The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 01, 1869, Image 2

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07710 E:
morn scions, 84 no 86 rim AT
PlitsbasilOlLEcgeway wad Am,
gnAar oematr.
eriESDAY, DEC.. 1, MOO
PIITHOLZIIII at Antwerp, firm.
U. B. !Wipe at Frankton. 9
Bonnclosed in Now York yesterday
s r't 1214(4124.
it An . Intimating talkie, tram the Phlla•
t.ielphis Myra _American, on the "Ohio
;River Navigation," will dnw the read•
c7's eye to another o f . one columns, this
'd Tux Reading Times, In new type, and
r,srlth its thrms rearranged, presents an
',appearance equally creditable to the taste
the publishere, Ittidfolhe enterprise, or
tltuttliourlshing Inland city.
AnarnErcenban expedition is talked
eof by the Ire* Toil. filibusters. They
!are discounting; in this way, their ran.
Ninine anticipations' of Congressional
2nympathy. They any come to grief in
`either direction.
Tnz owe of Georgia will demand,
early in the corning emaitm, the attention
(and the no brges to be` delayed decision
of (longram ; Let her Ilegislatnre ratify
the XIV tb kitl u cle, or favorably attest
tthe validity 'Mt Its pre:W i ne ratification
iby the vote which was taken before the
colored members werkescluded, and the
most serious dits care will
be relieved. •
Tam Census Coicarrrsz appoln . A:
the lest session of Cowry will
Its report early to the approething
acoomPatita. by A Val oigsnfsiaB the
Census Buren for ?870., The bill pro
! vides for tho of several Items
of ststisticsintAstAbreced In say former
Census Isw.4incing the rest will be one
for the enumeration of the different re-
Ileorm sects In •frui tormlxl, a proihdon,
as it strikes us, of Teri Qaestlonsble Si
IleaancY• ne•-1, •
Ws print„li soothes column, an inter
esting IltstedetiVtlf eigumatances con.
neatest withitte pest bath. defalcatlomat
Cleanlsad..lbet !Wet, who may also
Lase seen otmetin .pbsersattons, of ges
t terday, tastable's the leading points of
this affair, willmosfall to notice the two
prominent points in to-day's publication
—the advice from the delinquent official
to his ~infacipl7. MO they -should not
put such teMPietion in the way of hie
successcms, illagiiihinvadmcniiiion with
which the COWitiredieriteseemaidy remin
ded the Dhectomottliete dtdincpumoy in
Tau proirind coned the ell-quation
hare been 'permitted, through corres
pondents, to occupy a much larger space
in our columWhaneve mdicipated, when
the dlscussignVinul lilt opened, or than
has been wtiligi agreeable to the edits.
lontal maUsg 11 n, ;Of-, jhe Gsvcrrn.
Dleelalming,nll , editorial resPonsibillty
for the orgilloui or ile - mestis which
have been tbiis far presented on each
aide, we mmd, nom! close ouir cobamne to
the discusslcuri aping only to any inter
est which may hold itseraggrieved by
the communkntlon of -thIS morning the
Privilege, Wreaked, of reasonable apace
for reply.
A no , in the Tetmesees Legts.
tatare, to defeat the appllcattoci of the
tint:Woad card'rhattatmogs Railway
Company. for the right of way through
. ._
that Btate, IS charsetitn some ..quartetre,
i' upon the uttkieuily - influence of Louie li 41B1carilt to cioncetre, even
- granting Mbrilitfplitallon to be correct,
i how the proper authorities of any Btate
could be guilty...9l inch perverse stupid!-
: ty uto yefue,ulth their eyes open, the
solheadvantages which sub a trimir km
of commtudattlonwould certainly confer,
by lie conettuction, upon the material
mteresta of their people. Tennessee m*
be behind the age in her politics, but she
g i would be clear out of sight in lie rear, in .
1, the line of everything like pmetlesl good
1 . acne if she thus .objects to her own me
g tertal improvement ,
GOLD ADVANCED one at two per cent.,
yesterday, on a report that the Secretary
had refaux!fralcce below 122. If
that report be correct, Mr. Boirrwsu.
has lade salitike,. and h will not take
long for him to disamm ltd indeed, be
may have realized the habitation al
ready,: Bob ,sr don't =win any such
rumor. NO 0 rI. &aef more clearly than
he does, that it is for the Interest of the
Treasury tollilipree - of Its surplus of coin
as long as it Can command any premium
whatever,--ao long as any fiactlonal per
centime of appieciallon can be gained for
Its taper prtialbitleVAlnty. It Is clearly"
not within either the duty or the discze
non of the.srcßtarg to fix any arbitrary.
limit the operations of a policy which
can 'him but one legitimate objective
Obit, and to whichit gravitates with sew
accuracy sagratifying at, without official
Interference. Ili.icesiadble.
la &Nab rerr, the reading of the
Bible was reossitly - prohlblted thopab•
lie schools iiihat city. In Ban Fran.
deco, on the otherhand, Father Gallaher,
a Catholic priest, is permitted to eater the
Tenth Ward, School, immediately after
dismissal, and teach the catechism of his
church to the children. The matter
came up at st;tato milting of the school
board of thilteiVr. • Kr. MEAN one of
the directors,: drew the attention alba
board to the matter, and argued that it
was an Intleardir '. 44, the law to permit
sectarian indirectkMia be given in the ,
schools. Thirsts* met -by violent oppo•
sitlon hum thole who sustained Father
Gallaher in dda_Catftlis. Ind a torrent of
abuse was poured upon Mr. Stillman,
who was Citqtrtinfaaf At - it bled for oh
jetting to seph tells:4lone. Finally the
subject wastildepon the table by a vote
of 7 to 4, anethrte Father Belisha is left
free tot:Meade the children in the Tenth
Ward School as mach as he sees proper.
,a N
r . " • .S.
-. . --- trr7,
7 ' ' THE OZEAT EXPEDITION under Baker,
~4 ,
prepared by the. Viceroy of Egypt for the l
Yexpieralim4ed =ran oftheterritorks,
in the bearaf Mire, which embrace the
sources of the Nile, has at het taken Its
' ~, departure. It Was some mouths since
k. announced bOleirentbspo missionaries
. B seed apply forpermissidn to prooeed witti
1 the expedition. More recently, he b i n
abet given pubilturrotice 'Utak while he
Ishall not countenance the alamtrade,
which is stilirsitgnizenthroughouttbose
p regions, yet head' not attempt to abet
''.. ilk dawn leranbifittlicinii with
p other forms of forced servitude, Rear,
ti tionmy journebtrbotlPlCEirope and in
li our own campy, one sloth** ol4eetion•
p 4 able in this innytamaree; ea Its centrals
they comma tilintfelgsting splendid re.
mita. from an entarpOteerhtehlooks•db
*Sly to the omen of aeondnad, and
14 . ihsfoundlngef a sewrand indspeiderd
F'; pine for tha Agniti.mi Viceroy. , . Thee
brilliant :expectations may be sadly dump
pointed, when the end of these great expe
ditions shun come to be written. Its or
gaolzasion has "the bad drop" in it, the
ideas which control its leader and - the
Egyptian government are at war with the
spirit of the age. We shall see, then, how
it prospers.
