A discussion
of this question wended Catholics that
civil war would result if they pushed
their plans for the destruction of the
of public schools. He said every word
of that letter was containedin the argu
ment of counsel on the other side.
The Court adjourned before him arra
At the billiard tournament We arter
y:am, regular—Cirmakemeyer 600, aver
age 10 6 48; Cherry 471; average 9 6-48.
Yolev, of Chicago, 390. aver.
age 23 1.13; Simeon 255, average 19 8-13.
Evening: Regular—WiMammon 600, av
-11 13 42. Exhibi
tion: Fole y ge 11 88-42; Caspar 47530 a , averageinnev
15 1 5; Blouson MI, average 11 15-18. The
decisive game Is in program between
WlULunaon and Gmkemeyer.
The billiard tournament closed to
night, Williamson being the winner, 502
In 49 innings; Grunkemyer 484. Cas
per challenges Williamson.
—The DenmanCS) Convention of 800.
ton but evening nominated George A.
Baldwin for Mayor.
—The Missouri River, Fort Boot and
Gni( Railroad will be open for bnaining
to Fort Boott next Monday.
—ln the Alabama Howes yesterday, a
adored man wee elected F.ogroaaing
Clerk. The Democrats voted for him
against a white man.
—Sheriff G. W. Stethbonger was shot
dead on Saturday night at New Iberia,
Le., by a negro, who was afterwards
captured and hong by citizens.
—The weather at St. Loots tarried very
add Tuesday Might, themercury atuklng
severs! degrees below the freestng point.
It was clear sod cold there yesterday.
—A Conference ot the Mandy of the
proposed railroad, from Portland, Me.
to Oswego, N. Y., is appointed at the
American hotel, Saratoga, on the Lath,
—George 0. Heinsahn, the abscroding
Louisville aldermen, has forged maze
and otherwise victimized his Mends to
the amount of nearly duty thousand
dollars. •
.-Anaele Aouring mill wailotally do•
stroyed by bre at Rhinebeck, N. Y.,
Tuesday z4bs. Loss '16,000, Insured.
The property was owned by biz.
cildb, of Kingston.
—Robert Rowland alackamelt,
near Jeffersonville, Ind.. auloldod Tues
day night by cutting hie throat from ear
so ear. eatuar—lntosteltitin and write
ahem. He leaves a with and three child.
—Early yesterday i the Re
formed Dutch Ohureb. orN . wArk, was
entered by niftier@ and the communion
service marled off. Daniel Tang and
•Geo. Pricier ware arrested and the prop
erty recovered.
—The buildiag occupied by the Bank
Note Printing Company of Ottows, Clan
ads, was destroye d by Ore Tuesday
night Some of the moat valuable
presses and the °Mee furniture were
saved. leas $B,OOO.
—An accident occurred on the Orange
and Alexandria Railroad Sunday night.
The Richmond down train came in colli
sion with a freight truth, meting coned.
arable damage to thecarr. 0 e employe
of the company was veriously (med.
—Lad accounts from coling
Tana, represent all quiet of
the memos thought to have been killed
by the mob after the aid& as imam, es.
impel by falling, when others were shot.
They a r* new in the Troy JIM, ibr leery
from the mob. Mr. Janet la still In
—The New Odom nor rand eases
were digpo•o4 of yodeller benne the
Milted Buttes (kart. 4 wild sir The
efferoldfdlt Wu Ogee; and the sugar,
runtueding to two tended and nits
bophrels - and seined it MOW, was
=damned. It tout the :came of the
edemae ell.ry ir. Kennedy, which arched
Mufti ' Fuller's • eihninfetnnion,
tied ire 101 0 08Perals mkt "Opt.
Tits Vermont Legislature has passed a
bill holding liquor dealers responsible for
the damage to persons or property done
by those obtaining liquors of them.
IT Is reported that the murderer of Mr.
Charles Rogers,—the two months wonder
of a year ago,—hes returned to New
York, and the detectives are again trying
to ferret him out.
A NEW coffin manufactory was opened
In Williamsburg, N. Y., a abort time
since, by a grand festival. Eight hun
dred were present, who the proprietor
hopes will be patrons.
Orra of the coldest nigh!" of last week,
a young widow was found praying and
crying at the grave or her husuand, and
nearly perished from cold. Bin could
be removed only by force.