The position of this eminently gifted
Frenchman, Is very like that which Men
Tit: Loess occupied when he nailed his
celebrated theses upon the church door,
In Wurtemburg. precis -nut, es I,i:
Truth did et that time, clings to the
Church. of home with sincere and fond
devotion, While in real antagonism with
what he conceives to be the errors, not of
the Church, but of that who ace using
it wrongfully, by making It a clog and
hindrance to the brotherhood, unity and
.progreas of all who bear the Christian
I name. Anathematized by his own
Church, he came to this country, where 1
he finds that sympathy for which he
yearns, not among the brethren of hie'
own COMMUDiOII. but among Protestants
of all sects. But this is a position witch
he cannot long maintain, and, like o-
TEED, be will soon be constrained to ke
higher and more decided ground. to
same is evidently one of those ho
never goes backwards, Upon this d
theatre, where opinion Is freer, and w ere
mere image. and forme are less potential,
then in Europe, he is studying the great
. problems which have stirred his mighty
Antelleet,l' and heart to their depths, but
which are not yet elm to him. Whether
he' shall turn out to be to France,
what Lomeli was to Germany, the event
alone can tell.
Doubtless many people would like to
know how ttis thatthe city of New York
rolls up such enormous Democratic ma.
jorities—majorities ranging from forty to
sixty thousand.
In Atte first place; a majority of the
voters of the city ace of foreign birth.
The whole number of native born voters
is about6o,ooo, of whom about 40.000 are
Nepalleans, the residue, about 80,000, are
of foreign birth. Very large numbersof
the leading met of New York, mer
chants, lawyers, roaster MeCtill3ioll, etc.,
reside In the antormding towns, villages
and country, to the distance of eighty
miles, and are not, of course, city 'voters:
Again, New York, le a Catholic, city,
made so by the overwhelming numbers
of that faith who pour into it from foreign
pnintrles, especially from Ireland. It
has been and that there are more
men in London than there are in Dubin.
The eame.mlght almost be and of New
York. Bo preponderatipg istbatelemeat
that many politicians of American birth
and Prot" scant parentage have turned
Catholics for popularity's sake. So po
tent are they. that they bays divided the
school Pond, and run their schools under
the rule and for the interest of their
Hot lens than ten thousand voters of
that city are direct7Y interested in the
liquor 'businesn Of these ninety-nine
out of every hundred vote the dunocratic
The gambling fraternity are very nu•
mucous, and are . almost to a man demo•
crabs. One of them, .1 obnMorriseev, le a
democnstle representative in Congress,
'and no constituency in the country le
more title represented; for he is not only
a gambler, but a prize tighter and a rut
There are many men in that city who
traffic In the abame and degradation of
woman. Without a single known excel".
Sion all those vote the - deafecralic ticket.
And lastly, there are at every election
from twenty to forty thousand illegal
votes, east mainly by what 'recalled "re- !
pesters," men who 'go from precinct to
precinct, voting again and again under
assumed names. They are paid for doing
this, (brit is s part of the regular tactics I
of therpirty. In that vast population this!
ti not a Macon role to play, especially
where the officers of the election are In.
dined to wink at it. In 1868 these
fraudulent votes turned the scale In that
great State against Guam and Cots►x;
and this year, although the majority was
greatly less, the city was too strong for
the country, and again New York went
Democtstic. Truly that corrupt, and
polluted metropolis Is a heavy and die
coaraging load for that &ate to cam ;
for, outside of the city, New York It as
decidedly Republican as Massachnsetts or
In discussing the financial question,
Congress will hive due regard for the
kindred matters of the tariff, and of pro
tection for home industry. We obeerve
cuirent intimations that, while Meissen&
of the protective theory will muter their
full strength, with a comfortable con fl
dance in their ability-to meet the assaults
of a very compact and thoroughly or
goateed free-trade party, the design is
entertained of making large additions to
the present free-list, even to an extent
which, according to one report, will
reduce the annual receipts from customs
by at least seventy millions of dollars.
This suggestion 11 palpably an 'bawd
one, sin/ that would be abating full
forty per cent. of the present revenues
from that source,—an abatement which,
this year, would have cut off at least
seven-tenths of the amount by which we
have reduced the public debt.
If the friends of home Industry, and of
the inentenance.of that financial policy
which has been thus far moat successful.
feel themselves strong enough to control
the situation, we e6ll4ronture to suggest
to them the conspicuous wisdom of doing
Judas little as possible, except to defeat
all outside attacks upon the existing con
dition oft things. The country might
certainly do better in some particular de
partments of Industry than It is doing
now, but, in the absence of any general
wellscapported demand, from any special
interest, for inenhancament of protective
rater; it is plainly a bad policy to agitate
any question of soca an advance at pre
seat. It nlsy be advisable to extend the
free-list somewhat, but not so as to impair
the riVannesecelpts to any noticeable
Memberii who proposal(' dry up the cut.
tomato the Wig of $70,000000 will and
It simply impossible to collect that
amount is Ohm directions, euperadded
to aiding titration. - If they imagine
that the csuntry desires that kind of re,
lief, at the risk of a corresponding Inv
pension of its debt paying policy, they
reckon mlosS JgttoranlUY•
Let us first be sure that we can refute
and keep dawn that active and resolute
influence Id limn of free•trade, and of
importation' without limit, which has
made Itself prominently manifest of
Then, it will show a more sincere and in
telligent regard for the real intcreis of
out people to4alk rather of an increase or
many of the present duties than of the
ehiticaritit of any of them.
With public burthens se heavy as tho
wintry now feels, the treasury maids
the hut dollar of revenue which any tar
.i.o ran:be made to yield. The existieg
rater of imposts yield, neither of revalue
nor of protection, as mach ar the Treas.
ory could prOtably absorb, or as our
ladutrial beagle 11414. ploy w ith
Advantage.. Iftlioie rates may not
ill' 1::::i. ..'.:,,11 4,,... .•
be increased, it is the madness of folly to
Mink of diminishing them now. It is
better that the tariff should be maintained
as it 41, although but moderately protect
litais that we should oak for more
then we may qt, ox concede more than
the runes:3l%3es Of the Treasury will ins
A Washington latter styli:
The frierdt, of Protection to Home Lay
bet were never so strong am they nil:
Is the coming Congress. They will he I
able to meet and answer all the partinans
of Free Trade. Tbey ran (Neut 1 , , the
transcendent development of American .1
mechanical skill in the last eight year.
as their vindiration, and for wltnelof of
: loath:a of their ranee to the loud
VOlre of the heretofore free-trade eith
In freer of protection, trod the conies.
Rion , of thooaamir in Europe of the M-
I etifllefeney of a nysf em tnat only enriches
I the capitalist w hile It beggers the w ore.
➢t>sene EDIT , m•. I have eatentively
perused all the editorials and communt
catkins which have appeared in the Piths
burgh press, relative to the "corner"
oil. 1 coo Adored them altogether un
called for, until Saturday last, when the
action of the "hellborn conspirators," to
quote Observer's language, induced
change of opinion. I submit a brief re.
some of my reflections for the considers.
Lion of your readers. It is well known, '
at least by the lmina: community, that
the "infamous conspirators" in question
"earner( d" relined oil In Philadelphia,
towards the close of last month, by the
aid of large capital. It was evidently the
intention of these schemers to duplicate
the game during the present m onth
Finding the load mom burdensome than
they anticipated, they dropped the re
fined. What has been the result• On
the 29th of October rt fined oil was In de
mand in Philadelphia at 37 cents; on the
29th of November it was decidedly weak
.talicents.. The latter figure, by the
laws of legliimate trade, should make
crude in Pittsburgh worth but 12} to 131
In the face of the above facts, the gam
blers have becu buying up all the crude
cautracu they could obtain at 111 , 1 cents,
with a determination to "corner" the
crude oil market at the close
of - the year. With a view to this
end, the "bulls" are thwart
ing the managers of the railroad in the
delivery of oil by detaining the care on
the rid hags at the refineries, taus prevent
ing the railroad company trout transport
ing the amount of oil required to fill the
contracts within the swatted time. The
success of such a scheme would place the
"shorts" completely at the mercy of the
"longs;' and extortionate "differ/iers"
would be demanded for a failure to deliver
oil which the "bulb)" in reality did nut
wish to receive. Is this lestitintelte, honest
, trading, or le it dishonesty and duplicity
to take advantage of a "situation" whien
they, the conspirating, have brought
shout to accomplish a nefarious end!
The low stage of the river has been a
great natural advantage io the "bulls" to
' the prosecution of their scheme. 01
course these taco hose never rrayed that
the windows of Heaven . might remain
shut, until the expiration vi the year, and
they Countless deeply sympathies with the
pour of the river cities and towns, solle.
itous about the winter's sspp l y of coal
To be explicit, I give the following ez
you of one, of lbr many, tricks of the
gambling operator, tin Saturday morn
ing, rain commeueed falling, there was
every prospect id a speedy rise in the
river and pasties were dispos..l to sell oil
to he freighted t y water. tine Oral, which
had been buying all the oil it cold ob
tain at 16j cents, very frankly refused,
on Bothnia); morn of, to purcbsse in view
of th e downward tendency of prima. so.
other deafer, the head centre of this die' I
bobcat conspiracy, a Chrutian gentle- !
man, probably a lineal descendant of one
of the money chabgere wheat Christ'
drove from the Temple, was asked
if •he wanted to buy oil at sixteen
and three-fourth cents for Decedther
delivery. 4 cons:fence seared bj ras_
edify did ribt rebel against the answer.
"Yea," which was promptly returned.
Test "yea" was stake yes, and the speak
er knew it to be such. Had there been
1 days of special Providential intervention,
its author would have merited the fate of
Ananias and Sapphire of old. With
Idephisterphileart audacity, be refused to
accept the names of seller. whose can.
tracts were as good as his own or these
of his delectable clique. What wee the
object this whited sera:Ochre, toll of dead
men's bones, had in view, in refusing to
receive the contracts of certain parties!
It was to discredit their business ioteg•
rity, and deter Them from throw ing any
more oil upon the markt! —thus leaving
the "bulls" the masters of the situation.
Now, sire, the conspirators contend, with
an affectation of honest indignatioe, that
no oae has any right toaell what he bee
net. A manifest absurdity. I give a
parallel Came, by way of illustreuith.
It is announced that pioposals will be re-
ceived for the erectiou of a public build
inc. A carpenter, a large cootractor,
' requests a master bricklayer to name ills
price for famishing and completing the
, brick work re site for a building of
such and such - dimensions, no per the
specifications. The price Is accepted c r
declined, according to the carpenter's I
judgment of the present condition and 1
future prospects of the legitimate trade.
.1 will suppose that the pnce Is accepted
and that, immediately upon the signing
of the contract, other bricklayers, jealous
of the move, buy up all the brick on
hand and to be made for some time to
come In that section of the country.
What' is the result? The carpenter le
held to Ids contract; he cannot obtain
material except at ruinous rates; the sub
contractor is in the same predicament,
all the reault of a " corner" precisely
similar to design to the recent
and present movements in oil. Can
any one honestly state that the con
tractor had no bootees to close the
agreement, because he had not then the
materiel on hand, and because a jealous
clique locked up said materiel and check.
ed legitimate trine? Such, however, is
the argument of the "bulls." Infamy is
but a mild term for ouch a course of ac
tion. .
To make a more direct application of
the principle, suppose an exporter sends
his agent to Pittsburgh to contract fur
10,090 barrels of refined oil for delivery
at a time he may deer best for exports
' tion. The agents requests W. It. to fur
nish the ri ford and they, pooled aa to
the price of crude; findertsute to deliver
the oil at a price mutually agreed upon.
W. II.;go Into the market and purchase
say 16,000 barrels of crude oil from J. it.
W. at a price 'which will yield them a
reasonable margin On the refined.
In the meantime, an Increase
of production threatens to weaken
prices, an', rather than see J. it W. reap
the lion's thereof the bargain, W. It. adopt
Wei/allowing plan. As J. it W. hail no
right to sell what they did not own, they
deserve a severe castigation at our hands.
We will therefore buy all the oil, of the !
kind we contracted for, that we con pro. I
cure, and thus render J. it W. unable to
comply_with the turns of their contract.
J. & W. are in a Career; WO CM collect
heavy damages fortheit failure tei deliver.
sink I ask would not an act of this
kind, squarely exposed, condemn the 1
perpetrators as villains of the ! blackest
dye? Yet such agame has been played '
upon an extensive scale in Pittsburgh for
months; and I em satisfied that It is the
intention of the conspirators to still fur
ther advance the price of oil, blasting a
very it iillortant branch of our legitimate I
trade, unless the Grand Jury will laves.
tigatc, expose and check The fraud.
.Itiany of Abe refiners bought oil In
large quantities from dealers in crude to
suppty4helr refineries. When the con-
tracts were concluded, the idea of forth. I
toga warmer" was favorably entertain.
eel, and an efroo was made to include all
refiners in the uoholy "ring." Fully 1
one-half of the refiners, knowing the
criminality of the ehtiFiraevs spurned
the proposition. The ' nog' was then
enlarged sad streng,tbened - Ay the intro
duction of outside unscruptdotia specula
ton and capitalists. 'With amPlararans
at their command, the "belle advanced
the then fictitious price of oil. Ist,
forming this cofithinatlon, the n.finers
snood that their object was toexport their
own oil and effectually PrOteetthermselves
apical the designint Eastern operators.
Some ifil, it bitrue, has bean exported;
but I fail to see the connection between
an exportation of refined oil and scoriae/
In the oil market at home. If
they are di shoos of tasking money
b'y exportation,. does It appear rm.
sonahle , that they would bay up
all the trade oil of a certain gravity,
for this year's driven only• and thus I The Cardin (..1•11 , _
false the price of cru•le tour cents per The Cardiff Giant, which has been
gallon higher than the toglroat price of creating so much excitement in the Onon
rr tined would warrant thorn no paying ' . digs Valley, New York. has been subject.
The inieffigent reader can readily' per- , ~4 t o ~, careful ~ ,,,1 14, 0 from
crave the Its' intent; 01 the ill lov"nrd i arriatifte gentlemen. This stone giant
~ ,,, kiE, ,,,.. Au p r inchtis of our trade harn4 exhibits the marks of, OK sculptor's wads
been.mare or leer. effee{ed by the eb-i very plainly,:antilsonne of them, platen
sorption of capital in carrying out the I laxly whale the legs and urns join the
iniquitous plot. Buikigliod other lioOlt \ Mid,. are etteedffegly fresh.Thermal/o
ctal Inatitutiona have pulled out into-the m i rof the figure is said to be Perfect.
stream. and the revolt he . been, no dlll - The statir.; Which is a reclining figure,
Lomat , a tight money market and ultra ` ca r ved carved from gypsum , was discovered In
I times to all • . a bed of muck, nearly covered with
I arc glad I I mid that every journal in ' water. Experiments were made on the
the city, alai but one t xoeption, has con• . solubility of varioos klitls of gypsum
demnrd in bitter terms this "c irner" 1 under different circumstances, and it we
movement in oil. Public condemnation ascertained that a block of this material.
has gone even further. 14aning divines weighing ceirepteen ounces,' exposed to
have warmed their oorignegallons sAshibt. the constant action of rain wider for forty-
We pernicious' intim:am of these =dully eighls hones, lest one ounce. The tuella
and unlawful conspiracies. But all to no lof a carefully conducted series of expert
, purpose. The game is stiff madly pur• . meets of the above character, when sp.
sued. Social position and ample linen- plied to the stone pull, prove, it iA assert
coil resources are deemed satisfactory\ ed. that the statue hes only been buried
atonement tor the crime. bleep a pauper 370 days, and that the antiquated appear.
in jail prississes a better principle than i since is due to exposure to the dissolving
some of the oil conspirators. The Roman ' effocta of water.
maxim "Whom the G.ids would destroy 1
they first make mad," may be verified in
the time of the "bulls" as they are sires- I
ily sufficiently choleric to indicate a
speedy deattuction. "Lying rides upon
debts' back" is a trite proverb; and,
when the end of the bulls cornett', debt
will have a terrible load. Ahors
The Great Cleveland Defalcation.