THE managers of the Pacific railroad
are preparing Nei and provision can to
run with every train during the winter,
so that If a train gets snowed in, the pas
senger' will not freeze or starve to death.
An Indiana correspondent deserves a
niche in the Temple of Fame, by the
aide of the "Great American Condenaor."
In speaking of a recent lynching, he
says: "We arrived on the ground about
6 o'clock In the morning, and found Billy
Stark hanging to the limb of a beech tree.
At 9 o'clock we cut him down."
A woman In Wisconsin, after having
married and buried a second husband, is
I an applicant for • divorce in order to
marry the third, she having Just learned
that her drat husband, who wu reported
murdered In Califo•nla eleven years ago,
is 81111 in the flesh and living with •
second wife In Ban Francisco.
In a case at New York It has been de
cided that the delivery of • letter to the
authorized agent of the person to whom
it is addressed terminates the connection
of the post office with it, and the subse
quent embezzlement by such agent is not
an offence against the United States, but
can only be taken cognizance of In the
State courts
Juncos Wrissts, of the United States
District Court, announced, in discharging
the Grand Jury at Detroit on Friday, that
it was probably the last time be should
ever address a Grand Jury of the Court,
as it was his purpose to avail himself of
the provisions of the act of Congress per.
mittang aged Judges to retire from the
Bench upon full pay.
OUT is Omaha a German alleges that he
was kept locked up in • hotel for two
weeks, without his consent, bad • physi
cian wait upon him and treat him for In•
racy, and • bill run up against him for
board and attendance amounting to the
entire sum of money In ids possession,
POO. He believes that he was drugged
and kept in durance for the purpose of
depriving him of his fonds. The police
were investigating the affair.
Istotens farmers do not give encoura
ging reports of the wheat crop prospect
for next scum, so much of that sown not
having a chance to get well sprouted be
fore the freezing weather caught It.
ing the time of the drought ttudieneeeed
ol the wheat sowing, whet& Lithegrourld
remained, in great part, Ism state of an.
certainty as to whether it would sprout
and grow, cc preserve Its kernel identity,
in spite of wind and water, and the earth
In which it had found slodgment
Tux report of the Ohio Board of Char
ities shows that three hundred and forty
seven convlcto Were received at the Ohlo
Penitentiary during the year; ninety
were under e twty-ose years of age;
sixty-three ed to be temperate per
sons, one hun dredand sixty-five moder
ate drinkers, and seventy-nine intemper
ate; four had received classical educations
and one hundred fifty-two common edu
cations; thirty - three can neither read nor
write, fifty can barely read, and one
hundred and eight barely read and write_
Tea sister of Father Hyacinthe has
also left the Convent of the Cannelites and
abandoned the Yell The following are
the circumstances : About a month pre
-nom to the famous manifest when every.
body was commenting on the scandalous
fact of a Carmelite nun being found
driven to Insanity in a prison of the con
vent, Father Hyacinthe hastened to the
convent where his sister was Immured
and demanded her dismissal in the name
of the law, not wishing her to be a mem
her cf an order in the bosom of which
such outrages were being perpetrated.
Tux Methodist, the organ of the Lay
Delegation party In the Methodist Epis
copal Church, regrets the extreme brevity
of the recent report of the Book Commit
tee. The Church, It says, should know
the amount of Its losses by mismanage
ment. The full efplanatory documents
Incident to the trial, containing minor
detail' and figures, should be given to the
public. Those who are vindicated by
the facts should have the benefit of publi
city, and those whom the facts condemn
should be exposed. The agents are re
sponsible for their I'mlarnanagement end
Vroce.wr Coirso, spal Indian Com
missioner, arrived In Omaha on the 25th,
sa routs east, having made the dip from
flute along the Alaska coast is twenty
two day& He has visited two-thirds of
all the Indian tribes In the United States.
He found over seventy thousand In
Alaska. They have droves of cattle, and
many mechanical tools, raise considerable
grain, and, In fact, are much superior to
most other Indian tribes. They are now
quite peaceable, especially partial to
Americans, and live In villages of well
constructed buildings. He considers the
purchase of Alaska a most - judicious and
profitable one for the United States.