A letter from an oMcer in the Second
National Bank, of Cleveland, 01110 ,
states that that bank will lose very large
ly by the detalcation ut it cashier, who
recently' committed ;Weide. Over foul
hundred thousand dollars of capital and
deposits have been sunk, and limeade
made upon the special deposits in tin
boxes, din, in the bank vaults, which
may amount to over two hundred thous
and more.
These Special deposits were taken nut
and sold at various tame to bridge over
the deceased cashier's accouter. with the
bank. Inn letter he felt fur the directors,
he told them that they had lost their
money and he had lest his life. That he
had played Milhaud, had lost and abotdd
pay the lentil. Bar caul tined them about
ear r putting so much temptation In the
way of any future cashier, and staled
that the Bonk Examinol, salt out by the
Comptroller. was =lens, that who'b e
made one examination of book aci
counts there was a defalcation el ever
two hundred thousaad dollars, and the
last time lie examined it and pruneunced
it all right there Was about halt a
The directors have decided to make
good the losers of the special depositors,
and to do this will probably meniche the
total lanai sut the bank over VOU,UtX/
Its original Capital fifluS $13110,000, its Bur- '
pins 11156,000, and it had Just called in.
$OOO.OO O mint, hit the tairtflus, to make
its total capital $1,000,000. its stock
holders are mostly wealthy men and can
stand the loss.
Another report states that the Examiner
did report an uneatistactury condition of
the bank in August last, and that the'
Comptroller thereupon wrote to the Pres
ideut of the bank, calling has aim' Minn to
the irregularities. He sold •
dud tram the report of the Examiner
upon the condition of your bank ou the , 1
:nth ult., that the violation o f er viral
provisious of the law, to which the allen
non in the cashier has been called hereto
-1 lore, still continue to exist, and I has.
come to the conclusion that curtain cum
muntcatious to him do nut wane under
the n o tic e of the directors, era a hum the
respousibility of Loathe:nog the litudiseas
I of the bank In ateurthatdi with the pro-
Vllfsns of the law properly Texts.
therefore rehlreas you and through you
I the otner directors et the bank, and hope
that when von are made acquainted with
the viola• lons noted try the I,samther yen
will see that it it sf•er , loty, in fr,,,ritance
with your etnrial ague, to r - frrf cf the
ant) L ins hi fe,ut
tile law rireets
The icier then cells ritteriti I.lth v
irregnlstreies, among then, inaufflcanty
in the re-nerve; that several leans store Is
excess of one truth the capita!, that
Inns were improperly secured; tint the
bank has burrowed $1,0.000 of a relived
company, which was very tad policy it
the hank had each a reserve as it claimed.
The letter then closed as follows:
"The directors of the husk bare eel
dehtly (nth d t o realise the -tart that It
their duty to administer its attars bath.
tally and gm, ru Ihewnelnea atrfeify In
accordance with the requirement , et the
law, and have lett the control of imainiva
too enti - ely to the hoods of the cashier,
who, though he may he very capable and
honest, certainly dare not obey the
It Is hoped that the directors will give
more of their aftentlon to the manage
mint of the affair, of the hank tiereaiter...
To this letter the Preaident of the 11.mii
returned a tutu.: dignified reply, implying
much eller:lse at the Cofnptrolier's Com•
tollniatll , o, end defending his earthier
'it, very Llynsifterat , le roperfty.
Coral Jewriry vedertsting Farts.
N 311.1 1 .5 is known the world over for its
production of coral jewolry. sad every
body who gc.t., there passes through the
coral fever belare ho leaven the ciy. The
shop windows aro !idiot the most esqui
tate precincts to this tteattuful nVerial,
and es the prices raked are considerably
lower than in America, the purchases by
Americans are very large. I du not
know that 1 have anything of (tamest to
say about 1.111.8 C products, except to paint
out to my lady friends at home those
qualities In coital which fix its value in
Naples. In a conversation with ono of
the inanteacturers, t learned that coral
depends for its talus upon three consider.
atioas—its color, Its size, and the perfect
ion at In texture. The valuable color',
or tints, of coral are sufficiently well
understood among American ladles ; but
they are it it aware that It is the limper.
teeth's' , of coral that determine, more
than anything else, the forma loth which
it shall be carved. A large piece of coral,
for Instance, one side of which is sound.
and the opposite side of which Is Imper
fect, will be carved into a Pompeian face,
or some other fax, either human or ani
mal. Small pieces of coral, with the
same imperfections, will be carved into
flowers. It may at once be concluded,
by any purchaser of coral, that those
articles which represent laces, with the
back side LIM, or combinations of little
I flowers, belong to the second class, so far
as their value Is concerned, no matter
how pretty they may be—and some of
them are ten beautiful Indeed_ In fact,
I think there are Many American ladles
who suppose representations of Sowers
in coral to be particularly valuable and
desirable. That was the popular opinion
formerly, I know. The most valuable
articles of coral jewelry are those which
present coral in the largest perfect masses
—WIMPS, symmetrical In form, and hay.
tag no imperfections In any aspect. So
•e have them mode op lute brooches,
Ac., in combinations of bars,
lobes, spheres or sprigs at natural form,
which beer examinatton on every aide.
It happens that the best coral jewelry Is
We lout ornate, and the least attractive
to the uneducated eye. It Is astonishing
bow a few days of looking Into shop 'w in
dows seta one against all the prettiness of
all coral Sewers and fruits and feces, and
fastens one's admiration upon the plain
and massive specimens of the perfect
coral, whose value lies in Its perfection.
—Dr. Rolland. _ _
--- _
The Lincoln Slanumot at redeemlphts.
The modument to the late President
Lincoln, which is to be erected at Broad
street and Girard avenue, is thus de
scribed :
The pediment is of Quint'' , granite,
eighteen feet high and sixteen by eighteen
feet at the base, The buttresses at either
corner finish at the bottom of the die
with a moulded asp, on which mats a
trenze eagle. At the have of the die a
festoon of laurel and oak, in bronze, or.
Dements each face. The die le paneled
and each panel will contain an inscrip
The pedestal finishes with a moulded
*, en which rt les the statue.
The figore-ht of bronze, and represent'
the President in the se t of signing the
Emancipation Proclamation. The figure
is in a sitting position. Dee hand is
uplifted and holds the pen, and the other
the document. The height of the statue
is nine and a half. feet.
There will ghee- be en extra base of
hammed granite, snaking the total
height of the monument some thirty feet.
The extra bee will be about three feet
Iztdez than the base of the monument GB
*Mud. .
The.granite part of the monument is
now entirely completed and ready for
setting. The bronze work is expected in
about six moraine time. The oast will
be about C.12,000h- ‘
Tax tot LI crop ofdka. CollOt y is esti
mattd at some 1,400,000;0.00 .bpabels of
pain, of which %heat le J' ,000,000 and
corn 800,000,000.