Remora from England are to the eit•
fect that the Iron trade Is now In a -better
condition than It has been for the past
four years. The rich mines of Cleve lan d
are producing many thousands of tons of
oreevery day, and the blest furnaces of
the world's iron market are making Im
mense quantities of pigs. AU the makers
are now in well sold forward that they
refuse to book orders for next year's de
livery at the present rates. As much u
fifty shillings are now given for No. 1,
and there In every prospect of the price
cliff advancing. In every branch of the
finished Iron trade there is great briskness,
and pr toes are consequently much im
THE Treasurer of the United States
now holds $75,478,800 In el: per cent,
bonds on account of the regular leaking
fend, and the fund is held Lubject to the
order of Conran. All iris purchased
dna: the llth of Hay, when the ftecietary
of the Treasury talented his new policy.
These bonds cost the Gorerumeut $BO,-
282,270. The Interest on them given an
Income of $4,528,728 per year Wait Gov
ernment, of which $703.804 &trendy fallen
du has been invested to $787,000 of
bonds which are abio held subject to the
order of Coneresa. The Secretary, as
heretolore announced, bas ordered the
purchase of $13'000,000 bonds during the
month of December, and Is likely by the
first of next May to have reduced the
public debt In this way at least $125,000.
Gam= wu broken last week at Prov
idence for the Rhode bland fiddlers'
Monument. The Ammon Is to be of
Westerlygranite, said to be the finest
of the kind la the United States,
and It is the intention to have the monu
ment completed for dedication on the
fourth of July next. There will be three
bronze statues, seven feet In height, rep.
resenting a cavaby,soldier, an artillery
soldier and • War also a crowning
status, tau fest in lltititiltt lho repremending
the Genius of America. names of
over sixteen hundred men. tram the
Halo? °nerd to the common' moldier,
from the Navel commander to the ordl.
nazi seaman, mho gave up their lives to
PTO their country, will be plated on
bream tables et the hue of ths moan.
Thatrrums, the attends a la Inodein
Puts, has been subjected to the seentiny
of W. • Hager. • French professor of
phrenology. The remits of his invent.
gallons are at least starttmg, and to the
mdnititted mlabtappear contradictory.
The most highly developed omen of
Ttsupeausee bead la' he ken elan.
ern. With the memory of blirrecent
expkits Rests In one'i mind, Ws an.
sanumment Is eskalated td take one by
curiae, hat the' Mused profeleor
NO. 279.
plains that an abnormal development of
the bumps of combativeness, secretive.
ness and acquisitiveness enables an oth
erwise benevolent person to overconaehls
philanthropic tendencies. The well
known M. Desbarrolles bas also been ad
mitted to examine the hands of the
Pantie murderer, but his report Is lees
favorable. In the lines of the palm be
reads the sign of many evil passions, and
traces a general resemblance between his
fingers and those of the notorious
Dumollard, who wee executed a few
years ago for having murdered sixteen
girls In seven years.
ON the I Ith of November, Rossini's re
mains were disinterred at the Pus La
Chaise Cemetery, in Paris. About
twenty of the friend' of the deceased
muerrro were present on the occasion, at
the request of his widow. Rosaini,
whose remains hare been temporarily
buried in the vault of the Countess 'bo
on (Alban!), rests now in • mausolem
constructed In the so-called Alley of
Honor, facing the large entrance portal.
On the front of the monument Is engrav
ed in letters of gold, the word " Rossini.”
The interior walls of tlfe chapel are
painted in red. Two marble tables are
fixed in the walls on the right and left.
In the background Is a small altar of
white marble.
far DIVI DElif P.
V:=Ogi i . ' t.'`.l6,.. I
The Directors of this Bank bare Dila day •••
glared • dividi al of al PIE CENT. on the
capital stock, payab l e lo the mothballs. or
their legal r press oaD.e. forthwith.
W /d. PLOT D. Dubber.
r.., , c= . 11 . 7 , 1a . L 3 p 1 14 4.
_ _
Board of Directors, held ter dor, Mr.
♦WDI[IW LONG defy elected Cashier of
this Neat, rice Hr. H. M. Hurray resigasel.
.i&uset B. MIT BRAY.
P WEaat
There 1,11 ha • amea•lng TIIIS kIURSDAT
EV alt I G. at 14 o•eloek Amp, at the Armory,
cornea ranavely ....I .04 W•st Nita. It. IL.
oil. (• City. • flan auetataare f me.•
Was 10 rtql1.111( 41. By order of l:11.
deC:g74 CAPTAIN.
Author of Sown'.., to., tell deliver Lecture
ea • .7116 Ktl'itiDUA or_Tat YOPIP All-
On Tuesday Evening, Dee. 7, 1869.
Doors open at T commerce at Irk. 'Meet.
aen a Yo •olee l a a rMeael lor
11 • L 53 MIA
Undist Intoas
A 911 /mirth AVIIII/W de2:4,0
Baal, Literary & Family Weekly,
isalskd able Carve o Luoelslo la all D.
reartm.nt •.
. .
Hs. krw • /111 HOKE Inaet• tan wants of all
obers of goad bathe. et eryalmse. aid ton.
the best of everything for 'airstvbady Is
city, village and country. It pra .tleal
a by the tesat wrgratieneed swinges, myna
(altars, tadds•—Parmlag,Tl ne ts Omahas, roarer
(altars, flenataastal Ilarde Basil Are
Counts . ; and City Hadar% theta Tarstialt-
niandng ran t, Dosteatte llennany, Haw
ca Wats. ae.
Itaa• Motes Stories, Sketches Imam rotes,
Wit and Elam.. the 'sna Mane, sad Illarkot
liVra t taara a t irgett • git h il3sl , l%ArlS
WEEKLY. It cantatas seamen no tit - strawy
lumber has an &natal.% variety far Pathan.
Wetness, dons, D.ghtara eons t 0 We Tonne
levartatdv to advanee. Sleets novice lAtThree
Coplcoail at ono Ilse. 69; Wive Cop au.
Baling ktZ•Bell BAD HOYE, Le • Ctah of
Plve or more auttccelbera at 01.40 suds. the
Otempatt as to la the Vogt Connecta Tawny
Week..., Newspaper to the went. gobeedbars
before the trot of Jammu aezt,.Ul g . t annals.
bare to that dste Free, and tbate year elltrod
Jeau.l7l. 3076. Specimen notebery vent roe.
de x 31 Park —tr. Sew t.
r •. wri
Another Lot New Millinery Goods
ms. ROBB'S,
91 Federal Street. Allegheny.
Velvet Hats, 35 cents.
Rallied Collars, 10 outs.
Cord Hair Nets, 15 mita.
New Lot Linea Collars,
190 Barrels "Perfee.loa" Drips,
The llama ever Omelet to We leerier.
25 HRDS. N. 0. SUGAR
lb which they ladle the Allen.
tton of the Meade.
The Begetter of the Ship. By 8.., W.
3 50
HON Do lure? By the entbor of **What
Dia• - 171 4 44tare4Z1/Irr Three PauWars. 00
A Grandpa/la • Talk TWA
Natural - Mau. sad " of
8119.10 , e, autbor 4 :rloolo4 4, ao
Not.. cagland.d Italy. By an- Haw
thous OD
Ores. 1•••. A WI.. Cosy*. Wawa.
By T. LT. Linton 1 fi
DUCOIMILII by rather Hysclatbe.
ted by Locautad WoWary Hama.. 1115
Zoosany, by L . C.a... low
4 . .4.1. HU. by Ws. L. _Bally
Bld•rons .4 Wm ?bre, 111. re Wiulds.
I. Pam.; sm.. of Ma "say
11.1. 44 155
Wlat t ud Boring oa Wa Aborts 144.
By J. Hoary Boma;
AL /Ai 00
1192 Liberty Meet.
bees entente! OAS .sd tab Mena
lIIISPXOTOR tbr Allegbeee Ors tr. Ideate le
bereb7 Arleen that untes the tereesassy Wage sad
Mechanic.] 'reeling Iliehburr can be proeldtet.
I will be [bead st the 1/171C2 OP TAN NA.
Twent[•thlyd street, sew Pees, Plitsbargh.
". H 4 141111T11.
Dissolution of Partnership.
2 be toßdersblo heretofore aolottog soda 100
dm et ADAIR, Kelt= • Ole.. a. Ude dor
bas Roolved le• mogul eoweest.
ihrrtatton. id.Noveaber 116 .4. a1k
J. K. goutead. ca
rarect Mirs:r 4 . a iratreZe.
3. .1 mewls
Teaser etrawass4..!