Snitirwr's- SALES. —The Supreme Court
of Pennaylvania bas decided,, dodge
Sherwood delivering the opinion, that
a mortgagee, or a purchaser at Sheriff's
sale, is not hound to look beyond the
judguibnt docket to ascet t tin whether the
entries thereon are properly made by
authority, and that where there is a de•
festive entry of a judgment, or an 110-
authorised entry of satisfaction, the Pro
thonotary la Itabliortor damages to any
party injured. Hens:,
where the Pro.
tbonotary, without the authority of the
Court, entered on his docket against a
Judgment, "satisfied on ti fa.," it was
held that the entry was perfectly regular
and conclusive as to third persons to
whom the judgment itself regularly dock
eted was constructive notice, and that It
was not necessary to search further and
ascertain whether there was an, record
of an order of the Court directing such
Mn be 0013901ted catty day u obi I o'clock y
.tbttu reaL Mcdkto. Mot*. 167 Liberty stmt.
and (tom 4 to 0 aad I to 9 ett night
troll. sbe r a r
/1,.1ux •nd
of ttu Ileart .1,1
t kerated Limb.
vb.. h., to get ficlief from utt,r
W loom. Into Eb mtofr,ol tmalmtnt.
la Ibis ouretrl eava at dlOrntat ..avont or
Oa 'yew. lb temp-manta let. • Ilmae
Vet berm, aO3 Aulfmoe hey, a a... Mates earl
ruielosa• Met trebone oely to LAT tellll••rate .
4oeta, our $111.1.4191.1 Mg, • Mt lerrrld. ape our We
alusoat wets re 1114. (.I,W,{.
t even
t•r • ,1, In/ • ••• 1•{1o• Item 0111.111 •
•Cr tours Ir. 0 Jesr•t• • Yaptemberlt dO. O O
- :o health
•• •t up..., lb la
.04 • •••at 111.
mnt r!‘.. • .411 n• amm... 001 07
r•cm....1 47 ccccc of do, emem .04 W.
• : ml.'. •••,..t. le mt. •I. l•
mo et. to con 1.12. m. Th. . - 01.1 tad 1.3
' q
let .4 416.4.1 t .• •
epro ea lre In• arattler... •Inee ‘l..
e. /I,..luelltet .4 10/ /TIT 1E21 . 5 RT 1 .1)1A1
ptereel 1.14 • rfertl• taaargra . ... dleester.
la Lbe "MU. /lee fall. el mute .pretally le
tne fan Use 17V11.41120 of 4.1 , sel• err
0.7 metres.... The e.afe. r• eot
e. I eldetueaVer 170r111.1 , tee.
•rt Ir., 1b....mar1. ea. and ie.-
11 h•011m • lettlr ••41 roar 11
11.ey and brari ap.l 1•1 La It Sem.. 11 e•
re-e rt.., •.1 lo the 5•., .46.1 vet et. , • r , .1 .
e Wee b. nr....1 • treat Se ••re
all eet 1 I .
ler rel. .r• 0 ter
<l,ll at lee nt.11..1 7 eared Tee re . o
11.4.•Tr , T1 211 • IIITTF.I4 , it ell •ar
. e. r bee eller tee.
tett fato..<7. ADA 11 la (1•1• •<0..•••
•• • p•rtet 1/, ten. of Vie.
emits... Seta.. or lb , ...val.:. prof...lee
urtristi ,s•the st,rlshel•ler• • f tbe
I'ESNATISkas a WOOD ratirllVlNO °O.
beta al No. a 34 wawa, at ,et. Mita
delob • oes RESs.iSDAT. Deal:ob. Ist
11509, at le r ss.
n..T. gat WV. Clew*.
0) /1,4 O 1110,07.,111,1.• INSCII.APICI CO..
US Wet. Pare.-
rtYPIWILi.II. Novrasoor 23. 060.
cirnlviamento—trhe Board of
et/MIMED , of atilt 00[1101.01/ Isar Ws
arotar•A • .11TIO cod of 71311Lf. DOLLIR I 1.615
111 alas on lbw eat 1.•1 !hoot. out of the tunings
of In. Ha 'sought..
esystole 1110 of trapaaantwths Tai 011.14 alter
t 0.3910 .
t0.4...yat JOAN 11. OL•Ti ."
CT. 'errata,
. _
_ .
trrraak us IldosOaalataLs Is,lsscs Co .
US Ws sr o‘st.
l'rristataon. 31.velaber 113.
'r 'IN DILILECTURS of Ms damaT.
‘o 'ors< I. lb t sn.olos •rxr. WWI t•l• bel • sa
callos. N. Oata a, Are., . TUlt SD/T. Dr•
comber Via., SIM% Setae.. Me holm. of 11
•. a , ' r. •
snsail JULLN B. GLARY. O~arelr 1.
Orrlca .1 . "Its
rnerwr.. • U1t...1( lit, OIL fl6B
J . lrrneusun. 1 . ... Bo•cmi.r 18E19
. . .
arA DIEETII 4 G or Tut:
m tockbol , ht • of the PITT4III3II O II mud
rummy nin4 coNPA It% 0111 be heed
the olltre o H. P .11g l'1( So. 40 rtf.
s .4 , AA I,lsobiroh. rewAr. Wreath
het that, 1060,.1 fl h•cluel r. A.. to detertaltal
•4410 hi • ta tof wtdOomothyth petweetv.
W. A. HILLO. ero.lent.
H. X twenty. SersetAu. 4017,74.
_ .
°erica cm Mt
IMARD9.9 Pautousost Notarit KS.
neleat MM. Pa.. November 16. 1569. 11
of the 541.14 M 900 W r.
TlinLitql COM PAM'(. Mils be bele at Oa
oNve or M. PATRICK • co., 90. 40 51118
•renvm, P.t , tbereb. Tr.. nn FRIPAY. Doren,-
rtOta.lBo9. at 9 n•Nook r. M., t &Lerma.
4 11 I X be PI5Til - tc . ... 11. 1 :f -
COr.. A , 50 gm. Iteentall, 9.17 .7 01- 7
Ormcs PIT - M.l{oll SOD CoarN.U.evtaalt
ILbitawao No v ember P 1.1515,011.
1188. 1809.
grOirrastiatan Avis CON
arm., vim RAILIA Al) AFtill•L
if EILTING.—N4 t ee la hereki p Wen 'het t be A.
Karl Keettua of the ttocah , Idere of the Pltta•
•rah and Cone Mettle ttaliPasel Comeau). for
the pat, o eor holing a tiemrd of Dlrefuore for
LAI weautoke yaw. Ph 1 he bald at thelt_Ofhee,
*** .3 . th u el: ** L U l "' MAS 414 Mit : 1 1F 1 3**G:
6r6 . 0 6r,r • sel
* 1*;0 "trim,
1 ( y• largo block u.
w exc l‘i tr i a Fp . t ss,
1p every ♦artery. put received for the 1.1
diu, aI
WaTTLI3B & sarierEzt,
701 /11111 AVEN UE. seese Etmittirletd street
W All Male of Bak eftWolri tOOdil to or&
D`"s" a•
1870. 1870
T. S. HAVEN & GO.,
rum Vocal Itreat awl Third Amin
abut. or Melt late CA are received dap!
• al. I'n pupal*" Pali etsod,llo_AS,
Dlaseuadllaf It i et sb rlll•lrths :$,,F.;=.
cit i .sv A .At a i x .
pt.;,..„„ t., tM
trik sloes
t % clefts as to
loil Pride.. lre as wel, ere in am! 0124
ankle. Wholesale or reSsll. Allssders ailed
is oho feat teem. tor sales wholes*, or rots 4
of Not. SW sad ft Mitt streoC-by
sr-W nova, .f kW* repairoo Of altos*
cots**._ oorS
Of.aptrLr yltalft . v. rt.