• iliAndieuiwill be Rationed at R.I. oltbdaod•
olite rz ogi bo and . el tie
a im - 3 al ;IRO
• • VVAf fi t o lligt b.
erns/man. siimaber SA My: • as.
•SlKArni WARE;
sinssn,T•asice tie
ISOLID erouNa.
au w rirru Avarua.
01, 4 6.0 awl ch apart IcoMlNUtial JAM WWI
Inewpaprx pnbiblupd Ii .Wins Penpgleaale
No Wow, mocha:do or ousrabsai all or' Oa
Slagle subscribes,
Claes of gee
• .4 , 7 fttel•YQ gesusluasalir tote maw
.1, of • doe of ten. Postiaatle •ra regmaiail
to tot 4. vent.
PEWRIBLIN, REED - ft CX:!ft;--.
Pir.NOTTORZ3- 1 / 7 b•Lei," "For Mite
" Logi," Werrsil,”“Ptisnd,""Boardistp."
tee, loot seeeerlisp ITOUB LINZ% mai
be ensertcd Iva these Wit/MU ancerftr
bolos! !but Fin, CENTS. c?.-
WANTED. --A few drat. class
BOAR. ERS at 11510 .tree*. We..
others weal
XRILL U USISCIti) , X In a creep
tam I T . Kest or references re ,t2lred. hell el
300 ,rik+tor4 street.
Ty VA', l'rentitvasta fx thr sale of altsol7
tlaDr.” , larta der. for rtallostastaa
labor or Hoch/ale.. o.parr at mom. gaue.
Betaaad ward. Al trattsay UAW of a. ALL 111
WANITED.—A Gentleman sad
LADY lOARDEa to *WM scosftet
able mom, n semcee tour. vita oo.2UlAS'
muotiable Welt, ha •47 pitatilllS
.... y Clty. A..l.llteu C. U. 01212Y11
Buleet.. aoa
kl.a. ..4.l.rment. Pam. wanlinF
of ell Linde eau be am Med on obersect,..
L to .11(1ENT.itar • 1.1ani.d....!
Hardware More,an.•el In lanntannar and
PDI• Sensor etty reftrennettatai
ea In tbe nourbern Staten. Arldeln• -
J. aLlull.ka, AJLeghtny My. Ps.
Iiy m ANTED—An AGERTfartli is
city to oell Mr celebrated IlAbT11•11
To BICH IN° MACHIN; ea mbled we
°Cerium more !Metal teen Say *Mum:mq.
Call ml examine at al Wood .treat.
H. C. WILCOX. Tremens MIMI.
ninths MAebtee seer Innate& Pam .. 71174
WIZ knit 110,000 Mates per_ alone. AA-
Bostas. Mau. or SI. L00144.11RA • •
WANTZD. MOBINGIAGEL •••• 0r....412 large or malt manoaita.
Taomaii Z. MTV%
BM, Bead and Beal SSW& Became.
_No. 119 BalBBel4l Most.
WANTED. k u AGENTs. =12041
PSO VrU . 'i=ll"tl Ue 2 17 MAW: l At
CHINE. Pr , eo. my IS. Orem tadneemeste Is
ATif."-5 This
jil t .tati t tEr n" mjdra i rtAtu. "-
Lock naoeb•—ordi do an, Mod a wart abstoma
be done an any machtn. — 100,090 sold sad Uwe
demand emu to
Ideremdas. Nom UOs V
1, 2 mu en A elm. dead far etresdals.
arue of len.liS Adana 9900911 11
Bit. oston. PhlabstalA Pa., as SI.
Will and pleasant annum coaitaaa
11. 0 . 1 .raaas at Ina Mau of Lb*
"Mercer Iron and Coal Ow,"
ilacakaboro, o tai Sinuatonna and Inranklia
Bad way. Mama wait). An nal Dos ftiaa
naart6 Andy to
luE4-1M GENERAL AGENT, StonaborE.
osT.—lresteraaz . al • a
0.1100 to Brownstoorse.. • liberal
bo gloom If /oft at 143 Groat stress..
LET.—one large MOST
1 - 10011, ..mad biorr. sonable fir e
ST2tIM Meltle
lie. l d i..ady Lee tiesileaaeri. 'MA beSMOS
- •
rrO.LET —TWO irlUnßrilartn
11 sIarPLIMI =Opt liumlnt WOG Nan
T'2lO - LET.—DONIL:-./1
.16111 lie.
/TD )Qum ROOM . my 'astr al* _
D.• for one or t.oryeattaaiw yit•a.
rrW-ILET, WITH BoAnnura,-
A A.”l.g.eit LARUE P.oo3l,fsehix the Put
;= - glivcrrattr"""' ,
LIM AnetiaW
dwrellon. No. 94 Anderson slyest,
Wert. "no lot 11 - 119 het al andante 'treat,extenellan tack lane Ina to ()lan's Wry. , an
LMob es erected • Tbßti . bTt)IIT =MK
IME, nontalselag ensses moss., watt halm
ased boat Lion. Tea* Is not antreold water ta
latch anun Litmus sod nettle Linton. -bra mils.
snot:drool . W Y. BLACHSISKIIL.
4.004 ttelifttse Ise
tuna Miltwelt sad a coed trade astabilsted.
Address, • • - 110 UL RIM. °Mee.
BuDaßN.nett and iftead•haad. ear
stantly on baud tad bought.
.11111101 RIO.
Corner Surveutosgth sod Me oreek
antsaf eittabargly
Von BALE. , --Englnes and DM.
ars. New and eacond Hand. at all /lilt
constantly en band.
Orders Rom all parts of Ma a: marl lint
. 7
• .
Corm r Marlon Aran.. P. F. W. tC.I. W.
lexhany, Pa.
oti Main Ones. Einar nudes. tierentorntli ward.
Plansan ll a 7 loaded. Inn plenum and mashie
neighborhood. A substantial. vonirentent and
Intssed rasessnlon on lames
&abets. If not sold tio rented. Al
nne BRICK RilllMtbrele as Proswet sins •
1/.. DOUBLE BRICK DW=.1.12:
Forry-Gut soots. Also. V Wiper - of
HOUnall AM) L. 0113 for tar.
/AIMS foe We. Larne Ibr
n relies
Inquire of WILLIAIIB. etY Ems. And
Insurance agent, eassateeatti Wild. Plus
burnt, Pa.. opposite Is. loon% irk-
t !wen.
'Mouse owl Lama oali6slas 816, 60,606116;14.
rleo4l/0 II LlOll owes sou Fjesstsiblotlas.
000; sad Los, as James
000; houses ea tfrIDIAL_Uet. era
omit boosu.a/01 lots la russan v 6161,
114.3001 6 sores is 1/esorrs tow.dup as gar.
s sea. nm 0,161,0001 II tots oa /rams Ursa,
loDn Bell
imei t ramat. Mb. M. toW;
s sad d 0 so u o oß b n u r h s ß ne oes. 600;
b 6 so
sem toe ikßrAwnro, r
eon tans ssa roams, lot by SID 01111
arm stitys 0
lro tftts alike, 36 sae .pay
sew r pj
114 16111191101601.
ltststo Aran. onaar 1.014 saw 114016/31
trusts. Allarbears
Elll9Olll/1--All persons leek.
Diu uoarrs,
or_ invesusuits larliElliP
.111 we time. =WM. And .... b int
of tee .. rilltattlXVl t4l. co
4 Iti.GI:IITY.I3." Mmul
0r.11114 lent tr7mo rata fo st.= away llu riO7 ti.
POOlOll. eanalot. MI
- o ta
60 111
get =lied oat o ni
MI II contatna. - 11 .- " P/lILL Plf,,,
Ilslie Magda ULU. 4 811 14 H 4 WY ltallib,
a 0133 L COOPER 4 co,
Bell and Brass Fel:Mem_
Maas Promptly to' Order*
- ItifißlT'S META'. -;
Made and Kept on Hand.
Kaseutersh of
J. M. Coopeeslmproventauce Wbeel
Offies, 888 PENN Snaffle- .
Ponadm Oar. Maud Rallnad Streo6.
PliTtEnnum. ra.
Corner. of Penn and slim.:,
ad oV
. 0 0, Ilier:P . L ETE
• ' 'Repslied aka
'es nrreAvxrair: •i- ,
0i1144;;53a4 ;4,44
r. 12/ 011 : 11 6
, Liberty mart, Dartien
meet Patens aukol4lau.
a G''rv{ 4 Y t