I ZTIM2I67 . NeIy . : et? )144 , • Vir take at4b•
)a.117 6rocoA UMS Of
Awl,/ IttionAw.
nazi Contetrabaty In NM* RtnXtr•
AVavendE olfrr•Vnt AEct2irl. tly
' ANU Bair or an 11.,611109 ot
'rbe I krniln rirrt.cvleol..ouved tile eri
onto .old ?radio. of
C• tetilli•Ariona ettadarti a uttintiltias,
and ,ttta,tr...d rrtAgrArn. On c,,,,aosn.
d•r ..10 , W. 111 C • N. An , 110
n. 61 0 . 00 .
A cA19f.07 , 1, cIF BATERIA NIE.DICA Al`P
THFRAPEUTICS. For LI, ol muclovate
By FULLY. A . Prot ,ow.
of Materla 11,11. od Therso* nr• lin th.
lNava.(Co s lleat. boo. riot
RU Tattasi,44sar. atAALAA L. L.A.
am. T..u4d 0.60.
PT , 011 F ., F , tt SITHDAV., illustrating too
Cat4rhtem thg author Cl —1.110 4 . B. err
fle•rlt Re 1,4 sgd ed , ted
sn oxi, It shop Wessern 00
.n , l author of "Tht.u.,os 110 Ser
e< Blustra.4l. 12000. Tinted
alra 75 .
they Famlllnr History of
frtable ILtigdom. By Br la. I. BAIL!.,
Butnor of ..our (You Bird., With Sct.entl•
thrroßoorAylnAs. 16me. Tuned psr-r.
tr•cbth. $l.OO
HER J TOWER. Second aortas.
By Wit t. 1,4 HarottlYtt 111to0. mother of
••Nen America. — oil.. Crown 1.1•0. Toned
piper. Cio . A• 151.31. 4 .
tiORSNJiY CARY/I.S. Illustrat.ed orfth ,no Hon •
tired and /went? Eletre, by 1.r00,41 RICA•
4), 4.4 Ti rr u, cti. email litn. fine
TR, 2E5
and IS
cloth. 1.7 5 .
13'4 IL I'OUII jiltl. Iha Story of Than sand,
lahno. Latta rAotit• $1.50
TRU .1S AN. , FLOW IRS. A Collodion or
Ton" and Soap fur Common sad betradial
tt-b.oli. Pt W11.1.,1“.N.•n. author of
"the toolbar. ••toothern and
sad Wes rrn Ewa , II arenony. — d •..1 be
Chrt•than Harmon, , m• I ..h. an ontr
Iloards. 63 cents
FIAT I PARTS. By ./.041• L. BAnatyeOS,
Id U.. D. V. H., la. Lecturer on Ana now and
Surgery In the Philadelphiat•thool of Anatomy.
11.•trated with nI.WI Plows awl acne
ono WO. eau. tato If at. 11.50.
Blair AN I) ITS D t. Hal N TS. Ily W
A. kI•MV.,II. rfore.for nl Direases
the Mind sad Nervous System. and of Clinical
Medicine In the Belle•ne bospWAI Medical
Collette, New I art; 1.1. e baryon l•enoral r A.
Army. et. . VA rho. CI tb. Al Th
For sale Fr all 60.iAselltril. 0 , las stilt by
mall, postage paid, on strelpt 01 the price be
the ilatollthen.
11? MARKET STREk.Ad.,I3.•
New Dry Goods!
$lO.OO per Yard, 1-4 Black Cloak
lag Velvets.
50c., One case Empress Cloth, been
selling this sea.son at $1 per yard.
627 c., Silk Chain Black Poplins.
50c., heavy Black Corded Poplins.
23e., Plaid Country Flannels.
$6.00, Bargain in e l tuntry Blankets.
50e., Strip silk liiixed Dress Goods.
Good Bargains in Pai-ley shawls.
Good Bargains in Black Thibet Shawls
Good Bargains in Cloth Sacques.
Beaver and Chinchilla Cloths.
Velvets and Yell eteens.
S- 4 Cou uti ) Blanket Fla nu c I
'assimeros, Tweeds, Cna1111.7,9
o lin Plaids, hiedimi,
Bargains This Week
Ci'0114.411 14
West Car. Market St. and 4th Ave.,
No. 09.
Chrt. Maur to • 1 . 1.101 WM'. soothe ,
or thnn roller of Ito lobtrunce In
Life Insurance Company
Thu Only Truly mutual ['atrium iu lir
City or Klatt.
LASt paying Paeans In the nm•t St 1a.V.00.01/0
Tbere It • tpecl•l ad•aatflre Itt taking out •
policy hoar.. them. Who get tb•tr potable .e'ore
January lit silt hate the brevet al the be pe
cent. dteliteed of J•hn•ry at it.
OfFICIL-71 nrrii ♦VINUR
The Iste.t •nd mon ocaontel deetinn
•Caws la
meir cal ti dluot Usportaldoo Iraq Lug
i ana.
7:33R-MT a-ClialliTg3
IN the :Nat 01l In in WO I..nUltes•
& CV.
23 Fifth Avenue.
Booksellers and Slalioners,
Blank Reek%
Writing IrinW
Steal Pena.
Twin renctla,
Lane Pena H..
11111 Head Beata.
Penalam Ellarzen
Stamp Boma.
Bank Nonce Inman
Neunrpapar Sawn.
DuOwe t
Oar Mewl of Wart. V now complete. reeding
la price from Meta to p. 40. Nana , upon
neelpi of pytow .ea. the 011.3110. at dep. toe
MM. el we will tU order same day needled.
AV. 119 SMithfield Street,
. VIAJNia, • 1111138 F A. FOR
.jo. sta l itAtralOT 'Led rei.
. mgrurAltgrehttraraa
•=da sliktionialiecoa spit MIA%
Jiikabil.taa O.IIIU- 4111.11110 t isb. area;
gatAkst west 19.0,1141.,*15,000; North Cm-
I 121011. 1111.4111101Nonrteastner,_111111000;Cluk
1 avirta"lol/.40M %It kp a Ar r . oulr.
I' toa. 4 1,41 . 51 With 1111.111.
The Lowest Prices
NOM, VA) l Y.! Federal Street,
At $2.50 a pair. izood size Gray
At $3.00 a pair, extra size Gray
At $3.00 a pair. Good Size White
At $4.00 a pair, extra size Witte
At 81.50 each. Ladies' Embossed Cloth
Skirts. in choice colors.
At 37 1-2 c.. All-wool Knit Sontags.
At $2.25, Large Size Square and
Woolen Shawls.
At 50c., lien's Shirt and Drawers.
At 25c.. Men's Woolen Scarfs, large
At 25c, Ladles' Velvet & Crimp Hats.
At 25c. per yard. Black and Colored
Alpacas best Offered this sea
son at the Price.
At 12 1-2 c. Dark Delaines.
At 18 3-4 c. All-wool Scarlet Flannel.
At 25c.. Heavy Bard Twilled Flannel
a goon bargain.
At 87 I-2,c.. 64 Blank Waterpr'f Cloth.
At 81.00. 6-4 Black Waterproof Cloth.
At 81.00.64 Brown Waterproof Cloth.
Ladies' and Children's Fars.
New Styles Dark Calicos.
Country Flannels, Country Blankets.
Cassimeres, Jeans.,
Wholesale and Retai
Noe. 180 and 1112 Federal Street,
Woolen Good,
11 0,0 1 , t,
IV Skirt. 15•.(2,41:1513,
All stir. And pnwllpn WOOL !:13 mrxiso
TLEItI - tl/ ('^TT•)!Y.
1141-1 A it UR IPCIVI'r Fifyt"-KPI
ItIAL Ut,yrs AND mirrm.
WOOL KNIT lil,ol*C ., ANTI mirrm.
rm. my. , Is Limit) A 13!Lli GLOVES
14F , C11 , 1 , 13.1 V (. 0i
LADLE,, 01.0vmm 0
sll Hada,
AT 1 .owEs r PRICES
Wholeml6 Foomi up stairs.
Rand Knit Shawls,
Hosier) . and Gloves, to suit all.
ROMAN nriGEN, ell 'Mkt tnion
'nwh.n , •ro iPearfo,
Love a .11an.,
I.aee I lwattltrehletw.
IA :tail Ccoll e arw,
II at tams.
Itlbhanot, et
We are no. 01.111%. our abet of
ARAB SHAWLS at, Halt Price
Blue and Green Kid Glares
R Ile ,. azta gm awl Maier.. sarritrdst rest.
78 & 80 Market Street.
, kV,
4i l i l 1 A
° i H al A ;14
N r
. W iz Pi 4 B
I=l z = ..4 4 1 w a
cn Prl Pi A:
.• 04 6 a
E-4 _, C
0 ir. 0 2 F.; N
0 `..i 8 P q
=, rk . H IQ
E - 2 V 6 04 M" 1 i
'54 Z , 1 1 12
D O ' 4
c 4
--e4 g ,4 Z
t 2
Cm 41
$9 1100 000
CatUlti 11 CLOTHS,
Direct Importations,
V I.IO.P6ETT TOE ISALS-3313 119-
' rxa.-426w.etruLr 1 =.=
100 Ay res. 10 oirlrb If s
n raated s andel
fence: OnAef
erltrdt au ' s Irlzege;Cl:
wlth tyr. rs l m . of Dorm one .110 mg the ego Us
glll.4= a
n. """11Ze'ne:ir egitleeT:7•l
moms, Tel Mat /10144 ADid lam Dem 30 el 30,
000 stoblieg; • 70171 011.0•011 Deanne; lb..
I. v•lf 0.00 red; loesteo le • rich 00010
rar t° nre l li a=OPMr
t:10.. iut
11479 I
ens COlresomis'S
NoiltS il bomb], PgllnVarpatr
Water lataa.lon Loss Bond. of VMS will to
r al e presested As Mb Wilco os D•01.1t0lt
I 02::010 R. J. lireoOW AT r. Controller.
~..- -_.
u~-~;.,~.. ~ ....
N o ,:, inland Federal Street
111.1 A I - •L. her Lk: t 3
All-wool Plaid Poplins,
Poplin Alpaca Plaids,
All-wool Merino Plaids
All wont ; erg.. Plaids
Black and Colored French Merinaq
lAtrarzes, Beaver, & rink
Wart. Brown and Gold 1111u4
Wholesale and natal
Fos. leo and IN: Federal Street.
L IL 2,2 i, 3, 31, 31 and 3;
Suitable for Parlor&
Woolen, Linen and Cotton,
Notottlb...dins the nottlottntottetl t.r•IQ
on theatt ttooels.
Oil Cloths, Window Shades
New Pry thiods
A Large Aesortment of
/n Pia 14 and Stripes,
Pe0n,.11.1 nbaa.a. at POc. Der rata
Ladies and place* Furs,
71 and 73 Fifth Avenue.
Ingrain Carpets,
Al the Lowed Films Bier Offered
J. °. bi t . ' gtrß t C h li e r d ll t L h D o t. t . he ertfre to n r re n t e " rR. 4.
will be aold
iha Steel is New and Complete
coNs:Nri Or
Silks, Black and Colored,
Ilparaa Telelltia Poplins,
Irish Poplins,
Black Cloths, Cloaking',
Broth' Shawls.
Plaid Mir/1k Cauimorcs,
And a NI Lino of Domestic Goods, a
J. 11, BURCIFIELD & 003,
The importaWt discovery of
HEALING Agent is one of the
most remarkable results of
modern medical research.
During the late civil war it
was extensively used in the
Hospftals, and was gonad to
be not only a thorough (lisle*
fectant, but also the mast won.
derfal and speedy HEALING
REMEDY ever known.
It is now presented in n
aciculate combination with
other soothing and healing
agencies, in the form of a
SALVE; and, having been al
ready used In numberless cases
with most satisihetory and ben
eficial results, we have no hesi
tation in offering It to the pub
lic as the most certain, rapid,
and effectual remedy (Or nil
Sores and illeers, no master of
how longstanding, for Marna.
Cuts,Wounds, and even
and for Skin discuses rally.
Sold by an Druggists. Price 55 cents-
jog F. :Y, Sole Prop
. w ''
IL ; •
n O . F rTes .
l u ,
c u to bv T
peorot4 LS FOR
so_n LE it rlttil'ien•l.l for rorniatitua NW
to oil 11,•• • of new Wilda. to ter witretitatied
itir • sad es now s•ed the Vatted
ot , . Fos. mlll n. "nen-teed at Ibis Irep•-•-
~.. et until it rit h. • 3.ldav el
• I.: •it 111 0 . It le dr.eirabie t o obtals l oeks
n d hr•• n ( • nen A6tl, the ezenslse
e• tb• t . o.vd • c•ZI
•• I<lion
lot that onrcose. /
of • mode , Lo• • and Key to pstrlle • yarn
o not•• lennolt. lf sot • ..troy. its at It')
r, IN( 1•1/116 tt, Preeet , bon no
•••••1•1 1••• hidders, hoe tel for Its selection,.
tn. , per lm. or Af mechanical still end lag.,. t,
nr. • • lair e.L•inye It on Among in. onion.. horn
et Islay datalop. at to. arlarest ts de.
•• be the or mcipal re•rotalse• of • Mall Lou se
foilonrs Onlforso , 1.•er•ril••
lebtse.. 61 eerrjar. Pooch, of • st•
•trs•tlort and ha-Illy of use. TVs , ••de
Lou. tel I ILer,llloe of bras@ tad the other or
iron. different in 11• rlor fOrTO end ieerier
coattroctles t r a•rangentent. ere re/oh - lei; and
rropoeals shell eptelly sepsyntele lb. rid ,
each hra a Look. neck ler for lbe same *Rrk
trot Loot and ••eh Key (or swat. Near..
samples of each Wild Of trnOilli and Errs Fee•
Cord. vs required to be intimilled w 1 k oho
I . rnpo sta. one of etch lamp e Look to e rivet
ed'll, and awl•tred, sod another to bw woes of
s•rl•etod. •0 that ib Internal “reetore •. d se rosy osally pasret.:lad. Rely
earools aboold Ir pitinly merited with the bid•
der astse. Lod. If like slam Cr say wart of It
, •••rt dhy • patent. the dat• of to,h t et
•od Se nem. of the pardiStee meat Ow also at.
Ls•hed there,
Ina' Neu or err amereeteen of lb Le el.
.1 the pert:reLer "met ef be Mr, te
open th• el. 19001 ‘lo{ tot ilk. any p-rer
limy tenet be wrrraa tee not to lab loge ape.
or roofilct al. any patented to, roues of wetek
all bidder t, lot the patent ee. Pretemitsere lent
oa given, lo a Lock. She Key of which has res
been exposed to general observation ur teea
publicly desralbed. diedou d or .01f.led
A dlel4oll on Um cartons •• d Pro-
poste De made en or before the 5.1 de y rff
MARCH, Into: and hale. Our Posta:outer aerie
eras ,ball deem It to be for the Neer.. of Ili
Deportment to re rent r, I tee Proper...A.ld at rel
earns onbmltted boiler tide advert...mem , IS
ingot hereev e preset,' reserved to him.. .M
1.{6 obe netted tato as woes thenran. as
practicable, with the sneccolni who.
Lock. alma Os edapted, for forelablog slentler
Looks Lod Kele ler rtlio. Le they way be
requeed as I ordered. 01 mateetly agreed IA
In writing lee...rector sod Po...ter tic,
oral. far the time be log. not le. than .Is mowhe
b fore Its erpirotion, the none.. May be ex,
tendsd and cootie.. f •Seltloaal term
of foot years. Rot on and after Una expiranee
II either term of the rostrata or on and alts
Its rialufol annulment at any time, the Cornrow.
ter General I hell .145 Ihe right to contract wife
amp oy may ocher party to huntah the sea*.
or toy other kind of Loci. aa I Keys; and If he
OW. d,eni proper to demand and rene..•fatel
lb. late or (reroute eg contractor all Onlsbed
Lou.uotitokshod Keys and the num nal parts of the
nnotrleered (or, .0d all dl , ..seas. and
designs, twhlnti woe •.d • nutria outer. to mats as
forme turn Locks and Kasai M the roe .4
such cOntractor. who, titer their rrrr ender
ibis Accruement shall he paid for ths rams..
snob price a may be ascertained by fair ape
The contractor moat agree and be able to foe
abb. If ten airtd and ordered. 00.000 Be..
Lock. and 3.000 Bran Key. siltttl • three menthe
from the time of ...leg Into contract. and
00.40 u Iron Locks and 60, DeOlren Keys WI Ar•
lo ton mu.. Loot stub time. Bet the Doerr
master u. neut. • lit reserve lie right to
or dna inish. as the.ont. ot IL terests of the ...-
s ta. may d. wand, Um quantities of Ws LOC..
aye B , ys atm.e specified. with a oraportioaste
Allowance of time to Pornish them.
All the Loc. remit bed by the contractor muk
be oru ranted to 6.p In rood worths! order f 0
two years Is the ordinary use of the se...
when sot enbleetad to oroloas TlP:enc. sock se
.rom• defective within toot time to be replaced
with perfect Locks wlttiout entree. All tba
Lock. Webbed be., contract are to b
distinctly marled "11:1. IL Mall. - In either sm.
5 or ral cd letters. sn4 511100 Kry ome lobe met.
tiered In the natural order: each Key heels' Its
imp:opdafa number distinetty crampe d oral on
side of the bow and '43. B. Mal" on the oppeats
The cootractor win be ' , Zoned to detect . to.
Louts at his caban.e at the Postal:bee Depart
t. Waslansto a. D. C.. Pot op on atlcheform.
am sopara• bundles of eve Loeb. each, sad se.
unruly parked to wooden Laze. manning set
more than toe hendeed Lacks cub. The KW.
an to be delivered toss agent of the Deportm•tl
duly cad smarten) , authorised In each ease, le
Late Mary of sn•l canary the same from lM
=tractor, mannr.rtrry to the Dept... Lanai.
chore DMZ Lenin sad SeYs an to be to.ppntd
and approved borore they shall Le paid for.
The sontractor will he nelatred MAO. brad
with maple aerially in the an= of ZIAT Thee.
rand Dot ars. to be forfell-d to the UnlteOlltater
so liquidated damages. la can of Ms f Date to
falthrolly manna the [O.II.ES, either so to fur
lash tna the supplle• ordered altars • reasonable
or se t. dose line the mainfartan of Si
fall Lock• and Key. sue dot art , ay. liatantata7
No proposal will therefore be ace. pied If sot
accompanied with • hood of the penal sae. 01
Yweetty Thousand Dollars, duly executed by Ma
proposed In. (whose responsibility mut to
certified be &Judge of • Court et Racord nearstef
to their place of residence. attested by the
Clerl of such Court ruder the seal !Defeo:oml i
eotottuotoU i t thole eecmtvg raaponsiblei ite
burs ides e• tee requirtd bond for the Agatha.%
of the eons, act. In fasi sot h Proloosal shall b•
sect pled. The ma..., ors of tlall. Locks .4
keys It, of nee salty. • Wahl insportaitt sot
delicate trust, which the Department will emat•
Ilde to se Mod., whom Fre/weal@ are tot slew
ecoompanied with testmenalals of good elem.
In declass 0' t e Propose , . earl eptctissm
tbe Patiosster 008.'11 buy deem It esPedbffiS
to select We 11. W I orb of see bidder and Ile
Iron Lock of adhother. Be. ktvrefate, reserree
lb. f o r
of con,srldrit snit different Individ
uals for sack different binds of Load as be asp
proposals a old be carefully matedand ad
dresmd to the ••betood nealttsot Portmatrber
Littobe,' • sod andoreeel tne mmelope ore*.
poolstor blot' I.oekt. ••
JOll2l A. J. CREenit•pt.L.
noll obe Postmaster IlanersL
RIESICH & 880,
/1115 t BOBf1LAE•PE00/
Cor. 17th and Pike Ste., Pittsburgh, Pl.
s II :
rormstrEs TO TREAT ALL
yarn:. dissones. Ityleh lams. AU
anew: diseases, wed the elfe tlls
ets 01 tummy YS
compictely ersdkatml: Oluxmostoras. am . _
nel estsess : Impotency, ressitisS nom
setfbn. or oth.r csuses, Imo attal prodooll
some of th a lot:or:us area, as biota...,
senkeess. Indlerstfou. consumption, seex=l
safety, exammllems, dread of feta re
. ...4=.
lad or omaa7. Indolence, nocartud
anal nosily su prostrate/ tbe serest Wren Yea
render mulls. ussandsCar7. .01
Imprudent. ere rernasestly oared. Per=
ognaftsTtingregsrl=V'tZtb_sC xOl
ere tdelYootor CAM; is never 1.10.
Ptial=r= l gf g5...1.0 2 1.11"1 11." Ts
muttons or ~,ccrutlon of the m cab, tat
worms, nmenorrho.. Menarrbagls. Drou tr =
earamsnebteralty or rayftz.m. are
od with e mate. sems.
is ...Went that $ phystasn .rbo Marl.
himself M ae
to the :Made of • arta. anall
dlensse. sad Mae thousand* of one. eva rust acquire sreaSam sklll la that
'4l,"a' mumk,
• peresittstfares • Cnlrstitio! oa.
N d pay..
for ton dbusses.n.s. an boa. atonal
or by call n a:nos. saded onto
:Crory eenteae amain. Unseat. tothe SS.
Maco. and a:Wag times to detandne the
as• nstore of UsareaMplonst.
Tee satablinstatt;spelsinor ten peli
roams. Is oestraL se It ts not eansenl t
sled. Us tb• . opinion ems It No
istriAteiZz • t i r . rit=t: a mtlt O
Pols....;:rtostanees. hoonver, peZusal
ememlnstiou I. absolutely mccomary, oldie
0t h. e .4017 veneer:l attention I. oKt trod. sat
for thc ac ts
co f suck bailouts tn.:tan
WM=ts connected .eitb Me office that lon pees
121 tray cert. In. Is eslmlseM
i,M=pl.loe th rrit Irtak rap*.
• oos Isborb.ory, sada hie pessmal
. pampbleta 1.11... fr.. Of
matt l for turtostamps. Ito natter wbo Pen
• real past he 667.. Boors 9 a.m. in
deeds.. LII r.. to Or. m. Mee. ,e. 9 IiM.M
tsr.. Tuttsbere. 11.
IA L .
eels. at
ER & CO'S,
' .